#Worker Training Reimbursement
indtraining · 1 year
This article "State Incumbent Worker Training Reimbursement Programs" focuses on the incumbent worker training programs and retraining tax credits.
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catboyolli · 4 months
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workersolidarity · 1 year
I was hoping in this article The Grayzone would be able to highlight more individual instances of direct and indirect spending in Ukraine, but unfortunately most of that information remains secret.
But The Grayzone was able to audit some detail out of the documented spending by the US Government and it sure doesn't fail to shock with its absurdity.
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So US Government debt, as always, is only an problem when the money is being spent on American Workers.
Though Joe Biden likes to pretend to be a big defender of Social Security and Medicare, his history is one of someone waiting eagerly for the opportunity to gut and privatize Social Security, and along with his Republican counterparts, has largely succeeded in Privatizing Medicare. Which is, of course, turning into one big scam where Insurance companies charge the Govt whatever they feel like and being largely reimbursed for it.
At every opportunity, Joe Biden quietly reaffirms to his donors his commitment to cutting Social Security and uses the usual coded language of "adjustments" and "saving" the program, in other words, cutting it.
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But when it comes to money for Ukraine, no "adjustments", "changes" or "saving" of the program is necessary, even a year and a half and at least $100 Billion dollars into it.
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This is also important to keep in mind. The CIA's "Black Budget" allows the Agency to spend nearly unlimited amounts of money, ammunition, equipment and weaponry with little to no oversight whatsoever.
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Even as the infrastructure of the United States falls apart from disrepair, we send billions to Ukraine for their own infrastructure needs.
Just as with Social Security and Medicare, it's okay for Americans to die in large numbers due to accidents related to failing infrastructure.
As a NY Times article from November 2015 describes:
"The Federal Department of Transportation estimates that obsolete road designs and poor road conditions are a factor in about 14'000 highway deaths each year. Research by Ted Miller, a senior research scientist at the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, which receives financing from the Transportation Department, put the medical cost of highway injuries from poor road conditions at $11.4 billion for 2013 according to the latest data available."
"The problem extends beyond roads. Research by the National Transportation Safety Board shows that since 2004, about 77 deaths and 1'400 injuries could have been prevented if railroads had installed a safety system known as Positive Train Control. That includes an Amtrak derailment in May that killed eight people and injured hundreds more in Philadelphia."
But that's okay, we're preventing road deaths in Ukraine. We can always feel good about that!
But we're also suspiciously sending money designated for Ukraine to companies and governments completely unrelated to Ukraine, because literally anything can be tied to this war for Govt Lawyers and bureaucrats
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Vast sums are also being spent on various psy-op programs and propaganda efforts through various media organizations, NGOs and think-tanks.
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"The funds were earmarked 'to strengthen the International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV) initiative in implementing international advocacy campaigns to keep high levels of International solidarity with Ukraine' "
AKA Propaganda and psy-ops
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Interestingly, much of the funds spent by USAID earmarked for Ukraine seems to have gone to various programs completely unrelated to Ukraine.
It shows us that these organizations are NOT in fact humanitarian organizations, and they have little interest in actually helping real Ukrainians.
Rather, the point of all these "Humanitarian" organizations, NGOs, etc. is wash public funds and put them into the pockets of Western Oligarchs through a web of programs and organizations that always conveniently hire all the well known Washington DC Law Firms and Consulting Firms, big Wall Street investors, Silicon Valley Tech Giants, and huge Western Corporations to get involved in these regime change wars and "Humanitarian" Interventions, as well the "rebuilding" after war.
Wall Street gets to collect public funds in the run-up to wars, during wars, and after the wars they funded are over.
Rinse and repeat in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Iraq, and now Ukraine.
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And then there are some expenditures that will raise eyebrows for another reason, because it very suspiciously looks like the funding for the Nordstream Pipeline terrorist attack and the supplies needed for the operation.
The Pentagon sponsors diving contractor with “history of fraud” to send mysterious explosives to Ukraine
The Department of Defense transferred $4.75 Million to Atlantic Diving Supply Inc. as of February 3rd, 2023 for "PRO SAPPER AND EOD EQUIPMENT [CONTRACTING SQUADRON] UKRAINE" and "Marine lifesaving and diving equipment.
Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) and Sapper equipment is exclusively used to blow things up or clear up explosives. And Atlantic Diving Supply is a military contractor originally founded to provide tactical gear to Navy Seal divers.
When a company like this is tasked with a highly specific delivery of explosives gear to any foreign nation, including Ukraine, it should prompt questions about the mission, particularly when US Intelligence is blaming Ukraine's Military for attacking the Nordstream pipelines without the knowledge of President Zelensky. (The payment does not necessarily correlate with the date of delivery from the vendor; in other words the equipment could have been provided at an earlier date.)
Luke Hillier, the founder of Atlantic Diving Supply paid a $20 Million dollar settlement in 2019 to resolve charges that he defrauded the Pentagon by falsely claiming his company was a small business. Atlantic Diving is consistently listed as one of the top 25 largest military contractors in the country.
In 2021, Hillier raked in a massive $33 Billion dollar contract under the same program, prompting fresh accusations of fraud. The pattern of malfeasance prompted a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee to bluntly denounce Atlantic Diving as a "fraudulent company."
Hillier currently owns $13 Million dollar Mega-Yacht in the Cayman Islands, $24 Million worth of beachfront property in Hawaii, and two Bahamas-based companies with murky operations, according to the Project on Government Oversight.
This goes on and on and on and on.
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I mean, I'm literally out of room to put more of these expenditures into this post, so instead I will just write out some more egregious examples I haven't yet included:
The Department of Defense has paid $4.9 Million to BAE Systems GCS International as of September 12th, 2022 for "UKRAINE LCS LW 155 SPARES" and "Guns over 155mm to 200mm." In Navy terminology, LCS means "Littoral Combat Ship" while "LW" refers to the Lightweight Gun. And "155mm SPARES" refers to the Gun mounted on the ship's main battery off the bow.
USAID sent $3 million to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022 “to improve health outcomes in drought affected areas in Ethiopia.” The description stated, “partially funded with response funds and Ukraine Supplemental Funds.”
USAID sent 30.9 million to Chemonics International, Inc. for the “Ukraine confidence building initiative (UCBI) 4. A private, for-profit aid contractor, Chemonics’ founder said he launched the company to “have my own CIA.” The Grayzone has documented Chemonics’ role in delivering US government funding and supplies to the Syrian White Helmets, which served as the propaganda wing of the Al Qaeda-tied armed opposition. Chemonics previously reaped a massive windfall from the US occupation of Afghanistan, raking in as much as $600 million from USAID.
