#Wish I could babble more here than irl because it’s so hard to have a conversation with me
puppyeared · 2 years
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Brains and brawn
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glyxy-wvs · 3 years
hey if you accept requests can you make a fluffy fanfic about Lucifer and Mammon being close? like that pic that you reblogged?
Hello, Anon! Omg, sorry for the long wait!!! 🥺💖 I was busy with irl stuff but AAAA I have finished the fluffy fic! I'm sorry if it didn't reach your expectations.😓 It was a bit difficult to write 'cause I'm not really used to writing fluff.😂 But I hope you like it!! (Also, I didn't base this fic off to the art that I had reblogged, but it's still a fluff fic!! It's fan art, and I think I need permission to write a fic about it.😅 So here's fluffy fanfic of Lucifer and Mammon being close.) Thanks for being the first person to request me haha. Please enjoy this. _ A Day To Relax. [ 1 & 2 ]
Mammon's back hurts; he did the best he could to organized the library at RAD. Maybe he deserves this, or maybe not. He sighs for the tenth time of the day.
There's nothing he can do about it because this was his light punishment for skipping classes again. Although he hates doing chores for his discipline, he needed to be a good big brother for Asmodeus.
Mammon decided to skip his classes so that he could be there to support his little brother. Everyone was busy at that time, with upcoming exams and projects, not one of the brothers could make time for Asmo. The latter understood. It's not like he could force his brothers to watch the stageplay with his classmates. But when he saw Mammon among the crowd with his D.D.D out, he almost cried while performing on stage.
(He felt a bit guilty when he found out that Mammon, believe it or not, skipped classes to watch him.)
Mammon stretched his back when he felt his phone vibrating. He took it out from his back pocket to receive a message from Asmodeus.
I just wanted to say thanks for supporting me there.
This beautiful brother of yours is going to treat you tomorrow! <3]
His lips cracked a smile. He feels soft and loved. Mammon chuckled as he took his bag, ready to go home. He had finished organizing anyway; he preferred to play on his phone for a while.
He started walking to the hallways; almost all of the demons were back to their places already. Some are doing their part-time jobs, and some are being lazy at home (Preferably Belphegor.)
In instinct, Mammon quickly turned around. He already knows that deep voice.
"Are ya gonna assign me another chore to do?" Mammon quickly questioned his older brother, who was leaning into the student council's door frame.
Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, seemingly annoyed already. He pushed back his hair and fixed the wrinkles of his uniform.
"No. Well, if you want to do more. Your choice." With that answer, Mammon crossed his arms, a pout on his face— ready to complain. But Lucifer stopped him.
"Remember that cafe I showed you the other day? Let's go there, my treat." Lucifer stated; he laughed when he saw Mammon froze.
"I don't believe you." His eyes narrowed, looking for a flaw in Lucifer's face and words. "Are ya' truly Lucifer? What if you're a ghost possessing my big bro's body?"
Mammon intentionally loudened his gasp; his eyes were wide, one hand placed on his heart, while the other was grasping on his hair. He paused for a dramatic effect.
Lucifer brought his hand up quickly to pinch his brother's cheek. "You idiot. It's me, of course." He proceeded to ruffles Mammon's hair. "Come on, let's go before I change my mind and give you another chore as punishment. Maybe you could clean up the laboratory next time for a month."
He whispered the last part, but Lucifer knew Mammon could hear him, making the second-born whine.
The two exited the school, taking a detour through the streets.
"I thought yah were gonna give me another punishment." Mammon broke out the silence; Lucifer hummed before replying.
"Why would I? I only gave you a chore for skipping classes, but you being there for Asmodeus? You don't deserve punishment for that."
Mammon stared at the far distance. The cafe they were going to has a nearby sea, and he smiled at his elder brother's words; he enjoyed these simple moments between them. (They're rare. They don't hang out anymore like they used to do in the Celestrial realm. That's why, as much as possible, Mammon cherished these moments.)
Mammon could say that he's close with Lucifer, but not like before— It's weird. Lucifer is his older brother, his family. But as time passed by, Mammon started to get nervous whenever he had done something wrong. He doesn't want to anger and disappoint Lucifer. (But sometimes, he can't help it— he misses his big brother's attention.)
