#Why is he even taking it off so. You Know. like. @ the other Obsidian Eight members take NOTES. Besides Seiroku; you're doing great honey
yeonban · 7 months
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I can't focus on writing any metas for Soma right now because I keep staring at his chest likE BRO COVER UP I NEED TO CONCENTRATE!!!!!!!!!!!
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crispy0nion · 2 months
takes a deep breath. ik it hasn't even been a day but we need to talk about the umbrella academy season 4. obviously spoilers ahead. and a long, long fucking post full of complaints.
this season got me shinji chairing so hard. what the fuck. six episodes that last barely an hour each and all for THAT ending? don't get me wrong, the ending itself is... not the worst possible outcome, ig, but like. plot holes so big i can fit five's ego in there and still have spare space.
yeah, let's start from there. what the fuck was that? a half-assed five/lila romance was the last thing we needed. call me a hater, tell me i don't know how to appreciate complex stories, idc. that sucked ass. not only is it creepy in so many ways, but it also brought absolutely NOTHING to the story. "oh but if that didn't happen then five wouldn't have accidentally wandered into the station's coffee shop and met himself" I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!!! IT COULD'VE HAPPENED IN SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS!!!!!! AND FIVE KNOWS BETTER THAN TO THROW HANDS WITH HIS BROTHER OVER A GIRL WHILE THE REST OF THEIR SIBLINGS ARE FIGHTING THE DAMN BLOB OF DEATH!!!
moving on ig. i don't like how allison's past actions seemed to be simply forgotten. i know they acknowledge it a couple times and that it's been six years, but lord almighty she assaulted luther, got him killed, and betrayed her entire family for a father that never cared about any of them. i don't think i could forgive that so easily (i'm looking at you klaus).
about the plot holes. first off, i would've appreciated even just a slight explanation of what the fuck reginald and abigail are? are they aliens? are they robots? are they alien robots? also, side note, what the fuck did reginald even do to grace atp? did he create a robot in the image of a human lady or did he turn the human lady into a robot???? and back to abigail for a moment: ?????????? and also the obsidian hotel????? AMERICA EXPLAIN. EXPLAIN
more plot holes: the solution to the cleanse problem. five said that the only way to fix the timelines is to let the cleanse happen, aka absorb them, so that the marigold inside them is destroyed since that's what split the timelines, no? and they made a big deal out of lila leaving because they needed all of the marigold holders to partake in this. except that YOU EIGHT IDIOTS ARE NOT ALL THE OCTOBER 1ST KIDS IN THE WORLD. THERE'S MORE, THAT WAS LIKE 43 WOMEN WHO GAVE BIRTH YOU DUMB FUCKING CUNTS. WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER 35 KIDS. uhm. sorry about that. moving on.
did not like how jennifer's character was treated at all. no time to develop, no time to get us to know her. straight to the blob of death without even explaining what was going on. how did the durango end up in her body? who even created that anyways? how did she end up in a damn fucking giant squid? why was she talking about the cleanse? what the fuck? listen im sure the comics explain this and ik this show is supposed to be a bit... confusing and nonsensical, but this is info you can't just leave out. feels like lazy writing.
and how the fuck did the cleanse cult even know that this nonesense that a kid coming out of a squid was blabbering about was connected to them having dreams of other timelines? how the fuck did jean and gene know? what?
yk what, im also gonna throw in some more personal points of view in here. i did not understand a single thing about the timeline/universe/whatever they ended up in at the end of s3. is it a new universe? if so, why is everything the same and WHY is the timeline still fucked? and where's the academy in this timeline? does it not exist? why? why and how is abigail still alive? was she even dead in s1, on the moon? or was that a cryo capsule? if so, why keep her there?
and there's more folks! why did the timeline train not stop at lila and five's stop? that was random and never explained, and feels like lazy writing, again. or like an excuse to get a specific two people to mingle just to create an unnecessary and unwanted love triangle? perchance?
lastly, how can claire and lila and diego's children still exist if their parents were erased from existence? and since they still exist but their parents never did, how does it work? do lila's parents just look after these random kids? without reason? wouldn't not having existing parents at all create legal problems?
overall, i have a lot of issues with this season. it feels extremely rushed, and honestly quite boring in comparison to the other three. and the lack of explanations makes it so hard to enjoy because i'm busy being confused. im not so mad about the ending, i kinda saw it coming (my choice was between they all die or they get stuck in a loop), and I don't think it's necessarily a bad ending for a story like this one. i am a bit sad, yes, and i will miss these characters and regret the fact that they didn't get the lives they deserved, but i think it's an ok ending. not the best, but ok. but the rest of the season? ass. yet another show absolutely ruined by netflix's inability to see past money and actually produce a good ending instead of rushing things. peace ✌️
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deathfavor · 1 year
Anonymous said: seiroku, if you wouldn't mind killing most of the obsidian eight why are you aligning yourself with them? i can understand doing so when you had no other options, but you do now don't you? the date bushidan for one. i'm sure soma would be more than happy to have you around for the long run, he seems to hold you in very high regard. or do you not like it there either?
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   “  Life is like chess. You have to be willing to make sacrifices. There’s people and pieces I’m more inclined to let go of or kill for the greater benefit. Just like I’m sure you’d choose some bonds over others. Or, admittedly, because I just don’t like them or see them as useful.“  He leans his head back as he sits, listening to their questions. People certainly were curious, weren’t they? Not that he could blame them. It was natural to be curious.
   “  Why? My answer would change depending when you asked me. Although I guess it all still boils down to benefits. Why does anyone do anything?  “  He shakes his head.  “  Their actions happened to align with my goals when one of them found me. I made my choice then, there’s no undoing that.  “ His hand lifts to point at the collar around his throat. gleaming in the sunlight. A pretty noose made of silver, if he really thought about it  “ This doesn’t exactly allow for a choice. I don’t have control over it and I can’t take it off. Someone tried a long time ago and let me tell you, that was an ugly and messy sight to clean up.  “ Spoken with the upmost casual tone, as if it was common. Then again, the black dogs were known for their violence after all. A violence hat had only let the dormant beast in Seiroku’s chest awaken and grow more and more as time passed.
   His exhales, turning his gaze upwards to the sky. One day, it’d all be devoured.  “  Besides. There’s some perks to it still. The Black Kishin is rather generous to us in making us exempted from the fates of most. And not dying easily, cleaning out the bushi trash, things like that.  So it’s not all that bad. But I wouldn’t be heartbroken if most of them died. Lot of lone wolf types, or complete idolization and obsession. “  None of which were his cups of tea. That said, there were a few he would be saddened to lose should they one day flll in battle.
   “  The Dates?  “  His eyes slide shut with a chuckle.  “ I don’t really know what most of them think of me.  Even if Soma knew, you think he’d still be happy? Or do you mean if he never found out?”  It didn’t matter, not really. He’d always wear this collar it seemed, this was nothing beyond hypotheticals. The collar was one of the few things he did vehemently hate even if he never acted against it.. The moment he’d accepted membership, that fate was set.  “  ...They’re...not so bad.  “ He admits after a long pause.  “  But I still hate most bushi.  “  
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softboywriting · 3 years
Little Moments | Billy Russo
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Summary: Tension in familiarity leads to confessions after a terrifying event. [Billy Russo x Reader] [Violence] [Blood] [Gunshots] [Assistant!Reader] [Alternate Timeline - Castle family not mentioned/never happened] [Fluff] 
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: This is my first Billy Russo fic, we’ll see where this goes yeah?
Just over a year ago you took a position as an assistant with Anvil. The job wasn't too bad, basically you took care of paying the bills for the facility, keeping inventory of supplies and equipment, scheduling appointments and keeping track of who was deployed where and why while keeping tabs on them and their duties while on deployment from Anvil. You had done work like this before, managing in a grocery store in your early twenties. It wasn't all that different, just instead of managing products you managed people. No the job was not difficult but your boss. Well. He was something else. 
William "Billy" Russo was a force to be reckoned with. Intelligent, handsome, cunning. His smile could kill. His eyes...they were something all their own. To say Billy was attractive was an understatement. But attraction was only part of the problem. The other part is his sharp tongue, quick wit and dry sarcasm. A year of sharing an office with him had put you on edge. You never know what he would do next, what he would say next. Some days you wish you could fuck him right there in that expensive leather rolling chair behind his desk. Other's you want to rip his leg off and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. The two of you got close, going back and forth with playful banter almost daily. It's like you’re always on the edge of being something more, if one of you would just make the first move.
Things finally come to a head one day when you've got a particularly large workload on your plate and Billy has decided to go on one of his little rants about who knows what, you tune him out. He is always coming into the office and talking to himself. Maybe he is talking to you, but you rarely participate in the conversation. At first you thought he was on a call, using a headset or something, but no. He just talks, and he talks a lot.
"Can you shut up for five fucking minutes?" You snap, head pounding from eye strain. You've been at the computer for six hours now, and you're trying to transcribe a call from one of his units over in Turkey about a job. Billy's mindless chatter has gotten on your last nerve today. 
Billy stops, falling silent somewhere near his desk. The room becomes thick, heavy with tension as you both remain silent. You've never snapped at him, not seriously. You've told him to go fuck himself but in a playful way. This was too real. Too loaded. He's your boss. Fuck.
You're not one to apologize when you're not actually sorry though. You remain silent, knowing he expects you to say something. He wants you to take back your words but you won't. 
"How much work do you have left?" 
Your eyes flick from the screen to him. He looks flushed. Angry? No. His eyes hold no malice. He looks aroused. No way. A cold sweat runs down your back. He must be livid. "I'm transcribing a call right now then I have to make copies of some invoices, order new foam guards for the weight benches and-"
"Finish the call. Then go home."
"Yes, sir."
Billy pushes off his desk and exits the room, leaving the door open behind him. You know that he isn't happy with your little outburst. You just don't know why he won't say as much. He looks turned on if you didn't know better. Or do you? 
The rest of the call goes smoothly now you don't have to pause every few seconds to rewind and listen to it to make out exactly what the unit leader was saying over Billy's chatter. You wrap up and head out as you were told. On the way out you pass Billy with a few of his higher up employees.
"Good night, Mr. Russo." You say softly with a hand raised in a wave. You always call him by his last name around other people. It's not much of a gesture but you want to keep things calm and civil. He nods, face unreadable, and gives a little raise of his hand as well. More than you expected, and it puts you at ease that you might keep your job. 
"I'll have my assistant arrange the payment from you after the contract is finalized." 
You stop by the door to the meeting room to listen in. The men in the room with Billy are potential clients, men who want private security for multiple locations. You had greeted them when they arrived and showed them to the meeting room. They rubbed you the wrong way. You met a lot of men and women in your year at Anvil, a lot of different people from different walks of life. None of them made you as uncomfortable as these men had. You step away from the door and go to the office. If Billy wants to get in bed with them then let him. That's not your call.
"Let me grab the paperwork from my assistant." You hear through the closed door and Billy steps in, closing it behind him. "Can you give me a new client contract?" 
"Sure." You pull open the file drawer on your right and thumb through the papers. "They must be very promising work."
Billy leans on the side of the desk, quirking an eyebrow up at you. "What's got you so mouthy lately?" 
You cut him a glare and he chuckles. 
"You don't like them?"
"I'm not fond." 
"They feel wrong." You extract a thick booklet of paper and hand it to Billy. "But let's not pretend you care what I think, Mr. Russo."
Billy rolls his eyes at the formalities. "You know damn well I value your input just like I do from any other person who works for me. Talk to me."
You sit up and lean back in your chair, eyes on his, your heart pounding. He's looking at you so attentively it's hard to focus. Those eyes, so soft and warm staring back at you. Fuck. He could make you spill the truth about everything without trying. "They give me a bad feeling. The second I greeted them they just...felt bad? I can't explain it."
"We work with a lot of morally gray people in our line of business, sweetheart." Billy leans back, hands spreading out on the desk. His hands, fuck they're nice. "But I will never ignore a gut instinct."
"So you won't sign the contract with them?" 
"I'll do some more investigation before I do. Talk to a few friends in high places."
You nod and slide forward to sit at the computer, closer to him. What a mistake. You can smell his cologne, his heat is pouring into your knee beside his. It takes everything in you to keep your eyes forward on the computer. He reaches over and lays a hand on your shoulder, making your body flush with heat. Why did he have to touch you? 
"Yes?" You ask, sparing a quick glance up at him. Mistake. He's staring down at you with those beautiful obsidian eyes. God they're so big and he's such a-
"Thank you."
"For what?" 
"For telling me. You've never come to me like this before about a client. I like it."
"Oh. Well it's your business so-" 
Billy leans in close to your ear and you feel that cold sweat return from when you told him to shut up. This time it's not fear or panic, it's arousal? The closeness is getting to you, your head is swimming. "You're just as important to me as this company. Remember that." 
You nod.
"Couldn't hear you."
"Y-yeah. Yes. I will."
He pushes off the desk and slides the papers he had been leaning against closer to you before he picks up the contract and smacks it against his hand a few times. "Will you set up a meeting with the Rodgers Estate for later?"
You grab a pen and scribble it in your planner. "Got it Mr. Russo."
"One more thing." He says and you look up. His hand is on the door handle. "Have a drink and relax? You're a little wound up lately. And drop the Mr. Russo shit, call me Billy when we're alone. You know that." He smiles and gives you a wink before slipping out the door to meet the clients in the hall.  
A drink? You need a week off, a spa getaway and a new career. Billy Russo is driving you up a wall and he doesn't even see it. Or maybe he does. Shit. 
A week later. Just before eight in the morning you're settled into your desk, ready to start going through some new shipment invoices when you hear a commotion downstairs. It isn't unusual for the trainees to get out of hand from time to time, fights break out, things get heated. You dismiss it and go about your work. 
"Six new treadmills? What the hell are these people doing to them?" You sigh and type the invoice number for Sports Equipmentz LTD into your system. "Billy is gonna get an ear full for this one."
There is more comotion and you look at the closed door. Another fight? Billy doesn't stand for that kind of stuff on the training floor. He would have stopped it by now. Actually, no one should be in the facility except you and Billy this early. What the hell is that noise.
You push up from the desk and go to the window beside the door, peeking through the blinds. From what you can see nothing looks out of balance. Then you hear gunshots and your stomach churns, cold and sick. There is no live fire allowed in the facility. All firearm training is done off site. 
"Fuck." You flip the lock on the door and look around for something to barricade the floor to ceiling window beside the door. There is nothing you can move alone. You flip off the light and head to your desk, grab your phone and dial Billy's number. 
No answer. You sink down under the desk and pull the chair in close. Maybe if someone does get in they will think the office is empty and move on since the desk looks unused. You reach over and shut down the computer tower, then reach up and pull down all your paperwork to clear the desk. 
Thumping from the bathroom on the other side of the office makes your heart pound. Someone is on the upper floor with you. A gunshot. Tears well up in your eyes. Why didn't you let Billy get you a conceal and carry? Why didn't you do that gun training six months ago? Because you're afraid of guns and you couldn't trust yourself not to hurt someone on accident. Fuck. Fuck! 
The door handle jiggles. You cover your mouth and try dialing Billy again. The phone disconnects as soon as it rings once. Goes straight to a voicemail. You can't remember if he is with a client today. There are voices outside the door, then a gunshot so loud you know it's just on the other side. You close your eyes, press your face into your knees and try to imagine you are invisible. 
The door opens, not with a kick, but unlocked and you can't breathe. You can't move. They're moving around the room. Billy's desk first. Papers are rustled, then the footsteps grow closer. You shrink yourself smaller, arms in pain from holding your knees so tight. 
"If they took you, I swear to God I will-...there you are." 
You look up and Billy is knelt down, arm on the desk as he looks at you. He's a fucking mess of what you can only assume is blood and God knows what. "Billy, oh god for fucks sake." You cry and he shoves the chair away to pull you out onto his lap. 
Never have you clung to someone so hard in your entire life. You press your face into his neck, hand digging into his back harshly as you cry in relief. 
His hand slides up your back and cradles your ribs on the left. "Hey, hey." He murmurs softly and you stop crying so hard. " What did I promise you when I hired you?" 
"That I would be safe. That no matter what I would be safe and a-all I had to do was paperw-work." 
"That's right." Billy pulls you back gently, tugging your shirt to guide you. He looks horrible, but none of it seems to be from his own injuries. "Aw, fuck. You're a mess now." 
You look down at your shirt and it's got blood on it. "Oh god. Oh god wh-who..."
Billy shakes his head. "Don't think about it too much." He presses a kiss to your temple, hand on the back of your head. "Close your eyes, don't look at it."
"What happened?" 
"I'll tell you later."
"I didn't know what to do."
"Hey, no, no shh. You were a good girl. You stayed quiet, stayed down and locked the door." He rubs your back and pats your side. "We're going to get out of here and I'll handle the situation from the apartment."
You nod and peek your eyes open for a second. "It's bad out there isn't it?" 
"It's not pretty. I'll get you outside and we'll get out of here, don't worry." 
You had never been to Billy's place. Never had a reason to go. It's more industrial than you expected, modern industrial chic. Posh. Very expensive obviously, but that was Billy. Well dressed, well spoken. He looked the part to play the part. 
He set you up in a large bathroom and gave you clothes, a shirt and a pair of pajama pants. They might fit alright, Billy is quite a bit slimmer than you are in the hips and thighs. 
You look in the mirror and clench your jaw. Your peachy colored blouse is ruined, your sweater is fucked. Your face. God your face has someone else's blood on it. Across your cheek and nose where you had pressed your face into Billy's neck. 
There is a pile of washcloths and you grab a few, soaking them and scrubbing at your skin. You pull your clothes off fervently, desperate to be clean of strange blood. The shower is large, open and ready to be used. So you do. You get in and turn the water on and sit on the floor, processing. It was all a blur. Everything happened so fast. Was it even real?
Some time passes and you see the door open. The water is getting lukewarm as it cascades over your skin. You don't even care if he sees you naked you're so out of your own head. 
"I'm going to head to Anvil. The police have arrived to investigate the break in."
"Okay." You croak, not looking away from the wall opposite you.
"You can stay." Billy walks into the room and leans over the shower to turn the water off. He squats down beside you and offers you a towel from the warmer by the toilet. "Mind getting out of there for me?"
"Billy, what happened?" You look over at him and he looks...normal. He's in a blue sweater, dark jeans, boots. It's the most casual you've ever seen him. He's always been a suit man to you. Here he looks like a guy you'd meet at a bar and share a few beers with. The guy you'd take home and laugh about jokes with from stupid comedian on TV. It's strange, but warming. 
He helps you up and wraps you in the fluffy gray towel. "Your feeling? About the clients I met with?" 
"You were right." He slicks your hair back off of your face. "They got wind that I was looking further into why they wanted my employees. It was for a human trafficking operation. I don't do human trafficking, and I was going to decline the offer. Some snitch at the Rodgers Estate let it out that I was asking questions. I guess they thought they could clear their tracks by killing me."
"Mmm. I didn't think they would do something in broad daylight but here we are. Amatures." Billy steps back and runs a hand over his hair. "I called the police, said that I got a notification that the building had been beached through an unauthorized entrance. It's not a lie. Technically they did. Thankfully I wasn't there."
You step out of the shower and grab the clothes he gave you from the counter. "But you were. You...you killed those men." 
"No, I incapacitated them." He crosses his arms and pulls his lower lip between his teeth. "It was me and you or them. We were the only ones in that facility. I wasn't going to let them hurt you."
"H-how do you explain that?" You sit on the toilet and Billy leans on the doorframe. "What if-" 
"That's my job sweetheart. You worry about yourself, here. I gotta go meet the cops." He pats the wood a few times and looks out into the hall. "Call me if you need anything. I promise I'll answer no matter what."
