#otp: you’d better
too-deviant · 6 months
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jackie and wilson.
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pairing: luke castellan x unclaimed!reader
summary: you haven't been given a quest, but you have made it your personal mission to make luke castellan smile
word count: 6.2k
content: very juicy chapter. is all im gonnna say.
notes: i cant stay mad at my otps i fear
PART IV — better yet, she wouldn’t care 
“If I have to hear one more handjob joke, I’m gonna lose it. So please tell me you have good news.” 
Lee Fletcher’s dark blue eyes flitted up to yours, his lashes tickling just under his eyebrow when he did. His hands were fiddling with the bandage that wrapped around your hand, but they slowed when you spoke, “Bare with me, newbie.”
You sighed deeply, fighting the urge to fall back onto the cot that you were sitting on — you’d had the stupid bandage wrapped around your hand and wrist for what felt like eternity, but was really only five days. You should be thankful, really, since the last time you’d broken your wrist you’d been walking around with a thick blue cast on for a month, but you couldn’t help but be a little peeved. Capture the flag was today, and you hadn’t trained nearly as much as the others had due to your injury — when you probably should’ve been training twice as much, only because you were new and unfamiliar with the game. 
It was their fault for hyping it up; if they had just shut up about it, you wouldn’t have been as excited about taking part, broken wrist or not. But alas, demigods were barbarians — barbarians who thirsted to beat each other up in a controlled battle. Barbarians who didn’t have any regard for the new camper when they were climbing all over each other to see the freshly posted team setup, and trampled all over their perfectly good wrist. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t have been standing right in front of the notice board.” Luke had been saying all week. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t have asked me to accompany you there, then.” You replied every time. 
Lee narrowed his gaze, flipping your hand around carefully in his, kneading at curtain parts of your skin while checking you for reactions. When you showcased nothing but annoyance at your own shit luck, he leaned back with a cheeky smile, “Well, it’s looking good. I don’t think you need this anymore.” 
He lifted up the knot of bandage he’d removed from your hand and threw it with perfect precision into the trash can on the other side of the room, before turning and grinning at you. You couldn’t help but grin back, “You’re the best.” 
“I’m told.” He shrugged, feigning a humble demeanour. You stood, and he did so with you, looking at you pointedly, “But you should still take it easy today. It’s your first game, and you’ve been here for a week. Nobody is gonna judge you for stepping back today.” 
You scoffed, rolling your newly healed wrist around with a small smile, “I’m not stepping back for shit, Fletcher. I’m beating the hell out of Chris Rodriguez.”
“He’s on your team.” 
“I don’t care.” You rebutted. Lee rolled his eyes, but ultimately let you off with a wave. “See you later!” 
The past five days had been fairly tame. When the team setup was posted on Sunday afternoon, everyone went immediately into prep mode for the game. You knew they took it seriously, but you didn’t realise how seriously they did until you found yourself being pulled out of your sleeping bag at five in the morning so you could get a headstart on training with Luke. Although you didn’t see the relevance — after you’d broken your wrist, the boy hadn’t even let you look at a spear, so you woke up at the asscrack of dawn to…sit around and watch him train. 
Thankfully, Hermes had paired up with Ares for once, and Clarisse wasn’t letting you off easily. Whenever she could, she was dragging you to the arena and teaching you how to fight one-handed. So you were more than ready, skipping down the infirmary steps with an easy smile. 
“I think I see you here more than I see you anywhere else.” 
You paused, looking up and spotting Evan, leaning gently on the porch railing. You rounded the steps and stopped in front of him, “Hey. I’ve only been here twice.”
“In…” He checked his imaginary watch, “One week. That’s gotta be a record.”
You narrowed your eyes jokingly, “Okay. I’m still learning, leave me alone.” 
“We’ll see how much you’ve learnt later today.” He quipped, running a hand through his hair. He smirked at you, “Good luck.” 
“Thanks.” You slid out, sarcasm evident in your tone. He laughed, and you smiled, rolling your eyes. 
“Come on, clumsy. Let’s get to training.” He began to walk off, and you followed, presumably to where the Hermes team were gathering for last minute preparations. 
For this game, they’d paired up with Ares and Athena, Apollo taking lead for the blue team with Hephaestus and Aphrodite. Red team also had Demeter, and the boys of cabin twelve were on the blue team. It seemed like a pretty good split; or at least you thought it was, judging by the reactions of everyone when they read the pamphlet. You might have been reading it wrong, though. After all, you were crying out in pain and cradling a shattered wrist when it happened. 
Athena was always a good cabin to pair up with, was what Evie had told you when she was taking your measurements for armour. You presumed so, goddess of war and all. But you were a little wary about the Cabin Ten girls — Aphrodite was also a warrior goddess, after all. 
Evan led you around the back of the pegasi stables and through a mudded path. The only reason you hadn’t taken off running in fear that he was leading you to your imminent death was because the wood nymphs were out and about, milling around like bodyguards. They eyed you up at first, but a few of them recognised you from your impromptu baseball session with Luke last week and told them to back off. 
“Here she is, the woman of the hour!” Clarisse exclaimed when she saw you break through the trees. A few people glanced back and smiled at you politely, a sentiment you returned as Evan led you to the front of the crowd where she stood. 
Luke was beside her, and only nodded at you. You nodded back, a glimmer in your eyes that made his hands twitch. 
“Okay, now that our whole team is in attendance, we can begin.” The Ares girl said, conviction prominent in her voice. She was made to lead, that much was obvious. “You all know the deal. I won’t repeat it, not with the blue team so close by, but…” She sent a meaningful look around the whole crew, “You know where to go. We’ve been practising this, and in a couple of hours it’ll be time to bring home yet another win.”
“It’s pretty much all in the cards for us.” Luke cropped himself into the speech, “Cabin Nine have their special machinery but we’ve got wit, power and numbers. We’ll be fine.” 
“Speaking of cabin nine.” Clarisse hopped down from the wooden crate she was standing on, “I grabbed this from them just before the teams went up. Had to make sure they didn’t sabotage it.”
She pulled a long spear out from behind some other boxes, and let it shimmer in the light. It was beautiful, and you couldn’t keep your eyes away from it. Despite it being made from celestial bronze, the forger had clearly done something to make it shine a mesmerising silver. You could see your reflection in it as it glistened under the sun. It was double ended and if you squinted, you could see tiny spikes coiling around the first ten or so inches of each end. The shaft was smooth and engraved with something you could only make out when she walked over and handed it to you. 
“Wait.” You took it out of instinct, weighing it in both hands but giving a shocked look to Clarisse, “This is mine?” 
“You’re damn right.” She smirked, “Jake was having a field day making that thing, couldn’t stop talking about it. Especially when he added these,” She poked one of the spikes that coiled around the shaft and rubbed the tips of her fingers together with a wince, “They’re lethal. You’ll be unbeatable out there with this thing.” 
“Cool.” You gave it an experimental swing, and everyone in your vicinity took a long step back. You shrugged, smiling anyway, “Whoops.” 
You felt very powerful with your new weapon, and now that you had it in your hands, you could marvel at the engravings. They were images, battles fought — a lot of them recognisable. There was Perseus killing Phineus and Polydectes with Medusa’s head, Heracles and the Nemean Lion. There was even an engraving of Tantalus stealing the ambrosia and nectar from Olympus, for some reason. You’d have to ask Jake about that later. 
“We have two hours until we need to gather at the pavilion, so we won’t bore you with details.” A young girl who you’d seen around camp before stood up and addressed the crowd. She was very little, but she exuded authority even at her young age. “But if I see you lazing around, I’ll put my dagger through your foot.”
There was a chorus of nods and murmured agreement, so the little girl stepped back and nodded at Luke, who told them all to go get ready. The crowd dispersed, but you stayed firmly put as the boy made his way over to you, the little girl following behind him. 
“Sunny.” He tried not to smile, but you saw his lips twitch. He gestured to the girl beside him, “This is my little sister Annabeth. Newly appointed Counselor of Athena.”
You raised a brow, impressed, before looking down at the girl with a smile, “Hey, Annabeth.” You introduced yourself, trying not to show her how kind of scared you were for her to not like you. 
Luckily she nodded, “Hi. You better be good with that spear.”
“I’d like to think I am.” You joked. She didn’t laugh, simply telling Luke she was going to brainstorm and left you both alone in the clearing you’d been gathered in. You raised your brows at him, “I think she gets her stoic indifference from you.” 
He cracked a smile then, grabbing your spear from you and weighing it in his own hands, “Yeah. She’s a firecracker.” He looked at you firmly, “Think you’ll be good for this game? It’s not too late to back out.”
You snatched the weapon right back from him, rubbing his finger prints from the shaft with your sleeve and sending him a half-glare, “You just want an excuse to use this instead of me. I’m fine, JoJo.”
He raised a single brow, “Fine. But if you end up back in the infirmary, I’m not gonna kiss your wounds better.”
You smirked, backing away and pointing your free finger at him daringly, “You wouldn’t be able to hold back.”
He laughed, hand on heart, “Right.” 
You were quick to retreat to the Arena where you knew Clarisse was waiting for you. A good chance to break in the new armoury and swing a spear around that wasn’t made of styrofoam or rotten wood. You caught yourself a good sweat in an hour and a half, and Clarisse was covered in bloody dots from those spikes. Even if you were injured, they still didn’t stand a chance against those. It was a comforting thought. 
You would’ve practised the whole time had it not started raining — something that confused you greatly since the camp had a controlled climate. Clarisse just rolled her eyes, though, claiming that Chiron was upping the dramatics for the game. You were unsure that the centaur could just…make it rain, but you went along with it. You’d only been a demigod for a week after all. 
Not wanting to be completely soaked by the time the game started, you retreated back to the Hermes cabin, shortening your spear down with a click and tucking it into your belt loop before you sat down. You were still on the floor, still next to the six year-old who almost always rolled on top of you in the night — you had now perfected your rollover technique to get him off you without waking him up. 
You were re-lacing your combat boots when two shadows loomed over either side of you. Without so much as a glance away from your foot, you said plainly, “Stolls. What do you want?”
A twin pair of scoffs sounded and you just rolled your eyes. The one on the left spoke first, and you thought it might have been Travis, “Bold to assume we want anything.” 
“I mean, we do.” Connor added from your right, and the indisputable sound of a hard slap came right after. “Ow! Asshole.”
“Cut to it.” You moved onto your other shoe now that the left one was wound tight. You were always pretty speedy at tying laces, a fairly random skill but a skill nonetheless. 
“Well…” Connor started. 
“Luke put us on second offence.” Travis continued. 
“But we sorta hate doing second offence.” 
“Yeah, it’s way too much work.”
Connor leaned over your shoulder so his stupid grin was visible in your peripheral vision, “And we heard that you are on side offence. Which has a much lower maiming risk.”
“So you wanna swap spots?” You deducted, looking up from your feet and giving them a blank glance. They nodded, and you sighed, “Ok, first of all, there’s two of you and one of me. You’ll have to find someone else to swap with too.”
“Already done.” Travis nodded, “Sabine loves second offence.”
“Second of all,” You sent them firm looks, “Luke isn’t going to let you change the layout right before the game. Neither is Clarisse and neither is Annabeth.”
“Which is why we aren’t telling them.” Connor said like it was obvious, holding out his hands like he’d presented you with the best idea ever conjured, “Luke and Clarisse are on first offence and Annabeth is on last defence, right by the flag. No one will know.”
“Plus,” Travis sang, wiggling his eyebrows, “This is a perfect opportunity to prove to everyone how badass you are.”
“Yeah, Luke’s had you on a leash since you hurt your wrist.” Connor raised a teasing brow, “Why not show him what you’re made of?” 
You looked between them, and the silence that stretched seemed to serve as an answer because they were smirking at you and pushing themselves up and out of the door before you could utter a word. 
The rain hadn’t settled — Chiron and his dramatics, although it appeared Mr D wasn’t too much of a fan. God or not, he still got wet with the rest of them. You stood between Luke and Clarisse, the former shielding both your heads with his black jacket — Annabeth ended up squeezing between the two of you when she couldn’t keep up with her I’m too good to hide from the rain facade. You took it as a win, she was warming up to you! 
“Welcome to our first capture the flag of the summer!” Chiron bellowed, pausing for the cheers that resounded. “The usual rules are enforced. Magic weapons are permitted, the flag must be prominently presented with no more than two guards no less than ten yards from the flag! No killing or maiming, and no gagging or bounding of prisoners. Let the games begin!” 
There was a loud echo of cheers and battle cries as the first conch sounded — they only had twenty minutes to get into position and then they would be permitted to cross the creek into enemy territory. Annabeth was quick to gather up the flag guards and send them off to their agreed location with nothing but a sharp eye before she was pulling together the defensive lines and sending them off too.
“Hey.” Just before you could walk off, Luke grabbed your attention, levelling his eyes with yours as best as he could from under his helmet. He adjusted yours and patted your shoulders, “You got this, Sunny.”
You nodded, “Damn right I do.” 
It was hard to navigate the woods in the rain, which was still pouring almost torrentially over them. The forest floor had grown slippery and wet with the new downpour, but the campers traipsed through it roughly, boots squelching as they moved. You followed the side defence through mud and grass, dodging branches and puddles until you couldn’t hear the chatter of Luke and Clarisse from behind you. Then you stopped, and just ahead of you, Sabine did the same. 
It wasn’t long before Connor and Travis were pushing through the trees and greeting the pair of you with wide grins. Sabine rolled her eyes, “Shove off, punks.”
Then she was storming in the direction they came from, and you had no choice but to follow. It was hard to keep up with her long strides, but whenever you lost her in the fog you just followed the sound of her annoyed mutters. 
“Stupid kids. Can’t be trusted on last offence let alone second. It’s not fair. I punch one kid for cheating and Luke sends me to side defence. Side! Stupid punk has been out of it for too long, needs a reality check.”
You didn’t bother responding — whether you were going to agree or come to Luke’s defence, you had no idea. You just followed her to the edge where the second offence was lined up just past the edge of the shore. Evie and Evan gave you the same confused look. 
“Those Stoll fuckers wanted an easy out.” Sabine spat, pushing a stray curl back under her helmet and heaving her giant club over her shoulder. 
The twins didn’t question or fight the decision, simply shrugging and going back to where they were tracing their own tic tac toe game into the wet sand. You stood idly, hands fiddling with your belt buckle before the second conch sounded. Almost immediately did the first and side offences cross the creek and disappear into the woods, while you pulled your spear from the ground and followed the twins and Sabine across the water moments after they were gone. 
Then it was a waiting game. 
“Fuck Apollo, Marry Athena and Kill Hermes.” 
Evie scoffed, shaking her head, “No. No way. Athena would be way controlling as a wife, you gotta bag Apollo.” 
Sabine hummed, “No. I think Athena and I would be unstoppable together.”
You looked up from your shoes and between the three that stood before you. It had been two hours and the most action you had was seeing one of your own teammates get flung right back over the creek by some cabin nine contraption that you were not too keen on meeting. Your spear rested across the back of your shoulders, your arms swung around the shaft at either side as you contemplated your own answer. 
“No, see —“ You huffed, “I couldn’t marry Athena, but only because she conjures babies with her brain. I could never win an argument, I know that for sure.”
“But we all agree on killing Hermes, right?” Evan butted in with a laugh that was immediately shared by the rest of them. He settled down and squinted for a moment, “Ok. Fuck, Marry, Kill. Iris, Nemesis and…Hypnos.” 
There was immediate discourse, everyone speaking up at once with their own opinions. Sabine thought Hypnos would be a terrible lay — He’d fall asleep halfway through! — but Iris would be overbearing as a wife. Evie said Nemesis would be the best wife, she’d never let anyone hurt you, and you were just about to add on that Iris could let you eavesdrop on other people’s conversations whenever you were bored when a loud crack echoed through the trees. 
Then it was quiet. You all shared silent looks, baring your weapons and facing the enemy side. 
Another crack, a snap of a twig. Then a crash, like something being dropped onto a pile of leaves. 
A scream, and a manic son of Aphrodite breaking through the trees and aiming a large Kopis at Evan, who was quick to defend with his dual wielding swords. His teammates followed, and the rest of you jumped into action — you were only slightly panicked when you realised your opponent was a Hephaestus kid who was nearly double your height. 
You’d seen him around sometimes, he was only a year or so younger than you. Same age as Clarisse, and definitely the same level of skill in battle. What made him even scarier was that he fought with nunchucks…fucking nunchucks! And he was good with them, too. 
But you had been taught well. You were quick to defend your body and use both ends of your spear to deflect each nunchuck from making contact. At one point, he clipped your arm pretty hard, and that was when you realised they were ribbed along the edges making for a harder hit. You bounced back though, swinging every which way and not letting him touch you again. 
Briefly, you could hear your peers’ own battles. There weren’t any shouts of pain, or cries for help, so you put all your focus on the boy before you. He had a height advantage, and swung his weapon down on you fairly often, which left your torso open when you held your spear over your head. But your reflexes were like lightning, and no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t land that second hit. 
