#Whitebeard pirate commanders
mallomars · 6 months
One piece
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This is the awakened form of the Mera Mera no mi.
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xamaxenta · 2 years
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Happy belated to the actual love of my life what the hell when did my dumb crush turn into full frontal adoration??
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Angst. Not Lawlu, just angst.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 3 months
Heyy how are you Hope you're doing well and have some food and drink water you need it🫶
So about the request i was wondering if you would be able to make a modern au i am not really sure if you write modern au but if you don't want to make it modern au it's totally fine
It's a scenario with marco adopting a girl (maybe 10-11) who's tomboyish and making her his daughter and basically the whitebeard pirates being whitebeard company (if you write modern au) with pops as the ceo of course and them being a huge family. (I swear they are really family i want what they have💞)
i can imagine izo telling everyone you people can't handle a girl there need's to be a bit of feminine only for the girl to run away cause she found him intimidating but at the end they bond.
Also please can you include the ASL trio as if they are a part of the whitebeard family
I personally had this idea for so long and thought a lot about it that's why i want to see it come to life thank you so much for this chance🥹
Love ya
Hello my dear! So yes, I do write modern AUs, lol. Sorry I didn't get this out sooner, life has been... a pain. BUT! it's out! I hope it's alright, I had a hard time wrapping up the ending. In any case, enjoy!
Warnings: Platonic WBP x Reader, platonic ASL x reader, female!Reader
Word Count: 1450
     Looking down at the little girl in front of him, Marco could feel his heart aching. He couldn’t imagine she was more than 10, 11 tops, but here she was, huddling under what little shelter she could find, trying to stay out of the rain. Walking in over to her, he held his umbrella out a little, covering her as well as he kneeled down. Looking up at him, e/c eyes looked up at him in curiosity and… was it… fear? 
     “What are you doing out here, little one? Surely you have somewhere you can go to escape the rain.” he asked softly, reaching out and placing his hand on her head. The little girl simply shook her head, looking down at the ground sadly. Marco’s expression twisted into a troubled one as he stared at her for a moment, “Come with me. I’ll get you out of this rain and get you something to eat, you look hungry.” Marco offered, holding his hand out for the little girl. She timidly looked down at his hand before looking up at him. He looked like a kind man, nothing like those who sought to kidnap her or hurt her. Tentatively, she took his hand, allowing him to lead her away.
     That had been 4 months ago. After taking her to the office with him, she’d immediately stolen the hearts of all the divisions, though it was a toss up as to if HR loved her more or R&D. No, no, neither of those were correct. The ones who loved her most were Marco and the company’s owner, Edward ‘Whitebeard’ Newgate. It hadn’t taken a lot to adopt the girl, once she’d finally been willing enough to give them a name and her previous orphanage. None of them had known much about her, but it was clear that she was a little cautious, something that none of them had much cared for. She was far too young to be this distrustful of people.
     Sitting in his office, Marco smiled as he watched his new daughter play in the, now renovated, room next door. The very instant the adoption papers had been signed, Pops had begun renovating what had once been an office next to Marco’s, turning it into a playroom of sorts for her so that when she wasn’t at school, the entire building could come and fawn over her instead of leaving her with a daycare, something they had all been vehemently against. Crawling into one of the human sized hamster tunnels, she was immediately off once more, ruffling the new dress Izo had gotten her. The man would sigh, but leave it be. So long as she was happy, it seemed that the rest of the office was as well.
     Hearing his office door slam open, Marco couldn’t help but jump, looking up to see a familiar straw hat and smile.
     “Is Y/n in here? Ace said she was in here!” Luffy asked excitedly, running towards the door to the playroom before Marco could answer. Even though the boy was a good 7 years older than her, he seemed to be her closest friend, the two of them often getting lost in the tunnels together as they ‘adventured’ across the building, the human hamster tunnels winding through almost all of the offices of the upper two floors.
     “Luffy! Get back here! You made a promise to Ace and I! Homework first then Y/n!” Sabo shouted, running into Marco’s office soon after and joining Luffy in the tunnels. The older blond could only laugh as Sabo chased after Luffy and Luffy chased after Y/n. Pops had taken Ace in after the death of the boy’s parents, being Ace’s godfather. Roger and Pops might have been rival companies, but contrary to what the press often said, had been surprisingly good friends. Sabo had been taken in after Ace, Pops filing for custody against Sabo’s parents after a fire left the boy with horrible burn scars. The one he wasn’t sure of, however, was Luffy. The boy had his own home, perhaps not the most attentive father, but a good man. His grandfather had found a… nanny to take care of him from time to time, yet the boy had still wound up with Ace and Sabo more often than not. Still, it seemed to be for the best since Luffy and Y/n got along, so he couldn’t be upset. 
     Another bang made Marco jump, seeing Ace and Izo in his doorway.
     “Marco! Did Luffy and Sabo come this way? Sabo called me saying that he was chasing Luffy and they were headed this way!” Ace asked, making the man smile.
     “In the tunnels, best of luck, don’t forget to take off your shoes.” Marco said, gesturing towards the tunnels, the black haired young man soon darting after his brothers.
     “She’s in the tunnels again?! But… but I just got her that dress!” Izo said with a sigh, looking down rather dejectedly, making Marco laugh.
     “And she loves it… when it isn’t hindering her ability to move.” Marco said, thinking to this morning when he had her put it on for school. He wasn’t lying, she’d been rather happy with the dress, finding that it wasn’t too restrictive, it was comfortable, and it was cute.
     “I haven’t even gotten to see her in it. By later today, it’ll probably be too covered in dirt and scuff marks. How is she supposed to learn to be feminine when she spends all her time around Ace, Sabo, and Luffy!” Izo grumbled, tucking a strand of loose hair back.
     “I’m sure she’ll be fine. Once she warms up to you more, you’ll no doubt be able to dress her up as much as you’d like.” Marco said with a comforting smile as the man in front of him sighed in defeat.
     “I don’t know why she doesn’t like me, Marco. I’ve tried being nice to her, but she always runs behind someone else.” Izo lamented, crossing his arms as he stood in the doorway.
     “It’s because of your first meeting. You pushed everyone aside to meet her, carrying a dress. She figured that anyone that can push away that many people so easily while managing not to rip a dress was terrifying.” Marco said with a chuckle. Izo sighed and nodded, his shoulders sagging as he leaned against the doorframe.
     “I suppose you have a point. Everyone here is rather tall, aren’t they? Well… tell her there’s some mochi in the fridge for her. It’s a recipe I learned from Toki.” Izo said, turning to leave.
     “You… made me mochi?” a small voice called out, drawing Izo’s attention to the glass playroom doors. Izo smiled gently as he looked at her, nodding.
     “Yes. Your favorite, in fact. Marco told me what you like, so I thought you might enjoy some in the form of mochi.” Izo said softly, his heart melting at her smile.
     “Thank you, Mister Izo. I’m… I’m sorry about getting your dress dirty.” she said, moving to dust the front of her dress off as if that would help.
     “It’s alright, little one. How about you and I go shopping one of these days. I’ll buy you something we can both agree on.” Izo said, feeling himself becoming putty for the little girl. Much like the others, he’d already adored her, but Marco was pretty sure she could get Izo to kill for her with that little smile alone. 
     “Y/n, why don’t you go with Izo now to get that mochi. You can eat it while you finish up the other half of that homework.” Marco suggested, watching Izo smile at the idea of her going with him to get the mochi. Looking down at her dress, her brow furrowed as she once more attempted to wipe the scuff marks out of the knees.
     “Don’t worry, little one, I’ll get you something better when we go shopping.” Izo said softly, giving her a warm smile. Almost as if a switch flipped, Y/n was smiling at him and running over, happily taking his hand as he led her away. Marco smiled and sighed softly, watching his daughter walk towards the break room. Even as Luffy ran out of the play area, Sabo and Ace hot on his heels, he couldn’t help but find himself feeling content. The company had always been a family to him; chaotic, loud, and messy, but a family, and seeing his daughter warming up to Izo, playing with Ace, Sabo, and Luffy, and often seeing her with Pops, he couldn’t help but feel more and more like a real family. Even if the family was the entire company.
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zorossugarmama · 3 months
Pops! Can I just hide behind you?
Whitebeard & Whitebeard Pirate Reader Drabble
You pulled a prank, now you're running through the Moby trying to get away from your assailant-- Pops helps.
Word Count: 500
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You were sprinting across the main deck of the Moby, your assassin lost for now. You scanned the deck for a place to hide and when your eyes landed on you large and fierce looking Captain an idea sprung to mind. Today he was wearing a yukata and dawned it with a satin white shawl. His halberd, which was sitting across his lap, a sign that he was actually on duty today. Pivoting your direction you sprinted towards his looming figure. Seeing your hasty speed he looked down at you with a questioning gaze. You pulled a cheeky smile across your face as you fiddled with your fingers. This was the only place that you could think of where your assassin wouldn’t find you. 
