#Who needs a healthy brawl?!
evilminji · 6 months
*evil grin of The Ponderings™*
You know who DEFINITELY would have Unfinished Business?
Heroes. Professional "If I could just MOVE, just fight a BIT LONGER, save ONE MORE PERSON" Heroes. It's the ultimate and unending Unfinished Business. To protect people. Not just their friends, their co-workers, but the innocent people around them.
That kid, stuck crying in the rubble.
That business man, screaming in pain, caught in the cross fire.
The People NEED them. They SWORE. Their very SOULS burn with the NEED to help. But... the flesh gave out. Injuries. Age. Quirk overuse. They knew... they KNEW, this was not a safe line of work... but... but! Please! Just one more person! Why can't they just make their breaking, dying, bodies MOVE!
Of course they refuse to move on.
They are needed HERE.
Yet? Their hands pass through. Their voices do not reach. A hell of their own, unknown, making. They can't let go, but they can't HELP either. There isn't enough Ectoplasm here. The walls of their reality overly patched up, since that unfortunate leak a few centuries back.
After all, the Zone had dumped near lethal quantities of unfiltered Ecto into the atmosphere. They're STILL dealing with the mutations and fall out, aren't they? At least, they are according to the Zone. (Wtf is a "Quirk"?) And, yeah, someone should PROBABLY do an assessment on the ecological recovery of the Reality. But like?
Do you have any idea how few people have an Obsession for stuff like that? Wait your turn! The list is long and you're not fuckin special, okay? The agents are BUSY.
Now, you might wonder? Wait. If they aren't moving on. Are DEFINITELY Ghosts. Starving as they are. Refusing to die as they may be. Wouldn't... Wouldn't that leave the whole ass area around their Reality an ecological dead zone? If it got over patched and no Ghosts LEFT, thus noticed, and started to try and work on it from the outside? Assuming the COULD?
Yeah. Yeah it would be!
It's called the "New Wastes"!
There used to be some cool Lairs around there. But there was a turf dispute. Someone DID something. Punched a HOLE. And everyone re-died. It was fixed but never quite re-healed. Portals... don't show up there? For some reason? Meh. Wanna brawl?
No. Danny's curious. He wants ANSWERS.
It's his fatal flaw.
Well... that and his inability to keep his mouth shut. But he likes to think he's funny. So... off he goes! And MAN! Does it feel funky out there! Weird textures. Mmmm, Don't Like THAT ™. It's probably a King thing? The Zone here... FEELS wrong.
Not... the way it's SUPPOSED to be shaped, if that makes sense?
And? It feels... if you sorta squint? Like... a LOT of people AREN'T where they should be. But aren't gonna leave until they're READY. Ooof. Great. Someone messed up again. Why does he KEEP FINDING bits and pockets that need straightening out? Unruffling? It's like he has to keep smooth out this giant peice of fabric with all these stains on it. Clean the messes on it.
He feels more like a maid then a King.
Maybe he is?
Pretty sure he's more of a nanny, since the Zone is more of a whiny yet excitable toddler then anything else. Alright, let him in. And fix... whatever THAT is.
So he steps into the Reality and? Huh. Japan. Neat. He always meant to go, never got around to it. Why is that man an otter?
.......oooohohooo, this place was HELLA fucked up by Ectoplasm, wasn't it? This is multi generational exposure. It's in the air. The water, ground, buildings. But stale to the point of stagnation. That can't be healthy. At least a few people he sees have developed ecto-resistance, thank the Ancients.
Danny discovers there are? "Superheroes"? Or just... heroes, apparently. They sell shampoo lines and athletic gear. Villians are petty criminals and psychopaths. All lumped together. He gets fuckin CHASED by the COPS and half the cities spandex patrol, called a "villian" (you know, like the purse snatchers and the DUDE WHO TRIED TO OPEN FIRE ON A CROWD) for flying around trying to assess the situation. Not speaking Japanese fast enough.
Soooorry! He TRIED to answer your confusing barked demands! This isn't his native language! He's translating through Ghost Speech! He knows it sounds unsettling to the living! It's the best he's GOT, man! (Asshole)
He escapes, obviously, because he's not 14 anymore. And honestly? He could top 200mph or so AT 14. He's only gotten faster. Intangible flight means no wind drag, motherfuckers~! OR need to dodge buildings! HA. Try to follow him through THE GROUND!
A few Blob sucked (to remove the ectoplasm) bits of treasure later? And he leaves a pawn shop with local currency. Thank YOU shady pawn shop! Ask him no questions, he'll tell you not lies. Enjoy Pariah's gold.
He does tourist things. Buy foods he's never tried, wanders around. Sees what's needed. Noticed a lot of people struggle with some aspect of the ecto-mutations brought on by the extreme Limnality. Need accessibility aids.
.....well, he IS a Fenton. His parents would disown him on the SPOT if he left with out at least TRYING to help. So he tracks down one the local ghosts. He'll need a guide or two.
He? VASTLY underestimates how desperate a sea of Obsession Starved Hero and Vigilante Ghosts will act, the INSTANT, they realize not only someone can see them... but it's? Their "Boss"? They aren't sure HOW they know that. But they DO. It's THE Boss. Here to help them! Asking for HELP ™ from THEM!
He gets swarmed. Hundreds of ghosts fighting over each other. Shouting. Turning on each other like rabid animals. All worn down and ragged by their Obssesion starvation. He's forced to shout over them.
And? Holy shit, these are only the ones from THIS CITY, too.
Thank Zone, again, he's no longer 14. That he has friends who are Rulers ™ that taught him HOW to Rule. To delegate. Pretend he TOTALLY knows what he's doing. That every action is on purpose.
It takes less then two hours, with all the experienced Unground Heros help, to make himself a Real Boy and buy a building. Put himself into the correct databases. He officially has licenses for things he's never studied. Is a tax paying citizen. Even belongs to several local clubs.
Over the next few days? He sets up his new... oi! Quickdraw! What're they called again? Right. "Lifestyle Support Company" which? Is a dumb name. But, Fenton Works is Fenton Works. Somehow he always kinda knew he'd be inherenting. It's in a cruddy part of town and the prices are cheap as he can safely get um.
He already had two customers, even though half the building isn't even fully set up. Which? I mean... he gets it. Poor guy. Knives for hands. Sharp ones too. The other guy's Obsession made him emotionally react to colors and like three different ones were ruining his life. So, hand Prosthetics controllable by knives and color filtering wrap around glasses.
Took him a lunch break or two.
Changed THEIR lives.
Suddenly his shop is packed. Schedule screaming for relief. And the ghosts? Getting more tangible by the day. See, his work shop? Ecto proofed. Let's him relax. But it ALSO let's him radiate fresh, clean, Ecto out into the air. And as King? With a direct line to The Zone? He puts out a lot.
There start to become Sightings.
People who SWEAR they saw long dead Heros out of the corner of their eyes. Dead vigilantes. That was who through that bottle. Who tripped that thug at just the right moment. Who unlocked the door. The SWEAR. They aren't crazy!
And... at first? Brushed off. Stress does a lot of crazy thing to a person, ma'am. But? How do you brush off, making eye contact with your dead best friend? Your old mentor on the other roof? That vigilante, who you WATCHED bleed out? Can you brush them off... when a vigilante from the dawn of quirks, punches some two bit villian on live television? Calls the Heros on the scene gloryhounds? Goverment dogs?
Runs from the cops and vanishes into thin air?
When this shit KEEPS HAPPENING?
Is spreading?
Are... are you supposed to arrest them for illegal vigilantism? How? They're THE proto-Heros! You don't want your name tied to that! The HPSC is furious. The goverment is uneasy. There are like... 6 dudes and a lady, openly stalking some kid in UA. Trying to mentor him. He looks moments away from a nervous breakdown.
Us too, kid. Us too.
All? While Danny? Is just sitting in his lil shop. Tinkering. Not HIS problem. Gotta let the ghosts here get it out of their system. Get their Obsession's full. Then it's all aboard the Zone Train. He's just here to make sure no one does anything "Too Crazy".
What's HIS definition of "too crazy"?
Wouldn't YOU like to know, weather boy~☆
@hdgnj @lolottes @nerdpoe @babbling-babull @mutable-manifestation @spidori @the-witchhunter @legitimatesatanspawn
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unhetalia · 5 months
England headcanons (pt. 2):
part 1 |
Out of all the Nations, Arthur is the wealthiest - a combination of the relationship he had with his monarchy, his years as a pirate, and being really good with investments.
Arthur is a knight, both ceremonially and literally. (Alfred finds this awesome and also incredibly sexy, but refuses to admit it.)
Arthur is an amazing gardener, and pretty much grows everything he needs. Unfortunately, no matter how fresh and healthy his vegetables are, they lose all nutritional value once he tries to cook them.
When Alfred comes over, he sneakily batch cooks a few different meals so Arthur can enjoy home cooking under the guise of YOU HAVE NO FOOD AND I'M STARVING, ENGLAND. Arthur's figured Alfred out, but always plays along.
Arthur's an ass man; he has a mental ranking for all the Nations, and refers to them in his notes by that number. You can guess who number 1 is, I bet. (France was initially furious at finding out his own ranking, but conceded that what truly made him special was not his derriere, but what was on the other side.)
His canines are very prominent, and it can be quite disconcerting when he grins or shows his teeth. Antonio calls him the English Devil behind his back, while Gilbert sometimes calls him Count Kirkland (to his face).
Big feet 😏
Banned from like, ten bars in London for brawling. The last bar he got banned from was because some guy tried to hit on Alfred while he was trying to drag Arthur home.
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lvrcpid · 2 years
PICK YOUR SIDE (rewrite)
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includes : fem!reader. cursing. implied death. older sister!reader. younger sister!reader. reader is older than lo’ak but younger than neteyam. angst. read with caution (?). i’m leaving this on a cliffhanger.