You nod. 
"I'll be back later."
Hours pass and you become familiar with the apartment. It's huge, the penthouse of a very expensive building downtown. It has two bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen and dining area, a living room, a balcony that wraps around and has a fire pit and a small private pool. It's more luxury than you could ever afford. Not that Anvil doesn't pay well, because it does. This is just far more than you could ever make. 
In Billy's room there aren't any personal touches. It's clean, picture perfect even. Like at any moment someone could come and take photos to sell the place. There is a picture on his bedside table, the only thing that isn't straight from a design catalog. It's you and Billy with a few investors. Your first meeting he ever brought you to. How could you forget? He bought you the dress literally an hour before the meeting because yours ripped in the back. It was possibly the most embarrassing thing you've ever done in front of a boss. He didn't make you feel bad or anything, he simply asked your size, stopped at a shop on the way to the dinner and got you a dress. It was just that easy, that normal. 
You set the photo down and lay back. Your eyes close and you imagine what Billy is like outside of work. Of course you've gotten a taste of that, all the banter and shared stories. Nothing too deep but enough to keep conversation going. You probably shared more than him, way more. It was like when you started talking to someone you couldn't stop. You just, information overload the poor person. Usually people get spooked away, or they tell you that they don't care or don't need to know. Not Billy. He just listened, gaze fixed on you while you talked. Maybe that's why you like him so much. He listened. He cared. 
You roll over and open your eyes to find Billy in the doorway to his room. "You're back. I didn't hear you come in?" 
"There is a bed in the other room y'know?" He chuckles as he goes to sit at the end of the bed and pull his boots off. "Or do you just like mine because it's bigger?" 
"Oh yeah, yours is much bigger. Comfier too." 
He hums. "Go through all my shit?" 
"You know it." 
"There's my girl." He looks back and he's smiling. "I was getting worried about you. You seemed pretty shaken up."
You sigh and shake your head. Of course Billy doesn't think about how you've never been in a dangerous situation short of falling from a tree when you were ten. To him gunfire and blood were in a day's work as an ex marine special operations. "I think I'd be more worried about you."
Billy turns and crawls up the bed, leaning with his head on his hand, elbow propping him up. "Why's that?" 
"Been a while since you saw live action hasn't it? You're not worried about PTSD?"
"I've seen plenty of action since I got out. I know the risk I take running the company I do. It hasn't happened before now but it was bound to eventually."
"Right, yeah."
"Do I scare you?" 
You shake your head. "No, not really. I know you've done things, seen things that I couldn't even imagine. It's part of who you are, who you were." 
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that. It was them or us. You know that right?" 
"Y-yeah. I know." You pick at the bedspread and he bumps his hand against your knee. 
"You alright? I tried to keep you...away from it. I know you aren't like everyone else."
"I'm not ex military you mean." You feel your chest tighten. "I'm a civilian. I can't defend myself." 
Billy sits up and lays a hand on your back. "Hey, hey."
"I shouldn't stay at Anvil. I should just go somewhere else. I can't do this, Billy, I'm scared what if this happened again?" Tears spill over and down your face. "I-I can't." 
"I will never let anything happen to you." He turns your face to look at him. He's warm, his lips plush, eyes on yours. "You can work from home if you want. I'll stop by and bother you and make you tell me to shut up." He smiles a little as your lips turn up at the telling him to shut up part. "You like that?"
"I don't know, but I think you do." 
Billy laughs softly, his smile wide. "Maybe I do. You noticed that?" 
"Maybe." You wipe your eyes and he brushes a stray tear away with his thumb. "Why do you care so much? I'm just your assistant." 
"Because I love you."
"W-what?" You hiccup as your breathing stops for a moment. 
"You're like family. I trust you with everything, I tell you everything, you're my girl." Billy runs a hand through your hair. "I can't lose you." 
"I don't-...I'm just-" 
His lips press against yours and your eyes fall closed. It's an innocent kiss, soft and loving. "If I read this wrong all this time, you gotta tell me." He murmurs, head pressed to yours. 
"No, you didn't. I just, you just caught me off guard." 
"Yeah?" He smiles, nose scrunching up against yours. He places his fingers under your chin and tilts your head up to kiss you again briefly. "You're sure it's okay?" 
You nod and he pulls back to kiss your temple, holding his nose to your hair and cradling the back of your head. 
"Get some rest, I've got some calls to make." He climbs off the bed and heads for the door. 
"Are you leaving?" 
He walks back quickly and kisses your cheek. "I mean it. Get some rest."
"I would if you'd just go already."
"Oh. You think you can just get rid of me?" He crawls back on the bed and you fall back as he straddles your hips. "You think you can boss me around huh?" He starts tickling your sides and you squeal, thrashing under his surprisingly strong hold. 
"Stop! Stop! I yield!" 
Billy stops and bends over, bracketing your head with his arms. "I knew you'd be fun to torment outside of that stuffy office." 
"I hate tickling." 
"Oh that's very obvious. I've made a mental note, highlighted it in yellow and everything." He bumps his nose against yours. "I'm gonna find everything that makes you tick." 
You reach up and run a hand over his hair that's flopping forward from lack of product. "Expect to get as much as you give." 
"Oh I do." His lips ghost over yours as he speaks. "I look forward to it." 
You shove his head to the side and he flops over. "Don't you have calls to make?" 
"Go make your calls. I'm going to stink up your bed and rifle through your drawers more." 
"I expect no less." He says, getting up and going to the door once more. "Let me know if you find anything you like, yeah?" 
"Get out!" 
He just cackles and you close your eyes. This is really happening. Funny how the world works in mysterious ways. You never thought you'd be the one to snatch Billy Russo off the market but here you are, and you're pretty damn proud of it. 
The end 
Header image by delicate-venus
Thank you so much for reading, please reblog to support content creators. -A
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zintranslations · 3 years
Kaleidoscope of Death, Ch. 119
Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu Link to Chinese / Novel Updates
Chapter 119: Real Life
There were a total of eight chests in the kitchen. Xiao Ji had opened three, and Xiao Mei had opened three. There were two left.
Lin Qiushi went and gave these two chests a listen, confirming that one chest had something inside and the other was empty.
After the contents of the chests were confirmed, things got a lot easier. Lin Qiushi opened the empty chest and made sure the tunnel wasn't inside. Then beside him, Ruan Nanzhu used the wooden stake in his hands on the other chest. He stabbed the stake straight through the top of the chest and then used a dining room stool as a hammer, pounding the stake in inch by inch.
Following the stake's puncturing, an awful scream came from inside the chest. Large quantities of bright red blood seeped forth from the top, soaking the black wood through.
This was a cry they'd heard many times before—the cry of the Hako Onna. It was just that this time, her crying felt somewhat more wretched. Those standing around the chest listened on, silent and numb.
They were already used to death. Facing the Hako Onna once more, their senses of fright had already been sanded down flat. Luck was too large a component of this game; had they not been able to find the wooden stake, or had they not met the self-sacrificing Xiao Mei, this matter likely would've involved a lot more twists and turns, as well as several more victims.
Compared to when they first came in, there was more exhaustion on everybody's faces.
Ruan Nanzhu held Lin Qiushi's hand and stood in front of the wooden chest, listening as the cries inside got weaker and weaker.
"Who's opening it?" Sun Yuanzhou's companion asked once the crying died down.
"I'll do it," Sun Yuanzhou said. "We've been under your care these past few days."
He obviously had some lifesaver item as well. Had Ruan Nanzhu not expended the Hako Onna's power cards, more people likely would've died.
He took a step forward and grabbed hold of the chest. With a light application of force, he lifted the lid.
When he did so everybody held their breaths, but it was about as they expected—the Hako Onna inside the chest had disappeared, leaving behind only a puddle of blood. Behind the blood was a dark cavity, and at the bottom of that cavity there was a long set of stairs leading off into the distance.
The group entered the tunnel and followed the stairs all the way down.
Finally, at the end of the stairs, they saw a black metal door.
Ruan Nanzhu brought out the key, stepped forward, and opened the door. After it opened, he picked up the fallen hint slip.
And so the tenth door ended just like that. Both Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi got out safely and took the tenth door's hint slip with them.
Before taking off, Sun Yuanzhou tactfully expressed to Ruan Nanzhu a desire to work with them again.
Ruan Nanzhu was noncommittal and only took down his contact information. After that, he and Lin Qiushi followed that glowing tunnel into the real world.
Coming back to reality and getting to breathe this air again, Lin Qiushi once again felt the beauty of being alive. He rushed up the stairs, only to find Ruan Nanzhu standing at the other end like he'd just been ready to come down.
Then the two wordlessly caught each other in a hug, taking in the heat that emanated from each other's bodies. Only this way could they be certain that they'd survived the door.
Cheng Qianli just happened to be passing by, and when he saw the two wrapped around each other, he could only swallow the dog food and mutter about how it was the middle of the day, and he was a minor, could you guys please check yourselves.
Ruan Nanzhu shot him a glare and Cheng Qianli scampered away.
"Did you get the hint?" Lin Qiushi asked Ruan Nanzhu.
"I got it," Ruan Nanzhu answered.
"How does it compare to the one you got last time?"
Ruan Nanzhu thought for a moment and, without answering, took the hint slip from his pocket to hand to Lin Qiushi. Lin Qiushi took the hint and read the words on it, expression turning into one of consternation. On the tiny paper hint slip, there were only two words written: No Solution.
"How could this be?!" Lin Qiushi asked, stunned.
From the first through tenth door, the hint that each door offered provided them with some information. But the hint to the eleventh door was somehow "no solution."
He glanced up at Ruan Nanzhu. "The one you got before is the same?"
"Mh," Ruan Nanzhu nodded.
This was why he went through the tenth door again, because the hint he'd gotten last time was utterly useless and wasn't of any help at all.
The eleventh door did not provide them with a hint for use; the hint slip this time proved it hadn't been an anomaly.
Looking at the hint, Lin Qiushi's heart sank. But after some thought, he told Ruan Nanzhu: "That's okay. As long as I'm with you, I don’t feel so scared."
Ruan Nanzhu couldn't help but grin, pressing a kiss to Lin Qiushi's forehead.
Though the eleventh door's hint slip was a heavy weight to bear, they had to go on living.
That night, Lin Qiushi saw a piece of news on the television. It said that there had been a serious car accident downtown, and that a bus carrying more than a dozen people drove right off the bridge, resulting in six deaths and over twenty injuries.
In the list of fatalities, Lin Qiushi saw a young man named Li Bomei. It reminded him of something, and he let out a soft breath.
At least Xiao Mei and her lover had one last chance to say goodbye. In reality, they could hold each other and die happy. They might have even been able to give each other one gentle kiss, and make promises for the next life.
Ruan Nanzhu understood as well, but he picked up the remote and changed the channel.
"It's always worse to be the one left behind," Lin Qiushi said. "It's much better if they could leave together."
"It's hard to let that happen though," Ruan Nanzhu said. It was hard to let a lover die; you only hoped he could live on happily.
Lin Qiushi turned around to look at him.
"Then have you thought of the fact that once you come out, you have to face your lover leaving a second time?" And you had to see him die right in front of you. That was surely a bit too cruel.
Though Ruan Nanzhu's voice was faint, he agreed with what Lin Qiushi said.
There was a long time still between the tenth and the eleventh doors. They didn't have to be in a hurry.
But in a few more months, Cheng Yixie and Cheng Qianli would be going into their tenth door.
That was why in this period of time, Lin Qiushi basically didn't see the twins at all. It seemed that Cheng Yixie was taking Cheng Qianli through a crazy amount of doors, so many that Cheng Yixie nearly lost his mind.
"Uwaaa why me," Cheng Qianli wept in complaint to Lin Qiushi. "My brother's taking me through a door every three days, I really can't take it anymore!"
Lin Qiushi watched him in sympathy.
"Go on, don't worry about it. I'll take care of Toast for you," he said while he petted Toast's fat little butt.
Cheng Qianli had more to say, but Cheng Yixie came and whisked him away. Watching these brothers, Lin Qiushi thought this was quite funny.
Due to Ruan Nanzhu's presence, Obsidian had always commanded high prices and huge quantities of commissions. Countless people wanted to hire Ruan Nanzhu to take them through their doors.
Gu Longming contacted Lin Qiushi over the internet with a tactful message about how he would like to join Obsidian.
Once Lin Qiushi received Gu Longming's intentions, he went and spoke to Ruan Nanzhu about it.
"What are your thoughts?" Ruan Nanzhu asked Lin Qiushi.
"I think he's got a lot of potential." Lin Qiushi spoke his assessment of Gu Longming. "He's a good seed."
Ruan Nanzhu gave it some thought.
"When's his sixth door?"
"The beginning of next year, I think." Lin Qiushi made some simple calculations. "It should be around new years exactly."
"Don't give him an answer yet," Ruan Nanzhu said. "I want to meet him inside the doors first."
It wouldn't be too late to bring Gu Longming into Obsidian after he made certain Gu Longming had the qualifications. Not just anyone could join Obsidian, after all.
For a while, the mansion stayed busy. Those who did gigs did their gigs and those who trained trained. Only Lin Qiushi had absolutely nothing to do. At first he'd wanted to take some jobs from the forum, but Ruan Nanzhu had stopped him, telling him to wait until after the new year to take jobs. He ought to take this time to rest and replenish his spirits.
When December came, the weather grew cold. A snowstorm came about ten days in.
The heater was on inside the mansion, and Lin Qiushi was curled up on the couch, nodding off.
He didn't know where Ruan Nanzhu had gone off too. Ruan Nanzhu had been busy recently. It seemed to have something to do with White Deer.
Zhuang Rujiao returned to the mansion with snowflakes on her shoulders and hair. When Lin Qiushi heard noise, he looked up, saw her covered in snow, and asked, "you didn't bring an umbrella?"
"I didn't think it'd snow," Zhuang Rujiao said.
At this point, Lin Qiushi could see no hint of Xia Rubei on Zhuang Rujiao still. That cute, innocent scaredy-cat of a girl seemed to have been an illusion; only the woman before him now with the distant eyes was real.
"Something's happened at White Deer," Zhuang Rujiao spoke as she wiped her hair with a towel. "Jin Yurui is dead."
She announced Jin Yurui's death like she was talking about a matter of no importance at all.
Jin Yurui was the one who took over as White Deer's leader after Li Dongyuan's death. Lin Qiushi had only met her once before, and didn't think that she'd be gone not so long after.
"Because of a door?" Lin Qiushi asked.
"Mh," Zhuang Rujiao said. "I'm leaving." She picked up the hot tea on the table, taking a slow and neat sip. "I'll be the leader over at White Deer."
Lin Qiushi: "Can you do it?"
Zhuang Rujiao laughed: "I've got to, even if I can't. You have Ruan Nanzhu to protect you. The one protecting me is gone."
Lin Qiushi was silent.
"I really do envy you two. If I'd been able to become like you sooner, then he might not be dead." Zhuang Rujiao was talking about Li Dongyuan. "But the world never does sell medicine for regrets. I've been in your care these past months, thank you."
Though she'd lived at Obsidian for a while, she'd never truly become part of the group. Clearly, she'd anticipated leaving one day.
Lin Qiushi: "I hope everything goes well."
"Mh," Zhuang Rujiao said. "I'll take your well wishes."
After that, she went upstairs to pack up her stuff. Lin Qiushi went to the doorway and saw through the french windows that Ruan Nanzhu was back as well. Ruan Nanzhu wasn't coming inside though, only stood silently by the car at the front door.
White snowflakes fell on his raven-black hair, and his dark eyes were looking slightly down. His pretty lips were pressed together in a thin, taut line.
Lin Qiushi called out: "Ruan Nanzhu."
Ruan Nanzhu glanced up, and the corners of his mouth flicked up just for Lin Qiushi. Smiling sentiment tinted his eyes—nothing too strong, but plenty enough to warm Lin Qiushi's chest.
Lin Qiushi fetched an umbrella from the side of the door and went outside, opening it beside Ruan Nanzhu.
"Why don't you have an umbrella?"
Snow in the south was different from snow in the north; once fallen, it melted easily on a person. Ruan Nanzhu's shoulders and hair, therefore, all bore traces of wetness.
Ruan Nanzhu: "I forgot."
Lin Qiushi: "Are you driving her there?"
"Mh," Ruan Nanzhu nodded.
"What's the situation like at White Deer?" Lin Qiushi felt that things weren't actually so simple.
"Not great," Ruan Nanzhu said. "I'm not sure if she'll be able to hold it down."
Changing leaders twice in a row was not a good thing for White Deer. Had it been the Zhuang Rujiao of the past, then Ruan Nanzhu would definitely have not agreed to let her go. Now, however, Ruan Nanzhu chose to respect Zhuang Rujiao's wishes. Though Li Dongyuan wanted Zhuang Rujiao to live on well, did this sort of living at some point become a kind of torment?
This was a lesson that Lin Qiushi had taught Ruan Nanzhu, at least.
Zhuang Rujiao quickly packed up her stuff and came out. She did not have much with her; whether coming or going, she seemed like just a passerby.
"Safe travels," Lin Qiushi said to her.
"Thank you," Zhuang Rujiao replied, getting into Ruan Nanzhu's car.
So Lin Qiushi stood under the umbrella and watched as the car disappeared into the snowy distance.
This was the last time he'd see Zhuang Rujiao. Later, he'd learn from Ruan Nanzhu that Zhuang Rujiao did manage to hold White Deer down. She'd perfectly inherit Li Dongyuan's legacy.
"Did she kill Jin Yurui?" Lin Qiushi would ask Ruan Nanzhu when the time came.
"I don't know," Ruan Nanzhu would say. "I'm not sure, so I can't say either way. However, Jin Yurui did fail in a door that she and Zhuang Rujiao were passing together."
"Oh," Lin Qiushi said. "Then how did Li Dongyuan die?"
"Zhuang Rujiao says it has something to do with Jin Yurui. As for the truth, I don't know that either."
Not long after Zhuang Rujiao left, the new year came around. But because Cheng Yixie and Cheng Qianli were entering a door after the new year, they didn't go very over-the-top with this year's celebrations. The twins who usually headed home didn't go this time either, instead seizing the time to train on more doors.
Gu Longming's sixth door would be after the new year, around the tenth or so. When he learned that Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu were going into his sixth door with him, he was naturally ecstatic.
But Ruan Nanzhu still made it clear to him that they could not be protecting Gu Longming this time, nor could they make any guarantees about Gu Longming's survival, so Gu Longming should prepare himself for any incidents. Reading between the lines, he was basically telling Gu Longming to prepare a will, in case when the time came he’d come out the door, die, and have nothing arranged.
Gu Longming was shocked by how blunt this girl Zhu Meng was, and said Linlin ah, is this your girlfriend?
Lin Qiushi thought for a bit before answering yeah.
Gu Longming: "She's going in with us this time?"
Lin Qiushi: "Yes."
Gu Longming: "Is she good then?"
Lin Qiushi: "Better than me."
Gu Longming nodded, thinking that if she was better than Lin Qiushi, then she really must be amazing. And so he grew much happier.
As for the sixth door's hint, Ruan Nanzhu would be providing it. It was still being selected, and Lin Qiushi wasn't too worried.
The few days around the new year, the mansion was particularly lively.
Cheng Qianli finally got a couple of days off from Cheng Yixie, brazenly dragging Lin Qiushi with him to buy a bunch of fireworks in secret.
Lin Qiushi said, "but isn't it illegal to set off fireworks in this city?"
"We're the suburbs, sub-urban! Nobody cares."
Lin Qiushi looked at him in doubt.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure." Cheng Qianli put on a pitiful face. "I've only got this one hobby, can't you indulge me a little bit?"
