#Which was a big part of the shadow of war mobile game
mod2amaryllis · 2 years
Lots of people are coming out with their best shows/movies/anime etc. of the year, and since you have such impeccable taste I'd love to hear yours! Only if it's okay ofc! Have a wonderful rest of 2022 and great 2023!
ok this is the only end of year reflection i have the capacity to do tonight, lemme thiiink ummm it was a big year for things tbh!!! I'll just ramble i guess, first up...
SEVERANCE: possibly the best first season of a show I've ever seen, and absolutely the best s1 finale of a show I've ever seen, huge ups to @tricktster for recommending it. you've probably heard it a million times but if you haven't, GO WATCH SEVERANCE, it lives up to the hype.
THE REHEARSAL: the magic trick that this show pulls is so bizarre and unprecedented it's like. impossible for me to even talk about. the entire time watching it i was gaping at my tv in open disbelief. it does and says so much in the wildest ways possible I'm still obsessed.
WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS S4: three words, Baby Colin Robinson
ANDOR: I'm not a star wars guy at allll. not even a little bit. my expectations have never been high. but when i saw @variastrix loving it up on my dash i was like okaaay and holy shit. SO good. the prison arc especially was just like OUUUGHH THEMES AND DIALOGUE OFF THE CHARTS!!!
SPY X FAMILY: what's especially fun is that we were in Japan while the second part of the season was dropping and Anya was fucking eeeeverywhere!!! everyone agrees with me cannot get ENOUGH of that funny little girl!!! best execution of fake dating trope everr the more convoluted the better.
MOB PSYCHO 100 III: ......like. c'mon what is there to even say. what's there to saaaaay! it's in my top 3 anime ever! the subversion of shonen anime has basically ruined all other stereotypical anime for me forever because it's just. so much better. so much funnier and more poignant to watch the most powerful boy ever strive to be a better person. i love that little guy and his silly conman role model
EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE: i feel the same way about this movie as anyone else. saw the trailer, hooked instantly, then when i actually watched it i walked out going "this is the greatest movie I've ever seen??????" insanely shot, cast incredible, the whole premise simultaneously huge as a multiverse and small as an immigrant couple in a laundromat. this movie defined my cosmic outlook on life. that nothing matters, so we should make the most out of what and who we love. in any other year this would've been my far and away fave. but then came:
NOPE: you guys follow me. you've heard it already. this movie ..... this..... FUCKING MOVIE.... haunted me from the moment i saw that chimp covered in blood. it scared me so bad i wasn't even sure if i liked it but then i thought and kept thinking AND I THOUGHT AND KEPT THINKING AND I HAVEN'T STOPPED THINKING this movie this god damn movie. it's a social commentary, it's a blockbuster popcorn hit, it's about animals, it's about people, it's a creature feature, it's funny, it's glorious to look at it's glorious and i love it so so much. Jean jacket really is a beautiful name for a baby girl.
VAMPIRE SURVIVORS: this game is like if you broke gaming down to it's purest chemical form and injected it directly into your bloodstream. it's a game that might be perfect in its simplicity. it's also really funny that i can be a stinky old garlic man, i like that a lot. it's free on mobile what are you waiting for.
HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST: i feel so fucking bad for this series not once, but TWICE releasing at the same time as two of the greatest games literally ever made (i still have to beat elden ring oops) because i love these games SO MUCH! they scratch a very particular itch for me which is plenty of upgradable weapons/armor for me to chase, incredibly in depth lore, and post apocalyptic robot dinosaurs. literally no notes. i love games like this that're like "we know what you want. you want to kill a spinosaurus with a bow and arrow and afterwards treat yourself to some incredible American vistas, here, take it, enjoy." it's an incredibly Me game. probably my goty if measured by how much fun i had playing it.
BRONCO BY ORVILLE PECK: the biggie. life changer. this beat out pony for me. makes me wanna be a lonesome cowboy in the Rockies so fucking bad i can taste it. like....im already thiiiis close to being a lonesome cowboy in the Rockies and when i listen to curse of the blackened eye on my morning walk, looking at the snow capped mountains, I'm there. I'm a cowboy baby. also saw him live and sobbed he's insane, the talent, he's just showing off he's nuts.
LAST NIGHT IN THE BITTERSWEET BY PAOLO NUTINI: through the echoes specifically. came up randomly in a mixed playlist and swiveled my head so fucking fast. one of my favorite artist finds of the year.
NOPE OST BY MICHAEL ABELS: that's right bitch nope gets featured TWICE, idc!!!
DANCE FEVER BY FLORENCE + THE MACHINE: this is the album to finally get me into Florence + the machine, before i was just into the hits but this album.... King? FREE???? DAFFODIL???????? good god welch
FISH!!!!!!!!!! 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟💙💙💙💙✌️✌️✌️🥰🥰🥰🥰🐠🐠🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡🦈🦈🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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egg-emperor · 1 year
I like to thing eggy mocks GUN/Local law enforcement for not being able to capture him and bring him to justice. Neener neener neener, they'll never be able to catch eggy. Though Sometimes i like t think that he occasionally throws them a bone by leaving a clue to his location , but quickly yanks the chain by destroying their mechs and/or evading them before they find him
I love that so much hjfhdjshdfgsfkj he's such a cheeky menace of a war criminal that they can never catch and he loves it! He loves being the unattainable most wanted and takes great pride in being too smart and powerful for Sonic and friends and the law. His initial reaction to people coming after him first is often treating it like a game and getting playful with it when dealing with anyone that tries to beat him.
He can get a thrill from the high speed chases and desperation they have in pursuing him, giving him the attention and importance he desires as a serious threat they want to take out. He likes it when they dare to face him while he's in his Eggwalker/airships/Egg Mobile/mechs but he's ready for them and has the upper hand, which they'll see when he easily blows them all up with great destructive and lethal force!
He seemed to enjoy that a lot in SA2 and have blast during his stages, laughing to himself during successful streaks of blowing enemies up. They explored it in X nicely whenever Sonic and co or the military tried to launch attacks and he had tricks up his sleeves with weaponry, airships, and robots to deal with them with great excitement. And he enjoyed seeing Shadow help with it in ShtH 2005.
He has tons of bases with clever creative defense systems, my favorite examples being those in Shadow 2005! As much as he can be bothered by nuisance intruders, part of him can enjoy the chance to use them. There's the unused line where he was gleeful about GUN soldiers burning to death because of them, so it seems he is indeed thrilled to deal with enemies when they dare to visit his bases and mess with him.
I imagine he can enjoy building and running his secret bases and other operations and seeing how long he hide it until they find him, or slyly lure them so he can reveal his lovely new playgrounds of sinister hidden bases, fun play time activities and toys of twisted and deadly defense system and guard robots, a warm welcome to his guests- his enemies who will meet their doom! And he sticks his tongue out and blows raspberries to tease them XD 💜
When they get to see one of his cool bases that were secret up until then, he has often become very eager to show it off over time and takes pride in the big grand reveal at last as he says welcome to his "lucky" special guests- before activating the defense systems, weaponry, fleets, and soldiers, unleashing total chaos and giggling with glee as he brings them all down with exciting catastrophic destruction hehe
He could enjoy challenging them to a battle every now and then and have a blast leaving clues, luring them in, and finding a thrill in the hunt and sometimes chase as he leads them to him. To him it's like his own fucked up version of a game of hide and seek, tag, and play fight and it brings him twisted joy and he reminds them just how serious and powerful of a threat he is as he easily wipes out another batch of his enemy's forces like it's nothing! >:D
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon: Part One First Trailer
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The first part of Zack Snyder's planned sci-fi epic Rebel Moon, titled Rebel Moon: A Child of Fire, is scheduled to premiere on December 22, 2023, followed by Part II, titled Rebel Moon: The Scargiver, in April 2024.  The casting also has a lot of familiar faces The movie is one of Zack Snyder's largest ensemble casts ever put together. The film will feature appearances from Sofia Boutella, Djimon Hounsou, Anthony Hopkins, Charlie Hunnam, Ed Skrein, and many more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rHLOXbFZtI   When the soldiers of a despotic governing power approach a tranquil colony on the edge of the galaxy, Kora (Sofia Boutella), a mystery stranger living among the villagers, turns out to be their greatest chance for survival. Kora, a former member of the Imperium, is fully aware of what occurs to the locals when the group next returns to exploit them. She encourages the locals to rise up and take action against the government, which is clearly out to destroy their community's land.  Kora gathers a small band of warriors - outcasts, insurgents, peasants, and orphans of war from many planets who share a shared thirst for forgiveness and vengeance. She is tasked with locating skilled soldiers who would join with her in making an impossible stand against the Mother World. The fate of a galaxy is at stake as the shadow of an entire Realm descends upon the most unlikely of moons, and in the process, a new army of heroes is created. Snyder unveiling a Rebel Moon video game  Snyder has hinted at a big RPG set in the same world as the Rebel Moon movie. Snyder announced that Super Evil Megacorp, a mobile game developer, was creating a Rebel Moon mobile game at Gamescom. It's unclear if it was the previously disclosed project. The release of a video game fits with Snyder's previously stated intention to create a common universe for the sci-fi franchise. In a July 2023 interview, the director—who also co-wrote and directed Rebel Moon: Part One - A Child of Fire—described his goals for the series' future. Snyder mentioned that he has already created a 450-page bible document intended to kick off a number of other Rebel Moon movies. Snyder said that the renegade satellite that the movie is named after isn't expected to make an appearance on screen until the planned third sequel. This gives us a clue as to how far ahead Snyder is planning in the future of the franchise beyond A Child of Fire and The Scargiver. So far the untitled game, which will be made exclusively for Netflix users, will serve as an interactive, canonical continuation of the Rebel Moon franchise's plot. Super Evil Megacorp later billed the game as "a co-op action game" that will accommodate up to four players. When will viewers be able to see it? Rebel Moon won't be available for a while. A Child Of Fire releases in December 2023 while The Scargiver won't be released in April 2024. Read the full article
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magmmorg · 2 years
Mac strategy games 2016
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#Mac strategy games 2016 movie
#Mac strategy games 2016 Patch
#Mac strategy games 2016 series
#Mac strategy games 2016 windows
That’s an impressive accomplishment.
#Mac strategy games 2016 series
More than anything, the level design, fantastic audio and soundtrack, and true-to-the series gameplay convince you, like no other game, that you are in the Star Wars universe. EA sneaked in an extra VR mission this month, which also sets Battlefront apart from every other game. First off, in 4K resolution on a computer, the graphics are astounding. This one deserves extra credit for a few reasons. And, the entire concept - looking for fires from a watchtower - is a lesson in gameplay innovation. Of course, hunting around on a map using a compass is also unique. You keep playing to see how it all turns out. The big surprise with Firewatch is that the story itself is the true innovation - a mystery that unfolds over time and is told mostly through spoken dialogue. Unlike the space shooters for HTC Vive, EVE: Valkyrie for PlayStation VR makes you feel like you’re really in space, and the 3D surround audio (from the earbuds and your television) only helps. You look to the side and see your squadron, you glance over and see a space station. EVE: Valkyrie VRĪs a major sci-fi buff, I felt like I was in the middle of an asteroid field in this VR game. You feel like you’re Batman, wearing a suit, standing on top of a building, and taking down the bad guys. This has the added benefit of helping with constant motion in the Sony PlayStation VR headset. It’s more of a strategy game, and you have to sit back and think about your actions. My favorite VR game, Batman does something really unique. You play a man named Henry working in the Shoshone National Forest as a forest fire lookout. That's partly because its art direction is breathtaking, but mostly because it tells an incredibly moving story in just a few short hours.
#Mac strategy games 2016 movie
(Be sure to also watch the brilliantly transportative movie called Kingsglaive, one of my favorites of the year.) 7. ' Firewatch ' is one of the best games of 2016. It’s massive, ultra-convincing, and has some of the best creature design I’ve ever seen. You may have already played an RPG like Final Fantasy XV and sliced and diced a few baddies, but you have never quite seen a gameworld like this. Coaxing and cajoling doesn’t always work, and the relationship develops over time. Unlike the developer’s previous games ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, you feel a strong bond to the massive dragon-like creature in the game, which uses a fuzzy AI that seems utterly believable. I wasn’t quite ready for the most innovative part of The Last Guardian. The fact that Starbucks just signed on to participate officially in the game is one reason it is so innovative. Pokémon GOĬould I have not included this mobile game? When you see kids wandering around in front of your office carrying their phones hunting for Pokémon creatures, you know there’s something really unique. My first few sojourns to new planets provided a unique thrill. In terms of innovation, there’s no question this procedurally generated game - which has 18 quintillion planets - is incredibly innovative.
#Mac strategy games 2016 Patch
Still, the developers released a new patch that improved the gameplay. The gameplay, like setting up a sniper decoy with a human head, is based on actual events. The graphics could be the best we’ve ever seen, especially during an opening level that looks photorealistic.