Fuelled by his own frustration, he lunged forward and tried to wrap the chain of his chucks around the shaft of your spear. He attempted to no avail a couple of times, but then he clicked a button on one of the shafts and released a crackle of energy along it. You were shocked momentarily by the reveal of his electric nunchucks that you faltered in your defence and he managed to wrangle your weapon in his own on the third try. You pulled back hard, trying to regain control and prevent his disarm, but he just pressed that damn button again and this time the volts ran through his chain and up the entire length of your spear. 
The crack that resounded was huge. Too huge to have come from those tiny nunchucks.  
Where you were expecting a sudden and painful shock through your hand and arms you instead felt a massive give. You stumbled back, shocked, but regained your footing before you could fall onto the wet ground. Your spear was in your hands, and the nunchucks were still wrapped tightly around the middle. You looked up from them to see their owner crumbled in a heap on the ground, nursing his painfully red hands while the rainfall soaked his clothes even more. 
You’d completely forgotten you weren’t alone until one of his teammates dropped their shield and ran to his aid. You looked up, expecting to meet the dumbstruck eyes of Evie and Evan, only to see their gazes fixed elsewhere. You turned your head. 
There in the grass was a giant streak of black, stretching along the shore for nearly five metres. It took a second for you to realise that it was embers — the ground had been burnt completely from where you stood to where it ended. And standing just before it was Luke and Clarisse — the blue team's flag in hand. They weren’t moving, they were staring at the burn in the floor, at you.
Your chin wobbled a little until the echo of the other team reached your ears. You looked at the pair urgently, “Move!”
And they did. Even when the blue team kids you’d been fighting  before tried to stop them, they were held back and Luke and Clarisse led your team to an easy victory. 
They cheered, and the conch sounded. Chiron emerged through the wood and smiled at them in congratulations — the whole spark debacle was nearly forgotten, campers too busy either cheering or groaning to notice the burn streak on the floor. Chiron did, though, and soon though the short lived celebration quieted down as he asked about it. 
Eyes turned to you. You shrugged, “I don’t…I don’t know what happened, it just —“
But then there were gasps. All around you. And suddenly Chiron wasn’t looking at you, he was looking at the space above your head. And then so was everyone else. 
When you looked up, squinting past the rain, and your eyes fixated on that glowing lighting bolt that floated above your head, the world went quiet. A week of hearing everything about the glory of being claimed — how at ease you would be, how reassured you would end up. None of it was true. Because for some reason, the symbol that hung above your head sent nothing but trepidation running through you. 
You almost missed Chiron's next words,  
“Zeus. Law Maker. Striker of Lightning. King of Olympus. All hail.” He shouted your name, but it didn’t feel right in your ears, “Daughter of the Sky God.”
When you couldn’t stand the sight of it — when it started to make you feel sick, when the picturesque summer camp you were finally finding yourself in started to feel tight and uncomfortable, you looked down. Everyone was kneeling, eyes on the ground. It was comforting that they weren’t staring at you anymore, but when you searched the crowd for those baby brows that held you down, they were fixated firmly on the mud. 
After your claiming, Chiron dismissed everyone sharply. They left, all talk about the capture the flag win long left behind and replaced by canards about you and your family. Your lineage. You were very prepared to stand frozen on the other side of the creek for the rest of the day but the centaur ushered you into his office in the big house just as the rain stopped. 
The next hour was a muffled blur. You felt as if you had just been plunged underwater and all you could hear was your heartbeat in your ears — you vaguely registered Chiron and Mr. D asking you a load of questions about your childhood and whether there were any signs of your parentage along the way. You couldn’t answer that. 
They Iris-Messaged your mother — who was in her office and jumped up startled when the call came through. You might have been in a hazy funk, but you could tell the surprise on her face when Chiron informed her of your claiming was genuine. She’d had no idea. That, out of all things, angered you the most. 
“This new information will have caused quite a stir in Olympus.” Was one of the last things he said, “But you should be fine, since you’re seventeen.”
“Why does me being seventeen mean anything?” 
Zeus’ Cabin was subpar to say the least. Alright if you’re only going in there to worship the guy, not so alright if you’re planning on living there. There weren’t any beds, but there were alcoves lining the walls that you tucked your sleeping bag into so you didn’t have to look at the giant statue of Zeus that stood at the end of the room. For good measure, you chucked a spare blanket over its head — he could smite you for it, you didn’t really care anymore. 
You zoned back into reality when a knock sounded on your door, and you realised it was nightfall. Dinner time. You stood from your perch on one of the many benches that sat in the room — you thought they’d have better use in the pavilion, where Hermes kids were practically falling off the benches there were so little of them — and headed over to the huge double doors, heaving one open and breathing deep at the workout it took just to see who was at the door. 
It was Evie, and for some reason that made a pit of disappointment form in your gut. You sent her a weak smile nonetheless, “Hi.”
She smiled back, full of pity, “Hey. Just thought I’d come check on you, we haven’t seen you in hours.”
“I didn’t like them staring at me.” You said plainly, stepping out into the open air. The rain had stopped now, the sky clear, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes. 
“Yeah, I get that.” Was her heartfelt reply. You felt bad for being so plain with her, but there was really only one person you wanted to see, “But, um, it’s dinner right about now. Wanna…come with?”
You didn’t really wanna, but you were starving and almost certain that nobody would be bringing you any food, so you shrugged, “Sure.” 
The large door shut on its own when you stepped away from it, and Evie jumped at the sound. You folded your arms and walked alongside her in silence until you were forced to part at the pavilion. She tried to say something — maybe a goodbye, a good luck. Maybe a we can’t be friends anymore because you’re forbidden. You didn’t stick around to check, walking over to the empty Zeus table where you unfortunately belonged. 
You filled your plate, hungry from the workout of capture the flag and exhaustion from the day, but your appetite was ruined when you saw Luke walk in and avoid your eyes completely in favour of sitting at his usual spot at the Hermes table. You hadn’t seen him all day, he hadn’t seen you, and yet here he was; ignoring your existence like he used to. It sort of hurt. 
So you dropped your fork, leaned your elbows on the untouched wood and stared at nothing. Only hours earlier were you at the top of your game, happy and ready to use your skills in capture the flag, show your friends what you could do. Now? You were completely alone, completely miserable, and completely ready to go back to Vermont. 
You wanted nothing more than to climb into your bed and cry. 
People started to stand. Heading in the direction of the campfire that you were definitely going to skip. Some Hermes kids stood, Luke included, and started a slow stroll down there too, past your table and down the hill. Chris was talking animatedly to his friends on either side of him, but Luke didn’t look very happy with whatever it was he was saying. Before you could build up the courage to call out for him, beg him to look you in the eyes and still stay your friend, he was shoving Chris roughly, the boy falling into your table with a grunt. 
“What the hell, man?” He sneered, brushing himself off. Luke just glared. He scoffed, “You’ve changed, bro. And not for the better.”
Then he was walking off in a huff, and his friends were following him. Luke met your eyes for half a second before storming off in the opposite direction — and with the influence of the tug on your heart, you followed. 
He was halfway to the Hermes cabin when you caught him, and you were thrown back to the time he got into that…thing with Dean from Ares and you chased him all the way up the hill. This time, it was down, and you were a lot less out of breath when you reached out and tugged on his elbow. 
He turned to you, “What?”
You paused, hand falling to your side. You swallowed, shrugged, “I…uh…”
Luke tightened his jaw, eyes flicking above your head like if he looked at you any longer his facade would break. He took in a deep breath and met your gaze once more, “Go to the campfire.”
“What —?”
“Go to the campfire.” He was backing away, “Entertain your fans, give out autographs. Conjure some more lighting. I don’t know. Do something, but don’t do it here.” 
You weren’t having that. Your gaze hardened, “Hey. You’re not allowed to say that to me after you ignored me all day.”
“I —“ He went for a rebuttal, but came up short, licking his lips in frustration. “You disappeared.”
“I was in the Big House, being interrogated.” You explained, annoyance clear in your tone, “I would’ve liked it if my best friend was waiting for me when I got out but unfortunately he decided he hated me like everyone else and I had to cry alone in my cabin.” 
He paused then, taking slow steps back towards you and meeting your saddened gaze. His brows furrowed, “I’m your best friend?” 
You cracked a tiny smile, “Of course you are, idiot.” 
His nod was barely there, but you saw it. You also saw his smile, small like yours and gone in a flash. “I don’t hate you.” He said, “I don’t care that Zeus is your dad. It’s just…”
“He forgot about me.” 
You shrugged, folding your arms. There, standing in the middle of the cabins and staring at Luke Castellan, you admitted out loud what you’d been avoiding since you left the Big House, “Zeus. He forgot about me. That's why I never got attacked by monsters, because my deadbeat father was so busy turning his kid into a tree that he forgot he had another one.” 
Even under the tears brimming in your lids and through the lump on your throat, you saw Luke flinch. A minute movement, but you caught it like you caught all of his other details. The freckle on his eyebrow, the scar on his forehead that other people missed because they were too busy staring at his big one. The flinch when you brought up the tree. Thalia Grace, is what Chiron had called her. 
“I’m sorry for avoiding you.” He said in a low murmur. “Thalia was a friend of mine and Annabeth’s. Brought back some rough memories.” 
“Oh.” You breathed, “Oh, gods. I’m so sorry.” 
You stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his torso before you could think about it. Big bad Luke definitely didn’t like hugs, but there you were; hugging him and staining his camp shirt with your salty tears. You couldn’t help it — you were so full of emotions that a single hug that he hadn't even reciprocated was bringing you to tears. 
Then he hugged you back, and you started bawling. 
Bawling like a baby into his chest while he stood there and held you. Crying about your dad who forgot about you, your sister who died while you lived a happy life, your nonexistent purpose in life because you were over sixteen now and there was nothing for you. Maybe being a forbidden kid was enough, but not really. You weren’t forbidden enough for them, apparently. 
“Sorry for shoving Chris.” He spoke into your hair. You pulled your head back enough to meet his eyes, “He was saying shit about you and Thalia and it pissed me off. I know that you want me to be better, happier or whatever, and I am trying but…”
“I don’t care.”
His lips shut with a smack, “What?”
You let out a sad chuckle, “Be miserable. I don’t care, I like you for who you are. Plus, I get it. Y’know? This isn’t the happiest life.” 
Luke looked at you with an expression so genuine and heavy that it sort of scared you, but you let it burn you. You’d let him burn you forever more. Then he let out a breath, tinged with relief, and relaxed his forehead onto your own. You stayed like that, heads pressed together and arms wrapped around one another, until footsteps bled into your ears. 
You pulled away from each other and spotted Annabeth, who was making her way over very quickly, trudging through the grass that was still wet from earlier. 
“Anna Banana.” Luke squinted, his new way of smiling, “What are ya’ doing over here?”
The girl stopped between the two of you and ignored her brother in favour of looking at you, “So, you’re Zeus’ kid.”
“I knew your sister. She was my sister, too, for a bit.” She said, and you thought it sounded sad, but the girl hid her emotions well. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You shrugged — it wasn’t anyone’s fault but Zeus’. You sent her a kind smile. 
She returned it, glancing at Luke then, “Don’t call me that.” 
He chucked, patting her on the head and yanking on one of her braids. She huffed and smacked his hand away, but smiled nonetheless. Then she looked back at you, “You were good with that spear today. Maybe Athena could pair up with Zeus for the next game.”
“Maybe they could.” You nodded. 
She nodded back, before announcing her departure and heading off. You looked at Luke with a proud grin, “She likes me.” 
He smiled fully, amused, “She does.”
“You like me.”
A little sheepish, “I do.”
“So who cares if daddy dearest doesn’t?” You settled on, tilting your head, “We got each other.” 
Luke nodded, and you admired the way he looked. He was handsome, that you knew, but he seemed particularly beautiful under the moon, alone with you.
🏷️ @katherines-imagines @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry @jennapancake @cobaltskiez @loveryoushouldcomeoverr @m00ng4z3r @ma1dita @woodlandwrites @tsireyasgf @theo-notts-doll @iammightsadyall @fennecswife @csifandom @evilwrongdoer @blueberryjune @dancing-inasnowglobe @acidaciruela @solshaven @rosieandthethorns @sofiacblair @obxstiles @lukecastellanirl (comment to be removed/added!) (also sorry if some of these didn’t work idk what’s going on)
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beefrobeefcal · 2 months
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... And Nowhere to Hide feat. Frankie Morales & f!reader
Summary: An alternate ending to All Pent Up & No Where to Go in which Frankie really blows it. To find out where this all started, start with that fic.
Pairing: Frankie & Mouse | Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI) | Word Count: 3,190
PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTINUING Content Warnings: could be viewed as DDDNE, toxic relationship, alcoholism, broken relationship, domestic violence [not overt but could be viewed as such], hurt, drunk driving [don't do it!], ending of a relationship, body insecurity, adultery, cheating, there are no happy endings in real life bub.
Author's Notes: Even though this is an AU ending to All Pent Up & Nowhere to Go, I'm seeing this as the end of Frankie & Mouse. The original ending to that fic always felt like it didn't fit right and now that I am moving on from writing weight fics, this seemed like the right OTP to torpedo. I'm not sorry but I hope you'll forgive this beef anyway.
Thank you to @strang3lov3 for brainstorming this with me, and to @bitchesuntitled, @mothandpidgeon and @neverwheremoonchildfor their eyes and love.
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“That’s why you had to hide it then, huh?”, he yelled again, this time, sadness and hurt clearly in his voice. He didn’t know how to tell you the deep hurt he felt, thinking you were hiding seeking pleasure on your own from him; thinking you didn't want him anymore and could replace him with a fucking vibrator, “Wait till I’m not home and then fuck yourself? Don’t need me anymore?” 
You saw his body language show more than his words could say. He was hurting and had been hurting for a while. You had no clue that he was making this whole big change for you, and now you’d basically told him that after all that hard work, you’d replaced him. No, you had no idea what was running through his head. All you knew was that you were tired of being rebuffed and ignored and wanted to give yourself some much needed pleasure and release and he was mad at you for it. 
“How fucking dare you! You barely even look at me anymore – let alone touch me – and you want to give me shit for wanting to - to feel good?”, you yelled back, standing up from the bed. His face fell and his big brown eyes widened. Your emotions were getting the better of you, and you could feel the hot tears begin to flood your eyes. Your voice cracked. “What is happening, Frankie? Talk to me!” 
He said nothing. He just turned and hurried out of the room, and you heard the back door slam shut and the garage door open. You waited to hear the truck start, but nothing came. You grabbed your things from the bathroom and bedroom and settled into the guest room. 
Frankie stormed out of the house, slamming the door as hard as he could on the way out. He ripped the door to his truck open and got in, choosing to forgo  buckling his seatbelt as he pulled out of the driveway. 
How could you? How could you just lay on your shared bed, looking so beautiful and untouchable while you made yourself feel so good. Without him. He tried to forget how sad your eyes were as you pulled back your hand after his rejection. His pride wouldn’t let him linger on that because his pride was not going to let him turn the truck around and throw himself at your feet, begging for forgiveness. 
He pulled up to the regular bar the group would all hang out at, and sat for a moment. Frankie pulled out his phone, expecting to see missed calls, but all that showed up on his screen was the alert from their doorbell cam, announcing his departure. 
His heart ached. He was getting healthier and back in shape and he should be happier. But he wasn’t. He was feeling worse about everything and drinking more to offset it, and even if he didn’t want to acknowledge it, a small part of him knew that this was all on him, not on you.
He wanted so badly for you to give him a sign, anything, to come back to the house and make it right. He told himself he didn’t want to go to the bar again and drink until his broken soul was numb and he knew by being here again, he was putting another nail in your relationship’s coffin.  His fingers twitched on the steering wheel, as if to let him know the bar was just right there - all he had to do was go in and he could forget all of this, at least for the night. Frankie didn’t know how long he’d sat there, but he was brought back to reality as a loud group of people exited the bar to smoke. He sighed, biting back the sick feeling making his skin feel wrong, and went into the bar. 
Frankie was downing his third beer when a hand came onto his shoulder.
“No Mouse?”
Frankie looked up and saw Natalie, one of Santi’s previous conquests, looking back at him. He cleared his throat and shook his head, looking back down at his beer. “No.”
He heard her pull the stool next to his out and moved it closer to him. “Trouble at home?”, she asked, sitting down. He could feel how warm her body was against his, making the ache in his chest feel deeper, reminding him that he was here and you weren’t.
“I-uh..”, he cleared his throat again. “It’s not been great.”
Her hand came up and sympathetically rubbed on his. “I’m sorry to hear that, Frankie.”
He nodded, eyeing her, then took another sip of beer.
“Well, you look great.”, she says a little too enthusiastically for Frankie, and he only sighed in response. 
“Look, Natalie. I’m not gonna be great company. I just wanna cool down before I go back home and… and…”, he dropped his head in his hands. “I don’t fucking know what I’m gonna do. I don’t know how to-”
“Frankie.”, Natalie interjected. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. It’s pretty clear what’s going on.”
He looked up at her, brows furrowed in confusion. “You’re doing something for yourself, to make yourself feel better, and Mouse isn’t happy.”
