#workforce-ready grants
indtraining · 10 months
This article "State Incumbent Worker Training Reimbursement Programs" focuses on the incumbent worker training programs and retraining tax credits.
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Rebecca Ferguson: “I must try everything” 
In Mission Impossible 5 you had the opportunity to kick strong men. Did you enjoy it?
Oh yes! From a very young age I liked to move, I was into swimming sports and i danced.  I feel great when i’m active.  I’m not the type of person to linger in bed in the mornings. When I was told that i need to train this hard to be able to fight like Tom Cruise i was enthusiastic. Only the scene where i jump from the rooftop of Vienna’s Operahaus was a challenge because I’m afraid of heights. Luckily I don’t have to hang from the flying plane like Tom. 
What makes one a hero? Is Tom Cruise one of them?
I admire people who believe in somethng and commit to it.  You can do it in your day to day job as well and i have many private examples. Tom is probably not a hero, but he is an incredible workforce - not only is he an actor, he is also a producer and is involved every step of the way. This is for me exemplary.
Have you done anything heroic?
Let me think. Nothing comes to mind. But I think I have good morals and I stand by it. If you want to consider that heroic, then yes.
Could you defend yourself  if you were being attacked?
If I stop the attacker and ask him to choreograph it like a dance, then of course. I would say: “You attack on the left and I jump on the right”.
What do you need to find the right groove? Tango is known as particularly erotic dance.
I never analyzed Tango’s philosophie, I simply like the dynamic. And you need to be able to hear your partner, so that your movements coordinate each other and ready for the smallest stir. Very similar to the way me and Tom fight.
What does your partner and your little son say to the fact that mama now does action with Tom Cruise?
They think it’s cool and they support me in everything I do. I simply must try all kinds of things in life. This puts a smile on my face.
Are you looking for adrenaline rush?
I have diffrent sides. I can be energetic, but on the other hand i live a cozy life in a fishing village.
Now you’d have to leave your idylic life more often while your career goes up futher. Does that bother you?
No, I like meeting new people and getting to know new cultures.
How did you start acting?
I went to casting and as soon as I was infront of the camera i felt like a fish in the water. I was protected, i could hide behind the role.
Would you also like to try roles where you don’t kick spies?
I miss trainings for Mission Impossible. My body is activated for Pilates-hours now. But of course i would like to play other roles. Right now I’m preping for a very different film with Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant called “Florence Foster Jenkins”.  It’s about 1940s opera singer. Stephen Frears is the director. I don’t think i will practice much fighting for that. But who knows?
Interview for “Mission:Impossible - Rogue Nation” (2015) translated from german by @edwardslovelyelizabeth for @rebeccalouisaferguson
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curried-mermaid · 1 month
Manga Review: Chained Soldier
Author: Takahiro Illustrator: Yohei Takemura
Publishers: Yen Press Age Group: Older Teen Genre: Shonen
Content Warnings: Fan service, Nudity
Spoilers ahead
Yuuki Wakura, a teenage boy who wants nothing more than to fight on the Demon Defense Force instead of facing his future of a 9-5 grind, cannot believe how unlucky he is. First, he’s a boy, while only girls get to be on the Demon Defense Force. Since Mato, an otherworldy and dangerous dimension appeared, the world turned upside down to a modern matriarchal society. Special fruit known as “Peaches” grant unique abilites…but only to girls. 
 Second, his skills include cooking, sewing, mending, and household chores (which he is quite proud of). He has a fighting spirit but not a single fighting bone in his body. Until he gets involved in a Mato mishap where he is saved by Kyouka Uzen, the beautiful (slightly sadistic) commander of the 7th squad of the Demon Defense Force, who…orders him to become her slave?! 
Character Development
The character development in Chained Soldier is actually really good. We follow our househusband-type protagonist as he’s thrown into the world of the female-only Demon Defense Force. Yeah, he’s a slave, but he takes that in stride as he’s more excited by the prospect of doing what he’s always wanted. Who doesn’t wish to avoid the workforce grind and pursue your dreams, even if they’re logically unreasonable? 
Kyouka Uzen is a sadistic all-business commander. She trains her people hard because she expects great things. Her team is at the Reverse Ogre Gate which sees a lot of monsters. They need to always be ready because the barrier that surrounds their dorm isn't always going to save them. She dislikes using her power until Yuuki comes along (which comes with its own sets of problems). 
Each of the girls in 7th squad has a blaringly obvious personality type. Yet, there are twists and turns as we get close interactions between each one and Yuuki. I look forward to reading more of these to see how each personality type twists to make each girl memorable. 
We have our standard modern world, but mostly men have to deal with the workforce grind. There’s also a lot of tension between the sexes as men are pretty much considered slaves to women. Yuuki laments his future until he’s involved in a Mato Mishap. This is when random portals to Mato open up letting humans into Mato or demons into the world. 
We learn that Yuuki’s sister had the same thing happen to her and was never found. All he can do is follow the guidelines they’ve been taught (repeatedly) to stay put and wait for the Demon Defense Force to save you. He does just that until he gets mobbed by monsters and books it through Mato just to stay alive until he can be saved. 
Once he is saved, we learn from various characters that Mato is divided into quadrants. Each quadrant has a squadron of the Demon Defense Force. If we read the translation notes it further explains the world. The ogre gate (northeast) is considered inauspicious or bad. The same holds for the reverse ogre gate (southwest). If we follow this logic also knowing that more monsters spawn at the 7th squad’s southwest location, Yuuki is in for a rough time. 
I like world-building in Chained Soldier because it uses specific things from Japanese mythology and superstition that add flavor and depth to this created world. Even the use of peaches is a reference when the god Izanagi fled the underworld after failing to retrieve his wife. To get away, he threw three peaches at his pursuers. 
If you read this series, definitely check out the translation notes at the end for more context. It explains some of the world-building and fleshes things out in post. 
While there is a lot of fan service in this series, it has some good themes such as never giving up on your dreams—they may happen but in unexpected ways. 
Another one is no skill is lesser than others. Yuuki’s skills for housework earn him his caretaker role in the 7th squad. Without that, he wouldn’t be there. He earns a lot of respect from fighting as a slave on behalf of Kyouka but also by doing the chores. He puts up with a lot of shit from the girls. 
Observations & Predictions
There will be more fan service. I can also see that we’ll be introduced to other characters. Along those lines, we’ll also see more of the current cast’s personalities as Yuuki wins them over one way or another. He may just start collecting a harem without realizing it. If he does realize it, it won’t be like the ones in his dreams. 
As for world-building, we are already immersed in it pretty well. I think it’ll just flesh itself out inadvertently as the author tries to focus more on the fan service and character relationships. We may also see some character development from Yuuki so he doesn’t feel like he’s useless outside of the fight. We see a little bit of this when he grabs anythingg of Kyouka’s he can, forcing himself to transform to help one of the other girls out of a tight spot. The dormitory is under attack and she’s the only one, so Yuuki figuring out a way to help earns him a lot of points. 
Fan-service fans:
Monster Musume By: Okayado
High School DxD By: Ichiei Ishibumi
Similar Shonen arcs:
Spriggan By: Hiroshi Takashige
Combatants will be dispatched (light novel) By: Natsume Akatsuki
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elimaster23 · 1 year
My FIFA Journey
When I was in still in the Philippines, I had known already that FIFA World Cup 2022 will be held in Qatar. On October 7, 2021, I arrived at Qatar for work purposes for a three-year period. A heightened excitement runs through my veins as the event draws near. During the FIFA season, all schools in Qatar would be closed and that means that our last day of school would be November 17, 2022, and the opening of FIFA WC 2022 would be on November 20, 2022, at Al Bayt Stadium.
