#What if we kissed behind the Fur-bae?
kozi-ism · 9 months
0 notes
Geralt and the Minotaur p5
Y’all can thank @bounce-a-coin-off-your-witcher for how fast this came out. Brain Cell Bae, feast on the serotonin my dear 💖
Pairing: Geraskier
Warnings: canon consistent violence, blood, gore, fight scene, talk of human sacrifice, talk of child sacrifice, talk of animal sacrifice, reference to bestiality, talk of dismembering monsters, beheading monsters 
some background for y’all that don’t know: King Minos had a deal with Poseidon that he would sacrifice his prize bull to the god every year but one year Minos couldn’t do it. He was way obsessed with this fine ass bull and sacrificed the second best and Poseidon got PISSED. So, like the little shit he is, he made Minos’ wife get hot for the bull and hence we have the Minotaur. This is an extra big no no in ancient Greece bc bulls were practically worshiped and seen as holy. There’s some other fucked up shit to do with bull sex but like I’ll let you live on in blissful ignorance like I wish I could. 
also just in case y’all didn’t know the Greeks used to collect and sell gladiators sweat as perfume. Idk how that smelled good but like, as a thirsty hoe, I kinda get it. 
heres part 4!
Geralt woke to screams. 
It took him a moment to realize what was happening, let alone where he was. Jaskier was curled in his arms, still sound asleep as the screams made way to sobs and the singing of a sword being pulled from its scabbard. It was time, but Geralt felt nothing.
He shook Jaskier awake and snatched the ball of twine and sword, tucking the blade into his belt and praying to Athena, Poseidon, any god that would listen that the guards wouldn’t shove it loose. Jaskier snatched the twine from his hand and stowed it in his own clothes just in time for the soldiers to reach their cell. 
They were ushered at sword point up a path to the back of the palace where dingy stone steps lead down to a massive stone door, underground by a dozen feet at least. Jaskier clung to Geralt’s hand, clenching his jaw tight and looking forward as they were lead to the doors. It took three men to open them and Geralt heard someone in their party mumble about how well and truly fucked they were. He couldn’t blame them. 
They were shoved through the arch, surprisingly without ceremony, and the doors were heaved closed behind them.
When the rumble of stone on stone finally ceased and they were left with near darkness Geralt finally felt the panic. Everyone was looking at him, he could barely make out their features, but he knew, and all he could do was stare at the door. 
Jaskier gave his hand a gentle squeeze, offering him the now glowing gold ball of twine, “Geralt?”
Something snapped into place deep in Geralt’s gut and the panic vanished. He took the twine and tied it to the door before removing the sword from his clothes and handing the dagger to Jaskier.
“Do not stray from the twine. Stay with the group.” He growled, now better able to see from the light of the yarn. Everyone was terrified, but they were his responsibility now, and if he had to scare them further to keep them safe he would. 
“What if it sneaks up on us?!” A young girl squeaked, she couldn’t have been more than fifteen.
“We’ll hear it. Now, follow me.”
“Do you know where you’re going?” 
Geralt frowned, ready to admit like before that he hadn’t a clue, but then he heard it. It was faint, and he could only hear inhales, but there was snarling breathing that couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than a monster.
“I do.” He turned to go before anyone asked any more questions. 
Jaskier was at his heels, one hand gripping the dagger and the other clutching at Geralt’s belt to stay close, “Geralt, do you really know where we’re going?” he whispered.
“I can hear him.” Geralt muttered. Every muscle in his body was tensed and ready to strike as he lead the way down the arched corridor, unraveling the twine as they went. 
They walked on for what felt like forever, the hall twisted and turned, even went up a flight of stairs, but nothing about it seemed very maze-like. Jaskier kept quiet, but Geralt could feel his hand at his back trembling. Others in the group were whispering, They say it has a battle ax and Maybe it'll kill us quickly. 
Geralt held a hand up upon coming to their first T, “Everyone hush.” He closed his eyes, doing his best to listen past the panicked panting of the group. It was there, just barely, but the deep breathing of something much bigger than him was coming from the left. 
This continued for hours, or maybe it was only minutes, Geralt couldn’t tell,  until everyone could hear the beast’s steady breath and see a faint orange glow around a corner. 
Geralt stopped, turning to face the terrified group of teenagers, “Stay here and stay quiet.” he instructed. Then, handing off the glowing twine and whispering to Jaskier, “If I die you have to run. Sprint back to the doors, all of you should be able to open them. I’d tell you to go now if I weren’t afraid of waking it.” 
Jaskier had the gal to look offended, “If you think for one second I’m letting you go in there alone-”
“You will. The ship we came in on will be leaving in the morning with or without us. Be on it.” Geralt was getting jumpy, being a little more aggressive than he needed to, but the thought of Jaskier being left to die in this labyrinth without him was overwhelming and he’d never had more adrenaline coursing through him before. 
Jaskier held Geralt’s face between his hands and drew him in for a lip bruising kiss. Geralt’s unoccupied arm looped around his waist and pulled him close as his whole body screamed at him to run away with him. Nothing sounded better right then than sneaking out of the labyrinth and sailing off to some other island where they could live their lives in peace. No responsibility, no destiny, no monsters. 
Someone cleared their throat and Geralt pulled back, blushing furiously as he switched his sword back and forth between his hands, “That was one hell of a goodbye kiss.” 
Jaskier rolled his eyes, “Good luck, not goodbye. You’ll be fine.”
Geralt nodded and peeked around the corner, catching a glimpse of a large open hall with a fire burning at its center and what one might have mistaken for a pile of furs and pillows laying in front of it. He ducked back into the corridor, pressing his back against the wall and doing his best to take a deep breath that wasn’t a panicked gasp. His limbs felt like goatskins full of water and his palms were already starting to sweat. He barely kept his face under control as he tried to work up the nerve to move. 
Jaskier held his free hand, gently massaging at the tendons, “You’ve done this before, you can do it again.”
“It’s huge, Jask,” Geralt whispered, mortified that he’d made it all this way, and now when it mattered he couldn’t stifle the panic. 
“You threw a man twice my size halfway across the deck on our way here. You are strong and brave and deceptively intelligent.” Geralt raised an eyebrow at his words but let him continue, needed him to continue, “The blood of the gods runs through your veins and you’ve been blessed by the goddess of strategy and wit herself. You can do this.”
“Athena sending my mother to the sea is hardly a blessing.” Geralt argued, pushing off the wall and squeezing Jaskier’s hand before letting go. 
Jaskier pursed his lips, eyes somber despite his annoyed expression, “I’ll be waiting for you.” 
Geralt nodded and, though his limbs were still shaking, he stepped out into the hall of the Minotaur. 
He ran over all the advice he could remember from every soldier he’d spoken with as he crept toward the sleeping beast. As he got closer to the fire he saw the bones of previous sacrifices, some no bigger than a child’s, and the remnants of animal carcasses that were far fresher. The stench was getting progressively worse as he approached, so much so that he wondered if he might vomit before he could attack. He wanted to look back, he wanted to run back, but he kept his eyes trained on the beast before him. It was at least twice his size, covered in a strange coat of hair with a tail to match. Horns protruded from it’s forehead, long and sweeping forward in dramatic curves. He couldn’t see it’s face and prayed he wouldn’t have to while it was still alive.
When he was within feet of the Minotaur he raised his sword, gripping it in both hands and set his feet, readying to stab it in the neck. It was laying on its side, half curled into a fetal position as it slept. He felt a pang of sympathy for the creature. It wasn’t given a chance, wasn't guilty of the sin its mother committed or the offence her husband had committed against Poseidon. With it sleeping so still and so vulnerable he almost forgot the horror stories he’d heard from before they caged it here. He paused a moment too long.
As he brought down the blade the creature shifted and his sword cut deep across its back rather than a fatal blow at the neck. 
The roaring scream it let loose was disorienting, it rattled Geralt’s bones and had him shuffling backwards. It rolled to its hands and knees, or what functioned as knees, and Geralt slashed at it’s arm, slicing through thick ropy muscle as if it weren’t there. He thanked the gods the sword Triss had given him was sharp as he jumped out of the way of the Minotaur’s other arm swinging at him. He brought his sword down where he had just been standing, barely missing the monster’s forearm, but exposing his side, just like Eskel had warned not to. The Minotaur, now standing upright and towering over Geralt, kicked him in the ribs, sending him tumbling across the floor. He barely kept hold of his sword as he rolled to a stop, gasping for breath. 
It snarled at him, stomping closer on cloven hooves but holding one arm close to its middle. Geralt waited, kept gasping for breath long after he’d regained the ability to breathe properly and let the thing get closer. When it was within reach, raising it’s good arm in preparation to pummel Geralt into the stone, he lashed out again with his sword. This time the metal swiped clean through the canon of its left leg, severing the hoof from the leg completely. The Minotaur fell forward, nearly pinning Geralt to the ground as he scrambled out of the way. It struggled to push itself up on its one good arm but Geralt kneeled on its back, knee digging into the wound across it’s shoulders. He barely registered the screams of pain and outrage over the thrumming of his own pulse as he grabbed one of its horns with one hand and dragged his sword across its throat with the other. 
The screaming stopped, replaced by a stomach churning gurgle and trickle of blood. A deep, nearly black red liquid oozed out in every direction from the beast’s wounds as it struggled and twitched. Geralt didn’t want to take any chances. Cursed beasts had magical properties and he’d be damned if he left the thing alive enough to heal. Before the corpse began to cool he hacked and slashed until the head was completely severed from the body. 
Only then did he feel the pain radiating from his side all the way down his leg and into his toes. He threw the Minotaur’s head toward the corridor he’d entered from and collapsed on this good side, barely missing the rapidly expanding pool of blood. He grunted out a labored “Fuck.” before he heard shuffling feet and felt hands under his arms.  
Jaskier and the girl with all the questions were hauling him toward the fire. 
When they set him down Jaskier’s hands were flitting over his body searching for injuries, “I told you you’d be fine.” he teased, an undercurrent of fear cutting through his tone.
“Not fine,” Geralt huffed as Jaskier prodded his side and he tried to sit up, “Alive.”
“You probably broke a rib, go slowly.” Jaskier warned, helping Geralt up.
“You’re a doctor now?” Geralt teased, wincing as he straightened to full height.
Jaskier patted Geralt’s chest, “I’ve been kicked by a cow or two.”
He pulled Geralt close and kissed him softly, sighing like the world had been lifted from his shoulders. 
When he released the prince he rearranged the soft grey fabric and whispered so only Geralt could hear, “I could sell your sweat for a fortune right now.”
Geralt laughed and rolled his eyes, beginning to limp back to the other Athenians and scooping up the Minotaur’s head by the horns, “Lets go, I need a bath.” 
Next part here!
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mammonspeanut · 4 years
Sweet syrup
This one is quite long, I went over it a few times but I think at the end I just kinda brain farted. Anyway if you are bored enjoy some fluff?? I guess. Take a shot every time you read the word giggle/chuckle or laugh. 
The sounds of velvet brown heels melodically clacking on the marble floor, the macaron cream fabric of your dress with Merlot red cherries swaying back and forth as you practically danced. Your Chocolate brown hair with almost peanut and cinnamon high lights bouncing on your caramel brown skin. Clicking your teal colored nails you peeked around the corner, a silk cherry speckled bow neatly bound adorning your head as it hid between the flood of curls threatening to drown the tiny piece of fabric. 
“Barb, B, Barbatos, Barbadooos,” you called out, hoping that one variation of your lover's name would lure out a response as you continued your search in the palace. Giggling in excitement as you rounded the corner into Diavolo’s office, he would surely know where your mysterious time bender was. 
With a smile so bright you shut your eyes you held onto the doorframe as you swung yourself into the room “ BAR-BAE -,” you froze, confusion started spreading throughout your body as you took in what you saw “Tos,” you ended the last syllable nothing more than a whisper as the two men looked at you. 
“W-Why are you in your uniform?”, you asked, your nails digging into your palm as you stood in the middle of the doorway. You knew you had no right to demand attention from him yet. Seeing him in his uniform stung. You knew what it meant. 
Barbatos shifted uneasily on his feet as he approached you, the room silent you felt your heart clench in your chest. 
“Hello, love,” Barbatos whispered unsure as he gently took your hands. You wanted to pull away, but your body felt numb from the disappointment.Painting a smile to conceal the feeling you didn’t felt allowed to have you squinted your eyes, hiding the tears welling up behind. 
“Hey Barb,” you chimed listening to the sound of Diavolo placing a pen on the desk. 
“I’m sorry I have to work today. I probably should have told you earlier, but, but I was so wrapped up I forgot. I know how you-”, Barbatos explained as he gently squeezed your hands, his eyes filled with sorrow. 
“Oh, don’t worry silly. It’s okay,” you giggled, your smile not wavering as you tried to control your breathing. 
“I know how much you wanted to go today, I am sorry. Maybe another time?” Barbatos apologized, his gloved hand pushing one of your curls out of your face. 
“Ahh, It’s fine I know you are a busy man. Don’t worry. It’s all good,” you laughed off, removing one of your hands out of his grasp to wave an imaginary fly away. 
Wiping the palms of your hands onto your dress Barbatos watched as you continued to smile “You look gorgeous by the way,”
Fighting through your body tensing up and the feeling of wanting to burst out in tears you look down on yourself giggling. 
“Oh this thing, I just remembered that when we were shopping, you noticed this dress and thought it was cute so I bought it for a pleasant occasion to wear. Lucky me, a dress holds longer than one wear,” you joked before turning around to leave. Approaching the door, your mask fell for a second as you inhaled deeply before looking over your shoulder with a smile. 
“Have fun boys and don’t work yourself too much, BYE!” you giggled before rounding the corner once more. 
“She's hurt, isn't she?”, Diavolo asked as the last tip of your flowing dress disappeared around the corner. 
“Yes,” Barbatos answered as he straightened himself out. 
“I’m sorry B but I really need you,” Diavolo apologized as he watched his butler take his side again. 
Slightly bowing before standing beside Diavolo, Barbatos sighed, “It’s okay.” 
Reaching up you pulled on the tip of your bow, unraveling the knot that held it in your hair. Sighing, you suddenly walk into something soft. 
“Yare,Yare. You should look where you are going,” Lucifer chuckled 
“Oh... I’m sorry,” you apologised quietly
Placing a finger under your chin, Lucifer tilted your head upwards, inspecting your sad face as his facial expression quickly softened. 
“How come my ray of sunshine is all dull today,” Lucifer asked tenderly raising  his eyebrows, his thumb resting on your chin. 
“Well, I have some friends and they own a cafe and a bar. Since I haven’t seen them in a while Barb and I thought why not combine their introduction with just spending his day off together? You know just the two of us.”, you explained adverting your eyes. 
“I know he is a busy man with his job and I am no way entitled to his time. But we have had this planned months in advance and... not only not seeing my friends and their significant others but also not spending time with him stings. You know. Maybe I am too demanding.,” you added your words bubbling out of you in Lucifer’s calm presence. 
“It does sound like a dilemma but I doubt that you are demanding in any kind of way,” Lucifer cooed as he slipped your silk scarf out of your hand. 
His slender fingers quickly slipping the fabric under your curls he hummed “Well, I may not be Barbatos but what if I accompany you to your friends cafe?” 
“Really?”, you asked your eyes growing big, you looked up to the tall demon smiling as his fingers swiftly made a bow. 
“Really, how about it? You and I and some cake and maybe a cocktail or two?”, Lucifer chuckled as he looked down at the new bow adorning your curls. 
“Oh, Yes please!!! I’d love that!”, you begged your hands folded in front of you as you managed to put on the biggest puppy eyes you could. 
“Well then, let’s go,” Lucifer chuckled, offering you his arm as he smiled at you. 
"This is it, this is the cafe and right across is the bar. They'll definitely have something for your taste," you smiled up at the tall demon as he let his hand glide over your back to your waste.
"Oh, look who has descended from heaven to visit us," a man with white long hair called from across the street as he pushed a piece of fabric into his pocket.
"Love!" you squealed, waving him as he made his way across the street.
"Look what the stray cats have brought us Neko," a muscular dark-skinned man hummed behind you as he held a black cat in his hands.
Startled by the deep voice, you swung around giggling as you recognised the man behind you. 
"Don't scare me like that. Uhh hello Neko have you stolen any good fish lately?" you cooed at the plump cat as it crawled into your arms, the golden bell around its neck jingling with every movement.
"Wanna pet him?" you asked, turning so the cat could look at Lucifer who just stood across from you. 