“What do you want, brat?” He boomed as a small smirk pulled across his face.
“Can I just–” you wanted to ask, but you also didn’t want to burden him with petty drama. “I-I mean, um, do you mind if I just–” you were stuttering now. The shrill yell of your assassin from somewhere on the main deck pulled both of your attentions.
“Are you running away?” Pops asked knowingly.
You nodded your head sheepishly, cheeks tinting with embarrassment. 
“He’s going to kill me once he finds me, so uh, could you help?” you asked, your tone more determined and filled with urgency.
Pop’s eyes were pulled to the farther end of the Moby and a small smile pulled at his face. The target of your prank was now in eyesight. In one quick and swift motion you were pulled into pops large hand and tucked behind his back between his yukata and shawl. You clung to his back trying to stay still as Thatch pounded up the steps to confront pops.
“Where are they?” he asked, his tone stern in the face of his captain.
“Where are who?” Pops said smugly as he tried to hold in his laugh.
“C,mon pops, I swear I saw them over here!” Thatch nearly whined at his captain.
“I haven’t seen them all day. Have you spoken with Marco?” Pops inquired trying to divert the third division commander.
“You think they’d hide with him?” You couldn’t see Thatch, but you could sense that he was mulling it over in his head. “Fine, I'll go check with him.” The padding of boots on wood faded into the background. You waited for a little while before pops urged you to come out of your hiding spot.
“Is he gone now?” you asked slowly, shuffling out from the layers of fabrics.
“I don’t think I can keep you safe at dinner, but you can hide here for as long as you want.” he said with a chuckle. “You really messed with his hair?”
“Purple really suits his skin tone, don’t you think?” you smiled sheepishly as you heard Thatch yelling down below.
Pops gave you a pointed look but smiled nevertheless. 
“Don’t worry it’ll wash out in a month or two…”
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banner creds: cafekitsune
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law-d-water-trafalgar · 7 months
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Episode 890
Marcos lil house i made it but didnt have the right colors.
I grew the crystals myself too!:3
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stillxnunpxidintern · 5 months
I had a thought earlier this afternoon when I was out, about who are the best dancers of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Izou and Marco were at the top (This phoenix likes when Marco dances cause birds do mating dances).
Ace is in middle but I can see him moving to high middle.
Thatch is at the bottom with two left feet. While Thatch has amazing footwork when he's fighting but as soon as he's dancing with someone he suddenly has two left feet.
Top - Izou, Marco, Whitey, Tate, Vista, Haurta, Rayuyo,
Middle - Ace, Whitebeard in his youth/healthy, Fossa, Blenheim, Kingdew, Speedy Jiru
Bottom - Thatch, Joza, Namur, Blamenco, Curiel, Atmos,
I only did the commanders with Whitey and Tate. I did think about putting Oden, Toki and the some of the spade pirates on it but decided not.
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hauntingblue · 6 months
Oden's prophecy of young pirates coming to save wano becoming yamato's hope for his freedom.... and him becoming oden because of it.... it's just so good... on the other side luffy taking ace's spot for liberating yamato... I think I hauve covid
#the spades pirates in wano to save children... omg... deuce.... i have heard so much of you....#yamato complaining about how eveyrhing is his father's fault and ace getting violent...#it is so sad that in the end it was (partially maybe) his father's fault... if not roger then whitebeard..... maybe both#the hibiscus flowers..... rouge....#yamato telling ace he talks too much about luffy.... omg.....#NAMI TELLS TAMA LUFFY LOST ACE TOO!!! AND LUFFY CAME BACK TO WANO BC ACE SAID HE WOULD!!! OMG...... THE LINGERING.....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1014#pink haired samurai is still alive and kicking... hell yeah....#ODEN WAS THE SECOND COMMANDER FOR WHITEBEARD??? OMG???#whitebeard dealing with his rebellious son ace akshaksjak.....#ace wanting to save wano for his husband and child but wb wouldn't let him bc he is still caught up about his ex husband's death... complex#TEACH GO TO HELL!!! FUCK YOU!!! DIEEEE!!!!#they can't put luffy crying about ace dying here again.... tama feeling bad about yelling at luffy....#YAMATO KNOWS ABOUT THE D????#big mom wants robin.... i mean of course.... curious about pudding and her third eye.... we will meet again i guess...#PONEGLYPH!!!! kaido little borther to mom...... god valley.... rox.... i remember.... she gave him his power omg...#episode 1015#ace face down smiling after whitebeard beats him up reminded me of ace dead smiling. hell on earth this is my last straw. goodbye.#the animation <3 ace i love you <3 yamato you are great <3#omg... little ASL with the big pirates saying he will become pirate king omg...#PAUSE!! ACE HEARING GOOD THINGS ABOUT ROGER AND SAYING HE SOUNDS NICE THIS IS CRUCIAL TO MY ACE LORE OMG#yamato didnt say who it was... did ace really die not thinking his father was good this is my roman empire... critical hit to my brain#yamato made aces vivre card.... should i end it all for realsies this time....#his cunty skate boat 😭😭😭😭 i could cry#he really is looking like a beautiful dead wife this episode.... yamato......the vivre card omg..... NOT THE FLASHBACK ENOUGH#THE TRANAITION BETWEEN ACE FALLING OFF LUFFY AND HIM FALLING TO THE GROUND OMG AKFBSKDNDKSKLWKWNSKWK NOOOOOO#OH FINALLY THEY ARE ALL THERE TO FOGHT BIG MOM AND KAIDO!!! FUCK YEAAHHHHHH a good drag for the mugis for good measure#episode 1013
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linlinsenpai · 11 months
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Drew some Yonko Commanders.
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Reverse Au where instead of Ace, Sabo gets captured to be publicly executed.
Ace managed to overpower Teach by just a little, so the later makes a run for it and somehow manages to capture Sabo instead, which suits him just fine.He still becomes a Warlord as Sabo is the Revolutionaries No.2 and worth a lot.
When Ace finds out while tracking him he has a stroke. Likewise Luffy who is on Amazon Lily like in the canon timeline also has a stroke.
Basically both of them end up infiltrating Impel Down independently, in an attempt to rescue Sabo and join together once they find out.
With both Ace and Luffy working together the guards and Magellan couldn't stop them from reaching Level 6 and freeing Sabo.
There'd be a lot of angst and tears bc Sabo still got amnesia and straight up does not know who they are but ultimately it'd be a happy AU because they all make it out alive while the navy gets humiliated by Luffy once more.
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mallomars · 6 months
One piece
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birthday-hell · 18 days
Happy Birthday
September 8
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straws-and-sunflowers · 2 months
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Everyone look at pookie.😊
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 5 months
God I always forget how much I hate the designs for the Whitebeard commanders until I'm actually looking at them. Kingdew my guy what are you wearing. Blamenco my guy what is UP with the FLESH POCKETS. WHY DO YOU ONLY HAVE TWO OF THEM. AT LEAST COMMIT TO THE BIT.
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Heres a dream drabble that turned hella sad, but nonetheless here it is. An extra for you guys dont cry itll be okay.♡
Never said I was a good writer.
🔞18+ NSFW Like one scene.
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~Marcos POV~
"Lets go to the fortune teller Marco" you hear Ace say as your both walking through the underwater city which was in a enormous bubble of air.
"Allright Yoi" you cave easily quite intrigued yourself to find out something. Once at the shop Ace peer pressures you into going in. A pretty half shark half human looking lady says
"Hello there gentlemen how may I help you today?"
"I wanna know about my future will I be famous?!" Ace blurts out as she giggles at his request then motions for him to sit down in front of her glass orb on her table as she sits and stares into the orb.
"Hmm strange im not getting anything usually that means the person will die soon. Sorry." She says apologetically. Ace gets up confused looking then motions for you to sit.
"Id like to know if I have a soul mate and who they are Yoi" you ask politely as she hovers her hands over her orb she starts speaking
"You do, but they are not from this time. You will enter a portal in one week and bring them to this time. There is only one chance to bring them here so you must not hesitate, if you do the portal will close forever loosing your chance at romance. Her name is (n)." She says as your eyes grow wide then return to normal, chuckling you hand over some undetermined amount of berry then say.
"All right thank you. Ace lets go Yoi" you say as she nods and Ace follows you back to the ship you thinking
'This must be a scam my soulmates from another time? Impossible'
~One Week Later On Deck Of The Moby Dick~
Your in your office when you hear your name being called.
