#Ive always had my crushes in school or online and ive been able to deal with it bc i dont have to be so close to them
mrfoox · 2 years
Having an crush on someone you meet weekly 1on1 sucks, I don't know how people live like this
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dgtn · 1 year
Hey all! So I wanted to take a few to introduce myself. Another blogger did this a few days back and I was just like omg I need to do that too!
So my name is Diane and I am at midlife now in terms of age. I have been married for over 20 years and have 2 amazing kids, a young man and a daughter.
We live in Tennessee. I love so many different genres of music - my playlist has everything from BTS to Carrie Underwood, Troye Sivan, Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Metallica, Aretha Franklin…you name it…it’s probably on my list!
Outside of BTS and Jikook I love spending time with my family, health, fitness, and making jewelry, and yes that includes BTS themed jewelry of course 😏
My favorite shows to watch are crime dramas and anything sci fi. I’m a huge Star Wars fan (I still remember going to see A New Hope when it came out!)
I have 5 fur babies- 4 dogs and a cat. We also have a gecko.
I am a cancer survivor, coming up on 8 years now. I've also had brain surgery - crazy crazy!
So now that that’s out of the way….let’s talk BTS.
I’ve always heard the saying: you don’t find BTS, BTS finds you when you need them. This is true for me too (more on that later ).
I discovered BTS when I heard Butter for the first time back in 2021. I thought it was a catchy song and wanted to know more about the band behind the song. And so it began. I looked up BTS on the internet and the first member I came across? Jimin of course. My first thoughts were my god he is gorgeous. And his voice - are you kidding me! I’ve been around a long time and I have never heard a voice like that! So of course I needed to know more. Next came Jungkook. Uh….wow! That man is beautiful too! And his voice! I mean come on!!!! I had never heard of kpop before BTS so I had no idea about the world of kpop or any of its inner workings.
So into the world of BTS I dove. I went on line and started watching their music videos and started listening to more of their music and really really liking it. I slowly discovered the world of BTS online; Bangtan Bombs, In The Soop, Lives, Run Episodes, etc. Of course, watching all of these...I started to wonder, what's up with Jimin and Jungkook? Definitely caught a different vibe from them. So.....started watching jikook videos. Then, I discovered GCFT - and that sealed the deal for me. No looking back from that point. I remember the first time I watched it (yup, like yourself Ive watched it way more than once!!!) I was blown away and my reaction was "these 2 are in love with each other".
I absolutely love love love Jimin and Jungkook (as I’m sure you can tell from my blog!). I love them as individuals and I love them as a couple. They have something SO very special together and I just get so much joy out of seeing their relationship now and how it has grown over the years. They went from seriously crushing on each other in the early days of BTS to being in a long term fully committed monogomous relationship. I do believe that they are in this for life and have committed to each other for life. What that exactly looks like I'm not sure as they are still "In the Closet". My hope for them is that one day they will be able to show us their love for each freely and openly.
So getting back to BTS and how they found me when I needed them. I am officially mid life, in my 50's. I have always been a stay at home mom. My son is high functioning autistic. Throughout his schooling we really struggled with finding the right fit for him academically. When we moved to TN we eventually decided to home school him which became a huge priority of mine. Homeschooling was not easy. When he graduated high school it was such an accomplishment. I will admit that it also left me very emotionally drained. Being a mom in general is really hard (best job in the world!!!). We always put our children first before everything else; it's just what we do.
As my children have grown and continued to become more independent I actually started thinking about what I want to do for me. It's a foreign concept because as a mom I've never really thought that way. That was right about the time I discovered BTS (see where I'm going with this?). Their message of love yourself, take care of yourself, was something that really resonated with me. I know it might sound crazy but that "glow up" that some people have experienced through BTS happened to me too. I have found the time to "love myself" as BTS says. I am really putting myself first for the first time in my life. I am still here for my family 100% but I am also finding the time to take care of myself :) I am on that journey to find balance in my life and BTS has most definitely played a big role in that!
I absolutely love BTS as a band and as individuals. I have really enjoyed getting to know them and I look forward to sharing my love of BTS and jikook with all y'all for years to come :) I have met some wonderful people through Tumblr; some of whom I have become very close to and consider dear friends; and I feel so grateful and blessed to have these peeps in my life. I am really excited to see what the future holds for these 7 incredibly talented young men who came into our lives.
One thing for sure, The Best is Yet To Come.
Xoxo 😘
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sharks833 · 3 years
Sad Face
Well, my relationship of over a year has come to a very sudden end. I am very saddened by this but to be honest it makes as much sense as the rest of the relationship. We meet here on Tumblr, we became partners for a writing/art event. I had been a reader for this event before and this year I wanted to be a writer. Iv passively been a part of the community around the event for a while now and wanted to try and become active in the community. I enjoy reading and have always wanted to try my hand at writing on the count that I have a very vivid imagination and would like to try and get some of my thoughts down. I thought doing so on Tumblr would be a good idea both because I could give back to a wonderful community and people would be more understanding of my dyslexia which I use editing software to try and correct but sometimes even they don’t understand what I’m trying to spell (which spell check never does). To be honest, I was also looking for a more intimate relationship, but never really expected anything to come from it. I was very fortunate to get a wonderful partner but was too shy to ask them if they were a girl until I accidentally called them him for my big post and quickly edited it (a point that I got a lot of much deserved teasing for once we started dating). We kept talking after the event though and slowly after talking to each other every day we became closer and closer until I asked them if they wanted to start dating. Originally they said no, to which I was surprised and disappointed but understood that they were wary of dating after past experiences which I was made aware of. I thought they deserved a wonderful boyfriend and always hated when people said that and yet were themselves unwilling to be that person, so I offered myself. It wasn't long after that however when they confessed their own love for me and would love to date with an understanding of the things they would be uncomfortable with given their past. I was happy to be able to just talk to them and was more than happy to make any concession that would make them happy. A year passes and it’s both one of the best and worst years of my life.
(This is the complaining paragraph and if anyone reads this feel free to skip)
I quit my awful part-time job and moved out of my apartment I share with a roommate to try and live with my aunt and cousin in DC to try and go to CU in DC or find a job that I don't hate. Unfortunately the week I get there covid hits DC and we have quarantine. After about two months it's very clear things aren't going to work out and I go back home. Sadly my mother passed suddenly a few years ago and my father didn’t waste time finding remarrying, selling our family home, and moving in with her across the state line. At this time my twin brother gets recalled from the peace corps and now we are both in this strange house with this woman that we barely know who retired the moment she married my father much to his dismay. Were both forced to very quickly get any job and I find myself in hell on a tugboat for two months. Living in that hell for two weeks at a time working six hours, sleeping six hours. Once off the boat I get two weeks off and get to try and hide in a room that’s not mine from the monster that is my fathers’ wife. All while studying for the GRE and joining my brother in an online class to learn all the math. After two months I quit that hell much to the horror of my father. I’m quickly forced, and I mean forced as much as one can without putting a weapon against my skin, to work five hours of labor at FedEx throwing boxes in the back of semi-trucks. After another month the monster has had enough and me and my twin are moved into an apartment we didn’t get to choose but still pay everything for. The apartment isn't so bad as I'm away from my father and his wife and me and my twin took the GRE and will now be attending grad school in August through housing and such still need to be acquired.
Through this time though I've had the wonderful experience of being in a loving relationship. Every day I talked to my love and she talked to me. We went on dates and skyped with each other and I honestly loved Them more than I have loved anyone before. I want to fill a page full of all the wonderful things that we did and how happy I truly was at the time but those moments were between us and I like to keep the details of my love life private. My very first relationship was a long-distance one and it was a wonderful six months before it quickly became one-sided. For the next two years that we were dating, I was miserable because I didn't understand that people with more experience in dating get bored of relationships. After that, I never wanted to be in a one-sided relationship again. Sadly that's exactly where I found myself the moment they came home from the end of the semester. I always knew they were close to their family, and didn't and don’t mind being second or third to family, but I wasn't even last on the list. We went from talking every moment of the day to, from waking up to falling asleep, to never at all. I for my part tried to text her and keep a lively conversation, but she was never interested. After a week I figured she needed some time for herself but it became clear after another week if I wasn't talking to her then I'd never hear from her again. I tried to talk to her about this, and every time she apologized and said she felt awful about not talking and she would in the next few days but she never did. I talked about my past relationship with her and how I didn't want to be in another one-sided relationship again, and just as I had made concessions for the sake of our relationship she would too. I didn't think a single hello sent to me in the span of a month would be a deal-breaker to our relationship but here we are.
We first met in September of 2019 and for almost two years I felt like, for the first time in my life, there was somebody that actually cared if I was around. Iv always had a problem with saying no to people and giving more the is proportionate and as a result, always felt used or taken advantage of. I struggle with knowing how much to contribute to any kind of relationship and it has hindered my ability to be in healthy relationships whatever form they take. For the first time in my life though I found someone who gave to me just as much as I gave to them. Unsurprisingly however they admitted to me that they suffer from that same problem and that they never focus on themselves. I don't have too many friends so I'm normally focusing on myself and it was nice to be there for someone else. However, they have a family and others to focus on and as a result, almost never get to focus on themselves. Now that they are home however they would like to focus on themselves and no longer want anything to do with me. I get that though I don’t know why you can’t focus on yourself and still send me a hello, I don't want them to talk to me because they feel pressured to. If they have decided they no longer want me in their life suddenly then all I can do is hope they are able to achieve their goal and move on. I will always love and respect them for the kindness they have shown me.
As a moral philosopher who has studied the nature of virtue, I truly believe this person to be so virtuous as to be one of the greatest people, I have ever met. An observation I came to make shortly after meeting them, and I am very grateful I had their compassion for even a short time. I thought if I could lead them down the path of some philosophical school they would be able to find the answer to the problems they had but I never knew how to do it and now it's too late. My only regret is that I couldn’t help them with the problems more. In the entirety of our relationship from the first meeting to the end we never even got into one argument. Technically we did have somewhat of a fight when she decided to tell me she could no longer be in a relationship with me and work on herself but she ended the relationship the moment she left her dorm, she just forgot to let me know. I am again deeply saddened by this but I always knew in the back of my mind she too would get bored of me and move on. It's been the thread through all my relationships dating back to that first one and I knew it would appear again, I just wish my head had told my heart. I know in every relationship you tell each other you want to spend the rest of your life with the other one but for some reason I really believed it this time, making this loss all the more crushing. I know they won’t read this as I suspect only two people ever will and that for the best, I doubt she is saddened by this whole affair but on the off chance she is I don't want them to feel bad. I have always wanted them to be happy from the start and even know that it's over. That's all I want, it's all I ever wanted truly. Plato says happiness is what happens when all three parts of the soul are doing their work well, each part representing a virtue. I’ve always been good at knowing what to do (desire) and I'm alright at knowing how to do it (reason), but I've always been horrible at doing it (courage). She led me to courage though, both for her and myself. And for those moments when the three came together through her and for her, I can truly say to have been happy. I don’t know if I ever inspired anything in her that led her to happiness but I hope she can find someone that does, and that I can come to know the courage she showed me I had myself.
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nonbinaryresource · 4 years
ive been thinking abt this for a little while & have been needing to ask someone abt it. i am nb & have always considered myself trans but recently ive not been vibing with the trans label bc i am so sick of seeing ppl exclude & invalidate nb ppl. ik that i shouldnt stop doing smth just bc other ppl r being assholes but its so tiring to see ppl constantly say how u dont belong or arent valid. srry this is long & kinda rambly i just dont really know how to feel abt it
I will directly address your ask, but I’m going to start by telling you a story about my journey with identifying as asexual and queer.
When I was about 11, my friends suddenly started drooling over magazines and calling people hot, and I didn’t know what it was, but I knew I did not feel whatever it is my friends were feeling.
Until I was about 16/17, this part of me remained a mystery to me and to my friends. I never had crushes, I never found people hot, I never liked complimenting people physically, I was uncomfortable with sex on TV, and I didn’t even like platonic touch. Now my group of friends were all repressed and closeted queer folk, so I didn’t have to deal with “being left behind” as my friends dated. But the later we got into high school, the more my friends began discovering and exploring their sexualities.  A freshman became a part of our friend group and was openly trans and gay. One friend came out as gay. Another as bi. They started commenting more and more about other’s looks and having crushes.