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As early as September of 2022, I and some colleagues did apply as FIFA Volunteer but after knowing that we will not receive a salary, we opted to withdraw. What we’ve done next was to visit some agencies advertising for some hospitality and logistic works affiliated by FIFA. Since my interest was working in a bar, I decided to apply as a barman. I even influenced my friends to accept the offer as barman. We accepted the offer by Inspire Training Management as barman as they are specializing on hospitality management. With that, after signing the contract, we were required to attend session and trainings for food and beverages handling. Our trainer Miss Yogi was so effective and inspiring.
The next step we’ve done was undergoing a medical procedure. I passed the medical exam together with my colleagues and we were then given a uniform plus the medical certificate that would certainly grant us the access to the stadium and be allowed to serve the international guests.
A night before the FIFA World Cup opening, I and my friends Loida and Mark went to 900 Park Doha to watch the interesting views. And as we go home, we made ourselves ready for the next day’s big event.
On November 20, 2022, our call time was 10am. We were then transported to Al Bayt Stadium and reach the location about 11 in the morning. Two-way pass was then issued to each of us after two hours. We felt the sun burned our skin after long hours of waiting outside. At 2 pm we were allowed to enter the Workforce Entrance for security checking. Again, we were made to wait for another hour before we were finally able to enter the stadium. We finally settled in our assigned area at 3pm and waited for the guests to arrive. From 3-6pm, we served the guests with beverage that they want. It was the starting point where I see a lot of foreign nationals although I am accustomed to it back when I was in Saudi Arabia.
At 6pm, that was the time that we were allowed to eat food since the guests had been watching the match. We ate hurriedly to prepare for the influx return of the guests during the halftime. I took a glimpse of Jungkook’s performance through a tv screen only without volume, but I was fully aware of what was he singing since the release of the official theme has dominated the airwaves already. We were then required by our floor supervisor to report on our station and continue with our work.
During that moment, I gained friendships with my co-barmen and other food servers. It was a nice moment since I appreciate the approachable attitudes of my supervisors. There are many supervisors to deal with. Luckily, all of them were easy to work with.
We were released by our coordinator at exactly 10:30pm for the next day’s duty at 974. I reached home at 12am. The next morning, we were required to report at 974 around 9am. There was a bus fetching us at Al Rayyan Al Qadeem and there were only four of us in the bus. We reached the 974 stadium and had to clean all the utensils since there was no match that day at 974. It was prepared for the next day’s match wherein we were again assigned there to work as barman. During my first work as a barman at 974, our guests were the Mexicans whom I fondly regarded as the friendliest peoples. They look like an upgraded Filipino. Why do I love the Mexicans? First, I am heavily influenced by Thalia, a Mexican superstar who dominated the Philippine television in the 90’s and early 2000’s. I was never wrong with my admiration to them since my guests were very friendly. Added to that, they were very generous in giving tip.
I had a supervisor named Miss A, whom I am quite upset with. She was always scolding us, the barman as if we were robots and should do what she wanted accordingly. My point was, if ever she wanted us to learn something, why didn’t just she teach us about it. Human as I am, it is just normal to feel pain, and anger towards her for the maltreatment and humiliation I received.
I am a fan of team Argentina ever since I got interested with football back in 2013 when I arrived at Saudi Arabia. I do not play but I just love watching my students play football and sometimes when they submit an essay, most of them would write about their favorite football stars like Leonil Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. I felt the same thing along with the worldwide fans back in 2016 when Messi announced that he would no longer be playing in international football due to multiple losses. Thankfully, he was convinced to play once more. In 2018 FIFA World Cup, team Argentine lost to France during the round of 16, dropping their hopes to the Finals.
Until they won the COPA Americana trophy in 2021 and the much-coveted world cup trophy during the FIFA. Qatar has indeed successfully hosted to one of the biggest events in the world. I, myself had been truly enjoying and entertained by the dazzling array of performing stars who rendered a stunning performance at the FIFA Fan Festival at Al Bida Park. I had personally seen the performances by Julian Marley, The Uprising Band, Myrath, Paul van Dyk, and Sean Paul.
During the Finals, I was not able to watch the match at the big screen at FIFA Fan Festival due to multitude of fans already inside. What I could hear was the loud screaming of fans whenever Argentine team scores. I, together with my friend Marque, was only seated at the nearby entrance and looked only at the mobile screen of a guy who was also denied entrance. The game ended and I went home extremely happy for the result. When I arrived home, the Argentine celebrations continued, and I was able to watch the live broadcast. They were paraded at Lusail Boulevard and throng of supporters showed their admiration and congratulatory remarks. Meanwhile, at Messi’s hometown, millions of Argentine people celebrated the winnings of Argentina at the FIFA World Cup 2022.
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              I wish it had not come to an end!
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50 Cent executive MBA Class Omari Hardwick style class it's a style and look GQ man of the year and time magazine man of the year New York City man of the year and America's man of the year Allen Henry aka Free World 🌎 2019 , 2020 , 2021 , 2022 and again 2023 and did I mention I won the Nobel memorial prizes twice 2019 and 2021 for economic sciences and the Nobel peace prize 🏆 with good company like Martin Luther King JR he won his back then I won it a couple years ago and I'm still living and yeah Martin Luther King Jr is my role model he has a class of excellence politics and style about him that I love I champion MLK they don't give him enough props
50 Cent executive MBA Class Omari Hardwick style class it's a style and look
Suits and ties
The town go back to 50 Cent and I get a piece of the action ( New York City ) As an MBA conducting my business in New York the 16th captain and current captain of New York City I made NY Yankees history , thank you .
And I'm going for riverside drive
The new ferry Sports centurion museum and factories for manufacturing and production .
And I'll take Manhattan at least the great parts of it to conduct business as a mover and shaker And Queens business centers .
Then I also am going global with my business and music and betterment movement .
In return I draw up politics to fix up the Bronx , Brooklyn , Harlem , Staten Island and Queens
Politics - ✓Living wages minimum wage increase and tax cuts ✓Job safety and secure in occupation act ✓Fair chance act to compete for jobs ✓Increased employment opportunities in New York City for the formerly incarcerated and full time and permanent employment for people on human resources administration public assistance Into full stable employment with union protection securing their job and future .
New York City accomplishments
I got hotels for the homeless in New York City 2021
I got Amazon workers their union contract
I got Starbucks workers their union contract
I got the minimum wage increased from $ 11 dollars an hour to $ 15 dollars to $ 17 dollars an hour
I got the fair chance to compete for a job act of 2019 in New York City and California hopefully other cities and countries are going to follow suit
I legalized marijuana in New York City
I cleaned up fox square in Brooklyn , NY
Free college education in New York City
Free gym membership for people on Medicare
Citi bikes for New Yorkers
Benefit monetary assistance increase for snap and cash assistance recipients
Rikers Island tablet program podcasts and video games for inmates in jail to help stop crime violent crime in prison and to help rehabilitate the guy or woman and stop the back and forth of them going to jail . The tablet have podcasts and programs for Job Search legal research and books to read to help them become better citizens in the free society .