#Mac strategy games 2016 windows
From controlling each tank’s shot to commanding your entire army in a grand campaign, you must lead the Ground Assault Additional virtual reality gameplay on HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Windows MR headsets coming. One incredibly unique aspect: The game makes a bold statement about the the ravages of war. Command companies of tanks across the battlefields of WW2 in this turn-based, tactical strategy game. Aren’t indie games better? Not when it comes to Battlefield 1. I sometimes get some flack for including major studio games, especially when they are first-person shooters. My favorite elements - other than the subtle graphics, atmospheric audio, and weird gameplay - is that you feel some emotional dissonance and - that ending! It’s a must play for any gamer. I don’t want to spoil anything, but the game transports you to another place and time, somewhat similar to the developer's previous game called Limbo. Even the major releases from studios like Electronic Arts had brilliant innovations we’ve never seen before. This year was much, much easier than past years, mostly thanks to a wide selection of games and the debut of virtual reality headsets. It’s that time of year again - for several years in a row, I’ve picked the most innovative games of the year on any platform.
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four-loose-screws · 3 years
FE8 Novelization Translation - Chapter 17, Section 2
If you would like to start from the beginning, read a missed part, etc., click here!
FE Game Script Translations - FE Novel Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
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I call this a “section” because it is not a separate part of the chapter in the book, but divided from the rest of the chapter by a scene break.
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Chapter 17 - The Demon King's Shadow (con’t)
Frelia's pegasus knight unit was continuing to desperately defend against an overwhelmingly large enemy army.
Their entire unit had already been nearly wiped out, and the remaining soldiers were putting all of their strength into defending the bridges. If they fell here, then the enemy could invade in one fell swoop, and the people of Narube would likely be massacred without resistance.
"Those who can move, take the citizens south!" Syrene, the leader of the pegasus knight unit, shouted as loudly as she could while swinging around her lance and fending off the enemy's onslaughts.
However, she hardly had any knights left that could follow that order. Even if the knights managed to get the children atop the pegasi, their wings were damaged, and they couldn’t fly. Even the citizens who had panicked and cried at first had already lost the energy to do that any longer, and exhaustedly slipped into utter silence.
They’d made a major miscalculation. The Grado Army had lost the capital, yet still had a large number of soldiers left.
If the knights thought only about themselves, then they had the possibility to take advantage of their pegasi’s mobility and retreat, but they couldn’t abandon the people of Narube just to escape.
“We’re at our limit, Lady Syrene! We’ll buy you some time! Please do whatever it takes to get out of here!” A knight wearing armor covered in blood yelled at her.
But Syrene shook her head.
She had no intention of running away until the very end. The bodies of the Frelian soldiers who’d exhausted all of their strength lay around her. She was ready to die here in battle herself as well.
Her only regret was that she couldn’t live up to Prince Innes’ hopes for her. She remembered the day that she’d officially become the leader of the pegasus knights as if it was yesterday. The prince had personally given her a beautiful whip and said that the pegasus knight unit was the pride and joy of Frelia, and he wanted them to fight for their homeland so long as they drew breath.
His words filled her chest with deep emotions. She swore to herself that she would devote herself to Frelia… and Prince Innes and Princess Tana.
The plan was to unite her forces with the prince’s at Narube River and fight together at full strength under his orders. However, before that could happen, she would probably see her end. Regret burned in her heart.
Her younger sister was together with the prince. That was her only consolation. If her sister could protect the prince when she couldn’t… then that was all she could ask for.
“Lady Syrene, that’s…!” One of the knights shouted.
Was it more enemy reinforcements? Just how much leftover strength could the Grado Army have at this point? 
The moment Syrene was about to succumb to her despair, she looked at where her soldier was pointing, and instinctively breathed a sigh of belief.
A large army was nearing from the south. They were still a considerable distance away, so she couldn't clearly make out who they were, but the color of their armor was different from that of the Grado Army.
"Is that… the Renais Army…?" The moment Syrene whispered, a single pegasus knight appeared from the oncoming crowd, and flew straight in her direction. 
Syrene knew who it was before her eyes could even confirm the rider’s face, as she could distinguish the slight but distinct strong wing movements and neck shaking of individual pegasi.
She smiled without even thinking about it, and felt a weight be lifted off her shoulders that had been with her since the beginning of the war.
“Commander Syrene, are you alright?!” The knight riding the pegasus shouted, and swiftly threw a javelin at a Grado soldier coming at her while avoiding his own attack.
She effortlessly hit her target, showing her strength. ‘She’s gotten so much stronger in such a short amount of time.’ Syrene thought.
“Vanessa, you’re here! Meaning…”
“Yes, Prince Innes and Princess Tana are with me! They are safe as well!”
“Thank goodness…” Relief warmed her heart. 
Vanessa continued in a commanding tone, “Please stand down, Commander! We’ll take it from here.”
“No, I...”
‘...am not severely injured,’ she started to say, but thought twice about it.
Both her and her unit were already at the limits of their stamina. Even if she continued to be stubborn and fight on the front line, she would do the exact opposite of help, and get in her allies’ way. It was wiser for her to retreat for the moment, recuperate, and then pick up her weapon again.
“Understood! I will stand down for now, and let your commander take over from here. Please tell them I said so.”
“Yes Ma’am!”
“And Vanessa.”
Vanessa tried to guide her pegasus higher into the sky, but Syrene called out to her again.
Vanessa turned back around and no longer had her previous tense expression on her face, perhaps because she had finally relaxed. 
Syrene responded in a casual tone, “It looks like you’ve been playing a very big role as a soldier of Princess Eirika’s guard. I was really worried when I heard that you’d been betrayed in Carcino, but… I finally feel at ease.”
“Thank you Ma’am…!”
"Your spearmanship has improved greatly since we parted as well. And you've become a bit more beautiful too."
Vanessa’s eyes widened at suddenly being teased, and her cheeks turned red. “S-Sister…!”
No matter how good their relationship was as sisters, on the battlefield, they were commander and subordinate. To Vanessa, who was so serious it made her formal and strict, keeping that distinction was of vital importance. But right now, even she had forgotten herself.
Syrene laughed out loud and guided her pegasus to softly spread her wings.
Her pegasus had taken an enemy attack, which seriously injured her wing. She wanted her beloved pegasus to be healed as quickly as possible. To a pegasus knight, her pegasus was more than just a simple mount. They were invaluable partners whose fates were linked to each other.
“I’ll see you again later, Vanessa.” Syrene parted ways with her sister for the time being, and her pegasus flew off, leading her exhausted unit.
The Renais Army had crossed the bridge and was coming closer. Syrene stopped her pegasus and landed on the ground.
Everyone was injured and bleeding. Their uniforms had been beautiful and stunning when they left home, but now, they looked like they never could have been such dazzling garments. However, each and every one of their faces were lit up like the sun.
Syrene knelt down on one knee before Eirika and bowed her head. “Reporting, Princess Eirika of Renais! The Frelian Army was surprise attacked by the Grado Army, and we regrettably lost most of our soldiers. But only a few of the people of Narube have been killed since the beginning of the attack, and the rest are safe.”
“Good work. All of you please take whatever time you need to recuperate.” 
Eirika’s voice was soft and kind. Just her words alone healed Syrene of her exhaustion.
“Are you alright, Syrene?”
She recognized Prince Innes’ voice, and looked up.
He was standing next to Eirika. Among his dirt-covered army, he stood out as the one refined person. He of course should be tired since he had traveled on a long journey together with the soldiers, but he didn’t show it in the slightest. His clothing looked as if a tailor had just dressed him.
“Lord Innes… I am sorry. The Frelian Army is unable to merge with Renais’ Army. We’ve suffered too much damage, and…”
"Never mind that. None of you have anything you need to worry about. We’ll take it from here.”
His words were reassuring. ‘It appears that Vanessa is not the only one who’s grown up while we were apart.’ She felt that Prince Innes had also become even stronger since the last time they’d seen each other.
‘Perhaps…’ Syrene thought. ‘Vanessa has become more beautiful because of Prince Innes?’ It was difficult for her to imagine Vanessa falling in love with any ordinary man. If he wasn’t a partner that she could respect with all of her heart, then he likely wouldn’t be able to steal it. And If there was any man that Vanessa could respect, it was of course...
“Syrene, do you know any information about the enemy commander?”
Innes asked her in a harsh tone.
Syrene shook her head. “There is a fort on the other side of the river. The enemy commander is using it as a base. I heard that it appears to be Prince Lyon leading the army. I have not been able to confirm that myself, but that is what my subordinates reported.”
“Hmm… Do you know anything about Prince Lyon? ...No wait, nevermind.” In a move that was entirely unlike him, Innes hesitated and changed his words. “Asking won’t change anything. For now, Syrene, please get healed, and return quickly to the battlefront. We still need your power.”
“Yes, Your Majesty!”
He seemed worried about Prince Lyon for some reason, but knowing that she and her soldiers were living up to the prince’s expectations made Syrene happy. The pegasus knights had survived their long, grueling fight, retreated for the time being, and were healed by Natasha and the other healers.
“Leave the front line to us. We’ll defend the northern bridge.” Ephraim said and charged his horse straight north. 
His loyal knights Forde and Kyle led his other soldiers and followed after him.
Eirika went with Seth and the others to save the citizens. The group totaled a few dozen men and women huddling together and shaking. Eirika talked to each of them individually to encourage them, helped the injured atop her horse, and led them to a safe place.
Eirika worked as hard as she could, trying not to think about anything she did not need to. But every so often, she would remember that wicked voice. Whenever she thought about Lyon and the pain the Demon King had caused him, she couldn’t stand the feeling she felt. 
‘I ate his heart.’ Or so the Demon King said. If she accepted his words literally, then Lyon’s heart was already gone, and his body entirely controlled by the Demon King. She did not want to believe that such a terrifying thing could be reality.
It had been for only just a moment, but she'd heard Lyon scream. “Run away…” He’d pleaded with all his might. “I’ll destroy you…” There was no way that could have been the Demon King’s voice.
Lyon’s heart had yet to be completely consumed. He'd nearly suppressed the Demon King’s consciousness, and was continuing to just barely manage to fight. He was struggling as hard as he could to remain in control. And that was why they had to press forward. They had to defeat the Demon King and restore his heart.
But on the other hand of that thought, the Demon King's last words weighed heavily on her heart. Ephraim told her not to worry about them, yet she couldn't help but think about them.
Kill Prince Ephraim, and claim Princess Eirika. The Demon King said that was Lyon's desire. A kind man like Lyon shouldn't have such a twisted and ambitious desire… or so she wanted to think, but her heart was no longer sure.
As Lyon was a sickly person, Ephraim had always been the object of his admiration. In situations like when Ephraim was praised by Duessel, or he won a match against a senior knight, Lyon would cheerfully say "You really are amazing, Ephraim!" Those were words of wonder and amazement.
At the time, Eirika didn't think much of it, and just took his words at face value. ...There hadn’t been any warped feelings hiding underneath that adoration, right? He thought Ephraim was amazing… and wanted to be Ephraim… but he couldn’t. Those feelings of inferiority hadn’t turned into jealousy, had they?
“Lady Eirika, we have finished leading the people to safety.” Seth reported.
The pegasus knights had also finished receiving their treatment, and were awaiting Eirika’s orders. Now was not the time to be guessing what was within Lyon’s heart. She had orders to give as her army’s commander.
“Let’s go! We will take the fort across the river and capture Prince Lyon!” Eirika hesitated for a moment, then added, “You must not kill him! We still have a lot of questions for him.”
Syrene and her pegasus knights immediately accepted the order and all flew up into the sky at once. The pegasi had all been healed alongside their riders, and their energy was restored. They flapped their white wings at full strength.
Seth looked up at the pegasus knights and said, “Lady Eirika, I understand how you feel, but Prince Lyon is already…”
“...I know.” She cut off the rest of his sentence, not wanting to hear it.
He looked straight at her. "Our enemy introduced himself as the Demon King. We still do not know whether he truly is or not, but if he is, then this is very serious. Even if we fight him at full strength, we still might not win.”
“...You're right.”
“It’s a shame that his heart is in chaos on the outside, but…”
“I know. I’ll be fine, Seth. I’m prepared to fight him.” Eirika nodded with conviction.
She couldn’t make Seth worry, and so she spoke those words to him immediately. In truth, she still didn’t know. Would she be able to turn her sword against him?
Eirika maneuvered her horse to the front line, where Ephraim's group was fighting. She shook off her hesitation and gradually picked up speed.
A harsh battle was unfolding on the northern bridge. Grado dragon knights attacked from the sky, making the fight difficult for Ephraim and his soldiers, but the pegasus knight unit rushed to their side, and started to change their situation bit by bit.