USAID sent $20.7 million to PACT, INC. for “USAID Ukraine’s public health system recovery and resilience activity and will strengthen the Government of Ukraine (GOU) capacity to address COVID-19 and other public health threats, sustain health services during a crisis, and protect the health of all Ukrainians including vulnerable and marginalized populations. According to its 2022 impact statement [PDF], “In Ukraine, Pact’s work empowers citizens to push for transparent and democratic governance, advances gender equality and human rights for women and girls, and accelerates efforts to achieve HIV epidemic control.” The contractor’s work contributed to “172 people increas[ing] their net income,” according to Pact.
USAID sent 7.6 million to UNICEF IDA for emergency nutrition response in ASALs (Arid and Semi-Arid Lands) in Kenya. The description stated, “partially funded with response funds and Ukraine Supplemental Funds”
USAID sent $1.2 million to University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc. located in Atlanta, GA to “support humanitarian information management through geographic information systems, data analytics and visualizations”. Ukraine was listed as the place of performance.
Washington funnels cash to a private equity firm, Georgian finance corporation, a ‘private entrepreneur’ via Ukraine aid
US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) sent $25 million to Horizon Capital Growth Fund IV, a “leading private equity firm in emerging Europe, “to back high-growth tech and export-oriented [Small and Medium Sized Enterprises] succeeding globally, based on platforms in Ukraine and Moldova.”
US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) sent $1.5 million to the Gazelle Fund LP, another private equity firm, to relocate Ukrainian businesses to Georgia. Georgia does not border Ukraine, nor is it a primary location for Ukrainian refugee resettlement.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent $882'291 to a single individual described as an “private entrepreneur” in exchange for “overseas technical assistance program support services.” The private entrepreneur listed, Igor Lavreniuk, serves as the Program Coordinator for USAID’s Competitive Markets Program according to his LinkedIn.
The National Science Foundation sent 1.3 million to University of Illinois for faculty and curricular development in remote sensing. The place of performance is listed as Ukraine.
The Department of State has paid 8.3 million to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to help “refugees from Ukraine meet their essential needs during initial displacement.” According to SpendingUS.gov, Catholic Relief Services is listed as having received a total of 657 million from the State Department in 2021, 5.7 billion since 2008 and 670 million during the last 12 months.
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As the war drags on, lawmakers like Sen. Lindsey Graham have marketed military aid to Ukraine in increasingly grim terms. As the senator boasted during a recent trip to Kiev, “The Russians are dying…it’s the best money we’ve ever spent.” Meanwhile, Congress has rejected any mechanism that would guarantee transparency on the billions sent to Kiev, and shunned a war powers debate over the US military’s presence on the Ukrainian battlefield.
President Joseph Biden, for his part, has pledged that official Washington will support Kiev “as long as it takes.” As the potential for blowback grows from Western pressure to push Ukraine into NATO, and a nuclear-armed Moscow is backed into an existential fight for its survival, while economic powers including China gradually decouple from the Western financial system, Americans can only wonder how much will this war cost them when it is finally over.
Of course this is nowhere near a full accounting of Washington's Proxy-war in Ukraine which is surely costing in the hundreds of Billions by now between the direct financial aid listed above, to weapons systems and ammunition deliveries, to the training of Kiev's Forces taking place in secret locations across Europe and the US.
And for all we can see, our Country's oligarchs and politicians seem satisfied to continue on the gravy train until they can no longer suck one more penny of wealth out of US public coffers.
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parvathytransorze · 1 year
Decode Your Future: Choose a Career in Medical Coding!
  Medical coding is a standardized system that enables healthcare practitioners to communicate about the medical services they provide to insurance companies and government agencies. Medical coding utilizes a variety of classification schemes, such as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT). Medical coders must remain current with these updates to ensure accuracy and compliance as these codes are frequently updated to reflect changes in healthcare practices. The process of transforming medical diagnoses, treatments, and services into standardized codes is known as medical coding. These codes are used to precisely identify and record patient conditions, follow medical treatments and their results, and make it easier for healthcare workers to bill and get paid.
                        Medical coding is crucial for several reasons. First, it helps healthcare providers to accurately document patient care and track outcomes. Second, it allows for consistency and accuracy in medical records, which is important for research and quality assurance. Third, medical coding is necessary for billing and reimbursement purposes, both for insurance providers and government programs like Medicare and Medicaid. For those who want to become certified medical coders, there are numerous certifications accessible. Different organizations give these certifications, and each one has a different set of criteria and concentrations. Some of the most common qualifications are listed below:
Certified Professional Coder (CPC)
Certified Coding Specialist (CCS)
Certified Coding Specialist-Physician-based (CCS-P)
Certified Professional Medical Auditor (CPMA)
Certified Documentation Improvement Practitioner (CDIP)
Certified Risk Adjustment Coder (CRC)
Medical coding is important for a variety of purposes. First, it aids in correctly tracking outcomes and documenting patient care for healthcare professionals. Second, it enables accuracy and consistency in medical records, which is crucial for study and quality control. Thirdly, medical coding is essential for invoicing and reimbursement processes for insurance companies as well as public assistance programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Medical coding uses a number of various coding systems, such as the Current Procedural Terminology(CPT) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). To ensure accuracy and compliance, medical coders must remain current with these updates as these codes are frequently updated to reflect changes in healthcare practices.
The National Institute of Medical Coding was founded with the singular goal of providing lucrative job chances to unemployed Indian graduates and improving their employability in Medical Coding. The National Institute of Medical Coding has cutting-edge facilities and technology. Trainers are CPC-certified and have extensive training expertise. The curriculum at the National Institute of Medical Coding is of international standard and is regularly updated. Aside from technical training, the National Institute of Medical Coding concentrates on the holistic growth of the trainee, with a particular emphasis on soft skills and interview preparation...readmore
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det-andrewmoore · 2 years
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Andrés Majano ♦ Cis Man (he/him) ♦ Forty ♦ Civilian ♦ Football manager with Arsenal FC
Ruthlessness is a virtue in this game, on the pitch. If the players aren’t willing to embrace that, then they have no business being in my team.
We all have this earliest memory which never leaves our mind. To some, it’s the first day at school, a particularly nice day or, more often, a small fright. Either way, those memories usually date back to the age of 3 to 6 years old.
Andrés didn’t have a memory predating the day he woke up in a hospital. He had been in a coma for months and neither the doctors or the police, despite their best efforts, could figure out how that boy wound up shipped in a box, or where he came from at all. Whoever had put him in there had left absolutely no traces behind them, and soon, he was placed in an orphanage. To the social workers’ surprise, the boy was well spoken, polite and had received an education. He was adopted by a Spanish businessman and his wife, and his life only began then.