"Cats don't necessarily like me," Lucifer chuckled nervously as the posh white-haired man came to a stop next to him.
"Nonsense that fur ball loves everyone, he just won’t crawl into everyone's arms that thief," the white-haired explained, tapping the cat's nose with the tip of his finger before scratching its chin. 
"Neko can Lucifer pet you, hmm?" you cooed, cradling the cat which pressed his head against your cheek. Unexpected to Lucifer, the cat let out a happy ~MROW~ as an answer. Confused by the fact that the cat had just answered you, Lucifer gave it a shot and leaned towards you to pet the cat.  Unbeknownst to him the cat had a different agenda and quickly crawled into his arms purring loudly as he made Lucifer his new bed. 
"Well, look at that traitor leaving me for a different handsome man," your dark-skinned friend sighed as he dramatically wiped his non existing tears away from his cheeks, making everyone laugh.
"I hope I'm not too late," a blond man with freckles giggled intertwining his fingers with the white-haired man's before leaning in for a kiss. 
"No, not at all, Neko has just found a new friend in Y/N 's boyfriend.", the white-haired man explained, nodding in Lucifer’s direction, the purring cat still in his arms.
"Ohh I never seen Neko crawl into someone's arms that fast!" the young blond man swooned before greeting the cat.
"Eh guys he..he isn't my boyfriend, this is Lucifer. My boyfriend couldn't come and Lucifer offered to accompany me," you explained, crossing your arms behind your back as you watched Neko jump out of Lucifer’s arms.
"Well then, any friend of Y/N is a friend of ours. My name is Sam, a pleasure to meet you," your dark-skinned friend said stretching his hand out to shake Lucifers.
 You shot your white-haired friend a look as both men seemingly tested out their strength while shaking their hands. Little did Sam know Lucifer was a demon and his strength would far surpass that of a human, even one as strong as Sam. 
"I guess I'm next, I'm Momo and this is my boyfriend Sebastian, he owns the bar across the street," the blond-haired man said cheerily scrunching his nose as he hugged the white-haired man's arm.
"Nice to meet you, Lucifer," Sebastian chuckled slightly blushing from the affection of his boyfriend.
"Aahhhh I'm not late, I'm not late!!" A voice yelled as a crimson red-haired man approached the group running.
Everyone except Lucifer groaned out before laughing, "He is always late," you whispered explaining everyone's reaction.
"Hey, whew, so you must be her boyfriend. Damn Y/N you got one of a hunk right there. Look at you. You didn't go fishing, you went for a whole ass hunt right there, others bring back a fish, you brought back a bear, " the red-haired man babbled as he ignored everyone trying to interrupt him.
Bursting out in laughter, Lucifer stroked your back, pulling you a bit closer to him.
"James this isn't my boyfriend, he's just a friend. My boyfriend couldn't come, so Lucifer offered, " you tried to explain between your laughs as everyone watched the red-haired man’s tan face turn as red as his hair.
"Nice to meet you James, though I must say, in my lifetime I have never been called a hunk," Lucifer laughed wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes as James shook his hand. 
"I think now you have learned why we tell you not to be late hmm?" Sam chuckled, pulling his boyfriend close and pressing a kiss onto his cheek.
"Yeah, he he. Sorry, by the way,"
"I've already set us a table right here so take your seats and we can start taste testing our new creations that might make the menu," Sam said rescuing his boyfriend before he embarrassed himself even more. Sam pointed to a large table with fresh spring flowers and a white tablecloth with tiny gray dots on the sidewalk. Swooning over the flowers, Momo quickly sat down at the table to inspect what Sam had found. 
Time quickly passed as your friends filled Lucifer in on all of your insider jokes and embarrassing stories. His hands always ever so gently touching your knee, thigh or arm as he once again had to burst out in laughter.
"No, No Lucifer you don't understand she, she literally stood there like - so am I supposed just take this and leave or- you should have seen her face," Sebastian laughed.
"It wasn't my fault, who does that," you chuckled standing up from your seat your movements followed by Lucifer’s eyes, " I'll be back in a minute James wanna join me?"
"Sure, I know how you can't live without this face," James replied before wrapping his hand around your waist as you both entered the small cafe.
"I'm sorry your boyfriend couldn't come today, but Lucifer seems to really like you and he is enjoying himself," James said as he stood next to you washing his hands.
"I'm glad you all get alone with each other, it really does seem so, I have never seen him laugh this much," you giggled as you removed some paper towels from the dispenser for you and James.
"Can I be honest, love?" James asked, his eyes gazing over you as he tried to figure out the correct words for what he was about to say.  Noticing the sudden shift in his tone, you threw the paper towel away and focused your attention on him.
"Sure? You know I cherish you for your honesty,"
"I- You know I love you and all I want to do is see you happy. I may not know your boyfriend but I'm kind of glad you brought Lucifer along, he seems to do wonders for your soul. I haven't seen your cheeks his pink and your eyes sparkle this much in years," James said cupping your cheeks with his hands
"I know and I love you too and the others as well. To be honest, I'm glad I brought him along today, thanks for welcoming him with open arms. I know how intimidating his first impression often is," You smiled as you went in for a hug.
"Love, if he is with you how intimidating can he be? I missed you," James sighed, hugging you even tighter.
"You dummy, I missed you too," you mumbled into his cheek as you pressed your lips against him.
"Look at these to love birds. Watch out Lucifer and Sam or else you'll be standing alone soon," Sebastian laughed as you and James joined the group again.
"Shut up, Sam is looking at me like he will poison my tea any second now," you joked, rubbing your arms as a cool breeze hit you.
"Are you cold?," Lucifer asked as he leaned in close, draping his coat over your shoulders. Furrowing his brows as if he wasn't satisfied enough he pulled you closer wrapping his arm around you.
"A little," you replied, feeling your cheeks grow warm from how close he was.
"Saaaaam why don't you do something like that with me," James whined pulling dramatically on Sam's arm.
"Don’t do it Sam. James, you can freeze to death for all I care, I can find a new Barkeeper," Sebastian teased as everyone giggled from James dramatic sobs and declaration of how mean his boss and his boyfriend were to him.
"How about we move on to the bar, it will get dark soon anyway," Momo suggested into the round.
"Fine by me I need a drink," Sam replied before taking James hand and gently kissing it while Sebastian nodded in agreement. Looking at Lucifer, you noticed him already smiling at you. Scrunching your nose as if you were to ask of what he thought about the idea, Lucifer patted your head before nodding in agreement. 
"Guess that's all we need guys let's pack up and go to the bar," Momo chimed excitedly.
After cleaning up and bringing the chairs and table inside you all crossed the street in pairs, Lucifer and you were last of the group. 
"You have a new perfume?" you asked as he held you close, protecting you from passing cars.
"Yes indeed, you remember when we were out shopping and you wandered off into the perfumery? There was this specific scent you fell in love with and I thought it was quite nice too so I bought it," Lucifer replied smiling, his eyes still on the traffic.
"Well, I think it suits you very well," you giggled as he held the door open and guided you into the bar before taking his coat and hanging it on a hook.
"The bar looks phenomenal," Lucifer swooned as he helped you onto a bar stool.
"Would you like to sit? I can get another one," Sebastian offered, noticing Lucifer standing behind you as he turned on the radio to play some jazz. 
"Oh no, I'm fine, thank you I'd rather stand," he replied as he gently straightened your bow.
"So boys and gal, whatcha like? ", James asked, the sound of ice clinking in his cocktail mixer as he prepared a cocktail for Sam.
You felt Lucifer's fingers gently squeeze your waist, allowing you to go first.
"Hmmm.... I haven't had anything in so long," you mumbled looking up at Lucifer.
"Maybe a Virgin Island," James teased with a wide grin on his lips as he pushed a glass filled with a red drink towards Sam. Laughing, you grabbed a napkin and threw it at him. 
" She'll have a vodka on ice and I'll have a whiskey on the rocks, please," Lucifer said stunning your friends into silence.
"Oh, he knows she likes vodka?" Momo asked, surprised as he took a sip from Sebastian’s drink.
"That's a rare sight, it took me forever to find out she drinks vodka pure as if it is water, " Sebastian pouted setting the drinks in front of the both of you.
"Lucky guess," Lucifer shrugged, earning a shocked gasp from Momo.
As the hours became later Lucifer leaned in as you covered your mouth while giggling, “You shouldn’t cover your mouth like that, your smile is cute,” he whispered as you felt yourself turn a darker shade of red. Not sure if it was the alcohol or his words making you blush, you whispered back ” Thank you”
"I'm done for the night," Momo sighed, laying his head onto the bar.
"Look at those two still sober as when we started," Sebastian noticed .
"Well, we don't drink as fast as poor Momo did over there," Lucifer replied pointing his third drink at Momo.
"Oh yes, I'm still on my second one," you giggled as Lucifer pulled you close to his chest.
"Master minds those two, making us drunk so they can rob us and run away together," James joked.
"You don't even have anything, what are they going to take from you," Sam teased leaning closer to James behind the bar.
"My innocence," James sighed dramatically as he pressed Sam's hand against his cheek.
"I think someone else already stole that," Sebastian commented, nodding in Sam's direction.
"You two look so cute together, the perfect couple," Momo mumbled pointing in your direction
Feeling yourself suddenly blush again you replied "I-I think it's time for everyone to go to sleep poor Momo back there, just look at him,"
"That is true indeed," Sebastian agreed as he gently kissed Momo's head.
After helping your friends clean up Lucifer and you said your goodbyes, still hugging Sam as he whispered encouraging words into your ear Lucifer opened the door. The sound of rain filling the room as everyone turned towards the door.
"Well, that is quite unfortunate," Sebastian said, a slight frown appearing on his lips.
"Wait, I have an umbrella you two can have somewhere," James chimed before disappearing behind a door.
After hugging your friends once more and saying your goodbyes, you both made yourself on your way home. The calming sound of rain joining you as cars periodically passed while you walked down the sidewalk towards a nearby portal. It didn't talk long for Lucifer to pull you in closer, his arm wrapping around your waist and resting there. 
“So how did you like it?” you asked into the silence, your arm wrapping around his waist as you felt him squeeze you.
“I haven't laughed this much in centuries, you are quite a wild bunch together.”, Lucifer admitted as he noticed you slowing down. 
“Oh yes, that’s why we have so much fun together, they mean the world to me. They practically demanded that I bring you along next time,” you laughed. 
“Everything all right?” Lucifer asked concerned as you stopped walking. 
Feeling annoyed from sliding around in your now soaked heels and the pain of walking around in them all day long, you swiftly slipped out of them, sinking your swollen feet in a cold puddle of rain. 
"Sweet baby JESUS, this feels so much better, you do not understand. " you sighed dramatically leaning against Lucifer who chuckled at your performance. 
Looking up at him a sly smile appeared on your lips as you undid your bow with your free hand. Tying the fabric around Lucifers wrist you ran out into the pouring rain giggling as it soaked you.
"Catch me if you can!" you giggled, running through the reflection of the neon signs and lights in the night rain. Hearing Lucifer chuckle behind you, he let you have a head start before quickly catching up to you.
Pinning you against a wall, he looked into your eyes. The light reflecting in your caramel pools as the rain dripped from his wet hair onto your rosy cheeks.
Holding your breath as you locked eyes with the avatar of pride, you stood there as his warm hand cupped your cheek. His fingers finding their way under your chin, he pulled you on the tip of your toes. Licking over his lips, he watched yours slightly parted as he leaned in.
"Lu..." you sighed only for him to whisper your name as cars passed by.
"We- We shouldn't," you mumbled, almost transfixed by his gaze as you felt his thumb caress your bottom lip. 
His free hand sliding down to the small of your back, he pulled you closer, your toes almost leaving the ground beneath you.Your hands on his chest you felt his breath became quicker with every second that passed.
"Let me have just this one kiss," he whispered, leaning in as you closed your eyes. 
"Just...this....one...," he repeated slowly, his words almost like syrup dripping onto your lips. 
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Nin’s Matchup!
Matchup Profile: Sfw+nsfw matchup pretty pls! (1/5) Name: Nin>Female>5’4>Film & sfx/theatrical makeup freelancer>V athletic in MS-HS: ballet, was in volley ball, soccer &Basketball teams>Miss my prime days>Scared to start workout again b/c I’ll get lightheaded>If sum1 helps push me through initial fear, I’ll keep growing from there> Likes chilling in ballet stretch poses>paints, photographs&draws as hobby>draws a pic a day (mostly portraits)>writing a comic atm >Always plan contingencies.🦄
(2/5) >embarrassed of my loud laugh(it’s like Kuroo’s)>introvert>not afraid to lead a team tho> V shy & quiet most times>8/10 times, feels awk in public,like idk what i’m saying, but others told me I seem social>Once I’m comfy w/ u, i joke a lot(occasional mum jokes 2 annoy+Sassy dirty ones w/ S/O)>hides behind ppl who likes 2 talk, but not when they’re 2 loud>laughs @ mistakes/when embarrassed>Will stop mistreatment, even if I get in trouble>values communication&genuine discussions🦄
(3/5) Sings when home alone>competes @ Street Fighter tournaments, trains everyday 4 it>Sings “Hit Me W/ Your Best Shot” when fighting bosses in game&swears melodically when i lose>eats chips w/ chopsticks >make hats out of my cat fur when bored>Workahokic night🦉>likes 2 teach >full convos w/ my 🐱>LIVES in oversized hoodies & flip flops, regardless of weather>no pants@home!>Feels incompetent sometimes, but keep practicing 2 improve>Analytical fast learner>idk why ppl think i look innocent🦄
(4/5)>Forgets 2 speak eng when tired (Thai 1st lang.)>Headrubs 4 s/o every night b4 bed>will miss u but is bad@texting>yelps like puppy when I’m surprised>Unconventionally resourceful: Wire hangers’s fixes everything! >stress bakes & will gets pouty if it didn’t turn out well.>overwhelmed to water my 50+ 🌱 >Doodles on smt (always have a pen on me)when i feel socially anxious> 2 dance sober @ clubs> Wants a stable relationship where we work tgt like a team to bring out the best in one another🦄
(5/5) I like a s/o who is lovable, kind, genuine, mature, independent and caring, but can also joke & be silly with like best friends. NSFW: open 2 try new things>❤️restraints, blindfolds & sensual tickle sex (as lee+ler) but had always been too shy to share it with any1>occasionally self conscious of food baby+stretchmarks>🥰edging/teasing >has a thing 4 height differences (likes to feel smol lol!) & primal play.>Is a switch. I’m so sorry if it’s too much info! Thank you for doing this!🦄
A/N: HI LOVE @crushzone !!!! I SMILE WHEN I SEE YOU IN MY NOTIFS GIRL I WORKED HARD ON YOURS OF COURSE💖 But no matter whaaaat I’m going to be very authentic in my matchups bc they’re based on compatibility and therefore, without further ado, lemme introduce you to your NEW BAE:
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so you’re a theatrical makeup artist.
Mind if I offer you a word of advice? :
Startled by someone’s loud booming voice, you smudged the eyeliner you were applying to your actor’s face all over their forehead. Whipping around to see who had disrupted your work you were faced with a beautiful black and grey haired owl. A rather tall... and very attractive ‘beautiful black and grey haired owl.’
He started walking around the dressing room like he owned the place, touching everything.
“Excuse me, you don’t have a badge. You can’t be backstage—!”
“Pretty obvious don’t you think, Miss ________?”
You didn’t take his bait, refusing to give this stranger your name. Bokuto shrugged.
“Well since I don’t know your name I shall label thee—Miss HOT GIRL of the 9 Kingdoms!” He nudged the knight actor who was sitting in your makeup chair with his elbow. “Did I sound 15th century ish or what??” The owl turned to you expecting to be praised. “I had to meet the person who made the medieval vampire look so scary in the last act. But that guy with the lights didn’t tell me anything about you being so hot.”
You were speechless because he was hot too
But he shouldn’t be back here so you tried to shoo him out anyway
He allowed you to try to shove him out but he was way bigger than you so nice try sis
When he yawned while you panted because you weren’t able to budge him an inch....
Bokuto wagered that he would leave if you agreed to make him look like the Hulk with your makeup skills for a Halloween party he had to go to
You didn’t really want to because you were a professional and you had no idea who this owl was but because you had 15 minutes until the second act and you needed peace and quiet if you were going to finish your job!!! ....
