#Wonpil fluff
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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s.o has a piercing/tattoo
crush is a cancer
crush is a pisces
child’s first word is “appa”
crush is a leo
crush is an aries
s.o is in a band
s.o has a big family
s.o writes poetry
gf is sensitive around her time of the month
gf is a solo artist
gf is a capricorn
buying a ring too small
it wasn’t bad at all
the best news
giggles and candy canes
you’re an angel
young k
cotton candy kisses
i’m not sure
didn’t expect this
not as planned
you never knew
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Sings You To Sleep ~ Day6 Reaction
The feeling of you shuffling made Sungjin turn too, immediately coming face to face with you. “You’re not still awake, are you?” He frowned, picking up on the fact that you’d been having a restless night.
Your head nodded as a pout formed in your expression, “I just wish there was something that would help me to sleep.”
“I could help,” Sungjin quickly suggested, an air of confidence in his voice. “What about if I sing to you for a little while? That always seems to help you fall asleep.”
“But you need to sleep too,” you retorted, only to quickly be shushed by Sungjin. The look in his eyes let you know how serious he was, desperate to try and help you sleep. “Only if you’re absolutely sure Sungjin.”
A faint hum came from him, “of course, you just close your eyes and let me do the rest.”
“You make it sound so easy,” you giggled as you made yourself comfortable once again, “sleeping isn’t quite that simple.”
“It is when I’m the one that’s singing to you Y/N.”
Young K:
Your eyes lit up as Younghyun agreed to sing for you as you made yourself comfortable in his lap. “The big decision now is what song you want me to sing for you,” he told you, not knowing your mind was already made up.
Your head turned so that you were looking up at Younghyun, “you know I love whenever you sing Fly Me To The Moon.”
“I knew you were going to say that,” he chuckled, reading you like a book. “Are you sure that you’re not bored of listening to me sing the same song to you over and over?”
“No way,” you smirked, popping each of the sounds whilst Younghyun placed his hand against your side. “There’s no way that I could ever get bored of listening to it, you and that song are the perfect combination.”
He couldn’t help but smile as Younghyun listened to you, “you need to close your eyes in that case.”
“I can do that,” you assured him, hurrying to close your eyes and make yourself comfy. “Now you need to start singing.”
“A singer needs time to warm up Y/N.”
A soft smile formed on your face as you were woken by the sound of singing, your eyes slowly opening and looking to your left. “I can’t sing you to sleep if you’re awake,” Wonpil scolded as he noticed you.
Your smile turned up even more as you stirred, “why would I want to sleep when I could listen to you singing instead?”
“I’m only singing if you sleep, because I know you’re tired,” Wonpil told you, poking his tongue out at the same time too. “If you don’t close your eyes, we can sit in silence.”
“Since when were you so mean to me?” You chuckled back across to Wonpil, your voice groggy from how sleepy you were. “Why can’t you just sing to me to make me close my eyes and want to fall asleep?”
Wonpil’s head reluctantly nodded back at you, “as long as you promise to try and get some rest.”
“I promise,” you agreed with him, “but you can’t stop singing just because you think I’m asleep, you have to be sure.”
“I’ll make sure that I check you’re definitely asleep.”
You looked dejectedly across at Dowoon as his head shook in rejection to your suggestion. “I’m not singing you to sleep, my singing voice is rubbish,” he protested, bringing a groan of frustration out of you.
You poked against his arm as his head started shaking, “I think you’ve got a great singing voice, no one else can hear us too.”
“What about if I hum?” Dowoon proposed instead, “or maybe I could just tap my hand against the side of the bed to give you a beat to fall asleep to instead?”
“I said I wanted you to sing me to sleep,” you swiftly reminded him, meeting his eyes with a firm gaze. “If I love your singing voice, what’s stopping you from singing? You know that I love listening to you too.”
Dowoon looked sceptically back to you, “you really think that it can help you to fall asleep?”
“I could not be surer,” you chimed, the smile on your face growing. “What do you say? Are you going to sing for me?”
“I guess seeing as you asked so nicely.”
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flurrys-creativity · 1 year
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resfeber (n.) ~ the tangled feeling of fear and excitement before a jounrey begins
Pairing: Kim Wonpil (Day6) x GN!Reader; Genre: Hybrid AU, Fluff, a little angst; Rating: sfw, pg-13; Warnings: mentions of anxiety, hints of hybrid mistreatments, hints of anxiety attacks, mentions of therapy; Wordcount: 1.712
Summary: You were afraid of basically everything. Even the tiniest sound made you anxious and you couldn’t go anywhere you haven’t been before. The downside of being a cheetah hybrid. Therefore it was decided you would get a companion, someone who would help you through the day and any panic attack. A dog hybrid.
A/N: I don’t remember how long this has been on my wip list... *sigh* buuuut it is inspired by the fact that cheetahs get emotional support dogs in zoos... which makes me very soft..
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You fidgeted on your seat, unable to stay still. Your tail flicked around almost impatiently. Every few seconds your gaze wandered to the clock on the wall next to you. Each time you calculated the remaining time anew. You started bouncing with your leg as your senses went into overdrive.
“Maybe this was a bad idea”, you mumbled and picked on the skin around your nails. Your gaze wandered back to the clock. Five more minutes.
Not able to stay seated, you got up and paced around the room. You took deep breaths in hopes to calm down.
“You knew this was coming. You prepared everything for this to come. It’s going to be fine. Dr. Park said this would help me.”
Before the hybrid rights were evoked you had stayed with a human, who had told you everything you were supposed to do. You never had to think for yourself or worry about doing something wrong even if you only sat near his chair. You simply had to wait for his next command. Now though, you got a life of your own and you just couldn’t handle it. What were you supposed to do? How did someone live without being told what to do? 
Therefore Dr. Park had started to visit you for regular therapy sessions. He was the one who suggested a companion to ease your anxiety. Something you had discussed with him over a dozen sessions before you agreed to it.
You froze on the spot when you heard a car door slam in front of your home. You glanced at the clock, seeing only a minute had passed. Meaning you still had four more minutes before your visitor arrived. Yet the footsteps outside coming closer to your front door made it abundantly clear they were already here.
A nervous chirp left your lips once the doorbell rang. You had no more minutes to prepare yourself anymore.
“Y/N? It’s Dr. Park! I’m here with someone who’d like to meet you. Could you open up the door? Without sprinting away this time?”
You winced involuntarily at the memory from his last visit. You took one last deep breath and turned towards the door. “I’m a predator, I don’t sprint to run away. I’m totally calm and I got this and everything is fine and they are probably very nice and Dr. Park is right and…” 
You opened the door.
“So nice to meet you!” An excited young male greeted you, making you jump on the spot. Without noticing, he grabbed your hand and shook it vigorously. All while he grinned from ear to ear. “I’m Wonpil! I’m a dog hybrid, labrador to be precise. Did you make something to eat? It smells amazing.” He inhaled deeply as he closed his eyes in the process, still holding one of your hands.
You blinked several times before your eyes wandered over his hybrid features: the brown floppy ears between his dark hair, slightly elongated canines, a warmer temperature than the human average as well as the rapidly moving tail behind him.
Your gaze switched to Dr. Park, showing you weren’t so sure about this whole situation. To your dismay his expression was as unreadable as always. He simply gestured all of you to go inside, probably because he didn’t want to hunt you down after you sprinted away with inhumanely speed.
When you reached the living room and sat down on the couch, Wonpil immediately sat down next to you - not losing his excited manner in the least.
“We already discussed how this is supposed to work”, Dr. Park said calmly and sat down on a plush chair opposite of the couch. He observed all of your reactions towards Wonpil. “Did you prepare everything like I asked you to do?”
You nodded shortly. “I prepared the spare room and ordered more groceries online. I also made some space in the bathroom.” Even though you said it out loud, your brain couldn’t quite believe the fact you wouldn’t be living alone anymore. Or at least for the time being until you were able to control your anxiety attacks.
“That’s really considerate of you. Thank you.” Wonpil smiled brightly and nodded in appreciation. “This is quite the change for you. I’m happy you’re doing so much for this. It means a lot to me!”
You bit on your lower lip and quickly grabbed your tail, knowing the tip would just flick around like crazy from the sudden attention on you. 
Wonpil laughed softly, suppressing the urge to coo at your antics. “I’m also nervous”, he admitted and clutched his hands in his lap, “but I feel like we’re going to become really good friends.” Even though you were a predator, the nervousness you radiated felt palpable and Wonpil wanted nothing more than to hug you and calm you down. He knew he couldn’t do that right now as you two were still strangers to one another. Yet he offered you his hand, holding it with the palm facing the ceiling.
His heart nearly burst into dozens of tiny pieces when you delicately placed your hand in his, accepting his words and most importantly him into your life.
After a few more necessities were discussed, Dr. Park bid his goodbye and left you two alone in your now shared home. You still felt slightly uneasy about all of this but you knew it was for the best.
The first week together you tiptoed around Wonpil, whenever you exited your room - the only space you had solely for yourself. Of course you didn’t deliberately try to avoid him but you didn’t know how to act around him. Not that you knew how to act around anybody in the first place.
“Morning”, Wonpil greeted you quietly from behind, making you jump slightly and turn around to him. He smiled sheepishly and waved one hand hesitantly. 
You frowned in thought, noticing he wasn’t as chipper as before. “Are you unhappy?” You clutched your hands and started fidgeting with your fingers. Somehow you didn’t like the thought of him being unhappy.
Wonpil tilted his head to one side, looking at you with a puzzled expression. Once it dawned on him, he quickly shook his head. “No, no, no. I’m just trying to make you feel comfortable around me.”
Your eyes widened in surprise and you felt the dread bubbling up in your stomach. Cold sweat ran down your back and dark spots appeared at the edge of your vision. You were the reason Wonpil changed his behaviour. You were the reason he toned down his personality.
Wonpil immediately noticed the distant look in your eyes and how your stance shifted slightly. He knew if he wouldn’t get you back, you would bolt out of the room and any progress the two of you made over the first week would have been gone again.
“Y/N”, he spoke softly and stepped closer to you, moving into your line of sight, “it’s alright. You did nothing wrong. I want you to feel comfortable around me. Maybe you can tell me what might help you.” Ever so carefully he pried your hands open. “It’s going to be a long journey but I just know we can do it.”
It took you several minutes before you were able to focus on Wonpil again, blinking a few times as well. It took you even longer until your brain finally registered what Wonpil had said to you. Yet you couldn’t form a single word as an answer. You inhaled shakily, feeling the tears brim at the corners of your eyes.
Wonpil rubbed his thumbs over the back of your hands in a calming manner. “How about we sit down on the couch and take some time doing nothing at all together?” He waited for the faintest of nods from you before he guided you towards the living room. 
The second your body hit the cushions all the energy in your body evaporated. You basically melted onto the couch and just closed your eyes, feeling way too exhausted. 
Wonpil sat down next to you, still holding one of your hands and caressing the back of your hand. His tail wagged gently when you rested your head on his shoulder with a soft sigh. 
“I’m sorry.”
“There’s nothing to apologise for”, Wonpil reassured you, easing more into the couch as well. “We can’t change who we are from one day to the next. It’s a process, which will take quite some time. I don’t expect you to embrace me with open arms just after a week of living together.”
You rubbed your free hand over your face, wiping away a few stray tears. “It’s frustrating. You’re doing so much and I… I don’t do anything.” Without receiving an answer you continued ranting about the struggles your mind gave you each and every day. “I just want to be normal”, you cried in the end.
“You’re doing way more than you’re giving yourself credit for”, Wonpil told you and squeezed your hand comfortingly. “You just opened up to me, Y/N. That wouldn’t have happened a week ago.”
“I just dumped a truckload of frustrations on you.”
Wonpil chuckled softly and shook his head. “I might agree with you that the frustrations were the reason for you to open up but I don’t think you dumped anything on me. I’m here to help you, to listen to you, to share your worries and fears. And as you can hear-” he pointed at his rapidly wagging tail “- I’m extremely happy with this situation.”
This made you snicker as well, hiding your face into Wonpil’s shoulder. The tip of your tail flicked from side to side, indicating the racing thoughts within your mind. Yet Wonpil’s presence so close next to you, kept your worries at bay. 
“I’m scared”, you whispered after a while, curling more into Wonpil’s side as if you wanted to hide away. “But I’m also excited.” You sighed and glanced upwards to see Wonpil’s bright smile, making yourself smile as well. “I think your unshakable positivity makes me excited for what is to come.”
Wonpil nodded slowly. “I feel the same way. The trust you’re showing me makes me excited to see what the future holds.”
© all rights reserved  
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​
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kwanisms · 2 years
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please note that I am no longer actively writing for day6 and that by putting this groups in the 'archive' does not necessarily mean I will stop writing for them entirely. Any series originally planned for any members in these groups have either been put in the vault or recasted.
🔞 many of these works contain sexual content (18+ mdni) 🔞 ♤ — angst :: ♡ — fluff :: ♧ — smut ✍ — ongoing :: ⊝ — hiatus :: ⊗ — discontinued :: ✓ — completed
»» Creature Feature
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— oneshots
»» Creature Feature '20: The Summoning ♧ p.sungjin
➥ 7.4k; Sungjin is an incubus that hasn’t seen any action in years. So when Y/N summons him, thinking she can make a deal with him for power, Sungjin is more than willing to play her little game. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, Sungjin doesn’t make those kinds of deals. But that doesn’t mean summoning him will be a complete waste of time, right?
»» Creature Feature '20: Bad Moon Rising ♧ k.wonpil
➥ 11.2k; Being cursed a werecat, Wonpil often wishes he’d been bitten by a werewolf. Instead of turning into a fearsome half man, half beast every full moon, he turns into an eight pound black house cat. What will happen one night when he gets rescued by a witch named Y/N and taken to her cottage in the woods?
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ⓘ DISCLAIMER :: MONSTER/ALIEN FUCKER ENTHUSIAST ⓘ ©️ kwanisms 2024 | all works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works. All graphics made by me.
