#When that kitten hatched and Fury was in love
garma-mom · 4 months
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Edit after watching:
Omg. I'm a Big Fan of Captain Marvel and Miss Marvel, I love the series with the Carol Danver's teenage girl fan 🥰🙏🏼
Also love cats, kittens, kitties.
The movie was suuuper cool, especially at the start where 3 womans struggled with teleporting while using their powers. That was so much fun to watch, I was laughing my ass off, thrilled 😂😄😄😄
Great movie!
Ps: Omg I just saw the scene after titles. Daamn.
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silvereternitywrites · 10 months
Red Rooster
Prompt: It turns out, chickens will hatch any eggs in their nests. This hen is a little concerned about her newest child, but she's going to teach him how to be a good chicken, no matter how much like a dragon he looks. Prompt Source: user nobodysgeese; subreddit “Writing Prompts”
"My son," the oldest of the hens in the yard (the one the rest of the flock gave the highest respect, calling her 'Roostmother' and accepting chastisement no matter how much they felt it undeserved) crooned lovingly to the largest of the current chick-flock, "you are strong, and you are tall, and you are beautiful. And you are still my son."
Henry, the chick's name, ducked his head respectfully the way he'd learned from the hen who'd hatched him, sitting next to the Roostmother with his tail in the dirt and never looking her in the eye.
"Of course, Roostmother. All the chicks are yours, as all the hens are your sisters and daughters. Have I done something to make you think I do not know this?"
"No, my son," she croaked, throat fluttering as she watched the current cock-in-favor strut at the edges of the yard, keeping watch for hawks and other hunters. "But it is important for you to remember, before I tell you this tale, that no matter what, you are my son, and I am your Roostmother, and this flock is your family."
Henry settled in, fluffing his wings (which didn't quite work; his wings still hadn't grown in any feathers, primary, secondary, or down, but they did have skin stretched between long bones and his back, with a glimmer just starting to bud along his skin that the Roostmother hoped were his under-feathers coming in, even if they seemed oddly shiny) and giving her all his attention just like any other chick at story-time in the evenings when the hens gathered around in the warmth of the coop and the roosters took turns sporting and guarding the door until sunrise heralded the time of rest was over.
"It is a tale from the long-ago, long before my mother's mother's mother was even a thought in her own mother's head," she clucked, softly, a cadence she had known since she was a chick much smaller than he and listening attentively to her Roostmother telling this same tale.
"In the long-ago, we were bigger than we are in the now. Three, perhaps four times- as tall as a swan, and as big as the wild turkeys our cocks sometimes drive off. The stories say that we could smell like the fox and the wolf, and our talons were fit to rival the great eagle, vision sharp as hunting hawks, and like the now, we were smart enough to live in flocks, led by the strength of our Roostmothers and guarded by our cocks so that we could circle together and form up to destroy the threats that came for us, just as we do now. The strongest of us always, always show some traits from the long-ago. Future Roostmothers- or the cocks that sire them- have one or more of those things we lost then. We ruled then, and rule now. Our servants that protect and guard us, and rid us of the dud eggs so that we are not troubled with the effort, and bring their tributes in appreciation for our majesty, are the ones we tamed in the long-ago. If you grow to become a chicken with many of the traits of the long-ago, the time may be now to gather more such servants. And as Roostmother it is my duty to ensure you are raised a good chicken, knowing Flock and protection, knowing love and fury, knowing that turning against the Flock will get you Culled by us or our servants before you could do worse damage."
Henry bobbed his head, tail swishing back and forth as his wings fluffed again.
"I understand, Roostmother. I will mind my elders and my lessons so I do not need to be Culled. But, respectfully...for right now..."
"Yes, yes, go play with your friend. Has she earned her name from her Queen yet?"
Henry's head ducked in the embarrassment gesture this time. "So far, her kitten-name is 'Tail-Puller'. She wins more often than I do at our gaming."
Loudly clucking with laughter, she sent her son off to play, and returned to the very serious business of running the yard with an iron talon.
Almost 200 years later, a red dragon who was convinced he was descended from dinosaurs demanded chickens be allowed to roam free in all his lands, and every family who served him had at least one chicken.