"Fine fine fine, I'll indulge you."
Then the two found a clearing to start lighting fireworks. Everybody else from the mansion watched from afar, and Lin Qiushi called, "come over and join us."
"That’s for kids," Chen Fei said. "Us adults couldn't possibly join you."
Lin Qiushi, "…"
Forget Chen Fei. Even Cheng Yixie beside him had the same sort of expression, the you guys are so childish I don't even want to speak to you kind of look.
Lin Qiushi glanced at Cheng Qianli grinning like a fool beside him and didn't know what to say for a whole minute.
But foolish Cheng Qianli didn't seem to know he was being judged, cackling with his butt stuck out as he lit the fireworks. He watched the fireworks shoot up off the ground and explode open in the night sky, bursting out into laughter.
"It's so pretty." His eyes curved up, grinning like a kid, pupils dyed the fireworks' rich colors.
Lin Qiushi looked over at Ruan Nanzhu, standing far away. Their gazes met, and saw a smile in each other's eyes.
But these smiles only lasted a few seconds before disappearing, because there came the sound of police sirens from the distance.
"Oh shit, run!!" Yi Manman roared. "If we're caught we'll be fined!"
So the group took off, Cheng Qianli darting and leaping like a rabbit. Lu Yanxue, who ran the slowest, was stomping her feet by the end, cursing, "if I'd known I wouldn't have worn heels today!"
They were quick to escape, and luckily did not get caught. They all got back into the mansion, laughing in living room, and Cheng Qianli still had the nerve to pout, complaining that the police came too quickly, he still had a bunch he hadn't lit yet!
"I told you not to get the rocket fireworks, but you wouldn't listen," Chen Fei said. "And look what's happened now."
Cheng Qianli's dream of beautiful fireworks was completely destroyed. The group cooked up the dumplings they’d prepared before and ate while they chatted, passing this lively new year's eve together.
After the countdown, Lin Qiushi snuck into Ruan Nanzhu's room, and the two slept in the same bed all evening.
This was the happiest new year's eve that Lin Qiushi had ever had. Last year, he hadn't been too familiar with Obsidian, but this year, he'd basically made it his home.
Ruan Nanzhu slept on his side with a hand on Lin Qiushi's waist, breaths hitting Lin Qiushi's neck.
It didn't take long for Lin Qiushi to grow sleepy, the two sinking into deep slumber.
The next morning, there were new guests at the mansion. Lin Qiushi first thought it was another organization, but when he went downstairs to look, he found that it was Cheng Yixie and Cheng Qianli's parents.
They'd brought with them a bunch of local specialties, and were passing them out with big smiles.
Lin Qiushi had heard about his parents from Cheng Qianli before, and that they didn't really know what their sons were doing. Cheng Yixie had lied and told them that they treated hereditary diseases here, but as for how they did so, he'd never told them in detail.
But for a once-hopeless family, the method no longer mattered. Tacitly, the parents didn't ask more questions—as long as their kids could survive, whatever the method, it didn't matter at all.
Cheng Qianli spotted Lin Qiushi standing in the second-floor hallway and waved him over, calling, "Qiushi, come down! My parents brought you a present!"
Lin Qiushi went downstairs and greeted Cheng Qianli's parents. Cheng Qianli stuffed a giant bag of candy into his arms.
"You like candy, don't you? My parents got these just for you."
Lin Qiushi thanked them with sincerity, but the father only gave him a smile filled with gratitude, saying his son's been in their care.
After that they all ate lunch together. Chen Fei had wanted to keep them here for a few more days, but the parents were staunch about still having things to do, so they had to leave first.
Cheng Yixie wanted to say something, but in the end, didn't try to keep them.
"Do they know?"
After they left, Lin Qiushi asked Cheng Yixie this.
"Probably not," Cheng Yixie said. "They seem to think we're doing something bad." Then, after a beat of silence, "but they also don't stop me or anything."
To a mother and father, the survival of their children was the biggest blessing, particularly for a pair of terminally ill twins. It was hard to imagine the sort of difficulty they’d faced when they thought they were losing both of their kids at once.
"Mh," Lin Qiushi said. "Maybe you can explain it to them."
"I have. They don't really believe it." Cheng Yixie glanced at the mansion. "But they should be less worried this time."
"Do they come often?" Lin Qiushi asked.
"Rarely," Cheng Yixie said. "This is the second time."
The first time was when Cheng Yixie brought Cheng Qianli over. Cheng Qianli had been just a kid then, passing his first door on luck and calling his brother in tears. Cheng Yixie rushed home overnight to take his little brother away with him. When his mother had learned what he wanted to do, her gaze had been filled with melancholy. But she hadn't stopped him, asking only: "Can Qianli really survive?"
Cheng Yixie had answered: "I'll do my best."
After that, she never asked again.
Cheng Qianli, who should've died years ago, was still alive and well; Cheng Yixie had kept his promise. He'd gotten that foolish brother of his past the torment of their sickness and made sure he lived on in health.
[Ch. 118] | [Ch. 120]
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readiajin · 3 years
To Love Herself - Chapter 1: Appear
Synopsis: Following ACOSF until Nesta’s confrontation with Amren. Rather than going to hike and soul search with Cassian in the wild, Nesta uses her powers to disappear.
Hey! So I am going to write this fic. I have never posted anything I have written before so please let me know what you think or if you have any advice. Also let me know if you want to be tagged.
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Prologue: Disappear
Chapter 1: Appear
Do you plan on coming home soon Feyre darling? 
Feyre sent a huff of a laugh back at Rhys. Why? Does somebody miss me? 
Two somebodies actually, Rhys replied. Nyx wants to show you how he has improved his flying with Uncle Azriel today. 
Feyre smiled at the image of her son jumping off couches to fly around the room played in her mind. She currently sat in her studio, working on a painting of Nyx flying with his father. She planned on saving it for his eighth birthday present in a couple months.
Feyre glanced out the window, where the streets were only illuminated by starlight on the moonless night. She hadn’t realized how late it had become.
I’ll be home soon, I just have to clean up. 
Don’t keep me waiting too long, Rhys rumbled back. A shiver went down Feyre’s spine as she cut off the connection with her mate to concentrate on cleaning. 
She walked around the room, turning off most of the lights before going to the back to wash her brushes and pallet. As she stood at the sink, she suddenly felt a cold breeze at the back of her neck. 
Feyre froze. She raised her head to look at the paint-splattered mirror above the sinks. Through the smudged glass, she could see a dark cloaked figure standing behind her. 
Slowly, Feyre turned. “Who are you?” She demanded. “It’s not wise to sneak up on a High Lady.”
The figure stood perfectly still. As they stared at each other the temperature in the room seemed to drop. Finally, the figure tilted their head to the side slightly. “Well? What do you want?” 
An indignant huff came from beneath the cloak before reaching up to pull back the hood. 
Feyre’s mind went blank as she took in her sister, whom she hadn’t seen or heard from in over 8 years. 
“Hello Feyre.” That was all Nesta said. 
Feyre stared at her older sister. Not a day had gone by since that terrible day in Amren’s apartment that Feyre hadn’t thought of Nesta. Not a day she hadn’t wondered, worried. They had searched for her. Had even reached out to the other courts when they became desperate for answers. But there had been no trace of her since Cassian had seen her consumed by silver flames. 
Now standing before her, the first thing Feyre noticed was how healthy she looked. Nesta had slowly begun to look better after living in the House and training with Cassian for a few weeks. She had been gaining a little weight and some color back then. 
But stepping into the light cast from lanterns on the back counter, Nesta seemed to glow with health. Her hair was braided in its classic crown, but her face was full and tanned from being in the sun. Her eyes still held the same stormy intensity they always had, but the haunted look she had had was now replaced with a silver gleam. 
Although most of her body was covered in a dark cloak, Feyre could see she was wearing fighting leathers— not Illyarian leathers. And peaking out over her right shoulder was the pommel of a great sword. The Great Sword, the one she had accidentally Made. The sword that, along with the two other Made weapons, had been stolen from where they had been locked in the river house. The same night several priestesses disappeared from the Library as well.
That had been nearly a year after Nesta. They had all suspected Neata, as later it was found that the last time Emerie had been seen in Windhaven was that day. But they had never been sure. All that was left of the priestesses was a note to Clotho not to worry, that they had left by choice. 
“Nyx is growing up fast."
Nesta was still staring back at Feyre, but as she continued to blink at Nesta, Nesta nodded towards the painting on the easel. Her face was impassive as she said “He looks like he is a handful.” 
Nesta’s words caused Feyre to snap her mouth shut, which had been hanging open. “What? Nesta… where…how...why...” Silence filled the room as Feyre trailed off. Nesta continued to stand with that preternatural Fae stillness, but she seemed to be considering Feyre now. 
“I came here with a warning for you and your court”, Nesta finally said. 
Again, Feyre felt her mouth fall open as she stammered “Excuse me?”
Nesta let out a bored sigh as she moved to the cart next to Feyre’s easel and picked up a paintbrush to examine.
“I am sure you have many questions, but I only came here because there are some things you as the High Lady of the Night Court should know. There is a movement growing on the continent threatening Prynthia. I don’t believe the ruling powers of Montesere and Vallahan are involved, especially with the peace treaties you have established with them, but there may be some within those territories that support it. The majority of this group has been operating in the Wild Lands of the Faerie Realms on the continent. What I do know is that those involved with this movement believe there is a way to steal the power of Prynthia’s courts. They say the ruling High Fae power’s here come from a physical source in this land, and if found, they can take it for themselves.” Nesta twirled the paintbrush in her hand as she turned to face Feyre again. “This group has been trying to subtly infiltrate Prynthia’s courts, and we believe they have gained a source within the the Illyarians.” Nesta said all this deadpanned, returning to staring at Feyre with a blank face as she finished speaking. 
Feyre’s anger came hot and fast. “Are you kidding me Nesta? What are in the Cauldron are you talking about!” 
Nesta simply raised an eyebrow at Feyre’s outburst. “Which part of what I said was unclear? You and your court need to look into dissent among the Illyarians.” 
Feyre let out a disbelieving laugh, “It’s been 8 years, Nesta!” 
“Eight years since you disappeared without a trace and now you come back and the first thing you tell me is this? With no explanation as to where you have been? What you have been doing? Seriously? That’s all you have to say after you ran away, never contacted your family, but apparently returned to steal weapons?” Feyre gestured to the sword on Nesta’s back. 
Nesta examined the paintbrush in her hand, but said cooly “Since I created the weapons, it wasn’t stealing.” She looked up to Feyre, eyes chips of ice. “The what and where I have been are a long story. I only came to warn you.”
Silence once again filled the dim room.
“Why should I believe you?” Feyre asked, defeated. 
It was Nesta’s turn to ask “What?”
“Why should I believe you,” Feyre repeated, “when you have done nothing to show that I can trust you?” 
Nesta’s infuriating nonchalantness finally slipped a little, and Feyre felt a flash of anger. However, her voice was calm as she responded. “For all our history Feyre, did I ever lie to you, or do anything to make you think I wished harm on you?”
Feyre opened her mouth to respond “no”, but stopped herself. Looking at the Nesta before her, she didn’t know who this person was. 
After a moment she said, “I don’t know.” 
It was quick, but Feyre saw something flash in Nesta’s stormy eyes before her face was once again a mask of cool indifference. 
“Okay then.” Nesta turned to return the paintbrush she still held to its proper place. “As I am sure the rest of your court will also need convincing, I can show you proof if you can meet me on the Obsidian Isles in the East Sea of the Night Court in two days. Noon, on the Northernmost island. 
Feyre was really tired of saying this, but “What?”
Nesta let out an annoyed sigh as she clasped her hands together in front of her and said plainly “Bring your mate and court and meet me in two days to prove to you all I told you was the truth. Is that acceptable to you?” 
Feyre nodded. 
“Good. See you in two days.” With that, Nesta turned on her heels and stalked to the door.
Yet Nesta paused with her hand on the doorknob. For the first time since being in the room, Nesta seemed to waiver. She didn’t move, staring straight at the door. 
“How is he?” She finally asked. It was barely audible, barely more than a whisper as if she was afraid to say it too loud. But it was the one thing Feyre didn’t need to ask what she meant. 
“He searched for you,” There was too much, and not enough to be said.
Nesta turned her head, hand still on the knob, not to look back at Feyre but to stare at the wall to her left. 
“He will come with you to the island.” Feyre couldn’t tell if that was a question or order. 
Either way, Feyre said “Yes.” Even though she didn’t know if he actually would. Feyre didn’t know how he would react to any of this. 
Nesta stood still for a second, before nodding and pushing open the door. She didn’t say another word as she pulled up her hood, stepped out, and vanished into the night. 
Feyre didn’t know how long she stood there, staring out the open door into the dark. It was only when she felt an invisible weight lift off her shoulders, that she realized that the entire time she had been talking to Nesta, she hadn’t been able to feel her bond with Rhys. 
Thanks for being here :)
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vivian24l · 3 years
“I remember that day clearly, my last birthday with them. Father knows I hate large gatherings, yet he threw me a big party anyways. Everyone showed up. The Leaguers, the original Leaguers, the Titans, my friends and family.
I didn’t appreciate it back then. Now I can only look back and wish I could experience it once more. Wish I could see them once more, happy, together, not having to worry about an ongoing war.
I remember racing my cousins. I wish I hadn’t cheated in that race. Uncle Jon said Mother had used the same trick when they were kids. I practiced magic with Tiago and the Constantines. I remember Aunt Kori pulling me into an unbreakable hug. She had told me I’m growing to be just like my mother.
I used to look like her. Both with purple eyes and purple hair. My skin had more color. Now I look nothing like her. I no longer have her purple eyes, but green like Father’s, my hair has become a brighter shade of purple.
I miss them. Father gave me a silver dagger that day. He never lets me play with sharp objects, we only used wooden sticks when training. Mother gifted me with a spell book, it contained a vast collection of spells ranging from beginners to highly advanced. I lost both of them. The only things I have left of my parents, lost, gone forever. I long for them to return. My parents and their gifts.
I wish for all of them to return. Not just my parents but everyone. I wished this never happened, I wish the war never started. I wish I had been more grateful for all that they have done for me.”
“Do you remember the day they left you at that place? That place that was supposed to be remote, guarded, and free of any upcoming parademon attack?” he asked the young girl.
“How could I not? That was the day I lost them. That was the day they left.
Grandmother Talia greeted us at the harbor of Infinity Island. I didn’t know, back then, that it was the last time I'd see them. They told me I’ll be staying with Grandmother for a while, I didn’t think of asking how long. Then they hugged me. I missed that. I missed the way they’d cover me in their warm embrace. The way Father wraps his arm around both me and mother. I caught a shimmer of a tear from the corner of Mother's eyes. I felt their sadness. It was when I saw that tear slip, that I knew something was wrong. When I felt Father fighting to keep his posture, his stoic manner, that was when I knew I would be there for longer than ‘a while’. I wish I could’ve told them how much I loved them, I wished I could’ve given them one last hug,” she closed her eyes. “But I didn’t. I didn’t because I was a dumb eight year old who didn’t know what to do.”
“Do you remember the day you died? The day those hybrids took you down? The day you visited me in my realm and left to rejoin the living? The day you left something very valuable behind?” he asked.
“Why are you asking me these questions?” she asked miserably.
He smiled. “Because Granddaughter, it is good to learn from the past, to take the pain and turn it into strength. Now, tell me of that day.”
“I-I remember running to the courtyard. There were screams coming from outside. An assassin crashed through the window, his legs were gone. I was...horrified, yet I kept going. I was stupid, thinking I could help. When I reached the courtyard, I saw corpses everywhere. Ripped up and severed. Grandmother and her elite archers were shooting down the creatures. My uncle calls them Paradooms. Parademons mixed with Kryptonian DNA. Grandmother’s supply of kryptonite-infused weapons was running low. I thought I was strong enough. I summoned beams of energy. I kept using magic until I had no energy left. I kept going. I should’ve stopped. I continued to fight. Picking up a stray sword with a kryptonite blade. It cut through plenty of monsters. Then Grandmother called my name. It was as if time slowed down. Her face contorted to horror, an emotion I have never seen her express. I felt a wave of emotions coming from her. Yet, nothing from myself. The pain was so bad, it felt like nothing. My vision had begun to blur when I noticed the sharp point of a claw emerging from my chest. I remember the paradoom falling as I laid on the ground. Grandmother rushed to my side. She told me not to worry. Then I came here. To this place you call home.”
“I never see this hellish realm as home. I am a conqueror of worlds, I focus on establishing and controlling new frontiers.”
“TT. We can agree that we have very different interests, Grandfather.”
“Now, I must ask. Why are you here? Why am I here? Why have you called upon me?”
“I am here to remind you. It takes a lot of energy to escape that prison in your mother’s head to visit you in your dream. This location is where your subconscious wants you to be, because deep down you know where to go. You know how to end this. You blame the Lazarus Pit for your loss of powers, but have you really lost your powers?” He gave her an amused smile, knowing the young girl was conflicted.
“Yes. No! I don’t know! I can still feel emotions, I can feel energy within me, but I can’t access it. I can’t perform a single spell, not even the simplest,” she confessed.
“The Pit is supposed to revive and strengthen the one of dips in it, that is if they are able to control the evil temptations of the Pit. You, Granddaughter, were already powerful. You still are. The Pit boosted your abilities, but you haven’t brought them back with you.”
“You’re saying...that I left my powers in Hell?” Rashida asked skeptically.
“What else could I be saying, dear?”
“What’s it in for you? Why are you helping me?”
“Because I would like to conquer Earth. I shall not let that weak, ‘New God’ destroy this planet before I do. Besides, I need a body to inhabit once I break free. Your mother won’t last, she is already weak.”
This got Rashida’s attention. “Then how do I get my powers back? How can I get to Hell without dying?”
“Hm. I’m sure that spellbook of yours would be useful. Once the proper ritual is performed, you should be able to enter and exit that realm.”
“But, I’ve lost it. The book was burned during the first paradoom attack.”
“You are the granddaughter of Trigon. The granddaughter of the first Batman, Bruce Wayne. The great granddaughter of Ra’s Al Ghul. The granddaughter of Talia Al Ghul. The daughter of Raven, the Queen of Hell. The daughter of Damian Al Ghul Wayne, the current Batman. You have a powerful heritage. I expect you to live up to your blood.” He gave her an expectant look. “And let’s not forget that family that took in your mother when you first came to Earth, the Kryptionians,” he added.
“Bart explained this to me the other day, something about a multiverse. The book is lost in this world. It no longer exists in this universe. However, there are many alternate universes, different worlds out there. If I’m able to locate the right one, I should be able to get that book”
Trigon smiled. “Correct, my dear. Now, time is running short. I suggest you make haste.”
Rashida looked up from her internal thoughts. “Wait, what do you mean by that?”
But it was too late. Her surroundings have begun to shift. Trigon had swirled into a translucent black shadow and disappeared through the cracks of the room. She no longer sat in the obsidian chair in the Underworld’s throne room. Instead Rashida sat up with a jolt in her uncle’s base. Her head was beaded with sweat. She left the little room, which she had claimed to be her sleeping quarter. Jason was still asleep in front of his computer. Judging by the position of the sun in the cloudy red sky, it was late in the morning.
Artemis looked up from her daily ritual of sword sharpening. “Good morning, kid.”
“Why did you let me sleep in?” asked Rashida.
“Last night was rough. I thought you needed the rest,” she glanced at Jason and Roy, who was still asleep on the worn down couch. Artemis held up a tin can. “Pineapples?”
Rashida accepted the fruit. “How did you get your hands on pineapples?”
