#WinterIron Bingo Adventure
buckybarnesfanfiction · 2 months
my all time favorite bucky fanfics (PART 2)
Part one linked below:
List under the cut....
Build Your Home Under My Skin
Paving the Road
The adventures of a recovering, brainwashed assassin
Where You're Needed
Burnt by Ice
Bitter sweet revenge
Unlimited Possibilities
we'll be just fine
Our Shattered Past
The Freezer
A Wonderfully Terrible Idea
muscle to muscle, toe to toe
Winter's Glow
The Journey of Buckitty and Steve
Christmastime on Fox Meadow Lane
By Your Side
Bless the Broken Road
Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019
Salt & Burn
Stars Can't Shine (Without Darkness)
the world collapses into you
State of Shock
Hazy Shade of Winter
Through the looking glass
Take My Heart, It's Yours Anyway
Sunshine and Snow
Treat You Better
Echoes in the Dark
Staying Strong
Caught in the Dead of Winter
Evening Up
MCU Holiday Challenge
We’re having a baby!
A Collection of WinterIron Works
The Tower
Bad Things Happen Bingo
Broken Chains
Afraid to love
Lay me down to sleep (wake me with the morning light)
Home Again
Filter Through
I’ve Been Dying To Tell You
I'm scared
My heart will go on
Breeding the Winter Soldier
Can't You Hear Me Knocking?
One Hydra Head at a time
Imagine Bucky - maharetr post
All Alone... Sort Of
The Sound of Silence
How You Remind Me
Imagine Tony and Bucky 2016/2017
Someone of Importance
Lost and Broken
A Line They Always Cross
Holiday Memories
Happy Hanukkah, Bucky Barnes
I’m Not Going To Let That Happen
Miracles Happen (Once in a While)
A Linguistic Fascination
A Bot's Work is Never Done
The Gift of Care
We'll Draw These Lines in the Sand Together
Surrender to Reason
rupture and seal
unjust means
End of the Line (Pre-Serum Alpha!Steve and Pregnant Omega!Bucky Modern Bus Trip A/B/O AU)
A Reason To Live
You think I don't know..?
Everything You Know Will Be Erased
Bucky Barnes angsty one shots🦾
Homecoming King
A Secret Only We Share
A Three Part Plan
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you
allow the ground to find its brutal way to me
Eccedentesiast; or, five times Steve Rogers doesn’t challenge Bucky Barnes' Sad Smile™, and one that he does
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polizwrites · 5 days
PoliZ's WIP Update - 18 Sep 2024
Getting back on track with my weekly writing goal.   I touched five  fics (2 new & 3 WIPs)  for a total  of  2099  words, most of which were on a single fic.   
On Ao3, I posted: 
Some Other Beginning’s End -  No Powers Tony POV one-shot  (Brock/Bucky breakup = Tony & Bucky) 
Short-Timing It -  Pre-War (barely) Bucky & Steve slice of life ficlet.   
On Tumblr I posted: 
 Duty Calls - Established Winteriron ficlet 
I’m juggling  20+  active/semi-active WIPs with my current  deadline being the new WinterIron Gets It Done server bingo event  which runs til the end of September.  
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
 WinterIron Gets It Done Bingo [WIGID] (Ends 30 Sep 2024)
This new WinterIron Discord server event runs through the month of September and is a flash bingo where you choose one or more  five-square bingo strips to complete.  I’m targeting to get at least two strips done for a blackout - with a stretch goal of three - I’ve currently got 11  fills across three strips. 
* Classic_5 - Favorite Song -  combined this with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF270 Lights and Sirens] for  Duty Calls, an established WinterIron ficlet where a date gets interrupted.  It came in at 203 words and will get posted to Ao3 by the end of the month.  
* Author_5 - 1k Word Ficlet - claiming this with   Some Other Beginning’s End, which I posted to Ao3 on Friday. Tony’s a bartender dealing with an a-hole patron (Brock) and his just-broken-up-with boyfriend (Bucky).  It crossed over with my  pJBB  C2_A2 - "You deserve someone who makes you happy."  and TSB R4 - Bartender squares. The fic ends with a potential of a matchup, but is platonic.  It came in at 1170 words, stretching the “1k ficlet’ a bit.😁  
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] (Ends 31 Oct 2024)
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!  At thirty-three  fills and two months to go, I seem to be going a bit overboard …. 😁
* May:  Bucky’s Trigger Words -  combined this with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF251 Out There] for Just To Live One Day Out There - a Winter Soldier self-reflective ficlet. It came in at 312 words and will get posted to Ao3 Real Soon. 
* September: First Meeting - filling this with the upcoming Chapter Nine of  A Sugar-Coated Pill  where Bucky gets to meet Obadiah Stane.  Needless to say, he doesn’t get along with the older alpha.  It’s crossing over with my  TSB:  Aug Adoptable: Resolve –   I’ve got it nearly drafted at 1732 words written and am targeting posting possibly on the 20th or the 27th
* September: Feelings Denial - got inspired to work on a sequel to A Little Bit Carried Away -  looking at Bucky and Tony living together and where their relationship is starting to lead.  I have either a one-shot or first chapter of Carrying Things Forward drafted at 880 words; it crosses over with my  WIB  N4 - A/B/O: Mates and pJBB - C2_A1 - "There's nothing wrong with you."  squares.  Also targeting posting this on the 20th or 27th.  
Flufftober 2024  [FlfT_24] (Runs 1-31 Oct)
This writing challenge hosted by @flufftober  runs for the month of October, but the prompt list has already been published, so you can get a jump start!  My goal is to write one fic a week that incorporates these prompts - here’s some possible crossovers - if there’s one that sounds really good - let me know! 
* 1. Lost Pet Meet Cute - crossover with  BBB C2 - Bonded animal?
* 5. Acorn, Chestnut, Pine Cone - Decided to combine this with R3 - AU: adventurers/explorers  for some Tony  & Morgan fluff.  Up, Down, North, South, East and West is coming in at 347 words and will post on October 5th. 
* 10. Bet, Game, Contest - crossover with BBB U5 - Secret Admirer?
* 11. Ingredients & Spells - crossover with TSB S3 - KINK: Aphrodisiacs? 
* 18. Bewitched - crossover with BBB B1 - Magic? 
* 22 - Heirloom - crossover with WIB G2 - Edwin Jarvis &  TSB T2 - Wedding -  A tie tack or cuff links that Tony gifts to Bucky as his ‘something old’?   Probably will write this as a  sequel/second chapter  to Carrying it Forward.   
Whumptober 2024 [WmpT_24] (Runs 1-31 Oct)
This writing challenge hosted by @whumptpber  runs for the month of October, but the prompt list has already been published, so you can get a jump start!  My goal is to write two fics (whump isn’t normally my bag)   that incorporates these prompts - need to  explore more potential crossovers. 