( This boy was not peace NOR quiet )
You agreed.... but because you answered so fast Bokuto kicked it up one notch
Prince of pushing his luck (king is reserved for Shōyo‘s extra ass)
He pretended to allow you to push him out of the makeup room a few steps but before you closed the door he stuck his foot between the door so it couldn’t close.
Smiling, he peered back in, looking down at you:
“AND...... you have to agree to go on a date with me. Tomorrow night?”
“Ugh FINE!”
Bo removed his foot and let himself out with a bounce in his step.
Needless to say, after a few dates, mans won you over like he wins EVERYONE over
It surprised you how comfortable you became with him but he just has that affect on people
In terms of your athletic relationship Bokuto does many things:
He pushes you to go to the gym with him for one
He signs the two of you up for impromptu Beginner 30-day challenges that you both must stick to
So every morning for 30-days straight he jumps on you in bed to wake you up:
“Kōtarō, please shut up.”
he doesn’t
He drags you there and eventually you get back into the swing of things.. killing it in the weight room with your supportive man cheering on your every rep!
You don’t even need him to wake you up during the second challenge!
Your volleyball player boyfriend also signs you up (without permission) for the neighborhood soccer team that Akaashi’s girlfriend is already on
You hated it at first because it was uncomfortable going back after not playing for so long but you soon realized that all the girls there were ex-athletes too and not stars
You formed amazing new girl friendships (especially with Akaashi’s gf) and double dates with them were one of your favourite nights of the week!
You owed that happiness in your life all to your Owl 🦉🥰
He and Akaashi came to every soccer game y’all had and you and the three of you went to all of Bokuto’s games, obviously
Btw you all were FITTTTTT OML
In addition...
You already know that your man finds your artistic talents insanely fascinating
On your first anniversary together Bokuto gifted you with a new paint set and new French stand:
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Because he admires you Bokuto also tries to draw and paint seriously just like you
You stand over his shoulder and give him corrections and baby owl learns so fast it’s amazing
You two make ‘paint night’ a thing when you move in together and it’s always the most fun event!!!!
Bokuto CONSTANTLY and I mean CONSTANTLY asks for you to add him to the comic you’re writing but you say no because he wouldn’t fit in
He sulks but one day you surprise him by showing him that you drew a cute soaring black and gray owl in the background of almost every outdoor scene in your comic,
you pointed out that it was him
He called Akaashi right away and almost cried tears of joy hahahahaha
Your contingent based lifestyle has saved your reckless boyfriend’s life and career many-a-times
It’s one of the things he loves most about you.
Also, it is important to mention that he is in LOVE with your laugh
Bby owl does anything to hear it and showers your face with kisses when you laugh to draw it out
He loves you so freaking much
When you don’t make sense and speak gibberish in public because your awkward side randomly comes out......your boyfriend loves to make fun of you:
“Huh? Nin, that wasn’t Japanese, that wasn’t Thai and that definitely wasn’t English. What planet is my adorable baby girl from, again? And how do I return her in exchange for a floating space car instead?!”
suh cute
All of Bokuto’s teammates really like you because you work in conjunction with Akaashi which means you actually have the magic ability to get Bokuto out of emo mode even faster than his best friend 🤯🤯🤯
When he’s at an away game in emo mode his teammates will literally FaceTime you and point their phone in his general direction
“Hey, Kōtarō!!!! Look, Nin’s on the phoneeee!”
Bby owl turns around slowly when he was sulking in the corner and when he sees you on the screen he’s running and jumping on whoever is holding your phone.”
“Kōtarō baby. You’re going to stop this emo mode right now. If not I won’t let you paint me nude like we discussed.”
mans was like: 😨😨😨😨🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
YEP the next second you see him hitting his best practice spikes and his teammate thanks you profusely
You do this several times until Kōtarō just knows to not go into emo mode anymore because you won’t be happy
A year into his professional volleyball career The Black Jackal’s coach sent a surprise fruit bouquet to your work one time:
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With a note that read:
To Nin,
Thanks a lot.
The Team
I know you don’t really like people who are considered “too loud” and Bokuto is like...... “MEGA LOUD 🎙 “ but you and Akaashi work together to quiet your boy down as he gets older
He’s perfect
And you love him
You know how you like standing up for people (even strangers) and stuff?
Well one day, you and Bokuto get caught on a show called WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
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Where the two of you cussed out this cat-abusing actor on the show in a convincing scenario!
Bokuto literally tells everyone that y’all are movie stars because of it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
More in the relationship:
Bo is always singing with you 💞 when y’all make breakfast it becomes a national sport to sing at the top of your lungs!!
And when he sees you eat chips with chopsticks he’s pulling a Hinata “🤩🤩🤩” face .
He begs you to teach him how
So you try
......and try
..................and try
He can’t do it bruv 😞
You see bby Owl’s emo mode return for the first time in like a year when the chip shatters between his sticks again
This time, you have to enlist Akaashi as the FaceTime saviour and Keiji just tells him:
“Bokuto. You should prefer eating chips with your hands anyway. It gets to your mouth faster.”
cue Bo’s 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 face
........And all is well again
There’s more:
So you’re a workaholic?
Bokuto is fine with that. He just makes you promise that he gets to take you out on your lunch breaks a few times a week or whenever he can
He’s so sweet and your coworkers are BIG jealous of your relationship
Your man BEGSSSSS you to teach him Thai but you find it too hard so when he’s travelling on a long flight he spends the time learning the language on YouTube (and actually get decent at it) so that he can understand you when you’re sleepy😴🥺💕
When Bokuto surprises you by wishing you goodnight in Thai before he falls asleep (while you’re giving him head rubs), your heart explodes BECAUSE why is he the cutest thing in the world ?!?!?!
You don’t text/you’re bad at texting? That’s fine, mainly because bby owl is so busy with volleyball anyway, but if you don’t text him back when he is feeling needy the boy will call you 20 times in a row
When you finally pick up, your heart is beating like thinking it’s an emergency
But he will answer saying:
“Oh, no emergency. I just want booty pics. Please, Nin babyyyyy?”
you’re like: 😑
It’s cringey but.......
When you’re at work all day doing makeup and he’s home he will send you pics throughout the day of him taking care of your plants like they are y’alls newborn children:
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His text:
Baby look!!! Ollie the Orchid grew to 7 inches today!!! Yesterday he was 6.8 inches!!!!! They grow up so fast 😭😭😭”
Your reply:
Not quite as long as your dick, Bo
His reply:
I hate when you get me horny when I’m trying to take care of the kiiiids 😭😭😭😭
Of all the factors you look for in a man, Bokuto has all of them
Like I said he becomes much more mature when you and Akaashi are his closest compadres
What people don’t know is that Kōtarō is actually very mature he is just a hardcore optomist (besides emo mode lmao) so people often mistake him as immature or dumb
But He’s far from it and you see that everyday
It’s why you fell for him
When dealing with serious issues that life has to handle, you see a different side of Bokuto, a real side, the side he shows in every tough volleyball game when he makes you metaphorically step behind him so he can deal with any problem that comes your way
He would literally withstand all your battles if that meant you’d remain happy forever
We stan a relationship like yours💞
okay so you know how you chill in ballet 🩰 stretches sometimes?
It turns him on so much and he is constantly testing how flexible you are in the bedroom
When you keep meeting his expectations he is POUNDING you cause he is so turned on
He fucking loves it
It also turns him on when you’ll be acting shy and stuff but then randomly you’ll lead your neighbourhood soccer team like a BAD BITCH
When he sees that he’s already asking Akaashi how long until the game ends because he’s horny:
Akaashi deadpans. “Too much information. And the game just started 3 minutes ago. Get a water and calm yourself.”
Bo is sad but it makes for one hell of a I’m-proud-of-you sexscape when you get home from your game!!
Your dirty jokes also turn Bokuto on.
A lot.
A lot a lot:
“Bo.....I was joking.”
“I know but if I hear the word ‘dick’ coming out of your mouth I automatically think of you blowing me so now I want us to go home.” He whines.
You sigh. He’s lucky he’s so fucking hot.
When you’re playing street fighter every night this boy will not leave you alone until you cockwarm him
“Nin can you pleaseeeeee warm my cock while you train? I miss you.”
Your concentration turns him on so he has to ask nicely 😊
You love his dick so of course you oblige
Bby owl is so happy just sitting there being in your company and in your warmth but sometimes or every time he ends up thrusting into you
Sometimes while he’s giving you deep slow thrusts he orders you to keep playing or he won’t get you off
Damn 🤤
Let’s not forget also that you drive your man wild by walking around the house in hoodies all the time and nothing else
Every day, another hoodie will be found in various RANDOM places in the house because Bo flings it off you before he makes love to you wherever, and they go missing
Finally, when you get all sad and pouty because one of your baker trials goes to shit (ruined chocolate brownies this time, boo 💔), your boyfriend is taking your hand gently in an instant, leading you to the bedroom:
“Don’t be sad my beautiful girl, you know how much I hate seeing you sad. It makes me sad.! Here, come in the room and sit on my face—I promise I’ll make you feel better.”
Maybe you should screw up brownie recipes more often.
A/N: do you know the show what would you do??? Watch it on YouTube if you haven’t haha I couldn’t stop thinking about you and Bokuto being on it after reading your matchup profile!!!! I hope you liked it bb! Give me all your reactions, I want all the smoke 💞💞💞
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mypassionfortrash · 5 years
All Fur Coat and Skimpy Knickers
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Roger’s been hard at work in the studio for weeks, and you’re starting to think he’s forgotten about you. So you hatch a plan to lure him back to the flat for a night of debauchery. Only, the pair of you get stuck in a lift together. Can you make the best of a bad situation?
Warnings: STRICTLY 18+; smut, dirty talk, blowjobs, facials, mutual masturbation, pet names (daddy and kitten!) dirty talk, lingerie, getting caught. Notes: This was a combination of requests (fur coats and lingerie; stuck in a lift and getting caught) from @sunshine112 and @bae-bee​ - thank you! Please note I’m not taking requests! Tags: @jennyggggrrr​, @sarahgurl09​, @biscuit-barrel​ 💖
“Dressed for a night on the town?” Roger smirked, sinking back into the couch as he eyed you up.
You shook your head, and sauntered over to him, legs wobbling with every step. Your skyscraper heels didn’t help matters. But he adored them, so you wore them. 
You grasped the collar of Roger’s fur coat; you had slipped it on before you left for the studio. It smelled like him - vanilla, amber and lavender - offering a degree of comfort on your way over, along the promenade overlooking Lac Léman in Montreux, in your current getup. 
But even Roger’s scent couldn’t allay the nerves you felt, straddling his  lap. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in days,” you pouted, looking him dead in the eye. Clawing at his chest like an excited kitten, you continued. “You’re always up and away so early. And you spend your nights here, or down in the casino. I’m starting to think you’ve forgotten I’m even out here.”
“Oh, Kitten,” Roger fussed, squeezing his fingertips into your thighs, “I could never forget about you.”
“Why don’t you come back to the flat for a while? Surely you need a break.”
Roger shut his eyes and tilted his head to the side. “That’s the thing. We’ve got to get this album done. And we all need to be here.”
You understood, but it didn’t stop you from rolling your eyes. “Just so you know, Daddy,” you began, unclasping the front of your coat, “this is what you’re missing.”
Roger’s mouth popped open, taking in your daring choice of outfit. Sheer black lingerie that left nothing to the imagination, complete with nylons and a garter belt - those always drove him wild.
“Like what you see?” you purred, trailing your hand from his chest to the waistband of his jeans.
Sat there, speechless and visibly stirred by the sight of you, if you had been totally alone, he might have cracked and thrown you over the mixing desk for this kind of performance. But rather, he just nodded, swallowing hard.
“Well, tough!” you hissed, clamouring to your feet. “I’ll see you when I see you, Roger.”
Charging out of the casino-cum-studio and into the wintry alpine breeze, you immediately regretted your choice of outfit. Not only did it fail to lure Roger home, but it was also much too scanty for a November night. You marched as swiftly as you could towards the other end of the promenade, back to the flat.
“Kitten - wait!” Roger shouted, rushing to catch up with you.
You turned around, thrusting out your arms as if to ask what he was playing at. 
His fingers fluttered over the outsides of your arms, as he chewed his lip, trying to think of something to say to you.
“What is it, Roger?”
“I reckon I could do with a night off,” he said, a fiendish smile lurking behind his lips.
“Good to know you’ve seen sense,” you snorted, going back to your journey home with Roger hot on your heels.
The walk went in faster with Roger dawdling behind you; the promise of spending a night with him spurred you on unlike anything else. The pair of you burst into the lobby of your apartment building and bundled yourselves into the rickety old-fashioned lift. The journey to the fourth floor was wrought with excitement and nervous energy. It had been a while, after all. Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Roger in your six-by-four cubicle, your hand didn’t have to search far to find his. The lift always took forever, though. 
But between the second and third floor, an earsplitting creak screeched through the lift shaft as the compartment ground to a halt. That was your evening of debauchery ruined.
“Fuck,” Roger fizzed, frantically pushing the ‘call’ button.
A voice crackled across the intercom. “Bonjour? Puis-je vous aider?”
“Um…” Roger began, massaging his jaw and striving to remember some of his secondary school French. “Je suis… stuckinalift. Je ne parle pas Français. Anglais?”
“Ah! Yes, monsieur! I speak English. You’re stuck in the lift, yes?”
“Uh… oui?”
You slumped into the corner of the compartment, scowling at Roger to make him quit his broken French. “They understand you. Don’t make this worse!” you whispered.
“They might help us faster if I do this!” he replied in a hushed tone.
“I doubt that very mu-”
“Which floor, sir?”
“Deux… trois…” Roger shrugged, realising that this wasn’t going to work.
“Very well, we’ll get someone out to work on the lift as soon as we can.”
“Do you know how long it’s going to take?”
“Well, it’s quite late, sir. We can’t guarantee it’ll be fast. We’ll keep you informed.”
You and Roger leaned against opposite sides of the lift, looking each other up and down. He puffed out his cheeks. “So, what now?”
“We could make the most of it.” You shrugged Roger’s coat ever-so-slightly down your shoulders, exposing just a sliver of skin to Roger’s gaze. 
It earned a raised eyebrow, as Roger considered his next move, thumbing away at his lower lip.
“Come on, Daddy,” you whined, moving closer to him, pinning him to the wall. “You said it yourself, you need a night off.” Your hand ghosted over the swell in his jeans. “I can tell you’re looking forward to it.”
“Won’t we get caught?” Roger choked.
“You heard them.”
A playful expression grew over Roger’s features. “Take the coat off,” he whispered, leaning into you. He didn’t give you a second to act on that order; he clawed it off your frame himself, leaving it in a pool at your feet as he dragged you into him. The urgency of your predicament wasn’t lost on Roger. He acted swiftly, with heavy, passionate kisses that left your lips plump and red, and your heart racing while his hands strayed. There wasn’t a patch of skin he could keep his hands off. Eventually, he gripped your hips, grinding them against his own. He made sure you grasped how much he wanted you. “Is this what you want, Kitten?” he purred, drawing his teeth over your neck.
“Yes, please, Daddy,” you sighed.
“Yeah?” he asked, pressing his fingers on either side of your neck, steering your sights right on to him. His eyes were so wide. And then, they darkened. “On your knees, then.”
Dropping to the floor, you kept your stare glued to Roger, eagerly awaiting your prize.
He did all the work. Unfastening his jeans, allowing his cock to spring free. Then he swiped the tip across your lips. “Open up, Kitten. Show me how much you want it.”
You dutifully opened your mouth, poking out your tongue to roll it over him; down his shaft, exploring every single vein, covering him completely. Anticipation simmered away inside you, knowing that if you indulged too much time on niceties, Roger would lose patience. Not that you would ever say no to that. You relished it when he took control. You craved it. But you had to work up the courage to take him in your mouth first. Your gag reflex always got in the way if you didn’t give yourself time to prepare yourself.
But you could sense Roger was growing restless. The guiding hand at the back of your head tightened around a fistful of your hair, edging you into him and his breathing laboured. His entire frame grew stiffer the longer you taunted.
“Don’t keep me waiting, Kitten,” he keened, positioning himself against your lips again.
Batting your eyelashes, you gazed up at him, parting your mouth and swallowing as much of his length as you could handle. You could never manage much on a first pass before he hit the back of your throat, inevitably sending an initial trail of mascara trickling down your cheeks.
He adored seeing your makeup run, and you adored it when he did everything in his power to make it run. Bunching your hair into a crude ponytail, Roger shoved his hips into you; he started tame, working his way up to a blistering pace that made you splutter, and his moans harshen.