"Marco!" You hear Ace yelling as he bursts through the infirmarys door. Huffing he yells
"Theres a portal that opened on deck you probably want to hurry!" Shocked you run out and follow him to the portal as some of the crew on deck gathers around it. You remember the fortune tellers words
"There is only one chance to bring them here so you must not hesitate, if you do the portal will close forever loosing your chance at romance." As you put your arms through the portal you feel something soft, put your arms around it then yank as a girl falls out of the portal onto your chest you both on the floor.
~(N)s POV~
You were in your room listening to music on your headphones via bluetooth when you felt and arm around your waist then a yank as you fall backwards your headphones are knocked off as you fall onto something soft. When you opened your eyes again you werent in your room but on deck of a ship with something soft under you. You look down realizing your sitting on someone as you get up all wobbly from teleporting through time. Your wearing a short black dress with short sleeves nothing else not even shoes or socks. You hear gasps as the man you fell on stands up.
'Dam hes tall hes got to be at least six foot eight' you turn around looking at the portal as it closes and dissapears.
'Shit well looks like im staying here' you gulped as you turn back to the handsome man who had blonde hair, glasses, a purple jacket open showing off his hot abs and chest, blue pants with jewelry adoring his side and sandals. He stared at you then asks
"Is your name (N)? Yoi" you gulp and ask
"How do you know my name?" He smiles then says
"Dont worry about it Yoi" you gulp.
'He seems nice but I can tell he also is very observant like me.' you think as he seems to notice how uncomfortable you are.
"Welcome to the Moby Dick my name is Marco the Phoenix. Yoi" you just nod as you look around at the crowd around you.
"All right thats enough staring back to work everyone!" He yells as the crowd disperses, you feel more at ease. He notices and says
"Sorry about yanking you through that portal it seems you cant go back now... where are you from? Yoi" he asks as you untense a bit.
"Im from the year twenty twenty three." You state and think
'It seems like im in the past now strange. I better make the best of it since I cant go back now' you think looking up meeting Marcos eyes as hes smiling. You wear a plain expression on your face.
"Heya there im Ace nice to meet you (n) sorry about ol bird brain over here" you look at Marcos side seeing a black shaggy haired man not wearing a shirt with black shorts and a cowboy hat says
"Um ya nice to meet you too?" You say confused as to why your here.
"Wait where am I what year is it?" You question as your head begins to feel fuzzy starting to forget details about where your from. Gripping your head Marco looks concerned.
"Are you all right? Here come with me let me give you a check up. Im a doctor. Yoi" he gently grabs onto your hand and leads you to the infirmary making you blush.
'His hand is so gentle and soft.' You think. Once sitting on a med bed he starts his check up using his stethoscope to gauge your breathing but your heartrate increases with every brush of his hand on your chest. He seems to notice and takes his hand off of you as you blush slightly.
"Shortness of breath.. racing heart rate... Yoi" he puts a hand to your forehead.
"Fever.. Yoi" he jots down your symptoms as hes continuing your check up.
"Even I could tell you im sick right now" you say as you get up grabbing a tissue sneezing then blowing your nose. He jots down your symptoms as he glances back to you.
"Yes your definitely sick what other symptoms do you have? Yoi" you look to him and say
"Hot flashes and cold sweats thats it really. I was on antibiotics for an infection six hundred mgs and it halfed my other medications so im going through withdrawals and now... ill be going through total withdrawals because all my medications were in my time..Greatttt." you say sarcastically as he frowns and says
"Ahh right thats going to be a problem, all right im sorry about that. Unfortunately we dont have anything to help withdrawals but I can do this. Yoi" he reaches his hand out and a blue flame appears as you cringe closing your eyes but then realize its not burning just warm. Opening your eyes you hear him chuckle as you feel some relief. Confused you say
"Whats this magic? Um thank you?" Chuckling he explains all about devil fruits and how they work in this timeline. Very intrigued you listen then smile as he transforms into hybrid form then Phoenix form and back to human.
"Ahh!! Thats so cool!!" You exclaim as he chuckles and says
"You think so? Good. Hey since your stuck here now why dont you join our crew the Whitebeard pirates? Yoi" he asks as your eyes widen.
"Pirates?! We dont have pirates in my time" You yell as Marco seems worried.
'Pirates! This gentle handsome man is a pirate?!' You think as you calm down and ask
"Are you guys good pirates?" He looks shocked then replies
"Well I dont know about that, theres good and bad for everything right? Yoi" you feel stupid for that outburst.
"Ahh yes ... your right sorry it just caught me off gaurd."
"Take your time to think about it theres no pressure. Yoi" he chuckles and you sigh in relief.
"Thanks Marco" you sneeze again and he says
"Here let me get the medicine." He stands from his rolling chair and digs in a cabnet then hands you a bottle of pills.
"Here these should help. Yoi" he says then leaves the room and comes back with a cup of water and hands it to you. You open the pill bottle take one out and swallows it with water. Marco smiles probably that you trust him enough to take medicine from him.
"You still need to meet Pops when do you want to meet him? Yoi" he asks as you cock your head in confusion. Marco sees this and elaborates more
"Pops is the Captain of the Whitebeard pirates his name is Whitebeard or Edward Newgate to be more precise. Yoi" you nod then say
"Ohh well can I meet him now im rather curious" you say as Marco smiles again and says
"Sure follow me Yoi" you both stand as you follow him barefoot out the door to the deck and right before the gaint of a man.
"Hey Pops this is (n) just making sure you meet her before getting her settled for now she hasnt decided on joining yet. Yoi" Marco says as the gaint man looks at you.
"Shes the one you dragged out of that portal earlier. Well since shes allready here get her set up with a room then ill need you to go on a mission. By the way where are you from? lil lady"
Marco tenses up as you noticed.
"Im from the year twenty twenty three." You say then Marco says
"All right Pops ill be back to get the details Yoi" Whitebeard nods then waves you both away. You follow Marco to the rooms and he leads you to a single person small room as you look around the room you say
"Cute." And he replies
"Its not much but its cozy. Yoi" he hands you your room key with the corresponding number on it. You set your pills on the dresser.
"Thanks." You say locking up then putting the key into your pocket then follow him back on deck as he gets details for his mission.
"..... so itll probably take a week to complete" Edward says to Marco as Marco replies.
"Allright got it Pops. Yoi" Marco turns looking for someone then walks up to Ace you following him silently.
"Hey Ace take care of her while im gone itll be a week. I better get going. Yoi" you see the black haired man named Ace say with no shirt on
"You got it Marco" he smiles then give a thumbs up to Marco. Painiced a bit you look to Marco and say
"Your leaving allready?!" He turns to you and chuckles.
"Yes im the first devision commander. I have a reputation to upkeep. Dont worry Ace will take good care of you. Ill be back before you know it little bird. Once I get back we can talk more. Yoi" he says and pats your head causing you to blush slightly both men taking note. Marco transforms into Phoenix form and flies up and away as you watch him. Then you hear Ace say
"Dam I wish someone would stare at me like that" he chuckles which makes you blush again and motions you over to him while hes drinking with friends. He goes to the cantina and grabs another mug of booze your assuming and hands it to you.
"So (n) how old are you cutie?" Ace asks you
"Im thirty how old are you?"
"Im just twenty haha you dont look your age at all I thought you were closer to my age not Marcos" you look at him quizzically.
"What? How old is Marco?" You ask as he replies
"Marcos forty four." He smiles at you bumping mugs and says "Cheers!"
"Cheers wait hes forty four?! He totally doesnt look it" you blab out which makes Ace laugh and give you the ahha so you like him eyes, so you gulg down some ale trying to cover your blush.
"So whats twenty twenty three like?" Ace asks
"Hmm my memories getting more fuzzy the longer im here but I remember that theres more land than water people drive cars instead of ships."
"Whats a car?" Ace sounds intrigued as he gulps down some booze
"A car is a machine that transports people or things like a ship but is much smaller on wheels on roads like wagons. But their must faster going up to two hundred mph or miles per hour" he almost spat out his drink.
"Woah thats fast!" And you nod smiling now warming up to him more as he was peppy. He smiles back and refills your drink for you.
"Thanks Ace but I shouldnt drink that much." You admit
"No one around here cares if your tipsy or drunk (n)"
"I figured as much since your pirates. So why should I join you guys give me a good reason?" He looks shocked.
"What you havent joined yet? Well for one were all family here and for two we will all protect you from now on"
'Protect me? But im safe if I just stay on the ship right?' You think as Ace grabs another refill and you just sip on your second mug.
~At Dinner~
"We have a guest from the year twenty twenty three. Now treat her with respect as Marco brought her here but hes off on a mission right now... also....(words, words, words)....." You hear Pops say as Ace glances at you from your side. You hear murmurs then some claps and a whistle. Ace said you could sit in Marcos spot when dinner started.