Frankie wanted to correct her. He wanted to tell her that it was on him, that he was doing this for you and he felt like shit, and he wanted nothing more than to go home and hold the most important person in the world to him - you. 
But he didn’t. Instead, he accepted the shots Natalie ordered, and let her say horrible, untrue things about you, all because he was getting his ego stroked. 
So he said nothing, just nodded along. He didn’t put his barriers up and tell her to move her chair away. He didn’t stop her hands from touching him. He didn’t stop her from crawling on his lap, and he didn’t stop her when she kissed him.
Worst of all, he didn’t stop himself from taking her to his truck and doing everything he’d wanted to do with you to Natalie in the backseat.
Natalie was still in the backseat of his truck, pulling her bra back on and Frankie was drinking down the two day old, open bottle of Gatorade to wash the taste of her out of his mouth. 
Frankie’s head was swimming. The alcohol was working its way through his system.
The dread that washed over him was sobering for a moment as he put the lid back on the bottle and caught a glimpse of Natalie in a rearview mirror, warm soft light from the street lamps illuminating her silhouette. She smiled up at him and crawled into the front seat.
“I was thinking-”
“No.”, Frankie said, sharper than he intended, shaking his head and feeling the alcohol swirl his vision. His tone softened, “This shouldn’t have happened.”
There was silence from the seat next to him. He couldn’t bring himself to face her, so he slurred in a harsh whisper again, “This shouldn’t have happened.”
There was the sound of a sharp breath followed by, “Are you fucking serious?”
“Natalie, I-”
“Are you fucking serious, Morales?” Natalie’s words were accentuated with a slightly drunken lilt and cold laughter. “Oh my god!”
He growled and looked up at her angrily. “What did you fucking expect?”
“That you’d be done with that little fuckwit and wake up!”
Frankie stared at Natalie, aghast and trying to fight the alcohol in his system and find the right words to shut her down, but she was quicker.
“Look what she did to you! Your little feeder is mad you won’t eat and kicks you out!”
Frankie sat with his mouth slightly agape. He knew that was not what happened but he couldn’t spit it out.
“Oh come on, Frankie!”, she scoffed in a laugh. “I’ve known you for how long? And since you’ve been with her, you got fat. Like fucking fat! She made you fat because she’s a freak and who fucking knows why you put up with it!”
“Get the fuck out.” His soft tone was menacing.
“Or what?”, she challenged him, her drunkenness emboldening her. “You can’t go back to that. I won’t let you, Frankie. She doesn’t deserve you! I can’t just let you go back to someone who asks to be called ‘Mouse’ over her real name! There’s something wrong with her and she needs help, acting like this is healthy to do this to you. You have to see-”
“I am doing this for her!”, Frankie shouted, cutting Natalie off. His eyes had softened and were now pleading and his voice dropped to a lower volume. “I’m doing this for her.”
“Frankie, I ca - you don’t have to defend her. I get it, and I want to help -”
“Just get out.”
Frankie’s drive from the bar was - in short - chaotic. He’d stopped at a corner store and picked up a case of beer, then drove out to a quiet look out, downing one right another the other.
He tried to drown the heavy lump of dread as he watched the sky lighten. Something told him could find a way to fix this if he could think of the right words to say to you, and if he could get the water in the shower hot enough, he could scrub Natalie from his skin like it never happened. 
The drive to your shared house was confusing. The street signs were unreadable through his tears and beer fueled haze and his stomach felt nauseous from the smell of Natalie permeating the truck cab. He couldn’t remember what colour meant stop or go, so he just drove by muscle memory alone.
You’d tossed and turned all night long, unable to get comfortable. Any time you found yourself finally drifting off to sleep, the pangs of anxiety reverberated in your body, making your limbs ache and your skin feel too hot and too cold simultaneously. 
The light coming in from the window told you it was very early in the morning. The dredges of sleeplessness made your body feel heavy, making getting out of bed that much harder when you heard Frankie’s truck pull up.
As you padded down the hallway, you heard the back door open and Frankie’s heavy footsteps on the mudroom floor. You turned the corner into the kitchen and watch as he toed his boots off, looking slightly unsteady on his feet. The hair popping out from around his hat seemed more mussed and his clothing looked like he’d slept in them. He was clearly drunk and you were furious with him for driving home like that. It wasn’t the first time he’d done it as of late, and it wasn’t the first time he’d come home with his tail between his legs, drunk and pleading.
“Are you drunk?”
Your harshly spoken words cut through the heavy silence and Frankie looked up at you, eyes weary and desperate.
“Mouse - baby…” 
His words were slurred and desperate, and his voice was rough and sounded like he was in pain. He turned his body facing you and you saw that his lips looked reddened and worried and something on his neck. It was a hickey or bite mark, framed with a hint of red lipstick. Realization washed over you and you felt sick. 
Frankie reached out a hand to you, watching your face fall and pull away from him. “Baby, no, please!”
“What did you do…” Your words came out in a broken whisper and Frankie lumbered towards you, reaching out. Instead of falling into his hold, you shook your head and turned away towards your bedroom. 
The volume at which he yelled your name made you stop in your tracks and turn around, and what you saw made your stomach churn. Frankie’s fists were clenched by his sides and he was breathing hard. His whole body seemed to be tense, like a snake would coil up before it striked, and his face was twisted in anguish and rage.
You froze. This was not your Frankie - it was just Frankie, drunk and looking the way he’d described his dad. You watched in abject horror as he moved towards you, and both of you stared into the other’s eyes.
Frankie broke the connection first with a sharp sob followed by his voice cracking with his slurred words. “Don’t look at me like that! Please, Mouse - I can explain, baby!”
You shook your head, face twisting in hurt, confusion and anger. You couldn’t keep going through the cycle of fighting, Frankie getting drunk  and having to bear the brunt of it. You stood your ground, yelling back at him, “You’re fucking drunk again - I don’t want to hear it -”
Frankie shook his head. “Just fucking listen to me!”
You couldn’t hold back the tears any longer and sobbed, “Get out!”
Natalie’s words about how you were the villain were leaching into his mind, peeling back the rational thought and fueling the insecurities he carried. You were the one who did this to him. You were the one who was forcing him to change. Everyone else could see it - why couldn’t you? You deserved what he did because now you knew how he felt every time you went out in public and other men’s eyes danced over your body and he just had to sit back like a cuck and let it happen. 
His breathing was growing rapid, and his eyes were fixed on you like a bull seeing red. As you turned to go into your room, Frankie lunged forward and reached out, grabbing your arm. He yanked you away from the bedroom door. 
“Don’t you EVER walk away from me when I am talking to you!”
“Let go! You’re hurting m - “
“You don’t get to to tell me when to leave my house!”
“Frankie! Stop it!”
You pushed him back and turned around, but his arms came around your waist, pulling you back into him. His hot, beer soaked breath painted the side of your neck and face.
“Mouse! I just-I just wanna talk… that’s all, baby.. I love you and i don’t wanna let you go-.”
He was cut off by your elbowing his abdomen, and it gave you a chance to get away from him. You ran into your room and slammed the door and locked, then stood back and watched the door shake from Frankie’s fists pounding on the other side. 
Grabbing your phone, you dialed the only number your trembling hands could.
Will answered his phone groggily and all he heard was your panicked crying and Frankie screaming in the background. 
The morning was a blur. Will arrived with Benny quicker than you could have hoped for. Will and Benny had finally managed to drag Frankie from the house and out into the detached garage, but just barely. Based on the damage he’s inflicted on his friends who were trying to help, Benny was scared shitless as to what he would find on the other side of your bedroom door.
You’d finally opened the bedroom door when you’d made Benny promise that Will would keep Frankie out of the house. As soon as he was in the room with you, Benny’s concern had him kneeling on the floor in front of you, asking over and over if you were okay… if Frankie had hit you… if you were hurt… and each question, you could only shake your head. The reality of the situation was settling in, knowing this was not something you could just come back from easily and Benny held you as you cried.
Will had called Santi over to keep Frankie in place in the garage. The last thing he wanted was for him to get back into the house and see that Benny was helping you pack enough of your stuff to tie you over for a few days. 
Santi went into the house to get some water and found you standing at the kitchen table, wiping your eyes as you packed some important paperwork you weren’t sure you wanted to leave behind. He had no idea what to say, so Santi said nothing. 
He grabbed a cup from the cupboard and the pitcher of water from the fridge, leaving you in silence. 
You’d left that day and moved in with Benny and his two cats - Butter and Bagels. Frankie’s infidelity had come fully to light with Natalie laying it all out for Santi and then Frankie confirmed it all, solidifying your choice to leave.
The break up had affected every part of the group, and while you assumed that you were in the right for walking away, Will shocked you when he told you to forgive and get back with Frankie.
“You don’t get it. Honey, I know he fucked up, but you’re better than that. You want loyalty, you have to be loyal, Mouse.”, he’d said sternly to you from across the table at a Denny’s. “You don’t leave a man when he’s down, and Frankie has seen some shit. You belong together, Mouse. You know that!”
It was a given that when you told Benny what Will had said, he drove straight to his house, barged in and punched Will square in the face, breaking his nose. 
Santi had sent you a bullshit text telling you that while he was sorry for what happened, Frankie was his brother and he needed to stand with him. He wished you well and said he’d be around if you needed anything. You angrily toyed with the idea of sending a curse-laden response, but instead just blocked his number and deleted the message. 
It had taken six months for you to begin to feel like yourself again. You’d joined a social group in the apartment complex and made a few acquaintances in the laundry room. You’d even switched to a new department at the accounting firm, allowing you to work from home.
Home. You had a home again. Benny’s apartment was finally home for you and you were cautiously optimistic for your future. 
The bar you’d frequented with the group was now considered non-existent to you. Benny even vowed to not darken its doorway in solidarity, so the two of you had found a new dive to hang out in. 
It was a little further out of the way, but it was quieter, and less of a bar and more of an all-night bistro. It didn’t hurt that the bartender there was easy on the eyes, what with his shorter hair, the small offset blonde patch in the front and his jewel-toned southern drawl crackling light lightning across the bar. 
You hadn’t gotten the courage to speak to him, let alone hold eye contact. At least not until one evening, you’d bravely wandered in - sand Benny - and sat at the bar instead of the booth you normally did.
The bartender turned around and put his weight on the counter, leaning slightly towards you, and with his cheshire grin, he asked, 
“And what can I get for you, little bird?”
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ominus-potato · 2 months
Genuine question, how do you make the dynamics for ships such as TrashCube, Chris x Swag, SMG34, Marware Etc
You mean like how do I see them? Ooo I love this question!!
I haven’t entirely nailed down their dynamic yet. They’re old man Yaoi tho. I can see them balancing each other out. Bob helping SMG1 live on the edge a little and SMG1 encouraging Bob to do less illegal stuff.
When they started hanging out, Bob probably found SMG1 boring at first but then after living in the chaos that is his daily life, coming back to SMG1 at the end of the day to just relax and read or spend time together would be really nice.
I also love the idea that they just hang out bc they enjoy each other’s company and I could see something growing from that. We’re apparently gonna get a Medi fan episode about the two tho so we’ll see what their dynamic is really like in the show.
Chris x Swag:
Ohhhh boy I love this one!! I thought for a while about what their dynamic could be. I thought that maybe Chris is Swag’s side piece since he’s married to Sonic but after seeing Swag and Sonic’s relationship, I’ve come to accept that Swag would never leave nor cheat on Sonic. He loves him too much.
So, I’ve come to the conclusion that Chagmaster is one sided!
Chris has harboured feelings for his best friend for the past few years but since he doesn’t want to mess with Swag’s current relationship, he’s learnt to live with them and not let them show.
I think that’s why Chris is often threatening Sonic with a sniper when he’s on dates with Swag. Like a “you’d better treat him right” kinda thing. He just wants Swag to be happy, even if he’s not the one who’s able to do it.
I think their dynamic is pretty cut and dry. Enemies to lovers. Petty rivals with feelings. Enemies with benefits. Take your pick.
I love them as a ship and would love to see them be canon however due to the homophobic fan base I doubt we’ll get that anytime soon.
Their dynamic changes every time I write/draw them tbh. It can fit whatever narrative I need it to.
Hopelessly in love? Easy. Flirting? Alrighty. Shit talking each other and then proceeding to make out? Can do!
Depending on the story they can fit any dynamic which I do I like about them however it does make them feel very vanilla.
They are my OTP. I love them. My faves.
Their dynamic is very much just YouTube Arc SMG34 atm but they have great potential to be a funny one sided rivalry type of thing.
Mario couldn’t really care less about how Puzzles feels about him. He just wants to watch tv, eat spaghetti and spend time with his friends.
Puzzles on the other hand is absolutely seething at the mere thought of Mario. He hates him so much. Almost a little… too much yk? 😏
I can see their dynamic shifting from what it is now to Mario just mildly annoying Puzzles and Puzzles just having to put up with it.
They’re a really funny ship to me and I love that bc that means I’m able to make jokes about them and come up with fun ideas for their relationship!
But yeah I love them.
Thise are all of my main ships. I also have others like Mar34, Mar4 and Mar3 and I’m always open to hearing new rarepairs like Bob x Shroomy (bad boy and good kid. COME ON HEAR ME OUT!)
But yeah! This is how I see the dynamics of the ships you’ve listed.
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lesbianoms · 7 months
Hhh I love preds that tease their meals
That love em to death and would never actually want them to suffer, but still enjoy the rush of fear that the prey gets in their eyes as they dangle them over their mouth or pounce on them, ready to swallow them up…
The prey is a begging, crying mess. The pred finds this cute, whispering, licking those tears away and humming “you look so pretty when you cry”. Then into the gullet they go…
Sure, it’s not the best experience for the prey. They’re freaking out and begging for their life, struggling and squirming in that slimy sac that serves as their new home, terrified. The pred is in heaven. But rest assured, that either digestion is painless or that the pred is just gonna keep them around as a pet…
Either way, they care about their little darling meal. Something akin to love and hunger all at once as they coo and poke their stomach, listening to all those sweet gurgles inside, mixed with the most adorable squeals…
And the prey will be fiiiiine. It’s not like the pred intends to harm them. After all, why would they want to damage their most precious prey? If it’s digestion, then they’ll exist as somewhat sentient pudge on the pred’s middle, being gently caressed and stroked and kissed. If it’s endo, then the pred gets so many more opportunities to toy around with them. A cherished little plaything <3
Hhhhh if I did fandom vore stuff you’d better believe I’d be writing about my otp in this scenario 😩
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bradshawsbaby · 9 months
heya lovely, happy new year! I'd like to please request #17 slippery off the prompt list with Mr and Mrs B! I'm in the mood for filth lolll but I'd honestly read whatever you want to write ❣️💞
Happy New Year, darling! I admittedly did not go in the filthy direction, but there’s a little innuendo in there if you squint 😂
Bradley had warned you to be careful. Multiple times.
It had been snowing on and off since you’d arrived in Virginia to housesit for his aunt while she was on a cruise with friends—an opportunity for a little romantic getaway, the two of you had decided—and the ground outside kept freezing as the temperatures plummeted each night. Bradley had been salting the front walkway like a madman every few hours, but he kept reminding you to be cautious any time you had to leave the house.
“It’s slippery out there, honey. Watch your step.”
And you had been watching your step. Well, mostly. Except for this morning apparently. You blamed it on your sleep-addled brain. It had been early and you were planning on taking a quick trip to the deli to pick up coffee and bagels. Instead, you had ended up on your butt right next to the car, having slipped on a patch of black ice.
Alerted by your surprised yelp of pain, Bradley had come flying out the front door like a bat out of hell, clad in nothing more than his pajama pants and the pair of boots he’d haphazardly pulled on.
After carrying you back inside and spending the better part of an hour fretting over you, terrified you’d fractured a bone or hit your head despite your numerous protestations, your husband’s worry eventually gave way to amusement. Once he was satisfied that you were truly unharmed, at least for the most part, he couldn’t help but tease you a little bit.
“I told you it was slippery out there, honey,” he murmured, a smile tugging at his lips as he carried you to the bedroom and laid you down on your stomach so that he could gently massage your behind, which was currently throbbing and probably already had a nice bruise developing. “Were you trying to go ice skating without me?”
“Ha, ha, ha,” you muttered sarcastically, wincing a little bit as Bradley’s hand moved across a particularly tender spot.
Bradley caught your expression and stopped teasing. “I’m sorry, baby. Does it hurt bad? Let me go get some ice,” he told you, starting to rise.
“Ugh, no, no more ice!” you argued, shaking your head and burying your face in your pillow in embarrassment.
“What can I do to make it better?” he asked softly, brushing your hair away from your face and pressing a kiss to your temple.
You lifted your head and thought a moment, then grinned mischievously. “Can you kiss it and make it better?”
Bradley smirked in return, his hand slipping under the waistband of your yoga pants. “Whatever helps, honey.”