Laws I'm proposing
Job Safety and secure act - 2022
Fair banking act - 2022
Retirement investment plan for employees IRA act - 2022
Ready , willing and able Expansive territory act - 2023
Riverside drive Expansion project act - 2023
The new ferry from New Jersey to New York City - 2023
School sports culture expansion Act Copperas Cove , Texas
Rikers Island schooling expansion act Added on Basic education classes on Rikers Island on the tablet , college programs on the program , online school on the Tablet . -2023
NYCHA ( New York City Housing projects ) plans and ideas for improvement
The New Trench town rock - 2021 , 2022 , 2023
And many other pitches and proposals rebuilding the workforce , wages and structure of New York city and cities like New York .
Next order of business : My Plans for infrastructure in a utopian society hotels jobs pay raise on citizens paycheck from 15 $ - 17 $ dollars minimum wage pay to 19$ dollars to 20$ dollars an hour to better provide for all costs emergencies uncovered insurance payments due to partial health care coverage and full union membership granted to employees of any company free education grants and school loans payment plans
Pay raise for school teachers in every city at junior high school , high school and elementary school level since they are stewards of our children's future .
Pay raise for civil service workers and Civil service exams made and updated daily to the public , school crossing guards , correction officers , supervisors , probation officers , construction site supervisors .
Pay raise for day care workers
Free day care services for temporarily unemployed mothers and fathers
Pay raise for city fire fighters and police officers .
Job contractors fulfilling contracts with back to work public assistance programs that train and employ job candidates without their high school diploma or GED and granting them full employment with full medical and medicare coverage union membership and back to school Acces Vocational rehabilitation counseling and restoration of financial aid assistance for non violent crimes like drug sellers and abusers to stop recidivism to prison and to cure an addiction to a habit of committing perpetual crimes thus creating repeat offenders .
Jobs moving back to inner cities through the effort of study and research groups from urban planning courses from their neighboring colleges .
Tax abatement and financial incentives and business incentives and tax breaks .
Joe Biden and vice president Kamala Harris should include this law into all of their plan for cleaning up America I'm glad to see it go beyond New York City and other counties in New York I want to share this honor with author Michelle Alexander who I did my research from her book about mass incarceration of the black and Latino community and the political office and my friends that help put this law in place I reached out to hopefully stop the recidivism to prison and hopefully to help some of my friends and people that go back and forth to jail because they couldn't get a job due to the felonies on their record I recommend a certificate of relief of disabilities to all people returning to society if they haven't given you one go get it from your county's or borough courthouse it works wonders .
Next order of business : Tax cuts to help the everyday person keep more of their check in their pockets cut the tax rates in New York City by 4 percent I see it as New York State taxes % 8.82 to % 4 percent and business tax cuts to create more jobs Proposal For a Wage increase of $ 22 dollars an hour Including : Fire safety directors Security guards Librarians Fed Ex workers UPS workers Ready Willing and able with free vocational grants from access vr programs they should hire vocational rehabilitation counselors and job developers finding permanent housing and permanent job placement after the clients training Stock Clerks and cashier's at major stores like Gristedes , C Town , met foods , Burlington coat factory wage increase for all warehousing and factory workers jack pallet and forklift training for people with no experience and a starting salary at $ 17 - 19 $ dollars an hour and it increase with more time on the job how about the first year at that base salary of $ 17 - 19 $ dollars and on the even of that year the employee gets an raise of $ 2 dollars more on their check and other financial incentives as cash allocation from their check for newly place employee mutual fund packages besides with other benefits that said company is offering this helps to place that company on the stock market grant their employees preferred stock options from their company that they work for at that current moment and because of the huge huge employee buy in it is like the employers are investing in their employees and their stores and company .
Educational requirements for jobs posted is less than a high school diploma but the job candidate has to be in a vocational program or GED preparation course half or full time hours .
Civil service jobs and exams posted weekly .
Sales professional salary plus commission on sales and stock options for mutual funds packages as bonuses with an wage increase to $ 19 dollars to $ 21 dollars an hour .
Newly added benefits to a job description benefits an employer on jobs posted give to their employees an employer get to hold back cash or take money out of an employees check to put towards a mutual funds stock fund option to help that client make more money as a second job the municipals funds and stock and funds and stock and then you gotta get hedge funds option packaged in to help the employees money make more money for them talk about overtime whew and at the same time that local market and store owner can put his company on the stock market and give out public shares thus in the end making it a good investment a regular place of shopping in a family like environment it is like getting to know your deli clerk , butcher , bakery attendant again only this time you are making money with the people you are spending money with Think about it that in turns build better communities better stores customer relationships safer neighborhoods and the beautifying of economically depressed environments more money for your kids college tuition school supplies newer roads being built leading to and from better neighborhoods and businesses and this is a future that we all as fellow New Yorkers can build together .
New Infrastructure plans
Widening sidewalks for more bikes and outdoor cafes - for the Harlem and Brooklyn New York City's 🏙️🌆 all over the world .
Reducing CO2 emissions
Clean up riverbank and riverside and create stores and entertainment on the water - using waste water management and sewage clean up and stopping illegal toxic poisons dumping in the water .
Repair tunnels , bridges and roads and rerouting towards businesses .
The waterside of any community is the gathering point for recreation .
Create projects to treat 100 % waste water and all illegal dumping and teach people how to care about their rivers - clean up the rivers and water in Brazil .
Conservation create more parks out of swamp lands did you know Central Park 🏞️ in New York City was once a swamp .
Emperor Dom Pedro abolished slavery in Brazil .
Brazil city inner city neighborhoods the slums a place of great fun and adventures - put in place street lamps , electricity , internet , sewage and running water .
Follow Tokyo model - Cleanliness of streets and cleanliness of public transportation , extensive railroads , largest economy , rich soil .
Japan leads in global transition to automation , electric cars and humanoids robots .
Create programmed robots as student tutors with programmed subjects in library centers in group discussion rooms .
Own Hydrogen stations like it is a gas station ⛽
Tokyo is a technology super power of inventions .
Research Tokyo bay aqueduct deal traffic eased and congestion eased by 11 billion dollars mega project that was 1/3 bridges and 2/3 tunnels created out of dry lands .
Japan runs on a seafood diet Urban rail network 40 million train riders a day everyday .
Former trash lands being converted to parks and will even host the Olympics .
Need trucks that drive by each community that sprays an air borne vaccine to help people's well being and longevity of their lives , cutting nicotine habits and controls appetite .
London and New York command center for global economy .
Hydrogen powered vehicles hydrogen oxygen electricity water .
Tokyo most advanced major city with automation and robots that help people regardless of age and nationality .
Need robots that teach Feng shu , tai chi , Kung Fu , Robot doctors , nurses for mental health and surgeons .
Running water and water pumps for Mexico city tap water for each house in Mexico city 🏙️ .
Funding for water fixes .
Study Croton aqueduct - water distribution system cures housing areas with poor sanitation and no running water also cures poor hygiene practices .
Women suffrage and worker's rights in those countries are important .
Water for Bangledash ( Dhaka ) water distribution systems water pumps and clean running water so that the people can cook clean and drink safe healthy water while also having water to wash their clothes
Cleaning the garbage islands in River bank estimated $ 10 - $ 20 million dollar job of cleaning up Riverside drive water from that stink smell and the debris and garbage Bottles
Plastic bags Pipes
And I propose The City of New York build the new ferry Riverboat for harbor crossing to New Jersey be placed on Riverside Drive it Save commuters time and money on transportation from and to New York City creation of Job opportunities , New architecture of communities in New York city restoration of environmentally depressed neighbors like the Grand Concourse neighborhood in the Bronx , New York City thus bringing more jobs to that neighborhood and creating economic vitality for all New Yorkers . New electric trains and platforms on the outside train on 149th street on Grand Concourse in Bronx , New York City .