Allowing you a brief reprieve to rub the strands of spit from your chin and your chest, Roger couldn’t help but remark on your outfit. “I always loved that bra on you,” he sighed, drawing his hand around his cock in swift, wet movements. “Come on, let me see your tits, Kitten. Show Daddy.”
Losing yourself in your determination to please Roger, you unhooked your bra and leaned back, offering yourself to him. Seeing him frantically tug at his cock above you made you throb deep down in your core. You desperately palmed at your pussy through your underwear.
“God, you’re a filthy girl, aren’t you?” Roger continued. “Touch yourself. Show daddy how wet his cock gets you.”
Sliding your hand beneath your lingerie, your fingertips got to work, gliding through your folds and circling your clit. Fixating on Roger’s hand and his cock while you put on a depraved show for him, the tension in your body skyrocketed. You loved the way he gazed down at you through heavy-lidded eyes and the low grunts that left his lips. 
They grew louder. 
His hand moved faster.
He moved closer, towering over you.
You could tell he was close. “Are you gonna come, Daddy?”
“Oh god, yes, Kitten. Let me see that gorgeous face of yours,” he groaned, tilting your head up to look at him. “Where do you want it?”
“All over my face,” you smirked.
Roger tipped his head back, laughing under his breath at that idea. “Make you wear it while we get rescued?” he panted. “You dirty, dirty girl.”
“Please, Daddy,” you sang, reaching up to help him along.
But Roger just batted your hand away, planting his hand at the back of your neck to make sure he didn’t waste a drop. His grasp tightened, and his breathing wavered as he fired ropes of thick, hot cum over you. In your eyes. In your hair. In your mouth.
And then the door of the lift grated.
You tried to outpace whoever was on the other side of it; tried to scoop as much jizz off your face and suck it from your fingers. Tried to slip Roger’s fur coat over your shoulders. But you just couldn’t conceal your nasty little secret quick enough.
The door opened. Three engineers standing on a service platform took one look at you and Roger and exploded into fits of laughter.
You and Roger? You were thoroughly mortified.
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bae-leth · 5 years
The Cold
More of that DimiAshe food cause I want Ashe to be covered in Dimi cape
The first time it happened, they met.
It was particularly cold on this Faerghus night. The snowstorm had come worse than usual. The 5 year old Ashe was freezing as he was trapped in the alley with nowhere else to go. The small albino boy shivered as he tried to warm himself, feverishly running his hands up and down his arms. The boy cried as he thought he was never going to see his family again. Then a voice rang out in the distance.
Ashe looked up and hoped his parents had come back for him. He looked but only saw white in the distance.
The figure came closer and Ashe could start making them out. It was too short to be his parents and looked to be a young boy instead. As he approached, Ashe could see what he was wearing. The young boy looked covered in layers with scarves around his neck and had blond frilly hair to accompany his beany. Ashe instinctively waved over for the boy to come over. The boy saw this and rushed over to the alley quickly.
“Hello? Daddy? Oh! Who are you?! Why are you out here like this?! Here.” The blond boy took off a scarf and one of his jackets and covered Ashe tight.
“T-Thank-k Y-Y-You...” Ashe took a moment to sink into his new layering. “I-I’m A-A-Ashe...”
“I’m Dimitri Ashe, nice to meet you. Here, come on, we can’t stay here. Let’s go in deeper.”
Dimitri led Ashe into the deepest part of the alley he could and made work to make a fire. He gave Ashe another layer and went to work furiously. Soon enough, fire was made and the two sat in front of it next to each other.
“Thank you Dimitri...” Ashe unconsciously snuggled into Dimitri’s shoulder and brought his bare feet closer to the fire.
“Keep the scarf Ashe. If you ever get cold, just wear that and it’ll keep you warm. It’ll be like I’m always keeping you warm. I want to protect you. Alright? I’ll keep you close and you can just relax with me. We’ll be together. Alright?” Ashe could only nod at Dimitri’s question and went further into Dimitri.
The second time it happened, it was pure accident.
Ashe and Dimitri were enrolled in Garreg Mach by that time and realized that they already met before on that cold Faerghus day. Ashe already insisted on returning his prince’s scarf, but Dimitri demanded Ashe keep it for himself. But now, here they were, lost from the group on the way back from the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. Night had nearly fallen and the two decided to make camp and resume their way back to Garreg Mach in the morning. Fire and shelter were already set and so now they sat next to each other.
Dimitri noticed Ashe bringing his arms close. “Are you cold Ashe? Why don’t you take my cape?”
Ashe pulled away as Dimitri already took off his cape to cover him. “Your Highness! You know I can’t. You’d be cold too and it’s not right fo-“
Dimitri cut him off. “Ashe...” Ashe saw Dimitri give almost a pleading look in his eyes. “Please? Let me take care of you.”
Ashe blushed at the comment but got his response through. He snuggled back inward and let Dimitri wraps his cape across his smal figure. The cape smelled just like him and Ashe relaxed at the scent.
Dimitri’s arm slung around him, so naturally he laid his head in his shoulder. They stared at the fire together and watched as it flickered. As Ashe fell asleep, Dimitri brought them close to the fire to lay down and snuggle in the warmth. Dimitri smiles at how pure Ashe was when he wrapped around the small boy.
In truth, he may or may not have led Ashe away from the group with Byleth’s permission.
The third time it happened, it was special.
War had happened, death happened, Ashe and Dimitri were separated as the Imperial Army forced them out. Most people left everything they had, but there was one thing Ashe couldn’t leave behind: Dimitri’s scarf.
Ashe could remember Dimitri screaming at him to flee and save his own life. He didn’t want to leave His Highness behind but he knew he didn’t have time to argue as Dedue already urged him back into the monastery.
5 years passed now and it was cruel. 5 years of not knowing what happened to Dimitri, running and fleeing Imperial soldiers as they threatened to kill him and his siblings. Years of having the thought in his head that Dimitri was probably dead. It was too much. And when they met again, the pain came back as he denied anyone coming near him. So more months passed and finally, it happened again.
Dimitri and Ashe went alone to do some training with small bandits. They thought nothing of it. Dimitri was ultimately more protective of Ashe this time around after Gronder. But what they thought was small bandits turned to the worst quickly. Imperial archers had snuck their way into battle and ambushed the two. They quickly wrapped up the battle and now we’re on the way back to report what happened. However, an arrow shot and went right into Ashe’s ankle. Dimitri didn’t hesitate as he slashed Areadbhar through the soldier. Ashe collapsed onto the ground in pain and Dimitri panicked.
“Ssshit! Ashe, Ashe! Listen, it’s going to be okay!” He lifted Ashe bridal style and frantically searched for quick shelter. He saw a cabin in the distance and sprinted. “It’s going to be okay Ashe, stay with me!” Ashe nodded, not wasting his time talking as blood leaked from his ankle.
Dimitri burst through the cabin and set Ashe on a nearby table. He closed and blocked the door and got the fire going before getting to Ashe.
“Ashe, this is going to sting so I need you to be brave okay?!” Ashe nodded yes. “Okay, hold my hand.”
Ashe harshly grabbed Dimitri’s hand as he grabbed the front of the arrow and pulled it right through. Ashe hissed but stayed strong for his prince. Dimitri took off Ashe’s boot and sock to inspect the wound and saw a hole go straight through with what looked like something about to turn into an infection. Dimitri found a nearby bottle of rum and poured it on, Ashe almost screaming and tightening his grip on Dimitri all the way through.
“I know it hurts Ashe just stay strong for me!” Dimitri tore off a strip of his old academy cape that he brought with him for Ashe and wrapped it tight around the wound. Ashe’s cries died down as the rum took affect and the pain subsided. Dimitri tightened the wrapping and brought Ashe close to hug him. “You’re so brave... Now let’s get you warm.” He carried Ashe once again and brought him to the fire and sat with him.
They sat in silence for a while as Dimitri let Ashe catch his breath and process what went on.
The prince pipped up. “What is it Ashe? Does it hurt?”
“No no, it’s just... Never mind...”
Dimitri turned Ashe’s head to face him. “You can tell me anything you know...”
Ashe sighed as he let his shoulders go and his back slouch. “It’s just, we’ve spent so much time together and... I just want... I don’t know... I don’t know what it is...”
Dimitri connected the dots and smiled. He turned Ashe to him and said a phrase Ashe never imagined hearing in his life
“I love you too Ashe.”
Dimitri one-upped himself and did something Ashe never conceived was a thing that could even happen to him at all: Dimitri kissed him. All the pain he felt melted into this first kiss of theirs, all the years of the cold he had to be alone, now heated in the love in his kiss. Ashe started to tear up as Dimitri laid him on his side and spooned him. He detached his large fur cape and draped it over the two of them. He could feel every part of Ashe’s frail body where he was cold.
“Do you remember what I said to you when we were young and I found you in the alley Ashe?” Ashe looked up at him, his cheeks a blush red from the cold or embarrassment. “I told you to have my scarf. Do you remember why I did that?”
“Because you wanted to keep me warm when it got cold just like that. That you wanted to protect me in a way...” Dimitri brought him in closer and planted a soft kiss on his forehead.
“I want to protect you Ashe. I’ve loved you from the moment we met. So please, you may be a knight who’s meant to protect his king, but as your husband-“ Dimitri cut himself off as he realized what he said.
Ashe looked up in shock. “Husband...?”
Dimitri sighed and grabbed something in his pocket. “I was going to save this for when we were back at the monastery. Hopefully when this was all over and everyone was alive, but seeing as you now know I may as well ask.” He grabbed a beautiful ring that was silver with sapphires lined around, a lion insignia on the top and inside the ring, a message of, “My guardian angel.”
“Ashe Ubert... Will you marry me...?”
Ashe snuggled into his new fiancé’s arms and in tears gave a passionate yes. Dimitri put the ring on Ashe’s finger and it was a perfect fit. They said nothing more as they snuggled by the fire. It was just as Dimitri said when they were but young boys.
“I want to protect you. Alright? I’ll keep you close and you can just relax with me. We’ll be together.”
notes from bae: OHHHHHHHH MY GOSH sorry it took me so long to submit this but..... :’)) this is sO CUTE. anyone wrapped up in dima’s cape/clothes is A++++ for me, but ashe..... from their childhood days..... aAAAA i am!! weak!!!
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sweetpeachjones · 6 years
You Made Ur Bed 8
Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6 , 7
A/N: excuse the typos and grammer, and curse me out later for making you wait so long
After the ceremony at Davida House
OMG Sean, you should have been there.Y/N  was there being a total slut damn near sucking this nigga dick-
She stopped in her tracks when Sean jerked up wiping his nose. Davida looked behind him, and all she could see was a mirror with two white powder lines and a playing card.
"Sean, I KNOW you aren't doing what I think your doing, I thought you quit that." "I did but I just don't it recreational, plus I'm bored as fuck." "Well, how but getting a job." "You know how hard it is for a felon to get one, they see that on my app and its, don't call us we'll call you' type bullshit." "But bae you can keep you from trying I'm mean I got my ticket, she exclaimed rubbing her stomach, you need to get yours, I don't need some sorry nigga eating off my plate." "The fuck you say, I wasn't any sorry nigga when I had you in the diamonds n furs, dripping sauce. Nigga gon for some time and bitches want to get amnesia. "Yeah well times have changed, she said getting up taking off her jewelry, you need to get it together and clean that shit up now!"
Sean angrily cleaned the mess up and walked out of the room slamming the door hard.
One week after the pool incident at Eriks house
You sprained your ankle and fractured your elbow and a laceration above your right eye. You had a cast on your ankle and the sling on right arm and stitches for your cut. Against your wishes, Erik insisted you stay to get better and even took off to nurse you. He has been waiting on hand and foot and doing the sweet thing like washing n oiling your hair and make sure your cast was dry as he gave you luxurious bubble baths and even carried you to the bathroom. But you knew Erik this is his whole game to get you to stay.
You sat in the bedroom on the bed fluff high on pillows while Erik was in the other room. You needed something on the dresser but you didn't want to bother Erik, plus he was smothering so you were going to take advantage of his absence. As you reached, you fell out bed with a loud thud. You never felt so helpless and began to weep. Erik ran upstairs to see you on the floor as he picked you up you start to get angry.
"Get the fuck away from me," you sobbed as tried your best to hit him in the chest.
"Girl wtf is wrong you!" "YOU, YOU THE FUCKING CAUSE FOR THIS!", pointing to the cast and moving the sling. "This is your fault because of your fucked up ego." "Well, I did think you would jump." You looked at him, and before you blew a gasket, you calmed down, "You know what, you said coolly if I didn't make it it would have been a lot better than to married to you." Erik looked you in the eyes hoping to see the humor, but you were dead serious. "You don't mean that Y/N." "Oh yes I do, this marriage has gone to hell. I don't know why I stayed this long with your cheating ass and constant lying. You think Davida was the only one, I knew about the others, I know when you were out fucking them hoes ERIK!. I'd find hints: the perfume, lipstick, the missing earring in your car. I noticed the way you shower, or you were smelling like a different, soap I don't even buy. I just let you do your thing as long as they never had the guts to step out place I was cool, cause at the end of the day you are going to do what you want to do and you were home every night mainly. But you started to get reckless and shit with Davida, so I figured you weren't giving a fuck anymore. And had the bitch calling the house and your fucking student at that! The fuck was you thinking; you were about to risk it all for some broad? Really?!
Erik looks away, before answering.
"She reminded me of you before you lost the baby. She had that happiness, that joy, that light you once had. We clicked like me, and you used to."
You rolled your eyes at his last statement. He continued.
"After the incident, you became bitter and once you started drinking you was like a shell. Like I understand she went, and nothing will bring her back, but you got to move on. It was never my intentions to get her pregnant we stopped after a few times then she tells me. I love you more than anything; I'll do whatever I can to right my wrongs. But I will be a father to my child."
"You wanna right your wrongs, grant me a divorce. Well split everything down the middle and keep control of our organizations."
"You sure you want that"
"Yes I can't keep going on like this, I love you, but I can't be in a marriage with you."
Erik looked deep in thought. He sighed, "Okay if that's what you want. I won't hold you back."
Next day at Davida's House
"So how far are you now?" Erik asked. I'm 35 weeks so our Lil boy will be here soon," Davida answered excitedly.
"Cool well when you are going on your next appointment I'll be there. I'll be over later to help set the crib and baby stuff."
"I need you to set up something in my bedroom," Davida answered back seductively.
Erik catching the hint but didn't feed into it, "yeah like I said I'll be over to put the BABY stuff up."
"Mhmm, well see you soon boo." "Don't call me that," and he hung up quickly.
Davida just laughed as she put her phone in the car seat as she pulled up her driveway. She parked the car and remembered she had to set a date in the phone at the same time entering her front door. She didn't notice the five large men sitting on her furniture. She looked up from her phone and grabbed her chest as fear and shock took over her whole body.
"Who are you and why the fuck are you in my house?!"
"Be cool sweetheart," the smaller of the five spoke. He physically fit but wasn't as buff as the others." I'm Mike Love and we just looking for ya boy Sean that's all."
"I don't know a Sean." "See, I'm trying to be a gentleman here but you're lying is going to turn this into an UGLY situation, and you don't want that." Mike said coolly as he walked towards her stroking Davida's cheek. "Now I'll never hit a lady especially a pregnant one, but I can't say the same for my guys. They weren't born with sense." "I don't know where he is I swear, I go to school and work part-time," he goes where he wants to, tears streaming down her face. "Shhhh it's okay love I believe you. But you tell Sean to get at me asap; I'd hate to come back here again and next it is not going to be as pleasant."
Mike turned to his goons and told them to leave and just like that they were gone. Davida ran to lock the door behind them and sunk to the floor a blubbering mess.
Four weeks later at the lawyer's office.
Well, I have to say this was the smoothest divorce ever an easy way to make my paycheck." Erik lawyer comments as he finalized the paperwork.
Erik and Y/N sat across from each other. Neither of them looked up as it was too sad to look each other in the eyes. Erik was the most hurt, he felt betrayed, he felt like he was trying and Y/n was giving up months of progress screwed up by two days. He couldn't fathom life without y/n she had been with him since day one, she believed in his projects, his dreams and wished he could have given her whatever she wanted. So he cheated little fuck up compare to the husband his friends were. Even in the pants suit, she was wearing she looked like a goddess and all he wanted to do to take her away forget all this drama and start over.