Artemis shrugged. “Oh, you know. Quinn and her buddies were in the area.”
Rashida took a bite of the diced pineapples. “I have to say, I envy them. They get to do the cool stuff like infiltrating LexCorp. While, we’re stuck fighting off the parademons and thugs.”
“This’ll be over soon. And then, you can do the cool “infiltrating” stuff as well,” assured the Amazon.
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Do you have any personal headcanons about Celebrimbor's mother and her relationship with Curufin? I always thought that it's weird we don't have even the barest information about that considering Celebrimbor's unique position as the only next gen Feanorian. (Sorry if you already talked about this somewhere!)
thanks for the ask! i have, but i'm not going to pass up an opportunity to blather on about my ocs for several paragraphs
curufin's wife (she lacks a name because i hate giving characters names and will delay it until i absolutely have to) is noldorin, she lives in valinor in the years of the trees. i haven't thought much about her family, but i suspect they're middling nobility at the highest the did-valinor-have-social-classes debate is a whole different rabbit hole. she's a metalworker like her husband (she probably specialises in a slightly different subcategory but idk enough to say what) and is a member of the same tirion artisan guild. it's in that context that they meet and begin their Intense Crafting Rivalry
you know that trope where a pair of rivals are so obsessively devoted to one-upping each other it's blindingly obvious that what they actually want is to kiss? that's them, that's their relationship. their specialties are just similar enough they do a lot of the same stuff but just different enough their approaches tend to be radically divergent. what starts as the two of them trying to prove the superiority of their own artistic circle or whatever evolves into them trying to show up him/her specifically, s/he's wrong about x and i know i can do better, why does my family keep asking if we're dating yet????? their competition gets absolutely ridiculous in ways only a pre-scarcity society can get, like building an entire fountain out of solid silicon specifically because he said she couldn't do it (he actually said shouldn't but screw him (not literally cousin oh my valar))
but yeah. their relationship grows an undercurrent of the-only-one-allowed-to-push-around-my-archnemesis-is-me, and they find themselves fighting back to back (occasionally literally) when tirion guild politics takes a turn for the tirion guild politics. they just slowly come to trust each other, more than anyone else, and soon there comes an appropriately dramatic moment for them to suddenly kiss. they're still always trying to out-craftself each other, celebrimbor grows up in a house that's about 70% forge to the background noise of his parents insulting each other's work, but they're comfortable with each other in a way neither of them could have imagined in the early days, and when things get rough they always have each other's backs
things do, in fact, get rough. maglor won't meet his wife until beleriand, caranthir's relationship with his spouse slowly falls apart along with the political situation in tirion, but curufin's wife is loudly team fëanor. she suffers from an acute case of finwean spouse disease, she thinks going to middle-earth to build their own world is an awesome idea, she's deeply embedded in the tirion artisan scene with an entire social circle as think the same way, and when the inevitable civil war flares up she'll probably be even more eager to fight the fingolfinians than her husband. she goes with him and their-still-pretty young son to formenos, and when the trees get eaten and fëanor does the speech she prepares for the adventure of a lifetime
then, alqualondë. i stand by my conviction that nobody on the noldorin side walked in planning to steal the boats, let alone murder the teleri, but it was dark and the world was ending and everybody had sharp things. like everybody else involved in the first kinslaying, curufin and wife got caught up in the battle because somebody shouted 'they're attacking us!' in the distance. she is at first more trying to stop them from stabbing her, obsidian fishing spears glancing off ornamental steel, but then she lashes out and she hits someone in the chest and -
there was this recurring trope in her and her husband’s endless mutual critique. she’d create something beautiful, artfully devised and elegantly constructed, showing off a whole ton of design principles and doing things with the material no one had ever done. he would look at it skeptically and go ‘okay, but what use is it? what is it for?’
red liquid running down the fuller of the exquisite sword she forged herself, light guttering out of another elf’s eyes as he coughs up blood, she knows, sure as once were the light of the trees, what the piece of metal in her hands is for
the next few moments are a blur. she threw the sword into the water, she knows that. somehow she wound up running out of alqualondë, tears streaming down her face, as buildings burned and people screamed behind her. she found a concealed spot by the road, tore off her armour, peeked outside, and watched. when the fires were dying down and the boats were clearly gone, she mustered her courage and went to save her family
in the centuries to come, very few people believe celebrimbor when he tells them his mother tried to get his father to come back by, among other things, appealing to his better nature. nobody believes that it almost worked. but curufin was still only starting out on the road to hellbeastery, and his wife was his eternal partner-in-crime. right there at the beginning, staring out over a burning city, she saw where the road the noldor were walking would eventually lead them, no matter how much they tried to deny it. no dreams could be worth that, she told him. no ideals. and she was always the idealist, wasn’t she?
she was. maybe that’s why he, who had so very few ideals to mark his path, refused to abandon this one. their discussion rapidly devolved into a screaming argument half the camp could hear, much like curufin’s last argument with celebrimbor, centuries later. soon enough, though, it became clear that he wouldn’t turn back, and she refused to go on, and neither of them could change the other’s minds. the only thing left between them was celebrimbor
celebrimbor was eight (-ish in elf years), and completely freaked out, and eight, and knew almost nothing about what was going on, and eight, and had grown up listening to his grandfather’s dreams, and eight, and was surrounded by adults who very loudly thought going to middle-earth would solve all their problems, and eight, and couldn’t tell why his mother was abandoning them. panicking, on the spot, he buried his face in curufin’s smock to wipe away his tears. when he looked up, she was gone
so yeah, curufin’s wife went back with finarfin, that’s why she didn’t go to middle-earth. she initially stayed with nerdanel because almost everyone else on both sides of her extended family remained by (and later burned) the boats, i’m only just realising the horrible curufin argument probably wasn’t even the only one she went through that night, jeez. also she really needed a hug. the sun rose, alqualondë started rebuilding, and she ended up head of her and her husband’s former mutual craft guild, mostly because nobody else with the skills to do it was left. decades turn to centuries, news slowly filters back from beleriand, and her worst nightmares are proven so awfully right
probably the biggest emotion she feels towards curufin in the aftermath is betrayal. they were partners, in every sense of the word, they took on the world and they did it together, using their constant competition to drive each other to ever greater heights. they listened to each other, they trusted each other’s judgement, and she knows he understood the point she was making. him continuing on anyway, and diving face-first into the void - the elf she thought she knew would never have done that. as time passes by, the grief and the loneliness get subsumed by a deep abiding rage. if she ever sees the thing her husband let himself become again, she’ll throw a welding torch in his face
but that anger, that heartbreak, none of that applies to her son. when the hosts of valinor began gearing up for war - she’s the leader of tirion’s most prominent metalworking guild, she can’t not go. while they’re unloading supplies and siege equipment and stuff onto the isle of balar, she happens to pass by this relatively short dusky-skinned noldo hauling some smithing equipment about. as soon as he gets a proper look at her, he gasps. she looks back in confusion, and then she meets his eyes
later, she’ll hear his tales of his adventures in the hither lands, all of the hardships, yes, but also all of the brilliance. later, she’ll learn about the person he’s grown into, someone she can be unreservedly proud of in his choices and works. later, they’ll talk about the future, about his ambitions of making his grandfather’s dream come true, but with open hands and a light to be shared with all the peoples of middle-earth. for now, though, she wraps celebrimbor in a massive hug, and lets the tears flow down her face, because no matter how much they’ve lost, no matter how deep the darkness around them, right here and now, her son is alive
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yeonban · 1 year
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Anonymous asked: How do you think Soma is going to react to the truth about Seiroku? What's he going to do when Bushi find out he's part of the Obsidian Eight?
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For the first question, that depends on whether Seiroku is the one breaking the news to him or if it's someone else doing it. I think the end result would be the same either way (with Soma continuing to love Seiroku no matter what SO LONG AS Seiroku doesn't hurt any of his people), but getting there would be... harder if he ends up hearing about it from someone else.
If it's directly from Seiroku, they'd have the chance to talk about it before the news properly kick in and sour Soma's mood, and he'd receive answers to his questions right then and there instead of having them sizzle over time, because he's obviously going to have many. What Seiroku's purpose is at the Date, why he stayed for so long, what he is going to do with the information he gathered there, whether anything was real or if it was all just acting, so on and so forth. Soma did get the impression that something was off about Seiroku for a while and it'd finally make sense why that was so when he finds out about this, but hearing it from the man himself would also double as a sign of trust. Seiroku is at the heart of the enemy territory and talking to its leader about it, so telling Soma about his real identity (when the consequence could very well be death) would mean from the get-go (!) that at least something about their relationship is real. Soma would still feel betrayed, but he could get over it much faster if he learned the full details while knowing for certain that he can trust Seiroku to tell him the truth. Plus, it'd help with something related to the second question.
If it's from someone else... chances are it's either from a fellow grand general or from someone within the Date. If it's from a grand general, it would mean he'd be at a meeting far from where Seiroku is and he'd have to maintain his composure the entire time until they meet again, meaning there would be plenty of time for him to feel betrayed without that sentiment getting soothed, and if it's from a fellow Date bushi it'd mean they heard it from a survivor or from one of the other bands, which would indicate that it's likely the truth. Worse still is that hearing about Seiroku in this sort of scenario definitely means that Soma would also be hearing about a massacre (or several) that Seiroku has caused and his sheer cruelty during it, which would only worsen Seiroku's case. Having that be the way he finds out would not be pleasant, and it'd take a lot more effort on Seiroku's part to make Soma trust him again afterwards.
He could understand Seiroku not telling him because he was afraid of the backlash (if Seiroku mentions this) but it could also be perceived as Seiroku potentially keeping other important things a secret from him. It'd take time for Soma to fully believe Seiroku even when he tells him that he'd never hurt the Date because there'd be no guarantees until proven otherwise over time, and he'd be on the fence about how to react to begin with - try to believe him? capture and interrogate him? kill him? He'd know Seiroku's quirks well enough to be able to tell if he's being told the truth or not, but as a captain that's not reliable. He can't rely on his hunch when being wrong could mean his band gets wiped out, so they might not part on great terms if this is the case. He'd still spare Seiroku and let him go, but that's the thing... he'd let him go. He'd need time to think about all of this and he wouldn't be sure if he should or shouldn't be on his guard when Seiroku is near his people now that his secret is out (aka whether it'd affect how Seiroku treats the Date bushi or not). After Soma processes it (slightly dependent on how Seiroku explains it though) he'd more or less reach the same conclusion as he would've if Seiroku had been the one to tell him, but again... it'd be so much more hurtful (on both ends) and time consuming this way.
As for the second question, lie. He'd lie. He hates the idea of it and he's never said a half-truth, let alone a lie unless truly forced to by circumstances (his job) but that's the way to go if he wants both his reputation intact and Seiroku to have a chance to survive this whole ordeal.
When it comes to himself, he can't have his reputation stained. If his people start thinking he's plotting with the enemy, not only would they start having doubts about his leadership, but it could start a 'civil war' between the people who still believe in him and the people who think he's trying to lead them to their deaths. If the grand generals/other bands start thinking he's plotting with the enemy, at best they would never aid him and the Dates again even when they need it most, and at worst they could ally with each other to take the Dates down - to the others it could be an opportunity for two wins in a row for all he knows (to get rid of a potential traitor and expand their respective band's territory by taking over Soma's land). Even if he phrases it as him having been fooled, that's not much better because it'd bring his band's morale to the ground. If the enemy managed to reach that deep into their band and fool their leader, what's stopping them from planning an assassination or a mass-slaughter from the inside next time?
And Seiroku could potentially have it even worse. The other black dogs' reactions to it would probably depend on what the rumors would be (it'd be one thing if they heard Seiroku was a great enough actor to fool Soma and another if they heard there might've been genuine feelings involved), but that's not something Soma would focus on that much because he doesn't know them nor is he aware of Seiroku's exact circumstances (unless Seiroku tells him more). What Soma does know like the back of his hand though, is how the other bands would react. While Seiroku hasn't hurt the Date, he has hurt at least three of the other four primary bands: the Uesugi during Awaji and the Takeda and possibly Tokugawa at present. That means, with Seiroku's current status, if any band of bushi survives the black kishin situation and Seiroku does too, he would be sentenced to death. Maybe interrogated and tortured first, but definitely sentenced to death for the amount of slaughter he's caused. Even if the five grand generals held a vote on how to deal with him (unlikely to begin with), realistically it'd end up with him getting executed.
That leads to why Soma lying is so important here, even beyond his own reputation. He would tell the others that Seiroku used to be a member of the Date (something the Date would all admit to too because to them that is the truth, with Seiroku having been there to take care of them for months on end) but the Obsidian Eight captured and killed him before making him one of their own while Soma and the majority of the fighters were off facing a kishin. With Katsumi's case proving something like this possible at the war meeting (although out of pure luck rather than Soma planning for it), it would be much less likely for anyone to doubt Soma because... why would they? He's a honest person with basically a no lie streak, a grand general to boot and they've just seen how what he described can and does happen (courtesy of Musashi and the Shimazu saying their piece on how Katsumi used to be a good guy and how he's clearly being manipulated), so it's obvious the people they should hate are the rest of the black dogs.
This way, the Date (bushi and normal citizens alike) would continue to like/think fondly of Seiroku and would not attack him if they ever crossed paths again, and at the very end of the ongoing crisis (granted everyone survives and the black kishin is killed) if the other bands want to punish Seiroku for his crimes (i.e the Uesugi), Soma could shield him from that by reiterating that since Seiroku is a Date bushi and thus the Date's responsibility, he's the only one who has the right to choose Seiroku's punishment, not anyone else. If the other grand generals try to push the topic, it could very well sour the relationships between their bands and the Date, and they know Soma doesn't take kindly to interventions from outside when it comes to inner band matters. At worst, he could tell them that if they try to subvert his authority in his own band again, he'll take it as a declaration of war from their part, which would surely shut the other grand generals up no matter what else they might've wanted to say on the topic.
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raddifferent · 3 years
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I'm late but I'm in the middle of switching jobs so who cares! Here's Day Two of @rosemarymonth2021: Fantasy! This is Chapter 1; Chapter 2 will double as the Chapter 4 prompt because I want to finish this fic rather than do medieval with no fantasy elements. It's my writing project and I make the rules!!
Anyways, as usual the link will be in the replies and the fic is below the cut!
The esteemed Duchess Lepidopterina Dolorosa of the House Maryam, Baroness of the Misted Isles, Devotee of the Midnight Spiral, and Serene Lady of the Obsidian Blade, first of her name, was having a bit of a shit day. As some of her many fancy titles would suggest, she was an adept swordswoman, and she had been honored to be invited to the wedding of Duke Egbert’s daughter. She was more familiar with Lady Egbert than her betrothed, another Duchess of the Troll kingdom, despite being a troll herself. That was one of the side effects of spending an inordinate amount of time in the borderlands fighting off the blasted undead, as she found herself doing now.
Her traveling party had been journeying through the Cresting Mountains for a fortnight now, having crossed the mountain peaks worn oddly smooth by some ancient ocean and cracked in half on their tectonic ascent. The scraggly pines of its forests were dense in places and opened into large clearings in others, creating an unpredictable landscape full of pockets of zombies. Three of the party had fallen when the undead felled their horses, and she’d lost sight of the other two of her companions when the pack had separated them. Now, she fought the beasts alone.
Kanaya raised a shining hand, turning some of the undead near herself. She had a moment to catch her breath and assess the situation. A crowd of about fifteen undead humans and trolls had her backed against the base of a thick pine. At her feet lay a pile of bodies twenty-strong. Her black leather boots were shiny with rotting ichor, and splashes of guts, grime, and gore adorned her oiled outerwear. The Duchess twirled her twin blades, each a deep, midnight indigo sparkling with obsidian glitter, and also with a little magic. Her hands were covered with snugly-fit leather gloves, but beneath the animal hide Kanaya knew the sigils of the Church of the Midnight Spiral gleamed on the backs of her hands. Indeed, her skin itself glowed from the inside, although that was more of a side effect of being a Blessed Resurrectionist. Kanaya lived thirty five years, and died, and was brought back by The Bright Light in the Dark Sky to walk again some fifty more years. Those outside the Church would call her another, luckier undead. A vampire.
Her groaning, festering foes began to clamber close enough to swipe at her again. Kanaya whirled and sliced, removing limbs and heads as the undead shuffled within her reach. Eight more fell, leaving seven standing. Kanaya tried to wipe a smear of viscera from her face, but she feared the back of her sleeve only made the mess worse. She was breathing heavily. The dampness on her boots and the height of the bodies was beginning to impede her. She needed to reach high ground, and soon.
Just then, a golden light shone from deeper in the woods surrounding this clearing. Kanaya jumped to the side just as a zombie swiped at her head, leaving her in the perfect position to see a glowing arrow pin her assailant’s head to a tree. There must have only been one archer aiding her, as only one or two arrows came at a time, but they still landed more rapidly than Kanaya’s own battle maidens could achieve. In seconds, the battle had ended.
Still breathing heavily, Kanaya attempted to wipe her blades off on her jacket before sheathing them. She began to walk towards where the arrows had been coming from.
Kanaya was met at the edge of the clearing by a figure in a deep purple cloak. Her skin was a deeper, redder brown than Kanaya’s own, set in sharp contrast to their white-blond hair. Kanaya met her startlingly purple eyes, which were bright, intelligent, and a little mischievous. She had a golden lip ring down the center of her mouth, and a thin golden chain as a choker. Her clothing was modest but fine, Kanaya’s keen eye picking out expensive brocade in the shirt.
“To whom do I owe thanks for such gracious assistance?” Kanaya offered when the stranger did not speak.
The stranger spoke in a slightly raspy voice with a short, clipped affect. “Arrows rained upon your general area moments before, and yet you walk towards a potential source of danger? Moments after your own life was at risk? You must either be assured of your skill, or very stupid.”
“I like to think I am the former, although there is always time to prove the latter.”
The stranger smiled. “You think it is inevitable you will be proven unintelligent?”
“I find it imprudent to assume one will never make a mistake.”
The stranger raised an eyebrow, the corners of her mouth quirking upwards. “Ah, a pragmatist. We may get along yet.”
Kanaya pursed her lips. “I find I get along with people much better if we have something to call each other by.”
“You would still like my name, then.” It wasn’t a question. They seemed to be hesitating. “I suppose you can call me Briar,” she said with a wry smile. “I’m just a traveler in these woods. There’s nothing I have to claim that involves fanfare.”
Politely, Kanaya did not mention the clearly magical bow, or the fine clothing. “I do have a bit of a fancy title, but I think it best not to rattle off the entire thing. Suffice it to say that you can call me Kanaya.” Hopefully, her rescuer would be equally polite about her weaponry and dress.
“May I ask where you’re headed? I wouldn’t mind some company, and you certainly seem like you need the assistance.” The last was delivered with a smirk, which Kanaya bristled a little at.
“I have been traveling with several others, thank you; we just found ourselves separated after that large group of undead descended onto us. I had almost dispatched all of them when you arrived.” She made a sweeping gesture back towards the not-immodest pile of re-deceased zombies surrounding the tree she had been up against.
Briar smirked harder. “So my assistance is not desired?”
“No, that is not-” Kanaya broke off her objection with a huff as Briar began to laugh. “I would, actually, quite like your help locating my companions. However, I would like to know why you would want to help me. You seem to be taking great pleasure in needling me about needing it.”
The other traveler sobered slightly. “I just know what it’s like to be traveling alone, and the drudgery of not having someone to talk to, no stories to tell around the fire or on the road. It can be better to group up, even temporarily, just to kill the boredom.”
“Did you lose a companion recently as well?” Kanaya blurted.
