#Winds of night au
au-sonic-smackdown · 5 months
AU Sonic Smackdown - Round 2, Right Side
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Winds of Night AU belongs to @the-cosmic-blogger
Words Hurt AU belongs to @oddogoblino
Learn more about them under the cut!
Winds of Night AU-
Words Hurt AU-
In this au, Earth is decaying, the planet slowly losing its ability to sustain life due to mankind’s lack of care to it. To try and survive, they attempted to move people to planet mobius as it held similar conditions as earth. The mobians at first welcomed them happily, happy to help those in need. Eventually, the humans began trying to repeat their old mistakes and began digging into mobius and setting up machines to harvest from it to try and save Earth. The planet didn’t handle this as well as earth once did, machines quickly backfiring and any mobians nearby during the incidents quickly falling ill. That’s how the infections started.
Sonic’s parents were one of the few first mobians infected, having lost them due to them going into the second form of the illness that’s caused from starvation. They’d been “quarantined” and left without food or an energy source for too long. He was only a toddler when this happened. He’s now part of Vanilla’s secret organization that helps infected mobians survive outside of the homes they’d been kicked out of due to fear. Sonic himself works as a secret delivery boy and tends to travel to make sure infected mobians have access to food and water and even just simple pleasantries like games and toys. He met Tails as a 4 yr old who’d been born from infected parents, taking care of him when they weren’t. Currently Sonic is 17 and Tails is 8.
Sonic is mostly his same ole usual self except he’s a lot less social. He doesn’t talk to anyone except for Tails, Vanilla, and sometimes Cream. He was naturally born with his super speed but keeps it hidden due to not wanting to be mistaken as an infected. He still has to fight Eggman as the mad doctor tries to manipulate both uninfected and infected mobians’ fears and resentment toward each other. He has a civilian disguise named Nicky so no one recognizes him as the superspeedy hero. He’s a bit more easily agitated but only because he doesn’t get enough sleep with his work.
Sonic’s right eye is always tearing up, not because he’s emotional but because of repeated exposure to infectious spores. The spores can only infect others if inhaled or through exposed open wounds. Hes naturally immune to the illness, but he doesn’t know that, and wouldn’t ever take chances on it. Whenever he gets injured, he disinfects the wound immediately and patches it up like others would in hopes to avoid spore-infection.
Infected mobians tend to live in abandoned spaces that their cities and towns assigned for them to live. Infected mobians feed off energy, whether that be electricity, emotions, powerful items, etc, but can also eat normal foods just fine. They need normal food to keep sane and prevent them from going into the second form that attacks anything with energy in it. Only the second form can infect others directly, making it the most dangerous and is an automatic kill-on-sight if seen. No one knows yet if you can change infected back to normal after they’ve transformed. Vanilla takes care of transformed infected when Sonic reports the incidents.
Mobians aren’t the only things infected, plant and wildlife have been mutated by the illness aswell. The symptoms of the infection is body mutations, a blue tongue, and increased hunger and thirst. Mobians born from infected parents can’t go into the second form but they become feral without food. Bites from hostile born-infected mobians are less likely to spread the infection but it isn’t impossible.
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the-cosmic-blogger · 3 months
I finished, I think!! the main cast of the Winds of Night AU!! :3
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I should redraw Sonic... some day.
Also, all of these, besides Sonic, Sir Robotnik and Tails since they're already done, will get their own profiles. I'm still working on Amy's and Shadow's. :3
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colorfulplasma · 5 months
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Blud dealt with a big ghost now he has to deal a vampire lol
Words Hurt: @oddogoblino
Vampire Sonic @the-cosmic-blogger
oh yeah and Ghoul Sonic but he's not important
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chrisrin · 2 months
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small fantasy au doodle dump <3
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fireknightyaoi · 7 months
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Royalraven AU art dump lol
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rw-repurposed · 5 months
The new comic made me wonder. Who is a morning person and who is a night owl?
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Morning people and Night owls!
And then there's Wind.
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wearethewinx · 11 months
Solaria has a figure 8 orbit around two suns. That means it effectively has two summers and two winters per year, and the peak of summer happens when it crosses between the two suns, putting the planet through a few weeks with no darkness anywhere (because of this Stella sometimes sleeps with her lights on). The deepest part of winter is at the outermost ends of the orbit, where the suns eclipse eachother, and the poles do experience snow during those months
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moonstandardtime · 6 months
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"what is this, group therapy?" au designs :] my lu modern au
from right to left ~
~ time, twilight, warriors, wild
~ sky, wind, four, legend, hyrule
reblogs appreciated :)
(alt sky below the cut)
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crazysnor1ax · 28 days
How did Pearl react to Marina's first transformation?
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She’s very confused, but at least Marina is comfortable with her right off the bat!
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au-sonic-smackdown · 5 months
AU Sonic Smackdown - Round 1, Right Side
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The Hedgehog of the Opera AU belongs to @thefakehedgehogaroundhere
Winds of Night AU belongs to @the-cosmic-blogger
Read more about them under the cut!
The Hedgehog of the Opera AU-
After years of bullying and scarring for his speed and haunting air about him, Sonic hones a side of him that was hidden deep underground- his love of music. He falls in love with the opera house's new star, Amy Rose, and teaches her vocal techniques, claiming to be an Angel of Music. Her best friend Cream, and her crush Blaze, are in awe of her skills and curious where she learned them from, but dismiss her honesty about this Angel as mere ghost stories… If only she'd listened.
Winds of Night AU-
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the-cosmic-blogger · 5 months
Oh oh!! I should also share my art for Vi (aka Vampire Sonic)! ranging from the first one I drew to the last I edited. Did you know he originally only had one gold ring around his wrist? now he's got one on both wrists. :3
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And here's also the story so far!!
((Vote for Winds of Night in the @au-sonic-smackdown ! :3))
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quirkle2 · 2 years
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flutter slimes are his favorite
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aviatrix-ash · 4 months
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@just-jetfire said this meme fits Skyfire and I couldn't help myself I had to draw my silly nerd cause this fits him too well. Especially cause he's totally a radio show/podcaster guy who shares his scientific findings from around the galaxy to all 15 of his followers. x3
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emissary-of-the-moon · 6 months
Wind sleeps with a nightlight or some sort of dim lamp on. He doesn't like the dark
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bullfinch-lover · 10 months
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Jedediah in the meadow with Penelope’s mother. If there's one thing I like besides coloring and doing lineart it's that I really like drawing and coloring clouds. 🐑☁️
(I reposted this one artwork here, because I felt like it deserves more appreciation.)
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