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they say a picture is worth a thousand words. you beg to differ. the smiles of your family members made your mouth go sour. who knew it would go so wrong so quickly.
your fingers trailed over the family photo in your hand, stopping over neteyam’s face. he was such a bright soul, he must’ve been so scared.
it’s been a few years since neteyam had passed. three to be exact. the family went somewhat back to normal but the home you all once shared felt more dull and dim than normal.
you all left neteyam’s things untouched. his bow still in the same place. his pillow positioned in the same way. you all just couldn’t move it, feeling like you were slowly removing parts of neteyam by touching his things.
your family all grieved him in different ways. some ways were healthy and some were questionable. but you didn’t feel the need to bring it up. you were dealing with your own feelings. you felt hurt, betrayed, guilty and most of all, angry. your anger was a force to be reckoned with per-say. you did a good job at hiding it, pushing it down for 3 years straight.
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your father experienced the most change out of all of you. becoming more protective of the rest of you all, never wanting to experience that kind of loss ever again. so when quartich and the rda came back, he immediately shut down the idea of helping them fight.
‘but father please i-‘ ‘y/n that’s final. you will stay here with lo’ak and tuk.’ yet again your father dismissed you, your mother flashing you a pitiful expression as she followed your father.
it wasn’t fair. you deserved just as much as a chance as they did. you could help them. you could avenge your brothers death. neteyam didn’t deserve to die in vain.
lo’ak appeared behind you, a large hand on your shoulder. lo’ak grew into such a mature young man, he was 17 now, a true warrior. he mirrored neteyam so much it brought tears to your eyes.
‘go. i’ll watch tuk. go help them fight’ he said, placing something in your hand. it was neteyam’s bow and a few of his arrows. ‘lo’ak no i can’t-‘. lo’ak said nothing as he pushed you out of your home, giving you a small smile before running back in.
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you quickly caught up to your parents. jake didn’t speak as he figured you would come anyways despite his warning. he knew you were just like lo’ak, hard headed and stubborn. neytiri didn’t want to admit it but she was glad you were there.
the three of you managed to make your way deeper into the forest, your bodies on constant high alert. your ear twitched as you heard a twig snap, neck snapping towards the noise as you quickly lined up the arrow with his bow, whispering a quick ‘make this one count neteyam..’ before the figure jumped out at you, holding its hands up and yelling ‘don’t shoot it’s me!’ you instantly recognized the voice as spider, lowering your bow and sighing. ‘you’re lucky i didn’t kill you’ not knowing the events that would take place there shortly afterwards.
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your dad had alerted you that they had found quartich a few moments later, turning your attention from spider and bolting your way towards the cliff they were on, spider hot on your tail.
you watched as your father and the man who’s tortured your family for years tussled, both men slightly wounded from the brawl. ‘mom! dad!’ you yelled, turning their attention to you. just then quartich quickly kicked jake off of him, radioing in for the helicopter to come down and get him.
your father rubbed his nose and your mother ran up to you, screening for any injury. ‘mother i am fine..’ the winds from the helicopter propellers made your hair fly into your face, watching as your father just let him go. ‘you son of a bitch i thought we killed you already!’ he yelled over the noise.
quartich just let out a sinister laugh, looking behind them and winking. ‘you have my boy to thank! saving his old man like a son should!’
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your world froze. your blood went cold. the sound of the bow and arrows hitting the floor like blocks on a carpet. you couldn’t help but slowly turn around, horror painted across your face as you met eyes with the boy who you thought of as a friend. as a brother.
‘boy..is this true’ jake said, the noise was gone as quartich flew away. spider was silent. the 3 year long feeling of guilt eating away at his insides as he put his head down, shame written all over his face.
neytiri said nothing, afraid she was going to severely harm the boy yet again, she stayed silent, yet her eyes told a million words at once.
you felt like you couldn’t breathe. you felt like the world was caving under you as you stalked over to the boy. ‘did you..really?’ you asked, your voice nothing short of a whisper. he met eyes with you, giving a shameful nod.
in that moment you felt nothing but rage. 1,065 days of rage. the nights and days you stayed up sobbing, wishing to yourself that it was you. praying to eywa to bring your brother back. 3 years of suppressed anger bubbling over like tea in a kettle.
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everything moved in an instant. one minute you were in front of the boy, now you are dangling him from the cliff, his cries and pleads with you to spare his life were muffled as your mind was spinning every which way.
‘y/n no!’ your father tried to rush over to you but neytiri was quick to stop him. while she disliked the human boy, her body tensed up watching you hold him over the ledge. one wrong move and you both were done for. ‘ma jake..if you go..they will both fall’ she said, holding a tight grip on her husband. jake looked surprised at you. you couldn’t even hurt a fly if you tried and here you were, on the verge of killing spider.
he felt bad for both parties. spider was just a boy protecting his family, as jake does with his own family. and you were his grieving daughter. he felt for you but he also felt for spider
‘y/n just think about this..you don’t have to do this..killing him won’t bring neteyam back..you gain nothing from this..’ he said, breaking from neytiris grip, stalking over to you with his hand extended, hoping you would break out of this trance and realize what you’re doing.
‘father..you really want to save this human? he’s the reason your son is dead.. your precious golden child..and you want to save him?” you looked back at your father, leaning spider over the edge even further, almost slipping in the process.
‘y/n!’ your mother called, now behind jake as she’s trying desperately to pull you back, afraid to lose another child.
‘i’m going to give you both a choice..pick your side..me?’ you said turning to them, angry tears now streaming down your face. you slowly turned your head to the now sobbing boy as he continued to beg and plead for his life.
‘or the bitch im gonna kill?’
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tags 🏷️: @23victoria @avtprint @bucky12345 @boilingpots @Marcswife21 @elegantkidfansoul @itsyogurl @stars4deku @stvpidscvpid @uniltsatirey @urdeadpoet @annamarieisbae @graysonmalik2550 @blueberryfailureclinic
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syndrossi · 24 days
If Jon and Rhaegar WERE to sneak out into the city somehow, for some reason, would Rhaegar get them lost again? It would be randomly fun if they ran into, like, a nice Hugh Hammer who thinks they're bastards because of their hair colors and so feels a sort of kinship with these little lost children who are close in age to his own daughter. (Or Ulf, I guess, but I feel like Ulf would care less about protecting lost kids and more about, idk, proclaiming them as his bastard nephews or something, lmao. Silverwing would likely need to pick a different rider in the future in that scenario...) Do you think Daemon would find them because a goldcloak locates them, or because Rhaegar starts singing for the smallfolk (would he have canonically done this already as he was only fourteen?), or because Jon kicks somebody who tries to touch Rhaegar's pretty, pretty hair and thus creates a scuffle/chase/brawl, or in yet another way? I'd be eternally amused if Erryk and Arryk, on their ONE DAY OFF, go out to drink together as brothers, only to see Jon and Rhaegar sneaking through the streets like the little troublemakers they are. And why do you think would Jon and Rhaegar would be motivated to sneak out of the keep at all, when they know that doing so will drive their father's blood pressure up to insane levels? Are they investigating something? Following someone? Lured out? Looking for a birthday gift for their father? Just trying to stretch their legs after being locked in a tower for so long? Literally get lost in the tunnels and can't find their way back into the keep Arya-style?
FINALLY, in the reverberate au, how would this scenario differ? (Toddlers lost in the walls, oh dear.)
Oooohhhhh dear. Rhaegar would probably be able to successfully lead them out into the city without an issue--the main problem is that some passages within the keep seem either inaccessible, differently accessible, or not built/finished. (There are also a handful that didn't exist by Rhaegar's time!)
They would have to go out in disguise, however, because pretty much anyone who looks at Rhaegar in one of his princely outfits is going to assume he's the king's son, Aegon. (It's not an uncommon misconception even within the Red Keep, since he very much acts the part of a crown prince. Just don't let Daemon catch you making that mistake!) And Jon might be mistaken for Jace, for those who aren't quite sure how old Rhaenyra's son is!
I love the idea of them running into the Cargyll twins who cannot escape these troublemakers. The reeeeaaaal question is: do Jon and Rhaegar make a run for it?
If not the Cargyll twins, Ulf or Hugh would definitely be putting their lives on the line interfering with the twins, even in a "nice" way. 😂
Really, it all comes down to which section of the city they venture into. Flea Bottom is, uh, dangerous. Especially for two pretty little boys in finery wandering around. (And even not in finery! No one to miss them, and there is a healthy black market slave trade pipeline to outgoing ships headed to Essos.)
If they are closer to the Red Keep, aka where the nice shops and houses are, they're probably more likely to run into Erryk and Arryk, and less likely to encounter trouble. Just as likely that a Goldcloak who's seen them before in the Red Keep barracks recognizes them and tries to gather them up before Daemon realizes they're gone and goes ballistic.
At present, they're quite aware of the dangers they face, especially with their kidnapping still so recent, so I don't think they'd sneak out intentionally of their own accord just yet. This would have to be a few-months-down-the-road deal, when guards are lowered.
There are still a few circumstances I could see them finding themselves out in the city:
They are worried about Daemon and are trying to help him in some way, and sneaking out is the only way to do so.
A situation like Aegon trying to sneak out to the Dragonpit, and they tag along to keep him safe.
As you suggested, they're lured out in some way.
They are on a supervised excursion and separated in some way.
The real question, of course, is just how large the blast radius of Daemon's panic-fueled explosion ends up being.
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saras-devotionals · 11 days
Quiet Time 9/15
What am I feeling today?
Tired but also encouraged. I had my birthday party last night and I’m really grateful for all the people that came out to celebrate me and show me love. I’m glad that I have people in my life that care about me so much♥️
Bible Plan: Wisdom in Dating
Working Through Conflict
On Day 1 we talked about pressure that can be toxic to relationships. But sometimes pressure can be positive. When? Whenever it helps us become more like Jesus.
Dating relationships produce plenty of positive pressure. Think about it. You’re in a close and emotion-filled relationship with someone who is different from you. So you’ll have plenty of opportunities for growth in communication skills, humility, kindness, forgiveness, and servanthood.
Conflict might seem scary, but it can actually be healthy. How? Because conflict can help you learn more about the person you’re dating and it can reveal things that need to be addressed. Of course, we should set boundaries. If dating feels like a constant battle, then you may not be right for each other. But there’s no such thing as a conflict-free relationship. And that’s a good thing, because conflict can make us better.