* No. 2: TRUST ISSUES - Amusement Park | Role Reversal | “You got away with the crime while the knife’s in my back.”  – crossover with WIB  N5 - "I'm here for you."  and possibly pJBB - C2_B2 - Being there for someone after a traumatic event
WinterIron Bingo 2  [WIB_R2] (Ends 16 Dec 2024)
Signups are still open for pre-made cards for Round Two of this super-fun bingo event! I have eighteen  fills and zero WIPs at the moment - setting this aside for the moment, as I have other time-sensitive events going.  
* Iron Soldier (One Bingo, One Fill) - looking at combining my Column B prompts: Matchmaker, Bucky Riding Tony, Stark Gala, Inside Joke and Threesome.  Still working on a plot - if you have any suggestions/want-to-sees - let me know! 
* I3 - Car Sex -  Have a fun ficlet in mind for this - some of the dialogue & such already worked out in my head.  
* N4 - A/B/O: Mates -  see BaBB September:  Feelings Denial above. 
* N5 - "I'm here for you."  - Possibly the next chapter of  Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion ?  
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round Six [BBB - R6]  (Ends 31 Mar)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @buckybarnesbingo is back!  I have fifteen  fills with one WIPs at the moment, but a couple  more crossovers planned. 
* U3 - Yelena Belova  - Magica and I are circling back around to Peresmešnik, (aka Three Avengers and a Baby) - with the next chapter featuring Tony’s interactions with Mirriam, and a revelation about her parentage. The chapter is sitting at about 475 words, and needs more fleshing out before we’ll be ready to post … maybe next month?   
*  K2 - IMAGE: Bucky and Steve in Siberian silo hallway (CA:CW)  - Combined this with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF269 Living Weapon]  for  Reconstruction - a fix-it/canon divergent ficlet where Steve, Bucky and Tony team up instead of fighting.   It came in at 268 words and will get posted  to Ao3 before the event is over.   
* K4 - Last Times/Farewells -  Posted  Short-Timing It  to Ao3 this morning.  I combined this prompt with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF257 Count The Days ] for  Short-Timing It - a pre-war (just barely) Bucky & Steve (Stucky if you squint) ficlet that  came in at 312 words.
Tony Stark Bingo - Mark VIII [TSB_R8]  (Ends 31 May)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @tonystarkbingo is back! Late signups will start next month if you want to join in on the fun!  I have  seven  squares filled and four  WIPs - I need to plan out more crossovers! 
* T1 - Watching Helplessly -  Posted Stranded Among the Stars  to Tumblr as a crossover with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF265 Galaxies Away]. It’s a Nebula & Tony ficlet set on the ship - it came in at 345 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends. 
* A5 - excessive - Used this towards the August Tony Stark Round Robin collaborative fic - Tony throws Bruce a birthday party and shenanigans ensure.  I’ll share the link once it gets posted. 
* R2 - I love you 3000  - came up with an Endgame-compliant drabble for this prompt:  A Difficult Decision is a look into Tony’s thought processes right after tucking Morgan into bed.  Will post next week. 
* R4 - Bartender - see WIGID Author_5 - 1K ficlet above.   
* K3 - Pepper Potts -  see WIB O3 - Love Confession above
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] (Ends TBD) 
Working on this  Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
* C1 - Magic -  Combined this with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF259 House of Cards]   for   Keep a Steady Hand.  Clint notices Bucky getting frustrated with a task and offers to help.  It came in at 632 words and will post to Ao3 possibly later this month.   
Post July Break Bingo 2024  [pJBB_24] (Ends 30 Jun 2025)
As I mentioned above, I requested two 2x3 cards for this  Discord-server only event from @julybreakbingo  – so if you want to join in the fun, let me know and I’ll try to get you an invite!  I have two fics posted & two WIPS  and need to figure out some more crossovers.
* C2_A1 - "There's nothing wrong with you." - see BaBB: September: Feelings Denial above. 
* C2_A2 - "You deserve someone who makes you happy."  -  see WIGID Author_5 - 1k ficlet above.  
* C2_B1 - Courting/courted in a different way than they're familiar with -  posted A Symbol of Devotion on Tumblr as a crossover with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF267 Gifted Violets] - a bit of Stony fluff with Tony  buying Steve little things for his apartment.   It came in at 374 words and will get posted to Ao3 before this event is over. 
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Eight fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two!
* I2 - Vulnerable Drunk - matched this up with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt of [#FFF258 Milky Way Dreams]  for Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines -  a MIT-era Tony & Rhodey ficlet, where a drunk Tony shares a childhood dream with his best friend.  It came in at 318 words and will get posted to Ao3 at some point.   
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on a Stitch head ornament  for a gift exchange, along with gearing up for Marvel Trumps Hate 2024 - have been posting pics of previous creations in order to make a masterpost to link my auctions to.         
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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winteriron bingo adventure
The WinterIron Bingo Adventure is open on Dreamwidth! Go and join the fun!
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eirlyssa · 6 years
After Bucky got kidnapped while the two of them were out together, Tony started writing to him.
Warnings: somewhat dark, make sure to read the tags!
A fic for the final two WinterIron Bingo Adventure squares I’m going to get this round: B4 - Kidnapping, and G2 - Epistolary fic: Emails/letters/etc.
A master post will follow somewhere this weekend.
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tisfan · 6 years
A Poor Reflection
A WinterIron Bingo Adventure fill Also on Ao3 Words: 556 Square: Mirror Mirror, doppelgangers, clones, or evil doubles Summary: When you stare to hard into the Abyss, the Abyss stares back at you. Tony Stark hates his reflection. Turns out, his reflection returns the sentiment.
Textbook narcissism. Prone to self-destructive tendencies. Compulsive behaviors.
Tony sighed, straightened his tie.
“You shouldn’t let her get to you, you know,” he told his reflection quite seriously. “Jealous, maybe.”
Natasha was a spy, she was supposed to be an expert at reading people. One the best in the world. So how had she never seen behind Tony’s masks?
“You talkin’ to yourself again, doll?” Bucky came out of their massive bathroom, pulling his hair up into a somehow both sloppy and yet utterly perfect half-bun. He used the elastic in his teeth to secure it.
Tony looked at the floor length mirror, some old thing that Pepper had scavenged out of the Stark Mansion before Tony’d had the whole place boxed up and sold. Now, the enormous building was a homeless shelter and soup kitchen and adult learning center. Somewhere, Howard was probably spinning in his grave. That thought made him smile.
“Little bit,” Tony admitted. He straightened his tie, shot his cuffs, brushed imaginary wrinkles out of his shirt. Natasha had given him the shotgun-and-shovel speech a few days ago and it had been dotted with references to Tony’s pre-Iron Man days (debauched) and his early hero days (reckless and foolhardy) and his current lifestyle (overworked, exhausted, and prone to paranoia).
