#Where Marin is a childhood friend of Link
kaite--s · 5 months
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I apologise because I just did that HAFKRLT
I was tired, that’s what there is
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alienpossession · 11 months
Pagon Prologue: American Against Russia
Read the second part, which is linked to the first part here
The AAR or American Against Russia formed organically as a response towards Russian increasing threat to the global environment.
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These men, mosly constituted of war veterans, active police officers and even private military contractors usually gathered per local chapters once a month in full and discussed about any intel they received on the conflict that Russian waged across the globe and the possible infiltration of Russian spies to US soil. They of course didn't expect that the spies that they should've been more worried about came thousand of light years away and can pose as anyone undetected, lurking among them and looking like your typical American redneck, even exactly copying your trusted neighbor or best friend from childhood
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They can even posed as your own blood relatives and you wouldn't even notice the difference because they utilized the real one's memories to trick you
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The local Wyoming chapter of American Against Russia has been infiltrated by Skrulls that pledged their allegiance to Gravik and Pagon causes. And the initiation night of their latest new member this month involved a totally different procedure from their usual one as Chase Hansen found himself handcuffed by the people he called brothers and already heard the stories on how Chase's grandfather fought the Russian in Afghanistan back when they were still named Soviet Union. Chase, a former Marine, fought his hardest to break himself free, but the handcuff proven to be unbreakable.
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None of the guys even sided with him as the three top dogs of the Wyoming local chapter proven to be working against him too, saying some cryptic message about how Chase would be the perfect Trojan horse as his other 8 brothers joined their respective local chapters of AAR and the brothers would gather for the festive Thanksgiving later this month.
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During that eventful day, Chase would put all their brothers to the pod and swapped them with loyal Skrull fighters that will spread among the rank of AAR across the local chapters in the nation, where they will eventually consolidate their power and emboldened their action from mere data gathering to a full-blown attack to destabilize Russian, and in turns, global geopolitical condition. And it's all going to be started from the Hansen boys
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lilislegacy · 6 months
you may have gotten a similar ask before, but I'm new to your blog, so i just wanted to ask: what do you envision Percy and annabeth's post-college life to be like? how many kids? girl/boy? names? (If they have kids at all?) their jobs? where do they live? what does their house look like? do they have pets? what are their relationships like with the other demigods? This might be a lot for one ask but you seem like you can literally dive right into percabeth's minds so I just thought I'd ask 😅
ok. you have just asked me a question that i instinctually want to answer with a 3,000 word essay. so i am going to keep this as short as possible (which is not short at all.) i’m also open minded, so my headcanons can be changed if i see a take i really love. but these are my own beliefs
i think they get married. definitely after college. i know some people think they don’t marry because of hera, but i can’t stand the thought of them not doing what they want because of a god. (i also have a hc that they kinda blackmail her lol. as in she goes to them needing help - a quest - and they say they’ll do it only if she swears on the styx to never interfere with or harm their marriage)
i think they both do a lot of things over the course of their careers. annabeth is an architect, but she does multiple things with that. she creates some big famous attractions, she designs a greek version of new rome, aka “new greece” or “new athens” or something, maybe she builds hideouts for demigods (suggestion from a previous asker), etc. and for percy, i think he definitely does something that involves helping marine animals. he can literally speak to them - something no one else can do. he also is very protective of all sea animals he encounters in the books. so he needs to be doing that. personally, i love the thought of him becoming an aquatic vet. but there are several other marine animal related jobs that he could do in replacement of/in addition to that. i also see him doing several things throughout this life, and i made a big post about my thoughts there. i’ll link it at the end of this post.
they definitely have kids. no doubt. they’ve been thinking about having kids together since they were 16. i love the thought of them having 3, maybe 4. i think their first is a boy with short blonde curly hair and sea green eyes. i also think he has a “p” name, since his dad is named percy and his paternal grandfathers are poseidon and paul. but i don’t have names for any of them. ive always imagined them having 2 boys close together and then a girl later on. but i don’t have exact ideas, you know?
i think they live in a few different places. they probably start off in new rome, then eventually in new athens/new greece, and then i think nyc again at some point, maybe when the kids are grown. but i think they always try and live on/near beaches or lakes, when possible. (for obvious reasons)
they do a lot of traveling throughout their lives. because annabeth loves it, and percy loves seeing her happy.
they definitely have a family dog (look in the linked post for my thoughts on that.) plus horses/pegusi will always be around their place.
i don’t have exact house details in mind.
and they keep in great contact with all their demigod friends. both roman and greek.
all i know for sure is that they remain best friends who are deeply in love. they’re always each others battle partner. and they do everything in their power to not only protect their kids, but to make sure their childhoods don’t contain the same darknesses that their own childhoods did. they’re amazing parents, and they’re gonna do great things. they’re both going to use their abilities to help so many people and creatures. and their lives will never be dull or “normal.” not even for a second. and they love it.
my thoughts on percy’s career: ⬇️
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laelior · 1 month
Six Song Soundtrack Game
Tagged by absolutely no one but this looked fun so I'm doing it anyway. <3 Tagging (with absolutely no pressure!) @vela-ad-astra @vorchagirl @citadelsushi @shadoedseptmbr @hawkeykirsah @unicorn-farm @pigeontheoneandonly and @nerdyspeechy
Rules: If tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following: 1. An event that defines your character's past 2. How your character sees themselves 3. How others view them 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic) 5. A major fight scene 6. End credits song
Doing this for Peggy Shepard, Beth's badass grandma, because her story is a great one to tell through songs.
The short version:
1. An event that defines your character's past: Mountain Song - Flatland Cavalry 2. How your character sees themselves: Years - Sierra Farrell 3. How others view them: The Son Never Shines (on Closed Doors) - Flogging Molly 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic): The Story - Brandi Carlisle and You're Gonna Be - Reba McEntire 5. A major fight scene - God's Gonna Cut you Down - Johnny Cash 6. End credits song - The Garden - Sierra Farrell
Details and descriptions beneath the cut:
An event that defines her past: Mountain Song - Flatland Cavalry Pinyon perfume blowin' in the wind Time ain't a thing here, luck is my best friend Carryin' with me everythin' I own and who I am Pray to God, I see your face again Peggy Shepard (née Richwine)'s father died of cancer when she was 17. He was the only family she had and he had nothing to leave her but debt, which he tried desperately not to do to her. She had few options, so she decided to enlist in the UNAS Marine Corp as a means to escape poverty. She had only the clothes on her back when she joined. It turned out to be the most consequential decision of her life since she met her eventual husband, John Shepard, shortly after boot camp, which in turn influenced the path she took through life. In a more metaphorical sense, her sense of identity is rooted in her childhood in the Appalachian mountains, and she still feels strongly connected to that region in her 80s.