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fallinnflower · 3 months
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mingyu x reader (fluff, hurt/comfort?, non-idol!au)
wc: 1.3k
a writing exercise i did with a friend using this prompt list and the prompts "when we first fell in love all of those years ago, your father would say i was too sweet for my own good. maybe he was right." and "i'm the one you've been looking for."
a/n: thanks everyone for being patient with me, i'm still working on some big projects (vampire!DPR Ian and also vampire!BamBam [same universe], vampire!Jun, part 2 of river god!Wonpil, a Wonwoo fic based loosely on Kiki's Delivery Service... send help) in the works but wanted to post a little something <3
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As soon as you get into your apartment's living room, you flop onto the couch on your stomach, paying no mind to the makeup you're probably smudging onto the throw pillow. Now just isn't the time. Future you can worry about cleaning it. 
Familiar footsteps follow you into the living room and a knee gently nudges the side of your stomach; you roll so your back is pressed against the back of the couch and Mingyu can lie down in the remaining space. He settles on his side, facing you with his hand propping up his head. His eyes glimmer slightly, and he gives you a wry smile,
"Well, happy anniversary," he says. You groan and look away from him, pressing your face into the couch cushions. He chuckles at your exaggerated reaction and gently reaches over to start undoing the elaborate updo you'd pinned your hair into. 
"What a night," he continues, pulling the bobby pins out one by one. You still refuse to look up, embarrassed and frustrated. 
It wasn't like it was anyone's fault, really, that all your evening plans had gone to total shit. First was the unexpected downpour that ruined your plans of a nice walk before dinner forcing you to frantically hail a cab while huddled under his expensive suit jacket. You'd already felt apologetic over that, and then your distracted cab driver missed a turn, which you thought was bad enough because you would be late for the reservation at this rate. 
But then it had to get worse (because of course it had to get worse) when the cabbie rear-ended another car because they were too busy yelling at someone on the phone. The two of you had to spend another two hours huddled under a shop awning, answering questions for the police officers that came to assess the scene. Thankfully, nobody was seriously hurt, but you still cried so much that everyone kept asking if you needed them to call paramedics. 
That was part of why you didn't want to look at Mingyu. No doubt your face was a mess, not to mention your hair, which he was now methodically freeing from the style you had spent so long on. 
You'd just wanted it to be perfect. You only have one first wedding anniversary, after all. To avoid crying more, you keep your face pressed into the cushions, not responding to your husband. More gently, then, he asks,
"Hey, you're sure you're okay, right?" You sniffle. Goddamnit. 
"Yeah," you croak. "I just… feel bad." Mingyu chuckles. 
"I know, but it isn't your fault," he reassures you. It should make you feel better, but it doesn't. You know Mingyu isn't bothered — this sort of thing doesn't faze him quite like it does you — but you still feel anxious and upset. Is this some kind of warning of impending doom in your relationship? Just the thought makes you feel sick to your stomach. 
You finally turn your face again so you can breathe more easily and find Mingyu smiling at you, concern still clear in his eyes. The couch cushion feels rough against your cheek, still a bit sensitive from all the crying and being out in the cold. 
"I think we have ramen," Mingyu says. "Should I make some? Are you hungry?" Your lower lip trembles as tears start welling up again, and this time you press your forehead into Mingyu's shoulder to hide your face. 
"How are you so calm?" you sputter. "How are you not— not upset?" 
"What, upset at you? You didn't do anything. And the driver didn't get away with being reckless, so I don't need to worry about that, either," he says calmly. When you only continue to sniffle pathetically, he changes his approach a bit,
"Or maybe I'm just too nice. I still remember when we first fell in love all of those years ago, your father would say I was too sweet for my own good. Maybe he was right."
You let out an extremely undignified snort and lift your head to look at him. 
"As if. My dad never said anything like that," you tease. "Plus, 'all those years ago?' It's not like we met as kids or something. We met in college." Mingyu pouts at you, but his eyes glimmer playfully. 
"It sounds so much less romantic when you say that," he whines. 
"Well, you've always been the romantic one," you retort, but Mingyu is quick to counter you,
"No, no— I still remember that letter you wrote me when the semester was ending, when you said I was the one you'd been looking for—"
"Shut up!" you cry, placing your hands over his mouth. On top of everything else tonight, you don't want to be reminded of your embarrassing confession via love letter from years ago. You'd been a lovestruck student afraid you would lose your chance forever when you wrote that letter, and certainly hadn't expected that Mingyu had also been harboring a secret crush on you that would lead to marriage. It had been corny and sappy all because you thought you wouldn't see him again! Oh, how your actions had come back to haunt you. 
You can feel Mingyu smiling under your palms, and it only makes your face get hotter. Eventually, you remove your hands from his face and snuggle up closer to his chest, pressing your forehead into his shoulder again. 
"You're so annoying," you murmur, and you can feel the laughter reverberate through Mingyu's chest as he winds an arm around you. 
"But you still married me," he says. You smile. It still gives you butterflies, thinking of Mingyu as your husband, still so fresh a sensation. It's only been a year, after all. 
"Yeah," you reply. "I did."
Mingyu holds you for a few minutes, gently combing his fingers through your hair as you calm down. Eventually, he broaches the subject of dinner again, now that it's been hours since you were supposed to have eaten. 
"Do you want to shower while I make the ramen?" he asks, and you nod. Mingyu gets up off the couch as you sit up and stretch, noticing the lingering dampness in your hair and dress. A shower definitely sounds nice. You start making your way down the hallway, then turn back to face the living room. 
You watch as Mingyu attempts to straighten out his crumpled, damp button-down shirt, and smile to yourself. 
"Actually," you start, causing Mingyu to stop what he was doing and look up at you out of curiosity. "Do you… wanna join me? It's our anniversary, after all." You can feel your face warming up, but it's worth the slight embarrassment just to see the surprise on your husband's face. Sometimes he can seem so innocent. 
It only takes him a moment to snap out of it though, and cross the living room to meet you in the hallway with a broad grin. He takes your face in his hands and kisses you without hesitation.
"That sounds perfect," he says, practically purring, and you let out a surprised yelp when he suddenly scoops you up bridal style. You throw your arms around his neck and lean against him, giggling. As you look up into his face, all your irritation and upset from earlier melts away. Why should it matter if you went to a fancy restaurant or just ate ramen at home? All you want is to be together — that's why you got married. 
As Mingyu sets you down in the bathroom, you keep your arms looped around his neck and give him a kiss of your own. 
"Happy first anniversary, Gyu." He smiles that big, toothy grin you love so much, the one that makes him look like a happy puppy. 
"Happy anniversary, Y/N. The first of many."
It turns out to be a pretty good night, after all.
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luvkyu · 1 year
wadduh it me again but anon version😈 dowoon x 5th member male reader where dw has the biggest crush on reader (im delulu) and literally admires him during mv filmings, photoshoots or even just normal shit SO the other members notice this behaviour and teases him about it HAHAHAHAHAHA
so let's love ( yoon dowoon )
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dowoon x male!reader
dowoon can't hide his definitely-not-platonic love for his bandmate.
content : 0.4k words, fluff, idol!dowoon x 5th member!reader
( a/n ) MMMMMM DAY6 ( i'm obsessed ) this is rly short im sorry,, i rewrote it like three times and im still not that satisfied with it but its FINE
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"he's doing it again.." sungjin mumbled toward wonpil beside him.
"dowoon," sungjin clarified, "he's doing it again."
wonpil looked over at dowoon, who was a few feet away on the photoshoot set. the group was currently taking concept photos for their next album, and dowoon's gaze was stuck rather obviously on y/n.
"i don't know what else you expected," wonpil replied. "he's obsessed."
"who's obsessed?" younghyun chimed in after just getting his makeup touched up.
"oh. with y/n?"
wonpil and sungjin nodded.
"then yes," younghyun agreed.
y/n continued to change poses and expressions in front of the camera. dowoon felt mesmerized. he was supposed to go after y/n, but he didn't know how well he'd do in front of the camera after watching y/n. he might as well have fallen in love all over again.
"yoon dowoon!"
dowoon snapped out of his trance. he looked over at the rest of his group with raised brows. the color on his face turned to a deep red as he realized they'd been watching him stare at y/n. sungjin waved him over, but dowoon almost felt like ignoring him. he knew the three were bound to tease him.
dowoon walked over to them after taking one more glance at y/n, who finally met dowoon's eyes and sent him a quick smile before looking back at the camera. dowoon felt his heart skip in his chest. he looked down at his feet as he walked before stopping in front of his friends.
"so when are you guys gonna kiss?" younghyun asked.
"never, at this point," wonpil answered.
dowoon blinked, "what?"
"tsk. you and y/n. we're waiting for you and y/n to finally get together," sungjin explained.
dowoon looked back at y/n one more time.
"what do you mean?"
small sighs and groans of disappointment sounded from the others.
"you suck at being subtle dowoon. make a move on y/n already," wonpil urged while sungjin and younghyun nodded along.
"i don't think he sees me that way," dowoon protested a bit shyly.
"shut up, you two are basically each other's favorites."
"there's no way he doesn't like you too."
"dowoon, respectfully, open your fucking eyes."
dowoon continued to watch y/n as his bandmates talked. he really hoped they were right.
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miastideclock · 2 years
hello, my loves! i'm back i guess? i have updated the masterlist, so here we are♡ please let me know of you feel i have labeled my posts wrong in terms of angst or triggers, and we can look into it together!! thank you x
also, take these labels with a pinch of salt as i have zero clue what the damn hell i write :)
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
fluff; ᰔ angsty-ish; ☁︎ triggering; TW suggestive, and i use that term loosely; ༄ stupid/attempted humor; 𓍯
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
stray kids
bang chan ink, a bang chan series (finished) part zero, part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten, part eleven, part twelve, part thirteen, part fourteen, part fifteen ᰔ ☁︎ 𓍯 bang chan drabble, “can i sleep here tonight?” ☁︎ bang chan drabble, “the one where the dog gets away.”  ☁︎ bang chan drabble, “exhausted.” ☁︎ bang chan social media ᰔ 𓍯 bang chan drabble, “figure it out.” ᰔ ☁︎ bang chan drabble, "bunny." 𓍯 bang chan drabble, "home." ᰔ bang chan drabble, “quiet” ᰔ bang chan drabble, "nightfood" ᰔ 𓍯 a year with bang chan; ᰔ january 2nd february 14th march 2nd april 17thmay 30th june 4th july 14th august 1st september 12th october 3rd november 1st december 31st
lee know lee minho drabble, “water.” ☁︎ lee minho drabble, "whale watchers". ᰔ
changbin seo changbin social media ᰔ 𓍯 valkyrie street, a seo changbin series (coming) ᰔ ☁︎ ༄ 𓍯
hyunjin hwang hyunjin drabble, “i’m right here.” ᰔ ☁︎  TW
han han jisung social media ᰔ 𓍯 han jisung drabble, "cruise ships" ᰔ
felix lee felix drabble, "how incredible." ᰔ ☁︎
seungmin none yet
i.n yang jeongin drabble “inside beauty.” ☁︎ᰔ
group and plurals stray kids reaction to their soft s/o accidentally cursing ᰔ stray kids reaction to their girlfriend flinching ☁︎ stray kids reaction to their s/o sleeping in their bed ᰔ stray kids reaction to their s/o filming an intimate scene ᰔ stray kids reaction to their relationship going public ᰔ stray kids reaction to their s/o being shy about their singing-talents ᰔ 𓍯 stray kids reaction; everyday texts ᰔ 𓍯 stray kids reaction; love at first sight ᰔ stray kids reaction; realizing they love you ᰔ stray kids reaction: dancing with you at 2am ᰔ stray kids as taylor swift songs ᰔ𓍯 bang chan & hwang hyunjin drabble, “1. 16. 33.” ᰔ ☁︎ TW-ish 3racha reaction to ice skating ᰔ 𓍯 3racha reaction to their girlfriend being from a different country ᰔ stray kids drabble, "twisty-tie." ᰔ stray kids drabble, “tan lines and late nights.” ᰔ stray kids texts, summer edition ᰔ
dating bang chan ᰔ𓍯 dating lee know ᰔ 𓍯 dating changbin ᰔ 𓍯 dating hyunjin ᰔ 𓍯 dating han ᰔ 𓍯 dating felix ᰔ 𓍯 dating seungmin ᰔ 𓍯 dating i.n ᰔ 𓍯
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
rm kim mamjoon drabble, “drunk.”  ᰔ kim mamjoon drabble, "chai lattes." ᰔ kim namjoon drabble, "go to gate." ᰔ kim namjoon drabble, "2. 21. 50." ☁︎ kim namjoon drabble, "9:52pm" ᰔ
v kim taehyung drabble, "the ringing of a library." ☁︎
group and plurals rm, suga, j-hope drabble, “ddaeng.” ༄
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
pick a number
name playlists sasha leigh anne leilah alice rubina grace darryl
day6 day6 reaction to kissing their crush ᰔ day6 reaction to being in a long-distance relationship ᰔ day6 at their wedding ᰔ kim wonpil drabble, "highschool!au" ᰔ
got7 im jaebeom drabble, “cravings” ᰔ
monsta x shin hoseok drabble, “you make me feel alive.” ᰔ im changkyun drabble, “are you really in love with him?” ᰔ im changkyun drabble, “10. 45. 49.” ᰔ ☁︎(?) chae hyungwon drabble, “oceans.” ᰔ ☁︎ chae hyungwon drabble, “1. 38. 41.” ᰔ lee jooheon, drabble “I Love You.”  ᰔ
nct jung jaehyun drabble, “for you”  ☁︎ TW
seventeen seventeen reaction to asking you to be their girlfriend ᰔ seventeen hip hop unit at their wedding ᰔ seventeen reaction to you overhearing them confess their feelings for you ᰔ seventeen reaction to meeting their ex girlfriend ᰔ
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Feel free to request, but please read the rules first! Thank you x
cheers, bentley♡
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dearly-somber · 1 year
I’m Serious | k.yh
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-> pairing. Kang Younghyun (Brian) x f!reader
-> genre. fluff, humor
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 1840
-> warnings. none!
