devine-fem · 9 months
I love Lizzie with Jon and Damian. I am really enjoying their short stories. What are your head canons about the first time they took care of her and how did they end up being a little family.
heres some funny ones
damian gets jon all week and jon gets her on the weekends but a lot of the times they are together theyre fighting over jon not being around that much and how damian has to do everything
jon calling damian “dame” meaning pretty lady, or wife but also sounds like his name
jon upright calling damian “wife” which he does so much that damian doesnt fight it anymore
and jon ends up doing this in front of someone and it becomes hella awkward
trinity draws on the walls
trinity will break anything she gets her hands on, like anything, a super strength kid is a hassle
trinity thinks cursing sounds cute for some reason and thats how she got in trouble at school
trinity DEFINITELY is a warrior cats kid and damian gets her at least one book each time hes out because he thinks if their money has to be spent on trinity at least hes unlike jon and using it for literacy
trinity drawing a “my family” picture with crayons and her teacher being confused why she drew superman and batman
trinity thinks if she puts her teeth under her pillow that martain manhunter will come and take them to mars in exchange for space rocks
jon is the baseball watching, chair lounging, beer drinking type of husband but instead of baseball its watching superhero news
damian would actually do three cycles of ramadan back to back then let jon cook
jon is more terrifed of scary movies than trinity
imagine dick teasing damian, “hows the commen law?” or “how was the honeymoon?”
trinity being like “i hate when mommy and daddy fight” 😭😭
jon having to do the earmuffs thing to trinity when damian is mad and cursing
damian treats the legion of superheroes like its like jon’s secret mistress or something
trinity loves those little car shopping carts at the supermarket
damian tries to discipline trinity but jon will literally let trinity have her way 24/7 behind his back but if trinity betrays jon in an argument with damian, jon will never fail to use that against her
“i got you gumballs and washaway tattoos at the supermarket, how could you?”
damian will hover over jon doing every chore to make sure he’s doing it right
thank you for the ask. lmao
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ducktoonsfanart · 2 months
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Ducktales Crew in spacesuits on the Moon in space - Ducktales Adults in spacesuits on the Moon in space - Ducktales Kids and Teenagers in spacesuits on the Moon in space - Ducktales in Space (AU) -Tribute to Ducktales 2017 - Happy Moon Landing and Happy Independence Day of the USA - Reposting of my drawings
Now to post a set of my drawings that I did and drew in the course of a year related to Ducktales in space. Favorite Ducktales characters from Ducktales 2017 in their spacesuits on the moon, i.e. on journeys where there is no end and where it is infinite, of course I mean space. You can compare the old drawings from last year and this one I did from this year related to the 55th anniversary of the first men walking on the moon, and you can see more about it here: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/732385519766487040/ducktales-crew-in-spacesuits-on-the-moon-in-space https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/756620890157056000/ducktales-crew-in-spacesuits-in-space-on-the-moon https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/756944652793430016/ducktales-crew-in-spacesuits-in-space-on-the-moon
Although I may draw characters in actual spacesuits, this is how I imagine them to be in such spacesuits with bubble helmets that are resistant to many things, and can be used for traveling underwater, in volcanic areas and protection from various pandemics. These suits would also be used in other versions of the Duckverse, as well as in other cartoons, comics, and video games. There may be special drawings where the suit would be shown from head to toe in the entire drawing. Not to be outdone, these drawings feature these characters Donald and Daisy Duck, Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, Gandra Dee, Scrooge McDuck, Gyro Gearloose, Della Duck, Launchpad McQuack, Drake Mallard, Bentina Beakley, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck, Phooey Duck, Kabooie Duck (Donald's fifth lost nephew who wears the color brown), Gosalyn Mallard, Webby Vanderquack, Lena De Spell (Sabrewing), Violet Sabrewing, May and June Duck, April, May and June Duck (Daisy's nieces), Fethry Duck , Gladstone Gander and Boyd Gearloose. Maybe there will be some more characters, but maybe another time. I hope you like these drawings and these spacesuit concepts and space travel like this. The next destination is Mars.
I hope you like these drawings and these ideas, and feel free to like and reblog this, just don't use these same ideas of mine without mentioning me. Thank you! Also this is dedicated to my friend @ducksinspaceadventure, who organized Moon Landing Day. And dedicated to all of you who love Ducktales 2017, but especially @cityoftheangelllls, @ducktales-and-ducks, @boingodigitalart,
@tokuvivor, @alexcanine, @squirmydonnie, @secret-tester,
@queer-in-a-cornfield, @fantasticenthusiasttale and others. Thank you all!
Happy Independence Day everyone and Happy Moon Landing Day! And the 55th anniversary of walking on the Moon! And Happy 7th Anniversary Ducktales 2017!
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geographerdose · 8 days
Moon and Appearance, Pt. 3: Mercurial-ruled risings, Pt. 1
Moon-ruled risings, Pt. 1
Moon-ruled risings, Pt. 2
🚨 I am a traditional astrology student and not a certified astrologer. This is for entertainment and my learning purposes only. Please do not copy or plagiarize my work. I’ve been procrastinating for years to get this out of my head, throw me a bone here. 🍖
Gemini Rising/Virgo Moon:
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Clockwise⏰: Michelle Pfeiffer, Amy Adams, Jane Birkin, Gina Lollobrigida
✨🪩have you guys seen how shiny and beautiful Mercury is? These folks have their first house and moon ruled by Mercury, hence their gorgeous sparkly eyes
👄 they have full and nicely defined lips, definitely fuller on the bottom
😼 sort of have a mischievous smile. Not that they’re necessarily up to something but also not that they aren’t either… 🤔
🔥Gina’s chart ruler mercury is in Leo with Venus and mars, giving her a stellium and these are good planets to have there! I admire fire beauty so much bc I completely lack fire/air in my chart
🐈She totally looks like a cat ready to prey in the calmest, most graceful way
🚒Jane’s chart ruler mercury is in Sagittarius along with sun and mars! Another fire stellium!
🧯You guys, Amy Adams’ chart ruler mercury is also in Leo conjunct sun and Venus! A third fire stellium!
🧚Michelle’s chart ruler is in Aries but no fire stellium. Funny how she’s the only one without a lot of red in her hair though.
👃🏻Sort of narrow bridges making for the appearance of a wider nostril due to the thin, pointed tips to sort of give the intricate shape that resembles the Virgo symbol ♍️ (And yes I said it first with Scorpio moon.) Def not wide noses by any means, structured and strict noses
🧼Overall very clean and polished look
🤨 eyebrows sort of start lower/just slightly thicker at the inner eye and then rise upwards as they fall back down as they slightly thin at the end
🍎Higher cheekbones
Gemini Rising/Leo Moon
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Clockwise⏰: Jessie J, Kate Mulgrew, Katey Sagal, Mandy Moore
🪩Luminary-ruled moons always have that sort of shine to them, matte vibes
🦁Shiny locks too
🔮Jessie has her chart ruler in Pisces and her Venus/Jupiter are in her 12th house of Taurus// she has that real ethereal look to her
🧯Kate has her chart ruler in Taurus conjunct the sun in her 12th house, she also has mars conjunct her ascendant
🌎Kateys chart ruler is in Aquarius conjunct her sun/venus in Cap are within 5 degrees
🌸Mandy’s chart ruler is in Taurus in her 12th house too, with the sun only 15 degrees away in Aries
🌻Interesting how 12th house placements are present with the chart ruler and/or associated with the sun here//seemed to be a pattern and it sort of echoes Leo moon qualities
🪞I feel like because of this 12th house influence, they each have quite different looks to them. Even though the moons are fixed, the rising is mutable so I believe this is another reason why
🤨Eyebrows are more straight across and less arched than Virgo moons
🪞Lower, fuller cheekbones leading to an almost dimple or maybe more of the “cut” cheekbone effect when they smile
🌗 having their moon ruled by the daytime luminary sort of seems to light them up mostly in middle of the forehead and right under the eyes— where the sun might naturally light up their face—it’s like perfectly built in highlighter
Gemini Rising/Cancer Moon
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Clockwise⏰: Drew Barrymore, Irene Cara, Mindy Kaling, Kathryn Grayson
🌕Thier whole face is lit up with their moons ruled by the nighttime luminary
👧Their faces are so kind, I feel like kids definitely love them immediately
🌼Very full cheekbones; they really sort of take up the face— it’s the first thing you notice about them— are those luminous, luscious cheeks
👁️They seem to have these large almond eyes//gorgeous and could get lost in them 🌪️
🏴‍☠️but their eyes have got this surprisingly dark, inviting vibe. Not in a bad way, like they do exude warmth and a nurturing nature but also there’s this underlying darkness, kind of like the Moon card
👄REALLY nice lips, wow ; the thickness is perfectly even throughout//they’re very nice looking
🤨Eyebrows very similar to Leo moon but maybe a smidge thicker 👀
🎥I went extra with these and watched interviews bc I felt bad so little was written and have noticed cancer always gets the least written about them/has the least time when watching a 12-sign videos? istg lol and as a fellow cancer rising, I didn’t wanna do yall like that
💐I was looking for an interview with Mindy and found one with her and Drew— watching these two was so adorable bc they’re both so sweet and polite and thoughtful!