"We're here," Lucifer said. Mammon followed the latter's gaze and immediately formed star-shaped eyes.
"WOAH!! I didn't expect it to be this cool! I only saw the picture but never expected that it would be this big!"
Mammon kept looking around the newly built cafe. The cafe was a bit massive, with a view of the sea beside it. Its structure is similar to a casino. Mammon could already smell the fresh-baked bread and pies inside, making him giggle.
Mammon had loved the view it was showing; he could eat while staring at the horizon. The cafe was located on top of a hill, not too far from the beach. It looks so nostalgic and therapeutic that Mammon took his time admiring the whole place while Lucifer already entered the cafe.
Mammon wished it wasn't too expensive. He knows that Lucifer would be the one to pay, but he doesn't want to burden him with that kind of responsibility. The second-born tried to grasp the wallet on his bag, but then he hesitated. Mammon recalled that the money in there was a payment to his debt.
Ah, yes. Mammon needed to pay it today but decided it would be better to bond with his brother first.
He sighed, still has a firm grip on his bag. He's feeling unwanted emotions today. He wants to cry, laugh, or do something he doesn't usually do. Mammon was overwhelmed with emotions.
He remembered Levi's words that it's okay to be feeling emotions you usually can't explain. Sometimes, it doesn't have to be a reason.
Mammon's snapped out of his thoughts, thinking that Lucifer was likely waiting for him inside. He turned to see the display of different pastries outside, and Mammon immediately recognized Simeon's art.
Mammon recalled Simeon's word. He said that he's going to work part-time somewhere near the sea. And this made Mammon excited. He had already counted the treats and thinking which one would his brothers choose. After planning, he tried to hurry inside but suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. Mammon looked over to his shoulder to see an unfamiliar demon. Their body is most likely the same size as Beelzebub but with a strict stare present. Mammon felt like he was burning.
"Heya! May I ask—who are you?" Mammon said; his tone wasn't that confident, and it's evident with his form that Mammon's going to run away in any second now.
He felt the grip on his shoulder got tighter, and the demon dragged Mammon into a less crowded area. He knows he's far powerful than this guy; he's one of the princes of Devildom. He's the Avatar of Greed. But man, he entirely wants to relax today. Mammon tried to stand with honor and kept his breathing in control.
The demon startled him. "Where's the money?"
And then Mammon realized.
"Oh!? You must be the brother's witch! Ah, here— give me a minute," Mammon took out his wallet and gave them the money. He doesn't feel that nervous anymore. Okay— he lied, maybe a little bit. Can't a demon have fears too? "Geez, you scared the hell out of me for a second there. The agreement was me and her meeting later." He muttered the last part.
But a dark aura surrounded him, and Mammon quickly backed away. He can't meet the other demon's eyes, but he can feel the rage from him.
Is the money not enough?? It can't be. I perfectly counted this; I also worked hard for this. What else could be missing???
"With all due respect, please don't go any nearer to him."
A voice. It must be Lucifer's. Mammon couldn't stop overthinking. What if Lucifer scolds him after this? What if Lucifer started to regret spending time with Mammon because of this?
Mammon looked up, tears threatening to fall. He saw his elder brother, standing behind them as classy as ever. His composure is straight, yet the glaring eyes are full of terror. Mammon recognized Lucifer's stance. It's for preparing himself to change into his demon form if the rest of his younger brothers are in serious trouble.
When the demon started to get closer to Mammon, the latter only felt a swift wind before realizing that Lucifer was there, in front of him now. "Didn't you hear what I said? What else do you need from him?"
"The money."
"It's not sufficient? Then alright, here." Lucifer took out his wallet to satisfy the demon in front of them. Mammon's full-out panicking now. His older brother saved him from trouble, and now he's going to be a disappointment in Lucifer's eyes.
"There, you got the money. Tell your sister that my brother had paid the debt." Lucifer dragged Mammon out of the other demon's sight. He looked back with sharp eyes.
"And as great as reasonable, if you're looking for Mammon—" He looked back with sharp eyes. "—strictly appear to see me. Thank you."