Pegasi were of a smaller build than dragons, but were utterly fearless. They flew bravely at the enemies' chests, and threw them into confusion. Once the dragon unit's movements had broken out into a panic, Innes and Neimi shot arrows straight at them. The arrows flew through the dragon's wings. Their cries pierced the sky, and their riders lost their balance and fell into the river.
Once Eirika's army finally captured the bridge, they used that momentum to continue moving east. They could now see the fort the enemy was using as their base.
"He's in there, right?!" Ephraim asked when Eirika rode up next to him.
Eirika noticed that her brother refused to refer to Lyon by name.
Perhaps Ephraim felt just as lost as Eirika, and that was why he was purposely avoiding referring to Lyon by name. If he said it aloud, it might dull his resolve to fight, no matter what else he did.
The enemy was waiting for them outside of the fort. Eirika's army shifted into a fan formation and surrounded the Demon King.
He had a cruel smile on his face, and waited calmly for them. He no longer seemed to have any interest in pretending to be human. His facial features were clearly Lyon's, but his expressions did not feel human at all.
'That's not Lyon… such a wicked, cold stare could never be Lyon's.' Eirika told herself. But she still could not rid herself of her hesitation, rather, she tried to find if Lyon was left anywhere in his face.
"...So you intend to challenge me?" The Demon King asked. 
The chilling sound of his voice made Eirika's horse tremble so hard she could not calm her.
"You are all so lucky to not yet know my true terror…”
"Get out of Lyon's body!!" Ephraim roared.
Eirika jumped. His voice was filled with an intense anger that she had never once heard come from him in her entire life.
Ephraim did not fear the Demon King, although perhaps it was more accurate to say that he was so infuriated by someone hurting Lyon that he forgot how afraid he was. 
Ephraim's powerful voice boosted the morale of Eirika's army, but the Demon King met Ephraim's anger by laughing at him.
"It's not healthy to make your blood boil, prince of Renais. Don't you get it? Prince Lyon and everything about him is no more. I ate him. This body is no longer his.”
"Damn you…!" Ephraim raised his lance, and his soldiers each readied their own weapons. The archers and mages behind them also prepared themselves to support them.
But the Demon King’s spell was faster. Its waves rippled through the air, and a split second after, a horse collapsed.
Eirika looked over at them and felt fear send a chill down her spine. The neck of the fallen horse was turning in unnatural directions as if a huge, invisible hand was twisting it.
“Nosferatu…?!” Lute gasped. As someone so confident, it was entirely unlike her, but even she was panicking. “Please be careful! That is an extremely powerful dark magic. If you take a direct hit, then…!”
The army’s movements fell into chaos. The terrified horses burst out into a full gallop and tried to shake off their riders. Only Seth, Forde, and a few others managed to keep control of their horses, while the other knights all clung desperately to their horses’ necks.
The Demon King cast another spell. Another horse fell down. 
The army was in a panic trying to rush outside of the spell’s range, but among them, Eirika was doing the opposite, and pushing ahead. 
Seth and Ephraim noticed her and rushed over to her, flustered. They stood behind her, ready to protect her, as she faced the Demon King.
His expression changed, sharp eyes narrowing in satisfaction.
Eirika tightened her grip around her horse's reins. Her horse stopped shaking, the strength of her resolve seeming to communicate with her mount.
"Can you hear me, Lyon?" Eirika said and stared straight into the Demon King's eyes. 
"It's useless!!" Ephraim shouted and tried to stop her, but she paid him no mind and continued.
"You're in there, aren't you, Lyon? Please do not abandon hope. We will defeat the Demon King and save you… so please, don't give in…"
The Demon King's expression shook ever so slightly. He furrowed his brow and glared at Eirika. "Pitiful girl… You still believe that there is any of Lyon's heart within this body? How fascinating. Then come here. I will tear you apart limb from limb with these very hands…"
"Get away from him, Eirika!" Ephraim shouted and kicked his horse's side. Seth followed after him a second later.
Ephraim thrust his lance with a sharp battle cry. The Demon King narrowly dodged a fatal blow, but blood sprayed out from his shoulder. Seth followed up without a moment's delay, thrusting his own lance. 
The Demon King flailed his arm around wildly, but there was no power in his movements.
"Support Ephraim! Archers, step forward!" Innes ordered, and swiftly shot an arrow of his own. 
His silver arrow pierced deep into the Demon King's chest.
'Stop!' Eirika tried to scream. 'If you kill him, then Lyon's heart will die, too!!'
The Demon King staggered, but his eyes did not lose the intensity within them. "This little is too much…? The human body is so frail." He muttered in annoyance and pulled the arrow out of his chest. Blood flowed from the wound. 
He glared at Eirika with eyes burning like a blazing fire. "I have learned the extent of your power. In this case… I will hasten my resurrection. I will abandon this frail body and return to my true flesh. That is the day when this continent will once again be shrouded in darkness. There is no longer a single place any of you can run to!” He said in a tone not unlike that of one giving a curse, and disappeared.
Ephraim yelled at him, “You’re running away?! Do you really think I’ll let you desecrate Lyon’s body ever again…?!”
Ephraim ordered the soldiers to search the area and turned back towards Eirika. “Are you alright, Eirika?”
"Don't do anything reckless. You know he's not Lyon. The Lyon we were friends with is already…"
"Brother, I want to believe him. The Demon King says what he does, but Lyon's heart is still alive… he's suffering and waiting for us to save him. I can feel it." Ephraim furrowed his brow. His blue eyes clouded over with hesitation.
He was still suffering, too. Just like she was.
He sighed deeply. "...I understand. Right now, finding him comes first. Eirika, you rest for a bit."
"No, I'm going to search too…"
"Your face is terribly pale. You've pushed yourself past your limit. L'Arachel, could you please take care of her?"
L'Arachel was standing near him, so he called her over. 
Eirika went into a tent with L'Arachel, deciding that she would take a short rest.
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oneheadedcerberus · 4 years
Transformers Review #2
Here I am again with the second installment of my very own incredibly self-indulgent toy review (potential) series that is an obvious and thinly veiled excuse for me to talk about the things I like + substitute for true socialization in the wake of quarantine.
And since he’s the one I keep on my desk to hold my tablet pen like a tiny, evil secretary who is no doubt plotting against me:
This is War for Cybertron: Earthrise Voyager Starscream.
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Right off the bat, it’s a good first impression. The shape and colours are very classically ‘Starscream’, which is no surprise, given the entire gimmick of Earthrise (and the wider Generations line, really) is essentially ‘G1, but newer’. Nostalgia is a deep pool that companies like Hasbro are never afraid to dip into, what can you say?
The reds and blues are lush as hell (although I have seen a bit of chipping on the red paint! Blue seems to be coloured plastic, tho), but frankly the grey is a bit dull and boring. It wouldn’t be so bad if the back of him wasn’t such a wall of grey. Face him forwards on the shelf, I suppose?
The orangey-yellow of the cockpit is a nice splash to really bring the A-game of the primary colours, very eye catching, and all of it topped off with a glossy black head.
His eyes don’t have much to bring to the party with how small and strangely sunken into his face they are, especially with the awning of his forehead casting them into eternal shadow. They’re honestly a bit difficult to see. Maybe its a statement on Starscream and his duplicitous nature? Yeah probably not. They are a lovely red when I shine my phone light on them, however. 
The face sculpt is a good point as well, with nice, clear features and even a bit of a sulky frown, for extra Starscreaminess.
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And even if his neck is a kind of hilariously thin, it does give him a good amount of mobility in his head, both tilt and swivel.
His whole body is riddled with sculpting and detail, absolutely covered in little roboty looking lines and bits and bobs that help bring him to life and help the weapons ports and seams blend in. Much like the colours, there’s more on the front than the back, but seeing how the back is mostly jet as a opposed to robot, and thus largely flat and smooth, I can forgive.
His proportions are just the tiniest bit off to my eye - arms just a touch short and his head just a bit small, but that’s probably so it can fit into the nosecone kibble-hat hanging gracelessly off his back, which I would have an easier time being mad at if it didn’t allow for my favourite feature of the whole toy
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would you believe this is the first thing I did after opening the box? Because it was.
He’s got large, stable feet perfect for balancing, stepping over ones enemies, or climbing the ranks. You go, Starscream.
Good, solid legs with no awkward hollow sections. Unfortunately the big ol’ solid stompers are about the highlight of the legs- the posing ability on this guy is lackluster, to say the least
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His shoulders and elbows are about standard, nothing spectacular, but that up there is as far as his knees and legs will bend. The knees manage 90~ degrees, but he can’t even really sit down, and to move his legs up at all you need to raise his little red skirt crotch flap thingy. They don’t move backwards at all, being blocked by part of the alt mode. Hm.
But, y’know what? He does have those classic turbine tits, so there’s that. Silver linings.
The transformation is about 30 steps, and once I’d done it a few times I found it to be easy to memorize and a decent amount of fun to do. It had some neat little steps such as folding his forearms around the rest of his arms and then hiding them in his chest- after removing the cockpit, of course. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the cockpit in his chest is the actual one in the alt mode, I’m far more used to Seeker molds using a fake-out for that. Although it does leave his chest with a bit of a gap in it in alt mode. Eh. Give and take.
The actual act of opening his chest was damn difficult and a touch nerve racking, it was stuck fast and I ended up having to pry it open (thank you, trusty prybar thing I keep on my desk) all the while being sure I was about to break it. Luckily, it didn’t break and is opening easier now that I’ve done it a few times. The wings did pop off, tho. Good thing they go straight back on.
His legs are pretty simple, pull his shins open, fold them up, clip them together and click them in place, in a move that is similar (but much simpler) to his arms. I actually managed to get to that stage without the instructions before realizing I was baffled by where to stick his arms. I’m not the best at puzzles, ok?
Or, if you are so inclined, you can skip the legs and make a bit of an awkwardly upright gerwalk
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y’know. If you really wanna.
Once you get through all the major steps, the alt mode snaps together pretty satisfyingly.
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The nosecone really beefs up the length of this thing (it’s actually a bit too long for the lightbox I use for my photos, damn), and the sheer jet-ness of this alt mode makes me kinda want to woosh it around the room making my own low-flying aeroplane sound effects. So I did. At least I resisted the urge to toss him. For now.
On the downside, the underside kinda shatters the illusion a bit. He’s head is well hidden, if technically still visible if you know where it is, but damn does his torso look like a torso. The rest of him might be disguising itself as not-a-body a bit better, but it sure as shit ain’t disguising itself as a jet. And there’s no landing gear. *Siiigh* I suppose you can’t have everything.
The topside, while very jet-y, is a bit of a slab of grey as well. Only the touches of red, white and blue and the lovely purple Decepticon badges stop it from looking kinda unfinished. But, hey the cockpit is semi-transparent, and you can just about make out a lil seat in there for a hypothetical pilot which I think is cute for some reason :). My one issue with the topside is the weapons port smack dab right in the middle there, like some kind of space-robot blowhole.
As for accessories go, he comes with his two null rays and that’s about it. They got well on his arms in robot mode and on his wings for the alt mode (or you can stick one in the blowhole if you really want, I suppose?), but he can’t really hold them in his hands like pistols, just in case you wanted him to do that.
They go pretty well on either his upper arms, as I prefer, or you can turn his arms and put them on his forearms if you so desire.
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Sadly, no crown... though I’m sure one is available online if you really, really want.
His box, strangely enough, doesn’t have a secret code in it to fit with the Earthrise gimmick of decoding a star map. It did come with the little red bit of plastic for finding the codes, however.
In conclusion: The alt mode is pretty great and a lot of fun to play with, and I’m pretty happy with this to be the main Starscream of my collection and I‘m certainly not hankering for a new one anytime soon, I do kinda wish he had better posing. And the disappointing legs almost make me wish I gotten the Siege one instead, which I hear has some pretty amazing legs, with super deep knees. Fortunately for me I am a bit of a sucker for an Earth jet alt mode over a Tetrajet, so I can’t despair too much.
And he does do a superb job holding my pen.
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Like so.
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britesparc · 4 years
Weekend Top Ten #432
Top Ten Games to Remaster
As we continue June’s videogame-themed series of Tops Ten – during what would normally have been E3, but is still something of a prolonged Videogame Announcement Season – I turn my attention once again to great games past. This has been exacerbated by the release of Command & Conquer Remastered Collection, a hi-def spit-and-polish re-do of two of the greatest PC games of the nineties. I have very fond teenage memories of both C&C and its pseudo-sequel, but Red Alert in particular strikes an important chord as one of “the” games that deepened and broadened by love of gaming as an art form. In the way that really only happens when you’re a kid, I absorbed Red Alert, not just completing the campaign and playing hours and hours of skirmish, but also talking about it extensively with friends, designing my own levels, and even going so far as to modify the source files to create my own super-units (nuclear tanks ahoy!). As such, it utterly delights me to declare that C&C Remastered is a phenomenal undertaking, the graphics painstakingly remade to fit modern displays, the interface masterfully tweaked to appease modern sensibilities. But at the same time it offers so many pleasing, knowing, considerate hat-tips to fans, such as a re-imagining of the classic DOS installation prompts. All in all, it’s a must-buy, bringing a 25-year-old series of games more-or-less bang up to date and preserving their legacy for a new generation.