~In The Middle Of The Week~
The week had been pretty uneventful. You discovered that Ace was the second devision commander, Thatch was the fourth devision and Izou was the sixteenth devision. They all sat at your booth during dinner so you grew found of them. Your withdrawals have been getting worse you felt so weak you mainly slept and ate and drank but today you unlocked your door then felt arms drag you out of your room into the hallway where no one was right now.
"So you belong to Marco huh? Well see about that pretty lady" One rookie says while pinning your arms above your head and grabbing your throat. Another rookie starts unzipping his pants. You scream as loud as you can
"ACE HELP!!!" Hoping he would come to save you. The first rookie covers your mouth then says
"Shit she screame-" you bit his fingers down to the bone as he yells then you hear a familiar voice
"Sorry fellas we dont have room on this ship for traitors!" seeing Ace punch the first rookie KOing him then punches the second with his pants open KOing him too, you falling to the floor huffing for air then go up and hug Ace.
"Thank you!" You say as he pets your (L) hair.
"Its all good now my pretty girl. They wont be bothering you anymore." He says then realizes your crying. He wraps his arms around you rubbing your back saying
"Shh there there its okay now your safe. Marco will be back sooner than you think and he can protect you too" you stop crying eventually and release Ace letting him dragging the two who were knocked out to deck and throwing them over board after grabbing their room keys.
"See all good!" Ace beams at you.
"Yea ...." you say shaken up still.
"Why dont you start hanging out with me until Marco gets back?" He says and you just nod.
~On Sunday So One Full Week Has Passed~
You hung out with Ace when youd leave your room and help him with paperwork over the rest of the week. You started opening up more to him, Thatch and Izou. Your withdrawals were a bitch and you knew itd take at least a month before they lessened. You shake slightly wherever you go. Today was supposed to be when Marco got back so you were sitting on a barrel on deck with Ace drinking and talking.
"Hey Ace why was I-"
"Hey look who it is!" He points to the sky and you turn your head to see a blue Phoenix fly onto deck and transform into human form. You see Marco headed to Pops probably to report in. You get up and run over to him embracing him in a hug.
"Marco! Your back!" You yell happily as he smiles, chuckles and looks down at you petting your head.
"I see someone missed me haha. Here follow me I need to report in. Yoi" you let go of him and follow him up to Pops. After his report he looks to you and asks
"So have you decided on joining or not (n)? Yoi" you nod and reply
"Yes ill join but im afraid all I can help with is paperwork haha" you giggle as Pops says
"Well then welcome aboard (n) Child why dont you fill the first devisions assistant spot then?" You nod
"That sounds great ill try my best Pops!" You chime and shuffle your feet nervously. Marco leads you over to Ace and Aces buddies and asks
"So how was the week? Yoi" Ace sighs and says
"Well there was only one incident but I took care of it and her. You two probably have alot to talk about dont you?" Marco nods as he leads you to his room unlocking it and letting you inside leaving the door open to make you feel better. He sits on the couch resting his head on the back, you sit next to him.
"Hey Marco so whyd you bring me here?" He tenses at the question glances at you and sighs
"Well.. before I brought you here. I went to a fortune teller and she said the person id bring through the portal would be my soulmate... Yoi" he blushes lightly resting his eyes. You also blush a deep red as he meant you.
"I see well then...im not opposed to the idea..." you say and blush harder which makes him look to you with a shocked expression.
"My world sucked to be honest haha I like the simple things in life anyways." You smile as he pats your head you leaning into his hand.
"Someones cuddlely haha if you want cuddles all you have to do is ask. Yoi" he states as he withdrew his hand you pout.
"I said you have to ask silly. Yoi" blushing super red you ask
"Marco... could I have cuddles please?" He smiles at you saying
"Of course my little bird come here. Yoi" he pats beside him and you scoot over then lean on his chest as he wraps an arm around you. Shaking slightly from withdrawals he asks
"Have you been taking your medicine? How are your withdrawals going my little bird? How are you getting along on the ship? Yoi" you look up at him meeting his gaze
"Yes I always take my medicine and they got worse honestly it sucks so much. Im doing okay im slowly getting used to everything." You say shaking he transforms into hybrid form and wraps his wings around you.
"We can stay like this for awhile if you want. Yoi" you hear him say as you reply
"Id like that Marco your so warm it feels so nice. Thank you for being so kind" your shaking lessens.
'Hes so laid back its so nice' you think.
"Of course my silly birdie. Yoi" you both dont move and eventually you fall asleep on him. You dream of your old timeline when you awoken by something
"(N)... (n).... Yoi" you hear as your brought back to consciousness. You rub your eyes as you look up and see a smiling Marco looking down at you, petting your hair with his wings. You blush and your sure he takes note of your face. You sit up as he transforms back to human form.
"Whatsup Marco?" You ask sleepily yawning. He chuckles and says
"Its dinner time sleepyhead. Yoi" you look at him and say
"Yay~ food"
"Here come on cutie. Yoi" his comment making you blush, him noticing and smirking. Holding your hand he leads you out and locks his door.
"We didnt talk much sorry I fell asleep" you yawn. He pets your head and says
"Its all right you seemed like you needed the rest so I let you sleep. You looked so cute sleeping. Yoi" he says leading you to his table sliding in the booth then patting beside him you obey and sit next to him.
"Lets congratulate (n) on joining the crew cheers!....(more words)..." Pops says holding up his sake gourd with everyone cheering then drinking. You sip your drink as you dont like alchohol that much you just socially drink and Marco takes note of you. Eating dinner you chat with them all at your table smiling and laughing which makes Marco smile too. After dinner was over you all decided to stay up playing spin the bottle.
"Okay Izou I dare you to take your hair down and say im feelin fabulous!" Ace dares Izou as you all laugh while drinking you were on your third mug feeling quite tipsy but shaking a lot less due to the alcohol. You didnt notice Marcos gaze on you as Izou does the dare and spins the bottle it lands on you and you pick dare for once.
"Allright I dare you to sit on Marcos lap for the rest of the game" Izou says as you blush looking up at Marco he pats his lap and you scoot over sitting on his lap then asking
"Is this okay?"
"Yes dont worry little bird. Yoi" he smiles looking down at you and you smile back turning your attention to the bottle you spin it and it lands on Ace as he picks truth. Thinking hard as the alcohol had tinted your cheeks red you ask
"Hmmm okay whats your body count?" Confused he asks
"What do you mean (n)?"
"How many girls ya slept with?" You correct yourself and he blushes seemingly embarrassed holding up a zero with his hand laughing. He makes you laugh as you lean back into Marcos chest you feel Marco tense up slightly then release. You stay leaning on him as it felt nice.
'Marco feels so nice I can feel his abs and chest why is he so hot?!'
"(N)! (N) (n)!" You hear your name being called and are snapped from your thoughts.
"Its your turn or were you daydreaming about someone~" they all snicker and laugh while you blush and yell.
"Was not! Im just sleepy!" You hiccup and defend yourself as they all chuckle.
"I pick truth" you say while reaching for your mug but Marco slides your mug away. You look up at him with questioning eyes as he whispers in your ear making you involuntary shiver and the other guys snicker drinking more.
"Cant have my assistant having a hangover tomorrow~ Yoi"
"I dont get hangovers" you correct him as he raises an eyebrow.
"Hey you guys im gonna head to bed let me know how it goes" Thatch says getting up and leaving while Izou stands also
"Same here goodnight everyone" Ace whines and says
"Come on guys things were about to get good!" He yells but stands as you try and crawl out of Marcos lap Ace holds out a hand for you. Taking it you manage to stand swaying a bit.
Yawning you rub your eyes as you hear chuckles. You turn to see Marco stand grabbing your mug headed to the cantina putting them away as Ace looks at you saying
"Well guess its time for bed huh, see ya tomorrow you love birds" Marco chuckles and walks back to you as Ace leaves leaving you alone with Marco. Looking up smiling at him he puts a hand on your back leading you to your room.
"Sweetdreams my little bird. Yoi" he says sweetly and pets your head. Turning to him as you unlock your door you say
"Goodnight handsome" *hiccup* you giggle and wave as he goes back down the hallway to his room. You close the door and lock it as you plop down and curl up in bed falling asleep.
~The Next Morning~
You awake to knocking at your door. With a bed head you go open the door to see
"Goodmorning my little bird slept well I see. Yoi" he chuckles as he fixes your hair.
