snom0001inu · 1 year
Just letting you guys now
Star does this
This isn't her first time doing so
She has plans for a huge fan project and stirs problems/arguments to get attention, and when people are showing her genuine sympathy, she pushes that fan project onto them only to disappear and show up again with an entirely new project when she doesn't blow up and become viral.
She did it with her fanscript (rejected by Medrano and other groups)
She did it with her web comic (couldn't find an artist)
She's doing it now with an entirely new remake of an episode under her Woomy sock puppet account by claiming her favorite trio of people are sending her racial slurs, which is absolutely false.
She's really picking her victimization of the week with these claims, and it's upsetting.
The only group that really went after her in a bigoted sense (as in attacking her marginalized background and not her behaviors) was KiwiFarms.....which yeah, has that reputation. She was involved with them to trash talk Vivienne Medrano and has never gone back after they did some harmful things to her.
She's learned from that but continues her mess here and on Twitter.
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ornithia · 3 years
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@starlatte27 blocked me but this deserves a signal boost for those who still have to tolerate her antics (and just when i thought i'd heard the last of her lmao)
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petitprincess1 · 3 years
Hey, starlatte brought you up again along with some things about 6
Gonna show screenshots that a friend sent me, that's why I'm able to get them, since I'm still blocked XP
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Okay. I'm guessing the whole pedophilia is because of the DDLG thing. Is it impossible for pedophiles to indulge in it? No, absolutely not. However, it's very wrong to immediately assume people are pedos just because they indulge in that kink. At the end of the day, DDLG is just a dom/sub roleplay between consenting adults. Doesn't matter if you understand or not, it's an honest living. And no one should be judged, unless you have infallible evidence of them being into children. Again, at the end of the day, he's making money, probs because of the pandemic.
Also, "woman"????? He's a man. He's ftm. Female to male. He states this on the sex working blog and his personal. I hate 6 as much as the next person, but like...don't do that. Don't use the wrong pronoun for someone because you THINK they're faking. That's just wrong. Not everyone can afford the hormone treatment.
Like, fuck my name being dragged. I've already defended myself on the fact that I did not ask 6 for any info! He literally just gave me a picture, which doesnt mean shit. It's literally just an image of people and he could be the one taking the pic for all I know. Whatever. But this is fucking wrong. Also, please block starlatte. Not only for this, but because she's a minor.
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She shouldn't even be in the fandom, especially since nsfw stuff makes her uncomfortable, which is nothing but what HB/HH is all about.
I'm not defending 6 in any way, but I am stopping someone from spreading false information and dragging someone without any proof whatsoever, while also giving a warning. Don't bother speaking with starlatte, she's just a kid and wrong.
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Alright, so once again, this is the most recent post I could find vague blogging about me on her tumblr in regards to this specific issue so I don’t know where all the “Wow! heartshapedcreaturefromcriptoon DID THAT?!” Anons are coming from here, or how those anons are aware that you even tried to submit me something, unless you’re just sending them to yourself to try and stir more trouble but just ....
Leanne, Leanne, Leanna Leanne.... I feel as though I must para-quote Gene Wilder’s character in Young Frankenstein here because just what is the matter with you? Like do you not understand the concept of hyperbole at all? Don’t you know a joke when you read one?
The entire reason I screenshot that ask this way was to show case the fact that color and formatting of the ‘t”,  on what I didn’t know happened to be goth day just happened to match both the obnoxious eye sore color palette and theme of your tacky little blog, Princess. 
The whole coincidence gave me the willies, so I was just making a funny, honey.
Although, apparently, you can’t comprehend my humor or my kindness because now isn’t that part of what got you into this mess in the first place?
“Luna” is for long time mutuals only. Don’t pretend like we’ve ever spoken more than twice, and don’t pretend like you ever gave a damn about my well being when you can’t even get my disability right. My correct name and minority status is written all over my blog.  And to think you’re the one who bitched and complained to me about being called “Honey”.
I only found this on your blog because I have no way of responding to your original Submission even if I wanted to now because Tumblr seems to have eaten it (which, to that I say good riddance) and the only reason I found your Twitter is because it’s exactly the same as your gmail address due to the fact that you’re that basic. There wasn’t anything “random” about it.
