#What is AFSPA?
comradejoanmir · 6 months
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metamatar · 10 months
just read someone claim they fled delhi because it was anti muslim to settle in kashmir bc it is advertised for tourism and they didn't know abt the occupation. kashmir is beautiful but the reason tourism is a major industry is because there is no other industry possible under occupation. when you travel to kashmir you need a postpaid sim and the level of security at airports goes up 3x. like how? what? the kashmiri occupation has been ongoing for decades. since 1989. regardless of political persuasion indians are quite aware of the violence in kashmir, its who they side with that changes, militants or the indian army. the exodus of pandits, the protests against afspa, the whole spectacle about stone throwing and human shields. the rounds of unrest in 2010 and 2016, mass protests in the rest of the country for burhan wani. violence after pulwama.
who the hell leaves a major city to go to one of the world's most militarized occupation to be safer? like the only reason to move to kashmir now as a non kashmiri is you buy the settler colonial ideology of replacing kashmiris with loyal indians and want to take advantage of the 2019 annexation permitting non kashmiris to buy land.
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fishyyyyy99 · 8 months
In which world has India "occupied" Kashmir? Kashmir is a part of India which is severely affected by terrorist activity. Many were forced to leave their homes to settle in different parts of India (Kashmir pandits etc). How was that India's fault and not the fault of the country the terrorists came from?
Firstly, I want to make it clear that I do condemn what was done to Kashmiri Pandits. Secondly, I do believe that Kashmir is occupied (that does NOT mean that I don't understand that the geopolitical reality is complex), and that a plebiscite should have been conducted. And I believe that neither India nor Pakistan has been entirely innocent with regard to Kashmir.
My interpretation of the events described below (quoted from the linked articles), is that Kashmir is occupied. And no, they are not my only sources of information - other articles, the Kashmiri woman who came to speak at my university, and a friend of a friend who visited Kashmir and stayed there for a significant period of time (not as a tourist), are also sources of my information on Kashmir.
When India and Pakistan gained independence from British rule in 1947, the various princely rulers were able to choose which state to join. The Maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh, was the Hindu head of a majority Muslim state sandwiched between the two countries and could not decide. He signed an interim "standstill" agreement to maintain transport and other services with Pakistan. In October 1947 tribesmen from Pakistan invaded Kashmir, spurred by reports of attacks on Muslims and frustrated by Hari Singh's delaying tactics. The Maharaja asked for Indian military assistance. India's governor-general, Lord Mountbatten, believed peace would best be served by Kashmir's joining India on a temporary basis, pending a vote on its ultimate status. Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession that month, ceding control over foreign and defence policy to India. Indian troops took two-thirds of the territory, and Pakistan seized the northern remainder. China occupied eastern parts of the state in the 1950s. Whether the Instrument of Accession or the entry of Indian troops came first remains a major source of dispute between India and Pakistan. India insists that Hari Singh signed first, thereby legitimising the presence of their troops. Pakistan is adamant that the Maharaja could not have signed before the troops arrived, and that he and India had therefore ignored the "standstill" agreement with Pakistan. Pakistan demands a referendum to decide the status of Kashmir, while Delhi argues that, by voting in successive Indian state and national elections, Kashmiris have confirmed their accession to India. Pakistan cites numerous UN resolutions in favour of a UN-run referendum, while India says the Simla Agreement of 1972 binds the two countries to solve the problem on a state-to-state basis. There has been no significant movement from these positions in decades. In addition, some Kashmiris seek a third option - independence - which neither India nor Pakistan is prepared to contemplate.
The two countries fought wars over Kashmir in 1947-48 and 1965. They formalised the original ceasefire line as the Line of Control in the Simla Agreement, but this did not prevent further clashes in 1999 on the Siachen Glacier, which is beyond the Line of Control. India and Pakistan came close to war again in 2002. The situation was further complicated by an Islamist-led insurgency that broke out in 1989. India gave the army additional authority to end the insurgency under the controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA). Despite occasional reviews of the AFSPA, it still remains in force in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir.