Anyway, all this got me thinking of other classic games, and how it’s so difficult to play them nowadays. Maybe they’re mired in rights issues. Maybe it’s a technological minefield to get them to run on modern systems. Maybe elements of modern gaming – be it graphics or design – have simply passed them by, making them a far more difficult and frustrating experience than they would have seemed Back in the Day. Whatever the reason, these are games that – like classic films from the 40s and 50s – should be celebrated and enjoyed by the young’uns, not left to gather digital dust on forgotten floppies the world over.
So, with no further ado, here are ten games that I would love to see given a bit of digital TLC, renewed and revigorated for the ultra-wide monitors and liquid-cooled systems of tomorrow. In most cases these are just one game that I’d like to see spruced up and re-released, but there are a few “collections” here too, whether it’s a C&C-style pairing of a great double act, or a  celebration of a series, a la Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
Oh, and I’m on about remasters here: not a full-on remake or reboot. Stuff like Perfect Dark on the Xbox 360, not Doom 2016. Old games made good on modern hardware, not a reimagining of the property.
Regardless: have at it, games industry.
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Lemmings (1991) and Lemmings 2: The Tribes (1993): I definitely think they should be a double-pack, because whilst the first is a well-regarded classic, the second refines the formula, makes it more user-friendly, offers skirmish-style training modes, and amps up the comedy. But they’re both ancient by now, and despite mobile do-overs in recent years, the originals are very difficult to play. Upping the resolution whilst still keeping the character of the scantily-pixelated sprites would be difficult, but it’d be worth it to once again sample one of the gods of gaming.
Sam & Max Hit the Road (1993): other LucasArts classic adventures have had a spruce – most notably the first two seminal Monkey Island games – but it’d be good to see this cult comedy classic come back to life. I don’t know if the backgrounds ever existed in higher resolution, but I’d love to see the sprites re-drawn to more closely resemble a cartoon version of Steve Purcell’s artwork.
The Jedi Knight Series (1995-2003): I’m bundling all four Jedi Knight games in together – that’s the original Dark Forces, plus Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast, and Jedi Academy – but let’s be honest, it’s the first two we’re really after. DF gave us a compelling mission-based “Doom Clone” (back when Doom was a genre), and one which would be amazing to see tarted up to 4K with texture filtering a-go-go; but it was its 1997 sequel, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, that struck serious beskar. Huge, expansive levels, in “true 3D” (as we used to call it), full-motion video cutscenes, finally getting a lightsaber and Force powers, but most of all the Light/Dark Side dynamic offering (very basic) morality and a branching storyline. Again, giving it a glossy hi-def sheen would do wonders to preserve the legacy of one of the greatest Star Wars games of all time.
The Quake Collection (1996-2005): really it should be called The Quake Qollection, no? Encompassing all four mainline Quakes. Although, again, let’s be honest: there’s something deeply iconic about the first three, so no one would complain if we just forgot about part 4, yeah? Anyway: Quake was a stunner, a gorgeous 3D technical juggernaut, offering sumptuous lighting effects and gorgeous architecture. Part II came a year later and offered us coloured lighting and a coherent sci-fi story, whereas Quake III Arena in 1999 gave us a sublimely crafted multiplayer shooter and a character that was an eyeball doing a handstand. Despite being graphical powerhouses in their day, getting them to run can be a drag, so it’d be lovely to see them dragged into the 21st Century, especially if they could offer us ray-tracing on next-gen consoles, a la Quake II RTX.
Tomb Raider (1996): we’ve seen the series rebooted in (generally) excellent fashion, but at the same time it feels it lost a little of the majesty, mythos, and merriment of OG Lara. One of the first truly successful 3D games, it was like nothing before it. A subtle update to increase its resolution, filter the rough edges, maybe offer the option to move beyond the rigid grid-based movement structure, and possibly up the poly count so blocky Lara more closely resembles her rendered box-art cousin, would be terrific. Imagine the dinosaur in 4K…!
Descent (1994): one of those games that’s slipped from public consciousness, this was a full-3D shooter a couple of years before Quake shambled onto our screens. Piloting a craft in zero gravity, it offered full freedom of movement as well as a tense shooter dynamic coupled with some mild, X-Wing-style space sim elements. It was funky, fast, gorgeous, and messed with your head. I’d love a remake that kept the levels as-is, simplified the often-complex controls for modern sensibilities, and just in general made it look prettier. I worry that a contemporary “re-imagining” might lose too many of its crazy rough edges, though.
Syndicate (1993): there have been a number of efforts to re-do Syndicate over the years, but apart from its excellent sequel Syndicate Wars in 1996, none have matched the dark joys of the original. rather than try to go all modern and 3D, I’d rather see the artwork redone, redrawn at a higher resolution, perhaps offering subtle 3D touches such as dynamic light, shadow, and ray-tracing. The fiddlier aspects (getting into cars?!) could be tidied up, but the look and feel should remain the same. I honestly think this could be a big deal.
Total Annihilation (1997): if C&C can get remastered, why not the game that was arguably the first real challenger to its sci-fi RTS dominance? TA had 3D graphics, a new and refined model of base construction, and tactical touches such as line-of-sight and elevated terrain. But the comparatively low resolution of late-nineties machines meant that the robotic units could often appear slightly indistinct, turning into a grey melange; boosting the res and the poly count would do wonders, but – like C&C – the gameplay itself should be kept as authentic as possible.
Warcraft I & II (1994-95): I know, I know; they just did a remaster of Warcraft III that wasn’t well received and got everybody’s backs up. But I barely played Warcraft III (I barely played Warcraft I for that matter). Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness was the fantasy yin to C&C’s sci-fi yang, and it was great; clear, bright, fast, fun. The cartoony graphics were gorgeous and the units had bags of character (reinforced by the humorous soundbites when you kept clicking on them). I’d want to see the sprites re-drawn in hi-res, with the units given some gorgeous new animations to match their character. Other than that? Keep it broadly the same. It worked 25 years ago, it’ll work now.
Fantasy World Dizzy (1989): I nearly didn’t have a game this old on the list. For one thing, I thought pre-16-bit games would require far more retooling for modern audiences, becoming essentially the sort of reboot I said I wanted to avoid; I can’t imagine a new Skool Daze being too similar to its original. Also which Dizzy do you choose? The one I played the most was probably Spellbound (1991). But I think Fantasy World may be the most iconic. Its Amiga port was almost a remaster anyway, giving it gorgeous colour graphics. A modern version would up the resolution with all-new art assets, obviously, and perhaps could offer a more user-friendly jumping dynamic (and maybe – maybe – I’ll allow scrolling). This could be a lovely way to re-introduce audiences to the character of Dizzy, who should really be held up more as a British gaming mascot, without having to go all-in on a brand new title. Egg-cellent (sorry).
So there we are. There are a couple missing here, obviously; Simon the Sorcerer was nearly there until I realised they did do a gentle remaster in 2018. The Settlers would have made the list, except they are remaking that, although in my opinion it looks like a full-on reboot rather than the upgraded version of the original that I crave. Fade to Black just dropped off the bottom on the grounds that I barely played it in its original form, but a third-person 3D Flashback is still on my Most Wanted list (Flashback itself, sadly, has already had a disappointing remake). And the best Star Wars game of all time, Knights of the Old Republic, I decided not to include as – again – I think we’re going to see that reimagined and folded into the new official Disney canon in some form. Maybe that should preclude me imagining the original game in 4K with updated character models, dynamic shadows, and ray-tracing, but – hey – that’s just me. At least that is one game that I’ll still be able to play fairly easily on an Xbox Series X, even without whistles and bells. Here’s to dead old games!
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nadziejastar · 5 years
It's sad that they're trying to make Lea and Isa's duo into a trio by adding Skuld because Skuld is so underdeveloped that she barely counts as a character. All she does is hang out with Ephemer and neglect her friendship with Player. Maybe if she actually did things I'd be able to muster up some excitement over the idea of her becoming friends with my two favorite characters, but with the current situation she could be replaced with a cardboard cutout and no one would notice any difference.
Yes, thank you! This is a huge reason KH3 was such a letdown for me. I’ve heard people say that fans just got themselves too hyped up and their expectations were unrealistic. Nope, that’s not the case with me nor do I think that was the reason for most of the disappointment within the fandom. I wasn’t even overly hyped. KH3 just didn’t accomplish what it was supposed to. But more than anything, the characters were NOT treated with respect. That was my biggest disappointment.
Before KH3 came out, I was actually excited about KH4 and beyond because of the fact that we now have a pretty large group of main characters and they have so much potential. We wouldn’t have to focus on just Sora, Donald, and Goofy anymore. There are so many characters to develop and they all have solid personalities. We have the Destiny Island trio, the Wayfinder trio, the Disney Castle crew, and Lea and Isa. 
I have an attachment to all of them based on all the previous games and all the years they’ve been developed. I wanted to see them interact with each other once Xehanort was defeated and everyone was rescued. Not get dumped in favor of new characters. Of all the characters Lea and Isa could form a relationship with, Skuld is the WORST choice. There are sooo many more interesting characters to focus on. Lea and Isa could grow close to Sora, Riku, Kairi, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Donald, Goofy, or Mickey! Yet, they’re getting shoved aside for Union X characters that you need to play a mobile game to be familiar with. Skuld wasn’t even included in the Back Cover movie. Even if you played all the KH remasters, you still won’t know who she is!
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I’ve actually seen all the cutscenes for Union X and I agree with you wholeheartedly. The characters were inoffensive, but they all had the personality of a wet paper bag. Nomura said Kingdom Hearts X, as it was originally called, was not supposed to have a heavy focus on story. Nothing I saw gave me the impression that characters like Skuld or Ephemer were meant to be anything more than mobile game characters. They were there for the player’s avatar to interact with, to give him/her a voice, since he/she is silent. But they are ancient history and should have perished during the Keyblade War. 
Ehpemer comes from the world ephemeral, meaning “lasting a very short time”. The three Norns are the Goddesses of fate in Norse mythology and are described as deciding the fates of people. Their names are Urd “What Once Was” (Old Norse “Urðr”), Verdandi “What Is Coming into Being” (Old Norse “Verðandi”) and Skuld “What Shall Be” (Old Norse “Skuld”).
My point is that these characters seem more suited as background characters. They are part of the mythology and history of the Keyblade War. They are not on par with the established characters and are not suitable to be the new protagonists. Now they are being teased as the main focus for the upcoming plot arc. I think this was a big mistake on Nomura’s part. Hardly anyone is going to be excited for them. I’m certainly not. I feel like there is very little to look forward to anymore.
You’re right. Skuld has no personality. And to add insult to injury, since she’s Subject X now, Lea and Isa had everything stripped from them in order to prop her up. Skuld isn’t interesting enough to be introduced on her own, so she has to ride on the coattails of Lea and Isa and the human experimentation subplot. This is such bullshit. New characters should NOT come at the expense of old ones. Lea needed a sad backstory as a test subject, and he needed his friendship with Isa to be properly developed so his fight at the Keyblade Graveyard felt emotionally engaging (which it didn’t).
Isa needed to be Subject X to redeem him. Saïx didn’t have much of a “personality”. This was the whole point. He was never likable the way Axel was. He was rude, condescending, cold, and vicious. According to Axel, he showed no human emotion besides sneers and snide remarks. But he was Norted, for crying out loud! Saïx was not meant to be one of the protagonists. Isa was!! They threw away two amazing characters for this flat underdeveloped Union X one. Very foolish and shortsighted. it’s definitely gonna bite them in the ass.
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Lea and Isa were always meant to be a duo. For some fans, it seems like only trios are valid, but that’s not true. SRK are Sky, Land, Sea. TAV are Earth, Water, Wind. Well, Lea and Isa are Sun and Moon—complementary opposites. I’ve heard people say that Skuld would be “Stars”. Well, I think Terra, Aqua, and Ven were meant to be the stars. Skuld is redundant and not needed to “complete” Lea and Isa. 
Even in canon, she is a stranger to them. They spoke to her a few times in the shadows and couldn’t even see her face. She had amnesia. They literally knew nothing about her and weren’t sure if she even existed after a while, yet now their whole backstory revolves around her. She doesn’t complement them at all or make them more interesting. She detracts from them.
On the other hand, Isa definitely complemented Lea and made him a more interesting character. That’s why I liked him. He provided Lea with someone to humanize him and to give him a poignant backstory. He gave Lea a goal while becoming a Keyblade wielder. And Isa’s chemistry with Lea was adorable. Isa was sarcastic and brought out a different side of Lea than Roxas and Xion did. They also had an actual history together. They went to school together, ate ice cream, and also played with a dog. Probably played fetch with the frisbee (aww).