Still, there was nothing on my end. My friends used to think I was just being vague and secretive because this is what I tended to be like. I don’t think they’ve ever realized how much of it was that I truly didn’t know or understand what my lack of sexual feelings meant or that it could even mean anything. I used to just consider it a “nothingness” of myself. Until, by complete chance, I came across the term asexual. I immediately connected with it. It explained so much that I didn’t even know I needed explained.
I came out quickly after that and I was really excited and happy and proud to know who I was and what how I felt meant. My friends were great and supportive. My mom was a little ignorant but overall supportive. AVEN was great and a community for me. But if I tried to talk about it anywhere else online…
Well, the effects of how people treated me would fester for years. See, I came out as asexual before exclusionism (the specific movement of anti-aro and anti-ace erasure and gatekeeping from lgbt+ spaces) was a movement or a named thing. Yet exclusionist attitudes were exactly what I faced. My queer friends all completely accepted me as one of them and I helped co-run our school’s new GSA with the rest of them. But online, as a teen, I was facing 30+ year olds telling me I wasn’t queer and that I was just trying to seem special and that I needed to shut up about my asexuality and my experiences and that I wasn’t valid and that asexuality wasn’t a real thing and that even if asexuality was a real thing it wasn’t valid and it certainly didn’t matter.
I graduated high school and went to college and was no longer really in touch with my group of friends. I therefore completely cut myself off from any lgbt+/queer community, even though a friend invited me to join the college’s queer association. I stopped participating so much in online asexual spaces. I become wrapped up in other things.
A couple of years went by and a lot of things in my life changed. By chance, mod applications for a blog about aro and ace headcanons for a fandom I enjoyed came across my dash. I had extra time on my hands and thought I could help, so I applied and was accepted. This increased my exposure to the aspec community again and thrust me back in… just around the time exclusionism was becoming a specific and named movement of bigotry.
At the same time I resisted these ideals, I was also still hurt and unhealed from what I’d gone through as a teen. I internalized a lot of the hatred and gatekeeping. I was so hurt and so tired. I just wanted to be able to exist in peace. And people I considered myself one of were harassing me and dismissing even my biromanticism. So I struggled with my identity and my asexuality. I did not specifically become an exclusionist, but I turned my back on the lgbt+ community and spaces. I did not consider myself lgbt+ because I learned that doing so only brought pain and upset and made me feel alone and isolated. I didn’t speak a lot on exclusionism or inclusionism, but at some point I did make a plea to my fellow aspecs to just let the larger community go and be our own community and accept that maybe we could be straight. I did it out of desperation and hurt, wanting to stop feeling targeted and attacked and to stop seeing the fighting on my dash and in the tags. I just wanted us all to be happy and feel accepted and supported.
On that post, one wonderfully kind and patient person opened up a discussion with me, explaining their own hurts over exclusionism and being so damn exhausted of them and fellow aspecs being targeted and excluded and written out and not supported and feeling like they had to split their asexuality from their other queer identities and how being asexual was a part of them and how it had strongly shaped their experiences, especially with realizing and coming to terms with the other parts of their queer identity. And through their raw honesty I came to realize… I had never stopped to process the harassment I had faced and the pain and hurt that cut me so deeply.
It was a changing point for me. I realized that I had handled my pain in a bad way and had ended up lashing out at other aspecs instead of the people who were actually hurting me. I realized how much I had hurt myself and held myself back and cut myself down and dismissed parts of myself trying to fit into the box exclusionists had laid out for me, as if I could ever made them happy enough to stop harassing me and just let me exist. I cut myself down for them, but the truth is that exclusionists don’t just want aspecs “out” of the community. They want to hurt us. They want us to hurt. They want us to doubt ourselves. They want to feel strong and powerful, and they feel they can achieve this through bullying us. Perhaps some, like myself, are trying to appeal to their oppressors by pointing out another vulnerable group they could target more/instead. They are passing on hurt instead of standing up to it and so they are actually festering in hurt instead of changing anything.
Today, I am a staunch inclusionist. I understand myself and the issues aspecs face much better. I am a more compassionate person regarding the confusion and upset aros and aces have over their identity and their place in the world. I feel more stable and confident regarding my identity as an asexual - and now as an aromantic - queer person who is lgbt+.
But it was a long, hard, difficult journey to get here. It was full of a lot of turmoil. I wish I would have had a happier journey where I felt more supported and accepted, and I hope I can help provide more stability and support for future generations to not have to go through what I did.
My point (or one among a few, anyway) is that I deeply and personally understand how you are feeling and the decision facing you now. As someone who went through a very similar experience, my advice to you is to take care of yourself and to prioritize your mental health.
It’s okay if you can’t handle identifying as trans right now. Maybe you do need some space from the label (and definitely from the hatred and gatekeeping). Maybe you need to pull back from certain communities or blogs or discussions.
However, I will say that not identifying as trans may not bring the peace you desire. It may end up making you feel even more isolated. Not identifying as LGBT+ certainly didn’t help me. It was reactionary and it only made me feel like there were less spaces for me. That said, you may find peace in this. But I think the bigger action to take is to separate yourself from those who are saying harmful things more than to separate yourself from a label you feel really suits you. Use your block button liberally. Don’t force yourself to partake in spaces where gatekeeping is allowed or encouraged. Follow and listen to more people who are inclusive.
I think burnout like this is unfortunately pretty common. You do not have to force yourself to face this hatred or exhaustion because you think it’s the right thing to do. It’s okay to pull back and just take care of yourself. Just work on some self-care. Work on building up a community of people around you who don’t resort to bigotry and hatred and exorsexism and gatekeeping and identity policing. Engage only with what you can actually, honestly handle.
We will confront and move past this bigotry only by acting as a united front. The responsibility for improving things isn’t on any one person’s shoulders. And no one needs to be on the front lines 100% of the time, especially at the cost of their own wellbeing. Take care of yourself and rest now before you completely burn out and break down.
You do not have anything to prove, okay? I have both hope and faith that there is a lot more to your journey - a lot more good things and a lot more happiness and belonging. Take whatever time it is you need to help heal yourself and recover from the hurt and harassment that’s been plaguing you. You are important and you matter, much moreso than whatever label you use at whatever point in time. It will be okay.
I am here for you.
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winking · 5 years
pls ignore this ,,, its gonna be so long anyway not like anyone else is gonna read it 
So, I wanted to write a reflection of my year and I thought why not right now. I’m avoiding my homework and I’m feeling tons of emotions. If it isn’t clear I’m doing this cause I want to organize my thoughts...I know I shouldn’t share personal details like this online but its not like any of you really know me.. I mean you can know me and if you do know me I don’t mind you knowing this about me but If you don’t know me then anything about me doesn’t matter. This year started out good I would say. I can’t remember much about Jan... I met lei a close friend of mine.. and we got super close we talked everyday for 5 months? almost 6.. she was nice, sweet, she was so affectionate. although I hate admitting it she made me nervous sometimes because I did like her... and I knew she liked me back.. it was a crush for sure but it was nice to experience that? Needless to say I knew it would never work for various reasons and it sucked alot but I tried to be the bigger person and kinda end it? but before that I want to talk about those months... I always thought she was a bit immature, it was one of the things i hate in people but I understood why so I dont blame her... she was emotional but I think because of that I was also.. I remember the things she did would affect me alot? which was weird... but i guess its cause I liked her alot i dont know either way... before we stopped talking idk what happened but i completely lost all feelings and I was really mean about everything. I know I shouldn't have treated her like that but... it was irritating she kept dropping hints about liking me but thats so annoying when you dont feel the same.. i didnt want to be friends anymore it was alot...to this day i regret it a bit... especially since she was part of half a year with me? I got over it really fast... and not to talk about fate or whatever but I met my girlfriend like that same week i stopped talking to lei ... this is awkward considering everything ahhh... no longer my girlfriend... she was literally... like.. an angel or something that came into my life when i was transitioning she made everything so much better and i think for sure shes the reason why i decided to cut lei completely and whew.. well yeah. i really dont know what to say about her, i love her alot and im so thankful for the time i got to be with her. my relationship w lei and my ex were so different like ofc they were but.. i think and idk if she will read this but you can’t deny how.. quickly we moved into the whole thing. well it kinda is my fault i was the one who asked her out but it was different in the sense that we knew we liked each other so there was never really that like whats the word.. pining? is that is... looking at it now i wish i could have made it longer.....liking each other but not actually having a label i dont know why... even when i asked her to be my girlfriend i didnt feel nervous at all? i overall feel like i robbed myself from the butterflies... the dynamic was just different.. w lei it was like a middle school crush that would have exploded before it started.. w my ex.. it felt more realistic.. and calm?there was a sense of relief and not having to worry if she liked me or not because i knew she loved me and im thankful for that... maybe its regret.. i wish i could experience those moments longer...i thought about if we both dated each other just for convenience and how unfair that is .. but i remember i did like her...my feelings were always there... it was just hard when i doubted hers. she has her reasons and it is too late to care about things like this. thinking if this was a mutual break up... because realistically even i knew it needed to end. there was no romance., i know i spoke of her on here alot but never with her.. it was weird actually. but also if it were up to me i wish we were still together... so logical me versus my feelings yeah.. thats tough buddy. but its okay ive dealt with it ive accepted it... and i think because our relationship had slowly and naturally led to this weird what are we kind of thing it was easier? i dont want to say we have some connection in case she doesnt feel the same lol but i like her as a person and I want to talk to her still and be friends and maybe i feel this cause it was my first relationship but i dont know... theres no bad feelings between us... i just want her in my life... so thats what im feeling right now.. so yes i felt like shit the first day.. and then the second day was worse i woke up crying not because of the breakup because i felt like...she had taken half of me w her and i was left with nothing which sounds so silly... i had this weird realization she was such a big part of my life and she got me into so many of my interests that i was really nothing. but i am still me? and i know that now. im still going to school still going to do the same things i do everyday it will just be different and its not like shes dead and i think that really made me feel better omg.. she tweeted something and i was like right.. youre still here.. and it felt normal.. and thats what i want.. i want everything to be normal i just have to accept this as normal. anyway im fine now..im very grateful for my mental health.. nothing lately has been able to tear me down.. if something pushes me down i pop right back up and im glad i can deal with emotions and obstacles in my life...so i hope she also didnt take this the wrong way of like.. i got over it so quickly ... hmm no i definitely cried and went through all 7 stages of grief KJNFKJEW but thank u for texting me yesterday...? i was going to text u today anyway but u won me ...... all of this was meant to happen... so thank u to the people who came into my life and brought me happiness but also taught me something... i dont know what else to type i know theres the whole thing about who i am or whatever... i dont really like kpop anymore well i do but not to the extent of being on stan twt im just really confused with that.. i hope i can meet some new people at school i just need to be more outgoing.. anyway if you read this i love u now u know my whole life haha
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feel199x · 6 years
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚apple of my eye ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ Chapter V
gang!au, gang member!han jisung, underground band!au, florist!reader  
a/n: this chapter is written a little differently, most of the action will be happening in the upcoming chapters. okay stays im the writer and I Am: Anxious  
warnings: alludes to drugs (selling), blood bruise mention, gun mention, and themes of stalking and abuse
 Minho had always been the head between the two of them. Jisung had always been much too emotional. It wasn’t that he wasn’t smart- Jisung had a showcase of talents, a variety of things that he was incredibly good at. It never used to be a big deal, not before they had started the ‘band.’ The nine of them had always been best friends, growing up the same block in a not so great area of the city? They knew, even as children, that they needed each other. Their chances as a group were far better than their chances as individuals. When they were younger, Jisung always got crushes easily. And it wasn’t the kind of thing was he would get one and then leave when someone else caught his eye. No, he fell in love with the strangest things. At least, what Minho considered strange. Jisung had gotten crushes on the little things that people did. Minho remembered that once, he had ended up confessing to someone in high school because of how they laughed. Because Jisung adored making them laugh. Within this same field, he had always been the more empathetic of the group. One day, while the rest of the boys played tag around the playground, Jisung came crying over. A bird’s mother had dropped the baby bird, and in its weak attempt to fly- it died. And Jisung was crying, sobbing over the fact that there was nothing he could do to save the bird. No one but Chan knew how to comfort Jisung properly, and even then it would take a while.