He spent the end of his childhood in Málaga, on the southern coast of Spain, learned the language, and displayed an interest for football, a sport he’d played in his former life. If he also had spent countless hours riding horses and fencing, those were hobbies he wasn’t exposed to, and therefore never found himself drawn to. If his father would have preferred his son took over the business, a scout for Málaga CF decided otherwise. By the time he was 15, Andrés would spend more time on the pitch than he did in classrooms, and he debuted his professional career by the time he turned 17.
Soon enough, he shone too bright for his Andalusian club and transferred to Milan and then Turin. But, his goal, like many other players before him, had always been England and the Premiere league, and his dream came true when he wound up playing for Arsenal FC from the age of 23 until the age of 31. Finishing his career with Bayern München, he retired at 34 and dedicated the next couple of years to his new mission. Andrés was a born leader, having often found himself the designated team captain in his teams, and he didn’t want to be one of those football players who ended up forgotten by the time he turned 40.
But life wasn’t only rainbows and butterflies, and even the most successful men had their demons. If he made it a point to keep himself in good shape, and always encouraged his team mates and now his players of doing the same, Andrés wasn’t as strong psychologically speaking. He had his vices : he slept around, a fear of abandonment keeping him from ever trusting anyone enough for longer company, and he found enjoyment in gambling : sometimes, he was successful, some others... not so much. He spends a fortune paying back the Red Rose Casino yet can’t stop himself from going back. Eventually, his generous salary won’t be able to cover all of his expenses and people will start talking.
+ / -  decisive, pragmatic, federator, charming, insecure, secretive, ruthless, severe
Over the course of his career, Andrés has played as a midfielder in many clubs (finishing his career with FC Bayern München) and with the Spanish national team. The highlights of his career will remain a World and European title with Spain (2010 and 2012).
Andrés has a distinctive burn mark on his hand, which dates back from before his adoption. He doesn’t remember where it comes from, and will come up with a different story to explain it each time he’s asked about it.
He bought a house in Kensington, London not too far from Hyde Park, the train station or the Arsenal stadium, but though he owns other places in each place he played, Andrés had to sold already one of them in order to reimburse the Jabberwocks.
Each of his houses has a garden attached to it : Andrés finds solace putting his hands in the dirt and making sure each and every plant gets everything it needs to thrive. His garden is a place sacred to him and one he cherishes more than any other possession. He puts a lot of thought and time into it.
Having lived in Spain and played in Italy, England and Germany, Andrés speaks all four languages with acceptable fluency.
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Andrés Majano ♦ Cis Man (he/him) ♦ Forty ♦ Civilian ♦ Football manager with Arsenal FC
Ruthlessness is a virtue in this game, on the pitch. If the players aren’t willing to embrace that, then they have no business being in my team.
We all have this earliest memory which never leaves our mind. To some, it’s the first day at school, a particularly nice day or, more often, a small fright. Either way, those memories usually date back to the age of 3 to 6 years old.
Andrés didn’t have a memory predating the day he woke up in a hospital. He had been in a coma for months and neither the doctors or the police, despite their best efforts, could figure out how that boy wound up shipped in a box, or where he came from at all. Whoever had put him in there had left absolutely no traces behind them, and soon, he was placed in an orphanage. To the social workers’ surprise, the boy was well spoken, polite and had received an education. He was adopted by a Spanish businessman and his wife, and his life only began then.
He spent the end of his childhood in Málaga, on the southern coast of Spain, learned the language, and displayed an interest for football, a sport he’d played in his former life. If he also had spent countless hours riding horses and fencing, those were hobbies he wasn’t exposed to, and therefore never found himself drawn to. If his father would have preferred his son took over the business, a scout for Málaga CF decided otherwise. By the time he was 15, Andrés would spend more time on the pitch than he did in classrooms, and he debuted his professional career by the time he turned 17.
Soon enough, he shone too bright for his Andalusian club and transferred to Milan and then Turin. But, his goal, like many other players before him, had always been England and the Premiere league, and his dream came true when he wound up playing for Arsenal FC from the age of 23 until the age of 31. Finishing his career with Bayern München, he retired at 34 and dedicated the next couple of years to his new mission. Andrés was a born leader, having often found himself the designated team captain in his teams, and he didn’t want to be one of those football players who ended up forgotten by the time he turned 40.
But life wasn’t only rainbows and butterflies, and even the most successful men had their demons. If he made it a point to keep himself in good shape, and always encouraged his team mates and now his players of doing the same, Andrés wasn’t as strong psychologically speaking. He had his vices : he slept around, a fear of abandonment keeping him from ever trusting anyone enough for longer company, and he found enjoyment in gambling : sometimes, he was successful, some others... not so much. He spends a fortune paying back the Red Rose Casino yet can’t stop himself from going back. Eventually, his generous salary won’t be able to cover all of his expenses and people will start talking.
+ / -  decisive, pragmatic, federator, charming, insecure, secretive, ruthless, severe
Over the course of his career, Andrés has played as a midfielder in many clubs (finishing his career with FC Bayern München) and with the Spanish national team. The highlights of his career will remain a World and European title with Spain (2010 and 2012).
Andrés has a distinctive burn mark on his hand, which dates back from before his adoption. He doesn’t remember where it comes from, and will come up with a different story to explain it each time he’s asked about it.
He bought a house in Kensington, London not too far from Hyde Park, the train station or the Arsenal stadium, but though he owns other places in each place he played, Andrés had to sold already one of them in order to reimburse the Jabberwocks.
Each of his houses has a garden attached to it : Andrés finds solace putting his hands in the dirt and making sure each and every plant gets everything it needs to thrive. His garden is a place sacred to him and one he cherishes more than any other possession. He puts a lot of thought and time into it.
Having lived in Spain and played in Italy, England and Germany, Andrés speaks all four languages with acceptable fluency.