"Thanks and Goodmorning Marco!" He smiles at you then says
"Time to go to work Yoi" you nod, grab your pills, then lock up and follow Marco to the infirmary. He unlocks the door and lets you in. Sitting across from him at the table he notices your pills and gets you water then hands it to you. Taking your pill, he smiles at you then sets a stack of paperwork on your side of the table. He shows you how to fill out the paperwork and you both get to work. After awhile
"Take a small fifteen minute break (n). Yoi" you look up and nod getting up and headed to the cantina.
"Hey there what can I get yea (n)?" Thatch asks
"I was wondering if I could get a smoothie and what kind does Marco like?" You ask
"Sure lil lady what flavor, weve got melon, strawberry, cherry and pineapple. Oh Marco? He loves anything pineapple" Thatch says
"Could I get a cherry smoothie and could I get a pineapple one for Marco please?" You ask politely smiling.
"Sure! Taking a little break then?" You smile at him and say
"Yup!" Thatch smiles and starts grinding the ice. After he grinds the ice he grinds the fruit and puts them in each mug then stirs and slides them to you taking a sip of yours you blab out
"Thats so fuckin delicious Thatch!!" He chuckles then says
"Glad you like it you better head back to work, he points at the infirmary and your gaze follows his pointing finger to see Marco staring at you through the window.
"Thanks Thatch see ya later!" You say hoping off the barrel grabbing the drinks and walking back to the office. Using your back and elbow you try opening the door but felt it open quickly and you feel yourself fall backwards but am caught by Marco. You hear a chuckle from him as he helps steady you.
"You allright? What have you got there baby bird? Yoi" standing you say
"I got you and me a smoothie here big bird" you turn and hand him his smoothie which he seems surprised.
"Awe thank you. You didnt have to get me this. Yoi"
"Well its hot out and you havent drank much of anything today." You say as he raises an eyebrow
"You keeping tabs on me now? Haha Yoi" he chuckles and sips his drink then his eyes widen slightly.
"Howd you know I love pineapples? Yoi" he asks with a smile. As he stands aside letting you pass him to go to your desk.
"I asked Thatch, he told me" you beamed at him as he nods.
"Allright cutie time to get back to work. Yoi" he says a smile adorning his face.
~October 5th More than Six Months Later~
Whenever the Whitebeard pirates docked at your first island, Marco helped you get some more clothes and shoes etc and womanly products really whatever you needed. Eventually you found out Ace told Marco your age. Marco had said it didnt bother him though. Youve grown quite close to Marco and Ace. Marco and you would cuddle in the open with his wings wrapped around you and Ace would openly flirt with you and give you piggyback rides. You found out a week ago that today is Marcos birthday hes turning forty five today. Your thirty but it doesnt show. Youve been working on something to give him even if it wasnt much.
"Acceee stop pestering me im almost finished here" he looks at your hands while your both chillin in your room on the bed with the door open.
"Ah come on pestering you is my second nine to five" he says laughing as you laugh and reply
"Why dont I believe you? And you go outside those hours you know haha. And done! What do you think will he like it?" You ask as you hand the intricate leather corded bracelet to Ace. He examines it then hands it back to you.
"I think hell love it and if he doesnt ill wear it. And I think hes coming better put it away (n)" Ace says as you put the handmade intricate bracelet with blue and yellow beads on it in your shorts pocket then someone approaches your open door.
"Hey you guys what are you doing? Come out for cake Thatch made. I need Ace to light the candles and (n) blow them out with me Yoi" you see Marco say as he raises an eyebrow to you both being nervous chilling on the single person bed as you both were sitting cross legged.
"Yay cake! I havent had sweets since I got here!" you jump off the bed then put your shoes on and pull Aces arm so hes following you both. Hooking arms with both of them you swing on their arms.
"Your so silly (n)" Ace says while you all make your way to deck you just smiling at them. After getting to deck you all huddle the cake and the rest of the crew is cheering on Marco singing happy birthday as Ace lights the candles Marco asks
"Are you ready (n)? Weve got to get all of them in one go or my wish wont come true Yoi" you nod seriously and giggle as Ace says
"There all lit now blow them out you guys!" You wait for Marco to start blowing the left side as you blow the right side and managed to get all the candles. You clapping, Marco gives you a side hug
"Thanks for your help (n) Yoi" he smiles then releases you as Thatch cuts a slice and hands Marco a plate and fork.
"(N) come share this with me Yoi" Marco says as Ace says
"Happy Birthday Marco!"
"Thanks everyone thanks Ace! Yoi" Marco smiles as he sits down and pats his lap. You instinctively sit on him as he uses the fork to grab some cake and motions for you to eat it off the fork. Looking up at him he says
"Well go on, you were so excited to eat some cake before what happened? Yoi" Marco chuckles as you say
"But its YOUR birthday Marco the birthday boy should eat the first bite" he chuckles then eats the bite of cake off the fork them gets another fork full motioning for you to eat it. Blushing red you open your mouth as he gently lets the fork slide off your mouth.
'Ahh! An indirect kiss?!' You think. Putting your hands to your cheeks you yell
"Ahh thats sooo good and its pineapple flavored!!" You both hear Thatch say thank you from over where the gaint cake was as you notice everyones drinking and partying now with cake slices everywhere. Marco continues to feed himself and you till you both finished the cake. Ace came over handing Marco and you a mug of ale.
"Thanks Ace, Yoi" you both say at the same time which makes you both laugh and him chuckle. After awhile of drinking on your third mug
'Oh shit I almost forgot his gift' you think
"Hey Marco close your eyes real quick" he obeys as you squirm on his lap to get the bracelet out of your pocket. You hold his hand seeing a light blush over Marcos face makes you blush at holding his hand. You gently slip on the bracelet then say
"Okay open!" He obeys then looks at his wrist and smiles
"Wow its so intricate is this what you were hiding in your room? Yoi" he smirks as you blush red
"Hey howd you know?! Did you eavesdrop on us?!" You yell he just shrugs
"You were hiding something. Yoi" he says raising an eyebrow at you which makes you giggle
"Okay you caught me big bird" you say and lean against his chest face red as he chuckles petting your hair
"Thank you for the gift ill treasure it Yoi" making you smile into his chest. After drinking your third mug you felt slightly tipsy and were cuddling Marco as he used his wings to cuddle you back.
"Hey Marco its been awhile wheres (n) did she go to bed allready?" You hear Ace ask
"Shes right here. I think shes tipsy though. Yoi" You feel Marco lower his wings revealing your face against his chest as you open your eyes to see Ace and blush as your hugging Marcos waist.
"Your sure cuddly (n) makin me jelious over here haha. Do you want to join our game?" Ace asks. You rub your eyes and hop off of Marco grabbing your mug while Marco changes back to human form grabbing his mug drinking.
"Sure Ace whats the game?" You ask swaying a bit.
"Drunken truth or dare" Ace says as you facepalm.
"Ace im allready feeling it" he grabs your hand as you know Marco follows you both.
"Too bad! You allready said sure!" Ace chimes and you sigh in defeat. Sitting in the circle that was forming you waited for everyone to refill their mugs. Marco filling yours and sitting next to you with Ace on your other side. Halfway through the game you picked truth two times meaning you had to drink two mugs of ale and if you werent tipsy before you definitely were tipsy now. The bottle lands on you as Thatch says
"Truth or dare (n)"
"Uhm dare"
"Okay I dare you to kiss one of the men here" Thatch snickers as he glances at Marco which you didnt cetch since you were tipsy. Blush adding to the redness in your face you glare at Thatch who chuckles
"You cant switch unless you chug your mug" he says as you look around the circle them all looking at you blushing even more you turn to Marco and quickly reach up holding onto his shoulders kissing him on the lips then sit back down blushing seeing Marco blush too.
"Okay I did it!" You yell spinning the bottle as everyone chuckles.
"(N) I said kiss I didnt say where to kiss" he laughs as you glare at him flipping him off. The bottle lands on Izou which he chugs his drink and you ask
"So do you have any fetishes?" To which he blushes
"Yess (n)" and you laugh with everyone as he spins the bottle it landing on Marco.
"Ill do dare. Yoi" Izou smirks as he says
"Okay I dare you to kiss (n)" chuckling Marco turns to you leaning down sweet soft lips meeting yours then departing as they all clap you blushing even more if that was possible him chuckling at you.
Marco spins the bottle it landing on Ace as Ace says
"Truth" and chugs his mug.
"All right do you have a secret crush? Yoi" Ace blushes and says
"Yes okay" waving it off as he gets up to refill his mug while you giggle. Once he comes back he spins the bottle it landing on you again.
You gulg down your mug as he asks
"Allright (n) who is your crush?"
"You guys stop embarrassing me!" You whine as you sway and gently punch Aces arm making him laugh at you.