📸 Irene was super sweet and innocent in her interview too, it’s almost as if they don’t even want to be in the spotlight but the spotlight loves them
🕶️Idkkk cancer moons are sort of like Scorpio moons in that they’re mysterious and harder to read!
Gemini Rising/Gemini Moon
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Clockwise⏰: Julianne Moore, Alaina Reed Hall, Jalena Jancović, Reba McEntire
🧩They’re so, like, unique each one of them in their looks. (I mean, everyone is obviously but like more discernible patterns are apparent in the others). I’ve put this one off for like a week bc I just… can’t come up with anything that fits all of them??!
🌝They do all have this sort of “melded” look within each of them, like everything sort of goes together “they mesh together well” as Cher might say (Clueless, 1999🚘) as in all their features really just “go” together, but each one is so unique! Like good luck trying to guess this combo on next week’s “guess my rising sign” (joke, lol)
🌑Each one has Moon in the first with this placement though— this is different than having a luminary ruling your moon though. It’s not as noticeable, it’s like a diluted version?? Idk these are just like 4 examples. Like the luminary ruled moons would be a full moon whereas moon in the 1st might be like a new moon.
🟠Probably more oval faces with slightly more prominent chins, slightly longer but still a sort of square rounded shape to them
🍒Prominent cheekbones too but in a very understated way//like I said before, everything seems to blend with them
😊Their smiles seem very genuine. I believe them. You can see each one has a certain level of smile they’re willing to give and it feels genuine
🦒Long and elegant necks
Gemini Rising/Taurus Moon
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Clockwise⏰: Lindsay Lohan, Greta Garbo, Jennifer Landon, Christine Keeler
🧴Their skin is perfect; cancer moon sort of has like an internal light/glow and Leo moon with the outward glow/light to them whereas these folks have that **sparkling**but matte factor thanks to Ascendant being ruled by mercury AND Venus ruling body— have you seen the planet Mercury?! It’s gorgeous, arguably the most beautiful planet IMO
👀I keep being drawn to Greta Garbo’s eyes; they’re captivating. And it’s no surprise as she has Jupiter conjunct her ascendant (1 degree) with Pluto co-present in the first and Mars opposing from the seventh y’all. Mercury is squaring her Ascendant too, within 2 degrees and it has reception as Mercury rules Gemini. Sun is co-present with Mercury in the 4th as well. That’s a lot of energy via the planets hitting a major point and house in her chart. Jupiter has reception with Mars in Sag too. Her MC is ruled by Saturn, which is opposing her NN in Leo within 1 degree. She has been considered one of greatest female stars of classic Hollywood cinema. Cap is classy, Leo with NN is kind of meant to be a celebrity/king having massive success in a very public way— being remembered after death and this title was given nearly ten years after she passed.
👄 their lips are so nicely shaped— they’re not too big and they’re not too thin— they’re perfect. And those smiles— idk it’s like yeah they might not be genuine? but they look good 😆 The not smiling ones feel more believable/authentic? Idk I see the slight crease as they smile with their eyes but I don’t believe them?? Okokok I do believe them— maybe they’re just guarded and don’t like to give too much away, don’t want to appear too eager maybe
🔪But also **those cheekbones** when they smile— they just seem sharper than the others (except for Katey Sagal) and they have nice smaller/shorter chins, almost like a rounded square, possibly like a square face shape?
👃🏻visible nostrils noses with very defined bridges that extend all the way down to the tip— the bridge is just very prominent— giving them structured and “slim” noses
🌝 this placement means Moon is in the 12th, hence why you might find yourself lingering more on them? Def have that mysterious and ethereal vibe but 100% socially smart and competent (but likely smart in all areas but esp socially) moon is exalted in Taurus after all and everyone just seems to love them, they make others comfortable but aren’t pushovers
Gemini Rising/Aries Moon
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Clockwise⏰: Elizabeth Sellers, Carolina Crescentini, Kamala Harris, Pamela Anderson
🚨**I am not a political person and none of these are in any way meant to be political—slim pickings with this combo mk**
👀 ok, first of all, the eyes stick out on all of them—fierce, except I feel like Kamala was trained/advised to somehow tone down that fierceness via her eyes, as to not appear threatening. It’s still there, just like caged/restrained?
🗿Also interesting that most of them are not teeth smiling either, except her
🤸🏻‍♂️Their eyebrows are all on the thinner side but longer; they fit their face really well
🧯Why are fire moon women so seductive looking though? Except Kamala of course, idk guys this is clearly like literally an “on the campaign trail” photo. She can’t be seductive or have fierce eyes but there’s still this “socially acceptable” fierceness about her. I’m not saying she’s unattractive-she’s gorgeous-just prob had to tone that seductiveness down being in politics
👄 Def have a fuller bottom lip
👃🏻Noses seem to have like a “hook” at the tip— with quite narrow bridges— this is a unique and beautiful nose that fits the rest of their features very well
🍑Quite prominent cheekbones, even when not fully smiling with their teeth, sit sort of like “middle” on the face
🟨Alright I’m sick of saying this, lol, it must be a Gemini rising thing to have that “square rounded” chin
🟥Something with Gemini risings and always sort of looking mischievous too
🟦 80% of these women are wearing earrings//possibly a Gemini/mercurial thing. Could just be like these are fancy photos and if their ears were being shown, they wanted an ornament on them too
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poiiery · 3 months
1. bliss - yung lean, fka twigs (2022)
2. bite - troye sivan (2015)
3. ribs - lorde (2013)
4. american teenager - ethel cain (2022)
5. glimpse of us - joji (2022)
6. quarterback - wallows (2021)
7. time to pretend - mgmt (2007)
8. michelle pfeiffer - ethel cain, lil aaron (2021)
9. paper planes - m.i.a (2007)
10. miss the rage - trippie redd, playboi carti (2021)
11. 400 lux - lorde (2013)
12. old money - lana del rey (2014)
13. runaway runaway - mars argo (2013)
14. yeah right - joji (2018)
15. and to those i love, thanks for sticking around - $uicideboy$ (2020)
16. ur so gay - katy perry (2008)
17. brooklyn baby - lana del rey (2014)
18. sex - the 1975 (2013)
19. arabella - arctic monkeys (2013)
20. tumblr girls - geazy, christoph andersson (2014)
21. white teeth teens - lorde (2013)
22. glory and gore - lorde (2013)
23. how to be a heartbreaker - marina (2012)
24. sunsetz - cigarettes after sex (2017)
25. remember when - wallows (2019)
26. doves in the wind - sza, kendrick lamar (2017)
27. bellyache - billie ellish (2017)
28. i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys (2013)
29. kyoto - yung lean (2013)
30. into dust - bladee (2013)
31. video games - lana del rey (2012)
32. drew barrymore - sza (2017)
33. ginger strip 2002 - yung lean (2013)
34. sweet - cigarettes after sex (2017)
35. ditto - newjeans (2022)
36. fools - troye sivan (2015)
37. the quiet - troye sivan (2015)
38. play date - melanie martinez (2013)
39. nuts - lil peep, rainy bear (2015)
40. like you do - joji (2020)
41. answer - tyler the creator (2013)
42. atlantis - azealia banks (2012)
43. lady killers ll - geazy (2024)
44. pain - pinkpantheress (2021)
45. royals - lorde (2013)
46. robbers - the 1975 (2013)
47. midnight city - m83 (2011)
48. oblivion - grimes (2013)
49. super rich kids - frank ocean (2013)
50. boy's a liar pt.2 - pinkpantheress, ice spice (2023)
51. wolf - tyler the creator (2013)
52. peroxide - ecco2K (2019)
53. the wire - haim (2013)
54. the spins - mac miller (2010)
55. u are my high - dj snake, future (2021)
56. my agenda - yung lean (2020)
57. i'm god - clams casino, imogen heap (2020)
58. 2007 - you love hear (2015)
59. boom clap - charli xcx (2014)
60. call it what you want - foster the people (2011)
61. christmas kids - roar (2010)
62. genesis - grimes (2013)
63. can't get over you - joji, clams casino (2018)
64. she - tyler the creator, frank ocean (2011)
65. don't save me - haim (2013)
66. a world alone - lorde (2013)
67. girls - the 1975 (2013)
68. ride - twenty one pilots (2015)
69. dragonfly - bladee (2014)
70. saturn - sza (2024)
71. bitch, don't kill my vibe - kendrick lamar (2012)
72. 2013 - arctic monkeys (2013)
73. i want you - mitski (2013)
74. sucker - charli xcx (2015)
75. love me - lil wayne, drake, future (2013)
76. my darlin' - miley cyrus, future (2013)
78. hymn for the weekend - coldplay, beyonce (2015)
79. on time - wallows (2021)
80. white mustang - lana del rey (2017)
81. wildflower - beach house (2015)
82. r.i.p - playboi carti (2018)
83. everything is embarrassing - sky ferreira (2013)
84. melting - kali uchis (2015)
85. why i love you - jayz, kanye west (2011)
86. i can't handle change - roar (2010)
87. c'mon - kesha (2012)
88. my tears becoming a sea - m83 (2011)
89. no police - doja cat (2014)
90. bitch - allie x (2015)
91. the less i know better - tame impala (2015)
92. the outside - twenty one pilots (2021)
93. look at my - tabber (2020)
94. black beatles - rae sremmurd, gucci mane (2016)
95. break the rules - charli xcx (2015)
96. ok - wallows (2021(
97. leave me alone - $uicideboy$ (2017)
98. pretty when you cry - lana del rey (2014)
99. R U mine - arctic monkeys (2013)
100. luxury - azealia banks (2014)
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boredwritergirl · 4 months
Day 16 - Ricochet
“Whaddya mean you don’t got the money?” Strix asked, her mascara running down her pale face, her long hair all tangled and messy. 