Today it remains one of the most militarised zones in the world. China administers parts of the territory.
Media in Indian-administered Kashmir are generally split between pro- and anti-secessionist. Local journalists work under strict curfews and also face threats from militant groups. Internet access is sporadic and text messaging services are regularly blocked.
In Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, the media are used mainly for propaganda purposes, mainly to highlight the alleged human rights violations in Indian-administered Kashmir.
Also, I think the following information is relevant too.
The Muslim majority in the princely state found the Maharaja’s reign authoritarian. In the words of Kashmiri author P.N. Bazaz, “Dogra rule has been a Hindu Raj.” Maharaja Hari Singh thought of independence because, according to American Indologist William Norman Brown, “He disliked becoming part of India, which was being democratised, or Pakistan, which was Muslim....”
On August 12, 1947, J&K petitioned India and Pakistan for a standstill agreement, which Pakistan signed but India refused, asking the Maharaja to send a representative for discussions. With every passing day, the Maharaja’s position became more precarious. As early as June 1947, about 60,000 ex-army men (mostly from Poonch) had started a no-tax campaign against the Maharaja. On August 14-15, Muslims in Poonch hoisted Pakistani flags, provoking the imposition of martial law and further angering Muslim subjects. Pakistan was sending warning notes to the Maharaja, one on August 24 reading: “Should Kashmir fail to join Pakistan, the gravest possible trouble will inevitably ensue.” The worst fears of the Dogra ruler came true when on October 22, Pakistan launched Operation Gulmarg by mobilising tribals from the North-West Frontier Province. About 2,000 tribesmen, armed with modern weaponry, raided Muzaffarabad. By the evening of October 23 they had captured Domel. Garhi and Chinari fell over the next two days. Then their main column proceeded towards Uri, and then, along the Jhelum river towards Baramulla, the entry point to Srinagar.
On October 24, Maharaja Hari Singh appealed to India for military aid to flush out the raiders. India obliged but not before the Instrument of Accession was signed on October 26. It limited India’s powers over the Valley to matters of defence, communications, and foreign affairs.
And this is from the Instrument of Accession:
Nothing in this Instrument shall be deemed to commit in any way to acceptance of any future constitution of India or to fetter my discretion to enter into agreement with the Government of India under any such future constitution.
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meetdheeraj · 3 months
There was a terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir (what is the new name after dividing the state into three parts?).
I can see some of you who don't otherwise post “political” opinions about it. Honestly, I'm happy to see all of you sticking your neck out. I'm not suggesting I know better but do you know what terrorism or terrorists mean? Forget dictionary meaning or legal definition. In your head, what does it mean? Is it terrorism when a section of people in Manipur are mercilessly killed, their houses are burnt, women approach police and police hand them to a mob from the majority community and later videos of them being paraded go viral; Is that terrorism? There's murder, burning, rapes and still, it doesn't sound like terrorism. Why is it? Is it because the media is not calling it so? Or because so many of you are not posting “I condemn terrorists rampaging havoc in Manipur”?
Okay. Okay. Manipur is too much stressful. Probably it'll harm your mental health if you start knowing about Manipur. Forget it then.
How about that man in uniform on the train taking his service gun and shooting Muslims while chanting religious and political slogans, is that terrorism? Why do we still not refer to him as a terrorist? We went so far as to call him mental! Not terrorist. He killed people, and chanted religious and political slogans but somehow for you and so many others, his wasn't an act of terror. We know terrorism is bad and terrorists are bad guys. But what exactly is terrorism? And who are terrorists? Should people have to topple a bus to be named terrorists? Should the violence happen in Jammu and Kashmir for it to be termed as terrorism? Like Jats in Haryana or Rajasthan can remove railway tracks while demanding reservations but we don't refer to them as terrorists but a Kashmiri pelting a pebble at an Indian army gunman is definitely termed a terrorist. Perhaps where violence takes place has to do with the definition in your head. If so…
Have you heard of Kunan Poshspora where Indian armed forces carried out mass rapes? Have you heard of that girl in the northeast who had gun wounds in her private regions and traces of semen? Oh, wait! We don't refer to men in uniform as terrorists. They have the legal right to kill and maybe rapes are also allowed under AFSPA. I don't know but I have never heard an armyman tried for it. So who is a terrorist then? My head hurts trying to think about the answer. It appears you all have some clarity on the subject. Unlike me, you don't post regularly. Perhaps your lives are important, you all have life and you all are busy. Once in a while something happens and it shakes you so much that you leave out your “I'm not political” rule and post political opinion. Maybe Palestine is too far for you to bother about but Jammu and Kashmir is a piece of land that belongs to you. I'm still trying to think about how your brain works. What motivates it and why.