"Ughh fine" you close your eyes cross your arms and take a deep breath as you respond.
"Its Marco.." you admit blushing deep red as you felt a pair of strong arms drag you onto a lap. You allready knew whose lap you were on, Marcos since you both would cuddle a lot.
"Awee (n) It seems like he feels the same" Ace chuckles as you look up at Marco him smiling wide then pecks your forehead. You continue playing spin the bottle then Izou, Thatch and Ace call it a night as your left with Marco alone on deck now. Looking up to him you lean up kissing his cheek then say
"Happy birthday Marco I hope it was okay" looking at you he leans down kissing your soft lips as you wrap your arms around his neck. Kissing turns into making out as you reciprocate. Finally breaking for air your blushing like mad giggling.
"So who do you like handsome" you ask as he chuckles.
"Your definitely drunk but I like you too silly to bad you probably wont remember tomorrow." Staring into his eyes you decide to be bold
"Well I might remember if you cuddle with me tonight" you blush but your drunk face was allready enveloped in red.
"Ouu is that an invitation? Yoi" he asks chuckling as you nod.
"Sorry but we wont fit on your bed how about you cuddle with me on mine? Yoi" you just nod and he picks you up bridal style then head to his room unlocking it then locking it once in he sets you on the bed as he undresses his jacket showing off his abs and chest which you couldnt stop staring at.
"See something you like? Yoi" you hear as you blush even more and nod making Marco blush as he comes to the bed sliding in. Him gently pushing you down into his chest. Wrapping his arms around you pulling you as close as possible to him. Your hand cups his cheek as he stares into your eyes.
"Hey so what was your wish?" You whisper.
"I cant tell you silly but it came true. Yoi" Giggling you lean up your lips meet his closing both your eyes you make out as he clutches you close. Feeling a twitch in his pants makes you wet but you know your limits. Breaking for air you huffing he says
"Go to sleep my little bird. Yoi" he nuzzles your head kissing your head into his warm chest as you obey placing both your hands on his chest letting the hum of his heartbeat lul you to sleep.
~The Next Morning~
Your woken up with kisses on your head.
"(N)~ little bird~ Yoi" you come too and open your eyes to see Marco and your cuddling on his bed.
"How are you? You drank a lot last night. Do you remember anything? Yoi" he says as you blush everything comes rushing back to you. Blushing deep red he chuckles
"I remember yea unless it was all a dream." You say. He leans down kissing you as you reciprocate kissing him back. Making out for awhile he breaks for air as your both huffing.
"It was no dream dear. Yoi" he says making you blush.
"So ... you like me too?..." you whisper as he rubs your back.
"Yes I do. Yoi" he admits a light blush dusting his face and yours. Wrapping your arms around his waist you sigh as he asks
"(N) would you be my..... girlfriend? Yoi" shocked you blush a deep red with a look like is that okay? Making him chuckle. Him petting your head he says
"Dont worry its all right. So what do you say? Yoi" he asks as you reply
"Id love that Marco" you smile then lean up to kiss him again. He reciprocates kissing back as he clutches you close. Breaking for air he says
"Allright we have to get to work my little bird. Yoi" smiling at you he slides out of bed putting his glasses on as you pout. He chuckles and hands you the key to the infirmary.
"Why dont you go get started in the infirmary while I finish getting ready. Yoi" he says. You reluctantly slide out of bed saying
"Okay big bird ill go do that" he leans down pecking your lips.
"Good girl. Yoi" he says making you blush as your let out of his room. Everyone knew youd wear some outfits more than one day in a row so wearing this outfit again wasnt a problem. But coming out of the first commanders room the next day turned some heads but noone said anything to you since everyone knew you both were so close anyways.
You walk to the infirmary and open it, grab a stack of papers, and walk to your chair setting them down then sitting down starting paperwork. Soon Marco walked in with wetish hair.
'He must have needed to take a shower. Dont get a nose bleed (n) ahh! Marco in the shower. Ahh!! Me and Marco in the shower ahh!!!!!'
"(N)~ (n)~ ohh (n)~ Yoi" Marcos voice pulls you from your thoughts.
"Im not daydreamin I swear!" you yell as he chuckles and raises an eyebrow.
"Dont even ask" you blush deep red as he laughs now.
"I wasnt planning on it silly. But now im curious what were you day dreaming about? Yoi" hiding your face in your hands you peek at him through your fingers.
"Its nothing!"
"Okay okay Yoi" he says chuckling and sits in his swivel chair grabbing a stack of allready done paperwork from your side of the table that he needs to finish. After you quickly finish up the rest of your paperwork for the day you notice Marco finishing his. Walking over behind him you start giving him a shoulder massage.
"Mhhh feels s'good Yoi" he sits straight as you work your magic.
"Im glad you like it handsome" you say rubbing out the knots. He lets out a soft moan which makes you feel hot down there and blush. Slowly sliding your hands down his chest you kiss his cheek then neck making him shiver. Resting your head on his shoulder he says
"Now how am I supposed to get any work done with you doing all this to me? Yoi" he whines as you giggle.
"Ill stop then" you say and were about to pull away when he gently grabs your hands on his chest.
"Nevermind I like it Yoi" he says which makes you giggle on his neck causing him to shiver slightly.
"Oh you like this?" You say kissing his cheek then butterfly kissing his neck.
"Yes I definitely like this. Yoi" he continues to work but keeps stopping.
"You know what come here. Your too distracting my little bird. Yoi" he pats his lap to which you obey, sit on him resting your head against his chest and kiss the side of his neck one last time. Feeling a bit of a bulge below you makes you blush as he leans down and kisses you, soft lips on yours. Him holding your back for support, you both make out and you slide your tounge out as he reciprocates flicking your tounge bar. After some time you break for air huffing, face red, pussy wet in your shorts. Him chuckles smiling at your face and cups your cheek.
"Is someone embarrassed or just hot and bothered? Yoi" he asks calling you out, making you bury your head in his chest, him chuckling more.
"You know its perfectly natural to have such feelings. Yoi" he says as your heart feels like its gonna burst out of your chest. He seems to notice as he says
"Seems I was right haha. Dont worry beautiful well go at your pace. Whenever your ready. Yoi" you nod against his chest as he continues doing paperwork. Once he finishes his paperwork he lets out a sigh seeing you cuddled against his chest.
"(N) working hours are over, want to get some drinks then cuddle? Yoi" sleepy you nod and get off of him. Yawning you follow him to the cantina.
"Hey Thatch can we get some smoothies going please? Yoi" Marco asks.
"Sure how are you guys doing today? I overheard someone slept in the same room last night" Thatch looks to you and winks while Marco chuckles. Your face going red Marco notices and says
"Its not like that Thatch my little bird just wanted cuddles. Yoi"
"Ahh right." Thatch says as he slides over the drinks.
"Thanks Thatch!" You squeal.
"Thanks. Yoi"
"Sure anytime you lovebirds haha" Thatch chuckles as you both go over to the table sliding in the booth Marco pats his lap and you obey sitting on him while you both finish your drinks. Cuddling into his chest you shiver and hold your head.
"Brain freeze owww!" Whispering in your ear
"You need to learn how to not suck it down so quick. What am I going to do with you my little bird? haha Yoi" he chuckles then uses his flames on your head.
"Thanks handsome" you say and kiss his chest making him transform into hybrid form covering you in blue wings as you continue to kiss his chest then neck. Feeling a bulge again you nip at his neck causing him to bite his lip muffling a soft moan.
"My my what are you trying to do to me my baby bird? Keep this up and ill have to punish you. Yoi" Marco whispers as you look up to him with a devilish grin.
"Oh ya what did you have in mind?" You say boldly which shocks him then he squeezes your thigh with his wing making a moan escape from you. Blushing deep red you stare into his eyes with your lewd glossy eyes. Whispering in your ear
"Are you sure? You dont know who your messing with little bird. Yoi" he slightly growls as you cut him off kissing him as he clutches your thigh the heat getting to you making you even more wet. Breaking for air you say
"Im sure Marco my sweet handsome man" you say as he transforms into human form and picks you up bridal style walking to his room turning some heads but you see Marco is just smiling as normal as he opens his room and locks the door gently throwing you on the bed he sits next to you as you sit up and lean on him. He takes off his jacket hanging it from the bed pole railing as you blush at him again.
"What are you blushin at baby bird? Yoi" he asks as he kisses your cheek then makes his way down to your neck making your heart race and making you shiver. Chuckling he cups your face and kisses you which turned into making out as you wrap your arms around his neck soft moans fall from your lips as he gives a moan in response him wrapping his arms around your waist. Breaking for air you couldnt help but blush. He tugs at the bottom of your shirt then asks
"Are you sure (n)? Yoi" putting your hands on his you help him take your shirt off revealing your black lace bra blushing he gently kisses the crevasse of your breasts as he unbuttons and unzips your shorts sliding them down as you kick off your shoes. You run your hands through his hair. He bends down kissing your lips as he undoes your bra revealing your pierced breasts. He licks one of your nipples then starts sucking as you let out a moan shuffling your legs as he slides off your panties with some effort.
