#World of Warcraft Allied Race
bladesongs · 18 days
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I made my Earthen shaman!
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ooc-miqojak · 5 months
Earthen Allied Race
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So...you can make an Earthen in the Wowhead character creator now. And I've always been 'meh' about dwarves...but I love her. So much. I think I like her more than the Hrothgals I made in the XIV benchmark, even. (Female Earthen can have beards, but I've never been a fan of that - though I support anyone who DOES want to rock a fem-beard!) Anyways, here's the link to make one for yourself, and see how you feel! (Though at the moment it seems the tool is down? It worked last night. Might need to check the link later!)
Here's some dudes my partner made (or randomized in all cases but the first), too, for more variety -
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My personal favorite of the men is the last one, whom I've affectionately called 'Dirtman. '
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hallikset · 22 days
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little-viking-draw · 1 year
Realized I never introduced my new void elf character Loviatar Widowdawn here
His regular form
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His slightly less balanced form, he turn into it when his emotions becomes unbalanced
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lynxfrost13 · 8 months
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Finally unlocked the Zandalari I’ve wanted them for so long
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mbat · 2 years
bro i wish i wasnt broke as fuck and also that everything wasnt so expensive like, in general, but right now im looking at the new race from dragonflight and wishing i could make one so bad. like okay whatever about everything else, but ANTHRO DRAGONS? I WANT THAT :[
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blizzweirdo · 5 months
I think the Lost Codex videos are very well done, but this one about the earthen for WoW: The War Within is especially good.
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lyscot-blog · 3 months
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I find adding scars to elves makes them 10x cooler. As a kid, Illidan is my warcraft 3 pick, I love it whenever Iorveth opens his mouth and Captain Mithrun is one of my all-time favourites. All of them have scars and all of them are hunters (demons or humans). Of course there are other scarred elves. But my love lies in the three. They have a common pattern be it by design or story arcs. But why? Why do I like this pattern so much? Let me try to justify myself to myself.
*Spoilers for Dungeon Meshi, Witcher 2 and Warcraft 3??? (not that heavy I guess, spoilers for Mithrun's past tho)
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For my heart to elven scars, let’s talk about an archetype of elves. To be honest, I like dwarves more (love Senshi of course and Muradin). Elves are usually portrayed as the word "divine", attractive, forevermore, pure, vined and shaped with the letter V. They are humans but "better". An impossibly polished human. But maybe that’s why I find most elves boring. They're too clean, too good, too skilled. Many put elven flaws as being too prideful with their perfection that they refuse to lower their sharp noses for other races. Nothing more to that than an arrogant side character. I want more but for me they're either so perfect or have a veneer of perfection.
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Elves with scars? The outer layer of perfection is slashed open. You can see the scars, the flesh, the mistakes, the flaws, and they bleed just as any other creature. It tells you a lot. To see a misfire and their eyes are often the target. Ethereal beauties with enchanting eyes and nigh accurate vision, gone. Scars runs down their face, forced to show their flaws. Their pride stripped away. Nothing left but a ruined elf. A mess in both appearance and style. Illidan overcomplicates himself, Iorveth’s wears ragged leftovers and Mithrun cannot do anything. But I much prefer this over the polished and decorate look of typical elves. It's like preferring to wear ripped jeans over a cleanly ironed skirt.
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But ultimately they would despise whoever ripped them apart. Illidan, Iorveth and Mithrun are willing to sacrifice themselves to meet face to face with those that disfigured them, the enemy they vowed to rid the world of. The enemy that sought to ruin them forever, to ruin what makes an elf, an elf. Ostracizing them. Sparing them, reminding them. Morphing them into a vassal of vengeful vendetta, cynical and blunt. It will forever be a part of themself. But it's hard to say if they ever truly accept their scars. Still, they don’t care to keep up the elven grace and pride anymore, they are outsiders now. But they are not alone. They are leaders of their own group of course. Illidari, Scoiathel and Canaries are a collection of outcasts, far from perfect.  Though they might suffered alone back then, they found their own community and companions that accepts them. In each of their stories, they even found unlikely loyal allies (at least in a Witcher 2 path and Warcraft 3).
