allydrws20 · 2 years
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wild flower ! 🎆🌺💜
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etlu-yume · 7 months
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Words By Bangtan - Feburary 2024 "Connection" Forgot to drop pieces for this month's Words By Bangtan - they're not perfect, but they're progress.
Songs used: - Telepathy (BE) - Mikrokosmos (Map Of The Soul: Persona) - A Supplemental Story: You Never Walk Alone (You Never Walk Alone)
Translations from Doolset Bangtan - Telepathy - Mikrokosmos - A Supplemental Story: You Never Walk Alone
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musicclover5 · 1 year
#WordsbyBangtan: Outro Wings
“날 믿기에
Because I believe in myself
나 예전과는 다르기에
Because I’m different from before”
Translations by Doolset x
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odeonoud · 6 months
are we truly clean? — an introspection on agustd’s polar night.
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natyourwhalien · 2 years
Hi, I'm Nat!
I'm natyourwhalien on twitter, and mundanemuses_ on ig. Just preparing this account as a backup for the impending twitterpocalypse. (And longer ramblings about BTS.)
In the meantime, sharing this old #WordsbyBangtan post for #2YearsWithBE.
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With Telepathy (whose Korean title means “for a moment") — and with the whole of BE — Bangtan sought to transmute the isolation and loneliness of the pandemic into music that will bring people closer, even for just a while. I'll always be grateful to BTS for this gift.
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4vante · 3 years
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never never fall
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rainyuity · 3 years
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goodbye to me is...
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hobixboo · 3 years
Autumn Leaves Appreciation
There are four themes for this month’s Words By Bangtan: Self-fulfilment, Memories, Festival, and Victory. Once again, while I am sure there are plenty of other words spoken and/or sung by Bangtan that conveys this message, I am going to be focusing on the song “Autumn Leaves (Dead Leaves)” from their 2015 album The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 2. This is just a paper expressing my appreciation for the themes and messages in the song, and so if my thoughts and connection seem confusing, I apologize. As before, I will try to stay as formal as possible and if anyone has any challenges to what I am going to say in this paper, please reach out to me.
Kennedy (Ken)
Autumn Leaves is a song produced by SUGA (and Slow Rabbit) and was released in their 2015 EP, The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Part 2. It could be that the most beautiful moment in life is youth since the album is a part of the Youth Trilogy, but it is also possible that the most beautiful moment in life can happen at any moment, even in the present (a very important theme to be talked about in this paper). My mention of SUGA being the producer of this song is important to the meaning of the song, whether intentional or not, the connection still exists.
Min Yoongi was born on March 9th which makes his birth flower a larch. In RUN BTS episode 99, when talking about Yoongi’s birth flower, the larch, they obviously bring up that it reminds them of the song “Autumn Leaves/ Dead Leaves” (00:06:01). At first, I was confused as to why they brought up the song Autumn Leaves. Since I don’t know Korean, I thought it was just because Larches are deciduous conifers; plants that normally shed in Autumn. It was not just because larches are literally “autumn leaves” but because in Korean “Larch” translates to 낙엽송. 낙엽, meaning falling leaves (which happens during autumn), and 송 which is konglish for “song”. The joke seems to be that it was fate for Yoongi to make a song about dry, autumn, falling leaves. According to Genius’ title description of the song “the actual title, “고엽 ” (ko-yeop), literally meaning dry dead leaves, is not a commonly used word. It sounds very formal, and very gloomy, and reminiscent of few dry brown dead leaves remaining at the end of autumn”. The term reminiscent was used so naturally, I looked more into that word as well. To reminisce means to indulge in enjoyable recollections of past events. Revisiting memories for the purpose of improving current mood and gaining optimism is what the song Autumn Leaves is about. The song is also about being able to go back in time, before you completely lost every bit of yourself so that you can enjoy that time, because in the present you may be barely holding on, like leaves on a tree before the end of autumn.