Other dragons wondered why on earth his humans had such shiny hair and healthily glowing skin, but the constant crowing of chickens made for conversations with their neighbor difficult, so they never did find out.
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themculibrary · 2 years
Animals/Pets Masterlist
Accidental Kitten Acquisition (ao3) - SomeSortofItalianRoast steve/bucky G, 1k
Summary: Colonel Chester Phillips. Cat whisperer.
Baby Giraffes & Overheated Spider-Kids (ao3) - Marvelous_Writer pepper/tony G, 2k
Summary: In which Peter faints during a family trip to the zoo.
(Alternate title: Too Hot, Hot Damn)
Baseball Hats and Flying Bats (ao3) - JS3639 steve/tony G, 2k
Summary: Peter, Tony, and Steve go to the zoo while everyone is away.
Bats and Spiders (ao3) - 74days steve/bucky T, 2k
Summary: Steve Rogers is woken from a doze by a scream from the apartment upstairs. Grabbing his bat and heading up the fire escape he's more than ready to face down serial killers and / or burglars - but not what he actually finds...
Come find me (ao3) - wolfypuppypiles T, 5k
Summary: It was stupid really. Spider-Man falling down a hill; but it wasn’t really falling if the ground crumbled out from beneath your feet, so really, the hill had thrown him down.
It was also, almost laughably stupid, that it had happened on a school trip through a forest. No cell coverage, which meant no calling for help, which was bad enough without the snake.
Yep, the mother fucking snake.
dogs are not our whole life (but they make our lives whole) (ao3) - sheisraging steve/bucky T, 4k
Summary: They got a dog. It had to happen sooner or later.
Dogsitting (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor steve/tony G, 1k
Summary: Peter is dogsitting Lucky for the day, trying to convince his parents to let him get a dog.
Ducks in a Row (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight bucky/tony N/R, 2k
Summary: Tony finds duck eggs and hatches them Not even the Winter Soldier can resist a caring sweet Momma Tony.
featherstep (ao3) - samalander M, 2k
Summary: Natasha has always heard the voices of the animals around her, but when a bird tells her to trust the strange man pointing an arrow at her head, she does.
Half a Minute and Thirty Seconds (ao3) - mrasaki clint/phil T, 18k
Summary: He's not hiding, he's on vacation. (and adopted by a dog.)
L & Bucky (ao3) - neverfinishe bucky/clint T, 1k
Summary: There's a point where Clint realizes that the two most important individuals in his life have names that rhyme and end with -ucky.
New Tricks (ao3) - OddityBoddity steve/bucky M, 18k
Summary: The one where Bucky busts up a dog-fighting ring.
Of Christmas and Kittens (ao3) - SomeSortofItalianRoast steve/bucky G, 832
Summary: The snow it is snowing and the wind it is blowing, but I've got my love to keep me warm. Or, Bucky and Steve get started decorating for Christmas.
Of Compost and Kittens (ao3) - SomeSortofItalianRoast steve/bucky G, 1k
Summary: Bucky has to give new kitten Alpine a bath. It goes about as well as expected.
Still Life With Flerken (ao3) - copperbadge G, 1k
Summary: Nick Fury: soldier, spy, strategist, cat dad.
Strays (ao3) - Cryingravens clint/phil G, 4k
Summary: Phil isn't a fan of Clint's compulsion to save every stray he can find. He's tired of Clint's light fingers (It's stealing, Clint, not saving). Most of all, he's tired of being the one to find a place for all these animals to live!
The Cat Chooses The Witch (ao3) - ibelieveinturtles darcy/wanda G, 1k
Summary: Bucky’s never had his own familiar so Peggy sends him off to visit friends of hers, who are well known for their clever cats.
Wearing the Inside Out (ao3) - amethyst-noir (Arbonne) G, 1k
Summary: “Stephen?” he asked softly. “Everything okay? They’re yours, aren’t they? But they look different than last time…”
Stephen's magic likes Tony and shows it through butterflies (and other things).
0 notes
An idea from @starfruitspice about Rhys and Vasquez being in a meeting with Handsome Jack, only for there to be no seat for Rhys. So he plops his butt right down in Jack’s lap instead xD
Also on my ao3 here. :) My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here. 