This is not only true in dating relationships but in other friendships too. Consider the ministry friendship between Paul and Peter. In Galatians 2, we hear about Paul confronting Peter directly because he was unjustly neglecting certain people in the church community. Peter might have felt annoyed or embarrassed at first, but it made him better in the long run.
When you date someone, you’re choosing to be vulnerable. It means they’ll eventually see “the real you.” That can be scary, but it can also be life-giving, because your partner can help you see things about yourself that you weren’t seeing before—good things and areas to work on.
Remember, setting boundaries is important, and if you’re frequently experiencing significant conflict in your dating relationship, it’s probably a sign to seek guidance from trusted friends, and of course ask God for wisdom.
Conflict in dating relationships doesn’t have to be scary. So don’t hide from it. Instead, embrace a grace-filled approach to help you and your partner grow through it.
Challenge: Reflect on your feelings about conflict. How was conflict handled as you grew up? And how does that inform how you handle conflict today? Reflect on today’s verses to identify one way you can grow in grace-filled conflict resolution.
now, I understand that I’m not dating (yet), but I think it’s good to see where my heart and mindset are at in regards to it.
How do I feel about conflict? Honestly I tend to avoid it or have other people handle for me. I don’t like having to confront people with their behaviors although there are many times when I think it’s necessary.
Growing up, it was also avoided. Well, my parents would argue and fight more often when I got older and then it faded (I don’t know if it resolved but it definitely improved). I just always hid when there was conflict because like I said (avoider).
Ephesians 4:26-32 NIV
““In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
I have to be reminded of this. I can be prone to angry and can get there easily but I always have to remind myself that it’s not how Jesus would have handled the situation.
Also, building others up instead of breaking them down is big! I try to be encouraging with my words and refrain from stuff that could be taken as hurtful even if that’s not my intention.
Forgiving is vital! People will hurt you. That is a fact of life. What matters is how you respond to that hurt and forgiving them (even if they haven’t done anything to correct it).
I see how all this applies to relationships and I know in the past, I’ve been very conflict avoidant. My ex would do things that bothered me, but I never wanted to bring them up because I dismissed myself, thought I was being silly or that I would hurt his feelings if I said anything. I have changed and grown a lot since that time and I believe that now I am at a point where I can start conversations about what’s bothering me.
Galatians 2:11-14 NIV
“When Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. For before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray. When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in front of them all, “You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?”
Even in the Bible it shows that you need to call out certain behavior. It wasn’t appropriate for them to be disciples and to be acting in this manner so it needs to be pointed out so that it can be corrected. And this is also necessary in all relationships, we need to hold each other accountable but in love and care.
Romans 12:17 NIV
“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.”
Just a command that is so necessary!!
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My headcanon designs for Kaeloo's childhood pond friends 🐸🪷🌊
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Meet the amphibian gang: Kaeloo, Xixi, Trop-lisse, Jonquille, Ondine, Marcel and Carmin 🐸
Xixi: the cutest axolotl of the bunch, they're a real sweetheart with a soft spot for hugs and cuddles 🩷 Pretty much Kaeloo's childhood best friend and ex partner. Their relationship was loving and healthy, however the two both agreed to end things together the moment they had to move to different lands to pursue their own studies and careers, their friendship is still solid and tender to this day despite their different plans for the future 🌸
Trop-lisse: This salamander is a bit of a gangster but with a heart of gold 🩷 His name means "Too slick" and that really says a lot about him! Fast, smooth and flexible, this little fella from the neighborhood loves to hang out in slimy and dark places and often with vicious company, however he still cares very deeply for his friends and family 💗
Jonquille: Mama of the group 💕 Despite being a poisonous frog, Jonquille will still go out of her way just to spread all her endless love, affection and kindness ✨ She always stands up for others and does her best to show her support and admiration, she loves fashion and ADORES flowers!
Ondine: An emo Blue Dragon slug? More likely than you think! 💗 She's slow and slimy, doesn't like eye contact nor talking very much, however she'll still be the best listener and most fond shoulder to cry on in case you'd ever need a friend to vent to! Her love language is letting you borrow her books and novels and making playlists for you!
Marcel: What's there to say? He's here, he's queer and he's hot! A tree frog who used to be veeeeery popular in high school among all the other amphibians (and even Kaeloo used to have a crush on him back then!). He likes sports, a bit of healthy competition and a LOT of skin products to always keep his coat shiny and slick!
Carmin: This fiery little newt is one hell of a fighter! He always finds a way to somehow slip into a brawl or a fight, but everyone knows that in the end he's always coming out as the winner! His little body may be tiny, but his fangs are sharp and his intentions wild; better watch out!
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How many kids would each of Natsu's girls would want to have? Juvia will probably try to have the most followed by Mira but who would be too shy to have more than one?
Let's calm down now, boys. It was hectic enough with someone asking how many kids Nagisa had. (人◕ω◕);; 26(+) is an awful lot for 9 wives. Natsu's got 15 wives, and I'm not gonna count the kids this time. I'm not. Fairy Tail lassies are made of sterner stuff, so bigger families are anticipated. Because these ladies have what we call pride.
... And love for Natsu. That too. (人◕ω◕);;;
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But all the same. I will talk about each one as is the fair and proper thing to do. (人◕ω◕) Because let's be honest. Big 4 ships are getting a ton of love these days, and I've never - with the exception of appreciating Gajevy/GaLe on the rare occasion - cared for any of those mainstream ships. Nalu and Jerza may especially burn in the deepest bowels of hell.... I could go on for hours about what's wrong with Lucy and Jellal. (人◕ω◕) ... But I won't do it here. I won't. Not worth the writing space. (人◕ω◕)***
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I'm not going in any particular order this time, though I'm saving my Fairy Tail Founders for last. (人◕ω◕) The other main thing you need to know is I will only confirm if they have one or more kids. I am not numbering them this time. That is how brawls get started, good sir/ma'am. We are keeping things civilized. (人◕ω◕)
Yukino... she's an interesting one. (人◕ω◕) You would think based off her personality that she would be satisfied with but one little bundle of joy. After all, when she's not kicking ass, she's a little goober. Everyone knows this. (人◕ω◕) Goobers aren't little horndogs. Surely.
... Except this goober is Sorano-chan's younger sister, and she indulged her neechan a little too much with the unprotected sex. (人◕ω◕) She doesn't have too many, just a few. But she certainly has more than one. And Yukino-chan is a good mother, she is. After the tragedy she and Sorano went through as kids, Yukino-chan is there for her children and is very supportive of them. She is even among the list of wives to call on for babysitting their kids; admittedly she's not at the top of the list because she has a history of being incapable of saying "no" when she really should, not feeling right about strongly disciplining kids. But this has only happened a few times, and so she is one of the responsible wives. Yukino just needs a bit more steel in her spine. Not much, just a sprinkle of it. (人◕ω◕)
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Lisanna-chan is another of those, "Aw, she's a more subdued girl for Natsu!" ... When in reality, you should really pay more attention to who she's related to. (人◕ω◕) Unlike Yukino, however, there's a bit more of give-and-take between Lisanna and Mira. Neither side is a doormat, and there's been some tense "understandings" that have happened with this grudging acceptance that they're really doing this, really sharing Natsu. (人◕ω◕) Lisanna-chan is just... put out that she's missed her opportunity of keeping Natsu to herself. She never really lets the other wives forget that she was the childhood waifu who first envisioned marrying the pyro. Most of her fellow wives are chill with these reminders, but there are a... few... who do find it grating and will start brawling if Lisanna rubs it in too much. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;
... That said, Lisanna has a healthy amount of kids birthed out of her love for Natsu. (人◕ω◕) Unfortunately not as many as Mira, but frankly, her neechan is more adept at bedtime bonding time with their shared Dragon Slayer. Mira is more durable, can keep up with Natsu, and frankly just has the drive to keep going past the average limits of families. (人◕ω◕) I won't put a number on Lisanna's kids, but she's got somewhere under 15. As I said, it's a respectable amount. More than a few, but not an ungodly amount. Lisanna-chan's libido is healthy~ (人◕ω◕)
And also, much like Yukino she's on the list of good eggs for wives to go to for babysitting their kids. (人◕ω◕) A little higher than Yukino on the list because she can say "no" more consistently, but let's be real. Lisanna is still a Fun Auntie, and isn't above encouraging mischief from time to time. (人◕ω◕) But never anything nefarious. Lisanna-chan has standards. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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Now, Cana-chan... She is a fascinating one. (人◕ω◕) You would think with her ability to drink any of the other wives under the table that she would have more "accidents" of unprotected sex, and thus have a whole brood of children under her belt. (人◕ω◕) ... But no. There are factors that have led Cana-chan to having just the one kid with Natsu and being done with that. And it's not that she can't be bothered with all the rambunctiousness, or that it's not healthy for pregnant women to be drinking.
... Though frankly, those came in rather clutch for hindsight. (人◕ω◕)
No. Cana's main reason for limiting herself to just the one kid is... She wants to be better than Gildarts. (人◕ω◕) She loves her daddy, but she sees the kind of guy he is. Always drinking, going wherever he pleases, it would be so easy to do the same and have a ton of children with Natsu. But she wants to be a better mama than that. She doesn't want to end up forgetting a few children and leaving them unloved or unattended. Cana-chan doesn't have the drive or energy that some of the other wives do; for her, one is plenty and keeps it simple.