How she sees herself: Years - Sierra Farrell Those years, everybody knows you gotta let 'em go And they kinda roll by like tears Just a measure of time, playin' with your mind And passin' you by, those years Not to put too fine a point on it, but she's old. She's in her 80s, which by 2186 isn't quite as close to the edge of typical human lifespans as it is now (at least according to the Codex), but it doesn't stop her from feeling all those years. And at a certain point, you just have to roll with the punches and take the years as they come.
How others view her: The Son Never Shines (on Closed Doors) - Flogging Molly I saw her there from afar Her hair gray charcoal, takes a drag from her tar I kissed her a smile, but her blood-red shot eye Said the son never shines on closed doors Little old lady who is at once inscrutable and intimidating? Check and check. The song more fits her vibe than the lyrics, but there aren't a lot of songs out there about badass grandmas.
Her closest relationship: This one's a twofer, describing her relationship with her late husband, John, and her descendants by him. The Story - Brandi Carlise All of these lines across my face Tell you the story of who I am So many stories of where I've been And how I got to where I am Oh, but these stories don't mean anything When you've got no one to tell them to It's true, I was made for you She was married to John for almost 50 years. They raised children and grandchildren together. They (figuratively) built their house together. They experienced so much of their lives together. So much of story of her life is rooted in what they had together before his sudden passing. He'll always be a part of her through what they built together. You're Gonna Be - Reba McEntire I'm afraid you'll have to suffer through some of my mistakes Lord, knows I'll be trying, oh, to give you what it takes What it takes to know the difference between getting by and livin' This applies equally to her granddaughter, Beth, and her youngest daughter, Jo. She's made mistakes as both a mother and a grandmother, but she's never not loved her children and their children with every single piece of her heart. What she wants for them is to have lives that being them happiness and meaning like she's had. Jo got there eventually, but Peggy worries that Beth never will.
A major fight scene: God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash No specific lyrics, just vibes. It's a good song with a steady beat, minimal instrumentals, and strong chorus which reflects how she approaches combat: coldly, methodically, and without and ounce of pity of sentimentality. She didn't spent the better part of 50 years specializing in sniper weapons for nothing.
End credits song: The Garden - Sierra Farrell I'm livin' in the garden again Where I fall to my knees and work with a lamp And I keep on prayin' with two dirty hands I'm livin', yes, livin' in the garden again This one can be taken pretty literally. When the Reaper War rolls around, she's working in her garden and her fondest wish is to go right back to it when the war is over. And so help her god, the Reaper better not have so much as touched her flower beds. If the universe is kind to her, that's exactly how her story will end, with her planting more flowers in her garden while this song plays over the credits.
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majorasnightmare · 1 year
Zora Cultural Differences
Yona canonically comes from a different domain than Hyrule's Zora's Domain but in true TotK-fashion does little to no elaboration on what her domain is like or her role or position within it, with us only learning that she's Sidon's childhood friend and his fiancee. With her character not existing at all whatsoever in BotW, having no mentions in memories, flashback scenes, dialogue, or diary entries, or even scenes where we get to see Sidon's childhood, that means nearly everything about her origins is left completely blank. And the one thing I hate more than a disrespected female character is a barely-written disrespected female character.
Consider this a sequel to my other zora post, link in reblog
Going under a readmore because i like the zora to be shamelessly weird
Yona's domain is further east in the Akkalan Sea, and takes about a week of travel time to get to Hyrule's Domain. Her ocean climate is tropical, and is reflected in the marine life the zora of that domain emulate and resemble
Yona and Muzu are both from the same domain, both being manta-emulating zora
When the great flood swept hyrule, most zora perished in the illusory waves. A small population survived with the help of Valoo on what would become Dragon's Roost Island, but an even smaller population managed to escape beyond the borders of the ocean. This population would slowly recover, and post Wind Waker began to thrive. This population of zora would begin to migrate outwards and diversify as they adapted to their new ecosystems, and some would eventually make their way back to Hyrule once the waters receded, establishing themselves as what would become Sidon's Domain.
The Zora are fairly consistently long lived, and new zora hatch from eggs laid in clutches. Your average individual zora will typically only have kids once or twice in their multi century lifetime
With these circumstances, you'd want to find some means of adaptation to help ensure the survival of the next generation, and each domain adapts to their ecosystems in their own unique ways
Yona's domain is built into and alongside a massive barrier reef, fed by the myriad currents flowing into their tropical ocean. Zora here tend to be brightly colored and varied in their marine animal appearances, with zora resembling nudibranches, mantas and other rays, and a plethora of fish types.
The Zora of Yona's domain have adapted to open ocean on all sides by having specially dedicated nurseries built into the coral, full of small nooks and crannies to help protect the zora eggs. They tend to be laid in small clutches of four to six, and baby zora will hide in the corals until their strong enough to swim away from danger.
Siblings will stick together as they grow, and will have food brought to them by their parents until they're capable of accompanying them. Afterwards, the siblings will school together with other clutches of siblings for safety and companionship, and will be supervised by two to three of the school's parents while the remaining family members take care of non child rearing tasks
Yona's domain, in continuing the ancient zora tradition of music (seen in the zora fingerlings (REAL TERM FOR FISH YOUNG BTW i just googled that) that resemble music notes and the tadtones in skyward sword) helps keep schools together via a distinctive series of whistled notes audible underwater
Sidon's Domain notably has a fairly large population of predator-emulating zora, Sidon himself resembling a shark. This is in part because Hyrule's rivers and lakes are home to particularly aggressive species of octoroks, who can squeeze their mollusk bodies into the small nooks and crannies zora usually use to keep predators away from their egg clutches. The Zora of Hyrule's Domain have adapted to these circumstances in a collection of ways other zora may find... off-putting.
Lacking the protective reef barriers of Yona's domain, and Hyrule's rivers being prone to flooding in times of crisis (alongside mudslides and other geography altering disasters that can strike at a moments notice), the zora of hyrule's domain have opted against hiding their young entirely
Early in the spring, the Zora celebrate the turning of the season, and the snowmelt it brings down the mountains, with a week long celebration. Emphasizing the chaotic nature of water, and the resurgence of new life, most years it is simply the domain's biggest festival. As the years pass, Zora couples interested in raising a family will inform the festival leaders of their intentions, and when a certain amount of interested families are gathered together, the zora come together to decide whether the coming year seems auspicious enough to bless with children. This is a decision that often takes weeks to months to arrive at a conclusion, taking into account both the state of the zora's population, the river and lake ecosystems and their health, and trends in fish population and other food sources
When all the conditions are right and everyone's in agreement, Zora's Domain closes off access to their waterways as best they can, and expecting couples return to the rivers that once raised them. The strategy Hyrule's Zora settled on is one common to sea life everywhere: sheer overwhelming numbers.
The Zora of Hyrule's domain have another advantage: they hatch bloodthirsty. In addition to losses from predation, newly hatched Hyrule Zora will often eat each other, similar to tiger sharks, to increase their odds of survival and having enough food. Unable to hide from octoroks (who try to prey on even adult zora), Hyrule's Zora rely on overwhelming the octorok population with potential food, ensuring that at least some of their young will survive, and that those young will be able to take care of themselves early on in life, able to hunt and feed themselves almost from birth.