“I would never send hate for no fucking reason...” Ah, but by that logic you would dish back hate to someone if you had a reason. So why would you like, concern troll me and chastise me for hate trolling someone when they gave me a reason?!
“And then to say that you that I would hack into your account? WHY??????? Why would I do that? I dont even know HOW to do that! YOU ARE TEARING MY HEART EMOJI APART LUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Again, honey, please calm down and teach yourself how to form a coherent sentence, learn the concept of what a hyperbolic joke is, leave your fandom(s) and get a freaking life.
I thought you were my friend too until the night you pulled that shit with me, respect that I blocked you and frick off.
And for the love of God, stop “joking” about writing smutty fanfics between you and Al and getting “married” to him and delete all of Angel’s pictures from your blog why don’t you!
Your obsession with all of us is beyond unhealthy.
“I know that you have reason to listen or believe me...” Honey, I know that when you were typing this your little crocodile tears were hitting the keyboard so hard that you couldn’t even form a coherent sentence and you need to shut the fuck up. (Also SIDE NOTE of how Cletus and Striker are like, the worst Helluva Boss characters to have “taste” in: Some sleazy little man baby and an ever only slightly cooler and more tolerable Wild West Reincarnation of Toffee, I should have known you were like this. Oh and that Vampire Chick from RE7 everyone including yourself is into right now is like if Eclipsa was a freaking Fairly Odd Parents Pixie and Meteora would have her daughters for a snack, both figuratively and literally. Die Angry About it.)   
I had two whole interactions with you and I wanted to beat that bunny fursona of yours down with a tree branch Lilo and Stitch style the second you hopped into my ask box that night and 4 days later you gave me an excuse to. I only found out about the shit that you were putting my friends through when Orn started vague blogging to me about what you were doing to them after I exposed you as a snake in the grass arse little bitch and they had no reason to try and White Knight you.
In starlatte27’s case she was just tagged to help attack me by the same stalker that you were going out of your way to defend and latte blocked me before I could even so much as figure out who she was, meaning we didn’t even have an “altercation”, her existence to me personally at that point was merely a blip that served to cause me more disorientation and stress, but I knew she was just as much of a bitch as you were before my friends did and now you’re both causing them immeasurable harm in comparison to what I was put through and you both need to delete your blogs after you apologize. NOBODY WANTS YOU TWO IN THIS FANDOM!
I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in reading you reiterate your excuses for your racism and gross mistreatment towards my friends to me, nor do I care for your off putting arse attempting to have some sort of petty, infantilizing, paternalistic, para-social relationship with me!
Angel and Al, may I add, haven’t been online in weeks because of you and starlatte27, and now you’re only trying to get to me because I’ve still been available online and you’ve been bored. And if I had the capability and privilege of doing anything other than sitting, I can tell you that I certainly wouldn’t be in front of a computer right now if I actually even had the option not to be ether.
And for your information, being able to meet Angel and Al, at least out of all this mess in the first place, has been the only good experience that I’ve had within in this fandom thus far and their presence on my dashboard only makes my day brighter, I willingly shared my experiences with them to let know they’re not alone in all this shit.  
Stop being a sleaze to Angel just because he’s more attractive than you and clearly not white passing, and delete all his photos from your blog.
Stop being a skeeve to Al and stop making “jokes” about marrying him and your jokes about smut because that’s actually beyond the conception of “cringe”.
Stop infantalizing me and acting as though you have some weird parental para-social relationship over me or some shit when I’m freaking three years older than you are, apologize to all three of us before deleting your accounts and dropping off the internet why don’t you and then leave all three of us the fuck alone!!! 
I can tell how the little twit whom said this to me the other day has certainly never met you.
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I know I am focused on another liar of the fandom, but a reminder that hazbin ‘critical’ page (17 y. o.) @starlatte27 falsely accused a CSA survivor of being a p*dophile here by accessing his NSFW page stated to be 18+ despite being below this age. She also misgendered him despite having seen He/Him stated on both his SFW and NSFW page (only accessible through a direct link on his SFW page). She went out of her way due to her whorephobia and personal bias against a survivor sex worker. 
@6c6 has never made any sort of DDLG content, you can just check his page. His explanation is provided here: link. 