The song uses the connection that leaves have to a tree and almost personifies it to refer to a relationship that a person may have with most likely a significant other (indicated by the terms of endearment: “baby”, and “my/ this love” in the post-chorus). It is unknown who the significant other is but using the context that BTS has made this song, it’s possible that ARMY being an endearing significant counterpart to the lives of BTS, might be the relationship that is being referred to here, but this can have many other interpretations such as general relationships between people or the relationship within oneself. Despite the interpretation of who the speaker may be talking to, the lyrics express how hard it is to hold on given the inevitability of falling.
The reason I say falling is inevitable is not only because all leaves fall eventually in Autumn but because in BTS’ 2017 hidden track song “Sea”, there is the repetition of “wherever there’s hope, there’s despair” (doolset). Although the majority of the song pleads to not leave and to not fall, to hold onto positivity even if it is fading, Namjoon acknowledges that “my love must fall in order to rise”. I could connect this to the theme “Self-fulfilment” because this line could be saying that some relationships might need to be broken in order to improve oneself but again, the “love” being referenced in the lyrics could depend. Could the love talked about be their love of youth? Is it that letting go of the baggage from youth could make you more prosperous? While there may be hope that holding on can turn out to be worthwhile in the end, there will always be despair to tag along, but it may be more straining and stressful than letting go.
The most obvious connection that Autumn Leaves has to the Words By Bangtan themes is to the theme “Memories”. It is a word used explicitly in the lyrics (“inside my memories I become young again”- RM) but the idea of a memory is said implicitly as well (“The subtle (ambiguous) difference from how it was before”- SUGA). The song is not just about memories, but more so, positive memories that come from a particular season: Autumn Nostalgia. Nostalgia, as defined by David Ludden, is the “bittersweet emotion we experience when we think back to a past experience that was better than the life we’re currently leading”. It is possible that the fall season serves as a “retrieval cue” to bring about feelings of nostalgia (like the weather changing from hot to cold or the smell of pumpkin spice in the air). The reason I say Autumn Leaves is more positive in its recollection of memories, despite the lyrics talking about a lack of strength to hold on, is because the lyrics acknowledge that the past was better. With lines such as “I can’t catch you anymore”, “your words and expressions that become cold… our relationship is fading”, “Compared to before, tonight is much quieter”or “I want the you that wants me again”, the speaker is longing for the relationship that was warm and full of life, like the season before (relationship again being left up to interpretation (ie. longing for a self that is more full of life, whose words were less cold towards others, etc)). While remembering that there are good things in the world (and in yourself) is a good thing, it is not what Namjoon is saying we should let go of (since those memories can be self-fulfilling).
I believe Namjoon is saying not to dwell or hold onto things you know you are supposed to eventually lose. We shouldn't let our past, whether good or bad, stop us from living in the present and making new beautiful moments. This could also be why the last line of the chorus is saying “Don't go far away” instead of just “Don’t go away”. It accepts that one may have to leave but as long as they don't go far, they will be able to return. By revisiting memories and not getting caught up in them, one may be able to catch themselves from hitting the ground and completely shattering. Nostalgia can be a good thing if it makes you happy when you are feeling low, but being stuck in an unchangeable past, or on a “branch that does not shake”, one may “constantly fall on their own”. All nostalgia can do is “dampen sadness” momentarily but life still goes on. Even if life were to continue on as bad, it won't be as bad (Ludden) and like the lyrics suggest, even if you fall, you won’t fall far.
It is almost as if after acknowledging that one may need to fall in order to rise again, the repeated “never fall” at the end takes on a new meaning. Towards the end it seems more self-encouraging, almost to say “even if the present is difficult, never let yourself get to the point of shattering. Remind yourself of the most beautiful moments of your youth, but don't stay there”. With a message like this, it makes more sense as to why the song was included in the Young Forever Compilation album but also why it was placed as the second to last song on the original album (House of Cards being the outro surrounding what happens after this realization in Autumn Leaves). Right before the end of youth, BTS are reminding others (and themselves) that while youth may be over, and trials in life may seem like they are getting worse, never fall and keep yourself together a little more (House of Cards) as there is another season to look forward to.
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cupidyg · 3 years
Everything Grows: Spring Day goes on
On self growth of memories within, and the importance of winter.