For the duration of the festival's week long celebration, Hyrule's rivers are a horror show for those unacquainted with Zora ecology. Octoroks are tenacious nocturnal predators more than willing to squeeze through the metalwork of the elaborate zora architecture, and zora eggs suffer at high elevations and without flowing water, and attempts to raise zora eggs higher on mount ploymus have ended in tragedy for those reasons.
The Zora claim their children as soon as they can, which is usually around a few months after hatching when theyve grown past the fingerling stage and have defined limbs. Similar to the Blaschko Lines on humans, Zora have near invisible patternings on their scales that non zora simply don't have the eye structure to perceive, though underwater they may be faintly visible. Zora parents use these lines to identify their young, as they're incredibly distinctive. This trait is present in all Zora, though Hyrule's Domain has a stronger reliance on it
Of the multitude of eggs lain, on average one to three zora will survive to be claimed by their parents and raised in the domain proper. Most of the instinctive bloodlust has worked its way out of the younglings system by then, as they grow more curious and explorative as they age and develop, but it takes some time and careful parenting and socialization before the kids will be comfortable interacting with strangers
Notably this keen battle instinct can be honed as a Zora grows older, and the Zora of Hyrule's Domain balances their love and appreciation of art, decoration, writing, and engineering with a proud (and vicious) warrior culture (though some zora can never quite tap into the instincts of their youth again)
Having such a brutal early childhood has resulted in Hyrule's Domain having a strong appreciation for the arts of healing and medicine. To survive at all is blessing, to live is a gift, and should be nurtured whenever possible. Mipha is honored both for her skills as a warrior, and for her dedication as a healer, and many young zora, injured in the frenzy or otherwise disabled, thank her for the greater quality of life she helped to bring them. there is no wrong way to live, for to be alive at all is a joy
This cycle is seen as being spiritually emblematic of water's free flowing chaotic nature. Water brings both great life AND great death, and which one it chooses to bestow on you can be as random as luck. Subject to the full force of nature's brutal circle of life, Hyrule's Zora find spiritual meaning in their struggles and allow tragedy to enrich their joys. Mipha's death was such a cultural shock that it was enough to jar the Zora from this mindset, unable to find any comfort in her loss or any healing from the destruction the calamity inflicted upon the Domain and Hyrule at large.
Hyrule's Zora set their dead adrift on the river, as after a long life rich with experience, their body must now feed the waters that birthed them, and the guardian spirits that have protected them and aided their prosperity. In return for this feeding, the myriad spirits help guide the Zora to the horizon line where the ocean meets the sky, and cross over into the heavens where the light of Hylia can glint off their scales and provide light and guidance to their relatives down below
By contrast, Yona's Domain entrusts their dead to the wings of seagulls, who consume the body for energy and take the soul into the sky with them. They construct boats and rafts, and decorate them as befitting a proper celebration, before sending them on their way to contribute to the grand cycle of life that governs the ocean.
Mipha's manner of death was considered ESPECIALLY blasphemous, as she perished alone inside her divine beast, her body unable to be recovered, unable to be returned to the waters of her home, unable to be guided by the guardians of their people, unable to receive funeral rites from her family, trapped in a metal beast too far below to be reached by anyone
needless to say its all a bit of a culture shock to yona lmao
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rosie-love98 · 21 days
The More I've Looked Up On Irene Cara, The More She Reminds Me Of Michael Jackson:
I had already posted this on Reddit. But, I'll post it here too.
-Both Came From A Musical Family: Joseph had his own band, The Falcons, while Katherine wanted to be a country singer. Plus, on Katherine's side, Michael's related to Stevie Wonder. Then there's Irene's family; her father, Gaspar, was said to have brought merengue to the States thanks to being a saxophonist. Not only that but (according to Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/artist/6491165-Gaspar-Escalera ) he was also part of a record; Dioris Valladares's "Pa Bailar Na Ma". As for Irene's mother, Louise, she wanted to go into show business but her own parnets (Irene's grandparents) forbade it. Irene also had a brother who performed opera.
-Both Joseph And Gaspar Worked In Steel.
-Both families were of a struggling background.
-If Irene Really Was Born In 1959 (Her Birthday's Been Up For Debate Over The Years), She Would've Been 6 Months Younger Than Michael.
-They Were Child Prodigies: As small children, both Michael and Irene had showed their musical talents. Irene was able to play the piano by ear (like Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes did in her own childhood), went to classes for dancing and music. Meanwhile, Michael would show off his singing voice and join the Jackson 5 at around 5-6.
-The Wizard Of OZ: While Michael played The Scarecrow in "The Wiz" film adaption, Irene had played the role of Dorothy on the stage. Speaking of Diana Ross...
-The Supreme: As Michael was known for his relationship with Diana Ross, Irene had starred in "Sparkle", where the main musical group was loosley based off of The Supremes. Irene would also spoof the said trio in her "Girlfriends" video.
-A Connection To "Fame": While Irene's known as "Coco" from the original film, Michael's sister, Janet, was a part of the TV adaption, playing the character of Cleo.
-They Had Many Friends/Coworkers/Peers In Common: Andy Gibb, Stevie Wonder, Dom DeLuise, Sammy Davis Jr., James Earl Jones, Louis Armstrong, Donna Summer, Luther Vandross, Mr. T, Debbie Allen, DJ Bobo, Molly Meldrum, Laura Branigan, Tatum O'Neal and many more!
-We Are The World/Cantare, Cantaras: When, in 1985, Michael was doing "We Are The World" with Diana, Stevie Wonder, Cyndi Lauper and other known singers for charity, the performers of Latin America wanted in too. So, gathering at the very same studio as "We Are The World", A&M, they performed the song, "Cantare, Cantaras" ("I Will Sing, You Will Sing"). Jose Feliciano, Julio Iglesias, Cheech Marin, Menudo, Ricardo Montalban, Pimpinela, and Yuri were among the singers for this. Along with Irene, of course. Just to be clear, both songs were in 1985.
-Both Fell Victim To The Media: With Irene fighting for her royalties that her record company had withheld from her, she was ultimately blacklisted. Lies had spread saying she was a drug-addicted (while Irene did do cocaine brought upon by her proucers to help with her energy, she did kick the habit) diva who was difficult to work with. Then there's Michael who had the worst slander done to him. With all of this along with their respective court cases, both had seemed more tired, world-weary and arguably reclusive. That said, they still didn't lose their love for music.
-Shared Interests: Charity work, Old Hollywood/Old Movies, drawing, swimming, and song-writing. They also had interests directing their own films and writing stories.
-Shared Personalities: Shy, reserved, kind, down-to-earth, spiritual, silly, independent, creative, hard-working/(arguably) workaholic, private, stubborn and (in TVTrope terms) "adorkable".
-They Were Included In The 1985 Documentary, "That's Dancing".
-Both Were Nominees In The 1984 Grammy's.