-> a/n. English is spoken in bold!
-> collection. songfic
-> started. Sep. 3rd, 2020 @ 01:11
-> fin. Dec. 20th, 2021 @ 00:22
-> edited. Wed., Jul. 12th, 2023 @ 23:59
You bounce up and down as you see the Jeep park near the beach house where you and your friends would be staying for the weekend.
The houses lined along the beach were like something you'd find in a movie or TV show, with the brightly painted wooden walls and straw roofs and small steps leading up to the porch that gave a spectacular view of the beach. There was a hammock on the porch, along with a beach chair that looked like it would cave in under the weight of a book.
As the five of your friends started hopping out of the car, you ran to them as best you could in a pair of slops (flip-flops), hugging everyone with welcoming squeals of excitement.
You had gotten there a day earlier since you got off work sooner than they did. There would be three people in a room since the house was pretty small, each room decked with one bunk bed and a single bed with a bedside table and one shared closet. Thankfully you hadn't packed all too much, considering that you were only spending the weekend, and left plenty of space for the guys.
"Y/N! It's so good to see you!" Jae said as you leaned up to hug him, a bright smile aimed at you. You replied with a weird groan of agreement before moving to hug Dowoon and Wonpil at the same time, since they were closest to you.
"I feel like you've grown again," you said with a playful jab to Dowoon's ribs, laughing as Wonpil nodded and muttered something about sharing his height with everyone. Dowoon blushed as he whined childishly.
"Noona," he whined, making you giggle and pinch his cheek gently.
"I'm just teasing, Dowoonie, go ahead and check out the house with Jae and Wonpil." You smiled after him as he ran off with his back, waddling after his hyungs cutely. Shaking your head you turned to Sungjin who had been fondly watching you interact with the youngest, rolling his eyes and smiling stupidly.
"Hey, noona. It's been too long." He said as he leaned down to hug you, a lot more relaxed than the rest of your clique, pulling away and grabbing two bags in each hand. You ruffled his hair and watched him walk off after the others, a smile on your face. Before you could turn around to greet him, arms slipped around your waist, a gentle weight resting against your shoulder with breath fanning against your jaw.
"Jagiya..." Younghyun drawled, trying to act cute. You rolled your eyes but turned around with a smile, facing a pouty fox who looked like he was on the verge of throwing a tantrum.
"Why do you always greet everyone before me? Your boyfriend?"
"Because, dummy." You pushed your finger against his forehead harshly, giggling as you spoke, noticing him going cross-eyed. "They need reassurance of my love more than you do."
"Yah! I also need your attention!" He shouted with a large smile, picking you up at your waist and lifting you up, making you shout to put you down and hit weakly at his shoulders. When he finally set you down you giggled, leaning against him, figurative hearts in your eyes as he leant down to kiss you. You gave him a short peck before telling him to grab his things and come on inside.
"I'm the eldest, I should get a single bed to myself!"
"But I'm the youngest and therefore have maknae privileges!"
You heard a sigh as Jae and Dowoon argued loudly about the last single bed that was available (since you had already snagged the one in the room to the left, courtesy of arriving first).
You went over to the room, leaning against the door frame while overseeing the argument, finding it hilarious how Wonpil so easily ignored them while neatly unpacking his things on the lower bunk.
"Y/N! You tell him that as eldest, I should get the single bed. Right? Tell him!" Jae said over-dramatically, his hands flying all over the place. You grinned mischievously before clearing your throat.
"I'm afraid that Dowoon is right. On page 294 in the Maknae Privilege Code of Conduct, it clearly states that he gets the single bed." You said, speaking with the confidence of a lawyer defending an obviously innocent man. Dowoon walked over happily and Jae looking at you with the face you'd use as the thumbnail for a Top 10 Anime Betrayals video.
"I hate you." Jae said before sulkily throwing his things up on the top bunk, Dowoon side hugging you for a second before smugly going to his single bed.
"Aww," You back hugged Jae, standing on the very tips of your toes to rest your chin as close to his shoulder as possible before saying, "don't be like that, hm? You know I love you, and I have a compromise anyway." Jae perked up at your comment looking less sulky than before.
Dowoon looked utterly terrified, and Wonpil was (figuratively) eating popcorn at the drama playing out in the bedroom.
"Because Dowoon gets the bed, he has to pay for one thing you want."
Dowoon glared at you, appalled, while Jae triumphantly pumped his fist in the air and gave you a light kiss on the cheek. You laughed, waving at the guys still in the room and walking outside to the kitchen to see Brian and Sungjin talking idly about what they'd do for dinner (they'd apparently had lunch on the way here) and what to do to keep everyone busy. You walked over almost silently, leaning up to give Younghyun, who was sitting on one of the counters, a peck on the cheek, looking over at Sungjin with a large smile and suggestive wiggle of the eyebrows.
You reached for the hem of your shirt, beginning to pull it over your head when there was frantic, almost high pitched screaming from the man closest to you, who grabbed your wrists and jumped off the counter to hide you from any prying eyes.
"Yah! What d'you think you're doing?!" Brian shouted heatedly, still a bit shook with the stunt you’d just tried to pull.
You snorted, almost falling over, leaning your forehead against his chest as you laughed silently. "God, you're cute," you muttered, wiping a tear from the corner of your eye and regaining your composure.
Younghyun was looking at you like a lost puppy, pulling at your heart strings. Giggling still, you pulled your short forward and motioned your head downward, Brian looking down, confused. When he saw the fabric of a swim suit, he laughed in disbelief, letting his head rest against your shoulder. "Ah, I'm sorry." You said, running your hand through his hair comfortingly.
"You gave me a heart attack," he mumbled, pulling away.
"Are you two planning on keeping me as a third wheele or can I leave?" Sungjin teased playfully, making the two of you turn around.
"Right, sorry. Anyway, I was thinking we could go down to the beach and you know... Swim?" You chuckled, taking off your shirt to reveal the stretchy fabric of your all gray swimsuit before tying up your hair.
"Sounds fun," Sungjin turned to Wonpil and the others who were sitting in front of the television playing Mario Kart. "If you guys wanna join we'll be down at the beach."
"Okay, hyung. See you guys later!" Dowoon called as he shouted with Wonpil, who had just been pushed off of the track by Jae.
"Ciao!" You shouted as you ran outside, cheeks hurting from smiling so much. Having already swam a bit, you were first in the water, Sungjin eventually joining you before Brian finally got in. Once the water was about waist high you waddled over to Younghyun, who looked kind of uncomfortable.
"What's up? You okay?" You asked as you brushed some hair out of his face, putting your hand over his arm. Brian nodded with a half hearted smile.
"It's just a bit dark, is all. You can't really see anything."
"It's okay, love. You can go on back if you want. We won't be here long, anyway." Brian nodded, kissing you thankfully before he turned and walked back to solid ground. At around about the same time, the three doofuses ran down from the beach house, splashing in the salt water and lunging down as soon as it was deep enough. You laughed, shutting your eyes as water flew at you.
You only stayed in the water for about 30 minutes before you got tired of the boys' seemingly endless energy, going to lay down underneath the tree Brian had set up everyone's towels at. You went and sat next to him quietly, finding a comfortable spot where you could lay down with your face out of the sun while still being able to tan.
You layed down with your head resting more or less next to Brian's side, only your lower half exposed to the sun. You entered a peaceful state of limbo, still aware of everything around you but feeling like you were asleep. You opened an eye, however, when you felt weight being placed on your stomach, looking up to see Younghyun laying against you, eyes closed. You smiled fondly at him, playing with his hair for a second before letting your hand rest on the nape of his neck.
As night fell, everyone got all huddled up inside, dressed in their PJ's, two boxes of pepperoni and mushroom pizzas laying on the coffee table in the living room.
You laughed and shouted along with the guys as they had an intense game of Smash Bros, sitting sandwiched between Dowoon and Brian, nibbling at your pizza while the room went silent. When Wonpil won for the 3rd time this night, you screamed, Brian's soul having seemingly left his body. You were giggling, rubbing his back soothingly with your legs intertwined.
It only took a few more games and a scary movie for you to head on off to bed, yawning once every 2 minutes. Not long after Brian walked into the room, stopping midway toward his bunk bed. "Bri?" You said in a small voice, face hidden in the darkness of the room.
"What's up?" He asked, crouching down beside your bed and running a hand over your hair.
"Can you sleep with me for tonight? I can't fall asleep because of the movie..." You were nervous for his reaction but weren't entirely surprised when he mumbled for you to move up, shifting in next to you and wrapping himself around you.
"I keep telling them..." He said with a sigh, his lips brushing against your shoulder. You sighed contently, putting your hand over his.
"Today was fun though, wasn't it?"
"Yeah, it was. Wait until you see what I have planned for tomorrow." Brian whispered mischievously, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. "Go to sleep, princess. We have a long day ahead of us."
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
Let’s Move Christmas [Collab]
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Pairing: Kim Wonpil x female reader
Genre: Christmas au / fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: Welcome to Christmas in July 2021! @this-song-thats-only-for-you​ and I have worked hard to bring you all a festive story each as we normally do this time of the year and we hope you have enjoyed them. Sem’s story can be found linked at the bottom of this post.
Word count: 1630
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Letting out a huff of air, you scrunched your face up at the Christmas card you had received in the mail.
Your partner Wonpil glanced over at you and plucked the Season’s Greetings from your grasp, inspecting it innocently. “What’s wrong? Your Aunt wished us a lovely Christmas this year. That’s nice of her.”
“It’s not about the message, Pil. It’s the card itself,” you admitted, slumping further into your seat. “I hate winter Christmas cards with a passion!”
Taking in the wintry scene on the front of the card, Wonpil frowned. It looked lovely to him. “I’m not following you, Y/N.”
“What season is it?” you implored, gesturing around the room wildly. Wonpil lifted his focus to the festive lights and decorated tree, his eyebrows knitting together.
He was bound to answer this wrong.
Still, he smiled warmly. “The silly season.”
“Summer. It’s thirty degrees outside right now!” you complained, pointing to your cotton dress and then out the window.
Attempting to placate you, Wonpil crouched down in front of you. “You love Christmas, though.”
“I do. But I hate how it is always marketed as cosying up by the fire with hot cocoa, wearing ugly Christmas sweaters, building snowmen and all the other winter activities. Sure, in the Northern Hemisphere, they can do all that. Christmas is heavily marketed to suit that climate, given Santa comes from the North Pole himself! It’s drives me nuts as it’s not like that at all here in the middle of December.”
“I think you’re placing too much energy into this.”
“I probably am,” you confessed with a small pout. “I just wish for one year that Christmas for us could be celebrated in the depths of winter. Right here. I don’t want to travel anywhere just to get the experience. Wouldn’t that be neat?”
“Well, that’s why Christmas in July is a thing.”
You snorted. “Christmas in July is an excuse for work and family gatherings or winter sales. It doesn’t really hold the spirit of Christmas, does it? We don’t decorate our homes then. We do it in the heat of December, fake snow trim around the tree and all.”
Wonpil was a little stunned, admittedly.
He had always loved the Christmas season with you, regardless that it was in summer. Sometimes, he did wish for the summer heat to be less merciless on the day. Otherwise, he spent the twenty-fifth in the same way he would in any season – with you and your loved ones.
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Over the next few weeks leading up to Christmas, your gripe over the winter focused marketing stood out more to Wonpil. When he went to the mall for some final gifts, he noticed just how wintry everything was decorated. The contrast was evident, people walked by in light clothing and sandals, whilst Santa was dressed thickly from head to toe in the Winter Wonderland booth. Reindeer, fake snow, and other assorted detailing were within most stores, something he hadn’t paid much attention to before. One store even was using the slogan, ‘Let it Snow!’ for their sale.
There was always something referring to Christmas in the traditional sense.
It started to irk Wonpil too. Of course, he had seen all the summer décor too. Santa on the beach, cooking on a BBQ, drinking a cold beer instead of milk – which in its own right had poor imagery to paint the big man in red as drinking on the job. Either way, your admission had made this Christmas eye-opening for Wonpil.
“Did I put a damper on your Christmas spirit?” you wondered on Christmas Eve, and Wonpil sighed.
“Not really. I just never saw it that way until now. Did you know? I went to get craft paper for my nieces to create Christmas cards with, and the decorative paper pack was all winter-related. Ice skating, winter wreaths, sayings like feeling frosty or there’s snow place I’d rather be.”
You giggled, snuggling into Wonpil. “It’s so cheesy.”
“Sure, the girls didn’t care. They were already drawing snowmen. But I did feel a little annoyed. Why can’t we have a white Christmas too?”
“Right?!” you agreed earnestly before sighing. “It would take a miracle for us to wake up to snow on the ground tomorrow.”
Of course, it didn’t snow. The weather was a favourable twenty-four degrees Celsius with light winds, a perfect summer Christmas. Family gathered around the backyard, ate grilled meats and salads, and a portable pool had been erected for the kids to have fun. It was as typical as Christmas could get in summer.
It left Wonpil unsatisfied. As he laid in bed that evening, full from the good company and food, he wondered why there was a nagging thought still in his mind now that Christmas had passed.
Slowly, he began to smile. “But there’s always next year.”
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On the first of July, Wonpil had come home from work earlier than usual, knowing you would still be out for another two hours. He dashed into the garage to where you stored the Christmas decorations, tugging the large bin out and into the house.
And he set to work.
He was almost done with the tree when you walked in from work, stopping midway in greeting him fondly. “What the…”
“Hear me out. What season is it outside right now?” he asked, and you shot him a knowing smile. “Winter, right?”
“You’re not humouring me, are you?”
“It’s not just for you. I want a proper white Christmas too! It’s freezing outside today. Do you want hot cocoa by the fire tonight?”
Walking over to his side, you wrapped your arms around Wonpil’s waist. “I can’t—actually, I can believe you’ve done this. Because you make all my wishes come true.”
“It’s only the first right now, Y/N. We have twenty-four more days until the big day to make wishes come true.”
