#Would it be the wol this time or another random scion
sapphire-scarletta-wol · 10 months
Ff14 thoughts
The exarch has accidentally seen most of the scions naked except for the wol who is the only one he was prolly hoping to accidentally see naked
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myreia · 4 months
anxiety - for the random word generator prompt!
thanks, Sea! This took so long to finish ahhh - and it's in three parts because I'm a fool.
Chapter Rating: Teen Characters: Aureia Malathar (WoL), Thancred Waters, Minfilia Warde, Yda Hext, Scions of the Seventh Dawn Pairings: Aureia/Thancred (pre-relationship) Chapter Words: 1,516 Notes: A Realm Reborn, set during A Wild Rose by Any Other Name. Summary: Aureia’s inauguration into the Scions of the Seventh Dawn should be cause for celebration, yet she cannot shake her feelings of unease. These newfound friends of hers may have the best of intentions, but is she anything more than a means to an end in their hands? Chapters: part one • part two • part three Read on AO3
The low hum of chatter murmurs in her ears.
Aureia exhales a breath, her eyes closed, and folds her arms as she leans against the wall. The conversation is near enough for her to make out, but too far away for it to be intelligible. Overlapping voices, ebbing and flowing like the changing tide. She’s always found something irksome about the sound of distant voices. It gnaws at her mind, thinning her patience, provoking her to snap with each passing moment. The irritation is irrational, and yet she cannot put it aside. 
Thancred’s laugh rings across the room.
Her eyes fly open. She shakes herself, rearranging her expression into one of careful neutrality. She closed her eyes for only a moment; chances are no one noticed the difference. No one seems to notice much about her now the introductions are over and her task has been assigned. She may as well melt into the wall for all the difference her presence makes.
Thancred stands in the centre of the little group, a grin spread from ear to ear. He speaks animatedly, bright and cheerful in a way she hasn’t seen before. If she thought Ul’dah was his natural element, he has proved her wrong. He’s open and relaxed, slipping into the kind of casual comfort only found among friends. His language has shifted, using terms she has never heard before with easy confidence, contributing to topic that make her head spin. She always thought his academic side was an exaggeration, a little white lie he spun to make himself sound impressive when flirting.
Yet another thing she was wrong about.
The white-haired Miqo’te—Y’shtola, she reminds herself—chuckles and presses a hand to her lips, her eyes shining with mirth. The young woman in the visor—Yda, was it?—bounces on the balls of her feet and pipes up with excitement, earning her a withering headshake from the Lalafellin mage. Papalymo, if she remembers correctly. Even the towering Elezen, his face obscured by his hood and goggles, is warm and welcoming despite his reserved nature. Urianger, did they say his name was?
She hasn’t said a word to him. She hasn’t said a word to any of them.
These people here, these friends of Thancred’s, these Scions… The camaraderie between them is clear. From their identical tattoos to their amiability in each other’s presence, she has no doubt they have been friends for a long time. Comrades bound together, if not by shared experience, then by something just as strong. Purpose. Ambition. Duty.
It hurts more than she would like to admit.
“I am forever grateful, you know.”
Aureia looks up.
Minfilia stands a few feet away, eyes bright, smile soft, blonde hair glowing in the solar’s warm light. For the leader of a covert organization, she is not what Aureia expected. She thought she would be meeting a hardened veteran, grounded and devoid of the usual idealistic nonsense, with a keen understanding of the difference between lofty aspirations and harsh reality. The kind of person prepared to do whatever it took to see their goals realized. A spymaster or a soldier or a general.
Not a woman younger than herself who wears her heart on her sleeve.
Aureia bites her tongue. “What for?” she asks, trying to keep her tone neutral. 
Minfilia looks away, a faint blush on her cheeks. “Forgive me,” she says. “I am getting ahead of myself. A little context is necessary, perhaps. When your name was first made known to me, I thought you the same as many an Eorzean adventurer. Reckless, inspired, some seeking adventure for fame and fortune, others for the thrill of danger, others still simply for the honest work. But your deeds speak for themselves.”
She pauses and regards her quietly. Though her blue eyes are kind, there is something unsettling about their intensity. “It was never about the rewards, was it? You care about those you aid. In you there is the ability and the skill to make a difference, and so you do—for how could you not?”
Aureia blinks. “I…”
“Thancred told me much of your adventures in Ul’dah.”
“He… did?” Somehow he never thought to mention you.