Both never turned their eyes back again as they entered the shop. Mammon quickly explained the whole situation. "I'm sorry! I'm sure— precisely sure that I had counted that money. And it's exactly the price the witch had been asking. I don't know what he's up to with—" He kept on babbling as they reached their reserved seats. Lucifer sighed.
"Look, stop chattering; it's annoying. I believe you. Can't I have a day where I relax with my little brother under no stress or orders whatsoever? Seeing you outside in that kind of situation is making my blood boil. How dare he waste such time when you and I could have been eating here already."
Mammon snickered, ah yeh— It's been so long that he forgot how dramatic Lucifer could be at times.
"Forget about it, Mammon. You had settled the debt, and the food that I ordered is already here. But make sure whenever you're going to meet someone concerning payment, always inform me. I'm serious. If the shares had been a burden to handle, you are welcome to visit my office anytime."
Lucifer already had bread in his mouth, but his expression is still irritable from the situation earlier. Mammon can feel his tears coming back again. Why am I so emotional today?
"Ah. Uhm, hey—" He called out to his older brother. "Thanks for backing me up earlier. I appreciated it!"
Lucifer munched the donut he was holding and then drank the newly served tea. His gaze was on the view outside, seemingly avoiding eye contact. "Hm? Of course. I'm your big brother after all, in case you forgot about it."
In moments like this, it was a rare scene between him and Lucifer. They usually argue and sometimes making each other's day stressful. But, just them eldest brothers, talking and sharing random topics— Mammon cherished this.
And behind that frown the eldest always wears, Lucifer could say the same too. He loved calm moments like this.
"But ain't Michael my first big brother?" Mammon teased. Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Silence, you have no elder brother other than me. Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor, you all are my baby brothers." And when Lucifer realized what he said, he quickly replaced the topic. "And eat the dessert I ordered for you."
Mammon's eyes turned into stars immediately when he recognized the smell, "Woah, no way?! How did you know this was my favorite?!!! This desert is expensive! Big bro! You do love me."
Then they chatted, random topics or something concerning about their home that needs fixing. Nevertheless, the atmosphere around them is comforting and warming. After a while, they had finished eating, and the moon was already out. Both agreed to go home.
"We should invite the others here too!" Mammon stated as he breathed the cold wind that passed by them.
"Yes, that would be a pleasant bonding time. Just don't be too chaotic, please. It's hard to handle all six of you."
It was a great day, Mammon thought to himself. It was entertaining and soothing to talk with his big brother without insults nor orders. Lucifer treated him today; it was— nostalgic for Mammon. It's like he doesn't want this kind of treatment to end. But of course, as the little mischief, as he is, he asked one more request.
"Lucifer!" Mammon rolled the letter r, a bit of a whining tone. "It's night, and I'm tired, yah know? Can I request a piggyback ride?" He knows Lucifer will reject it immediately. So it wasn't like he meant it, already hoping for the worst.
But then Lucifer looked at him, a contemplating expression, before getting down on one knee.
"Alright, just this once. Hurry up before I regret my decision."
Mammon's eyes were wide; he smirked before quickly hugging Lucifer from behind. He felt himself getting lifted off, and it reminded him of the old times, back in the Celestial Realm.
Lucifer doesn't mind; he also missed this. But not like he's going to say this out loud.
I should start spending time with my little brothers whenever I'm free. That would be nice.
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julyarchives · 3 years
Fireworks in My Heart
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→ Pairing: Yuto x Reader
→ Genre: Fluff;
→ Words:  1.5K
→ A/n: Finally we were able to catch a break in between our irl stuff and finish this amazing story, and we are so excited to update the blog with our content again! Special thank you to the anon who requested this, we hope you like it!
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You felt nervous. Having recently moved to a different country, things were hard on you and it took way more time to get used to every change. It was only better when you were in the company of your one and only Yuto. He too recently moved back to the country after spending a few years away living abroad, so he knew exactly what you were going through. You two met randomly at a music shop, looking for the same album. Kind of struggling with the language and the manners, you kept on watching Yuto move around with the cd you wanted without making a move to ask where he got it since you weren't finding it.