“I said I don’t got the money. Go, fuck off!” barked G, blowing a puff of cigarette smoke into her lackey’s face. 
Strix clenched her fists, her eyes narrowed at the overweight pimp. “No! No, you fucking don’t! I risked my life out there! We all did! I’m not leaving here without my fucking money!”
G looked through her tacky gold shades down at the disheveled punk, sighing at her outburst. “Look, kid. You didn’t get the job done. You were supposed to get out of the bank with your payment. Then you all fucked up and got yourselves killed. It’s not my responsibility to give you anything.”
“And they all died because your plan failed! I only survived by sheer fucking luck, and I deserve compensation.” Strix screamed.
“Bitch, please.” G said as she waved her off. “You ain’t entitled to shit. If you wanted those kinds of benefits, you should have begged on your knees for a government gig and pray they let you in.”
Strix pulled out her half broken 10mm, pointing the pistol straight at G’s face. The pimp’s bodyguards immediately drew their shotguns upon Strix, their fingers right on the trigger for if she decided to shoot.
There was no place safe for humanity after the asteroid belt melted into a single mass, but no place was quite as bad as the slums of Mars. The criminal underground of the Martian capitol of Polis had seen moments like this play out over and over again. As the guards pointed their guns at Strix, they knew that she might just be stupid and crazy enough to pull that trigger as many have done before. These things happen almost often enough for people to pull bets on them, as these guards had seen with some of their previous employers already.
Strix breathed heavily, thick beads of sweat following down her face. Her scorched, black leather outfit not doing her any favors.
G calmly stared at Strix. She looked at her with scornful eyes, a calm anger that could give way to something far deeper. “I’m giving you one chance to keep your ass alive. Drop the gun and leave, or my goons will drop you like a bad habit, never to be found again, even by any loved ones you might have.”
Strix gulped, her chest hurting and her arms shaking as she held her stance. She clumsily dropped the gun on the ground in an attempt to follow her demands. But, by dropping the gun without the safety off, the pistol fired a bullet into the air. The bullet hit a metal pipe which bounced off the ceiling, hitting the metal support beam and shooting right through the heads of both guards and then finally ricocheting right in between G’s eyes, killing them all instantly.
Strix’s arms kept shaking, her whole body felt like it wanted to run as fast as it could in any and every direction but couldn’t. Her hands reached her face, holding back her hair as she let out a deathly scream.
She couldn’t believe what she had done. What happened was so horrible, so impossible that she couldn’t even think clearly, not even forming words in her mind as all that was there was the intense sensation of being found out, of being responsible for the deaths of 3 people and for how many people died around her today.
 It was too much for her, it put her in a permanent shock.
When the police finally arrived, they couldn’t get a word out of Strix, no one could. Strix was admitted to the nearest psychiatric hospital, in the hopes that someone, someday could get her story.
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, March 15th
XANDER: Arrr! Careful, me mateys! These be fireflies spat from a volcano off the coast of Katmandu. Arr! LITTLE BOY: You're not a real pirate! Real pirates live on boats and don't look stupid! XANDER: (fake laugh) Oh, a salty swabbie! Maybe you be fishin' for the taste ... of me hook! He shakes his hook-hand in the boy's face. The boy is unimpressed. GILES: (calls) Uh, hello, Ahab, a little help please?
~~All The Way~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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take me back into your corner by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Giles/Jenny, M)
I wish I knew you when I was a kid by Madonnalal (Tara & Spike, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion, Chapter 416 by madimpossibledreamer (Ensemble, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure crossover, T)
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The Vampire's Daughter, Chapter 19 by PuellaPulchra (Spike/OC, T)
Straight to the Heart, Chapter 9 by QuillBard (Buffy/Faith, M)
A weapon of victory, Chapter 8 by FPBarbieri (Buffy, Tolkien crossover, T)
No Going Back, Chapter 17 by Tru2urheart (Willow/Tara, M)
Keep You Ghosted, Chapter 3 by hydranjenna (Buffy/Spike, M)
A Slayer of Nightmares, Chapter 2 by LJMouse (Buffy/Spike, InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale crossover, not rated)
A Different Path, Chapter 5 by Anaxilea (Buffy/Faith, M)
Horrorshow, Chapter 4 by vampbrat (Fanged Four, AtS Ensemble, E)
Slayer No More, Chapters 1-3 by jsaint34 (Buffy/Pike, T)
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Goodbye to Everything That I Knew, Chapter 25 by fortes775 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Afterburn, Chapter 24 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Forwarding Blue, Chapter 5 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG)
All Choseny's Lost Drabbles, Chapters 1-7 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, PG)
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What the Drabble? Chapter 98 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Glimpses of the Cellar Dwellers, Chapter 15 by Maldorana (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
X.X, Chapter 15 by Rea (Buffy/Spike, R)
30 Ways to Say I Love You, Chapter 15 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Dreaded Lurgi, Chapter 15 by SomeKindOfADeviant (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Forever and Always? Chapter 15 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Dawnster Drabbles, Chapter 15 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, PG)
We’re Having a Baby! Chapter 15 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Slowly At First, Chapter 10 by Gabby (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Bang, Chapters 1-14 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Enemies to Ghost Hunters, Chapter 15 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Balance, Chapter 15 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Triangles, Chapter 15 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: I Drew Buffy! by parawh0remal (worksafe)
Artwork: William The Bloody - Spike in Peanuts style by MattanzaMFedora (worksafe)
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Gifset: “Spikey” by clarkgriffon (worksafe)
Artwork: Tara MaClay by isevery0nehereverystoned (worksafe)
Artwork: practice sketches ft. cordelia by mistyintherivers (worksafe)
Artwork: Summerberg all day every day — Graveyard dates.... by pzyii (Buffy/Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: Spike/Drusilla by andremichaux (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Tara and Willow- Unruly Heart by Multifandom_Fanatic (0)
Fanvid: Willow | Willow Rosenberg (+Tara) [BtVS 27 Anniversary Celebration] by Taco_Id (0)
[Fandom Discussions]
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Oz fanfic idea by idle-flower
I’m noticing a lot of Faith-in-Buffy on this rewatch by inconsistentlywrittensoul
the scariest assassin in What’s My Line is just Woman With Gun by inconsistentlywrittensoul
Oz is such a slight presence in his first couple of appearances by inconsistentlywrittensoul
american high schools and extensive occult literature by jennycalendar
how male characters are handled in shows like Veronica Mars and Buffy by raisedbythetv89
I genuinely think that faith should’ve hooked up with willow in season 7 by thepunkmuppet
Very tired of the "Buffy didn't have good sex until she was with Spike" take by spangelmybeloved
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Spike and the first continued by multiple posters
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Groo Should Have Been the Guardian of The Deeper Well by Mr_Wind-Up_Birds
Approaching Seeing Red with first time watcher, please advise! by Vaethe_W
For those who watched the show as it came out, did anyone know that Spike would fall for Buffy early on? by Kindofaddictedtotv
Imagine if Faith and Kendra met by sadhungryandvirgin
Would've been nice to encounter more Watchers w/Slayer experience by primal_slayer
When a Slayer is called by RavenNight789
If Buffy hadn't gotten a haircut... by Tuxedo_Mark
In “Entropy”, how could Willow tell… by hthbellhop76
Xander’s speech to Dawn in a potential by Eagles56
The Body by UKMegaGeek
Anya in Empty Places by sazza8919
How would their human selves [of the Fanged Four] all interact with each other? by Ivy_2535
Into the Woods has weird implications? by SafiraAshai
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starofdavestrider · 1 year
Star of WHAT?