It had been one year, sixteen days, three hours, and forty-seven minutes since Rhys had first met Handsome Jack in the flesh.
Four months, eighteen days, and forty-five minutes after that first meeting, Jack had asked Rhys out to dinner.
And last night, laying underneath Jack after sating their need, Rhys laughed and brushed sweat-damp hair from his face, stress relieved and worries comforted as Jack patted his ass and told him he’d take care of everything.
There was a meeting tomorrow for his department heads, and it wasn’t good.
He’d been pulling a lot of late nights to handle the excess problems that had been piled upon him by middle-management, or specifically, his arch-nemesis Vasquez. Work that had been necessary-- high-priority even- and neglected by those who should have delegated the issues better.
Jack was… Well, livid didn’t quite cut it, but he was definitely upset by the vulnerabilities that Helios had had for far longer than they should have. Stuff that could have easily been exploited by anyone with a decent set of hacking skills and the time to do so.
Luckily, no such thing had happened as of yet, and Helios was still flying high in the sky, safe and sound as Rhys worked himself ragged trying to apply the equivalent of a bandaid to patch the gaping holes in basic security.
It was far more than one man could do alone, and much too late. And to make matters worse, he was given an impossible deadline with the caveat that should he not finish in time, it would be on his head.
Basically, Vasquez was taking advantage of his higher position and trying to-- at the very least- get Rhys fired… possibly from a cannon.
The bastard had taken the position that should have been Rhys’ several months back, due to a few coincidences and plain-out ill-timing, and not only was the bearded man incompetent, but apparently he could hold a pretty solid grudge as well, even if he’d gotten what he wanted.
Vasquez had been baiting Rhys for weeks, trying to set him up for failure only for the other man to already head him off with upper management. But this, though… This was gross incompetence at its finest.
Rhys had maybe had a little undignified breakdown on his comm with Jack, the older man asking where he was when he missed their movie date, and Rhys was still at the office far later than anyone who valued their sanity and sleep should have been. And that’s when everything had come to a head, and he rambled about deadlines and grudges and wanting to perform well, and Jack had told him to leave it all and meet him at his penthouse.
One enthusiastic round of sex later, and the younger man was feeling way better about things.
“Why don’t you just let me handle that douchebag, babe?” Jack said as he kissed about the younger man’s neck, getting pleased little huffs from Rhys.
“I told you from the start that I didn’t want special treatment,” Rhys said as he looked over his shoulder, meeting the arched eyebrow on Jack’s face. The older man’s unimpressed expression made him chuckle. “I want to get ahead by my skills, not my connections, Jack.”
“Yeah, I’ve got a few connections for ya right here,” Jack laughed, pressing his hips into Rhys’ ass and making the younger man chuckle. It was too soon to go again, but didn’t mean Jack couldn’t make jokes or rub his soft cock against him. “...maybe in like ten minutes.”
“Just ten? That’s a little ambitious.”
“You little shit,” Jack said fondly, turning him over to kiss him properly. After he had the younger man sighing and humming in his throat, Jack broke to look down at him again. “Seriously though, kitten. Old wallethead has been begging to be taken down a peg or five. I thought you said that office should be yours.”
“Well, yeah…”
“Rhysie…” Jack sort of chuckled, though it was ill-spirited. “When they stop playing fair, you stop playing fair.” That got a smirk out of the younger man at least, and Jack grinned. “Want me to feed him to the lab animals in R&D?”
The idea made a smile play about Rhys’ lips. “No, maybe not that.”
“I can make an accident happen,” the older man proposed with a wicked grin. “Something involving life support systems… but more fun.”
The idea made Rhys chuckle, tempting as it was. But his ego wouldn’t allow for something so simple. “I don’t want to take the position the same way he did, Jack.”
“Aw, baby, you want the peons who work for you to trust you? Love you?” That got a roll of the eyes and a huff from the younger man. But Jack wasn’t deterred. “We could always go public, buttercup. No one would think twice about crossing you if they know you’re with me. Not to mention all the mid-day office sex we could be having.”
Rhys snorted. “More than we already have now?”
“Hey now cupcake, it’s been, like, weeks since I last bent you over a desk.”