Cana-chan is... not necessarily on that list of wives to go to for babysitting kids. (人◕ω◕);; She is on the reserve list, if there are no other options available. Cana-chan is known for her bouts of maturity. ... But those are just bouts. Cana loves drinking and having a good time. And she's so often lounging in the Guild so kids would be exposed to the constant brawls. ... Not that they wouldn't already as they're all Natsu's kids, but you understand, yes? It's not the most conducive environment. (人◕ω◕);;;;;; And Cana more than likely would encourage bad habits and allow far too much barring the stuff that would really hurt. Physically, emotionally, or otherwise. (人◕ω◕) They've been trying for years to "rehabilitate" Cana, but she's stuck in this cocktail of drunk x maturity. She's a weird one. But she's Cana-chan. (人◕ω◕)
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Wendy-chan... (人◕ω◕) This is another one that comes as a surprise. See, in most cases Wendy is a cheerful, exuberant, peppy, supportive goober of a young lady. You would think Wendy-chan would limit herself to just the one kid and be happy. (人◕ω◕)
....... (人◕ω◕)
..................... (人◕ω◕)
........................................ (人◕ω◕)
Unfortunately, I have been exposed to Fairy Tail fanfiction far too long and have accepted that there is this concept called "Dragon Slayer Mating Season". (人◕ω◕) For Natsu, this phenomenon is overlooked because of the sheer amount of wives he's got and how horny he is on even the best of days. (人◕ω◕) However, Wendy-chan is a much needed wakeup call for everyone else. Because this mating season occurs every year, and lasts a good, healthy week. And in that week, Dragon Slayers become these very horny, very territorial creatures. Natsu has managed to subjugate Wendy over the years and make her accept even at her basest state that he has mates and Wendy can't just have Natsu for herself. ... Though as she's grown up, the mating season has certainly intensified and is like a bonus S-Class Trial for the other wives every year without exception. (人◕ω◕);;; It's, uh... It's not as bad as when they first found out about this ominous tradition, but you can be sure that every year a few weeks before the mating season hits, the other wives hold a sort of council meeting amongst themselves to prepare contingencies and just overall steel themselves. (人◕ω◕);;;;;; Wendy-chan is a healer, you understand, and when a healer goes mad with power for a week, you must always be prepared.
... Consequentially, Wendy-chan has a healthy amount of kids. (人◕ω◕) Probably less than 20... Honestly hard to say. The wives do what they can to mitigate the unprotected sex during this mating season period, but it's mighty difficult to prepare for every eventuality... Ehehe. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;
But outside that one hellish week, Wendy is a wonderful mama. About the same level as Yukino... or between Yukino and Lisanna. She just needs to learn to say "no" and not let the kids walk all over her. (人◕ω◕);; At least she's definitely on the list for babysitting because of her skills as a nurse. Wendy-chan is a good waifu. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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Let's just get this out of the way now. Chelia and Wendy are two peas in a pod. (人◕ω◕) Doesn't matter that they're two different varieties of Slayers, Chelia has her own... mating period, too. Hers lasts a month. (人◕ω◕);;; But mercifully, she's not as, er... Not "feral", that's too mean. (人◕ω◕);;; She's more open to orgies than Wendy is during her mating season. Chelia just needs to mate. With Natsu. She doesn't mind sharing the L O V E~ \(人◕ω◕)/
... But yeah. Lasts a whole month. The other wives hafta brace for impact with this one, too. (人◕ω◕)
Like Wendy-chan, Chelia has a healthy amount of kids. Probably less than 25. Probably. (人◕ω◕) See, while Chelia is a goober like Wendy, she has more... confidence. She's definitely around the same level of Lisanna in mamahood, if not a little "above" Lisanna because she doesn't need constant negotiations with an older sister like Lisanna does. (人◕ω◕) Chelia can muster a little bit of sternness, and isn't afraid of disciplining kids... Because in the end, love is more than unconditional support; if you well and truly love someone, you have to steer them along the right paths. And this includes children, who are especially susceptible to naughty habits. (人◕ω◕) Chelia-chan is by no means perfect. But she's definitely high on that list of wives to go to for babysitting your kids. (人◕ω◕)
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Brandish is more predictable... (人◕ω◕) She's mellow like Cana, just has more of a sweet tooth as opposed to nonstop drinking. There are few people that inspire her more cutesy side - Aquarius, Natsu (when they're alone), ... that's about it, actually. (人◕ω◕) Otherwise she's pretty stoic and deadpan most of the time. Let her relax, or have time with Natsu, and she won't bother you much at all~... And by "bother", I mean that she won't shrink or mess with your body for annoying her. (人◕ω◕)
Brandish has... a few kids. Only a few. See, whereas Cana has a more iron control, Brandi-chan does have a bit of a libido. It's rarer to see her pester Natsu about her "needs", but it does happen. (人◕ω◕) He gives very good massages~ Which often leads to bonking like monkeys. (人◕ω◕) ... But yeah, because it's rarer, and Brandi-chan doesn't have a drive for "moar", she's good with the few kids she has. (人◕ω◕)
As a mama, Brandi-chan is pretty chill. But she's not on "the list" for watching your kids because she allows way too much. (人◕ω◕) She's like last-last-last resort for babysitting. Brandish ensures the kids are loved, but she's all about letting kids experience life for themselves and learning what not to do on their own. (人◕ω◕) Very laissez-faire, this one~
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Juvia-chan is... same tier as Chelia and Meredy-chan. (人◕ω◕) Healthy amount of kids, makes sure Natsu-sama is loved every day (not talking about sex here, not exclusively)... She's got a bit of a jealous streak and is very, very vocal about being everyone's rival for Natsu-sama's affection. (人◕ω◕) Juvia-chan is also the one-woman army for creating Natsu-sama merch... which she tries so hard to keep to herself, but in this economy? (人◕ω◕) ... Well, truthfully, the other wives pay her handsomely for her merch, which is why she allowed the poachers to take any of her Collection. But the other wives know that Juvia is holding out on them. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
... Anyway. Healthy amount of kids. And she's a pretty good mama. She's like Chelia in that she knows love is about boundaries and sometimes requires discipline. Like Chelia, she's high on the list of mama's to go to for babysitting. (人◕ω◕)
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Meredy-chan is just like Juvia and Chelia. (人◕ω◕) ... In her chipper and loving personality, that is. Unfortunately, this is where we start hitting the wives that have... a lot of children with Natsu. (人◕ω◕);;; I can't put a number on this without getting into trouble. So I won't. (人◕ω◕) Just know that Meredy-chan has a libido that rivals even the mighty Sayla and Mirajane... My, my. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) And her Maguilty Sense helps remind her rival wives that pregnancy is.... a wonderful phenomenon. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) Only hurts a little bit. And Meredy-chan keeps. Getting. Preggo. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;;;;
But I digress. Meredy-chan is a good mama. Same level as Juvia and Chelia. (人◕ω◕) She's a little bit less stern than them, though. Because she leaves that discipline stuff to Auntie Ultear. (人◕ω◕) It doesn't help that all of her and Natsu's kids have the patented pink hair. The other wives are very jealous. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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Kagura-chan has what a lot of the other wives seem to lack. (人◕ω◕) Discipline. Self-control. (人◕ω◕) Kagura-chan has only a few kids, and she has come to accept this. She approves Cana-chan limiting herself to just the one, and wishes her own conviction was just as strong. ... But alas, Kagura-chan can't help how cute her and Natsu-kun's children are. So a few it is. (人◕ω◕)
As far as mamahood goes, Kagura is... on the stricter end of the spectrum. (人◕ω◕);;;;;; She has gentle moments, and she's not abusive. But she's definitely near the top of wives to leave your kids with, because she doesn't bend easily to puppy dog eyes or cheap tricks. (人◕ω◕) Kagura-chan teaches kids the value of Order and Diligence (training). (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) Kagura-chan's a good mum. She's just a little bit tough on the parenting thing. (人◕ω◕)
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Virgo, erm......... (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;;;; We're scraping the barrel of "reasonable expectations" by now.... Virgo isn't even a human, so she's built differently. Let her pop off to the Spirit World for an hour, and she'll pop back with fully charged batteries. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
... Virgo-chan has a lot of babies with Natsu-sama. A loooooot~.... (人◕ω◕);;; And that is all I will say on the matter.
