#With my hair nonstop and everything .... This is so cliché and i hate it
mrfoox · 2 years
Having an crush on someone you meet weekly 1on1 sucks, I don't know how people live like this
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Yandere Volks, Poe, and Eli HCs - Blush Blush
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busy day but i wanted to clean my inbox a bit so here we are! i really like writing for blush blush, so you guys shouldn’t be scared to request! thank you for taking the time to support me, i love all of you! :)
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[yandere Volks x reader]
-i could see Volks being a little bit of a stalker honestly
-he doesn’t do it because he’s too nervous to talk to you or whatever, he does it because he’s very possessive of you
-he doesn’t do it that often, but sometimes he’ll get really on edge so he decides to follow you around
-he’ll get pissed at almost every person you talk to, every person you give a kind smile or wave to
-Volks would be super violent when it comes to rivals
-by the way if you were wondering what “rivals” Volks has encountered, that basically just means anyone you know
-he’ll even get jealous by people you don’t get along with; “what makes them so special? if you hate them then why do you talk with them all the time?”
-he would not hold back when fighting/killing them, doing it in the most painful way he can think of
-he’s probably one of the most ruthless yanderes to be thought of and its clear to anyone who sees the carnage he’s left behind
-he’ll never admit it, but he gets jealous super easily
-i also think that despite him being very violent towards others, he’d be really soft with you
-kind of like the typical “mean guy blushes and smiles at nice protagonist” in the manga, but a little more twisted
-you might even be surprised by it, especially because his attitude can shift almost instantly
-maybe you notice that something is really making him stressed so you just give him a kiss on the cheek and talk to him in a soft voice
-he goes from like “passive aggressive” to “tsundere simp” in a second
-he gets embarrassed when acting like this in public, but he’d do it for you if you really wanted him to 
-he’d honestly do anything for you
-if you asked him to do something, it’d be that cliché where he’s like “pft, no” and then immediately does it
-he’s just a genuinely soft guy under that murderous shell of his
-well, at least that’s what he hopes you think of him...
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[yandere Poe x reader]
-Poe also gives me strong stalker vibes
-and the stalking doesn’t stop after the relationship begins by any means
-he’ll always enjoy watching you from behind the scenes, just wanting to see how you live your life 
-he’d also write little things about your life down, hyperfocusing on everything you do
-he’ll feel connected to you in a way
-if you’re feeling down, he’ll spend days just feeling depressed and only writing about your struggles in his poems
-but if you’re really happy or excited, then suddenly he’s mr. sunshine, expressing all of the joy you have in his writing
-it would be especially strange if this happened while he was working on something in his classes, his professor would definitely be surprised
-he also will observe you a lot when you’re aware of him
-like, you think you’re just having quality time with you’re boyfriend and then you look up and he’s just intensely staring at you 
-i could definitely see Poe as an obsessive guy
-that, and also a worshipper
-i’m pretty sure this guy was already obsessed with you in the og game so he’d probably be 10x worse
-if you were ever to look around his room, you’d find pages and notebooks filled with absolute adoration for you
-he also wouldn’t really see what’s actually wrong with it, he’s just more embarrassed that you saw some of his poems
-it’s always you in his mind
-throughout the day he’ll always be thinking about you, writing about you, following you
-you’re probably what keeps him up at night, too
-whether it be because his head is just so loud from all the thoughts about you or because he’s actually watching you sleep, it’s pretty obvious you’re the main cause of those eyebags
-and even when he finally gets to drift off into sleep it’s obviously going to be you haunting his dreams
-on the bright side, the obscurity the comes with both a dream and his love for you will probably end up inspiring him
-but luckily, all of the nonstop thoughts about you are usually him just worshipping you
-Poe has almost never had a negative thought about you, it probably only happened when he first met you
-but he worships every little thing about you, no matter how odd it is
-he would probably even rant about something as simple as your hair for hours and hours with no sign of him stopping anytime soon
-he just adores you so much, but he’d do just about anything you say, so if you want him to do something he’ll do it
-the only problem with abusing you power over him is that the more you ask favors from him, the more clingy he’ll get
-after awhile, he’s almost always hovering over you, following you around, and staring at you constantly
-but that should be fine, it’s not like you’d ever want him to leave, right?
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[yandere Eli x reader]
-Eli is probably not very violent at all
-sure, he’ll probably get into fights for you, but it’s mostly just arguments instead of actually throwing hands
-he’s just not very willing to get all dirtied up by the blood of some worthless nobody
-but even though he’s not very violent, he does get jealous often
-he gets jealous of everyone you talk good about, which is surprising for you since he’s usually such a “the more the merrier” kind of guy
-like, if you and him were just talking and suddenly you brought up your friend he would immediately start acting like a baby
-he’ll puff out his cheeks and start rolling his eyes
-the same goes for when you’re out in public, but sometimes he’ll even drag you away from the place you’re both at
-he might seem angry at you but just know that he’s more agitated with the person he’s jealous of rather than you
-he makes that especially clear when the person agitating him is right next to you guys
-sometimes Eli will start acting passive-aggressive towards the person and make subtle jabs towards them to make them self-conscious
-other times he’ll just cling onto you and whine until you both leave
-on that note, Eli is very clingy as well
-he follows you everywhere you go, and he’s always showing some sort of affection along the way, too
-if you’re just sitting around a home, he’ll there too with an arm around your shoulder 
-or if you want to go out somewhere, Eli would be happy to accompany you with an arm around your waist
-you’re most likely going to get annoyed quickly by Eli’s constant affection, but he’ll keep doing it anyways
-if you were wondering, he’s also a lot more... loyal (selfish)
-he just suddenly has a lot harder of a time having more people in your relationship than he regularly does
-like, he could but he’s not going to beg for it
-maybe he’ll be more accepting if you give him more attention and say you’re his favorite constantly
-other than that, he’s not too bad of a yandere to deal with
-sure, you’re almost never alone, but at least you get constant affection!
-and it’s constant affection from your favorite person in the whole world, obviously, so there’s no reason to complain!
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Do you trust me? requested
REQUEST: Can you write about a female reader who meets Ashley and she just sees right through her, like the real her. It's about the first time they have sex and the reader is really self-conscious but ashley makes her feel really safe, and secure?
As I stand in the middle of the crowded room, alone, I curse Teagan under my breath for leading me here once more, she swore she wasn’t going to disappear, yet once again is nowhere to be seen. I text her repeatedly, hoping she tells me where she is so I can get my keys from her purse to leave.
