#Whisp Grant
twylatistic · 2 months
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I redesigned Gigi and Whisp before G3 could get to it
I love 13 wishes sm and I hope my best girls show up sometime in the cartoon🫶
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the-fridge-orange · 8 months
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valentine & whisp
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emoxxzombie · 5 months
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Monster High 13 Wishes icons ✨
Like/reblog if saving/using!
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kiruyeen · 9 months
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Im all for kieran was a huge wreck for a good while after sweet 1600 canon btw. it definitely shows in his relationships (both platonic and potentially romantic)
Im also an ugly crier kieran truther.
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strawberry-spectre · 9 months
i just had a thought,
in the 13 wishes movie, Gigi said that she cannot get the ghouls (frankie, drac, ghoulia) inside the lantern, only out of it. when they were inside the lantern, they were replaced with a shadow version of themselves in the real world
does that mean if Valentine went inside Whisp's lantern, there would be a shadow version of himself in the real world?? what would his shadow self be like?? maybe similar to his 'heartbreaker' persona but more manipulative and mean?
but then again, the finder would have to wish for Valentine to 'disappear' because Whisp can't get Val inside.
wait since Whisp is technically 'real', does that mean the finder can wish for Whisp's shadow to become sentient? like whisp 2.0
i just really wanna see shadow Valentine i think it'll be so fun
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v4guelyv4mpiric · 5 days
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my fav character pride headcanons <3
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Finished reading the Monster High Pride special and I loved it! So gay, so good! It is weird seeing G1 Clawdeen & Toralei being a couple but it works surprisingly well! Though maybe it's just me, but every time I read Toralei's dialogue I couldn't help but hear G3 Toralei's voice.
As for the second story, I really only have one thought:
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l0cked0n1 · 2 months
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novelist-becca · 7 months
Looking back at Monster High 13 Wishes, and I think Whisp was the most terrifying villain in the whole franchise.
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fictional-birthdays · 4 months
Happy Birthday, Gigi & Djinni "Whisp" Grant and River Styxx! (Monster High)
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etherealxgenie · 2 years
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Sun in the Summer, Moon in the Winter. Did a challenge and interesting how I had these back to back. Gigi is in the lovely Skull Shores ensemble and Whisp, if she were in Ever After High, in her Epic Winter outfit.
Whisp is getting the short stick since she hates the cold...
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glitziiegutz · 4 months
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Happy Lunar New Year! These were my pieces for this Monster High Lunar New Year Market collab!
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a-zalea-garden · 6 months
I don’t know the exact timeline of the movies or how the comics fit in with them, BUT
if Spelldon offered to “keep [Val] up on the groanings” around monster high, would he know about the events of certain movies/other comics? Does he know about what Lilith did? Or Kala?
Did he know about Whisp before they met? Did he already know what she did and let her say her piece anyway?
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shariefaerie · 1 year
Grant sisters G3 redesign 🩷🦂
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As you can tell I've flopped a bit on monster high march... I TRIED
I've just had the Grant's stuck in my head, I don't think it's likely but I'd really love to see them show up in G3. I feel like there's a lot that can be done with them, I'd love to see them focus more into scorpion aspects, the body molds they used in G1 are my absolute favorite and I'd love to see that expanded on. It would be great for Djinni to get to be a full character too. Like imagine they're twins, but Gigi has magic powers and Djinni doesn't, there would be a lot of room for exploring themes of being different, how twins don't have to be the same, and you don't have to be able to have innate magic or be able to grant wishes to be an important and full person. I'd love to see some scorpion monster powers added too, tails with stingers and being really strong!
I'm really happy with my G3 designs, I hope you like them too! I want to make g3 designs of more characters, I'd love suggestions if anyone has someone they want to see!
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toraleistripe · 7 months
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WHISP IS HERE!!!! She actually arrived yesterday, a day earlier than expected, but I wasn't able to check my mail before today. But she's here now and she's SO pretty, oh gosh she's even prettier in person! She's in very good condition, her hair is nice and soft and still tied back in the stock hairstyle. She does have a little chip in her lip paint, which I didn't even notice when I was looking at her online and that bugs me a little ngl but it's not too noticeable, so that's good at least. I think if her lips were a lighter shade, it would be a lot more obvious.
She came with all her extra clothes and accessories too, which is cool. I honestly don't think I'll ever change her out of the dress she's in since it's my favorite of her pieces, plus her necklace is still held on by the factory elastics and I don't want to cut those off. I always try to keep the factory ties on my dolls if I can help it. But I can always use the extra clothes for my other dolls 😁
AND SHE CAME WITH A STAND, I'M SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT!! I was worried that she wouldn't since the seller didn't specify whether or not she'd have one, but I'm very glad I won't have to take a stand from another doll lol
I'm so excited to have Whisp, this is a doll I've been wanting for a really long time and I finally have her and I'm so happy to have her in my collection now!
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