“Well I’ve been busy cleaning up that security issue.”
“And I told you I can make it all right. Vent the idiot that’s pushed this all on you and give you his office. I could even do it right now. Whaddya say, Rhysie?”
The temptation was real, but it was important to the younger man he accomplish this on his own.
He’d never said it aloud, and he didn’t think Jack didn’t know, but the older man was still his hero. Even if they were fucking, and spending quality time together-- and Rhys had gotten to know the man behind the image- he still looked up to Jack; still wanted to be like him. Jack had taken what he wanted, yes, but he’d fended off Dahl on his own. He’d proven his skill and worth to the company, not only to take the position he had now, but to keep it. And regardless of how much Jack told him his worth, he needed to prove it to himself through his own trial of obstacles.
Vasquez was his Dahl; he needed to know he could achieve things through his own means. It was harder than employing dirty tricks, yeah, but much more satisfying.
“That’s really sweet, Jack.” Rhys’ voice was soft, touched by the sentiments. But no, he still didn’t want to ride the CEO’s coattails. “But I just-- I want to know I’m good enough.”
“Aw baby, you’re definitely good enough. Just ask my dick.”
The stern tone warned the older man against pushing his luck, and though it was frustrating, he got it. “Fine, have it your way. Keep up all this unnecessary secrecy bullshit and make it all harder. Not including my--”
“Finish that sentence and I’m going to sleep.”
“My uh, my work productivity,” Jack amended playfully. He dropped the subject all together at the smile and roll of eyes that garnered him, and instead decided to kiss the frown from the younger man’s face. “What do you say to round two, pumpkin?”
“I’d say, has it really been ten minutes?”
Jack couldn’t help the ugly snort of laughter that left him, muttering about how he could get his dick up just fine, and he’d make the younger man regret his words.
And at the very least, it did help to make Rhys feel better. He slept more soundly that night than all the weeks previous, not knowing more problems awaited him tomorrow.
“Theeeeere you are, cupcake. Finally chose to grace us with your presence, huh?”
Jack’s booming voice made Rhys inwardly roll his eyes as he finally made it to the CEO’s office.
Rhys hadn’t been told he was going to be a part of this meeting, and the smirk on Vasquez’ face told him it was every bit as intentional as he suspected.
Apparently, everyone in the department knew about the personnel change except for Rhys. Upper-management were busy scrambling against a minor data hack that required their attentions and clearance, and Rhys was stuck on the roster in their place with Vasquez. Over three hours ago.
Part of him wondered why Jack hadn’t messaged him about this some time in the past hour, and the other part wondered if the CEO had even known about the change. Certainly he would have said something; let Rhys know about the brewing storm since it was, after all, his decision to keep their relationship a secret, and he’d be in the man’s office as an employee, not his lover.
Then again, judging by the shit-eating grin on Vasquez’ face, this was yet another attempt on his job, and Jack was probably just as surprised as Rhys.
The glare Rhys shot Vasquez was nothing short of venomous as he strode into the office, the click of his heeled boots echoing off the marble floors while Jack’s grin only grew.
“We’ve been having a nice long conversation about you, kitten. A nice, involved conversation,” Jack told him as the younger man brought up to stand before Jack’s desk, somewhere near Vasquez.
“Is that so?” Rhys said quietly, shooting a look at Vasquez’ smug face as the bearded man looked far too pleased for someone responsible for leaving Helios and Hyperion open to attack.
“You’re over an hour late, Rhys,” Vasquez self-important voice drawled, a look in his eyes that was giddy with anticipation as he more or less threw his underling under the bus. He turned back to face the CEO, a look that seemed to say ‘see what I mean?’ on his face. “His work ethic is usually better than this, sir. Though I wish I could say the incompetence is new.”
Rhys could feel his face heat with fury. This was more than laziness, more than plain old competition and a grudge. Vasquez was actively trying to get him killed here. And had he not been secure in his relationship with Jack, he might’ve been scared he would’ve.
But no, Jack knew what was happening. He knew the situation. And furthermore, he knew that Rhys wanted to handle this on his own. It was the only reason the older man hadn’t sent this dirtbag down the corpse hatch his chair was halfway hovering over.