On a separate note, I'll not force myself to post any such things. Terrorists will do what they do and are known to do, rapists will rape, thieves will steal, robbers will rob and scammers will scam. It's what they do. It's the job of the media to inform us when so and so happens. And it is the job of the government, and administration to first, stop such things from happening and second, if in case they happen then to investigate, catch and punish the perpetrators. I believe ordinary citizens and people in positions of influence must speak out when people in power aka govt do not do their job. For example, Kashmir is the world's most militarised region. What does that mean? It has the highest ratio of citizens to gunmen. Kashmir is also directly ruled by the Modi govt. Modi hasn't conducted elections there since he divided the state into three regions. Only recently a vehicle full of ammunition was rammed into an army base causing huge damage and embarrassment. How did such a vehicle with such large quantities of arms go past multiple army checkposts? Were army men involved with terrorists to aid them in committing such a heinous crime? We didn't bother to ask Modi these questions and he didn't bother to inform us anyway. We don't know what happened. Then recently some fraud from Gujarat claimed he was close to Modi and was visiting all sensitive army regions. In fact, he was taken around by Indian army officials. What kind of security does the Indian army have? What sort of verification procedures. No one asked, and no one answered. Modi demonetised and created havoc with the Indian economy but told us it broke the backbone of terrorism in Kashmir. There was the abrogation of article 370 defended on the same lines. So how's it still happening? Who is letting it happen? Is the Indian army incompetent? Or is Modi not letting them function? Do you want Modi to answer these questions or do you want to forget and wait until it repeats?
Here's a bit of truth. The reason why you post this is because it aligns with your politics. You're political. No one's apolitical. Your endgame is demonising a community. You're not bothered about lives lost. If you did, you would have spoken about Manipur, or about multiple Muslims murdered on Indian streets and video-graphed. A cabinet minister nonetheless went and garlanded convicts of lynching cases. Don't forget. Or when the rapists of Bilkis Bano were released by the Modi govt just before the Gujarat elections. Hindu organisations welcomed them with garlands and honoured them on a stage. Nice photographs. See. You're not bothered about rapes and deaths of people. You don't care who was killed in Jammu and Kashmir. You have a carefully curated politics in your head. You know it's awful. That's why you want to pretend apolitical about other matters where posting about it does not align with your politics. But here, you have to post. You don't want to lose the chance to dehumanise a community. Subtle huh?
I'm not suggesting you should not post. Please do. But also invest some time into thinking why are you bothering to post about it. Are you trying to inform your followers? Why? Is it because the media is not covering it? It actually is. Media didn't cover Manipur, Brijbhushan, Prajwal Devanna etc., but then you kept quiet. So why are you posting? Are you feeling sad? You are against terrorism and you want to tell it to your followers? What kind of followers do you have that think anyone would be in favour of terrorism? Aren't we all against violence, rape, child marriages, slavery etc? Are you trying to say yes? But read again, it doesn't appear like you are against rape and murder, right? That's what perplexes me.
Lastly, "all eyes on.." is copy of "All eyes on Rafah". Do you understand what it implies? With respect to Palestinian atrocities, the aim or charge was that Israel is killing people and administration (in this case everyone from UN, world powers etc have failed to stop the genocide) and because they have failed we need more eyeballs to force their attention onto the ongoing massacre. In case of Jammu and Kashmir then, who are we saying has failed? Who is in charge here? Who was supposed to stop terrorism? Who is supposed to find and charge terrorists? Narendra Modi right? So are you saying the god that you otherwise praise unlimitedly has failed to do his job? Again? If that was the case you would target Modi, ask him what is he doing? What did he do last time that terrorists could strike again? Well well well, you see, you're not asking that.
