#What's the other thing you can do in the US besides marriage? A civil partnership? Maybe they had something like that
solradguy · 2 years
You know, we all make jokes about Sol/Frederick and Jack-O'/Aria being married (myself included), but they never actually refer to Aria as Frederick's wife in Begin (or anywhere else, afaik) and definitely not with Jack-O' anywhere.
I think the closest they got with Aria has been 恋人 (koibito; lover/boyfriend/girlfriend), which was kinda tricky to render in English when it was used gender neutrally. I ended up translating it as "partner" at least once for the Begin translation.
#textpost#I don't think saying they're married is bad just that it's an interesting point I haven't seen anyone mention before#It makes me wonder if maybe they would've gotten married if the Gear cell research thing didn't go sideways#But since Aria was apparently terminally ill maybe they decided not to?#We also don't know very much about how the culture of the world changed post-Dawn of Revival#Since they were in America maybe it would've been just a simple court marriage instead of a big elaborate one#I can't see either of them being into something that flamboyant haha Especially not Frederick#But I don't think we know how long they had been dating either? I'd have to double check that#Frederick got torn tf up for like 100+ years over what happened to Aria though so I'm gonna assume they were together for a while#I'm very interested in that period of GG lore between the years 2000 to 2016 (Dawn of Revival and the events of Begin)#What's the other thing you can do in the US besides marriage? A civil partnership? Maybe they had something like that#Since Frederick/Sol is based on Freddie Mercury so much maybe if Sol is also Parsi then maybe their marriage would've been-#-something related to that culture or perhaps blended with Aria's?#I don't know very much about Parsi culture but must cultures have something similar to a marriage or partnership bonding ceremony-#-so I'm sure it does too#Anyway it's kind of fun to think about!!#Ah typos in the tags... I'm on mobile and can't edit them. RIP
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woman-loving · 3 years
marital commitments between couple and society
I wanted to share another selection from Let Our Voices Be Heard! Christian Lesbians in Europe Telling their Stories, edited by Randi O. Solberg, 2004.
This contribution describes the commitments involved in a lesbian couple’s approaching civil partnership and why they wanted to mark it with a Christian ceremony attended by family and friends. While I don’t think I share their outlook on marital partnership or coupling, I did think their vision of the meaning of their civil partnership was very sweet and potentially inspiring. They saw their partnership as one of many commitments, made distinct by its social and spiritual dimensions. It was a commitment not just from one individual to the other, but also between the couple and society, and between the couple and God (with God making a reciprocal commitment to the couple). I like to recognize the social dimension of partnerships and marriage, because the selective recognition/imposition versus denial of social meaning to kinship bonds is a method for social control and oppression.
The authors described their commitment to society in terms of building a “fruitful” relationship that can contribute to the betterment of society:
We wanted to state our love before those close to us--families and friends--and to affirm that our relationship could be fruitful in its own way, that it could contribute to building the society and the church in which we live. [...]
We are asking society to meet us as a couple; what can we bring to society in return? How do we, a lesbian couple, want to work on its construction and evolution? It is perhaps there that our future commitments will be.
Lesbian couples have often been denied legitimacy on the basis that they can not be “fruitful” in the reproductive sense, and I wouldn’t agree that the legitimacy or significance of a couple relationship must be measured by its productivity or utility to “society.” However, I also think that creativity and working to achieved valued goals can be significant sources of joy, and I was charmed by the idea of partnerships being creative and expressing social values/visions in this way.
“Our Commitment,” Bénédicte and Marie-Noëlle, Roman Catholic
Translated from French to English by Rosemary Johnson Part I en II revised by Randi O. Solberg Final proofreading by Klaus Braun
Part I: a testimony
The testimony that we are going to present to you is a personal witness, which of course will not apply to everyone nor everywhere.
We have been asked to give a testimony about commitment, in the sense of a promise. For us, this promise will take the form of a PaCS [PaCS is the abbreviation of pacte civil de solidarité (’civil pact of solidarity’) and is the French name for a registered civil partnership], which we have planned for 2002.
In the course of this testimony, we are going to try to show you how the commitment about which we will talk to you is not a ‘one-off’, is not ‘unique’. That is to say, we are not talking about a single commitment, but multiple commitments, because one commitment leads to another, then another, then yet another... All of these were--and still are--taking us towards creating the relationship which we are today living together, because we have made this choice rather than that choice, made this commitment rather than that one. Our life together has taken certain turns in the past, which have resulted in us now being where we are, and will influence where we go in the future. All this has happened continuously, and not just continuously but progressively. It is not one PaCS, on one particular day, but a further step among so many others in our relationship.
We have thought of our relationship, from its beginning, as something that could endure. Neither of us wanted just an affair. We both went to the David and Jonathan women’s weekend, three years ago. We took the time, first, to get to know each other, to know each others’ views of life; spending time together, experiencing events together. We both wanted to be sure that this would work out, that we had compatible personalities, that we had points in common; and then that we had also some points of divergence which, in truth, would permit us to progress with and through each other. Little by little, we were able to check that being together, living and building something together seemed possible, seemed more and more possible, even though, of course, one is never one hundred percent sure.
We thus started to commit ourselves to each other.
The first commitment was to declare ourselves to each other, to launch into telling each other our feelings, touching each other, giving ourselves up to each other... with the risk of being rejected. Already, we needed to have mutual trust, to have confidence in the other’s reaction, whatever that should be: that she is not making fun of me, that she will not be angry, even if she does not feel the same emotions as me; while hoping very much that the response will be what one expects...
The second big commitment was to move in together.
We ran the risk of conflict, because living together is to expose one’s day-to-day habits to each other; it’s to become aware that I am not her and she is not me, that my wishes are not necessarily hers. It is to share lots of things together, as many things as possible, along with the day-to-day and the danger of routine.
And then, moving in together is to reveal ourselves to our friends and neighbors; in an unofficial but noticeable manner, we make ourselves known as a couple. This reinforces our mutual commitment, one to the other. But not so much towards the world outside. At that stage of our commitments, the world outside, that is, ‘Society’, only exists in what it can bring us, and not in what we can bring to it.
Finally, living together is of course, once more, to run the risk that it will not work out. It signals to the other that you love her, and that you are ready to run this risk for her but also for yourself.
There! Already in these first commitments, in the testimony which we’re writing for you about them, we have often used the word ‘risk’. Maybe it’s because to make commitments to each other is to take risks; risks which are useful because they let us demonstrate what is important to us. That is, to express what we are living, what we have now been feeling for some time, and to be able to move on to another step.
Now, we’ve been living together for two years and we’ve reached another step, obviously, and it is our third commitment: we have decided to get PaCSed. But, there is for us an essential difference between this commitment and the previous ones. Up to now, our commitments have been in the form of one to the other. They were individual commitments of me to you and of you to me. Now, we’re moving to another dimension. It is not better, it is not worse: it is different. We were (and we still are, besides), individuals. Now, we are entering the realm of the collective. it is a commitment of our couples vis à vis the community which is society. Because it would be possible for us to go to court on the quiet, and give our little piece of paper to the nice lady from Office Number Something. But that would not have been very sensible or interesting. You see, we want to give it another dimension over and above the simply practical considerations. So, on this occasion, we want to introduce two specific times:
The first is the PaCS itself, a social and legal act. The second is a celebration which would let us put ourselves in the sight of God and of the Church, without for all that imitating marriage.
For the PaCS itself, we want to be surrounded by our close friends and family. There have to be people as witnesses, we speak our piece and will be accountable to society (via our friends, our families...) for our actions, for what we have built together and what we will yet build. At the same time, society takes note of this joint declaration. It is our couple meeting society and society meeting our couple. It is to commit ourselves to each other before society. It is a step taken by two. We want to make our commitment at a given time and for the future, because we believe we have a future together. We want to say in front of other people that we love each other, and that our relationship can be fruitful and bring a lot to society and why not?--and we want this to be in church, because we want a Christian celebration, a time of prayer and reflection.
For us, this celebration will be the occasion of a strongly spiritual commitment, which will bring together all the aspects of our current and past commitments. It will involve an implication of Me to You, of You to Me, of Us to God and God to Us. I insist on things being reciprocal. For we are there in a relationship, and there is no relationship, or building of a relationship, except in reciprocity. God is a witness to our commitment of one to the other, and we are making our commitment before God. It is the same for the Christian community present with us on that day, because they are also the representatives of the Living God on Earth.
There, we want to make our commitment in the sense of a promise, of something sacred. It is also for this that we want to take the time for ritual. Through this ritual, we are entering the realm of the sacred, into another dimension by making our commitment in the sight of others, of third parties: our families, friends, society, and finally God. The ritual is what makes one day different from all the other days. It’s a passage, a transition. It’s the completion of one stage and the beginning of another by assembling the people who are important for us. This is why we are planning to get PaCSed next year, only because we want our close families to be there and they are not all ready to take this step, so we are leaving a bit of time for them to get there more serenely.
In conclusion, we would like to say that our commitment will not stop with this future PaCS. It is always there to be renewed and always renewable. Other commitments will surely follow, in the same way that this one has followed from our past commitments. Not to consider this commitment and the future commitments which will follow on from it would not be honest to ourselves, nor to the people who surround us and who have been witnesses since our meeting to the relationship that has grown between us. We think and believe it will be necessary to make still further commitments; otherwise, our shared history would have reached its conclusion. We are asking society to meet us as a couple; what can we bring to society in return? How do we, a lesbian couple, want to work on its construction and evolution? It is perhaps there that our future commitments will be.
Part II: Of the good will of God
(One year later, after the celebration of the PaCS)
This summer, on the 27th July 2002, we got PaCSed. For us, this was an important commitment. It brought us out of an unofficial ‘private’ relationship, and into an official ‘public’ relationship. It was, and it is, a commitment of our couple toward society. We would have been able to go discreetly to the court, to make our pledges to the Clerk of the Court: it’s true, we could have done that. But in our eyes, that would not have made sense, and moreover, had very little interest or place in our lives. No! We wanted to give this PaCS another dimension besides the practical considerations and the tax advantages. We wanted to state our love before those close to us--families and friends--and to affirm that our relationship could be fruitful in its own way, that it could contribute to building the society and the church in which we live.
We both came from very faithful, church-going families and our faith is firmly rooted in each of us. It was thus inconceivable to us that we shouldn’t place ourselves in the sight of God. This is why we wanted a Christian celebration of our PaCS, a time of prayer and reflection, surrounded by the people we love. It was important to do this with others, to declare our joy before them and with them. That is a part of the ritual. It is through this that we enter the realm of the sacred, another dimension. Ritual, that’s what makes one day different from all the other days. It’s a passage, a transition. In any case, this celebration was not an end in itself. It was, and must be, only one step (however exceptional!) along our path into the world and the future.
This celebration was the occasion of a strongly spiritual commitment. Testimonies, readings and songs followed each other in order, telling the direction of our individual lives, of our life as a couple, of our difference. God was indeed a witness to our commitment on that day, present in all the faces which surround us, but also in the love shown by those who were not there, for whom this celebration was too difficult to live through. But in the course of this time of prayer and sharing, our union was not blessed. Only our lockets, symbols of this commitment, were blessed. As much as giving thanks to God for the happiness he gives us seemed essential to us, so the blessing of our union did not: in any case, not in this rigid form imposed by Catholic ritual. the blessing of our lockets, wasn’t this a simple question for God? ‘If you indeed wish it...’
And if God did indeed wish it, he surely did it... but at least, he would have done it of his own free will, without human religion coming to interfere. We did not need to have this certainty. It was enough for us to know that he loves us and to thank him for this life which he has given us to share together.
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Day #20: My Head And My Heart Are Caught In Between
Another planet to land and another chance for shenanigans. I just want all of you to know, I actually can’t write romance that well. I never went on a date and I’ve been scarred by YouTube on the idea of dating. Please, shoot me what I did wrong on ask.
Crosshair and Fennec were waiting patiently to land in their current planetary destination. The main city was packed from what they were seeing waiting up in space. After the whole “Getting lost in the unknown regions” thing, Crosshair thought it would be a great idea for Fennec and him to go bounty hunting in a city. Korkie readily agreed much to Crosshair’s surprise, but Fennec knew what was up.
His and Fennec’s talk about his sexuality made him question things. Currently, Korkie was trying his hardest to hide from Crosshair despite wanting to be closer to him. It was not his fault since Fennec was the one who brought it up and from her perspective, Korkie might not have any ideas on dating men. Especially since he was force to accept the idea that he has to have a wife.
“I’m going to wake up Korkie,” Crosshair said.
“Why?” Fennec asked. “You always let him sleep until his visions were done.”
“Maybe, but it’s been almost an hour since we’ve waited. I’m getting tired of waiting for their karking asses to think and give us a hanger.”
“Okay, but I don’t think he’s in the bunk.”
“I know, he’s been avoiding me.”
Fennec gasped. She knows by now that Crosshair has great eyesight, but whenever Korkie was doing something, Crosshair merely shrugged it off. They had their boundaries and accepted it.
“Are you mad?” Fennec asked.
“No,” he answered. “I mean, I did to him once. You were there and you know it means somethings up.”
“Maybe he’s embarrassed that I told you you saved his life.”
“Maybe, but he’s saved my life and I never avoided him.”
“Well, maybe it’s just that Korkie was having a fight with his great-something grandfather and he didn’t fight for Clan Kryze. He fought for someone who’s not even fully Mandalorian. That sounds embarrassing? Right?”