Pimp my ride TV Show Car dealership on river bank
Environmental impact report : Production and manufacturing factories on Riverbank Harlem Riverside drive bring if not millions of Jobs back to New Yorkers but definitely thousands of jobs back to the city of New York Car museum
ESPN sports center Sports centurion museum celebrating 100 years and better of sports museum with pictures and memorabilia from baseball ⚾ 🏀 , basketball , soccer ⚽ , cricket , rugby , 🏈 football , NASCAR car racing , 🐴 Horse racing And maybe the Olympics on Riverbank Factory and car lot on Riverside Drive in Harlem
New York City Factory : Products in manufacturing ( making the products ) Warehouse 1_ Post cereal Honey bunches of oats , Kelloggs corn flakes cereal Warehouse 2_ Car manufacturing Car parts Warehouse 3_ Bread factory Warehouse 4_ Electronics appliances factory Warehouse 5_ Boat 🚢 manufacturing facility Warehouse 6_ 👟 Sneaker factory
Warehouse 7_ Railroad train track factory
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This is for young mothers without any help in the house feed your babies good food 🥝 so they grow up and play sports and make their mom proud 🪴. It is never too late for your education learn with your kids use free daycare services and self learn any skills you need to increase your value in the employment market .
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queenoftheroad · 1 year
Are you a Virginia resident ❓
Do you have a valid driver license ❓
If your answers was yes than lets get started
First Step,
Visit your workforce in your location and let them know that you’re interested in a CDL training program they will point you in the right direction. Once they do contact the person set up an appointment and get started. If you’re in the Martinsville Virginia area you have two options you can reach out to Martha Bowman Office: (276) 634-3611 Fax: (276) 638-1190 Cell: (276) 613-2980 Email: [email protected] I will say this and this is just from my experience Martha is a great resource and has help thousands in my community but she is a very busy woman so if you reach out and things are not moving fast enough for you or you are ready to get started as soon as possible I recommend Tanya Sprinkle Phone: (276) 656-0347 Fax: (276) 632-1963 Fax: (276) 632-1963 email: [email protected] Tanya Sprinkle is amazing she work fast and she will be there for you every step of the way so when you reach out to her make sure getting your CDL’s is really what you want please don’t waste her time because she helping you set up for success and she genuinely wants you to succeed. If for any reason you can’t get started you can reach out to me on Facebook: Courtney Henne Grant Or Instagram: henne_duhh Or Tiktok hennebabyy1 Or Email: [email protected] and I will give you other resources to get started.
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bllsbailey · 1 day
Conservative Group Probes Federal Workers Opposing Trump
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Tom Jones (Photo Above)
From his home office in small-town Kentucky, a seasoned political operative is quietly investigating scores of federal employees suspected of being hostile to the policies of Republican Donald Trump, an effort that dovetails with broader conservative preparations for a new White House.
Tom Jones and his American Accountability Foundation are digging into the backgrounds, social media posts and commentary of key high-ranking government employees, starting with the Department of Homeland Security. They are relying in part on tips from his network of conservative contacts, including even workers themselves. In a move that alarms some, they are preparing to publish the findings online.
With a $100,000 grant from the influential Heritage Foundation, the goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agenda — and ripe for scrutiny, reclassifications, reassignments or firings.
“We need to understand who these people are and what they do,” said Jones, a former Capitol Hill aide to Republican senators.
Jones' Project Sovereignty 2025 comes as Heritage's own Project 2025 is laying the groundwork, with policies, proposals and personnel ready day one of a possible new White House.
The effort, which is focused on top career government officials who are not appointees within the political structure, has stunned democracy experts and shocked the civil service community in what they compare to the “red scare” of midcentury McCarthyism.
Jacqueline Simon, policy director at the American Federation of Government Employees, said the language being thrown around — the Heritage Foundation’s announcement praised the group for ferreting out “anti-American bad actors” — is “so shocking.”
Civil servants are often former military personnel and all are required to take an oath to the Constitution to work for the federal government, not a loyalty test to any one president in the White House, she and others said.
“It just seems as though their goal is to try to menace federal employees and sow fear,” said Simon, whose union is backing President Joe Biden for re-election.
As Trump, who has been convicted of felony charges for falsifying business records during his first presidential campaign in 2016 to conceal allegations of affairs and is under a four-count federal indictment accusing him of working to overturn the 2020 election, faces a likely rematch with Biden this fall, far-right conservatives have vowed to take a wrecking ball to what they call the deep-state bureaucracy.
The Trump campaign has said repeatedly that outside groups do not speak for the former president who alone is setting his policy priorities.
Conservatives view the federal workforce as overstepping its role to become a power center that can drive or thwart a president’s agenda. Particularly during the Trump administration, government officials came under attack from both the White House and Republicans on Capitol Hill, as his own Cabinet often raised objections to some of the former president's more singular proposals.
While Jones' group won't necessarily be recommending whether to fire or reassign any of the federal workers it lists, the work aligns with Heritage’s far-reaching Project 2025 blueprint for a conservative administration.
Heritage's Project 2025 proposes reviving the Trump “Schedule F” policy that would try to reclassify tens of thousands of federal workers as political appointees, which could enable mass dismissals - although a new Biden administration rule seeks to make that more difficult. The Heritage project is working to recruit and train a new generation to come to Washington to fill government jobs.
In announcing the $100,000 “Innovation Award” last month, Heritage said it would support American Accountability Foundation's "investigative researchers, in-depth reports, and educational efforts to alert Congress, a conservative administration, and the American people to the presence of anti-American bad actors burrowed into the administrative state and ensure appropriate action is taken.”
Heritage President Kevin Roberts said in a statement the “weaponization of the federal government” has been possible only because of the “deep state of entrenched Leftist bureaucrats.” He said he was proud to support the work of American Accountability Foundation workers "in their fight to hold our government accountable and drain it of bad actors.”
The federal government employs about 2.2 million people. That includes those in the Washington, D.C. area but also workers who the unions say many Americans know as friends or neighbors in communities across the country.
About 4,000 positions in the government are considered political appointees who routinely change from one presidential administration to the next, but most are career professionals — from landscapers at Veterans Administration cemeteries to economists at the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The public list-making conjures for some the era of Joseph McCarthy, the former senator who conducted grueling hearings into suspected communist sympathizers during the Cold War. They were orchestrated by a top staffer, Roy Cohn, who went on to become a confidant of a younger Trump.
Skye Perryman, CEO of the advocacy group Democracy Forward, said it's all deeply disturbing and reminiscent of “the darker parts of American history.”
“This is part of the overall, highly concerning and alarming trend,” she said.
Publicly naming government workers is an “intimidation tactic to try to chill the work of these civil servants," she said, and part of a broader “retribution agenda” under way this election.
“They're seeking to undermine our democracy, they're seeking to undermine the way that our government works for people," she said.
Jones, from his desk overlooking rickhouses storing barrels in the “Bourbon Capitol” of Bardstown, scoffed at comparisons to McCarthyism as “nonsense.”