@starlatte27​‘s post is lies and info taken out of context. Plus, an FTM person is allowed to implement his identity into his SW in any ways he decides to. It says nothing about his view on it outside of sex/kink field. 
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inactive334884 · 2 years
This involves private drama, and is very ranty and a bit venty, so if you do not want to read of any triggering topics please skip over this post, thank you!
I am 18, I just graduated high school last month.
I am (was) Starlatte27, and though my past blog was heavily flawed and featured many things (especially in my "anti" phase) that I very much regret... people deliberately lying about personal info, accusing me of being the "same person" as someone else, going after people that I care about, stalking people, and overall sending harassment and accusations is not just awful behavior, it's outright childish no matter how much someone dislikes my blogs. (especially since... they could easily just block if they dont agree in the first place.)
I am not 12, I am not 5, I am not a "liar".
I never called myself any other age on here except for "16" 17" or "18".
AKA: All of the actual ages I was/am on this platform because ive been on Tumblr for years now.
I honestly dont care anymore, people can say all they want.
But no matter what, there will always be people who actually care to listen, there will always be people who care, and there will always be people who do thier research before automatically assuming things about someone they've never even actually met.
I never "lied" about my age.
I had a typo due to the fact that my mind tends to mix up words due to a disability that I have little to no control of in that category. If I accidentally put "orange" instead of "apple", "9" instead of "14", or anything other than that it is because of a disability.
I have clarified this millions of times, showed proof, and someone even outright used math to disprove this, but people still want to believe that im "actually 12" or "actually 5" because "THEY HATE VIVZIEPOP SO WHAT THEY SAY MUST BE TRUE!" logic thats unfortunately plagued the anti community in certain areas.
I dont "hate" sex workers.
I only mentioned a sex worker negatively once because they had did something that was legitimately wrong and was involved in a community that sexualizes things involving children.
I know that people tend to use "think of the children!" as an excuse for censorship bullshit, but this is about something that legit effects how people see kids and what they do.
Them doing sex work had nothing to do with it, but that they were doing something that involves the fetishization of things that involve children such as "parent-child" relationships, diapers, pacifiers, "daughter- father" relationships, and SO many things where because of how frequently sexualized by adults that it's caused people to see anything involving children, about children, or the children themselves (god forbid) as sex objects or things to use for "sex fantasies" and not literal minors. (AKA DD*G and AB*L).
(If you knew about my old blog, you know what im talking about.)
Things like that has legit caused a negative effect on how people see children. I dont care if people accuse me of "kink shaming" or anything such as that, things involving minors or MINORS THEMSELVES should never be involved in the kink community.
Things about children is not a "kink."
Things involving children is "not a kink."
Children are not a "kink." Children cannot consent, and sexualizing anything involving them or sexualizing the kids themselves (looking at you M/P community.) hurts how people see minors and how people treat minors along with it.
Someone being a sex worker has nothing to do with this.
I am not "acephobic" or a "transphobe".
People wrote said things about me at a time where I was writing support towards the ace community and was heavily against people who did ace erasure within the Hazbin fanbase, even in my worst days I would always write against transphobes or acephobes.
Also, I literally live with someone who is ace, and still verbally support people who are trans and speak to people from the trans community who are actually kind people to this day.
The only accusation I had was "calling someone "they" is wrong!" when I legit did not know said person's pronouns and that has been used as a gender neutral way to refer to someone if someone is unsure of someone's pronouns (by both the cis community and trans community alike) for ages now.
Was it wrong for me to have made a callout post instead of blocking them? Definitely, but does that justify going after people that I care about and spreading petty rumors about said people? HELL no.
In a nutshell: Some of you people are legit acting like children.
You can easily just block someone if you disagree with them.
Instead, you choose to go on these tangents where gather as many people as you can to attack someone and spread rumors as a attempt to "deplatform" them.
Many doing the exact same levels of harassment as Vivziepop does.
"Deplatform" this. "Cancel!" that, what are you, 12?!
One of you legit went on our discord server, stalked us, and leaked a post that we CLEARLY said to NOT be leaked outside of discord.
And no, the original screenshot was not fucking shown "publicly".
A discord server is a group of people and you have to be invited or use an invite in order to use it, therefore, by definition it's private.
While Twitter is an public space, where ANYONE can join and see something easily using a link or a webpage.