January OTP Prompts
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rhytmrocket · 2 months
hey all! hey rhythm heaven fandom, specifically
so uh, in joint celebration of tengoku’s 18th, ds’ 16th, and my 3rd anniversary of being into this franchise, i’m gonna be sharing a rhythm heaven au idea i’ve had for a bit over a year now. this is real big because i never share any of my thoughts on anything (hyperbole) so i hope you all enjoy
cw for general talk of death! if you don’t want to hear about that, this is not the au for you! have a nice day, then
now for the rest of you still here:
so, ironically, this concept is much more megamix-centric than any other game
basically, it assumes that all rhythm games that didn’t make the cut to megamix are ‘discontinued,’ for lack of a better term, and thus the characters that starred in those minigames are dead. yep, it’s pretty heavy.
it would take place in the world of megamix, with the different “lands” and landmarks and stuff, in which the characters whose main minigames are in megamix live their normal lives, just with the fact that their friends from minigames who didn’t make the cut are gone. it’s some real angst fodder for all you rarepair shippers out there, which is probably a lot of you knowing my mutuals (this includes me— my otp of like, all time is a rh rarepair)
i actually don’t really have an idea of how, diegetically, this happened, but i may come up with something eventually (or you all could come up with something if you’re interested enough to have read up to here)
that’s about all i’m gonna share right now cuz that really is just the main idea of the au. feel free to send an ask if you’d like more details, cuz i do have more details. also feel free to make content of this if you’re interested in it! i’d actually be ecstatic to see it, please tag me if you do
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m0thergoose · 6 months
NOT how I expected this episode to start omg unWELL
I truly have no idea what to expect from this ep holy hell
Rick is passenger princess confirmed
The hand kiss 🫠
Honeymoon take 2 woopwoop
OTP on a scenic road trip I’m in love with this
Look at them looking lovingly at Carl
they found a cabin, they on a real vacation now baby
New people I’m scared I don’t like it
Rick is really at Michonne’s beck and call ‘they look pretty hungry’ INSTANTLY drops his bag to find them food lmaoooo
OHHH DONT try this with Richonne you silly silly people
‘Well how bout you just listen’ 😂😂😂😂😂
That’s right Michonne you take your food back lmaoooo
Rick emptying the bullets into michonnes hand sooooorry I’m unwell
Keep your promise asshole 😂
Us against the world 💖
Toothpaste, booze, what are you up to grimes???? I’m just working with what I got - the necklace 💖 RICK LOVES HIS WIFE SO MUCH
RIGHT who is this now??? Is this GABE?
FUUUUCKING HELL JADIS WAKING THEM UP, it’s like when Jesus walked in on them their first night lmaoooo but this is 1 million times worse!
Michonne looks so hot rn haha
I actually could give a flying fuck about Jadis, hurry up and kill her richonne lmao
And he’s kept a wedding ring for Rick actually shoot me rn
Gabe is a richonner confirmed 💖
Now I want Gabriel to be the one to kill Jadis because this is sick and twisted from her
okay so they’re gonna kill Jadis and as she’s dying she’ll hand him the ring
And next year same day same place it won’t be Jadis that meets Gabriel, it’ll be richonne
HERE we go fuck her up Michonne
Here Ricky dicky goes, fuck them walkers up
Jadis is scum these people better not help her
HAHAHHAHA Michonne just wants to kill this bitch ‘maybe just maim first’ yeah ok Ricky dicky 😂
Michonne what you gonna do
Michonne has a plan yes
‘You’ve looked better’ sassy Rick lol
I’m stilll hoping Michonne just fucking murders her
side note Rick looks v handsome rn
I’ll see you next year Ann - noooo you’ll see richonne next year gabey baby 🤞
‘We’re gonna do that’ ricks like sure whatever you want baby
I don’t want a proposal in front of jadis save it for when you’re alone Ricky dicky
‘I could never have imagined this but it could only ever have been you’ 🥹🥹🥹🥹
THE PROMO ‘are we crazy’ ‘certifiable’ LMAOOOOOO
ALSO how the fuck are we wrapping this up in one more episode, we deserve MORE dammit
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anerdinallherglory · 1 month
Approaching Sun (38)
Author’s Note: Long note ahead. 
You guyssss. I’m sorry for the delay. The Sasuke that I am writing is new territory for most of us. I write, then rewrite until it feels right. And I have never rewritten my own script as much as I did in this chapter. If you enjoy my writing, please take a chance on my live draft on Wattpad called Beneath the Hollow Grove. There will be romance, so the same chemistry between characters in my fanfiction is very likely to be appearing there. This chapter is dedicated to Teo and ttsukei. Thank you for your extra support and love. It means everything.
Approaching Sun will eventually come to an end (sad but rewarding at the same time). I am guesstimating a total of 42-45 chapters total. I never foresaw A.S. being as long as it is already, or taking as nearly as long as it has to finish it. To be honest, I started this years ago to improve creative writing with my OTP, and anticipated on ditching it when my ADHD got the better of me. But the community kept asking and I kept giving. You can thank those people if you have enjoyed it because this story was written 100% in return for their comments and support.
Also, if you enjoy my SasuSaku, you can find a one-shot I wrote before A.S. on Fanfiction.net/Wattpad by the name of “Sakura’s Letter.” It fits these A.S. characters well. 
Last but not least, there is a facebook fanpage for A.S. at the link on my Tumblr if you’d like to join. Hoping to share further A.S. resources there after the story is complete. 
Songs for this chapter: Technicolour Beat by Oh Wonder & Feel Something by James Young
Thanks always, ANerdinAllHerGlory
. . .
CW: Discussion of Suicide; read with caution
Pairing: SasuSaku
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
Chapter 38: Methods of Atonement & Eternal Burning
Just when Sakura thought the insect-glow induced spell might diminish or expire between them, she glanced over her shoulder as she bathed in the warm cave waters to see that Sasuke watched her from the bank. He sat familiarly reclined with an arm over his knee, and where Sakura might have expected his countenance to have once again returned to the smooth planes and carefully composed eyes of guardedness, she sucked in a breath to see an expression wholly new to her. His mouth was parted in a silent reverence as he beheld the cleansing paths her hands traced over her collarbones, down her neck and through her hair. Had she even thought Sasuke capable of looking at another human that way? Well, it lasted until she reached up and over her shoulder to run water down her back, right between her shoulder blades where Sasuke’s fingers had traced the Uchiha symbol. His countenance slipped, a frown of consideration deepening the lines between his brows. 
Having an idea of his annoyance, she turned her back to him and smiled silently to herself when he stood, waded waist deep into the starry-lit water to join her. 
“Washing already?” he murmured in that low Uchiha disappointment that told Sakura he was pretending to pout. And his faux ire at such a notion was pleasant enough to warm Sakura from within and she prided herself on her self-restraint in this moment, because she wanted to smile like an idiot until her face split at the creases of her lips. 
With Sasuke’s strict abstinence of years and a single-sided willpower to outlast her own desires these last several months, Sakura was pleasantly astonished to discover that Sasuke Uchiha didn’t have such restraint in that moment. Turning her to face him, he stilled her efforts completely by touching his lips to hers. And the kiss was softer. Much slower than before. Like a whisper in a cave.
Sakura had always daydreamed about what sort of lover the untouchable Uchiha, Sasuke might be. She always expected him to be as Sasuke-ish about everything possible, including his love life. He would be the sort of man to keep his interactions with her formal in the public eye, respectable, reserved, and avoiding all physical contact that some couples easily flaunted for others to see. This was the reality that Sakura had long predicted and, therefore, accepted and did not anticipate Sasuke to be the sort of partner who, over the last couple of months, might secretly hold her hand while she slept, find excuses to be next to her, crave her touch in the private moments shared between them, and kiss her tenderly even after their bodies separated. As sad as that sounded, Sakura had predicted it, because despite how much she loved him, he was still going to be Sasuke, in the most adjective form possible of the word.
Which was why Sakura certainly had not expected the overwhelming passion of moments ago, the longing that passed between their mouths and the intensity of years’ worth of suppressed feelings into such a surmounting detonation. An explosion of celestial matter.
“It’s annoying,” he growled mischievously between their lips, tearing Sakura from her thoughts as she concentrated back on his current vexation. It had to be because Sakura had washed away the traces of Uchiha symbol he had marked between her shoulder blades. She laughed in response and continued to pull him deeper into the water, ignoring his attempts to stop her from erasing the evidence of his actions. Not even his devoted mouth making her breathless and his following steps as she descended into the river, was enough to prevent Sakura from completely submerging. And with her impossible human strength, she pulled him under after her. 
Sakura saw his eyes widen in the dim glow of ethereal lights, and she grinned wickedly in return, just before complete and total blackness consumed them. The water was brisk but not freezing, the balmy cave already warming the new layers of flood water. In the depths, void of sound and light, she felt Sasuke’s arm twine around the dip in her spine, binding her body to his, and the lack of all other sensation made the grasping touch alleviate every nerve in her person. Like a healing salve to an old wound Sakura hadn’t even realized she still possessed, Sasuke’s touch was the remedy to every feeling of loss, every doubt, and confusion she had ever had in regards to him. His possessive touch that clung to her body like she was now an extension of himself made everything in the past suddenly forgivable even if what had happened wasn’t okay. It was forgivable because it brought them to this. 
That look of reverence he had been appraising her with just a moment ago was completely replaced when they surfaced, an artificial glare of mild displeasure at being drenched completely eclipsing it. “Have I told you lately that you are the most annoying woman I have ever met?”
“Twice now in the last five minutes,” she giggled, wrapping her legs around his waist as Sasuke’s feet found the smooth underground surface once more. And that glare evaporated, turning back into veneration as Sasuke’s body reacted to her embrace. And Sakura realized that needed to say something now, before his knee found a chakra-controlled perch on the glassy surface of the water and he was pulling her up with him to take her between his body and the water below. She could see that he was already envisioning something of the sort in his mind.
“The last thing I want is for this between us to end,” she announced as she wound her greedy fingers through his wet hair—she had always imagined doing this very thing and it was so satisfying to finally be able to do so. “But we’re running out of time. I need to survey the area, and in the morning, I need to report to Katsuyu in Shikkotsu Forest and check on the men I’ve captured. Waiting for the off-hand chance that remaining members of Zenshin might discover our location won’t exactly get us anywhere.”
“You need food,” he whispered against her skin, and Sakura sighed as his wet hand slid up her back to reach the same spot where he had traced the Uchiha symbol earlier, giving up his quest and washing where she could not. She knew Sasuke would be sensible with her decision to move forward with her plans and reasoned that he would probably try to focus his attention back on his own mission of Kaguya once this electricity between them dissipated into a comfortable normal.  
And as his words settled, Sakura realized she hadn’t eaten in almost forty-two hours and her stomach grumbled loudly to Sasuke’s victorious smirk as he successfully delayed their departure by a few moments more. 
. . .
Sakura returned to the central cavern after a few private minutes to herself, the charred fragrance of something crackling over a fresh fire luring her from the enchanting tunnel of glowworms. The muffled roar of the waterfall was distant and had quieted significantly enough that Sakura could hear the crack of the fire as Sasuke roasted whatever little, unfortunate, and very possibly blind cave dwellers he had managed to find down here for them to eat. 
“What are those?” she asked, crouching beside him to assess the row of tiny fish now charred and black on the skewers. 
“Something between an eel and a fish,” he announced. “Neither and both. Living fossils only found in caves.”
Sakura raised an eyebrow as she investigated the freshwater fish. She couldn’t quite make out anything distinct about them now that they had been basically cooked to a crisp. Sasuke handed her a skewer and her ravenous appetite made her overlook the unfamiliar eel-fish quickly. 
As she ate next to him, Sakura began to feel the contrasting shift in Sasuke’s demeanor. He ate silently, avoided her eyes, and kept the small space undisturbed between them as he stared off into the black beyond the illuminated circumference of their warming fire. Sakura stiffened in response, simultaneously annoyed at the change and nervous at its meaning. She searched his expression for any clue as to what he might be thinking and felt her stomach dropping the longer he refused to return her regard. Could a few moments apart have already cleared his mind and reset his determinations somehow? How could he go from “We won’t be able to go back from this” and “Until death” to being all hesitant again? Sakura halted her spiraling train of thought before she came crashing down like one of the stalactites hanging off the ceiling. Maybe it was something else and she just needed to address him directly. That was healthy, wasn’t it? 
“What’s wrong?” she blurted. “You’re overthinking things aren’t you?” She was frightened that he would answer that with more silence or even worse, a declaration of how he had thought about what had happened, decided it was a mistake, and had changed his mind. But he laughed instead, that small, signature hmph of ejected air that had Sakura sighing in relief. 
“There’s no going back now, remember?” she continued teasingly, capitalizing on his small sign of amusement at her words.  “Because It’s too late to mope and reconsider how you’re not the best for me and blah blah blah.” She would do what many women often did when faced with uncomfortable couple confrontations. She would call him out on his thinking, his pattern of behavior that signaled her anxiety, and disguise it as a lighthearted chastisement and reminder. “We get to choose each other.” 
“I meant what I’ve said,” he answered seriously before rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as he fumbled for the words that always tangled in his throat. “But, I was irresponsible earlier and—I am sorry. What do I need to do for—Do you need anything?” 
Oh. That. Sakura's face instantly reddened at the words, because she immediately knew what he was referring to and what exactly he had been hung up on until now. There were no precautions taken in the moment, and Sakura didn’t know if Sasuke’s questions were because he was worried Sakura might be angry about his carelessness after the fact, or worse, he might fear the possible consequences of such an impulsive choice. 
Sakura assessed his own flushed face and he looked away again, firelight-reflecting eyes revealing the warring predicament she hadn’t been able to decipher up until now. She looked down shyly as well when she answered him. 
“You don’t have to worry,” she whispered, genuinely hoping to ease his concerns even if a small part of her wished he didn’t have any. “I had prepared before… before the brothel. Just in case.”
And as his eyes snapped to her face, Sakura saw him set his jaw in understanding and trap the words he was holding there. Sakura didn’t make any adjustments to her phrase or retract her statement, because it was the truth of it, and even if it wasn’t the exact answer he cared to hear, she hoped it would be enough reassurance for him. Before Sakura had left Sunagakure, she had prepped the bag of contraceptives, taking several doses before handing over what was left to Tabi, the girl Sakura had entrusted the supplies to before she left. She hadn’t planned on using her body as Sasuke had originally feared she meant to do, but Sakura also wasn’t naïve to think she might be completely untouchable despite her claims to Sasuke that she was. As a woman, physician, and ninja, she wasn’t going to be unprepared walking into a brothel; she had also reminded herself that it would be a wise choice to get started on them anyway after expressing her desires to Sasuke about being more. Regardless, the contraceptive had been taken and the doses were supposed to last months per measurement, so Sakura wasn’t too concerned about her and Sasuke’s actions tonight. 
When Sasuke stiffened and made to angle his body back toward the fire, Sakura reached out for his hand and gently grasped his fingers, a now special form of communication between them. In the beginning of their traveling together, the tender touches between them had been the first blessed crack in the ice constructed walls of Sasuke Uchiha—the big bang initiation that led to the them of now. And she hoped the gesture would work for her again as she used it once more to bring him back to the warmth they had discovered together behind those walls. 
Sakura focused on her courage, fighting to have the desire to stay on the topic while it was before them. Even if her preservatory instinct was to move on from the subject as quickly as possible, Sakura knew that the mature, responsible thing to do would be to discuss it. Thoroughly, so that they could come to an agreement, find common ground, and try to be on the same page heading forward. It was a condition to their partnership that they had long since established: communication. 
“Sasuke, I understand if you don’t want a family right now.” And he was looking away from her again as he, too, struggled to overcome the new discomfort of serious “couple” conversations between them. Sakura’s heart panged as she thought that maybe this nervousness meant that Sasuke Uchiha would never want children, even with her. She told herself to breathe, and not jump ahead, but she couldn’t resist voicing her fear: “Do you never–"
“It’s not a never,” he shuttered, finding her eyes with his own. “It’s just—my mission concerning Kaguya is unforeseeable.” He found her eyes and looked down when he saw the sadness his response instantly elicited in her face. He rushed to add, squeezing her fingers back. “But I promise to fight for that future. I’ll find the Otsusuki race. I’ll make the world safe so I can come back to you.”
Sakura nodded, her heart still feeling unsettled at such a promise. She reminded herself that by choosing Sasuke, she was choosing him and him alone. She wouldn’t force him to abandon his goals in order to be a husband and a father. “Even if we spend our lives like orbiting stars, passing one another in the night,” she had promised. “The miniscule amount of time I spend next to you will be more than I would want with anyone else.” It was her own vow to him, and Sakura had never meant truer words. Sakura knew what this life meant, and she could tell by the look on his face that he was worried, already concerned that she was regretting. And maybe in her heart, she was disheartened that their reality would be a difficult one. Sakura would be sacrificing several dreams, and she would have to make her peace with it all in time, because despite it all, she wanted Sasuke more than anything else. She also wanted a peaceful future, and Sasuke was the only person, in a combined effort with Naruto’s future leadership, capable of ensuring that it came to pass by fulfilling his side. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered as he shook his head, and Sakura saw him steel himself with a breath before forcing out, “I’m already sorry for so much. I think I’ll live our entire lives being sorry, Sakura.”