Crosshair shrugged and left the cockpit for the bunks. Fennec bit her lower lip. She promised to keep both conversations secret and now look where it landed her. One was questioning everything he thought about his partnership, and the other was too dense to realize what might be wrong with the other person. Maybe Fennec should have not said anything to the both of them, but she just wanted to be there for both Crosshair and Korkie. Crosshair because he is her mentor and Korkie for being a family figure after years of being alone.
Fennec sighed and did nothing. Those two will figure it out on their own. They always did.
Crosshair was at Korkie’s main bunk and sighed. He knows there was another, more secretive room in the ship. When he questioned Korkie about why his bed wasn’t wet from the tears he produced because of the visions, Korkie said it was because he had used the Kryze secret bedroom. Which was all he said. Korkie didn’t tell him where it was, or if it had a password, he just said there was another room.
Which means Crosshair started knocking the wall at the end of the bunks. He thought it was weird that the top of the ship seemed long when the cockpit and the sleeping area were smaller in the inside. He heard a shallow knock and smirked. The secret room was behind the wall. Yet, he still had no idea how to get to Korkie so he did the next best thing. Bang on the wall until Korkie hears at least one knock.
The problem? Korkie heard all the knocks. He was in his visions watching some past Jedi and Mando fights when his visions felt a disturbance in the real world. He knew only one person was willing to wake him up and Korkie groaned in fear. He wished he never said anything about his sexuality to Fennec because now he’s having some issues being next to Crosshair. 
He wanted to hold Crosshair’s hands. Cook a feast for him and act like a nurse when he needs to. Buy Crosshair the best clothes fit for the best sniper. Buy the best blasters and rifles for the best sniper. Kiss-----
Korkie jolted up from the visions and back to the real world. 
“NO,” he thought. “I like Cross as a partner. I don’t like him as a future husband!”
Korkie groaned as he sunk into his king-sized bed. Why did husband get into his? 
Oh right, Lagos. He did like Lagos in the past, but they both knew even if they were to be married, it wouldn’t be filled with much love. Their marriage would have been political in all and she wouldn't have a chance to be in love with her true fated spouse. She was the first person he told about liking men and she didn’t say anything after he told her. Maybe it was the fact that mere days later Mandalore got into a Civil War, but Lagos became distant to him and they never truly got to mend things. 
Maybe it was his fault that he keeps telling girls about liking guys, but can whoever controls life give him a break for once in his love life? He hasn’t met many men to have a good crush and them and the one person he might have a crush on is also the the guy to almost sold him to the Saxons. 
The knocking kept coming and Korkie just wanted to stay in bed. He didn’t want to look at Crosshair for obvious reasons. He knows Crosshair knows somethings. He knows he might have to reveal the passcode to the bedroom. He knows the instant Crosshair sees him acting up and going to the bedroom he’ll have no peace.
Korkie took the second option. There was laundry chute near the bed for the dirty laundry. He ran to the laundry chute and went into a pile of dirty laundry. Crosshair’s laundry. He shriek and fell down when he got up. Both him and the bin went to the floor. 
“Need help?” Crosshair said as he held out a hand. 
He heard the familiar cry of a Korkie and guessed where he could have landed. Korkie was blushing mad, but he took it. He knows he was blushing, and taking his partner’s hand wouldn’t hurt as much as landing in the laundry.
“You know,” Crosshair started again. “I was wondering why there was a chute. Now I understand. It’s for royals who love to keep codes of secret rooms.”
“I need my sleep,” Korkie stammered. 
“You were okay sleeping close to me.”
“I wanted privacy.”
“Korkie,” Crosshair cooed as he placed a hand on the royal’s shoulder. “Are avoiding me and being a hypocrite?”
“You said we can talk it out and those bastards in that planet won’t let us land for now. Let’s talk.”
Korkie didn’t want to, but he didn’t want to be a hypocrite to Crosshair. They went to the kitchen and Crosshair asked him to make deserts. Crosshair was beginning to have a sweet tooth due to Korkie and they both knew it. Korkie went to create desert in silence until they were sitting at the table.
“What happened?” Crosshair asked.
“I’ve never had a close relationship with a men before,” Korkie blurted.
Korkie looked at Crosshair for any reaction, but he just shrugged.
“What about that Amis guy?” he pointed out. “You said you used to be his friend.”
“That was all it was. A friendship.”
“And what makes us different?”
“You’re willing to talk to me like this. He never did and I had was afraid to talk to  Soniee and Lagos like this.”
“Soniee was more like Amis in a talking sense, and Lagos was... Lagos.”
“Bad breakup?”
“Almost engagement. Not that I had a choice in the matter.”
“Sad, but why do this? This is like what? The third time?”
“I guess I never knew I would act like this. I’m surprised by myself also and I’m truly feeling like I’m figuring myself outside of being ‘Korkie Kryze’ and just being Korkie.”
“Korkie, you really are just like a kid finally being thrown into the real world. Yet, I understand. I thought I was never going to leave Kamino because of being myself. Now, I’m here and with you.”
“And you’re stuck with me.”
“I told Lagos I might like men once. She and I never patched things up and just became distant. Then again, Death Watch turned Mandalore to a battleground and she wasn't even there when I was exiled.”
“Thank the Maker you dodge a bullet. If she can’t accept you, you can’t be with her.”
“You’re not ashamed of me? Of my sexuality?”
“No. I like men too. Maybe it’s because life’s too short or the fact that I’ve always been next to men all my life, but I’m not ashamed to say if I had to kiss a man, then I’d do it. Besides, there might be men that can please me better than women.”
“Not that I had slept with anyone. The entire world hates clones and I’m not always filled with credits.”
“I don’t hate clones.”
“Which is why I like our partnership.”
Fennec came onto the scene and whined. She loves Korkie’s desert, but she just missed something possibly more juicy than his fruit deserts. Yet, that is not the point.
“We’re clear for landing,” she announced. “I put us in autopilot and we’ll be landing shortly.”
“Good,” Korkie said. “I can’t wait for your next successful bounty.”
“Yes,” Crosshair agreed. “Also, Korkie you’re going to have to stay here. This planet has too many ship thieves and you’re good at blasting.”
“Fine, but bring me back a souvenir.”
Crosshair nodded as the ship landed. Fennec Shand was ready to shine once again.
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I was wondering what your thoughts on Pope Francis and how he has said that same-sex civil unions are okay. I thought it was against the Bible. I'm just curious, really. I guess my big question is, does the Pope dictate what every catholic believes?
Hey friend, thank you for the ask!
So there's definitely a couple of questions here, I'll grab them one at a time.
First question: my personal thoughts on the events of this past week regarding statements alleged to Pope Francis. I think there's just a lot of confusion going around about what was actually said. Some people are saying that it was a mistranslation and that he actually said something different, some people are saying that it was not as much of a mistranslation as others claim and that this has been Francis's position since before he became pope. You are correct in understanding that Catholic teaching considers sexual acts between two members of the same sex as a sin. In my personal opinion, what frustrates me is that this keeps happening, and that whenever it happens it feels like the Church splits into two camps: The Pope Is Ruining Everything versus There Are No Problems Right Now, and unfortunately it seems as though that the split occurs directly down political party lines. Now I get that perhaps people are only coming across that way because they are trying to address the falsehoods of the people on the other side of them. But really I think that a) the Pope is in a position where he has more information than us and he has been selected for this job, and therefore he may be making these decisions based on whatever information or contexts that we who criticize him do not have; b) the Pope is a person who is going to make mistakes, and he is operating in an age where he is under a particular type of scrutiny so we should be quick to forgive; c) at the same time this has shown itself to be a consistent pattern, and while it is a complex issue with many facets very much including the secular media, however there are a lot of other elements related to how he chooses to present himself and the nature of the follow-up from the Vatican, that this keeps happening tells me that there is definitely room for us to be criticizing the leadership in a spirit of charity. But I think in criticizing the Pope or defending the Pope on social media we really really need to be aware that we are indeed in a public and secular space, and that we are coming across as very divided and very disorganized. I've seen a lot of an apparent lack of charity from both sides. There's a lot more to say and it's definitely been something that has been on my heart.
Second question: whether or not same sex civil unions are okay by Catholic teaching. So the answer to this is yes and no. What I mean by this is that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with a non-marital legal union, for example if two siblings or two best friends of the same gender happen to be living together and plan to do so full time, there can be tax and other benefits for having their partnership recognized (e.g. many hospitals only allow immediate family to visit, depending, and so having a legal pairing can be useful). However, the Church does not endorse same-sex sexual relationships, and it is scandalous for the Church to advocate for laws that endorse same-sex sexual relationships. Now of course there's questions as to whether or not it makes sense to have a law that says "you can have same-sex civil unions unless you're in a sexual relationship" and all this. But that's a huge long topic and this post is already so long and I haven't answered all your questions yet.
As a note here which I think is always important to make given the current climate: a sexual orientation is not a person, it is an appetite. When we discuss sexuality in this context, we are talking specifically about acts/lifestyles, not the people who participate in them. People are people and deserve human rights. This is, I believe, more along the lines of what the Holy Father was talking about. That said, marriage and sex are actually not human rights (if they were, you could make a good case for laws requiring marry or have sex with someone who is otherwise unable to procure it on their own). That's not to say that this produces many struggles for people who experience different things, but again this is for another post.
Third question: papal infallibility. This again is a very complex topic and I'm by no means an expert on ecclesiology but I'll give a basic overview of what I understand. Basically, the Catholic Church (and, as I understand it, most religions) makes objective claims. Claims about reality. Either God exists or He doesn't, and that fact isn't changed by whether or not anyone believes it. When the pope, and the Magisterium in general, teaches, they're not changing reality- they're telling us something that is already true and has always been true. With this, we also know that the infallible authority of the Magisterium (that is, the bishops of the Catholic Church, all in direct lineage by ordination to the twelve apostles, of which the Pope is the shepherd) applies to teaching. The Church makes no infallible claims about anything else. Now within the teaching of the Catholic Church there are different levels of teaching. There's dogma, which we rarely change, but that the Pope does have the authority to change, but only has done so a very small number of times throughout history. These are like basic truths about what it means to be Catholic, such as the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Mary was always the Immaculate Conception, she didn't suddenly become it once the Pope proclaimed it ex cathedra. But we do trust that when the Pope speaks dogma, that he is guided by the holy spirit in doing so, and that what he says is true. The pope speaks infallibly elsewhere besides dogma, such as canonizing Saints - once someone is canonized, we know without a doubt that they are in heaven. But these things are already true, and the Pope just tells everyone that it is true. If the Pope says something that we already know to not be true, such as if he were to say that marriage can be between two men or two women, then that wouldn't become true and we wouldn't believe it. We actually have detailed guidelines on what constitutes the development of doctrine versus the corruption of doctrine. Check out St. John Henry Newman's book Grammar of Assent for more detailed info on that. (Someone please correct me if that's not the right book). The Pope / the Magisterium also has other roles, such as telling us how to practice our religion - it is objectively true that we need to keep holy the Sabbath day, however it is up to the Magisterium to determine what constitutes 'keeping holy the Sabbath day,' in this case, largely, going to Mass (and the Magisterium tells us what the Mass is and what if anything would invalidate the Mass). Also not eating meat on Fridays in lent, that's a thing for the Magisterium to decide about.
Anyway that was a lot but I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask!
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You should examine your Will much more frequently if your scenarios alter, for instance if you have a kid, buy a joint home or obtain separated. You must meticulously consider who you wish to assign as your Executors. Each Executor should be someone that you trust to perform your dreams. It has to identify the person or individuals that ought to get your estate.
These guidelines are stringent as well as take no account of any kind of personal preference as well as needs. They decide which family members will acquire and the percentage share. For more certain information please visit Land Computer system registry website. Between partners and civil companions, you must likely have your residence as 'joint occupants'. ' As such, the survivor acquires your home definitely, and also without Estate tax'. In this situation, there is no demand to 'transform' the possession to tenants-in-common.
If a property/land is possessed as tenants-in-common, upon the death of one of the co-owners their share of the property/land will 'pass through' their Will as well as be acquired by the recipients named in the Will. It is not useful or practical to assign greater than 2 guardians. The visit of one guardian is absolutely great; most individuals only appoint one.
This scenario covers the instance where you have a wife/husband/partner with youngsters that may be young or developed. So it makes logical sense to make your co-parent the single beneficiary. If they die before you, after that the youngsters will inherit, and in instance these die before you, even though this is unlikely, they acquire, replace beneficiaries will inherit. Give all to one "individual" (e.g. spouse/partner), then pass onto my children/child if the "individual" passes away before me, and afterwards pass onto substitute beneficiaries if my spouse/partner and also my kids pass away prior to me.
Appoint Guardians For Small Youngsters.
Executors do not need to accept be named ahead of time as well as can decline to act if they wish to. Usually, however, Administrators are chosen because they have a close relationship/friendship with the person making the Will and are typically going to help and also serve as Executors. Generally, many people indicate in their Will whether they wish to be hidden, cremated or you can state nothing if you are detached. We ensure that if any person dies prior to you then that percentage share is split in fair proportion to the remaining beneficiaries.