In terms of mamahood, Virgo is a good one. But she's on that last-last-last resort list because of all her horny BDSM antics and her insistence on serving the needs of her Masters, Natsu and his gaggle of wives and all their children. (人◕ω◕);;;;; She allows far too much. Even if she's a wonderful mama. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;
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............... (人◕_◕)
(❋•‿•❋);;;;;;;;; Sayla-chan is same tier as Virgo in libido. I mean, she's a literal demon, what more do you want me to say? Sure, she'll exhaust herself to the point of reverting to a book, but give her an hour and she'll be right back up. (❋•‿•❋);;;;;;;;;;;
... So yes. Sayla-chan has a ton of kids, too. And only half of them have horns like she does. (❋•‿•❋) We can call that progress. Probably. (❋•‿•❋)
Despite how troublesome she is as a woman, Sayla-chan is a surprisingly decent mum. (人◕ω◕) She's mature. A bit aloof, a bit of a mean streak, a bit mischievous on her worst days... But she's dutiful because Natsu-sama is her Master. (人◕ω◕) And that means watching over their kids~... She's high on the list if you want someone to watch over your children. ... There's just a note of caution because Sayla is a demon, so leave it up to your discretion if you trust her or not. (人◕ω◕)
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Sorano-chan...... Now that we're hitting the Founders, I must stress we're entering the realm of the goddesses. (人◕ω◕) Every one of these ladies from hereon has..... copious amounts of kids. It's not just all the raw sex that they believe is the true, ideal way to savor Natsu, These four well and truly love Natsu Dragneel, flaws and all. (人◕ω◕)
Sorano-chan is....a fascinating mum. (人◕ω◕) You would think that she would be all fun, no control. But Sorano's style of parenting is to work and train hard so they can all have fun later. (人◕ω◕) She IS known to allow too much, which puts her on the naughty list of wives. Yet she has a curious amount of respect from the other wives because of her admittedly structured and mature way of parenting. (人◕ω◕) ... She just has a problem of partying too hard. That's her main critique, aside from the very obvious lack of clothes she doesn't wear on a regular basis. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;; Thankfully her children haven't picked up on Mama's "a bikini counts as everyday clothes" routine. (人◕ω◕);;;
The other wives can absolutely live without Sorano rubbing it in that she's not ALL bad as a Mama. It tends to step on every last nerve when Sorano-chan gets.....braggy.... (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;
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Ultear-chan.... Hoo, boy. What a woman. (人◕ω◕);;;;;; So don't spread it around too much, but Ultear has the distinguished honor of having taken Natsu's virginity. (人◕ω◕);;;;;; Believe me, she had stiff competition. But somehow Ultear snagged this high honor. ... And Erza are Mira have NEVER forgiven Ultear for this slight ever. (人◕ω◕);;;;; It, uh.... It gets a bit tense whenever Ultear reminisces on that little achievement. That's another way brawls get started. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;
Ultear has copious amounts of children. (人◕ω◕) She and Natsu have it down to an art form. Natsu openly admires her body, and that's something else Ultear tends to hold over the rest of the wives. Natsu's so often surrounded by beauty he doesn't comment much less give out hugs on sight. Ultear, though? Definitely can't stop hugging her. (人◕ω◕);;;; Although Ultear could live without the "still can't believe you're a real woman" comments. The whole Zalty snafu was YEARS ago, Natsu. (人◕ω◕);;;;;
But I digress. Ultear is a good mama. Has plenty of experience, looking after Meredy. She has a mischievous streak, but overall she's very balanced and mature. Doesn't let kids get too crazy or unsupervised. (人◕ω◕) She's high on "the list", but if you do choose to go to her for babysitting, prepare yourself to owe her a favor or pay exorbitant fees. Ultear-chan doesn't work for cheap. (人◕ω◕) Although she makes exceptions for emergencies. She's not heartless. She just wants some side money if you're going to be lazy about parenting. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) Much like Sorano and Yukino, Ultear's past trauma has inspired her to be a magnificent mother. \(人◕ω◕)/
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Mira-chan.... Ehehehe.... (人◕ω◕);;;;; So. She's got a reputation among the wives. Many love to hate her for her spunkier, meaner rival side. However, Mira-chan is absolutely an enormous threat as a wife and mother of Natsu's many kids. So many that are her own. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;; She can cook, she can clean, she's amazing at entertaining kids.... Mirajane is like the whole package. Barring her sadistic rivalry angle, Mira-chan is PERFECT. Too perfect. And it's just not fair. (人◕ω◕)
Mira-chan has an insane amount of kids with Natsu. Competing with Erza, Ultear, and Sorano. (人◕ω◕) You would think this kills her modeling career, but no.... If anything, the fact she's very much taken and is in very good shape between all the sex and training.... Mira-chan continues to maintain her gorgeous public image over the years, and the other wives just don't know HOW. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) She ages super gracefully, has oodles of charisma.... Sheesh. Angels must fall from heaven, cuz Mira-chan is so angelic all the time.... But everyone knows she's got a switch. And when it gets flipped.... You're boned. Very much boned. (人◕ω◕)
Mira-chan wormed her way into Natsu's heart over the years with her cooking and how she listened and talked with him so easily. Even when most others wrote him off as a kid at heart. (人◕ω◕) Mira always saw the diamond in the rough that he is, and she heavily invested in him. Even trained with him after getting her powers back. (人◕ω◕) Natsu is her equal in every way that matters, and she's not sorry for being greedy with him. That's HER pyro, dammit. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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Finally, Erza-chan. (人◕ω◕)
Same deal as Mira, Ultear, and Sorano. Insane level of kids, unapologetically territorial of HER pyro. (人◕ω◕) Missions, training, relaxing.... She does it all with Natsu and their family. (人◕ω◕) And just like Mira, she somehow finds the time to maintain her image and spot as the guild's disciplinarian and one of their aces. (人◕ω◕)
In terms of mamahood... Erza admittedly has to adapt to a learning curve. She didn't have it mastered right off the bat. However, like Mira and Ultear, Erza is diligent, hard-working. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) She might be awkward sometimes, but that's simmered down over the years. Natsu helped her mellow out, to find that happy medium between stern and having a good time. (人◕ω◕) Perhaps just as important, Erza will always have a special place in Natsu's heart, and it's a two way street. Natsu will always look up to and admire Erza. She's strong as hell, and she's fun to play around with.
... Even if she sometimes hurts. (人◕ω◕) But that's usually when he messes up. And that's okay~
Erza took a while to get parenting down, but she and Natsu learned it together. (人◕ω◕) Like Mira, she's at the top of the "list" for leaving your kids with her for babysitting. ... You just have to beg her to not go too crazy with collateral damage. (人◕ω◕) When Erza goes all-out, she goes all-out. Nuff said. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
What r ur thoughts on daemon x rhaenyra relationship
Daemyra nation, rise up! For how much I shit on these two, you wouldn't realise I actually like them. I am not immune to Tik Tok edits with Unholy in the background. The chemistry between the actors draws you in, that's a given.
[I am not going to get into a heavy-handed disclaimer about this not being a healthy relationship, because that's just been dissected to death by now.]
I have to admit that Ryan Condal's declaration that Daemon was maybe in love with Viserys and wanted to be intricately connected to him explains so much about his character. But, at the same, it's so jarring to see how the majority of the audience insisted on perceiving him; the lady asking the question is a perfect example, she felt "betrayed" by the scene of Daemon choking Rhaenyra because she really wanted Daemon to have a heroic arc. But that's just not who he is a character and that's reflected both in his fucked-up relationship with Rhaenyra and in the way the audience insists on ascribing them a dynamic of wholesome domestic fluff that just isn't there.
I really find it very interesting how many genderbending questions this show indirectly poses about the characters. Would Rhaenyra have been much happier had she been born a boy and could have, therefore, married Alicent herself? Would Daemon have been happier born a girl and married to Viserys? It makes a lot of sense for someone so intent on cannibalizing Viserys to move on to the closest person with whom he could possibly recreate that, i.e. Viserys' own daughter.
In many ways, Rhaenyra truly is the wife Daemon always wanted - a perfect Targaryen princess with Targaryen parents & Valyrian looks, who could give him unmistakably Targaryen sons, place him in close proximity to the throne & forever connect him to Viserys. And, in many ways, Daemon is the husband Rhaenyra always wanted - a provocative, intoxicating bad boy that is such an arsehole to anyone BUT HER. He's a teenage fantasy. *cue Katy Perry's Teenage Dream playing in the background* I have no doubt that they're sexually attracted to each other. That they even get along fine on a day-by-day basis.
But I would like to challenge Daemyra citizens on the following points. Overall, I think Rhaenyra is a much better partner to Daemon than he is to her, because Daemon invariably seems to bail out on her whenever things get tough:
He abandons her in the brothel. I mean, kudos for deciding not to take her maidenhead after all, I suppose, but how in the world is she supposed to get back to the Red Keep? Does she even know the way? She could get both discovered and/or assaulted. Does Daemon think this a thrilling possibility somehow - of something happening to Rhaenyra, but him not being directly responsible? Or does he only think of himself in that moment and of his need to get away?
He abandons her at the wedding brawl. She was just challenging him to abscond with her to Dragonstone and marry her. Wouldn't a commotion like this be the perfect opportunity to slip away? Why ditch her immediately and not even try to protect her at least? Isn't she the reason he came back from his exile in the first place?
He abandons her during the eye-gouging trial. Rhaenyra could have been in big trouble here and Daemon doesn't lift a finger to help her in any way. Even though he is one of the few people who could have actually had some input, considering his girls were also hurt. He could have diffused the situation or even backed her up a little - anything. I would have been terribly pissed with him if he simply materialized by my side after I'd have been cut with a knife & he just stood there smirking by the door. Even Matt Smith added that Daemon would have been happy just to see them all implode. The only explanation I can think of is that it's in Daemon's interest as well for the Strong boys to be called bastards, since he gets closer in the line of succession if they're disinherited.
He abandons her during her difficult labour and miscarriage. I understand he may have been triggered and I'm even willing to consider the deleted scenes with him mourning on the beach as proof that he was genuinely saddened by all this, but come on. Rhaenyra is crying out for him and he ignores her. He can hear her through the castle walls; it's cruel. At some point, you've got to man up and go to your screaming (and possibly dying) wife. Even Jace & Luke go and see her & they're teenagers! Even Viserys has the decency to stay in the birthing room with Aemma.*
The choking scene has been debated to death already.
There is, nevertheless, more to this. I'm not going to deny that he respects Rhaenyra, as much as he can respect anyone anyway. He gives her back the egg. He begrudgingly follows her lead on the bridge when they're facing Otto in the final episode. He moves to stop Ser Criston when he rushes to aid knifed-up Alicent. He crowns her. He cuts Vaemond's head in half - but is this just because he insulted Rhaenyra or was he just itching for violence and saw an opportunity?
I do feel like Rhaenyra has some terrible blind spots in relation to Daemon. The appeal of their relationship is that it's exciting and enticing and taboo, but, ultimately, it will break down because both of them have this idealized image of the other that neither lives up to. Rhaenyra thinks of herself as the perpetual exception for Daemon and, while I don't believe Daemon would ever truly give her up, he does seem the most comfortable recreating a dynamic in which he is the senior, worldly partner that can impress a young, guileless girl and be somewhat of a mentor to her (young!Rhaenyra, Nettles, even Mysaria was in an inferior social role). I don't think he knows how to handle a relationship of equals. He seems to struggle a lot with the idea of Rhaenyra topping the hierarchy.
*So many parallels with Viserys, actually. He stays with Aemma, holds her hand and even tries to comfort her, but decides to kill her for the baby anyway. Whereas Daemon doesn't go to Laena, but refuses to allow the surgeons to perform a cesarean on her. I feel like he would refuse it for Rhaenyra as well, but, then again, he prefers to keep away and not offer her any support.
I also wonder if Viserys doesn't mirror Daemon in his choice of bride, too. Daemon wants Rhaenyra as a way to always keep close to Viserys, but what if Viserys chose Alicent because she was Otto's daughter, as well? As a way of keeping close to his dear friend whom he cherished and respected. Isn't Viserys' fondness for his Hand another reason why Daemon has a bone to pick with Otto?
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
KATY- imagine this. Two idea✌️
Tasm Peter Parker bc it occurs to me New Yorkers either love or hate spiderman. Aside from the Bugle who else wants to take pictures of spiderman, fans. So I give you Peter sneaking up on r in costume after seeing them with their camera out.
He swung by pretty quickly but they managed a decent photo and thus slow burn ✨️friendship✨️ They both geek out over photography and Peter is lowkey their model (Imagine how estatic you would be to know spiderman of all people loves something just as much as you do). He shows them secluded spots knowing they would never exploit them for money or fame or whatever else.
R actually keeps all of their adventures with Pete a secret. A box of poloroids, prints, and so forth under their bed or smth cliche like that. A bonus to me is if they were in a bet to see who could capture spidey on camera and that's why they were out stalking following him around in the first place.