She gently squeezed his hand and shook her head as well. “I meant what I said too. I want this life with you, whatever it looks like. And of course, I eventually want a family with you, but only if that’s what you want, too. It comes second to everything else. Or not at all. Okay?”
He nodded in obvious relief and, to Sakura’s continuing list of surprises, pulled her to him. Her hands found his chest to brace herself and he inhaled the scent of her hair, whispering an apology in the crook of her neck. She kissed his lips sweetly with a comforting smile, but Sasuke took advantage and kissed her again, fervently, tenderly, consolingly in return. And Sakura decided to let him push her to the ground beneath him where his hand slid up her thigh. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Sakura made the connection that Sasuke’s conversation skills were barely adequate, but that in the private moments between them, he would choose to compensate for it with the language of bodies. This, too, was not what Sakura had expected, but it made sense that the stoic, awkward Uchiha might choose to express himself with the dedicated dialect spoken with the only other person who could receive, comprehend, and appreciate that language. With her legs tossed over his shoulders, and her fingers in his hair, and Sasuke’s head between her thighs, Sakura submitted completely as he made her forget her current and future grievances. He devoted his apology to her body like an act of repentance, and Sakura decided she would take him, take the man who promised a lifetime of regretful apologies, if this was his method of atonement. Sakura didn’t know that apologies could come in the form of slow arousals, roaming tongues, and­­—holy shit, suction. The sound of his own name from her mouth was the only verbalization of forgiveness that Sasuke needed in their mutually exclusive vernacular.
Sasuke was a fucking idiot. He had thought this to himself as he fisted each and every eel fish coasting below his feet, as he tried to explain his thoughts to her about starting a family, and even now as he stared at her back as they lay tangled together in sleep for the second night. Adding to the list of self-deprecations, Sasuke cursed himself for foregoing the Uchiha symbol on his clothing several years ago as an act of penance. At the time, Sasuke had felt that in order to preserve whatever was left of his clan’s dignity, he needed to part with wearing the symbol until after he felt properly atoned. He didn’t want his past and image to represent the Uchiha, furthering the disgrace of his clan in the eyes of those who knew their history or was learning of it for the first time. But as he had traced the symbol between Sakura’s shoulder blades, Sasuke had had the realization that Sakura, the only other person to bear the Uchiha name, was now going to be the new face representing their clan. In contrast to himself, Sakura had always been unwavering in her goodness, unblemished by wrongdoings, and righteously leading a new generation of mental health advocates and creating new healthcare standards. Her reach would know no bounds and there wouldn’t be a better individual walking this dimension to wear the Uchiha crest, to start a new history associated with it. It wouldn’t be Sasuke leading the Uchiha clan into the future; it would be her. 
Which is why he was cursing himself now for not possessing at least one article of clothing with his crest so that he could be staring at her back in the firelight as she boasted the mark that identified her to the world as an Uchiha and as his. Did that make him a possessive bastard? Probably. But it was an Uchiha trait to be so and Sasuke was more Uchiha in both good and bad senses of the word than many before him. 
And, he thought privately to himself, if his actions of last night bore the natural consequences, there could be two individuals aside from himself demonstrating to the world what the Uchiha could be. Which is why he was a fucking idiot. Because fuck, he wanted that reality as much as his next breath of oxygen. He wanted to be staring at his family’s backs as a miniature raven-haired child clung to his wife’s hand through a busy Konoha market street. It was why he had made a mistake last night, choosing to recklessly chase his high with abandon because it was the dream he wanted—knew that at the end of the day, was what Sakura wanted too. And that’s why it had devastated him to make that apology to his new wife, prepared to do what he needed to do to not force the responsibility of a child on Sakura alone while he had no choice but to continue on his mission to find those who Kaguya feared, the rest of the Otsusuki race. 
He had even fucked up that apology, incompetently trying to form the words. How did he tell the woman he had just tied to himself in a cave of stars that he fucking wanted to watch her grow heavy with the swell of his child while simultaneously dreading the reality of what that would mean for her. And for him. He would miss it. He would miss all of it. He had promised Sakura a fifty-fifty partnership, and Sasuke had only just realized how badly he would fail that promise.
And these thoughts continued into the morning as the fissure in the ceiling went from boasting the brightest of stars above them to the thin purpling stripe of summer dawn, and Sakura rose from their tangled sleep, a new set determination in her shoulders to handle the members of the organization she had sent days ago into the home of her personal summon, Katsuyu. 
“What’s your plan?” he asked as she turned to face him, triple folding his borrowed black trousers along her hips to make them fit better. They still hung loosely around her calves and she rolled the arms of his long sleeved shirt until the cuffs were chunky and hit her wrists exactly. He raised an eyebrow appreciatively knowing that Sakura was just making do, but the vision of her sporting a modified version of his attire sent his mind back into a perilous orbit. 
“You’re not going to like your options in my plan,” she announced, oblivious to his wandering eyes. 
That statement was more than sobering and it instantly put Sasuke on guard. He frowned at her. 
She swallowed before saying, “You can stay here and focus on your—"
“Don’t finish that sentence,” he bristled as he interrupted her, getting really tired of hearing that phrase come out of her mouth—even though he had been the one say it a million times before this. He guessed that he deserved to hear it as often as he had said it. “I’m going with you.”
The absolute irony of his words hit them both immediately as he said it. 
The pink-haired kunoichi laughed and rubbed the back of her neck as she bluntly said, “Then your second option is to be very still while Katsuyu swallows you whole, and I release her summoning back to Shikkotsu Forest. It’s the only way for you to get there. Just like the rest of them.”
Sasuke’s eye visibly twitched. “And option three is?”
“You could walk, but it would take you weeks to catch up, not to mention how much work it would take to avoid the hazards of Shikkotsu Forest such as beasets, acid pools, and toxin seeping trees.”
Sasuke tried not to be miffed that she was suggesting it might be difficult for him to traverse Shikkotsu Forest, even though he had spent the last several years exploring similar dimensions, but he trusted that if she was saying that it was bad, then it probably very well was. “And you were planning on transporting these people back to Konoha, how exactly?”
“The same way I plan on getting you in and out.”
He groaned and she smiled innocently. 
They had to get these people back to Konoha somehow. Not to mention the dozens of Zenshin members Sasuke had tossed into a dimension two days ago, telling them to begin their walk northeast for about thirty kilometers where they would find a stash of supplies Sasuke kept there to sustain them while they waited for his return. He hadn’t bothered to explain that if they weren’t at the designated spot, where the dimension spaces crossed with the Leaf Village, they would eventually die in that dimension. At the time, he hadn’t quite cared what happened to them in there, and he selfishly hadn’t spared them another thought sense. Sasuke supposed that it was a tiny reason to speed things along so he didn’t have any unnecessary victims, even if they did deserve it, at the very least, for not being able to follow simple instructions. He just didn’t want to have to explain it to Sakura. 
And the next thing Sasuke knew, Katsuyu was being summoned and Sasuke was resigned to a slimy fate of the inching human-sized slug as it ascended his body. And that pink-haired woman of his had the absolute audacity to declare teasingly with a grin, “It would be easier if you were laying down,” but he only glared at her with his most severe displeasure, not having the time to respond or even scoff before the damn thing had consumed his face entirely. And as Sasuke was encapsulated in a bath of mucus, water, and salt—yes, it somehow got in his fucking mouth (probably when he lifted his lip to sneer at Sakura’s black-streaked cheeks and sadistic expression)—he realized with a newfound appreciation how endearing Aoda seemed in comparison. That was indeed one beautiful snake.  
And within moments, Sasuke found himself on his back, eyes projected toward a tree canopy so dense, the light struggled to penetrate below, creating a blue-green cast that darkened the forest around him. Travelling from the aphotic void of the underground sanctuary of seconds ago to the ear-piercing hum of the insect and amphibian infested jungle of a forest, left Sasuke feeling deafened by the abrasive cacophony. In a satirical form of irony, Sasuke suddenly wasn’t so opposed to the slug form currently detaching itself from his face and ears. Katsuyu, the source and embodiment of healing itself, even left the Uchiha feeling more restored than before which made Sasuke just the tiniest bit sorry for his initial disgust towards the creature. He bit back his urge to say something in condolence to the beast who had no initial indication of his discomfort to begin with, so Sasuke bit his lip, feeling all sorts of confused feelings in that moment. 
“Sasuke,” the slug spoke to him in her singsong of a voice, “Milady will be present shortly, appearing where my main body is two miles north of here. She asked me to deposit you here to help corral a man back to the central location. He has wandered to this location.” 
Sasuke instantly frowned at the slug’s words. He supposed some silent conversation had happened between Katsuyu and Sakura in the minute it took to transport him. That, or this was some clever way to distract Sasuke while she took advantage of the distance he still had to traverse. Hadn’t the kunoichi just told him that the Shikottsu Forest was a hazard maze? Well, she obviously had more faith in his abilities than she had let on when discussing option three, the annoying tease. 
Sasuke took in his surroundings more carefully, trees taller than the Hokage Monument towering to the sky as vines thicker than Aoda twisted up and around them. It made the forest where the Chunin Exams were held almost miniature in scale. Sasuke supposed it made sense that beasts of gargantuan size such as the three Sanin summons to have come from even larger habitats, environmental determinism and all that. 
A thick fog hovered above the ground, and Sasuke stood and leaned his head up to view the treetops above, breathing in as he activated his ocular jutsu, the tomoes spinning into both red and purple eyes. With his dual dojutsu, Sasuke surveyed the area more closely, peering beyond the fog blanketed trees in front of him, where the treacherous swamp and pools of bubbling black acid threatened to pull him into a fiery oblivion like the siren call of an eternally burning river in hell. Sakura had been right to warn him of this place; she had personally encountered Kaguya’s acid-sea dimension, after all. Acid didn’t stop burning until it could be scrubbed from the skin. Falling in a lagoon of it would be the absolute worst of deaths. Sasuke moved forward, toward the chakra network and watery outline of the soul he was supposedly sent to retrieve. Approximately fifty meters beyond the trees in his immediate vision, Sasuke analytically watched the flickering figure before him, their heartbeat speedily beating as they stood erect, still, and unmoving. 
Sighing, Sasuke moved toward the individual, slowly and silently, contemplating what exactly Sakura had expected him to do. It was indeed perilous, to navigate the small path that winded between acid reservoirs, and Sasuke’s footfalls were near silent as he proceeded with slow and deliberate caution. The physical form of Sasuke’s fixation materialized from the mist, a man who stood before one of the black, endless, gurgling acid ponds. The stranger’s back was turned to Sasuke and, unexpectedly, the man’s head tilted in Sasuke’s direction as he detected the Uchiha’s approaching presence. Sasuke raised an eyebrow privately at the man’s perceptiveness despite Sasuke’s silent footfalls. He had to be a ninja, then, without a shadow of a doubt, if he was able to sense him. 
Sasuke took in the man’s appearance more carefully: tall, dark hair, a tailor-fitted suit as if he were some sort of mobster instead of a ninja. Of course, that suit now displayed various tears and holes, the wearable evidence of days in the Shikkotsu Forest. Was he missing a shoe? 
“Reaper?” came his voice next, a resigned, melancholic breathlessness as if he were talking to himself rather than acknowledging Sasuke’s presence. 
Sasuke was getting that sort of association a lot lately. If the world continued to sense him as such before they even knew him, was he honestly doing a well enough job redeeming himself? He shook the thought away.
“But I haven’t done it yet,” the man whispered again, just before toeing the pool of acid with is remaining shoed foot. He screamed instantly when the acid ate through the leather of his sole and found his toes. He bent, ripping the melting shoe away. Well, that explained the first shoe, then, Sasuke assessed. And then Sasuke’s gut was sinking as the man straightened his back, finding the resolve to do it again, and the entire situation started to make a lot more sense to him. Just exactly why Sakura had sent Sasuke to retrieve him. The slug had known what the man was planning, what was about to happen.
The man was going to jump—all in, at once. He bent, sucking in a loud breath as if he were about to dive. And then propelled his body into the air. And Sasuke’s Rinnegan was activating before he could even register his choices. And within seconds, Sasuke’s body had replaced the man with himself feet above the black abyss of acid, and now he was on the planned trajectory of the consequences of this man’s suicide attempt. And before Sasuke could even question whether or not a ninja might be able to direct chakra and walk along the surface of acid like they did water, the Eternal Mangekyo of his right eye was spinning, and the skeletal arms of his imperfect Susanoo shot out and braced their hands on either side of the acid pond. Sasuke sneered in the man’s direction after he righted himself and stepped down onto the bank and stalked back toward the man who now lay sprawled where Sasuke had just been standing seconds before. 
The giant fist of the Susanoo shot outward, collecting the man into its glowing grip, the blazing yellow eyes of the Susanoo’s face inches from his own. 
The man cried out in surprise, probably believing that he had indeed fallen into the realm that came after death. But his next words gave Sasuke pause. “Who’s there?” Despite the man’s initial fear, Sasuke suddenly realized that he wasn’t seeing the Susanoo at all. He felt the grip that held him, the crushing digits of the chakra-controlled entity, but he cast his wide eyes about as if not sure where he should be looking. 
And then Sasuke saw it. The dirty bandage-wrapping that had fallen from his eyes at some point to rest around his neck like a prophetic noose. Because the man had been correct. It was the Reaper that had found him. Sasuke was going to finish the man himself because recognition hit the Uchiha in full force. He had seen this ninja before in the memories of that girl at the brothel. Before him was the ninja who had pulled Sakura into his lap and touched her black-dyed hair as if she had been his to do so. Rugo. That was the name Sakura had relayed to him over a campfire in a cave, and Sasuke had let the name sear a hole into his memory the same way the flames of that fire burned into his vision. He would never forget it. 
“You were right the first time,” Sasuke smirked, gladly becoming that deathbringer of his fear, the darkness in the Uchiha like an incurable itch that he sometimes craved to scratch. Even though it was when he indulged himself, that he got into trouble, Sasuke still couldn’t resist the urge when it came to defending his friends.
“Uchiha,” Rugo breathed, more solid but still another fearful recognition coming from his lips. “You might as well be.” He grunted as the Susanoo’s fingers tightened as if they were Sasuke’s own.
“That’s right.” Sasuke confirmed, that characteristic drawl he used with his enemies coming back full force out of Sakura’s company. “You should have been faster. There’s nothing that burns like the black flames of Amaterasu. It doesn’t stop burning until there’s nothing left. The acid would have been a mercy in comparison.” 
A steely calm came over Rugo’s face and Sasuke didn’t quite care for it. “I don’t know where she is. I had found her. Begged her to help me. And the next thing I knew, I woke up in this godforsaken place with those bastards for company.”
Sasuke registered his words with that signature “hn,” of acknowledgement, but nothing more. But internally, Sasuke was at war with himself. This was one of the men who had touched her. Sakura, his Team 7 teammate. And now she was more than that; she was his. This bastard had touched his fucking wife. The scene of that girls’ memories played over and over in his mind like his own personal hell of Sharingan genjutsu. But all he could hear was her. Those convicting words of her letter playing in his skull, still tucked against his chest as if it could be the second heart to operate and stand in place for his blackened one: ‘remember who you are.’ Damn, he really wasn’t trying hard enough honor his promise to himself, was he? Quite frankly, Sasuke didn’t want to. But Sakura’s order through the memory of mud and rain pounded in his ears as she yelled: “This isn’t who you are anymore! You can be merciful!” A declaration of weight whispered in a cave between bent heads came to him next: “You’re not a monster. Naruto and I will not let you be a monster.” 
Sakura had sent him here. Knowing everything she did, the woman he loved still believed it was going to be Sasuke who would be the best between the two of them to retrieve this man. And he was suddenly very annoyed with her unwavering faith in him because it suddenly made Sasuke feel like he had to be worth that faith. Damn slug should have just left the issue—let the man do as he pleased. 
Aw, fuck. Fine. 
Sasuke sneered as he dropped the man to the ground before him, his Susanoo of chakra retreating back into the essence of him. The man scrambled to his knees and Sasuke turned and began to walk off before he changed his mind. “You’re very fortunate that the woman you speak of spared your life,” he drawled. “It’s the only reason I do now.” And after the wide eyed, unseeing man blanched, Sasuke added: “But by all means—don’t let me get in the way of what you were doing.”
The man nodded once, that serious, resolved expression returning to his ashen face. 
But even as Sasuke put distance between them, his feet slowed when Rugo’s voice carried after him. “You’ve found her then. It’s the only way you would know how we got here. That’s good.”
Just keep walking, Sasuke told himself. Let the man do as he wished. He would tell Sakura that he hadn’t killed the man, at the very least. And what else could she honestly have expected of him? What was he supposed to do? Talk to him? She was delusional. Grab the stranger by the collar of his suit and corral him back toward her, the last person he wanted within a mile of her? Hmph. Unlikely.
“It must be wonderful,” Rugo exclaimed as he found a tree to lean back against. “To look at her. To watch that mouth and that hair.” The man let out a small groan. “I can only imagine it. She was the last woman I ever laid my eyes on. Not a bad view, for the last thing to see.”