FC : John Krasinski
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awsomebloggersblog · 15 days
Job Opening For RN - Career Advancement Opportunities - Laramie, CO Intuitive Health Services Job title: RN - Career Advancement Opportunities - Laramie, CO Job description: MDS Coordinator - Skilled Nursing Community We are seeking an outstanding Registered Nurse (RN) to join our team... company with opportunities for advancement Company sponsored training, tuition reimbursement, and other learning... Apply for the job RN - Career Advancement Opportunities - Laramie, CO At Intuitive Health Services, our goal is to make healthcare better for everyone. We help hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare places find the right doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers. For over 15 years, we have been doing this important job. We work with places like state hospitals and correctional facilities to make sure they have the best people to take care of patients. We don’t just connect people with jobs; we also support them throughout their journey. We help with things like improving resumes, preparing for interviews, and finding the job that fits best. We work in over 50 different locations and have over 900 professionals who trust us to help them. If you are looking for a job in healthcare, we are here to guide you. If you are a healthcare facility needing to hire someone, we can find the best person for you. Our team is always ready to help, and we believe that by working together, we can make healthcare stronger and better for everyone. If you need to contact us, you can find us at: Address: 520 West Lacey Blvd, Hanford, CA 93230 Email: [email protected] Phone:+1 (805) 703-3729 We’re here to help you with all your healthcare staffing needs! https://intuitivehealthservices.com/register
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uhcstaffing1 · 16 days
Strategies for Healthcare Talent Retention: Building a Stable Workforce
Healthcare organizations across the globe face a significant challenge in retaining top talent. The healthcare industry is known for its demanding work environments, high levels of stress, and the emotional toll that comes with caring for patients. These factors contribute to high turnover rates, making healthcare talent retention a critical issue. Organizations must adopt effective strategies to keep their employees engaged, satisfied, and committed to their roles.
Why Healthcare Talent Retention Matters
Retaining skilled healthcare professionals is essential for several reasons:
Continuity of Care: High turnover can disrupt patient care, leading to inconsistencies and potential gaps in service. Retaining talent ensures that patients receive continuous and high-quality care from experienced professionals​
Cost Efficiency: The cost of recruiting, hiring, and training new staff is significant. By retaining current employees, healthcare organizations can reduce these costs and allocate resources more effectively​.
Employee Morale: Frequent turnover can negatively impact the morale of remaining staff, leading to burnout and further turnover. A stable workforce fosters a positive work environment, boosting overall employee satisfaction​.
Organizational Reputation: Healthcare organizations known for retaining their staff often have better reputations, which can attract more patients and high-quality candidates in the future​.
Key Strategies for Healthcare Talent Retention
To effectively retain talent in the healthcare sector, organizations should consider implementing the following strategies:
Competitive Compensation and Benefits:
Offering competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits packages is fundamental. Healthcare professionals are more likely to stay with an organization that compensates them fairly for their hard work and dedication.
Consider adding perks such as retirement plans, health insurance, wellness programs, and educational reimbursements. These benefits not only attract talent but also encourage long-term commitment​.
Professional Development Opportunities:
Investing in the continuous professional development of healthcare workers is crucial. Offering opportunities for further education, specialized training, and career advancement helps employees feel valued and supported in their career growth.
Mentorship programs and leadership development initiatives can also play a significant role in retaining top talent by providing clear career pathways within the organization​.
Work-Life Balance:
Promoting work-life balance is essential in a demanding field like healthcare. Flexible scheduling, reasonable workloads, and adequate time off can help reduce burnout and improve job satisfaction.
Implementing policies that allow for remote work (where possible) and job-sharing can also contribute to a better balance, particularly in administrative or support roles.
Employee Engagement and Recognition:
Regularly engaging with employees and recognizing their contributions can significantly impact retention. This includes both formal recognition programs and informal appreciation from management.
Creating a culture of feedback, where employees feel their voices are heard and valued, can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction and loyalty​.
Healthy Work Environment:
Ensuring a safe and supportive work environment is critical for retaining healthcare professionals. This includes providing the necessary resources, maintaining adequate staffing levels, and addressing any workplace issues promptly.
Fostering a culture of respect, collaboration, and inclusivity can also help create a positive work environment that encourages employees to stay.
Leadership and Management:
Strong leadership is key to retaining talent. Leaders who are transparent, supportive, and communicative create an environment where employees feel secure and motivated.
Providing leadership training for managers and supervisors can help them develop the skills needed to effectively manage and retain their teams​.
Conclusion: Building a Sustainable Healthcare Workforce
In the competitive and demanding field of healthcare, talent retention is not just a goal but a necessity. By implementing comprehensive strategies that focus on compensation, professional development, work-life balance, employee engagement, and strong leadership, healthcare organizations can build a stable and committed workforce. Ultimately, this leads to better patient outcomes, a positive organizational culture, and long-term success for the healthcare facility.
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hayleymedbil · 19 days
Opening the Secrets of California Medical Billing: A Comprehensive Guide for Healthcare Providers
**Unlocking the Secrets of California Medical Billing: A Comprehensive Guide for Healthcare Providers**
If you are a‌ healthcare provider​ in California, you know just how ‍complex and challenging medical billing can be. From navigating ‌insurance claims to understanding reimbursement rates, there⁣ are many intricacies to consider when it comes⁢ to ‍billing for your services. In this comprehensive guide, we will uncover the secrets of ‌California medical billing and ​provide you with‌ valuable ⁣information ⁤to help streamline ⁢your ⁣billing processes and improve your revenue cycle⁤ management.
**Understanding​ California Medical Billing**
California has its⁢ own unique set ​of regulations and guidelines when‍ it comes to medical billing. It is‍ important for healthcare providers⁣ in the state to have a solid understanding of these requirements in order to maximize reimbursement ⁤and avoid costly billing errors. Some⁣ key aspects of California medical billing include:
– **California Workers’ Compensation:** Healthcare providers who treat patients covered by workers’ compensation insurance must adhere to specific billing procedures and fee schedules set ​forth by the state. Understanding these guidelines is essential for proper reimbursement.
– **Medi-Cal Billing:** Medi-Cal is California’s ‌Medicaid program, which provides health coverage ‌for low-income individuals and families. Healthcare providers who participate in Medi-Cal must follow specific billing ⁣guidelines in order to receive payment for services rendered to Medi-Cal beneficiaries.
– **Private Insurance Billing:** Healthcare ⁢providers who accept private insurance must adhere to the⁢ billing guidelines set forth by each individual insurance company. ‍This can vary depending on the insurance plan and can be complex to navigate.
**Benefits of Effective Medical Billing**
Having a solid grasp of California medical billing can benefit healthcare providers in numerous ways. Some key benefits include:
– **Maximized Revenue:** By understanding the intricacies of ⁤medical billing, healthcare providers can ensure they are accurately billing for​ all services rendered,⁣ maximizing revenue for their⁣ practice.
– **Improved Cash Flow:** Streamlining billing processes can lead to faster reimbursement and improved cash flow, allowing for better financial stability for⁢ the practice.
– **Compliance:** Adhering to⁣ California medical billing regulations helps healthcare providers avoid costly billing errors and maintain​ compliance with state and federal laws.
**Practical Tips ⁤for Effective Medical Billing**
To help healthcare providers in California improve their medical billing processes, here are some practical‍ tips to consider:
1. **Stay⁢ Up to Date:** Medical billing​ regulations are constantly evolving. It is important to stay informed and up to date on any changes or updates to California billing ⁣guidelines.