Lea was closer to Isa than anyone else—period. I was much, MUCH more excited to see Lea and Isa’s past and their friendship get developed than the potential relationship they have with Skuld get teased. No, I’m not excited for them to be a trio and I’m not excited for Skuld to get in the way of Lea and Isa’s friendship and make it all about her. She seemed like she fit in better with Ephemer anyways. Also, I think Lea and Isa have waaaaay more personality than Skuld. They are both colorful characters with a lot of charm. She can’t hold a candle to them.
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Leo Traits
Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and has the Sun as its ruling celestial body. Bold, intelligent, warm, and courageous, Leo star sign is a natural leader of the Zodiac. Leo is an adventurer, seeking to balance an intense life of social obligations and travel with plenty of downtime to relax and luxuriate. 
A Leo is a typical outgoing and jovial kind of person. He has a big friend circle and likes to boss around. Appreciation and admiration are the two important things for getting close to a lion’s heart. He likes to be flattered and pampered.
Skuld just doesn’t fit in with Lea and Isa’s theme. They are Sun/Moon opposites. She’s a third wheel. In KH2, Axel didn’t have a lot of development. He was clever and cocky, but we didn’t know a lot about him, especially as a human. When they decided to flesh him out, they definitely decided to make him a typical Sun personality. I thought Lea was surprisingly cheery and positive.
At their best, the courageous Leo is strong, and has an amazing, protective attitude towards their friends. They care very deeply for those close to them.
He cares very much for his friends.
Leo is an optimist who is able to see the silver lining to life. They are optimists who are always able to find the positive side of any situation, and they prefer to revel in the good than dwell over the bad.
Even though Axel could be quite pessimistic, Lea was a natural optimist.
They are always willing to help out a loved one in need, and they will go to great lengths to make sure that those they care about most are happy. Leos have a compassionate heart, and they tend to be extremely kind and generous creatures.
He was always willing to help stray puppies.
If there’s one thing that you can say about Leo with certainty, it’s that they are some of the most loyal people that you will ever meet. Leo is the bravest sign in the Zodiac, often doing whatever they are required to do despite being scared or in danger.
He is amazingly loyal. He always wanted to bring his friends back, no matter what. Even when he thought Isa tried to kill him.
Mincing words is not in the nature of a Leo. They speak their mind and like to express their thoughts clearly. Frankness is therefore, one of the biggest strengths of Leos. It is because of their straightforwardness that they are able to confront opinions and thoughts, they do not approve of, directly. This is also one of the reasons why they get things done fast.
He is very straightforward. He lied a lot to Roxas and kept secrets, but that wasn’t who he really was.
Faithful Partners and Good Friends
Leos are romantic and passionate lovers. They are faithful partners and exhibit extreme sensitivity  while in a relationship. This is also the reason why they are vulnerable to getting hurt. Thus, Leos need to find someone whom they can trust before they shower their love and kindness on that person. 
One of the special traits found in Leos is helping friends in need. Lending emotional support to friends in difficult times is a rare quality found in these people. It enables them to make lifelong friends. Behind all the aggression, ego and other domineering personality traits of a Leo lies a sensitive heart which cares for the dear ones. Leos take pride in protecting their close ones and would do so with all the energy and wit they possess. It is observed that the bossy exterior of Leos often eclipses their sensitive nature.
He is a wonderful friend, but has a deeper side, more sensitive side. All very accurate. 
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At times, their dominance and confidence can be seen more like arrogance and conceit. Leo individuals ooze with confidence. They think that if they are the first to arrive at some conclusion, then they are right.
Lea was arrogant in a playful way. Like when he challenged Ventus to a fight. Axel was like that, too.
They’re inflexible for other people, but they’re also inflexible for themselves. When they’ve made a commitment to something, they’re going to stick with it, regardless of how much they hate it.
Basically, Lea did whatever he wanted. Even Saïx said this about him.
Though full of ambition and enthusiasm, Leo has to admit to a lazy streak and, given the opportunity, will take the easy way out, especially when a situation offers little fun or glory.
He likes to have fun.
This sign is represented by a lion, and as such, Leos are born with all of the pride and glory of the maned creature.
Oh yes, he is very proud.
Leos have a hard time learning when to stop ruling and start listening. For this reason, Leos are extremely domineering and tend to overpower those around them.
Lea was the accelerator and Isa was the brake. Lea never listened to Isa, though.
Impatience is one of the negative traits exhibited by a Leo. This trait of Leos get reflected in their habit to get things done fast. Impatience may lead to development of anxiety and restlessness in these individuals.
Axel never liked waiting around.
Leos may exhibit a possessive nature. This trait is closely related to the jealousy they exhibit. In fact, they are jealous because of their possessive nature.
Saïx was very jealous. But Lea probably had a side like that as well. He would not like it if Isa alienated him.
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Cancer Traits
Cancer, the fourth sun sign of the Zodiac, has water as its element, is feminine, and is ruled by the Moon. This sign is represented by crabs, and similar to their nature, these people can be the sweetest and most sympathetic people at one moment, and turn into the most cranky and irritable ones the next.
Even though Isa was an NPC, he was not just “Lea’s friend”. He was certainly far more deserving of character development than ANY Union X character, that’s for sure. Isa seemed like he was more of a feminine archetype. Therefore, he is unlike any other male character in the series. I thought he was very refreshing and unique. He brought something new to the table. Also, based on the way Saïx acted, Isa was not just a cardboard cutout, either. He had interesting flaws to provide him with depth. Evidence suggests he was a typical Moon personality.
Cancer individuals are also known to have a moody attitude, especially whenever they are jealous. Normally protective and courageous, Cancer signed people could become very brooding and moody if they feel that their emotional needs are not being met. Cancer is all about needing emotional security and trust in a relationship, like all of us of course. But they take it to another level.
If a Cancer feels as though he can’t trust you or if he’s just an insecure guy in general, then his possessive and jealous side is going to come out in a major way. He’ll make snide comments about what you’re wearing and ask you questions about what you’re doing and who you’re with that can rival the time of being a teenager under your parents’ roof.
Man, dos this sound like Saïx or what? He was insanely jealous. While I think Saïx was a totally different personality from Isa, I still think he reflected much of Isa’s personality in him, due to having his memories and captured heart. In the novel, when Roxas was upset he pushed the wrong button, Axel said he knew what it felt like to have something be wrong and not know the reason. Based on the way Saïx acted, Isa sounded very emotionally needy towards Lea. I definitely think he’d be jealous if Lea didn’t spend enough time with him. He might be passive aggressive about it, too.
Cancer, being a water sign, is very emotional and sensitive. They are very touchy, and can get hurt at the slightest provocation. It is this sensitivity, which makes them hide in their own shell, away from the world, to protect themselves from getting hurt. When they retreat into this shell, and refuse to talk to anybody, people may find them to be moody and unpredictable.
It doesn’t take much for them to go from friendly and outgoing, to totally introverted as a way of protecting themselves. And it can prove quite confusing and unpredictable to the people in their lives. Cancer needs a strong partner who can deal with his various sides and complexity. You never know what will trigger his moods and his evasiveness and his habit of being indirect makes you question if you ever really knew him.
Saïx could also be surprisingly moody and oversensitive once he began to awaken a heart. Axel had no idea why he suddenly started berating Xion and calling her a failure all the time. He wouls walk on eggshells to avoid upsetting him. It was probably easy to push the wrong buttons with Isa and he might not tell Lea what was bothering him right away. In the novel, Axel tried to get Saïx to open up to him by putting his hand on his shoulder, but Saïx brushed it away. This upset Axel and made him think how different things were between them. This said a lot about their relationship as humans. Lea had to put effort to get Isa to open up, but Isa was receptive to it.
Cancer people are ruled by the Moon, which is ever-changing, and thus they can have moods that can grow dark and darker. It’s common for people with this zodiac sign to struggle with low self-esteem and hold a lifelong grudge against someone. They are someone who sees the glass as half empty rather than half full.
Another trait being their lack of trust in people, they tend to have a negative outlook of life. They become prone to depression, and are unable to enjoy life. They can get hurt at the drop of a hat, and rarely express their resentment and anger.
I think this was why Isa felt like a burden on Lea and was down on himself a lot. Isa needed Lea to be the upbeat optimist for him. Isa was probably snarky and nitpicky with Lea, but in a more playful way. He was the brake, while Lea was the accelerator. This is also a dynamic unique to Lea and Isa. Axel had to be the mature and responsible mentor figure with Roxas and Xion. But with Isa, he was more playful and mischievous. Isa would scold Lea, but Lea never would listen.
Cancer is a sign of fertile imagination and deep emotional needs. Cancer individuals are sometimes over-imaginative, which can get them in trouble. They will obsess over the situation until they have all of their answers.
Cancerians are very possessive about their relationships. They can be very clingy, and try to hold on to relationships, even after they have ended it. In relationships, they give much more and expect very little in return. Being emotional and sensitive, they are very easily influenced by their loved ones.
Yep. This is exactly how I think Isa was with Lea. Isa was very attached and gave his whole heart to Lea.
The empathetic crab is inclined to protect themselves. They only trust when they feel safe within relationships, often resorting to their inner world when they do not feel trustful or safe. He needs his moods and anxieties to be understood and if they’re not then he will retreat to his shell and come back out when he feels safe.
Definitely sounds like Isa. He was shy and couldn’t open up to just anybody.
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Cancer Traits
Cancer star sign, the fourth sign of the zodiac is all about home. They are a nurturing and maternal sign. These people love their home and family more than anything else in this world. Cancerians are blessed with strong intuitive and psychic powers that help them judge people well. These people tend to be hard on the outside and soft inside. But they also have a tougher side to their personality.
So, Saïx exhibited all of the typical Cancer flaws. So, it stands to reason that Isa would also exhibit Cancer’s positive attributes, too.
Cancerians are known to be psychic, and can almost guess things before they actually happen. This comes from their highly developed observational powers. They can truly understand human behavior, and rarely forget things. All these make them highly intuitive and psychic.
This is a side of Isa we definitely never saw in Saïx. His scar is on his third eye chakra, which is the center of psychic awareness. It’s why he couldn’t see Xion or understand why Axel acted the way he did. It’s sad actually. A big part of his personality was shut down.
Emotional strength and intuition will always define Cancer’s top strengths and traits. This is emotional, but kind-hearted and compassionate personality type that makes for an outstanding friend.
I’m sure Isa was very kind and a wonderful friend, which is why Axel was so desperate to have a “best friend” to fill the void.
Cancers are known for their traits like loyalty, their emotional depth, and their parenting instincts. Cancer individuals are emotional and intense; they are also extremely intuitive and compassionate. People belonging to this zodiac sign are highly emotional. Just like the crab that represents them, they are hard from outside, but very soft and mushy from within.
Isa scolded Lea a lot, but only because he cared. He was compassionate and selfless, like the Moon Rabbit. If there’s anything KH3 got right about Isa, it’s that he’d try to comfort an imprisoned girl and want to help her.
Cancer is the most concerned with a secure and faithful relationship. Cancer individual loves home and family and is not happy unless they have deep emotional ties. Cancer is usually very nurturing and tends to take good care of everyone they care about.
Isa was serious when he said he’d never forget Lea. I definitely think Isa was the one who first gave Lea the WINNER stick, too.
Cancer individuals are very loving and caring. As the most sensitive sign of the zodiac, a Cancer does everything with love in mind and in the heart. Because of this, they are the most tender lovers.
Yes, I do think Lea and Isa were envisioned as a couple. Isa loved Lea. His Bunnymoon weapon has a rocket being launched by a heart. Lea also loved Isa, and this is why Axel was so depressed whenever he thought about how different Saïx was compared to Isa. Axel desperately missed feeling loved by someone. They had an extraordinarily interesting relationship. I don’t think Skuld adds anything except getting in the way and watering down their bond.
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glennshiraishi · 5 years
Review: Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late[cl-r] (PS4/Switch)
Disclaimer: Shoutouts and many thanks to PQube Games(The EU Publisher for the game) for providing me with Review copies for both the PS4 and Nintendo Switch version of the game which makes this early review possible. I will also note that I haven't been able to play online as of yet so I may edit this post later on to include how the netcode is. 
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Welcome to my review of Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late[cl-r] (Which I will refer to UNICLR throughout this review) for the PS4 and Nintendo Switch. Developed by French Bread(The Developers behind Melty Blood and Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax) and Published by Arc System Works in Japan, Aksys Games in the US and PQube Games in Europe which releases February 20th for Japan and the US and February 21st in Europe.
It's an anime style fighting game and an update to Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late[st](UNIST) which includes everything from UNIST, a new character and over 900 to 1000 balance changes to existing characters. It is also set to be a Main stage game at EVO 2020 alongsides other big games after an amazing tournament the prior version had at EVO 2019 Is this game worth the hype? Let's find out!  Graphics, Performance and Sound.