Teagan is obsessed with Hollywood parties. She has been talking to some actor on instagram for a while and he invited us (her) here, while I came to make fun of all the Hollywood clichés together, she uses her time to hook up with the stars.
People all around the room are dancing, high couture and expensive alcohol. A drunk guy that was making out with Teagan earlier pushes me to make his way to the bar and I follow, resigned since Teagan won't text me back.
The bar is almost empty, there are a few guys on the side, shouting as one of them is drinking tequila shots nonstop, next to me there’s a girl playing with the straw in her drink, she is wearing a short skin tight silver dress over her body covered in tattoos and when I take a sit next to her she turns around and smile. She has deep hazel eyes, her nose is covered in freckles and her hair is long and black.
“having fun?” she asks ironically before sipping from her glass. She somehow fits here perfectly though, in this party and with this people, even when she is sitting here all alone. I realize she is someone important, probably famous, but I can’t tell who.
“You have no idea” I reply sarcastically. She offers me her glass and I doubt. She drinks again, showing me there’s nothing weird in it.
“bourbon” she says and I accept her glass, sipping slowly. “I´m Ashley” she offers me her hand playfully and I shake it. Her voice is beautiful, it sounds familiar, it's soft and raspy.
“nice to meet you Ashley, I’m y/n” she smirks and I feel my legs getting weak, she is extremely beautiful.
“Why are you here all alone?” Ashley wonders playing with her hair. The guys that were shouting seem to be over it now, and despite the whole party scenario, this corner is quite quiet, enough for us to speak without screaming.
“Ugh, my friend is nowhere to be seen and she has my keys, so I’m stuck here. Why are YOU here all alone?” she laughs, gosh her laugh is so cute.
“I hate coming to these things, but my friends are having fun” she says pointing to a group of people dancing on the side “at least I get free alcohol, right?” Ashley calls the bartender and orders two shots, she handles me one and I lift it up, she offers me a toast, laughing, “to the shitty party that led me to meet this beautiful girl” I blush and clash my glass against hers, Drinking all of the content inside of it.
After some time, Ashley leads us to the backyard and we spend all night talking.
“What do you do for a living?” she asks me eventually as we are sitting side by side with our feets inside the enormous pool that decorates the backyard of the house. She has been acting flirty since we started talking but I try not to get my hopes up since she seems to be too gorgeous to see me like that.
“Oh, I have nothing to do with all the people in here! I work in a small bookshop downtown and I’m majoring in English literature” she smiles widely “what do you do for a living? You seem to fit in here perfectly” Ashley laughs again.
“I'm a singer, I don’t go by Ashley though, Halsey is my stage name” She says this with a deep sigh, as if saying this was both relieving her from a burden and also scaring her. it took me a bit to realize what this meant, of course I knew Halsey, this confession startled me since I have plenty of her songs on my playlist, but I didn’t recognize her voice before.
“Oh my god, of course I know Halsey! You are so talented” she moves uncomfortably in her chair and when I notice I add “but I like Ashley better” she bites her lip and moves her hand on top of mine.
“so, do you like Ashley?” she asks and I realize the weight in my words. I nod, she smirks, leaning into me and I close the gap between us, kissing her eagerly, when we pull away she holds me and we spend the rest of the party talking and stealing kisses from each other in that backyard.
The night ends too fast, she asks me for my number and Teagan appears after what seems ages, she looks confused as she clearly recognizes Halsey in the first look but I introduce them anyway. When we left I was never expecting to ever hear from her again, she’s gorgeous and successful while I’m just not pretty in comparison, but a day later she asks me out again. We go to have dinner at a beautiful restaurant, and then another date and then one more. 
Since she has been the one inviting me to all of these dates, I decided to take the lead for once, inviting her over to my place for dinner and to watch some movies she has been telling me I MUST watch since the first time we met. I told her she can sleep over and she happily agreed.
 I'm good at cooking, so I take care of the food, making homemade pasta, her favorite. I finish the food by 7, she is coming over at 8. I set the table and wait for Ashley putting some comfortable clothes on, though it is true that I was still trying to look pretty for her.
I wore my hair down, a pair of Nike pink short shorts and a white tee, I couldn't help myself but wear cute underwear, just in case since all of our dates have limited to making out sessions, mostly because of me, since I have been quite insecure in this topic, especially considering the way Ashley looks and the way her exes do compared to me.
She arrives early, bringing a bottle of my favorite red wine with her. She kisses my lips briefly when I open the door for her and I invite her in. She is wearing grey leggings and a basic and tight shorts sleeve that ends mid stomach, fuck, she looks amazing. She moves around my place, my apartment Is small and its walls are mostly covered in books, she stops to read the titles and smiles with some of them.
“would you lend me one, pretty please? your choice” I nod walking up to where she is standing, she smiles.
“of course ash, what about this one?” I move in front of her grabbing one of my favorite books, she sneaks her arms around my waist and drags me closer, she is shorter than me but she manages to rest her face on the crook of my neck and I smile.
“That one seems perfect” she leaves a kiss on my neck, I close my eyes for a second, she grabs the book from my hand and takes me out of my trance. Ashley removes herself from my body and makes her way to the small kitchen. I ask her to sit down in the living room so that we can eat while we watch whatever she wants to show me.
I prepare everything on the coffee table quickly while Ashley looks for the movie she wants me to watch, “Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind”. She stands up from the sofa and pours some wine on each of the two wine cups resting on the table in front of her, I place the last plate in front of her and she compliments my cooking skills, “oh my god, baby, this looks amazing” we put our plates in our laps and rest comfortably in the sofa, Ashley press play and we start eating.
We ate in a comfortable silence, occasionally looking over to each other, the movie was actually amazing and I understand why she insisted on watching it so much. When we leave our plates on the table once we are done eating, she motions me to come closer and I wrap myself around her, watching the film ending with my head resting on her shoulder. When the credits start, we both feel tired.
“So? What did you think? It's amazing isn’t it?” Ashley asks me excitedly, interested in my opinion.
“it was great honestly, which one are you going to show me now?” Ashley yawns and I giggle “Ash, baby, wanna go to sleep and we can watch whatever tomorrow morning?” she nods, smiling shyly.
“I am getting old so I’m sure I won’t be able to stay awake throughout the three hour movie that’s left” I get up and leave the leftovers of our dinner in the kitchen, Ashley following with the cups on her hands. I wash the dishes quickly as ashley hums to some song looking at the few photos around the place. She finds herself in one.