I remember in kindergarten, I was sitting with some kids doing an arts and crafts project. I started drawing stars on my picture and one of the kids looked at my paper and told me I drew the star wrong. they said that stars only has five points. I was very confused, because my mom said to draw 2 triangles to make a star, which seemed a lot easier anyway. who would wanna have an uneven star!?
I was literally just drawing Jewish stars and didn’t realize it. Thanks mom. You taught me to draw the Star of David, and now all the kids think I’m from Mars. 👍
The teacher had to settle the argument by saying they were both right, just I had “accidentally” made a Jewish star. I said that’s how my mom taught me, and then all the kids were like “GASP YOURE JEWISH?!” It was another thing they made fun of me for. of course I got mad at my mom for not telling me that it was a JEWISH star. It’s not her fault. Love you ma!!
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Now, I think the Star of David is very pretty ^u^ and it IS a right way to draw a star!
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cyanogen-miasma · 8 months
anyways following on from my last post I would like to introduce
The Space Cats
I have done the sun, the eight planets, the five undoubtedly confirmed dwarf planets and some choice moons. I have a WIP file for Ganymede somewhere but I'm on my phone right now so I can't get to it
each star system is like a big family, with the star as the parent and the generationality is determined by who orbits who. all the planets, dwarf planets and asteroids are siblings and their children are their moons. this gets weird for Pluto and Charon, I still have to figure out what their dynamic is, but overall, relationships within the same solar system are solely familial. I have to clarify this because someone on Scratch dot mit dot edu did decide to start shipping the space cats (I will have to find that comment thread, it was wild)
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the Sun, otherwise known in the Space Cats universe as Sol (he/him). (I tried to lose a lot of the geo-centric names for some of the astronomical bodies - IE, there are lots of Suns in the universe, our Sun isn't THE Sun, if you get what I mean.) A fun guy, a little too desperate to get with other Stars, if you ask his kids
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Mercury (they/them). Boy I would love to see them and Element Cat Mercury interact. (who am I kidding. I own both characters. I can do that) They are an oblivious little guy with a big imagination.
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Venus (she/her). A dapper, sassy and hot-tempered gal who is always uncomfortably warm
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Earth. The big E. Terra. Gaia. Home. In the Space Cats universe, her name is Tellus (she/her and he/him). Now, I drew this picture a while ago and I don't necessarily agree with how I characterized him here. Tellus is grouchy and sleepy, and only really has patience with her daughter. He has a lot of insecurities about his form because it keeps changing all the time in ways that she cannot predict. Changes to the planets' atmospheres don't make them sick, but he can see the green draining off his fur and that fucking terrifies him.
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The Moon, known in the Space Cats universe as Lune (she/her). She is full of energy and loves new things. She is always happy to inspect Tellus's new growths, but is not really aware of how uncomfortable it makes him. Lune was formed from a traumatic event in which Tellus and the protoplanet Theia collided with each other. Theia was destroyed, but was reformed into Lune. Tellus is haunted by this event and sees Theia whenever she looks at her daughter, but tries to shield her from his anguishes because he loves her
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Mars (he/him). edgelord. His villain arc is becoming frigid and void of life while Tellus has his moment in the Sun. A catty bitch who loves to gossip. He is jealous and can hold a grudge.
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Deimos (he/him) on the left and Phobos (they/them) on the right. Mars's chaos gremlins. He didn't ask for them, they just showed up one day and he cannot get rid of them. Deimos is a feral child who will attack you, and Phobos is a no-thoughts-head-empty child who will watch you while Deimos attacks you. Mars complains to Ceres about how annoying they are, but really, he loves them, and lets them go on with their shenanigans.
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Ceres (she/her). a little kitty with a big personality. She is plucky and can stand up for herself. She makes herself heard even when surrounded by massive cats like Jupiter and Saturn. The heart and soul of the asteroid belt. A queen, if I do say so myself.
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Jupiter (he/him). The big brother. Everyone admires him and looks up to him for advice. He is flamboyant and charismatic, if not a bit self-centred, but ultimately, his heart is big enough to contain love for himself and everyone in the solar system. As you can see with Metis (she/her), he carries smaller moons in his fur.
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Saturn (they/them). Look at that swag. oops! it's dead children. probably. Going off the theory that Saturn's rings were formed from a moon that broke apart under Saturn's gravity, this is the lore. They had lots of moons that they loved dearly, but eventually found them ill. "What's wrong?" "we are being torn apart." They were crushing their moons under the force of their smothering love and it broke them apart. As the debris coalesced into chains around them, Saturn vowed that this would never happen again. They distance themselves from their moons, much to their annoyance, and keep their rings as a reminder of what happens when they get too close to people.
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oatmealmika · 2 years
connie springer headcanons <3
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• love love LOVES adam sandler movies, his favorite one probably being either ‘50 first dates’, ‘the wedding singer’, or ‘big daddy’
• istg, he makes all of his friends watch them with him and, at first they find it endearing, but they were completely worn out when they got to watching ‘hubie halloween’
• anybody familiar with ‘senor wooly’?? well, to sum it up quickly, it’s this spanish learning thing you would do in middle school and it had some of the weirdest ass videos to help you learn spanish (fucking look one up, they’re beautiful). connie absolutely loved the shit out of them when he was 11 and drew some very interesting fanart…
• senor wooly video suggestions (some of the weirdest ones) : all ‘billy la bufanda’ videos, ‘vibra viral’, ‘la dentista’
• in high school, he and sasha took the movie time elective, and were eventually kicked out because the teacher couldn’t stand the two when they giggled at serious scenes (not actually intensely serious, they just laugh about scenes like when the turtle guy from kung fu panda faded away).
• he has a spotify playlist for every emotion he’s ever felt, ofc
• somehow, he has the perfect reaction photos to everything you would text him.
• for example :
you - hey, my goldfish just died
connie -
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sorry about that, you wanna talk about it? :(
• there’s something wrong with him, i swear-
• nevertheless, when you’re going through it, he’s very caring and always asks if you would like to talk about it.
• used to be a total shounen guy, saying nobody solos goku, blah blah blah. but, when ymir made him watch ‘nana’, he has never been the same.
• and, on the topic of anime, he definitely used to be that shounen guy. but, he got a redemption arc and now he loves his shojo. oh! he also was forced to watch ‘banana fish’ by ymir and historia, and again, he has never been the same.
• he lovessss jjk, and he obsesses over it with jean
• connie fucking springer knows how to do the spooky scary skeletons dance 😭
• y’know what, he knows every tiktok dance, you can’t disagree
• either a dog person, or is surprisingly a cat person. idk, i can see both of them being canon.
• mikasa showed him mitski just once, and now at least one of her songs are in each of his playlists
• whenever he’s in the car and some people are fighting, he plays the most thug hiphop song just to increase the awkwardness.
• once, his mom and dad were fighting in the car when sasha was with them (for a play date) and connie did this.
• of course he did
• spent kindergarten through 8th grade in a religious school and he hated it. but, that’s where he met sasha and jean, so he was basically saved from being lonely in a shit school.
• if you’re his s/o, buckle up. you’re gonna be sent the most unromantic bruno mars song ever written, but to connie, it’s perfect. he stans bruno, like a king, but he takes it too far.
• his first school dance was halloween themed and kids were given the option to dress up in costumes. he went as adam fucking sandler 😶
• i love him, but why is he so fucking weird 😭
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a/n : might make a part 2 if i have any more <3
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About me my name is Laura i'm born in the 90's MMPR came out the year before I was born, i love to read i'm a beta reader and book reviewer. I own 311 R.L. Stine books a ton of Nancy Drew books and about 100 other books.
My favorite genres are mystery, murder mystery, horror, thriller, suspense, ya, teen and children.
My favorite author's are R.L. Stine, Carolyn Keene, Diane Hoh, A Bates, Michael grant, tikiri herath, Candace Robinson, Barbara venkataraman and Hudson warm.
My favorite TV shows are flashpoint, castle, Power Rangers, law and order svu, rookie blue, alias, firefly, jem and the holograms, felicity, veronica mars, goosebumps, dead of summer, eye candy, FBI, the rookie, the rookie feds the amazing race, dancing with the stars, endurance, flight 29 down, battlebots, Dr pimple popper, dynasty, covert affairs and hardy boys Nancy Drew mysteries. 
TV show I have watched a lot of are
Rugrats, Mythbusters, yes dear, friends, everybody loves Raymond, the king of Queens, the golden girls, full house, the Brady bunch,  star trek next generation, gilligan's island, gunsmoke, the big valley, the Andy Griffith show, the munsters, the honeymooners, M.A.S.H., supernanny with jo frost, I love Lucy, Rizzoli and isles, fear factor, the apprentice, worst cooks in america, america's funniest home videos, thirty minute meals with Rachel ray, survivor man with Les stroud, dual survival, how it's made, naked and afraid, north woods law, the people's court, judge Judy, judge Alex, judge hatchett, christina's court, judge mathis, judge joe brown And yes I have watched my feet are killing me. A ton of kid shows on nick,  cartoon network and Disney.