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Graphics-wise both the PS4 and Switch version are amazing with very stylish anime artwork, Amazing 2D Sprites and the 3D Backgrounds looking amazing with the 21st century Urban Japan setting. Both versions also run at 60FPS during gameplay the only real difference I found between the two versions is that the Switch version has longer loading times but performance is similar and really solid between both versions! Sound-wise this game has an absolutely stellar soundtrack with a lot of really good theme songs with Londrekia and Akatsuki's being my favorite out of the roster however all of the tracks are really well done by the composer Raito. The Japanese voice work is also really well done. 
You have a whole lot of Modes available to you with Network Mode that allows you to play online (Though I haven't done so yet at the time of this review)Arcade Mode, Chronicles Mode, Time Attack, Score Attack, Versus Mode, Mission Mode where you can learn various Combos of the playable characters, Training Mode where you can practice various situations and a very robust Tutorial Mode that doesn't only explain this game but the very fundamentals of 2D/2.5D-Style fighting games where the knowledge you can get out of these tutorials can also be applied to other games. Which is amazing.  There is a lot of single player content to enjoy here and I really like that a lot. 
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The Story of UNICLR is set in a 21st Century fictional japanese urban setting where a Phenomenon known as the Hollow Night takes over particular regions  in Japan. Where shadow-beings called Voids prey and utilize the power of "Existence" or EXS for short. Normal people cannot percieve or see this creatures unless they have the potential to percieve them. You also have In-Births, Special individuals that maintained their sanity after having been attacked by a Void granting them special abilities that they can use through controlling the power of EXS.  Many characters and organizations get involved in the Hollow Night Phenomenon such as the Nights Blade(Yato), Licht Kreis, Amnesia, The Demon Society(Bankikai) and Ritter Schild(Which were part of Licht Kreis)  You can experience the Story of UNICLR through Chronicles Mode which works as a prologue for the various playable characters and works like the Story Mode for Guilty Gear XRD where you can sit back and relax along with Arcade Mode which focuses on your character of choice after their respective prologues who's story is tied together over 10 stages with various characters to fight The story is pretty interesting though I can also admit that there is a bit of filler in  Chronicles Mode but you get to really know the characters and get invested in them through these sequences. And I really enjoy that.  Gameplay
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UNICLR's Gameplay is very fast-paced and fluid with very good mobility options and a whole host of cool mechanics some of them being tied to the GRD Meter which fills up over time as you lay on the agression against your opponent but you can also lose GRD by walking backwards, Whiffing throws and attacks and getting hit by your opponent. It is a tug of war style mechanic that when the circle on the meter finishes filling up either you or your opponent gets access to the Vorpal state which grants a 10% damage buff, access to the Vorpal trait of your character of choice(Aside from one particular character) and being able to use "Chain Shift" which allows you to actively cancel your current attack animation and also fills up the meter of your character depending on how much GRD Meter you have accumulated. 
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You also have your Normals across the A, B and C buttons(Square=A, Triangle=B and Circle=C on PS4 Y=A, X=B and A=C on Switch), Special Attacks with some of them that can also be upgraded into EX Moves when you use their C variant. You also have Infinite Worth Supers that you can access at 200% EXS/FLS meter and Infinite Worth EXS which you can access at 30% Health and 200% EXS/FLS meter by pressing the four face buttons on your controller or whatever buttons you have assigned to be your A, B, C and D buttons on your arcade stick. D(X on PS4 and B on Switch) can function in a lot of ways when you hold D you can convert your EXS/FLS Meter into GRD, Forward and D allows you to Air Assault holding back and D allows you to "Shield guard" and Double tapping D during the Vorpal State allows you to Chain Shift. There is also an Auto-Combo system known as Smart-Steer where you can mash the A button for an Auto combo.
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While it may be a lot to take in for a new player the game itself is pretty accessible and welcoming to new players and veterans alike with a ton of depth and hype to be had. Personally I have been enjoying playing as Londrekia and Akatsuki (a Guest character from Akatsuki Blitzkampf) a lot. 
Online Experience
UNICLR's Netcode is delay-based like most Anime style fighting games that have been published and developed by Arc System Works. But so far I have noticed that my experiences in most matches have been rather smooth and stable with minimal lag in the intro part of the fight. Though this may vary from person to person from connection to connection whether that would be Wi-Fi or wired or even from location or location. So how well it may play may vary based on these factors. 
The netcode may not be perfect but so far my experiences have been alright most of my matches have been with 4 bars and variable frames of delay. But this may vary from person to person.
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In the case that you are new to my reviews. I work with a DMC-Style Rating system. Where D equals absolute garbage, C and B for Crappy and Mediocre games, A for Alright games S for Good games SS for great games and SSS for games that border on being perfect in my opinion.  And my rating for UNICLR is a 
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This game is absolutely worth the pick up for people that enjoy anime-style fighting games or even fighting game afficionados that have enjoyed Melty Blood way back when in the Doujin days. The Switch Port is also really well done with it's performance being amazing despite some extra loadtimes compared to the PS4 version of the game. 
I hope you all enjoyed this review!
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 8/10/2019
gen:LOCK EP#02 - There's Always Tomorrow: Chase, Dr. Weller and Colonel Marin explain the situation to the shocked soldiers: at the ESU Dr. Weller was in charge of an R&D program developing new mech technology called "Holons," controlled by a human mind digitized into a computer interface. The system requires very specific candidates in order to achieve what is referred to as "gen:LOCK," and Chase was the first of those candidates identified for the Phase 1 stage, with Madrani being the second. Chase was recovered alive by the ESU and can control his mechs remotely as though they are his own body, and can interact with others via an augmented reality projection he can materialize anywhere nearby. Miguel 'Migas' Garza, one of Chase's friends, visits him in his Holon tank, learning the full extent of Chase's injuries: he lost all of his limbs save for his left arm, and has to be constantly connected to a life support system. He cannot have his limbs regenerated due to the Union's nano technology that attacked him, which ironically also kept him alive: until they can develop the technology to remove them, he has to stay confined to the tank. The next day, the other four gen:LOCK candidates arrive: Cammie McCloud, Kazu Iida, Valentina Romanyszyn, and Robert Sinclair. Chase attempts to talk to Miranda, who angrily rebuffs him for keeping her in the dark for the past four years. Before the recruits can use the holons, Sinclair is revealed to be a Union imposter who replaced the real Sinclair. He kills the guards sent to contain him and takes Dr. Weller hostage. He demands that Weller upload him into one of the mechs or he will release the nano-tech on the base. Dr. Weller complies, but because the imposter Sinclair is not gen:LOCK compatible he is immediately killed while trying to use the Holon unit.
Fire Force EP#03 - The Rookie Fire Soldier Games: At the Rookie Fire Soldier games, Shinra recognizes Leonard Burns who denies recalling the fire which destroyed Shrira’s home and family twelve years ago. The games involve entering a booby-trapped building and reaching a crewman posing as an Infernal. Shinra uses his ability to fly to the top where he encounters a mysterious man who promises to reveal information about the fire twelve years ago. He releases ash from a vial which causes a series of mini- explosions to defeat Shira then reveals that Shira's younger brother Sho is still alive, and asks Shinra to join him. When Arthur and Tamaki arrive, the man calls himself Joker and he makes a last offer for Shinra to join him and learn the truth about the Fire Force. Later, Shinra asks his Captain about the Fire Force and Akitaru responds that the force could not operate without Hajima. He explains that the different Fire Force companies operate independently and do not share information about human combustion and Company 8 was formed to investigate companies 1 through to 7.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin EP#06 - Garma Rises.
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma EP#06 - The Meat Aggressor: After working in the Polar Star Dormitory's farm in the morning, Megumi helps Soma to look for a research society, the equivalent of a high school club, to join. They stumble upon the Don Research Society, which is being targeted for disbandment by Erina for her expansion project. Ikumi Mito, one of Erina's lackeys known as "The Meat Master", challenges the club president Kanichi Konishi, telling him that no matter what he cooks his dish will never beat her A5 grade meat. Soma volunteers to partake in the Shokugeki in Kanichi's place, with the challenge being to cook a donburi dish with meat as the main ingredient. The terms for the contest are that if Soma wins, the club stays with increased funding and Ikumi must join it, but if Ikumi wins, the club disbands and Soma will be expelled. In preparing for the Shokugeki, Soma makes numerous donburi dishes through research and modifies them with the realization that the club's budget is limited. Soma settles on the Chaliapin steak, while Ikumi, heir to a massive meat packaging business, contacts her family to deliver the best cut of A5 grade beef available.
Lupin the 3rd Part 5 EP#09 - The Man Who Abandoned "Lupin": Before Albert's triumph is complete, Lupin is rescued by Jigen and Goemon, and the notebook is snatched from him by assassin-for-hire José and his minions. While recovering, Lupin reveals that Albert used to be his partner years ago but, not being satisfied with "small-time" thefts, turned away from Lupin to become the shadow ruler of France. Meanwhile, with the presidential elections approaching, José uses the book as leverage against the government, allowing terrorists to wreak havoc with impunity in order to swing public favor toward his patron, the left-winged election candidate Calvess. He also has his gang pursue Lupin and his friends because of their knowledge of the book's contents. With their respective interests at stake, Lupin and Albert join forces against their common enemy.
My Hero Academia: Shie Hassaikai Arc EP#62 - A Season for Encounters: Twice observes the changes in society after All Might's retirement, noting how the combination of All Might's absence and public unease of Endeavor taking his place has caused a surge in villain activity. He also reflects how irresponsible use of his quirk caused him to be eternally uncertain if he is real or a copy of himself, and that the League of Villains is the only place that would accept a damaged person like him. He then witnesses a villain named Overhaul kill another group of villains. Meanwhile, U.A. holds its opening ceremony, where the Principal announces that the first year students will be beginning "hero work studies" earlier than usual due to the rising villain threat. Midoriya returns to class after he serves his house arrest, where Aizawa introduces the Big Three, the top three students of U.A., who will be helping Class 1-A with their hero work studies.
Black Clover: Royal Knights Selection Exam EP#82 - Clover Clips: The Nightmarish Charmy Special!: As Asta and Zora battle Langris, Charmy wanders into the forest, seeking exotic ingredients to cook something tasty for Yuno and the Wizard King. After sampling a toxic mushroom, she passes out and she and her sheep chefs begin to experience vivid hallucinations in the form of short 30 second sketches that feature members of the Black Bulls and other Black Clover characters in their Chibi forms. Charmy eventually awakens and, realising she has been dreaming the whole time, resumes her search for exotic ingredients. Back on the battlefield, Zora prepares to punish Langris for failing to uphold the ideals of an honourable magic knight.
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Venture through the Skies: Granblue Fantasy Review
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Coursing through the heavy darkness-filled roads was the 7-year old version of me, playing several role-playing games (RPGs) at the backseat of our car as my innocence induced eyes struggle to fight the drowsiness calling my consciousness to sleep. My mind, in an eternal tug-of-war of killing either the Draconic Evil Lord or my sleepiness was evident as I silently fell asleep with the handheld still running in the grasps of my hands as its light continues to guide my character to the next dungeon. Nostalgia is indeed powerful, and I cannot believe how such a surge of mushy feelings suddenly resurfaced back to me the first time I tried playing Granblue Fantasy on my mobile phone. I stood in awe as the foreign yet familiar music serenades my ears with the amazing character art that draws you in to look at every detail.
 Granblue Fantasy is a game you shouldn’t miss if you feel like strapping on your fantasy belts once again to relive some memories of leveling up or to unwind with the fast-paced combat and fun yet intricate storylines. It is a Japanese gacha game which is also known to be a hero collector game in the western parts of the globe. Such games plummeted through the years and proliferated charts of mobile app stores in the current years but Granblue Fantasy is different. As it recently finished wrapping up its 5th Anniversary Event, the browser game continues to exceed the 23 million player mark as the game continuously pumps out new and fresh content for the players. It’s not too late to give it a shot once you see how much love and hard work was poured into the progressive development of the game.
 Hideo Minaba manifests his creative genius into the character and art design of the Granblue Fantasy as he carries over his artisanship from Final Fantasy V (1992), Final Fantasy VI (1994) and Final Fantasy IX (2000) as he served as the art director for all of the games mentioned. His distinct style has left a mark on my 7-year old self as the art of Granblue Fantasy welcomes me with open arms with its warm and pale colors that feels so easy on the eyes. It’s soft lines used on the character designs merge with the watercolor-like backgrounds to achieve a cohesive and harmonious illustration despite the less saturated tones. Each character design plunges you into the world of Granblue Fantasy and that sense of immersion is much harder to break coupled with music composer Nobuo Uematsu’s compositions accompanied by the interconnected story intricately weaved into the cast of characters. Albeit still filled with several pop culture tropes, it still manages to give each character motivations that push through the plot in greater heights (in which I suggest everyone should check out).