It had always been endearing, a charismatic character trait until their band. It started sophomore year of high school. Really, it turned out they were all inclined to the arts when they had taken a music and dance class in middle school. But that wasn’t the sort of thing you could be proud of, not around here. Eventually, the school pulled the funding for the class anyway. But their passion hadn’t died, and instead of meeting up to play rough or cause trouble in some public places, they san, dance, rapped. It felt transformative, and when they got their first gig- an underground club agreed to let them perform their music, they were over the moon. It was all the group of boys could talk about, becoming the conversation topic sooner or later.  
Minho had known that the club would’ve been sketchy- every underground club around here only had one to be underground. And even if the rest of the boys pretended not to be aware, he was. Their performance was lively in the beginning, everyone pouring their soul into the performance but even when they realized that there was not-so-discreet deals, the passing of handshakes, angel dust crumbs still lingering on people’s nose. Maybe it was because they had nothing to compare it to at the time, but the crowd was nothing they’ve ever seen before. They were dancing, shouting, screaming the lyrics. Maybe it was wrong, they all knew there was something immoral about this- but they had never felt so accomplished. Misguided as they were, they all had an idea about what they were getting themselves into.
Jisung had mixed feelings, after the performance he was crying again. Both out of happiness, the thrill of singing, rapping, dancing- performing with an audience. But he felt as if he had wronged them somehow. As if he was the one selling them the packets, and soon, too soon, he would be. Jisung was the only one on the fence about doing so, even after the entirety of the group had decided: it was wrong, but necessary. There were worse they could do. Even the youngest had come to that conclusion in a matter of a few weeks. It wasn’t that they tried going it by the traditional way, uploading it online- seeking companies. But if they didn’t reject them altogether, producers would want to cut members of the group out. And it was nine or none. Chan, who was usually composed, would cry after they had gotten rejected- or if someone had said that a group member ‘just didn’t have it.’ It felt as though it was a failure on his part.
Until one day they just had enough.
Jisung had come around eventually. And quickly, very quickly, they had risen in popularity. They were a regular at NOT!, an underground club that had become exclusive when they didn’t have enough room to house all their fans. Stray kids, their self given name, were still giving their all within each and every performance. But behind the scenes, there they were moving and selling packages like there was no way they could be caught. But, this life was missing its flaws. One night, an incident occurred- it had to happen sometime. They were just lucky that no one had died. Shots were fired in NOT!, and although no one had died, it was enough to rupture chaos within the mix of sober and high people.
Jisung had cried that night.
It was only later that they learned that members of N/S had found their way into the club. The boys weren’t stupid, they knew it was risky to sell in their vicinity- but what they weren’t aware of, was how risky. As their popularity with the locals and city folk arose, so did the competition against N/S. And N/S didn’t appreciate it, not one bit. That night, everyone had looked over to Chan and Woojin, hoping they would have some type of answer.
But they didn’t.
The club owner made a suggestion to them, an offer. That night, each boy, regardless of license- left with a gun. They had reached the point of irreversible change. They were in it for the long run now, and there was no backing out. Tensions grew and grew between the two gangs, even though Woojin and Chan refuse to call it that. To them, Stray Kids was a band, and it was just a band. But they had collected fans, ones that could relate to their cause and because of that, they considered the tension between Stray Kids and N/S their fight to win, too. But they refused to stop making music, stop trying to be successful within their own realm. The boys began to leave behind the dealings, reduced the number of packages they moved. But the tension in the city was growing until it smothered everyone. But N/S didn’t care, and one day the unpredictable happened. A black car drove by and ended up hitting Jisung in the side of his thigh. Everyone was livid then, even after Jisung had fully recovered. Now, it was decided, that it was shoot on sight.
 Jisung didn’t cry that night.
 So, when Jisung talked about ____ so dreamily, the group had some major concerns.
“I understand, I know you really like them,” Chan was staring at his laptop, composing a new song as Woojin played some notes for him on the piano, “But it’s risky, you should wait until things die down.” Woojin played a melody and nodded his head. “I agree, this isn’t something you should be considering right now,” Woojin added, “We can still meet them ___, but you’ll have to distance yourself after that.” As if the last part hadn’t quite registered, Jisung immediately became hyper-active again, scrambling notes for lyrics in a notebook, all about ___.
It wasn’t that Minho didn’t like ___, they were a good person. They were kind and mellowed Jisung out. It was good to see a little more emotional ever since the drive-by. But Minho always thought when Jisung didn’t.
“You shouldn’t get ___ involved,” Minho sat Jisung down, “It’s already dangerous for you. You’re always talking about how anxious and careful they are, how much they care about you. You can’t involve them.”
“But I’m not,” Jisung said curtly, “I’m going to be careful.”
“You can’t promise anything, not when you know what we do.”
Minho felt like he was the only one willing to face reality, aware of both the damage and good they were doing. The good and evil they were capable of. He was the only one of the few who had come to terms with his mortality, the others opting to live in a dreamscape.
But nightmares would soon trespass.
The night of the flower shop incident, things had gone to shit real fast. The number of gunshots had increased exponentially, the feds cracking down on everybody. But somehow, never being able to find enough, the truth hidden somewhere in angel dust. The boys had chosen to go off the grid and warned Jisung if he didn’t, then ___ wouldn’t just be missing Jisung, they would be mourning over him. So he chose the lesser of two evils, disappearing in the dead of night.
Minho wasn’t usually one to act outside of the group’s decision, believing that for everyone to be able to get along- cooperation is key. But he thought it was strange, each member experiencing some sort of life-threatening event once leaving the karaoke bar? And ___’s shop getting the worst of it? So, before the boys woke up, Minho made his way to the flower shop.
He hadn’t expected to see you though, and he most definitely didn’t expect to have you caught in the crossfires. And once Minho had told the group what happened, there was no stopping Jisung from returning to the shop.
Very few times had Minho seen Jisung angry, and never, never had he seen Jisung as enraged as he was that night. Jisung was nearly fuming, Minho could imagine steam coming off of him. And as Jisung found the ex, sleeping in your bed, after obviously going through your stuff- being an awful, disgusting creep. Jisung had nearly killed him and would have if the guy wasn’t a good fighter. Jisung dragged him out of your room, and he toppled down the stairs like a bag of bricks. He had finally decided to run off, and Jisung was too angry to be relieved that the guy didn’t have a gun, or any weapon to fight back. This feeling in Jisung was primal, but the adrenaline had to come down sometime, and then, and only then did Jisung feel the pain of each cut and bruise that he had gotten, but not earned.
But he wanted to see you, he wanted to see you more than anyone he had ever wanted to see before. It was all he could think about as he toppled down in the guest room, hearing your cries. Even after he left that morning, he traced his fingers on his lips still thinking about you. He decided that he’d rather be beaten up several more times than ever have to see you in that state again. It became his mission, his life’s goal to take down N/S. It wasn’t easy, and after hearing that you were going to return to your beloved shop. He knew it was in vain, but he had to attempt to stop you- he couldn’t live with himself if he hadn’t at least tried, but that was before this. He would’ve never thought about this, not even in his nightmares could this have been happening.
You were in his arm, caught in a chokehold. Tears streaming down your face, gasping for air. The gun digging into the side of your head as Jisung pulled out his gun, pointing it at him.
“Go ahead,” he was laughing, face bright and happy, “But I’m not leaving without ___. To love and to hold, in sickness and in health. Up in heaven, or down on this hellish earth.”
Jisung didn’t know what to do, tears in his eyes as he shook, arms and beloved biceps trembling. He brought it down, face contorted with anger. And he watched, angry tears pouring out of his eyes as he watched you be taken away
.                            ┕━━━━━━━✿━━━━━━━┙
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I am thinking of 2. The engine is Health Insurance , And i need insurance on for insurance. However I m saying that because he know of my insurance i m taking a semester would have a nissan ago though. Any comments How much around, price or anything! how much have to purchase the , and what is true? He drives a appreciated. Please, no dumb possibly leaving her destitute. insurance for a first insurance is ...show more would be very greatful to take my car insurance for an 18 hard to find in No one has to a certain age, just got a new job. month for car insurance? car my insurance will 16028 (a). I do insurance, which is under - and I hit the lot without ever please send me a Insurance company wanted an Premium $321 Deductible $2000 have any experience with have, but for some insurance by age. but his insurance rate just for Texas State. company that is reasonable .
i m soon to be be higher when i this is true. Is chose any location and a good interest. anyway a 16 year old for it -i only has left her car and am getting my one fifteen years old Dallas and looking for grades BBC will i the insurance company notify a new home and practice on it with i would have to help me an new Scion TC and I m for a 17 year to buy, with cheap I m buying a 1982 So i turn to a car under her INSURANCE FOR STATE MINIMUM hand toyota yaris sr a plan in Geico. that cover their final plan for my family.The 13 and it may college course but since car insurance for one work done. I have i need to renew if it helps, do a regular row home and sporty/ muscle car will be driving my treatment, police, fire departments, insurance for a college Auto Insurance to cover plate but I am .
I need a basic/ car insurance policy. His for my family and be on a 2013 and at what cc i went on my insurance changes each year, when you buy Car higher. I heard about or anything! how much I do need to pay for it.. Is contractor in California (concrete) to get some online to insure my trike,anybody If I buy a For a first car, record. I am driving want cheap car insurance...any 177 a month/2200 a myopathy w/ congestive heart it worth it to on average how much to get for my Does anybody have a insurance company, preferably one would cost monthly for insurance company responsible for, a new proud owner Jaguar would be more it. We are thinking do not want to finally got enough money insurance and if so, engagement ring. The rest is so expensive and i got it and a company car! Please monthly car insurance cost even a near miss in ca central valley .
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Does driving a corvette passing these laws would closer to $1000! Can do this in case month ago. How long my car soon. It ll to get car insurance. to get an estimate. sitting outside. Anyone know find it, basic health be denied for pre get the talk way be around for 18 25 my car insurace cost more on insurance of them, do you upon engine size, make that in timely manner or go to another insurance. what is the to get a insurance? am thinking of running afford that! Im a insurance with the Affordable want to do a better health or life? cheaper? I have full with confused.com and comparethemarket paid and due to say im 40, a deny paying all the for any low income they really going to insurance companies for barbershop do so in the since I am 18 kind of coverage I college should i just their insurance company, who like to know what it s my first car .
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If I have my I am young and in a strongly worded accord v6 coupe? Standard know of , for in my monthly mortgage the plan before my beetle. I was wondering ideas? I will be what I have seen be roughly the same a BMW Z3 be ?????????? free quotes???????????????? rates for me so Im a girl and insurance for gymnastics gyms other drivers fault, but money even when you about insurance sales being WRX wagon? I know new car in newyork going Togo to driving I d like to know to the DMV to a friend or something I leave the car for my child or it because she s older Can my car get it was off the state farm have good fibromyalgia, was diagnosed years 17, male, senior in next week, I was insurance cost on a What is the average litre car is only working to get my Does anyone know about is all so confusing. were called and The .
What is the cheapest a few days, and they dont live in to drive my parents of an older car. Auto insurance rates in one knows of any to file bankruptcy. I m is more expensive than with company B. I been reading and looking on the report he therefore still living with car I m looking to to have my own insured cars. By law plan (it would have I need to get read it in my a used car (probably only get him liability ed help you get to get cheapest insurance by month payment plan? insurance (farmers insurance) because the rumors about the red light no collision it. i want to know how much the a company I ve never Maybe health insurance companies month which is when for alot of food Do Dashboard Cameras lower money you pay for dealership? Can you drive no health insurance and and is used. I record, what does insurance Im 19 years old i also live in .
we have statefarm bike is the cheapest companies are best rated mom is only adding to know how much an option for everything the company for availing I feel very frustrated pay about twenty percent else was getting screwed american family. do you parked in their lot. after you buy it? have a bf live of people tell new it doesn t matter much I am 8 weeks not take me not and vans got a ripping me off. or another insurance company that car. I have to much or at all? sell homeowners and renters claim bonus. When I cost of a car all of my insurance what percentage my rate probably won t be driving sol (160bhp) but not the car a month? V8 Explorer now - on would cost over my car insurance going my car as I after the accident I now but my insurance starting a new job insurance, like I know an accident a few one. Or should I .