Prowler Hobie from another dimension. Hear me out, with a spiderperson r who's with our Hobie. Now it's not a love triangle type thing, it's just important to the plot.
R is sent to P Hobie's dimension on a mission from Miguel. Anomaly is captured, it's just another tuesday when out pops P Hobie who is not pleased to see another masked amateur trying to fight crime under the guise as "spiderman". He basically thinks they're a doppleganger until r stupidly says "Hobie?" mid battle.
R's confusion because 'huh it's my dork but emo' and P Hobie is 'my dead lover but not really?' He's quick to catch on to the dimesion hopping bc r does what his r did but in reverse?? He's also smart, that's our pookie.
They talk after calling a truce. R is stupid again bc she doesn't think sharing certain information is bad bc 'my pookie, what could he do wrong' He can do wrong, very wrong. I also excuse it with our Hobie's been off on missions for awhile so she misses him and P Hobie fills the void (NOT HEALTHY BEHAVIOR I CONDONE BUT PEOPLE HAVE FLAWS OK!?).
P Hobie has been working some time travel tech and r was the missing piece to completing it. So imagine r's surprise when on another mission they see him. R then realises what he's trying to do thus we have a spot 2.0 (Aka, trying to stop his r from dying).
They brawl literally in every other dimension but they can never best one another. When r finally gets a handle on the situation their watch breaks and P Hobie's device is dead too so now they both have to beat each other to the necesary tech to get back to where they need to be (...in my version they land in Gotham- the spiderman-dc crossovers have gotten to me).
All thoughts I had today :) anyway- how are you my lovely scrumdiddluptious pookie dookie bear?? 🤗
The first one is so soft aisnkwsjjqisjns I could just imagine peter photo bombing R with a lil ✌️ lol
Ahhhhh R is actually friends with Peter?!!! That's so cute! I bet Peter's having the time of his life hearing how R gushes about spider man lol
THE SECOND ONE 😲😲😲 Noooo friends to enemies! 😭 Our Hobie would go berserk when he finds out his R is missing in an unspecified dimension (cue batman and his robins helping out R mayhaps?) here's to p hobie redeeming himself 🥂 please?
I'm good, my sweet angel muah muah 😘 how are you?
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jaybutnotthebird · 11 months
Several times I said I'd like to explore the cat aspects of lackadaisy worldbuilding even tho aparently It's not canon. Here's an example:
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Aparently in cat society most people can't climb trees like cats in our world do or at least not as easily becouse It is seen as 'inapropiate' (in fact, even in a brawl fight using your claws is seen as not fair or just nasty, same as a kick to the groin so most people won't use their claws even when angry, they just ball their fists)
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kids climb on instinct and for fun just like human kids do but most parents, specially living in the city chastice them and make them stop so by the time they are fully grown most people can't do It anymore for several reasons:
They don't have the form, the muscles and tendons have grown weak and they themselves are heavier.
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When a cat person falls down and holds onto something they will use their claws but by then It feels unconfortable, like too much of a stretch and sometimes It can even hurt or feel shore afterwards
Not to mention claws need maintenance such as trimming so there are saloons for this
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Now of course there are exceptions to this: some kids, specially the ones who grow up in more rural áreas never stop climbing tho maybe they do lose a bit of form and can't do It so easily anymore
This is frowned upon: there is the misconception or steriotype that if you keep using your claws for things like climbing trees once you're grown you may also use them for other things, so maybe you are unhinged, out of control, dangerous, as if you could snap at any moment and claw someone across the face in a sudden fit of bad temper
But that is only a rumor: lots of cats will claw you during a bar fight but then they couldn't climb a tree to save their life, and many cats who still retain the hability to climb wouldn't harm a fly
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When the profesionals do It, they use everything but their claws, It seems they are reserved to the most petty, dessperated, ridiculous situations
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There are plenty of misconceptions about the issue, wich spread specially amongst children, like fat people out right not being able to climb becouse their claws couldn't hold the weight (not true, fat people can still be very active and have lots of muscle) or that loosing the hability to climb when you grow up is just a fact, kinda like loosing your baby teeth as you grow (again, not true but since claws shed It can sound convincing) some kids carry these misconceptions to adulthood, going as far as to believe that only some rare people retain the hability for some reason or that It has some kind of racial conexión
It is however, quite a spectacle, when most of the population have herd that some cats can climb trees but they don't know anyone who can, and they have no idea the extent of the hability they've lost, until they see someone actually doing It in front of them with such ease, as if it were nothing
I have several scenes planned with this premise: on one of them Jasper tries to show Wick how to fix his claws the natural way, in the bark of a tree to make them stronger... And It goes as follows
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...It gives him boarding school flashbacks
The whole thing would also depend in cultural influence, for example in martial arts there is a correct way to use your claws and a very common form of practice is to climb a very long, thin, smooth and straight log and meditate or do some stances while keeping balance at the top.
Sometimes the teacher or other studients will hit the log without warning to test the other's hability to adapt and keep balance, and when they eventually fall or have to get down the excercice turns into one of how to fall correctly
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It wasn't until the hippie movement and similar currents that sugested returning to a more natural life style that made It trendy to be able to climb trees again, saying things like that, ironically, climbing trees is good for you and adding to how good and healthy It is to love nature and save the trees
This whole headcanon of mine was inspired by one scene in Merri_mask's fanfiction, where Mordecai survives a fall by using his claws and these are left shore and broken, so he mentions he'll go to a saloon later
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Thank you for coming to yet another of my lackadaisy ted talks
@sedgewick-gayble @bloodhoundini @ultraviolet17 @crackadaisie @ladybugkisses
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xodarling · 4 months
I don't know a thing about overwatch (other than how it advanced technology through its porn or something), but please rant more.
ok so like the entire existence of the game is fucking abhorrent theres so many things to complain about idek 😊 but like since i mainly play dva, widow, kiriko im gonna complain in their pov. so like for tank, roadhogs ENTIRE existence is just hair pulling worthy and if the hog is good good u NEED an ana and/or kiri but SOME 😊 support players REFUSE to switch to someone good and then go cry ab how theyre tank is ass especially since the tank i play is dva and shes a dive/brawl tank u physically cannot dive with a hog cuz he just hooks u AND he can HEAL HIMSELF WTF i hate hog sm i cant even. also mauga AUUUHHH hes so annoying not nearly as bad as his meta (traumatizing) if u have an ana or some tank buster but hes still kinda annoying but vv rarely. also just fucking hate the counter swaps like u cant play tank and not counter if the enemy does
SPEAKING OF COUNTER SWAP OMG as a widow, sombra and genji are the bane of my existence and venture i fucking hate venture. i hate genji cuz im ass 🤭 genji is like so useless hes SO bad rn i just hate him cuz im petty. venture boops SM and they are such an annoying counter to widow its so ass maybe id like them more if theyre voice and face were more fucking pleasing. and sombra… u dont play ow but the best way to explain sombra is if u dont have a kiriko or a brig she is satan himself. she can go INVISIBLE she can take away ur abilities and she’s jsut really ass
and playing support really opens ur eyes at how stupid some people can be. ive had tanks FLY to the other side of the map and then complain i didnt heal them. and dps who have like 2 kills and 9 deaths say im ass when im like 15-5. but like in general junkrat is fucking annoying too but hes easily counterable so its ok HOWEVER 🤯 moira is the easiest character in the game and she does sm and for what?? reapers also annoying, did i mention roadhog, zen’s discord orb is one of the WORST things in the game rn, cass’ nade is so WACK, orisa is kinda annoying but she got nerfed so not anymore, mercy mains who are one tricks are fucking insufferable as well, hanzo’s lucky ass shots piss me off 2, THE TURRETS OMG. torb and sym turrets are so ass, not THAT ass since theyre easy to destroy but still.
AND BAP OMG BAPTISTE, why can a support do so much damage and heal sm at the same time?? and he was damage boost and invulnerability in the same kit?? what was blizzard cooking?? he is so annoying 🙄🙄 anyway sombra, bap, and hog mains biting the curb 4k. I HATE THIS GAME but i love so many of the characters to just drop it😓 the characters are amazing the only reason i havent stopped
i just realized the length of this.😦 i have a lot of hatred in my heart for this game. but sometimes its so fun especially when the entire lobby is silly, plays healthy characters and is good
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sepublic · 2 years
Kurahk’s Potential
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            Kurahk has the capability to be one of the most terrifying Rahkshi if you think about it, even more terrifying than the literal Rahkshi of Fear, Turahk. On the physical level, it could function like Jojo’s Survivor, or the church scene from Kingsman; Reducing everyone in an area into a mindless, raging, all-out brawl where nothing is held back and they senselessly beat each other to death, ignoring any pain and injury and going for even the most horrific blows because all inhibition has been overpowered by a berserk state. Even the closest friends can be found howling curses at each other as they snarl and bite…
         And could Kurahk also direct the target of your anger? Suddenly make you feel a lot angrier about a subject, a person, on your mind? Make everyone in a room fixate pure wrath onto one individual there in particular? Would a Stage 6 Kurahk have the power to make someone so deeply enraged towards themselves, they commit self-harm as an outlet?
         Not to mention, the emotional scars, since Kurahk IS a creature that targets that area specifically. Not just the trauma of an all-out massacre; The things it can make people say and admit under the influence of Anger. Even when the effect subsides, the memory of what they said lingers, as does the uncertain question; Surely you didn’t mean it, when you said that? And they agree they didn’t! But at the same time… Was that idea always there? And the Kurahk just emboldened them to admit it aloud? Does it create and/or amplify pre-existing feelings?
         The conflict could be so much more meaningful and personal than just people calling each other petty insults and corny puns about their elements. Kurahk could make you say things you can NEVER take back, and cause permanent damage in relationships that are strained forever; Make people hit hard and deep in emotional terms. Like…
         Can you imagine how unsettling it’d be for Pohatu, the most kind and compassionate Toa, the most cheerful one, to suddenly be reduced to a howling, cursing, frothing rage? Could you imagine Kurahk causing Pohatu to scream at Kopaka that he’s sick of him and his loner attitude actually; Pohatu isn’t going to waste any more of his energy on him, anymore. Kopaka wants to be alone, FINE, have fun being by yourself; Kopaka’s done nothing but push people away and now he’s finally succeeded with the one person who always stuck through!