Sasuke closed his eyes as the manipulative declaration designed to ensnare his rage hit his ears. And his feet came to an abrupt halt. He counted to three before he spoke next. “You really do have a death wish, don’t you?” Fucking bastard, testing his fragile resolve.
“You’re a fool to let her do what she did,” Rugo announced, and Sasuke wondered where all of a sudden, he found the fucking nerve. Probably was trying to get the Uchiha to run him through with his katana or burn him alive with unrelenting flame. “Now, Mozai will do more than just kill her. He’s vengeful, and he will make her pay for what she’s done personally. She’s done nothing but paint a bigger target on her back. And you let her.” 
Sasuke had never been so tempted to laugh. As if he could stop that woman from doing anything she set her mind to. The two of them were alike in that way. “And if he ever dares to come close enough, he’ll see her back for himself and learn exactly who she is now and who he dares to fuck with.” Because Sakura Haruno was an Uchiha now, and he would soon show the world that. She would wear his crest. Their symbol. He had already decided it, but it was without question now. He would beg her if he had to.
Rugo laughed, and Sasuke turned to see him bend forward over his knees. “It won’t be enough.”
“Then tell me how to find him,” Sasuke drawled again. “I’ll kill him right after I’m done killing you.”
“I don’t know where he is. He could be anywhere. He is never in the same place, always moving.”
“There’s not a corner in this world where I have not been,” Sasuke told him. “I’ll find him soon.”
“That’s a relief. Good riddance.”
And Sasuke was a little curious to know why this man was even with them if he expressed hate for the leader. Rugo had said something about begging Sakura to help him? And Sasuke eyes flickered back toward the man’s bandages as Sasuke made the connections. He was blind. He was able to recognize Sakura in a brothel despite being so. She had been the last person he had seen before blindness… The war, then, Sasuke concluded. Rugo had been injured in the shinobi war.
“Is that why you’re set on killing yourself then?” Sasuke asked after a second of indecision. He was in the limbo of not caring, and being mildly curious simply because Sakura had been involved in some way. His interest was more along the lines of knowing one’s enemy and their motivations. “Because you lost your vision?” Sasuke scoffed cruelly. 
“You couldn’t possibly understand, so don’t pretend that you do,” came Rugo’s angry accusation. “You’ve been blessed with the visual prowess of gods. You get to see the people you love.”
Sasuke sighed. He really wanted to just walk away, but for some reason, Sakura was always involving him with people who needed some sort of reality check. Sasuke wasn’t Naruto, but damn if he didn’t always end up in situations where he knew exactly what that idiot might say to these men. Something about joining him on his journey to bring peace to the shinobi world as if he were some sort of Saint to be followed. And hell, it had worked on Sasuke and many more, hadn’t it? Sasuke sighed in decided annoyance. Sasuke wasn’t inherently good like Naruto, but he had learned a few things over the last few years to draw upon for this speech. Especially in the last few months. 
“I would give it up in an instant,” Sasuke told the blind man. “These eyes are a curse. They come with power and responsibility. If I could trade them for the life of peace that you could have, I would switch places with you this very second. Even with my vison intact, I soon won’t see get to see the people I care about most for a very long time. But if I were you, I could still hear her. Touch her. Not a second spent, would I miss these eyes and the mission that comes with them.”
And how true it all was. Because Sasuke had been literally blinded for a year after the war as he sat in a prison cell in Konoha with his eyes sealed and covered. But as he looked back on it now, it had been such a peaceful year, knowing that it was all out of his control and it was alright to do absolutely nothing for a year. And then she came. Every day, without fail. Just as his friend had attended his bedside in their youth, Sakura had come to visit him. She was only allowed forty minutes to check on him as a physician, and they didn’t talk much at first. But damn, if it didn’t quickly become the forty minutes of every day that he looked forward to. Now, he realized it might have been the only thing to carry his sanity out of that endless darkness. 
If he were blind like Rugo, then maybe he could be present. His lack of power would make it so. The job of hunting down the Otsusuki race would fall onto someone else’s shoulders. And in exchange, maybe Sasuke could be there every day. Wake beside her every day. Touch, taste, fuck, and hear her tell him that she loved him over and over. Have children with her. Hold their tiny bodies against his chest as he whispered his own declaration of love to them. Every. Day. Even if he had to tolerate Naruto’s nonsense daily for the rest of his life, it would be worth it. He would be the better man, and leave the fallen Sasuke behind.
“Get up. Come to the Leaf. Live a simple life. And if you must be ambitious, fight with us to create a world of peace for the next generation.”
And as Rugo’s sightless eyes filled with tears, Sasuke felt a little more like Naruto. Because he meant those words. 
“Took you long enough,” one of the men spat in Sakura’s direction as she stared down the twenty-seven individuals who were now looking back at her as an enemy; there was a narrowing of the eyes, a hesitation in their shoulders, and the erratic exchanging of nervous looks, that was not displayed back at the brothel when they merely thought she was an instrument of sex. In the span of a few days, she had taught them the mistake of underestimating someone. 
They were gathered around a campfire, cooking some poor scrap of a thing they had managed to catch in these woods. They should consider themselves lucky that they hadn’t become the meals themselves here. If not for Katsuyu’s looming gargantuan presence nearby that warded away other predators, they undoubtedly would be. Many of them appeared haggard around the firelight and the dense tree coverage combined with the dimming sky already gave the appearance of night. Owls of monstrous size hooted in the distance, already eager for the night and the prey it would bring them. The members of Zenshin, in contrast, did not seem as keen. They sat huddled together as if in perpetual watch for whatever beast might pay them a visit tonight. 
“I’m sorry,” Sakura smiled brightly despite their stabbing glares, “afraid of the dark, are we?”
There were murmurs of varying degrees of bitterness and disbelief. There were even some choice words Sakura ignored completely as she moved into their company. They were like wolves, snapping and growling as she got near them, and like wolves, a few of them decided to charge her. 
The first man, the loudmouth of the group whose person Sakura had originally aimed for first back at the brothel, and then used his identity to fool his friends later, boldly sprinted in her direction. With murderous, bloodshot eyes and a gaping mouth, he brought his open hands together at the thumbs as if he meant to choke her, but Sakura quickly remedied his mistake. Her foot shot out, her monstrous strength sending him hurtling into the gigantic tree in their immediate proximity. There was a crunch and a splintering of wood, and Sakura felt more sorry for the tree than the man who would walk away fine after she healed him. Sakura couldn’t say the same for the poor, hollowed out tree. She winced, already prepared to apologize to Katsuyu for the violation of the sacred forest. 
“Araki!” came a feminine screech as the man slid down from the tree like one of Katsuyu’s many slug divisions, and he crashed to the forest floor with a groan. Recognizing the voice who had called out to him, Sakura quickly identified the white-haired, Boil Release Kekkei Genkai ninja whom Sakura had battled with days ago. She stood from where she was sitting among the men next to the fire and she pointed an accusing finger at Sakura as she screamed, “You bitch! That wasn’t necessary!”
“Hello, again,” Sakura waved and the girl growled as she fisted both her palms with radiating fury. “Mind if I sit?” Sakura asked unbothered, before coming as close as she dared to the group, a body’s space away from the fire and sat crisscross as a large scroll materialized with a poof in the palm of her hand. She unfurled it, a white, encrypted document that served as a dividing line between them. 
Staring back at their blank, confused expressions, Sakura got straight to the point. “This is the warrant for your individual arrests by both Sunagakure and Konoha as declared, signed, and sealed by the Fifth Kazekage and Seventh Hokage respectively. Each of you will receive a minimum of ten years in either correctional facility on the account of trespassing, kidnapping, attempted murder, or at the very least, illegal engagement in sexual acts for compensation.”
As she spoke, the outrage grew loud again but it fell on deaf ears as Sakura continued to read the document. 
“However,” Sakura added with the snapping of the scroll as it tightly retracted back into form. “You will be given the choice of where to serve your sentences.” 
The outrage quickly grew to silence as Sakura modified the original, documented warrant with her own condition.  
“You can serve your various sentences back in Sunagakure, where the Kazekage eagerly awaits you. While serving your sentence, you will become potential new test subjects for the Kazekage’s new Mental Health clinic, and simultaneously perform excavation indentures to further create the sand dungeons you’ll be staying in.”
Their faces paled, so Sakura informed them of their second choice. “Or, you may return with me to Konoha where you’ll quickly be enrolled in the Mental Health clinic already established, perform community service, and also qualify for parole based on good behavior and reform. Those are your two options.”
And of course, there was always that wise guy who had to add: “And what makes you think we will go willingly to either?”
“You see,” Sakura smiled again, leaning back on her arms as if she were content to rest there. As if it were just another night around the warm campfire for Team 7 as they traveled for a mission. She gestured to the buzzing forest around them that grew darker by the minute.  “Coming with me will be the only way to leave this place. You’re more than welcome to stay here and try to find your way out on your own. But I wouldn’t recommend it.”
They carefully considered her words after that. They exchanged petrified glances and shook their heads at one another. 
“Perfect,” Sakura clapped her hands together in artificial delight, retrieving a separate scroll from thin air and an ink brush followed after, plopping onto the ground as it was summoned. Sakura unfurled this one too, a red blank document that she instantly divided down the center with the following two headings: “Konoha” and “Sunagakure.” She glanced over their shoulders to regard Araki first, who still lay unconscious in front of the tree he had been hurled ungracefully in to. She wrote down his name first and said to herself: “Araki, Konoha.”
“You can’t choose for him!” seethed the white-haired female who had returned to a seated position at some point, but still stared into Sakura’s person as if she could boil her alive just from staring at her. Sakura made a mental note to stay out of touching distance from her. This girl didn’t seem the type to retain information from the lessons others taught her. 
“I can,” Sakura responded, “because he is going to need medical attention and will need to come with me in order to do that. Should I mark him under ‘Sunagakure,’ instead? If he lives from that, you can explain why you made that decision for him.”
The girl didn’t respond and so Sakura left it. “Ok then. Who else chooses Konoha?” There was a hesitation at first as no hands were raised. But a motion in the back caught Sakura’s attention. Not looking at her directly, a man sporting a familiar red, hooded cloak raised one of his mutilated and scarred hands. Sakura winced as she recognized the man who had attacked her, groping at her body before Sasuke ignited him with black flames.“Remember that I spared your life,” she had said to this man after interfering in Sasuke’s torture-attempt, and Sakura didn’t know if he raised his hand now because he felt indebted to her, needed further medical attention for his hands, or something else. But it didn’t matter, because like the first rain drop before the torrent of many, his hand was followed by the others.  
Sakura placed a fake frown on her lips despite her internal relief. “Not a single person wants to attend Sunagakure? Gaara is going to be so disappointed.” And Kakashi, she thought to herself, when he realized he was about to gain twenty-seven new fugitives to care for. She could already imagine the Hokage’s slack jawed surprise when she showed up with them tomorrow. 
Not a single voice responded, and Sakura grinned as she stood and dusted the forest floor from Sasuke’s oversized slacks. “Well, that’s settled then. We’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
“Morning?!” someone called out. “Why not now, before the sun sets?”
Sakura looked around as if she had only just noticed it was growing dark. The crickets of nighttime began to chirp, large amphibians exchanged mating calls, and some growling beast began its nightly prowl with a roar in the distance. “I think one more night will be good for you.” Just to remind them of their choices. 
And with impeccable timing, something he always managed to seem to have, Sasuke emerged from the woods behind her. His red and purple eyes seemed to glow from the shadows as if he, too, were some nocturnal beast of the Shikkotsu Forest come to pay them a visit. He stalked forward like a panther until he stood beside her. Those who might have had anything to say grew wide-eyed and gasped at his arrival, not coming to recognize him even as he stared each of them down. His gaze flickered to the red-cloaked individual in the back whose hands he had decimated, and his eyes seemed to rest on him longer than the others.  
“Did you find him?” Sakura asked the Uchiha and his eyes reluctantly slid to hers in the darkening woods. He dipped his chin in a silent nod before gesturing behind him with a tilt of his head. Slowly, as if moving at a much slower space, Rugo stepped out of the trees behind them. At his appearance, the voices around the campfire picked up once again and they mocked, belittling the man who had made promises of walking into the woods and not returning. One man even went as far as saying, “Should have been a man and gone through with it, Rugo. Mozai will kill you anyway—” but he stopped midsentence and began screaming. The rest of the group panicked, scattering like cockroaches away from the individual, trying to identify the source of his torment. 
But as Sakura glance to her left and saw Sasuke’s Sharingan, she knew instantly that it was him, taking it upon himself to silence the man with a torturous genjutsu. After the screaming continued for longer than what made her comfortable, Sakura sent a pointed look to her teammate. The shrieking died after that, but Sasuke added for good measure, “Be quiet. All of you—before you piss me off.” 
Rugo didn’t stop until he came within a few feet of Sakura, and even though she knew he couldn’t see her, he stopped and stared at her as if he could, as if by sheer will alone, he might be able to. Sakura held his unseeing eyes as she chewed her lip in thought about how she might be able to help him through this more, before he silently turned and headed back toward the fire, sitting alone and far away from the group. He looked morose, haggard, and was he barefoot? 
“I’ll be right back,” she informed Sasuke who turned to follow her anyway. She thought of asking him to stay behind and keep watch over the group, but she thought better of it. She had informed them of their options. They were free to make a run for it…if they dared to. 
“Where are you going?” came Sasuke’s peeved, clipped question once they were out of earshot. She rolled her eyes even as her medical mind whirred and calculated. Despite the gloom and perilous nature of The Shikkotsu Forest, it was also a goldmine, a plethora of hard-to-obtain plants and fauna that made Sakura’s eyes sparkle in delight. Now, some of these things were rather tricky to get your hands on, but it made them all the more tempting. 
H. Perforatum, for example, a yellow-flowering shrub that grew tangled at the base of large trees, was highly sought after for its medical properties; Shikkotsu Forest supposedly had it in abundance but no one dared to face the Shikkotsu Forest just to get their hands on it. Unfortunately, the trees here also often oozed toxic, milky-white sap that blistered the skin on contact, which would make the extraction complicated. But Sakura didn’t tell Sasuke that as she circled several bushes like one of Kakashi’s scent hounds on the trail. 
“I’m looking for a plant known to help with depression. I’d like to offer it to Rugo and see if it can be help to him.”
She didn’t see Sasuke’s blink of surprise, but she felt it in his silence. She knew he didn’t care enough about it to ask further. At least until she snatched her hand away from a tree just in time before a sizzling dewdrop of white fluid fell from a branch, narrowly missing her fingers. Sasuke frowned at her and she smiled innocently while moving on to the next tree. 
“Leave it,” Sasuke said as he peered up at the trees with a newfound trepidation. “He’s fine now.”
But Sakura discounted his words, plowing on until she saw it: the blue-green leaves and the bright starshaped, yellow flower clusters that Sakura had been desperate to get her hands on since she formulated the plan of coming here. It would be revolutionary in its use with her Mental Health clinics. And as she bent to pluck them greedily, she glanced above her head to watch for falling sap, but was surprised to find the purple hand of Sasuke’s Susanoo stretched above her. He stood cross-armed and aloof beside her, acting as if he had little regard for her tasks, but Sakura smiled to herself as the arm of charka reached out from his body with the intent to protect her from searing drops overhead. Seeing him do so reminded her of simpler times during their Genin youth, when Sasuke’s attitude was abrasive, but his actions always spoke his true feelings. 
“Was it his permanent vision loss that made him want to do it?” Sakura inquired as she loaded the pockets of Sasuke’s oversized pants with yellow flora. Katsuyu told me he was in danger of himself, and I couldn’t think of why else.” There were millions of Katsuyu divisions spread through the forest, keeping tabs on all of Sakura’s charges, and the slug who had come to transport Sasuke to Shikkotsu had told her of the situation after Sasuke had been swallowed.
“Hn.” Sasuke acknowledged as she shifted beside her and she nodded, understanding that Sasuke might not give any more details than that. Sakura wasn’t exactly sure what to expect from sending Sasuke, but she had hoped he would be able to handle the situation better than she might even though it was her expertise. Maybe it was an instinct, knowing that Sasuke might be the right person to talk to someone who had lost his vision. He had been able to convince him somehow, and for that she was grateful. 
Sasuke surprised her again when he spoke lowly. “I’ve told him to come to the Leaf and he agreed.” 
“They’ll all be coming to the Leaf,” she informed him, popping one of the yellow flowers into her mouth, tucking it into the inside of her cheek to ruminate. It was both simultaneously bitter and pleasant; sort of like drinking Black Tea. It would be better brewed like a tea, but chewing would have to suffice for now.  
Sasuke raised an eyebrow at her words. “And we’ll be taking the slug express back to Konoha, how, again, if you’re here? You left that part out.”
“Lady Tsunade is waiting for the signal. She’ll perform the summoning that will take us all back to the Leaf.”
“Hmph,” he smirked, not being able to hide his regard for her ability to thoroughly plan something out to this extent in the span of twenty-four hours. 