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It’s still the rule of cool in the end, but I definitely will be attached to them as I dive deeper into their character. I root for those dead-focused haywired eyes. Getting myself so engrossed to see them being not so heroic, yet trying to their best to seek their own justice and self-worth.  They’re never truly aimless, they just need to find their target.
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aerwindale · 3 days
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High elf commission, World of Warcraft. Been like, forever since anyone asked me to draw a master race. Manwhile, it's 2024 and still no high elf customisation for Ally side. Yes, I know you can give Void elves normal blue eyes and chop off tentacles and even get normal looking skin. And even some resemblance of blonde colour of hair. But hairstyles are still edgy and/or disgusting. Because Blizzardgod forbids Alliance players to have original proper High Elves. Yes, I am still bitter and will never get over it.
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khadgarbignaturals · 4 months
while the topic of “hear me out”s, what is y’all’s true hear me outs? the less humanoid the better
here’s mine:
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autism rant below here. feel free to add your own
WHO: this is kil’ruk the wind reaver from world of warcraft. he is a member of a race called the klaxxi, which are insects. he is one of the more humanoid klaxxi but i think his appearance speaks for itself. he is specifically part of a group called the paragons who are legendary klaxxi warriors preserved in amber king arthur style. the paragons’ duty is to unseat the queen of the klaxxi if she starts doing shit that’s destructive to the klaxxi and their home.
WHY: he’s the first paragon you free, and despite being dubious of you at first, he warms up over time as the story progresses. there’s a game mechanic where you can have paragons helping you while questing, and most are relatively impersonal but kil’ruk’s is that he is flying over you making sure you’re safe and if 2 or more enemies are fighting you, he will swoop down and slice at them for big damage. he’s watching over and protecting me and it makes me all blushy.
when you first talk to the klaxxi, they tell you up that they are sworn to the old gods so even though we are close allies, should they be called, they will answer and fight against us. and guess what happened. so now you have to kill all of them after spending so much time getting to know them and helping rebuild their home and protect their people. legitimately heartbreaking and one of if not the best questing story + raid boss lore in the game. like i’m sorry the complexity of your relationship and the sadness of having to fight but neither of you wanting to kill each other. but you have to. you have to stop garrosh from corrupting the world with the power of an old god, and they are eternal servants of the old gods. the tragedy of it gets me every time and only makes me love him more because of the too short time we had together
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azerothtravel · 1 year
Secret Origin
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I'm just an old time Warcraft nerd who's too dumb to quit. My first WC game was Warcraft II, when I was in high school. I gravitated toward the Horde because they were funnier. I liked the game, but wasn't too good at it. Jump ahead to the release of Warcraft III, it's a whole other thing. I read all the lore in the huge manual. I was completely taken with the concept of orcs as once noble, tragic victims trying to make their way in the world and atone for their crimes. A friend of mine had me read some of the novels. I was suddenly way, way into the setting. Plus, I knew a lot of people who played WC3. I enjoyed the Orgrimmar campaign in Frozen Throne with no idea it was more or less a test run for WoW.
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But I didn't like MMOs. I wasn't sure about WoW. Then I got into the beta. I hauled my whole-ass desktop over to the house of the same friend who loaned me those books, and we were up til 4am downloading the client and then getting started. Gormorash the orc warrior was born that night (And so was Skarsnik the troll hunter, but he lost interest after BC). I was immediately sold. Running around Azeroth at ground level, full of detail from the RTS games, was a ton of fun. Gormorash went on many strange adventures in beta, like a hilariously inept "raid" on Westfall where half our group died before we got there and none of us were even level 60.
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Then Gormorash was rebooted on Argent Dawn US when the game launched, a member of <Flaming Skull Clan> with several other friends of mine.
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By middle 2005, almost literally everyone I knew played WoW. My oldest friends, friends from college, friends from the internet, relatives. Basically 2 friends and my parents were the only people not playing. Friends of mine who didn't know each other met and bonded through WoW. It was a glorious time.
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By the end of 2006, I'd been through 2 guild collapses and one server move, as they opened up free transfers to Eitrigg and my friends all took it. I wasn't sure I'd keep playing. The novelty had worn off for most of my friends. I wasn't that into raiding, and doing Arathi Basin over and over was only so interesting (Gormorash just lived in Hammerfall for like a year). I was maybe gonna quit. And then, in early 2007, my brother found 2 Collector's Editions of BC just sitting on a shelf in a store, and asked if I wanted one. I had the vanilla CE, but I'd missed BC when they were released, and didn't buy BC at all. He bought them and shipped me one, and we leveled 60-70 together. It was a lot of fun.