Some of my favorite bands and artists are
Celine Dion I came out of the womb listening to her, Stacie orrico the first album I remember buying. Aqua, Roxette, Daze, toy-box, hit' n' hide, Amy jo Johnson, jo jo, the Jonas Brothers, Anastacia, heart, Eurythmics, Phil Collins, Katy perry, Hannah Montana the bee gees and big time rush to name a few I also own a lot of Taylor swift and enjoy the the backstreet boys. My mom loves tina turner and my dad loves stevie nicks, they are both amazing artists.
As for movies, I have seen all of the Star Wars movies. I am evidence is a great documentary that mariska hargitay did on ending the backlog of untested rape kits. 
My favorite movies are
 Jumanji, the Poseidon Adventure, Night of the comet, panic room, flight plan, contact, rv, mmpr the movie, aquamarine, turbo a power rangers movie, perfect body, stick it, home alone, the hunger games, spy kids jurassic park despicable me, secret life of pets, princess diaries, scooby doo, was a huge fan of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, I really like Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli  films. Anything Nancy drew related, Pixar or Disney anime is cool.
Some of my social media pages are :  
my tumblr https://takeeachdayonebookatatime.tumblr.com/
My twitter https://twitter.com/Laura8759 Has 243 followers 
my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/laura8759/
I also have a goodreads
here is a  page full of 122 reviews
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elidokie · 1 year
Mar and i have been going to the movies a lot (usually with Drew) since they’re always $5 on Wednesdays. We’ve seen Spider-Man and Mario an estimate of a GAZILLION times with him.
but anyways! dad LOVES movies. i dunno if it’s an immigrant thing, bc even juni’s dad just watches movies all day. but anyways (pt. 2) i haven’t been to the movies with dad in a while. we were supposed to see barbie.
when we first moved, like 7 years ago, all we would do was go to the movies. even growing up, back when we were poor, we would always go to the movies on Fridays (to cinemark (we would call it the dollar movies)) and see all the movies that came out like MONTHS prior. but they were always a dollar so nobody would complain. i don’t think mari and i knew that we were poor. mom and dad gave us the best childhood they could. i’m grateful.
anyways. yeah. 7 years ago during the first few summers of Mar and i being at the new district,, dad would take us to the movies. i’m pretty sure dad knew that Mar and i didn’t have any friends. so he would take us out and stuff. we weren’t struggling at that point, so he would take us to Santiko’s. he took us to the brand new theater once to watch Godzilla and i remember how fascinated we were when we realized the chairs could recline.
i bought tickets to see Oppenheimer on Wednesday. I bought 4, for me, Mar, mom, and dad. maybe i should’ve gotten one for Nessa because i can tell that she’s been feeling kinda down lately since she doesn’t have her kids for the summer. i’ll ask her later.
oh another reason for this post! there’s a new app that makes it so you can hear the movie in your native language! we’re gonna try it out. i’m really hoping it works so that mom could be able to enjoy the movie with us. i always felt bad for her when i was growing up, because she could never understand what was going on. she’d always ask “qué pasó? que dicen ?” and everyone around us would get annoyed. stupid americans!
it’s an app where you put the movie you’re watching and the theatre / time. kind of like closed captions machines. i’m gonna charge my airpods so it works for her. i’m so excited.
i’m also gonna ask for a closed captioning device, which i’m really nervous for. i’ve only asked for one once before when i went to the movie at Northfield w Juni (back in May when i visited). and they said they don’t do that. since then i’ve just been nervous to ask. but it sucks because i CANNOT UNDERSTAND WHATS HAPPENING.
anyways. it’s 8PM. goodnight, i love you!
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog 367: Mon 20th Mar 2023
I watched an interview of Richard Dawkins on Piers Morgan’s show and it really made me ask myself some meaningful questions…questions like “Piers Morgan has a show? Really? What station? Talk TV? I’ve never heard of that before is that definitely a TV station? How is it doing? Really, THAT badly? Up early once again in order to get one final last taxi to work. Since the bike fucked up I have spent nearly £100 just on getting to work purely because I have no confidence in the buses to turn up when they're supposed to. What did I do to all these bus drivers to make them confer and decide that they always need to be at least 10 minutes late every time I need to get a bus somewhere? Did I impregnate the head of the bus company's mother and then blackmail her into getting an abortion or something? This was the last day of my penultimate stretch of workdays before I set off to the States. Luckily I was told that I’d be in stow all day which was a fucking relief. Today really dragged but not as much as it would have if I'd have been on stow. Four fucking shifts left to go before I’m off to the States for WRESTLEMANIA AND THE LA LAKERS!
Thankfully last night the Lakers beat the Orlando Magic thanks solely to Austin Reaves who the fans rightfully chanted MVP at throughout the game. At the half time mark as the Lakers were leaving the court Darvin Hamm walked straight last all the other players, put his hand around Reaves and whispered something to him. I imagine he said “Help me Austin Reaves, you’re my only hope”. He looked like a guy who’d been stranded in the desert for a week and suddenly saw a pizza truck drive past. I'll be honest even though I love basketball (I fucking should do after getting a Lakers logo tattooed on me) I'm still not at the level of super fandom where I will watch every single game and learn all the stats about the players. At the start of the season I still only catch the odd game but when it gets to this time of the year where every win really starts to matter I'm overwrought with anticipation and nerves. Growing up I was never a sports fan but seeing the comradery and passion that sports fans have and the fact that they have a regular routine and something to dedicate themselves to always made me want to start following a sport. Five years ago I saw that the subscription to the NBA app was relatively cheap so based solely on the fact that the Laker's logo looked the most beautiful out of all the other teams I decided to start following them and I've been hooked ever since. On my days off when I know the Lakers have a game scheduled that day I've been feverishly looking at my phone all day to see how much longer I have to wait and I never thought I'd be this excited about sport. I've wanted to get into another sport for a while and have given a few of them a try. Baseball is great but the fact that it can last six hours is too much for my little attention span and I also gave hockey a go, enjoyed it very much but I can't be dealing with those fucking blackout restrictions. I've wanted to give the NFL a try for a while too but it seemed a bit pricey until I found out that the NFL season only lasts five months and now it doesn't seem so expensive so come football season I'm going to start supporting the Denver Broncos, based solely on the fact that the kids from South Park are Broncos fans.
News broke today that Andy Kaufman will be the celebrity inductee of the WWE Hall of Fame this year. One celebrity name that never gets mentioned for Hall of Fame contention is Mickey Rourke but I think if Drew Carey can be in there for his one pay per view appearance where he had a segment backstage with HHH where he told him that he doesn’t watch the show, then later had a minute long segment with Kane in the Rumble match, then I think Rourke is fair game too. Rourke similarly only had one appearance but at least it coincided with a storyline that happened on the show where he knocked out Chris Jericho for disrespecting past superstars.
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quaxorascal · 7 years
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[Images: three drawings. The first is two people from the shoulders up; the second and third images are individual pictures of these people. On the left is a halfling (aka hobbit) boy, Wilver; on the left is a human woman, Sutton. Both are laughing merrily.
Wilver has long and messy brown hair tied into a single braid, pale skin, green eyes, pointy ears, and freckles. He is wearing a grey cloak over a leather breastplate over a green-and-white striped button-up shirt. He is facing the viewer, but looking off to the side.
Sutton has long red hair tied into a high ponytail at the back of her head, and a braid from her temple leads to the ponytail as well. She has deeply tanned skin and light blue eyes. She is facing 3/4 toward the left side of the image, but looking at the viewer; a tattoo of a vine of blue roses curls from her jaw up the side of her face that the viewer can see, curling over her eyebrow. She is wearing a grey fur mantle over a metal chestplate and a blue jacket.
/end description]
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emilysshortstories · 3 years
Paul Lahote Part One
trigger warnings: ??? Nothing yet but not promises that will keep in later parts
words: 1543
It’s in those moments of deep desperation that you find hope. Or it seems to find you. When I left home to live with my uncle, miles away from my home, desperation was the only thing on my mind. Desperately running away, I didn’t want to face that part of my life that I already felt as though I was behind. I wanted to start fresh. I still do, so why does the reason I came here matter? My uncle, Charlie, agreed that he wouldn’t tell a soul about the events that lead me to his home, not even his own daughter. Who never really dropped the subject of course, but knew it wasn’t any of her business. I wasn’t naive enough to actually believe that I wouldn’t have to face problems here, but I think that’s what drew me here. Different problems, and that’s what I got. 
When I first moved here my cousin, Bella, had a boyfriend who she spent most of her time with. She still introduced me to everyone and showed me around, but when he moved things shifted. Bella completely shut down, she was always quiet and reserved, but this was different. She was numb. It took her a really long time to talk to anyone, and when she did, it was only me, Charlie, and her friend Jacob. They were always working on these two motorcycles together, sometimes I would join them. Jacob was nice, clearly had a massive crush on Bella even though she always denied it. 