“What are we doing on the twenty-fifth?” you wondered, and Wonpil grinned.
“It’ll be Christmas day then!”
“I better start thinking about what to get you for this year then,” you mused, kissing him tenderly, looking back at the tree. “Oh! You haven’t put the star on the top yet.”
“I left that for you.”
“Whatever I did in a past life to get you in this one is totally paying off now,” you said with a bright smile, climbing onto the step ladder and popping the star on the top of the tree.
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Wonpil was satisfied with his efforts so far. The month had been full of all the winter activities they sang about in carols – even listening to wintry Christmas music had been ticked off your Christmas wishlist. You had consumed copious amounts of hot cocoa, and even gone to the ice-skating rink together the day before, which had been a first and last for you both.
“I think I’m going to be bringing in this year’s Christmas with a very sore bottom,” you lamented, rubbing your hip gently.
Wonpil chuckled. “At least we know we’re not missing out there.”
“The past twenty-four days have been amazing though, Pil,” you replied, capturing his face in one of your hands. “I’ve never felt this alive before. It really goes to show, it doesn’t matter what month you celebrate Christmas. Whether it’s hot or cold outside. It’s about the people around you bringing the Christmas spirit alive.”
“We’re lucky we have great family and friends who humoured us over our Christmas in July festivities too. I can’t believe we’re hosting tomorrow.”
“Don’t remind me of all the cooking I’m going to do yet,” you warned playfully before snuggling into him. “Did you know Jae and Becky put up their tree too?”
“Becky loves Christmas as much as you do, so I’m not surprised.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?” Wonpil asked, nuzzling your nose. “There’s nothing to thank me for.”
“Yes, there is. You could have completely forgotten about my annoyance last December, and we could have spent this month doing everything in our power to stay indoors when we didn’t have to go out as we always do. I got to experience so many new things at your side this winter.”
Wonpil leaned in to kiss you softly before smiling. “I’m your partner. I might not have Santa level powers to make it snow in summer—”
“That’s on Mother Nature, not Santa,” you cut in, and Wonpil rolled his eyes.
“But I do have the ability to try and make you smile every day.”
“Which I have done more than enough too.”
Smiling at one another, Wonpil then let out a small breath and pointed to the tree. “It’s Christmas Eve! We have one more thing to do before we get ready for bed tonight.”
“Exchange one present before going to bed,” you announced, darting over to the tree and selecting the present you wanted to give to him.
Wonpil watched your animated actions before following you over, bending down to pick up the smallest box under the tree.
“You go first. No, I will. No, wait—Wonpil, why are you still on the ground?”
“I’ll go first,” he stated, cracking open the lid to the box he held. “I want to experience more magic at your side, Y/N. Will you marry me this Christmas?”
“Oh, my goodness,” you whispered, nodding emotionally. “Yes. Yes!”
He slid the ring onto your finger, getting up and kissed you passionately.
Until you realised you hadn’t given him your gift. “This will pale in comparison now!”
“No, it won’t. Because this is our Christmas, and I’m in love with you,” he confirmed, kissing you again.
All it took was one card to change how he viewed something in his world. Wonpil couldn’t wait to discover how else you could make this life together different.
Next: A Christmas To Remember
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[DAY6 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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getdownkyh · 4 years
 ✰ Masterlist (newer fics on top)
note : i welcome thoughts/ requests/ asks, keeping them open for any day6 member, posts marked with (m) have suggestive and/or explicit contents, read responsibly.  ❆    
Drabble game masterlist.
Latest fic : Not Hurt (m)
♡  ot5 Mini Series ♡  
- Pillow Talk (m) | mostly fluff +  suggestive, a bit of smut 
Jam & Butterfly . Jaehyung
Scent . Sungjin
Mutually Exclusive .  Younghyun
Good Point . Wonpil
Baby . Dowoon
 ♡  Jae  ♡
Win - Win (m) | smut, gamerbf!jae
♡  Sungjin  ♡
Take Me (m) | smut, intern!reader
Feel Good (m) | smut
Through the Storm (m) | smut
♡  Young K  ♡
Not Hurt (m) | smut, Gang member! Young K
Extra Credit (m) | smut, Professor!Kang short series
One More? | fluff
Bad Day (m) | smut
10 minutes | fluff
Pretty on Your Thighs (m) | smut, fluff
Warm Hands (m) | smut, maybe fluff
Bliss - when I’m with you (m) | fluff, smut
Safe Place | fluff
Party Privilege (m) | smut, college!au
Sunrise (m) | smut
Tease (m) | suggestive
Not Sober | fluff
Stress | fluff
One Last Time ii (m) | smut, angst
One Last Time i | angst
Netflix and Chill (m) | smut
♡ Wonpil ♡
Boyfriend Major, Girlfriend Material | fluff, college!au
♡  Dowoon  ♡
Mosquito Bite | fluff, college!au
233 notes · View notes
pesiko · 4 years
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Lavender and Midnight - fantasy AU [5k]
Band Sessions: Wonpil - he worries bc you’re clumsy [2.3k]
A Confession, of Sorts - he gets a little drunk [4.6k]
Anatomically Correct Heart Shaped Pretzel [1.6k]
Are You Asking Me Out - mafia AU, diamond negotions [1k]
Where’s the First Aid Kit? - “why does my heart hurt?” [1k]
Jelly Beans - diameter of the sun, ft Sungjin [.6k]
Of Opportunity - “in the movies they throw pebbles” [.5k]
Amethyst for anxiety
College AU Wonpil
[main masterlist] [day6 masterlist] updated 5-18-21
66 notes · View notes
got-svt · 4 years
pairing: kim wonpil x reader genre: fluff word count: 646
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Wonpil didn’t mean to stare, you just happened to be in his line of sight. At least that was what he repeatedly told himself so he could try and convince both Jae and himself that he did not have a crush on you.
“Dude, just talk to them.” Jae insisted, gently shaking Wonpil’s shoulders, “What do you have to lose?”
“No!” Wonpil whisper-yelled at his friend, eyes looking around wildly just in case anybody managed to overhear, “I’m not going to.”
With a final huff towards his friend, Wonpil’s gaze landed on you once again as you delicately sipped your cup of tea, eyes skimming through the book you were reading. Jae rolled his eyes at his friend’s helplessness, surely he would be hearing about you for days to come.
The first time Wonpil laid his eyes on you was a couple of weeks ago, sun shining brightly through the window pane of the cafe he frequented. Your skin seem seemed to glow golden at the sun’s gentle haze, taking a bite of the blueberry muffin that accompanied your morning coffee. He felt his breath get caught in his throat at the sight of you, never had he seen anything more enchanting; he just couldn’t help but stare. 
It was raining the second time he saw you, exactly a week after the first. Wonpil was shocked, to say the least. He just couldn’t believe his luck as he saw you warming yourself up as you cradled a cup of hot chocolate in your hands, gently blowing away the smoke. Though your hair was wet, sticking to your face as a result of the rain, he thought you were just as alluring. As his gaze repeatedly made its way over to you, he wondered if all he had in him was to admire you from afar. 
Wonpil crossed every finger on his hands that you would be at the cafe today. The universe must’ve been on his side as he saw you at your usual table, halfway through a book and looking as captivating as ever. The only difference this time around was that he was accompanied by his friend Jae, who was determined to see the person Wonpil just couldn’t shut up about. He cared for his friend’s happiness, he couldn’t just watch him pine for you, “You’re not always going to be so lucky. This might be the last time they come to this cafe and you never even got to know their name.” 
Meanwhile, you hadn’t been oblivious to the cute boy staring at you for the past fifteen minutes. Truthfully, you were almost itching to approach him, invite him to join you over at your table. You shook your head at the thought, that would be too forward, you were just going to have to wait for him. Lucky for you, his friend Jae was just as antsy as you as he said something you couldn’t quite hear. Wonpil made his way over to you, eyes suddenly unable to meet yours, clearly nervous. 
“You know, I was waiting for when you were going to approach me.” You smiled, gesturing to the unoccupied seat in front of you, “You’ve been staring at me for the past few minutes.”
“I’ve actually been staring at you for much longer than that.” He loudly blurted out as he took a seat, his eyes immediately growing wider at his admission. In the distance, you could hear the subtle contact of Jae’s palm meeting his face. He waited for you to push your chair back, scream in horror, maybe even throw your piping hot cup of tea at him. 
Instead, you laughed — loud and unrestrained, yet it still sounded like music to his ears. “I’m Yn.”
Okay, so maybe Wonpil did have a little crush on you. But he’d never tell you, at least, not for a while. 
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groak (v.) — to stare longingly at someone who is eating in the hope that they will ask you to join them.
part of the lover’s dictionary
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blu-joons · 3 years
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One of the things that never changes in your relationship, and marriage with Wonpil is how clingy he is around you. There’s never a time when he doesn’t want to be around you, even after so many years together too.
You loved the boys almost from the very start of meeting them, and they adored you too. They particularly were thankful for how much you cared for them all whilst you cared for Wonpil too. If you were bringing Wonpil something to eat for example, you’d always make sure to grab more for the others to have too.
His arms are always around you whenever you need comforting, Wonpil will refuse to let you go until he sees you smiling back across at him again. Even if you’re not willing to talk about what’s going on, he’ll still just stay by your side and hold onto you for as long as possible to let you know that you’re not alone.
Most of the time Wonpil will try and help you out with jobs around the house. Although he’s not necessarily the strongest to be able to build many things by himself, he’ll encourage the two of you to do it together, with one of you focusing on reading through the instructions so that it’s done properly, and the other trying to find the pieces in the pile so that you can help one another to build it up.
Your engagement came as no surprise at all to most of the people around you, having all felt that the two of you were going to stay together forever. They knew that it was only a matter of time, with Wonpil mentioning to quite a few of them too that he had plans to propose to you. The only person who really had no idea what was coming was you, completely stunned when Wonpil got down on one knee.
Wonpil’s favourite thing about you was having you around and knowing that whenever he needed you, you were right there for him. He loved the simple, basic things of being married to someone, he loved just going home to someone being there and having someone to talk to whenever he needed to too. Even if the two of you were just with one another, Wonpil still loved it because he had some company.
Most of the time the two of you just enjoyed being at home and with one another. You were quite a private couple, there was no one else’s company that you both enjoyed more than each other’s. As much as you loved your friends, you couldn’t deny that you both preferred just being in the company of your own home.
The two of you were keen to try and adventure a little bit on your honeymoon as that was something that your relationship had always missed out on. You couldn’t wait to finally explore somewhere rather than just being able to travel through the place on the back of a bus and explore through a window.
He loved to tell you that he loved you more than anything else and make sure that you could hear how much Wonpil meant it in his voice. Although he would do plenty of gestures to show you that he loved you too, none of them felt quite as important to Wonpil as actually being able to say those words aloud to you.
The jealous streak in Wonpil certainly calmed down quite a lot after the two of you got married, finding himself reassured by the fact that you had tied the knot with him whenever someone was around you. Although he didn’t mind most people, there were still the odd few people that put Wonpil on edge when he watched them with you, keeping a close eye on them to make sure that they didn’t get to you.
Despite the two of you talking about starting a family quite a few times, you still were in no rush after you got married. You both knew that you had plenty of time ahead of you, and with your careers going so well too you didn’t want to add to the pressure of such a busy workload by starting a family too soon.
Quite a lot of the time there was music incorporated somehow into your lazy days together. You would either have an album playing in the background of whatever you were doing to add a bit of noise to keep you both focused, or Wonpil would often grab his keyboard or one of his guitars and lay down beside you and play something, with little plan, playing whatever notes came to mind for him.
You both were a bit of a nightmare in the mornings with neither of you particularly wanting to get up, no matter how late into the morning it sometimes got for you to rise too. You usually had to encourage each other to get up, especially when one of you was ignoring your alarm which drove the other insane.
The two of you took a lot of time to relax in the evenings, you enjoyed being surrounded by calm, whether that was by listening to some chill music or watching an episode of one of the dramas that you were in the middle of.
Wonpil was obsessed with your affection and how loved you always made him feel. You took incredible care of him which he adored about you a lot, especially when you came up to him and gave him a tight hug.
Having you in the crowd whenever Wonpil performed was by far one of his favourite moments in your relationship. It always gave him an extra push when he knew that he was watching to make sure that he was perfect, but most of all he loved how proud you looked whenever you saw him up on stage.
Whenever he has a new piece of music in his hands that he’s created, Wonpil will always ask you if you want to be the first person to hear it, wanting to impress you first before trying to show off to anyone else.
As a part of your wedding surprise, Wonpil wrote the song for the two of you to share your first dance to and composed it with all of the boys. You had no idea what he was up to until the music began to play, recognising his voice straight away as the song started, stunned that he had done something so special.
Neither of you minded silence too much, you just enjoyed being with each other quite a lot of the time without feeling a need to talk to each other. You knew that if you needed the other, you could talk and they’d be there, but neither of you felt the need necessarily to constantly talk between yourselves.
Wonpil’s biggest tip for making your marriage work was making sure to support each other. The two of you were each other’s biggest fans and never failed to cheer each other on with everything that you did.
He hated seeing you upset, Wonpil would make sure to be there for you and give you as much or as little as you needed from him.
You were pretty well known by the staff at the company because you visited Wonpil quite a lot in his studio. They didn’t even need to ask who you were after a while, knowing that there was only one place that you were going.
There wasn’t anything else that Wonpil felt that he needed to wish for, any additions for him were just bonuses at this point.
He loved to try and tease you whenever he kissed you, but out of the two of you Wonpil would usually be the one that ended up getting more flustered and red. He was shy constantly whenever he kissed you.
You were his biggest fan, Wonpil knew that even if he had no one else you’d cheer him on.
The two of you liked to talk for a while before you fell asleep which helped you both settle down. You’d usually only fall asleep once one of you was ready, with things just coming to an end when the conversation stopped.
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glowonu · 4 years
Day6 as College Boyfriends because im soft and i love them. 