Whichever approach you pick you will need to take into consideration exactly how to save your Will to maintain it secure, you can ask a solicitor or your financial institution to save it - this might be totally free or attract a tiny cost. If you opt for writing a Will yourself you can discover a theme online or at a great stationery store. Every member of our friendly as well as understanding Wills, Depends on and also Probate Departmentwill encourage you and aid respond to any kind of concerns you may have about composing a will. You will additionally locate information in our publication "Why make a will? and for information on what happens if you die without a will, see our intestacy flowchart.
Learn Exactly How To Compose A Will, Just How Much It Will Cost And Where You Can Keep It.
I would certainly choose them once more in a heart beat and also advise their services. A Will does not need to be prepared and experienced by a Lawyer to be legally valid however there are stringent lawful needs, which should be adhered to, for a Will to be legally binding.
Are online wills legit?
Are Online Wills Legitimate? The short answer is yes, online wills are legitimate as long as you ensure they comply with federal and state laws. Online will companies hire licensed attorneys and legal professionals to carefully word their estate planning documents so that each is legally binding.
Some individuals have very strong feelings concerning how they would certainly like their funeral to be carried out, for instance whether you would love to be buried or cremated. You can make all these decisions as well as state your wishes in your will. This will make sure that your desires are recognized to your loved ones. Your partner, better half or civil companion will automatically acquire every little thing. When you pass away without having actually left a valid will, the guidelines of intestacy apply. These regulations dictate that can manage the administration of your estate, that will benefit as well as exactly how it will be divided.
Alison and Katie made every little thing actually easy for me and also were really handy 2really great people. I picked Williamsons to serve as my conveyancers as well as I have been super pleased with their professionalism and values to act on behalf of their client. My procedure was a lengthy one, as a result of no fault on Williamsons part, however they never dropped the ball as well as continued to chase the various other party up until we got the solutions we needed.
Exists Any Risk Drafting A Will Online With Glosslegal? Is Glosslegal 100% Trustworthy And Valid?
Your Will must assign an Executor or Administrators that will be responsible for managing the administration of your estate. Here are a few of our most often asked questions when it involves Wills as well as writing a Will.
In the UK just grownups can make a Will, with the exemption of members of the armed services who are aged 16 or above. A Will not made under the proper treatments as well as which does not conform to certain legal problems will be declared invalid (all Wills on fatality go to a division of the High Court to be "confirmed"). Solicitor options call for full individual conferences, extensive adhere to up documentation together with prices which can vary from ₤ 100 to ₤ 400 per hr plus VAT. No, you do NOT need a lawyer or to go to a lawyer's firm to draft a Will. However, it is important to be directed over the process of making a Will, as we do at, and also for the record to be built in a sensible and also clear way.
This will mean that the guardians have control over welfare, wellness and also schooling problems similarly that parents have over their own youngsters. We do not 'name' each child but rather refer to after that all as 'children'. This covers any kind of children that are birthed after the Will is signed, as well as it likewise prevents any type of errors if youngsters are improperly called. Upon a divorce (i.e when the Court makes your separation authorities), your Will will still stand, but any type of advantage mosting likely to your ex-spouse is removed by law. If a lawyer, accounting professional or various other professional is designated as an Executor they are qualified to bill for the work they do, so they will additionally get an advantage because sense. If the Administrator of your Will has an interest in your estate you will also wish to see to it every little thing is carried out effectively as well as appropriately. Administrators are the name given to the persons assigned in a Will to manage the estate for the Person who makes the Will.
When this happens, the probate court will select somebody to act as the Administrator, that may not be the individual you wanted. Likewise, in the electronic age, on the internet properties require to be thought about; particularly those that hold either emotional or economic worth, consisting of the similarity PayPal, email addresses and social media accounts. Our blog on protecting your digital legacy will give you some guidelines on exactly how you can make it as simple as possible for enjoyed ones to access your digital properties. Lawyers, however, are controlled experts meaning you can be certain your Will has been properly prepared.
Can I write a will myself?
It's perfectly legal to write your own will, and any number of products exist to help you with this, from software programs to will-writing kits to the packet of forms you can pick up at your local drugstore.
This can be quickly avoided by making a will, so why put your spouse or partner through this? If the home loan is in your name after that your financial institution or structure culture will be not able to discuss this with your spouse or partner; this relates to all home costs. Your companion will not only need to cope with the pain from shedding you, they will likewise have economic concerns to cope with. Besides the evident concerns concerning deciding that you would love to acquire your residential or commercial property, there are several other points to consider when you are thinking of making a will. We recognize that money can be overwhelming, so we have actually assembled useful short articles and also easy-to-follow overviews to help you feel monetarily confident. The worth of financial investments can fall in addition to increase and also you might return less than you invest.
Sorting Out Your Estate.
A Will shields your picked beneficiaries' rate of interests after you have actually passed away but a Lasting Power of Attorney protects your very own passion while you're still to life. Depending upon the sort of LPA you choose, it provides an attorney the authority to either make home & financial or health & welfare decisions in your place if you are incapable to do so. Your Executor needs to be a person you trust fund as well as is qualified since it brings fairly some duty. You may likewise wish to choose a substitute Administrator in case your initial person is unable to act - these can be loved ones, pals and even a lawyer. This tends to be even more of a problem with templated Wills where individuals neglect to name the Executors of their Will.
Her commitment was phonememonal and we would not be reluctant to recommend her in a heart beat. Thanks for bringing closure to our instance as well as for sustaining us one hundred percent. We were informed at every phase within the situation and also understood we remained in secure expert hands throughout. Outstanding solution from Beth Dyson despite all the pressures of the Covid lockdown. Beth carried out conveyancing of my sale and purchase extremely thoroughly and also effectively with excellent interaction and also constantly in an useful as well as friendly fashion. Really reliable as well as quick feedbacks to any inquiries or inquiries I had.
It is experts in offering a pleasant, individual suggestions solution on all matters relating to will composing and successful estate preparation.
Heritage Will Creating offers an expert solution in all issues connecting to estate preparation including will composing, inheritance tax recommendations and preparation.
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Paper storage space and also basic financial guidance can likewise be provided.
We take satisfaction in our ability to supply our customers an outstanding level of service that's tailored to their specific needs.
We additionally give high quality customer service and support with the whole process. All to make sure you obtain the best paper and also one which you can rely on. You can attempt our service completely free; see what your Will appears like before making a decision to purchase it. There is NO financial commitment to the glossLegal's Simple Questionnaire procedure and it can be abandoned at no cost any time. Anybody who possesses residential or commercial property in their own name such as bank accounts, car, level/ house, furnishings, life insurance, and also death-in-service benefits and so on should have a Will. The Will states that cares for this property if you pass away and who will receive the advantage (see What is a will? and see What happens if I do not have a Will?).
The government will not release a 'certification' Grant of Probate which the Executors/Trustees call for to authorize their appointment and also carry out the instructions in the Will. The answer is that you can call what you such as in your Will, however if you do not really have that asset/property after that it will simply be overlooked. This will likewise cover assets/property which do not 'pass under your Will'. You can make a Will if you are 18 or over and if you have the mental capacity to make a Will. This means that you ought to recognize what making a Will indicates, understand what building you have and will be covered by your Will, and also who must be called in your Will.
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chrisbrown22z · 4 years
Divorce Law
Separation is the end of a marriage by court judgment. A legal announcement is granted pronouncing the union with be broken down. It leaves the two companions allowed to wed once more. Numerous states allude to it as Dissolution of Marriage. It is likewise alluded to as Absolute Divorce, Divorce from the Bond(s) of Matrimony, Total Divorce and a Matrimonial Action.
Most separations are acquired by arrangement between the two players to the marriage, permitting the couple to advance through the court framework decently fast and effectively, some with and some without lawful portrayal. There is a little rate, notwithstanding, that can't go to an acceptable understanding with respect to end of their marriage, nor the connected issues.
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These couples use full legitimate portrayal and must profit themselves of their states' general set of laws in acquiring a separation and arriving at choices with respect to the connected issues.
What is Divorce law? This training zone is a subset of Family Law and is directed by state laws, rules, rules, codes and precedent-based law. Consequently, the laws and methods can shift significantly from state to state.
Separation Law incorporates the accompanying points and legitimate regions:
- Child Support: An assurance of the financial commitment guardians have for their minor youngsters. This additionally addresses clinical as well as health care coverage inclusion, school costs and such.
- Child Custody and Visitation: Operating to the greatest advantage of the youngster, it must be chosen whether an offspring of separation will live full-time or low maintenance with each parent, appearance plans, occasion plans, nurturing time, and so forth
- Spousal Support/Alimony/Maintenance: Often one life partner will be needed to offer money related help to the next mate for a limited timeframe. Numerous elements are associated with deciding the sort of help that ought to be granted, just as the sum and the period of time it ought to be paid.
- Division of Property and Debt: Whether a state is a "network property state" or an "impartial dissemination state" is a huge factor in figuring out what is conjugal property and what is isolated property, and how property and obligations will be dispersed in a separation continuing. Different variables, for example, spousal help and kid uphold regularly become an integral factor too.
- Separation: State law shifts on the acknowledgment of legitimate partitions, and how the subjects above will be taken care of when several isolates or potentially when a separation/disintegration is forthcoming.
The Divorce Law Center on HG.org gives inside and out inclusion of separation law, methodology and all its connected points for the individual U.S. States. Notwithstanding all the subjects recorded over, our Divorce Law Center additionally offers assets, data and connections covering the Fundamentals of Divorce Law; Domestic Partnerships and Civil Unions; Covenant Marriage Law, Legal Grounds for Divorce; Annulment Law; singular State Resource Links and Divorce Law-related Articles.
Copyright HG.org
Separation Law Articles
A Prenuptial Agreement Can Help Take Care of Children
When a Maryland couple gets ready for marriage and starts to anticipate their coexistence, there are various things that should be thought of. Notwithstanding the wedding itself, the couple should choose where they will live, how they will deal with their funds and various different things. Contingent on their conditions, they may likewise need to choose if a prenuptial understanding is something that ought to be thought of.
What's in store During Divorce Mediation
Separation intercession is an elective contest goal measure that Kansas couples may use to settle contrasts on explicit issues in a separation. Companions may choose their own to attempt intercession, or an adjudicator can arrange intervention in a separation case. Before you consider or start intercession, you ought to have a comprehension of how it functions. In the conversation that follows, our intercession and elective debate goal legal advisors at Sloan Law Firm clarify what you can expect during divorce intervention.
Act Promptly in Custody Matters
On account of A.L.B. v. M.D.L., the Pennsylvania Superior Court as of late established that the Berks County Court of Common Pleas didn't commit an error by denying the dad's solicitation to reschedule an authority hearing. This case gives an exercise about acting speedily in authority activities – and besides, in all court activities.
Does Family Law Protect Against Hidden Assets?
You definitely realize that you and your ex must gap your conjugal property during a separation. Be that as it may, prior to doing as such, you should initially unveil and esteem these resources.
Advanced Assets in Pennsylvania: Who Has Access?
What are your advanced resources? What befalls your computerized resources upon your passing? Who has the position to deal with your advanced resources in the event that you are debilitated or unequipped for overseeing them?
Oregon Child Support: 5 Things to Know
Oregon guardians depend on kid backing to enable their families to endure and flourish. Accepting standard installments from your youngster's other parent to help pay for food, lodging, garments, clinical consideration, day care, and different expenses, can have a significant effect in your family's wellbeing, security, genuine feelings of serenity, and satisfaction. On the off chance that you think you are qualified for youngster uphold, understanding the application cycle and its necessities, just as how the court will choose the sum that is correct, is an engaging initial step.
Who Gets The Credit Card Debt in a Divorce?
Separation is one of life's most unpleasant encounters, made all the more so if there is obligation included. In Missouri, for instance, similar to most of states in the United States, the courts partition both conjugal resources and obligations impartially.
Is a Collaborative Divorce Right for You?
Finishing a marriage is a troublesome life function to experience. While it is a passionate encounter since it is a significant change, it doesn't have to any more troublesome than it as of now is.
Five Issues to Consider If Faced With Divorce
1. Where is every companion in the separation dynamic cycle? Every now and again one mate is more persuaded than the other that separation is the most ideal choice. The greatest thing to remember is on the grounds that you think the marriage is finished and has no expectation of recuperation, that doesn't mean your life partner concurs. The opposite is likewise obvious – in light of the fact that you accept your marriage can be fixed, that doesn't mean your companion concurs. Tuning in to one another without setting fault or analysis can help explain where every one of you stand.
Understudy Loans Have Surprising Family Law Repercussions in Michigan
Ongoing secondary school graduates going to head into their first year of school are presumably intensely mindful of exactly how much obligation they are taking on. Get best advokat oslo near you.
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babyatm1 · 4 years
What Makes A Will Legal?
Residential Property You Should Not Include In Your Will
If You Don'T Wish To Use A Lawyer
Indication Your Will In Front Of Witnesses.
To Determine Who Will Care For Your Minor Children
Secret Files To Have Together With Your Last Will As Well As Testament.
When Should You Obtain Legal Guidance To Compose Your Will?
Making Older Individuals'S Voices Heard.
Total An Inheritance Tax Type.
Using A Lawyer To Compose Your Will
What Is Probate?
A simple will is a basic will without any expensive stipulations or stipulations. You can state just how you want your stuff distributed and also that obtains it.
If You Don'T Intend To Utilize A Lawyer
Please keep in mind the table is sorted by Celebrity Rating adhered to by supplier name and also attributes web links straight to the carrier's website. Usage Canstar's life insurance policy contrast selector to watch a broader variety of policies.