One day when I tagged along I met Quil and Embry, they also seemed nice but I didn’t talk to them much. I didn’t talk to anyone that lived on the reservation actually, not until I had to stop Bella from doing something stupid. Feels like I’ve been doing that a lot lately. 
She was pissed. I’ve never seen her this angry before. I was a little scared to get in the car with her, but the fear of what she was going to do with this anger overpowered me. I stayed in the car when she stormed into Jacob’s house, but practically leaped out as I saw her approaching “Sam’s cult”. I was too far behind her and couldn’t reach her until she had already slapped one of the boys. “ALRIGHT” I yelled at Bella, getting in between them and seeing the boy start to shake in anger. “What you’re NOT gonna do is pick a fight with Mr. Mc steroids over here.” I continued while looking the boy up and down. We made eye contact. I didn’t want to but I froze and felt something turn in my gut while he immediately stopped shaking. I quickly shook it off and turned back to my crazy cousin. “Lets leave. Get in the fucking car John Cena”, pointing to her truck. I heard a bit of laughter as we walked away, but didn’t turn around. I didn’t even dare look in the rear view mirror as I drove off.
After Bella calmed down she admitted that slapping a 7 foot Greek sculpture wasn’t the smartest move. “They did something to him, I know it. Jacob’s too scared to tell me what’s going on but I’m gonna figure it out.” Bella said with gritted teeth. “Listen, you know Jacob better than I do so it’s your call, but maybe consider the idea that it’s none of your business? You and him have been friends since preschool. I feel like if it was necessary for you to know, he would have told you”. By the time I finished my speech Bella had already shut down. Just like she was before. Broke my heart seeing her like this. Maybe I should talk to Jacob or the “cult”, just be civil about it. 
So that’s what I did. The next day I drove to Jacob’s house, but Billy said he wasn’t home and to try Sam’s place. Well, he said Jacob wasn’t home and I begged him to tell me where he might be. For some reason he caved and told me where to find him and not Bella. I tried not to think about it too much or let my anxiety get the best of me while driving. 
When I knocked on the door, I didn’t expect a small, sweet woman with a huge scar across her face to answer the door. “Hi, can I help you?”
“Yes, I was looking for Jacob?”
“Are you Bella?”
“No, I’m Y/N, Bella’s cousin.”
“Oh. OH!” She seemed really surprised to find out this information. “Jacob it out with Paul right now. Working. They will be back soon though if you would like to come in, the rest of the crowd is here. I’m Emily, Sam’s fiance.”
“Oh I can come back another time, I don’t want to intrude.”
“Don’t be silly, we are all friendly and we are dying to get to know you.”
What does that mean? I walked in and saw everyone I saw yesterday but Jacob and the boy Bella slapped. Paul. “Hey Embry, how have you been?” I asked, seeming he was the only person I recognized. “Good, You?”
“I’m ok, just worried about Bella. Wanted to give Jacob a bit of grief for leaving her high and dry. She’s taking it a bit hard, but I also wanted to apologize for how she acted yesterday. Slapping who I assume is Paul wasn’t cool at all. I’m sure she feels really awful about it.”
“It’s not Jacob’s fault for leaving Bella. You don’t have to apologize for Bella, I think we have all wanted to slap Paul at some point in time.” Sam said.
“Got it, but is there anything I can do to get Jacob to talk to Bella again?”
“Jump in line, we all want him to talk about it so we don’t have to hear him monologuing all the time about it.” Embry said, before the third and last boy elbowed him really hard. 
“So none of this is your doing?” I asked all the boys.
“Not exactly, no.” Said Sam. 
“Ok. That’s some clarity at least.” I said with a smile.
“Why don’t you sit down, muffin, before the beasts attack them?” Emily offered a bowl full of muffins the size of Ohio to me.
“Thank you, that’s really sweet of you.” I said while taking a muffin and sitting next to Embry. Emily was right that the boys would attack the food, holy shit. “So why don’t you tell us about yourself?” Emily said, seeming excited and sitting across from me. “What do you want to know? I’m pretty much an open book.” 
“What brings you to Forks?” The ONE question I hate.
“Running away from my problems, if i’m being honest. I’ve always loved the rain, needed a change, and my uncle, Charlie, offered me a room. So I took it.”
“I like that, where are you from?”
“Texas?” said the only boy who I didn’t know.
“No, actually it’s a small secret base on Mars. I’m an alien.” This made everyone laugh, especially the strange boy. “Sorry, I never caught your name?”
“Jared, you always that sarcastic?”
“Yes, humor is my only likable personality trait.”
“I hear that” said Jared while raising his muffin. “What do you like to do for fun?”
“I write, read, and love watching movies and TV shows. I'm a big music lover but I think that’s just a side effect of being born and raised in Austin. Since moving here I’ve really taken up hiking though, it’s so beautiful here. Not just flat desert like in Texas.”
“The only TV show I watch is New Girl, nobody here seems to watch it.” Said Jared and before I even thought it through my favorite Schmit quote fell out of my mouth.
“You would have been my nightmare. We were on very strict instructions from Rabbi Schmolli not to say anything until the very last christian kid found out about Santa Claus. Ruining Christmas? Very bad for our brand.”
Everyone seemed to like me after that and conversation flowed freely. I really liked spending time with everyone and lost track of time until I saw that the sun was going down. “Oh shit, I gotta get going, I’m not used to driving on ice yet and don’t want to drive on these roads when it's dark. Thank you so much for being so nice to me Emily, it was really nice talking to everyone.”
“Oh but Paul isn’t back yet” Emily said quickly. “And Jacob.”
“I can give Jacob shit anytime and I’m sure Paul isn’t my biggest fan after what Bella did so I think it’s a good idea to head out now. Thanks again though.” I said and started making my way to the door. 
“Of course! No problem, please come by again. I liked talking to you too and I’d love you to properly meet Paul.” 
We walked out just as Jacob and Paul emerged from the trees, but as soon as Paul made eye contact with me, that same flip happened in my gut again before he took off running back into the woods. Guess that answers my question on if he’s mad at me. 
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Drew Tanaka Birthday Headcanon and Analysis
November 3, 1993 4am
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Drew is said to be 16-17 in the Heroes of Olympus series, and Percy’s also 17 during HoH and born in 1993, so the rationale is that Percy and Drew were born in the same year. November 3rd falls almost directly in the center of the Scorpio date range. I believe that Drew boldly comes off as a Scorpio: creative, passionate, and more than a little bit of a bitch. The date falling on the 3rd symbolizes how 3 is a lucky number for a lot of demigods, playing into the mythological rule of threes. 4am is the time I chose for her because a friend said that 4am is a mysterious time. Not quite morning but not quite the witching hour. And Drew is very much a secretive and mysterious person, because of the mask of confidence she puts on around everyone else. Now, she attended Brooklyn School for the Gifted along with Sadie Kane, so I assumed that she was born around the Brooklyn area (I mean technically Aphrodite could have birthed her anywhere, but for the sake of a astrology chart I’m gonna pinpoint a physical place).
Now we have a date, time, and place, I entered everything into an astrology chart calculator to get the chart I have provided above.
As you can see, Drew is a Scorpio sun, Gemini moon, and Libra rising. She’s a little bit of a mess, to say the least, but also /pos. The one water and double air shows that she tends to be emotion based and more in her head than grounded, which makes sense. She’s very impulsively emotional.
Sun in Scorpio
-Scorpio is the water sign that is most like a fire sign
- She’s totally got a bitchy side and WILL bark at you and if you don’t pay attention to that she WILL follow through and BITE
- Not afraid of being direct, which can come off as bitchiness
- Intense emotions but goddamn if you can get her to open up about those emotions, good for you
Moon in Gemini
- there’s two wolves inside of her. One wants to yell at everyone and the other wants to curl up and cry and she’s fighting for her life
- Incredibly decisive when it comes to how emotions are dealt with
Rising in Libra
- how does it feel like to have a minor god complex that turns into crippling anxiety?
- Self loathing for days
- Diplomatic though? But in a way that can be very convincing so she always get you to do what she wants you to do
Scorpio Mercury
- once again, she comes off as rude, but she’s mostly just trying to be direct in her communication and doesn’t care if you don’t like her opinion
- Will tell you her opinion whether if you asked for it or not but like /pos
- It’s okay to be blunt!!!
Libra Venus
- okay so maybe she’s a bit of a relationship control freak. But I think a lot of that is the anxiety
- She’s seen a lot of relationships go various ways (as an Aphrodite kid you gotta have experience in that) so there might be some weariness in the way she approaches relationships.
- Trauma response is to make sure everything goes her way because she WANTS things to go WELL. Very much a kind of thing where she needs to be the one in charge to make sure things actually get done.
- Her love language is probably words of affirmation. Don’t hesitate to tell her that she looks good.