“You look great,” Bucky told him, misreading it, just a little. Then he tipped Tony’s chin up, kissed him. “And I don’t care what other people think.” Okay, so maybe Bucky was a little more observant than Nat. Almost eerily so, except that when Bucky put his finger on the issue, he did so with love, concern, caring. All those things other people thought Tony didn’t deserve.
“I don’t care enough to change,” Tony told him, and that was true. “But the burden of other people’s expectations can get really heavy.”
“How about my expectations, lover?” Bucky asked. He pulled Tony up against his chest, looking at both of them in the mirror. “I expect us to knock ‘em dead at this press conference. I expect t’ have a glass of wine and some fancy little finger foods at our engagement party, and I expect to dance with you all night. And then I expect to come back here, peel you out of this expensive suit, and have my wicked way with you.”
“That’s a burden I can live with,” Tony admitted. He tipped his head back for a kiss and Bucky gave it to him. “You know I love you, right? Like a truly horrific, embarrassing amount.”
“I know,” Bucky said, nuzzling at Tony’s ear. “Love you, too. Now let’s go, or we’re gonna be late.”
Tony stuck his tongue out at the mirror, at his reflection. I hate you.
The room was dark. Quiet.
The guests of honor and their attendees were lost in the evening’s entertainment.
The mirror was burning with quiet anger.
The image bubbled to the surface. As destructive as he was beautiful, as self-absorbed as he was rich, as compulsive as he was intelligent.
Tony Stark straightened his tie, brushed non-existent wrinkles out of his shirt. An absolute, perfect duplicate. With one overriding goal.
Hate me, will you?
To take everything away from his original, to insert himself into Tony Stark’s life. And to destroy it.
And who better to do that… then the man himself?
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gottalovev · 6 years
I’m determined to branch out a little pairing-wise in Marvel, and for that I got myself a Winteriron Bingo Adventure card, a low key challenge modded by @phantomas67​
I'm starting cautiously with a digital manip/photoshop experiment, that I'm using for my Wild Card (Free) square..
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sierranovembr · 4 years
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✨✨ Winteriron Comment Bingo put on by @winteriron-is-commenting​✨✨
B1: Tony Stark's Home for Wayward Assassins by gryvon I1:  The Further Adventures of Tony Stark by MassiveSpaceWren, tisfan N1:  the smell of coffee (reminds me of your love) by scriptatur G1:  Rest and Care by nepenthe_writer O1:  Mail Order Bucky by 27dragons, tisfan
B2:  Tattoos and Tulips by MassiveSpaceWren I2:  Far Removed by dracusfyre N2:  Mafia!au Art by Ibreathebooks_42 G2:  Tear Down These Walls for Me by ali_aliska (ch 2) O2:  Five Drabbles:        1.  It’s Candy by Trashcanakin        2.  Wings of Change by Trashcanakin        3.  Many by periwinklepromise        4.  Just Relax by 27dragons        5.  Upon Reflection by 27dragons
B3:  I’ll help you chase away the nightmares. by LadyUkkey I3:   Tear Down These Walls for Me by ali_aliska (ch 3) N3:  Nyctophilia by swtalmnd G3:  Mer-creatures by beir O3:  Melt into Me (Your Words Are My Own) by RiotFalling
B4:  Extremis Tony and Hurt Bucky by massivespacewren I4:   Mechanical Problems by Kamaete N4:  Conclusions by StrivingArtist G4:  Spread Your Wings and Fly by Shi_Toyu O4:  California king by withered
B5:  don't break my curse (just stay with me) by Menatiera I5:   The Tutor by 27dragons, tisfan N5:  Missed By a Mile by aliaoftwoworlds G5:  The Winter Witcher by 27dragons, feignedsobriquet, tisfan O5:  On Offer by FestiveFerret, hundredthousands
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Week 35 Roundup!
We have over 600 squares filled at this point in the bingo, and isn’t that amazing?! So much new Bucky content has been created this year!
We will be having two more Discord parties, on the 19th and 26th.  They will be shorter, just 24 hours, and we will let you know both here and on the Discord when they start.
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Title: Little Bird Collaborator: ialwayscomewhenyoucall Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B3 -  AU: Wings Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: fluff, angst with a happy ending, fairy tale elements Summary: No one knows why Bucky was born with wings. His ma tells him he’s just special. Stevie’s jealous, watching him fly high into the clouds and leaving him on the ground. Bucky promises he’ll never leave Stevie behind…but sometimes promises have to be broken. Word Count: 1787
Title: Righteous Dick Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y5 - Reluctant Teamwork Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Captain America Steve Rogers/Modern Bucky Barnes, SHIELD Agent Bucky Barnes, Light Boss/Employee Relationship, The lightest of d/s undertones, Light harassment from Brock and Jack Summary: Steve leaned forward in his chair, which made Bucky suddenly think of the footage of the jaguar pouncing on a crocodile that he’d seen on the Discovery Channel. The crocodile might have seemed all tough and shit, but it had never stood a fucking chance. “You seem to have a thing for undermining me.” - SHIELD Agent Bucky knows Captain America's an unparalleled asshole--but that doesn't stop him from thinking he's stupidly gorgeous. Word Count: 1497
Title: You’ll Pay for That Collaborator: jamesbuckystark Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U3 – AU: John Wick Ship: none Rating: Mature Major Tags: John Wick au, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Alpine is catnapped, and Bucky will stop at nothing to get him back Word Count: 396
Title: Christmas at Avengers Tower Collaborator: ibelieveinturtles Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K5 - Found family Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: Ugly Christmas Suits, moodboard Summary: The guests are starting to arrive for the Avengers Christmas Party
Title: The Good Life Collaborator: hawkeyeandthewintersoldier Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K2 - warm and fuzzy feelings Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Fluff, Bucky Barnes Recovering Summary: It’s a hot day in Wakanda and Bucky gets to enjoy it with Steve Word Count: 503
Title: The Gift of a Terrible Husband Collaborator: newtypeshadow Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Marriage Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: magic AU, warlord AU Summary: In public, Bucky and his husband, Tony, are the deadly Winter Soldier and the fearsome Warlord Stark. But alone in their bedroom, Bucky can wake Tony with kisses and cuddles, and ensure he has a happy morning. Word Count: 1001
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 4: Oh, Bucky Bear Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - Walking Disaster Ship: Stucky Rating: M Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, angst and fluff, coffee as the elixir of life, Natasha is a good bro. Summary: Natasha has some things to say. Or Bucky’s heart may be broken. Word Count:481
Title: [Art: Moodboard] The Heart of My Own (burn it down low) Collaborator: Minka Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y3 – Wolf Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: art  Summary: In a deep, dark forest, a city-weary deliveryman finds more than just his match. Word Count: 197
Title: Livin' It Up (While We're Goin' Down) Collaborator: Politzania Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - KINK: Strength Kink Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Smut with Feelings, Trapped in Elevator, Predicament Bondage, Blowjob & masturbation Summary: Bucky gets stuck in a tiny elevator with Clint during a mission. Things go wrong, then incredibly right. Word Count: 1636
Title: Set Up Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y3 - Queer Platonic Relationship Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: Family Dinners, Pre-World War II Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Matchmaking, Queerplatonic Relationships Summary: “Her daughter Margaret is really nice. She’s studying to be a secretary. She thinks you two would get along well.”“Ma, I don’t want to have this discussion again,” Bucky grumbled, scrubbing a hand over his face.-Bucky's already happy. Word Count: 1384
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 5: Braided Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y5 - Hair Braiding Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, angst and fluff, long hair, Natasha is a good bro. Summary: Natasha and Bucky ponder the options. Or Bucky refuses to face the truth. Word Count: 775
Title: Art: lost in time, lost in space Collaborator: LiquidLightz Link: AO3 Square Filled: U4 - Fix-It Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: art Summary: My banner artwork for the fabulous slow-burn romantic fix-it adventure that is powercrow's Planet Hulk / Endgame crossover fic "lost in time, lost in space". Featuring Planet Hulk gladiator Steve, Devil Dinosaur, Wakanda Bucky, and all your canon MCU favourites, as well as other original fantastical creatures and Planet Hulk inhabitants. The blend of scenes depicted take place in chapters 2 and 3 of the fic, and I've also split them out to appear in their respective chapters as individual illustrations.