Minfilia’s smile brightens. “Every time without fail he returned to the Waking Sands, he had one tale or another to tell of his adventurer friend in the city. Yda, Papalymo, and Y’shtola certainly did not have quite as much to say about their own connections. I admit, I was perhaps a little uncertain at first—we both know his tendency to be a relentless flirt—but having met you… I daresay I see now why he can wax poetic about you when given the chance—” She cuts off abruptly, suddenly serious, and places a hand on her arm. “Please do not tell him I said as much, I will never hear the end of it.”
Aureia blinks again, uncertain what to make of any of this. Minfilia speaks to her less like a venerated leader and her new employer and more like they are close friends. Stalling for time, she risks a quick glance across the solar to the little group. Thancred is laughing again. Countering something Urianger said, he takes up his customary lean against the wall and crosses his arms. As he sweeps his hair out of his eyes, he looks away and his eyes connect with hers.
She frowns.
He raises an eyebrow.
Her frown deepens. “Don’t worry,” she says absently. “I’ll keep it to myself.”
Minfilia lets out a relieved breath and removes her hand. “Thank you. I suppose… I apologize for my awkwardness, but when I said that I am forever grateful, I did indeed mean it. I know I expressed as much earlier in an official capacity, but I would like to thank you again on more personal terms, as a newfound friend and ally. It should come as no surprise to you that our work presents many dangers and comes at a high cost. Trust is imperative. We must have faith and trust one another to do what must be done. It is the best chance we have to forge a brighter tomorrow.”
Aureia nods, still distracted. A glint catches her eye—the shattered remains of a mage’s staff, mounted and displayed on the wall behind the antecedent’s desk. She noticed it when she first entered the solar, but she didn’t truly take stock of it until now. Though it is broken, she can sense the remnants of powerful aether emanating from it, murmuring in deep slumber.
“I see in you a kind soul,” Minfilia continues. “A good soul. Someone of your skill and talent could have gone anywhere, but you chose to come to us. We will do well with someone like you among us, I am certain of that.”
She blinks again, forcing her sluggish mind to focus on Minfilia’s words. Despite the kindness extended to her, she can’t shake the anxiety growing in the pit of her stomach. As far as first impressions go, this perception of her could not be more wrong.
“…thank you,” she murmurs, stumbling on her own words. Her throat is uncomfortably dry.
“I am so very glad you are here. Perhaps we are kindred spirits of a kind.”
“I…”—don’t know about that—“…maybe. Perhaps.” The affirmation slips out unintended, and she curses internally.
“The Echo is a heavy gift,” Minfilia continues. “A blessing, to be sure, but not one borne easily.”
Aureia freezes, a chill running down her spine.
“As advantageous as it is, it comes with its own burdens. I cannot say we fully comprehend it, even for those of us who have carried it through most of our lives.” Minfilia’s eyes meet hers. “I beg your pardon if this is improper, but I must ask—when did you first hear Her call?”
Her heart clenches. The power has always been with her, whispering at the edges of her mind, sometimes quiet, other times compelling her to action. In the same breath it has shown her things she wished she had never seen, it has also saved her life.
She can’t remember a time without it.
She wishes it was gone.
“I…” She has never discussed it with another. Such a gift was too dangerous to bring attention to in Garlemald, though her mother often suspected there was more to her capabilities than what was natural. Even in the relative safety of Eorzea, she would rather pretend she wasn’t gifted with it. “I should go. Thank you for your hospitality, Minfilia. I will look into the Amajina robbery as soon as I am able.”
The words come out fast and abrupt, any semblance of familiarity reverted to distanced professionalism. Uncertain whether to bow (a sign she’s been around too much Ul’dahn nobility recently) or to nod (the easy way out) or to shake her hand (awkward), Aureia simply turns around and walks stiffly to the door.
She can feel Thancred’s eyes on her as she slips through the threshold and into the cold hallway beyond.
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autumnslance · 9 months
Since you're very knowledgeable about meta and lore for XIV, I was wondering if you've heard much about the original ideas for XIV and how it was supposed to connect to XIII and XV? I recently reran the Antitower and it seemed like they were really setting up a dark storyline for Hydaelyn and Minfilia that potentially extends all the way to ShB. There's the art of Minfilia in crystal chains and the creepy dolls are such a random boss but might be a callout to the Minfilias sacrificed on the First. I know XV was originally going to have an evil god pretending to be good with a connection to a crystal, and I recall hearing something similar about XIII. The fact that Venat also uses Noctis' Armiger has been fascinating me since EW. It's all got me curious, but I'm not sure if it's something that's been discussed in interviews or by fans.