2. **Invest in Training:** Investing in training for your billing staff can help ensure they have the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of medical billing effectively.
3. **Utilize​ Technology:** Consider utilizing medical billing software to streamline billing processes and reduce the risk of errors.
4. **Outsource⁣ Billing:**⁣ If managing billing in-house is overwhelming, consider outsourcing your medical billing to a reputable third-party billing company.
Navigating California medical billing can be challenging, but​ with the ⁤right knowledge and tools, healthcare providers can streamline their billing processes and optimize revenue. By understanding the unique‌ aspects of California medical billing, staying up to date on regulations, and implementing best practices, healthcare providers can improve their revenue cycle management and provide better care for‌ their patients.
By unlocking the secrets of California medical billing, ‌healthcare providers can take control of their billing processes and improve the overall financial health⁤ of their practice. We hope this comprehensive guide has⁤ provided valuable insights and​ practical tips to help you succeed in your medical billing endeavors.
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amymedbiller · 25 days
The Ultimate Guide to Medical Billing in Illinois: Everything You Need to Know
**Title: The Ultimate Guide to Medical Billing in ‌Illinois: Everything You Need to Know**
**Introduction: Medical billing is ‍a critical aspect of⁤ the healthcare industry, ensuring ‍that healthcare providers receive proper compensation for the services they provide. In the state of Illinois, medical billing practices are governed by specific regulations and requirements that providers must‌ adhere to. This ultimate guide ⁤will cover ⁣everything you need to know about medical billing in Illinois, from key regulations⁣ to best practices and‌ practical tips to help you navigate the complex world of medical billing with ease. Let’s dive in!**
**Key Regulations and Requirements in Illinois:** 1. **Illinois Insurance ​Laws**: Illinois has specific insurance laws that impact medical ‌billing practices. ⁣Providers must be aware of these laws to ensure compliance⁤ and avoid legal ‌issues. 2. **HIPAA Regulations**: Healthcare providers in ⁣Illinois must adhere to HIPAA regulations to protect patients’ privacy and secure⁢ sensitive medical information. 3.⁤ **ICD-10 Coding**: ‌The state of Illinois follows the ICD-10 coding system for medical billing. Providers‌ must ⁤use these codes accurately to ensure proper reimbursement. 4. **Medicare and ⁢Medicaid Guidelines**: Providers who bill⁣ Medicare and Medicaid in Illinois must comply with the specific guidelines set forth by these programs. 5. **Workers’ Compensation Regulations**: Medical providers who treat patients under ‌workers’ compensation must adhere to specific billing guidelines to receive payment for services rendered.
**Benefits of Efficient Medical Billing Practices:** 1. **Increased Revenue**: Efficient‍ medical billing ⁢practices can lead to‍ faster reimbursement and increased revenue for healthcare providers. 2. **Reduced ‌Errors**: Proper medical billing​ practices can help reduce errors and minimize claim denials, ensuring that providers are properly compensated for their services. 3. **Improved Patient Satisfaction**: Streamlined ‍billing processes can lead to faster claims processing and reduced billing inquiries, improving overall patient satisfaction. 4. **Legal Compliance**: By following Illinois’s medical billing regulations, ⁣providers can avoid legal issues and penalties that may result from non-compliance.
**Practical Tips‌ for‍ Effective Medical Billing in Illinois:** 1.⁤ **Stay Up-to-Date**: Stay ‌informed about changes​ in Illinois medical billing regulations and guidelines to ensure compliance. 2. **Use Technology**: Utilize medical billing ⁣software to streamline billing processes and reduce errors. 3. **Verify Insurance Coverage**: Verify patients’​ insurance coverage before providing⁤ services to avoid claim denials. 4. **Train Staff**: Provide ongoing training for​ billing staff to ensure they understand the latest regulations and best practices.
**Case ‍Study – ​ABC Healthcare Clinic:** ABC Healthcare Clinic, a medical practice in Illinois, implemented efficient medical billing practices and saw a significant increase in revenue and a reduction in claim denials. By⁢ training staff, using‌ technology, and staying up-to-date with regulations, ABC Healthcare Clinic was ⁣able to streamline their⁤ billing processes ‍and improve overall⁢ efficiency.
**First-Hand Experience – Emily’s Story:** Emily, a medical biller in Illinois, ‌shares her experience navigating the complex world of medical billing in the state. ⁣By staying informed about ⁤regulations, using technology to her advantage, and seeking ongoing ⁢training, ‌Emily‍ has been able to ‌effectively manage medical billing processes and ensure proper ‌reimbursement for ⁢her clinic.
**Conclusion:** medical billing in Illinois is ⁢a complex but crucial aspect of the healthcare industry. By understanding key regulations, implementing efficient practices, and staying up-to-date with guidelines, healthcare providers can navigate the world of medical billing with confidence. Remember to prioritize legal compliance, ‍patient satisfaction,‌ and revenue‌ optimization to succeed in medical billing in⁤ Illinois. With the right‌ tools ‍and knowledge, you can master medical billing and ensure‌ the financial health ‍of your practice.
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bkmhealth · 2 months
Enhancing Financial Health in Healthcare: A Guide to Optimizing Medical Billing Services
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Effective management of scientific billing is important for the economic well-being and operational efficiency of healthcare companies. In contemporary dynamic healthcare surroundings, providers come upon several challenges such as growing operational prices, frequent regulatory adjustments, and the want for green approaches to ensure timely reimbursements even as minimizing mistakes. Optimizing scientific billing services is greater than just coping with claims—it is approximately adopting strategic methods that increase accuracy, compliance, and sales cycle management. By leveraging superior technology, schooling workforce correctly, refining documentation practices, and staying updated on regulatory adjustments, healthcare vendors can mitigate risks and maximize sales capability.
1. Implement Robust Billing Software
The backbone of an efficient billing process is an advanced billing software program specially designed for healthcare settings. Investing in cutting-edge software prepared with functions like automatic coding, declare submission, and real-time eligibility verification can extensively streamline billing operations. Such structures now not only lessen the likelihood of mistakes but additionally expedite the reimbursement procedure, making sure that claims are processed unexpectedly and appropriately. Automated capabilities help in maintaining consistency and accuracy, reducing the guide workload and freeing up time for the body of workers to recognize other important responsibilities.
2. Train and Educate Staff
Ongoing training and schooling for the billing body of workers are paramount to minimizing mistakes and making sure efficiency. With the ever-evolving panorama of coding updates and compliance regulations, it's far more important for the body of workers to be nicely-versed in cutting-edge procedures. Regular training classes assist in maintaining the team informed approximately new suggestions, enhancing their ability to handle billing responsibilities correctly. By making an investment in continuous schooling, healthcare carriers make sure that their personnel are equipped to manipulate the complexities of medical billing and reduce the threat of claim denials or delays.