It was Yuto who approached you and asked if you were ok, quickly understanding your babbling about being new and wanting the cd. His shy chuckle and soft "lemme help you", melted your heart. You never believed in love at first sight, but if you did, Yuto would be it. It was also him who invited you for coffee after you paid for the cd and it was also him who kept on helping you with everything. After the coffee you were already exchanging numbers and stories, laughing at his tales of struggles with a different language. He ultimately understood your situation but you found out that he was as sweet as he was a tease, poking friendly fun at your confusion with words, making you feel light and at peace with your small mistakes.
The sort of friendship went on for a few months before you saw the flyers about the summer festival. You always saw it in movies and cartoons so you got excited with the possibility of actually going to one. But going alone wouldn’t be so much fun, so you invited Yuto to tag along, and he was more than happy to keep you company. To say you were anxious was an understatement, but thankfully a good kind of anxious, since it was your first traditional festival in the country. You went all the way and bought yourself the prettiest Yukata you could find, with cherry blossoms painted all over the silky fabric.
The main setting of the festival was around the city’s riverbank, and he said he would meet you there. As soon as you were properly dressed you rushed to get save a good spot to release your lantern, your wish safely tucked in it. You felt a little shy seeing that there weren’t many people dressed in Yukatas, but no one seemed to stare at you for it, so you called it a win.
You quietly watched the place beautifully decorated with paper lanterns and families reunited to participate in the event and the rush of happiness that you felt made you think that being in a different country wouldn’t be so bad after all. Your thoughts were interrupted by Yuto’s deep voice calling your name.
Yuto looked for you since the moment he arrived, eager to spend every second he could time with you. The truth was, since the moment he first saw you he knew that you had just that special something that made him want to know everything he could about you, and the fact that you were so welcoming to him was a big relief because he was simply fascinated with you. When he spotted you at the festival, it took a couple of extra seconds to recognize you, because the last thing he was expecting was to see you in traditional clothes.
When he called you uncertain, and you turned around with the prettiest smile he’s ever seen, it felt like time stopped for him. It was almost like he could actually feel his heart skipping a beat, and for a second he forgot how to properly function.
“Hey, you made it!” you said more cheerfully than usual, but everything about that night was making you feel giddy.
“Hello” Yuto murmured, clearing his throat, and you didn’t miss the way he eyed you up and down.
“I’m making a fool of myself with these clothes, aren’t I?” you laughed half-heartedly, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
“No! not at all!” he waved his hands around desperately, terribly afraid that he had made you uncomfortable “You..”
He trailed off, his cheeks glowing with an almost unnoticeable blush.
“I what?” you asked softly.
“You look really pretty, that’s all” he smiled shyly.
“Oh” you felt your blood rising to your face “Thank you”
You stared at each other quietly, both of you trying to find anything to say.
“sparklers sticks.” Yuto suddenly blurted
“what?” you laughed confusedly
“I brought sparklers sticks for you!” He hurriedly fished his jacket’s pocket.
“Really?!” you jumped in place out of excitement when he handed you the pack.
Yuto thought the sparkles would be nothing compared to the way your eyes shone when you lit one up and waved around giggling. All he could do was sit back and watch you have fun, and, honestly, he could do that all night long. In the end, that's what he did. You two walked around together, and every interjection of wonderment that left your lips when you saw something you liked was like music to his ears.
You were glowing with happiness, and everything was feeling like a movie to you. The place was beautiful, the food was delicious and Yuto’s company was the cherry on top. You didn't know if what you felt was real or if it was just the festival spirit, but something in Yuto was glowing and you felt drawn to him. But the fireworks will go off soon and you wanted to find a good spot for you two to watch.
"Come on, we don't want to miss it" You rushed him, mindlessly grabbing his hand to not lose him in the crowd
You only noticed your action when you stopped and looked back at him, then noticed the subtle blush in his cheeks. You immediately let go of him, but he silently held you back, not wanting you to release his hand yet.
You smiled shyly and squeezed his hand, silently telling him that you enjoyed his touch, and there were no words between the two of you for a couple of minutes.
"Thank you for coming with me." You broke the silence.
"Thank you for inviting me" he opened a smile for you "I really like spending time with you."