He's a former staffer to former Sen. Jim DeMint, the South Carolina conservative Republican who went on to lead Heritage and now helms the Conservative Policy Institute, where American Accountability Foundation has a mailing address. Jones also worked for Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and provided opposition research for Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential bid.
With six researchers, Jones’ team is operating remotely across the country, poring over the information about federal workers within Homeland Security, State Department and other agencies that deal with immigration and border issues.
Their focus is on the highest ranks of the civil servants — so-called GS-13, GS-14, and GS-15 employees and those in senior executive positions who could put up roadblocks to Trump's plans for tighter borders and more deportations.
“I think it’s important to the next administration to understand who those people are,” he said.
He dismissed the risks that could be involved in publicly posting the names, salary information and other details of federal workers who have some level of privacy, or the idea that his group's work could be putting employees' livelihoods in jeopardy.
“You don’t get to make policy and then say, ‘Hey don’t scrutinize me,”’ he said.
He acknowledges some of the work is often a “gut check” or “instinct” about which federal employees would be suspected of trying to block a conservative agenda.
“We’re looking at, ‘Are there wrong people on the bus right now that are, you know, openly hostile to efforts to secure the southern border?”’
His own group came under scrutiny as it first probed Biden nominees.
Biden had repealed Trump’s Schedule F executive order in January 2021, but a Government Accountability Office report in 2022 found that agencies believed it could be reinstated by a future administration.
Since then, the Biden administration issued a new rule that would make it harder to fire workers. A new administration could direct the Office of Personnel Management to undo the new regulation, but the process would take time and be open to legal challenges.
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esgagile · 20 days
We are an ISO Consultancy; The ISO accreditation is a rare distinction that can significantly enhance the industry perception of your business. In a wide array of industries, ISO certification is highly valued, yet the majority of businesses do not hold this prestigious recognition. For instance, only 25% of manufacturing companies are ISO certified, making the certification a valuable asset that can set your business apart. Improved resource use results in lower costs. Organizations must utilize their personnel and corporate assets as efficiently as possible to complete the ISO implementation process. The outcomes are a more resilient bottom line and a leaner workforce. There are less expensive errors due to the consistent and optimized processes. Process improvement methods are one of the main requirements for businesses looking to become ISO-certified.
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As an ISO Consultancy in Dubai, ISO certification can be a powerful marketing tool, attracting new clients who prioritize working with ISO-certified vendors. Many companies, including universities and government-run healthcare facilities, require their principal suppliers to hold an ISO certification. By obtaining ISO certification, you can tap into these lucrative markets, potentially increasing your business's revenue streams. During the certification procedure, organizational deficiencies are found. Identifying obstacles to success and developing a strategic strategy to overcome them is one of the best methods for maximizing your business's financial performance. Fixing these flaws opens the door to more productivity and a stronger profit margin. By fulfilling this criterion and obtaining ISO certification, your company demonstrates that it has robust policies and processes to reduce errors and improve customer satisfaction.
Being an ISO Consultant, ISO certification communicates an organization's dedication to excellence. Potential clients are frequently aware that only businesses that meet the strictest requirements are granted ISO certification. Companies that want to get ISO certified should also be ready to invest a significant amount of time and money—hours upon hours—to get certified. Your company is eligible to bid on government contracts. The majority of international government and public tendering possibilities require ISO certification. A winning bidder may receive millions of dollars in revenue from some public projects and contracts. This implies that a company's revenue could double or triple due to ISO accreditation. Your company's search engine rankings will rise. An increasing number of potential clients are adding "ISO certified" to their keyword collections while searching for vendors online due to the growing need for ISO-certified suppliers.
In our role as ISO Consultant in Dubai, your website's search engine optimization (SEO) will increase as soon as you announce the news of your ISO certification on the corporate website. Your website will see an increase in traffic as a result, raising the possibility that users may convert. Roles and responsibilities within the company are more precisely defined. Although most people view the ISO certification process as complex, the procedure also compels organizations to determine their departments and prioritize areas of concentration. A well-organized team will set up your business for increased output. ISO certification and a company's ability to make money are related. ISO certification is a vital quality that will propel your company to new heights of achievement. Our mission at Sustainable Certification is to enhance your company's performance via certification and audits.
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utsavsharma5577 · 22 days
The Rise of Technology in Canton, Michigan: Innovations and Startups.
Canton, Michigan, traditionally known for its suburban tranquility and family-friendly environment, is swiftly becoming a beacon of technological innovation and a nurturing ground for startups. As part of the Detroit metropolitan area, Canton has leveraged its strategic location, community resources, and a forward-thinking mindset to cultivate a vibrant tech ecosystem.
Strategic Location and Infrastructure
Canton's proximity to Detroit and Ann Arbor places it at a pivotal juncture of two significant innovation hubs. This geographic advantage allows Canton to benefit from the robust industrial base of Detroit and the academic prowess of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. The township's well-developed infrastructure, including advanced broadband capabilities and accessible transportation networks, supports the seamless operation of tech companies and startups.
Community and Educational Support
The local government in Canton, Michigan has been proactive in fostering a conducive environment for technological growth. Initiatives such as tax incentives, grants, and streamlined business registration processes have made Canton an attractive destination for startups. Furthermore, partnerships with educational institutions have been instrumental. Collaboration with local schools and colleges ensures a steady pipeline of skilled graduates ready to enter the tech workforce.
One notable example is the collaboration between Canton High School and tech firms to create specialized STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs. These programs are designed to equip students with the necessary skills and experience to thrive in the tech industry, thus addressing the talent gap and fostering a culture of innovation from a young age.
Emerging Tech Startups
Canton has witnessed the emergence of numerous tech startups across various sectors, including healthcare, automotive technology, and information technology. Companies like XanTech Solutions and MediTec Innovations are spearheading advancements in their respective fields.
XanTech Solutions focuses on developing cutting-edge software for autonomous vehicles. Leveraging Canton's proximity to Detroit's automotive heartland, XanTech collaborates with major car manufacturers to test and implement their technologies. Their recent breakthrough in sensor integration technology has garnered attention, positioning them as a key player in the autonomous vehicle industry.
MediTec Innovations is revolutionizing healthcare through its telemedicine platforms and health monitoring devices. By addressing the challenges of remote patient monitoring and providing real-time health data analytics, MediTec is improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. Their success is a testament to the innovative spirit thriving in Canton.
Technological Hubs and Incubators
The establishment of technological hubs and incubators in Canton has further accelerated the growth of the tech ecosystem. Canton Tech Hub, for instance, provides a collaborative space for startups to innovate, network, and access resources. With state-of-the-art facilities and mentorship programs, the hub has become a launchpad for many successful startups.
Additionally, the Michigan Innovation Center offers incubation services that include business development support, funding opportunities, and access to a vast network of industry experts. These hubs play a crucial role in reducing the entry barriers for startups and enabling them to scale their operations efficiently.
Future Prospects
The future of technology in Canton looks promising, with continuous investments and a supportive community laying the groundwork for sustained growth. The township is expected to see further advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and renewable energy. The local government’s commitment to fostering a tech-friendly environment, coupled with the innovative drive of entrepreneurs, positions Canton as a burgeoning tech hub in the Midwest.
In conclusion, Canton, Michigan, is undergoing a technological transformation. Its strategic location, supportive community, and thriving startup culture are propelling it to the forefront of innovation. As startups continue to flourish and new technologies emerge, Canton is poised to become a significant player in the global tech landscape.