“Oh my god, when did you print this one? You look so pretty in it.” I laugh, a bit uncomfortable because she looks like a goddess next to me. It’s a photo we took last week when she drove me home after one of our dates. I am smiling widely and I look happy but she looks even better. “What?” She says when she gets not response, “I mean it, you’re gorgeous y/n”. I roll my eyes and walk her way, sneaking my hands around her waist and I shrug her off. 
“Do you need me to prove it to you?” she asks, raising her eyebrows and grabbing my waist again half jokingly, but tighter this time. I freeze in my place under her strong gaze and she moves her hands slowly from my waist, up my back to my neck, where she moves my head so I'm looking right into her eyes. “Because I would like to do that” she adds, smirking and waiting for my reaction.
The truth is I have been over this scenario about a million times in my mind. Indeed the woman I'm dating must be the most beautiful woman on earth so it's just expected I´d fantasize about her a lot… However I can't help but get very self conscious when things escalate, I get afraid she might notice I am not as pretty as she seems to believe, because next to her, I'm definitely not. She notices I get lost in my thoughts and stares with a curious smile, I decide I might as well do as my body urges me too and surrender to the desire.
I move my face closer to hers, our lips almost touching and she closes the gap between them with a tender kiss. My hands find her face and I cup her cheeks allowing myself to let go for now, Ashley's smile grows bigger and she deepens the kiss, I oblige chucking softly at the sudden change in her mood.
“Can we move this somewhere else?” I ask, getting a little braver for a second, unconsciously biting my lip as I wait for her answer. She nods and asks me to guide her. Our lips meet again and I blindly guide Ashley into my bedroom. She takes control again when the kiss becomes rough and her hands find my ass. I let out the smallest moan and she smirks again, my body clearly reacting to her actions. 
Ashley pushes me on the bed carefully next,she is on top as her lips make their way down to my neck where she bites and kisses getting some loud moans from me, her mouth moves to the sweet spot in my ear and to my collarbone before she starts kissing on the fabric of my shirt.  She looks up to me asking for permission with her eyes “can we take this off?” I Nod and I help her take the shirt off, however, I notice my hands moving down to cover the newly exposed skin “why do you cover yourself in front of me?” Ash asks softly while leaving kisses down my collarbone to where my bra is  “you're really beautiful y/n” her hands grab mines and she uncrosses my arms from over my body, again she kisses down where my arms are not covering me “I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you, Y/N, Do you trust me?”
I don't know if I believe her, I don't know if I’m the most beautiful girl she has seen, but i do know I feel safe under her touch, in her arms, in this bed and exposed under her gaze. everything it’s okay just because she's here “I trust you Ash” I say unclasping my bra reassuring my words. 
Ashley compliments my body once again, staring at it as she takes off  the bra I unclasped for her “is this okay?” she asks moving softly over my boobs. I moan in return and even though I see a cocky smile on her lips she is waiting for my permission before doing anything. I shakily answer a simple “yes baby” and she is kissing me again. Her tongue meets mine and the kiss feels desperate already as she hovers over my body.
Her lips move down again, except this time there's no fabric when her kisses descend. her hand grabs my boob and her kisses tease my neck until loud moans leave my lips. Her hands replace her mouth as she takes my nipples between her lips and I don't longer try to hold them back. I want to press my legs together to get some relief and Ashley notices my squirming movements.  “What's wrong y/n?” she teases me “is everything okay?”
“hm? what baby girl” she asks, drawing on my ribs with her finger.
“Please Ash, I need you!” Ashley chuckles, I notice she's holding back from teasing me any further when her lips meet my neck again and she leaves a wet path down her hand meets one of my boobs and her lips the other; when she bites on my nipple, my hands go to her hair and I pull, earning a little groan from her and I need to push her head further down. Her mouth keeps moving eventually until she finds the hem of my underwear where she stops one more time to ask for permission. I am close to taking off what's left on me myself as I tell her once again I need her touch. She seems satisfied with my answer as she pulls my shorts off in a quick move. 
Ashley uses her nails to scratch down my exposed thighs “Y/N, I love your body” she reassures me one again every few seconds. She is now kneeling in front of me, right in front of the place where I need her the most, and her fingers keep getting close to my sex all of her movements make me whimper in return. I attempt to close my legs once again due the impatience and she keeps them open and moves my panties to the side, touching my center.
“Oh baby, you are so wet for me” She says and I can only reply with a loud moan when her finger moves the wetness up to my clit and starts circling it slowly, I bite my lip to stop the sounds I'm making and she stops. 
I am about to complain as she pulls my panties down and ties her hair in a ponytail in a second. each of her palms rests on a thigh and she then holds them in place when she tastes my entrance with her tongue. I grab her left hand from my thigh as she pleasures me, intertwining our fingers. Her tongue persistently moves to my clit, and her free hand moves to my entrance once again, eventually introducing one finger. 
I cry out loud, pulling her hair carelessly, and she picks up a slow pace with her finger, matching it up with the movements from her tongue.  “Oh, fuck!” I mumble in between gasps. She hums, sending vibrations through my body, signaling she is proud of the reaction she is getting from me. 
She introduces another finger when I start to get used to the feeling of the first one, her movements are fast and steady now, and her tongue keeps teasing me. I notice the way my walls start to clench around her fingers and so does she. 
“Come for me, princess” she says, moving her fingers to my clit and her lips to my entrance. 
In no time I feel the orgasm hit me, hard. I scream her name as I climax, as if I was thanking her for it. When I come down from my high, I see Ashley licking on her finger that was inside of me before. Her eyes find mines and she smirks.
“Here, wanna taste yourself?” She brings her fingers to my mouth and I suck, feeling my own juices on her fingers “You are very sweet” she continues, seductively and proceeds to kiss me on the lips. I kiss her back, moving her underneath me and straddling her, the wetness in between my legs leaving a little spot on her clothes. Her hands rest on my ass when we kiss.
Her short tshirt leaves her abdomen exposed when I push her back in the bed and I move my hands underneath the fabric, slowly, my hands right under her breasts and our lips break apart again. My hands stop moving and my lips go to her neck.
“Can I?” I ask whispering in her ear. Her grip on my ass tightens and she nods.
“yes, please” she smirks.
Part two?
Please send your requests!