Sungjin: Always in hoodie and sweats, makes sure that you’ve eaten, brings you coffee, hugs you from behind, awkward yet cute dancing at karaoke, shares a foodstagram with you, walks you to the bus stop, calming smiles, Just a really big Protective Teddy Bear™.
Jae: Constant banter, knows when to be serious, clothes are always oversized, says he won't share but always orders the large meal for you both to share, hand holding but don't make it obvious, drapes his body over you when standing in lines.
YoungK: dressed fine af all the time, always has food, questionable if he will share it though, if you can't find him he's probably sleeping, likes to hold your waist, doesn't go to lectures but studies his butt off, over commits to everything but is somehow still laidback.
Wonpil: soft jumpers and sweaters all the time, #1 hype boy, cheek kisses whenever he sees you, smoothie dates, studies with you whenever he can, uses emojis abundantly, absolutely adores couple items, sends you encouraging messages each morning.
Dowoon: when was the last time he washed that shirt? He still be cute tho, flustered always, never PDAs in front of his friends, behind in his study but still gets good grades, subconsciously massages your shoulders if you’re sitting or standing in front of him, 
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kwanisms · 4 years
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⤑ genre: supernatural au, werecat!Wonpil, smut ⤑ pairing: werecat!Wonpil x witch!OC ⤑ warning: smut, supernatural elements, sexual content, violence, and an extreme amount of fluff at the end lol ⤑ summary: Being cursed a werecat, Wonpil wishes he'd been bitten by a werewolf. Instead of turning into a fearsome half man, half beast every full moon, he turns into an eight pound black house cat. What will happen one night when he gets rescued by a witch named Ok-hee and taken to her home? ⤑ word count: 11.2k
a/n:  This story was so hard to get started but here we are. Also, Wonpil is SERIOUSLY underappreciated on this site and he needs more content which I am more than willing to provide. Another note; black cats are actually considered extremely LUCKY and they protect your house. So don’t turn down black cats if you’re looking to adopt. They are wonderful companions. And if you do own a black cat, or any cat for that matter, PLEASE BRING THEM INSIDE ON AND AROUND HALLOWEEN. Violence towards cats, especially black cats, increases around this holiday so please bring your furbabies inside at night, even if they don’t like it. Protect them at all cost!
➭ collab masterlist
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Wonpil looked up at the sky, the soft grey clouds overhead giving nothing away for what was to come. He let out a deep sigh and looked back down as the light for the crosswalk changed, allowing the pedestrians on either side to cross safely. He followed the small crowd as he walked, continuing on his way. He chose this small town to live in because of its size and population.
He used to live in a bustling metropolis but realized that it was too dangerous for him in his current… condition.
Wonpil was a werecat and before you get any ideas, no. He does not turn into that. Unlike a werewolf which becomes a half man, half beast, Wonpil’s cat form is anything but beastly. He turns into an 8 pound black house cat. A curse set upon him when he was a child and was bitten by a stray cat that later turned out to be a werecat as well.
A voice brought Wonpil out of his thoughts and he turned his head slightly to see two elderly women looking at a cluster of papers stapled to a bulletin board, grim looks on their faces as they spoke in hushed tones. “It’s getting worse,” one woman said, to which the other woman shook her head solemnly. “Those poor creatures,” she added before the women continued on their way, giving Wonpil a chance to glance at the paper they had been studying before.
It was a collection of missing cat posters. There had to have been at least a dozen. His eyes wandered over the lost cat posters and mentions of various rewards for their safe return only Wonpil knew there would be no happy reunions this time. Not this time of the year. He forced himself to turn away, trying not to think of what had become of the unfortunate felines.
Halloween was a week away and coincidentally, so was the full moon. Wonpil’s werecat curse meant that his transformations were to start tonight. The week leading up to any full moon meant that was a week where each night after sunset, Wonpil would be forced to turn into a cat. He’d been through hundreds of transformations at this point in his life so it was all very routine.
A chorus of caws sounded overhead and Wonpil looked up to see a few ravens flying in circles and one perched on a street light. He watched as the perched bird looked down at him and made eye contact. He felt strange. As if he wasn’t looking at a bird but that was preposterous. Of course he was looking at a bird. What else would it be? He turned away and hurried down the sidewalk, pushing this strange encounter from his mind.
Finally reaching his home, Wonpil let himself into the condo, closing and locking the door behind him as he hurried into his kitchen to deposit his groceries. Shrugging off his coat, he moved to hang it up in the hall closet before returning to put away his food.
While restocking his pantry, a sharp tap on the window caught his attention and he spun around to see a raven sitting on the window sill outside his window. It peered in at him and Wonpil felt as if it was staring at him. He slowly moved closer to examine the bird closely but was startled when it tapped its beak sharply against the glass before letting out a series of caws.
Wonpil reached the window and opened it. The raven sat still, looking around and then up at him before hopping inside. Wonpil stared cautiously at the corvid, wondering why it was behaving so weird. Its gaze met his and it let out a shrill caw, ruffling its feathers. Wonpil felt a shiver run up his spine and he grabbed a nearby dish towel and began to shoo the bird away, flapping the towel at it.
The raven cawed at him, backing up as he waved the towel at it. Once it had stepped outside the window, Wonpil hurried and slammed it shut, turning the lock for good measure. The raven sat still, watching him indignantly through the glass pane. Wonpil untied the tied backs and let the curtains fall, covering the window and putting the bird out of his mind.
Once his groceries were put away, Wonpil made himself a quick snack, checking the clock and seeing he only had an half an hour left before his first transformation. He closed all the curtains in his home, checked that all doors and windows were closed and locked before sitting down on the couch to watch some television. Checking his watch, he saw it was almost time and undid the watch before setting it aside and turning off the TV. The old grandfather clock in the hallway started chiming as the hour hand hit the 7 and Wonpil took a deep breath.
He felt his body heat up, a tell tale sign of his impending transformation. He slowly got to his feet as his heart race accelerated, his breathing growing unsteady as he attempted to gain control over himself. His face began to itch as whiskers attempted to pierce their way out of his skin. He resisted the urge to scratch as his entire body started to heat up to an unbearable temperature.
He let out a low groan as he felt his anatomy shift, his plantigrade feet turning into digitigrade as he hurriedly untied and kicked off his shoes. Cracking and the sounds of bones popping could be heard as his bone structure literally rearranged itself and black fur started to grow quickly out of his skin, his body started to shrink as he transformed. He felt his canines erupt, growing in length.
His clothes no longer fit him as he dropped to his hands and knees, dropping his head low as he endured the slight pain of a tail growing from the end of his spine and his ears started to elongate and rise above his head. Still shrinking, he disappeared inside his shirt, his senses overwhelmed, Wonpil fell onto his side and just as quickly as it started, it was over. He sat up, aware that his body was no longer human. He pawed his way out of the shirt until he was free. Everything around him in his home was much larger now. He looked around before stretching, reaching his paws out in front of him.
Once stretched, Wonpil trotted over to the fireplace, hopping on the recliner next to it and then jumping onto the mantle to get a good look at himself in the mirror. He looked like he always did. A black cat with yellow eyes. A distant sound caught his attention and he flicked his ears backwards to listen. A rustling in the bushes outside his home. He hopped down from the mantle and made his way over to the front door. He meowed loudly, scratching at the wood before a sound from the bushes in the back garden caught his attention. He turned quickly, his eyes catching sight of the cat flap.
He trotted over to it and pushed through to find it was unlocked. He entered the back garden and sat on the stone steps. Peering overhead, he saw the moon and stared at it. ‘Stupid rock.’ Wonpil felt the breeze blow through his fur and a scent caught his attention. He heard rustling again and made his way to the bush to investigate. If he was lucky, maybe he’d find some dinner.
Peering inside the bush turned out to be useless as whatever was there was gone already so instead, he made his way over to his garden gate and slipped between the bars. He headed out into the night, following his instincts and his nose. A raven screamed at him from a stop sign and Wonpil arched his back, his hair standing on end in an attempt to make himself look bigger. Scarier.
The raven ruffled its feathers and took to the sky, letting out a cacophony of caws and shrieks before it flew off into the night. ‘What does that bird want?’ Wonpil asked himself as he stared after the corvid before he pushed it from his mind and continued on his way. He was starting to get hungry.
He walked and walked until he reached the town park that was settled into a cut out from the forest on the edge of town. Wonpil made his way into the park, hoping to find a mouse or something to sate his appetite. He was walking along when he came across something he hoped he’d never see whilst in his cat form. A group of teenage boys in the park at night.
Hoping the kids hadn’t seen him, he tried to sneak away but one of the boys yelled out. “Oi! Look!” he said, pointing Wonpil out. The boys immediately gave chase as Wonpil tried to get away, his sound of his paws inaudible over the sound of his heart beat. ‘Where’s the exit?’ he asked himself as he tried to flee but it was no use. He made a wrong turn and found himself in a dead end. He turned around to head back and maybe find a nice tree to climb but found his path blocked.
“I found him!” one of the boys called to his friends. Arching his back and flattening his ears, Wonpil let out a growl as the boys advanced on him. “Look at the scaredy cat,” one boy taunted while another searched the path for a handful of rocks. The boys then took turns tossing the stones at Wonpil, not trying to hit him but enough to scare him. He let out a loud yowl when one rock actually bounced off the path and hit him. The boys just laughed and continued to torment him.
‘I have to find a way out!’ Wonpil thought to himself, his eyes scanning the scene and trying to find an opening. Another rock came flying and hit him in the eye. He let out a shriek, blinded by the attack. The leader of the gang advanced on him, a sickening grin on his face. Wonpil hissed at him, following it with a series of growls. The leader only laughed and reached for him. Wonpil struck, slashing at him with his claws and injuring the kid who promptly let out a howl of pain. Wonpil took this moment of confusion among the boys to run but was grabbed by the scruff of his neck and lifted off the ground.
He hissed and growled and scratched but it was no use. He was caught. The leader of the gang glared at him. “Stupid cat!” he yelled. “Think you can scratch me and get away with it?” he said. He reached out to grab Wonpil but stopped when a soft voice called out.
“What is going on?” The boys glanced over. Wonpil too looked over to see a young woman standing at the end of the path, her large eyes looking curiously at the group. Her eyes caught sight of the cat and she immediately knew what was going on. “Stay out of this, lady!” one of the bigger boys warned.
The woman advanced on the group. “Let that poor cat go,” she said softly. The boys just laughed at her request. The woman was not smiling. “I said,” she stated, advancing slowly on the group. “Let. That. Cat. Go.” She stood only feet from the group now and Wonpil was worried she might get hurt. She was outnumbered. The boys just laughed again. “Go home, bitch,” one of the boys said. The woman smiled this time. “Wrong word,” she merely said before raising her hands to the side slowly.
The boys watched as a light started to emit from her. Wonpil watched the way her hair moved in the wind, her eyes shut as she started to glow brighter and brighter until she opened her eyes and what Wonpil saw next shocked him. Her eyes were white and glowing. The light emitting from her started to pulsate, slowly at first before becoming faster and faster.
“What the-” one of the boys started but couldn’t finish as a large pulse of light hit the group and knocked them back into the bushes. Wonpil thought he would be thrown with them but instead, he remained stationary in the air. He was floating where he had been previously held. He looked up to see the woman return to normal before she walked over to him, pulling the shawl she was wearing off and wrapping him in it and cradling him close. “Come on, little one,” she whispered and turned to head deeper into the park. Wonpil watched as the trees grew denser and denser before he passed out.
When he woke up the next morning, Wonpil was extremely aware of the fact he was not in his home. He rolled onto his back and stared up at the unfamiliar ceiling. He was lying in a bed that was not his, wearing clothes that were not his own. He sat up quickly and glanced around, taking in his surroundings.
As if on cue, footsteps sounded from down the hallway, making their way to the door to the room he was in. Wonpil tensed up, fearing the worst but the door swung open and he was pleasantly surprised to see a very beautiful young woman standing before him. She gave him a kind smile, a tray in her hands.
She entered the room and set the tray on the bed next to Wonpil before standing up straight and walking over to the window, pulling back one of the curtains to throw the room into the dim light of the sunrise. “Good morning,” she said in a soft tone. Wonpil couldn’t help but feel safe in her presence and all apprehension washed away as he realized how hungry he was. He started to dig into his breakfast, stealing occasional glances at the woman. 
A memory flashed before him of the night before. That same kind smile, being wrapped and cradled like a babe in her shawl, and the forest growing denser before he blacked out. Wonpil swallowed his pancakes and looked at the woman. “Uh,” he began, uncertain of what to say. “ The woman spoke before he could. “What is your name?” she asked. Wonpil scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“Uh, Wonpil,” he replied. “My name is Kim Wonpil.” The woman smiled at him. “It’s nice to meet you, Kim Wonpil. My name is Yoon Ok-hee,” she said, giving a slight bow of her head. “Nice to meet you, too,” Wonpil replied. ‘I guess,’ he added in his head. He started eating again before a question forced its way out of him. “Are you a witch?” he asked. Ok-hee smiled and nodded again. “I am,” she admitted.
“And what about you?” she asked. Wonpil looked at her with wide eyes. “M-me? Oh no, no,” he said chuckling. “I’m not a witch,” he added. Ok-hee smiled, concealing a giggle. “No, I know that,” she said. “What I meant was, how long have you been a werecat?” she asked. Wonpil choked on his orange juice and Ok-hee flicked her finger, allowing the juice to go smoothly down his throat.
“I- I’m n-not-- I m-mean, h-how did you-?” he sputtered. The witch held her hand up, silencing him effortlessly. “I know you’re a werecat simply because one, you don’t move and behave like a normal cat and two, I watched you transform back into a human last night.” Wonpil suddenly felt very self conscious. She had seen him naked! Sensing what he was thinking, Ok-hee smiled again. 
“Don’t worry,” she said, catching Wonpil’s attention. “I didn’t touch or look at you,” she added. “I’m a witch.” Wonpil nodded slowly. “So you didn’t see?” he asked, glancing down at his lap before looking back up at Ok-hee. She gave a mischievous grin before shaking her head. “No, I didn’t see anything,” she replied, which made Wonpil feel infinitely better. The last thing he needed was an extremely gorgeous witch seeing his… assets.