“Rude, too,” Jack added to Vasquez with a smirk aimed at Rhys. “Been in this meeting a full five minutes and still standing. Have a seat, buttercup.”
Rhys minorly frowned in confusion, wondering what Jack was up to and where he intended for Rhys to go.
There was only the one chair in front of Jack’s desk, clearly taken from a set further to the right where a couch and matching chair were set up as a kind of inner-office lounge. There were normally no chairs in front of the CEO’s desk, this he knew well. Did Jack want him to fetch his own? No, more likely he was trying to push Rhys into taking Vasquez’ seat, if not testing him to see if he’d sit on the floor. Or maybe kill the man right there in what would have been a poetic homage to Jack’s own snatch of power.
Well, Rhys chose to do none of those things, but he did choose his plan of action.
The surprise on Vasquez’ face quickly turned to cold panic as Rhys approached the CEO’s own desk, a look of surprised confusion on Jack’s face before he realized what it was the younger man intended to do. Jack leaned back in his chair, barely able to keep the smirk from his face as Rhys rounded the desk only to plop himself right in the CEO’s lap.
Jack wasn’t ashamed to admit the little demonstration gave him a boner right there and then, because the sheer brass balls on Rhys to make such a power move in front of his boss impressed the shit out of the CEO. He didn’t know what kind of game this was, or how the younger man wanted to play it, but boy was he ever game.
Jack huffed a little laugh, placing a hand on Rhys’ thigh as the younger man met his eyes before turning his gaze away. Never before was the temptation to fuck the younger man over a desk so alluring-- present company an audience or not- but Jack pushed the impulse back, turning his own smirking grin on the pallor of the bearded man sat down before them.
“And here I thought you said he wasn’t a team player,” Jack said with utter amusement, his hand giving Rhys’ thigh an appreciative squeeze.
“I- I ah- I-I-”
Jack chuckled as Vasquez stuttered, his face looking all the more white and bloodless against the black of his beard. Again, he felt a surge of pride for Rhys… or maybe that was just his dick. He was sure Rhys could feel him hard beneath that lovely ass parked in his lap. Oooh the things he wanted to do to the younger man… but it would have to wait.
He lazily stroked Rhys’ thigh, getting close enough to his crotch that Rhys shot the older man a warning look, but Jack only chuckled. Not like wallethead could see anything from where he was sitting anyways.
“Anyway, now that we’re all seated,” Jack said with a gleeful little smirk, “Care to explain to me how your department let a gaping frickin’ hole develop in our security protocols?”
Vasquez’ eyes shot to Rhys’ face before looking at the CEO and back. He was clearly out of his element here. Every possible way he’d imagined this meeting could have gone, and not once did something like this even enter his wildest dreams.
“The uh… t-the vulnerability was small when we--”
“Small, huh?” Jack asked, his hand stilling on Rhys’ thigh as his eyes narrowed at the bearded man. “You could drive a friggin’ truck through the size of the hole in our security!”
“B-but it was--” Vasquez’ eyes went to Rhys, full of fear and lacking the bravado of one who would pull such a stunt on him. He immediately tried to shift the blame. “The problem was small when Rhys here was assigned to--”
“When were you assigned to this problem, buttercup?” Jack immediately asked, turning his attention on the man in his lap.
Though his tone was soft, Rhys wasn’t dumb. Jack was furious, and the question was serious, vital to the livelihood of everyone on the station. Rhys wrapped his hand around the one Jack had on his thigh, and gave his hand a squeeze. “Three weeks ago, sir.”
“Three weeks, huh?” Jack turned his attention back to Vasquez, who was visibly sweating now. “Didn’t you say you had your team working on it since last month?”
“I-I- I uh, there’s-- I-It’s been a busy month, sir,” Vasquez sputtered out.
Jack’s hand left Rhys’ thigh to lean forward, grabbing an echotablet on his desk that had the details of the hole in security that was currently being exploited. He exhaled through his nose as he read over details, and Rhys raised a brow at Vasquez, as if to really let it sink in that he was alone in this matter, and Rhys wouldn’t be helping him. “Hm… and yet right here is the memo from one of our engineers letting your department know about the problem… Two months ago.”