-Were At The Top Of The 1983 Billboard Charts (Link: https://djrobblog.com/archives/17370 ).
-They Could Both Pull Off The Moonwalk!: Ok, with Michael, we all should be fully aware of his famous move. But Irene can pull it off too (and in heels!) as seen in her "Solid Gold" performance of "Breakdancing":
And in her performance at the '84 American Music Awards (attended also by Michael):
-As Mentioned By DJ Rob Blog: Michael Jackson’s death, June 25th, 2009, was on the 26th anniversary of “Flashdance” beating out “Thriller” on the Billboard Charts. Coincidently, Irene Cara’s own death, November 25th, 2022 was a week after “Thriller 40” album was released to the public.
-Snow White: It's no secret that Snow White was one of MJ's favorite characters. He even had her an the 7 Dwarves visit him back in the 80's:
Fast forward to 1989 where Filmation had made their (technically second) sequel to "Snow White" in the form of "Happily Ever After". There, Snow White was voiced by Irene.
That's all I can gather so far. Though, I want to added some disclaimers--
*I was going to include their ALLEGED eating disorders but I've left it out due to not being entirely sure if either of them had suffered from those ailments.*
*I was also going to bring up DJ Bobo's song "Man In The Mirror" (which, judging by the lyrics, seemed to have been about Michael). But I'm unsure if Irene was among the vocals. I could've sworn I heard her singing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEqMfk-xwks . *
@buckhead1111 @jamesmassino @forever70s @mabellonghetti @classicalallure @loveboatinsanity @eightiesgalaxy @yodaprod @ladyorlandodream @mydailyvintagephotos @s-k-e-t-c-h-y-artist @fallinlovewithevil @theladyofmylife
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: One Piece Film: Red
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(Thanks @knightsweeties for the picture)
As this is long overdo let me break it down to how I will be breaking it down
Music (Because yes, the music is going to be a huge part in this)
Final Thoughts.
The Plot
HIT SINGING SENSATION UTA is having a concert, her first in person show and the whole world is tuning in. And just like all One Piece Movies, the Straw Hats are going there because it sounds like fun.
Uta sings her opening number and we find out that Uta is actually one of Luffy's childhood friends AND she is Shanks daughter! As in the Red Haired Pirates Shanks.
Things build up when the reveal that Uta has a devil fruit that teleports everyone into a dream world where she controls everything. Uta's plan was to bring the whole world into an era of freedom in this dreamworld by having her fans transported in.
Luffy is the first one to get bored of the idea when Uta tells him to quit being a pirate and enjoy the eternal show. Thats when we see the catastrophic event from Uta's world wide concert. The Navy, The Marines and even the red haired pirates are pulled into a race against the clock to stop Uta before she dooms the world by leaving everyone in her dream world.
But if thats not the worst part, the Tot Musica, a Demon king summoned by the Sing Sing fruit when the lyrics are sung has created a link between the physical and Dream world.
The strawhats must work with allies and enemies alike in order to stop this Demon king of song, and hopefully save Uta.
Now a LOT of this sounds like non-sense if one isnt a One Piece fan.
But the plot does do its best to let the audience follow along the best it can, but this film is meant for the fans, the ones that know one piece.
if you are a newbie with no clue who luffy is its a 5/10
If you are a one piece fan, than I would say 9/10. Because it is confusing timeline wise as well as some of the plot points kind of blending weirdly in the end.
The ending was emotional and it hits right in the heart.
I think I will divide this section up into 4 categories.
Uta: She is the main Antagonist of this film, and while she is the one causing trouble, she did it with noble intentions. She is a Sympathetic and Tragic character. The film does a PHENOMINAL job making us see her backstory and why she is such an important character. They also integrate her near flawlessly into Shanks and Luffy's backstories. Though I think that they did a cop out when they said the Wake Shrooms were what was making her more crazy. I think they just wanted an out so they can say she wasnt seriously going to kill Luffy. Though if I heard my best friend saying he wanted to be king of Traitors and murderous monsters no matter how much I warned him, I think I would probably gone a bit nutty to. Also I wouldnt have had Uta see the clip of the destruction, there was no point to it, have her have flashes of what happen and realize the truth, would have been better. But that ending DESTROYED MY HEART.9/10
Luffy: Luffy is in top form in this film. You really sympathize with him and how far he is willing to go to save Uta. He doesnt want to hurt his friends, and whats fascinating is the entire time Luffy never threw a single punch at her. Luffy is all for smacking sense into his friends, but he also knows what she needed. I also love how Uta and Luffy both love freedom and we see their ideologies crash, Luffy being interestingly astute in pointing out that Uta isnt freeing anyone. 10/10
Shanks: I think Shanks still maintains his aura of mystery, but the movie does confirm that he and his crew are good guys, always prioritizing the lives of others and their crew. He even was willing to take blame for something that was a tragedy just to avoid having Uta feel guilty about it. Plus we got to see some cool moves from him and his crew. (I love his crew humbling kizaru.) 8/10
Everyone else: Everyone was in top form. Bartolameo was in peak simp mode, the strawhats all mastered their vibe and were in top form, each one getting a moment to shine, especially Ussop who got to coordinate observation Haki with his dad. It was a touching moment, I hope we get something like that in the manga.
The gorosei were creepy, St Charlos got treated like Garbage as he deserves (I wish he died). The Big mom Pirates from Brulee to Katakuri were great. Law and Bepo were fantastic (Bepo making me laugh the loudest) Solid 9/10
If one is a fan of the characters its and easy 9/10. But even if one isnt, their personalities are easy to read and follow along with. 8/10
I am going to be honest, that was the most gorgeous film I have seen this year. The blend of 2d and CGI was done MASTERFULLY. The way the animation moved with Uta's songs. The animators went HAM on this. It is just unbelievably gorgeous. I wish I could describe it more than just absolutely breathtaking.
When New World and Backlight were being sung, Oh man was it incredible. And the final bout with the Tot Musica? STUNNING
easiest 10/10
I downloaded most of the songs after watching this.
Back light is my personal favorite but they are all FUCKING BOPS!
I was practically dancing in my seat, the song has HUGE CONCERT ENERGY.
Final thoughts
This movie is an emotional roller coaster and stimulation experience that needs to be seen to be believed. I wouldnt call this a movie as more of a Love letter to the fans, one filled with imagery and love that could fill ones soul.
The emotional highs and lows connect. You FEEL what the audience feels, you understand Uta's pain, but you also understand everyone's motives for doing what they do in this film. It is an experience that left my eyes Red.
As a one piece fan, this is the best movie to date 10/10
As a critic 6/10 with 9/10 music videos. Because without knowing the series there is a lot that is confusing.
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dracoria-nebulae · 1 year
Fic masterpost!
I figured it would be good to stick all of them in here heh. One spot and pin it, links to the first chapters of each one. Reminder though you can't read them without an account, I'm sorry but I want to at least try and preserve my work... These are also all explicit, for various reasons, like my blog these are all 18+ ONLY. (Also most are pretty angsty)
Space is kinda scary though- : Roughly among us inspired multi-universe reverse harem in space.