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Along the way, I started a new guild with some online friends, and Gormorash is still in it. He's never missed an expansion. Most people have fallen off the wagon. Our guild typically only has 3 active members at any given time these days, but that's fine with me. Sometimes a couple people come back for major content. It was lore that got me into all this, and that remains my primary motivator for playing. My endgame is more PvP and leveling alts than raiding, but the game has literally never supported those 2 things better than right now (2023), so that's pretty good. I still have a good time. And that's why I have hundreds of screenshots to choose from stretching from the 2004 open beta to just a few days ago to post on this blog. With the sad exception of most of 2006, lost in a hard drive failure, I have a comprehensive collection of every screenshot I ever took, and that's what this blog is all about.
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I've made a few other Gormorashes on other servers, but rarely leveled them very far. Someone out there made a Gormorash that isn't me, a fact that shocked me when I found out. Who stole my name? Was it you? I have characters of every race on both factions, but still tend to prefer Horde. If you see me, say hello!
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Gormorash is an orc warrior who came of age in the camps. With his brother, Rugurrash, he's led a guild of adventures for many years, with trusty allies Snarfner, Vallkillmore and Canon rounding out the core group. His hair's started to gray after saving the world 8 or 9 times, traveling through space and time and the realms of death, but he's still out there, still exploring, still getting into trouble and mostly getting back out of it. He's an alchemist and herbalist in his spare time, and has a completely unmanageable collection of pets. He is really, really tired of being forced to fight his own Warchief, and really hopes the gods don't lean on that already very tired trope again in the future.
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bladesongs · 5 months
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Oh, I kind of like the Earthen!
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petitelepus · 1 year
Transformers World Of Warcraft Requests Are Open!
Guys, my passion for World Of Warcraft was revived by my comics that I decided to read one day again and then my WoW story and now I have been playing the game a little bit this past week since I got 7-days free play time as a gift.
I’m hooked, but I’ll be traveling soon a lot so I can’t play, but I can write!
So now I shall write about Transformers SLASH World Of Warcraft!
The Races I write about are following;
- Human
- Dwarf
- Night Elf
- Gnome
- Draenei
- Worgen
- Pandared
- Orc
- Troll
- Tauren
- Undead
- Blood Elf
- Goblin
- Pandaren
If you are wondering why there aren’t Allied Races, I know very little about them since I’ve only played a little bit of Kul Tiran’s story line and I STILL SOMEHOW HAVEN’T GOTTEN ZANDALARI TROLLS DESPITE DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT.
Here is a link to Official site where you can read about different Races in case you don’t know them!
If you wonder what Race you might be, here are WoW Race Quizzes I made couple years ago!
Alliance - https://www.quotev.com/quiz/13448115/Which-World-Of-Warcraft-Alliance-Race-You-Are
Horde - https://www.quotev.com/quiz/13448952/Which-World-Of-Warcraft-Horde-Race-You-Are
Then, the Classes I write about are following;
- Warrior
- Paladin
- Mage
- Shaman
- Priest
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Warlock
- Druid
- Death Knight
- Monk
You can see I haven’t listed Demon Hunter or Evoker here and that is because I know very little about these two Classes. I hope you don’t mind!
Basically, you can request pretty much anything that involves Transformers and WoW! Here are few examples!
“Former Gladiator and now a Warrior Megatron meeting and training young Gnome Reader to figth?”
“Ultra Magnus finding out that his lover had died in war and he finds them again but they are Undead?”
These are just examples and you can leave your own!
Also, depending if you guys WANT, I could maybe open WoW Race Matchups? Depending if you don’t like the Quizzes and want more detailed match made with just you guys in my mind, LET ME KNOW.
DO NOT Send me WoW Race Matchup Requests now because they aren’t a thing yet. I will do them, but only if you guys let me know that you want them.
Hey, let’s enjoy June and Summer guys!
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djmunden · 2 years
Got an amazing shout out from Grey Elysee, a phenomenal black indie comic book artist with his own very successful Kickstarter. Please go an support him as well as myself in his amazing journey. I’m ALMOST there. 5 more days. 