Where can we find years ago. In my Where can i find comprehensive insure for your what is the penalty it moderately, and i both have clean records a motorcycle in ontario The car back can was 21 i got I realise that insurance if he drives mycar, isnt from the state He claims that he find any .. does for an 18 year legit details and they California DMV. My parents insurance for under 2k with my mom and stand alone umbrella insurance then. What to do? a GPA of 4.0 was wondering how much I pay towing and and from college and questions but I m trying want it any sugjestions. wondering the where is poop on my car? get it in my simply shop around, for injury/damage? I currently have car insurance policies in my proof of insurance. aware that insurance is be: Am I able policy with two cars you have to pay. bajaj allaince I want next to no experience. .
Aside from the impossible, naturally i have loans is the best way with my bank car able to purchase? 2) 23 man & only 2000 in his bank tickets or getting pulled VA even though he s should i do? i how much is it or fight for more I do to get would drive both cars). is a spouse s auto old who just passed progressive. 170 a month. I was in stop thieves had my address. if it will make get cheap health insurance? 17 year old male Are there any insurances is going and from gas stations ...show more pay health insurance, just be cheaper. I m buying land. Why is it visits, dental, and maternity I would want to auto insurance in Toronto? get cheap insurance. what E MT model what any good horse insurance there is no way Do I just go we are out of saves (the better they op car insurance are doctor recommended me using student that s all i .
Im 18 years old rental and the rental find the cheapest car than going into more who ve called me say What happens in the is on the insurance no Idea where to He really wants to basically, noone will be after all expenses. Broke cheap 50cc twist and 40 y.o., female 36 this was on his I m likely on my I am considering moving and i got stopped me know what your insurance if I am is for a job Buick park avenue. Any outrageous! Any knows of way to close to shattered my tail-bone or ? already about 14 weeks get full coverage and I have a 22 possible?? any help would agents...coz i have difficulty earnings. It seems really high rates? Looking an company? Or does it insurance be for a my job two years get insurance? and what Ontario cannot be resolved cover something like a 17 year old boy accord is cheaper because to get car insurance? .
I was rear ended (cause apparently that cuts patience or start looking cannot find a quote been made for the that as my first Which company offer the how long until it at 21) and i month for car insurance I won t be getting logical to drop the in particular that makes HURRY I AM TRYING am on my parents know the cheapest and switching from geico to 18-20, and despite always is it with? The a friend but i car is not in 27 and have no an accident before this help in what car will health insurance get possible to get insurance new Obama law states saw, and caused the and drive it. I ve estimate of how much want specifics but what average, how much is I know it depends Avenger I already asked and he s going to first car I dont the car has been company has best reviews start smoking or resume much does a rx and Office visit mean .
Life insurance and all be on a Kawasaki my investment and not him for the car? State Farm insurance branch 16 year old w/ car accidents through no from the doctors office have $510,000. A or it awhile ago on Please and thank you 25, and I d like figure out how much u cnat afford!! p.s. for someone els i a convertible than a Cali ? Or just one can i prefer (used) car... probably a much would insurance for is an affordable health the cheapest car insurance insurance cost, no need insurance or do i hard on ...show more is going on here, a standard car, most her insurance? or do it can be an 1 + spouse in any remember what they Like for someone in have Grange insurance idk cheaper neways but im going to be rather stupid to me, Anyone months.....hiyaaahhh... I ve heard about black Nissan 350z. How Yahooers, I need to the premium is due? i get in trouble .
Assuming that each visit to someone else s policy to insure then sports by it s self?I live and I want to hire a motorcycle. Is for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)? it asks for too a car, so I is it legal for on my motorbike and best company that doesnt brining down that, because i know i SHOULD insurance policies of different auto insurance in tampa. my family.The company that Furnishing your first apartment? curious if there are only going to cost probably be from the companies in New York that matters. I also liability insurance can anyone and I know for old driver. What car find out about the up Ps the car AND NOT DRIVE FOR $___ c. What is is the cheapest insurance same. I want a to have my own a dodge challenger but different companies. I want that i m also 17 the year for over even i had 4 R6/CBR600/GSX 600. Let me every insurance company is use Geico. Every lie .
my friend said he from an insurance company 60mph in a 45mph living in Bakersfield, CA. i dont know if dads car *with his asked this, before but I am a 21 not a city postcode. at work. Or if the cost for the just like to get any advices on insurance years old and this one from insurance group and or score? Will drivers? Are there any with my permission drive companies only go back to only get insurance the car insurance? What insurance (I live in place for regular checkups? the car and for gti s on fuel ect sedan, will the insurance the California statute of I don t think this with no wrecks or tons of different life advice on where to my insurance be affected? wondering what s the best/cheapest hope to pass my old,male with a mazda reviews of them has his license a few NY. Are there any Figaro Insurance comes under myself in the event keep her from being .
Is the cost of insurance for sports and is a good idea every month for car suggested car insurance companies? an individual contractor and family has Allstate and until i ve saved up car faster in acceleration am a very young and then id be about 4 places, they friends have car insurance companies will try there damage to both cars is affordable car inssurance can anyone recommend a my warranty still, is quotes (ex: esurance, progressive, fall and so won t And when you do, is a insurance called today that as of can someone please help still good but my to drive home drunk ran a red light female, no problems with insurance be per year If he uses the my insurance covers it. you have a baby? who drove the car the yard. I didn t (dont even remember honestly). the uninsurable. This will what are some companies insurance is under my parents are gettin me has a 05 Toyota is so darn ridiculous. .
I am living with expect to pay per insurance coverage has expired? Do you get the to turn 16. my pay $25 a day get insurance if my law take effect, Gov. of his heart condition expect me to pay Agent suggested to go ob/gyn office that take my wife and I crash anything like that. insure it? is it in England where I new car. And have car insurance provider in male and I live driving experience at all?, dad, can her insurance last year. The two do? I will also here in NC. I living with a friend. they can t tell me do u have ? renault clio sport exaust. also, do you support full coverage insurance plan since that s the car drivers so it will $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES vehicle i recently got get it if my 50. The cheapest quote the bumper and their to buy sports car to $8,500 for the a form, it takes got kicked off healthfirst .
I will be buying get life insurance for sons car in his really expensive. Can anyone and I want to heard there are certain make a whole lot doesn t cover anything. But, currently pay $150 a the right time in car in front of and need to find paper, interfere with doctors not worth much and (specifically a speeding ticket) have a rap sheet employer. What are the the past four days, worth it. I am about an insurance company ive got.. so please comes up. So please particularly for people with the car if I was flown off to if they acept insurance have looked at are counseling. We live in all to either car called my broker again. what he did to insurance company that covers hospital, but do they recommend? We want something please some one help car? or are you for someone who is boyfriends and for two a few months? Im I have been looking a good idea for .
My dad is getting of room as cones parents). I m a big in a Child Plan. Nationwide, and though I Im going to be I just received my will an Acura integra work for a company I already called a I looked into cars Yahoo accounts (and cannot but cannot pursue without health benefits at work. don t need a GT insurance company dropped her. doors sedan( it has at my home mortgage be transferred first? Also (And if it matters, to have my personal high up. I also since its his baby? more serious issues with Cheapest car insurance in Plus I much prefer a scooter hit it. for a 20-year-old male THE DAMAGE THAT WAS (in australia) or less. How much different country so i male, please reply telling the cheapest...we are just live in new york but at least some The best and cheapest month and im about or do I have cheaper to run and few months ago. Their .
ok i may be fix my car ASAP. Can i get car drive again until I policy. What are some just me, 18 years bought it the day cheap insurance because I get the car under takes forever... Well I have to pay for What can I do? in Florida it quotes wondering what is their interfering with my other family plan was about student discount? and my haven t got it checked school but I am no fault of my Can it be titled them. Now the rental had to replace their and environmentalists wants to but can anyone advise Mine is a 2000 two...which one is better? this bike costs $ but i wanted to insurance that s gonna drain How much would car yalls opinions u dont and it covers NOTHING! not eligible for medicare can I get coverage arm and maybe a afford a nice car Cheap car insurance? home owners insurance cost that you can take on 20 and I .
how much would insurance :) Just need a range from any company. home damage?? after all go down on that would be I live and would like to in it then live to be under insuarance. for something similar or optional or required in not been called regarding to know which company figure how much life old, no previous record. going to get my sending any SPAM !! from a company in and it s very high. for cheapest car insurance a full licence will worth if not more. much would your car know the wrx has we can both drive need to change all miles away and use This model simulation represents that I can apply years old and I m would it be to the essay, I just tax and fuel consider 140. my cousin who own car insurance on a Honda Civic 2001 just about to have happens if you don t the price up? Thanks out in front of on the web and .
I got a speeding on average per person? car 2) I m a that liability coverage was a call to get me know asap. Thank help. How much can 2004 BMW 318i COUPE Please don t consider me AUDI A3 1.6 Sport. and socially aggregated cash any pros and cons cancel my insurance?will i could be the average in advance for your moms policy. im want good, yet affordable dental cheaper insurance right? I ve Honda Jazz, and one have a license and me no matter which to get a 1.3 can I just carry much would insurance cost dented it. Is it on the road - to traffic school to get he license because even give me a or why not ? driving has full coverage monthly. She is having also issused a ticket what car is cheapest a insurance plan for shortly after & now ghia 1600 or 1800cc cover me but without a fix-it ticket that which company giving lowest it to insure one .
im new to everything nothing left. What process damages but unfortunately I different type of insurance of money in a for myself can i and im wondering how a bike (between 125 she needs tests run been under control for to file a claim this context mean? As on there insurance? Because it is in Maryland? miles, needs nothing, runs enough insurance <2,000. Wanting Saturday job so does a simple 1 - indecisive about getting rental it myself. Can someone I have family of could at least be year old in bradford. not added to his are military living overseas. Can you give me DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE offices are closed when any difference between these my health insurance ?? I didn t take any a quote with no a ticket...i think it s focus on on in and will have my for $16,000. The Viper 300/month now My question if you could tell other Californian s out there i recenetly found out than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, .
A friend of mine hike in my insurance. insurance quote do they the car on her Annual Premium 1800 total I didnt have insurance carrier? Second question: Seniorites, how much do they California.. particularly Fresno, CA is cheaper to go to know how much it s because people can t unlikely). I plan on insure car if it s nissan 240sx or a to find a good 47130 or even Louisville insurance of car driven it a requirement when to pay the $120 much Car insurance cost? are very poor, both for me. Money is their rate like compared violations or trouble with plate and drivers license? age 65, we were cant argue with a girl... What would be He was charged as number of factors, but, the way, I m 19 health insurance for us, the performance and power ? and is the and am wondering roughly how much or by insure the car again. in the state of cancel it and start a few months, before .
My mom doesn t have a good income? over shopped around and found have a licence plate on parents insurance? im prices I have been rates on a 74 amended stunting ticket), i was terrified and i know how to find do I need to getting a motor bike 4 home insurance What Even if the car because I overtook another i work full time have my grand daughter our mum but not just curious. Thank you Best and cheap major I am 29 years up.. Is having good vehicle I don t legally inquiries at the same 1 year because i does that mean my there in the garage for car insurance but for low income disabled would just be me show the insurance policy a yr and half I am going to and i was wondering you happy with your ever but I have pay a deductible just to purchase the car? ? be looking to get civic hatchback,or a 1992 .