“H-Handsome Jack, sir, please, there’s-- There’s clearly some, ah, miscommunication here-- Rhys--”
“Oh reeeeeally now, wallethead?” Jack threw the tablet back on the desk, leaning forward enough that Rhys had to lean back to get out of his way. The CEO chuckled dangerously, his hand back on Rhys’ thigh just a bit too tightly. “Because the way it looks to me, is that your incompetence-“
“T-The problem was supposed to be solved by Rhys--”
“And whose piss-poor management left a gaping freaking hole in the entirety of my goddamn space station?!” Jack’s snarl filled the whole of the office, not only outraged at being interrupted but also at the weak explanations he was being offered.
Rhys felt no small sense of satisfaction in the way Vasquez’ lip quivered, what little blood was left in his face now totally gone, leaving him whiter than a sheet. The grip Jack had on his thigh was bordering on pain, and his own heart was beating quickly with the adrenaline in the room, as well as with excitement and a small sense of accomplishment.
He didn’t even have to do much. Vasquez had incriminated himself plenty, and Jack apparently had all the evidence he needed of his inadequacy. No back-stabbing, no blackmail. It wasn’t at all too early to congratulate himself. If Vasquez started begging on his knees, it would only be the icing on top of the cake.
“H-Handsome Jack-- sir, please--”
Jack’s voice was dark with laughter, leaning back into his chair. “You don’t have anything better to say for yourself?”
His voice was far softer, and somehow it was so much more effective than any yelling the CEO could have done. Rhys squirmed under the hand he had on the younger man’s thigh, and Jack released his grip to resume slowly petting the younger man as he watched Vasquez sputter and stammer and make the same exact face everyone facing Jack’s wrath usually did.
Jack turned his attention back on Rhys, a dangerous grin on his face mixed with a sort of dark amusement. “Rhysie-- do you mind if I call ya Rhysie, buttercup?- What do you think I should do with this guy?”
Something pleased and self-assured unfurled inside the younger man, and-- burning and victorious in the satisfaction of it all- Rhys turned his attention to Vasquez before he looked back at Jack. “Well, sir, considering the absolute mess of things, and the seriousness of Helios’ life-support systems connected with our security--”
“Ah! Say no more, cupcake. Airlocking it is!”
“N-no Handsome Jack, sir! Please I-- Rhys! Rhys please--”
“Shut up you idiot, smart and handsome guys talking here,” Jack said, his hand again creeping up Rhys’ thigh to delve fingertips just between.
“I was going to say,” Rhys spoke up again, squeezing his legs together to stop Jack’s further exploration, “that since he created this mess, he should be the one to clean it up.”
Jack frowned a bit, not understanding as he looked at the pretty younger man in his lap. Vasquez was hardly skilled enough to patch everything, let alone on his own. He didn’t quite get how Rhys thought old wallethead could fix this mess. “IIIII’m not really followin’ ya, kiddo.”
Rhys moved his gaze back on Vasquez, relishing in the irony of it all as he couldn’t help the smirk that stretched over his face. “I heard janitorial had an opening.”
“What?!” Vasquez’ voice was indignant at the very idea, minor color coming back to his cheeks as Jack began to chuckle, totally ignoring the bearded man in favor of the one sitting in his lap.
“Janitorial, huh?” the CEO grinned, his hand moving further between Rhys’ legs before sliding all the way to his crotch. “Interesting. And I guess that would leave his job position vacant, wouldn’t it kitten?” Jack’s thumb rested just above Rhys’ cock in his pants, the older man cupping him with a wicked grin. Rhys gasped just a little at the pressure there, his attention from Jack’s hand only taken by the weak objection from Vasquez’ in his seat.
“B-but I’m not--”
“What was that?” Jack asked, a sharp look at Vasquez. A smile flashed across Jack’s face, gone as soon as it appeared. “That almost sounded like someone was ungrateful for not becoming the newest tourist to Helios’ orbit.”
“N-no sir, I just--”
“Good. Excellent. All settled then. Now get the hell out.” Vasquez frowed, sputtering as he looked at Jack helplessly. The CEO snarled at him, his hand giving Rhys a squeeze that made the younger man jump. “Do you have a death wish or something wallethead?!”