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  Nobuo Uematsu never fails to demonstrate his greatness through the original soundtrack he made for the game. His compositions still outstandingly lingers in your ear either on the edge of your seat as you face the primal beast or through melodic symphonies in much dramatic parts of the narrative. I still fondly remember the shivers down my spine as the Final Fantasy Tactics menu screen boot up in my PlayStation console. The same wonder and magic was indeed felt in every scenario I was reading upon or fighting on. The sound design and voice acting are top notch as well, for many voice actors that have big names in the industry has brought life to the rowdy, diverse and fun cast of Granblue Fantasy. Some exceptional roles from Nao Toyama, who voices Lyria had several other roles in the game and anime industry like Celica from Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia, Chitoge Kirisaki from Nisekoi and many others. Takahiro Sakurai also hold promise for being the voice of several characters in the game, one being Lucio. He worked as the voice for Claude Faustus in Black Butler, Krusty in Log Horizon II and in numerous successful series. The voice cast is bloated with talent and you’ll never cease a day listening to the wonderful voices of such talented individuals.
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  The game mechanics are also worth noting for it doesn’t stray away from the traditional formula. This may be unoriginal or boring to some of you but it perfectly recreates the old-school JRPG style in chibi style combat. Tiny animations exclusive for each character is also evident for it gives them their own unique set of abilities and personalities. Hideo Minaba’s attention to detail continues to baffle me with the cloud animation designs and the movement of the flying ships (which is in line with the theme of the game with sky farers). On a side note, the game can be such a chore for a while because of its tendency to become really grindy (a gaming slang which describes the amount of time needed to invest in order to receive certain rewards, weapons, and exclusive characters) and if you don’t plan to play it consistently you may not move at a very substantial pace.
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  Overall, I highly recommend everyone who indulges in otaku culture to play and get a hold of the steering wheel in sailing the ship into the skies, venturing into the enormous world of Granblue Fantasy. Trust me, you won’t regret it (until you get overly attached to some fictional characters along the way in which spirals into your impending doom).
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allronix · 5 years
KOTOR: Solomon’s Revenge
Anyone else play this?  Even though this is a K1 mod, I kinda think it would work better, timeline wise, if it were set between the two games.
If so, how bad would it be if there was some fanfic about it? Because they really were interesting characters. It also gave me a lot of insight and ideas on how to actually work with the backstory and how to play a Pragmatic Evil type in a universe where the Dark Side means acting like someone who snorts more coke than Tony Montana, then goes out looking for dogs to kick. 
First of all, Silveredge9 convinced me that Channa Mae/Shadow was the REAL apprentice, and Malak was the noisy distraction. I also kinda think Shadow was the closest thing Revan would have had to an actual friend or confidant, as Malak was acting like a coke-addled puppy-kicker by that point. Good for if you want to point at something and say “destroy it,” but he completely fucked up Telos and shows less restraint then HK-47; no good if you’re trying to conquer the galaxy, but keep the infrastructure intact. Shadow knew how to run quietly, and knew the importance of taking out targets with minimal collateral damage, which is something more Revan’s style than HK or Malak were capable of. 
Secondly, I kinda think Solomon’s anger towards Revan could have more involved more levels of resentment and hatred than “you took my Padawan.” It may have also factored into how Solomon regarded Kobayashi, since  Kobayashi is an Arkanian offshoot. 
I HC my Fem!Revan as an Echani half-breed. Product of a serving girl and a “guest” of her master in questionable consent circumstances.  Low caste and half-breed means the high-caste Echani like the sisters serving Atris or Solomon would be barely concealing their distaste for her, as caste systems are not known for love, tolerance, or social mobility. 
She Who Later Became Kreia discovered the infant’s sensitivity and decided to shape the child to a “perfect” embodiment of her philosophies. Go ahead and cringe. The Mandalorian Wars show up, and the BIG dissonance between the Jedi’s talk and the Jedi’s actions lead to Kreia’s Padawan abandoning her old identity and becoming the Revanchist. Kreia is pretty happy about this, as knowing when the discard the Jedi is an important part of the overall plan - shatter the Force.   
No, I’m not sure how I’m going to work with the Vitatae bullshit. But I’m treating that Revan novel as...y’know how ancient emperors and despots made these overblown auto-hagiographies describing how awesome and powerful they were, when they were really some inbred moron who couldn’t fight a battle to save their lives? Yeah. Something like that.   
Anyway, the whole idea behind the “fall to the Dark Side” was that if you push the Force too far in one direction or another, you weaken it. Weaken it enough, and create the right echoes, it’s theoretically possible to break it. Break the Force, and you not only end the whole endless religious war, but you would also not have Vitatae playing God Mode Sue. It’s easier to plunge the universe to darkness than drag it to light, so...here comes the Darth title. The endgame was to wipe out all the Force Sensitives (herself included), and leave the infrastructure intact, along with a brutal meritocracy. Basically, handing the keys to the universe in the hands of guys like Saul Karath in a brutal, but functional meritocracy...much like you see with SWTOR’s Imperial Intelligence. Great idea in theory...but no guarantee it would work, and there’s the argument that it could cause ALL life to die because all life is connected, not just the obvious Sensitives. 
Anyway, I figured Shadow was told of this plan and was in on it. But, to parallel and LS Revan’s journey, she woke up in the care of a guy with a decent moral compass, a shipload of mixed nuts, and no way to go back to the old life. Shadow didn’t have the dubious benefit of Jedi mindwipes, but still found a measure of peace, even though her Sensitivity was deafened.  
Assuming a run with an LS ending, and this being set after K1, you now have Revan actually facing and confronting not just the crazy bits of the Sith ideas, but the part that actually made sense and how you could so a lot of nasty stuff for good reasons. And Shadow on a similar, downplayed trajectory to Revan’s own story, AND the whole crazy plot line of EVERYONE doing draw and discard with their identities, loyalties, and past selves. An LS run of the story allows Revan to confront the person they were and the damage done both during the Mandalorian Wars and the aftermath.
The ending is also very fitting to an LS Run. Like Revan, Shadow accepts that identity and her former one of Channa Mae are gone, and gladly goes back with her party members as Sera Degana to start a new life. 
I’d love to adapt this, but I would still have no idea how to handle this True Sith/Vitatae business. 
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eirikrjs · 5 years
Seeing the mention about Star Wars and all I can think is that Palpatines back, which I guess I should have seen coming what with them playing voices of old characters in TLJ when Rey heard voices of old characters and he was one of them.
Damn, I didn’t even realize Palpatine was part of Rey’s vision in TFA. This video seems to have captured most of the dialogue. Some of it is interesting in retrospect!
Regarding the EP9 teaser: Lando made me smile because I’m one big fat OT sucker, I guess. But he’s one of my favorite characters and it’s great to see Billy Dee return. Conversely, I think it’ll be great for Rey, Finn, and Poe to be largely out from under OT character shadows.
Haven’t made up my mind about Palpatine. My initial reaction was to deem it like the incredibly on-the-nose title of this mobile game:
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But as long as the presence of Palps brings with it something more substantive than a DBZ Force Ghost battle, it should be okay. Death Star wreckage gets a thumbs up. Definitely looking forward to it–as if I wasn’t before!
ALSO: I’m not going to have the time or energy to get into the topic of demons tonight, so sorry about that. It deserves a bit more than me just collating some of your comments and going “ayup.”
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copperbadge · 6 years
Infinity War: A Review As Long As The Movie Itself
Okay, so I saw Infinity War a second time and most of my thoughts were unchanged plus I had one cool new one, and I have had a lot more sleep now than I had in the early part of the week. So I think now I’m good to talk about it. 
This is mostly a series of observations rather than a coherent review. Spoilers, very obviously, below the cut. If you are on mobile and can’t see a cut below before a massive wall of text, please scroll fast if you don’t want to be spoiled. 
1. I mentioned this before but this movie does feel like a series of video game cut scenes. Part of that is visual -- more than any other MCU movie, there are times when Infinity War is an animated film. There are a lot of moments where it’s just straight-up CGI with maybe Josh Brolin’s eyeballs. The two most noticeable ones are Thanos waking up with the soul stone and Thanos and Iron Man fighting on Titan, probably because Thanos is, uh, he’s not always very convincingly animated and the new model for Iron Man is a bit on the uncanny-valley side (the head in particular is weird). 
But also, there is so much to cram into the movie that every scene has to dump a lot of info pretty quickly. Which is not necessarily bad -- they do it very deftly -- but it means we get a series of tastes rather than a good main course. We get hints of where Steve, Sam, Wanda, and Natasha have been, but no real information, and it’s treated as if it’s basically irrelevant. We see Wanda and Vision in a secret-romance situation, but we never really see anything about why their relationship works or how they got there. The same with Peter and Gamora. There’s been bedrock laid down for these relationships in previous films, but there’s no building on that bedrock. And when you get to non-romantic relationships that gets even thinner because it’s difficult to no-homo a male friendship in the time allotted and 90% of the characters in these movies are male so there’s a shitload of relationships that fall by the wayside. 
I had some interesting conversations about how Peter Parker’s death scene was really dramatic and carried a ton of impact for Tony, and that’s good, but that is a scene I think Bucky and Steve should also have gotten and couldn’t because the no-homo in a very obviously parent-child relationship is much easier to convey. (Also because of a later point I’ll get to, see 10, where Tony and Peter in the Death Scene have to stand in for literally every other relationship.) 
2. A thirtysomething heterosexual white boy mad about his girlfriend doomed half the universe. Peter Quill’s lack of self-control indirectly caused the death of trillions when he punched Thanos, and that’s all I could think about during that scene. It’s so funny and so unfunny at the same time, because while it’s a (perhaps unintended) commentary on a lot of recent mass violence in America I am 100% sure that he will not suffer consequences for it. I mean, yes, he’s dead as a consequence, but LBR he’s not staying dead and when he’s back alive again he will suffer no ill will from anyone lasting longer than five minutes of Tony yelling, maybe. 
Also, I get that Thanos is big and strong but surely cutting his arm off would have been faster than pulling the glove off. I would imagine there are all kinds of arguments against it (he can still control it if his hand’s still in it, cutting his arm off would wake him, etc), but I’m pretty sure “narrative necessity” is the top one. 
3. I’m uncomfortable with all the Holocaust-y blown-to-ash imagery in the Death Scene following hard on the heels of, and then being followed itself by, a bunch of scenes that really seem to want to make us sympathize with the person who caused it, including one where he walks on water. (I can already hear people saying “It’s dust not ash” and that’s a conversation people can have if they want but in a moment that Gamora explicitly describes as a genocide in which trillions of people die because of a so-called lack of resources, which was, you know, a real Hitler talking point in the thirties, I’m not only reading it as ash, I’m reading it as a very specific kind of ash, and that’s not gonna change.) 
There is so much time spent on trying to make Thanos sympathetic in this movie. I get that they want him to come off as if he believes he’s the hero, because that’s basic good-villain writing 101. But less sympathy for the devil could have allowed room for the actual heroes to get some more character development. Thanos is so ludicrously over-powered by the time we meet him that I don’t really give a shit why he does what he does, and if the story IS a commentary on the brutality of genocide, then like, we don’t really want to be sympathizing with the guy committing it.
But because of all this, what I am hoping for in part two is a real hardcore demonstration of how evil he truly is to balance how sympathetic they tried to play him here. We see hints of his monstrosity under a veil of self-assumed virtue in this movie, occasionally. There’s the torture of Nebula, of course, and Eitri’s hands are also evidence. We have enough to see that he’s not just a crusader, he’s also able and eager to torment and maim. So I’m hopeful for more of that and less of his Purple Man’s Burden in part two. 
Related to this is a scene where Thanos says one thing that I think is really vital to his monstrosity, though I doubt this was intentional: he says it will be an objective genocide, “Rich and poor alike.” Really, we know that wealth causes excess consumption and hoarding of resources; you don’t have to kill half the population to balance its resources. You just have to kill the richest. However you feel about capitalism or wealth accumulation, whether you think killing the rich is justifiable, if you’re going to just slaughter a bunch of people in order to fix shit, you slaughter fewer for a much higher ROI if you slaughter the rich. That’s just....accounting. And the fact that Thanos doesn’t acknowledge this says to me that at the end of the day he wants the power of life and death, and he has no justification for it. But the problem is that I don’t believe the writers examined that line themselves or even thought of it, which makes me worried about whether we will get an expression of Thanos’s evil without a justification of his actions in part two. 
4. I’ve never seen Peter Dinklage in anything other than this, and after seeing the film for the first time I asked a friend, “IS he a terrible actor in everything? I didn’t think so, people seem to like him, but he’s dreadful in this.” The second time round, it was pointed out to me that they’re artificially slowing his voice, which makes him seem ludicrously overacted. Sorry, Peter Dinklage, I misjudged you, and this movie done wrong by you. 