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This is my entry for the monthly even celebrating the lyricism of BTS, WordsByBangtan. The account on twitter is @wordsby_bangtan, whereas the hashtag on Twitter to find all the entries is #WordsByBangtan. The theme of this month was growth.
All the translations are taken from doolsetbangtan.wordpress.com.
“Everything Grows.”
Spring Day goes on
On self growth of memories within, and the importance of winter.
Topic table:
1- the memories in our hearts to experience as well seasons;
/ to plant a tree in our heart. /
2- seasons of our hearts in contrast to the outside reality;
3- life goes on, we go on;
4- winter arrives: the part of the cycle;
/ the night before the day, winter before spring. : acceptance. /
5- the importance of the role of winter: we shed to grow again;
6- shedding: part of growth.
everything grows. a simple statement made of a subject and a verb that speaks of continuance, time, to which we can grow upon many interpretations of being. everything grows, the trees, the seasons, time, we grow. we grow, and what within us has rooted. memories, feelings, in an inner cycle of shedding.
in this analysis on growth and cycling, winter and longings, i will walk among the lyrics of the many solacing work of art Spring day, in which a long lesson, narration of growth rests, inside a tale of missing a dear friend. analysing words and concepts, we will learn how winter can mean much and too much reach, in our hearts and in the nature being.
as if we’re picking of a grown flower the petals, let’s begin from the first lines and parts of the song, in which the setting is presented, entering the postcard of the setting. a winter that prevents things to grow as distance is to grow, a photograph of a memory stuck in stillness like the stillness of the season can bring.
the expression “보고 싶다” to miss, contains the verb “보다” to see. missing can then be “i want to see you”, correlated to the next line about “seeing” the picture. the stillness of memories and a picture stuck in the winter of being divided doesn’t know continuance or movement, growth, as there is division.
보고 싶다
I miss you
이렇게 말하니까 더 보고 싶다
Saying this out loud makes me miss you more
너희 사진을 보고 있어도
Though I’m looking at your picture,
“your” here is plural.
보고 싶다
I still miss you
너무 야속한 시간
Time is too cruel
therefore too this distance is 야속한 “야속하다” cruel, cold hearted. the correspondence of the “cold heart” figures how a heart that is in winter and cold doesn’t let love, memories grow. yet before things must grow again, “missing, longing” must shed and fall, to let the flowering of spring come back.
here we could even read too a personification of spring in the person that we wait to come back to in a translation of circumstances, if there is spring there is the person back yet too if the person is back, it’s spring. we connect seasons to feelings.
그리움들이 얼마나 눈처럼 내려야
How much longings must fall like snow
그 봄날이 올까
before that spring day arrives
as “내리다” means to fall, it includes this sense of both time that has to pass but too the previous leaves to be let down and let new growth begin or too continue, letting the period of enclosure go. even if flowers grow in the then, memories haven’t stopped reaching a stall.
the season of the world becomes a synonym of inner cycle, picturing. when winter ends, then spring will grow back. love grows, memoring grows when the time too can grow. yet we deeply request those memories to stay and blossom like flowers do.
추��� 겨울 끝을 지나
Past the edge of cold winter,
다시 봄날이 올 때까지
until the spring day comes again,
꽃 피울 때까지
until the flowers bloom,
그곳에 좀 더 머물러줘
please stay there a while longer
life goes on, the inner growth goes on. but people “change”, or is it a discrepancy with the image of the friend that has grown in our memories and on the outside too. of those we love we grow a tree of love that roots down in the past, often a reason why we feel distance in that positively arrived spring.
니가 변한 건지
Would it be that you’ve changed
아니면 내가 변한 건지
or I’ve changed
“not even for a day i forgot”, the past grows within us. we live the present and grow in the present keeping the past to live again in the future what is “long gone”.
넌 떠났지만
Though you left,
단 하루도 너를 잊은 적이 없었지 난
even for a day, I haven’t forgotten you
perceptions meet the cycle of life, cycles intersecating and interfering, colliding in emotions, sparks and pieces emanated.
therefore “growth” is a double sided progressing. as if growth can mean progression and spring the metaphor in the seasons, coming to spring can also mean coming in touch with other’s springs. rotting thoughts and expectations, what before meant for us spring can remain a withering winter forever.
in the progression for winter to shift into spring, we must realize that erasure, “이만 너를 지울게” “i’ll erase you now”, is a needed and positive step for spring to go on. in a connection with Life goes on, letting out a memory can mean to let out what brought winter. “blowing you(who makes my heart ache) out of my heart, like white smoke”, white smoke of winter, the breath we form in cold temperatures.