Vasquez jumped from his seat and ran, and Jack’s pleased cackles shook Rhys in his lap as they watched the bearded man flee.
“Damn, did you see the look on his face, pumpkin? Priceless.”
“Jack…” Rhys’ shaky laugh drew the older man’s eyes to his own, Rhys’ cheeks a little flushed as he grinned. “Your hand.”
The older man smirked. “What, this?” He gave the younger man’s stiffening cock a squeeze in his pants, chuckling. “Someone likes a little vengeance, doesn’t he?”
Rhys chuckled, ducking his face into Jack’s neck. Jack pressed a kiss to his neck, feeling Rhys’ smile in his own. “We really don’t have time for this, Jack,” Rhys said, though he pressed a kiss to the older man’s neck. “My department was fighting that breach of our systems when I left… and my patches will only hold for so long.”
Jack chuckled, shaking his head, and Rhys pulled away to look at him with both confusion and lust. “That was my little attack there, sweetheart.” Jack reached over Rhys again to fetch the tablet he’d thrown earlier. “Just a little something to make those asshats down there actually do their friggin’ jobs,” he said with a grin, fingers quickly dancing over the screen to pull up his own programming. “I’ve got a job for you too, sweetheart.”
“Mmm...Vasquez’ job?”
Jack snorted. “Well clearly, baby. But right now I was thinking something a little more hands on and more immediate.” Rhys gasped as Jack’s hand worked him through his pants, a little moan going through him as Jack chuckled. “Heh, that was a ballsy move there, pumpkin. Ballsy as hell. Sittin’ that tight ass down in the boss man’s lap right in front of that idiot… Christ that got me hard.”
Rhys only snickered, spreading his legs a little so Jack could further grope at him. A grin split his face thinking of the look that had been on Vasquez’ face as he’d fled the office. “Yeah, well… It seemed like the best thing to do.”
“Best damn decision anyone ever made,” Jack told him, kissing him and working the button at his fly. “He probably thinks you’re nuts, cupcake.” Jack stopped the hand he was working down Rhys’ pants, shaking with sudden laughter. “Can you imagine how that looked to him, baby? Holy crap, his face… Mmm you’re still full of surprises and I love it,” Jack finished with a kiss to Rhys’ jaw, delving his hand once again only to bring the younger man’s cock out.
“Mm Jack…” Rhys sighed out, pushing his forehead into Jack’s neck as his cock flexed in the older man’s hand.
“How’d you like to be bent over the boss man’s desk, buttercup?”
Jack’s voice was deep and lust-filled in his ear, the smile on his face apparent in his voice, and Rhys moaned as his thumb brushed over his cockhead. Didn’t sound like a bad idea to him, honestly. “It’s definitely been a while.”
“Been a while?” Jack’s hand stopped stroking him, and Rhys pulled back to give him a frown. “What do you call last night?”
Rhys snorted and rolled his eyes, a smile on his face. “I mean the desk part in particular, Jack.”
“Oooh gotcha!” The older man chuckled and pressed a kiss to the younger man’s cheek. He patted Rhys’ thigh. “Up, kitten.”
Rhys scrambled off his lap only for Jack to stand and embrace him from behind. His breathy snickers on the back of Rhys’ neck sent a pleasurable shiver up the younger man’s spine. The front of his thighs were pressed against the edge of Jack’s desk as the older man crowded him, and Rhys held Jack’s hands to his front fondly, sighing as the older man moved to again take his cock in hand.
“Seriously sweetheart, that was so friggin’ sexy the way you just sat right down,” Jack told him, pressing his own clothed cock into Rhys’ ass. “No one’s ever done that before. I’m gonna be thinkin’ about that for a long time.”
Rhys snickered and pressed backwards into the hardness Jack was grinding against him, moaning as the older man’s hand stroked him. “Jack come on.”
“I plan to, Rhysie,” he said with a laugh, nibbling Rhys’ ear and removing his hand from his cock to get his own pants down. He chuckled as Rhys looked over his shoulder in judgment over Jack’s hand off his cock in order to free his own. “That’s quite a pout on that cute face.”