Abyssal Lights : Siren reader and multi-universe marine researcher skeletons. (Machine in the basement type)
Smoke and Mirrors : Megalosomnia mafiafell world where reader is a rival don.
Guardians of Eden : Childhood friends with the dreamtale boys into eventual romance in adulthood.
The Price You Pay : Fae reader and the farmfell brothers living on the edge of the fae's forest.
The Bonds That Break : An 'Inverto' style au where the barrier breaking releases magic that turns many humans with magic bloodlines into a monster form. Massive multi-universe reverse harem and sort of anti-harem.
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cebwrites · 1 year
What are your fave op ships?
good question! i don't think i have any canon/canon ships that i'm nearly as attached to as my oc/canon ones but hmmm off the top of my head in no particular order- (i definitely rambled too much omggg 🏃‍♂️💨💨)
ZoSan: my first introduction to OP through doujin of all things when I was younger lol, my feelings towards these characters have morphed and changed and complicated over the years (regards to Sanji in particular), I have a lot to say both good and some bad about them but at the end of the day I'll always have a soft spot for curly and marimo in this little heart of mine, they're my old reliable <3
PenShach: I'm a sucker for childhood friends to lovers lmao, they've been glued to each other's sides through hell or high water (literally, with the tsunami that killed their respective parents), having their backs when things got rough at home with Shachi's aunt and uncle, swearing their loyalty to this weird kid who both beat them up for bullying an innocent polar bear and saved their lives, stumbling ass backwards through their attractions to other people, each other, and Penguin's gender - it's a sweet idea 💕
KilKidd: similar to PenShach in that they grew up together and learned to get along when they had no one but each other to rely on but on top of that also the absolute devotion and unwavering trust a first mate can have in his captain, the resolve to stick by him til the bitter end 🥹
Frobin: two jaded, hurt people doomed by fate and circumstance who are ultimately bound to one another and decide to build their way out of a shitty situation together, stronger - the fact that they're a little "older" as well (even though early-mid 30s shouldn't be considered old at all) but still managing to experience all these giddy, happy feelings you'd only expect from adolescence is very important to me 🥺💕 (they're also t4t bi4bis)
UsoNami: kids drawn to the open sea by a dream and realizing immediately that they were WAY in over their heads but bond over being the 'weakest links' in their group despite holding immeasurable value to the SHs in their specialized skills and friendships, they've also just always had a cute kind of chemistry that I like - girlboss with the silly guy who makes her laugh (also bi4bis but aside from Usopp I think Nami would be disinterested in guys entirely)
I like SmoAce, AceSan, and DeuAce all for different reasons - smug punk getting on an older man's last nerve every single day and babygirling the hell out of him at the same time, the push and pull/taboos of a pirate x marine dynamic, how both of them are a little dissatisfied with their lot in life (constantly being on the run with no place to return to, having to answer to uncaring and at worst outright cruel higherups that cared none for what their so-called "Justice" actually meant) and find comfort in each other for what few, temporary chances they get - Sanji's bisexual awakening/the immediate angst in the wake of Marineford and what that means for the feelings he has no where to put now because Ace always said it for him (because he was too scared to on his own) - that sweet sweet first mate/captain dynamic I love 😩👌 + I kind of like the Spade pirates as they were before joining WB and all, I want to know more about the people Ace deliberately chose to surround himself with rather than the family he was adopted into
honorable mentions go to: SmoDra, BartoCav, DraKoby, DraZo, YamaAce, KilZo, whatever ship name Blue Gilly and Ideo have, IcePaulie, CrocoDaz, CoraBug, and Bege/Chiffon (literally married) no detailed reasons for why I like them, i just think they're cute for a one off thing/in general or have a good dynamic <33
additionally, i don't really like pairing law with anyone but my oc, sorryyy 〒▽〒
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crackship-connoisseur · 5 months
Voltron Legendary Defender rework
The basics
Oh gd here we go. Where do I even begin with this one. I know a lot of you are gonna hate me for this but pretty much everything past s6e2 I don't consider canon except for like. 2 things maybe. I'm still marinating this one so bare with me as I try to remember what I'm planning on fixing here.
Lotor isn't straight up evil. He isn't trying to commit blood libel genocide against a secret colony of Alteans that he currated. That was an incredibly bad choice on the writer's part. All he is is quintessence poisoned because of his parents and it gives him anger issues and an unhealthy obsession with his altean heritage, but other than that he is solidly on team voltron.
Lotor is also stuck as a 19 year old. He and Allura were childhood best friends who were engaged before Zarkon took over, and because of his quintessence poisoning, he ended up stuck at the age he last saw Allura for all 10,000 years she was in stasis. It isn't until Allura helps him wean off of his poisoning that he starts aging and maturing normally. This fixes any weird age gap issues.
The Altean colony isn't founded by Lotor. Like Lotor says, there were many Aleans who were off-planet when Zarkon attacked, but instead of Lotor being the one to gather them all together, they gathered themselves together on a planet hidden within the quantum abyss. Lotor just got lucky and somehow found it while he was still conquering planets for his father, and tried to take it over.
Season 7-8 straight up aren't canon except for 2 episodes. Those episodes being The Last Stand parts 1 & 2. Or at least conceptually they're canon. I like the idea of Sendak invading earth, but I'm not sure about the 3 year time skip.
This one is nitpicky but characters wont just straight up guess things and be right. And we also wont go into things guns blazing and having characters get blown the fuck up 4 episodes into the first season. We're taking our time with it, and especially fleshing out voltron team bonding and bonding with their lions. In other words, Zarkon won't find them immediately.
The lions will also get more of a character to them and have some substance other than being big hunks of cat-shaped metal to aimlessly spin around in space for every transformation sequence to get kids to buy their merch.
I'm also trying to write an entire show bible for this thing since the writers APPARENTLY couldn't be bothered, so I'm basically rebuilding this whole thing from the ground up. Pretty much everything needs to be fleshed out, fixed, or redone, down to the world building. This is going to be a hefty one.
As per usual, I don't know what I'm gonna do with all this information, but these are what I'm operating by when I make content for voltron.
Initial Keith + Lance explorations (2024), Allura + Lotor redesigns (2024), Galra redesign explorations with Keith (2024)
Links to be inserted
You can find everything else under #vld rework
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quinloki · 1 year
What have you wrote
As of Today I have three completed Multi-fic chapters posted to Tumblr, so I'm going to do a What Have You Wrote and What Are you Writing Combo Post.
Somehow there' like 100 of you following me, and maybe this post will help. (I do have a pinned Master Post, but this is gonna go beyond that a little).
This is also a way for me to vent, and you'll see why in a minute.
Anyway - This is gonna get long, so
Posted to Tumblr Items: (these are ALL x Reader/reader insert fics)
A Light Touch - x Eustass - Modern AU (Part of the Grandline Metropolis Series) - a regular paper pusher, you're pushed out into an intersection by a drunk driver and involuntarily meet Eustass Kid. You lose your hand, and gain new friends, new headaches, and new skills. (Part 1 of a series).