Nothing that I'm overtly aware of; different teams worked on XIII and XV, and while all FF's tend to reference one another in order to tie the series together, XIV as the MMO amusement park/love letter to the franchise as a whole tends to refer back to the other games frequently, borrowing concepts, characters, and rough plot elements. Also there's a lot of overlap in production times, hence the crossover events for XIII and XV we did have before (the latter one a couple times) upon those games' releases.
As for events in Heavensward with Minfilia, I don't think Hydaelyn was ever meant to be "evil", but She was always holding things back and giving Her specific point of view. Minfilia's chains can also simply mean the shackles of duty and binding herself to Hydaelyn the way she did, not necessarily anything malevolent on Hydaelyn's part.
It's also important to remember that the Zodiark/Hydaelyn storyline was inherited from 1.x, kinda fiddled with in the background...and then really delved into and overhauled while we players saw a "break" from the meta plot in Stormblood. Ishikawa took over as Writing Lead and adjusted course for Shadowbringers and Endwalker.
So there's some fine details from ARR and HW that don't quite fit or make sense now after ShB and EW, though the devs have gone back and massaged a few things (like in the Lahabrea solo duty post-Ultima Weapon) or did their best to explain it away. I'm currently (very slowly) replaying EW on my miqo'te alt, and the Watcher gives the very Ghostly Obi-Wan "truth from a certain point of view" talk when the Scions meet with him on the moon. And later, after meeting Venat, we also get the idea that to preserve the time loop and make sure we got to where we needed to be, She was playing chess games on what She had to say and do, and when, as Hydaelyn.
And the writers are very fond of biased/not always accurate in-world knowledge, in order to give themselves wiggle room; the new lorebook really emphasizes that.
The Watcher's relevant dialogue, with WoL's options:
The Watcher: Indeed, there was a faction opposed to Zodiark's creation. But their aim was never to unmake Him. The Watcher: They understood the continued preservation of the natural order was dependent on His very existence. Until we could identify and address the underlying cause of the Final Days, He would need remain, for His departure would set in motion those apocalyptic forces once more. The Watcher: Hydaelyn recognized this as well. And so, rather than destroy, She sundered Zodiark, Herself, and the star into lesser reflections, that She might confine Him in this place. WoL Dialogue Options & Watcher's Responses: I could have sworn She beseeched me to banish the Darkness. The Watcher: Perhaps She did. But as with all beings, intent is not always in accord with spoken word. -- Then what She told me in the aetherial sea was false…? The Watcher: That the two once dwelled as one until Zodiark grew hungry for power, upsetting the balance twixt Them...? Not quite a lie, though a rather gross embellishment. The Watcher: But knowing what you know now, you must surely realize why She might opt to obfuscate and mislead. --- The Watcher: Hydaelyn and Zodiark are both constructs of man. Approximations of perfection limited by our own imperfections.
If anyone does have more information on the meta of XIV's interactions and influences back and forth with XIII and XV, or the original plans for XIV's Zodiark/Hydaelyn story (might be a good question for Anonymoose) by all means speak up; I wasn't really as active in XIV at the time when those other games were current.
But it also bears mentioning that while there's a lot of familiar concepts, names, and imagery in XVI, which was created by the same team as XIV, like all the other games before it that is normal to make it part of the franchise, and so XVI is very much its own world and story, not reliant on XIV, nor is XIV reliant upon it.
Though I for one am looking forward to that crossover and getting my Torgal mount and minion and hopefully Cid Telamon's theme for my orchestrion.
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disciple-of-frost · 1 year
Holy Shit, Oh My God, This Is a Long Ass Lore Post
Alrighty then. Thank you to @hikari-ni-naritai for the absolute plethora of questions. To be honest a lot of these are questions I never really considered before, so I gotta do a bit of digging around in my brain meat.
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2.) How did they acquire their Echo?
I never thought of this before, but I now want Ishi to have acquired it after going on her investigation in Kugane to find her parents. She looked/asked around for an Auri couple for what felt like an enternity and one night as she went to sleep after a particularly fruitless day of questioning she had an incredibly vivid dream. A woman's voice, stars raining down from the sky, etc. The next day after walking through the Ijin District she witnessed a Garlean accosting some random passerby and she experienced her first Echo vision. She saw the same Garlean accusing her parents of espionage and took them into custody. The only lead she had after that was that they were taken somewhere called Castrum Abania.