Briar raised a thin eyebrow. “Not recently, as it were. But yes, I have previously parted ways with those whom I enjoyed sharing a story or three.”
“I would be happy to share tales with you, stranger. My companions would likely head towards the closest inn if they were sure they were separated from me, as that was our next destination. Does that align with your path?”
The other woman smiled. “That it does. When last I consulted my map, the next inn was a half-day’s walk up the road. Shall we?”
As they walked up the road, dappled light gently touched the faces of both travelers. Briar hummed an aimless tune, kicking up dead, brown leaves. They traveled in silence for quite some time, neither quite willing to speak up after such an abrupt introduction. About an hour into the walk, Kanaya opened her mouth and was about to begin some sort of small talk about the weather when they reached the top of a hill. Below them, the trees opened up to reveal a path curving down and around a small, ruined stone structure. What had previously been a large castle town now lay in disarray, the abbey wall crumbling and holding nothing at bay. The peasant houses must have been constructed of wood, as all but their foundations had long rotted away. All that remained was a small stone castle with a single, thin spire reaching high into the sky. Small was relative; the property would have held a baron comfortably in his keep with acres of holdings, but from the vantage point it felt like a child’s plaything.
“Well, that certainly looks interesting.” Briar broke the silence with a chuckle.
Kanaya did have to agree. Ruins such as this one, so deep in the woods, were possibly undisturbed, and might have strange and magical treasures hidden within. At the very least, there would be a few monsters to kill, and get some of her frustrations out. “We should explore it. There is still light in the sky.”
Briar’s smile faded slightly. “You know, I grew up not too far from here. When I was a little girl, we were told a tale in whispers. It was the sort of fairy tale that adults would laugh off, but forbid you from speaking about ever again. Would you like to hear it?”
“Right now?” Kanaya asked, the question coming out more incredulously than she intended. “While we’re stopped in the middle of the road?”
The smile was back. “I can walk and weave words, miss.”
“Well then, far be it from me than to stop you.”
“A long, long time ago, a young king killed what he thought was the last dragon in his lands. His fields were free from fiery terror, and his people lived prosperously for three decades. One day, a winged shadow drew over the land again, smaller than the scourge that had last plagued the land, but still enough to wreak havoc. One dragon spawn had survived, and had lived long enough to exact its revenge.”
Briar stopped to hop over a river, holding out an arm to steady Kanaya as she crossed. Her hands were warm, heat thrumming through Kanaya’s thick gear to her palm where she clasped Briar’s. She let go, and they continued. Kanaya’s hand felt cold.
“The dragon landed on the top of the castle of the now-middle-aged king, and told the king that he would leave the lands be, if only the king would offer his daughter. One life in exchange for the kingdom’s safety.”
Kanaya laughed grimly. “I suppose it was an easy deal to make with the dragon staring him down.”
“I suppose it was,” Briar replied. “He brought his daughter to be scooped up in the dragon’s claws and carried away. The kingdom was quiet and safe for another thirty years, until the king’s son had borne an heir and several daughters, and a new ruler was crowned. The dragon once again flew across the land, and once again sat atop the tower and demanded a companion. Every three decades, the dragon would return, larger than before, and more imposing.”
“And how long ago was the last time the dragon came to the land?” Kanaya asked, playing along.
“Well, that’s just the thing.” Briar held a branch up so Kanaya could pass under it. “The dragon hasn’t been sighted in over fifty years.”
“Do you know why?”
The first crumbling pieces of stone that formerly lined the road to the castle began to rise up from the sides of the road. “No one knows. Some of the bravest in our village once described traveling deep into the woods and seeing a castle with a tall tower, a sleeping monster curled around the top.”
Kanaya squinted ahead, trying to spot the castle. “Did you put much stock in their tales?”
“When I was younger? Not really. Now? Also no, not really. I think if a dragon had a castle, he’d sleep inside of it, not on top.”
Involuntarily, Kanaya burst out laughing. “That’s your justification for why they’re wrong? Not that your country doesn’t have a history of missing princesses, or that you happened to live close enough to the dragon’s castle to find it, but not so close that it bothers you?”
Briar put her hands on her hips. “Would you sleep out in the rain and the cold if you had the option not to?”
“I make a habit not to when I have the choice,” Kanaya ceded.
“Then you admit there’s some logic to what I say,” Briar smirked felinely.
Kanaya rolled her eyes, smiling. “Begrudgingly. At any rate, there was no dragon on that tower when we saw it from above.”
“No,” Briar said. “There wasn’t.”
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charincharge · 4 years
Kiss and Cry, Part 8
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jurdan figure skating au > masterlist
AN: Whoops, sorry this one took a while to get out. I’m hoping it was worth the wait, though? 
Madoc was in a foul mood, and Jude knew she only had herself to blame.
She sipped at her bone broth and slunk beneath the thick blankets on the couch as she ignored the angry whispers coming from the kitchen.
Jude had never taken a sick day in her entire life. She’d once gone to practice with a fever of 102.4, insisting that she was completely fine. So, she knew Madoc’s raised eyebrow at her claiming she needed the day off due to a stomachache was completely warranted.
She should have come up with a better excuse; she knew it was flimsy at best. But, she couldn’t stomach seeing Cardan again. Not when she still couldn’t stop thinking about his lips on hers. She must be ill to be so focused on something so appalling. She felt completely out of her mind. And she knew it wouldn’t be magically fixed by tomorrow when she’d absolutely be forced back to rehearsal, but at least she could have one day off to pretend. She burrowed further into her blankets as Madoc’s voice raised again.
“We’re losing an entire rehearsal day!” he hissed at Oriana’s insistence that Jude should rest if she needed to.
Jude knew she’d have to work twice as hard the rest of the week to make up for today, but that was a sacrifice she was willing to make.
“How are you feeling, sweetie?” Oriana asked, placing a mug of ginger tea on the side table, as she perched herself on the edge of the couch to examine Jude’s face.
“Just tired, mostly,” Jude answered.
Oriana’s slender finger delicately traced the dark circles beneath Jude’s eyes as a prominent frown appeared on her face. She shook her head. “I keep telling him he’s working you too hard.”
“He’s not—” Jude insisted, but Oriana’s stern glare cut her off.
“If you keep going at this rate you’re going to burn yourself out.” She paused, her eyes growing wistful as she whispered, “You need to take care of yourself.”
Jude nodded in understanding. Oriana’s dreams of being a skater had been cut short, just like Nicasia’s with an unexpected injury.
“Why don’t you take that tea upstairs and rest in bed?” Oriana asked, smoothing Jude’s hair out of her face in a strangely maternal move. Jude accepted the comfort wordlessly. She and Oriana had never been particularly close – why would they? When Jude’s step-dad had remarried, someone nearly half his age, Jude hadn’t thought the marriage would make it to the end of the year. She was content to ignore the blonde completely. But here they were, nearly a decade later. “I’ll keep Madoc downstairs,” she said with a wry smile, and Jude forced herself to return it. She wasn’t sure if Oriana was being kind due to guilt or to piss Madoc off, but Jude would accept it. If only to keep herself alone for the rest of the day.
She grabbed the tea and headed back upstairs to her room. She pulled her sweatpants off, content to get cozy in her bed in just an oversized t-shirt. If she was playing hooky she was going to try and enjoy herself as much as possible. She set up her laptop and put on some mindless comedy to watch. But despite feigning sickness, Jude could feel fatigue dragging her under. Maybe she had needed a day off. Before she knew it, her eyes shut.
“Jude?” a soft voice pulled her from her fraught dreams, and she blinked sleep away as her eyes fluttered open, squinting in the mid-afternoon sun filtering through her window.
The face from her dreams peered down at her with curiosity, dark and probing, and Jude felt herself tense as she realized that Cardan was sitting at the foot of her bed.
She pushed herself upright, attempting to tame her wild sleep induced curls while simultaneously wiping at her eyes.
“Creep much?” Her voice was still hoarse from her lengthy nap. “What the hell, Cardan?”
He held up his hands protectively and smirked. “Calm down, I just got here.” He cocked his head to the side as he perused her room. “Your mom?” He asked, not knowing what to call Oriana. “Let me in.”
“Traitor,” Jude mumbled under her breath.
Cardan rolled his eyes and pursed his lips – the ones that had haunted Jude’s thoughts for the last two days. “I just had to see it in person. The infallible Jude Duarte, felled by sickness.” He chuckled as he tugged at the neckline of his thick black sweater. “I have to admit, I was relieved to learn you’d fallen ill, and that my presence wasn’t what caused you to vomit.” His lips curled into a wry smile, and Jude felt her cheeks flush unwittingly.
She grabbed at the edge of her blanket and pulled it over her head, hiding her face away from his haughty gaze. His painted nails peeled the blanket from her, tugging it down to reveal her face to his again, and it was much, much closer than she was expecting. Jude’s breath hitched, her eyes flicking down to his lips and back to his curious eyes again.
He tugged at his dark hair and sighed. “I know you’re not sick, Jude,” he breathed.
Jude couldn’t be looked at like that anymore. There was something about his gaze that managed to see through her always. She reached down and pulled the blankets over her head again.
“Why are you hiding from me?” he asked, his fingers dancing along the edge of her shoulder, through the blanket, slowly creeping up, letting her know he was headed to pull it down again.
“Because I kissed you,” Jude finally grumbled from beneath her comforter, and she frowned as Cardan tugged it down again, a pleased smile across his face as he leaned even closer to her.
“Oh.” Cardan stated, leaning impossibly closer to her face, his nose just a hairs breadth away hers. “Is that all? I get kissed quite a lot, you know,” he smirked.
“Exactly,” Jude huffed.  “It’s embarrassing.” She sighed, scrunching her nose in discomfort. He was too close.
“I can’t stop thinking about it,” Jude admitted, her stomach swirling with nerves.
“Is that so?” Cardan asked, his eyes alight with desire as he let his nose brush against hers. Jude gulped. “I don’t blame you,” he said, his warm breath fanning across her face. “It was a very memorable kiss. One of my favorites.”
“Shut up, Cardan,” Jude said, and brought his lips down against her in a hard kiss. Their noses mashed against each other, until there was no room between them. Jude’s hand knotted in his dark hair, tugging him impossibly closer, and Cardan groaned, opening his mouth to her as Jude relished in the waves of desire that prickled across her skin.
This. This is what she had dreamed about. What set her on edge, feeling completely unhinged. What had kept her stomach in knots for the last forty-eight hours.
And when Cardan’s tongue softly brushed against hers, so starkly different from the harsh pressure of his lips against hers, Jude felt as if she’d been lit on fire.
She gasped for air, needing a break from the ceaseless feeling of drowning, but Cardan didn’t cease his affections. Instead, his mouth trailed across her cheek to wrap around the sensitive skin of her ear. She mumbled out something between an “Oh” and an “Ung,” – something so unintelligibly pleasure-filled that she could feel Cardan smile against her as he let his teeth nip at her skin.
Her hands trailed down his torso, pulling him closer until he was sprawled out above her, somehow kicking the comforter down until it pooled by their feet, revealing her bare legs and comfortable underwear, her t-shirt having ridden up around her stomach.
Cardan hovered inches above her body, and she inhaled deeply as his hand ran up her calf, bending her leg at the knee. His curious fingers swept in small circles down the side of her thigh, until they reached the band of her underwear. She shuddered softly as the tip of his finger edged beneath the elastic, just barely touching her where she’d never allowed anyone but her own hands before.
There was a pregnant pause between them, and Jude held her breath as his eyes seemed to ask the question, Is this okay? Is this what you want?
“I still hate you,” Jude said suddenly, breaking the thick silence that hung between them as Cardan’s hands perused her body. She expected his ministrations to pause, but he simply grinned, his eyes boring down on her, sparkling with amusement at her words. “And if you gloat about this, or tell a single soul, I’ll have you killed,” she added, heart pounding wildly at the gentle feel of his deft touch.
Cardan’s throat bobbed as he swallowed, a nervous tick that betrayed his outer confidence. “I don’t doubt that for a second, my sweet nemesis.” His voice was low as his fingers slipped further beneath the fabric of her underwear, never stopping swiping back and forth against the sensitive skin of her hip.
She took a deep breath as her legs widened, making room for him between them, and they both exhaled as he let himself fall against her, a lithe finger finally sinking fully under the fabric between her thighs and caressing the skin of her folds.
Jude bit her lip, trying to hold back a moan at the feeling of his finger just barely swiping against her most sensitive part. Her hips lifted ever so slightly, bucking towards his hand, wanting more, needing more, as her feelings overwhelmed her.
Cardan watched her with interest as she squirmed beneath his light touch, legs widening further and hips lifting for more contact, but his finger used the softest of pressure, teasing her until she was panting for more. His obsidian gaze burned darkly as his hand moved beneath the fabric of her underwear, slow calculated movements, until she was a mess beneath him. He loved to torture her; that much was evident.
His finger dipped in further and pulled out just as quickly, leaving Jude annoyed and unsatisfied. She refused to beg him. She just wouldn’t give him that satisfaction.
Instead, she let her own hand slide between them and join his in her underwear. She pressed his fingers against her palm, pushing them against her with all her strength. His eyes widened in shock at Jude’s motions, but she didn’t have time to appreciate it, because suddenly his fingers were inside her, and she felt like she was going to burn alive.
She fought against the moans that threatened to escape her mouth, panting loudly instead, back arched off the mattress as Cardan’s hand moved inside her.
“Please,” Cardan breathed quietly as his thumb pressed against her clit.
Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her as her orgasm took her by surprise, legs shaking and hands clenching at her bedsheets as Cardan’s mouth swallowed her sounds of pleasure. His hand never ceased until her twitching legs fell against the mattress with fatigue.
Cardan’s lips kissed hers over and over until her heartbeat slowed and her muscles relaxed, feeling like jelly.
Jude was still in a daze when Cardan pulled his hand from between her legs and licked his fingers, looking far too satisfied with himself. But somehow, she couldn’t bring herself to care at this particular moment.
“Oh,” she breathed quietly, and watched as Cardan lifted a dark brow towards her.
“You’re not going to run away from me again, are you?” he asked, and Jude shook her head from side-to-side. She had a feeling if she tried to stand right now, her legs would wobble. She couldn’t run anywhere. “Good. Are you feeling better?” he asked, and Jude wasn’t exactly sure she knew how to answer that question. Was she feeling a sense of satisfaction and relaxation she’d never experienced before? Yes. Was she feeling a combination of confusion, self-loathing and anger? Also yes.
She couldn’t believe she’d let Cardan touch her like that. She’d never let anyone do that. Ever.
But with Cardan, she felt herself at his mercy, ready for whatever his hands and mouth wanted to do to her. She cringed, feeling a sudden pang of disgust with herself.
She pulled the blankets back over her, hiding her body away from his intense gaze.
“I still hate you,” Jude said again, but her voice was so breathy, she knew it rung false, even to her own ears.
“So you’ve said,” Cardan sighed, standing from the bed and straightening his sweater and adjusting himself within his pants.
A soft knock at the door interrupted their conversation as Oriana poked her head in with a relieved smile. “Oh, Jude. You’re looking flushed, I hope that means your fever broke.”
Cardan rested his hand against Jude’s forehead, which was clammy with the aftermath of their encounter. “You are looking better,” he said calmly. “I must be good for your health.”
Jude snorted far too loudly at that.
“Would you like to stay for dinner, Cardan?” Oriana offered, and Cardan shook his head before Jude could even bother to protest.
“No, I’ll let Jude dear get her rest.” Oriana smiled happily at Cardan’s kind words. “But I’ll see you in rehearsal tomorrow bright and early.”
Jude nodded weakly. “Can’t wait.”
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mythicamagic · 4 years
Eve’s Inferno - Rukiyui oneshot
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Dante's Inferno AU. Eve has searched almost every circle of Hell, leaving just one left. In order to find Adam, she must face the one responsible for their banishment from Eden. But the Devil is used to whispering sweet nothings, and Ruki has succeeded in getting under her skin once before. Rukiyui oneshot.
AN: Made for the Diabolik Lovers Zine @diabolikloverszine​ and published with permission since the sales have closed. I had this idea a long time ago, due to Ruki often being associated with Lucifer in the games. Hope you enjoy!
Rated T
3,000 words (also posted on Ao3)
Eve's Inferno
Disembarking from the small boat, a young woman kept her hand in the ferryman's as he assisted her down. He smiled gently with ashen lips and doleful eyes, nodding to a set of double doors awaiting her.
Thanking him, she offered coins for the ride but was met with a quiet decline. He soon pushed off the dead earth, slinking back up the dark, murky waters of the cavern's river.
The grey doors had vast, intricate carvings of desperate people rising out of it, frozen mid-air, arms outstretched and clawing as though trying to escape. She wondered if they were real human souls, trapped as such a mundane part of the underworld. Taking a breath, she set her shoulders and reached out. The doors opened easily under her hesitant touch.
The woman didn't know what to expect behind them. Perhaps fire and brimstone, the dead or dying, tortured continuously and screams ringing out. But the vast, open space looked empty. There were no cries of pain, blissfully silent. A large cave awaited her, walls dark and jagged with obsidian rock. At her feet lay a cool, frozen lake, solid enough for her to stand on as it took up the entirety of the floor, spreading wide. Curling, misty air didn't chill her bones or make breath visible, instead feeling a little heady.
She steeled herself, walking forwards. In all the domain only a single thing truly held her gaze, that of a lone white tree standing on a small island. The shock of white and green was impossible to ignore.
With careful steps, she crossed the lonely, silent space. Walking onto the island, fresh grass crunched beneath her feet- soon coming to a stop. Breath catching, wide eyes took in the sight of a man with familiar dark hair reclined against the tree. He held a book, pale fingers gripping its spine.
She could not place how she felt, standing there, watching him calmly read. Soft, blue-grey eyes looked as disarming as she remembered when they flicked up to her. But they could sharpen. That tempting mouth could praise and charm one moment and then damn her the next.
"Good to see you, Yui."
"Hello Ruki," she murmured, folding her hands before her skirts. Swallowing, she babbled; "I didn't pay the ferryman, I hope that's alright."
"Azusa can be overly generous, it hardly matters," he dismissed, shifting long legs. "What can I do for you?"
Yui's fingers twisted into her sleeve. The casualness of his question belied Ruki's penchant for manipulation. If she weren't careful, she'd make a mistake, just like their last meeting all those years ago in Eden.
So, raising her head, she set thin shoulders. "I'm here for Adam," her tone was firm and final.
No surprise flickered in his expression, attention returning to his book as though bored.
"I-if you can't give him to me, then I'd like to know where he is. I've been looking for him in the other eight circles for-"
"Centuries, I know."
Annoyance flared, "if you knew, why didn't you meet with me? The other princes weren't very..." she trailed off, curbing her tongue for the sake of diplomacy, "helpful."
A deceptively pleasant chuckle rang out. "Do you expect the ruler of a domain to heed every whim from their subjects? Especially subjects of hell?" Cruel lips curved as he shifted, setting the book down before standing. "Besides, most people when searching for someone will give a description."
Yui held her ground when he approached, heart thundering- drumming wildly in her ears. "You know what he looks like."
"But you don't."
The dark-haired young man, despite his handsome features, did not possess a presence that stood out or screamed malice. When compared with the other princes, his appearance wasn't as eye-catching, attitude not as loud or attention-grabbing. In a crowd, your gaze would likely pass over him. Despite this, when he stepped closer, Yui felt a pressure in the air. A type of sticky humidity that heralded storms. Those eyes, so calm and cold, implored her to confess her sins and sink to her knees. He'd treat her like a pet. A well-fed, maybe even cared for pet, but a pet nonetheless.
"P-please don't toy with me," she murmured. "You probably removed my memories of his face and voice, but I remember Eden. You won't keep us apart."