Y/n could feel Erik staring. After all these years he could still make her blood rush just by one look. She always loved Erik deeply but how many times can he spit in her face. Plus being careless enough to get someone pregnant, the audacity of it.
She felt a nudge pulling her out of her deep thoughts.
"What's that." "I said do you, and Mr. Stevens agree to the terms of the divorce?" My lawyer repeated. "Oh yeah, I'm good are you?", Y/n said finally looking up at Erik. He nodded, and we both signed the papers.
"Well that's it you two are no longer hitched. Haha, I must say I've done sooner if only my wife wouldn't take everything. Women right." He playfully nudged Erik and Erik only stared at him.
The lawyers began to leave the room and Erik, and y/n lingered in the room.
Well this is it, Erik said
Y/n leaned against the table arms folded
"I guess so huh." "I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a goodbye hug?" "No, it wouldn't."
Erik walked over in two strides stood in front of y/n and hugged her. He head protectively rested on top of hers as y/n slowly wrapped her arms around his chest. They stood like that for a minute until Erik kissed her forehead. Y/n leaned her head back some allowing Erik to kiss her nose; she leaned back until Erik pecked her lips. He pecked them again seeing as she didn't protest the first time. The third time he let his lips lingered as she kissed back. That's all he needed for confirmation. He gently grabbed her hair pulling her head back some allowing access to her neck. He kissed and sucked on her neck as if he was a vamp on his victim. They were too busy to hear the conversation of one the lawyers doubling back to find something. Once the door flew open, they immediately stop while Y/N's lawyer just stared as if they crazy, while Erik's lawyer smirk and closed the door.
Regaining common sense and more so embarrassed y/n pushed Erik back and fixed her shirt chastising herself while doing so. Erik just looked more frustrated as he fixed his coat. No words being said to each other as they head out of the office when they got to the elevators and stood on the opposite corners. Erik spoke first.
"Well, I hope we can friends after all this." "I don t know about that." "Aww come on y/n," he said walking towards her, "we have known each other for too long just to stop being each friend." "But u sneaky tho." Erik feined shock, "Me no," and he flashed those golden slugs and mischievous smile the y/n knew all too well. She laughed knowing this could be nice. "Yea whatever"
At Davida house two weeks back
Sean pulls in the driveway days after disappearing. Davida was waiting on him. Sean thought he could sneak through the patio. As soon he turned on the lights a glass cup was hurled at him, but he dodged it quickly.
"What the fuck." : What the fuck is right where have you been?!" Davida mocked furiously.
"I had some moves to do." "Liar u smell clean as fuck, so been u at somebody house, but I don't care who is Mike love and why the FUCK was he in MY house.
Sean's hearts stop. That's one name he did not want hear.
What did you say Nigga you heard me who is Mike Davida listens, Sean grabbed hold of her shoulders. I pissed off some significant and dangerous people, and for your safety and mine, I should not be here. Damn right u shouldn't, niggas come up in here seven deep, just what the fuck did you do? You remember Physco from our old neighborhood? You mean walk around with a machete in broad daylight Physco, him?! Yea well I had an opportunity to blame something on his baby brother in jail. I didnt know they were related, but word got around and by that time I was long gone.  
Feeling like an ass, Davida felt more sympathy for Sean. All this time she was hard, and he had a deathwish looming. She knew what he was up against and Physco was the type he wasn't gonna stop til there was blood.
Well, here I got some money n take my car. Take your car?! Yes, take it, ill tell Erik it was stolen n ill get another besides your safety is important to me. Ok but id have to go tonight. Tonight?! Yeah Davida sucked her teeth fine She went upstairs to her safe, put the code in pulled out 30,000 her women intuition was screaming "heffa are you crazy," but her heart wanted him to be safe. She wanted to travel with him, but the dangers that followed were enough to keep her back. She put the money in a crown royal bag along with the keys to her car and the passport and falsified documents that he asked him to do a while back when he was job hunting. She ran back down and gave it to Sean. He looked apologetically as he was taking away from a pregnant woman, sensing his hesitation she spoke. Please take it and when you get to a safe place ill come.
They embrace in what seems like the worlds longest kiss. Sean rushed out to the garage. Once he cranked the car and sped down the block, he never noticed the black Lambo following him. As the road twist and turned the car behind never missed a beat, and since they were the only two on the road, it was hard to lose them on a one-way street. Sean knew exactly who it was and turned off into the woods. Once he got deep enough, he turned the car off and lit a cigarette. Now or never he thought. As the Lambo neared the headlights nearly blinded him in the rearview mirror. He took his last drag as the passenger door to the Lambo opened up. Out stood Mike and Sean opened his door. The two men walked to each other and embraced in a lovers kiss! The tongue kiss was so explicit that the guard in the car started to get a little uncomfortable.
Omg bae I missed you, Mike said So have I, Sean replied So did u get the documents, Mike asked Of course, plus she gave me the car, you must scare the crap out of her. Well, I had to sell it. Breaking into her house, in that neighborhood, with five niggas was hard as hell. But worth it now that got my baby back. Let's go Paris awaits. Well what can we do car Either take it with us or better yet torch it, makes it more believable something happens to you. But she gave me this car Mike was getting slightly jealous, "And!?" Well I just don't want to torch it "Fuck that I'll take care of it," Mike walked towards the guard in his car mumbling, "Nigga act like he still loves the bitch or something!" "Hey!" motioning towards the guard. " I want to get rid of this car I don't care what you do I don't want to see it my sight again. SEAN!! let's go!"
The guard got out, and Mike and Sean got in the Lambo and drove off. The guard was left by himself in the car.
"Shit nigga crazy as hell baby mama bout to get a new whip!"
Present Day (After the Erik's and Y/N divorce agreement)
So your car was stolen?" Erik asked in disbelief as he works putting up the baby's crib and other items as Davida told her story sitting in a rocking chair. Erik made sure she didnt lift a finger, and she enjoyed every minute of it.
Yes, would you believe, right in my friend's neighborhood, I had to take an Uber home? I knew I should have stayed my ass home, told that girl to move out the projects.
Well, luckily you and the baby are safe. Ill hook you up I got a cousin who works for Honda.
Honda? The fuck! Do you want your baby mother and your heir riding around in some raggedy Honda? Because if I pulled child support, I can afford more.
It will be a current year! he pleaded. She stared at him motherfuckerly.
Alright, what you want? he asked
Momma wants a Benz!
Momma gonna have to clap them cheeks and suck a mean dick, and I mean to make that shit disappear for a Benz.
Aint like I done it before, Davida laughed, so how your wife anyway
Don't worry about her; he said what quick attitude.
Damn alright, I got to go to the bathroom, help me up these damn cramps killing me.
Cramps! What do you mean you in labor?
Not till the water breaks
As soon as she stood up she felt another cramp not so intense but bad enough to double over, Erik kept her steady.
I think we should go, do you have your things packed?
Yea in the downstairs closet in the foyer
Erik went to retrieve the bag as Davida wobbled to the restroom. She felt pressure and pushed thinking it was #2 when she got up she almost fainted at sight.
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@imaginewhoever @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade@bezzywazhere @wakanda-inspired
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zonerobotnik · 6 years
Day 5 - Cosmo
Keith and James take Cosmo for a walk. --
“Keith...” “Mm...?” “Your dog is on my legs.” Keith slowly unburied his face from James' collarbone. “...Mmhm. Mine too.” “Think he's mad about us not including him in our time together this past week?” James asked thoughtfully. “Are you mad, boy?” Keith sat up and opened his arms to the dog. Cosmo let out a whuff sound before getting up, tail wagging, to crawl into his arms and lick his face. “Apparently not mad enough to not give you kisses.” James smiled. “Where did you get him, anyway?” “The Quantum Abyss. He just...crash-landed on the space whale we were living on one day in a meteor. I've never seen any other wolf like him.” Keith gently scratched behind his ears. “We should take him for a jog.” “Sounds good.” James got up and reached for his boxers. “Hey, how did he get in my room, anyway?” “Up, boy. I gotta get dressed.” Keith told him, and Cosmo teleported out of his arms and onto the floor, picking up Keith's shirt to bring it over helpfully. “Ah, right. He can just teleport through walls. Man, I wish I had one of my own.” James pulled on his pants. “Well, you can share mine.” Keith pulled his shirt on and zipped it up, then reached for his pants and boxers. James paused to admire his ass in just the uniform shirt and Keith smirked and wriggled it a bit at him. “See something you like, Griffin?” “You know I do.” James grinned and fastened his pants. “But, I don't dare risk the wolf's ire. What's his name again?” “Well, I didn't name him. I'm waiting for him to tell me his name.” Keith shrugged. “But, everyone else calls him 'Cosmo'. I guess you can, too.” “'Cosmo'. Like 'Cosmos'? That's pretty cool.” James smiled and reached out to pet the wolf. Cosmo looked up at him and seem to consider him before lowering his head for James to stroke his fur. “Good boy.” Keith smiled and took James' distraction as a cue to finish getting dressed. “Hey, can I borrow some of your casual clothes? Feels weird to be in uniform all the time.” “You realize that if you walk around in my clothes, people will know that--” “That we're fucking?” Keith shrugged. “They already do. And I'm tired of the uniform or the armor.” “Alright, let me get something out for you.” James walked over and opened his closet. “Blue okay?” “Like you have anything else?” Keith asked teasingly. “Blue's fine.” “The last time I got you to wear blue, it was my pajamas when we were kids.” James walked over with a folded blue and white outfit and then went to get his own out. Keith unfolded the outfit and chuckled a bit. The shirt was a white and orange shirt with the Galaxy Garrison logo on it and the pants were blue jeans. “Got a jacket?” “Yep.” James tossed over a blue jean jacket. “Thanks.” Keith stripped off his clothes and got dressed, then looked over at James, who was buttoning up a blue button-button down shirt with tan pants, a white shirt visible under the blue one with the top three buttons undone. “Hm?” James looked at him. “That looks almost exactly like what you wore the day we joined the Galaxy Garrison.” Keith hummed. “What a day, huh?” James chuckled. “I didn't know know you could hotwire a car.” “I couldn't.” Keith grinned. “Shiro left the keys in the ignition.” “Wow.” James shook his head with an amused smile. “Alrights, Cosmo is looking restless, let's head out. I'm afraid I only have sneakers, and I don't know if we're the same size for that.” “Let me try.” Keith held out his hand. James brought his extra pair over and Keith laced them up. “Huh, I guess they fit. I'll have to get some boots, though. Wanna hit the mall Allura mentioned before?” “Sure.” James nodded and walked over to kiss his cheek. “Come on, Cosmo.” He told the wolf as he went to the door. – “I can't help but be a bit...nervous.” James admitted. “About being out of uniform, I mean. I feel like, at any moment, we're going to be attacked and have to get in our ships.” “Which we can do whether we're in uniform or not.” Keith told him. “Honestly, I'm glad to be out of uniform for once. I spent so long in either the Paladin armor or the Blade of Marmora uniform. I spent two years, with my mom, in the Blade of Marmora uniform! It's a good thing it's made to stretch and grow with you, because I didn't have anything else!” “I haven't seen that uniform yet.” James remarked. “I'll show it to you later.” Keith told him, looking around. “Reconstruction is really going well.” “Well, when the Galra aren't enslaving the human race, people can work quickly.” James nodded. Keith nodded, pursing his lips. “I wish people wouldn't judge us all based on Sendak's actions...” James gently took his hand. “Earth has...never been very good about treating those are different well.” “Don't I know it.” Keith leaned his head on James' shoulder and sighed. James wrapped his arm around his waist and kissed his temple. Keith closed his eyes and let James lead him blindly for a bit before he opened his eyes and stepped to the side a few inches to walk next to him, instead. “Cosmo seems to like Earth.” James commented as Cosmo went over to examine a butterfly sitting on a flower. “Did they have those on the whale?” “Uhm...they had bugs, but they weren't actually small, or safe, or pretty.” Keith shook his head. “Glad to be home?” James smiled at him. “Definitely. I missed Earth. Even if I wasn't as vocal about it as everyone else.” Keith sighed. “Maybe...if I'd been more vocal, if I'd talked about you, they wouldn't call me a loner. Maybe they could relate to me. But, I've...I've never been good with sharing personal information.” “Well, we can change that.” James smiled. “Why don't you introduce me to your new friends? Not as Paladins or a Princess, but as people?” “Yeah.” Keith nodded. “Yeah, I'll do that. Uhm...there's a celebration party coming up, right?” Keith looked up at him. Geez, it was frustrating but also amazing how James had remained taller than him all these years. Even though Keith had grown taller than Lance, once the tallest in the Paladins of Voltron, James still towered over him. James nodded. “But, that's at the Garrison. I meant outside it.” “Well, I'll see what I can manage.” Keith shrugged. “Oh, hey, there's a dog park over there.” He looked to the side. “Let's take Cosmo there, instead.” “Alright.” James smiled and looked at Cosmo. “We're going over there, okay?” He pointed to it. Cosmo looked over and whuffed excitedly before vanishing. Keith looked alarmed before running over to the dog park, where Cosmo had already rematerialized. James went in behind him and shut the gate, then walked over to Cosmo and Keith, who had apparently found the Holts. “You know, Keith,” Pidge said, shaking her head with a sigh, “You should really tell him that Earth dogs don't teleport.” She looked behind her at her own spooked dog. “Come on, Bae Bae, don't be a coward.” “Sorry.”  Keith said apologetically. “He just got excited.” He knelt down to scratch behind Cosmo's ears and then looked at Pidge in surprise. “Uh, you're...in a skirt.” “Uh, I'm...actually a girl.” Pidge said, mimicking his tone, then held out her hand. “Hi, I'm Katie Holt.” Keith stood up and shook her hand. “Keith Kogane. Oh.” He looked at James. “This is my boyfriend, James Griffin.” He looked back at her and smiled. “Pleasure to meet you, Katie.” James held out a hand to her and she shook it. “Don't you guys already know each other?” Matt Holt asked, walking up to them. “Not by my actual name, no.” Pidge shook her head. “Of course, I'll probably still be Pidge when in Voltron, that's what everyone knows me as.” Bae Bae came out and sniffed at Cosmo curiously before jumping up and barking excitedly. Cosmo mimicked the motion and then they were running off and jumping around barking at each other. “So...boyfriend, huh?” Pidge looked at Keith. “You know, we all thought you and Shiro were...” “Uhm...” Keith pursed his lips. “I've kind of been dating Jame since before you knew me.” He glanced at James guiltily. “Keith, you've had a crush on Shiro since we were in the Garrison.” James told him. “I'm not surprised that it held up while you were with him.” “Well, alright, then. Drama.” Pidge grinned. “Allura's gonna love hearing about this.” “Pidge.” Keith frowned. “What? She's been bored.” Pidge shrugged. “But, I guess I'll leave you guys out of the gossip if it upsets you.” “I just don't want anyone talking about it at all until we figure it out.” Keith said, sighing. “So, uhm, that party that's coming up. You going as Katie or Pidge?” “It's a Voltron party. I'll be Pidge.” Pidge nodded firmly. “Too many allies will be there for me to do anything but. And don't you think it's too soon for a party? I mean, what if Haggar attacks while we're all wasted?” “I thought the files we ripped said that Sendak was calling her Honerva now?” Keith asked. “You're not getting wasted, anyway.” James told her. Matt nodded firmly. “You're underage.” “So, I can fight in a war, but I can't get drunk?” Pidge asked with disbelief. “That has nothing to do with it. Your body isn't yet biologically able to handle alcohol.” Matt explained. “Sorry, sis. You can have fun without boozing up, anyway.” “I think alcohol won't be allowed, anyway.” James told her. “Alcohol tends to muddy the brain.” “Have you had it yet?” Keith asked him. “Uh, no.” James shook his head. “Anyways, you aren't missing much, so don't worry about that. As your brother said, you can have fun without 'boozing up'.” “Fine.” Pidge sighed. “The moment I turn 21, though, I'm going to get some booze.” Cosmo and Bae Bae suddenly barreled between them as they chased each other and Pidge watched them go. “Glad to see they're having fun.” “Cosmo likes Earth.” Keith smiled. “I'm glad we managed to make it back in time to save it.” “Even if you were late.” James nudged him in the side. “But, that's not your fault. Something something dimensional time compression, right?” “Yeah, that's about as well as I understood Coran's explanation, too.” Keith laughed a bit. The dogs barreled through them again and this time the four actually fell over from the impact. Pidge got up and dusted off her skirt before running after them. “Bae Bae! Get back here, you brat! You too, Cosmo!” Matt smiled as he watched her go, then sighed. “It was way too soon.” He said grimly. “She was just a kid.” He looked at Keith and James. “So...boyfriends, huh? I guess Shiro's weird bonding stuff did the trick.” “Nah, it just helped us realize what we already felt about each other.” James wrapped his arm around Keith's waist and kissed his cheek. “Now, see, before I left he wouldn't have been doing this in front of you. I can't believe James Griffin grew up and learned PDA was okay.” Keith grinned at him. “Don't be a brat.” James knocked his head against Keith's. “You definitely have a weight off your shoulders now, Keith.” Matt grinned. “Not sure if it's finding your mom or being back with James that did the trick, but you sure seem happy. Just, uh, don't go kamikaze flying into any shields anymore, okay?” Keith's expression froze into a blank smile as James processed what he just said, and then he winced when James said “KEITH?!” in angered disbelief. “I thought it was the only way to save Voltron!” Keith said in his defense. Cosmo suddenly appeared in front of them and tugged on Keith's pant leg before running off. Keith took the opportunity to escape and he ran off after Cosmo. James groaned. “Did you know he used to be suicidal?” “...No, I didn't.” Matt slowly shook his head. “Does Shiro know?” “No.” James pursed his lips. “We never told him.” Matt sighed. “Good thing Lotor showed up at that moment, or Keith wouldn't be here now.” James nodded, his expression unreadable as he watched Keith and Pidge play with the dogs. End
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lilacmoon83 · 7 years
Righting the Wrongs
Disclaimer: I don’t own Once Upon a Time.