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dvalin · 1 month
In World of Warcraft: The War Within, a new Allied Race called 'The Earthen' is being introduced. In this video, I'll be showcasing the various customization options available when creating an Earthen character.
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mareastrorum · 1 month
Yes, you are correct I was talking about trolls, goblins as well as other racially coded monsters like orcs and tauren on the subject of Warcraft and racism.
Basically Warcraft has gotten worse with the "POC coded monsters are evil stuff", whilst keeping or sometimes even increasing the racial coding.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I can’t speak to any developments post-Shadowlands because I haven’t played the game since then. However, I don’t think Warcraft can even fix the problem any time soon.
Warcraft lore has a wide array of races, but a limited number of influential cultures. The key issue is that the human race is young, limited in population, and predominantly white. They were creations of the Titans (titan-forged) that succumbed to the Curse of Flesh (vrykul) and then deformed, small children (human) were sent off from Northrend to populate other continents, Almost all the significant human characters are light-skinned, blonde, and/or blue-eyed. It’s clearly based on, but not identical to, Norse mythology. That also suggests that of course they all look alike when that wasn’t very long ago.
However, the recent history cements them in that position. There are barely any important human NPCs of color. The leaders of Stormwind, Lordaeron, and Kul Tiras were all blonde, blue-eyed, and light-skinned. The noble houses of each of those settlements have similar features. When those are the people in power for stories about trying to prevent the end of the world, well, of course all the humans the players meet are white.
Unfortunately, they also have a habit of adding non-human races with traits of non-white cultures, which makes everything worse. All humans are white is ethnocentrism, and all POC are monsters is white supremacy. It’s a frustrating thing, but there is no way to remedy it without switching to a new game or restarting the story. No retcon is going to fix that Tauren are based on Native American stereotypes, that Pandaren are Chinese stereotypes, etc.
Hell, the good, untainted highborne elves allied with humans have blue eyes and the corrupted elves have tainted fel or void skin. The night elves were lower class and have blue/green skin. The Nightborne have dark blue skin and are generally mixed class, but also isolationist and addicted to mana. The problem is that the default/good groups always have light skin, light hair, and blue eyes—so adding complex POC-coded populations is always going to be compared to that default.
All the options are unsavory.
Add POC humans with a different biological origin: oh god, that is taking the race essentialism of WoW to the worst extreme. No.
Add POC humans from a previously undiscovered culture and continent: this could be done well, but we all know they will be featured for one expansion and then never used or referenced again. This is the checkbox “we added neutral POC rep” option.
Add meaningful POC humans into the heart of the story: we know how this ends. WoW writers suck even when they aren’t racist. We know this is gong to end up with a Anduin story (the woobie), a Thrall story (POC that suffered racism and learned to love white people anyway), or a Sylvanas story (morally gray until we need a villain and then we’ll give the weakest handjob of a redemption). That’s without getting to the “but where did they come from?” question.
That said, this isn’t really worse than where they were before. It’s about the same. Like, there has been marginal improvement in that not every human in a cut scene is white, there are customization options for PCs to appear non-white, and humans aren’t the shining beacon of goodness in a world filled with monsters.
But it’s hard to say WoW got worse. The bioessentialism was already there. The white supremacy was blatant. Treating non-white cultures as useful material for side stories was always the vibe. Maybe it’s just a part of getting old, but it doesn’t cause me outrage to see a 20 year old game continue to be racist. It’s an old game—of course it’s racist.
It’s an entirely different matter when a new game does it. WotC gets to reinvent D&D lore with new settings and new editions, so there’s no excuse for carrying racist bullshit forward from prior books. There’s no reason for humans to have European-centric cultures, names, histories, etc. The change from “race” to “species” shows that the management either missed the point of or didn’t care about complaints about bio essentialism. It shows that the decision makers at WotC just do not care enough to change that. It doesn’t cost them enough money to matter.
In the end, it’s just going to keep happening. WoW dominates MMORPGs, and D&D dominates TTRPGs. The games do have positive facets, they’re fun ways to be social, and people prioritize those over being anti-racist. It doesn’t really matter if either of them gets worse or if one is worse than the other. They’re just reflections of how white supremacy is still the norm—they just aren’t as openly proud about that fact.
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