Title: The Heart of My Own (burn it down low) - Chapter 1: The Roots Collaborator: Minka Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 – Love at First Sight Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: adult themes Summary: As a boy of seven, Bucky sat at his babushka’s feet, listening to her croaky old voice talk of fairy tales and prophesies while her lips curled around a lit Laika, the smoke trickling from her nostrils like a tsmok from one of her stories. His babushka was horror, and she was memory; a lingering link between a world Bucky’s mother hated and one he saw as fantastical and magical. She was the storyteller, the soothsayer and the bringer of Bucky’s dreams. She also heralded his nightmares.----In a deep, dark forest, a city-weary delivery man finds more than he bargained for. Word Count: 11,186
Title: I'll Never Be Alright (So I'm Breaking the Habit) Collaborator: Purple_ducky00 Link: AO3 Square Filled: U4 - Exile Ship: WinterIron   Rating: Mature Major Tags: Canon Typical Violence, Tony fans may want to physically harm Bucky at first Summary: Bucky is given a pardon and a chance to get help in America Word Count: 13,133
Title: Serpentum Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 - AU: Ancient Civilization Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Ancient Civilization, Ancient Germany, Alternate Universe - Historical, Historical Accuracy Attempted, Nonmonogmous Relationship, (Steve and Sharon) Summary: But even in Roman red, he couldn’t mistake the face that was staring back at him, deep blue-gray eyes and dark brown curls. For a moment, he forgot his sword. “Bucky?” “Who the hell is Bucky?” - An Ancient Civilization AU based on Netflix's The Barbarians. Word Count: 2402
Title: The Heart of My Own (burn it down low) - Chapter 2: Part II - The Body Collaborator: Minka Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 – Steve/Bucky Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: adult themes Summary: In a deep, dark forest, a city-weary deliveryman finds more than he bargained for. Word Count: 11,186
Title: Ask For Much - Chapter 6: Accidentally Collaborator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 - Accidental Polyamory Ship: Bucky/Steve/Nat Rating: Explicit Major Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, polyamory, blowjob, friendship Summary: Natasha wants to make Bucky feel better, and Steve does, too. Or Well, that’s kind of a threesome. Word Count: 1482
Title: Papa Steve Helps Out Collaborator: Avidreader6 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B2 - Kink-Sex Toys Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: BDSM, Daddy Kink, Bondage, Top Steve, Top Bucky, Bottom Tony Summary: Steve comes over to help Bucky get Tony ready before going to see his parents. He’s excited to find out just what getting ready entails. Takes place the next day after Brat. Word Count: 7702
Title: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again Collaborator: sharkie335 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - Kink: Deep throating Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content Summary: Bucky is determined to deep throat Steve. It's harder than you'd think. Word Count: 1385
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massivespacewren · 5 years
Masterpost Bucky Barnes Bingo I only did a few squares and all of then with Winteriron, but here they are: Art with soft cuddles for “Waking up Married” Art with AvAc handholding for “handholding” Art with a hug and vampire Bucky for “vulnerability” Fic “Kamala and the Heroic Knight”, the LARP AU nobody asked for, including fluff and adventure! (and some fun suffering for Tony ;) ) 7k words, May include graphic descriptions of violence (but in a very fluffy way?). Fic “First Memories and Second Chances”, a 616 fic about Bucky and Tony’s first meeting, and memory loss. 1k words not a bingo, but at least some squares. i’ll try to do better next time :D onwards, to a new @buckybarnesbingo (I also kind of forgot to check if it fits a square if i had an idea, so.... well. I’ll try to be more organized XD)
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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TSB Week 22!
For badges this week (and last week because Mod Meg forgot!) we have a whole load of Participation badges!
Lacrimula Falsa
Ria Rose
And for Bingo, congratulations to Trashcanakin!
Remember, if you don’t claim your badges using this form, you will not get your badges!
Reminder about our LAST DISCORD PARTY in a couple weeks (June 20th), and that your last fills are due by JUNE 30TH, with your masterposts due on July 4th!
And now, on to the amazing fills from this week!