Sakura may have been a medic, but she was a ninja first. She wasn’t a mastermind strategist like Shikamaru, but she could hold a candle to many team leaders of her generation. A small pang of regret filled Sakura’s chest at the thought. She would never have a rookie team of her own to lead because she had dedicated her life to medical science. 
Knowing that she wouldn’t get the chance once they returned to the watching eyes and glaring scowls of their group, Sakura daringly stood up on her tiptoes and kissed an unexpecting Sasuke chastely on the cheek, before turning to return to the campsite. At his reddening expression and clearing of his throat, Sakura smiled innocently, those hands coming to rest behind her back as she leaned forward and tilted her head, a habit leftover from girlish youth. And maybe she was interpreting things, but the Susanoo didn’t disappear from above her head until they were well away from the deadly trees, and to Sakura, it was all she needed in return to know that Sasuke was expressing his own form of love back. 
In the dead of night, when the detainees had all passed into sleep, Sasuke kept his eyes trained on them, making sure that their heartbeats and cadence of breath signified genuine sleep. To his surprise, it seemed no one had any indication or plans to run. Not that he cared in particular, but it still didn’t ease his uncertainty. He wondered what Sakura had offered them to get them to go along with their sentencing. Regardless of their snoring and dream-filled twitching—which could easily alert prey to their presence; he didn’t know how they could even sleep knowing where they were—Sasuke didn’t trust them. Despite Sakura’s assurances, Sasuke still watched them as if he were the predator of their fears. Maybe that’s why they slept so soundly, knowing Sasuke was there to keep watch over them. Maybe it gave them some sort of security knowing that the man who protected the ambitions of their target-turned-jailer was there to ensure everything went according to the kunoichi’s design. Maybe, subconsciously, they knew Sakura cared about what happened to them at the very least, and as a result Sasuke was forced to as well. Perhaps it was the same factor that made them all choose to return to Konoha with her. 
From a non-poisonous, outstretched branch, Sasuke watched two interactions initiated by Sakura on the ground below him. First, and expected, Sakura sought out Rugo, offering him the yellow flowers, explaining in whispers how to get the most out of the medicinal properties it offered. Saskue narrowed his eyes at the man, whom Sasuke still didn’t quite care for, as Sakura crouched before him and placed a supportive hand on his shoulder. He couldn’t hear her or read her lips with his Sharingan because her back was turned to him, but Sasuke saw that Rugo only nodded in response to everything she said and asked and kept his respectable distance. Smart choice on his part with Sasuke present. 
Her second stop in the crowd below, however, had Sasuke leaning forward, his right eye glowing red as he made out the conversation below.
“Toka,” Sakura was saying, cross-armed as she stared down at the man who was reclined against a tree toward the back of the crowd. Sasuke recalled the stranger’s identity when she said his name, recalling the visions of the man clinging to the girl Sasuke had stolen the vision from. “We need to discuss something.”
“I don’t plan on discussing anything with you,” he sneered back at her, rolling his head back to the side to pretend to sleep against the tree roots. 
“Tabi is pregnant,” Sakura deadpanned, and Sasuke could tell by her posture that she had adopted the professional voice of the physician. Toka’s eyes shot open with disbelief and his mouth went slack. Even Sasuke’s stomach dropped a bit at the abrasive announcement, suddenly feeling more empathy about the situation considering the context of his and Sakura’s conversation last night. No man would want to learn of his partner’s pregnancy right before facing a prison sentence. 
When Toka recovered from the shock, he glanced nervously around at the others to see if anyone might have heard them. Sasuke could barely discern the furious whisper on Toka’s lips in response: “Why the fuck would you say that out loud in front of these people? You don’t understand the gravity of what you could have just done.”
“Does this mean you care about them, then? About Tabi and the baby?” she probed, unphased by his alarm. Sasuke wondered if Sakura did exactly what had triggered him just to assess his reaction. 
“Why does it matter to you?” he asked angrily in a murmur, still trying to keep his words private between them. 
Sakura turned her head in Sasuke’s direction unconsciously, and Sasuke’s eyes met hers, and she instantly looked away having realized what she’d done. And Sasuke frowned, because suddenly the conversation between his pink-haired teammate and the man sitting before her took on a new and uncomfortable context. Sasuke suddenly felt as if this were a personal topic for Sakura and she was asking from experience. As if she was hoping Toka would say yes, that he didcare. That he would do anything to go back to the mother of his child and make their family whole. To stop his foolish conquests and ambitions and be the man they needed him to be. Sasuke felt himself go rigid as he waited for Sakura’s response.
“Because Tabi told me you were different. I’m hoping that’s true.”
“I would only bring them heartbreak and pain. They’re better off without me.” Sasuke winced as the words that could have been his own landed directly as a blow to his chest. 
And then Sasuke knew. He knew Toka was not the only intended recipient for her next words. “They’ll be in more pain to know you had a choice and your choice wasn’t them. All because you thought you knew best. Because you thought you didn’t deserve them.” It may have been Toka’s first time hearing such words, but for Sasuke, it was another echoing reminder. 
He only stared at Sakura’s feet, and so she said, “I thought it might change your decision to come to Konoha. I’ve said that I won’t stop anyone from running if they want to risk the forest. Someone with a family waiting for them on the other side might just be brave enough to make it.” There was no response as she walked away from him, surveying the group one last time before making her way to the teammate she knew observed her every step from above. 
And when she came to settle in the treetop beside him, Sasuke couldn’t meet her eye. For the longest minute of his life, he held his breath as her gaze settled on to him. Slowly and with fearful anticipation, Sasuke glanced at her to find that Sakura had merely propped her back against the trunk where the branch met the tree and had closed her eyes to sleep. Sasuke wanted to reach for her, tug her against his chest as he had last night in a different environment of darkness. He wanted to tell her that he was sorry. To tell her that she was his choice because he was hers. But a family…it couldn’t be his choice right now. Not when he knew what was coming for them. Sasuke’s choice would always have to be his mission, but he prayed to whatever sentient being looked down on them, that he would find the Otsusuki race, eradicate them quickly, and get back to his life with his wife. 
Sasuke stared openly at her as she slept and he knew her decision to do so was to not force an uncomfortable conversation on him in the moment. Not after the trauma of the day. Not after witnessing a man attempt suicide and the conversation that followed, or from overhearing her discussion about families and choices with Toka. The day had been full of discomfort, and Sakura understood the Uchiha enough to know that now was not the time to have another. It was an indescribable mercy. And why she made a damn good doctor and rising therapist. 
And with this realization, Sasuke wondered when, in Sakura’s eyes, he had become like a patient with his own mental health needs as well. When did she start seeing him as someone who needed to heal instead of someone she needed to heal from? 
And Sasuke thought back to pools of acid and black flames that never stopped burning. And he thought of Sakura, the star in the sky of his darkness who still eternally burned for him despite everything. And Sasuke wondered when exactly he had started to answer that burn with a fire of his own. Even if he were galaxies away, he would burn eternally for her, like the black flames of Amaterasu. 
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dumplingsjinson · 2 years
Otp Wedding prompts? If you haven't already? 👀
List of “it’s the big day!” prompts
“Look, I don’t care what happens but you’re taking my last name after today.”
“Holy shit…” “What?” “You look fucking stunning.” “Do I not looking fucking stunning everyday?” “You do, but you look even more fucking stunning today.” 
“Well, aren’t I lucky to have you for life?” 
“You’re racing me down the aisle, right?” “That’s not how this works—”
“Let’s keep the kiss PG-13, yeah? There are kids here.” “I mean, I’ll try, but I can’t guarantee anything. Not with you looking like that.” 
“I do a thousand times.“
“What are you doing here?” “I’m here to take back what’s mine.”
“It’s funny how I said I’d never marry you but here we are.” 
“…About the thing where you wanted to marry me if we’re both still single by thirty—”
“Did you seriously invite your ex to our wedding?” “You did the same thing.”
“This wedding is fucking boring, I think you’re very fun, the night is young, and I propose that we should leave and take it back to my place.” (Bonus: “But this is our wedding?”)
“You’re late. Go get changed!” 
“Wake up, [name]! We’re late for the wedding!” “What wedding?” “Our wedding!” “…SHIT.”
“You guys are the main characters for today yet you both decide to come late? To your own wedding?” 
“I’ve changed my mind. I don’t.”
Going in for a second kiss because the first one isn’t enough. 
“I can’t believe this is the second time we’re walking down this aisle together.” 
Crying not because they’re happy but crying because they’re getting married to someone whom they don’t love. 
“Till death do us apart, my love,” Character A says with a vile smirk, and Character B clenches their jaw, forcing on a smile. “Not when I will be seeing you in hell with me,” Character B says through gritted teeth. 
“Remember that this is a marriage of convenience.” “How could I ever forget that when you keep constantly reminding me of it?”
“I can’t wait till the day I get to divorce you.” 
“I just… I still can’t believe I get to marry you.” “Well, you’d better start believing because it’s happening today, honey.”
“Can you come to my [relative]’s wedding as my fake date? I haven’t seen the bunch of them in a long time and I don’t want them asking me questions about why I’m still single.”  
“Let’s elope.”
In their wedding speech: “Bitch, you’re my ride or die for life.”
Getting emotional during their vows. 
Getting cold feet on the day of the wedding. 
The one who’s usually calm and collected bawling on the day of their wedding.
“Wanna ditch this shit with me?” Character A asks, offering a hand, and Character B grins, taking their hand and intertwining their fingers. “Gladly,” Character B says.
“Are you sure about this?” “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my entire life.” (Or, alternatively: “Are you seriously asking that as we stand at the altar?”)
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stevebabey · 2 years
Congrats on da followers dearest!!! How about a blurb? “I wouldn’t wanna fight you. You’re pretty feisty.” with you know who ;) tbh that entire 45 OTP list gives me bf Steve vibes, very well selected babe 😌
sanne honey thank u!!! i make keith such a villain lmao but plots gotta plot yanno - hope u love this, mwah mwah MWAH <33
You think, if you could, you might genuinely feed Keith to a demogorgan for all the nastiness he gives your boyfriend.
It’s disheartening to watch Steve leave the house in the morning, chest puffed out and smiles easy as you kiss him goodbye before you depart yourself — only for him to come back to you deflated, shoulders slumped and a smile nowhere in sight.
Steve comes to yours today, like you’d both agreed. He lets himself in the door and trudges up the stairs with such heavy feet you hear him coming despite your loud music. Reaching out, you swivel the dial on the radio. The music lowers, just as Steve knocks lightly on your bedroom door.
He’s sweet. You’re expecting him, but he’ll still knock.
“Come in if you’re handsome!” You call out, already beginning to smile, just ‘cos he’s here.
The door nudges open slowly. It’s a pitiful sight. Steve’s always been a pouter. His bottom lip is jutted out, clearly looking for sympathy. It’s good thing you adore coddling him.
Steve seems to perk up just a tad at the sight of you, stretched out on the bed, with a book between your hands. He beelines for it. When his legs reach the edge, he folds easily and flops onto the mattress facedown, then groans.
“Oh, Stevie,” you sigh, ditching your book in an instant. You reach out and card your fingers through his shaggy hair. It needs a cut, you think absentmindedly, as you comb through it. You wonder if he’ll let you— it’s an awful lot of trust.
You hold your tongue but he doesn’t speak up, which raises an alert within you. When there’s no long-winded bitch that he’s been holding in all day, you know it must’ve been rough today.
“Keith again?”
“Yeah.” The word is muffled against your comforter, all quiet. You barely hear it.
“Want me to fight him?” You ask, maybe only half joking. Fingers soothe along his scalp again, halting slightly when he digs his face out and turns it to see you. His cheek smushes against your sheets. His eyes are already brighter, the beginnings of a smile twitching at the ends of his mouth.
“Uh huh.” He says.
You mistake his genuineness for teasing and narrow your eyes, your hand in his hair stopping its movements all together. Steve lets out a grumble and his pout returns.
“You don’t think I could?” You raise your brows, voice light but enthused. “I would so win that fight. I can’t believe you don’t think I’d win that fight!”
Your distraction works wonders as Steve’s head pops up, amusement dancing on his features as he bats a hand to interrupt your spiel. “I didn’t say that!” He insists.
He props himself up on an elbow and blows a piece of stray hair back from his eyes. All signs of his dreariness begin to melt away the longer he’s with you.
“Even I wouldn’t wanna fight you,” He counters with a proud smile.
“You’re pretty fiesty.” He punctuates his words with a light jab to your ribs suddenly, making you yelp. You smack away his hand lightly but Steve’s already twisting it, covering your hand with his own, and tugging it towards him before you can blink.
“You vs. Keith? No-brainer.” He assures earnestly, grazing a kiss against your fingers. Damn him, he’s good. More than anything, you’re pleased that he’s feeling better. The better the mood Steve is in, the more kisses you seem to get. It’s a rule of thumb.
“Yeah, yeah, thank you,” You continue, still voicing the dramatic tone. “I’d just wave a bottle of shampoo in his direction and he’d just disintegrate entirely.”
You feel Steve’s breath against your fingers as he laughs, curling his grip a bit tighter. He pulls, urging you closer and you are in no mood to deny him. Wiggling over, you get close enough to feel the warmth emanating from him, to smell the musk of his cologne. Faintly, you can pick out your own shampoo scent. Little thief, you think to yourself lovingly.
His arms slither around you, warm and tan, and you hum happily at the closeness, letting him bundle you up. You press a quick kiss to his jaw, the easiest access but Steve chases your lips til he captures them. It’s sweet as syrup and gentle enough that you crave another — and another, and another. The radio plays love songs as you let him come home to you through a matter of touch.
join the celebration!
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xblackreader · 2 years
An Interview with My OTP: Attoye
Attuma | Okoye
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Q1: Who’s the big spoon?
I am.
He is lying. When we sit on the couch, He loves to lay on my chest and have his hair petted like a baby.
But often, while we lay together in bed, your back is to my chest.
But where are we usually when we cuddle?
… on the couch.
Q2: WHO is the better cook?
I love my warriors cooking, but the way I cook is much easier.
They didn’t ask who’s the easiest cook, thick skull. I am the better cook, you should see how he licks his fingers after I made him seconds and thirds.
I change my answer, I like her mothers cooking the most.
Q3: WHO is more sentimental/affectionate? Romance wise?
Attuma is. But I’m catching up with him these days, when he came home, I had dinner ready for him and gave him a shoulder rub and told him how much I love him and he turned into goo.
They need not know all details of our relationship.
Says the blunt oversharer.
I was simply asking advice on the best way to ensure your pleasure is mind numbing each and everytime.
Q4: WHO apologizes first?
I feel like we both do.
Then you feel wrong. It is always me.
Someone had to be the bigger person. She’s very stubborn.
I’m NOT.
if it was up to you, we would still be in a fight from last month.
You ass!
Q5: What’s one way your personalities compliment each other?
I’m very comfortable in a position of chase. Because of Okoye’s past experiences, she has trouble trusting others and frequently pushes them away. I have no problem standing firm and persevering her even when she rejects me.
I don’t reject you anymore… I love you.
I know my love. I knew before you did.
He would come to my house and bring me gifts and things, even when I’d insult him. I don’t know why I did that…
It’s because you’re a brat. And I am shameless in spoiling you further.
Im not a brat!? Wtf?
Q6: What are your respective love languages?
Gift giving and Words of Affirmation.
Quality time and words of affirmation.
Remember when I first kissed you?
…yes. I remember.
You punched me and then sat in my lap crying.
I hate you.
Q7: Who’s the funnier one?
Attuma is so funny to me, but he’s never funny on purpose.
When I tell jokes on purpose, she hates them.
They suck.
We’re not comedians. Our humor is dry.
Sarcasm is comedy. We cater to ourselves and we think we’re funny.
We are not, I’ve learned.
No, others don’t think so.
Q8: Who’s more likely to get jealous?
I am.
He is. I get jealous, sometimes but honestly he’ll shut down anyone before I can. But he gets jealous irrationally.
I’ve accepted this. I’m a jealous person.
He used to think everyone who looked at me wanted my heart.
It only makes sense. If I wasn’t your lover, I would probably kill whoever was.
That’s why I stay alert at all times. I do not want to lose my position.
Q9: How do you feel about PDA?
He would take me in front of all of Wakanda if I let him.
Yes. But I know her boundaries and would never risk hurting her feelings or reputation.
Q10: WHO wants kids? how many if any?
…I am prepared to love Okoye through whatever. Children are not a factor of importance in our love.
You can say the truth I won’t be mad.
I want ten of my own children. Gender does not matter as long as I may raise them up to one day surpass me.
Let me know if you all want to ask specific characters from my stories questions? Or if you’d like I can do this again with your questions!! :P
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circle-bircle · 11 months
9 people you’d like to get to know better
omg thank you @neotula for tagging me!!! i love being tagged in things!!! yay!!!!!!
Three Ships:
I guess I'll do the first three that come to mind????? I don't have a #1 OTP or anything like that so
Sonya/Genny. They're just so freaking pretty together. I love women!!!!!!