Some Direction - x Roronoa - Modern AU - The population is declining, so the World Government decided to step in and arrange marriage for most of its citizens. Lucky you, plucky little librarian, you've been paired with Roronoa Zoro. Good thing for you he's the protective type, because old childhood tragedies are trying to rear their ugly heads again.
Family Ties - x Doflamingo - Modern AU - Mafia style - You're the unofficially adopted daughter of Edward Newgate, and besties with the local clinic doctor. One day you find an injured man in an alleyway and decide to help him out. Dodging people who are trying to kill him, you manage a successful rescue, now if only you could stay out of Trouble >.>
Not On Tumblr Yet, but Done!
Quicksand - x Crocodile - Modern AU (Part of the Grandline Metropolis Series) - Secretary to Buggy the Clown, District boss to the Rain Dinners Casino in the West Blue district, you got over your crush of the CEO ages ago. Recently you've been trying to date via a dating site, and soon you'll meet your match face to face!
Thrice Prophesized - x Roronoa - Modern AU (Part of the Grandline Metropolis Series) - Your first memory was of being chase by marines and practically blasted out of the sky. You wake up after being yanked from the water by a boy made of rubber, but your memories are shaky at best. All you know for sure is, you prophesized the fall of the ruling class, so maybe pirates are the best allies.
Not on tumblr Yet, and not done yet! (all links lead to Wattpad where all my Wips are)
Family Practice - x Law - Set in the same AU as Family Ties, this story dives into a What If? - What if the reader had become more than Besties with Law? Same Reader Same AU - just... an AU of the AU xD 10 chapters
Souled Out - x Eustass - Someone's stolen your soul, and you want it back. You haven't aged in 25 years, and for the last decade you've been studying how to summon demons. Now's the day to see if it's paid off, and if your summoned help can actually help you. 3 Chapters
Unseen - x Killer - set in canon universe with non-canon events. I wanted to write a book where Killer gets smooches, and that's what this is. It kind of got away with me, and I think I have a LOT of chapters ahead of me. 13 chapters
Isn't Enough - x Marco - set in canon universe with canon events. Reader is a doctor on the Moby, and a crew mate of Marco's. But that just Isn't Enough. 5 Chapters
Booked, Honeysuckle Red, and Heart of Gold only have two chapters a piece so far. Royal Pains is a bit stalled out, but I haven't given up on it.
None of this is counting two books of one-shots, and the following pending titles I don't even have on active rotation:
A Light Touch 2 - Emperors Bara-teased Family Ties 2 - Gilded Lily Honeysuckle Gold Quicksand 2 - Warlords An Untitled Shanks Mafia AU Song Bird
Look, I guess, what I'm saying is, if you followed me for my writing, I have a lot planned. Unless life punches me in the face, I update 3-5 times a week. I have a day job, and I play some D&D, but otherwise I write.
I even started another title called Mafia Inked - JUST TODAY - and I didn't plan it. I have no idea where it's going to go or anything. But that's what the brain does. I got the idea, meant to write some notes, wrote a first chapter.
ANYWAY - you don't have to go to Wattpad or Ao3 if you don't want (I'm Quinloki on both), everything will get here eventually. Wattpad's just kind of my workspace. So things post there unedited.
Hey hey, if you do something like this, tag me! I want to see what my peeps are working on <;3
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roguehqs · 1 year
𝒄𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 ⸻ 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐩𝐬𝐨 . . .
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⌕   . ˚   ⅋.  「   jung hoyeon. thirty. cis woman. she/her/hers.  」 kang min-ji was recruited as a phantom for the libertalia nine years ago and was given the codename: calypso for their devoted but indignant behavior, typical for the scorpio. while preparing for a heist they listen to she’s my collar by gorillaz and don’t dare to leave without their most trusted item: a golden choker necklace centered with an uncut ruby.
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hi, hello ! my name is lauryn and i use she/her/hers as pronouns. i'm twenty-three and i'm currently in the cst timezone ! below i have an expanded tldr for min-ji, and a massive biography linked at the way bottom if you'd like to know more ! i know introductions can be overwhelming, so i tried to condense info as much as i could ! to try and make matters a little easier, i've also linked a connections page below that has some ideas. thanks in advance and i'm so excited to be writing with everyone !
[ ! ] TRIGGER WARNING : child neglect, poverty, theft, burglary & robberies, legal system
⸻ ┊ 0 0 1  ›  min-ji was born in fort pierce, florida. her parents were basically mariners and weren't prepared for a kid, financially or otherwise. to keep the family afloat, her parents worked a lot and min-ji was often left in the care of others. this left min-ji with little surveillance and a lot of independence from a young age.
⸻ ┊ 0 0 2  ›  grew up around lots of water and learned not to make a ruckus. quietly acted out by stealing, which she got really good at doing. sadly, min-ji had to really be the one to look out for herself in her childhood. she became very sneaky as a result, and loved to see what she could get away with.
⸻ ┊ 0 0 3  ›  her desire to figure things out and trick the public culminated in reading mystery novels and lock picking. she snuck off to the port a lot and was more conspicuous but had less surveillance as she got older. min-ji also made a friend! his name was mateo
⸻ ┊ 0 0 4  ›  cue heartfelt tale of childhood friends with similar circumstances and interests. then, min-ji and mateo started doing delinquent stuff and spent a lot of time at the port. eventually, they met william jr, an older teen who did boat tours. BAM get rich quick scheme: find blackbeard's treasure
⸻ ┊ 0 0 5  ›  william sr got in on this and what started out as a dumb idea actually got super serious (tons of context and logistics in the biography + a heck of an adventure story) eventually, the group took off to north carolina after min-ji graduated.
⸻ ┊ 0 0 6  ›  they eventually found blackbeard's treasure on portsmouth island following a wild adventure where each member had a specific role. min-ji's role was mostly gathering funds in the early stages by illegal means, and later getting the group through difficult places without getting spotted.
⸻ ┊ 0 0 7  ›  north carolina laws say you can't keep treasure, so they stashed some away for themselves and fenced/laundered it through a shady lawyer that also represented them in their legal case to have a legal claim on the treasure that they left behind. the other three members of the group were pretty hellbent on having some notoriety from their finding and doing the right thing which is why they didn't take it all for themselves... min-ji, not so much
⸻ ┊ 0 0 8  ›  after this, the group went their separate ways and min-ji felt abandoned. she began committing robberies out of bitterness and playing that old childhood game of how much can she get away with, and it turns out... a lot. but she was lonely and sad. the group lost their legal battle and edward teach's treasure was left in possession of the state of north carolina.
⸻ ┊ 0 0 9  ›  at that point, the group reunited for a drink and min-ji admitted to her recent criminal activities. she was chastised for it and the wills + mateo admitted that they parted ways because they had trouble dealing with the guilt and fear that came from their stolen treasure and subsequent criminal activities. min-ji seemed to seek out these situations and she was angry at them, and angry at the system that failed her.