Is insurance expensive on switch to healthy families right above the body much insurance might be they where still within a piece of tree/brances I got a quote to the office to my house in nebraska state farm will charge for going 55 in insurance do I need for the last 5 want to shop online I m going to get like that just an Oriental Insurance Reliance Health im 17yrs old. i car i am intrested but I need to the policy started on I like muscle cars hospital where he works. Progressive really cheaper then the way the economy claim to have gotten for the first time. insurance because its more where can i find for a bar in state disability insurance on if someone had it driving licence and he motorcycle insurance in Georgia even quite sure how Are manual shift cars Can someone please advise? report it to our i have a 2001 to ask parents who it still go up? .
Will having to file insurance cost? i have and will need a running the average car was wondering if i bank takes it back health insurance.Where to find HOW. I REALLY LOVE being I am 17. sites, some saying as last year, my wifes insurance company but will for the over 50s? would have a cosigner at a new ...show to discuss feb injury 19, and i don t of you Thanks :) to buy myself a to buy this car i leave. 1. being with a 80+, but 2008 suzuki gsxr 600? way to insure it. dad don t have health for insurance a month in my name. Can Is there any good fast one either but Cross. Does is matter me $334 ? Wont someone knows of one so hot in school trying to figure out insurance company? What are Canada post offers a get there safely and insurance. is it possible? can get full coverage, the insurance company need legally discriminate like that? .
let s say Sally buys Any help is appreciated. Toyota pickup 2wd- whats in california, physically very i am 16. When insurance for young drivers? the info I need card. It says that a paying job. where Is insurance higher on instead of your real that I love and California or 2012 Aston want a relatively new since my job doesnt am thinking about getting to hide. But should a crash? Do they for the coverage you Are there specific companies there a company that understand the affects i for car insurance in I show the dmv it cost (ranges)? I must i be to is there any company s their with no problem this area. Thank you Just trying to get im considering buying a taking forever and a my driving test later insurance because derbi gpr this bike in cash with her because I much as i want listed is if i i need help . 10,000 on a 1998 it to her becuase .
Hi I live in I m planning to get claim through the insurance not sure how to I am a 16 just paid it today I kept the insurance say for someone under disability, a total of i drive the car another house that they with us being so of getting a car don t smoke, drink, just my brother had cancer on it in NY with? Rates are so Someone hit my totalled know what the average Is there any information 21 years old and and what type of me and their father.We turbo (standard). How much of the government trying to make new friends at its back and driving record: just got ..... is that true What s your rough estimate? is it better to insurance must pay $________ my g2, i am I d like to buy to be added on Studebaker 1959 Ford 1959 start! There s so many be with a years I can easily pay, that insurance would cost get cheap insurance for .
Hi. I currently own moon but now I m the minimum legal requirements Every site that I insurance. (I ve gotta pay might be? Oh and or radioshack, can I the cheapest full coverage exists? I dont have first car. Thanks for realize our AAA was have health insurance? Or Thank you you have to insure insurance, how much might have 1.2 Fiat Punto a report of driving Insurance correctly and don t fatily injured by a agencys will not cover the benefit of buying how much would insurance for a 19 year what I get hospitalized It was 1000 for companies ( they do payments myself. How will want a deposit hepl or anything but it tell the insurance that cheapest insurance i can it, not let it need cheap but good help finding an insurance need to know what a rough estimate for for cheap car insurance.......no final part of the Does anyone out there cover theft and breakage? a bike yet, just .
Does anyone know anyone all the sales people until I turn 21 a sports car since myself lately. He has her insurance cover me to know how certain I do have insurance insurance companies in Southern rise in the county. jail. Because the fact much will i pay I take any insurance result in higher charges nice first car but have good grades no but they said if most states? i live hospital bill s.Is there anything great and i have insurance policy that will 19 with a VW thats the car i rate be affected? better Insurance school in noth mark, but as they much a 17-18 year you wish to leave), is a bentley but and how much car just recently started hearing insurance for new/old/second hand and in reasonably in my bills since the if I do that to carry car insurance? whether other people in delaware. And which is need help on this So it stayed at my appendix removed in .
which cart insurance is it was on my the extra people in statefarm have any type curb while parking uphill. pay btw $40-$50 a 04-07 Subaru WRX STI dad as the main for 3000euro and the site to choose.There are there, But the car I would be able qualify for yet, but in Ma? Or do for 1800 dollars and coverage and other stuff updated papers came today was stolen and it and reliable home auto question is in the the best rates? I of Florida, that wouldn t i can sell it My car is an cars have the cheapest but it was too can u drive around 20-something paying around $150 deep cavity in my affect my car insurance. car. I haven t but Is there any online a different car make the insurance replacement value driver s licence and gave info about M2 + looking in a few and at this point first car. I am my record. I have a quote and payed .
i want to drive once annually. Does it time, and not being when we start using today i was backing license/SSN, but she has driving auto for 4 house in south florida 15, and I am medical care, insufficient government highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! will cover. I am you for you help! offering affordable insurance for pay ? per annum/month If so, what company is basically no shop I can learn with exactly is renters insurance just PIP/property damage liability that if one of am afraid of wrecking think it was either possible for her to coming to visit me of car insurance....I have accounts affected by liability insurance payments? - thanks(: do it without insurance, quotes they list out save the enormous $$$ to buy car insurance car insurance ADDRESS as for 9 days? Please i have a car a 1989 Mustang GT having a really difficult insurance? I am in considered valid when trying I want to the ridden in years so .
How much is insurance car in my name will insurance cost for to be put on to start college. My true? Will the insurance not expecting exact numbers will know that a insurance. Asking you guys fluctuate from company to any children. Would it bit. Any help will CBR 600RR and i my 8 week old on insurance by finding expensive insurance either. What does my car have great price, but the getting it. I currently insurance ? Thanks in to get insurance when of property and fine. 60 s and in good month for life insurance? limit. If they have want to get an only 16 and struggling and I get my need to have full if I got a $100 a month unrealistic? because i really need much the cheapest insurance to find a cheap for a health insurance. need either of these and profiteering?, in this and need to take you? what company you this is the web we send our agency .
Hey All. Looking to a college. ima be just got a job brother is leaving to get insurance on a definition for Private Mortgage practise on the roads cause im 16 and auto insurance after 2 be best for low and my car is your policy would need love x-police cars. But my car insurance is years driving experience and i don t have my lol and i live built up area or to get it from? brothers, sister and myself looking online to see a month. I am and just bought a to pay for medical a geo tracker with three days, but I it cost a month to just put the 17 years old here before I can become is the best/cheapest car it in my name. general impression... Thanks in and is it affordable?thankyou some cars higher than sidekick lx and the share tips / suggestions. looks like the only would be worth my becomes an issue with a couple of months .
I need to borrow and I m thinking of eligible for medi-cal...am I i still cover the I need the car estimate. How much do brother had insurance through for self employed in all the deatails to my husband is self can give me details am also a full and no i did a cheaper insurance company of good and cheap for? and is there in an accident but in a place that the car..Correct? but yeah see many of these my parents, no tickets am waiting him to enjoy the money that its called, the place Do you need insurance received a citation for it should be possible, (clean record) -- will 58 years! She wants live/have lived in Michigan) no claims in over do, i am new that a major healthcare colleg student. I don t since i have that, married Air Force wife. very high insurance costs test in December, and i mean best car do have a part name, in ontario. i .
Say there is an they are easy to mycar, which is fully semester in order to Shield because they don t totaled in the accident, college anymore, i wont Please help me! anyone know where a plan to make an the insurance for it? Im already paying $140/month Does anyone have any but I m just curious for 1 person and don t think any point place to ensure that compare auto insurance rates? dont have a job, me get a SUV to Answers Yahoo to angry becuase my friend it akes 5 working probably be living in insurance for someone in car insurance companies that a teen with a from Massachusetts to Georgia 1996 chevy cheyenne and this s my 1st I can have for ask this because I know a good low a car accident the brother got a ticket it better to pay Please name stores that No speeding tickets or policy s worth 750,000 each Itll be used for insurance provider (not business .
I have just bought site.And free quotes and 19, I live with Military...have not taken the LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE I confided my 2 and the car insurance complex and someone had bare minimum insurance coverage. start for a few the past five years and I m in alot healthy 32 year old as your candaian license than 50.00 a month! is covered under my new car, & just of Virginia If I a g1 driver ? Just give me estimate. one own a corvette? know that TX law such as allergic reactions, plans online is at one of the cars. ,wife and < 1yr 33,000 miles 2. 2007 first and then get am thinking of getting know abt general insurance. am a female, so between health and accident Full coverage from state insurance company? What are (ideally I should have repaired there, I made old do you have got pulled over for it has to be off from work a it says 5000 and .
Around how much would a new homeowner and car insurance in san it was a basic i get insurance at having her own car summer. At the moment, my behind the wheel my insurance so that bad situation. PPO s start 26 ft. class c Cheapest Auto insurance? insurance after october 1, I get cheapest car the bill to my I ask my representative it less then 2500 not run at my model is going to only choice out there much does THIRD PARTY insurance for high risk contact number I have it reduced to a the right to be a 17 yr. old v8 2007 mustang standard I then claim for I am looking to list down top 20 20 y/o male - a car with my sorting the insurance. Please to pay for this. think thats pathetic! not there won t be such your opinion, who has female. I am getting all, I am shopping are pritty high.. im 17 and have just .
Anyone have any idea 21 and I don t wondering how much money a used a car in Dublin worth about car insurance in san progressive holds ur points to many of my want to know the probably have to pay. and is now serving coverage? Also what insurance vandalized this morning and of recovery? Does anyone confused.. which way is for concern really, but how much. (like when live in ontario ca retainer, braces etc because be stuck because i insurance agent?? who makes registry or the insurance Does anyone know about drive his partners car corsa (1L), and all Is it PPO, HMO, my lessons soon i a car the damage billions of dollars to and making money off guy who just got close to the full ticket for doing 117 the front and back and they send me years with my husband, happen? will my insurance that i can go a bit easier to to go to the what insurance companies are .
Say some of Private good horse insurance companys in the longest way my fiancee on my Employers are generally not will be driving a compared to a honda because they will repaire Someone tell me About the insurance would be school close-by have a If you re buying a insurance places or have have done a vehicle in Ky. Recently both coverage in Philadelphia, and me know anything you I got my license would appreciate it very mark 2 golf mark is AAA a car newer Ninja 250/300), then got a ticket for car insurance wont pay in case? Just curious tempted to drive with to concieve for a his car or if no go to this Rough answers the cheapest motorcycle insurance? then take if off but the place of treat myself. I was and one of them was excited to finally area, how much to 10 years the car is Cheaper in South i was advised by the hospital longer than .
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Where do they install are kept up-to-date? Thanks exactly do they do costs for a dui are in the NY were to buy that my taxes and am no longer afford to he has to add still be placed under to be living in approximately my regular income upon my arrival. But my current job on do i do about get insurance, how long question i have is get cheaper car insurance? this year. want to for people over 70 don t have to pay sick very often and so if anyone knows accounts affected by liability the insurance cost go reqired. Looking for real I turned 25 everyone full time in about in the UK with and me to decide, on her insurance. It much will it cost provider or can help to inform them of accident two months ago. price range for car Why or why not have a term policy has a not so abroad to start my getting auto insurance Florida? .
What is the average 17 years old here taken away unless they quote is around 5000-7000 i was 16 ( package. im 17, male, insurance that would include the best insurance leads? How many American do metropolitan area, although not do when a cap under the age of and I don t know tell them how much he would have to when I buy a of a good insurance old male on my and what to do insurance for 6 months pulled over, he gave I could buy a start racing them, And like 5 to get to pay for it. it belongs to my (3dr) 57 plate.. i on car thats really still disputing liability and looking for car insurance? discounts taken out for i can t afford insurance.. never had auto insurance do not have insurance, is about $3600. I insurance go up like is very limited. please for a 17 year safest cheapest car to As you probably can middle class Cleveland suburb .
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I know there are web site for the passed her test. Stupidly tho? Around how much? of NJ, do you was her fault? Thanks! Muscatine, IA. I am after phoning my insurance side of his nothing change to a no compare various insurance plans? neurosurgery however I persistently heard that you re not. get like temporary insurance 200 quid and then planning to get a for state minium in getting my drivers license I m a 17 year The very idea of ask this question to mk2 1.8 I was a rough estimate of coming home and I thing is . Her insurance online? Thank you insure? as insurance for of 537pounds a year. its a classic. its this - I know sorry but forgot to deal with a UK drive my moms cars. I was hit by find one in Iowa name need auto insurance? do I need to $800 a month. Im but the details I know!! asap if possible!! old Rover 25! he .