You knew what you did was wrong, but did it anyway because "ya entitled for having a opinion about a cartoon I like!" and wanted an excuse to harass a couple of teenagers out of boredom.
At this point, im not even scared anymore.
This kind of behavior is just childish at most, pathetic at worst.
You want to know the worst part of it?
Much of the harassment I received was about Hazbin Hotel, a show with fictional characters, in a fictional world, in a cartoon! People sent me death threats, stalked me, and caused me to almost k*ll myself (an attempt to as well.) as a kid over a CARTOON.
All because I said that I had things I didnt like about it, suddenly, people treated it as if it was an insult to "everything" about them, thier entire being, like teenagers fighting over who stans a pop star the "best." or two kids screaming at eachother over who's the "strongest" in a show.
It's pathetic, and honestly I cant even take it seriously anymore because it's become so predictable and shallow that I almost expect people to be petty at this point. Like, when I was a kid, my arms would shake, I would cry, I would have su*cidal thoughts, and would break down since... you know... they did this to me as a kid.
But now, it's hilariously predicable how often these people scream at you over a bunch of drawings, some random social media drama no one will care about in a few years, and expect you to take them entirely seriously over how you furious they are about how insulted thier icon or thier "queen" or some drawing that's voiced over for a cartoon show, treating it like a person attack and again, wasting hours of thier time on things that doesnt even matter since the person they're intentionally trying to piss off wont even see it!
They act all proud, thier back hunched, thier teeth grinding as they slam thier keyboards for hours over some cartoon character they fawn over or some woman who they have never met, and at this point... all I can do is laugh, they cant even make a point for the life of them (let alone do much research outside of mostly headcannons or entirely made up fluff.) and then they act like it's some kind of achievement when they just screamed over nothing!
Especially since I could easily just block them, close the computer, and go talk to people who actually know and care about me.
Again, there will always be people who listen and understand.
Many wont, in fact, you'll interact with hundreds of scummy or outright awful people online, many will lie, spread shit (no matter how how ridiculous that it sounds, people will believe it if you find the "right" crowd for it.), scream at you, some will even do things that are outright illegal (also looking at you people who doxxed Vivziepop, dont think that I forgot about your asses either. I get that u dont like Viv but damn that was just disgusting.), again, our of mere boredom and a huge hate boner for said person.
It's ridiculous, and at this point ive just stopped caring.
Not just because its the inevitable seeing how batshit insane certain parts of this fandom is, but because its so pretentious, overdramatized to ridiculous extents, delusional, and just plain petty that people have become. Not just towards this (and my past) blog, but in general its gotten so ridiculous that's just plain snicker worthy of a trainwreck instead of the "scary" place I used to have seen it as back when I was a kid, what a fandom, holy shit!
#and the best fandom of the decade award goes to... /j#no really#this is just plain pathetic#half of you have never even met me#let alone spoken to me#or just believe things on a whim regardless of context.#also 'its ok Cherry wasnt really a bully!' really crow? are we REALLY going there after everything I told you?#you're just going to automatically trust them like that when you've SEEN how theyre treated people with your own eyes?#both I#my friends#and several others as well#you saw that? didnt you?#when they went after lemoncritiques?#when there was clear evidence that im NOT goddamn 12 lmao#you saw that?#are you really going to beleive that automatically? no questions asked?#how the fuck does someone say that theyre 'all about questioning things' and 'constructive critique' but then see someone with VERY similar#to Vivziepop and just not even question it (or barely do so?)#what the fuck is with some of the parts of the critical community and thier double standards towards behavior like this?#its like they only care more about deplatforming or cancelling Vivziepop's show at this point. Or just hate Vivziepop in genera.#it becomes more about cancelling Vivziepop#rather than to call out said type of behavior as a whole by speaking about EVERYONE who does it since if its wrong... no one should do it!#what happened to 'constructive' criticism? when was it about hating on viv JUST to hate on viv or taking sides regardless of context?#this is the exact shit Weasal warned me about when it comes to this part of the fanbase. GOD I should have listened more closely.#I should have trusted my gut when I saw the red flags and unfollowed a LOOOOOOONG time ago.#but no! people have to trust anything they see because 'it has a screenshot!' (regardless of context) or 'but they're 'nice'!'#some of this fandom is legit on crazy pills (or are concerningly easily convinced.) JESUS CHRIST. so glad that ive finally found some#decent people because that is so hard to find here these days in fandoms like these.#block button my beloved#oh yeah
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fluffytimearts · 3 years
Hello hello everyone! Today I found a interesting community as well as a interesting aesthetic called Dreamcore/Weirdcore or "Dreamy" and I was wondering if anyone can explain to me what it is!