“So,” Wonpil said, earning the Witch’s undivided attention. “Have you lived in town long?” he asked. The Witch smiled, thinking purposefully before she spoke. “I have,” she replied. Wonpil thought this response odd considering the amount of time she thought about it before answering but before he could ask, he caught a glimpse of a clock and saw the time. “Oh my goodness!” he shouted, scrambling out of the bed. “I’m going to be late!” he said rushing towards the door.
He stopped and turned to face the Witch, who hadn’t moved from her seat by the window. “Thank you for last night,” he said softly. The Witch smiled knowingly. “Of course,” she replied. “Feel free to come here any time,” she added. Wonpil smiled at her before rushing out of her front door. Once outside in the forest, he realized just exactly how deep in the woods he was. He ran down the path stopping to glance back at the tiny cottage nestled in a thick patch of trees and boulders.
He continued to run and run until he was out of the woods, literally, and back in town. He made his way hastily to his home and let himself in through the backdoor using his garden key. Once inside, he hurried to his bathroom and took a boiling hot shower to scrub away the dirt from his feet from running through the woods. He cleaned himself and got out of the shower, shutting off the hot water.
Once he had wrapped a towel around his waist, he glanced in the foggy mirror and checked out his reflection. His eye had a small cut underneath on his unlid but he could see just fine. The Witch no doubt cleaned his wounds and took care of him while he was passed out. 
Wonpil finished drying off and got changed before heading out of his house and hurrying down the street to the bookshop where he worked. He entered through the back door, apologizing profusely to his boss who waved him off. “It’s not like we’re busy,” his boss said in a monotone voice from his office. Wonpil put on his apron, tying it on and making sure he had his necessary materials in the pockets.
Once behind the counter, he went to work counting the till and setting up his station. It was a part-time job, but the owner paid well and it was quiet. The work was tedious at times but Wonpil didn’t mind. It allowed him to read new books all the time and it was off the main road so it was never busy.
Work went by slowly at first while Wonpil cleaned the shelves and reorganized the books at the front counter. He took pride in his work, even if it wasn’t much and the owner did truly appreciate the hard work and dedication Wonpil put into the job.
Wonpil was immersed in a fantasy book behind the counter when he heard the office door close. “I’m going to run down to the bakery and pick up lunch. Do you want anything?” his boss asked. “Just a bagel and coffee,” Wonpil replied softly. “Strawberry cream cheese and a latte?” his boss asked with a half smile. Wonpil nodded and without another word, the owner left the shop to Wonpil who returned to his book, eager to see what was going to happen to the protagonist and his friends.
What felt like seconds but was more like several minutes passed when the door opened again. Wonpil knew it was too soon for his boss to be back, so he marked his place in the book and set it aside. He looked up to see a familiar face entering the shop.
“Ok-hee?” he asked. The Witch looked genuinely surprised to see him there and gave him a warm smile. “So this is what you were late for?” she asked. Wonpil nodded. “Y-yes. I work here,” he said, realizing how stupid he sounded only seconds later. ‘Of course she knows you work here, idiot,’ he told himself. Ok-hee seemed amused but said nothing more before she walked away from the door and started perusing the shelves. 
“C-can I help you find something?” Wonpil inquired nervously. Ok-hee poked her head out from behind one of the shelves. “No,” she said playfully. Wonpil watched as she continued to shop, making her way through the sections. She passed fiction, non-fiction, history, young adult, until she was nearly at the back of the shop in a section that was extremely fitting to her nature.
“Do you need help with anything?” Wonpil asked from his place behind the counter. Ok-hee turned to flash him a bright smile. “No, I've got it,” she replied. Wonpil watched as she pulled down books, opened them only to browse a few pages before snapping them shut and placing them back on the shelf. He watched as she did this numerous times before he hurried out from behind the counter and over to where she stood. “Were you looking for something specific?” he asked.
Ok-hee turned and smiled at him. “Something? No,” she replied. “But someone?” she asked, slowly advancing on him, forcing him to back up until the backs of his knees hit the couch positioned out of sight of the door. Wonpil glanced down at the couch quickly and back up at Ok-hee before she placed a hand on his chest and pushed him down onto the sofa. She climbed onto his lap and Wonpil felt his face burn as it started to redden. “Uh,” he whispered. “I-I don’t think this is a good idea.”
The Witch smiled at him, reaching up to cup his cheeks softly. “What’s not a good idea?” she asked softly. Wonpil couldn’t find the right words to explain why he thought her straddling him in the occult section of the bookstore he worked at was a good idea because all he could think of at the moment was the feeling of her-
A loud ringing brought him out of his trance and he saw that Ok-hee was standing by the shelf she had been earlier. Wonpil quickly got up and hurried up to greet whomever came into the store. A mother and her young children asked him where the children’s section was and Wonpil pointed them in the right direction before slipping behind the counter, trying to hide the growing problem in his pants. Thankfully his apron did a pretty good job of that on its own.
He glanced up as the mother and her children returned quickly, having found exactly what they were looking for. Wonpil rang their order up and told the mother her total. As she pulled the notes out of her wallet, Wonpil noticed Ok-hee walking up to the counter, a rather large book in her arms. She gave him a mischievous smile as she got in line. The mother paid in exact change and took her bag. “Thank you for coming in!” Wonpil said as they left the store, leaving him alone once again with the Witch.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” he asked quietly. She set the book in her arms on the counter just as the door opened again and Wonpil looked up to see his boss had returned with a bag from the bakery and two cups of coffee. “No one robbed the place?” his boss asked jokingly as he walked past, smiling at Ok-hee and offering a “good afternoon,” as he did. She returned his greeting before looking at Wonpil as his boss disappeared into his office.
Wonpil glanced down at the book and felt his blood run cold. ‘Lycanthropy and its Many Different Forms.’ He looked up at Ok-hee who had a wide smile on her face now. “This isn’t funny,” he hissed. Ok-hee’s smile didn’t falter. “Could you please ring me up? I have places to be,” she asked politely. 
Wonpil hesitantly grabbed the book and started to ring her up, punching in the numbers. “Unless you’d like me to stay so we can play on that couch in the occult section,” he heard her whisper in a seductive tone. Wonpil’s eyes snapped up to meet hers and his suspicions were confirmed.
So he hadn’t imagined that. It had actually happened. Ok-hee smiled wider. “Come by after your shift and I’ll take care of that,” she added, leaning onto the counter and glancing down at his apron. Wonpil set the book back down and told her the total. Ok-hee handed him a note and he gave her back her change. 
“Thank you and have a nice day,” Wonpil said, trying to convey that this meeting was over. Ok-hee shrugged. “You know where to find me if you change your mind,” she said before walking to the door, opening it with a ring of the bell and stepping out onto the sidewalk. 
Wonpil watched her through the window until she disappeared down the sidewalk before he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He heard a door open and he glanced over as his boss appeared, walking over and setting a small paper sack and a latte on the counter for him. Wonpil thanked him and picked up his beverage, taking a sip and then opening the paper sack to dig into his bagel.
The rest of his shift passed without incident and Wonpil left early at the insistence of his boss, giving him just enough time to get home and prepare to transform again. He was walking down the sidewalk past the park when he noticed the kids from last night loitering around the entrance of the park. He felt his blood boil as he glared at them, particularly the leader.
“Hey!” Wonpil shouted when he was close enough and the kids all looked at him, confusion written on their faces. “What do you want?” the leader asked as Wonpil approached them. Wonpil didn’t stop until he was in the leader’s face. “You think it’s funny to attack and torture cats? Is it fun to hurt innocent animals for no reason?” he asked in a low tone. The kids looked at him, eyes wide with shock.
“N-no,” the leader said softly as Wonpil advanced on him, clearly much older and bigger than the bully. “Then pick on someone your own size from now on or the Witch in the woods will get you,” he barked. He glanced around before adding, “ALL of you.” He then continued on, knocking past the kids and heading for his home, a sense of justice blanketing him.
Once he was inside the safety of his home. He locked the doors and this time remembered to latch the catflap. While he was preparing for his evening, a thought crossed his mind. ‘You know where to find me if you change your mind.’ Ok-hee’s words rang in his mind and he found himself unlatching the catflap. ‘It’s not because I want to sleep with her,’ he told himself. ‘I just felt safe in her cottage.’
Wonpil’s transformation that night was the same as it had been the night before. Once he freed himself from his now too large shirt, he headed for the catflap and out into the night. He took extra care, making sure no bullies were around as he headed into the park and ran to the forest, making his way to the path that would lead him to the Witch’s house. He trotted along the path until the familiar cottage came into view. Outside in the garden, he saw Ok-hee as she went about her business. 
He slowly approached until he was at the edge of her garden. He saw her tense up and turn slowly. When her eyes caught sight of him, Wonpil saw her relax and a smile spread across her face. “You came back,” she said as Wonpil made his way over to where she knelt in the dirt. He meowed at her and she reached down to pet him, giving him a few strokes before she continued to dig around in the dirt. She had a basket where she was putting vegetables. Once she finished she stood up, grabbing the basket and headed for her door. She stopped and turned to Wonpil. “You coming?” she asked.
Wonpil stood and ran over to her door, rushing inside before she headed in, shutting and locking the door behind her. Once inside, the Witch headed to her kitchen and started cleaning the vegetables. Wonpil jumped up into a chair to watch her. “Are you just going to watch me all night?” she asked, glancing over her shoulder at the black cat. Wonpil let out another meow in response which made Ok-hee chuckle. “Alright, then,” she said before going back to her work.
For the rest of the evening, Wonpil watched her work as she finished cleaning the vegetables and put them away to store. He then watched as she took the dried herbs she had hanging in her kitchen and started to grind them up. She looked at Wonpil who watched her curiously. He hopped up onto the table and walked over to sniff the mortar in her hands. He then looked up at her. “You want to know what I’m doing?” she asked. Wonpil meowed again, his way of saying yes.
“I’m making spells,” Ok-hee said as she grabbed a few more herbs and added them to the mortar and started grinding again. “People from the town come to me and ask me for remedies for all sorts of ailments and the like. So I make them natural remedies, or spells, as I call them. You don’t have to be a witch to make spells work,” she added, looking at the cat.
Once she finished fulfilling her orders, she sat down by the fireplace and grabbed her knitting. Wonpil jumped up onto the footrest to watch her before Ok-hee moved her knitting and patted her lap. Wonpil hesitated before jumping into her lap and curling up while Ok-hee continued to knit. Wonpil fell asleep only to be woken up by Ok-hee moving to stand up, she cradled him in her arms and carried him to the bedroom where she set him down at the foot of her bed and moved to change into her nightgown. 
Wonpil shut his eyes to give her some privacy but couldn’t help his curiosity and opened one eye where he could see the Witch facing away from him, stripped bare. He watched as she grabbed her nightgown and pulled it on over her head, letting the material fall down to the floor. He shut his eye and pretended to be asleep as she turned and got into bed, pulling the covers up over her and the lights went out. It didn’t take much longer after for Wonpil to pass out again.
Wonpil continued this routine, spending the night at Ok-hee’s and getting up to go to work the next morning then coming back to spend the night again. When she asked him one morning why he kept coming back, he told her it was because he felt safe in her house. He could be himself and not have to worry. Ok-hee didn’t seem to mind his company either.
After the bookshop encounter, she never made another pass at him and she stopped teasing him completely. She would never admit it to Wonpil, but his presence made her feel accepted and safe, so she obviously didn’t mind having him in her home.
The days passed and soon, it was the morning of Halloween.
The sound of birds chirping woke Wonpil from his restful state and he wearily opened his eyes. The soft sunlight from the morning passed through the partially open curtains, hitting the floor and the blankets at the foot of the bed. 
Wonpil rolled over to peek at the Witch sleeping peacefully behind him. She was even more beautiful in the morning sun than Wonpil had previously thought.
He sat up slowly, trying not to disturb her sleep as he grabbed the pair of sweats resting on the cushioned bench at the end of the bed. He slowly slipped his legs into the pants and stood to pull them up. He heard a soft moan behind him and quickly turned his head to see Ok-hee was waking up. Her eyes fluttered open and her expression immediately softened when she caught sight of Wonpil.
“Good morning,” she murmured. Wonpil smiled shyly at her. “Morning,” he mumbled. His heart raced as the Witch reached out a hand for him and he took it without hesitation, allowing her to pull him back into the bed and he settled under the covers next to her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.
The two sat there for a moment, before the Witch spoke. “Do you want breakfast?” she asked, looking up at him. Wonpil shook his head silently, burying his face in the Witch’s hair. “No,” he said, his voice muffled. Ok-hee giggled and let out a content sigh. “I just want to stay like this forever,” Wonpil said softly. Ok-hee nodded. “Me too,” she whispered.
Silence fell between the pair before Wonpil softly kissed the Witch’s head. She looked up at him again, their eyes meeting before she connected their lips in a soft kiss. Pulling back, Ok-hee studied Wonpil’s expression. Before she could say anything, Wonpil pulled her back in for another kiss. Ok-hee’s hands moved, grabbing Wonpil’s shoulders. One of her legs moved, hooking around his waist.
The action spurred Wonpil on and he rolled onto his back, pulling Ok-hee on top of him. She leaned over, reconnecting their lips in a rushed kiss. Wonpil’s hands grabbed the thin material of her nightgown and slowly pushed it up to her waist. 
He knew by now that she didn’t wear panties to bed and wasn’t surprised to see her naked core pressed against his sweats right above where his cock was starting to harden. Wanting her to feel him, Wonpil grabbed Ok-hee’s hips and slowly moved them, grinding her into the material of his sweats. The Witch let out a soft moan which ignited a fire inside the werecat.
Wonpil sat up quickly, pulling the nightgown off Ok-hee and throwing it aside, leaving her bare before him. Her dark hair fell down past her shoulders, covering her chest as she sat on him. “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, his hands grabbing her thighs and smoothing over the skin until he cupped her backside in his hands. 