Anyway, good luck with your non-consequential outrage whose only aim is to foster animosity between two communities which is exactly also what fundamentalists and terrorists want. The same thing Modi tried throughout his election campaign. You all want same same thing. For both to hate each other.
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tachfan · 1 year
What is AFSPA Full Form? AFSPA का मतलब क्या होता है? जाने AFSPA के बारे में….
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blogynewz · 1 year
"Unveiling the Secret: Government Extends Controversial AFSPA in Arunachal and Nagaland! What Hidden Truths Lie Behind This Six-Month Extension?"
The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, which designates certain areas as “disturbed” to aid security forces, has been extended in parts of Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland. Under this act, armed forces personnel have extensive powers to search, arrest, and use force if necessary for maintaining public order in these areas. The AFSPA has been in effect in select districts and police stations in both…
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newsmrl · 1 year
Know what is the controversial law AFSPA implemented in Assam since 1990, which Assam CM Himanta Biswa is planning to withdraw
AFSPA can be removed from Assam soon, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa was addressing the Commandant’s Conference on Monday. He said the move would facilitate the deployment of Assam Police battalions in place of the Central Armed Police Forces or CAPFs. AFSPA, the controversial law in force in Assam since 1990, gives security forces the power to crack down and arrest anyone without a warrant.…
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harpianews · 3 years
Nagaland Civil Murders: Agatha Sangma Demands Removal Of AFSPA In Lok Sabha
Nagaland Civil Murders: Agatha Sangma Demands Removal Of AFSPA In Lok Sabha
Bringing Security Forces 14 civilians killed In Nagaland’s Mon district over the weekend, National People’s Party MP Agatha Sangma called for repeal of the “draconian” Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act in the Lok Sabha during Zero Hour. “This is not the first time that such an incident has happened where innocent citizens had to bear the brunt of harsh laws like AFSPA. It also reminds us of an…
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Demands for the repeal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) [AFSPA] continued on Tuesday, days after the security forces killed at least 14 civilians in Nagaland. While National People’s Party leader (NPP) and MP from Meghalaya Agatha Sangma made the demand in parliament, the Nagaland cabinet decided at a meeting that it would write to the Union government and ask for the law to repealed. (...)
Sangma said that the reason why AFSPA was enacted in 1958 was to ensure that insurgency is stopped in the Northeast but it has not been able to do that. “Instead what it has done is that it has caused civilians to be unfairly tortured, raped and killed." (...)
The 14 civilians were killed in related incidents of firing on Saturday and Sunday. The first incident, in which six civilians were killed, occurred when the security forces apparently mistook coal mine workers returning home in a pick-up van on Saturday evening for insurgents belonging to the Yung Aung faction of the banned NSCN(K). After the workers failed to reach their homes, local youth and villagers went to look for them and surrounded Army vehicles. In the ensuing clash, one soldier was killed and Army vehicles were burnt. Soldiers opened fire in ‘self-defence’, killing seven more civilians.
8 Dec 2021. For further reading would recommend Morung Express, a Nagaland-based newspaper, which is doing really good reporting on survivor testimony and false news trying to justify the Indian military's actions.
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carminavulcana · 5 years
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I have no idea what the revocation of articles 370 and 35-A will mean. But I am uncomfortable and scared. There can be no forced integration and true integration cannot happen without justice.
Are the thousands of human rights complaints in Kashmir finally going to be investigated?
Will the perpetrators of Kunan Pushpora be booked for their crimes?
Will AFSPA be removed ?
Will the half-widows of J&K finally know what became of their husbands?
Will the young people of Kashmir be treated like our own or will every incident like Pulwama trigger violence against them like it happened in February?
These are the difficult questions. Do they have answers?