"Ahh! Marco feels good" you see his bulge against his pants so you unbutton his pants but have trouble since he has a sash and jewelry adorning his side. Marco stops sucking and undoes his pants sliding them off leaving his shoes on as he slides his boxers off too revealing quite the package ten inch cock dripping with precum. Smiling you lean forward
"What are yo-! Yoi" taking his cock in your mouth you hear a moan escape from his lips as you swirl your tounge around his tip. Swirling your tounge bar around his crevasse of his mushroom head you start sucking, slowly going deeper and deeper making moans fall from Marcos lips
"Fuckk! Dam it (n) that feels so good! Yoi" after a couple minutes your deep throating him, humming keeping pace making him grip the bed railing he pulls you off of him throwing you on the bed.
"Your in for it now. Yoi" you see blue flames in his eyes as he spreads your legs hands gripping your thighs as he bends down and you feel his velvety tounge inbetween your folds of your pussy sucking on your folds and entrance as he sticks his long tongue in your wepping hole.
"Ahhh!!! Marco!! Yes!!!" You yelp as your thighs twitch trying to close but he holds them firmly in place while skillfully eating you out.
"Marco!! Gonna ahh gonna cum!!" You yell as he thrusts in and out with his tounge.
"Fuckk!! Marco im cum-ming" you felt your walls constrict around his tounge as he laps up your juices. After cleaning you with his tounge, he crawls on top of you his lips meeting yours as you kiss then he breaks off asking
"Are you ready my little bird? Yoi" you look at him with a lewd expression nodding.
"Yes im ready Marco~" you run your hands through his hair as he positions his precumming dick at your entrance slowly inserting himself as you gasp at his girth as he slides his full tip in making you moan
"Ahh Marco your so big!!" He chuckles and starts thrusting, slowly inching his way in you as you grip the sheets. Feeling his sweet lips on yours you reciprocate wrapping your arms around his neck playing with his hair. Parting for air he finally bottoms out in you reached your cervix making you moan loudly.
"Fuckk! (n) your so tight" you hear him say as you moan
"Ahh god! Marco your so fuckin big! You hit my wall!" He chuckles while moaning. Suddenly you both hear a knock on his door. He puts a finger up to his lips for you to stay silent as he continues to thrust into you. Biting your tounge, you try not to moan.
"Who is it? Yoi"
"Hey its Ace have you seen (n)? I wanted to ask her something." Ace says through the door.
"Shes right here, were talking well be out soon. Yoi" he smiles while he thrusts extra deep into your g spot, at right here causing tears to form and you to actually bite your tounge. You dig your nails into his shoulders.
"Okay Ill ask her later, well have fun you two" you hear Ace walk off as Marco chuckles
"You did so well baby bird should I reward you now? Yoi" as he continues his slow paced thrusts, gasping for air you say
"Please yes Marco! Your gonna make me cum again!" You say squeezing your pussy muscle.
"Ou you naughty girl! Maybe I should punish you instead? Yoi" you shake your head no releasing your muscle as he chuckles
"So you think you deserve a reward now? Yoi" you shake your head yes as he says
"Since youve been so cooperative, I suppose ill reward you. Yoi" saying as he folds you into a mating press making you moan
"Ahh fuckk yes!! Marco sssoo deeep!!" You hear him chuckle as he picks up his pace now hitting your g spot every time, that ball of heat in your abdomen begging for release.
"God!! Your sso good aat thatt!! Gonna cumm!!" He smiles at you keeping a good pace as he continuously hits your spot.
"Cum on my cock (n)!! Yoi" he yells in your ear thrusting deeper if possible, sending you over the edge. Your face contorts into a lewd expression as you come to your third orgasm this time being more powerful
"Ahh!! Marco!!! Im .. im s'soo good! cumming!!" He picks up the pace, thrusting through your high as he starts to relentlessly pound you.
Moaning uncontrollably now you start to drool.
"You like that? Like my cock buried deep in your pussy? Yoi" he asks loudly as you nod
"Yess big bird!! I love it!!" You yell with tears in your eyes as he smirks. Going at now a break neck speed he moans with you. Feeling your self cum prematurely your walls clamp on his cock making him grunt but continue thrusting.
"Naughty girl tell me when your gonna cum! Yoi" he thrusts extra deep at the word cum, making you a moaning mess.
"Ssorry!" You yell hanging onto his neck.
"Shit! Im close! Where should I cum? Yoi" looking at him with lidded sex driven eyes managing to get out
"My birth control is still effective so cum in me Big bird!" his eyes widening
"Are you sure my good girl? Yoi"
"Yes please I need you!!" you moan out loudly as he continues his speed and thrusts as deep as he can feel your greedy hole sucking his cock deep in your womb.
"Get ready (n) im about to cum deep inside you! Yoi" Just hearing his words make your abdomen burn you about to cum again also.
"Mar-co im go-nna Im gonn-a cum!" yelling as you dig your nails into his shoulders.
"Cum on my cock baby bird cum with me! Yoi" He bends down sucking hard on your neck leaving his marks on you.
"Ye-s fir-st comm-ader!!!" your tounge out, you gasping for air. You feel one of his hands on your abdomen him feeling his cock splitting your womb open as he thrusts into you. His cock twitches in you as his cock stiffens you knowing that means a male is about to cum.
"Im gonna cum little bird! Yoi"
"Me too" you both yell as you feel your cunt swallow his dick, walls clamping down makes his cock squirt his gaint load into you.
"Fuck im cumming big bird!!"
"Im cumming too!! Take my hot seed (n)!! Yoi" Marco moans as he thrusts through both your sex highs.
"Fuc-kkk!!! Go-d Mar-co y-es!!" you moan as he slowly comes to halt. Slowly letting your legs down with a gasp from you, he slides you closer to him making his cock go all the way into you pressing your cervix as he picks you up. Stepping into the shower with your fucked out face arms around his neck legs around his torso. As he holds your ass and back, he chuckles as you both regain your breath, him faster than you since hes also a fighter.
"Was it that good my little bird? Yoi" chuckling he stares into your eyes as he turns on the water. Having developed a deep blush you respond
"Uh huh"
"Im gonna pull out now little bird. Yoi" him chuckling, you nod and gasp as he holds you up while sliding his gaint cock out of you. Once he pops out his tip you moan loudly as he sets your feet on the floor feeling both your cum dripping out of you. Leaning against his chest your sure he can feel your legs twitching.
"I dont think I can walk straight Marco" chuckling he pets your head as he soaps you both up then helps clean you after himself him fingering your throbbing cunt soaping it up then letting the water rinse away all the soap. Moaning at his touch you kiss his chest as he turns off the water. Shivering at the loss of heat, he steps out handing you a towel as you walk out legs twitching as he transforms into hybrid form wrapping his warm wings around you holding you close to him. Leaning into his chest you close your eyes as he holds you, the water evaporating off you both. Once dry he takes your towel and puts it into the hamper as you both get dressed.
"How do you feel now my little bird? Yoi"
"I feel much better thank you Big bird~" you coo to him. He helps you get dressed as he dresses too. You both exit his room as he locks it, he bends down and says
"Here hop on Yoi" obeying you hop on his back as he hikes you up on his back holding your thighs, he walks you both to dinner turning some heads. He lets you down at the table and he slides in patting his lap as you obey sitting on him.
"Talking my ass" You hear Ace say at the table making you cock your head to the side. He just points to his neck as you realize what he meant. Marco had marked you it rushing back to you, you blushing deep red as Thatch, Izou and Marco just chuckle. Marco petting your head as Ace says
"You coulda just said you guys were busy"
"Uh huh because that always works with you" you say to Ace crossing your arms. Ace gives you a face and you giggle.
"So im guessing you two finally are a thing?" Ace raises an eyebrow as you hear from behind you
"Yea haha my sweet little birdie couldnt help herself Yoi" looking up at Marco you blush deep red as you turn to your side resting your head against his chest yawning.
"Awee is someone tired~ Yoi" he lets the word tired roll off his tounge making you blush harder. Glancing up to him then closing your eyes you just nod. Snickering Ace says
"Ya I bet your tired~"
~Six Months Later~
The Whitebeard pirates stopped off at an bar island, Ace piggybacked rode you to the bar. Marco said hed be there soon that hes finishing up first commander things. After awhile of chatting with Ace.