I quite like it and want to learn more about it. So far I felt the definitions didn't help me much so I wanted ask those in and out the community about it and what their thoughts on it.
If all of you have the time to reblog or just direct message me that would be cool!
Thank you,
Tag List for anyone who might know this community on TikTok or Youtube or etc:
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snom0001inu · 3 years
Now that it's calm........
A lot went down and I want to apologize to everyone because that was not the intention whatsoever. I have not made commentary because I did not want to fuel the fire, nor was it my intention for others to become involved.
Let me make this very clear.
I blocked Starlatte first on Tumblr and then on Discord because she repeatedly crossed boundaries and as an adult, I felt the need to draw the line of communication there. The claims that I'm retaliating for being blocked are false and just straight petty.
The post I made was just to warn others and Star was never named in the post. SHE chose to publish Cherry's ask to publicize what was happening even after Cherry asked her to keep it private for her own safety.
I genuinely worry about Star, but she does not want to be helped, she wants to be enabled and a victim. I was civil with her, I really was. But I never claimed to be her best friend or ever said I would denounce the people she hates so much. When she first approached me about what-the-hazbin, I told her to prioritize her own mental health over my blog. She insisted she could handle it but still unfollowed me. I never took any negative interaction personally because she's a minor and I'm the adult.
Also, I am not affiliated with the people she pissed off earlier in the week due to her ignorance on the sex worker community. That's their beef and the fact that 2 different groups (fans and criticals) are saying the same things about her should be pretty telling.
(Readmore for more info but tbh, I don't like super long posts so I'm just going to ask that you DM me if you need me to clarify more)
Just.....take it from an adult who's already tried to deal with her nicely, do not personally interact with Star. She has an extreme parasocial relationship with Vivienne Medrano and just cannot keep being enabled by newcomers. We could've just blocked each other and left it at that but she always needs to be the victim and stir up drama, this is your warning sign if you've ever been hesitant about your interactions with her.
And yes, I still believe she is lying about her age. As I stated in my original post, someone already reported her blog under "harmful to minors". Again, if Star didn't blow this up as much as she did, nobody would know her dirty laundry. Tumblr isn't known for the best tech support, we all know this.
I believe she's lying about her age because she keeps miscalculating and claiming different ages. I know she's shown her "proof" but she's conveniently leaving out the part where she claims she was 12 in 2014 (meaning she's 19 turning 20). She also keeps switching between it being Autism that forced her to make the mistake in numbers, that her phone forced it, that her laptop forced it, that it's because Tumblr doesn't have autocorrect. It's a new lie for her everytime and she needs to stop being so harmful to herself and others. If doxxing was my intention, I would've done it without her consent. I wouldn't have allowed Cherry to reach out to her. Because yes, Cherry asked me if she could and I said it was fine but not to expect much since Star does not want help. If I wanted to doxx her, I could've done it a long time ago because she's always posting too much personal information without any prompting. She's been approached about this before and is hostile to anyone who points this out with an excuse that she's a minor, has Autism, is a POC, etc etc
I know Star's patterns and know for a fact she's been making posts about me after blocking me herself. I know this because again, I've seen her do it multiple times to other people. I took this chance when I blocked her and knew she'd throw a fit as soon as she saw that I was still civil with the people she wants everyone to hate. Which again, she wasn't supposed to see in the first place due to being blocked.
Feel free to verify the information about me yourself, I'm really sorry everyone that got involved had to be in the first place. But I promise you, Star is not a victim of abuse from her former friends. She's the main one with the abusive and manipulative behavior with the idea that she can control people and Vivienne Medrano.