Title: Trauma Bingo (the Avengers need ALL the therapy) Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Shared Trauma Ship: Bucky Barnes & Avengers Team Rating: Teen Major Tags: Angst and Humor, PTSD Summary: SHIELD remembers that trauma therapy exists, and their sights are set on the Avengers. Aka. How many issues can you fit in one team, and can you also get them all in the same person. Succeeding at trauma bingo is not actually winning… Word Count: 1180
Title: Twelve Months Collaborator: RiaRose Link: AO3 Square Filled:  Chapter 1: A2 - Love or Lust Chapter 2: A1 - Workshop Troubles Chapter 3: R1 - Flight Chapter 4: T1 - Presumed Dead Chapter 5: S3 - Major Injuries Chapter 6: T5 - Non Penetrative Sex Chapter 7: K5 - Asking for Trouble Chapter 8: S5 - Bedtime Stories Chapter 9: K2 - Dares/Bets Chapter 10: A4 - Domesticity  Chapter 11: T3 - Vibes in Public Chapter 12: K1 - Kink in Anal Sex Ship: Stony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Explicit Sexual Content Summary: Tony! Don’t you get it? I love you. And I know you love me!” Steve jumps to his feet, reaching for Tony as he walks away. “I’m failing to see the damn problem!”“We can’t be together!” Tony snaps, spinning around to face him. “What part of this are you unable to comprehend?! It’s only going to end in me hurting you. I’m only going to break your heart, Steve. Fuck! Don’t you have  any self-preservation?”ORThe story of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, told in increments, month by month. Word Count: 13893
Title: “Groot!” - Nice to Meet a New Old Friend Collaborator: Fighting_for_Creativity Link: AO3 Square Filled: A4 - Groot Ship: Groot & Rocket Raccoon Rating: Teen Major Tags: Accidental Time Travel, Kid Tony Stark Summary: Rocket and Groot are stranded. Both on a backwards planet, and in a long ago past. Word Count: 2146
Title: An Airforce Pilot, A Pararescuer, And A Nuclear Deterrent Share A Bed Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Kink: Anal Sex Ship: Rhodey/Tony/Sam Rating: Explict Major Tags: PWP Summary: Tony had been invited into threesomes before. Hell, he had proposed threesomes before, that wasn't the issue here. Being invited into one by two people that he thought were just friends, not only to him but to each other? Well that came out of left field for him. But here were Rhodey and Sam looking at him all sincerely as they asked him into their bed. Of course he said yes. Word Count: 5085
Title: Iron Elvis Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R4 - Presumed Dead Ship: Starker Rating: Gen Major Tags: Major Character Death? Summary: Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: Winter Soldier Sachet Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A4 - Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: Crafts, Winter Soldier Summary: The star detail from Bucky’s metal arm, made out of felt & filled with rice and cinnamon Word Count: N/A
Title: Galaxy Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K5 - Galaxy Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: None Summary: Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: Knight in Shining Armor Collaborator: G Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T4 - Kidnapped! Ship: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader // IronDad Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mention of capture/kidnapping Summary: Tony Stark’s kid is captured by some of Kingpin’s men, and Peter Parker comes to the rescue Word Count: 1299
Title: Shit My Dad Says Collaborator: eachpeachpearplum Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - You Can’t Trademark That Ship: Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags: Post-Endgame, Pepper and Morgan Family Fluff (with a bit of grief because, you know, post-Endgame) Summary: Tony was right, it is about legacy. No one can deny all the good he did, nor can they argue with the sheer number of people who are alive because of him, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t leave Pepper a lot of shit to deal with. Word Count: 743 + comic strip
Title: Seasoned with a little bit of Pepper Collaborator: Violettavonviolet Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Pepper Potts/Rescue R4 - Artificial Intelligence Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Post-Avengers Shawarma Scene, Steve is Confused, Established Relationship Summary: What do you get when you fly a nuke into space and afterwards go eat shawarma without calling the love of your life?You get a very angry Pepper, that’s what you get. And what do you get when on top of all of that, you don’t inform your team about the potential guest in the tower?Well now you’re just in for a very fun night… Word Count: 2228
Title: Mr. Stark’s Guide to Accidental Marriage Collaborator: Violettavonviolet Link: AO3 Square Filled: T3 - Accidental Marriage Ship: FrostIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Hangover, Blackouts, Accidental Marriage, Loki is a Little Shit Summary: Tony was still not entirely sure what he had done but he decided it was best to ask her directly. “Pepper, I can’t remember a thing from last night, what did I do that was so terrible? Did I sleep with the daughter of a senator in a janitors closet again, because I swear I didn’t mean to!“…Tony didn’t respond for a second before he yelped, “I MARRIED LOKI ODINSON?“or: How Tony Stark accidentally married Loki and everything somehow turns out fine. Word Count: 1970
Title: The Not So Secret Secret Couple Collaborator: Violettavonviolet Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Secret Relationship Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Teen Major Tags: 5+1, Secret Relationship, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Summary: They hadn’t meant to keep it a secret, it just kinda happened.And now, when they are finally ready to show the whole world that they are together, nobody notices.orfive times an avenger remained oblivious and the one time they spelled it out for them. Word Count: 1901
Title: Art for Winter Witcher Collaborator: feignedsobriquet Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S2 - Action/Adventure Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: N/A Summary: fanart for 27dragons and tisfan’s Winter Witcher  Word Count: N/A
Title: IronJelly Collaborator: eachpeachpearplum Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: Crochet, Jellyfish Summary: IronJelly aka Peach’s adventures in crochet Word Count: N/A
Title: A Birthday Party to Remember Collaborator: cami-chats Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Tony Stark/Scott Lang Ship: Tony Stark/Scott Lang Rating: Teen Major Tags: None  Summary: When Pepper has to go out of town unexpectedly, it's left to Tony to take Morgan to her friend's birthday party. He almost left early, but Cassie's father, Scott, proves to actually be interesting. Word Count: 890
Title: A Little Motherly Push Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Riri Williams Ship: Mama Rhodes & Tony & Rhodey Rating: Gen Major Tags: Family Fluff, Adoption Summary: Mama Rhodes is not above a little bit of nagging and above-board manipulation to get what she wants.  Word Count: 1653
Title: Flashes Before Your Eyes Collaborator: Von_Gelmini Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K2 - Deaged Tony Ship: None Rating: Teen Major Tags: TW Drug Use, Moodboard Summary: I’ve interpreted the de-ageing as memories, when he thinks he’s about to die, of Tony’s youth in the 80s. Good and bad. Word Count: N/A
Title: Dum-E + Levi Collaborator: PoliZ Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T1 - Science and Magic Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: fancraft, Iron Man, Doctor Strange,  Dum-E,  Levi (aka Cloak of Levitation) Summary: While their human companions  are getting to know one another better, so are Levi and Dum-E.  Word Count: N/A
Title: Stark Salvage Collaborator: romancebyfaye Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R4 AU:Sci-fi/Futuristic Ship: Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Sci-fi, Stuckony, moodboard Summary: Stark Salvage Word Count: 226
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menatiera · 5 years
Author meme
Tagged by: @loraneldin
Author Name: Menatiera
Fandoms You Write For: Marvel (is the one I write for in English). In Hungarian I have/had a bit of a variety. (Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Teen Wolf, Doctor Who, Supernatural...)
Where You Post: AO3 (and moodboards on tumblr)
Most Popular One-Shot: Both based on hits and kudos it’s Tony Stark’s Snuggable Murder Kitten, a very fluffy, no-angst one-shot that I’ve written in the middle of the night after almost 3 months of not being able to write anything.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Without doubt it’s The Best of You, the (as for now) second part of the JGMAR series, the Avengers part of my MCU-rewrite, and it’s previously estabilished Winteriron with endgame Stuckony. The second most popular is Still Alive, the first part of the same series, Tony and Bucky gets together during the IM1 events, so yeah. So JGMAR is definitely my most popular writing, and I’m happy about it.