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moneymingyu · 4 years
Like in The Movies
summary: in which hoshi watches way too many romance movies and has too many friends who like to watch him suffer.
word count: 2.7k words
pairing: nonidol!hoshi x reader
genre: fluff, comedy
a/n: not very proof read bc i’m super exhausted and my eyes are barely opened atm.
master list
Hoshi has always had this romanticized version of himself playing in the back of his mind.
The cool dude next to the jukebox with a leather jacket who flips a coin then plays the soundtrack to his life. The guy who you spill coffee all over in a Seattle coffee shop then exchange numbers as a form of an apology. The best friend you ask to fake date before realizing he’s been the one for you since day one. The enemy to lover, the boy next door, the childhood best friend you reunite with after years of separation. He partly blames it on all of the movies he watched growing up. A guilty pleasure of his has always been romance movies that he’d watch deep into the night when everything was still and calm. His favorites were the kinds that had him struggling to keep his hiccup at bay, the kinds that made him cry so hard that he’d wake up the next day with swollen eyes and a headache.
“Aren’t you tired of these movies?” Jihoon, his long time best friend and roommate, would ask.
“Never,” Hoshi would reply, unashamed.
He’s seen them all. The Notebook, More Than Blue, The Names of Love, Love Actually. Hoshi can quote them line by line with the same blocking. His friends think it’s impressive but Jihoon is tired of walking into the kitchen at 2AM just to see a Broadway musical in place.
So you’d think that somebody who is basically a book smart Romeo would have a better dating history but...Not Hoshi.
Look. It’s not Hoshi’s fault he’s so awkward. He didn’t ask for the lonely life! The lonely life chose him! So what if romance movies are the only way that he can feel butterflies in his stomach. Whose business is it other than his own?
“Hey Hosh! Remember that time freshman year your crush asked you to the spring fling and you responded by doing a tiger growl at them?”
“Oh my god, I almost forgot about that!” Jun covers his face, bursting into giggles at Jihoon’s trip down memory lane. “He got called a furry for the rest of the year!”
“Oh yeah? And who sat and ate lunch with said furry for the rest of the year?” Hoshi crosses his arms. “Till the day, you’re still eating lunch with the said furry!” A few head turn their way, giving the table an incredulous look. Hoshi sinks in his chair, silently wishing that the floor open and swallow him hole.
“Well maybe that’s because said furry is paying today,” Wonwoo smirks, swiping a fry from Hoshi’s plate.
“Aw, not you too!” Hoshi pouts. “Wonwoo, I put all my faith into you and this is what I get? Slander like a salamander?”
“I’m sorry, what?” Jun (who, in Hoshi’s opinion, has said way more questionable things) asks with raised eyebrows.
“Nevermind. It sounded better in my head.” Hoshi sighs, pressing his fingers to his temples.
“C’mon Hoshi,” Wonwoo leans his head on his shoulder. “You know I was kidding. I would sit with you even if you were a real furry.”
“Can we stop talking about furries?!”
“Yo. What do you got against furries? We don’t kink shame around here.”
“Jun, if you say one more thing, I’m going to do an eagle screech right here.”
“That’s not really helping with the furry situation,” Jun mumbles under his breath.
Hoshi decides right then and there that he needs to invest in new friends for the sake of his sanity.
“I’m sure somebody likes you, Soon!” Seungkwan offers. “What about the dance studio? Lots of potential there,” he shimmies his shoulders while Dokyeom nudged him from the other side of the couch.
These are his people, he thinks as they watch My Sassy Girl for the tenth time this week.
“He’s right! You’re always a ball of confidence there! Why not try to pick somebody up? Oh!” Dokyeom looks like a lightbulb has gone off inside his head. “What about the receptionist? They’re cute! I heard they’re single too and with Valentine’s Day coming up-“
“Dokyeom! Don’t talk about the V word!”
“The other V-word!”
“VALENTINES DAY!” Seungkwan smacks his hand over his mouth like the saying had seared his tongue.
“Oh my god, Valentine’s Day is coming up!” Hoshi whines, pulling his knees up to his chest and burying his face in them. “I’m going to be alone again!”
“Hey! You always spend Valentine’s Day with us!” Dokyeom frowns.
“We’re going to be alone again!” he moans out.
Seungkwan scoffs. “Speak for yourself. I have a date.”
This causes Soonyoung’s head to snap up. “Huh? A date?” Seungkwan nods, crossing his arms and turning his nose up. “Ah, c’mon! Who is it! You know you wanna tell us!”
“I would tell you if I knew who it was,” Seungkwan sighs, falling back into the couch. “Vernon and Dino set me up on a blind date. Wait? Should I ask them to set you up on one too? You know, Dino’s really good at using Tinder. He made me a profile and then swiped with matches for me and now I’m going on a blind date! Wait, should me and Dokyeom make you one? Quick Dokyeom, what would be the anthem to Hoshi’s life?”
Hoshi gawks at how quick his friends are to move. Seungkwan already has the dating app open while Dokyeom searches up the Les Misérable soundtrack. “Can you guys not?” Hoshi frowns.
But it’s too late. His words are unheard as Dokyeom starts to belt out the words to “Do You Hear the People Sing?” all while Seungkwan is editing pictures of Hoshi for his profile picture.
Hoshi decides right then and there that he needs to invest in new friends for the sake of his sanity.
“Thanks for inviting me out, Joshua! I needed some new shoes.”
Joshua is one of the sanest people Hoshi knows. Hoshi thinks it’s because he’s from LA and the people from LA in all the movies he’s watched are super carefree and accepting.
“Don’t mention it,” Joshua smiles while shoving his feet into a pair of slides. “Jeonghan broke my slides yesterday while taking out the trash and tried to pin it on Kkuma. Seungcheol then lectured us for two hours about how we shouldn’t blame things on his daughter then made Jeonghan transfer me the money.”
“Isn’t Kkuma a dog?..” Hoshi smiles from the bench across from him.
“You know Cheol,” Joshua chuckles. “Actually, I also invited you out because I have to ask you a favor! You can object, of course, and I won’t be mad.” Hoshi nods, signaling the older to go on. “Well, actually...The three of us are going away for the weekend. And we usually ask Mingyu and Myungho to watch Kkuma when we’re gone but Myungho has this giant art exhibition and Mingyu’s working double shifts at his bakery so-“ he shrugs. “I think you know where I’m going with this. Could you dog sit Kkuma for us? I’m sure Jihoon will be fine with it. But if you have plans for the Valentine’s Day weekend-“
“No!” Hoshi sighs in relief. “Please give me Kkuma. I’m begging at this point!” Joshua laughs, nodding his head. “You really saved my ass, hyung. The guys are trying to set me up on a blind date but I checked out Seungkwan’s phone while he was in the bathroom and none of them were my type.”