시린 널 불어내 본다
I try blowing out you who aches my heart
연기처럼 하얀 연기처럼
like smoke, like white smoke
말로는 지운다 해도
Though I say that I’ll erase you,
사실 난 아직 널 보내지 못하는데
I can’t actually let you go yet
in juxtaposition with Life Goes On, “when winter comes, let’s exhale an even warmer breath”, to match how we can be the spring in the winter.
shedding memories away, breathing them out, can bring spring back in our hearts, even if letting a memory go means letting a piece of us go. the part in us that has grown, letting someone go like flowers down to blossom, represents the arrival for us too of spring.
the morning will come again, like spring will come again. because everything goes and everything grows and even if not lasting forever means for warmth, too for the cold that baffles our growth and yet, is a needed step for a progression to happen.
아침은 다시 올 거야
The morning will come again
어떤 어둠도 어떤 계절도
Because no darkness or no season
영원할 순 없으니까
can last forever
벚꽃이 피나봐요
It seems like the cherry blossoms are blooming
the darkness comes before the light, and so winter comes before spring. accepting the presence of winter and darkness means accepting the growth, knowing that luminosity happens if there was shadow. here too in a juxtaposition, “winter to end” means “spring”, said the way around to underline how this winter is needed too.
the negative of something is the positive of another something, therefore too blossoming is the image of moving on again and happening. the flowers that have formed up during winter can blossom in spring, we ourselves can blossom having let go of what was interfering with our growth.
in conclusion, there wouldn’t be spring without winter kept memories. there wouldn’t be a blossoming without stillness being part of the cycle. everything grows and times goes even when everything stands still.
we grow like seasons, seasons grow within us. memories like snowflakes, time goes like petals of flowers. everything grows within us too, yet everything grows around. the pages of the book you’re reading, the time inside the picture you’re watching, the people in your remembering.
you’re allowed to shed what doesn’t let your seasons progress to spring, you’re allowed to still in winter to prepare for your spring from time to bring. if we loved and love, it doesn’t mean that what has been spring can’t turn in winter too.
everything grows, everything lives. everything part of the growth of a cycle that always continues, and truthfully, for nobody ever going to leave. erasure to regenerate, at place again create.
everything grows.
leaning translations taken from:
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merdhs · 3 years
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18. 01. 2022
It's alright to stop. There's no need to run without even knowing the reason. It's alright to not have a dream if you have moments where you feel happiness for a while. It's alright to stop. Now we don't run without knowing the destination. It's alright to not have a dream. All the breaths you breathe are already in paradise.
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613whalien52 · 4 years
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allydrws20 · 2 years
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no lookin’ back ! 🚶‍♂️💡🐨
그대여 더는 뒤돌아보지 마
dear, don’t look back anymore
그 많은 파도 다 지난 뒤에
after all those waves have gone by,
무수한 만일이 널 괴롭혀도
even if those countless ‘what if’s torment you,
이젠 니가 널 지켜줄 거야
now you’ll be protecting yourself.
lyric translation by doolsetbangtan ! 🤍
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thebtsprint · 3 years
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Bangtan Lyrics Series: People (D2)
Sometimes you might be in pain again
Sometimes you might get upset and shed tears 
What about it 
If you live like that, what about it
(x x)
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musicclover5 · 1 year
#WordsbyBangtan: Tomorrow
먼 훗날에 넌 지금의 널 절대로 잊지 마 you, in the future, never forget yourself of now
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Translation by Doolset (@/doolsetbangtan on twitter) x
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tanyoorine · 4 years
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louder than bombs i break
[for #WordsByBangtan on twitter] click for hq
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jsuga · 3 years
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in our future, only happiness  will fill it up, so put away your worries and enjoy it now, you’ve worked hard
ㅡ for #wordsbybangtan
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