Favourite Story You Wrote: Oh my goood... depends on when you ask it, really, and what aspects are we talking about? I’m usually fond of my stories. I might not like them when I post them, but when I revisit them a bit time after and re-read them, I immensely enjoy them and am proud of them. My definitely most underrated story is Of Soldiers and Wolves. Technically it’s not even just one story but NINE, because it’s a Choose Your Own Adventure deal, and you can imagine how HARD it was to weave all of those together. You have no idea how much energy and care I’ve poured into it (there are probably mistakes I missed but hopefully not many) and yet it is among the least read stories from me - probably because there is one (warned and therefore avoidable!) sad ending among the nine. The rest of the endings are either gen, Stucky, Bucky/Nat/Steve or PolyAvengers. Also Take me to the magic of the moment doesn’t get the recognition either because it’s dub-con, but not more dub-con then any arranged marriage fic. Basically, Tony and Bucky agree to do a magical ritual (and possibly sex) due to outser circumstances and they enjoy it. But because of that, it’s not as popular as it could’ve been, imho.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: I’m always nervous to post, and I’m always writing the endings last-minute when the deadline is real pressing. My betas are seriously amazing to put up with my bullshit, honestly. I was also really nervous to post E-rated stories, especially The stranger addition and Already a sinner, and I’m an overachiever, because a) those are as close to PWP as I’ll probably ever go, and b) I felt really insecure about my smut writing. Also c) they are stuckony server remixes, and I wanted the original authors to like them :)
How Do You Choose Your Titles: It varies from time to time, but god bless the Hozier lyrics title generator. And song titles. And @hiriajuu who I ask for help all the time :D
Do You Outline: I’m usually a pantser, so I have a vague outline and then the story turns to a different direction at one point or another.
Complete: 61 works on Ao3. I’m almost at 450K!!!! :D
In-Progress: Oh my god. Listen. I have a lot. I have over a dozen WIPs right now, and even more that are just ideas or summaries or vague plans/wants. On Ao3 the stories that are unfinished:  Wonder is not gone as long as you aren't either (winterironshieldpepper in the plan, endgame fix-it with AI!Tony), and Mid-youth crisis (AVAC winteriron story based on @summerpipedream‘s amazing moodboard). But in my WIP documents? I have 3 started MTH fics (for last year’s auction, I know, I know...), I have another almost-finished kinda endgame fix-it, a sharon-pov story, a modern au stucky collab with @cpt-winniethepooh, a 5+1 Bucky loves Cap story, a shrinkyclinks story, an Ugly christmas sweaters Asset-POV, a Tony-focused sequel to necromancer!Steve,.... so, a lot.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: The stories mentioned above, another part of JGMAR (prequel or sequel), a sequel for the angel/demon stuckony fic...
Do You Accept Prompts: I am more than happy to work with prompts, that’s why I sign up to so many bingos and collabs and such :D
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I know it won’t get much loved either because Sharon is not the most loved character in the MCU, but I was really excited about that one-shot, it was a journey to discover her, and Steve through her eyes.
oh god I’m absolutely shit at tagging, but hey guys, if you want to... @cpt-winniethepooh @juuls @orlissa @hiriajuu @slashergirl
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tellmevarric · 5 years
Tony Stark Bingo 2019 - Blackout
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Here are all my fills for my @tonystarkbingo card.
All fics are rated T unless otherwise indicated. (There’s only one not rated T.) And mind the tags.
S1: The Truth Will Out - Gen
Helmut Zemo's original plans were stymied by Tony's big reveal at the Leipzig airport. But he will have his way, no matter what. Because no matter how you try to hide it, the truth will always come out. This is a continuation of my Shifter verse. 
S2: Reverse, Rewind, Play Again - IronStrange
When something strange happens to Tony on a botched Avengers' mission, Pepper and Rhodey are left wondering what happened and keeping things together. Then Tony comes back and the whole world is going to change.
S3: Enough Is Enough - Gen
In the wake of the disaster in Bucharest, Tony decides enough is enough. If Steve is going to push, Tony will push back and he has a bit more in his arsenal than anyone expected.
S4: Sins of the Father - Gen
When Hank Pym requests a meeting, Tony isn't expecting much in the way of good things. He's pleasantly surprised.
S5: Trust - Gen
Rhodey finally finds out that Tony is a shifter and what his form is. It doesn't happen in quite the way Tony wanted but it all works out okay.
T1: Knock Me Up - Tony Stark x Jack Harkness
Tony's so bored in his meeting he's ready to stab himself with a pen to get out of it. Then Jack arrives to make it a whole lot less boring.
T2: Together - Gen
On the way to Nidavellir, Groot told Thor stories about what the Guardians had done. Thor remembers those stories at just the right moment.
T3: Not Your Damsels In Distress - FrostIron
The Rogues make a very, very, very big mistake when they decide to crash a certain girls' day out.
T4: Scandal - WinterIron
Tony knows the return of the Rogues is going to cause a scandal, no matter what the President's polling data says, however James decides that they'll counter a scandal with a bigger, better, more shiny scandal. Tony approves.
T5: But(t)...But(t)...But(t) - WinterIron
No one knows who Iron Man is, other than the bodyguard of the Avengers' main benefactor, Tony Stark. Bucky figures out the secret but not quite in the way you might think.
A1: Taking Up The Mantle - Gen
Tony left him everything he'd need but it's Harley's decision to take up the mantle that was left behind.
A2: Abandonment - Gen
Steve Rogers is the leader of a team of adventurers. When they're hired by Tony Stark to find an ancient temple, he thinks it'll be an easy job for good money. Instead, some old chickens come home to roost.
A3: Damsels Lacking In Distress - FrostIron
You asked for it, my muses decide to play ball - What happened to the ladies in Not Your Damsels In Distress. You probably should read that one before this.
A4: Professional Relationship - Tony Stark x Janet Van Dyne
Steve catches up on the latest news from the New Avengers and he doesn't like what he sees.
A5: Better Memories - Tony Stark x Jack Harkness - Rated: M
Tony has bad memories attached to anything that looks like a container full of water. Jack helps him make some better ones.
R1: Explaining Graphically - Gen
Tony is sent a bunch of comics, ostensibly from a fan. The comics are not what they seem but the outside impression is very valuable.
R2: Legacy - Gen
Harley Keener finds out what his legacy is. It's bigger than he ever expected.
R3: An Open Mind - Gen
When Tony gets captured with Sam Wilson, he's prepared for the worst. It ends up not going how he expected... in a good way.
R4: The Echo of Silence - Gen
Thanos is gone and everyone had faded into dust. Only Tony and Nebula are left.
R5: There And Back Again - IronStrange
Mordo comes after Stephen with a spell aimed at Tony that de-ages him, firstly to his mid-twenties and then to his teens. Stephen... copes and Loki is the real hero.
K1: The Doom Of All Men... Is To Be Flirted With - Pepperony
Look, Tony likes being flirted with as much as the next person but he has standards, you know.
K2: Mistakes Were Made - FrostIronStrange
Tony has been kidnapped more time than he cares to admit. It's almost always cliche and the kidnappers always seem to make the same mistakes. Not that he minds. Those mistakes are always to his advantage. Features a confused Sam Wilson and a not-the-damsel-in-distress Tony Stark.