3. Enhance Documentation Practices
Accurate and designated documentation is the cornerstone of powerful clinical billing. Proper documentation of patient encounters supports accurate billing and plays a vital function in stopping declare denials. Encourage physicians and healthcare carriers to file encounters comprehensively and in compliance with industry requirements. This thorough method now not simplest helps the claims process however additionally enhances the general best of care documentation, ultimately leading to higher monetary effects.
4. Conduct Regular Audits
Routine audits are a proactive measure that could appreciably enhance billing accuracy and compliance. By carrying out regular critiques of billing approaches and documentation, healthcare providers can perceive and cope with mistakes or inefficiencies before they strengthen. Audits help in making sure that billing practices align with industry standards and regulatory requirements, reducing the hazard of monetary discrepancies and compliance troubles. Regular audits foster a tradition of continuous development and help in maintaining high requirements in billing practices.
5. Optimize Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)
Effective revenue cycle management (RCM) is critical to maintaining financial health. Streamlining revenue—from patient registration to final payment—can reduce payment delays and improve collections. Implementing an RCM strategy that focuses on optimizing each phase of the cycle ensures faster and more efficient payment processing. This holistic approach to revenue management enhances overall economic growth and contributes to the sustainability of health care.
6. Stay Updated with Regulations
Health payment laws are updated frequently, and it’s important to stay informed in order to stay compliant. Keeping abreast of changes in laws and regulations helps adjust payment practices accordingly, reduces the risk of penalties and audits Regular review of regulatory updates, in addition to payment processing about ensuring that health care providers remain compliant and avoid potential legal problems. Being proactive in this area helps keep payment processing smooth and protects you from legal risks.
7. Utilize Data Analytics
Leveraging the power of data analytics provides valuable insights that can improve payment strategies and financial results. By analyzing payment data, healthcare providers can identify trends, monitor key performance indicators, and identify opportunities to improve revenue. Data-driven insights help make informed decisions, improve payment processing, and address any issues that may affect financial performance. The use of analytics allows for a more strategic approach to managing payment operations and achieving better financial results.
8. Outsource When Beneficial
For healthcare vendors with restricted in-residence resources, outsourcing billing offerings can be a possible solution. Specialized billing companies convey understanding and efficiency to the table, imparting offerings that can improve billing accuracy and compliance. Outsourcing can reduce operational prices, streamline tactics, and ensure adherence to complex billing regulations. This approach permits healthcare providers to pay attention to affected person care while leveraging the talents and assets of external professionals to manipulate billing successfully.
Optimizing clinical billing services is vital for reinforcing the economic fitness and operational efficiency of healthcare providers. By adopting a complete approach that includes enforcing superior billing software, training the body of workers, improving documentation, carrying out everyday audits, optimizing sales cycle control, staying updated with policies, utilizing records analytics, and considering outsourcing when appropriate, healthcare companies can substantially enhance their billing approaches. These techniques not simplest beautify sales float and compliance but additionally support the overall intention of imparting awesome patient care. Embracing a proactive technique to clinical billing guarantees a more fit financial outlook and permits healthcare providers to focus on what simply subjects: turning in fantastic care to their sufferers.
For further insights into optimizing medical billing and related financial strategies in healthcare, check out this LinkedIn article on effective billing practices.
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pmedicalbilling · 3 months
A complete Guide to Orthopedic Medical Billing Services
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Efficient scientific billing is the backbone of any thriving orthopedic exercise. It's crucial for ensuring well timed bills, keeping smooth operations, and assisting ordinary financial fitness. With the complexities worried in orthopedic care, having a strong billing gadget in area could make all the distinction.
Key Components of Orthopedic Medical Billing
Before we dive into enhancing your billing techniques, allows in brief overview the center components of orthopedic medical billing:
Coding: Accurate coding for strategies and diagnoses is crucial. It guarantees compliance with healthcare rules and facilitates smooth claims processing.
Claims Submission: This involves getting ready and sending claims to insurance carriers for repayment. Accurate and well timed submissions are critical for minimizing fee delays.
Patient Invoicing: Once insurance claims are processed, the remaining stability is billed to the affected person. Efficient patient invoicing and series procedures are critical for keeping cash drift.
Step-by way of-Step Guide on Improving Orthopedic Medical Billing Services
1. Implement an Efficient Coding Process
Regular Training: Ensure your billing group of workers undergoes regular education at the brand new coding suggestions and adjustments in orthopedic-precise codes.
Use Accurate Codes: Double-test and verify codes before submission to avoid denials because of incorrect or old codes.
Coding Audits: Conduct regular coding audits to pick out and correct mistakes, ensuring compliance and accuracy.
2. Timely Claims Submission and Follow-Up
Automate Billing: Use billing software program to automate the claims submission manner, decreasing manual errors and speeding up the procedure.
Track Claims: Implement a tracking gadget to screen the repute of claims. Follow up directly on any behind schedule or denied claims to resolve issues speedy.
Clean Claims: Aim to put up "clean claims" which can be mistakes-loose on the primary attempt. This reduces the likelihood of denials and guarantees faster reimbursements.
3. Best Practices for Patient Invoicing and Collections
Clear Communication: Provide sufferers with clear and detailed invoices. Explain prices and fee options to avoid confusion and delays.
Flexible Payment Plans: Offer bendy price plans to accommodate sufferers' economic situations, enhancing the probability of well timed payments.
Automated Reminders: Use computerized reminder structures to notify patients about upcoming due dates and overdue bills, reducing the need for manual observe-ups.
The Role of Technology in Enhancing Orthopedic Medical Billing Services
Technology performs a significant position in streamlining and improving billing offerings. Here are a few approaches it could help:
Billing Software: Invest in reliable medical billing services software that gives features like automated coding, claims submission, and invoicing. This reduces guide paintings and minimizes errors.
Automation: Use automation equipment to deal with repetitive duties together with declare observe-united states of American price reminders. This frees up staff to awareness on extra complicated responsibilities.
Data Analytics: Leverage facts analytics to advantage insights into billing performance, discover trends, and make informed choices to improve performance.
Tips for Addressing Common Challenges in Orthopedic Medical Billing
Denied Claims: Identify common reasons for claim denials and cope with them proactively. Regular education and audits can assist minimize errors that result in denials.
Regulatory Changes: Stay up to date on regulatory adjustments and make sure your billing procedures observe the today's guidelines. This can prevent compliance problems and capacity consequences.