Original "call out" post (April 21st, 2021): https://siaesnow.tumblr.com/post/649085106252890112/this-is-serious-yall-someone-ive-been
My archive for the month of April 2021 : https://siaesnow.tumblr.com/archive/2021/4
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woomycritiques543 · 2 years
Long Post, but honestly, I hate to have to get involved again but-
What is you people's deal over Starlatte27?!
Did she eat your baby? Steal your car? Break your fucking legs?
Because she was an asshole on Tapatalk but then apologized for it a year later? Because she had some shitty anti hazbin Tumblr she no longer wants to talk about because she hates it now and wants nothing to do with many of you because of the stalking, harassment, and death threats towards her? What's so different for her past self than so many of you assholes who'd rather spend hours of your time trying to track down a kid with your "YOURE STAR!!! COME OUT SO WE CAN BULLY YOU!!!" bullshit and harassing her freinds than to actually do something productive with your goddamn lives.
What's so special- that you have to stalk this kid for three whole fucking years?! How is her past behavior "so different" than "What The Hazbin" going after Star for telling her freinds to stop posting her deleted content and lying about her dms of when she melted down because they were fucking bullying her?! How was she different than any over "Anti Hazbin" blog at the time besides talking specifically about a blog that was well known at the time?
What's so different than ShowToonz liking one of What The Hazbin's posts of people giving them a pitty party over how they treated Star and the others without Star knowing! Stabbing her in the back- instead of having any sympathy for people WhatTheHazbin, Sia, or that other fan (she forgot their name) hurt and interacting with them despite knowing of what they did to her?! A true freind doesnt support people who repeatedly abused you and your freinds as a child. Anyone with a goddamn brain would put two and two together and not treat someone that way. Yet Show still did it, and tried to deny what they did despite clearly supporting WTH and their behavior with all the "ANTI HAZBIN! STAN!" crap. Or Devil's Advocutie traumatizing Star when she was only a teenager by trying to dig up her old Twitter to deframe her, near her birthday and Star reasonably being upset when she saw that one of her freinds named "Sia" supported this person because she realized how fucking shitty this person and other "Anti Hazbin" blogs that she knew at the time were actually acting. One of them even mocking someone for wearing a fucking t-shirt just because it had a Hazbin character on it! What?! Not trying to defend Star's past actions here-
But trying to chase her with her past as an excuse to stalk and attack the girl while acting like you're "so great!" for doing the same things she did is not the way to go. It makes you worse if anything.
It wasnt just Lemon either, Star told me that the context behind this blog was that they WTH and several others were harassing a suic^dal minor over a minor convienence in the discord server Star, WTH, and they were in and talking about them behind their back even after they apologized, being incredibly rude about it, etc. WhatTheHazbin never apologized for this, let alone pulling a "Tess Tyler" (Star's words, not mine.) and trying to pull down Star and other people for their past regardless if the behavior was repeated or not while not holding themself accountable and continuing to virtue signal and harass Star and her freinds on multiple occasions after this had happened.
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Star talking about what Sia did behind her back is what started the "Sia lying about Star's age" fiasco in the first place! Because of her being reasonablly- and I mean reasonably being upset over the fact that people were harassing her freinds and continuing to do so repeatedly despite Star begging them to stop! So you wanna talk to me about "harassment?" How about you talk about how you've been harassing this 20-fucking-1, since she was a minor! Some of you went further by attacking LemonCritiques and calling them "Star" to get people to attack their blog and anyone else accociated with her because you wanted to track Star down and "cancel" her for speaking out about those that harassed her mutuals that fucking badly just because she didnt want to join in on your bullying anymore.
What's so different about her that you have to stalk her for so long when she's just been trying to make a better name for herself somewhere else? Because from im seeing, who she was back then- is no different than those who are stalking her are now! Hell, I would even call how you're acting even worse because you're being nasty as all fuck by stalking some random kid, that you've never even met and calling it "holding her accountable" when it's all things she isnt even doing anymore, or things that she never even did at all!
It's creepy, ok? All of how some of you are treating Starlatte- It's creepy to stalk people! Especially if it's since she was a younger teen, all the way towards her near-20s because you refuse to accept the fact that people are going to criticize you for being an asshole or for making mistakes with your own criticisms, that your posts arent as perfect as you thought they were, that you are also someone to hold accountable when you make mistakes with what you write, that you couldn't move on fter having to face backlash for your own actions instead of it just being about Vivziepop all the time.