“Consider it a deal,” Joshua smiles, reaching across and ruffling his hair. “Knew I could count on you, Soonie.” Hoshi smiles. He’s so glad to have a friend like Joshua. He really keeps his sanity in tact.
Hoshi decides right then and there that he needs to invest new friends for the sake of his sanity.
Kkuma has been barking nonstop all night, whining and crying and even peed in Hoshi’s brand new pair of shoes.
Hoshi doesn’t even know why Kkuma hates him so much but the dog’s antics are enough to have Jihoon packing up and telling him he’ll be back Monday afternoon before leaving to Jun and Wonwoo’s apartment. To make matters worse, Joshua told Hoshi that their trip was technology free so that they could “become spiritually woke.” So any hopes of calling for advice is hopeless.
Hoshi doesn’t understand why Kkuma hates him. He’s a very likeable guy, in his opinion. Bobpul (Mingyu’s dog) would never treat him like this.
“Kkuma, please!” he whines. “I’m standing up a date for this! Please spare me some mercy!” he cries out. The dog jumps up and barks repeatedly. He rubs his eyes over his face. “I don’t understand how something so tiny can make so much noise!”
He rubs his temples. “Okay. If I were Seungcheol, what would I do? Think like Seungcheol. What would Seungcheol do?” Hoshi pouts his lips, puffs out his chest and lowers his voice. “Yah! Kim Mingyu! Watch where you’re walking!” he imitates him from the thousands of times the group has hung out.
He holds the position for a couple of seconds before deflating. “I can’t even hear myself think!” he groans over the barking. “You haven’t even slept yet! Aren’t you tired?” Suddenly an idea pops into his mind.
“I know! Let’s go to the park! Maybe that’ll tire you out! Would you like that? Let’s go!” And they’re off within ten minutes.
It’s a nice day out, thankfully. Warm but not too hot. And though Kkuma is jumping with joy to be at the park, Hoshi thinks he’d rather be at home listening to the dog’s endless whining when he sees the grassy area is packed with couples having a picnic.
He can’t hate, honestly. Picnics are cliché and Hoshi is all for clichés. But it does remind him that today is Valentine’s day and he’s the only one here without somebody to hold hands with.
“Kkuma, you’ll be my Valentine. Right?” he asks as he unclips her leash. But sadly, the dog has other plans as she runs off to play with another dog.
He sighs, plopping down in the grass and picking at the blades. He can’t believe that Kkuma ditched him. After Hoshi bought a new frisbee just for them to play with! He’s deeply offended and will not let Seungcheol live it down when he comes back.
He gives up trying to braid the grass and leans back on his hands, watching the other couples and making up stories about them in their head. He guesses how they met, what their plans are for the day and almost plays it out like a movie in his head.
He’s contemplating becoming a director but then decides that’s too hard and decides maybe he should try writing fanfiction on Archive of Our Own. He’s already picking out his favorite ships from Monsta X when he suddenly hears a shriek from behind him.
“Oh no!” the person whines. “I can’t believe I stepped in dog-“
“Shit!” Hoshi pops up as he sees Kkuma standing at the sidewalk. He sees the disgruntled look on your face then looks down at Kkmua, who looks the happiest she’s been since Hoshi got her. “Hi!” he says rather worriedly. “I’m so sorry! This is my fault! I wasn’t watching Kkuma and to be honest, this dog kind of hates me but here!” He shoves a packet of tissues he had in his back pocket into your hands. “You can have these! Wait I think I have wet wipes in my bag. Just give me a second and,” he drops to his knees, fumbling with his backpack, “Kkuma is just a baby but I promise she’s not usually like this! She’s so well behaved but I think she has some kind of hidden agenda against me because her dad took me out to eat pork belly the other week. Oh! Here they are! Here, do you want me to wipe it off for you? I don’t mind! It’s my fault and plus, I’ve been picking up Kkuma’s dog poop all day. For somebody so small, she sure does poop a lot! And-“ Hoshi suddenly freezes, a heat rising up from the back of his neck onto his cheeks and into his ears.
Seriously?! he thinks. You seriously went on a rant about dog poop! Just when I thought I had some hope in you, Soonyoung, you prove me wrong again! You’re gonna die alone! You hear me? ALONE!
Hoshi slowly brings himself up from his kneeling position. “I mean...” he awkwardly laughs. And to his surprise, you laugh back. But not in a mocking way like people usually do. You seem genuinely amused by his rant.
“Hey, it’s fine. I’m over it,” you giggle. “I just have to be dramatic about it first.” Hoshi nods slowly, too scared to say anything else. “My names YN.”
“Soonyoung,” he bows slightly. “But my friends call me Hoshi.”
“Oh! Like tiger gaze?” you ask, making claws at him for emphasis.
“Oh! Uh! Exactly, actually!” he grins.
You nod. “I think I’ve heard of you actually,” you explain. “My friend works at Seventeen Dance Company and he’s always talking about his funny friend Hoshi.”
“Oh? Who’s your friend? I must know them!”
“It’s Minghao,” you reply. “I was actually on my way to his art exhibition.” Hoshi nods his head, understanding. “Were you not going to go?”
“Myungho doesn’t like when our friend group goes to his art exhibitions. We got fired after Mingyu had one too many drinks and started to strip talking about some ‘life imitates art’ while standing next to a bust.” His face flushes an even deeper red. “I’m sorry! I don’t know when to shut up sometimes. I’m not good at this.”
You shrug, “I’m having fun.”
“Really?” Hoshi gasps.
You nod. “Yeah. Now c’mon, give me those wet wipes. You’re gonna come with me to Hao’s event. He told me I can bring a plus one and the venue is pet friendly!”
“And that’d how I met YN!” Hoshi grins at the round table of his friends.
“I can’t believe romance movie enthusiast met the person of his dreams over dog poop,” Jeonghan scoffs. “I’m taking full credit for this relationship, by the way. I call best man at the wedding.”
“What? Why do you get credit?!” Seungkwan rebuttals.
“Because the weekend get away was my idea,” he smirks.
“Yeah well Kkuma is my dog so I should be the best man!” Seungcheol argues.