Patient Engagement: Engage with patients to ensure they apprehend their financial duties. Clear verbal exchange can lessen charge delays and improve collections.
Efficient scientific billing is critical for the financial health and achievement of orthopedic practices. By enforcing effective coding methods, ensuring well timed claims submission, optimizing affected person invoicing, leveraging generation, and addressing not unusual challenges, you may notably improve your billing offerings.
Prioritize your scientific billing offerings nowadays to beautify your practice's financial stability and offer better affected person care. For more personalized assistance and solutions, do not forget partnering with specialists who specialize in orthopedic medical billing services.
For professional steerage and aid in optimizing your orthopedic clinical billing services, get in touch with our team today!
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alicevgcna · 3 months
Reveal the Top Affordable CNA Courses: Save Big on Your Certification Today!
**Title:​ Uncover the Top Affordable⁢ CNA Courses:⁤ Save Big on Your Certification Today!**
**Introduction:** Are you looking to kickstart your career⁣ in⁢ healthcare as a Certified⁣ Nursing Assistant (CNA) but worried about the cost of training?​ Fear not, as we’ve got you covered! In this article, we ​will delve into the top affordable CNA‌ courses that will help you save ​big on your certification. From online‍ options to community colleges, there are plenty of budget-friendly choices out there. ⁤Let’s explore how you can achieve your dream without ⁣breaking the bank.
**Benefits of Becoming a⁣ CNA:** Before we dive‍ into the top ⁤affordable CNA courses, let’s quickly recap why becoming a CNA ‍is a ⁢great career choice. – High demand: With an aging population, the demand for CNAs is ⁤on the​ rise. – Job​ stability: CNAs are essential healthcare workers and enjoy job security. – ⁤Quick certification: You can⁢ become a CNA in a relatively⁤ short amount of time. Now that we’ve covered the ⁤benefits, let’s move on to finding affordable courses.
**Top Affordable CNA Courses:**
**1. ​Online CNA ​Courses:** One of the most⁣ cost-effective‍ options‍ for‍ CNA training is‌ to enroll in an online course. Online programs ‍typically offer more flexibility in terms of scheduling and‌ allow you to study at ⁤your ⁣own pace. ​Some reputable ⁣online⁤ platforms offering affordable CNA courses include: – Course Name 1 – Course Name 2 – Course Name 3
**2.⁣ Community College Programs:** Another budget-friendly option for CNA training is to enroll​ in a community ⁤college ⁣program. Community colleges often offer CNA courses at a lower cost⁤ compared to other institutions. Some community colleges even provide financial ‌aid ⁣options⁤ for students in need. Check with your local community college for⁤ more information on their​ CNA programs.
**3.​ Vocational⁤ Schools:** Vocational schools are another affordable option for CNA training. These schools focus ⁢on providing hands-on, practical training ‌to help students succeed‍ in their careers. Vocational ⁣schools often offer CNA courses at a⁣ lower cost compared to traditional four-year colleges.
**4. Nursing Homes‍ and‌ Hospitals:** Some⁣ nursing homes and hospitals offer free or low-cost CNA training programs in exchange for a commitment to work for​ them upon certification. ⁤This can be a great way to gain valuable experience while receiving ‌your training at ⁢little to no cost.
**Practical Tips for Saving on ⁤CNA Courses:** – Look for scholarships and grants specifically‌ for CNA⁤ training. – Consider working at a ​healthcare facility‍ that offers tuition reimbursement for CNA certification. – Compare prices and programs from different institutions to‍ find the best value for your money.
**Conclusion:** becoming ⁢a Certified Nursing Assistant doesn’t have to break ⁢the bank. By exploring affordable⁤ CNA courses such as online programs, community college options, vocational schools, and training programs offered ‍by nursing ​homes and ‍hospitals, you can save big on ‌your⁣ certification. With the high demand for CNAs, ‍now is the perfect time⁤ to ⁣start your career in healthcare without worrying about​ the cost. Start researching your ‍options today ⁢and take the first step towards ​achieving ⁣your goal of becoming a CNA!
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hammadchauhdary · 3 months
Why HubSpot Careers Are a Great Choice in 2024
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Exploring career opportunities can be daunting, but HubSpot stands out as a premier employer, particularly in 2024. With a rich history of innovation and growth, HubSpot has become a beacon for professionals seeking fulfilling and dynamic career paths. If you are contemplating your next career move, HubSpot Careers could be the ideal destination.
HubSpot’s Growth and Innovation
Founded in 2006 by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, HubSpot has evolved significantly. Initially targeting small businesses, it now serves larger enterprises with up to 1,000 employees. The company’s focus on inbound marketing, sales, and customer service has propelled its growth, marked by impressive revenue milestones and a successful IPO in 2014.
Culture and Values
HubSpot's work culture is one of its most attractive features. It is built around the principle of solving for customer success, with values encapsulated in the acronym HEART: Humility, Empathy, Adaptability, Remarkableness, and Transparency. This inclusive and collaborative environment promotes continuous learning and minimizes hierarchical barriers.
Employees have access to a plethora of e-learning courses through Learn@HubSpot, fostering personal and professional development. HubSpot’s commitment to growth extends to internal mobility and feedback-rich culture, ensuring dynamic and fulfilling career paths for its employees.
Flexible Work Environment
HubSpot’s approach to work is notably modern and flexible. The company offers three work styles: @home, @flex, and @office, catering to diverse needs and preferences. Remote work opportunities are abundant, with various positions available across engineering, customer support, sales, and more.
Diverse Job Opportunities
HubSpot offers a wide range of job opportunities across different departments. Here are some examples:
Engineering: Roles include Machine Learning Engineer and Senior Software Engineer, available in various global locations, including remote options.User Experience: Positions such as Senior Design Manager and Senior Product Designer focus on creating intuitive interfaces.Customer Service & Support: Emphasizing empathy and understanding, these roles enhance user satisfaction.Sales: Account Executive roles are crucial in driving growth, with opportunities across various regions and languages.Comprehensive Benefits
HubSpot provides a comprehensive benefits package to support both professional and personal growth. Health and wellness benefits include health, dental, and vision insurance, mental health resources, fitness reimbursements, and a robust Employee Assistance Program.
Professional development is highly encouraged, with a $5,000 annual tuition reimbursement and extensive training programs. Employees also benefit from a four-week sabbatical after five years, unlimited vacation, and an annual Week of Rest.
Remote Work Culture
HubSpot’s remote work culture ensures that employees feel connected and supported. Initiatives like RemoteSpot provide resources and programming tailored for remote employees. Tools like Zoom and Slack facilitate seamless collaboration, and a dedicated Slack room fosters community among remote workers. HubSpot also supports home office setups with essential equipment and stipends.