K3: Sounds Like A Plan - Pepperony
Tony's not sure what to make of the walking, talking raccoon in his workshop but he's tired, upset and determined that Thanos has to die. Rocket agrees and a plan is formed.
K4: Regal is an Attitude - Gen
When T'Challa finds out Rogers and Barnes left Tony Stark behind in Siberia, he chooses to be the kind of king who looks out for the people rather than on who only indulges his personal whims.
K5: That’s New - Gen
Tony's back from Afghanistan and paying the price for not shifting for over three months. When he finally does... it turns out to be more interesting than he expected.
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polizwrites · 12 days
PoliZ's WIP Update - 11 Sep 2024
Very slow writing week - had a lot going on IRL!  I touched three fics (3 new & 0 WIPs)  for a total  of  1385   words.   
On Ao3, I posted: 
  Chapter Seven (final chapter) of A Little Bit Carried Away - WinterIron No Powers omegaverse fic.     
Untangling Their Attraction -  WinterIron ficlet with a tiny touch of kink.  
On Tumblr I posted: 
Reconstruction - CA:CW Siberian Silo canon divergent ficlet (Bucky POV)
Finding Family Through the Years -  Bucky POV self-reflective drabble (passing WinterIron mention) 
I’m juggling  20+  active/semi-active WIPs with my current  deadline being the new WinterIron Gets It Done server bingo event  which runs til the end of September.  
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Tony Stark This or That  [TSTOT_24] (Ends 31 Aug 2024)
Still need to get my masterpost put together - got  four of the eight prompt choices done   
WinterIron Gets It Done Bingo [WIGID] (Ends 30 Sep 2024)
This new WinterIron Discord server event runs through the month of September and is a flash bingo where you choose one or more  five-square bingo strips to complete.  I’m targeting to get at least two strips done for a blackout - with a stretch goal of three - I’ve currently got 5 fills across two strips. 
* Classic_2 - Found Family -  Posted Finding Family Through the Years  to Tumblr on Sunday. It’s a  Bucky POV self-reflective drabble with a passing WinterIron mention.  
* Author_2 - 100 Word Drabble - see Classic 2 - Found Family above.  
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] (Ends 31 Oct 2024)
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!  At thirty-three  fills and two months to go, I seem to be going a bit overboard …. 😁
* May:  Bucky’s Trigger Words -  combined this with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF251 Out There] for Just To Live One Day Out There - a Winter Soldier self-reflective ficlet. It came in at 312 words and will get posted to Ao3 Real Soon. 
* September: First Meeting - filling this with the upcoming Chapter Nine of  A Sugar-Coated Pill  where Bucky gets to meet Obadiah Stane.  Needless to say, he doesn’t get along with the older alpha.  I’ve got 307 words written and am targeting publishing by the end of the month.
* September: Feelings Denial - got inspired to work on a sequel to A Little Bit Carried Away -  looking at Bucky and Tony living together and where their relationship is starting to lead.  I have either a one-shot or first chapter of Carrying Things Forward drafted at 880 words; it crosses over with my  WIB  N4 - A/B/O: Mates and pJBB - C2_A1 - "There's nothing wrong with you."  squares.  Also targeting posting this by the end of the month.  
Flufftober 2024  [FlfT_24] (Runs 1-31 Oct)
This writing challenge hosted by @flufftober  runs for the month of October, but the prompt list has already been published, so you can get a jump start!  My goal is to write one fic a week that incorporates these prompts - here’s some possible crossovers - if there’s one that sounds really good - let me know! 
* 1. Lost Pet Meet Cute - crossover with  BBB C2 - Bonded animal?
* 5. Acorn, Chestnut, Pine Cone - crossover with TSB R2 - I love you 3000 or  R3 - AU: adventurers/explorers  for some Daddy & Morgan fluff? 
* 10. Bet, Game, Contest - crossover with BBB U5 - Secret Admirer?
* 11. Ingredients & Spells - crossover with TSB S3 - KINK: Aphrodisiacs? 
* 18. Bewitched - crossover with BBB B1 - Magic? 
* 22 - Heirloom - crossover with WIB G2 - Edwin Jarvis &  TSB T2 - Wedding -  A tie tack or cuff links that Tony gifts to Bucky as his ‘something old’? 
* 30. “Forever?” - this feels like a good match for WIB N4 - A/B/O: Mates  maybe the prequel to the wedding fic mentioned above? 
Whumptober 2024 [WmpT_24] (Runs 1-31 Oct)
This writing challenge hosted by @whumptpber  runs for the month of October, but the prompt list has already been published, so you can get a jump start!  My goal is to write two fics (whump isn’t normally my bag)   that incorporates these prompts - need to  explore more potential crossovers. 
* No. 2: TRUST ISSUES - Amusement Park | Role Reversal | “You got away with the crime while the knife’s in my back.”  – crossover with WIB  N5 - "I'm here for you."  and possibly pJBB - C2_B2 - Being there for someone after a traumatic event
WinterIron Bingo 2  [WIB_R2] (Ends 16 Dec 2024)
Signups are still open for pre-made cards for Round Two of this super-fun bingo event! I have eighteen  fills and zero WIPs at the moment - setting this aside for the moment, as I have other time-sensitive events going.  
* Iron Soldier (One Bingo, One Fill) - looking at combining my Column B prompts: Matchmaker, Bucky Riding Tony, Stark Gala, Inside Joke and Threesome.  Still working on a plot - if you have any suggestions/want-to-sees - let me know! 
* I3 - Car Sex -  Have a fun ficlet in mind for this - some of the dialogue & such already worked out in my head.  
* N1 - Hair Pulling Kink -  Finally posted Untangling Their Attraction  to Ao3 today. I combined this square with a fun prompt from @scottxlogan “Remembering the things their love interest often forgets, so they always have extra”. Tony’s thoughtfulness leads to mutual kink discovery (not as racy as it might sound).  It came in at 544 words.
* N2 - Mutual Pining - see HBS Week 13 above. 
* N4 - A/B/O: Mates -  see BaBB September:  Feelings Denial above. 
* N5 - "I'm here for you."  - Possibly the next chapter of  Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion ?  
* O3 - Love Confession - Posted the final chapter of  A Little Bit Carried Away  last Friday. Pepper learns about the impulsive offer Tony made to Bucky after they spent the night together.   It came in at  1029 words and crossed over with TSB K3 - Pepper Potts, BBB C1 - Psychological torture   and my pJBB C1_A1 - "Promise me you won't get mad."  prompts.  
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round Six [BBB - R6]  (Ends 31 Mar)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @buckybarnesbingo is back!  I have fifteen  fills with zero WIPs at the moment, but a couple  more crossovers planned. 