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agarwalpackeruk · 29 days
7 Under-rated Tips for Corporate Relocation in UK
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Relocation plays a huge part for every corporate business in the UK as it helps them expand their business, reduce their expenses, and reach their target audience. While anyone can give you basic knowledge of corporate relocation UK, the devil lies in the details, as the one-percenters help you ace the move. 
No need to worry, as here are the top 8 under-rated relocation tips that can bring a world of difference to your corporate relocation:
Take Suggestions from your Team
One of the major mistakes companies make while relocating is not discussing the move with their employees. Employees are an integral part of the company, and their opinions also matter. Experienced employees will have various insights to share about the moving process, which can ease the move. 
Discussing the removal plans with the team also improves the communication between the organisation and the employees and leads to better productivity during the move. 
Evaluate the Digital Infrastructure
Digital Infrastructure is the core of most businesses nowadays. During corporate relocation, the major concern is safely moving the IT infrastructure and safeguarding the data. Make sure you take a complete backup of all the crucial data on cloud-based storage so business productivity doesn't get affected due to damage to IT hardware.
Ensure that the area has reliable high-speed internet, robust cyber security measures, and access to modern IT facilities. Evaluating the digital readiness of potential locations can prevent future disruptions and support seamless business continuity.
Engage Local Expertise Early
Engaging local experts, such as real estate agents, legal advisors, and relocation consultants, early in the process can save time and money. These professionals understand the local market, regulations, and cultural nuances, helping to avoid common pitfalls and ensuring compliance with UK-specific legal requirements. Their local knowledge can also aid in finding the most suitable locations for your business needs, considering factors like accessibility, workforce availability, and community support.
Take Quotes from Different Moving Companies 
Hiring a removal company for the move is the most sensible option, as the movers simplify the relocation process and take all the stress away. It is crucial to hire verified removal companies such as Agarwal Packers and Movers UK. Before you finalise a moving company, take quotes from at least three moving companies to get competitive pricing and top-quality service. 
Plan for Cultural Integration
Corporate relocation isn't just about moving assets and personnel; it's also about integrating into a new cultural and business environment. Investing in cultural training for employees can improve their adaptability and productivity. Understanding the city's business etiquette, communication styles, and social norms can facilitate smoother interactions with local clients, partners, and employees.
Conduct a Detailed Risk Assessment
A comprehensive risk assessment can identify potential challenges and allow for proactive mitigation strategies. Consider factors such as political and economic stability, regulatory changes, and local labour market conditions. Understanding these risks can help develop contingency plans and ensure a smoother transition.
Leverage Government Incentives
The UK government offers various incentives and grants to businesses relocating to specific regions, particularly in areas targeted for economic development. Researching and leveraging these incentives can reduce relocation costs and provide additional resources for your business. Programs like the Regional Growth Fund and various local enterprise partnerships (LEPs) can offer significant financial benefits and support. 
Corporate relocation in the UK presents numerous challenges and opportunities. By paying attention to these under-rated tips, companies can enhance their relocation strategy, ensuring a smoother transition and better integration into the new environment. The above-overlooked aspects can make a significant difference, transforming potential obstacles into strategic advantages.
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annhowell8877 · 1 month
The Future of Saginaw, Michigan: Urban Planning and Development.
The future of Saginaw, Michigan, is shaped by ongoing and planned urban development and revitalization projects aimed at improving the quality of life, boosting economic growth, and making the city more sustainable. Here’s an overview of key urban planning and development initiatives in Saginaw, Michigan:
***Key Development Initiatives
1. **Downtown Revitalization**: - **Mixed-Use Developments**: Efforts to attract new businesses and residents through mixed-use buildings that combine residential, commercial, and office spaces.
**Historic Preservation**: Restoration of historic buildings to preserve the city's heritage while repurposing them for modern use.
2. **Riverfront Development**:
**Saginaw Riverfront**: Plans to enhance the riverfront area to create a vibrant community space with parks, walking trails, and recreational facilities.
**Riverwalk Expansion**: Expanding the existing riverwalk to connect more neighborhoods and provide scenic routes for walking, biking, and outdoor activities.
3. **Affordable Housing Projects**:
**New Housing Developments**: Construction of affordable housing units to address the housing needs of low- and moderate-income families.
**Renovation of Existing Housing**: Upgrading and maintaining existing housing stock to ensure safe and affordable living conditions.
4. **Infrastructure Improvements**:
**Road and Transportation Upgrades**: Improvements to roads, bridges, and public transportation systems to enhance connectivity and reduce traffic congestion.
**Utility Modernization**: Upgrading water, sewer, and electrical systems to support current and future demands.
5. **Economic Development**:
**Business Incentives**: Offering tax incentives and grants to attract new businesses and support the growth of existing ones.
**Tech and Innovation Hubs**: Creating spaces for tech startups and innovation centers to foster entrepreneurship and job creation.
*** Sustainability and Green Initiatives
1. **Green Spaces and Parks**: - **Park Development**: Creating and maintaining green spaces and parks to improve the quality of life and provide recreational opportunities for residents.
**Urban Gardens and Farms**: Supporting urban agriculture initiatives to promote local food production and sustainability.
2. **Renewable Energy Projects**:
**Solar and Wind Energy**: Investing in renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines to reduce the city’s carbon footprint.
**Energy-Efficient Buildings**: Promoting the construction of energy-efficient buildings and retrofitting existing structures with energy-saving technologies.
3. **Public Transit Enhancements**:
**Electric Buses**: Introducing electric buses to the public transit fleet to reduce emissions and improve air quality.
**Bike-Sharing Programs**: Implementing bike-sharing programs to provide residents with eco-friendly transportation options.
*** Community Engagement and Inclusivity
1. **Public Participation**: - **Community Forums and Workshops**: Engaging residents in the planning process through public meetings, workshops, and online platforms to gather input and feedback.
**Neighborhood Associations**: Strengthening neighborhood associations to empower local communities and ensure their voices are heard in development decisions.
2. **Education and Workforce Development**:
**Job Training Programs**: Providing job training and education programs to equip residents with the skills needed for the modern workforce.
**Partnerships with Educational Institutions**: Collaborating with local schools, colleges, and universities to enhance educational opportunities and support workforce readiness.
3. **Cultural and Recreational Programs**:
**Arts and Culture Initiatives**: Supporting local arts and culture through festivals, public art projects, and cultural events.
**Sports and Recreation**: Expanding recreational facilities and programs to promote physical activity and community well-being.
Future Vision The future of Saginaw, Michigan, aims to create a dynamic, resilient, and inclusive city that leverages its historical assets while embracing modern development. By focusing on sustainable growth, community engagement, and economic diversification, Saginaw is working towards a revitalized urban landscape that offers a high quality of life for all its residents.
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abovebits1 · 1 month
Web Development in Charlotte: A Thriving Hub for Digital Innovation
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Charlotte, North Carolina, known for its vibrant economy and rapid growth, has become a hotspot for web development and digital innovation. With a dynamic blend of tech startups, established enterprises, and a supportive community, Charlotte offers an ideal environment for web developers to thrive. This article explores why Charlotte stands out as a leading city for web development, highlighting its unique advantages and opportunities.
A Growing Tech Ecosystem
charlotte web designer ecosystem has been expanding at an impressive rate. The city's strategic location, coupled with its business-friendly environment, has attracted numerous tech companies and startups. Organizations such as Red Ventures, Skookum, and Levvel have set up shop in Charlotte, creating a robust network of tech firms that foster collaboration and innovation.