5. Normally I don’t fully enjoy Rocket in the Guardians movies because there’s just a lot of him and the 2-3 jokes (what is he, he likes to murder, he’s a jerk) get old fast. I enjoyed him in this, because he got what I feel is the appropriate amount of screen time vis a vis the rest of the movie, and also Bucky picking him up was super funny. 
6. Bucky’s face when he sees the arm and asks where the fight is, weep loudly if you agree. Sebastian Stan can say more with his face than some actors can with a full on monologue. Also I am writing a fanfic about Bucky’s time on a Wakandan farm, working title: “My Dumb Goats.”
7. Literally nobody saw Sam Wilson die and I’m circulating a petition about it. Come on, at least give him a witness. Fuck. I think Sam’s death actually hit me the hardest because there wasn’t even anyone there to say goodbye to him. 
8. I gasped when Red Skull pulled his cowl down, oh my Jesus what a moment.
9. The first time I saw Captain America: Winter Soldier, when Bucky stood up without the mask, a woman behind me said, “Oh my god, it’s his BEST FRIEND,” with amazement in her voice. Watching Infinity War, when Gamora started going off about how Thanos doesn’t love anything, the guy in the seat next to me said, “Oh no, IT’S YOU.” I sometimes really enjoy going to movies surrounded by people who aren’t in fandom and don’t read subtext as quickly as fandom does. 
10. Here’s my new theory that is maybe not new and has been super obvious to everyone else forever. Preface: it’s not that I didn’t know Iron Man is in a shitload of the Marvel movies, or that I didn’t find that significant. We know that “I am Iron Man” is frequently considered the start of the MCU timeline even though Steve Rogers was the first avenger, and the first Iron Man film is iconic within the MCU (though they have never gone back to it for visual or thematic inspiration which is frustrating). 
But it seems really evident now, having seen part one of two and having seen Tony Stark in it, that not only is this “his” film in many ways, but the MCU to date is Tony Stark’s saga. Maybe I’m just slow to pick this up, but when he says Thanos has been in his head for six years, it was an indicator -- inadequate, see my Cut Scene theory, but still, it made me realize -- that the Avengers films and even many of the character films post-Avengers (Civil War and Homecoming, most obviously) are the story of Tony’s struggle with the shadow of Thanos up through his face-to-face confrontation with him. 
Like, we’ve seen that it’s something Tony grapples with, but I hadn’t realized that grappling was the entire point. In Age of Ultron, Ultron actually become a macguffin, he becomes a secondary indicator of Tony’s obsession with Thanos rather than a villain in his own right, which almost makes me want to watch that movie again even though I hated it. The vision of death and destruction Wanda gives Tony is Thanos-driven, and all his actions in every film post-Avengers are motivated by his fear of and antipathy for Thanos, even if he doesn’t yet know his name or face. And this is why Strange gives up the Time stone to save Tony, because that one win in fourteen million losses depends on Tony Stark. 
This is also why Peter Parker and Tony get a lot of time to bicker like family about nothing in particular throughout this film, leading up to the one true dramatic death scene in the Death Scene -- because for time’s sake they could really only pick one death to fully engage with, and it had to be the one affecting Tony, and we had to see them bonding to see WHY it affected Tony. He’s got to be the one to end Thanos, one way or another, and will likely be some form of uniting factor among the surviving heroes in the climax of part two. Which, I have a significant level of admiration for how deftly that process has taken place, even if I know that it will 99% likely lead to Tony’s permadeath in part two. 
It also makes me wonder about RDJ’s guiding hand in these films. I’m given to understand that even on movies where he’s not producer he often brings in his own script doctors to ensure he’s getting the best possible role he can get. I wonder if he and Kevin Feige had some kind of offer-you-can’t-refuse meeting once it became evident that the franchise was going to really come together as a single, if heavily branching, narrative. It also makes me wonder how much of the “RDJ is the Godfather of the Marvel Universe” we’ve seen in recent media is a talking point the actors were given in their press-interview briefing packets. 
11. Okay in the credits at one point it says “Character from Arrested Development courtesy of 20th Century Fox.” What....is up with that? What character? I don’t watch the show. 
So those are my thoughts. Go ye and engage with them, I guess. :D
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quakerjoe · 7 years
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It's been a while since I've written a "Cuppa Joe" sermon, so to speak, and for that I apologize. I've been getting over-saturated by the news and haven't been in the mood. With that, I challenge you to read this. A "Shot of Joe" for the end of February... ----------------------------------------------------- Gun violence. It won’t end in our lifetimes here in the United States. We won’t see the end of it, but perhaps, just maybe our children or grandchildren will see a day when America is once again worthy of seeing themselves as the “Land of the Brave”. Right now, we simply aren’t, and it has a lot to do with the differences we all imagine as the End Game for our futures. Some seem to strive for a sort of Utopian society where we all have health coverage, free education on all levels, clean air and water, safe food, honest, livable wages for all, and a society where it no longer matters what color our flesh is or from where our ancestors come from or what religious backgrounds we have or what sexual preferences or genders we are. We’ll reach an age, with any luck, where we’re all just simply… Americans.
However, while some of us strive for that sort of end game in the US, there are others who crave a time more akin to the post-apocalyptic times seen in Mad Max films or they hope for a zombie apocalypse or some sort of breakdown of society where they can unleash their darkest desires, including crime without fear of punishment like rape and murder, the re-implementation of slavery, and moves to put women back where they “belong”; back in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant and free to beat and slap around for being “uppity”. You know; “Biblical Times”. Praise Jesus, right?
The fact remains that so long as we, as a nation, glorify war and death and murder, all for the selfish sake of owning guns, then we have no business thinking we’re free, because we’re not, and there’s no merit for even remotely considering ourselves brave. Last I checked, there isn’t a nation on the planet who can assemble any kind of army, traverse the massive oceans of the Atlantic or Pacific, reach our shores and invade us. Mexico will never have enough of an army to come close to being a match for our over-bloated military. Canada… They’re simply not interested and that’s not their style since forever as a nation of their own. (They did burn down the White House during the War of 1812, but they were British back then.)
Given the massive natural barriers between us and anyone who could possibly want to do harm to the US, it seems beyond INSANE that our military is so bloody huge. We’re already fairly untouchable, and the world knows it. They, like many of us, know that our military budget is only rivaled by that of the next 15+/- nations COMBINED after us, and all but one are allies. Most of THEM, on the other hand, have amazing health care systems and far better education systems. They invest in their PEOPLE and not corporations. They have better and more modern infrastructure. They’re fighting climate change. They’re not at war with other nations like the US is all around the world. They care for their troops and don’t just talk about it and put bumper stickers on their cars. 
Essentially, Americans are, in general, totally full of shit, mostly empty thoughts, and blasphemous prayers that mean fuck-all nothing. It’s how they cope. What the hell is wrong with Americans? They’re the loudest, mouthiest, and chicken-shit nation there is today. Those in charge use the military as mercenaries for the rich and powerful private sector.  We treat those poor patriots like they’re going off to save the world, but does anyone ever wonder who “wins” in these overseas operations? Who gets the goods in the aftermath? Big Pharma gets poppies from Afghanistan. Big Oil corporations get benefits from constantly destabilizing the Middle East, either through bullshit invasions like in Iraq, or through undercover ops via the CIA and private merc companies. Big. Fat. Rich. Fucks. They are the ones who reap the prizes from war. Our own troops get shot at for the privilege of putting on a uniform and being led to believe that they’re going on some sacred, patriotic crusade for Uncle Same and the country they love. Their prize? They get PTSD, debilitating wounds, lost time away from home, and pretty much fucked over and forgotten in the VA system and there’s never enough money in the Big Military Budget to take care of those who they conned into facing lethal force for a king they don’t know even exists. Their bravery and duty to country is taken advantage of by those who will use them to get more money, either for their own corporations, or from donors who put big wads of cash into a politician’s coffers. We watch on as corporate money bucks taxpayer money and gains control over politicians who USED to work for “We the People”. Too many politicians work for “We, the Corporations” and the rest of us can simply go to hell, plug in to whatever diversion makes you happy, and simply… fuck off. We let politicians go unchecked. Some of us have been screaming warnings about shit like “Citizens United” which essentially has made bribery LEGAL for politicians to receive. When a politician abused his/her power, he was held accountable to “We the Taxpayers” and be ousted in the next vote or thrown out of office through recalls and so forth. Now, politicians are expected to get a return on investment for their rich donors who now get massive tax breaks while the rest of us are being lined up for slaughter because it is easier to rob a million dollars from a million people, one buck at a time, than it is to steal a cool mil from one rich fucker in one go.
The guns… Oh, the guns! It’s a religion in the US. People are simply just that selfish. Knowing FULL WELL that if there were fewer guns, people would be safer, people will NEVER give them up. That would take empathy, consciousness, conscience, and total honesty, not to mention… BRAVERY. I mean, like I mentioned earlier, we’re nowhere NEAR to any danger of being invaded. We already have a method for overthrowing the government; it’s called “SHOW UP AND FUCKING VOTE”. If you don’t like what’s going on, RUN FOR OFFICE. But give up guns? Hell no! Americans are afraid of just about everything, the worst being white dudes. Old ones. Young ones. Generation after generation, they’re bred into fear; fear of everything not white-cist-male-heterosexual and of course “Christian”. Because, you know, Jesus LOVES the AR-15 and I’ve always seen him as a sort of fifty caliber Desert Eagle carrying motherfucker, don’t you? Americans are afraid of each other. They’re afraid, like the Native Americans before them, of immigrants. You see, once you fuck someone over, you get paranoid. You’re afraid that what you did will turn around someday and come to bite you in the ass. Genocide of the Native Population. African Slavery. Religious altercations against non-Christians. Keeping women from being equals at home and in the workplace. Going overseas and shooting up the place so we can rob them of their resources to make the rich even more wealthy. Keeping the LGBTQ community hidden, repressed in the shadows and imprisoned in their closets for fear of being fired, brutally beaten or even tortured and killed. One day, there is that possibility that ALL of that could come together and bit a white man in the ass. The harshest, most brutal parts of American history were all committed by…. Wait for it… WHITE DUDES! It’s why they’re the biggest gun nuts and ammosexuals there are on planet Earth. They know their time of supremacy is coming to an end. Not all of them are on “their side”. There are those, and in ever increasing numbers, who want that Utopian society with all the clean air, food and water, livable, honest wages, and for ALL citizens of our nation to prosper and live decent lives and not have to be homeless and to live in squalor. ALL of us. Americans. Even the shitbags, chicken-shit gun nuts. That’s what being a Liberal and a Progressive means, kids. No more super-rich assholes buying our government for their own self interests. No more abusing our patriotic military to use as cannon fodder for profit. No more shafting rules that deliver justice and that protect and serve “We the People”. We won’t see it. We’ll grow too old, as we work ourselves to death because retirement is no longer an option for survival anymore. We’ll die younger and younger because only those of privilege can afford health care while the safety net programs leave more and more “We the People” out in the cold to starve to death or to die of poor health. We’ll be dead because our water is getting contaminated; our air getting more dangerous to breathe; our food becoming a corporate mob owned operation that’ll have us by the short hairs to keep us all docile and in line. We’re going to die, and not in a nation that’s brave or free. 
The American Dream is just that. It’s time to wake up and decide if we’re going to pursue that dream, or let it all slip away into the nightmares that lie on the horizon because not enough of us are learned enough to see what’s going on. Not enough of us are mobilized to get politically active. That’s part of why keeping us all poor works for the rich and powerful. If we can’t afford to take time off from one of our several jobs needed to survive, we can’t afford to march, protest, or support candidates who want that Utopian End Game. Keeping us stupid, by buying up all the media outlets and only telling us what they want us to know and keeping us divided (divide and conquer; heard of that before?) keeps us from coming together as the “We” in “We the People”. Keeping our children stupid keeps this ball rolling, and shafting the education system repeatedly is well on its way to achieving that. Add to that: School Massacres! As people become more and more afraid of sending their kids to school, what will they do?
Three choices are before them. First, Home Schooling; keeping children stunted and limited in their educational input because face it- parents are not all rocket scientists and parents cannot all teach their children well enough on their own. “It takes a village”, they say, or at least a proper, public school. Second, if you’ve got the coin, there may be private schools and they’re typically religious-based, jamming their religion into you while you’re trying to learn basic math. Lastly, for the growing masses of the not-so-well-to-do, there’s fuck-all nothing. No school. Keep the masses dumb, and let them get into the work force as soon as possible. There’s always the military. We’ve already been warned that the influx of applicants to our armed forces is overrun with the not-so-bright and that it’s a matter of national security because they’re not intelligent enough to do the really important jobs needed in our armed forces. The rich love that shit. Keep the kids fed with “America is the Best!” and “USA! USA! USA!” when they haven’t a fucking clue why they’re saying it. Keep them all armed, because gun deaths maintain the fear the rich and powerful crave. Keep the general population stupid and paranoid and they can rule supreme forever, right? Possibly. We shall see.
~Quaker Joe
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