AN: This is a one shot – An Underworld fix it fic. Emma didn't have a vision of Neal on the way to the Underworld. Instead, they find him in Underbrooke's version of Granny's and he's upset that Emma has dragged their son, her parents, and the others to the Underworld to go after Hook. Neal makes a few things clear to Emma when he finds Robert and reveals his murderer to David.
This is Snowing and Swanfire, with mentions of Outlaw Queen.
Warning: this is anti-Hook and doesn't portray him in a very nice light. You've been warned!
Righting the Wrongs
The Underworld
The instant his lips touched hers, Snow realized why David was suddenly wearing different clothes. Because it wasn’t David at all. The kiss was nothing like how her husband kissed her. There was nothing behind it, no emotion or love like she felt with Charming. Even normal kisses for them felt like magic and she always felt her heart flutter when his lips touched hers. This man may have looked exactly like her husband, but he was a sad imitation. “James,” she hissed, as their lips parted. “Mmm...I can see why my brother likes you. Tell Dave there’s a new Sheriff in town,” James said, as he quickly made his way to the back of the diner. She felt her husband behind her before she saw him. “Was that my brother?” he asked, seeing the retreating form. “Yes…” Snow replied. She was about to say more when they heard another voice.
“Snow? David?” a voice asked. They turned to see Neal sitting in a booth, looking horrified that they were there. “Neal…” Snow uttered. “God...you guys are here…” he said, as he started to panic. Her eyes widened. “Oh no...we’re not dead,” she assured. “What? Then how…” Neal uttered, as the rest of their group piled into the diner. “Dad!” Henry called. Neal was pretty sure he’d be having a heart attack if he wasn’t already dead. “Henry...why are you here? Emma, why is he here in the Underworld?” Neal started to panic. “We...we came to find Hook. It’s a long story...but he shouldn’t have died,” Emma squeaked. Neal rolled his eyes. “That pirate has been cheating death for the better part of two hundred years,” Neal replied. “I love him,” Emma said defensively. “So you had to drag our son and your parents here?” he exclaimed. “They’re here for Hook too!” Emma claimed, but then saw the look her parents exchanged.
“Mom...Dad…you’re agree with me, right? You’re here to help Hook too,” she said. David sighed. “Emma...we love you. We’re here for you...because you need us,” David confessed. “Honey...the only thing that would get us to leave your little brother is if it was something to help you,” Snow said. Honestly, they had hated this whole idea from the beginning, but they were afraid of Emma rejecting them again if they didn’t agree to help her. “But Hook…” she uttered. “Tried to kill us all,” David interrupted. “Why doesn’t that surprise me. What the hell have I missed?” Neal muttered. “Much…” another voice said. Neal turned and smiled at his father. “Papa…” he said. “Bae…” Rumple replied, as they embraced. Henry shared a smile with his grandparents.
Seeing Henry this happy again was worth the trip down here. They were only hoping Emma could see it too. Maybe this would help her let the pirate go. Snow and David knew true love when they saw it, they practically personified it themselves, after all. What Emma had with Neal had been true love. What she had with Hook wasn’t. “I need to find Killian,” Emma said, almost desperately. Neal sighed. He almost didn’t recognize Emma, but she had been through a lot. Being the Dark One probably left deeper scars than any of them realized, including Emma herself. “Well, if I had to guess, he’s probably with his brother. Liam runs a bar on the other side of...whatever this place is,” Neal said, reluctant to call it an actual town. With that, Emma rushed out of the diner. Snow and David sighed, as they started to follow. “Dad...let’s go with them. If anyone can get Mom to see reason, it’s you,” Henry pleaded. “Maybe...but there’s someone else that might be able to put Hook in a whole new light,” Neal said. “We all know what the pirate is. David’s right...he tried to kill us all. And I may have tried to kill Snow and David many times as well…” Regina trailed off. “But you’ve changed, Mom. Grams and Gramps know that, but I think they also know that Hook hasn’t changed,” Henry replied. “He’s right...more than you know,” Neal added. “What do you mean?” Robin asked. “I mean he’s the reason David grew up without a father. Come on, there’s someone we need to find. Emma needs to know exactly who she’s trying to bring into this family,” Neal said, as he led them in the opposite direction. ~*~ Emma walked into the bar and gazed around at the dimly lit surroundings. “Well, well, someone finally gave you what you deserved it seems, dahling,” a female voice hissed. “Cruella…” she uttered, as the fur clad woman sat at a table with a glass of gin and a man that was a copy of her father. In looks only perhaps though, for James’ eyes were much colder than her father’s. “So...you’re my niece,” he commented, seemingly unimpressed. “I’m looking for someone,” she said. “Yes...the smarmy pirate you seem obsessed with. He’s right over there,” Cruella said in delight. Emma’s eyes scanned over to the bar and she smiled, as Killian sat there and from the description, she knew the man behind the bar to be Liam. But she frowned, as she saw him smiling at some woman that was leaned over the bar, obviously flirting with him.
“You were right, Jimmy dahling. She is alive,” Cruella commented, as she touched Emma’s hair. The blonde shrugged her away. “I told you...she dragged them all down here. But you know what that means,” he prompted. “Our ticket out of here,” Cruella laughed. Emma glared at her. “You really think I’m gonna let you two take my place and the place of someone else back in the land of the living?” she growled. They laughed at her. “Oh no dahling...we don’t plan to take your place. Now your Mummy and Daddy on the other hand…” Cruella said deviously. James chuckled. “My brother stole everything from me and now I get the chance to do the same to him,” he hissed. Emma’s eyes widened, as she was suddenly starting to realize how much danger she had just put her parents in by letting them follow her down here. “Don’t worry, that little loft apartment is all ready and waiting for them to accommodate them for eternity,” Cruella goaded. “My parents don’t belong down here,” Emma refuted. “You should have thought about that before you came here, princess. Once we take their place, I have a feeling their unfinished business will trap them forever. There’s nothing like abandoning another child to make sure they can never move on,” Cruella commented. Emma’s eyes widened. Her baby brother...how had she almost forgotten him? Her thoughts were interrupted again though by another voice.
“Swan?” Hook questioned. “Killian…” she uttered, as she ran over to him. “What are you doing here?” he hissed. “I came to save you,” she said, taken aback by his anger. “I told you to let me go,” he snapped. “But…” she started to protest when they heard a commotion. “Get your hands off her!” she heard her father growl. She gasped, as she saw her parents being forcibly led into the bar by four men, probably former black knights, and obviously employed by her Uncle now. “Seems I was right to send six of you. Where are the other two?” James asked. “You were right, Your Highness. They put up a good fight,” one of the answered. He was sporting obvious cuts and bruises. Her parents weren’t ones to go down easily. James smirked and approached them. Snow shuddered, as he caressed her face, ignoring Cruella’s huff of jealousy.
“Don’t touch her,” David growled. James smirked and then punch his brother in the jaw. Snow cried out, as her husband coughed and spit a little blood, but didn’t stop his defiant glower he had for his twin. “You stole everything from me…” James hissed. “I didn’t steal anything from you! It’s not my fault your own arrogance got you killed!” David yelled back. James wrapped his hand around his brother’s neck and balled his fist. “I’m going to enjoy this,” he said, as he wound up, intending to bring his fist down on his brother again. “No...stop!” Snow cried, as she kicked and struggled against her captor’s grip.
Fortunately, at that moment, James was blasted away with magic. Snow expected it to be her daughter that had come to the rescue, but found it was Regina, who now stood in the doorway with the rest of their family. The former black knights were all too familiar with the Queen’s magic and released Snow and David without any protest. “Thank you,” Snow and David both said, as Henry hugged them both. Cruella helped James to his feet and they glared at the newcomers. “What the bloody hell is all this?” Hook demanded to know. “They came to help me get you back,” Emma said, hoping that he was touched by the gesture. “Emma...did you just miss the part where your parents almost became permanent residents here?” Neal asked. “And orphaned your baby brother,” Regina added. “Mom...Dad...I’m sorry, but we came here, because I’m giving into love...like you did,” Emma said. They shifted uncomfortably and exchanged a glance, having a silent conversation.
“Emma...your mother and I love you more than anything, but coming here was a mistake,” David said. Emma looked at them in disbelief. “But...Hook is my true love,” she squeaked. “Is that why he ran straight to my mother when he got here?” Neal interjected. Emma whipped around and looked to Hook for confirmation. “I loved her for a long time, Emma. Seeing her again was overwhelming,” Hook tried to explain. Neal snorted. “So overwhelming that you jumped back into bed together,” he muttered bitterly. David snorted. “You didn’t even wait a day before you moved on from my daughter?” he commented, but Killian ignored the Prince. “You’re with Milah again?” she asked. “I am,” he confessed. “But I thought what we had...it was true love,” she said. He rolled his eyes. “We’re not your parents, Emma, far from it. No matter how much you wanted us to be,” he replied. “So all those things you said...and did…” she started to say tearfully. “You know why I did them,” he leered and David clenched his fist. “Charming...now is not the time,” Snow chided, as she held him back. His harsh words broke through the fog in Emma’s mind and she sobered, realizing what a fool she had been to ever entertain a future with him. “I hope you had a good laugh at my expense,” she said tearfully. “Swan...it wasn’t like that. We both caught up in whatever this was. But you turning me into the Dark One...it soured whatever we had,” he admitted. She nodded. “I’m sorry,” she said. “It’s okay, Swan. I know I’m a man that’s not easy to resist,” he leered. “That does it,” Charming snapped, as he started toward the pirate, who backed away in amusement.
“Oh don’t act all high and mighty, pirate!” Neal cried. “What the bloody hell is your problem, Baelfire?” Hook demanded to know. “You never belonged in this family and I think it’s time everyone knows why,” Neal snapped. “What are you talking about?” Emma asked. “I believe he’s talking about me,” a new voice said, as they all turned. “And you are?” Hook asked. The man smiled slightly. “You don’t recognize me,” he replied. “Should I?” Hook inquired. “Father?” David asked in disbelief. “Hello David,” Robert said fondly, as he looked to James. “Hello James,” he added. “You’re...you’re here…” David uttered. “Yes...as you can imagine, I have unfinished business, but not for the reasons you might think,” Robert said, as he came closer. “You mean how you fell off the wagon? And then tumbled off a cliff, because you were drunk?” David spat angrily. “Son...I know that’s what you were told. But it’s not the truth,” Robert tried to explain. “What are you talking about?” he demanded to know. “When I left on that two week trip, it wasn’t for supplies. I went to find your brother. I went to get him back, because he ran away from the King. I didn’t drink a drop,” Robert explained. David looked at his twin. “Is that true?” he asked. “I ran off a lot when I was a kid. I might have met him. Father tells me of how he saved me from being taken back to some farm to be raised by a lowly, poor as dirt Shepherd,” James recalled.
“You weren’t happy with the King. You didn’t want to become a Knight and kill for him,” Robert retorted. “I was six. I didn’t know what I wanted. I became a great Knight...and then he stole everything from me,” James hissed. “You were cut down in your prime, because of arrogance and the way that man raised you. You can’t blame David for your life being cut short,” Robert reasoned. “Watch me,” James growled. “You blame me or George. But you don’t blame David,” Robert replied. “Forgive me for interrupting this little family squabble, but what does this have to do with me?” Hook asked. “You really don’t remember me?” Robert asked. “Can’t say I do, mate,” Hook replied. “I suppose that’s fair. You’ve killed a lot of people, so I guess they all start to look the same,” Robert said, making Hook frown. “What?” David asked. “My unfinished business is my boys, but not for the reason you were told,” Robert said. “Papa?” Neal asked, as Gold materialized a dream catcher and handed it to the Charming, who looked at it in question. But those questions were soon answered, as the dream catcher contained a memory and it played out before their eyes.
He watched George’s men, who were ordered to kill his father, be cut down. But his savior was no savior, as Hook appeared. “Please...I won’t tell anyone I ever saw you. I have a son,” Robert pleaded. “Sorry mate...but dead men tell no tales,” Hook said, as he speared David’s father through the abdomen. Snow gasped and put a hand over her mouth. This time, she didn’t stop her husband, as he lunged at the pirate. “You Son of a Bitch!” David screamed. Hook jumped back, as Neal and Robin managed to hold him back. “David...please, revenge is not your way,” Robert soothed. Snow put herself in his line of vision and cupped his face in her hands. “Charming...look at me,” she pleaded. “He’s not worth it,” she said. “He murdered my father…” he hissed. “Yes...because that’s who he is. We gave him the benefit of the doubt before all this and he failed those expectations miserably,” she replied, as he started to struggle less. “You are twice...three times the man he is. We’re going to go home and he’s going to stay here,” Snow reminded. David stopped struggling completely and she hugged her husband tightly, brushing her hand soothingly along the back of his neck. She then gently prodded him toward his father and the two hugged tightly. Snow put her hand to her heart, as she watched Robert cradled David’s head. When they parted, he glared at Hook.
“He needs to pay,” David said. “Oh he’ll pay by being stuck in this limbo for eternity, because he knows what awaits him if he moves on isn’t pleasant,” Rumple commented. “You’re one to talk, Crocodile,” Hook hissed. “Oh I never denied what I am, dearie,” he retorted. “You made me this!” Hook accused. “No...you chose to be this,” Emma realized, as they turned to her. “My father lost his father...and then his mother, who was murdered. My Mom’s parents were both murdered too. I lost my parents, because of the curse...but we didn’t burn the world around us,” Emma said. Snow and David shared a smile. Their Emma was slowly coming back. She took her parent’s hands. “I’m sorry...this could have been really bad. Let’s go home,” she said.
A final task remained though and that was for David to convince his father to move on. Rumple led them beneath Underbrooke to the place that final judgments were made. Beyond the river of lost souls, they came to an abyss where a lake of fire churned below and the gap between them and the other side was far too large to jump. “This is it?” David asked. “Yes...this is where the final decisions are made when a soul is ready to move on,” Rumple replied. “David…I’m not sure I can move on and leave your brother,” Robert said uncertainly. “Father...I’m not sure James will ever be able to move on or accept us as his family. You should be with Mother,” David urged. Robert smiled and put his hands on his son’s shoulders. “I’m so proud of the man you’ve become, David,” Robert said. “I wish things were different or I wish I had known. I blamed you all my life,” David lamented. “It’s okay...now you know that I never wanted to leave you or your mother. I thought I had a chance to get James back and fix our family. Things just went badly,” Robert explained. David nodded and hugged him tightly. It was then that a bridge appeared over the gap and a bright light shined down upon them. Robert looked at it in awe. As he started to walk toward the bridge, David heard a gasp behind him and his wife call out.