"Me too" you confessed, clinging to his arm "it was better because you were here with me"
"I was thinking." He circled around his words "maybe if you're free, would you like to go on a date with me? It's just that I really appreciate your friendship but something tonight made me want to know you better than a friend."
You blinked, surprised at the sudden confession.
"The reality is," he continued, looking deep into your eyes "ever since the day I met you, even though you looked like the cutest lost puppy, I knew you were someone special. If you'd give me the chance, I know I could make you smile every day. Because seeing you smile is my new favorite thing in the world.
As you looked at him while he sincerely put out his heart for you, you thought that everything clicked together and all that he described was mirrored inside you, and that's why your heart beats faster when you are next to him. You didn't know how to react or what to say, all the words in your brain scrambled together.
As you opened your mouth to speak, the fireworks interrupted the words that you hadn't even started to enunciate, stealing Yuto's attention for a second. It gave you one more chance to admire his beauty against the multi-colored fireworks' lights, and the wind blowing in his hair, which was slightly longer than when you first met, and he looked like something out of a painting that belonged in a museum.
It was mere seconds later when he looked back at you, but it was useless to try to say anything, he wouldn't hear you over the loud explosions, so you gathered some extra courage and did the only thing you thought you could do. And the one you wanted to do the most.
You gently put your hands on his cheeks, and just as softly pull him closer.
His eyes widened when your lips touched, but just for a brief second before engulfing you in his hold and sighing into the kiss. His touch on you was tender and careful like he wanted to enjoy every little piece of you but also didn’t want to push past any limit. You tiptoed, pressing further onto him, and he held your waist to help you balance, deepening the kiss and savoring his taste,
You pecked his lips a couple more times before looking at him, both of you bursting into giggles. Your arms circled around his waist and you laid your head on his chest, peacefully watching the fireworks painting the skies and getting inebriated with the fresh smell of his perfume. He immediately rested his hands on your back, hugging you closer to him.
“A date sounds lovely” you mumbled, the smile on your lips impossible to be held back.
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Taglist - @bunnybunnywoo DM or send us an ask if you want to be part of out tag list ^_^
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ayrenn · 7 years
A big post of thanks
Let me preface this by making a disclaimer, if anyone finds themselves feeling uncomfortable by this post please inform me and I will remove any mentions. Similarly, if anyone feels I have forgotten them, I am deeply sorry. I have tried to keep track of the generosity everyone has shown me but it is all still overwhelming to me. I haven’t forgotten you at all.
Anyway, under the cut is some babbling about love and appreciation. The names mentioned are under no specific order. 
@boethiah Thank you for being there for me when everything was coming to a head. When I was panicking, you did your best to help me out and you offered so much to make sure that I could remain safe. I will never, ever forget your wise thinking and your ability to help me make a decision. Your actions very well may have saved my life. Words cannot even cover the love and appreciation I have towards you and what you have done for me. One day, I swear I will do whatever I can to repay you for your kindness.
@namira You were the first person to respond to my call. Although I didn’t respond right away due to the chaos, I won’t ever forget that. It just reinforces the fact that you are one of the best people that I know. You mean so much to me as a person, and your willingness to do whatever you can brings tears to my eyes. I love you as a friend, as family, as my ridiculous friend who I can talk about ANYTHING with. 
@mistressdratha You talking to me when this was all happening helped so much, your presence your sympathy. It all means so much to me. We have always been such good friends, and this all solidifies that. I know that you have my back, and I always will have yours. We are sisters, women who will always always look after one another. I trust and love you so dearly. 
@adamthots We haven’t known each other for a long time, but that you reblogged my post so much speaks so much to me about what kind of person you are. You care, you are full of compassion for someone you barely know. It brings a tear to my eye to know that, and it makes me want to know you better because it just radiates from you what a good person you are.
@skirtsuit-angel Roxy, I never remember your url. Your url should just be roxy so I can easily @ you. The resources you’ve provided me with are invaluable, so is the sympathy and comfort. You are my sister. I love and care for you, and I know you love and care for me. You and I some point soon will meet up and chat, have a coffee and discuss Love Nikki. 