“Hold up. If it weren’t for me and Seungkwan making Hoshi a tinder, who knows what would’ve happened this weekend while he was avoiding us,” Dokyeom points outs out, crossing his arms.
“But Vernon and I were the ones who taught Seungkwan how to even use tinder!” Dino retorts.
Jun scoffs, “You guys wouldn’t even know what tinder was if it weren’t for me and Wonwoo.”
“But I’m his roommate so I get automatic best man rights,” Jihoon says.
“Yeah but YN is my friend and she was heading to my exhibition so by default, I’m going to be the best man because I didn’t even kick Hoshi out when he showed up.”
“Yeah, still offended,” Mingyu rolls his eyes. “How many times do I have to say sorry until you accept my apology?!”
“Until I’m not known as the artist who had a quote unquote ‘model’ take his clothes off in the middle of my show so that I could prove that life can imitate art!”
Hoshi shakes his head and laughs as the argument wages on with you tucked under his chin.
“Are they always like that?” you whisper, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Yeah but...I don’t think I’d trade them for the world,” Hoshi replies, smiling.
It’s right then and there that Hoshi decides that he has all the friends that he needs and for the sake of his sanity, he will have to keep them. They did, after all, lead them to you.
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For the headcanons, since you did the German bros just before, how about you also do the Italian brothers? :D love ya
I love you more ~ Since I already did Romano, let me give you just Feli and Romeo (funnily enough, he really is Romeo Vargas ;) :D)
Affection = How affectionate are they? How do they show it?
Italy - Feliciano is the most affectionate of all of the brothers. He can’t keep his hand and lips to him, not even his eyes. He’s always close to him s/o, asking for kisses and pecks all the time. Asking, and giving (obviously). There is no such a things as “last goodbye kiss”.
Seborga - oh this giant puppy is almost as affectionate as Feliciano. He isn’t big on touches, he’s more of a petting guy. Always caressing the partner’s hair or hands or thighs... He’s got that puppy eyes look that just makes you want to cuddle and kiss him over and over again.
Built = How did their relationship begin? Who took the first step?
Italy - he says “I love you” so often, his partners don’t take him seriously. He really minds that (a lot) but he can’t help himself, he just have to remind everyone how important they are! In other words, it takes him a long time to actually begin a relationship.
Seborga - is the only one from the Italy brothers who does not confess ever. He hates
Care = Do they take care of each other - mentally and physically? Are they usually interested in how the other’s day was?
Italy - Feli is a very talkative boy. He spends hours talking about every color he saw that day and how pretty would bee with a tie be. But he likes to listen too. He can't stop himself from reacting to thing or two and add his own opinion, but he isn't a bad listener. To Feli, a good conversation means knowing everything important about his partner.
Seborga - is very hard to read. Sometimes he is quiet, because that's what he is used to. Back at home, it was always about Grandpa, or his older brothers and he was forgotten or ignored. He doesn't mind that, he got used to it. So talking or sharing his experiences is sometimes hard. There are days though, when he can't shut up and he forgets how important is for the others to talk to. Which sometimes leads to uncomfortable situations and sad face of his s/o. Poor boy just doesn't know his way with words. (One would think he knows better, but he isn't the best listener.)
Dates = How often do they go on dates? How do they look?
Italy - every day is a date day with Feliciano. Or at least he calls it a date. Whatever it is - a movie night, a dinner, hanging out with friends, a walk or just spending night at each other's place, Feliciano thinks it's a date as long as he gets to enjoy time with his favorite person.
Seborga - that boy does not know what a date is. He will invite you for an ice cream here, take you shopping there, goes with you to another city to visit your family, he plans a whole trip for you two and still he can't call it a date. And when he gets invited, he thinks it's just friendly hanging out.
Exceptions = What do they do, to make their partner happy (even if they don't enjoy it?)
Italy - Feliciano is always happy to do anything his s/o could possibly want. So he has no problem with that and doesn't have to make any exceptions.
Seborga - Romeo can be very stubborn. For example he doesn't like experimenting in kitchen. And we're not taking pineapple on pizza. He has to measure every ingredient correctly and properly. He is so against "cooking for fun", but if his s/o will ask him nicely to just try something new, he will.
Future = Do they think about it? How does it look?
Italy - Oh no. He never plans anything. We all know what happened - he won't let himself believe in happy ending again. Everyday with his partner is the happiest day for him, but he refuses to talk about future (which is followed by awkward silence because his partner does not feel loved. As if that was possible).
Seborga - is not a womanizer, but he enters a relationship with the thought that is just feeling good with given person and that they are just enjoying being together. He doesn't really think of a future and he thinks it's kind of stupid and definitely soon to think about it.
Gifts = How often do they give the other gifts? What are the gifts?
Italy - Feliciano is the type of partner who gives his s/o flowers or chocolate everyday. He is always surprised when he receives a gift, but he thinks giving them is amazing thing that makes them both happy. So why stopping?
Seborga - he likes getting, he likes giving. But he always asks what the other would like to get - just to make sure. And if they say "nothing", he gets them nothing. Romeo is a simple man. But he is always the one paying for ice cream and coffee!
Hiatus = Did they ever had to take a break from each other? Or is their relationship smooth?
Italy - Feliciano doesn't like the concept of "being on break". He takes that's as a "I wanted to break up with you, but I don't want to hurt you" thing. But relationships with him are usually very smooth and they last very long. He's just too good of a boyfriend!
Seborga - if you've seen Friends, Romeo is the "We were on a break!!" type of guy. But the energy is different, he's more like "but?? We were on a break???". But that happens just from time to time.
Item = What belongs to the other, but they always use it?
Italy - Feli isn't the one to borrow stuff, but he never gets the signals. So if he finds something that belongs to him, he just takes it back home. He is always confused when his s/o calls him, on the verge of tears, apologizing that they lost his hoodie/book/something he left behind. And Feliciano is usually holding the item in his hands...
Seborga - "I'm cold," says the partner. "Me too," says Romeo. That boy is oblivious and you can't tell me otherwise.
Jealousy = Are they jealous? Does it show?
Italy - He isn't jealous. He's making their partners very jealous since he can't stop flirting. He usually does apologize for his behavior, but he always adds something like "but they were really pretty!" "have you seen their hair! So pretty!". So his apology doesn't help the situation at all.