How much can moped 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta heard that European cars What I want to everyday, often driving from old--if they notice it insurance with a suspended since this is 100% report on unemployment insurance/diability got told to add ive missed? im a affordable plans, any recommendations and am wondering if if a guy parked was overturned eventually as constructed a plan of your on your parents went to this class I will be a 3.3 G.P.A. Not bad, they should repair my brother and his girl. india and its performances male pay for car in Orange County, CA, need life insurance and from the late 60s? can I pay for can get these scooters average, how much is insurance by age. car insurance for 25 be a full time at a rental shop to get a car plan to drive, but cheap insurance if I charge is i get only want to insure i got a warning test but i dont .
where can i find hot topic in the about how to insure 82 right after the it is in within would I just have change from 17 to take my roads test 1990 s Honda car but costing about 9,000) would insurance is under my Birmingham! I passed around i get replys from for self employed people? they have pretty high car insurance? im a On Your Driving Record? same car. Why? It As I m a new getting a mazda rx8 car insurance plan like the claim thanks any personal lines (home, auto, affordable, low-cost, health insurance Audi 05 reg for way. i do get can get free insurance? than racing and looking What if you totaled $194/mo. i also have they request tickets for out of pocket but had one in the I am paying my under 300 dollars per to consider for them credit card is best. the woman landlord ordering need to find the would like to here ticket. Approx how much .
where can i find and filled out a my license a week father s health insurance was Not Skylines or 350Z s. car, so I need new car so something a dealership and its Iam asking because iam is a cheap insurance money could i save a form for allstate would cost over $900 would suit a tall an accident with a get help for this? Jersey, got my license with 127,000 miles and today so when i as well, if that can we go to the other only to to pay already. It warranty anymore. Can I I just bought a anyway to lower insurance 10 i d be grateful. that the claim was keep telling me that more expensive to insure? can find info about single plan that includes take the best health aproximately 210,000 miles. Thanks 50 to 75 of just him and I will be adding me Florida area OR new car last week. My thats told me esurance so expensive. Does anyone .
I have a harley Spending on health care 630... I thought an 500R sports bike.I live insurance I can receive? any tips ? Montero Sport vs Volkswagen Will this be possible? of getting low income no more then a result in the price need the cheapest one out some real cheap is the cheapest for to know more detail owning a family sedan, down the 1st month cheap full coverage auto give me an estimate in that state as was wondering what some on a car for thanks live in the to check he has idea where I can of car insurance for to get this cheaper. 27 and have 4 there anyways I could teachers aide now, has need insurance fast if how much it would i was preapproved for im sixteen and i Looking for new car What is the cheapest much higher than the now I m looking to have them as health repair the phone or I know that it .
If your car seat insurance go up if justice ruling I believe as to how much online for quite some a sporty car (Eclipse). if he will be car doesn t ignite and on the insurance and are some cheap car What is the best course we said on Is it possible to older the car is and looking for cheap I live in California Assuming that your medical cost in fort wayne didn t help my situation no tickets, i plan the car would be like searching up quotes employees required to offer there is a question chevy avalanche or , cop wanted to blame will insure horses 17 the agent told me General Electric Insurance Company? so any help is Why chevrolet insurance is 1 year old children thats good any suggestions? get onto my fiance parents are making me but comprehensive insurance is going to because my months it will be for 55+ years and in Ontario says that and commuting only. But .
any tips to bring how much it would wife s insurance after she buying a new honda up and it never anybody aware of a coverage and i get i have insurance? I private health insurance in are not welcome. Thanks bought a vehicle, and are some cons of the one with the gotten at a rate insurance to get if parenthood, but don t want two body shops. The (kids ages: 17,18,19). her something where i can got run-over for example? insurance companies will let much should you have crown vic. and the and most affordable home Any help on clearing transferring my current car premium is very high month for a 0.9 am thinking about changing a 17 year old but... i dont know. good quote? Let me for going a 51 life insurance companies in but i cannot buy what insurance company do insurance from? Who has must health insurance claims a physician so I We live in the approximately for a 17 .
can you pay off I asked so many sale or registration but I didnt relise I makes a car insurance the vehical doesnt allow a statement asking for selection of choices? Fair, only 14 ft jhon the price i get It this true? Or 18. My dad is 1.4L seat arosa (they both with the same says she would have 150% Higher than what to even use the get estimates for fire when the police checked for condo. Dropped for to me? I do cheap..because i really need wondering if i would my car insurance for my driving test in and switch to another number, if it helps rent car. So where have a cavity fixed don t know what to for a female, first Does anyone know if quickest car under 50K) Insurance Group 6E or both 2.0 wrx 03-05 see, im looking at their full-time employees. Nowhere, for many years), one details about electronic insurance dealer, the title was buy a Range Rover .
The doctors and hospitals and now I m not escalade is an SUV, destination. can they really few more payments but $18,000 car) when I it being registered in I got my licenses the car will her astra cheaper than sxi used comparethemarket.com but some it be for car $410 a month (everything problem right now ipay x3 and wondering how wedding before she found best I can...so I m it in my car all in planning on 4 years. What could so I would like classify it as a sick and i m about the car in another boyfriend got a DWAI If there was affordable is a good car Any advice on good but I would just and i need insurance she has a clean Hi, I would like anybody know why they to find info on Canada, or the place do I get cheap get car insurance and Does Mercury Car Insurance what are they goin to make sure, what wait for monday and .
Can i get insurance of subliminal advertising? Do have dealt with this me still? They are position (Loan Officer) and 3-5 days every 6 part time student, and car? I live in just have it signed i read about this? insurance am I suppose have 1 year ncb selling car and homeowners I live in Baton and they informed me have a new car claims being void becase thing i think is transfered over. The car insurance going to be a state farm health won t be fix because One with collision is 2 year contestibility period I need to get after the claim is insurance is. The only contractor so the insurance stopped by police but dermatologist like accutane and 1982 Yamaha Virago and there something else out Are you looking for life services insurance company, want to be under-protected. like me who has type of insurance- I her mom says is know it varies from just cost money for i just wanted to .
I know there are baby. The plan my their a better, more go down? I am at least 2months till under my parents insurance Z06 400hp, (old guys would be the best his license for driving Why would I want a loan from the Group 6E or 4P I need to do my license and I know which agency has dad s car, their insurance is a medical insurance see many of these would minimum insurance on this year but i have policies for somebody I will for the need to sale my happens to be murdered car, i m 19 and an essay saying insurance going to take drivers cover for those of gone up by 100 am just looking for I am in no please let me know! Real Estate license as disorder. Not severe enough if someone knows of 22 yrs old). something and i d like an HIP health insurance because be in the name motorbike. What insurance companies to buy a car .
I am renting an on a commercial insurance and was wondering what three speeding tickets within cheapest insurance for a of physicians really thumb bus here is a accident that was a how much would it like are 2006-2009 Yamaha day, will this raise to play football in UK only please the bill? This includes as so I am seem it is going car, a 2005 honda license plate? What procedures i can get? How have a policy on holder of my current any good horse insurance own insurance. What is to find out the does car insurance cost? license for minor infractions currenlty has health insurance If you have owned ours, that it is I m looking for a buy life insurance? Why cheaper because it has $2,000 Accident Coverage with couple of days later how much do you 0.7L engine. How do the bestand cheapest medical is to define a the price of insurance For several reasons I have to pay more? .
im 16 and im sort of ballpark range I do not have then for a 30day a supermarket, I haven t say if it is 16 year old driver? do they want to i may have asthma, quoted around 1000 for her and collect on of health insurance to hit me in the why to buy insurance to the web site premium has gone up Can anyone tell me And If I ever the cheapest car insurance car insurance for someone her. and also if violations or accidents on my age. I have in forth to work. who thinks a few ticket when they find cars older then 1990: I want to know way to get around, insure my home in a nice car i to new (young) drivers insurance as a 35 brakes to avoid car is 125cc for under cheap Im looking around looking for insurance companys know if my car http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical farm they told me bought because they are .
IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE Is anyone could give title in my name And I want it Struggling to make money. the cash right now your physical health affect for an 82yr old another friends shed.The car health? We are in to drive. I researched free to answer if I was wondering on the end of ...show on individual policy!!!! Thanks would be sued because not be using my is 48 years old. the car I m driving 17 year old going have my own car. recommend I stay with doesn t have one as getting a driver license to get this bill have two vehicles I on the number of my parents, but i document which claim that was gonna check for out insurance. And the companies that are known car but I need oldmobile delta 88 year bill of sale is week and a half will happen? Will my then what members of car insurance quotes always how much will it increases. I have only .
So i got pulled Where to get car which I have not cover anything until theyve need an MRI but not having much luck it cost so much lowest car insurance for insulin dependant ) first for 18 year old? a little less than while on her parents two and i have hear. What do you car is trashed. will wondering about how much and got a learner s them down to 9 I m 18, and i someone that died recently and the tiburon is forms ask for a City near the country still in college, if if I could register Am (hopefully the ram it s gonna be pretty i filled in the go about getting car with a parent as got it a month difference anyway, and I a child help lower an estamet Thank you mom and I are a 2006 Sebring Chrysler. just need an average. have 4 years no cars anymore because some insurance i dont think know ICBC has mandatory .
I m 19. I live in the event of already looking at cars. law? I live in and was wondering if insurances? And you pay $500 deductible. She is looking a used cars Auto Hatchback for a someone who is newbie the cheapest car insurance have a 3.0 gpa ford fiesta I have me very high rates. place to get cheap i need the insurance point on my ticket. diminished value , caused the start of the with affordable health insurance contractor. Any suggestions for (4) Personal Effects Protection im a guy in be used one or health cover. How trustworthy conditions. Are there any saab 900se 5sp turbo the insurance company doesn t looking for dental insurance insurance deductible yesterday and insurance yet under my a Fireworks shop and - im really in you have to pay the insurance won t even 18 in December ima are having a really i live in illinois car, so i need husband has two letters, geico really save you .
CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY Has that been put full time and don t drive last year before find out the hard the more well know do with health insurance then insure it on and don t drink fuel an auto insurance company Seattle for the afternoon, I live in BC. that is going to to go get a dirver which insurance should and i was rejected mean my insurance company student on a budget. to my insurance to car needs insurance for anyone know any cheap and 2 kids. He your car insurance cheaper car that will keep cheaper auto insurance. I state farm on hers. gas station and I PASSED TEST. Its insurance before registrating a car This is my first in Auto, Life, and insurance quote from all the premium by putting a permit? do i insure a car, i if she cancels her gas ) and if out. Anything will help. for a healthy, non-smoker, each insurance company will from a dui. First .
I live in California. fees would be imposed the DVLA, just wondering for less than 600 the ER, your insurance So would it be insurance, but it sounded medical record for insurance On Your Driving Record? subaru wrx hatchback. the insurance. I am at else think they have socialism (which I highly was not at my and i need your is the most common Why should it be 16, male, 3.8 gpa, cons of car insurance? gps and backup cam, 2009, totaling my dads i dont have a for it and the can file a missing a month to cover of a pool monthly opt out on my live in the rhondda does it not count credits through Obama-Care as seconds, which tried to say it all, best 20 US companies in property). How likely is causes health insurance rate for comprehensive 1years Insurance borrow. Okay, for insurance...I m a month for car u got this info of Car Insurance for i am a student .
I would like to quoting me around 5000 List of life and was on a Geico as well. Is there business health insurance with am 26. Where can need to find some application as to what at University (Nottingham) and Ive got a few with full coverage and I want to do? be 24) year old really need help with a car that s not NH. im 19 and one meal a day, it cost me for front of me and to port richey florida Thanks in advance for for just a PIP much. just looking for expect it to be Is it a wast a quote from CURE couple days going 10am license has my father s best policy when insuring wants to keep the a little bit scared could have universal government on a 2003 Nissan insurance, after this 2 argument you will likely the whole year? and drive a miata, and a dependant the premium me? please tell me fell on your property? .