*  C1 - Psychological torture - see WIB O3 - Love Confession above. 
*  K2 - IMAGE: Bucky and Steve in Siberian silo hallway (CA:CW)  - Combined this with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF269 Living Weapon]  for  Reconstruction - a fix-it/canon divergent ficlet where Steve, Bucky and Tony team up instead of fighting.   It came in at 268 words and will get posted  to Ao3 before the event is over.   
* K4 - Last Times/Farewells - combined this with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF257 Count The Days ] for  Short-Timing It - a pre-war (just barely) Bucky & Steve (Stucky if you squint) ficlet. It came in at 313 words and will get posted  to Ao3 before the event is over.   
Tony Stark Bingo - Mark VIII [TSB_R8]  (Ends 31 May)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @tonystarkbingo is back! Late signups will start next month if you want to join in on the fun!  I have  six  squares filled and two WIPs - I need to plan out more crossovers! 
* T1 - Watching Helplessly -  Posted Stranded Among the Stars  to Tumblr as a crossover with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF265 Galaxies Away]. It’s a Nebula & Tony ficlet set on the ship - it came in at 345 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends. 
* A5 - excessive - Used this towards the August Tony Stark Round Robin collaborative fic - Tony throws Bruce a birthday party and shenanigans ensure.  I’ll share the link once it gets posted. 
* R4 - Bartender - Got inspired by another song to start Some Other Beginning’s End - Tony’s a bartender dealing with an a-hole patron (Brock) and his just-broken-up-with boyfriend (Bucky).  It’s sitting at 1028  words and I plan to cross over with my  pJBB  C2_A2 - "You deserve someone who makes you happy."  square. I may try to squish a few other squares in before I’m done.  Targeting to post it on the 13th.  
* K3 - Pepper Potts -  see WIB O3 - Love Confession above
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] (Ends TBD) 
Working on this  Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
* C1 - Magic -  Combined this with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF259 House of Cards]   for   Keep a Steady Hand.  Clint notices Bucky getting frustrated with a task and offers to help.  It came in at 632 words and will post to Ao3 possibly later this month.   
Post July Break Bingo 2024  [pJBB_24] (Ends 30 Jun 2025)
As I mentioned above, I requested two 2x3 cards for this  Discord-server only event from @julybreakbingo  – so if you want to join in the fun, let me know and I’ll try to get you an invite!  I have two fics posted & two WIPS  and need to figure out some more crossovers.
* C1_A1 - "Promise me you won't get mad." - see WIB O3 - Love Confessions above. 
* C2_A1 - "There's nothing wrong with you." - see BaBB: September: Feelings Denial above. 
* C2_A2 - "You deserve someone who makes you happy."  -  see TSB R4 - Bartender.  
* C2_B1 - Courting/courted in a different way than they're familiar with -  posted A Symbol of Devotion on Tumblr as a crossover with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF267 Gifted Violets] - a bit of Stony fluff with Tony  buying Steve little things for his apartment.   It came in at 374 words and will get posted to Ao3 before this event is over. 
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Eight fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two!
* I2 - Vulnerable Drunk - matched this up with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt of [#FFF258 Milky Way Dreams]  for Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines -  a MIT-era Tony & Rhodey ficlet, where a drunk Tony shares a childhood dream with his best friend.  It came in at 318 words and will get posted to Ao3 at some point.   
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on a Dizzy the Vulture  plush figure for a commission.       
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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winteriron bingo adventure
The WinterIron Bingo Adventure is open on Dreamwidth! Go and join the fun!
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tisfan · 4 years
Tony Stark Bingo 2020
S1 - Sex Magic I Hear You Call My Name  IronStrange, Explicit
S2 - AU: Star Wars Flying My Way  WinterIron, Teen
S3 - Science & Magic Ring of Thorns  Winteriron, Teen
S4 - Learning to be Loved Cherish the Living, Chapter 6  Winteriron, Explicit
S5 - Tony Stark/T’challa A Thousand Words IronPanther, Teen
T1 - Image Prompt headset Outsider, Outsider - Winteriron, Teen
T2 - Animal Cherish the Living, Chapter 7 - Winteriron, Explicit
T3 - Kink: Phone Sex Somebody that I Used to Know - Winteriron, Teen
T4 - Games Cherish the Living, Chapter 5 Winteriron, Explicit
T5 - Last Chance Always a Moment Winteriron, Teen
A1 - Kink: Armor Kink Take from me, My Lace Winteriron, Explicit
A2 - A Wedding and a Funeral Cherish the Living, Chapter 9 Winteriron, Explicit
A3 - Free Space Cherish the Living, Chapter 10 Winteriron, Explicit
A4 - Canon: Avengers Academy Don’t Know What Hit Me Winteriron, Teen
A5 - Howard Stark Cherish the Living, Chapter 11 Winteriron, Explicit
R1 - Journey Cherish the Living, Chapter 3 Winteriron, Explicit R2 - Hydra Won (swapped) The Works, Chapter 2 Ring of Thorns Winteriron, Mature for Horror
R3 -  This Won’t Hurt a Bit Cherish the Living, Chapter 4 Winteriron, Explicit
R4 - SoulBound Flickered on Ocean’s Insanity Winteriron, Explicit
R5 - Anxiety Cherish the Living Chapter 8 Winteriron, Explicit 
K1 -  Writing Format: Documentation, Epistolary Fic Cherish the Living, Chapter 12 Winteriron, Explicit
K2 - Kink: Threesome The Way You Remind Me (Of Who I Really Am) Chapter Two WinterIronWidow, Explict 
K3 -  Loki/Tony Stark Grey Aura, FrostIron, Teen
K4 - Doing Groceries Cherish the Living, Chapter 2 Winteriron, Explicit
K5 - Dragon Leaving the Nest Winteriron, Teen
Adopted Square January Action/Adventure Cherish the Living, Chapter 1 Winteriron, Explicit
Adopted Square February Next Generation Cherish the Living, Chapter 13 Winteriron, Explicit
Adopted Square March Time Travel Far Away Stony gen
Adopted Square April Peter Quill/StarLord Escape Plan: 12 percent of a plan WinterIronQuill, teen
Adopted Square May Centaur AU For Want of a Nail, WinterIron, teen
Adopted Square June Intimacy without Sex, This is How You Remind Me (Of Who I Really Am) Chapter One, Winterironwidow, explicit
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eirlyssa · 6 years
Tony had become somewhat known for rescuing other mers when they had been captured by humans. Still, when he was approached by a scrawny blond who asked him to save Bucky, he didn’t expect this.
A merpeople fic for the @tonystarkbingo and WinterIron Bingo Adventure. I have also used Azalea’s Dolls Mermaid Scene Maker to give a general idea of how everyone looks after the read-more:
Tony and Bucky
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Steve and Natasha
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Wanda and Pietro
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Pepper and Rhodey
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