Chasing after a kid online to try to throw her reputation into the dirt/ruin her online life entirely, no matter how much she apolgizes, no matter how much she tries to tell you to leave her alone, over things she doesnt even do anymore because of how much you want to have "revenge!" for her speaking about how the people you idolize did something wrong (sound familiar?) isn't "online criticism"-
THIS IS STALKING! It's that simple.
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Showing this account because being a NSFW blog who stalks a child and not caring about whether your content traumatizes that kid or not, and being a stalker towards said child on top of it (this is a part of WTH's group in case anyone is wondering.) just because she announced that she doesnt support your group's actions anymore and trying to virtue signal your way out of admitting to the reason that you're really upset (SIA)- all this lying and harassment is nasty as hell! Cyberbullying of any kind is never ok! Please report these kinds of people. The bullying has to stop. Holy shit!
Also what's with the repitition of "you aint slick!" is this the same person?! WHAT THE FUCK?! 😂 Why are they back?! This part is honestly kind of funny- only because they're petty enough to try to bypass a block, bring up a situation that has nothing to do with their claim as a way to virtue signal their way into trying to ruin some kid's life by endlessly stalking her (when the "they" thing was just a calm critique discussion that ended with a apology from the other party that for all I know, this person know's nothing about). At first I was kind of bluffing when I said I wanted a break from Tumblr, but now im serious- some of you people are actually fucking disgusting. Have a nice "never talk to me or my freinds ever again!" thank you!
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ornithia · 3 years
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i got sick and tired of seeing her (and for anyone reading this, we're talking about that @starlatte27) clog my tags with literal bullshit and got lucky enough to happen upon her while she talking out of her ass on a subject i was significantly more familiar with than she (french animation).
too bad my words were wasted bc she literally took NOTHING away what i said and only kept trying to derail the convo by slinging false accusations my way ([and now she's even taking me out of context on more essay rants] which ... i do have to apologize for. she blocked me so now i don't have to see her in the tags but she didn't have the courtesy to block the rest of the website so now you're all stuck with that aftermath).
also, that she had the audacity to call me a coward, when i was direct and to the point about everything i said? while she kept jumping back and forth just to seem like she was constantly in the "right" is hilarious. she thought i was mad at her bc she's a hazbin/helluva critical and no, those shows have genuine flaws, i won't deny that (and just for transparency's sake, i do enjoy hazbin significantly more than helluva boss) - but i literally was just mad about her willing crusade of ignorance (in addition to a few other pet peeves i will elaborate on) -
but just - to blame them for real world problems is about as bad as boomers blaming video games for school shootings. maybe if she (and other) antis would put even an ounce of that passion into real-world victims of abuse and violence they'd actually change the world but noo, i guess it's so much easier to feed your "hero" complex when you don't actually have real lives on a literal deadline to weight on your conscious if you don't actually manage to get anything done, right?
anyway, @starlatte27, this one's for you - and i wasn't even actually going to bring it up, except you called me a "coward hiding behind a screen", and now that i'm seeing how you're conveniently editing your posts after you blocked me (which you are free to do, but not so that you can play revisionist history) and taking my words out of context (and i gave you SO much context to work with) -
you're not just deliberately dense, you are maliciously manipulative, and i can't tell if you just fail to see the hypocrisy, or if you really are just a kid shamelessly lying on the internet just so that you can earn some internet points so that your "much older" internet friends with give you a sad pat on the back, but you are not an ally to survivors. AND you're acephobic, to boot:
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i sent this anon message to her a few days ago in response to [this post] and its [follow-up] (bc i hate typing on my phone and i didn't want to log onto tumblr from my work computer)
how did she respond? by taking me out of context [here] (there were undoubtedly other anons, possibly including the original, but her response to my parts were wildly exaggerated, so i can only assume the worst for theirs, too)
and what did she do when i asked her to actually publish her asks, in full context like a self-respecting person who isn't afraid of being called out for lying?
(my ask, by the way. for context): asexual anon here. i only sent 2 asks, and i have no idea who else sent anything, but how about you post everyone's full asks for full context instead of hiding behind vague accusations like a coward? because how dare you call me acephobic when i've been asexual for longer than you've been alive. you're a literal child at 17, what are you even doing in adult fandom spaces when you're clearly not mature enough to even comprehend what a "story" is?