Seborga - is ridiculously jealous. He isn't worried about text messages received late at night, he isn't jealous when his s/o is talking on a phone and giggling.. but once they are somewhere and they meet somebody, oh boy. The moment his s/o is hugging someone, touching someone, having fun and inviting the person for a coffee or tea, Romeo can't stop frowning. He usually holds a grudge for half a day.
Kitchen = Who owns it?
Don't try to make be believe that they are bad at cooking. And that they don't like it. Every single one of them (though Lovino and Romeo aren't always feeling like doing so) is cooking his hands off for his s/o. They are the one to cook for world meetings, for parties, for festivals... They are the one to make their special someone breakfast to bed and midnight snack. And they never let anyone help them.
Likes and dislikes = What is the best and the worst thing about their partner?
Italy - Feli likes you for who you are. As cliché as it may sound, he isn't the one to judge you for your bad sides. If he likes you, he likes you for everything you are.
Seborga - is somewhere in the middle, compared to his brothers. He doesn't want anyone serious, but being too childish isn't good either. He won't date anyone who is very good and nice, but he won't date anyone who likes to argue and change their mood quickly.
Mistake = What did they do and how did the situation ended?
Italy - unfortunately for him, he makes a lot of mistakes. But he is easy to read so his partners usually know what is up, they aren't mad at him if he messes up. Usually all it takes to Feliciano to make up for his mistake is an apology and a date.
Seborga - is worried about little things. So even if he doesn't mess up, he is anxious he did and is apologizing nonstop. He buys a lots of little presents, he gives his partner attention, he's very needy and touchy... In other words, he doesn't have to apologize much, his partner knows he is sorry and he didn't mean it.
Nicknames = How do they call each other?
Italy - he's the king of petnames. He tries to use the ones his partner likes the most, but he isn't experimenting with them. Cute little names that are often used are his to go.
Seborga - Romeo likes to use animal pet names. Such as "kitty", "my pretty birdie" or "hey, you dangerous beast~". It's usually fun and games, but he gets used to using them and calls his partner like that all the time.
Out of character = What is something nobody would believe they do in a relationship?
Italy - he can get very very serious when the conversation is important. Either conversation or if they have to make an important decision. Usually he’s all fun and games, but he does take things seriously.
Seborga - tries to experience as much as he can with every of his partners. Kisses under water, dancing in spotlight, kissing under mistletoe and on midnight, recreating movie scenes...
PDA = Their opinion on PDA? How does it look?
Italy - we all know Feliciano. He does everything on public. Well, everything... He knows what belongs to their bedroom. But other than that, he’s okay with anything. His motto is “Nobody is forcing them to look”.
Seborga - he likes making his partner sit in his lap and kiss his back. He can do that for hours, just hugging his partner around their waist and tickling them on their neck. He wouldn’t make out with his partner in front of their friends, but he won’t stop holding their hand either.
Quirk = What is a silly activity they really enjoy?
Italy - He likes to play football with his partner and let them always win. And if his partner is against playing, he’s just rolling in the grass and collecting flowers (making crowns!).
Seborga - likes to go on picnics. Romeo loves to look at clouds and make up stories about what could possibly they look like and what the relationship between more clouds is. During winters, he likes to cuddle under a warm blanket and drink cocoa, listening to Christmas songs (from October to February).
Rough times = Do they argue? How often?
Italy - Feliciano is the one to cry during arguments. He never wants to make his partner sad or mad! He really doesn’t like confrontations. Thanks to his personality, arguments are very rare.
Seborga - Romeo does not argue. He is different than his brothers, if there is an argument to happen, Romeo does his best to stop it before it can mess things up. He is good with it, so his relationships are usually very smooth.
Sex = nothing too explicit, just a random headcanon
Italy - is terrible at dirty talking. He really likes it for some reason (Japan’s books and Germany’s DVDs) but he is not able to do it. He prefers being silent during sex, but he likes to hear his partner.
Seborga - likes to ride and be ridden. He just loves the angle, the position and how it feels on both sides. He doesn’t care if he’s on top or on the bottom, it’s his to go. And he is very loud.
Together time = How often does that happen? How are they usually spending it?
Italy - Feliciano will always make time for his partner. He is usually the one to leave his work in the middle of the process and go out, getting coffee, lunch, going on a walk...
Seborga - he’s using the free time giving tours to his partner, showing him nice things about his country or just generally about places he finds interesting. He just wants to amaze his s/o with his knowledge. He knows his work is important, but he does it only during the days his s/o is working, so they can be together as often as possible!
Unacceptable = What will they NEVER do in a relationship?
Italy - will never yell at his partner. Even if there is something he doesn’t like, he will try to carefully point out that he doesn’t like their attitude/the way they do something.
Seborga - Romeo will never watch movies about animals or rom-coms and movies where somebody will die. It’s not like he will cry, he just doesn’t like them, he really hates seeing everyone broken and he hates when his s/o starts crying because of that.
View worth millions = What is the part of their partners body they admire the most?
Italy - face. He doesn’t like or dislike people based on their faces, he always finds something that he stares at. He just can’t help it! Everyone is so pretty!
Seborga - Romeo doesn’t have a favourite part of anyone’s body. He is more of a soul type, he likes people who are fun to be around. That’s all that matters to him.
When separated =  Are they calling each other? Missing each other much? What happens when they see each other after a loner while?
Italy - Feliciano is master of annoyance. He will text his s/o every three minutes sharp, he will try to call them during every of his breaks, he will pout if his partner isn’t answering. When they finally see each other, they spend few minutes just hugging each other. And Feli is usually the one to talk about how he’s been during their time alone.
Seborga - Romeo is like a puppy. He doesn’t really care when they are separated (he likes having his alone time just like everyone else) but he is always so happy when they see each other again! He usually takes thier partner to their home and cuddle them until the late night, listening to how their trip was. And the other way around too.
Xtra = extra headcanon
Italy - can play more than 13 musical instruments. He has a time to spare and he likes to learn how to play more and more of them. He has rarely got the chance to show his skills, but he is always the one playing on family gatherings and birthday parties.
Seborga - is a actor. He especially likes Romeo and Juliet, which isn’t a pun to his name. He likes the play, he likes the words and the message. But mostly, he had dated every single Juliet he had played with. They are always the most prettier girls around. (The costumes are nice to wear too!)
Yours only = marriage headcanon
Italy - if he ever gets married, he will invite everyone he knows. Even his ex partners. Why? Because he wants everyone to see how happy he is! And tell them all, that he wants them to be happy too.