Ruki reached for her, brushing a shock of cold knuckles against her cheek. Yui congratulated herself for not flinching despite the rush of feeling that attacked her. Compared to the second circle of Lust, with prince Laito's thoughtless, grabby hands, this was nothing. And yet... such a small touch demanded her attention, skin pricking.
"Of course you'd assume I did that. Doesn't it occur to you that he put you here and dictated your punishment?" Hot breath fanned over her mouth, and something tightened in Yui's lower stomach. Lulled by the stroke of his fingers gliding from chin to ear, Yui rocked back on her heels to try to clear her head.
That touch changed- locking into blonde hair and grasping tight to prevent escape. Yui stilled with a gasp, gritting her teeth.
"You're afraid," he purred.
"N-no," she thought for a moment and admitted; "not of what you can do to me. Just of my memories fading."
She'd seen what that did to souls. Lost, wandering figures mourning their own condition. They couldn't even remember their own names.
That touch turned gentle and soothing again, but she didn't trust it not to turn into violence at a second's notice. "Why do you care so much about finding him?"
"B-because I love him?" Wasn't that a question with an obvious answer? She'd literally been created from a rib to be Adam's other half.
"You can't love someone you don't remember. Someone you don't know. You'd trust a stranger like that?" Devastatingly beautiful eyes shifted over her pale expression, his pupils slightly slit. Ruki leaned closer, lips ghosting over the delicate shell of her ear. This time she was unable to suppress a shiver. "You should give yourself over to your Master's hands instead... I wouldn't treat my Livestock poorly."
Something hot churned in her stomach. "You're not my Master and I'm not cattle."
A low chuckle resounded in her ear, firm fingers gliding down her spine. "I seem to remember us having a conversation similar to this a long time ago. Do you recall?"
Yui squeezed her eyes shut, trying to push back the memory. It flooded through the gaps between her fingers like water. She could suddenly smell thick, choking scents of roses, feel lush grass and flowers brushing at bare legs. Lashes reluctantly opened, and her breath hitched.
The lake and lone tree were nowhere in sight. Ruki had vanished. Instead, she found herself wandering through the achingly familiar gardens of Eden. Birds sang to each other in twisting trees, lions and other predators lazed around, heedless of her or other prey. Yui felt her skin prick from a faint chill in the air, glancing down to find herself naked.
It was all exactly as she remembered. She'd become Eve again, lost in those painful memories that had haunted her for centuries. Only... she still couldn't remember Adam.
Rounding a large flower bed, Eve lay eyes on a single tree, separated from all other greenery. It bore fruit, red apples catching the sun in such a way that salvia filled her mouth at the mere thought of tasting them.
"You can have one if you like."
Eve's gaze slid down the apple tree's truck to find a man leaning against it. No, not a man.
An angel.
She frowned, making no move to cover herself as she approached.
"But I was told not to."
The dark-haired angel smiled, and she felt no reason to be afraid. "Why do you obey blindly?"
"I don't know."
Some frustration marred his handsome face. He gestured to a small pond not too far away, "go look into the water."
The woman did so because she'd been told to, and it didn't cross her mind to resist. Kneeling at the water's edge, blonde hair slid forward and Eve's breath hitched at the sight of her own reflection. Her eyes struggled to take in the image, a stunned hand raising to touch her reddening cheek.
'That's me...'
Complicated thoughts blazed to life in her mind where none had been before. Wonder, perception, a briefly vain absorption in her own existence having palpable proof before her eyes. What a gentle and pretty face. She loved it simply because it was her own, something that only she owned. Eve was at once changed. No longer an extension of Adam, she felt like a person.
The angel knelt not too far away. "I'll ask again; why do you obey blindly?"
"Well because..." she trailed off, swallowing. "I suppose I was created after Adam so I should behave in order to show my gratitude?"
"You act like a Livestock that's been reared and bred in a shelter. That doesn't sound like honest loyalty to me."
"No, I- maybe it isn't, " her arms moved to hug herself, wondering why she felt a little cold. Maybe it was the strange, isolated feeling his question awakened in her. "What is... honest loyalty?"
His eyes sharpened, tone becoming firm. "It's when you can be certain the one you've put faith in can care for you. In turn, you support them, like they're a worthy Master."
Eve picked at soft green grass, mulling this over. "Sounds as though you have experience with it."
"Mn, though lately, I've been feeling dissatisfied."
She got the sense that he wouldn't be saying anything more. "I feel... different. Like I'm not the same Eve as a moment ago."
Her companion shifted to stand, some white feathers from exquisite wings falling to land on the water's surface. She watched them float and twirl slowly with fascination.
"If you're someone else, you could always give yourself a new name," he casually suggested.
"Give... myself?" Eve chewed on her bottom lip, thinking. A name came out of nowhere. No one suggested it, so at once, she felt slightly giddy and pleased with her hushed murmur of: "...Yui."
Blue-grey eyes shifted. A pale hand rested on his chest as he bowed slightly. "Yui. Well met."
"Well met," she blushed, glancing at the funny material wrapped around his body curiously. "What's your name?"
"I was given the name Lucifer."
Yui tilted her head, sending lush falls of blonde over one shoulder. "Oh, did you change yours too?"
"Yes. I chose the name Ruki instead."
Her hands curled in her hair, testing out the new name on her tongue. "Ru...ki."
Ruki stiffened slightly, attention weighed upon her like a heavy, palpable thing with substance and form. She felt her cheeks flush, remembering the reflection of herself in the water. For the first time, she wondered what he might be thinking. What an angel's own perception of her was like.
"Mn... there's no need to get caught up with trivial things," he cleared his throat, walking towards the tree again.
"I wanted to ask about those things draping over your body," Yui chirped, following.
"My clothes? More trivial talk," he sighed, not particularly annoyed, however. Ruki stopped by the truck and rested a hand upon it, "you can have clothes too if you desire."
"I can?" So many new things were being offered to her today! She felt as though discovery was perhaps the single most wonderful thing to experience. She hungered for more- like the reflection and her new name. "Yes. I'd like that!"
He made a gesture, twisting his wrist in the air- and at once those strange, wondrous threads were wrapped around her, covering her shoulders but clinging around her chest and then falling down to her feet like a waterfall. Yui touched the material, finding it soft. She giggled, looking at him. "Thank you," she said breathlessly.
Ruki nodded, face unreadable. He then gestured to the fruit hanging above them. "You can still take one of these if you wanted."
At this, she hesitated, stopping by his side. "I... I'm not sure..."
"Did we not establish that you don't have to give your loyalty to someone who hasn't earned it?" His pleasant voice remained patient. A cool hand, chilled to the touch, met the base of her spine. The woman stilled, feeling that palm drag up her back, before curling in her hair. He seemed at once too close and yet not near enough.
"Maybe if I... take a bite, I can explain that I was just discovering new things? I'll know what it's like and won't be tempted anymore," she murmured.
Strong fingers tightened, stroking the back of her neck. "What an interesting word to use. Yes, I suppose you won't be tempted. You'll have had experience, and no one should punish you for that."
She agreed and reached up of her own volition, grasping a red fruit and yanking to break it free. She then sank blunt teeth into the apple, making a noise as juices overflowed in her mouth. Ruki's slit gaze dilated.
"It tastes wonderful!" She smiled, offering him some. The angel refused, taking a few steps back.
"I'm happy for you, but I should really be going now."
"Oh," Yui wilted, not even noticing the darkening, angry clouds above. "A-alright, I'll see you later! I should go share this with Adam."
Blinking, Yui shook herself. Like an after-image, Ruki and the gardens changed. They melted away, revealing the lonesome lake once more. Ruki stood without his wings, having lost them in the fall. She could remember hearing about his uprising, his sins. They were far worse and more numerous than her own, and yet there they stood, together in the last layer of Hell. Two traitors.
"You didn't need to show me that," Yui murmured. "I do still remember. Please, please just tell me where Adam is."
Ruki looked almost deceptively kind for a moment, features softening. "They forgave Adam. He has been accepted into Heaven and left you behind, Eve."
Her knees threatened to buckle, lungs constricting. No, no, she needed to calm down. Of course he'd lie. "The truth, please," she gritted out.
Strong hands caught her slim waist as she moved back, starting violently at his touch and proximity. "I am not lying, Livestock."
"How can you expect me to believe you?" tears pricked her eyes.
"I understand-" he hissed, gathering Yui's thin, shivering body closer and curling around her. "I'm the snake that tempted Eve. You don't trust me and see me as nothing but an unworthy Master- but there's a place for you, here Eve." The smoke of a smile lingered on his lips, unseen by her, but she could hear it, feel it in his voice. "Here, by my side. We're a lot alike, cast out for our sins. All we did was utilise our free will. I'm not like him..." Ruki quietly purrs. "I won't shut you out no matter how much you sin."
Tears leaked down her cheeks as Yui raised her head, finding his lips much closer than anticipated. "Just give me your loyalty."
Trembling, the sensation of his mouth pressing against hers stole her breath. Shame rose to mingle with the glow he elicited within her chest, feeling herself considering, wondering if perhaps- just maybe... he genuinely cared for her.
'What is...honest loyalty?'
Yui's fingers curled in his clothes.
'It's when you can be certain the one you've put faith in can care for you. In turn, you support them, like they're...a worthy Master.'
Two hands shot out, shoving against his chest. 
Ruki grunted, eyes flashing. "Yui-"
"No! I-if it is true, then I-I'm happy for him!" Yui yelled. "Adam deserves to be free, but I won't ever give you my loyalty. I won't be your Livestock," she turned, hurrying away.
"Yui!" Ruki snarled, something hard leaking into his voice.
She stepped off the island, landing upon the lake a second before his hand met a barrier. Yui blinked, noting that he couldn't seem to set foot off the island, unable to leave the tree where he'd helped her commit the first sin of man. It seemed someone up in Heaven had a sense of humour.
Her blonde hair bounced as she jogged away, having no idea where to go. Anywhere was better than with him.
"You can't leave," came his quiet voice. "We'll keep going over this. We'll keep doing it, as many times as it takes for you to say yes."
Yui ignored him, reaching out to touch the large grey doors- only to hear a quiet snap of fingers behind her.
Sitting up, she stifled a yawn.
"We're here, miss."
Disembarking from the small boat, the woman kept her hand in the ferryman's as he assisted her down. She tried to give him coins, but he declined, continuing on his way. Approaching some large, imposing grey doors, she noted they had vast, intricate carvings of people rising out of them. Taking a breath, she pushed them open, stepping into the quiet space.
Awaiting her, marooned on a single island within the lake, the Devil watched as Eve approached.
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therewasatale · 3 years
On Ao3. 
Summary:  Pip meets Alcuard in a different occasion.
Based on prompt. 
They said, he just has to accompany the vampire girl, secure the area while she is sniffing around, looking for some clues in the woods near the city and then take her home. That what they said.
No one, not a fuckin person said that as soon as the day turns into night, vampires would begin to swarm out from the depths of the woods. A whole ass family was ready to play hide and seek with them. And somehow it was always he and Seras who had to hide.
It was his first goddamn mission here! They just got into the service of Hellsing! Sir Hellsing mentioned something about her other vampire having something to do, but in due time he will join the two of them.
Pip ordered his thoughts and turned his attention to the present.
He glanced over his shoulder.
He hasn't heard any noises from behind them for a long time, but he wouldn't have been able to tell how long they'd been hiding and running for their lives. At least they were able to send the signal for help, now they just had to hold out until someone arrived. Although, heavens knew how long that would be.
He stopped next to an oak tree and pulled Sera into cover. As he listened, he hugged her closer to make sure she was out of sight.
The forest became quiet.
She winced and her face turned slightly red, not only from the hug, but from the smell of blood from the mans injured arm. His scent filled everything around her, she could feel it in her nose and mout,h as something seemed to begin to take control in her head. Her hunger awakened without warning, just as her master had warned her many times. If she does not take blood properly, not only she will be weakened, but over time her hunger will flare ups will be more forceful. She didn't even notice that she slowly licked her lips and leaned closer to the wound.
"Seras?" Pip stared at her. "What the hell are you doing?"
The vampire girl looked up at him. Hunger glinted in her red eyes.
The seconds slowly dragged themselves forward. Pip felt his heartbeat becoming faster and stronger, in his chest as he had to find a solution to the rapidly approaching problem. Could he stop the girl?
Fortunately, he didn't need to think about this for too long.
Seras forced her tongue back into place and shut her mouth swallowing. She calmed down, for now.
"I'm fine…" she couldn't lose herself right now. "I'm fine…"
Pip looked at her for a few moments then slowly nodded. They were fine. For now. They both got quite a few injuries. There was a burning pain in his side, and his arm where he was clawed. And Seras, well, she got a serious hit to the stomach, but amongst the two of them, the girl was able to regenerate herself.
"Why the fuck are those vampires here? And why there's so many of them? I thought it was just one, maybe. Not a whole damn family." Pip muttered nervously as he tried to figure out where their opponents might be.
"The master will be here soon," Seras' quiet whisper seemed almost like shouting in the silence.
"Much good will that do for us if we will be dead by then," Pip hissed in response.
"We won't-"
Wind rose among the trees and leaves fell not far away. The small rustle in the undergrowth was only perceivable to Seras. Her body tensed up between the soldier's arms.
"Down!" She dragged the man after her, just a moment before an arm pierced through the trunk, which they had been using as cover until now.
"Son of a-" Pip rolled on the ground and pushed himself up on his knees as fast as he could. He knew it very well that he was nearing the end of his ammunition, he only brought three grenades with him and he had already used two.
A laugh full of dark excitement shook the branches.
Pip turned the barrel of his gun towards the noise, but before he could pull the trigger, a young, childish voice spoke up right next to his ear.
"Got you."
He still had enough self-control to glance towards the voice.
She didn't look more than eight years old. Her long blonde hair slowly curled in the air, a mixture of blood and mud stained the edge of her floral dress.
"PIP!" Seras wanted to lunge towards him, but a blade pressed against her throat.
"Don’t be so hasty," the young man was far taller than her and appeared from almost nothing behind her. He hugged her with his long arm at his chest and squeezed it closer to himself. More leaves fell around them.
"Let me-" Seras tried to move, but her attacker held her too tight. She winced as she felt the blade slowly begin to make its way down her throat.
The kid grinned widely into Pip's face. Her teeth lined up like needle-sharp blades, and her two canines visibly lengthened. The mercenary's hand instinctively reached for the last grenade on his belt.
"Don't think I'm not taking you with me, you monster!"
Seras's eyes flashed red as she tried to break free. Fingers dug into her arms and she felt the bloodthirst from the figure behind her, but she couldn't take his eyes off the mercenary.
"Pip...don't... MASTER!"
Chill descended on the forest around them, even the wind quieted down. The vampire kid stopped and with her almost everything froze into stillness the woods. Even the mercenary felt that something had changed.
Something has arrived.
The shadows deepened around them, flow together, becoming a black river. An arm rose out of the darkness, holding an obsidian-colored gun.
Pip swore he saw a face in the depths of that shadow, and countless eyes. They were bright red and caught his own gaze. For a few moments he felt blood froze in his veins, and he knew for sure, he had no chance against a creature like that, no matter how many grenades he would have. After seconds which seemed like hours, the crimson eyes turned away from him.
And something growled in the shadows.
"You shouldn't have done that."
The gun fired and the bullet blew a hole in the vampire kid's head. Then another shot and another hit.
The mercenary looked at the body collapsing beside him. The warm blood splashed on his face. Not far from him, the void began to take shape. Rising, towering above him were now the stranger, whose body was covered by a red coat and his long black hair which slithered as if it had a mind of its own, casting a shadow on his face. Still, he could clearly make out the two pairs of eyes, glowing with rage.
"You two, leave."
A scream filled with anger and loss echoed amongst the trees, it was followed by the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps.
Seras' voice shook him up from his dazed, and she pulled him into standing. His legs were still a little weak and almost buckled, but he knew full well, that he needed to shake off the shock.
"Come on!" She began to pull him forward, and he followed.
He heard the sound of gunshots behind them, then the bone shattering roar shook even his body. He didn't want to look back; he knew it was better not to look back. He didn't know how long they had run, but Seras might have sensed the distance they were safe.
"I think we're safe here." The vampire girl only let go of her arm when the thirst for blood finally abated, then she finally took a few deep breaths, even though she didn't really need it. She glanced back through the trees with her eyes glowing red.
Pip followed her gaze, but his human eyes saw only the thick forest.
Another scream. Maybe another vampire died.
“I don’t know who that is, but I’m glad he seems to be on our side, he’s fucking terrifying.” Pip lit a cigarette, he tried to get a grip of his trembling hands.
Seras glanced at the man. She dug around in her pockets and found a handkerchief extending it towards Pip with a clumsy, perhaps apologetic smile.
"Yeah, dad can be a little overprotective....”
Pip looked at the shadows, then he remembered the eyes that belonged to some demon rather than any ordinary human, or even vampire, and finally he glanced back to the girl in front of him.
“......That’s your DAD?!"
Seras blushed as she realized what she just said.
"Don't tell him, I called him that!"
Pips mind was still concentrated on the previous answer. He didn't have to look back again. There were enough painful screams mixed with a dark but contented laugh to know what's happening.
"Please, Pip ..."
"Wha '? Hm? Oh yeah, yeah, my mouth is closed. Uh, thank you." He took the handkerchief a little awkwardly and pressed it to his bleeding arm. The wound would have to be stitched up, but he was grateful even for that gesture. "Are you okay? You didn’t get hit too hard, are you?"
"No," the vampire girl shook her head. "The bigger wounds have already healed. And I think we'll be safe here for now." She turned her gaze towards the dark between the trees. "Master will finish them soon, and then we can go home."
Pip watched the girl quietly and slowly took a deep smoke from his cigarette. Now somehow, he saw Sera in a whole different light. He glanced down at the blood-soaked handkerchief.
Even now, he could hardly believe the fact that kid back there was really some supernatural being. And yet, if the help arrived even a minute later, he might no longer be alive. Although he had to realize that when they were hired, the first thing they were told that they will encounter extraordinary things.
He finally followed her gaze, but he could only imagine what horrors could be happening in the forest deep. Either way, he was sure he wasn't going to move an inch further from the girl.
He smiled slightly under his breath as he took a deep breath through his cigarette.
Good god, Pip Bernadotte. What have you got yourself into again?
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readiajin · 3 years
To Love Herself - Chapter 3: Hello
Synopsis: Following ACOSF until Nesta’s confrontation with Amren. Rather than going to hike and soul search with Cassian in the wild, Nesta uses her powers to disappear.
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Chapter 3: Hello
Nesta - After Disappear
“Who the hell are you?”
Nesta jumped to her feet and whirled around. 
A woman stood a couple yards away. No, not a woman, a High Fae. The female had dark skin and her tightly braided hair was pulled back, revealing her pointed ears. Despite her ears marking her as High Fae, Nesta couldn’t help comparing her to the Illyarians. She wore fighting leathers somewhat similar to theirs, and they were form fitting around the muscles of her torso and arms. A bow and quiver were slung over her back, with a sword sheathed at her side. 
Nesta froze as she silently cursed herself for not having any weapons of her own. She had no idea how she had used her magic before and had very little faith in it if the female decided to attack. She however, had her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised at Nesta as she slowly looked her over. 
“Do you speak? I asked who you are and what you are doing here.”
The arrogance in the female’s voice made Nesta grind her teeth but also stand straight and lift her chin. 
“You didn’t actually.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“You didn’t ask what I was doing here before. You only asked who I was.”
The female tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at Nesta. “You know I don’t think you are in a position to have so much attitude.”