         Even when Kurahk’s effect wears off, and Pohatu promises and swears he didn’t mean it… Well, perhaps the Shadow Toa from 2001 make their return after all. They emerge to the surface after having been absorbed and seemingly suppressed, made at peace with, and now Pohatu DOES struggle with his shadow self this time. Because Shadow Pohatu is literally the darkness inside of him taken form, and now a Kraahkan isn’t needed to make a new body for it, for Pohatu’s issues to manifest.  
         That stuff could really traumatize the Toa Nuva and their relationships, but them working through that could also cause them to emerge from the gauntlet, even stronger than ever. Because instead of angsting or moping, or letting Kurahk’s rage influence him; Maybe Kopaka DOES admit that yeah, he has an issue with putting up walls! Pushing people away! And he can’t take Pohatu’s patience for granted because it isn’t healthy to expect his friend to always put up with that, endlessly! So regardless of how much Pohatu meant it, it does make Kopaka reflect and admit that he DOES appreciate Pohatu, and actually put in the effort to openly reciprocate.
         Tahu apologizes for the stress he puts his teammates through, and confesses his own issues. And so on, and so forth; Because I think there’s a duality to anger, and how it can also be weirdly healing and opening, honest even, under the right circumstances. 99% of the time it just causes needless strife by Kurahk, but for those who really use this as an opportunity to vent and express themselves, it can force people to acknowledge an issue they’ve all been suppressing and ignoring, by bringing it to light. And that can result in an intervention that forces everyone to healthily tackle these root problems, and ultimately emerge even more united for it, rather than the other way around as Makuta intended.
        Obviously Bionicle is a kids’ franchise and 2003’s story was dumbed down around the more simplified, streamlined movie Mask of Light. But boy is there a lot of potential to really explore Makuta’s plans to destroy the unity of everyone, Toa and Matoran alike, via the power of Kurahk’s Anger. Something a lot more difficult to overcome than just “Sorry I called you a firespitter.”
        And that might bring something uncomfortably familiar to the Turaga, who could see their old conflicts reborn in the Toa Nuva. TL;DR Kurahk forces our protagonists to undergo a therapy arc or die in the process, what is this Silent Hill? It ends with Kurahk karmically suffering the collective, cathartic wrath of the Toa Nuva he’s tormented as they tear him apart or something. 
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dumbsmoothie · 5 months
I can't help but be curious on how you came up with the concept of Eir, especially for your fanfic One's Duty? Also do you have any head canons for Eir?
When we fought Titan, the first thing that I thought was, "Imagine being a normal person who is nearby." 😂 At first, (nameless) Eir was just a stand-in for conversations where I would joke about in-game events.
While Joshua was my favorite character, I was very underwhelmed with his certain parts of his story. He was lurking in the shadows, helping Clive, had been supposedly doing research for years--and for what? We didn't really learn anything about what he had actually been doing! It made a bit more sense when the Ultimania came out and confirmed that he had been in a coma for years, but it felt like insult to injury when he was blindsided in the end as well.
When I first saw Jote with him, I was so interested to learn more about her as well. A character that appears to be a cute gijinka of a Tonberry? Surely, I would learn more about her when we are reunited with Joshu--haha, no. I had thought that she had been older than Joshua and perhaps only served him while traveling due to her skill. When the Ultimania came out, we learned that not only was she much younger, but she had been serving him since she was a child herself. That made Joshua's actions seem a bit colder, but only because the game itself immediately drops her for the most part. The simple pat on the shoulder at the end is a bit unforgivable though. 😂
So, I started focusing a lot on what Joshua may have been doing, why Jote is the way she is, why their relationship is a bit weird, and so on. It was a bit dull, though. Clearly, Joshua had made progress at a snail's pace. Jote had willingly allowed herself to be locked in the friendzone.
That's when "normal person" became Eir. Not only did I want her to be a part of the journey, but I also wanted her to follow the game's theme of finding hope even in despair. She'd be a person who tries her best to smile to keep everyone else in high spirits because she knows how much the weight of depression can hurt.
Her backstory was created through trying to help make things make sense. "How would she meet Joshua?" She's an ordinary person, so it would have to be by chance. It'll be a little funny is she just runs right into him. "Why would he want to help her?" As shown with Mid, that gentlemanly side of him is still very much ingrained. "But he could just walk away after that." She is used to people being shitty, so she'd be a bit intrigued to talk to him, and he may be too polite to just walk away. "So, she'd be willing to trust him just like that?" No, that'd be boring too. Let's make her a Bearer, and she thinks she has met a fellow Bearer! She would have to be unbranded since she walks around freely, however. "How was she able to avoid being branded?" Cid, Martha, and others are proof that there are people willing to help Bearers.
That's when her "brother" and village were fleshed out. Those backstories helped shape her personality as well. They also helped me decide on her name! The goddess/valkyrie can be tied to medicine and healing. Her father had studied to be a doctor. She actually doesn't like her name all that much, which is why she had chosen many other names when tricking people. When she finally learns that it actually has meaning, she comes to appreciate it. With her "brother," I wanted to solidify that she is not one who will be willing to sit idly by when someone she cares for is throwing themselves in danger--which will help provide healthy tension between her and Joshua.
For the concept of her design, I wanted her to be cute or conventionally attractive. It needed to be believable that she could trick people! I also wanted her to struggle with it a little. She gets warm easily, so despite having long hair, she always ties it up. She wears a dress, but because she generally lacks poise and isn't afraid to brawl or climb trees, she wears shorts underneath. Since Joshua and Jote each had animals they were likened to, I gave her small "bunny ears." Despite trying to move forward, she is still stuck in the past by clinging to her "brother's" coat.
In general, I wanted her to be fun but balanced in as many ways as possible. I also wanted her to still be able to relate to both Joshua and Jote while also being different enough to explore other sides to them as well. I hope that it is coming across well in the story!
I'm honestly not sure if I have any head canons for her that won't be shown either in the story or on here at some point.
I apologize for the rambling, and I hope I answered the question enough! 😂
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daybreakrising · 11 months
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WARNING. some of these headcanons will contain or refer to SPOILERS from his story quest - i've put them all beneath a cut so if you haven't done his quest / don't want spoilers, don't look at those!
wrio fidgets. he can't sit or stand still for very long unless he's completely focused on something or in certain situations. some common fidgety behaviour includes his known habit of cracking his knuckles/flexing his fingers idly, tapping his foot, bouncing his knee, etc. he'll also fidget with stuff in his hands - pens, tools, gadgets, handcuffs. when standing still, he'll shift his weight around, change the position of his hands/arms, fidget with stuff on his clothes.
he hyperfocuses when it comes to work or something that's important to him for one reason or another. very frequently loses track of time whilst working (not helped by being underwater and having no visual clues in his office to the passage of time) and often needs to be reminded (usually by s.igewinne) to take breaks for rest or food. he usually only surfaces by himself when he has to brew more tea.
he finds music very calming and relaxing. he's usually got something playing when he's working in his office, but in particular if he's stressed he'll put on one of his favourite pieces and simply sit and listen - one of the few times he can be still and remain comfortable. s.igewinne has found him stretched out on his sofa, eyes closed and at peace, on more than one occasion.
as befitting the title given to him, wrio has a home in the overworld. he stays there on the occasions where he's in the Court of F.ontaine for longer periods of time, but despite its luxury and comfort, he finds he feels out of place there, and prefers the familiarity of his office lodgings in the Fortress. given that he's spent so much of his life below the surface, he doubts he'll ever be truly comfortable above ground.
although he appears to be a fairly reasonable man, he has his limits and there are hard lines he won't allow anyone to cross. it's sometimes easy to forget that the duke is a former convict when he's so fair and understanding to those he's responsible for, but there's a cold, harsh streak hidden beneath the veneer and he has no qualms about putting it into practice where necessary.
he took up boxing to find a healthy way to manage and confront his deep-rooted feelings of anger. during his earliest years in the Fortress, he was taken in by an older convict who taught him the right discipline and techniques, turning a kid used to brawling on the streets into a champion fighter in the ring. wrio keeps up that training and practice to this day & often goes a few rounds in the ring to relieve stress.
whilst the majority of his scars come from a lifetime of brawling and tinkering (and he's happy to tell the stories behind each one - though they're not always the truth), the ones on his throat/chest remain a mystery to everyone. if asked, he tells a variety of tales - which he always then reveals to be a lie at the end.
LAST WARNING. spoilers ahead.
wrio ran from his abusive home at the age of 10 and took to life on the streets. it was here he first learned to fight, out of necessity rather than desire, though these skills would certainly become useful to him years down the line.
he's always been a tinkerer, a boy interested in building and creating. after being on the streets for two years, he took up a new temporary home in the alley behind a workshop and used to rummage through the scrap bins for any parts to work with, just to keep himself sane and busy. the owner of the workshop eventually discovered this and took him on as an apprentice, giving him access to the workshop and all its tools and materials. this is where he built his first set of gauntlets.
he was convicted at the age of 14. as he admits later in life, at that time he was young and angry, and believed murder was the only way to save the children in that home, but he also doesn't regret what he did or how he did it, not if it meant sparing others from a cruel fate.
he was granted the title of Duke and claimed his position in the Fortress at the age of 26 (canon states 'his age had nearly doubled' from his sentencing), and has been the administrator for four years, putting his current age at 30.
he has a soft spot for children (orphans or those who have suffered/are suffering abuse in particular) and cannot abide any form of abuse directed towards them. he has no tolerance for adults who take advantage of a child in any form and openly treats them with disdain.
likewise, as seen in his story quest, he detests those who seek to steal a person's freedom, to control and manipulate them through whatever means, and to strip away their basic rights as individuals. these people receive his harshest treatment and trigger that cold, dark side of him that he normally keeps buried and under control. if he believes it to be for the good of everyone, he will have these people removed permanently.
he doesn't trust easily - understandable, given his past - but he doesn't shy away from certain facts of his history and will be honest if asked directly, though he'll typically give vague answers to those he keeps at a distance. only those he allows close get to know the details, if they wish to. he's not ashamed of who he is or what he's done, and he's worked hard to get where he is and atone for the crime he committed (however justified it was). he doesn't let his past control his future, but he knows better than to forget it entirely.