@orionesmajor You’ve saved me twice. You got me out of my first abusive relationship. I’m really not exaggerating when I say it was you who did it. That was five years ago, half a decade. You are my family, even though we don’t talk much you always always have my back. You’re there for me no matter what, and you just mean the world to me as a person. You are one of my best friends. It astounds me that you just try so hard for me, and that you talked to me and helped and just... I’m rambling lmfao. You’ve just done so much for me, and the day we finally met irl was one of the best days of my life. When I had to rush out of the house, the stuffed toy you bought me was one of the very few possessions I grabbed that wasn’t a clothing item. I literally have hundreds of stuffed toys, but that’s what I grabbed. Because of our bond, because of the love I have for you. It was a symbol to me. It’s been by the bed I’m sleeping in, reminding me of what you mean to me. 
@sweetbabyraysgourmetsauces You were with me the night it happened. I helped you and you helped me. We are sisters. I feel this solidarity with you, because you just... know. You know shittiness. I will help you in return one day, when I am more stable. I promise you. 
@samariyu-draws Sam, I love you. You know I love you. We talk every day and I appreciate that. I know despite your weirdness that you have my back. I have yours as well, and one day I’ll get someone to draw the dirtiest Maiev/Illidan porn all for you to do with whatever you wish. That’s the best way, I think, to show you my love and appreciation. 
And finally, to @wilcol you saved me. I don’t need to say any more than that, because you’re with me. Or, well, you’re at work right now but I know when you come back you will hold me and make me feel better. I am so lucky that I met you. I love you so much, you’ve done so much for me and I want to be the best girlfriend to you that I can be.
These next thank yous are combo ones because I’m struggling somewhat to say something more meaningful and personal, but here goes.
@wake-forest @jhunal @chimervera @guartist @vorynur @maievshadowsung Thank you all for contacting me to make sure I was safe. Your messages, although I may have been late with my responses meant so much to me. You are all amazing, and I love you all. I don’t love you any less, but I feel it important to mention all of you for your contributions. They help more than you could ever know. 
To all who donated and reblogged too, thank you. There is nothing I can do or say to explain how appreciative I am for it. You’re all wonderful, and I love you all so much. 
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stylessemantics · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
1. Always post these rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
I was tagged by my sweet @roseonhissleeve and there is a cut cause y’all know I love to babble on for ages! I also love this cause this is one of those tags you can get tagged back and do again every time! Isn’t that fun?!
1. What are three things that you are proud of?
My parents. My love for reading. Harry Styles.
2. If you could learn how to sing/perform one song perfectly, what song would it be?
Change The World by Eric Clapton and/or Don’t Know Why by Norah Jonas. Those two songs are masterpieces and beautiful to play on the piano which is what I need to learn so I can stop asking my mom to accompany me on the piano. CTW is also a very beautiful arrangement that I would kill to know the guitar part of as well.
3. If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
What would I want my superpower to be? Power of persuasion? The power to copy other powers? Telekinesis, telepathy?
4. Do you have any tattoos/do you want any tattoos? Tell us about them.
I don’t have but I do want. The only thing i can tell you about them is that i like simple small designs like line art, minimal style things, pointillism as a method of shading, not extremely detailed or like hard just simple things like idk planets, roses, constellations, figures, cartoons or doodles, etc etc . Check my inkspiration tag.
5. Where do you go when you need to think?
I wish I had a place. I wish I could tell you there’s this little house on a hill or a treehouse or a cafe o some interesting spot like that but I don’t leave my house much and there are no spots like those over here that I could just escape to. So I’m guessing I don’t go anywhere physically but I do mentally with the help of music or a good book. 
6. What is your favourite Disney/animated movie?
I can’t choose. Every time Ella Enchanted is on I just have to watch it, but that’s not an animated movie, and I wouldn’t consider it a favourite (i can’t choose any favourites in anything sorry) Maybe Ratatouille? Or The Lion King?(the timon and pumbaa one)
7. What is your favourite book & why?
If I can’t pick an animated film how do you expect me to pick a book WOWOWOWOWOW talk about unfair, and impossible. Wings by Aprilynne Pike always comes to mind because I just LOVED it when I read it back in like 9th grade, and because I recently discovered it’s 5 books NOT 2 AND I HAVE ONLY READ 2!? Also To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han. Palacios’ WONDER. The Book Of Lost Things? The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. Red Queen? IDK IDK IDK I want to read more. There was this line in The Perks Of Being A Wallflower that goes “this is my favourite book, but then I’ll read another and that will be my favourite book” or something along those lines and that right there is the definition of me. 