Despite Nesta’s rapidly beating heart, she forced her face to be impassive as she gave a dry smile. “Funny, I was about to tell you the same thing.”
Nesta wasn’t sure how she expected the female to react, but to burst out laughing wasn’t it. Her laugh was high pitched and infectiously jovial. At least it would have been if it wasn’t at Nesta’s expense. Nesta felt heat rush to her face but retained her still exterior as the female leaned over her knees while attempting to catch her breath. 
When she finally calmed down enough to wipe tears from her eyes she took in Nesta again, her face softer than before. 
“I don’t know what I was expecting, but you’ve surprised me.” 
Nesta had no idea what that meant, but she bit back, “You haven’t surprised me.” 
The female snorted. “Nevertheless, if you want to live you should probably come with me.”
Taken aback, it took Nesta a moment to respond, “I don’t need your help nor will I go anywhere with you. Turn around and go back to wherever you came from.” 
The female rolled her eyes. “Mother, you are a piece of work, aren’t you? We both know that you didn’t intend to come here or even know where here is. If you want food and shelter and help you will come with me, Nesta.” 
Nesta stepped back at her name, trying to call to magic for help but it was silent. “How do you know my name?”
The female’s lips curved it into a tight smile, but she simply shrugged and turned away. “Welcome to the Forest of the Lost,” she said over her shoulder before heading to disappear between the trees. 
Part of Nesta told her to let the female go, but another part screamed at her to get answers. 
“Wait!” The female stopped. “Tell me your name if you want me to follow.”
The female turned back slowly, a mischievous look in her eyes.
“I’m Thalia. Now keep up.”
Cassian - After Appear
The Obsidian Isles were named so for the smooth rocks that made up the beaches instead of sand. Flying towards them from above, they looked like dark slashes dividing the rough sea and dense evergreen forests of the Isles. 
Cassian glanced at Feyre flying to his right, trying to be calm as he flew towards his heaven and his hell. It had been decided that only Cassian, Feyre, Rhys, and Azriel would go to meet Nesta. Elain had made her feelings clear, and no one explicitly had said it, but it was understood that it is probably better to keep Mor and Amren far away from Nesta. 
They had sent Azriel to scout ahead as usual, but the Northern Island and the rest of the Isles were all free of Fae. Azriel could find no evidence that anyone had even visited recently, or where exactly they were expected to meet Nesta. 
So now they flew towards the dark beaches, all four of them on high alert. 
They landed in the center and examined the tree line. “Anything?” Rhys asked Azriel. 
Az shook his head. “Place seems as abandoned and cursed as usual.”
Besides from their location in the cold and gray north, the soil of the Isles were fertile, and the surrounding waters prime fishing. Despite that, no Fae settlement had ever lasted. Stories of tragedies befalling any settlement were plentiful, from lighting burning down a half built cabin to an entire colony disappearing. This fact had been pointed out repeatedly by Mor as she argued with him and Feyre to not be stupid by coming here. 
Cassian wasn’t worried, as there had never been any tragedy for someone visiting the islands. Even if there was a curse, Cassian would settle down to stay here if Nesta asked him too. 
Stupid. Cassian’s logical voice chided him. He couldn’t let his emotions influence him right now. He was still angry with his family for their mistrust of Nesta, but he also needed to think as the General he was. Nesta had managed to get into Velaris without anyone knowing, at least twice. How many times had she gone there besides the two times they knew about? Cassian didn’t want to consider she had been so close without him knowing while he worried about her, but he knew now not to make assumptions. 
“Should we go into the trees and look for her?” Feyre asked as the beach remained empty. 
“No,” Rhys replied. “We shouldn’t risk an ambush hidden among the trees.” 
Feyre shot her Mate a dark look. “Nesta is not going to ambush us.”
Rhys and Feyre fell silent, speaking mind to mind. Knowing better than to get involved, Cassian turned to the trees again. 
Cold winds swept off the sea, making Cassian shiver. As he looked at the trees, his gaze snagged on a boulder about 60 yards away, just slightly beyond the tree line. There was nothing special about it, besides it’s massive size probably being a foot higher than Cassian’s height, and just as wide. But as he stared at it, Cassian suddenly felt a tug in his gut. 
“There.” He said, before moving toward it without waiting for a response. 
Cassian walked around it, examining the smooth surface for any signs. He met Azriel at the back, as he had gone around the other side. 
“Do you see something in this bolder we don’t, Cass?” Feyre asked as she and Rhy joined them. 
“I…” Cassian frowned. “No, I thought something was telling me this was it.”
“This was what?” Rhys asked. 
“A giant boulder of obsidian, of course.”
The voice that spoke those words did not belong to any of them. 
In an instant Rhys had thrown Feyre behind him, his dark power surrounding them. Cassian and Azriel both drew their swords and siphoned up shields around them, jumping back. 
However, they all froze upon seeing the figure now perched atop the rock.
Emerie sat there cross legged, an amused look on her face as she looked down on them. 
“It really is just a rock,” Emerie said as she hopped down to stand in front of them.
Emerie turned to Rhys and Feyre to bow. “Good to see you again my Lord and Lady.” She straightened to look at Cassian and Azriel, smiling. “You two as well.” 
Cassian thought back to the last time he had seen Emerie. After Nesta had disappeared, Cassian had stopped training the priestesses and Emerie. Had stopped doing a lot of things. His last conversation with Emerie had been a couple days after Nesta had gone, when it had become clear to him that neither Emerie or Gwyn had any idea how or where Nesta went. 
Azriel had tried to continue to train them all for a while, but between looking for Nesta, Feyre’s pregnancy, the threat of the human queens, Koschei, and the talks with Vallahan, Cassian later learned training had been put on hold. That was another thing for Cassian to feel guilty about after they were also gone. 
“Emerie,” Rhys said, looking her up and down. She wore leathers like the ones Feyre had described Nesta wearing, her wavy hair braided with feathers down her back. And the missing sword was hanging from her belt. “What are you doing here?”
She opened her mouth to respond, but before she could Cassian felt the world shift. Every molecule of his being was suddenly pulled to the right as time seemed to slow down and he turned. 
“She is helping me show you all what I told Feyre was the truth.”
Nesta said this from 10 feet away, standing between two trees where she had certainly not been a moment before. She looked as Feyre had described. Wearing well worn fighting leathers, molded to show off the sleek muscles of her arms, stomach, and thighs. Her golden streaked hair shone in the sunlight, with a silver feather braided into it. Her smooth skin now had a warm tan, making her glow. Cassian had never been able to take his eyes off her, but now there was no denying how devastatingly beautiful she was.
She stood straight, her arms crossed with the Great Sword at her belt. Her stormy grey eyes were bright like a thunderstorm as dusk as she surveyed them all. Except for Cassian. She seemed to be dutifully ignoring his stare. 
“The reason I asked you all here is because this is the meeting point of those within the Night Court who are working with the Rising to steal the Night Court's power.” 
“Hello Nesta,” Rhys said, his voice cold. “It’s been a while.”
Nesta took in Rhys with an equal level of disdain as he gave her. After a moment she simply said “Yes,” before turning to Azriel and continuing.
“The fact that your shadows have not picked up this group's activities tells me that they are probably already well established in Prythian.”
“Nesta,” Feyre said, stepping forward. “If you want us to believe you, why not start with how you left eight years ago and what you have been doing since them.”
Nesta sighed. “I ended up on the continent and met some people who… helped me. They also were interested in helping the priestess. Something I understand you lost interest in once I was gone.” Nesta still didn’t look at Cassian but he felt as if she punched him in the gut. “The group consists primarily of lesser Fae who want to upset the hierarchy of power between them and High Fae. Actually they really just want to flip it, and subject the High Fae to the same treatment they revived. They call themselves The Rising,” Nesta rolled her eyes. “So to answer your inevitable question as to how we know this, the former priestesses have been tracking this group's movement on the continent. We intercepted one of their correspondences to a contact here.” 
“How do you know they have a source within the Illyrians?” Azreil asked, the only one of them not completely taken aback by Nesta’s explanation.
Nesta nodded to Emerie, who removed a parchment from her pocket. “This is the last message we intercepted,” She explained as she handed it over to Azreil. 
Az brow furrowed slightly as he read the paper before handing it to Rhys.
“What is it?” Cassian asked as Rhys got the same look.
“The top part is Illyrian but the bottom part is in a language I don’t recognize,” Rhys explained as Cassian took a look for himself.
The part in Illyrian read: PEAK SUNRISE DROUGHT CEILING
“What is that supposed to mean?” Feyre asked after they translated the Illyrian for her. 
“We aren’t sure either,” Nesta said. “We think it refers to another meeting place. And we were hoping one of you knew what the other language was.”
“Amren might know,” Azreil said.
Nesta stiffened at the female's name. “That would be helpful,” She said. 
Cassian blinked in surprise. Nesta wasn’t one to appreciate someone else helping, especially Amren. 
“And how exactly does the Rising think they can steal Prythian’s High Lords’ powers?” Rhys asked. 
“Like I told Feyre before, by finding the physical manifestation of it in Prythian.” Nesta leveled Rhys a glare. “If you know, you might want to check it, and the Illyarians. And look out for Riding members infiltrating  the courts.”
Rhys examined Neata with the High Lord stare that regularly brought Fae to their knees. “And what will you be doing, Nesta?”
Nesta held her chin high, weathering the power rolling of Rhys. “My friends and I will be handling them on the Continent.” 
Cassian couldn’t take it anymore. “Oh, that’s all?” He growled.
Nesta finally looked to Cassian, her face impassive. That look made his blood boil, in conjunction with how it felt like she was ripping out his heart. 
“We have been trying to stop this group from spreading on the Continent for years now. I have no interest in seeing Prythian become subject to their misguided revolution.”
“You sure you and your friends can handle it?” Cassian spit out. “Sounds like you have been failing for years.”
Out of the corner of his eye Cassian sensed Emerie step back. Silver flames danced in Nesta’s eyes. 
“We’ve done a lot in the past eight years.” She said in a deadly quiet. “I’ve done a lot of things. I’m doing this to save the lives of innocents. I’m not interested in another war or anything else.”
Cassian fell silent. 
In all the times he had imagined seeing her again, it wasn’t like this. He knew she was the queen of pushing people away, but even at her worst he knew what to expect from her. He could take her yelling and cursing at him. He hadn’t really believed Feyre before about Nesta looking good. Hadn’t truly believed she could be happy without him when not a day had gone by where he hadn’t missed her. But Cassian didn’t know how to handle her standing tall, strong, confident, and beautiful, telling him what to do. All without him. 
Probably sensing Cassian’s coming breakdown, Feyre stepped forward. 
“I’m sorry Nesta, I’m still very confused. How did you get into Velaris, and who are your friends besides the priestesses?”
“You are the one who wanted me to master my powers Feyre. I did.” 
Feyre blinked. “Okay but who—“
Feyre was cut off by an ash arrow flying out of the trees to lodge in the middle of her chest. 
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Hello dearest! Could you do a HC on if Valdemars partner somehow (maybe they drank the wrong potion) had a heat? Like they look extremely feverish and like they're about to fall down but the second Valdemar tries to examine them they just whimper and beg for him (they explain whats going on either before or after depending on how worried Val is)
[this is incredibly funny because I’ve been tossing around writing a fanfic based around this general idea with Valdemar and my MC. If anyone would like me to actually type it up so it can be read, let me know, it’s sort of similar to this but more...kinky]
But I enjoyed doing these HCs, I hope you enjoy them as well
To begin with, it seemed on that day, the Quaestor was in a particularly foul mood. Their already-thin patience was running even shorter, and MC was doing their absolute best to not get in Valdemar’s way. No one, not even MC who was the Quaestor’s partner, could please them or achieve their impossibly-high standard for that night’s work.
MC wasn’t sure how it happened. They were distracted; thinking about Valdemar, and how to cheer them up later on when the rest of the med students left, but instead of grabbing the pick-me-up potion MC had made for nights like these that contained a good dose of caffeine and energy, it was something different.
The effects weren’t immediate. It was nearing dawn, the moon falling down beneath the horizon and the sun on its way to creep up and show its weak first light when MC realized something was wrong. Ever since they drank that energy potion, their focus had been trash, their balance was off, even their mind kept wandering as they struggled to do even the most basic of tasks.
After most of the others had left for the day, Doctor 0-6-9, Julian, was the one that came to MC with concern on his pale features. “Are you alright? You look like you need to sit down,“ he said with a worried crease in his brow.
MC shook their head quickly; weakness was a thing that wasn’t tolerated in Valdemar’s workshop. But the action made their vision get fuzzy and they stumbled. Julian caught them before they could land on their ass on the cold stone floor, calling over the Quaestor in a semi-panicked voice.
“I’m not infected,“ MC insisted, even though they could barely speak, their breathless tone suggesting otherwise. It would be the first thing everyone thought, that they had caught the plague. MC tried to hide the cringe when they saw the looming headdress that Valdemar wore, unable to look their partner in the eye.
“Get out,” Valdemar hissed, and if they weren’t trying to desperately figure out what was wrong with them, MC would have laughed at how quickly Doctor 0-6-9 stammered through a goodbye and beat feet out of the dungeon.
MC struggled to stand, but they squeaked a little in shock when they felt Valdemar’s arms curl underneath their legs and back. As they were lifted into the air, a wave of heat flowed over MC’s body, and they couldn’t resist pressing their face against the Quaestor’s chest as they were carried over to a clean dissection table.
Valdemar had noticed that MC was certainly not up to their full potential that evening. They first considered that something was amiss emotionally; that MC was upset at them for some mundane human reason. But when Val witnessed 0-6-9 touch their partner, irritation morphed into something more unsettling, getting dangerously close to concern.
“What have you ingested today? Drank? Have you slept in the past forty-eight hours?” As Valdemar launched through the usual exam questions, each brush of their fingers over MC made MC shiver, their lips parting to get more air in. 
Have they always been this...cold? MC wondered, unconsciously leaning towards Val. The Quaestor always smelled nice, not like decomposition, like some would assume, but like crumbling roses and clean, polished obsidian. Their skin is colder than a human’s, and it feels so nice... MC’s eyes closed to absorb more of the feeling of Valdemar’s hands working across their skin, and the barest, softest moan slipped out.
Valdemar’s hands instantly froze on MC’s body, one hand over their jugular as they paused in counting their pulse. “Did you just moan?“ Valdemar asked, and for once that night, there wasn’t any irritation in their tone, only shock.
MC’s eyes instantly snapped open and they covered their mouth with their hand. “I....” MC couldn’t come up with a reason as to why they were acting this way. Everything felt like they were resting over an open-coal fire, their skin blooming with a fine sheen of sweat, their face a dark pink and flushed. Their pupils were dilated, too, the black eating away at the iris. “I think I drank the wrong potion,“ MC finally said in a shaky voice, fighting the urge to beg for Valdemar to keep touching them.
It was a battle that they inevitably lost, because MC leaned forward, attempting to get as close as possible without falling off the dissection table. “Please...your touch is the only thing that makes it go away,” MC whispered, their arms stretching out to loop around the nape of Valdemar’s neck. MC didn’t know what the thing was, all they could feel was Valdemar’s cool touch breaking through the scorching heat that was pounding through their body.
The Quaestor immediately scanned their workshop, searching for the elusive empty bottle that MC had mistakenly consumed. When they found it, partially obscured by MC’s bag, Valdemar seriously considered killing them. Their hand slowly cupped MC’s fragile throat, their thumb idly stroking across the rapidly-pulsing vein. All it would take would be one crack. One snap, and then Valdemar could go back to the corpses that were silently crying for their attention. That had to be better than dealing with MC, who was getting hit hard by the effects of the concoction.
MC didn’t recognize the language, but they recognized the tone and the infliction. Valdemar swore violently in a dialect MC figured was long-dead, and MC whined in displeasure when the Quaestor grabbed their arms and pulled them away from Valdemar’s neck.
“Please,“ MC whimpered, and they were so far gone in the potion’s heat that they couldn’t even make sense. They had no idea what they were pleading for, only that the word wouldn’t stop flowing out as tears gathered in their lashes. “Please, please, I need you, please...”
Valdemar caught MC by the shoulders and forced them backwards, splaying them out on the dissection table and nimbly straddling their hips. As MC gasped in shock, then moaned desperately as their weight settled down, Valdemar put their face less than an inch away from MC. “You can’t cry because I’m too rough,“ Valdemar warned with a dark hiss, their hand finding a scalpel and efficiently cutting through MC’s restrictive clothing. “Do you understand?“ they demanded, Valdemar’s hand hovering over MC’s bare, heated skin.
MC caught Valdemar’s wrist and shoved their hand against their chest, their back arching up into the skin-on-skin contact with a quivering gasp. “I won’t,“ MC promised, their pupils dilating even more from desire. “I can take it, Val, please, don’t stop.“
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plainbrunettelbl · 5 years
(Shifter AU) Panther Aizawa Shota x Bobcat Reader x Lion Yamada Hizashi (Chapter Two)
Word count: 4465
Warnings: None
Title: (Shifter AU) Panther Aizawa Shota x Bobcat Reader x Lion Yamada Hizashi (Chapter Two)
Summary: You get started at your new job and hang out with the duo a bit more. 
(gif not mine) 
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💤🎤-You had been nervous going into the interview. You put on your best clothes and walked your way into the interview room. As soon as you pulled up to the building you instantly knew why their previous assistant was throwing themselves at them. 
💤🎤-The building was huge and elegant. The blue glass building sparkled brilliantly against all the other stone ones. They clearly had money lining their pockets. You felt a little intimidated now that you knew they had money. 
💤🎤-You had exchanged numbers with them when they dropped you off the other day but you hadn’t texted with them much. Hizashi would text you songs that he really liked and wanted you to listen to. Shota would constantly ask if you were eating enough. 
💤🎤-They were both sweet. You were glad to have met them, they seemed to be looking out for you. It was comforting considering you had no one else in this town to talk to. 
💤🎤-You walked into the interview and gave it your best. 
💤🎤-Now, a few days later, you were waiting by your laptop to see if they emailed you telling you got the job. The stress alone was gonna cause a shift. You were lounging in a soft white shirt and pajama shorts. 
💤🎤-You were laying on your bed on your stomach refreshing your inbox every few minutes. You really hoped you got the job. You tried to distract yourself with reading comics on your phone but it was no use.   
💤🎤-Finally, your laptop chimed. We are glad to inform you that...
💤🎤-You squealed, excitedly bouncing around on your bed. You quickly shot off a text to your new bosses saying you were looking forward to working with them. They congratulated you and wanted to see if you would like to go to dinner to celebrate. 
💤🎤-You were more than happy to agree. Your bobcat missed the big felines. 
💤🎤-They had picked you up thirty minutes after they had texted you about getting dinner to celebrate they had pulled up to your apartment complex. It was in a decent neighborhood so they were both relieved. 
💤🎤-They didn’t get to come up and get you at your door. You had walked down your two flights of stairs before they could get out of their expensive black car. It was a shame. They wanted to sniff out what shifters lived there. 
💤🎤-They shot you smiles when you climbed into the car. 
💤🎤-“Hey, Y/N! I  swear thought Shota would bite my head off before we found your place. The man gets grumpy if he doesn’t get fed every few hours.” Zashi leaned over in the driver’s seat ignoring his mates glare. 
💤🎤-“I was not about to bite your head off. I was simply telling you that we could have gotten here faster if you took the turns I was telling you to take.” He grumbled, shooting his mate a look before turning around to greet you. 
💤🎤-“Hello, Y/N.” He calmly greeted, sending you a gentle look. 
💤🎤-“Hey guys! I am so happy to hang out again. I was going crazy in my apartment.” You chuckled, leaning up against the leather seat and buckling yourself in. 