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jasooskutty · 5 years
A Malayalee Hindu’s Confession on Citizenship Bill
The Citizenship Amendment Bill is now law. Many of my colleagues on twitter say they feel sad, scared, angry, disappointed. I feel no such emotion.
And why should I? It doesn’t affect me. I am a Hindu. I don't know why Muslims are upset. They are not losing citizenship or anything.
And these protests in the Northeast! To be honest, where is the Northeast? It seems somewhere back of the beyond. I have never been there. I don’t see the region becoming a job hub in the foreseeable future. If and when I go, it will be as a tourist. I will click a few photos to keep at home, a reminder of a good trip.
To be honest I don’t know how many states are there in the Northeast. That would be an exaggeration, there are Seven Sisters. Is Sikkim one of the sisters or a distant cousin or neither? I don’t know.
I learnt the capitals of the seven states to score marks in GK. That done, I readily forgot them the moment I passed out.    
I mean who cares about the Northeast? If it wasn’t for the blank cheque, err passport, for illegal Hindu immigrants and a babaji ka thullu, isn’t that what Kapil Sharma says, for illegal Muslim immigrants, we wouldn’t be wasting any airtime or ink on the Northeast.
You don’t believe me?
Manipur was blockaded for nearly 5 months - that is almost half the year - a couple of years ago. Did anyone notice it? Did anyone cover the news?
Irom Sharmila, a resident of Manipur, was on a hunger strike for 16 years demanding removal of AFSPA. Hardly anyone noticed. AFSPA is still in force in Manipur. Irom just gave up her fight and got married. Her wedding made more headlines than the fast. BTW, she also lost an election somewhere in between. It would be wrong to say nothing fruitful came out of Irom’s hunger strike. A few people wrote her biographies and she got the title ‘Iron Lady’.
This is how much we Indians care for the Northeast.
I don’t know much about CAB, but what I know is it was in the BJP’s manifesto and the party swept the Northeast. It means the people of the region want the law, right? I may be wrong, but I have already admitted I give a damn about the place.
That is not to say I am a heartless soul. I have deep affection for people and things Northeastern. Just like I relish Hyderabadi biryani and mutton kababs, I like momos and red chutney. They are good touchings for rum. Not to speak of the people. They make for wonderful drinking buddies.
Now you know why I don’t feel sad, scared, angry or disappointed over the citizenship bill.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has mastered one trick. Us versus them. And this ‘us’ is always a lot more significant in numbers than the ‘them’.
At some point, the party’s gaze will turn to Kerala. It fits the bill. Small state. Sizeable Muslim population. Just 20 Lok Sabha seats which the party anyway doesn’t win. It could come in the form of a countrywide beef ban for example. Us versus them.
That is when I will feel sad, scared, angry, disappointed.
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niryumnam · 4 years
At last she gathered her strength. She could no longer wait for God's hands to strike. Whatever needed had to be done by her alone. She knew this would be her lot. Neither could she kill herself nor the child. But one fact, she could not ignore, "What's the baby's fault?"
Amen's house was on the foothill near the Army colony. The armies were stationed for maintaining peace and order in disturbed areas under Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA). Amen's district was also under AFSPA. Nonetheless, her father owned a small shop selling paan, cigarette and grocery items. Amen was helping her father taking the shifts when her father had to run errand here and there outside the village. Morning seemed very hectic and it's the best time to sell their items to the armies. The father and she became fast acquainted with the neighbouring armies. But there was one particular army officer who visited their shop everyday buying most of the items pleasing her father. They smoked and ate paan together. Sometimes her father asked her to make red tea and give it to the man. Whenever, Amen came out of the room, the man's eyes fell on her beautiful and blooming body. She knew he was observing her surreptitiously. She could feel his lusty eyes where, if given, could anytime devour his prey like a hungry predator. Her father too, no doubt, sometimes felt the furnitive nature of the officer. But unable to defy since his and the whole village's welfare was completely on the hands of these armies.