The growth of co-working spaces and tech incubators like Packard Place and HQ Charlotte provides entrepreneurs and developers with the resources they need to succeed. These hubs not only offer physical workspace but also connect developers with mentors, investors, and industry experts, further fueling the city's tech growth.
Educational Opportunities and Talent Pool
Charlotte is home to several top-notch educational institutions, including the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte), Queens University, and Central Piedmont Community College. These institutions offer a range of programs in computer science, software engineering, and web development charlotte, producing a steady stream of skilled graduates ready to enter the workforce.
Additionally, coding bootcamps and professional training programs such as Tech Talent South and General Assembly have established a presence in the city. These programs provide intensive, hands-on training in web development, equipping individuals with the skills needed to excel in the industry.
Business-Friendly Environment
Charlotte's business-friendly policies and robust infrastructure make it an attractive destination for tech companies. The city offers various incentives for businesses, including tax breaks and grants, to encourage investment in the tech sector. This supportive environment has led to the establishment of numerous tech startups and the relocation of tech giants to the city.
Furthermore, Charlotte's cost of living is relatively lower than other major tech hubs like San Francisco and New York City. This affordability, combined with a high quality of life, makes Charlotte an appealing place for web developers to live and work.
Thriving Community and Networking Opportunities
The web development community in Charlotte is tight-knit and collaborative. Numerous meetups, conferences, and events take place throughout the year, providing ample opportunities for networking and professional growth. Organizations like Charlotte Devs and the Charlotte JavaScript Meetup host regular events where developers can share knowledge, discuss trends, and collaborate on projects.
The city's commitment to fostering a sense of community among tech professionals is evident in events like Charlotte Innovation Week and the Southeast Fintech Venture Conference. These gatherings bring together developers, entrepreneurs, and investors, creating a fertile ground for innovation and collaboration.
Future Prospects
As Charlotte continues to grow and evolve, the prospects for web development in the city look promising. The increasing demand for digital solutions across various industries, coupled with the city's commitment to innovation, ensures that web development will remain a vital part of Charlotte's economic landscape.
In conclusion, Charlotte's thriving tech ecosystem, educational opportunities, business-friendly environment, and strong community make it an ideal hub for web development. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a budding entrepreneur, Charlotte offers the resources, support, and opportunities needed to succeed in the dynamic world of web development. As the city continues to grow, it is poised to remain at the forefront of digital innovation, attracting talent and investment from around the globe.
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jcmarchi · 1 month
AI is changing the shape of leadership – how can business leaders prepare? - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ai-is-changing-the-shape-of-leadership-how-can-business-leaders-prepare-cybertalk/
AI is changing the shape of leadership – how can business leaders prepare? - CyberTalk
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By Ana Paula Assis, Chairman, Europe, Middle East and Africa, IBM.
From the shop floor to the boardroom, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in the business landscape, granting organizations the power to revolutionize processes and ramp up productivity.
The scale and scope of this shift is fundamentally changing the parameters for business leaders in 2024, presenting new opportunities to increase competitiveness and growth.
Alongside these opportunities, the sophistication of AI – and, in particular, generative AI – has brought new threats and risks. Business leaders across all sectors are dealing with new concerns around data security, privacy, ethics and skills – bestowing additional responsibilities to consider.
To explore this in more detail, IBM commissioned a study, Leadership in the Age of AI. This surveyed over 1,600 senior European executives on how the AI revolution is transforming the role of company leaders as they seek to maximize its opportunities while also navigating its potential threats in an evolving regulatory and ethical landscape.
Powering AI growth in Europe
With seven out of ten of the world’s most innovative countries located in Europe, the region is well-positioned to capitalize on the soon-to-be-adopted EU AI Act, which offers the world’s first comprehensive regulatory framework. This regulatory confidence and clarity is expected to attract additional investments and new participants, further benefiting Europe’s AI ecosystem.
Against this promising backdrop, it is no surprise to see generative AI deployment at the top of CEOs’ priorities for 2024, with 82% of the business leaders surveyed having already deployed generative AI or intending to this year. This growing sense of urgency is driven by a desire to improve efficiency by automating routine processes and freeing employees to take on higher-value work, enhancing the customer experience and improving outcomes.
Despite this enthusiasm, concerns around security and privacy are tempering the rate of adoption – while 88% of business leaders were excited about the potential of AI within their business, 44% did not feel ready to deploy the technology yet, with privacy and security of data (43%), impact on workforce (32%) and ethical implications (30%) identified as the top three challenge facing business leaders. Instead of solely focusing on the financial benefits of AI, business leaders are now compelled to actively address the societal costs and risks associated with it.
A new era for leadership
Leadership in the age of AI requires executives to strike a balance between addressing the ethical and security implications of technology and harnessing its competitive advantages. This delicate balance lies at the core of the EU AI Act, endorsed by the European Parliament in March. It aims to promote innovation and competitiveness in Europe while ensuring transparency, accountability and human oversight in the development and implementation of AI.
The Act takes a risk-based approach, ascertaining the level of regulation required by the level of risk each use case poses. This spans from prohibitive, which includes practices such as social scoring; high-risk, which encompasses areas such as infrastructure and credit scoring; medium-risk, which includes chatbots and deep fakes; and low-risk, containing AI-enabled games and spam filters.
With these parameters in place, business leaders must realize regulatory compliance and prepare their operations and workforce for the upcoming shift. They must manage risk and reputation and future-proof their companies for further innovation and regulation, which will inevitably follow in the coming years.
There are two major priorities for business leaders in achieving this. The first is to create effective AI governance strategies built upon five pillars: explainability, fairness, robustness, transparency and privacy. These aim to promote transparency in data usage, equitable treatment, defence against attacks, system transparency and privacy protection.
Underpinned by human oversights, they will serve to mitigate risks and ensure AI systems are trustworthy. This comprehensive governance approach fosters responsible AI adoption, building trust among users and stakeholders while ensuring the ethical and responsible use of AI technologies.
The second, and equally important, action is to establish an AI ethics board. While the Act itself necessitates a certain level of ethical compliance, businesses should use this opportunity to establish their own ethical frameworks.
This will guide implementation now while laying out clear guardrails for future innovation. At IBM, for example, our ethical framework dictates what use cases we pursue, what clients we work with and our trusted approach to copyright. Establishing these foundations early serves to help prevent reputational risks or Act breaches further down the line.
The skills responsibility
There is also a clear responsibility for equipping workforces with the necessary skills to successfully navigate AI transformation. Another recent IBM study around AI in the workplace found that 87% of business leaders expect at least a quarter of their workforce will need to reskill in response to generative AI and automation.
Those who equip themselves with AI skills will have a significant advantage in the digital economy and job market over those who do not. Organizations are responsible for helping their employees upskill or reskill to adapt to this changing ecosystem.
Businesses take this duty seriously, with 95% of executives stating they are already taking steps to ensure they have the right AI skills in their organizations, and 44% actively upskilling themselves in the technology. The incentive comes from a competitive and a societal perspective, ensuring that large portions of the workforce are not excluded from participating in and benefiting from the thriving digital economy.
With legislative frameworks now in place, European CEOs and senior business leaders must navigate the evolving AI landscape with trust and openness, integrating good governance principles into its development and adoption, cementing ethical guardrails and building resilience across the workforce. This new era of leadership demands trust and transparency from the top down and will be a critical component for growth and return on investment.