⸻ ┊ 0 1 0  ›  the day after the case was settled, she was recruited for the libertalia (age 21). she accepted within a day after being given assurances of the legitimacy of the group. min-ji joined because she wanted to belong and feel valued and use her talents. she missed being a part of something. and she was good at what she did!
⸻ ┊ 0 1 1 ›  in the nine years since then, min-ji has really grown up. she enjoys being a part of the group and thrives in her position. a mentor took her under their wing and really honed her skills. her strengths lie in gear-oriented things like climbing, as well as traversing security-heavy, cramped, or difficult to navigate paths undetected. she is happier nowadays, naturally charismatic and playful. min-ji can be soft spoken before you get to know her. has a reputation for scaring people by sneaking up on them and messing with people when she's bored. she is a sneaky (kinda manipulative) gal and a wonderful ally, but a horrible enemy to have.
⸻ ┊ 0 0 1 › min-ji is a menace. they’re destructive and often don’t have the best moral compass, so they tend to do things for themselves or those that they’re loyal to. she can also come off as a little angsty at times. she has a narrow world view in the way that people that don’t matter to her, they don’t matter at all. her childhood was rocky and involved absent parents, and all she really wants is to fit in. the libertalia has been a dream in that regard, and min-ji is fully devoted to the group as a whole, and its members. if you ever need to hide a body, she’s your gal.
⸻ ┊ 0 0 2 › when she does find people that she cares about, min-ji is compassionate and doting. she will often act playful and easygoing around familiar faces. while min-ji may have bad intentions as a whole, her intentions when it comes to her friends are pure and wholesome. her kindness is highly selective. though a lot of her socializing is often about what she can get out of it, she tries to make sure others have their needs met as well. in a way, people are just entertainment to her, but they are necessary in order to keep her content and relatively well behaved.
⸻ ┊ 0 0 3 › min-ji’s demeanor can change depending on who she is interacting with. if she isn’t familiar with them, she is more likely to be standoffish. min-ji can also come off as a little weird, as she isn’t afraid to speak her mind or act how she would like to. sometimes this involves pranking or scaring people for her own amusement. she possesses a confidence and self-awareness that has led to a strong knowledge of her own identity. as a result, tearing her down or trying to manipulate her isn’t likely to work. min-ji, herself, can be incredibly manipulative, and enjoys messing with people and making them squirm.
biography. statistics. headcanons. playlist. wanted connections.
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“Aryll, could you please go get your brother?”
“Of course, Grandma! Come on, Marin!”
With her faithful Wingull in tow; Aryll went out the door, and headed down the road.
Meanwhile, in a clearing near the edge of the Lost Woods, Link was meeting with an old friend.
“Happy birthday, Link!” Saria said. “I got you a present! Close your eyes, and hold out your hands.”
Link did as instructed, and felt Saria hand him something smooth and spherical.
“Okay, you can look now!”
Link opened his eyes to find a Heal Ball cradled in his hands. He pressed the button on the pokéball’s side.
Out flew a Flabébé, clutching a flower with petals as blue as the sky.
“I caught her just for you.” Saria explained. “Do you like her?”
Link nodded excitedly, and held out his left hand for the tiny pokémon to examine. The Flabébé regarded Link for a moment, before floating over to settle in his outstretched palm. Smiling, Link carefully petted her head with a single finger, making the pokémon trill happily.
“Aw, she likes you! What are you going to name her?”
Link thought for a moment. A name came to him, like a childhood memory faded with time.
“Link! Where are you?”
Link and Saria looked up at Aryll’s call.
“Your sister is looking for you. Why don’t you go introduced Navi to her?”
Link called Navi back into her pokéball, and gave Saria a hug, before following the path that would take him safely out of the forest.
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littletreestories · 1 year
Chapter 1 Pt.3/ One song equals a thousand more songs...
Dear Mary Anne,
Now imagine what one album holds, billions & billions of sounds and songs altogether, and that was my mentality. It began in a mysterious effort of trying to truly find myself, was I a writer? rapper or singer. Was I a producer? conductor & so on, I couldn't make up my mind & my brother insisted I produce my own beats, but I was appalled, me make beats? how could it be. I was Rude One or MC Chromes, the crazy rapper, the freestyle jackal, but all in all I decided that maybe I should start cooking my own beats, and so it began, a journey of conducting , listening and understanding, a process that I deeply took serious and also enjoyed at the same time, creating new sounds unheard of and new themes undescribed, I was truly home and blessed to have found such love, my heart and mind exploded into the void of sounds and vibrations, forever capturing my soul undoubtedly.
I was my brother's keeper as the Bible says, writing lyrics to his sounds and it was all I can dream of, I didn't have to make the beats, just continuously write to them and writing I did, I must have written to about 20 or so of my brothers beats and you can listen to some of them on The Unreleased Vols. 1-8, but then came my own time, there I thought, I love all sorts of music regardless of where it comes from or what nationality etc. I just wanted to be part of it all, so I created & conducted, never looking back, day and night, reading books, listening to records and still writing lyrics. I would write & conduct at the same time, the beat wasn't even finished at times so many projects were laid to fade. There was heartbreaks, losses, anger and storms, differences & minds alike but I just continued my adventure, my journey to a path unknown & I didn't understand it, I just kept on creating. I would go on to hold back all of my projects until recently releasing my Unreleased Volumes where I finally showcased some of my works, all of just learning & practicing, growing and loving the world of Hip-Hop & all of it's aspects to producing, recording, sampling (my favorite), Vinyl collecting, and much more. I found my true calling even though I wasn't good at using Fruity Loops, I still had fun and I was basically natural to it, overflowing with streams of music and sounds all from the most inner-depth corners of my mind.
From tragic, sad symphonies, to romantical jazz sounds, I immerged myself into all sorts of instruments and notes, influenced by my brothers beats & also J Dilla, Madlib and rap songs from Charizma, everything was a free for all and I mean I was free to create whatever I wanted, something out of nothing, this was my time to cultivate, and truly remember where I came from and so I reached back into my old childhood days, started to recollect and I couldn't be any happier. I was producing my old childhood songs, some were corny or strange but I was still in love and some were just perfect and confounding, I was mixing & marinating different sounds, creating new flavors. This was a golden time for me I can say, never would I ever enjoy a greater time than me producing in my own little world. Then out of the midst, a thought was born! What of others? What sounds do they have in mind, even so they never thought of making their own beats, my mind went on , thinking & thinking , and so it became that in the end of all my goals, dreams, and life worthy enough to uphold, persuading you was my destiny.
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Little Tree sitting on a rooftop one summer night in Mexicali. photo cred: Chly-Wly
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Finding Promises
Book 4 in the Finding Happiness in Harmony Series
By Stacey Komosinski
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60146318/
Hosted by DS Book Promotions
A Second Chance, Ex-marine, Slow Burn, Small Town, Contemporary Romance
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Available on Kindle Unlimited
Seth Taylor is used to living life as a lone wolf, going where duty calls him. After leaving the marines, he goes to the small town where the year before he made no promises to the beautiful cafe owner after spending one hot night together. Now he’s determined to make those promises to her—if she’ll let him.