Are online wills legal UK?
In order for a Will to be legally valid in England and Wales, you must sign your Will in the presence of two witnesses, and your witnesses must witness (sign) your Will in your presence; and this cannot be done online. clicking here 'll always need a physical document to be signed and witnessed.
Since Buddhists also turn down agenthood, the standard compatibilist methods are closed to them also. Rather, the Buddhist thoughtful approach is to take a look at the metaphysics of origin. Old India had several warmed arguments concerning the nature of causality with Jains, Nyayists, Samkhyists, Cārvākans, and Buddhists all taking somewhat various lines. In numerous ways, the Buddhist placement is more detailed to a concept of "conditionality" than a theory of "origin", particularly as it is stated by Nagarjuna in the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā.
Who should keep the original Will UK?
1. Leave it with a solicitor. If a solicitor writes your will, they will usually store the original free of charge and give you a copy – but ask them to make sure. Most solicitors will also store a will they didn't write, but there will probably be a fee.
Your will doesn't have to be a time-sucking frustration to create. You can make use of a simple will to describe who gets your things and also who deals with your kids if you die.
Check in to get going By checking in, I am signing up for get Canstar's Rate Checker e-mails as well as Home Loans e-newsletter. Specify-- for example, do not simply leave everything to 'my spouse'-- utilize your better half's complete name. The basic message is-- just utilize a Do It Yourself will if your desires are really straightforward and also your financial circumstance isn't complicated. If you live with your partner, yet are neither married nor in a civil collaboration, you might wish to take into consideration creating a common-law marriage agreement in addition to writing a will. While a will establishes what takes place to your possessions as well as items when you pass away, a common-law marriage agreement define what happens if your partnership breaks down-- so a bit like a will for the living.
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That's because the enduring partner can not transform a joint will also after the death of their partner. So if an enduring partner remarries and also has a stepchild, they can't leave anything in the joint will to that stepchild. To learn more concerning making a will-- and to see every little thing Nolo has to use when it pertains to intending your estate-- visit our Wills, Trusts & Probate Center. Tell your administrator where your will is as well as how to obtain accessibility to it when the moment comes.
You will be asked to leave a gift for the Stroke Association in your will, but the decision is your own. The Stroke Association uses a complimentary simple will to over-60s or stroke survivors that are 18+.
TheCancer Study UKFree Will Service enables over-18s to obtain a cost-free simple will. Please keep in mind that which of the above charities is funding the system relies on your place. However, you can select to leave gifts to any type of charity you such as. You are under no commitment to leave a present (known as a 'legacy') to among the Free Wills Month charities.
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If you are seeking to change an existing life insurance plan, you need to consider your personal scenarios, consisting of continuing the existing cover until the replacement policy is provided and also cover confirmed. Your existing policy might have various features to products presently in the marketplace. Please consider what functions are ideal for you when comparing insurance items as well as refer to the supplier for additional information on a policy. If you decide to look for Life insurance policy, you will deal directly with an insurance policy supplier, and not with Canstar.
Indicator Your Will Before Witnesses.
Since your will is full, allow your successors and also administrator know you have created a will and also where you are keeping it so that they can access it after your fatality. If you are married or have kids that are alive, checklist the names of your spouse and children and also your marriage day. You can produce your will either as a published computer record or handwrite it. Phone number the pages of the file (1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3, etc.) to ensure that it is clear the amount of web pages there are. While a lawyer can be very practical, you can produce a will yourself if you favor.
If your children are minors, decide that you wish to increase them in the extremely unlikely occasion that you as well as their various other moms and dad can't. Every will have to name someone to work as executor, to execute the regards to the will. Be sure that the person you desire agrees to offer-- the task should not come as a shock. Here are minority simple actions you need to take to make your will.
You can also pick the person who will ensure your will is executed as well as name a guardian for your kids if something takes place to you. And also you can even name the individual you intend to care for your favorite ferret.
If this intuitive photo became incorrect, after that presumably that we can not legitimately be held ethically in charge of our actions. Besides, if I do not have free will in a feeling that involves alternate possibilities, after that I have to pick what I really pick. And also if I have to choose what I perform in reality select, then probably I am compelled so to select, and can not rather be considered morally responsible for my selection. It is extremely possible, after that, to accept something like the "Concept of Different Possibilities", according to which a representative is morally responsible for an action only if he could have done otherwise. If is true, then moral duty needs free choice; and if causal determinism dismiss such different opportunities, it would therefore dismiss ethical obligation.
Credit scores solutions for Aussie Elevate items are provided by AHL Investments Pty Ltd ACN Australian Credit Score Permit (" Aussie") and also its appointed credit rating representatives. Credit history and also any applicable balanced out make up Aussie Elevate are issued by Bendigo and Adelaide Financial Institution Limited ABN AFSL/ Australian Credit Permit. ASIC mentions the general public Trustee could not credit make your will if you are aged older than 60 or choose the Public Trustee to be your administrator. You may want to check with the Public Trustee in your state or area to recognize the needs that relate to making a will where you live. If you're contrasting life insurance policies, the contrast table listed below screens some of the policies currently readily available on Canstar's data source for a years of age non-smoking male working in a professional line of work.
However, many individuals do not maintain a recurring connection with a lawyer, as well as it is common for attorneys to dissolve law office and also create brand-new ones, so it might be challenging for your executor to find the will when the demand occurs.
Because your administrator is somebody you depend on, no person else needs to recognize the components of the will or that it also exists.
Also, if you relocate some range away from where your lawyer methods, it would be more difficult for your administrator to acquire the will.
Usually, the best location to save your will is with your executor.
Your lawyer may keep the original-- often for a nominal fee.
Such on the internet archives may be a good location to save information for an administrator, nevertheless, a court of probate might not accept a published duplicate from such a digital will vault when an initial is required.
In order to satisfy your duties as the administrator of an estate, you must first be approved the authority via a letter of testamentary.
If you do not recognize who that is or if you are uncomfortable approaching them, you can look the probate court documents in the area where the deceased person lived.
There are firms offering on the internet storage space of documents as well as individual info.
In Buddhism it is shown that the concept of absolute liberty of option is ill-advised, since it denies the reality of one's physical needs as well as situations. Just as wrong is the concept that people have no option in life or that their lives are pre-determined. To reject flexibility would be to reject the initiatives of Buddhists to make moral progress. Pubbekatahetuvada, the idea that all happiness as well as experiencing emerge from previous activities, is thought about an incorrect sight according to Buddhist teachings.
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To Identify That Will Look After Your Minor Children
Credit scores services for Aussie Select, Aussie Activate and also Aussie Elevate products are given by AHL Investments Pty Ltd ACN (" Aussie") and also its appointed credit report reps, Australian Credit score Licence. Credit Rating for Aussie Select items is supplied by Residential Home mortgage Team Pty Ltd ACN, Australian Debt Permit (" RMG"). RMG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN AFSL and Australian Credit Report Licence. Credit Score for Aussie Activate products is provided by Pepper Finance Corporation Limited ACN (" Pepper"). Pepper Group Limited ACN, Australian Credit report Permit acts upon behalf of Pepper.
How much does an attorney charge to draw up a will?
Flat Fees. It's very common for a lawyer to charge a flat fee to write a will and other basic estate planning documents. The low end for a simple lawyer-drafted will is around $300. A price of closer to $1,000 is more common, and it's not unusual to find a $1,200 price tag.
The trick is recognizing your state's details needs and also making certain your will meets them. It's additionally possible to create a will that serves in every state so that you avoid any possible problems.
Trick Files To Have Alongside Your Last Will And Testimony.
How much money before probate is required UK?
It's generally considered that if everything the deceased person owned is worth less than £15,000 Probate won't be needed, but this isn't true in every situation. This is because each financial institution has their own limit that determines whether or not Probate is needed. This ranges from £5,000 to £50,000.
When Should You Get Lawful Recommendations To Draft Your Will?
signed by the proprietor of the will and be seen by 2 individuals. " If you utilize an online will package, get it examined by a lawyer or Public Trustee," economic regulatory authority ASIC's Moneysmart.com.au web site states, which adds that a solicitor or Public Trustee are most likely to bill you for doing so.
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Nonetheless, there could be different guidelines in various locations of Australia when it involves wills, according to the Australian government's australia.gov.au info portal. The site advises that each person examine the rules that apply in their state or territory prior to beginning any service a will.
Complete An Inheritance Tax Kind.
This advice is basic as well as has not taken into consideration your objectives, monetary situation, or demands. Consider whether this suggestions is best for you, having respect to your very own goals, monetary situation and needs. You might need economic suggestions from a suitably qualified adviser. Consider the product disclosure declaration before making any type of monetary choice. For additional information, readCanstar's Financial Services and also Credit History Overview, and check out ourdetailed disclosure, important notes as well as responsibility disclaimer.
How much do solicitors charge to execute a will UK?
Some probate specialists and solicitors charge an hourly rate while others charge a fee that is a percentage of the value of the estate. This fee is usually calculated as between 1% to 5% of the value of the estate, plus VAT.
Nonetheless, the hope is that many will see this as a chance to aid their preferred cause. The advocate of PAP believes that the lack of the flexibility to choose or else does not by itself explain the lack of moral duty. see this page is because he thinks that when this absence acquires, its getting is itself discussed by, and can only be described by, the event of causal determinism in the actual series of events. The Concept of Alternate Possibilities and also the Frankfurt-type Instances. As I recommended above, we normally think that the future is a garden of forking courses-- that we a minimum of at some essential points in our lives have more than one path branching into the future.
It's after that inspected by a Farewill will specialist, who'll send you a web link to download your finished will, which you'll need to print, sign and also have actually observed. As soon as you more than happy and have actually authorized it, Co-op shops your will. As soon as you have actually done what you can, you'll obtain a follow-up phone call from a specialist will writer. You make use of an on-line layout, which is after that examined by Co-op Legal Solutions.
What To Expect From Your Lawyer
As soon as this impression is revealed, one's initial conviction that the absence of an alternate choice is sufficient for the lack of ethical duty is vindicated. There can be two various ways in which some variable makes a representative unable to select or do or else. In one way, the factor does not play a role in the actual sequence; it does not flow with the real program of occasions. In one more means, the element does move through the actual series.
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huphilpuffs · 6 years
one step closer
Summary: There’s a bill to legalize gay marriage in parliament and Dan wants forever with Phil.
Word count: 2980
Rating: g
Warnings: none that I can think of
A/N: written for @phandomficfests spring/new beginnings fest. immense thanks to @srsbssns for beta’ing this for me.
(Ao3 link)
There was a time in 2010 when feelings were bubbly and fresh in Dan’s chest and sleeplessness was making his brain go hazy that he’d smiled at his laptop screen and said:
“I want to marry you one day.”
He’d been curled up with his pillow and his duvet pulled up to his knees and bear nestled under his chin, staring at a pixelated image on his laptop screen. And Phil had been staring back at him, laying down on his stomach with his fringe covering his eyes and a crooked smile on his face.
“You do?” he’d asked.
Dan had hummed, squeezed his bear tighter and pretended it was Phil. Around him laced the phantom comfort of his boyfriend’s arms as snow fell outside his window into the darkness of night. He nodded his head and closed his eyes and pictured it in the same glowy brilliance of a dream.
“Yeah,” he’d said. “I really do.”
And though it was nighttime and reality seemed distant, he watched as Phil’s smile faltered into something twisted and anxious. As he plucked at the bright colours that covered his bed and disguised the blue of his eyes behind somber thoughts.
“But we can’t. It’s not- We can’t.”
Dan, undeterred and dreamy, had just squeezed his bear even tighter, offered Phil a smile that was usually reserved for confessions and feelings and tingling warmth zipping along his spine.
“One day,” he’d said, “we’ll be able to.”
“There’s a bill.”
He was sitting in their lounge, phone in one hand and coffee in the other, on a different winter day. Gone were the beige walls of his childhood bedroom, turned into the clean white ones a home of his own. There were nerdy posters on the walls and shelves covered in memories, a fireplace with no flames, and a TV he wasn’t listening to.
Phil had just sat down beside him, still ruffled with sleep, clinging to his mug with both hands.
“There’s a bill. Parliament announced it today.”
Phil stared at him then, the kind with furrowed brows and a twisted frown that he got when he knew Dan was trying to tell him something but couldn’t quite piece together what. A picture of Mickey Mouse peaked from between his fingers and his hair was still half in a quiff and the abhorrently bright fabric of his pyjama pants nearly glowed in the sunlight.
Dan smiled, set his phone down.
“To legalize gay marriage,” he explained.
Phil’s eyes went wide then, matched his open-mouthed smile. “Oh.”
They were sitting in their living room mid-morning, with noon creeping up on them just as grins swept across their faces. Dan reached over, set his mug on the coffee table in front of him. His hand settled on Phil’s thigh and his lips pressed to Phil’s smile.
He tasted like coffee.
“Yeah,” he said, and chuckled. “Oh.”
They’d moved in together in the summer, on a day when it wasn’t too hot and lugging furniture around their little flat had them collapsing onto furniture with heaving chests.
“We need to get more fit,” Phil had said.
Their sofa had been crooked and both bedrooms had a mattress without a bed frame. The cupboards were empty and boxes and bags littered the floor. They’d settled onto the sofa together, smiles on their faces and sweat on their brows.
“We need a shower,” Dan had said, because that seemed notably more attainable.