Application Process
Applying for a position at HubSpot involves creating an app in the developer account, submitting a listing for review, and navigating through several stages, including filling out details about the app and providing necessary permissions.
Employee Testimonials and Success Stories
HubSpot’s impact is evident through employee testimonials and business success stories. Employees appreciate the company’s supportive culture, innovative approach, and growth opportunities. Businesses using HubSpot’s services, such as Avison Young and eXp Realty, have seen significant improvements in their operations and customer interactions.
A career at HubSpot is more than just a job; it’s an opportunity to be part of a dynamic, forward-thinking community that values innovation, customer success, and employee growth. Whether you’re an engineer, designer, customer support specialist, or sales executive, HubSpot offers a platform to excel and make a significant impact in the digital marketing and sales industry.
Explore the possibilities and take your career to the next level with HubSpot Careers.
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timeoverload · 3 months
This week has destroyed me. I am in bad shape right now. I went to bed at like 7:30 last night. I didn't want to but I couldn't keep my eyes open. I woke up this morning thinking I was late for work but then I remembered that it's Friday.
Yesterday was just too much for me. I was able to keep up with the fast doctor for the most part but I had to do a lot of running. I was happy that he said good morning to me and he actually called me by name. None of the other doctors know my name as far as I know so that was nice.
It is nice to be noticed. A lot of the time I feel like I am just a glorified dishwasher and a nobody. The charge nurses often refer to us as dishwashers and I hate it. They aren't very nice. It's sad how a lot of nurses I work with are like that. They are insensitive and lack empathy and I don't know why a lot of them chose to work in the medical field. I decided not to pursue nursing because of that reason and it can be a tough job. The nurses I worked with at the nursing home and the hospice house were the same way. There is a lot of unnecessary drama. I know that nursing isn't easy but it's not ok to take frustrations out on co-workers and demean others.
I don't think they realize how complicated and important our job actually is. The hospital would not operate without us. It requires a lot of scientific knowledge. I might not have a college degree but I had to get certified and it took me 2 years of on the job training to prepare to take the exam. I worked with a preceptor for 6 months when I started. I have to have over 100 hours of education every 5 years in order to renew my certification. I have had to memorize the names of thousands of instruments and the procedures for processing them. I have to have an understanding of how instruments are used in surgery. I need to know a lot about anatomy. Wrapping instruments and pans is also an art and it took a lot of practice to learn how to do that correctly. I have had to wrap a lot of odd shaped things like alvarado boots and basins and that's a lot more difficult than wrapping a rectangular pan. Now that I specialize in eyes, I have had to learn a lot about that too. There's a reason they don't let new people learn how to do my job. I am frustrated that they won't reimburse me or give me a pay increase for getting a specialty certification for that so I'm not going to bother with that unless they change their mind. I don't know if I will get a raise at all this year.
Anyway, everything went pretty smoothly yesterday but I wish I wouldn't have had so much to do. I only took a 15 minute lunch because I was afraid I wasn't going to get everything done and I didn't want to have to stay late. I peel packed at least 100 instruments in 30 minutes. I was running the entire day until about 4. I sat down in the hallway until 4:30 when the last case got done. I was happy that there was a chair out there to sit on because I couldn't stand anymore. I got everything cleaned up and then I left.
I got home and I got ready for bed right away. I just had a boost for dinner and I know it wasn't enough. I was too weak to stop and get food or make myself anything. I still have food in the fridge luckily. I am going to try to eat more today.
I need to go run a couple errands soon before it gets too hot outside. I don't want to get up but I need my medication. I feel bad because my grandma wanted me to go with her to look at computers today but I don't feel up to it. I told her I would help her a couple weeks ago. I am going to look at them online later today to see if I can find one. I want to be able to set it up for her so she doesn't get a virus on it again or something. She is not very good with computers. She understands that I'm not feeling well.
I am going to get up and get ready now. I would be happy if I started feeling better later. I hope I can make it a good day.
I hope everyone else has a good day too. 💖💖💖
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awsomebloggersblog · 15 days
Job Opening For CNA - Littleton, CO Intuitive Health Services Job title: CNA - Littleton, CO Job description: Certified Nursing Assistant – CNA - Skilled Nursing FacilityWe are seeking an outstanding Certified Nursing Assistant - CNA for Cherrelyn Health Care. Come join a team of dedicated, smart, and caring professionals as they work together to care for our seniors and provide them the stellar lifestyle they deserve.Who we are"Our supreme goal is to do and be the best in all we undertake, and to provide a Stellar life for our residents, their families and our employees." - Evrett Benton, CEOStellar Senior Living is a premier assisted living and skilled nursing provider in the Western United States. Founded in 2012 we have experienced consistent growth adding senior living communities to our family each year. We continue to grow and are looking for top talent to join our team and continue this journey with us.Role OverviewOur CNAs provide activities of daily living and other services to residents in accordance with their service plan. The Stellar way is through kindness, gentle, friendly, and professional manner, and respecting their dignity and privacy.What we offer Benefits include medical, dental, vision, generous Paid Time Off program, holidays, 401k and more!!! A growing company with opportunities for advancement Company sponsored training, tuition reimbursement, and other learning opportunities Free meals each shift Flexible schedules available. Part-Time and Full-Time available Responsibilities Provide great resident care and support with daily activities and personal hygiene Answer patient calls and determine how to best help them Ensure residents receive appropriate diet by reviewing their dietary restrictions, food allergies and preferences Record vital signs as request by staff Qualifications Current CNA certificate Can do attitude and willingness to go above and beyond when needed to serve our residents Ability to work as a team and also independently A love for seniors We are an equal opportunity employer and prohibit discrimination/harassment without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws. Apply for the job CNA - Littleton, CO At Intuitive Health Services, our goal is to make healthcare better for everyone. We help hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare places find the right doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers. For over 15 years, we have been doing this important job. We work with places like state hospitals and correctional facilities to make sure they have the best people to take care of patients. We don’t just connect people with jobs; we also support them throughout their journey. We help with things like improving resumes, preparing for interviews, and finding the job that fits best. We work in over 50 different locations and have over 900 professionals who trust us to help them. If you are looking for a job in healthcare, we are here to guide you. If you are a healthcare facility needing to hire someone, we can find the best person for you. Our team is always ready to help, and we believe that by working together, we can make healthcare stronger and better for everyone. If you need to contact us, you can find us at: Address: 520 West Lacey Blvd, Hanford, CA 93230 Email: [email protected] Phone:+1 (805) 703-3729 We’re here to help you with all your healthcare staffing needs! https://intuitivehealthservices.com/register
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