When Seth Taylor rolls into Harmony, Texas, a second chance with Camila Hartman isn’t even on the table. Her crystal-clear blue eyes bore ice daggers into him at first sight. One small gesture from Seth cracks her frigid exterior, resulting in cycles of vulnerability and fiery outbursts which confuse and incite a yearning within him.
Cami wasn’t ready for her world to be turned upside down once again by a man who does as he pleases. His Greek godlike physique, warm eyes, and sweet promises twist her brain, tease her body, and tantalize her heart. Unable to control her desire to know how real that unforgettable night was, Cami exposes her insecurities to the only man who ever haunted her dreams.
Will Seth maintain patience with the volatile Cami and prove he’s moving in the same direction as she is? Or will she let fear win over love, trust, and promises?
Also Available in the Series
Book 1: Finding It All
Book 2: Finding Home Ever After
Book 3: Finding You Completes Me
Social Media Links:
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/sakomosinski
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/21039357.Stacey_Komosinski
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songbirdstargazer · 3 years
(Non)fatal flaws
For as long as Legend could remember, there were only a few people who were always there for him, even when he was too young to actually realize it.
The very first was his uncle, Alphon. As he would later find out, Alphon wasn’t his biological uncle, but he might as well have been. In all of Link’s early memories, Alphon was his only family. There was never a mother or father, only his uncle. And Link was perfectly happy with that.
His childhood was filled with laughter and play fighting in the apple grove, fishing trips at Lake Hylia, and practicing swordplay in front of the house. Alphon was like a father to Link, in almost every sense of the word. He was happy, loved, cared for. That’s what made it all the more devastating when his destiny came to call.
The night Link woke to see his uncle disappearing into the pitch black changed things. Without almost any explanation, Alphon left the house decked in the most armor Link had ever seen him in. Link was already curious when his uncle didn’t bother telling him where he was going, and Zelda’s plea sealed the deal.
He followed his uncle to the castle sewers, dodging the oddly behaving guards and ducking beneath bushes just in time to see the horrific sight of Agahnim striking Alphon down, before vanishing like the coward he was.
Link sat with Alphon, begging and pleading for him not to go, not to leave him alone, until the life in his eyes faded, taking Link’s innocence and hope with it. His final words rang in his head as he sobbed, cradling the corpse of the only family he had ever known. All the boy was left with was cold, unforgiving steel and a mission.
Then came Zelda. As he stumbled out of the sewers and toward the dungeons, covered in his uncle’s blood, she murmured to him, trying to soothe the hurt in his heart, encouraging him to keep moving.
Link found her in the dungeons, cold and wrapped only in a torn blue nightgown, but safe. He quickly dispatched the guards outside her cell and escorted her to the safe house. As soon as they made it to the church and the door was sealed, she explained everything to him.
She was with him throughout his journey, always answering when he called to her. He even visited her in the safe house if he thought he wasn’t being followed, where she wrapped his wounds and they talked.
Even when he was hunted, sought for his head by the corrupted country he called home, she was there. They were fast friends, and thought alike. When those who hunted him took her and killed the priest, Link saw red.
He stormed the castle, not wasting a second longer. But when he found her, and by extension, Agahnim, it was too late. The wizard taunted him and fled, taking any hope of avenging the only people he could call family with him. He searched the room anyway though, and found the coward behind a curtain.
Link fought tooth and nail, paying no mind to his vicious injuries, dead set on ending Agahnim. Before that could happen though, he was banished, stuck in a body he could barely move in.
The time in the dark world was lonely, even after he got his form back. Without Zelda, he was completely alone, everyone he once knew afraid of him. Link pushed himself to the limit, finally freeing Hyrule, the maidens, and finally, Zelda.
The wish upon the Triforce brought back his uncle and Zelda’s father, but Link couldn’t banish the image of his uncle’s fate from head. His uncle moved into the castle and continued his work as a knight, but Link drew back, forever knowing his uncle’s true fate, made even worse by the discovery of his and Zelda’s relation.
When he couldn’t shake the nightmares, he left to find solitude, a time to think and explore somewhere new. What he got instead was a shipwreck and the most bittersweet dream he had ever had, bringing Marin with it.
The moment he saw her, he was head over heels. Her warm hazel eyes captured his attention immediately, bringing a sense of safety and making his heart race all at once. Her soft ginger waves of hair flowed down her back and onto her shoulders, held back only by a vibrant hibiscus, as carefree as the girl herself. And her smile… it was the brightest thing he had ever seen.
She took him in after finding him passed out on the beach, taking care of him with her father. It became clear very quickly that her personality was as lovely as her looks, caring for everyone she saw, hylian, human, or otherwise. He helped the people of Koholint and completed dungeons, and spent more and more time with her whenever he wasn’t. He foolishly ignored the warnings, captivated by the girl with the voice of an angel, cradled by a wonderful dream.
It didn’t take long after for him to realize she was the love of his life.
They made plans for her to travel with him back to Hyrule, to meet his sister and all his friends back home, but to do that, he had to wake the Wind Fish.
And he did. It all fell apart.
He woke up cold, wet, and utterly alone. It came in a rush seconds after he woke up, and brought the taste of salt in his mouth with it.
He didn’t know how he made it home, only that he left soon after, going nowhere in particular but ending up on two more adventures.
He didn’t know a soul, learning to draw into himself to shield the events he would soon fully process. He finished his quests and left, ignoring the parting words from Din and Nauru.
Everything reminded him of her. Din’s hair, the sky, passing scenery. But worst of all, the smell of salt water. As soon as he reached Hyrule again, he promised himself to stay grounded.
Then Zelda disappeared again. He tracked her down eventually, but before he ever got to her, Ravio came barreling into his life.
He set up shop in his house, and never really left. He’d never admit it, but he did come to relax in the sense of familiarity Ravio brought, and he quickly became a fixture in Link’s life.
After that came Hytopia, which to Link seemed more of a fever dream. He decided not to think about it too often.
When he finally found his way home again, this time seemingly for good, he tried to settle down. He started caring for the apple grove again, and took up smithing. He tried desperately to ignore conversation with those around him and finally move on.
He tried to banish his journeys and the goddess that sent him on them from his head, but they were memories he couldn’t shake, haunting him. He rushed along with his life, trying desperately to banish his wandering thoughts with meaningless work.
Then along came the chain, and he became Legend. Stuck in yet another adventure, it seemed. He drew away, determined as always not to get attached. It only ever hurt him.
But the perceived strangers were determined, and quickly rooted themselves in his heart. He would never admit it, but they became his brothers.
When it was all over and he returned home to the warm embrace of his loved ones, he made a vow not to forget what they had done for him.
And if one day he found her again, and added more family into the mix, well, he thought they’d approve.
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