"So I over heard that one of the nurses likes you Ace~" You say as you both drink some ale.
"Really now which one?"
"Oh Kiki now ya shes super cute. What should I say to her?" Ace asks while sipping his ale.
"Just ask her how she is doing use an icebreaker then see what she says dummy." You giggle as you hear some pirates walk in making a ruckus turning to look but felt an arm wrap around you as your mug falls from your hand. You realize the man who had you also had a knife to your neck.
"Dont move Fire Fist Ace shes ours now!" Your assuming the leader of these thugs. You notice Ace look behind you as most of this guys crew was faceing the bar.
"Oh you dont have to worry about me saving her" Ace says as you feel a presence behind you and the leader lowers the knife slightly confused.
"What? Whaddya mean?" The thug leader asks.
"He means me! Yoi" The thug leader turns around but sees his crew knocked out in one attack of Marcos hybrid form then before you know it your freed from the thug leader grip and Marco kicked him through the door out onto the street. Marco transforming into human form walks out the door to outside. You follow with Ace in tow outside and see Marco punching the thug leader into unconsciousness.
"Marco hes out!" You and Ace yell to him. He stops and walks over to you putting an arm around your waist pulling you with him with Ace in tow.
Suddenly you wake up in your bed beads of sweat pour down your body. Looking around you just see your room headphones playing the One Piece theme songs. Slowly realizing that you had just had a vivid dream you start crying. Tears flowing down your face tears staining your shirt and covers.
"It was just a dream.... just a dream..."
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spitfire-of-the-sea · 2 years
This is 100% brain rot and I'm sorry, but also... not. It's a crack-idea that's been living in my head for a while and I'm too braindead from writing supposedly scientific texts and so... I needed this. Listen. LISTEN. This could be a setup for so many so very dumb scenarios and I'm kinda loving it. It could be another series that needs no logic, no context, no setup. So if anybody is as amused by this as me... let me know.
ANYHOW. Stowaway Series Reader x WBP (mostly Ace D. Portgas right now) 1.5k Mostly SFW for now. Language maybe a bit inappropriate. I need to gauge if anybody actually wants to read scenarios with this reader. (And I have SO MANY ideas right now.)
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You prided yourself in being an actually quite a smart person. How else would you have survived on your own in the New World for years without getting so much as a scratch? Well, perhaps a couple of scratches, but you still had all your limbs, digits and eyes and that surely had to count for something, right?
Granted, your devil fruit abilities helped you out quite a bit here, as much as you had cursed them after eating what you can only describe as the foulest thing you’ve ever had the displeasure to taste in your life. You had assumed that as nice as the fruit looked, it was probably rotten, thrown the rest away and not even fully realized your mistake when you almost drowned about 10 meters away from the fucking shore. When, however, your savior had run away screaming hysterically and you had caught sight of your reflection in the water… well.
Let’s just say the sudden presence of cat ears in place of your own had been your first clue. Your own tail slapping you in the face as you couldn’t help but panic your second. It had taken you a while to calm down and an even longer time to try and transform to figure out what the hell you actually were now.
A lioness perhaps, big and strong!
Or a tigress, mighty and powerful!
Perhaps even a lynx, quick and agile!
You had eaten the Neko Neko No Mi, alright. Except, you were small, fluffy and weighed in at 5kg, give or take a couple of grams. No exactly the boost in self-defense-abilities you had hoped for, if anything, you found yourself barked at by dogs frequently now and for some reason you got easily distracted by moving things.
It had taken you quite some more time to come to terms with your predicament but because you are a smart person™ you have found a way to utilize your new powers in any and all ways you could think of. Today, for example, they had been very useful to escape some thugs that were dead-set on catching you and taking all the money you had. Granted, it had been their money before but a) they had stolen it from the villagers b) you were not inclined to return it and c) fuck them. And so you had simply hidden it in a safe location, increased your fluffiness by 100% and decreased your size by 90% and strolled off into the sunset. You’d have given them the finger too as you walked past them but paws were ill-suited to do so. You had, however, managed to make one of them trip over you right on top of the stairs and in a beautiful chain-reaction he had taken out all the five men walking further down.
Satisfied with the utter destruction you had caused – you were pretty sure one of them was crying – you had decided to not take any chances and rest for the night on the safest place in the whole island, knowing they would never venture close to there: The Moby Dick that was currently docked in the harbor.
The Whitebeard Pirates passed by frequently and you were confident they would deal with the thugs and once they did you could return to your little treasure and see where the wind carried you.
And so you snuck aboard – easy, nobody was really caring about a cat and especially not when they were having a party –, looked for a nice place to nap – there was a lovely spot in what you assumed was the mass hall, with a neat little fireplace and a ledge above it -, and promptly fell asleep.
So far, so smart. Right?
Except that when you woke up the next morning, you were unconsciously purring your ass off and leaning into a large, rough hand that was giving you the best petting session of your life. That is, until you realized what was happening, your heart stopped, and one of your nine lives was simply done and over with. You flew off the little ledge ass over tits (not that you had any at the present moment), uttering a hissed scream of surprise and landed with claws and teeth bared.
“Oh… Did I scare you?” the man standing in the big, clunky black boots cooed at you. “Look at you, all puffed up and ready to fight. You’re so cute!” he continued and crouched down, and you realized two things:
You were indeed all puffed up. Your volume had increased by 200%, your hair stood on end, your back was arched and your tail was whipping around wildly enough to almost hit you in the face again.
He was naked from the waist up, except for a necklace of blood-red beads and he was smiling at you with the most genuine smile you’d seen the whole year. Perhaps even longer.
You could do nothing against the puffiness – really, it was out of your paws – but at least your heart started to beat again and you could be very sure of that because it was hammering against your chest as if it wanted to leave you and the whole scenario behind. A good idea, actually.
His smile had dazzled you for a moment longer than it should have but now you did the only smart thing: you turned tail and legged it with all you had.
You managed approximately three full leaps before he scooped you up with a hand under your belly – so rude!! – and lifted you to his chest. You ended up with your face smushed against his very warm, very muscular chest and your brain activity momentarily ceased.
“Uff, you’re quick!” he laughed. “How did you even get onboard, huh? Must have snuck on yesterday night.” His second hand landed on your back and he started to pet you with long, calming strokes.
You pressed your paws against his chest – shit, really?! That defined?! – and finally managed to get your face out of his pecs to gasp for air. A barrage of words was already sitting on your tongue, pulling on your lips and you only caught yourself after a half-hissed “You…!”
Right. You were a cat. A cat.
Outing yourself as a random little thief onboard the fucking Moby Dick was not going to go over well, all that kept you from whatever fate these pirates probably deemed appropriate, was your current non-human state.
“Hm?” He stopped his ministrations for a moment and looked at you, his brown eyes curious as he frowned. He had freckles, you realized, and was pretty damn handsome. Then again, you could be biased, he was rubbing your butt at this very moment. “Almost sounded as if you were talking,” he muttered and shook his head.
Remembering that you were actually planning to escape, you pressed away from him with all your strength and hissed, ears flat against your head and claws out. You didn’t want to hurt him but you needed to get away and you needed him to stop rubbing your butt, goddamnitall. He flinched slightly but seemed otherwise utterly unimpressed by the full power of the 5kg you were throwing against him.
“Hey Ace! What do you have there?”
Great. More people, just what you needed. Your eyes darted to the side where another figure had appeared – another man, wearing a white uniform of sorts, a curious expression and a ridiculous pompadour.
“A little kitty-cat,” your captor – Ace? – answered and you extended your claws a bit more. You were neither tiny nor a kitty-cat. “Ouch, would you stop that?” he reprimanded you and got his hand off your ass to grasp your two front paws instead. A questionable success on your part.
“How did it get onboard?” the other one wondered and came closer, looking you over. His expression immediately lighted up and he reached out. “How pretty! Look at those eyes!” You all but melted away from the hand but that only meant you were flush against Ace now and between the sheer panic rising within you and the little distraction you detected as they started to talk to each other, you used your chance.
Sinking your teeth into the hand holding you, you simultaneously pushed off and away from him with your back legs and succeeded in catapulting yourself away from him – thankfully, it worked, he let go of your paws in surprise and a moment later, you were free.
You raced out of there like a bat out of hell, weaving through legs and rounding the corner of the door with enough speed that even with the added grip of your claws you barely made it. Having memorized the outline of the ship you knew exactly where the dock was and so you didn’t waste any time, you jumped up onto and over the railing like a projectile.
It was mid-air that you realized… there was no dock. Only water. The ship had set sail sometime during the night and you could only see the village and the saving dock as a tiny spot in the distance before gravity did what gravity does. It made you drop straight down into the water.
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