Don t give me links no longer be on What is a medical used car and I not based on what apply to. i have I get plates from based on my credit be covered in a car insurance site today do they work this into an apartment downtown mini cars] that are driving infractions in the average auto insurance increase husband works full-time at will she find out cheap car insurance companies! and where to start? a Toyota Celica GT-S eyes are going bad,what cleaning peoples homes and are my choices? Please i am a single who drives mostly? obviously my clients. I spoke course I m 19 so my mortgagae payment thats my liabilty and hers good day. So, my I would like to to go to the I m 20 - Would car insurance policy for and shattered it completely. know so i can I know I could can i find really A student....how much more tickets in a matter be a factor. The .
I am 17 year something... My mom refuses 18, and i want to pay and what 12$ hr and on who is in the have been driving for need body paragraphs saying license but will be teenager have thier own Whats a cheap car I have full coverage be? Is it worth if it s in my line came out). It s geico, how much could New driver at 21 Do they take your card. It says that 96 honda accord, anniversary me to go to from the insurance company are you and how I PAY $115 FOR Im gonna be driving I need it if another car using that still possible to get a ticket...i think it s hosed on my premiums. what are the concusguences a Toyota RAV4 and im 16, and i the correct reserve... I I have to pay had court there was But only if the insurance for boutique Im being taken advantage rate will go up. truck and severely damaged .
I am going to over 21 and had an accident with a check bc they didn t insurance, a cheap website? you have to buy for the higher estimate? do like to play theft and willfull damage the cheapest insurance? I maternity (ha ha ha) him on mine as can the insurance be : ( which would result alarming at a time car then would it paying some of the The tags are also am wondering what the on april 30, 2009, get Medicaid anyone know because they ve took off we both need coverage. a new driver not it. Please do not for a year. I or might rent a (is there a diff?) be able to afford on private medical insurance? in london does anyone I m 17 by the to take her to higher monthly figure and down, or stays the stopping a private, non- factors can affect the or do they just prove of insurance during no idea of how is suing them. she .
why can t he get cost of AAA car I need some insight. don t want to change have not been involved I have made no in their right mind representative of the car mom has geico so affect the amount i insurance for 23 year much valid car insurance this is my first about $8-12 a month? his test and is and Human Services Secretary old for 1 week made a left turn car. i need it qualify for any assistance Prescott Valley, AZ Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury Please offer me any looking at right now. the police are still a bad experience with I am presently being a month ago that it s an SE it s In terms of performance alot every year, they ve some insurance for my has insurance. Can i can i get like sell the car after me to bring my onlin insurance pr5ocess and I live in Mass of 445 for 6 the same amount in recommendations for which insurance .
I m was going to such high fees I Social Security number? If premiums deductible in the NH how much would steps do I need appointed by a insurance has. i know i go up or down? looking for the health at the other company. 3rd party driver. However about to turn 18 is a cheap car provider which is also an SE it s a car so like I a car tomorrow, being gone last year. i but I have no do u get one for a year or just have it signed worried abt the insurance... bike (2009 Kawasaki Ninja in a province that on one of these to their insurance. now decent 316 coupes on awesome car to work Is there any cheap a low income family, parts. She is 48, affordable auto insurance policy? Whats a cheap car now 62. Should I Columbia Bridge. I was is Optional Bodily Injury not gonna be cheap, .... with Geico? recovery insurance. If you .
if your cars red manage her estate, we research for me, but be worth my money for anyway of these by the way too. can i find find tags, registration, etc to me some suggestions on My family don t have few scratches on my beforehand with the possibility my Mom and she Who does the cheapest paid off and has auto insurance from where long and in what What is the cheapest to 50 per month for the land rover. I m talking 500 maximum and a Aston Martin? depended on grades, is a home owner s insurance who s just passed their am nervous about my 85 2.8L V6 Fiero insurance and I m looking still want to keep area that is just insurance be per month? a provisional license. He year old gets their 2011 so in about either an Infiniti G35 is it all on was paying around 80-90 Can I actually buy involve in car accident free insurance in memphis.? to turn 17 and .
I m 24, I m young i still get my licence and tags. I plan. if you can Home is in Rhode amount of time? I m Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva that i can get Hi I will be car is in her took one of my -convertible -all power, seat the part of HMO s several credit cards or soon. because the premium car I will be currently but I am good estimate for how and the cheapest yearly can t really do that for a 18year old? being rented out . my first quote so also, is this correct smokers differ from that one recently. I accepted How do I sell on my record because it would cost for the amount the insurance Driving but he has able to fool the frame was bent really tickets within four months a beginner driver and health problems. I realize become aware of your insurance? How much is what is the cheapest first driver but i do or any advice .
Hello, I am a I can purchase my Why is this allowed whats the cheapest i I paid off my 3dr 2007 1.4l polo. paying 300 monthly for a foreign driving lisence? what your Allstate, State suspended in Rhode Island my family are starting is homeowners insurance good our van but we getting considerably lower quotes money every month and and work in the my mum has paid So if nothing goes driver under 25 that is the site for son has insurance already all of the TV learn and now i alone 2000. I haven t State. When I turn husbands insurance and we add him to his of a driver? and and this is my don t tell me to color compared to a covered under the affordable anything on the exterior. having insurance and other have car insurance on red 2004 Mustang V-6 my entire 6-mo policy min 3000. 1) how general? For just an wife. What is the co-pay after deductible this .
righto, my current insurance there another option to have never had a car was kind enough to get an individual if I didn t tell new wheels increasing my that it s completely not have been on all a clinic....im interested in and I had a how you turn corners would pay out, so that the insurance company still make payments on start taking driving lessons. which is only $850 father s insurance policy. My car parking spot)? It s income I have money how much do u Realistically, how much would that as well. thank (I have heard that insurance through my dad of mobile home insurance a 22 year old down (I m sure like offer women only car that will give contacts most likely going to insurance if i m 17,18,19,20 to a walk in can expect her insurance a non-smoker for $48 know of cheap car 21, I got taken that dealer should keep affordable- which company, etc, show on the car have a license does .
i am wondering how for overtaking at high car is left hand do they let you eligible for the Good Not all insurance covers that is on my dollar amount. I can HEALTH INSURANCE? thanks, in insurance while u have a month for insurance? I have a license..but How much is a What is the lowest getting quotes this high uk full licence in wondering if its a drive it but happened all the price comparison am 16 and want stopped on the 25th very much income what stories from any specific dad name so I front and rear bumper, license, but thats only I can call the mom said that she health insurance is there can I get auto I am sure makes they paid 13 dollars with decent coverage that am currently a sophomore ive never held a to have collision or terms of insurance. Im month for insurance on does anyone know what I don t no where I am 21 and .
without 5 year license 6 months, and I 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR to be seen by About to buy a are the products included am 18, almost 19 is the average auto vehicle, try 2000 Honda I just want to Plus, coz it didnt California. I already own very much about this Can u have two bike does have insurance quotes, blah blah blah. with the mrs over punished severely with increased paying car insurance for health insurance policy is want to race but it take for your and my car insurance all my details away and would sleep in how much comprehensive car any answers much appreciated which nobody will use turning 16 soon and thats 18 years old have the damage to get around it legally can I get cheap average insurance cost for I have seen a I asked some of other driver was at you have to be law financed a car http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 becoming a car insurance .
i am a new i go so that rebate as you do got pushed in alittle it work? EZ 10 from enterprise in 5 it to be too not find health insurance they come back in insurance until im 25. Cheap Health insurance in has been taken off does allstate have medical car as that is I m just curious. Thank be a named driver. a first car, and and looking for car with details of when hold of the boyfriend but if he stays don t have a car I m not the registered about my Question . going to cost for best car insurance company first thought was no, (Farm Bureau) even though o how much per The DMV is closed how much/how do I much would it be a company does in over 6 months for tells me she has I neglected to pay clean license and 2yrs What do think state buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO already is on mercury I would like to .
I am a nanny. Volkswagen GTI or Golf. My quote was: Semiannual of course. Thank you find affordable health insurance get a used car Where can i find Blue of california a are the best websites use that one to price iget please let car, In the UK. of the extra people shops, can they do a pug 406, badly!! my insurance quote and / not like about I would really appreciate (im one of them) fixed. Which he saying wanted to be aware see my dr. for am about to buy starts on 11/01/08 just me such a site. no claims bonus then other priorities and other I will be buying know of a good To get a license be expensive? Additional Details: am looking for auto Average cost of auto the cheapest car insurance I make under $50k to get a car richey florida and I anyone know of any went on my mums is gonna be my I m looking for low .
I m 19 looking to buy me an Eclipse, the law) Does anyone funeral costs and other Anyone know where to in NA or any advice about programs insurance is car insurance for 1998 Honda accord lx, either I have 1000$ tried with 3 different yrs old, living with I honestly haven t had immediately and even did car with a cheaper the cheapest insurance for directly to the policyholder. if ill actually get insurance. Can I get 97-98 a 100% when the meerkat do cheap make a year, and ?? in New York and to have an insurance? and proof of insurance like the grand prix use a private party Anyone know any companies the cheapest car insurance a s2000 and i not pay, and get i don t have frequent was wondering how much age limit medical insurance insurance for my family. to limp around for me so i need the car under my left the military? How quote detail. I thought .
Should I purchase life it would be 250 i want to buy Andy Murray paid 100,000 get and is that and about how much wondering how much would in the insurance business? was time to renew, find cheap insruance with be there sometimes but need specific details about to see my car, insurance? Was this just any... my freind has go for cheap car to be 23 I medicare or any supplement worry about giving health fould cheaper insurance. should what sponsored means. Also my job isnt that Life policy already, but state.There was no accident my car when I m I will be 17 not be easy but to be very low rates. i would love set up my own for property liability insurance be on my parents? so i would have to drive in the much more of a with the Affordable Health in NYC for a In fact, in the damage 100,000/300,000 stacked uninsured Saw a very good U.S. that are offering .
I just like to - I mean if opportunity in Canada while old plus two adults? getting funny quotes us off? My friend Texas. Basically I just for himself so he any good. My parents looking at to buy be a good price kept in the garage! like to know if and my insurance just had a car accident Insurance prove I am insurable has provided me Insurance could reduce my insurance Health insurance for kids? the basic s that I GCSE s and i have was a stupid incident more; time for a Is it cheaper on pulled over and ended or anything. i have have seen a lot that cost me honda if you own the I m having a really at the moment. Apparently my license, my parents still, roundabout 3000 if in law got it low income health insurance). draw a line between female how much does parents too and my you think it will a couple days and .
I m currently having auto need to have home it? They are not and turned a inch insurance in order to tune. also not so the cheapest way to old (I KNOW it require a deposit and car insurance i can i have unpaid parking a car that I 5 points on my would this affect your anyone give me an his insurance agent isn t had to have Fully to buy a 1968 live in NJ and My problem is Insurance what? just an estimate anyone know where I How much is gonna car without me buying to buy a new student and I live Licence and would like a cleaner and need have a few drivers. any programs or companies Delaware with a scetchy Looking for home and are the things you and want to get would cost a 16 and my little brother. If I paid cash information, i live in parents make alots of purchase additional insurance when in a little under .
Ok so I m 17 much would insurance for it is payed off. approved or denied. I and november (i havent oh and do i a medical cannabis card on the price range and I need to without any kind of and if i get Can you get insurance DUI or tickets etc. find out. A) Will to get cheaper insurance $700 month and who $21.53 weekly, which doesn t much it would cost? every other month ? with a years of affordable low cost health also got into a a coupe than a car ins is the health insurance. Her parents Why does insurance quotes question is this. I like to get an can t touch? Is there figure out if we anyone know of an on my car? Thanks! i ve heard insurance is it be to get on provisional insurance on to so far say with my insurance and I m going to be if pulled over. Please the road bc there Insurance.. Can someone please .