Time passed by. One day, when Amen was alone where her father went for an important errand, the man sprung out of nowhere. As if he had been waiting for this thing to happen. He didn't want to spoil this opportunity. He knew this would be the last chance and if he missed this time, nothing would ever happen again. Then, atlast, he mustered up his strength to lure the tender deer who had just explored the world. After, he enquired about her father. Amen told him her father left for another village. And she was about to close the shop for the day. She knew she lied but this is the only means she was left with. Her house stood alone far away from other houses in the village. The nearby houses were atleast two kilometers away. Anything happened remained unknown lest accidentally some passersby noticed. Today, Amen's lot could be determined only if a passerby from the nearby village came for collecting some firewoods from the adjacent woods who happened to hear or witness some unwanted screams. Yet, this time, nobody passed her house to stop such incident. She was trapped in the hands of a monster.
"This is it, this is what I have been waiting for all my life, the man thought."
"Can I have a glass of water?"
Amen was a bit reluctant but she went inside the room. The man followed her to the room.
"Why are you following me? Please wait outside."
The man ignored what she said.
"I insist you must wait outside."
The man still ignored and followed her to the room.
Next minute, the room was filled with clanging noise and at last the muffled sound. How many times she shouted and screamed, nobody heard except the man. Now, everything's over. There was no use of shouting and screams, she knew. She was lying on the bed lifelessly when the man pulled himself and left the room composedly.
Days passed, months passed. Amen was no longer herself. Her father couldn't do anything. They could not even complain since AFSPA was there. On suspection, any one could be arrested or shot at sight. Such was the law and nobody was ready to face this Act. Everyone was living as living dead with no rational thoughts as if nothing happened under the roof of this Act. As usual, the man still visited and bought paan and cigarette. Amen was hiding her body inspite of the fact that what was throbbing inside her was the man's own blood. The man knew what was going on Amen's life but he acted innocence as if he didn't commit the crime. Since, the Act allowed him and other like him to commit the act without hesitance. Such was the beauty of the Act.
One day, she decided to go to the upstream river and finish what was started nine months ago. She went up and held the baby about to hurl to the raging river. Shockingly, the child looked into her eyes and smiled back. The innocence of a child could be seen in any child no matter how sinful the act was, Amen realised.
"Is it the baby's fault, she asked?"
And holding the baby tight, she cried, oh, "my baby."
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meetdheeraj · 5 years
Kashmir was never a federal state like others. It was and continuous to be a military occupation (with increased troops now, one gunman to 10 civilians). Now it has lost even the facade of being an independent state. And we are told Kashmiris are real people. If they are real people like mainland Indians, why does military occupy civilian spaces there? When are we scrapping AFSPA? You have numbers now. You can do anything. Democracy, those who have read would know isn't about numbers but doing what is right even if in the eyes of majority it is wrong. It is about morality.
Yesterday we went back on a constitutional promise. A promise made by none other than Sardar Patel. The meeting on Article 370 was held at his residence. Minister without portfolio Diwan Bahadur Sir Narasimha Ayyangar Gopalaswami Ayyangar sent his notes from this meeting to Sardar Patel saying Nehru will issue the letter to Sheikh Abdullah of Kashmir only after his approval. And Patel did send his approval. Yes, the same Sardar on whose statue we spent 3000 crores on.