💤🎤-“We were talking about that. We were wondering if you wanted to spend the night at the cabin this weekend to shift a bit and show you the ropes. I may not be the best at tree climbing but Shota is an expert at it.” Zashi pulled out of your apartment complex and headed towards the restaurant they had picked out. 
💤🎤-You made small talk the rest of the drive but soon you were pulling up to a burger joint. It was not something you expected them to bring you to considering their wealth but you were glad. 
💤🎤-You didn’t want to make a fool of yourself if they took you somewhere fancy and you didn’t know which fork was the right one to eat with. Soon you were sat in a big red booth looking over the menu. 
💤🎤-“What do you usually get?” You asked, peering over the big menu to look at them. 
💤🎤-“I usually the deluxe cheeseburger with a side of fries. They have onion rings as well. They have a great dipping sauce here for them.” Zashi hummed, sipping on the cola the waiter had already brought over. 
💤🎤-You had a Sprite, Shota ordered a sweet tea. 
💤🎤-“That does sound good, I could go for some onion rings right now. And you?” You turned to the dark-haired male, his obsidian eyes met yours. 
💤🎤-“I usually get the mushroom Swiss burger with onion rings. Zashi is right, the dipping sauce they make here is really good.” He agreed, leaning back in his booth and stretching. 
💤🎤-Shota was wearing a black turtleneck shirt with matching black jeans. Zashi was wearing a white band t-shirt with ripped jeans. It was not something you expected to see them wearing taking into account their wealth. 
💤🎤-You thought it was refreshing that they didn’t flaunt their money. 
💤🎤-“Mmm. The cheeseburger sounds good. I’ll get that and some onion rings.” You put the menu down and looked over at them. 
💤🎤-“So how are you guys doing?” You asked, taking a sip of your soda. 
💤🎤-“Work had me running wild this week. I do some of the designs for our company and things kept getting messed up and delayed.” Zashi sighed, rubbing his head. 
💤🎤-Shota scoffed, twirling his straw in his drink. 
💤🎤-“You only had so many problems because your office is a mess. I swear every time I go in there it is a even bigger mess.” He scolded, siding eyeing his blond mate. 
💤🎤-“It’s an organized mess! Just how I like it!” Zashi defended, moving his hands around to get his point across. 
💤🎤-You just smiled at their loving banter. They made a nice couple. Soon the waiter came by and took your orders. Even sooner a huge burger and pile of onion rings were sat down in front of you. 
💤🎤-Your eyes couldn’t have gotten any bigger. 
💤🎤-“You could have told me the serving sizes were huge! I don’t even know if I can finish half of this.” You gasped, looking at your mountain of onion rings. There had to a least be two full-sized onions on your plate for you to have that much. 
💤🎤-The burger had to be held up by a wooden stick so it didn’t collapse onto itself. 
💤🎤-Zashi had already taken a fry and started munching on it. His golden eyes taking in your shocked face. He suppressed a grin that wanted to crawl on his face. He imagined your bobcat making the same expression when you saw his form. 
💤🎤-You still didn’t know what type of shifter he was. 
💤🎤-“We already told you that you should be eating more. This seems like a lot but once you start eating it disappears fast. Even if you can’t eat it all, I am sure me and Zashi would be more than happy to finish off what you can’t.” Shota reassured, holding his big burger with two hands.  
💤🎤-You meekly nodded before picking up an onion ring. You bit into it with a crunch and it was like your plate was suddenly half empty. You were down half a burger and onion rings. 
💤🎤-Once again your eyes widened. 
💤🎤-“Sho, she is too cute. She reminds me of when I was a teen and my appetite had just started to pick up as well.” Zashi nudged his stoic mate. 
💤🎤-You had caught his words and lifted your head. 
💤🎤-“You both were born shifters right? What’s it like growing up? Do you have any pictures of when you were cubs? Oh, I bet you were adorable when you were little!” You excitedly rambled, already picturing Shota as a panther cub.  
💤🎤-Zashi’s mood immediately dampened, he scowled at his mate. Shota already knew why he was getting a dirty look from his mate. 
💤🎤-“I wouldn’t know. Sho refused to show me a picture of him as a cub. Even though I showed him a picture of me when I was a scrawny cub.” Zashi huffed, he reached over and stole an onion ring from his mate just to irritate him. 
💤🎤-He didn’t even like onion rings. 
💤🎤-“What is so important about seeing me as a cub? I don’t see a reason in showing you.” Shota rolled his eyes, letting his mate take more onion rings off his plate. 
💤🎤-“What’s the difference between a shifter and a turned one like me?” You asked, taking a sip of your Sprite. 
💤🎤-“There is not really much of a difference. We are born and can shift when we turn about eight or so. Since you are turned that is a bit different. Right now your bobcat is still in its early stages.” Zashi explained, taking on a serious tone. 
💤🎤-“It is a bit dangerous for someone to be turned. For one, not everyone who is bitten lives through the change. A lot of genetic makeup is twisted around so some people can’t handle that and die.” His golden eyes took on a metal-like coldness. 
💤🎤-His lion was unsettled at the thought of never meeting you if your body had not accepted the change. 
💤🎤-“Shifters are not supposed to turn humans because of the chance that they might die. You are only allowed to change someone when you are taking them as your mate.” He paused, looking over at you to see if you were understanding. 
💤🎤-Shota picked up from there. 
💤🎤-“Since Hizashi is already a shifter I didn’t need to do this but a shifter would have to bite their human mate in order to turn them. It is a bit more detailed but basically a mating bite is unique since has a zero percent chance of the person dying while their body undergoes the change.” Shota continued, eyeing his mate, love clear in his eyes. 
💤🎤-They still carried each others mating bites on their necks to show other shifters that they are mated. A little of their scent mingled in each others just to push their status as taken. 
💤🎤-“So I was bitten and since my body was about to handle the change I survived. What do you mean when you say my bobcat is still in its early stages?” You asked, putting your elbows on the table and leaning on your clasped hands.
💤🎤-“It basically means that your animal half is not fully mature yet. You seemed a bit on the smaller side when we found you so that is why we assumed you were a cub. Your mannerisms also led us to believe you were a lot younger than what you are.” Zashi answered, remembering the way you rubbed up against him without a second thought. 
💤🎤-He shuddered at the thought of you rubbing up against a bear shifter you just met. A certain temperamental blonde he knew would have eaten you for lunch. He shoved the image of your small cat standing under a big brown bear away. 
💤🎤-“Don’t worry, it doesn’t take too long for your animal to mature. With a bit of socializing with our animal halves and more experience shifting you should be well on your way to becoming a fierce female feline.” Shota acknowledged, swiping a fry from his mate’s plate. 
💤🎤-“Speaking of fierce female felines, we were planning to introduce you to a friend of ours. She is a panther shifter like Sho, she should be able to answer any questions we can’t when it comes to being a women shifter.” Zashi hummed, bring a napkin up to his face. 
💤🎤-Even though they had been talking they still had enough time to finish everything on their plates. You looked down at your plate. You ate way more than you thought you would but there was still a decent amount of onion rings on your plate. 
💤🎤-You would have asked for a to-go plate but they would lose their crunch by the time you went home. You slid your plate in Shota’s direction, he was more than happy to get to work on the plate. 
💤🎤-“So is that why you invited me out this weekend? So you can help me mature my bobcat?” You questioned, looking at Zashi. 
💤🎤-“For the most part, we knew that starting a new job can be stressful so we figured after your first week you could use a shift to release a bit of stress,” Zashi explained, pulling out his wallet. 
💤🎤-“Oh, that’s smart.” You agreed, reaching for your purse. “I’ll pay for my meal.” 
💤🎤-Shota had just polished off the last onion ring before cutting in. “Nonsense. We invited you out so we will pay. Plus this was to congratulate you on getting the job. It wouldn’t be right to make you pay.” 
💤🎤-You felt a little uneasy about having them pay but they had a point. You would treat them to something when you got the chance. Just because they had money didn’t mean they had to spend it on you. 
💤🎤-You would return the favor. 
💤🎤-After some light conversation and playful banter they dropped you off at your apartment. You had fun hanging out with them. They cleared up a few things which was nice. 
💤🎤-Now it was time to prepare for your first day at work.
💤🎤-In truth, you didn’t really think you would get a job that required formal wear. You had only seen a little bit of the building and workers when you had came in for your interview so you were unprepared for their fancy skirts and button-up shirts. 
💤🎤-You worked at the library in your old town so you had an abundance of soft sweaters and comfy slacks. You quickly realized you looked out of place among everyone else. 
💤🎤-You tried to keep your confidence up but it was quickly dwindling. 
💤🎤-Luckily, the lady at the front desk was waiting for your arrival and sent you on your way with directions as soon as you walked through the revolving glass door.  
💤🎤-Soon the elevator you were in opened up to the top floor. You didn’t see anyone at the front desk to greet you but then you remembered that would be your job. You saw two wooden doors behind your huge desk. 
💤🎤-You assumed Shota and Zashi were behind them. 
💤🎤-You sat your stuff down and walked over and knocked. An excited voice yelled to come in. You opened the door and tried not to gasp. Shota was right, Zashi’s office was a mess. 
💤🎤-You supposed it was your job to organize everything. You found a hyper blond drawing away on a digital art pad. The top portion of his long hair was pulled back with a clip while the rest flowed down his back. 
💤🎤-He wore deep emerald slacks with a half buttoned-up white shirt. He had a suit jacket to match his slacks but it was tossed over the leather chair he was sitting in. 
💤🎤-He looked up and smiled at your entrance. 
💤🎤-“Hi, Y/N! I am glad you found your way here just fine.” He grinned, setting aside his pad and pen. 
💤🎤-“The lady at the front desk told me where to go.” You said, shuffling around stacks of papers on the floor.  
💤🎤-“I’m sorry about the mess. I tried to clean some of it up before you got here but it seems to be a two-man job. Since our last assistant was more focused on Shota’s ass than doing her job my office got a little out of hand.” Zashi sheepishly explained, twirling his thumbs. 
💤🎤-His lion still wanted to claw the tall red-head apart. Never trust a tiger shifter. 
💤🎤-“It’s okay. You are paying me to work right.” You smiled, loving his shy expression. 
💤🎤-“Before you got started on my office lets get something from the break room. We have one to ourselves up here so don’t worry about being shy when taking the donuts.” He chuckled, leading you out of his office and down the hall into the break room. 
💤🎤-“Shota should be answering his emails right about now. I’ll show you how he likes his coffee so you can take it to him. You can never add enough sugar packets for him. The more the better.” He smirked, leading you to the expensive coffee machine. 
💤🎤-The week had gone by before you knew it. Shota and Zashi were on their way to pick you up and take you to their cabin. You had asked them if they lived there since it was so far out of town but they said they had a house in town and just used the cabin when they wanted to shift and get away from the hustle and bustle. 
💤🎤-You were only staying for the weekend so you packed light. You were standing on the sidewalk outside your apartment complex with your overnight bag slung over your shoulder. 
💤🎤-You didn’t have to wait long before a familiar black car pulled up. You climbed in with a happy grin. You were excited to hang out with them again. They were your only form of friendship in this town. 
💤🎤-You had gone out to cafes and even checked out the library but no one seemed interested in befriending you. You knew it probably wasn’t the best idea to hang out with your bosses but they didn’t seem to think anything was wrong with it so you didn’t either. 
💤🎤-They were just showing you a bit of guidance when it came to being a shifter so you didn’t see the harm. 
💤🎤-“Hey, guys! How’s it going?” You chirped, settling into the back seat and putting your bag on the floor. 
💤🎤-You noticed Zashi had a pair of yellow sunglasses on, they really brought out his golden eyes and blonde hair. He looked at you in the rearview mirror, his smile just as dazzling. 
💤🎤-“Hey, Y/N! Glad you are joining us today. Are you ready to find out what type of shifter I am?” He teased, putting the car in drive. 
💤🎤-“I am surprised you weren’t insulted when she asked if you were a sand cat.” Shota cracked a grin, shooting you a look in the rearview mirror. 
💤🎤-Shota hadn’t gone against his mate’s wishes and told you what type of shifter he was but he made sure to give you guesses to ask him that he knew would tick off his blond mate. 
💤🎤-It was payback for the tooth-achingly sweet coffee you kept on giving him. You always had such a bright smile when you handed it over so he couldn’t quite tell you he found the sugary beverage repulsive. 
💤🎤-He grinned and bared it. Every sip he took making him internally wince. 
💤🎤-“I take it as a compliment. Those things are adorable.” He boasted, sticking his tongue out at his mate.  
💤🎤-“We were gonna stop by the store before we headed to the cabin,” Shota informed, turning in his seat. 
💤🎤-“Yeah, someone forgot to pick up coffee last time we went.” Zashi teased, playfully nudging his mate. 
💤🎤-“Whatever.” Shota scoffed. 
💤🎤-“Sounds good to me. I can pick up a few snacks while we are there.” You hummed, looking out the window and watching the building pass by. 
💤🎤-You went off to the snack aisle while Shota and Zashi went to go get the coffee. You were eyeing the vast array of chips when someone stepped beside you. You looked over nearly gasped at the hulking man. 
💤🎤-He had to be at least 6′4. If his height wasn’t intimidating enough he had muscles stacked on muscles. He looked like he could crush you with his hand, his grey hair and fanged teeth made him look even more intimidating. 
💤🎤-He gaze was still focus on the chips in front of you but it was clear he was talking to you. 
💤🎤-“I didn’t know we had any bobcat shifters in town.” His voice was deep. 
💤🎤-You instantly stood straighter. “I just moved here so you wouldn’t have seen me around before.” 
💤🎤-“Welcome to town, it’s always nice to have more feline shifters in town. The bears and wolfs take up most of the population here.” He growled, his eyes narrowing. 
💤🎤-“Oh, well I am glad to be here. Everyone has been more than welcoming.” You gave him a fake smile, wishing he would pick his chips already and leave. 
💤🎤-“Glad to hear. Us feline shifters have to stick together.” He advised, finally taking a bag off the shelf. 
💤🎤-“Hey Y/N! Shota wanted to know if you wanted shrimp Alfredo for dinner or spaghetti?” He walked towards you, not fully noticing who was next to you until he was close enough to smell him. 
💤🎤-Zashi hid his distaste for the man standing beside you. His lion snarling at the slimy feline next to you. 
💤🎤-“Oh spaghetti sounds nice but whatever you want is fine.” You answered, plucking a bag of salt and vinegar chips off the shelf before turning back to the ashy-haired man.  
💤🎤-“It was nice talking to you. See you around.” You polity said, beginning to walk off with Zashi.  
💤🎤-“See you around.” He sent you a sly grin. 
💤🎤-You walked down a few isles before noticing Zashi’s tense shoulders. 
💤🎤-“Everything okay?” You questioned, lifting a brow. 
💤🎤-“Yeah, I just remembered I needed to send an email before I left the office today but I forgot. It can wait till Monday though.” He recalled, scratching his head. 
💤🎤-You could tell it was something else but you didn’t press him on it. You hoped whatever was bothering him would go away though. You didn’t like the tight look on his face. 
💤🎤-Zashi was glad Shota had sent him to find you and not the other way around. 
💤🎤-“Oh, that’s good. So what do you want for dinner?” You changed the subject hoping to put him at ease. 
💤🎤-“I am a sucker for spaghetti and meatballs so looks like we are having that. Shota just wanted to ask you in case you didn’t like it. He knows if it was up to me we would eat it all the time.” He responded, losing some of the tightness in between his brows. 
💤🎤-You chuckled, walking with him to find Shota. 
💤🎤-You hoped this weekend went okay. 
💤🎤-You had gotten to the cabin and helped unload all the groceries before going outside and getting ready to shift. You had your back turned while Zashi and Shota got undressed. 
💤🎤-“You ready to finally see what type of shifter I am?” Zashi called, pulling his shirt over his head. 
💤🎤-“I am betting on cheetah shifter.” You theorized, thinking of how fast he can talk.  
💤🎤-He chuckled before shifting into his big cat. The first thing his lion did was stretch and yawn. Once he got that out of the way he padded over to you. He brushed his head against your open hand. 
💤🎤-You were quick to turn around and gasp. He was a lion! 
💤🎤-“Wow! I should have guess you were a lion considering your long hair! Your mane is so pretty. Can I touch it?” You asked, looking the lions golden eyes. 
💤🎤-He nodded his big head, giving you permission. 
💤🎤-Your fingers threaded through his thick fur. It was coarser than you imagined but it was still pleasant to touch. You petted him for a minute before he walked off and nuzzled against Shota. 
💤🎤-They looked so cute together. Like night and day. You wished you had some to be with. You pushed your lonely thoughts aside. You made sure they had their backs turned before quickly taking off your clothes and shifting. 
💤🎤-Your bobcat was all too eager to dash towards the big felines and nuzzle against them with a purr. It wasn’t really appropriate if you were a regular bobcat but since your bobcat was still young they allowed it. 
💤🎤-You only really nuzzled or rubbed your scent on family or close friends. While you fit the friends part it was much too soon. Zashi had no problem with it and went straight to lightly nipping and batting at you. 
💤🎤-He hadn’t played with a cub-sized feline since he left the pride. He forgot to hold in his strength since his big paw dwarfed you and sent you tumbling a few feet away. 
💤🎤-He dashed towards you, letting out concerned moans. 
💤🎤-Shota was a bit concerned but didn’t think the tumble did you much damage. His mate was just a worrywart. He thought of the future pups they might have and how he would turn into a major mother hen with them. 
💤🎤-His panther purred at the thought. 
💤🎤-For now he watched you hop onto your feet and pounce on his mate. You wrapped around Zashi’s neck like a scarf before falling down on your back. You happy chirps made his panther rumble. 
💤🎤-The panther turned and headed off into the forest. 
💤🎤-Your bobcat had immediately noticed his departure and bounded towards him. The lion was quick to catch up, playfully nipping and rubbing up against his mate. 
💤🎤-Soon you were in a large clearing. The sun was still up in the sky but everything had started to take on a yellow color. 
💤🎤-Shota had nudged you with his bulky shoulder and led you to the trees on the outskirts. He gave you a look that said he wanted you to watch him while he climbed and jumped down. 
💤🎤-You watched him for a few minutes observing him scale the tree before leaping down it. You tried to replicate what you saw and you seemed to get the hang of it after a few times of crashing face-first into the dirt. 
💤🎤-After you were sure you had gotten it down you nuzzled up against the dark feline and gave him a gentle purr. Then you shot off and went to play with Zashi, who was stalking a butterfly. 
💤🎤-Now that Shota got his teaching out of the way he laid down in the middle of the clearing and started cleaning himself before laying back and taking a nap. His panther was a lazy one, he liked soaking up the rays while drifting off to dreamland. 
💤🎤-Once you guys got all your energy out you and Zashi strolled over to the sleeping panther. Zashi leaned down and gave Shota a big long lick right over his face. 
💤🎤-Shota didn’t even opened his eyes and just lazily swatted at his mate. Zashi plopped down behind him and started grooming him even more. You felt like you were intruding so you curled up in a ball not too far away and dozed off as well. 
💤🎤-Your chest was light and fluffy. You hoped every weekend would be this peaceful. 
💤🎤-You didn’t realize that the next morning would be the last time you shifted for a while.
I had so much fun writing the dynamic between Sho and Zashi. They are a trip. Don’t worry the reader will get added into the mix soon enough. What do you think is going on with the cougars? Why do you think the reader won’t be able to shift for a while? 
This chapter was a little longer than I normally write so I hope you guys enjoy! Please reblog my work if you enjoyed it. It really helps me stay motivated to write more for yall. 
Don’t forget to leave a note too! 🖤💛
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