Scorpio Mars
- oh my god if you make her angry just run please get out while you can
- She will insult your mom, your dad, your aunt, your sister, your cousin four times removed whom she probably knows and the insults will be ACCURATE
Libra Jupiter
- balances work and life very well
- Control oriented when it comes down to business. She knows what she wants to get done and how she want it to be done.
Aquarius Saturn
- she does what she wants how she wants it when she wants don’t fight it just go with her flow please I beg you
- Very individualistic, very extra
Capricorn Uranus
- she will overthrow the status quo and make a change (but on her own terms)
- Very original but well planned out ideas
Capricorn Neptune
- She’s got unusual ideas that helps her succeed in whatever she plans to succeed in
- A lot of influence from feminine guardians, which makes sense considering who she is and her mom being Aphrodite
Scorpio Pluto
- She wants you to understand what’s going on but also doesn’t know what’s wrong give her some time she’s trying her best
- Manipulative for her own purposes dw abt it…
Aries Lilith
- impulsive to the nth degree (it’s the adhd)
- Her first thought is to think she’s the best even if she KNOWS logically that she’s not
N Node in Sagittarius
- Older middle child syndrome
- Destined to be dominant in general
In conclusion: she wants to be in charge and she is, but like, how’s that anxiety, queen?
(I’m sorry abt the format mobile is kicking my ass)
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venushasvixens · 3 years
Ch. 11 - Fightin’ Words - Life is but a Dream (Spike Spiegel x Reader)
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[A/N] to clarify before I begin, I do NOT hate Faye. There will be a following chapter to explain how we got from point A to point B, since now that I see it, this chapter seems like a stretch. I apologize if the writing is a little shitty, I got too excited when writing it, and I was basically vomiting words onto my screen. Enjoy!
Previous chapter: Ch.10
⛔️ WARNING: this chapter contains implied sexual content, drinking, and strong language
There is a clear difference in kissing. One was for lust, meant to excite and give pleasure to the receiving, as a plus on to tie in all the ingridients for good sex. The other was for love, showing affection and those deep emotional feelings that both parties were in need of.
The lines were blurring.
Wanting this to be a strictly physical relationship, other elements started to incorporate their way into your escapades. And now Spike knows almost everything about you. Eating habits, what makes you laugh, and the type of people you hate. Talking for hours on end, both of life and it’s ridiculous nature, there was no off time between you both. It felt good.
The quiet moment after you left his room for your own, a faltering feeling of sadness and loneliness enters Spike. The urge to grab you and bring you back to his bed for the night was strong. He tried to get you to stay (always subtly), but to no avail. Well aware of your need for space, he always respected your decision.
The crank that was once rusty, was in Spike’s head as his mind ran endlessly of if you liked him or not. It was a thought, a discussion he wanted to put off for so long. The consequences of his doubt were going to hurt, especially when it was going to be that time to go. The reassurance that this was only a fling, a friends with benefits deal, was on its way to be tossed out of the trash chute into space.
“Trust me, Spiegel, I’ve had plenty of time as a child to know what I’m talking about.” You said as Spike passed you his cigarette.
“About what?” He asked, completely clueless.
“Rocks. Crystals, geodes. Have you not been listening?” You scolded, scoffing as Spike shook his head.
“The library in the city gave the orphanage books they didn't want anymore. My favorite book was the one about rocks on Mars, of course it was simplified for my small brain…”
Head in his hand, Spike listened as you rambled mindlessly of all the different rock formations on Mars. As much as he wanted to learn, he couldn’t help but be distracted by his acknowledgment of your presence. More specifically, the air you brought in the room. Spike began to think of it as his favorite perfume, sweet and sultry, with a hint of spice. It made him feel safe.
You were so attractive when you were educating him. He hated to hear it from Jet or anyone else, but you made it interesting.
“You’re pretty hot.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah thanks. Anyways, like I was saying…”You replied, flattered by his sudden proclamation.
“I’m serious. You’re talking all smart to me, and I can’t help but tell you that.” Spike smirked. “I think I learned more from you than in high school.”
You laughed softly. “I tell you because I know you’re dumber than a bag of hammers.”
“Is that so?” Spike raised his eyebrows. Why was your teasing making him feel even better? “You’re going to regret saying that.”
“I only have one, and not that.” You smiled slyly, the glint in Spike’s eye becoming more noticeable.
“I’m about to make it two.”
“I would love to see you try.”
You put your hands up to defend yourself, Spike’s smooth moves rendering you helpless. In a second, he had your arms pinned down by your sides, a deep throated chuckle emitting from him as he watched you struggle. There was no danger but that of falling to his charm and whim.
“I don’t regret this.” You panted.
“Sounds like the best decision I’ve made.” Spike mumbled, gaze traveling all over your face. He brushes the stray hairs from your face, fingers tracing your hairline and ears. He was so close, you could feel his breath on your neck, threatening to brush his lips on yours.
“Can I ask you something?” Spike broke the silence. You nodded eagerly.
“I-“ He began, cut off by the loud knocking on the door.
“Spike? Spike? Are you there?” Jet called out.
There is no answer, except you panicking over whether Jet sees you naked or sprawled out on Spike’s bed. The only sound that could’ve been heard was the thuds of you scrambling around the room, looking for your bra and panties. Spike watches in amusement, not caring at all at the dilemma you both were in.
“Yeah?” Spike called out, the clink of his lighter going off.
“I was going to ask if you wanted to come up to the bridge for a drink, got a few good bottles of gin from our last bounty.”
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Good.” Jet finished. Footsteps drew further away down the hallway and supposdely onto the stairs. You sighed in relief, getting dressed at a leisurely pace. Safe, once again.
“Y/n, you can come too if you would like.” The loud booming laughter of Jet filled the hallway, masking your dread.
This evening was going to be delightful.
“Where's the gin?” You said in confidence, like you weren’t just caught in Spike’s room. Hopefully he wouldn’t see the slight limp in your step either.
“I have it, but I knew it would be a good bait to get some help up here.” He replied.
“Then I want at least half the bottle as a down payment. And an apology.” You scowled, taking a peek on the holo computer, skimming over the briefing for the next bounty.
Jet chuckled. “Now young lady, I have something very important to ask you.”
“Huh, you and Spike. I’m not too scared of yours.” You glanced at him, sitting in his seat.
Jet rested himself against the table, nodding. “I was going to say that us boys and Ed really enjoy you here. These last few months have been the best one this ship has seen in a while, and you are welcome to stay however long you want, kid.”
You knew you were doing well, but now you caught the bag. Jackpot. “You’re just saying that because I feed you all.”
“That's part of it too.” Jet grinned. “But I’m serious, (y/n). I think all of us could vote in favor of a new crew member. What do you say?”
Thinking, you remembered your freedom, sought as a child. That’s all you ever wanted, was to be out and allowed to do whatever you could. But deep down, the thing you really needed was a home. A family.
You could find that here on the Bebop. Even if you got a rocky start, it was smooth sailing for now. You felt wanted. That’s what you needed.
“Doesn’t sound too bad. I’m down.” You beamed.
“Glad you agreed, or else it would’ve been real awkward if you said no.” Jet replied, giving you a soft pat on your back.
“Mmm, would you kick me out if I declined this most generous offer?” You teased.
“Kid, you have my respect, I would let you pack first then throw you out.”
You cracked up, the deal was done. As you sat in your new home, you couldn't help but feel eternally grateful. “I really owe you one, Jet. You really got me out of a tight spot.”
Jet nodded as he searched for something on the control board.
“Was..was that how Spike came around? Picked him up like a stray?” You asked, surprised at your brazen question.
Jet stops messing with the controls, paused as he tries to peace his words together. “To be honest, I can’t even remember when or how Spike joined me here. He just popped up one day, and I haven’t been able to shake him off.” Jet gave a small titter. “Ah, (y/n). The man’s been through it tough.”
“Can I ask?” You said meekly.
“All that time spent together, and he hasn’t told you?” Jet chaffed, a smirk starting to grow.
Shit. “We haven’t spent much time talking today.” Fuck it, no use in denying it now.
“That’s what I thought.” He snickered. “Well, let me put it this way. A heartbroken man is a lonely one. He roams the galaxy in search of finding a way to fill the void left in him, either desperate to find something new. Or leave the void empty, allowing himself to wither away peacefully.”
“Hmm.” You replied shortly. A lot wasn't said, but it made sense.
“I’m only saying this once, (Y/n). He’s changing, and for the better. I haven’t seen him smile so much sober. I have to thank you for that.”
You made a change, as small as it was. You hear footsteps approaching the bridge, the sliding door opening to reveal Spike. As he quietly passes you by, he shoots you a small wink, making you blush. Spike sits down with a sigh, his legs propped up on the control panel.
“Easy, I’m still working there.” Jet warns as he hands Spike a drink.
“Then how come you're not sitting here?” He smirks, side-eyeing you to watch him kick up dirt.