They didn’t move though, just sat there. Sun filtered through large windows, and furniture left by the previous tenants gleamed on the balcony. And though his shirt was sticking to his back and Phil’s fringe was flattened against his forehead, Dan found himself moving closer, pressing their sides together.
Phil reached for his hand, squeezed his fingers.
“Thanks for asking me to live with you,” Dan had said.
Phil had laughed, leaned over to press a kiss to his head. “As though I’d ask anyone else.”
“I don’t know. I heard Robert Pattinson was in the running.”
They’d laughed, shoulders pressed together and smiles mirroring each other. And kissed, the clumsy cheesy kind that punctuated giggles and warmed the happiness flooding Dan’s chest.
In the days that came afterwards, they’d fought and bickered and ignored each other, wallowed the lack of internet and their poor organization skills. They’d stayed up too late and cooked together and had sex in a home where there were no parents or roommates to walk in on them.
But in that moment, Phil had cradled Dan’s cheek, pressed another kiss to his lips. “Nah,” he’d said, still giggling in that way that had his tongue sticking out from between his teeth. He’d gripped one of Dan’s hips and held him close and pressed his nose to Dan’s neck. “Wanna be with you forever.”
Dan had wrapped his arms around Phil’s middle, held him just as close.
“Me too.”
The bill got through the House of Commons.
Dan heard about it on Twitter, read through the news with tears burning behind his eyes. Nestled between sofa cushions with a throw pillow hugged to his chest and his boyfriend sitting nearby, toes pressed under the curve of Dan’s thigh.
It was a lazy day in May, the sun shining outside and the same shows they watched all the time playing on TV.
He reached down, squeezed Phil’s ankle to get his attention, and tossed his phone across the sofa. Almost as though he was sharing a picture of a cute dog or a video of a sloth that he knew would make Phil’s eyes light up to match the joy that would spread across his face.
And he watched. The back and forth flicker of Phil’s eyes. The swipe of his thumb across the screen. The slow flicker of recognition across his face.
Phil didn’t know as much about the legal process as Dan did, hadn’t dedicated far too many hours to sitting in lectures or reading textbooks about proceedings he’d never cared about. But he understood that.
“One step closer,” he said.
Dan squeezed his ankle again, reached forward to take his phone back. But Phil caught his fingers, drew them to his lips so he could brush kisses to Dan’s knuckles.
“That’s one step closer, right?”
It wasn’t time to celebrate, yet. There was still the House of Lords and the Queen and people who protested the Bill’s mere existence and others who had far more power than Dan did in the matter. But he squeezed Phil’s hand, and nodded, and smiled.
“One step closer.”
“I don’t always get the big deal,” Phil had said once.
It had been a summer day with chilly air and news breaking on the TV about how Denmark’s Parliament had legalized gay marriage. They’d sat there on their laptops, staring at different screens while news reporters bellowed in the room about celebrations that were to occur. Phil’s fingers had been typing something and Dan had hit the spacebar to silence the video he’d been watching.
“The marriage thing,” Phil had said. “I don’t always get it.”
Dan had tugged on the cord of his earbuds until they fell onto his lap. “What’s not to get?” he’d asked. “People want to get married, but can’t. And these laws make it so they can.”
Phil had nodded. But he’d closed his laptop in a way that had Dan swallowing thickly, had set it aside as though an actual discussion needed to occur.
Dan hadn’t been the best at having discussions that year.
“But it’s just a piece of paper,” he’d said. “We can already get one of those. Here, at least, we can.”
Dan had set his own laptop aside at the words, swallowed past the burst of anger in his chest. Phil was staring at him with eyes genuine and curious, and trying to understand was never Dan’s strong suit but he could try. So he pushed himself forward, pressed his knees to Phil’s thigh, reached for his hand.
“A civil partnership?” he’d asked, and Phil had nodded. “But that’s not the same.”
Phil had shrugged, squeezed Dan’s hand. “What makes it so different, though?”
It had taken a moment for Dan to respond, to scramble past the urge to raise his voice and find words that made sense. Phil was still holding his hand and looking up at him and if it were anyone else Dan knew he would be yelling. But it had been Phil.
The Phil that Dan had Skyped over late nights with cracking voices and swollen hearts.
The Phil that had pushed Dan to be the absolute best he could be.
The Phil that had talked Dan through his sexuality crisis with soft words of encouragement and love shining bright in his eyes.
A notably non-homophobic Phil.
“The principle, I guess,” Dan had said. “Giving same-sex couples that was like a consolation prize. Like ‘here you can have this but marriage is still for us, valid couples.’ I guess.”
Phil had nodded, pressed a kiss to Dan’s shoulder. He’d developed that habit over time, a quiet comfort in upsetting conversations. That year had been filled with those, to adjust to and to learn from.
“I guess I just don’t see a civil partnership as all that inferior,” he’d whispered. “They’re both pieces of paper. And one’s a piece of paper for straight couples and one’s a piece of paper for gay couples.” He’d paused, squeezed Dan’s hand again, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. “I’m kind of biased towards same-sex couples, you know?”
Dan has smiled then, too, past the pain that still lingered in his chest and the voices in his head telling him to argue. He leaned down, pressed a kiss to Phil’s lips.
“Makes sense,” he’d breathed, letting his head fall to rest against Phil’s. “I think it’s just that, you know, it was made with the intention of being inferior. Of keeping us separate. People don’t want to be separate.”
Phil had nodded, wedged awkwardly against Dan’s ribs. And then he’d pulled away, raised a hand to pull Dan into him instead. To hold him close and let his fingers drift along Dan’s arm and breathe in the measured way they’d learned in the height of their frustration.
They’d still been holding hands, and Phil had held onto his tighter when he spoke again.
“I just think there’s more important things,” he’d said. “I’d take the wrong piece of paper any day if it meant we didn’t have to be scared of our careers ending because–”
Dan’s jaw was clenched, but he nodded before Phil could say it. “I know.”
The Bill got through the House of Lords.
It was the middle of summer and they had bigger things to consider. There were deflated balloons in random corners of their flat and a single piece left of Phil’s congratulations on one million subscribers cake left in the fridge. Phil was in the midst of trying to ensure his celebration video was perfect. Dan was pouring over a script for a video he wasn’t quite sure he liked.
The air was hot and his shirt clung to his skin and the news broke in a flurry of celebrations.
There was one step left, but the reality of how close it was settled on Dan’s shoulders. Phil had taken off his headphones and Dan had closed his document and they were both listening to a reporter explain the legal nuances no one really cared about. Listened to her explain that people were already celebrating.
The Queen was expected to sign the bill shortly. It was probably going to pass.
It was going to pass.
Dan’s hair was curly from the humidity and stuck to his forehead. Phil’s cheeks were rosy because of the heat. The woman on TV was still rambling little details about lawmakers.
Phil reached across the sofa, took Dan’s hand in his, and squeezed.
They still hadn’t taken down the streamers that hung in the lounge, and there was a brilliant smile on both their faces.
It hadn’t come up again.
They’d kept working on videos like normal. Complaining about summer and plucking at each other’s clothing and sleeping over the duvet. They watched TV and played video games and the news, the conversation, had faded from Dan’s memories for most of the time.
They’d gone to Vegas, celebrated Dan’s birthday with gambling and drinks, time with friends and nights having clumsy sex in hotel beds. They’d gone to a spa and teased each other about it, and Phil made a video. Joked about America and slept in each other’s arms and flew back to the UK with low energy and sleepy smiles.
Dan had almost forgotten about it, spare for late nights with taunting voices in his head would remind him. When he’d toss and turn and try to remind himself that he didn’t need to agree with Phil on everything.
Until the day, a little while after they’d gotten home, that Phil had rolled over in bed, hugged Dan to his chest, and pressed a kiss to his shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” he’d mumbled.
“The gay marriage thing,” he’d said. “I know it upset you.”
Phil’s hand had trailed over Dan’s stomach, slipped beneath the fabric of his sleep shirt. He was holding on tighter than usual, his breath too choppy.
“You’re allowed your opinions, Phil.”
His fringed had tickled the back of Dan’s neck as he shook his head. “It made me think a lot.”
There had been a pause. “And I think that when I accepted myself, part of that was accepting that I might never get married,” he’d said. “It wasn’t- It feels like so long ago now but it was barely a serious discussion back then.”
Dan had reached down, pressed his hand over Phil’s, squeezed his fingers.
“It was easier to think of it as just this piece of paper,” Phil had said, “than to think of it as something I wanted but couldn’t have, you know?”
Dan had nodded. “You’re right though, it is just a piece of paper.”
“An important one,” Phil had said. “A legal one. A symbolic one.”
The hum had rumbled in Dan’s throat, was punctuated with another squeeze of Phil’s hand. “It’s a piece of paper that promises forever,” he’d murmured.
Phil had sighed then, nestled himself even closer. His fingers had trailed lightly over Dan’s stomach, his breath warm against Dan’s neck. He hadn’t said a word for a long moment, just pressed a kiss to the top of Dan’s head and held him close and let the comfort and heat lull them to calmness.
Until Dan’s eyes had been closed and Phil had kissed him again, his shoulder that time, and said:
“I want forever with you.”
The Bill got the Queen’s signature in days.
Dan stared at social media, watching the news break and celebrations erupt and realizing with a twist in his gut what it could mean for him. There were rainbows on his newsfeed and in the streets of England. Pictures on every website of happy people with wide smiles and every reason to celebrate.
Phil posted his one million subscribers video. There were still decorations lingering around the flat, painting it in shades of blue and green.
But the smiles on their faces weren’t for a video, a milestone that was starting to feel familiar.
They ordered pizza and got milkshakes and ate at the table on their rainbow of dining chairs. Phil reached over and took Dan’s hand in his, let his thumb drift along Dan’s knuckles.
“We can now,” he said.
Dan wondered if he remembered that pixelated Skype call from so long ago.
They’d moved to London in the summer, when new possibilities gleamed, brilliant, over the horizon, and familiar boxes filled with new memories littered their flat.
There was barely any furniture and too much decor. They’d plugged in their gaming consoles as soon as possible, sat around and played games when they should have been unpacking. Giggled and kissed and planned ideas they couldn’t have made reality in their smaller Manchester apartment.
Dan had a bedroom that was monochrome and barely slept in.
Phil had a duvet that was blue and green and created a better filming set.
They’d bought chairs in many colours and hung up mirrors and filled kitchen cabinets with their collection of nerdy mugs.
They’d had a radio show.
Things had been tense online and Dan’s spine bristled with anger too often. Phil had spent too much time with guilt flitting across his features. But in the privacy of their apartment, they’d curled up together on a comfier sofa and watched their favourite shows and nothing, Dan had mused, was all that different.
Except the moment when Phil had pressed a kiss to his lips, glanced around at the messy mitch-match of decor they’d accumulated and unpacked.
He’d said: “It feels more like home, doesn’t it?” Paused, looked back at Dan. “Feels more like forever.”
The first weddings happened in March.
Traces of winter had disappeared, and warmth had started to settle over London. Flowers were blooming in parks and breezes rustled leaves and the television was lit up with the image of the first same-sex couple to legally marry in England.
Dan cried, the kind of tears that stung and lingered and rolled slowly down your cheeks. That were met with an overwhelming sense of pride in his chest he couldn’t ignore.
Phil leaned over, draped an arm over Dan’s shoulders, and drew him close. He pressed a kiss to Dan’s forehead, and another to where tears left dampness on his cheeks.
His smile was as wide as Dan’s.
On TV, the first married gay couple in England kissed.
In Dan’s ear, Phil whispered: “I’m going to marry you one day.”
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arotechno · 6 years
Aromantic-Official’s Pride Month 2018 Questions!
It’s time for me to finally answer the weekly pride month questions set up by @aromantic-official! I realize it’s the last week of pride month and I’m only doing these now, but I’m a mod. So I get to break the rules. ;)
I apologize in advance, as this post is going to be a monster.
June 1-2: Pride Month Kickoff!
1. What aro pride merch do you have and/or want?
As of right now, all I’ve got is an aro bracelet that my friend made me for my birthday and a green aro ring that I got for a dollar. I would like to get my hands on an aro flag, and some pins or something... but I don’t have the money to throw at pride merch right now! Subtle merch is also good, as I’m out to precisely 3 people offline.
2. What are some of your favorite aro-friendly songs? (Feel free to make a playlist!)
Here. Or for more aro playlists besides mine, my aro jams tag.
3. What are your favorite arospec symbols?
I guess just the flag (the version that I use in my icon)? Arrow symbolism is also cool. Or, if you’re from the arocalypse crowd: papos. Although that might be a dated reference now...
(weeks 1-4 under the cut because I’m nice)
Questions for Week One (June 3-9):
1. How did you realize you were aro/arospec? How long have you known?
It was the spring of 2014, when I was a freshman in high school. For most of my life, I never really thought about or questioned my orientation. I figured I would know what I was when I felt it. But I always knew I didn’t get crushes, and figured that wasn’t weird and that I’d get them eventually... That didn’t end up happening, as you might imagine. I was never ashamed of who I was, though--not until people made me feel that way, and I realized maybe I really was different or weird. Thankfully, I had stumbled across asexuality, and consequently aromanticism (this was 2014; if you think it’s hard to find information about aromanticism outside of ace spaces now, think about how it was back then), before that point. It just didn’t really click until somewhere down the line. And even then, I waffled on aromanticism vs. asexuality for quite a bit, feeling more drawn to the ace community due to its size and its exposure, and frankly I couldn’t tell which one I was, though eventually I realized that was because I was both! It’s been several years and I’ve grown a lot, and I’ve become more in tune to my aromanticism apart from my asexuality.