What's stopping the authoritarian state from removing AFSPA if they consider Kashmir as just another state and Kashmiris like any mainland citizens? The majoritarian state has already made people in Assam prove their citizenship by piece of paper as old as 48 years (You have to prove that your ancestors entered India before March 24, 1971 and even that's not enough; it is just one of the many conditions). They've already excluded Christians and Muslims from citizenship bill. They have passed law that makes possible declaring individual as terrorists. They have passed bill that gives extra powers to NIA undermining federalism. All these without proper discussion and without sending these bills to standing committees. These committees exist to ensure all possible scenarios are thought through, that laws are made on data and facts and not mere conviction. We saw what happened with demonetisation. In democracy state isn't supposed to act in secrecy. Remember, citizens chose their government. We are the masters not subjects.Make no mistake, like in Emergency, everything yesterday and before was done legally. State leaders were arrested, communication lines were cut. And our tv channels repeated Amit Shah's lines that Kashmiris were happy. With internet shut down, cable pulled off, there was just no way Kashmiris even knew what had just occurred. But we were told they were happy and we believed because it went with our biases. Hurray! Nobody is interested to know what Kashmiris want. We never asked them or cared to know how it feels to live under perennial military occupation. How many of us fear going to a police station or even when a policeman is near us? Imagine living under the constant shadow of gunmen. A state was declared union territory without consent of the state. A state was bifurcated without its consent. And we are celebrating this? It looks like we have come to a point where we will celebrate anything that comes from this govt and TV screens (which again are copy of what this govt says). We have left our brains in freezers, we no more read, we no more think, we only parrot what state and its mouthpieces say. We find reasons to defend rapists now, reasons to defend people who take out rallies for rapists, we tell ourselves rape is impossible to have happened inside a temple because well, we want to believe it and a news anchor is telling us so, despite all the evidence proving otherwise. We've closed our minds. Stopped thinking. Conscience, forget it, is long dead anyway. 
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univcrse · 5 years
That blog is disgusting. They were initially painted as a blog who were all about equality and love, but that is merely their cover/device to manipulate their followers. I used to follow them back when I thought they were okay
lmao I fucking hate thisiseverydayracism. it’s absolutely disgusting that they masquerade as an anti-racism blog but are literally just hindu supremacists. idk if they’re an nri or what because no fucking way can a hindu living in India think we’re an oppressed minority lmao. I’m sick and tired of reactionary fucks who just cherry pick historical violence to justify their sick narratives and praise what modi is doing in kashmir. literally no matter how you spin it you cannot change the fact that the bjp is an OPENLY hindu supremacist party that fucking came into existence because they were so intent on their radical ideal of a hindu rastra (hindu nation) back when popular support was for the more moderate, secular parties. and this party that is openly affiliated with violence against religious minorities is now unilaterally changing the status of a muslim majority state and has imposed a communications blackout on them while sending in troops (when indian troops have a history of unchecked violence in distrubed regions- read up about AFSPA human rights violations in the north east)…
It’s absolutely horrific that people are celebrating this in India. everyone who fucking voted them into the lok sabha as the majority gave them the power to pass not only this bill, but also bills that harm the hijra (trans) community and bills that allow them to declare and detain individuals as terrorists. ive grown up watching hindu nationalism become more and more normalized until it’s the fucking norm and it’s so sickening. there’s literally no check on their power and all of modis aggressive publicity stunts get him so much praise from everyone from bollywood celebrities to ordinary people. it’s literally insane how people are so brainwashed and hateful
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mankavitlawacademy · 2 years
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What happens when saviour becomes the destroyer ? -Malom Massacre, 10 killed -1994 Fake Assam encounter, 9 killed -Sophian Fake Encounter, 3 killed - Nagaland Mon Encounters, 14 killed. & countless other instances. Legal sanction to Fake encounters on the pretext of protection ? Comment your views below. . . . . . #afspa #northeast #northeastindia #india #law #lawstudent #legalknowledge #army #specialpowers #specialpower #centralgovetment #encounter #sevensisters #supremecourtofindia #constitution #constitutionality #legalknowhow #llmentrance #clatpg2023 #clatpg2023preparation #onlinecoaching #onlinecoachingforllm #coachingforllmentrance #coachingforllm #ailetpg2023 #mankavitlawacademy #llmentrance #llmonlinecoaching #llmonline https://www.instagram.com/p/CiHtBIjpgWS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thenorthlines · 3 years
AFSPA: Repeal Won't Change Anything
AFSPA: Repeal Won’t Change Anything
AAKAR PATEL The army has been left to do justice to itself for crimes it is accused of committing against civilians. As a force inside the government, obviously it will want that there be no intrusion into what they do, asserts Aakar Patel. The killing of 14 Indians by the army in Nagaland has resurrected the demand for the repeal of AFSPA, the Armed Forces Special Powers Act. Two North East…
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