“Charming…” she cried. As he turned, his eyes widened in horror. His brother had sneaked up behind her and now had her in a headlock with a gun to her head. “James…” he growled. “You’re taking my place down here, brother,” he growled. “James...please don’t do this,” Robert pleaded. But he cocked the gun and pressed it tightly against Snow’s temple. “You take my place or I blow her pretty head off,” he hissed. Emma and Regina raised their hands, ready to blast him with magic, but essentially he was using Snow as a shield against that. “Okay...okay...just don’t hurt her,” he pleaded, as he put his hands up in surrender. James snickered. “She makes you weak, brother. I mean...I understand the appeal, but willingly dying for a piece of tail...even a nice one like this,” he hissed in Snow’s ear, as he let his eyes scan her body appreciatively. “Don’t talk about my wife like that,” David growled. “I’m giving the orders. Go to the edge of that precipice,” James ordered, pointing the gun at him. “David!” Snow cried, as her husband walked back toward the edge. “Dad!” Emma cried. “Grandpa!” Henry called. “Jump,” James ordered. David looked down into the fiery hell below. He looked back at Snow’s tearful face and for her, he would do anything. “Charming...please don’t,” she pleaded. “I love you,” he said. James was so distracted that he didn’t see Neal sneaking up behind him, but Snow caught him out of the corner of her eye. At the exact right second, she bit James’ arm, just as Neal tackled him and they went rolling to the ground. James threw Neal off and he went rolling over the edge. Emma caught his hand and he gripped the edge, dangling above the fiery abyss. “Emma...you can’t hold me. I’ll pull you in too,” he said. “I’m not letting you go...I’m not letting you go again,” she sobbed. “Dad!” Henry cried, as Regina held him back. Another hand grabbed his other arm. “I’m not letting you go again either, Bae,” Rumple said, as together, they pulled him up.
James grabbed the gun again and pointed it at David. “David!” Snow screamed, as he fired at her husband. She screamed and at the last moment, Robert shoved his son down out of the path of the bullet. He was struck and while the bullet couldn’t hurt him, the force of it threw him off the cliff. “Father!” David cried, as he fell into the abyss. Regina blasted the gun out of James’ hand and then waved her hand, causing him to lose consciousness.
The most miraculous thing happened next, as Robert was lifted back onto the bridge and the light bathed him in its glow. “Father…” David uttered in awe. “Goodbye son...I love you,” Robert said. “I love you too,” David replied, as Snow put her arms around him and they watched him disappear into the light. “Oh Charming…” Snow said, as she took her husband in her arms. “You guys need to all go home before Hades decides to make you all permanent residents,” Neal insisted, as Henry hugged him tightly. “I miss you...I don’t want to leave you,” Henry cried. Neal hugged him tightly. “I know buddy...but you don’t belong here,” Neal said. “Neither do you, Baelfire,” a female voice said, as they all whipped around to see who the newcomer was. She wore a long gown and was very beautiful. “Who are you?” Emma asked. “I am Athena and I’ve come to right a wrong,” she replied, as she looked over the group. “Coming here was very unwise, Savior,” she chided. “I know...I know that now. Hook...he’s not my true love,” Emma admitted. “Yes...you made a mistake, but you have been through so much. You all have. Baelfire…” she said, as she turned to him. “Your lifeline was not meant to be cut when it was,” Athena revealed. “What does that mean?” Snow asked anxiously. She smiled. “It means that the author can fix all of this,” she replied, as all eyes turned to Henry. “But...I snapped the pen in half,” Henry said, as he felt his heart sink. “Which sent it here to the Underworld,” Athena said, as she opened her palm, revealing the broken pen. They watched in amazement, as she mended it and handed it to him. “But I thought I wasn’t supposed to manipulate events?” he asked. “Normally, you shouldn’t, but there are exceptions and this is one of them. Your father’s lifeline shouldn’t have been cut by the fates when it was and none of you should be here. You can fix all it, author,” Athena said, as the book appeared in his hand.
He opened to the last blank page, right next to the new information they had learned, like David’s father being murdered and finally being able to move on with his killer revealed. And that Captain Hook was exactly where he belonged. Henry put the pen to the page and new text was magically scrawled. “The heroes, as they searched for a way home, learned that one of their own they had lost did not belong in the Underworld either. Since the snipping of Baelfire’s lifeline was unjust, the Goddess Athena granted permission to the author to rectify this. Baelfire’s lifeline was restored and his body renewed,” Henry said, as a glow enveloped Neal, much to everyone’s amazement.
“Then a portal back to Storybrooke was opened and the heroes filed through,” Henry wrote, as a swirling vortex appeared before them. Emma and Neal smiled at their son and walked through with him between them. Snow and Charming smiled at each other and followed them, with Robin and Regina right behind them. And lastly, Rumpelstiltskin, with tears still in his eyes, followed them through scarcely believing the reality that he had his son back. The trip to the Underworld had in fact been a mission to right a wrong, but not the one Emma had initially taken them there for. And now, all was right again.
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A Night to Forget -- Rumbelle AU -- Chapter 8
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Cover art by @midstorm
Summary:  A hungover Mr. Gold awakens in a bedroom that he does not recognize. He begins to recall speaking to a beautiful girl at the bar the night prior, and as things progress he struggles with balancing his romantic life and his personal family drama. This is now officially a 'Professor Gold' fic of sorts, although he is not Belle's professor. Also lots of Papafire stuff.  It’s also smut. Not even sorry.  
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven
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No smut this time . . . and a teeny bit of angst . . . . . feedback appreciated, thank you for reading!
Chapter 8
Belle and Gold spent the evening together on Thursday at his place; he graded papers while she did some reading. They ate pizza, drank tea, and made small talk as Gold took a break from his work. For most couples, this would have been a normal weekday evening. But not for them – a week prior to that day, the two of them had never met before. Now here they were, acting like they had known one another for months – years, even.
And it didn't even seem odd, or wrong. It just seemed right in every way. Belle looked up as Gold chuckled a bit from his desk. "Found a good one, did you?" Belle asked.
"Well, none of them are GOOD, at least per my standard. But this one is – interesting." Gold began reading from the paper. "While I understand that, in today's society, parameters put upon people in regard to their relationships are frowned upon, I am certain that some people are simply deluding themselves when they think that a person who should, by all rights, be out of their league as the saying goes, could even possibly be a fit for them in a long-term relationship."
"Ruby wrote that one, didn't she?" Belle replied.
"Yes, this is your friend Miss Lucas' handiwork. She could use some tutoring, that's one of the worst run-on sentences I've seen."
"She works and goes to school; she does her best. Writing isn't her strong suit."
"Obviously not," Gold said, and he was writing on the paper as she got up and moved to stand behind him.
"You're giving her a C minus?" Belle asked.
"She should be glad I'm giving her a passing grade at all."
"Why? Because of her writing style, or because you didn't like what she said?" Belle asked.
"I have high expectations for my students. It's not my fault that they don't meet them."
"Well, maybe you need to lower them a bit. When I was getting my undergrad I was working two jobs AND going to school full time, not to mention helping my father out after my mother passed. If I'd had a professor like you I probably would have had a nervous breakdown."
"Something tells me you wouldn't have had any problems in my class at all." Gold spun around in his chair, grabbed Belle, and pulled her into his lap.
"Is that right?" Belle teased.
"I think I'd have been the one with the problem. The school frowns upon teachers dating their students."
"Well, how do you know I'd have wanted to date you?" Belle teased.
"I don't think we could have stayed away from one another if we wanted to," Gold said. Belle wrapped her arms around his neck, and they kissed for several minutes. "You want to go to bed?" Gold asked, finally coming up for breath.
"Are you done with grading papers?"
"Only have a few more – they can wait. I can't." Belle moved her hand toward his crotch and smiled.
"I guess not," she said, then giggled a bit. "Okay – let's go to bed then. Even though I'm not the least bit tired."
"You will be," Gold said playfully. Belle jumped out of his lap and darted toward the bedroom, and Gold followed behind as fast as he was able.
"You're not nervous, are you?" Belle asked as she straightened Gold's tie, helping him to get dressed for his court date that morning.
"Completely," he replied.
"It'll be fine. Bae loves you so much."
"Well, that's neither here nor there right now. Belle, what makes me the most angry is this whole thing isn't about Bae; it's about pettiness. Milah doesn't want me to have Bae because I WANT the lad, and her blasted attorney just wants to get revenge on me for something long in the past. I would gladly give Milah everything she wants if she would just let me have my boy. Even the house – my beautiful house that I had built from the ground up."
"I'm so sorry, Callum. I wish I could be there for support, but – I have to work."
"It's alright; probably wouldn't be a very good idea for you to be there right now anyway."
"You'll message me as soon as it's done, right? You promise me?"
"I promise," Gold replied, and he gave her a kiss.
"So, if um – if this works out in your favor – how are we going to work things out with Bae around?"
"Well, I don't see that it'll be too difficult. The lad already adores you. I'll just simply tell him that I took a liking to you after we met, went back to the library and asked you on a date, and you said yes. I promise you – he'll be nothing but happy about it. I know I am." Belle kissed him.
"Good luck, Callum. I'll be thinking of you."
"And I, you," Gold replied. They shared one more long, deep kiss before they departed.
It was nearing four in the afternoon, and still not a word from Gold. Belle kept looking at her phone, which she kept on silent but at her side, hoping to hear something – anything – from him. But there was nothing. The more she thought about it, the more nervous she got.
Another half an hour went by; the library was set to close in almost thirty minutes, and Belle didn't know what to do. Surely the court session was over by now. She texted Gold ten minutes prior, and received no response. Something was wrong, she just knew it. Belle looked at her phone once again, desperately willing it to give her some response. She looked up for a moment and saw a familiar face enter the library. It was the woman that came over to talk to them at the restaurant the other night. She was tall and dressed in fur and heels and looked completely out of place in a public library. The woman looked at Belle and walked straight over to her.
"Well, you DO work here – I thought Ursula was playing a trick on me."
"I – Miss Deville, right?" Belle asked nervously.
"Oh, please call me Carla, everyone does. It was lovely to meet you the other night. I have to say, I haven't seen Callum Gold with a smile that big on his face in ages, aside from the times he's with his son."
"We, um – we were just having dinner," Belle said.
"Oh, I know all about dinner, and popcorn and – well everything else. I mean, I don't KNOW know, but – it's not that difficult to figure out. Anyhow – that's why I'm here. Callum obviously cares about you a great deal, and – well he's going to need quite a bit of support from you. My wife works for the city, so I had her track you down and – here you are."
"Support? What happened?"
"Well, I was in court this afternoon – it was quite brutal. Now, I said I wouldn't take sides in this battle, Callum and Milah are both my friends, but that boy – I'm not a fool, I know who he belongs with, and it sure as hell isn't her. Unfortunately, the judge is an ass, he hates Callum, and he granted Milah temporary sole custody of the lad. He only has limited, supervised visitation for the next month, and his last chance is next month's court date. If he can't sway the judge, well – he could lose the boy forever."
"That – that's terrible! Callum is a wonderful father! Why hasn't he called me?"
"I don't think he's called anyone, dear. I'm not sure he even wants to. I know him all too well, and I know that his likely plans for this evening are to drown his sorrows in a bottle of Scotch. I'm sure he's well on his way through one as we speak."
"I – I need to go to him," Belle said.
"Yes, that would be a good idea. He needs someone right now, and – I think you're that person. I've been on him for months about finding an attorney, but the problem is, no one will take his case. No one will go up against Cora Mills. Well – that's not exactly true, there is ONE person who will, and has said so, but – Callum refuses to even consider the option. Perhaps you can convince him otherwise. Something tells me he'll listen to you more than he will to me."
"I'm going to go tell my boss I need to leave early. Thank you for letting me know."
"You might need this," Carla said. She reached into her purse, took out a key, and handed it to Belle. "Key to his apartment – I doubt he'd even answer the door right now."
"You – you have a key to his place?"
"I have a key to everyone's place. Might even have one to yours, you never know," she teased. "Just take care of him, alright? Poor thing has been through enough – it's about time he found someone that gives a damn about him."
"Thank you," Belle said.
"Ta-ta, darling," Carla said, and she left. Belle looked at the key and sighed.
"Oh, Callum – I'm so sorry," she whispered to herself.
Belle knocked on the apartment door. "Callum! Please let me in!" Belle called out, but there was no response. Not wanting to wait any longer, Belle took out the key that Carla had given her and opened the door. Gold was sitting on his sofa, in the dark, staring down at the half-empty bottle of scotch in front of him. "Hey," Belle said quietly as she sat down next to him and touched him gently.
"Go away," Gold grumbled, pulling away from her.
"Callum, I – I was worried about you, you never called me, or texted me or -"
"How did you even get in here?"
"Your friend Carla, she – she gave me your key."
"Carla. She needs to mind her own damn business, that's what she needs to do." Gold took a drink from the bottle and set it back down. "If I had wanted you here, Belle, I would have asked. Go. Away." Belle looked at him in disbelief for a moment, then spoke up.
"No," she replied.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I said no. I'm not going. This isn't how Bae would want you to deal with this."
"You don't know anything about my boy. You don't know anything about ME, Belle. This past week has been a mistake – I don't deserve nice things, I don't GET nice things, and I don't want one more mess in my life, and that is what this will end up being if it continues – a mess. Your little friend is right – I'm deluding myself if I think it will be anything else."
"You don't believe that and neither do I. If you want me to leave, you're going to have to throw me out physically because I'm not going anywhere. Given the fact that you've clearly had too much to drink already, I doubt that'll be an option for you." Gold looked up at her in disbelief.
"Why do you even care? What am I to you anyway? Some drunken fool that you met in a bar, felt sorry for, and decided to shag."
"I don't pick up men in bars and take them to bed, how dare you! And right now, Callum, pity is the LAST thing I feel for you!" Belle stood up and began to pace furiously. "And how dare you act like this past week has been nothing – how dare you presume it's been nothing to ME! It's been everything to me, Callum! You want to know something honest, Callum? You want some truth from me, well here's some bloody truth – I've thought there was something wrong with me my whole life, or at least past puberty. I've never felt – attracted to anyone. Male, female, nothing – and trust me I've been hit on by both, more times than I can count. Every encounter I've had just – there was nothing there. I was waiting to feel something – anything that resembled a feeling of intimacy – but it was just – I just didn't care one way or another. And then I met you. And I felt something. For the first time, ever – and yes, maybe we rushed into things but when you've waited your whole life for something and it finally appears you kind of want to get on with it, right?" Belle sat down next to him again. "I've never told anyone this before," she said quietly. Both were silent for a good amount of time.
"Why me?" Gold finally inquired.
"I don't know," Belle replied. "Was that a full bottle when you started drinking?" Gold nodded his head. "I'll get you some water." Belle left the room, and came back in with a bottle of water and a slice of leftover pizza from the night prior. "Here – you should probably eat something too." Gold took the bottled water from her and took a drink, then took a few bites of pizza. "Were you ever going to call me?" Belle asked after several minutes of silence between them.
"I don't know," Gold admitted. "Figured you were better off without me. You can do far better than me, Belle."
"You don't get to decide who I'm better off with. I decide that – nobody decides my fate but me."
"I'm sorry," he whimpered, then he took another drink of water.
"Apology accepted. Do you – do you want me to spend the night here then?"
"Yeah," Gold whispered.
"Okay. Let's get you sobered up, and I think it might be a good idea for you to just relax tonight. I'm not really up for talking and I don't think you are, either, and anything else this evening would be a mistake." Gold nodded in agreement.
"I don't deserve you," Gold said.
"Well, I disagree. Let's just leave it at that for now. We'll talk more later."
Gold awoke the next morning and stretched out on the bed. The night before was a bit of a blur to him. Actually, everything that happened as soon as he left the courtroom was a bit of a blur. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the mere shock of the events of the day prior, or a combination of both. But the one thing he did remember was Belle – she had been there for him, even when he didn't ask for her to be. She stayed, even after he made a complete ass of himself in front of her – again. Gold vaguely remembered falling asleep as she sat in bed with him, stroking his hair and assuring him that everything was going to be fine. It was enough to help him relax and rest for the evening. He rolled over to her side of the bed, which was empty and cold. Gold then sat up, wondering where she was. He didn't smell any food cooking, so she obviously wasn't making breakfast. "Belle!" he called out, but there was no response. He reached for his cane, got out of bed, and went out into the other room. The apartment was dark and silent. Gold sat down on the sofa and sighed. She was gone. He pushed her away, he behaved like a jackass, and now she was gone. He allowed a few tears to flow down his cheek as he sat in silence, filled with regret and self-pity, when the door to his apartment opened. Belle entered, carrying a large box that looked like it was from a pastry shop.