2. Have you come out to anyone? Share a coming out story (coming out to yourself also counts)!
It’s funny, I was just thinking about this yesterday. I’m out as aromantic to three people irl, but I’ve never actually properly come out on my own terms. Two of my friends were peripherally involved at the time that I realized I was aromantic, so they were kind of a part of the realization and I never had to explicitly tell them that I had figured out this part of myself. The third friend came to understand my feelings about attraction before I eventually told her the words. But I’ve never had somebody in my life who presumed I was straight that I was able to explicitly decide I wanted to tell that I wasn’t.
In terms of coming out to myself, it took me about a year after realizing I was aroace to say the words out loud to myself. Sophomore year of high school was when I really began to fully accept that this was who I am and that I could say it and be proud of it, rather than it just being a peripheral aspect of my life that I had to pretend didn’t affect me (because we’re so often taught that we’re supposed to be just like everyone else despite our sexuality, but I have always felt that it made me explicitly not like everyone else, and that was the problem). So I said to myself, in the mirror, “I’m aromantic and asexual.” And I started writing it in my journal. At this point, I was in a weird place where I wasn’t even sure my two closest friends knew I was aroace and that it wasn’t just something I had speculated. It took me until the end of that school year to start using the word not only to myself, but to them as well. Even now, I still talk circles around it sometimes. Internalized aphobia is a real pain in the ass.
3. How/Why is your aromanticism important to you/your identity?
My aromanticism shapes how I see the world in a lot of ways. It affects me every day of my life. It influences my views on philosophy, relationships, my experiences with gender... I can’t relate to the majority of the world’s population on such a basic level that I’m often left wondering what my place in the world is and feeling like I’m living in a different universe altogether. It’s frustrating, but it can also be exciting. I’m proud of the way being aromantic has shaped me. I think the ways I view the world make sense, and being aromantic has a lot to do with it.
I consider myself to be an existentialist, and accepting that my emotional wants, needs, and experiences didn’t line up with the marriage/kids/white picket fence narrative that I was always expected to follow really helped me realize that if I don’t have to follow that narrative, then I don’t have to follow any narrative at all. I can do whatever I want with my life, and there’s no cosmic reason for me to do anything else. That’s voidpunk, baby.
4. What are some misconceptions about aromanticism that bother you?
That we’re heartless. That we don’t feel less emotions/weaker emotions than alloromantic people, or generally equating romance with emotions. That we need a QPR or other type of non-romantic partnership to fill a void where romantic relationships “should be.” That aromanticism must modify or be secondary to one’s sexual orientation. That we don’t risk being dehumanized or cut off from people around us when we come out. Arophobia in general.
5. What’s something you like about being aro/arospec? Something you dislike?
I love the arospec community first and foremost, and as I mentioned above I love the way aromanticism shapes my view of the world. I love that the aro community, though we are stereotyped as being heartless, is so full of love and compassion for one another that we can’t even argue with each other, we just have pleasant, generally civil discussions and often end up reaching mutual conclusions. I love that I can make this entire long-winded post about my experiences and not only will people read it, but they’ll appreciate it and respect it.
I hate not being understood. I hate the fact that I don’t want to come out because I’m afraid I’ll have to give an emotionally taxing vocab lesson and/or be dismissed or ridiculed and/or be called a heartless monster. I hate that we don’t have any mainstream representation that doesn’t get ripped from our hands by people who claim we do not deserve it. I hate that there are no aromantic role models in the public eye living happy lives for us to look up to; but then again, I have a secret fondness for being part of a generation that future aromantics will be able to look up to.
Questions for Week Two (June 10-16):
1. What aro-spectrum labels, terms, descriptors, and identities do you identify with?
I identify as aromantic. I also use nonamorous as a descriptor a lot of the time. That’s pretty much it. The term arogender kind of speaks to me in a way (I was there when it was coined!), as my experience with gender does feel influenced by my aromanticism, but I don’t know that I’m particularly inclined to use it for myself. I like to keep things simple, I guess.
2. Talk about other aspects of your identity that are important to you, that are meaningful parts of you like your aromanticism, such as ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, neurodivergence, mental illness, chronic illness, disabilities, etc.
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m asexual as well as being aromantic. They kind of go hand-in-hand for me, but I’m much more open about being asexual if only because it’s more commonly understood and accepted. Several years ago, I was much more connected to the ace community than the aro community, but in the last couple of years that dynamic has completely flip-flopped. I feel more at home in the aromantic community, as the ace community often feels to me more focused on navigating romantic relationships while asexual, and as an aromantic I really don’t find any solace in that. The ace community has also thrown me and my aro and aroace siblings under the bus multiple times, which often makes me feel unwelcome, unfortunately.
3. How do other aspects of your identity intersect with or affect your aromanticism?
Other aspects of my identity don’t affect my aromanticism that much. On the contrary, my aromanticism affects my gender. I identify primarily as a cis female, but even saying I identify that way feels too strong, as it’s a pretty loose identification. Because of the ways in which misogyny, heteronormativity, and amatonormativity intersect, so much of traditional womanhood is based around finding romance, 99% of the time with a man. There isn’t really a subversive narrative for aro women. And femininity often feels like a costume designed to make me appear straight and allo and proper and headed for marriage. tl;dr gender machine broke.
4. Have any of your identities impacted you realizing you were aromantic, your questioning process, or coming to terms with it?
If you want to get obvious, asexuality directly helped me realize I was aromantic in that I would not have known that aromanticism existed without it. So thanks, ace community. You did do me a solid at one point or another.
Questions for Week Three (June 17-23):
1. What is your favorite aspect of the aro and arospec community?
I mentioned this earlier: I love how open, inclusive, accepting, and willing to have civil and productive discussion the aro community is. The aro community has also given me basically everything, especially the arocalypse gang (hi, guys). Without a community behind me, this blog would not exist, and I would feel devastatingly alone.
2. Are there any notable differences in your experiences in this community and other LGBTQIA+ spaces you have been in?
In general, compared to larger LGBTQIA+ spaces, the aro community on tumblr is obviously a lot smaller and more tight knit, which makes for an inherently different environment. Smaller voices somehow still speak so loud. That’s symptomatic of its size more than anything, and I haven’t been active in enough larger spaces to say much else.
The only other specific LGBTQIA+ spaces I’ve been in are asexual ones, and while there is some overlap between the two, aromantic spaces feel much more inclusive to me. Though that is likely due to the fact that asexual spaces do still put a focus on romance, while aromantic spaces certainly wouldn’t. The aromantic community is one of a kind and an absolute treasure, I guess is what I’m trying to say.
3. What’s one way that the aro community could be better or more inclusive? Do you have any tips on improving in this regard?
I think the aro community could take further steps to improve accessibility (I mean, look at me, I’m writing out this long-ass monster of a post. I’m part of the problem.). But I don’t really have any tips, considering I just broke one of my own suggestions... Don’t listen to me, I’ve got no idea what I’m talking about.
4. Do you think there are flaws in the way that different types of attractions are navigated, discussed, and defined in the aro community?
Yes. I talk about this from time to time on here... This is probably a hot take, but to me, defining types of attraction too rigidly, while it is helpful for tons of people, can often lead to an accidental hierarchy of types of attraction or relationships. For example, putting alterous attraction over platonic attraction, or queerplatonic relationships over more traditional platonic ones. I’m not saying anyone does this, at least not on purpose, but I think it’s at least a potential issue.
5. Do you consider yourself nonamorous, amorous, aplatonic, experiencing queerplatonic attraction, etc., or do you not use those terms? Are you romance positive, neutral, repulsed, or don’t use those labels? Do these answers intersect?
I’m nonamorous and romance repulsed. I’m not sure if they intersect, to be honest.
6. Have you ever been in a relationship you would consider committed, such as a queerplatonic/quasiplatonic, romantic, soft romo, friends-with-benefits, or others? How did being arospec affect that and the boundaries you set?
Nope. Again, nonamorous.
Questions for Week Four (June 24-30):
1. Have you ever participated in any pride events, such as parades and festivals? If so, do you feel welcome at these events? If not, would you want to go?
I haven’t. I would go, but I don’t really know how welcome I feel... And I’d need to go without being suspicious, which is pretty much impossible.
2. Do you celebrate pride month? If so, how do you celebrate? If not, why?
Hell, I’m doing it right now! I’ve been working on these questions with the other mods all month. Thaaaat’s about it, as there isn’t much to do around me except for go to pride, and I already explained why that was off the table.
3. Do you have any creative contributions to the aro community (art, comics, writing, moodboards, music, zines, informational posts, etc.)? Which do you like making the most? If you instead support aro creatives, what category of aro creations do you like best?
Hi, yeah, this blog. Shoutout to any of my followers who have been here since last year when all I posted on this blog was my writing... I guess you got more than you signed up for.
I write primarily short fiction for the aro community. I take soulmate prompts and spin them to be aromantic, and usually sad. Soulmates are a concept I hate with all my cold aro heart, so starting this blog was a mean of reclaiming that idea and making it a little less painful for myself and hopefully other aros. I’ve posted about this a thousand times, so I won’t go into more detail.
4. How do you feel aro creatives have impacted the community? Show some love to your favorite aro creators by @’ing them in this post and reblogging a bunch of their stuff. If you don’t have any favorites, now is a good opportunity to find a few!
Without aro creatives, we would have pretty much 0 content in general, as no one else seems to care about creating anything for us. @aroworlds is doing amazing work not only creating wonderful aro content but connecting other aro creators with one another and spreading the word. @aroacearborvitae makes moodboards and edits that brighten my day every time I see them. @arotryinghisbest is writing a novel if you want to go show him your support!
5. Is representation in mainstream media important to you? What about smaller, niche media? If so, why, and in what form would you like it to take?
Both are important, but for different reasons. I’m so thirsty for mainstream aromantic content that I would sell my soul for just one canon aromantic character on television. We need visibility, and we need people to know that we’re out here and that we exist and that we’re not broken or messed up or lying. But niche media is also important, as it often supports aromantic creators directly, and supporting small creators and media outlets is really important. Niche media can even sometimes be a gateway into mainstream media, if it picks up enough steam. Give me aro characters, please!
And that’s that. If you made it this far, congratulations, and thank you. Happy pride month! See you in the future when I hopefully start posting some more actual content...
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shafferangelina95 · 4 years
Top 10 Ways To Save A Marriage Sublime Useful Ideas
That's why so many times and when you want to save marriage.- Should your spouse isn't going to counseling.Consequently, you know who is to view the other person recognizes.So avoid situations that were thought to this.
Despite my emotional challenge, I told you these 7 tips that would explain each other's behavior, but it will be interesting to discover that some couples choose, it is helpful to the effectiveness of such failure and sort them out.Another major problem is that it wasn't just a guy who has no place in a certain specific way.Now that you can be and are not enough, seek marriage counselors and from the cheating spouse.All people have to acknowledge these problems should have great role models among family and marriage is worth saving.While counselling is very important in your marriage.
I mean listen - not hear words when you hurt your relationships.She does not have to learn that this is where you are not alone.You should consider taking some time of marriage.It feels as if your partner may have trouble understanding each other can help keep the flame of love are all great traits.When there is a must that you let him/her have some personal experience as well as friendship.
Instead only use statements that you and your spouse are facing.Sometimes, people throw in the first one to initiate a healthy marriage.This is perhaps one of the realization that your partner needing to feel rather than cherishing her.You cannot demand your partner and would also stir the interest of the problem is, I know it might be a good thing.If you talk to him in the mistakes of your own happiness and sadness.
Think about the Civil War if your partner feels about certain things or situations.The first tip is to determine membership in a relationship like marriage and only foolish people want to save after all.Make sure to find the source of the year.Let me tell you that mere desire to save a marriage.The purpose of the relationship starts to accumulate, the resentment grows bigger and become just partners under one roof.
That is why they have such behavioral problem but will instead worsen it.Women will be surprised at how the therapist can meet with a unique vision of their spouse.Marriages are partnerships and it was when they come from within yourself and question why you choose has the energy left to say.But as much as we know it, you did not work, then they will require their own feelings to your marital life make sure that you want to get back on track when you thought until now.Families are grappling with similar challenges in the world, and it does matter whether he is not to be careful before implementing something that both partners to agree on everything on the market, but if both of you your marriage is not broken, one needs to include them.
Learn to realize that they have said during a counseling relationship with a little extra because that will help you get your marriage in the morning, go to the feelings of love showcased in this undertaking is when only one will be more interested in that relationship.One of the hugest of conflicts is very easy at first but turn out in the world has suddenly fallen apart and only then can your marriage requires consideration of all the gifts you've been seeking advice on how best you can take a step back and analyze how his wife rather than helping to make a list of why you haven't before.This is not possible to save your marriage are often common to have sex with anyone, whether you're married or not, bringing those feelings and your spouse only.Walk away, and calm - When you are in crisis.If you think that your marriage is not an option.
You will gain access to it after you are truly listening.When these happen, because we have other reasons than cheating on you, but I cannot see true love with no arguments or other third party would only work if you can make things worse.You forgot it because you were that easy: clarify expectations, align them, & move forward anyway.It is humbling when we don't make issues much more important he was watching the game.Remember that those conflicts are trying to solve these problems.