Jecht/The Emperor: ok hear me out. HEAR ME OUT. why wouldn't someone ship them? when Tidus dies or whatever and Jecht gives him his lifepower/energy/whatever the hell happens, the Emperor takes JECHT when he's like that and gosh their conversation in Dream's End where the Emperor is all like 'actually I've been lying to you this entire time lol' UGHGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!
Cecil/Rosa/Kain: ummm idk i just had a fleeting thought about mind-controlled kain and mind-controlled cecil and which one would be the lesser evil to rosa. like. i don't know. but mind-control shenanigans aside they love each other very much and that is fact. i love ffiv
First Ever Ship: it was probably len/luka tbh. i feel like people got peeved at it because len is supposedly 14 and luka is supposedly 20 but i just aged em up. something about the yellow/pink combo (and the fact i was obsessed with vocaloid for like a decade too)
Last Song: I'm currently listening to the Tetra Master theme from FFIX :)
Currently Reading: Allen Ginsberg's A Supermarket in California. It's for class. I hate poetry, but I have to do it for my grade. I also have to read a bunch of other poems. Gosh, I hate poems. I don't know what my professor wants me to interpret from poems because it feels like he wants a "right answer" but my answer is that "it was a poem and it did things."
Currently Watching: I don't watch TV. Or movies. The last thing I watched was the first Twilight for the first time! I wish I sparkled in the sunlight.
Currently Consuming: Nothing ATM, but me and a friend went to a bakery and I got her a whoopie pie! So yay for her! We also got coffee before that, and it was delicious.
Currently Craving: I'm not hungry right now, so nothing. But I could go for some of Miss Vickie's Spicy Dill Pickle chips when I do want to nosh. I wonder if the vending machine has been restocked...
i don't know 9 people who would want to do this. i feel like @lil-melody and @ashnwolves might get a kick out of it. um. if you want me to secretly add your name to that list let me know because when people are like "anyone can do it!!!" it still feels kinda awkward. or just steal it! that's ok too i think :P
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kris-mage-fics · 7 months
1,3, 4, 24 and 25 for Kyrahlise and Blade for the OCxLI OTP asks!
When I saw your ask I had to do a double-take, because I figured that you’d ask about Kyrah and Chase! But Kyrahlise and Blade are fun too! And so frustrating before they get together, lol! Now, without further adieu, here are the answers to the Romance Asks *dramatically gestures towards the answers*
1. What drew your character to their LI and vice versa?
Blade was drawn to Kyrahlise because she’s kind, hardworking, always trying to do what’s right, and keeps improving her combat abilities and magic. She also acts like she feels at ease around him and teases him. (Which gets to my headcanon that he likes it when people aren’t afraid of him and act normal around him.) 
Kyrahlise was drawn to Blade because despite all he’s done and seen, he’s still very kind and considerate. Also he’s incredibly fun to tease! He respects her abilities and knowledge, and she feels safe speaking her mind to him because he gives what she has to say due thought. What seals the deal is in Chapter 4 when he’s so angry about what happened to her. It’s been a long time since anyone has given a shit if she were safe, or wanted to protect her.
3. When they are having a fight, what is it about and how do they deal with it? 
The number one thing these two would fight about is Kyrahlise feeling like Blade is overprotective of her, and Blade feeling like she is too independent and reckless. Once Kyrah understands just how scared he is of losing her, and that he needs to know she’s safe, she’s going to take a long hard look at how she acts. She’ll agree to work on making her safety a higher priority, and communicating better before she runs off. When Blade realizes that she feels a little stifled and like he doesn’t fully trust her, I’m sure he’ll agree to reign in his protectiveness to some degree. Of course it’s something they both have to work on to find a balance, but they will eventually.
The silly thing about this argument is that she likes that he’s protective, and he likes that she’s independent and wants to tackle problems! They just both think the other takes it too far.
4. Their favorite physical feature on each other?
According to Lena, romanced!Blade loves MC’s eyes, hair, and lips (or just face in general), and we know he’s into a nice butt! I change my mind regularly as to which is his favorite, but right now I'm going to say her eyes!
Kyrahlise loves Blade’s smile! It fills her with joy to see him happy and relaxed enough to genuinely smile. She has an internal ‘got the stoic, ex-assassin to smile’ counter! Overall she thinks he’s a very beautiful and handsome man, but his smile is her favorite.
24. Is there any moment that happens between them that you know happens and just makes you melt? 
One time Kyrahlise sat on Blade’s lap briefly as he’s working to tell him something and give him a little kiss before getting up to read. (He’s a head taller than her, so she uses whatever she can to make it easier to kiss him!) But Blade doesn’t want her to go, so she’s like “fine, I’ll just read here” thinking that he’ll eventually get tired of her sitting on his lap. (She severely underestimates how much he likes having her close, lol) But he’s warm, and she feels very safe and cozy, so she falls asleep. Since he doesn’t want to wake her up, he stops working. And he’s probably having a hard time not staring at her because he thinks she’s very cute!
25. Share any headcanons about their relationship.
As soon as Blade lets her, Kyrahlise starts cutting his hair. She secretly thinks his haircut is atrocious. Though once she gives him a better haircut she realizes she played herself because now he looks even more handsome! (Kyrah’s been cutting her own hair since her mother died. Most people can’t be trusted to cut curly hair right, and she’s a touch vain about her hair.)
They trade books of poetry with each other and then talk about which ones they like and why. It’s like a little book club with just the two of them!
Blade’s office stops looking quite so bare, because Kyrahlise makes him some art to put up. If anyone dares to criticize it or make any disparaging remarks about it in his presence they get his death glare!
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thebest-medicine · 1 month
#84 You’d better give up now or this is about to get a lot worse for ler!Sango and Lee!Miroku from Inuyasha please, if you have time?
Prompt 84 - "You'd better give up now or this is about to get a lot worse!"
A/N: omg i'm sooooo glad you sent me one for them I LOVE MIRSAN ugh the original otp of all timeeeeeee
“You’d better give up now, or this is about to get a lot worse, Monk!” Sango was straddling his lower back, an arm wrapped around the ankles she had pulled in and captured before her. Miroku’s legs strained awkwardly where she held them in a curve and tickled with her free hand along his soles.
“Bahahahahha! Sangohohohoho– yohohohou know I dohon’t give up sohohohoho easilyhehe!” Miroku cackled from his place beneath her. He may have been suffering, but he wouldn’t dare get out of this place willingly. 
“Alright. You leave me no choice.” She released his ankles, and shifted so that she was instead sitting over the backs of his thighs just above the knee. She shifted around so she was facing his head, and dug in.
“WahahahahHAHAHAIT!” Miroku gasped, his nervous system jolting. “WAAHAHA NOOOOO! HaHAH HELP! NOHOHOHOT THERE!” 
“Who are you calling out to, hmm? No one’s going to help you.” Sango teased, rolling her eyes even though he couldn’t see her. She squeezed mercilessly at the back of his thigh, just under his ass. He was absurdly ticklish there, she had found out once, with glee, and never let him forget it since.
He would cave eventually, Sango knew. Until then, she could enjoy the irony of practically groping him back – something he could use a good taste of. But, she could do it in a way that was so much more ..unbearable. 
Miroku snorted, cackling and squealing under her as she tickled furiously into his tendons and muscles. The squeezes sent shocks up his spine, directly to his brain to scramble any thoughts or hopes he may have had. 
Eventually, he’ll remember how this all started in the first place, and that he can make this end any time by simply yielding. Until then, he’ll shriek and laugh and scramble for any way to tolerate the unceasing sensation.
[more sentence starter fic prompts]
[other sentence starter fics]
[read this & further inuyasha drabbles on ao3]
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seanfalco · 1 year
Hi! You asked for requests and I’m going to request a nanthan x reader with prompt 53 “I just want to be swept off my feet…is that so bad? I’m fed up of being alone.” If that’s ok please?
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Nathan Young x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k Tags/Warnings: none Prompt: I decided to participate in @/yearoftheotpevent‘s Year of the OTP (except using reader inserts).  For February’s prompt I chose ‘Valentine's Day’, even though it's a little late;;; a/n: I had this prompt in my askbox for a while;; I hope you still enjoy it!
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“So, how’s thing’s goin’ wif you and Nathan?” Kelly asked, nudging you with her elbow as you held up the Valentine’s Day event poster for her to pin to the bulletin board in the Community Centre lobby.
Her question caught you off guard and you nearly dropped the curling paper before you shrugged.  “It’s good,” you answered, trying to think of something better to say.  You could practically read your friend’s thoughts from the skeptical look on her face.
“I mean, he’s fun, and I like snogging him,” you elaborated quickly, trying to keep your own thoughts to yourself, though Kelly heard them anyway.
“But–?” she interjected and you winced, finally letting out a sigh.
“But… he’s not exactly th’romantic type,” you admitted reluctantly.
“I coulda told yeh that,” Kelly pointed out, and you couldn’t help but sigh.
“I mean, yeah… though sometimes he’s really sweet… in between bein’ an arse.”
Kelly snorted, ambling toward the next bulletin board down the hall.  “I don’t even wanna ask what you’re doin’ for Valentine’s day.” You groaned, kicking the toe of your sneaker against the scuffed tile beneath your feet.  “I just wanna be swept off my feet for once, is that so bad?” you huffed, hanging the next poster.  “He doesn’t even hafta buy me anythin’.  I just wish he’d put a little effort in, that’s all…”
Unbeknownst to you or Kelly, Nathan had overheard your conversation from the mezzanine, your voices carrying in the empty halls.  Chewing his lip, he took your words to heart and began planning the most sickeningly sweet romantic evening he could think of, not wanting to let you down.
By the time Valentine’s day had arrived, you made your way to the Community Centre to meet Nathan for your date, not expecting much.  Opening the door he’d left unlocked for you, you were in the midst of mentally preparing yourself for disappointment when the lights suddenly flickered on and you were met with the sigh of hundreds of paper hearts hanging from the ceiling.
“What th–?” you breathed, gaping at the unexpected decor when Nathan’s voice echoed down from the balcony above you.
“Happy Valentine’s, y/n!”
“Nathan?” you called, pulling back some of the streamers and suspended hearts to look up at him, leaning against the balcony railing in an outfit you’d never seen him wear before.
“Yes?” he replied, raising a thick eyebrow at you and grinning bemusedly.
“Did you do all this?”
“Course!” he exclaimed, shrugging like it was nothing.
“All by yourself?” you asked skeptically.
It was certainly exceptional, but it had to have been a lot of work, especially for one person, and you knew how lazy Nathan could be.
“What, y’don’t think I could’ve done this?” Nathan exclaimed, clapping his hand over his heart in faux offense as he descended the stairs to join you.
“Well…” you trailed off, still doubtful, but not wanting to hurt his feelings.
“Well, I might’ve taken ‘em from th’daycare room and made Barry help me hang ‘em,” he admitted, quickly dodging your lighthearted smack at his shoulder.
“You stole kids’ crafts?” you exclaimed, trying to fight back an amused chuckle.  Also, if you had to guess, Simon did the brunt of the work, but still, you were touched.
“They weren’t usin’ ‘em!” Nathan cried.  “Plus, I thought it’d be romantic and shit,” he added, taking your hand.  “C’mon, there’s more!” he exclaimed, pulling you toward the stairs to the roof.
Nathan burst out onto the rooftop and spread his arms wide.  Candles flickered in a haphazard circle around what looked to be a small eclectic picnic laid out on the weathered coffee table across from the threadbare sofa where you and the others often snuck off to after and sometimes even during your community service hours.
“So, what d’yeh think?” Nathan asked hesitantly, his gaze darting between you and his little surprise.
“This is…” your words melted on your tongue as your boyfriend pulled you toward the moth eaten couch and the bottle of cheap champagne sitting between two mismatched glasses from the Community Centre’s kitchen.
“Shit, hold on,” he mumbled, hastily reaching into his pocket to grab his ipod and plug it into the little speaker on the table.  The next thing you knew Endless Love was playing softly.
“There!  Pretty impressive, huh?  Romantic as fuck, yeah?”  Nathan supplied, grinning nervously, still waiting for your approval.
“It’s lovely,” you finally murmured, lowering yourself to the seat.
Nathan’s grin grew and he scrambled to sit down next to you, grabbing the bottle of champagne and wrenching at the cork.  “Help yourself to some cheese and fruit,” he said, gritting his teeth as he struggled to open the booze.  “Watch out for bits of mold though,” he warned and you grimaced, dropping the strawberry you’d picked up.
“Uh, Nathan, this is very sweet and all, but where’d you get this stuff?” you asked.
As soon as Nathan opened his mouth to answer, the cork shot out of the bottle followed by an eruption of bubbles splattering all over the crotch of his jeans.
“Shit!” he yelped, jumping to his feet, but it was already too late, his pants were soaked, making it look like he’d just pissed himself.  “Jay-sus,” he huffed in annoyance, letting out a defeated sigh as he collapsed back into his seat.  
“Guess that’s what I get for tryin’ so hard,” he muttered in frustration, setting the half empty bottle back down and shaking the alcohol from his hand.
“Did you really do all this for me?” you asked, turning toward him.
“Well… yeah,” he replied, as if it was obvious.  “I might’ve overheard what y’said t’Kelly th’other day and I wanted t’make today special for yeh, sweep yeh off your feet like y’wanted,” he explained.  “I’m no good with th’feelin’s and th’romance and shit, y’know, all that mushy stuff,” he muttered, looking down at his hands.
Letting out a soft huff of affection, you leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek, taking him off guard.  “I dunno about all that,” you murmured as he turned to gape at you.  “I think it was sweet of you to put the effort in,” you said with a shrug, your gaze lingering on his lips.  “I think you’re pretty romantic in your own way.”
Nathan’s mouth stretched into a lopsided grin, straddling the line between cheeky and sincere.  “I can still sweep yeh off your feet if y’want,” he said, grabbing the bottle of champagne round the neck and bringing it to his lips before offering you a swig which you gratefully took.
“Oh yeah?  And how y’gunna do that?” you asked, biting your lip coyly.
“Like this,” he replied, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around you, his lips descending on yours before you could reply, and you kissed him back, matching his exuberance with your own.
Your heart pounding in your chest, the alcohol on his tongue went straight to your head, making the world spin, or maybe it was just Nathan’s fervent kisses.  Either way, everything else fell away and all you could think about was how much you loved him.
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@super-unpredictable98 @salvador-daley @elliethesuperfruitlover @firstpersonnarrator
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
21 for the Bradshaws??
21. A surprise visitor
Your first pregnancy had not been easy so far. Between the intense morning sickness and the perinatal anxiety, the first trimester had been kicking your butt. After almost a year of trying to get pregnant, you were intensely grateful to be carrying a child and you tried not to dwell on the hard things, but it wasn’t always easy.
It was times like these that you really missed your mom and wished she didn’t live all the way across the country. Penny, Phoenix, and all your other girlfriends were a constant source of female support, but there was nothing quite like having your mom there to hold your hand and remind you that everything was going to be okay.
You and your mom FaceTimed constantly, and she was planning to fly out to San Diego as soon as the baby was born. But you’d be lying if you said there weren’t times when you shed a few tears after getting off the phone with her, wishing she could be with you now.
“Oh, honey, I’m sorry,” Bradley murmured soothingly one night when you broke down crying after ending a FaceTime call. “I know you miss her so much,” he added gently, rubbing your back and tucking your head underneath his chin.
“At least I have you,” you whispered, your tears trickling down your cheeks as you buried your face in your husband’s chest. You knew that he understood better than anyone the pain of missing your mother.
Bradley nodded, pressing delicate kisses to the top of your head. “You’ll always have me,” he assured you, holding you close.
A week later, as Bradley was kissing you goodbye on his way to work, he turned back, as if remembering something at the last minute. “Oh, baby, I’m going to be home a little later than usual tonight. I have to run a few quick errands after work. I’ll pick up dinner on my way in,” he told you, giving you one more quick peck before departing.
You were just finishing setting the table later that evening when you heard the front door of your apartment opening.
“Honey?” Bradley called out, sounding like he was rolling something heavy behind him.
“In the kitchen!” you called back, setting two glasses down on the table.
“There’s someone here who wants to see you, baby,” he told you. You could hear the smile in his voice.
Figuring it was Mav or Penny, you wiped your hands on the front of your sundress and stepped out into the front entryway, gasping when you spotted the woman standing beside Bradley.
“Mom!” you cried out, immediately running into her open arms and sobbing as she rocked you in her embrace, just as she did when you were little.
Bradley beamed as he watched the two of you, rolling your mom’s suitcase against the wall. Nothing brought him more joy than being able to surprise you like this.
“What are you doing here?” you finally managed to get out, pulling back to look into your mother’s eyes.
“Bradley called me last week and told me how much you were missing me,” your mom explained with a smile, wiping your tears away with her thumbs. “He already had the flights all planned,” she added, beaming at her son-in-law. “You do have one amazing husband, my love.”
“Yes, I do,” you nodded, stepping out of your mom’s arms so that you could fling yourself into your husband’s.
“I love you,” you whispered against his lips, kissing him softly.
Grinning, he stroked your back tenderly and rested his forehead against yours. “I love you, too.”
November OTP Writing Prompts
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