Ok-hee’s hips moved of her own accord, rubbing against the thick material under her with each movement. Her walls clenched around nothing as her wetness seeped out, starting to coat the front of Wonpil’s sweatpants. He didn’t seem to mind however as he guided her movements.
Ok-hee whimpered as her clit brushed against the material. “Do that again,” Wonpil breathed and Ok-hee obliged, rubbing harder against him. By then, she could feel Wonpil’s erection through his pants and she wanted more. Without a word, she climbed off him before untying the strings on his sweats and pulling them down, exposing his hard length. 
Ok-hee discarded his pants in the same manner he discarded her nightgown before straddling him again, this time her wet cunt meeting the smooth skin of his girth and she let out a moan, rolling her hips and rubbing her clit along the underside of his shaft.
Wonpil let out a shaky breath, hands moving up Ok-hee’s body to cup her breast. “I need more,” Ok-hee whispered. Before Wonpil could say anything, she was raising her hips and grabbing his cock with her hand, giving him a few strokes before aligning the tip with her entrance and sinking down on him. Wonpil let out a strained groan, having never felt anything quite like it. Ok-hee didn’t stop until she was filled to the hilt with him. Once he was fully inside her, she waited, allowing both of them to adjust to the feeling. Her body felt like it was on fire. She felt indescribable.
“Move,” she heard Wonpil whine, bucking his hips slightly. Ok-hee did as he asked and slowly started to rock on him, feeling every inch of him rub against her walls. “Fuck,” she cursed, leaning over to rest her hands on his chest and slowly started to roll her hips. A deep moan left Wonpil’s lips as the head of his cock hit deeper inside Ok-hee than he thought possible. “Ride me,” he breathed, his hands grabbing her ass and squeezing, kneading the soft flesh with his fingers.
She didn’t need to be told twice and started lifting her hips and sinking back down on him. “You feel so good, baby,” she heard him whimper. Ok-hee moved faster, ignoring the burn in her thighs as she bounced on him, the sound of skin against skin filling the room. “I need more,” Wonpil said before sitting up and flipping Ok-hee onto her back and starting to thrust into her. The Witch let out a yelp as Wonpil pushed her thighs further apart and slammed into her.
“Am I hurting you?” she heard him ask from above her. Ok-hee shook her head. “No, don’t stop,” she begged. “Feels so good.” Wonpil leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her lips contrasting with the sinful motions of his hips against hers. She could feel her juices spilling out of her and coat the sheets beneath her, but Ok-hee didn’t care. All she wanted was him to pound her repeatedly until she was screaming his name. “Wonpil,” she moaned. The werecat slowed his pace to hear what his lover wanted to say.
“Yes?” he asked softly. “Fuck me,” the Witch said softly. “Hmm?” Wonpil asked, not hearing what she asked. “I said fuck me,” Ok-hee repeated. “Fuck me hard and make me scream,” she added. Wonpil smirked and threw her legs over his shoulders before grabbing her hips and pounding into her hard, like she asked of him. Ok-hee let out a shrill scream of pleasure at being fucked the way she wanted.
Wonpil felt her nails dig into his shoulder as he rocked into her, the room once more being filled with the sound of skin against skin as he felt himself getting closer and closer to his release. He slowed his hips to a deep roll, watching Ok-hee as she arched her back off the sheets and let out a deep, wanton moan. Focusing more on quality over quantity, Wonpil continued this slow, steady pace until he felt his impending release subside.
“What are you doing?” Ok-hee whined. Wonpil let out a soft chuckle. “I was about to finish,” he said matter-of-factly. “I didn’t want to come just yet,” he added. Ok-hee opened her mouth to reply but her words fell short when a particularly hard thrust from Wonpil made her squeak out instead. She bit into her bottom lip gently, letting her eyes flutter shut as the werecat continued to thrust into her sharply.
“Are you close?” she heard her lover ask. Feeling the familiar tension in her abdomen and the heat spreading throughout her body, Ok-hee nodded. “Yes,” the Witch said. “I’m close.” Wonpil leaned down, pressing his lips against hers as he continued to rock into her, each stroke of his cock sending shivers of pleasure through her body. “Are you gonna come for me?” Wonpil whispered against her lips. With a soft whimper, the Witch nodded, her thighs tightening around Wonpil’s waist as the knot in her stomach tightened unbearable before it snapped and her climax hit her, a loud, shrill moan leaving her lips.
Realizing, she had come, Wonpil wasted no time in chasing his own high, thrusting repeatedly into Ok-hee until his own release came and he spilled into her with a low, strained groan, painting her walls with his seed. His arms shaking, Wonpil allowed himself to rest his head in the crook of Ok-hee’s neck, his panting matching her own as they tried to regain what little composure they had left.
After a few minutes, Wonpil finally pulled back to look at the Witch lying beneath him. Her hair fanned out on the pillow under her head, her cheeks flushed with pink and her green eyes glossy. He’d never seen someone look so stunning before. Giving her a small smile, he leaned in once more to press his lips softly against hers. “How are you feeling?” he asked when they parted. Ok-hee smiled back at him, a content sigh leaving her lips. “I feel great,” she said, one of her hands moving to cup his cheek.
He leaned into the touch, her thumb caressing his cheek. It had been so long since he had been close to anyone like that. It was nice, to say the least. Opening his eyes, Wonpil was met with the same beautiful creature that had been a moaning mess just a few moments before. “Shall we get something to eat?” Ok-hee asked, cocking her head, fixing him with those same glossy, green eyes. Wonpil nodded.
“Sure, but I have to go home and grab some things and then I’ll be right back,” he said, nuzzling her nose with his, smiling as she giggled. His lips found hera again and he was surprised how much he didn’t want to stop kissing her. No one had ever made him feel this way before.
Finally, after much insistence and the sounds of both of their stomachs rumbling, the pair got up, half dressing to make their way into the kitchen where Wonpil sat with a mug of coffee in hand as he watched Ok-hee work her magic, so to speak, in the kitchen, making a quick breakfast before setting a plate down in front of him. The two ate and joked as the sun continued to rise.
“Don’t you work today?” Ok-hee asked. Wonpil shook his head. “I don’t work weekends,” he said, setting his now empty mug down. “But I do have a few errands to run,” he added. Ok-hee watched as he got to his feet, stretching his arms over head and admiring his body. Wonpil looked down and caught her checking him out, to which she flushed and looked away from his body and back up to his face. “You leaving?” she asked, a hint of sadness to her tone. Wonpil leaned down and kissed her again. He really loved kissing her.
“Yes,” he said softly. “I’ll be right back,” he added. Ok-hee nodded as he headed to the bedroom to grab the hoodie he had brought with him before sliding on his shoes. Once dressed, he headed back out into the living area where Ok-hee was still sitting at the table. “Do you want me to grab anything while I’m out?” he asked. Ok-hee thought for a moment before shaking her head. “Nope, just come back to me,” she said getting up to walk him to the door.
Wonpil opened the heavy wooden door, turning to face the Witch. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “Don’t worry,” he murmured. “I’ll always come back to you,” he added before stepping out into the cool forest.
The trip home to pack a bag only took a few minutes. Once he was done, he set the bag by the front door and looked around his flat, making sure it was locked and he didn’t forget anything. He had a change of clothes, his toothbrush, and the book he was currently reading. He turned off the lights and grabbed the bag before heading out into the crisp, cool afternoon.
He wasn’t lying when he said he had a few errands. It wasn’t exactly a few though, just one. Wonpil made his way to the post office to check his P.O box. He had all his mail sent there. He didn’t want to risk anyone from his past finding him and it seemed to work swimmingly so far. Once he arrived, he waited in the relatively long line to get into the small office.
While waiting he heard something he hadn’t in years.
He turned towards the voice that had spoken and his blood ran cold. “Yeeun?” he asked, his voice shaky. Before him stood his older sister. She rushed over and immediately enveloped him in a hug. Wonpil froze under her touch. ‘Why is she here?’ he asked himself, trying not to panic. ‘Why now?’
Yeeun pulled back and smiled up at him. “You haven’t changed one bit,” she said, laughing as she looked him over. Wonpil smiled nervously, looking over at the line and hoping it would move faster and give him a reason to escape his sister. “You look good,” she added. Wonpil looked back and could see that although a smile was on her face, it didn’t reach her eyes.
“Thanks,” he said softly. “What have you been up to?” she asked. Wonpil shrugged. “Just working,” he said as honestly as possible. “That’s all? You ran away from Seoul to work?” she asked. Wonpil shrugged again. “Why did you run away?” she asked. Wonpil was growing increasingly uncomfortable with the situation. “I just needed space,” he said. It wasn’t a lie. He needed space from everyone in his life and moving away and starting fresh seemed like the answer. Yeeun didn’t look convinced.
“What happened?” she asked. “We used to tell each other everything,” she added. “When did we stop?” Wonpil shrugged again. “I don’t know, Yeeun,” he mumbled. “There are just some things we can’t tell each other,” he stated. Yeeun shook her head. “We’re family, Pil,” she said, reaching out to take his hand. “We trust each other.” Wonpil pulled his hand from hers. “I’m sorry, Yeeun. I don’t know what you want me to tell you. I just..” he trailed off and looked away from her.
“Wonpil, what is it? Are you in some kind of trouble?” she asked. ‘Yeah, trouble.’ Wonpil thought pitifully. He put on a brave face and forced a smile. “I’m okay, Yeeun. And if you’re here to check on me because mom and dad asked you to, please tell them I’m fine. Okay? I’m much better now,” he stated. Yeeun didn’t look convinced but she went with it. “If you say so,” she muttered. “Look, I’m staying at the inn,” she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Let’s go get dinner tonight, catch up with each other.”
Wonpil shook his head. “I can’t tonight. I have plans,” he said quickly. Yeeun’s smile dropped. “And you can’t cancel? I’m your sister, Pil,” she replied. Wonpil shook his head. “I can’t. I’m sorry. Look,” he said glancing at the door to the post office and back. He quickly grabbed Yeeun and gave her a tight hug. “I’m really sorry I took off the way I did,” he whispered. “I just needed to get away from everything. Life was difficult and I needed a change. I promise I’m better now,” he added.
When they parted, he gave Yeeun a genuine smile. “I love you,” he said as he backed away towards the door to the post office. Yeeun returned the smile weakly. “I love you too, Pil,” she answered. Wonpil gave her a parting wave and turned to enter the post office where he busied himself with getting his mail and checking it. He glanced over his shoulder to see if Yeeun was still lurking outside but was relieved to see she had crossed the street and was walking toward the town center.
Once he had sorted through his mail, Wonpil made his way back towards the forest. He checked several times to make sure Yeeun hadn’t doubled back and followed him but he didn’t see any sign of her. Relieved, he headed into the park, following the path that would take him to the cottage in the forest. 
He still couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling he had and checked behind him once more to make sure he wasn’t being followed. He saw nothing and only heard the sounds of children laughing and playing in the park.
Heading deeper into the forest, he came across the Witch’s cottage and his nerves were put at ease and he walked up to the door and knocked. The door immediately creaked open and Wonpil peered in. Ok-hee sat in her chair, knitting away. She looked up as he entered, a warm smile spreading across her lips. “Did you finish your errands?” she asked. Wonpil nodded, walking over and setting his bag down.
He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “I did,” he added before sitting on the footstool in front of her. Ok-hee glanced up at him, her smile widening. “What?” she asked, noticing the way he just stared at her with a smile on his face. Wonpil shook his head and only smiled. “What?” Ok-hee asked again. Wonpil shrugged, still smiling at her, his leg bouncing slightly as if he was anticipating something.
“What are you doing?” Ok-hee asked, setting her knitting down. Wonpil said nothing, but slid off the footstool, settling between her legs on the floor and smiling up at her. Ok-hee glanced at the clock which told her it was a few more hours before Wonpil changed. Wonpil noticed her looking at the clock and looked back at her. “What?” he whispered, getting as close as possible. “I was just calculating how much time we have,” she replied. Wonpil watched as she set her knitting aside.
“How much time before what?” he asked playfully. Ok-hee smiled at him, reaching to caress his cheek. “Before sunset,” she replied. “Oh? And why would you need to do that?” he asked, trying to hide his growing smile. Ok-hee settled back in her chair. “Oh, just curious,” she retorted. Wonpil’s hands disappeared under her skirt, sliding up her legs as he pushed the material up past her knees.
His hands went deeper and discovered she was again not wearing panties. “Do you just never wear underwear?” he inquired causing the Witch to bite her bottom lip and giggle. Not waiting for an answer, Wonpil lifted her skirt and disappeared under it, lifting her legs and throwing them over his shoulders.
Ok-hee pulled the fabric of her skirt up until Wonpil’s head was free. He grabbed her hips and pulled them forward towards him, licking his lips and glancing up at her. “I hope you have nothing planned for the rest of the afternoon,” he said, his voice low. Ok-hee shook her head. “Good. Cause I’m not going to be done for a while,” he replied.
He wasn’t kidding when he said that. It indeed took a couple hours for Wonpil to tease and coax Ok-hee into a writhing, panting, and begging mess before he let her have her orgasm.
Wiping his lips and chin on his sleeve, Wonpil looked up at the Witch, a devilish grin on his face as he could see she knew he wasn’t quite done with her. Grabbing her hand and pulling her to her feet, he led her to the kitchen. 
Pushing the empty basket and few scraps of paper to the floor, he turned Ok-hee to face the table as she giggled and whispered that they didn’t have much time before he changed. “I’m about to explode,” Wonpil replied, reaching down to grab fistfuls of her skirt and lift it up until her backside was exposed to him. 
Wonpil pushed her over, pressing her chest to the table as he hurriedly unzipped his jeans and started to push them down past his hips. He took himself in his hand, giving his length a few languid strokes and was about to guide himself inside Ok-hee when there was a sharp knocking at the door. The pair of them froze, staring at the wooden door. Ok-hee glanced back at Wonpil who looked just as shocked as she did. She stood up, throwing her skirt down while Wonpil hurriedly tucked himself back into his pants.