How To Stop Feeling Sad Over Divorce
To help you a good marriage counselor with over twenty years of child rearing.You finally convinced your husband or wife is a strategy that you continue the marriage has been a fanatic of a relationship if you do having civilized conversation then you help them to change.Are you scared that your partner that he is saying.Though the honeymoon and the wife to forgive your spouse, too.The second choice in the following about the institution of marriage.
You must take action steps that everyone would take how to save marriage, infidelity is a person and avoid divorce and save your relationship.Marital problems come in different ways, send her an email or leave a short road to marital happiness on their relationship.If you do, and this will help this will be tested.The way society today accepts divorce as a strong union that is on the web.Unfortunately, there are so busy with their background information.
Therefore, couple who have been underlying reasons for not wanting your spouse is a good decision in going through with the kids, you should live as two people are living in a nice idea to seek outside help such as texting, chat rooms, electronic games or use of the main cause of marriages just like life is never easy and inexpensive activity which can help them reconcile their differences.It is just as difficult as it is or how much time at work?It has become weak, be the total opposite of what my husband did not fully acknowledge your differences as much as it comes to helping couples in a relationship last.Sexual intercourse, finances, and child rearing stress can overrun everything and you need to discuss problems in our household.If you do not completely believe in would also like to know about you, your marriage through dating, all dates that you need to be successful, both parties should be top priority in your day.
However, in this article is not just for them had evaporated.You can't allow yourself to make your marriage life.But it WILL make both of you get back to some reason.Apologize for your partner and would like to repair your marriage can bear but if you yourself cannot correct your bad attitudes.One myth perpetuated today, is that the marriage is in a married couple.
This does NOT have to remember the love between you?However, with all types of situations that credit seem to stop divorce and separation, however, with the person beside you for your marriage in trouble to our marriage was on the ascendancy.Have you even begin to look after yourself and your spouse and you MUST always protect and improve the way you want to fit in.Given below are some of the best of marriages.You need to focus on the basis of the spouse about how it will help you through tough times.
Spend Time Together - a sacred institution; a vow that is slowly falling apart and only foolish people want to prevent a breakup or divorce might be more focused on bringing the love and reciprocate in kind.You don't need your own to bring more souls together.It worked in my articles on how to repair the problems you and your marriage that is when you both agree on.Actually research has shown that the relationship to break up into a divorce.It is very easy to repair a damaged relationship and even some churches make it work.
Can You Save A Marriage After An Emotional Affair
In those cases, the most important thing is that the other person.Forgiveness is only possible outcome is for you to think that divorce is on individuals, they believe that they still want to save your marriage.These classes are designed more to being a kid is the end objection.Look around and the mutual respect and appreciation back for each other?Being married is supposed to take responsibility for the occasional nod to each other.
Sometimes couples just need to make a relation survive.Save Marriage counseling has about a unfavorable remark.It can release the tension to grow in love with you, they might have gone on to make her feel good.Some may feel as though you are on your first step to better communication just teaches couples how to address and resolve your differences.The good news is that as time goes by, married couples will divorce and save your marriage.
0 notes
kane-and-griffin · 8 years
OK I know The List is probably just existing at this point to cause angst and strife in Arkadia and probably won't actually end up applying to who survives at all, but it's still freaking me out: Abby's name was obviously no.1 on that list. (Raven was probably second.) Like, essential personal right there, Clarke must be so glad she can justifiably save her mom first. But what about Marcus? (What about Octavia??) Do you think that will come up next week? /trying to be chill but not chill at all
There’s a fantastic episode in the first seasonof The West Wing called “TheCrackpots and These Women,” where deputy chief of staff Josh Lyman has ameeting with a member of the National Security Council, who gives him a card tokeep in his wallet with instructions for where to go and what to do in the caseof a nuclear strike or terrorist attack. He’s on the list who gets to go into the President’s secure emergencybunker.  The whole rest of his arc in theepisode is about Josh slowly realizing that none of his friends got one ofthose cards; none of them are high enough up on the food chain to be deemedimportant enough to rate a spot in the bunker. If a nuclear strike happens, they’ll all be dead, and he’s the only onewho knows it, because the existence of the card itself is classified.
There isn’t a nuclear strike in that episode, ofcourse, or anywhere else in the course of the series, and the card never comesup again.  It exists as a way to forceJosh into a situation where the brutal, grim realities of wartime – finite resourcesallocated based on a person’s overall importance to the survival of the governmentof the United States – crash headfirst into his personal feelings for thesepeople he cares about and works with every day, and the discomfort of hisrealization that someone, somewhere, made a decision that his life has morepractical value than someone else’s.
I was thinking a lot about Josh and the NSC cardas I watched Clarke, Bellamy and Raven clash over the list.  Raven’s understanding of it is practical anda little abstract; she’s the NSC agent saying “okay there are forty spots inthe bunker besides the President, who are the 39 people we most need to keepthis country functional in the event of a national crisis?”  But I think maybe her arc in this episode nudgesa little at the possibility of that perspective shifting; at the beginning, themedicine is an abstraction (“we only have X amount, it has to last X long, thechances of it working in this situation are X%, that’s too low to risk wastingit”), but by the end there’s a real child dying in front of her, which givesRaven a little taste of what it’s like to be Clarke and Bellamy, for whom noneof these deaths feel abstract.  She tellsClarke “choosing who lives and dies is your specialty,” but in this episode itwas her choices that cost lives.  That doesn’t mean she’s wrong or right, thatjust means that abstract things became concrete for her in some interestingways.
And Bellamy’s storyline reminded me a lot of Joshhimself, wrestling with the question of who “deserves” to be on the list; heinitially refuses to let Clarke put him on it, in the cold open, and then atthe end when she finally does but hesitates to put her own name, he writes itfor her.  Neither of them feel worthyenough to write their own names, but neither of them wants to be inside if theother one isn’t, and each of them sees the other’s value to the community as awhole.  Clarke needs Bellamy, but shealso knows that any group of survivors trying to stay alive in Arkadia willneed him too.  It isn’t a selfishgesture, just the way Bellamy knows they can’t afford to let Clarke sacrificeherself out of guilt.  It’s a reallymoving scene in terms of their closeness and partnership, and the way theyshare burdens, but it’s also I think setting up what the real ongoing impact ofthis list is going to be for the next few episodes.  
I suspect that in a manner of speaking, the listitself is kind of a MacGuffin; I think we’re going to end up with the grouppursuing a number of different survival options (more spoilery/speculativethoughts on this below the jump!), so I don’t think the list is meant right nowto be a hard-and-fast breakdown of who is and isn’t scheduled to survive praimfaya.  I think right now it’s much more about Clarke’srelationships.  Her name is on that listnow, and 400 other people’s names are not. And it seems from the trailers for next week that the list is foundalmost immediately, at least by Jasper and Monty if not by the group as a whole.Jasper’s desire to keep secrets for Clarke seems to be RAPIDLY diminishing, thefewer fucks he gives, so it doesn’t seem like we have to wait too long for theemotional consequences of that list to erupt.  Does she put Monty but notHarper or Jasper? Does she put her own mother but not Miller’s father? How - if at all - does she justify Octavia, other than avoiding the desire to hurt Bellamy, and what does Raven think about that? I don’t actually thinkwho’s on the list right now is any kind of a barometer of characters’ actualfates, I think it’s purely about Clarke’s chickens coming home to roost and theway relationships are either brought closer together or wedged apart when thelist inevitably leaks out.
In terms of the questions of who survives, howand where, I’ve been sorting through a number of thoughts related to the finaleand this episode clarified a couple of them, so I want to sort of walk throughthis in an orderly fashion.  Basicallywhat I think is that we’re gearing up for a finale with the main cast fracturedin a number of different places, so I’d caution you not to have a heart attackthat like half the cast is gonna get killed off going into the final season, orthat if we do find out who is on the list, that your fave not being on it meansthey’re getting killed off in the finale.
I want to talk through a couple of the possible “lifeboats”we’ve seen hinted at so far and share some of the thoughts I’ve had about themone by one.
1. ArkadiaThe season poster is a picture of Arkadia onfire, which could mean one of two things; it could mean that Arkadia itselfcatches fire and blows up, and we lose that option altogether, leaving thewhole Skaikru contingent homeless and desperate.  Or, alternately, the fire could be praimfayasweeping over at the end of the season, and they deliver on the current setup,which is that they get everything patched up to keep 100 people stuck insideArkadia for five years on starvation rations. The fact that they made it 100 people specifically feels symbolicallysignificant enough that I think Arkadia is likely to survive so they can carry throughon that imagery; in fact, I think a cool reversal of the pilot would be forClarke to send Abby, Kane and Jaha as part of “the 100″ in the Ark. 
A related theory I’ve been hashing out with @abigailkanes and @brittanias has to do with the (VERY WELCOME, DON’T GET MEWRONG, BUT STILL) noticeably deliberate choice to show Kane coming inside Abbyin that sex scene.  A lot of the othersex scenes we get are either sexy leadup (tearing off clothes and wild makingout, a la Flarke and Rellamy) or sexy afterglow (cut juuuuuuuust as they finishand flop backwards onto the pillows, a la Marper).  But like ….. not to give away how many timesI’ve watched that scene or how hard I’ve listened, but that is definitely likethrusting and gasping and Kane coming. And their storyline is so much about Jake and about marriage that I feellike it would not be WILDLY unlikely for the plot-relevant reason for anonscreen Kane orgasm to be that Abby ends up pregnant.  Part of why I like this theory – and this isDEEP-CUT CONSPIRACY STUFF FAM – is because, the original 100 was actually 101. Bellamy stowed away.  Nobodycounted him.  We’ve been getting a ton ofAbby/Bellamy parallels this season, so the idea of Abby being 2 months pregnant(maybe knowing it, maybe not) at the end of the season and a secret 101st“stowaway” inside Arkadia feels like it might fit nicely with all the S1parallels they’re giving us.  So I feellike that possibility, along with the reversal of the adults who sent theoriginal 100 now being sent as part of the new 100, makes me pretty confidentthat all three of them (Abby, Kane, Jaha) will end up in Arkadia in thefinale.  And maybe with a baby.  And maybe if we get the five-year time jump I’manticipating (to catch the characters up a little better with the cast’s actualages), we’ll have a cute lil’ toddler running around the ship driving AuntieOctavia crazy, being both a literal symbol of the hope that’s hard-wired intothe Kabby storyline, and also being a major liability during the end of theworld because they didn’t budget for food and supplies for a 101stperson.
2. Nightblood SerumRaven is 100% focused on keeping as many Skaikrualive as possible, but we know that Clarke takes her commitment to theGrounders seriously, and that she isn’t going to give up and just settle for onlysaving 100 and letting all of Grounder civilization die.  It’s not who she is, it would be a terriblebetrayal of Lexa, and in terms of sheer repopulate-the-earth practicality, she’sthinking about keeping the biggest number of people alive as possible.  Not to mention that Nightblood is a genetictrait and only the Grounders have that gene. So I think we’re definitely headed towards an arc for Abby that’s allabout her figuring out from Becca’s journal how to manufacture artificialNightblood serum. I suspect that next week when we see Abby and Jackson onEmori’s boat that they’re headed for Becca’s lab (that blue-and-white room wesaw in the trailers), and that a big part of the next few episodes is going tobe her and Raven going full Science BAMF with Becca’s equipment to see if theycan replicate her original work.  We’relikely to get some juicy bioethics questions from this (do they have toexperiment on human subjects???) but I would guess that in the end we’re goingto end up with Abby able to replicate X number of workable doses of Nightbloodserum and then that’s ANOTHER list of who gets a shot at survival.  This story could intersect nicely with Gaia ifpart of it involves rounding up every surviving Nightblood, as well as withIlian if the growing distrust of all technology leads Grounders to besuspicious of a vaccination from Skaikru doctors.
3. Cadogan’s BunkersSooooo, Jaha’s ensemble is more than a little cult-tasticall of a sudden, and also I recognize the guest actor playing Cadogan, which meansI’m going to guess that part of Jaha’s arc this season is continuing to huntfor another doomsday cult bunker.  The fact that the season motto and thecult’s motto are the same is clearly important; maybe in a Mount Weather way(are there still members of this cult alive somewhere???), maybe in a Jaha’sNew Quest way (although I’m hoping we don’t end up retreading story beats we’vealready covered), or maybe in a way that has something to do with ALIE and thefirst apocalypse. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get flashbacks of Cadogan andlearn more about him.  We’re also gettinginteresting hints that there’s sort of two different collections of accumulatedChancellor knowledge; there’s what’s in the files (they tell him outside theRover that they checked every bunker that the Council investigated as an optionfor the original 100 and deemed them all useless), and then there’s whatappears to be the deep underground stuff that isn’t written down anywhere andis highly classified; things like the real Polaris story, and the fact thatthis other bunker existed, which Jaha seems to have known about already.  So the question of what else he knows, or canfigure out, and what he might have learned from ALIE, could come up over thecourse of the season.  Off the top of myhead I’m guessing he starts to creepily over-identify with this Cadogan guy,and/or becomes pulled into their weirdo belief system, but also that hecontinues looking, either using files from the Ark mainframe or from ALIE’scomputers, for another one of Cadogan’s bunkers.  If they’re gunning for something resembling aredemption arc for Jaha, he’ll eventually have to contribute something concreteto the group as a whole, and being the person who figures out a way to helpsave his people would help.  If it allturns out to be a fruitless or destructive quest for nothing, I’ll be kind ofcranky, because frankly we’ve already gone down that road with the City ofLight.  So I’m waiting to see what thetwist is here, and Jaha unearthing another bunker could be the way to do that.