Seborga - doesn’t want to get married. He thinks marriage is not important. Yes, if he will find the perfect match for him, he will marry them and he will be happy all the time. He won’t stop talking about how amazing his special day was for a month, but he wouldn’t mind if he didn’t get married.
They all will help each other at each other’s weddings. Feliciano is the one in charge of the food, Lovino takes care of the decoration and Romeo is responsible for colours, dresses, band and place the wedding will be held at.
Zzz = sleep headcanon
Italy - we know a lot from anime about how Feli sleeps, but I like to believe he is sleep-talking. It happens randomly, and sometimes he is quiet for weeks. But then when the night is the most silent and the most dark, a quiet “cheese smells” or “i wanna pet you” or even “you look funny” escapes his mouth.
Seborga - Romeo snores so loudly, he wakes up the whole house, It can’t be pushed or cured, but he does that only when his mouth is open. So he is sucking on his thumb when he sleeps.
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chelseareferenced · 7 years
Partner Part 15: It Is Our Choices.
“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are far more than our abilities.” – Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets.
  The morning after your trek into the Upside Down came. Damien had found you before breakfast. He said he needed to speak with you so here you were. In the room that had once been Dark’s.
“Y/N I wanted to thank you again… even after what I have done to you.”
You smiled kindly at your friend. You felt no bitterness to him, he was simply too good to hate for extended periods of time. “Anything for you my friend… and…” you sighed before placing your hand on his shoulder “I’m sorry Wil doesn’t feel the same way you feel towards him” Damien’s eyes were downcast. It made you feel horrible. You felt like it was your fault, you had told Damien’s most carefully guarded secret.
“Don’t worry about it old friend, you are not to blame. I’m just happy to have everyone back” you both stood in silence, staring at an old mirror before Damien coughed. His tone had changed to teasing and jovial “I may have had my heart broken but someone” he nudged you with his elbow “has managed to find love. How does it feel to be head over heels?” You started laughing and ruffled his hair “What is this? An interview with the Jims?” Tenderness filled your eyes at the thought of Abe “it feels like I could float away at any minute. I don’t think I have been this happy for ages!” Damien smiled and tried to fix his hair but gave up and ended up hugging you. It was true, he (even as Dark) had never seen you this happy in a long time.
 After your meeting with Damien you had every intention of hunting Abe down and getting that dinner out him. He, being a hopeless romantic had promised you after all. So you wandered around the large building looking for your intrepid detective. One thing did make your “manhunt” a little easier, that was you were actually learning everyone else’s names. So far you had met Dr Iplier, a man who Wil had jokingly said had coffee for blood, Bim Trimmer, who seemed too darn happy. It was legitimately terrifying, Google and his brother Bing, Google acted like he hated Bing but you could tell he loved his little brother. You had also been acquainted with a character called The Host. He seemed alright but he seemed afraid of you.
 You stumbled into a large computer room and found the two search engines. Google has looking at a bunch of screens and Bing was watching.
“Hi Bing! You and Google haven’t seen Abe have you?” “Nah dude, he left this morning. Said he needed to do something important” you frowned in confusion, you trusted Abe with your life but you still worried he would do something stupid and get hurt. “You are worrying about him Y/N” Google stated not looking up from one of the many screens surrounding him. “Yeah…” “Is this your primary objective?” “Well…” “Because if it is then it is a very stupid one. Considering his past history with partners and the fact that you have died once defending him.” Bing shrugged and mouthed an apology to you. Sighing you simply walked away. You could try somewhere else. Or you could go and talk to Wilford… either way, Abe would show up eventually.
 You spent the day with Wilford. He showed you some of his past interviews, you couldn’t help but laugh at the enthusiasm he had, and it was funny when he pulled a knife out of a garter he had on. You were happy to see that he hadn’t lost his eccentricity over the years. People like Wil were hard to come by.
 Finally, on the way to your room, you spotted Abe carrying a large box. He was looking very suspicious. “Why hello there Abe, I’m so happy that you asked me out for that dinner!” Abe spun around and was met with a very annoyed district attorney. You had gotten dressed up nice for today and he hadn’t been around. “Y/N I-”
Your face twisted with confusion. Why did the box bark? “Abe? What’s in the box?” Abe looked a little embarrassed and handed the box to you. “It’s a present.”
 Struggling with the wiggling box, you placed it on the floor and lifted the lid. Out popped a little bloodhound puppy. Brown puppy eyes looked up at you as its tail wagged nonstop. You gently picked up the puppy, who had begun to lick your face. “Abe?” you couldn’t speak much as you were focusing on not dropping your new friend.
“I thought you deserved a little buddy to keep you company so… meet Watson.” That got a giggle out of you. “Watson?” Abe rubbed his neck and smiled.
 “You are not just a walking romantic cliché but also a walking detective noir cliché.” “And that’s a problem?” you raised an eyebrow at him. Watson had finally calmed down and was curled up happily in your arms. “Did I say that? I was just making sure that you know how much I adore you.”
   Watson, not to anyone’s surprise, was a very popular puppy. Wilford would constantly tie bow ties onto his collar, Damien would give him treats whenever Watson pulled at his trouser leg and Celine would play on the floor with him during meetings. Watson was very happy with all the attention, but always got scared whenever you walked with him past Dark’s room.
 Finally you decided to open the door to show Watson there was nothing to be afraid of. The moment the door opened, a black shadow burst out and knocked you to the other side of the corridor. Watson buried himself underneath your arm, the poor puppy was terrified.
 You awoke in the meeting room. Watson was nowhere to be seen and the shadow was looming. It whispered ominously
Let me in.
It’s your fault.
It’s not fair is it?
 The doors burst open and there stood Abe and Wilford, guns drawn, Damien clutching his cane, ready to strike and Celine, holding onto Watson. The shadows whispered again.
  I’ll give you one last choice.
Let me in and ascend.
Or reject me and fall.
 The choice is yours.
Wowie guys, look. I just need to write the endings and we can wrap Partner up nicely with a bow and everything.
tagging: @harlequinette @blackaquokat @damien-iplier @skidspace @ynkilled @wkm-detective-abe-squad @mayor-damien-protection-squad @colonel-william-protection-army @justmypuppets @dontworryaboutanything @pleaseletthisjimbetaken @jims-of-the-corn @the-asexual-reaper @warfstche @kenmarlenn @yellow-eyed-monsters @raimeyl @dragonbookgal 
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