"Hey – good morning," Belle said happily, and she set the box down on the coffee table. "I wasn't sure if you liked bagels or donuts or what kind and I didn't want to wake you to ask, so – I just got half a dozen of each and figure we can finish them off over the weekend. I'm going to have to do yoga and brunch with Ruby tomorrow though, she'll kill me if I ditch her a second week in a row." Belle sat down and saw the look in his eyes, and realized that he had been crying. "Hey – what's the matter?" she asked, touching his cheek.
"I woke up and you were gone. I thought you'd left."
"I left you a note, I put it on my pillow," Belle said.
"A – a note?" Belle got up and went into the bedroom, then came back with a small piece of paper in her hand. She handed it to Gold.
"It was on the floor, you must have knocked it off the bed."
"Callum – going to get us some breakfast, be back in a bit. Belle," Gold read out loud, then he tossed the note onto the coffee table.
"Did you really think I'd just walk out on you?" Belle asked. "Do you remember anything I said last night?"
"A bit," he replied.
"I'm not going anywhere. I do think it might be a good idea for you to get out of this place for a bit, though. Why don't you plan to come and stay at my place this weekend, and – we'll go from there. So – bagels or donuts?" Gold smirked a bit.
"Did you get any jelly filled donuts?"
"Yes, I did," she replied. "Is that what you like?"
"Well, good, because my favorite is glazed so we won't have to worry about fighting over that. See – learned another thing about each other."
"Belle, I need to get my boy back. I don't know what to do."
"You need to get an attorney, Callum. Your friend, Carla, she said that there's someone who is willing to take your case."
"I'm not that desperate," Gold grumbled.
"I think maybe you are," Belle replied. "Callum – I don't understand why you're so resistant to hiring this person. Maybe we can talk about it this weekend, if you want to. I suppose it's far too soon for this to be any of my business, but based on what little I do know, if you want to get custody of your son – I'm not sure what choice you have at this point." Belle took out a jelly donut and put it on a plate, then handed it to Gold.
"It's complicated," Gold said, and he took a bite of the donut.
"Is there anything about you that isn't complicated?" Belle asked. "Aside from your taste in donuts."
"Not particularly, no."
"Well – all the more interesting for me, then. I do enjoy uncovering a mystery."
"Why did you even come back, Belle? Most women would have bolted after last night."
"I'm not most women."
"No, you certainly are not," he agreed, and he leaned in to kiss her. "Thank you, Belle."
"For what?"
"Just – being you."
"Well – you're welcome. Come on – let's finish up our breakfast and get out of here, you need to be away from this place right now."
"Yeah – you're right. Have I told you lately that you are an absolute angel?"
"Not since yesterday."
"Well . . . you are. I didn't think angels fell for monsters."
"You're not a monster," Belle said, and she kissed him.
Gold and Belle spent the weekend together at her place. They talked and got to know one another better, and while they shared a bed, they refrained from any sexual activity aside from a few make out sessions. They both felt that if this relationship was going to move forward, they needed to have some lengthy conversations. They told one another some deeply private things, both of them surprised at how much they were willing to share given the short length of their budding relationship. But it just felt right – for both of them.
Early Monday morning, Gold made his way into town before his first class. He entered the office building and was greeted by a man sitting at the front desk; the name on his desk placard read 'Sidney Glass.'
"Can I help you?" Sidney asked, looking up at him.
"I have an appointment at eight this morning," Gold replied.
"Ah, Mr. Gold – she's been expecting you," Sidney said. "Go on in." Gold nervously made his way toward the closed door that Sidney pointed to. He took a deep breath, turned the doorknob, and walked in. The chair behind the desk had its back turned to him, and as soon as Gold closed the door behind him, the chair turned around.
"Well – look who finally showed up. Took you long enough – have a seat," Regina Mills said with a wicked smirk on her face.
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theredwallrecorder · 7 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) pt 3 - SHOWSTOPPER
*walks up to the mic in a completely silent auditorium*
*clears throat loudly, opens mouth*
[this is what comes out of my gaping mouth]
( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
I’m not gonna lie, I love Martin and company with a fiery passion, but sweet Redwall strawberries if I haven’t been waiting for this part since the beginning of this ridiculous fic. Our heroes have had their time in the limelight, and now to introduce the real showstoppers. We’re goin full anime up in here, and by “full anime” I mean “you about to be smothered in copious bromance and awesome combat”. From this point on, fic parts will focus on individual duels, but it’ll all get tied together in the end. @thegoldensoundtwice not a day goes by that I don’t blow a kiss in your general direction for riding this crazy train with me. Thank you for lettin’ me borrow your daughter ;3
Please enjoy Redwall Hell: The Anime pt 3, in which Martin and company are redirected to a new waypoint, and Vulpuz pretty much loses it. How are we supposed to hold all his pent-up anger and frustration? No clue, but I’m willing to bet that she would know the answer to that one. *wink* Also, if anyone’s curious, the top two photos at this link depict what she’s wearing upon her arrival, courtesy of @raphcrow. Thanks for the ref material, bae, and more besides. <3
A quick note on wounds/injuries in Redwall Hell: I’m working off the headcanon that you can sustain injuries in Hellgates. The visible ones (cuts, bruises, etc) leave behind a wound that glows with a soft light. I imagine this plays into the “yes, you are actually in purgatory” atmosphere. However, you do not actively bleed in Hellgates. I mean... you’re already dead, lol. You can’t die twice... right?
If there’s a part 3, that means there’s a part 1 and a part 2. Have at ‘em.
Oh, and here are some jams for your listening pleasure: /SHOWSTOPPER/, /LAST REMOTE/, /THROWDOWN/, /THIS TOWN, YOUR GRAVE/, /NOVOCAINE/, /DRUMMING SONG/, /DARK HORSE/, /GIRL/
Let’s rave.
- - - - - -
Martin and Laterose blinked. The quarry, the sea, the makeshift throne and all of the northeastern shore by Marshank was utterly gone, as if somebeast had taken an old rag and wiped them from existence. The scene from ages past had been replaced by the familiar veined brimstone and eerie reddish glow of the desolate landscape of Hellgates. They were standing in a small clearing, edged on three sides with a low wall constructed of mismatched obsidian boulders. Myriad chunks of brimstone littered the area. Warily, Martin abandoned his offensive charge, the point of his sword still trained forwards. The sounds of indiscriminate shuffling prompted him to look back over his shoulder.
Rose had stopped swinging her sling. She was kneeling alongside Dinny and Grumm, helping the two dazed moles to come back to their senses. Several feet behind them, Gonff sat up, patting himself down to make sure he was still in one piece. His face was the very picture of awed surprise and confusion, but when he locked eyes with Martin, the irrepressible mousethief burst out laughing.
“Hahaha! We’re alive!” he cried, leaping to his footpaws. Hardly able to contain his joy, Gonff cartwheeled over to where Felldoh still lay in a baffled heap, the warrior squirrel’s intact spear laying across his chest. Still laughing, Gonff snatched up the spear and offered Felldoh a paw. “Up y’come, matey!”
Felldoh groaned as Gonff helped him up off the ground. “Ooh, that’s a sore spot for sure. Would anybeast be able to explain what exactly just—”
He froze mid-sentence, his mouth hanging open. In their midst a vixen had suddenly materialized, a dark gossamer cloak swirling slightly about her. She stood, tall and stern, her unwavering gaze fixed not on any of the company, but upon the disturbed visage of the Great Vulpuz. The ruler of Hellgates was crouching close to the ground a few yards away, his jaw working spasmodically, his eyes fixed on the cloaked vixen. Without moving a single muscle, she spoke to the woodlanders gathered around her, her tone low and urgent.
“You have done well to come so far. Now, you must abandon this fight. Follow my lantern. It will lead you to the one who does not belong here.”
In that moment the six friends became aware of the presence of a gentle glow, softer and more substantial than the unnatural light of Hellgates. The light emanated from an elegant paper lantern affixed to a delicate pole of bamboo wood, which had appeared in the air next to Gonff. The lantern swayed gently back and forth in an unseen wind, its pole hovering several feet off the ground. The aft end of the pole rotated slowly upwards, the artfully carved handle coming to rest against the back of one of Gonff’s paws, as if the lantern was offering itself up to be held.
The mousethief hesitated, his brow creased with doubt. He glanced up at Martin. The warrior mouse’s mouth was set in a grim line, and he was watching the newly-arrived vixen intently. The thought of the group being confronted by another deadly trap flitted briefly through Gonff’s mind.
“It’s all right, Gonff,” Rose broke through the mousethief’s reverie. “This is the one who has been guiding us with her voice, the Lady of Hellgates.”
“Burr aye, take oop ee loight, zurr Gonffen,” Grumm encouraged.
Bolstered by his friends’ confidence, Gonff reached out to grasp the Lady’s lantern. The bamboo pole seemed to thrum with an energy all its own, causing a tingling sensation in his paw. He eyed the lantern curiously as it bobbed to and fro.
“How will this tell us where to go? Should I… ask it?” He gestured to the lantern with his free paw. “Will you show us the way?”
Without warning the lantern and its pole bucked so fiercely, Gonff was forced to take hold of it with both paws. The animated lamp seemed to gather itself before executing an enormous leap, effectively dragging Gonff across the clearing. “This waaay, maaaaaaaates!” he managed to holler back at the company before the lantern tugged him over the crest of a low hill and out of sight.
Loth to abandon what he knew to be a brewing conflict, Martin hovered betwixt uncertainty and his warrior instincts. It was not in his nature to leave another to fight his battles for him, especially one so mysterious as the Lady of Hellgates.  
The Lady’s spellbinding voice shattered Martin’s spirit of indecision. For the first time she tore her gaze from Vulpuz, a vague smile of admiration playing about her lips as she beheld the warrior mouse with her bright, piercing eyes.
“Your heart has courage, but you know not whom you face,” she cautioned. “You must be swift, warrior! The tenderhearted one called Blaggut needs you!”
The mention of a creature in need reminded Martin of the task at hand. He nodded to the rest of the company, and the five friends tore off across the clearing after Gonff, disappearing together over the distant knoll. The Lady breathed a visible sigh of relief as she felt the presences of the woodlanders grow faint.
Meanwhile, Vulpuz, ruler of Hellgates, had abandoned himself to a temper tantrum. At some point during the exchange between the Lady and Martin’s group, he had thrown himself upon the ground to writhe piteously in the dust, scoring deep scratches in the earth with his claws. At intervals he would throw up his head to snarl at the sky, tearing great tufts of white fur out of his tail as he did so. Ravenously he gnawed upon the boulders around him, crushing broken pieces of the fiery brimstone between his powerful jaws. He eventually succumbed to rapidly dragging his paws down his face in a repetitive, anxious blur of motion, all the while hurling accusations, entreaties, and insults at the Lady.
“How could you? How could you?!” he screeched, his voice rising to a fever pitch. “I had them! Do you know how many eons of insufferable boredom I could have blissfully passed through with those imbeciles as my pets?” Vulpuz’s eyes bulged, the veins in his neck pulsating as he gave full vent to his rage. “Curse you, foul and deranged vixen! How could you take this from me?! This was to be my moment of ultimate triumph, the pivotal instance where I, the Great Vulpuz, would steal the very crown of Dark Forest right from under the dripping snouts of those idiotic woodlanders! Why? Why?! What in my name have I ever done to you to deserve this sort of treatment?” The Great Vulpuz scrambled onto his footpaws with erratic urgency. He paused briefly, his chest heaving from the exertion of his outburst.
“I… I have to do something about you. I must do something about you!” Vulpuz’s upper lip curled into a snarl, flecks of spittle falling from his chin. “I… I know you will interfere again… if given the chance.”
The Lady placed one paw on her hip, regarding Vulpuz with mild amusement. “There,” she cooed at him. “You’ve spoken your piece. Tell me, how does the Great Vulpuz feel now?”
The white fox’s entire body shook, and he bent forward at the waist. “Ooooooh, I feel so betrayed,” Vulpuz wailed, his voice almost a sob. He continued to speak aloud to nobeast in particular, his gestures wild and distracted. “How could she do this to me? Me, the ruler of Hellgates? When I knew she had come, I rejoiced, thinking she would join me in my revelry… but, no.” He scuffed at the ground with a vicious kick. “No, no, NO! She protected those miscreants! Hellsteeth! Just thinking about it makes me want to tear myself limb from bloody limb! Augh! And the smell! How noxious and revolting the stench of Dark Forest that clung to their miserable bodies like fine mail!”
A full minute of complete silence elapsed, in which Vulpuz remained hunched over and panting, the inner flames of his fury stoking themselves into an untamable wildfire. Slowly he raised his head, locking eyes with the sole object of his hatred, and in his gaze was the pale light of a cruelty so chilling the Lady flicked one ear in acknowledgement of it.
“I feel… rage.” Vulpuz’s voice had grown deathly quiet. “Rage at the one who took what was mine by right of conquest. How deeply I long to thrash her beyond recompense, to tear out her eyes and commit them to the infernal winds, to defile her adulterous establishment, to completely and utterly…”
He smiled at her.
“… Devour you.”
The reddish light of Hellgates slowly dimmed until the Lady found herself surrounded by complete darkness. Though Vulpuz was unaware of it, she could still see him, his knack for warping appearances having no effect on her. He was laughing now, echoes of maniacal glee ringing about the stone-rimmed clearing.
“I’ve had enough of your kittish antics, vixen,” he admonished. “I will let the stroke of my chisel of anger fall upon you. Haha, finally! You will give me what I desire, and if not, I shall carve it from you by force.”
Four distinct presences manifested themselves to the Lady in the same moment, catching her off guard. Before she could react she was confronted by a heavy whooshing sound, and out of the corner of her eye she saw a great iron war club come barreling down towards her. In an instant there was an answering flash of drawn steel, and Willow Slay stood alongside the Lady, her flawless curved blade effortlessly parrying the fatal strike.
The Lady blinked. “Willow Slay, what in Hellgates are you—!”
The chef of Redwall Hell’s nightclub unceremoniously interrupted her. “My Lady, on your right!”
Out of the darkness snaked a cruel thonged whip, the metal barbs lashed to its ends seeking to tear gaping holes in the Lady’s flesh. Suddenly, the whip caught on an obstruction in its flight path. Nivedita did not even wince as the biting thongs wrapped themselves around her upraised arm. She snarled into the shadows, dislodging the projectiles from her wrist and forearm with a disdainful shake.
“My Lady, are you hurt?” Nivedita turned slightly to catch the eyes of her mistress, the glow from her wounds highlighting the contours of concern etched into her face.
“Well, no,” the Lady blustered, “I am fine… but, you both, I…”
Willow laughed out loud as she deftly tossed her blade to her off paw in order to summon forth a pair of throwing knives. “My Lady, I know you didn’t really expect us to remain at the nightclub while you went off to tango with the old fox. Damn well inconsiderate of you— erm, pardon the language.
“That is, we’d like to tango too, if it’s all right with you,” Nivedita finished sheepishly.
The Lady observed both her steward and chef with wonder. The unlikely pair were peering into the darkness around them, every muscle poised to defend. Very little surprised the Lady, but the loyalties of her most beloved children never ceased to prompt within her a spirit of humble gratitude. She bowed her head before glancing up in Vulpuz’s direction, a tacit gesture of submission.
“I… consider myself thoroughly chastised,” she exhaled, the slightest hint of a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. “Forgive me, Nivedita, Willow, for attempting to deprive you of this honor your both rightfully covet.”
The chef and the steward seemed to swell with pride. Boldly they faced the darkness before them, fearing neither creature nor fate.
“Think nothing of it, my Lady,” declared Willow. She directed her knives to circle in the air above her free paw, the tip of her sword flicking up and down in sync with their rotation. “These blades are yours to command!”
“Yes!” Hope danced in Nivedita’s eyes as she adopted what she thought to be a cool and aggressive combat stance. “Let us fight with you!”
“Shut up, shut up!” Vulpuz roared from his hiding place in the shadows. “How dare you show your faces here, you worthless serfs! I will have nothing to do with you. Amuse yourselves with my right and left paws whilst I entertain your mistress!”
“Ha! Suits me!” Willow Slay scoffed. “I’ll tan any hide what shows its miserable self here! Prepare yourself to receive me, clubface!” Without another word the courageous mink threw herself into the darkness, leading with her blades.
Nivedita’s kind features were set with determination. “For you, my Lady,” she intoned, stepping forth to allow the shadows to swallow her up as well.
The Lady breathed deeply, her all-knowing gaze effortlessly piercing the darkness. She locked eyes with the infuriated ruler of Hellgates and gracefully held out an open paw.
“I am ready, Vulpuz.”
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