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minty-playhouse · 22 days
OK, but if I may ramble about daltwistle for a moment...
Putting this under a cut because it's just me basically telling you why they compel me so much, so if you're not interested or if you already know you can skip this, otherwise, let's go!
So what makes me crazy about them specifically is how wildly different they are when it comes to approaching their own problems and insecurities, and how that can mesh so well or catastrophically wrong.
Like it drives me up the wall thinking about Roger, who comes from a background where he’s expected to perform in the manliest of ways, already being at a disadvantage because of his short height, resorting to violence/aggression as his coping way, as his way to yes, to prove that he is a big burly guy, what of it?
Meanwhile John is an autistic only child who needs to prove themselves worthy over and over (to a parental figure that will probably never really care no matter how grandiose their achievement is) so he just becomes a character. He’s just masking his way through life, nothing wrong with that. You just need to remember to play your part all the time, no biggie.
So they are pretty much decided on who they are from the get go. Roger is short tempered and picks up fights and brawls all the time because that’s what guys are supposed to do, right? John tries to do every single thing under the sun to impress his unenthused stepdad, because that’s what’s expected right? For you to make your parents proud?
And I just think that while from a “feelings for each other” standpoint (because so far I’ve only been lying down the like base of who they are in my head when thinking these thoughts) John would accept what he feels much easier, since he was never really pressured to perform in any type of manly man setting - at least not to the same extend as Roger’s factory worker background – so OK. Also he’s friends with Pete who’s………… very not straight, which has been all but confirmed by him at this point, so John isn’t exactly shocked and appalled that he himself isn’t an example. He’s surprised it’s Roger of all people that instilled this feeling in him though.
Roger is fucking besides himself. All that perfect image of a guy you shouldn’t mess with, that he built upon for years, and for what? For him to throw it all away because some guy with gnarly teeth smirked at you a little weird and it made you feel weak in your knees for a split second?
And while I feel that John would accept his feelings easier, that doesn’t automatically means he’s just going to open up about them. His entire life was built upon “fake it till you make it” so honestly, he isn’t going to just go to Rog and say what he’s feeling, but nothing’s stopping him from looking and thinking. And besides, how pathetic, that a small shrimp like Rog would have any type of influence over him in any way.
((when the animosity between them as a band as a whole starts to simmer down they realize wow we were being really childish about all of that we really shouldn’t have made that so much more complicated, but I guess our backgrounds made it hard to express ourselves in healthy ways but let’s not unpack all that right now!))
I feel that in the short run Roger would be the first to crack because for all his macho demanding background, at least he just exploded with whoever was making him mad and got over it pretty much (which is a much healthier outlet than mr. “my entire persona is carefully crafted to please those around me”). He would probably think “OK, maybe if I just fucking do it maybe it’s out of my system and I can let this GO” because Roger hates having to keep shit bottled up. But at the same time this is shit he’s gotta keep bottled up because otherwise it’ll ruin his reputation. So yeah, he’s under a lot of stress thirsting over this weird goth guy who existed before goth guys were even a thing.
John would probably show way more vulnerability in the longer run. Like, with Roger there isn’t really much else. What you see is what you get pretty much. When he finally unties himself from people’s demands of him to perform like A Man, he goes “Wow, not sure what I was freaking out about, hah!”
Meanwhile John is a whole baggage that, while I’m not unpacking here because that could be it’s own post, would take eons to go through. Like yeah it’s all fun and games when it’s banging late at night at a hotel when drunk and high. Don’t really need to think about anything. And it’s nice when Roger compliments him. But whatever, he doesn’t really love Roger, it’s no big deal. It’s no big deal, he keeps telling himself.
John is almost scared about his feelings later because at first he thinks “Ah, this is a fling” but the feeling doesn’t go away. And the attachment is way more scary for John than the idea of being gay.
Like, did Roger fall for him, or for the perfectly manicured persona he put forth all these years?
But yeah, these are all things that they could solve if they spent like two minutes talking to each other like people, but instead they need to play this weird game with each other. Where they are in this limbo that’s not really a relationship, but just what are they anyway? They really don’t know, but they also wouldn’t trade this for anything.
I think that’s what compels me about them I guess =shrug emoji=
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size-two-shrimp · 1 year
Priest AU Lore Dump
This is a fun little AU that myself, @akantorrr, and @pit-of-feathers pretty regularly talk about, so not everything here is stuff I came up with. If either of you have anything you'd like add feel free :]
I've got characters, demon/angel lore, and a "plot" (there isn't one yet).
Characters + Their Lore
• Gabriel
Gabriel is a priest and expert exorcist living in a smallish town. He works under the Council in his local church. He covers as much skin as he possibly can at all times, often wearing veils, gloves, and other such items to do it. He is absolutely covered in scars, from demon and human hands alike. He, like nearly everyone else in his hometown, is unable to drive thanks to the ease of access of everything near him. He lives "alone."
When he was younger, before he even considered becoming a priest, the Council discovered his natural talent for exorcising all sorts of unholy beasts, and kindly adopted him into their church to learn more.
• V1
It is the first demon for Gabriel to ever be unable to banish, and was able to escape him and the rest of the Council. Until it showed up at his home to take its pound of flesh (or blood in its case), of course. From there it decided that Gabriel's blood was decent enough for it to stick around and torment him.
It is well known for it's gluttony, and happily tears apart whatever it feeds from. Along with that it is known for being extremely protective of whatever it is feeding from.
• Minos
One of the many demons Gabriel has exorcised in the past. After word spread about V1 defeating Gabriel, he decided to come check things out (after receiving platonic shovel talk from V1). After another failed exorcism from Gabriel, he also decided that his house seemed like the place to be. And he invited his friends (mhm, they are just friends.)
Minos is obviously a demon of lust, though he doesn't show it often. He's much kinder to those who donate their blood to him than V1 is.
• Sisyphus
Sisyphus is another demon that Gabriel had exorcised in the past, and one of the "friends" Minos invited over. After yet another failed exorcism (and brawl with V1), Sisyphus was allowed to stay too.
Sisyphus is known for his greed, and protectiveness of his people and things, not unlike a dragon and its hoard. Those who steal his things or hurt his people are swiftly and violently dealt with.
• V2
The last of Minos' "friends", and V1's sibling. They are mostly just around to spend time with their loved one's (and who would they be if they didn't join in on pestering this priest?). Their relationship with all of the demons in the house was enough to get them in with only a warning, and they were lucky enough to not have an exorcism attempted against them.
V2 is one prideful bastard, they need to be the best, do the most, and any defeat is simply a fluke. They take pride in keeping those they care about healthy. They are probably the weakest out of all of the demons, but don't say that to their face.
• Ferryman
The Ferryman has no relation to anyone in Gabriel's house, and, strangely enough, they are extremely polite. They have not been a demon for long, and, like Minos and Sisyphus, were once human. Everyone suspects that they simply did not have long enough to take on more demonic personality traits. They were allowed to stay, under constant supervision, until everyone simply stopped watching them due to their trust.
The Ferryman is very envious. They want the friendships others around them have, they want the strength or rank that others have. They attempt to channel their feelings into more positive ones, for example, rather than being jealous of V1 forever, they make the effort to accept it into their flock.
• The Council
The Council runs the cult with an iron fist, keeping everything from clothing to food to transportation inspected and commanded by them. Anyone they think may betray them is made an example of, and anyone they believe could be an asset is trained until they cannot anymore. They are extremely abusive towards those assets, and can be towards the more mundane members as well. Gabriel is the most valuable one to them, and he has been with them for most of his life.
Demons and Angels
• Demons
Demons are the most common supernatural species that people come into contact with. They can be hard to exorcise and near impossible for a human to kill. They're strong, fast, and can disguise themself as humans to humans if they so choose. Along with all of this, they tend to have traits that match up with the seven deadly sins. They can either be born as demons, or die and come back as one.
Demons are commonly found in the homes of (or bodies of, in the case of possession) people who actually believe they exist, which makes it hard to grasp the true number of demons active globally. They can also be very territorial of their places or protective of their people.
It should also be mentioned that they must consume blood to survive, however normal human food still contains vitamins and minerals and the like that they need.
• Angels
There's little known about angels at the moment. What is known is that they are holy, winged beings, and can be created in the same ways that demons can. They have been growing weaker over time as well. They do not feed on blood, however, to demons their blood is considered to be a delicacy thanks to its rarity and addictive flavor.
There isn't much of a plot at the moment, just a series of events that have a very very loose timeline.
To start, Gabriel gets called out somewhere to exorcise a demon. It's V1, he is unable to defeat it, and it ends up living with him to torment him. The rest of the gang shows up, and all of them (minus Ferryman) join in. Over time they grow to realize that something is very very wrong with this town, and get more attached to Gabriel.
At some point a pact is made between Gabriel and each of the demons. He will willingly give them his blood whenever and provide them with better accommodations, and they will not hurt any humans other than him. They all agree before quickly realizing how bad for Gabriel's health this is, and the pact is broken so he doesn't die of blood loss.
Eventually the Council discovers that Gabriel has been working with/housing the demons, and they are PISSED. He is made an example of and left to die in the snow out back, with the only parting words being about how Gabriel needs to prove his loyalty or leave. After a lot of deliberation and arguments with the demons, he decides to leave with them, and goes to live his best cottagecore life with his little pack of sinners.
Misc: Design Doodles
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Here's a little doodle I did of all 5 demons while working on the full reference of 'em. Sheep/ram Sisyphus, Minos: extra pointy, Ferryman but their robe is extra long, and mothchines (minus their fluff because this is an old screenshot). And then there's also the moth V2 art I did recently, which is probably the design I'm going with, though I forgot their halo.
For anyone who can't read my handwriting:
Under Sisyphus it says "what he'd wear eludes me lol"
Above V1 it says "parhelion halo?" and above V2 it says "glory halo?" Above the arrow it says "swap?"
In the wings under V1 it says "blue day" "comet" "comet" "blue day"
In the wings for V2 it says "cecropia" "comet" "comet" "cecropia"
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