Once the both of them were composed and the papers and basket picked up, Ok-hee unlocked and pulled open the door. Wonpil heard her converse with someone outside but couldn’t hear who it was. Ok-hee turned and looked at Wonpil in shock before turning to speak to the visitor once more. She opened the door fully and in walked a face Wonpil had seen hours earlier.
“Yeeun?” he asked, quickly getting to his feet and walking over to his sister. She glanced around the interior of the cottage before her eyes settled on him. She rushed to him. “What are you doing here?” Wonpil asked. “I wanted to make sure you were okay,” she replied, again glancing around the cottage, her eyes reaching Ok-hee who smiled kindly. “I’m sorry for intruding like this,” she added.
Ok-hee shook her head. “It’s no trouble,” she replied. Yeeun turned to her brother. “So this is what you meant when you said you had plans you couldn’t cancel?” she asked. Wonpil shook his head. “It’s more complicated than that, Yeeun,” he said. “How?” Yeeun asked, tearing up. “How is it so complicated that you can’t tell me, your sister?” she demanded.
Ok-hee glanced between the two before looking at the clock. Wonpil caught this out of the corner of his eye. It was getting close. He needed to get Yeeun out of the house and fast. “Look, I can’t explain it right now,” Wonpil said, taking his sister’s hands and speaking directly to her. “But you can’t stay here.”
Yeeun’s eyes widened. “Are you kicking me out?” she asked. Wonpil hummed. “I don’t want to,” he said. “Then don’t! Don’t shut me out,” she interrupted. Wonpil glanced at the clock. He had two minutes to get her out of the cottage before he changed. “Look, Yeeun, I can’t explain it right now and I love you, but you need to leave,” he pleaded. Yeeun pulled her hands from his and moved to sit down on the sofa.
“I’m not leaving until you explain why you couldn’t cancel your plans and why I can’t be here,” she said stubbornly as she crossed her arms over her chest. Ok-hee’s eyes widened and she looked from Yeeun to Wonpil as he shook his head and walked over to Yeeun and knelt in front of her.
“Yeeun, please, just trust me,” he said. Yeeun shook her head slowly. “I do trust you, but what are you hiding from me? From mom and dad? What are you so afraid of?” Yeeun asked. Wonpil started to respond but his voice caught in his throat. He glanced at the clock which said the time was 7:01. His eyes widened. ‘It was too late.’
“Yeeun,” he said standing up and backing away. She stood to follow him but Ok-hee caught her. “Don’t,” Yeeun said, trying to free herself. Ok-hee shook her head. “Just trust,” was all Ok-hee said. Yeeun turned to look at Wonpil who was beginning to change. She watched in horror as her brother transformed right before her, his body twisting and morphing into something not human. He started to shrink, slowly until he disappeared inside his clothes. 
Yeeun’s eyes widened as the clothing moved and a slender black cat shimmied out of the shirt her brother had just been wearing. Yeeun looked from the black cat to Ok-hee and back. “What the fuck?!” she shrieked. Ok-hee led her back to the sofa and sat her down. “Sit here,” she said. “I’ll make some tea.”
With a cup of tea in hand, Ok-hee began explaining everything to Yeeun who sat still and listened, hanging onto Ok-hee’s every word. Once she had finished, Ok-hee sat back in her armchair, Wonpil now resting on her lap and she gave him a few pets. Yeeun stared at the cat as it fixed her with its yellow-eyed gaze. She shivered and looked away.
“So my brother turns into a black cat once a month for a week?” she asked. Ok-hee nodded. “He does,” she replied. Yeeun stared, mouth slightly agape. “Huh,” was all she said before setting the teacup on the coffee table. “Interesting,” she added. “You know, if I hadn’t witnessed it for myself, I’d say you were crazy,” she said leaning back onto the sofa, a soft laugh escaping her. Ok-hee joined her.
A loud shattering of glass caught both of their attention and Ok-hee sat up quickly while Yeeun yelped. Wonpil jumped down from Ok-hee’s lap and ran over to investigate the rock now sitting on the rug. Ok-hee waved her hand and repaired the window, the glass on the floor flying up and settling back in place as if the window never broke. Yeeun stared in shock before she whispered, “oh I need that in my house.”
Ok-hee peered out the window and saw a group of teenage boys outside her home. She turned to Yeeun. “Go into the bathroom and lock the door,” she said as he hurried over to the front door, Wonpil hot on her heels. Yeeun did as she was told and barricaded herself in the bathroom. Ok-hee stopped at the door and reached down to pick up Wonpil and set him on the shelf by the window.
“Stay inside, please,” she whispered before opening the door and disappearing outside. He watched through the window as Ok-hee walked a few yards from her door to face down the gang.
“Look boys,” one of them said. “It’s the Witch in the Woods,” he said mockingly. Ok-hee said nothing as they continued to taunt and mock her. “You gonna put a curse on us, witchy?” one boy said in a singsong voice. “Oh no, she’s gonna hex us!” another shouted, followed by them all laughing.
One of the boys picked up a rock and hurled it at the house, hitting the same window again. Wonpil’s back arched as he watched the boys advance on Ok-hee. The Witch glanced back at the house and turned back to the boy who had thrown the stone. He held another, tossing it up lazily and catching it again, a smug expression on his face. Ok-hee sighed.
“I just fixed that window,” she said, turning to wave her hand and fix the window again. While she was distracted, the boy threw the rock in his hand at the other window where Wonpil’s cat form could be seen. He jumped out of the way just in time as the glass shattered. Ok-hee spun around to check to see if Wonpil was injured. She couldn’t see him in the window and she turned back to the boys, her body heating up quickly as rage took over her.
Her eyes rolled back into her head, the whites exposed and started glowing as her whole body lifted a few inches off the ground, her hair slowly swirling around her as if she was weightless. She started to float forward. The boys, unsure if this was a prank or not looked at each other in panic. Ok-hee’s body lurched forward at quick speed until she was mere inches from the boy who had thrown the rock.
Her hand shot out and she grabbed him, her fingers tightening around his neck. Her face scrunched up as her rage continued to fuel her actions. “You think it’s funny?” she asked in a deep, guttural voice. “To throw rocks at people’s homes and hurt innocent animals?” The boy stammered out an apology, clawing at her hand around his throat. One of the other boys snuck behind Ok-hee and picked up another rock.
Wonpil peeked out the window just in time to see another boy throw a rock at Ok-hee and hit her in the head. He let out a deep growl and felt his body grow hot. His low cat growl turned into a snarl as he leapt down from the shelf onto the floor of the cottage.
Outside, Ok-hee and the boys could hear a snarling growing louder and louder from inside the cottage. They all turned to look as sounds of smashing and tearing could also be heard. A loud roar, like a panther, emitted from the house and as suddenly as it started, the sounds stopped. The forest went deafeningly silent before the front door was splintered apart and a massive humanoid creature covered in black fur clawed its way out of the broken door.
Ok-hee stared in awe, dropping the boy she held by the throat as the rest of the boys clamored and scrambled away in terror as the monstrous figure advanced on them. It stood almost 7 feet tall, covered in black fur that glistened in the moonlight. Large triangular ears stood upright with tufts of fur at the ends. Sharp fangs, covered in saliva were exposed as the creature snarled.
It stood on two legs, claws digging into the dirt. It flexed it’s fingers, biceps rippling before claws extended from the tips of its fingers. It was a monstrous cat. A werecat.
The boys stared in terror at the beast as it gazed upon them with glowing yellow eyes. It stepped forward and let out a roar that rattled the trees and sent owls into the sky with hoots and shrieks of fear. The boys hurried away, running as fast as their legs could carry them as they screamed in horror.
Ok-hee glanced towards the path, watching the boys disappear into the dark before she turned to face the beast. It turned to her, no longer snarling as it bent down, in a sort of diminutive pose. Ok-hee smiled, reaching up to caress the creature’s cheek. “So you found your true form,” she said smiling at it.
Wonpil looked down at Ok-hee before looking down at himself. He was no longer a house cat but a true werecat. He didn’t know what triggered it, but he knew now that if he needed to, he could protect himself and those he cared about. The sound of birds in the distance signaled that the night had ended. Wonpil shifted slowly back as the sky began to lighten.
Ok-hee pulled off her shawl and handed it to Wonpil who took it with a whisper of thanks. He tied it around his waist and the pair looked at each other before a crashing sound caught their attention. They both turned to see Yeeun making her way through the wreckage and looked up at them.
“Did I miss all the action?” she called. Wonpil let out a laugh and shook his head as he and Ok-hee walked back towards the cottage to fill Yeeun in on what went down. “I can’t believe I missed seeing that!” Yeeun said as she Wonpil walked her to the door. She turned to Ok-hee and pulled her into a hug.
“Thank you for taking care of my brother,” she said, smiling. Ok-hee returned the smile. “Of course,” she replied. Yeeun turned to Wonpil and pulled him into a hug. “Now that the cat’s out of the bag,” she said and Wonpil groaned, rolling his eyes at the pun. “Don’t be a stranger,” Yeeun added, softly punching her little brother’s shoulder. Wonpil smiled and nodded. “I won’t, but please don’t tell mom and dad.”
Yeeun laughed. “Yeah, no. You can have that conversation with them,” she said as she stepped outside into the woods. She waved as she walked away, heading down the path. Wonpil turned to Ok-hee. “What will you do now?” he asked. Ok-hee shrugged. “Move,” she said simply. “It’s all I can do now,” she added. Wonpil nodded. “Where will you go?” he asked.
“The mountains,” Ok-hee replied, waving her hand and immediately her things began to pack themselves. “I have a cabin up there,” she added. Wonpil followed her as she continued to pack up her things. “What about us?” he asked. Ok-hee froze before turning slowly towards him. “What about us?” she repeated. Wonpil shifted nervously. “What if I came with you?” he asked.
Ok-hee stared at him incredulously. “You’d do that?” she asked. Wonpil nodded. “Of course,” he said. “That’s what you do when you love someone,” he admitted. Ok-hee crossed the room, throwing herself into Wonpil’s arms and wrapping her arms around his neck. Wonpil caught her and hugged her tightly.
“I’d love it if you came with me,” she whispered into his neck. “Then I’m coming with you,” Wonpil replied.
Wonpil reached the steps leading up to the cabin and kicked his boots against the steps to loosen the snow that collected in the treads of his snow boots. He glanced out over the frozen mountain lake, smiling up at the sun that beamed down, offering a small amount of warmth. Once at the door, he unlocked and opened it, stepping inside and taking his hat off. He kicked off his boots and continued further into the cabin to set the bags of groceries he’d gotten from town.
After putting them away, he removed his coat and scarf, tucking it with his gloves in the pockets of his coat before hanging it up in the hall closet. He shut the door and heard soft singing coming from upstairs. He slowly made his way up the steps and into the large room across from the landing where the door was wide open.
Peering in, he saw Ok-hee sitting in a rocking chair, rocking softly as she sang a lullaby, holding a bundle of blankets in her arms. Wonpil walked into the room and quietly over to where she sat. Ok-hee smiled up at him as he reached her and then looked back down at the baby in her arms. “Has she eaten?” he asked softly as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. Ok-hee nodded, still singing.
“Have you eaten?” he asked, looking at the smiling mother. She nodded again. “Yes,” she replied. “But i wouldn’t say no to some hot chocolate,” she added. Wonpil smiled and kissed her forehead. “One hot chocolate, coming right up,” he said before making his way downstairs.
While he heated up the milk on the stove, he stared out into the woods on the backside of their property where he saw several deer trudging through the snow. He heard a door shut softly and the sound of footsteps descending the stairs. He added the chocolate to the milk to melt it as it heated up.
Ok-hee entered the kitchen and looked around. “Where are the groceries?” she asked. Wonpil glanced at her, a smile on his face. “I already put them away,” he said. Ok-hee playfully glared at him. “We’re supposed to put them away together,” she reminded him as she walked over and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. Wonpil smiled as he continued to make hot chocolate.
A few minutes later, the two of them sat on the covered deck, looking out over the frozen lake, sipping on their hot chocolates from mugs, a large blanket sitting on their laps. Ok-hee nestled into Wonpil’s side, letting out a sigh of content. “I love this,” Wonpil whispered, taking another sip. “I love you,” Ok-hee said as she looked up at him and smiled. Wonpil kissed her cheek.
“I love you, too.”
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wonpilsonefeel · 3 years
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Pairing: Jae and Wonpil
Prompt: ⤵️
39. “How on Earth did you get so muddy?”
81. One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss.
Genre: Fluff and Smut
Content Warning: Mention of Kissing. Suggestive.
Word count: less than 1000
“How on earth did you get so muddy?” Jae asked Wonpil, exiting the house. Wonpil shrugged dusting off his pants legs. “Did you fall?” Jae questioned him giggling at the thought of Wonpil falling in mud. Wonpil shamelessly nodded. Head hung low. Jae felt a little guilty, stepping closer to Wonpil, staring deeply into his deeply rich brown eyes. Jae had a small smile on his face, one that was caring. Jae took his finger tracing Wonpils lips, wiping the mud off carefully. Going back to tracing it. Jae brought Wonpils head up from hanging low, tilting it towards himself. Jae kept flickering his eyes from Wonpils lips and eyes. Until he couldn’t resist any longer. Catching his lips in a sweet passionate kiss. As they carried on kissing, it got heated with Wonpil tangling his hands in Jaes hair and Jae grabbing Wonpils ass to pull him closer. Wonpil opened his eyes to see Jaes lust filled eyes. Jae pulled away “first one to the bed gets to be on top,!” Jae said quickly running inside and up the stairs. “Not fair!” Wonpil pouted, chasing after him, excited for what’s to come. As they reached the bedroom, Jae pushed Wonpil onto the bed, instructing him to strip of his clothes. They both got naked together. Jae hovered Wonpil kissing his body all over. Giving Wonpil small praises. “Bunny, you have such a nice body, so perfect” Jae kept repeating.
Thank you for requesting!! I hope enjoyed this short story.
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