This article was originally published via the World Economic Forum and has been reprinted with permission.
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argroup6 · 2 months
Exploring Opportunities: Pursuing MBBS in Egypt
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Embarking on a journey to pursue a medical degree is a critical point of reference in any trying doctor's life. Whereas India brags a few regarded medical education, numerous understudies look for elective choices abroad to broaden their skylines and pick up presentations to assorted societies and healthcare frameworks. Egypt, with its wealthy history, eminent restorative colleges, and reasonable educational cost expenses, develops as an alluring goal for Indian understudies yearning to ponder MBBS overseas. In this web journal, we dive into the different perspectives of pursuing MBBS in Egypt, counting the consideration of involvement, expenses structure, best restorative colleges, and admission process.
Study MBBS in Egypt
Examining MBBS in Egypt offers students a special opportunity to drench themselves in a dynamic social milieu whereas accepting quality medical education. The educational module is planned to meet worldwide measures, giving students a comprehensive understanding of medical sciences and clinical jones. The academic environment cultivates basic thinking, research aptitudes, and hands-on involvement, planning understudies for an effective career in pharmaceuticals.
MBBS Fees in Egypt
One of the foremost engaging perspectives of examining MBBS in Egypt is the reasonable educational cost expenses compared to many other nations. The toll of instruction, counting educational cost, convenience, and living costs, is generally lower, making it a cost-effective alternative for Indian students. Also, grants and monetary help programs are accessible for commendable understudies, encouraging facilitating the budgetary burden.
Best Medical College in Egypt
Egypt is domestic to a few regarded medical colleges that offer world-class instruction and state-of-the-art offices. Among them, Cairo College Workforce of Medication stands out as one of the most seasoned and most prestigious medical schools in the locale. With a wealthy history dating back to 1827, Cairo College has eminent staff individuals, cutting-edge research offices, and an assorted understudy community. Other best medical colleges in Egypt incorporate Ain Shams College Workforce of Pharmaceutical, Alexandria College Workforce of Pharmaceutical, and Mansoura College Staff of Medication, all of which maintain tall academic benchmarks and offer a conducive learning environment for students.
Medical Colleges in Egypt for Indian Students
Indian students trying to study MBBS in Egypt have plenty of alternatives to choose from in terms of medical colleges. Numerous colleges offer English-taught programs particularly custom fitted for universal students, guaranteeing dialect capability isn't a barrier to learning. Moreover, these colleges give back administrations such as dialect classes, social introduction, and academic counselling to assist students adjust to their modern environment consistently.
MBBS Admission in Egypt
The admission process for MBBS programs in Egypt regularly includes satisfying certain qualification criteria, counting scholarly capabilities, dialect capability tests, and other requirements specified by the college. Indian students are required to submit their academic transcripts, standardised test scores (such as NEET), and other supporting records for assessment. A few colleges may moreover conduct entrance examinations or interviews as a portion of the choice process. It is prudent for students to research the admission requirements of their chosen college well in advance and get ready in like manner.
Examining MBBS in Egypt presents Indian students with a one of a kind opportunity to get quality therapeutic instruction at reasonable costs, explore a wealthy social legacy, and pick up important worldwide exposure. With world-class medical colleges, experienced staff, and a conducive learning environment, Egypt develops as a favoured goal for trying specialists looking to fulfil their academic and proficient desires. By setting out on this transformative travel, students can broaden their skylines, sharpen their abilities, and lay the foundation for an effective career in pharmaceuticals, all whereas encountering the magnificence and differing qualities of Egypt's charming scenes and antiquated points of interest.
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argroupofedu5 · 2 months
Disclosing the Medical Journey: Seeking after MBBS in Rajasthan
Are you yearning to end up a specialist and trying to find a put to kickstart your medical travel? See no assistance than the socially wealthy and instructively dynamic state of Rajasthan. Settled in the midst of the brilliant sands and magnificent forts, Rajasthan offers plenty of openings for understudies aspiring to pursue MBBS instruction. In this web journal post, we are going to set out on a trip to investigate MBBS in Rajasthan, including the educational scene, expenses, and the leading medical universities and colleges the state has got to offer.
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MBBS in Rajasthan: A See into Fabulousness
Rajasthan, with its wealthy social legacy and authentic importance, has been making critical strides within the field of medical instruction. The state has a range of government and private medical colleges and colleges that offer comprehensive MBBS programs. Examining MBBS in Rajasthan not only gives students a chance to get quality instruction but also exposes them to assorted clinical encounters and research openings.
Study MBBS in Rajasthan: Unlocking the Doors of Opportunity
Rajasthan offers a perfect environment for pursuing MBBS instruction, with its well-established medical education and experienced workforce individuals. The state's medical colleges emphasise a holistic approach to instruction, combining theoretical knowledge with practical preparation. Students have the opportunity to pick up hands-on involvement through clinical rotations in various departments of affiliated healing centres.
Additionally, Rajasthan's social differences and dynamic climate give a one of a kind background for scholarly and individual development. Understudies have the chance to inundate themselves within the wealthy culture of Rajasthan whereas seeking after their restorative instruction, making their learning experience all the more enhancing and satisfying.
MBBS Fees in Rajasthan: Affordability and Accessibility
One of the foremost engaging viewpoints of studying MBBS in Rajasthan is the reasonableness of instruction. Compared to many other states in India, the fetch of medical instruction in Rajasthan is moderately lower, making it available to students from assorted socio-economic foundations. Government medical colleges, in specific, offer subsidised educational cost fees, making them an appealing alternative for numerous students.
Additionally, grants, grants, and monetary help programs are accessible to qualified understudies, encouraging facilitating the monetary burden of medical instruction. With a run of money related help choices accessible, students can seek after their dreams of getting to be specialists without having to worry excessively almost the taken a toll.
Best Medical University in Rajasthan: Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS)
Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) stands out as a guide of brilliance in restorative instruction within the state. Set up in 2005, RUHS is committed to advancing healthcare through education, research, and development. The university offers a wide run of undergraduate and postgraduate medical programs, including the MBBS course.
RUHS boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, well-equipped research facilities, and a faculty comprising experienced teachers and medical experts. The university's comprehensive curriculum is planned to get students ready for the challenges of present day healthcare,ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to excel in their medical careers.
Colleges Offering MBBS in Rajasthan
In addition to Rajasthan College of Wellbeing Sciences, a few other medical colleges within the state are eminent for their scholastic fabulousness and clinical training opportunities. A few of the eminent colleges offering MBBS in Rajasthan incorporate:
Pacific Medical College and Healing centre, Udaipur
Jodhpur Medical College and Healing centre, Jodhpur
Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner
Geetanjali Medical College and Healing centre, Udaipur
Each of these colleges has its one of a kind qualities and specialties, giving understudies with an assorted run of choices to select from based on their inclinations and career objectives.
Conclusion: Set out on Your Medical Travel in Rajasthan
Setting out on a journey to seek after MBBS in Rajasthan opens doors to a world of openings and conceivable outcomes. With its reasonable expenses, top-tier education like Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, and wealthy clinical exposure, Rajasthan gives an ideal setting for understudies to seek after their medical desires and carve out fruitful careers in healthcare. So why hold up? Seize the opportunity and set out on your medical travel in Rajasthan today!
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twiainsurancegroup · 3 months
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