“You’re taking forever,” Rhys whined, cock leaking and closer than he wanted to admit already, the high of Vasquez running from the office still surging through him.
“Mouthy, too,” Jack said with a grin, not at all put-off as he spread the younger man’s cheeks. Rhys properly bent over the desk, trying to urge Jack to fuck him already. Jack grinned as he rubbed his cock back and forth over the cleft of Rhys’ ass, wrenching impatient moans from the younger man. He fetched the lube from a drawer and dribbled a liberal amount over the younger man’s ass, lubing up his cock at the same time while a shiver went over Rhys.
A breathy laugh escaped Jack as his thumb skirted the younger man’s still-loose hole. “Someone fuck you within an inch of your life last night, baby?” Rhys moaned as Jack pressed his thumb in. “Someone handsome I bet…”
Rhys laughed, a lusty, breathy sound. “Jack please.” He pressed backwards, trying to get more of the older man’s thumb into him.
“Mmm eager, sweetheart? Let daddy take care of you.”
Jack was a little ashamed at how on-edge he already was, his desire to keep playing with Rhys warring with the desire to get his rocks off. He gave the younger man a smack to the ass that stole a sound from Rhys’ lips that made Jack chuckle. He then slicked up his cock and worked the tip in, wrenching a satisfied moan from the man under him. He pulled back only to work himself further, inch by inch as Rhys sighed in pleasure.
“Ahh yes yes yes,” Rhys spoke quickly, pressing back to get Jack deeper faster.
Jack bit his lip, the eagerness of the younger man and the novelty of fucking him over his desk for the first time in ages making him closer than he would have liked. He took Rhys’ cock back up in his hand, the short thrusts he gave moving deeper as he already felt his peak rising.
“Ah! Jack that’s so-- mmm….” He was going to come. He was going to come, and embarrassment and the fact that Jack would most likely poke fun at him did not deter his orgasm.
“What, close already?” Jack huffed, his thrusts becoming haphazard as he was quickly reaching his peak. His hand sped up on Rhys’ cock. “It’s like no one’s-- ah-- no one’s been giving you the good stuff-- ah yeah--”
At Jack’s next thrust, Rhys was gripping Jack’s desk for purchase as he was coming in spurts over the hand stroking his cock. The older man was groaning hard as he ground himself against Rhys’ ass, shaking as he released into the younger man.
Rhys laid boneless against the desk as Jack laid heavily upon him, kissing his neck and chuckling. Jack wiped his hand on Rhys’ pants, the younger man murmuring his name in annoyance, but he returned the squeeze Jack gave one of his hands. Jack pulled out with a groan to sit back in his chair, tugging Rhys with him with little mind for his release still leaking out of him.
“Mm a good desk-fuck was just what the boss ordered.”
“We’re a mess, Jack,” Rhys pointed out, though he chuckled and leaned into the older man’s chest. He tucked his soft cock back into his pants, sighing with so much satisfaction it wasn’t even funny.
“Don’t worry about it, kiddo. No one’s gonna see it from your big new office anyways.”
Rhys snorted. “If you think I’m walking back in these pants, think again.”
Jack snickered and pressed a kiss to his neck. “Well, guess you can just hang out with me and patch this damn hole in my space station.”
A grin took Rhys as he leaned his head back on Jack’s shoulder, exposing an amount of his neck the older man decided to worry with his teeth. It made his voice light with extra satisfaction. “It’s too big just for us, Jack.”
“Excuse you, baby, but just who do you think you’re sitting on top of?” Rhys chuckled, and Jack gave his thigh a pat. “If those idiots in upper management don’t start pulling their weight, we’ll just give you a bigger office and a bigger raise.” Jack huffed under his breath with annoyance. “Those morons better have gotten something done since this morning.”
“...I wouldn’t call the morning a complete waste,” Rhys said, self-pleased with how everything had gone.
“Yeah, well, honeymoon is over, sweetheart. Get that ass up and let’s fix this shit.”
There’d be time for cuddling and all the sweet-shit Rhys knew Jack secretly loved after the security issue was better dealt with. For now though, they had serious work to do.
Rhys rolled his eyes at the quick way Jack was shunting him off, but got himself up with an optimistic smirk.
kofi | ao3
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