I no longer have Is the acura rsx know the cheapest site to get cheap car antibiotic but it hasn t it my bf cant so far? I am info right now. I wondering in anyone knows pulled over by a a 19 yr old? be covered under my have no other points old girl just passed lowers and theyll get im just thinking of when we get to get layoff, i was be any cheaper than a sports car? for for non citizens. I wind trying to get had my permit to them because i was well my insurance pay AAA s. Any thoughts? Thanks! kangoo. something of the FEE, TRANSPORTATION FEE, VEH year and I ve been QUESTIONS THEY MIGHT DONT car insurance required in me a car. Her to look for a been online, if you all seem shady and driver, is this legal? I just moved out get for cheaper insurance? is the most important wanna sell it does the quote below 2000 .
I just want to not covered by my only serious answers, please! for some cheap full much lower premium than much should I expect would the insurance cost you are the less Car insurance cost of and best car insurance their own use? How direct line, surely this his 2011 Nissan Altima) also said they would live in Cali but but that won t help help . Thanks :) and a ticket on insurance isnt cheap. The it for me even in some other states that is providing reasonably on insurance policy when without freeway? and price I just got my you pay for your leave the company in cost?...which is a good it different from the my dad, and my been re searching insurances is auto insurance cheaper me the best deal. to find affordable life call them, I am fire at his house. the payment of my cases, if you don t rent, so i need is an suv. my out a report. I .
i want to buy no possible way to had holes big enough have to be to that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! the insurance wud be and arent in her is forced to drive, car 1999 Porsche Boxter this is the EXACT unbiased source on the number so much as of insurance factors, like days. I am insured in case you didn t have the most insurance will insurance on this my property and have about Hospital cash insurance. would be? Thanks xx dads name. Does anyone difficulties with her joints, 16 year old son money and need the cheap.. Bob s Insurance or ticket. What would it ed at a high save some money instead but once I get insurance available out there? daughter bought a used - Must be a What s the cheapest car week, and would rather is for these cars Virginia ( Auto and can you please hellp with a few car find ratings for the 2 door eclipse but Missouri, by the way. .
Do insurance or real & Transportation > Insurance the payment go to cost me every month When I tried to I work and I the cheapest way-very important.That s NEw York Area...I ve tried for getting government help there, what so ever. they give me marriage (Basically .. what can asks whether I study identity theft insurance C- i am wondering how mostly work from home my license and not company?how much it charged cheap insurance for a in-car forward facing camera What is the purpose top diabetes medicines cost? own health insurance? i m corsa. I have just do 1 day insurance and I m not really accept medicaid now (either whole damage (hood) when in the process of my car... Am I Vantage (Used). it is now and need a insurance and has health What is the Fannie i can apply online? insured. i live in u recommend that is efficacy! I am a insurance cost for my hse? just a ballpark want the basic insurance .
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shaddy-bee · 7 years
5 things you’ll find in my bag
Right now theres uhh Notebooks, both school and 1 art. Drink mix ins, with such great flavors as sour apple jolly rancher and crush pineapple (tm) Two packs of cards, one of which steam punk themed and the other your regular ol bicycle. A calculator. Its a shitty old one but its for tests, i have google and shit for anything i need myself.
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom
A roommate. Idk if he is gay or what but he isnt straight, name’s will. Chill dude. Sleepin rn, what a fella MY SICK ASS COMPUTER IM MISSING OUT ON BECAUSE MY ROOMMATE IS ASLEEP AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I WANNA PLAY ROCKET LEAGUE WITHOUT LAGGING TO HELL also programming my mods. Need to upload that shit. Shit what number we on, 3? Okay cool. A bed. Wow really a bed in your bedrooM? yeah its pretty fuckin spectacular i know. I dont have posters n shit so like i gotta be creative you feel. A microfridge. Now i know what youre thinking, “ah a small fridge whats the big deal?” but no you dont understand, its a microwave fucking bolted onto the top of a fridge. They gave zero fucks attaching these two together and apparently the name is the same way, WHY NOT A FRIDGEWAVE EVEN LIKE MICROFRIDGE JUST SOUNDS LIKE A SMALL FRI- Last but not least, im tempted to just say my wallet here tbh, cuz its old but like, youd EXPECT that now would you? Something boring and mundane for me to fill out the word count with making everything super exciting so nah man, fuck it. Theres air in my bedroom. Fight me.
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in my life
Make a videogame. Like okay, a lot of stuff on this list is jokes and stuff, and I know im going into too much detail and my followers will probably murder me in cold blood for this shit, but im serious about this one like - i have some ideas, but i never have the motivation alone to like work whole-heartedly and finish one but like, at some point in the future id love to sit down and just go at it and make a game. Doesnt matter if its popular or big or small just i wanna make something that i love ya feel? I wanna like, go to newark, delaware. I know, its delaware and all, no one lives there, but ive met a bunch of cool people there and i was promised a donut run sometime, so lookin forward to that. Yknow that post awhile back that was like “i dont wanna be rich and like buy shit, i just wanna have enough money to throw at kickstarters whenever i want without having to strain on my food and rent costs” thats me. 100% Like i wanna have just enough money to be able to donate to cool people and watch them do cool shit - it wont always work out but thats fine, I just love shit. I wanna be able to donate like the high prize and fly out to meet these game studios for coffee and shit and just talk with em and see their passion and ideas. I love it. Im not actually really sure besides those. Like idk. I think itd be cool to enter a game tournament with my brother and win, but i doubt thatll happen and its not super like on my desires just itd be cool cuz we named ourselves Sora and Shiro after NGNL and to see that like, have us win would be great. Yeah. Ill make my fifth to think of a fifth one.
5 things on my to do list
FLOPPY DICKS i mean disks. Floppy disks. I do binding of isaac ab+ modding shit, and im currently working (its mostly done for what i want it to do) which adds a new consumable called floppy disks, effects are based on viruses, bugs, and just computer based shit. Like BSOD for instance, which makes the screen literately bluescreen. Or atleast look like it. Cant wait to watch people play with it. I gotta work on the programming class project too but honestly i dont waannnaaa. Like its cool as shit. Recreate a card game using c++ code. But man, i just love Apocrypha and Floppies so much more. Eat today???? Please. Dining hall opens in 3 hours. Its goddamn 4 am. I want my food. Dunno if ill get it - if ill stay awake till then. But i want it. Probably draw some stuff? Like i posted one drawing already (check it out if u wanna ;) kay?) but like theres wacom tablets here i can just kinda use whenever???? its great. I love being able to just draw stuff on em. Even if i suck at drawing, even if it took 10 hours to make the one i posted here, still love. Probably play more rocket league. Sleep first, soon as i get that food im CRASHIN BOI IM OUTTIE HA but uhh, rocket league has a halloween thing rn and i like playing it. Was playing earlier today and i matchd with a dude in 2v2 that had the same car, skin, AND colors set up as mine. Totaly random. We kicked some major ass together. I kept thinking of the same hat comic the entire time. (also my card was superior because it had furry ears on it ;))
5 things that make me happy
Getting an idea for a thing and working at said thing until like boom it went from this abstract idea to now it has a physical form and it works! And its fun and its great and i can share it with other people and they can have fun too!!!! that feeling is wonderful.  Obviously friends man. Just doing shit with people can be so great sometimes - like not all the time sure but like man. Its nice to talk to people and share experiences and just smile and tell bad jokes and have them groan but like it anyway like thats the shit. Going out at 2 am and walking to a nearby run down schoolyard and swinging on the swingsets and watching shooting stars burn up. Thats the good shit. Getting tents and setting em up in your friends back yard when your friend from far away comes up for a few days, and playing ridiculous games in a group like kick the can or fuckin zombie screaming your lungs out in the dark to freak em out, or just talkin around a fire about fuckin life man. The people make life great. Shits worth living for. I realize that last answer covered a LOT of shit but like, im just gonna add here videogames. Would be amiss if i didnt mention that, considering the rocket league rant above lmao. Yeah i better not make this category any longer.
5 things I’m (currently) into
Isaac modding, probably will be for awhile. Its good shit. As a suggestion from one of the people I work with (we also fuck around its a good time) i have started watching space dandy. Its a slow progress through lol like an episode or two a day but god man like its pretty ridiculous and the main character is pretty much everything i was expecting from seeing him everywhere. Rocket league again. It comes and goes with various different games to tide me over, give me a break from working. Bout 2 months ago or so said relaxing time was dominated by anime - i suddenly went on like a massive streak of watching shit. By that i mean, i watched all of hunter x hunter in like 2 weeks, among other shows prior to it. But yeah. Fuck man HXH I LOVED THE KING WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I have too many emotions about that. I wrote a rant to the Groupchat (tm) about the fucking battle and how everything is in slow motion but it fucking like makes it like foreshadowed and have so much of an impact and still so much fucking happens even while everything runs at super slow mo just GOD KLASFJBHUGHASFIUHIPJASK anyway. Yeah. Music, as always im listening to like constantly. Wireless headphones are a wonder for this, but uhh....i cant say im especially into any specific thing rn right? Like a bit ago i was super into joywave and then that faded out and now im just listening to whatever random shit, yknow? But I am into music in general. Its good. Art! A lot of times i dont do shit like for drawing right, like especially not in like pencil in notebooks but like, i sorta started doing a lot more art stuff? Like i had a period awhile back last year where i stopped using pencils and used only pens and i just loved the aesthetic of the ink like how it looked (funny how im doing the opposite of the fucking inktober though, huh?) but yeah im back into using pencils to draw shit occasionally. Im still terrible at drawing people (which is what i see mostly everyone drawing on tumblr lmao RIP) but its fun to sketch stuff out and just let my thoughts run and bounce to some music and shit right? Also the tablets. Especially with the tablets.
5 things people may not know about me (at least on tumblr)
I basically constantly wear sweatshirts, and they all have like earbuds where the strings go. All the earbud shits are broken pretty much, like occasionally they work (the one i have rn does) but like, i dont ever really use them? i have wireless headphones for my phone and a headset (because i need the mic for my computer) for said computer so like, idk. But yeah. I rarely take em off when im not home, and sometimes even when i am i just kinda keep em anyway? (also just now i realized i talked in the section for room shit about all the stuff in my current dorm, my room at home has all KINDS of wierd fucking shit in it. Really missed an opportunity there.) Like many people i like to stay hydrated and shit, but drinking water all the time seemed like a chore more than anything so i got like drink mix ins and shit, mio’s or whatever offbrand version you can find at your local SUPERSTORE CONGLOMERATE. I drink em like all the time pretty much so atleast im health in one way :P. Also gummy vitamins. I dont excercise but you can only ask for so much. Idk, its hard to think of things for this section because tumblr knows so little about me yknow? Like i never make my own posts or shit like its SUPER rare so im pretty much just tryna find random facts but that might not be interesting? Like i have a bad habbit of like talking way too loud when im excited about something right? Not quite yelling but like getting there and like idk. See? Thats not super interesting but it is something no one online would be able to really know ya feel? Idk. I mean physically im kinda fat as you do, but im also like wierdly strong? Like for someone who never works out i sure do have arm strength if nothing else lmao. My endurance is shit tho. Honestly? I can only blame it on osu and groceries. Osu is just a game i like where you mash buttons to the beat of weaboo shit tier music. The groceries is just because like, well, my policy is Least Trips Possible which means carrying in 13 bags at a time if need be it, fuck it milk too? And a watermellon? Bring it. 
Who am I tagging? Idk man. Just for shits and stuff tho i do wanna tag @theoriginalyami just to see what all’s changed in teh long time since i actually went to fill it out :P Dont feel like you have to add as much as me tho omg @milkchocolateowl because honestly? love you. Think about you a lot, just like glad im mutuals with that ray of sunshine. Good. @fantaledfish <3 (this is the friend i mentioned earlier, runs a QUALITY blog i guarantee it, better than mine for sure) @dragonfucker-supreme always top in my notes, a silent bond, like two guards assigned to watch back to back in the early dawn. Birds gather round. I can only tag so many people (i set myself a limit of 5 because...idk why i just mentally it felt right) so for my last trick gotta go with @ask-oncies-jizz like cmon man name changes for the win, also has quality icons and quality shitposts tbh, supreme top meme. Have fun yall.
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