8. What is a song that not a lot of people know that you wish was more popular?
Nope. Not Saying. JK I Don’t have one. I’m always searching for new music and even older tunes that catch my eye I just... IDK. I do love sharing music, I love being able to light up someone’s day with a song recommendation cause it feels good to be all “yo listen to this, you’re going to love it” and share the love, but then again sometimes you discover a song and you’re like “nope, mine mine mine” and you want to keep it to yourself and then it’s on the radio and you’re like pissed but also glad cause now it gets the well deserved praise? That’s me too. And I don’t have any songs right now. Let’s go with Always by Panic! At The Disco. IDK why but I feel like not everyone has listened to that beautifully written jam, and everyone has to.
9. Where do you get your inspiration?
anywhere. I haven’t lived many experiences. Writing romantic fics/songs? I have the most inactive romantic life ever. It has never been activated for me to say it’s NOW inactive so... I just have a vivid imagination and I enjoy coming up with things, stories, scenarios, visuals, etc. I sometimes grab a tenth part of something that happened to me and sprinkle all the fiction possible and write it. My love songs are all stories I wish had happened to me or me writing from a friend’s perspective after they tell me their story and i live the romance vicariously through them. It’s why I don’t think my songs are any good. They are not real cause I never experienced that. And that’s just when it comes to romance stuff, there’s a whole other batch of genres I’ve never experienced IRL and still try and talk about.
10. What makes you happy?
Harry Styles. Music. Writing. Reading. Doodling. My Family. Imagining a future in which im happy and have some answers to some of my questions. my friends. making friends. Discovering things i like. Travelling. Not having depressive thoughts. Watching my fave youtubers. Seeing other people happy
11. Why are you a 1D fan?
boy, oh boy. I have no idea. They just drew me in, without me looking for anything they just popped and I liked it and there was nothing wrong with that, I just like music idc who sings it and then we see if I like the artist as a person to explicitly follow all their work, which happened with 1D, I read up on them and caught their performances on the tv or looked them up and realised how awesome they were as humans and that made me like them a bit more to the point where I was a fan. An Actual Fully Fledged fan, not just an “oh i like this song” and I have no idea how, or why, it just happened and they were too good to drop. I am a fan cause they are amazing people. Isn’t that just how it goes? You don’t know why you love someone, you just do, and that’s how it goes.
Do you have a favourite pet name? What is it and why, and if you don’t have/don’t like pet names; why?
Tell me a Joke:
Are you a plant inside the house person? If yes; fake or real plants. if not: why?
Take me down memory lane and tell me a first. (first tattoo, first kiss, first time you saw the colour pink idc, just take me with you)
Pick one of Harry’s 8 unreleased songs and give me a prediction. What does it sound like? What is it about? Get creative and write a verse of the song if you want. Just for funsies!
You’ve just won a Grammy/Oscar/Emmy/IDK. Thank you speech? Go:
Fill in the blanks: I instantly smile when _____ because _____
Favourite Harry Trait? #AHarryLovePlatform.
What don’t you understand? (besides this question, come on, be creative) ((example: IDU how people don’t like Harry Styles))
If a sandwich was named after you, what would it be called (your name or something else)? What did you do to earn that honour? What’s in it? (taken from my 1 page at a time daily creative companion book)
Recommend me: a song, a book and a movie. (they can be Harry inspo or not. Just give me art!)
AND NOW I TAG: @hstylescouk @roseonhissleeve @inwhichitrytowritesomething @harrycarryme @legend-waitforit-harry @kasiwrites @permanentcross @trulymadlysydney @aqua-harry @adashofniallandasprinkleoflunacy @ihearthemcallingxx Wish i can tag more of youse but i was asked for 11 sorryyyyy You’re all more than welcome to do these and tag me back!
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