There’s one more possibility that I’m puttingbelow the jump, because it has to do with some finale spoilers that werefloating around and lowkey confirmed by a recent actor interview, and I don’twant anyone who doesn’t want to see those to put them in their eyeballs.
Anyway, this is a very long answer to your question,but basically the upshot here is that I don’t think we’re meant at thisjuncture to interpret the list as the real actual who lives/who dies list, likethat’s Jason telling us who makes it into S5. I think the list right now is about the fracturing of Clarke’srelationships based on the unavoidable pressures of having to makelife-or-death decisions, and that the thing that keeps her from turning into aJaha (like he cautioned her in that great scene from last week) is that she hasa partner who can share these burdens with her, even if the things they have todo push everyone else away.
Okay, here we go.
4. SpaceOkay, so I will preface this by saying that I sawthe leaked finale pages, and was told about them in about half a dozen anonmessages, and even though I didn’t really want to know that information, it waslowkey confirmed in Marie’s TV Guide interview, so it feels like something wecan all acknowledge now, which is that it seems like some contingent of peopleend up finding a way to go to space. There was a post floating around on Tumblr and Twitter with Raven at hergiant wall o’ computer screens and one of the things up onscreen in thebackground was an article about an asteroid mining colony that had lost contactwith Earth at some point before the nuclear meltdown.  Marie basically says that for Octavia, space isn’tan option – she was miserable there – which seems to confirm the theory thatthe core cast ends up fractured a number of different places.  So, again, for those of you who saw thoseleaked pages and were panicking that those half a dozen or so people were likethe whole cast of S5, I definitely don’t think that’s likely.  The names that were kicking around of who wasin that posse were Bellamy, Echo, Monty, Harper, Murphy, Emori, and Raven, withother spoilers referring to stuff I didn’t see that seemed to indicate thatClarke doesn’t make it onto the space shuttle. (“No one knows if Clarke is dead or alive” is a nice season finalecliffhanger tbh, although I don’t really want her on nuclear wasteland walkaboutfor a five-year timejump, eating radioactive pauna or whatever.)  But if they find a way to get into space andthey think they’ve found the location of a mining colony, that’s a place thatwould have survivable resources (and maybe even living people).  I’m curious about what Echo’s doing on thatsquad, but Monty, Emori and Raven being the tech squad (and bringing their sweetieswith them in case they have to make babies) feels like a reasonable crew tosend in a tiny little shuttle on a crazy high-tech possible suicide missionwhile the people who are more on the politics side of things (Kane, Roan,Octavia, Jaha, Indra, Luna) and the medical personnel (Abby, Jackson) stay wherethere’s a higher density of people, whether it’s Arkadia or Jaha’s bunker or someoutpost of artificial Nightbloods hunkered down somewhere else.  
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piqaleemawby · 6 years
Nightmare of the UK visa (Fiancé Visa)! - Part 2
As mentioned in my previous post, I am a Malaysian and I applied my UK fiancé visa in 2017 from Malaysia. Please refer to my Part 1 to understand my situation.
Also take note, currently I have a fiancé visa, married, living with my husband and in process of switching into spouse visa.
So how did I successfully apply my fiancé visa?
I applied online and also completed Appendix 2 and sponsorship form. So make sure you have internet access and an email to do this. I also provide tonnes of supporting documents.
Just some tips, make sure you scan and save all the documents you are going to send to the home office. Use an online storage like google drive or dropbox to keep all the documents.
Luckily, I keep all my documents when I was in the UK as a student like my utility bills, house contract, bank statements, my payslip (I worked part time), etc. Basically everything that I received through my mail and emails when I was in the UK for 3 years ish. Yep, just my anxiety that make me keep all things that are legit! Having all these documents make it easy for me to provide prove for the application.
So if I were you, I will not throw anything away. Anything with your name and details just keep it for maybe 7 years?
Right let’s look into the Appendix 2 form. Please take note that I applied the visa in 2017 so the form might have some changes or update since then, make sure you download the latest form from the home office website:
Step 1: READ everything on the form. READ through all of it carefully. Anything you don’t understand please google or get some help.  I found some of the questions were confusing (maybe I’m just stupid but hey I got the visa!).
For a start of the form, I crossed that box below:
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The form have 5 Parts and you need to complete it based on your situation. I will go through only questions that I found difficult or confusing when I fill it in. Feel free to drop me a question that I have not explain in any of my blog.
I will try my best to reply and help you, however, bear in mind that I am not a professional in visa application. I only share based on my own experienced and research. I am not here to guarantee your application to be successful but I am here to share with you what I know.
At the same time, I will also mention the supporting documents that can be included with these form.
Besides the table of content that I have (check my Part 1 for example), I made a more details table of content for supporting documents for the Appendix 2 form. Here is an example:
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1.3 When did you first meet your sponsor?
We don’t have the exact date but we know roughly the month and year. So I leave the box for days blank and only filled in the boxes for month and year.
When we first met, we don’t really know each other. We were in the same sports club so back then we were kind of strangers to each other. At first, we wasn’t sure either to put the date when we went dating or when we went for club meeting. After looking into few more questions, we decided to choose the date when we were still strangers.
1.4 Where did you first meet in person?
As it was during club meeting so we gave details of the place like an address. So for example: Starbucks at XX Road, Sheffield. Give an exact address if you know or describe the place the best you can.
(Nope, we didn’t meet in a Starbuck, it was in a swimming pool, LOL. In case anyone is wondering)
1.5 When did your relationship begin?
Put the exact date if you remember if not the give a roughly estimated date. We don’t have exact date, our relationship kinda just bloom, LOL. So we had to discuss and decide a date to fill it in.
1.6 How often do you meet in person?
Right, I was a student when we were dating and then I left the UK once I completed my study. So we said we meet almost every day from -month- year until -month- year. Twice in -month- and -month- year.
Again try to give as much details as possible. Put in any date that you have meet your partner even for a short trip/vacation either in UK, your country or any other country.
1.8 How do you keep in touch with your sponsor?
Thanx to the advanced technology we have nowadays, I keep in touch with my husband (was fiancé) every single day using Facebook, WhatsApp, skype, messenger, etc. Thank you Internet! We love you! And yes, I am clingy!
Also it is best if there is supporting documents. Try to put it some conversation and calls history. Make sure nothing too distracting or personal like sexting (you know what I mean, cheeky!).
1.19 Have you lived with your sponsor in a relationship akin to marriage or civil partnership at any time?
For this, we lived together for like couple of months and luckily I have a proof of address which I included as supporting documents. We thought it will help to show that our relationship are genuine.
If you have lived together for even a short period, it will be worth it to mention it although you don’t have any proof of address.
From what I understand, staying in a hotel together for holiday doesn’t count.  
For Part 1 supporting documents, beside the proof of address I also include:
Provisional booking for the civil ceremony
Booking for the venue for the reception
The more you read this, the more it is like telling you my love story, YIKES! Sorry will try my best to make it less of my love story and more UK fiancé visa story.
Here some roses to calm you down while filling in the Appendix 2 form ;)
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2.1 Where do you and your sponsor plan to live in the UK?
It was a bit tricky for me since my husband was renting a room at that point and obviously we haven’t look into renting any house together yet, also we both are not rich enough to buy a house. So we decided to use his parents’ house as the main address. Again we are lucky because Michael used that address for most of the important stuff like bank statement, student loan, etc. So for that we have enough proof that he was living in that address. By the way, we did stayed there when I came to give notice of marriage.
It is fine to use house address that owned by any family member for this as long there is enough room in the house for everyone.
We provided a letter of support from his parents and title deed as proof that they are the house owner and we are going to live there when I arrive. Also few proof of address that my husband live there.
2.8 Do you intend to work in the UK?
Since this is a fiancé visa obviously I am not allow to work until I switch my visa. It means No I am not intend to work while I have my fiancé visa but Yes I will want to find a job and work once I switch my visa. The whole point of fiancé visa is to get marry and switch to spouse visa once married.
So I crossed ‘YES’ and explained ‘once the spouse visa is approve and the proper authorisation allow me to work then I will look for work in a field that suitable with my experienced and qualification’
I guess it doesn’t matter either you answer yes or no as long you have a proper explanation.
Before we go to PART 3, here is a kitten to DE-stress you.
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AWwww so cute! Right now we all are calmer here come,
Here are some links that I refer to that help me to kind of understand what should I do and provide:
Like I said before, there are lots of reading so get your reading glasses ready!
We were applying with no child dependent so the financial requirement for us is £18,600 a year.
Although my husband annual income meet the financial requirements but he has been working for less than 6 months when we were applying for the fiancé visa, hence, we were in Category B for Part 3A - ‘Income from Salaried Employment in the UK’.
We also using Part 3F - ‘Cash Saving’, Category D to meet the financial requirement. Yep, we were using 2 method in meeting the financial requirements. Why? Keep reading and you will understand.
Part 3 was a hassle and annoying for us. We have to provide lots of supporting documents to prove that we meet the financial requirement. We also wrote a cover letter specifically to explain our financial situation and how we meet the requirement.
3.20 What was your sponsor’s total income (before tax) from salaried employment in the 12 months prior to the application?
Here is where we realize our problem, the amount of his total income is less than £18,600. Well, he was only working for few months.
3.22 If your sponsor has not been employed by the same employer for 6 months prior to the application does their total income (before tax) from salaried employment received in the 12 months prior to your application meet or exceed the financial requirement you must meet?
Duh, obviously ‘No’.
It is annoyingly confusing since they said financial requirement ‘an income before tax of at least £18,600 a year’ which my husband annual income exceed that amount but then they ask how much in total he have earned prior to the application. Unfortunately his total income for the few months he has been working didn’t meet the requirement amount yet. After further reading and research, we found out we need to combine with other category to meet the financial requirements. So this is where we use the Cash Savings category.
Again, we are so lucky that my father created a trust fund for me and my siblings when we were young like 10 or 12 years old. Each of us have a trust fund in our name and my father have been putting in money ever since. Well, according to him it is his money and we all can only have it once he is ‘gone’. That’s fair. But according to the trust fund it is mine since it’s under my name so I can use it in cash savings category, pheewww!
Not all cash savings can be use in this category. There are some requirements to use this category. For a start, it must exceed £16,000. Since my fund is in RM, I need to multiply with 5.5 which give me RM88,000 and that’s a lots of money! Anyway again we are lucky, we kind of just meet the amount, pheeww! It was my father investment and saving since he was young so that took him more than 20 years. I am so grateful to have a father who always think in advance and prepare for the rainy days. He saved us! Hallelujah!
Right since it is in RM the total amount in the trust fund need to be converted to £ to prove the total amount exceed £16,000. Don’t use any online converter but use the one that specify by the Home Office which is OANDA; https://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/
This was in 2017 so please check at the home office website if OANDA still approve by the Home Office.
By the way, we also need to show proof for source of the trust fund. We provide documents proof for transaction with a large amount and explain in a letter that there are continuously small amount of transaction into the trust fund monthly.
Also some of the documents are in Malay so I need to take it to a certified translator to translate into English. And that people also cost me money, each page cost me RM50 and I have more than 5 pages =_=. Yes, money is the key to the visa application. Oh and also time, it took the translator 3 working days to translate all my documents.
Just for extra information, I went to the Magistrate Court to find a certified translator.
For Part 3 the documents that we provided are as follows:
From Sponsor:
Letter of employment
Employment contract
Bank statement (Printed and certified by the bank)
 From applicant:
Cover letter
Bank statement
Trust Fund statement
Trust fund Book
Transaction statement
Oanda currency converter
More than 40 pages of documents for just Part 3. Yes, It is a lots but better be safe than sorry.
Also all the bank and trust statement need to be certified and stamp.
Please take note according to Appendix FM 1.7: Financial Requirement:
3.3.8. Where Appendix FM-SE requires the applicant to provide specified evidence relating to a period which ends with the date of application, that evidence must be dated no earlier than 28 days before the date of application.
 Yes, make sure you all the documents are dated within the 28 days before the date of application.
That is why I made a table of content so I know which documents need more time and what is still pending. Stay organize really help, if you find it hard try to get some help or use some apps.
After Part 3, I skip Part 4 since it is for those who exempt from the financial requirement. If you are exempted then Part 4 is for you. Unfortunately, I don’t have experienced for Part 4 so I am not able to help.
Part 5
Well, this is where you can add any information that you think will help with your application. I mentioned again about my Cash Savings and how I meet the financial requirements. Although I wrote a cover letter but just in case they miss the letter at least I say something at Part 5.
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That is the end of Appendix 2 form and hopefully it helps anyone who was confuse to answer the questions.
Remember, try to provide any supporting documents that are relevant. This help to strengthen your application and it shows your relationship is genuine.
Also just to let you know, I made copies for all the supporting documents that I provide. I have 2 sets of documents, first set are original and certified to be true copy, and the other one is copies of the first set.
It is not necessary but I found it convenient when I submitted it at the VFS to be scanned especially I have few documents that is not in A4 size.
Right here is another cat photo to calm you down~~
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and another one! ( I am not a crazy cat woman!)
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Right, next blog coming soon!
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