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src: https://starlatte27.tumblr.com/post/647030273639383040/you-hearin-somthin
real mature 🙄 maybe i was a bit harsh, i will admit, but she was infantilising my sexuality and being patronising, to boot. as an asexual, i wasn't viewing valentino as a character to be 'thirsted' over (and even THAT isn't a crime for those people who like his aesthetic, so long as they recognise that he is fictional) - i was viewing him as a villain to be reckoned with, a plot point to be resolved. i despise his character archetype, but i can also respect the role he provides for the narrative because he is what gives angel and vox and charlie and vaggie and alastor and whoever the fuck else is used by him and/or disgusted by what he represents a reason to change the status quo that surrounds them. THAT is called critical thinking.
ps: oh by the way, she also pulled the stupid "stop it guys i'm just a kid on the internet :-)" bullshit here, too:
src: https://starlatte27.tumblr.com/post/647023177902489601/my-asks-are-getting-attacked-by-valentino-fans seriously grow the fuck up
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petitprincess1 · 3 years
So who is gonna tell starlatte27 that the receipts blog is Trick's sock account, since she is surprised it attacking her
I mean, to be fair, I'd be shocked too if a blog called "petitprincess1receipts" was attacking someone that was not in that title. Very misleading, if I'm gonna be completely honest :3
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pride-all-day · 3 years
maybe be careful before interacting with starlatte27: siaesnow(.)tumblr(.)com(/)post(/)649446774831005696(/)now-that-its-calm
Any particular reason why? You can't just pull up and say that and then not give me reasons as to why.
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genderfluidlucifer · 3 years
I won’t go into too much details on the whys of why these people have been added to this blog’s dni list except in IMs or discord DM’s for now. Anti antis: Picturesbybest Slogbait yugimew Voru5 Iggycat95 Novadly Jesterpestermanifester Antis: Witheredbonnie/furryphobia Snartburger (idk if she even still goes by that url anymore) Kindestegg Poobit Saltysapphire Critically-seymour i-am-loco Stephanos-spaceopera Residentevil-4 Hypnomoneyfirehands People who act like they’re in between: Rainbowsans Uwuowoazu Starlatte27
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chinesegal · 3 years
Vaggie and anger
@starlatte27 I dont really agree with you on everything regarding Hazbin/helluva, but I do agree with your criticism about Vaggie "being drawn as angry even though that doesnt reflect her character".
For a very long time I felt very frustrated and even angry that people criticizing Hazbin Hotel said that Vaggie "shows no other emotion than anger and is angry over the slightest thing" because that isnt true to her character at all. I'm not latino and I really want to avoid invalidating latino people who have their concerns about how Vaggie's portrayed, but as of late I've realized that the issue isnt critizism so much as character analysises of Vaggie that dont make sense at all. She is clearly calm and gentle to her gf and only flares up when her friends and loved ones are in danger.
Long ago, when I tried debating someone over their opinion on Vaggie (and I understand now that it was wrong of me) I asked how she is any different from Katara or any character who feels angry when her loved ones are threatened. I compared Vaggie to Katara because I didnt see them as much different in personality, they arent overly aggressive, only when protective.
I think the fact that while she isnt angry all the time, she does show more aggression and exaggerated than the other Hazbin characters is what leads people to think this.
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fluffytimearts · 3 years
I just realized. I made a lot of friends and for some reason people are way to nice to me
@averageagenderjoe @eddiestan34 @oswald-pengu1n-cobblepot @mystery-of-arkham-asylum @jeremiah-va1eska @apologies-from-jerome-valeska @acrylic-kettle @starlatte27 @perfusio @harudnae
These are some of the friends and mutuals I met on Tumblr and honestly they are great people and I learned a lot from some of them :)
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saschagemruler · 3 years
Hey, a few things as heads up. @starlatte27 is an acephobe, transphobe, and a whorephobe. She lied about people in the fandom being pedophiles, attacked a survivor, lied about her age (she's 17 and shouldn't be in the fandom to begin with), manipulated facts to make people like her, and misgendered a trans person. Be careful.
Oh damn thanks for warning me. I’ll unfollow her right now 🖤
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