You smile back, letting their conversation fade away slowly. This moment, you had to screenshot it. It doesn’t look like a normal family, but it wasn't dysfunctional. You had a crazy red haired computer genius as a sibling, along with a dog that you think could do math better than you. It topped nicely with a protective mentor and teacher with one robotic arm, and a man who you didn't think you could even get near without getting your arm bitten off.
Someone was missing. She hasn’t been seen all day, but that’s typical. As an official member of the Bebop, there was no back burner now. You could turn off your predatory instinct on your prey. The hunt on Faye was over. You didn't have to be her best friend, just tolerate her attitude enough when she decides to stay on the ship for longer than a day. You really didn't want to fight her, but sometimes she made it so difficult. Besides, you were too tired anyways.
The little get together was carrying on joyfully, now joined by Ed and Ein. Ed wandered aimlessly in all directions on the bridge, babbling on about all the buttons and flashing lights. You sat next to Spike in your own chair, feeling the small soft padded pushes of Ein on your legs.
“What is it boy?” You asked sweetly, reaching down to rub the top of his ears. He jumps on his hind legs, trying his best to climb up onto your lap. You cooed at him, picking him up and placing him snuggly on your thighs. You swore you could’ve seen him smile as your pet his fluffy face, massaging his soft head.
Spike leaned over, whispering. “Do you think I can get a massage too?”
Before you could respond, Ein gave a small huff, one eye opening to watch out for his competition. “I’m sorry, but the baby said no.”
Jet laughed as Spike smiled. You looked down to see that Spike’s glass was still full, while Jets was drained of all gin. You were working on yours at a slower pace. “You don’t feel like drinking tonight?”
“Hmm?” Spike looked down at his drink, sloshing it against its glass walls. “ Oh, I’ll get to it.” He said before reaching out and touching your back gently, his fingers tracing circles on your spine.
What a win-win situation, Ein gets to be loved on and you get to be petted, you thought. Goosebumps rose on your arms as Spike continued. The sky turned to night, all the stars in the galaxy could be seen from the bridge’s giant front window. Ed was curled up in a ball in front of it, tuckering herself out. Ein provided some warmth to Ed, loafing on Ed’s stomach. Their snores mixed in together, obnoxiously loud, but incredibly cute.
Spike never got to his drink, so he offered it to you instead. Two was all you needed to finish off the night. You took over Ein’s spot on Spike’s lap, your arms wrapped around his neck as you conversated with the boys. His hands rubbed the side part of your stomach before interlocking, his heated palms providing comfort. You wouldn’t mind falling asleep here.
The flash of Faye’s Redtail blinded you as she clumsily parked out on the flight deck. You didn't care as long as she didnt destroy the hangar, then you all would be in huge trouble.
“She’s home early.” Jet stated, watching as she stumbled out of the ship.
“It’s not even midnight yet. Think she missed us?” Spike called out sarcastically.
“Doubt it.”
This was the last of peaceful silence for the night, you thought. You were hoping not to jinx it.
Everybody around you whipped their heads to the source of the sound, except yours, because you knew exactly who it was and what was going to happen. Ein used Ed’s stomach as a launching pad, frightened at the loud noise. What could you say, you have a knack for sensing a challenge. The only thing was, you were not in a mood to seek it. It was brought to you, sucking all good energy out of the room and switching it to a fireball of jealousy.
In walked a staggering Faye, pleased with her grand entrance. She tipped to one side, before switching to the other slightly. Just one look was all it took before you gulped the rest of your drink down, flipping the glass on its head. You could see out of the corner of your eye Spike’s focus was on you. His brows furrowed, head tilting as if to ask what were you doing. Your reply was a swift head rub, his hair swooshing.
“Evening, Faye.” Jet chimed, pushing the bottle of gin closer to his side behind him on his control board. There was no way she was getting any more tonight.
Your gaze changed to Jet, who you thought could also sense the new air in the bridge. He sat at the edge of his seat, arm resting on his knee. What was he waiting for?
A small hiccup bounced off the metal walls, prompting Faye to trip and catch herself on the main control board in the middle of the room. Her eyes closed, she began to shake her head side to side, a small manic giggle escaping her mouth.
“You just-just can’t keep your fucking hands off of him, can’t you?”
You felt a shiver of shock rest on your shoulders as you turned your head to face Faye. Before you could speak, Spike opened his mouth to defend you.
“The hell is wrong with you?” Spike retorted, his hands now pressed firmly on your waist.
“Everything was just fine without her, you-“ Faye snarled as she pointed to Jet, “just had to have a heart.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that.” Jet replied cautiously.
Faye circled around the control table, using it as support or else she tumbled over. A mumbled slur of insults, consisting of calling you a slut and Spike an idiot. She was drunk, you thought. Let it run off like water. She will be fine once she’s in her bed, snoring her way into a killer hangover. You couldn’t shake that feeling that you needed to start gearing up. You wiggled out of Spike’s hold, planting your feet firmly down as you lean on the control table.
“I..I honestly don’t get it.” Faye said aloud.
“Get what, Faye?” You piped up, the slightest shake in your voice.
Oh! So it can talk!” She cackled out loud. “Let me tell you what, since you asked!”
“Please, I would love to know.”
Her pointer finger shoved right in your face, furiously wanting to make contact. “I-I find it hard to believe that you managed to get him to fuck you.”
“Jesus, Faye, in front of the kids?”
“Fuck that! She’s going to hear what I have to say, whether the slut likes it or not.”
As angry as you should’ve been, coolness was all you displayed. The voice in the back of your head reminded you of unforgettable advice you knew all too well. Alcohol could be a very good truth serum.
“What a f-fucking slut … you know how I think y-you managed to stay on this tin can of a ship?” She muttered. “You have to be f-fucking the captain.”
“That’s enough! Leave until you sober up.” Jet stood up, standing in the space between you and Faye. “Not having any of that on my ship.”
You looked at Spike, face frozen in a silent menacing fury. Leaning back on the console, you kept glancing to see Faye moving further and further away towards the door. That was it, the show's over. But someone had some kind parting words.
“Hey, how about this! I bet Spike has to cover your face while fucking your ugly ass, I would too, you stupid-“
Your knuckles had never stung so bad, but it felt so good to watch Faye’s head swing back. A flurry of raged-filled punches landed on either side of her face, so fast it didnt give her enough time to react. Waking up, Faye gave a heavy footed kick to your side, prompting you to scream out in pain.
Each swing of her high leg swings missed as you ducked, giving you a chance for an uppercut into her stomach. You could hear the sound of the wind knocking out of her with each punch. Faye’s hand pulled your hair back roughly, fists meeting across your face, swiping your nose. Intense pressure built up, the threat of blood leaking out of your nose becoming evident. She wanted to play dirty?
We can play dirty.
You used everything you had in you. Scratching, biting, kicking. You were not going to lose. You did not give two shits if she was vulnerable, this bitch was going down. It felt like forever until you felt the strong arms of Spike yanking you away from the fighting ground.
“Hey, hey, hey!” You heard Jet roar, becoming a flesh and metal cage around Faye’s upper arms, taking a small beating as she tried to claw her way back to you. Ed was yelping and screaming at the top of her lungs, while Ein barked and yowled at the commotion.
“Stop, (y/n), its me you’re hitting, damn it!” Spike yelped as you gave the last swings, realizing that the fight was just about over. You panted, the painful injection of adrenaline overcame your body. You watched on in pity as Jet tried to get Faye to calm down. As you trudged back to your seat, with the help of Spike, the last word was finally given out of the door.
“Get comfy bitch, I’m going nowhere!” You screamed.
“And I know who burned your ship, but there’s no way I’m telling you, you dumb cunt!”
Other insults flew in your direction, but were ignored. You stood in disbelief as you let the major bombshell play over and over. Feeling the soft tug of Spike pulling you back gently down to your seat, letting you wallow for a second. He knelt in front of you, examining your growing black eye and red welts on your face. “Damn, that's going to leave a mark.”
You looked away from him, tears welling in your eyes.
“Oh (y/n), I didn't mean it like that, it doesn’t look that bad.” Spike apologized as you sniffled.
“It’s not that. I-its that..'' sobs so quietly, but causes the greatest quivering, “she knows who did this to me, and won't even fess up because she hates me. What kind of shit is that?”
Tears fell freely onto your lap, pain induced by your loss fueling more hurt. It was so cold by yourself, a shell encasing you in. Through the mists of your tears, the shell was just Spike’s chest moving closer in. The heat of his body provided consolation without words, the tightness and slight rocking bringing you down to a clearer, more relaxed consciousness.
“I’ll catch them for you.” Spike mumbled into your ear, his hands massaging the back of your head. “It won't bring anything back, but if that will make you feel better, I'll do it.”
This wasn’t an empty promise. There was sincerity behind Spike’s words, wanting to help you. It was now confirmed just how much you meant to him. He was willing to assist for payback. His offer was sweet, but it didn't feel right. This wasnt his struggle, it was yours.
You were going to catch them, and only God knew the hell you were going to bring.
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