3.) Does their Echo function like it does in the MSQ? Or is there a twist to it? 
I think Ishi's Echo would function like the one we have in game for the most part. But, I LOVE the idea that the Echo allows the character to see the different battle mechanics that we, the player, are able to see and that is why our WoL is so hard to beat in combat.
5.) Where are they from? What was their childhood like?
Ishi grew up in The Tail Mountains, the home of the Angura tribe, with her mother (Veda), father (Ashish), and step sister (Willow). She was a bit of a know it all and super arrogant when she was little because all of the adults in her life would heap praise on her and call her a child prodigy because of her natural aptitude for magic. After her parents found Willow abandoned and took her in she mellowed out a bit, but was still a bit prideful. She didn't have many friends because of her attitude, but the one friend she did have, Varun, saw the good in her and he was the only person she could be completely vulnerable around.
7.) How did they deal with Haurchefant’s death? 
.:Stars Align:. Ishi didn't personally know him that well. The only frame of reference she had for his character was through U'tala and how his death impacted her.
.:Diamond Aegis:. Ishi thought of him like another brother, very similar to Varun, both men being very bubbly and their strong willingness to defend the innocent. When he died she was devastated, but she didn't have time to mourn him properly so she was fairly cold and distant, she cut herself off from her emotions to an extant in order to continue on with the pursuit of Thordan.
11.) Were they more sympathetic to the dragons, Ishgardians, neither or both? 
100% sympathetic to the dragons. In my .:Stars Align:. timeline she straight up joined the heretics because Ysayle showed her the truth to the Holy See's transgressions. Though she did come to the conclusion that it was wrong that the innocents of Ishgard were going to be the ones to pay for the consequences of their ancestors deeds and that the Church was content with that if it meant Thordan stayed the Arch Bishop.
13.) Are they close with any of the other Scions? Who do they get along with the best? 
Ishi get's along with basically all of the Scions, but she is closest to Y'shtola, G'raha, and Alisaie. Y'shtola she sees as an academic rival and love's having intellectual conversation with her. G'raha is her platonic soulmate, they bring out best in each other. Alisaie is her pupil, in my canon Ishi was the one to teach her Red Magic, with X'rhun's help of course, put Ishi was her primary teacher.
17.) Who is their favorite Alliance leader? Who do they get along with the best out of them? 
I'm just gonna say that anytime I see Aymeric pop up on screen I act like a giddy school girl and leave it at that.
19.) What do they think of the Heaven’s Ward? 
Bastards, the lot of them. Thordan's perosnal goon squad and nothing more.
23.) Are there any side quest storylines that you’re particularly fond of or think of as being canon to your WoL’s experiences? 
The Hildebrand Quests are all canon for Ishi. I used to be of the opinion that the quests were too silly, but my partner and I did them all together and I was able to see the heart in them and have fun with the silliness.
29.) Did your WoL suspect anything was amiss with Urianger or the Crystal Exarch? Did they feel betrayed? Upset? When the truth finally emerged? 
She believed Urianger up until she overheard the argument between him and Y'shtola, if Y'shtola was able to tell something was off then it warranted concern. She even opened the door and joined in on the conversation too, if this concerned her safety and the safety of the group then she felt she should be privy to any information Urianger had.
The Exarch was a little more complicated, though Ishi did have her suspicions that he was in fact G'raha Tia she didn't push him on the matter. Hells, the last time they interacted she didn't even know if G'raha saw her as anything more than a work colleague or that he cared enough about her to keep secrets from her. So her initial interactions with him were very professional, but through his actions she could see that The Exarch was a genuinely good person. When she saw that she was right about The Exarch and G'raha being the same person it initially hurt, this person she cared about lied about who he was so she wouldn't try to stop him from killing himself to save everyone, to save people he would never get the chance to know.
31.) What were their first impressions of Hien? 
Ishi thought Hien was going to be another super serious noble who only cared about his royal duty, but seeing his warmth, kindness, and playful banter with Yugiri and Gosetsu made her reconsider that stance.
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mmorpg-escapism · 5 months
I have just enough energy in me tonight for my favorite solo duty. This one's a doozy, and the final thing that stands between us and Endwalker! ...which I'll start tomorrow. There are also some Thoughts on the expansion as a whole at the end under the cut.
For those of you who have been keeping an eye on this journey, thank you ❤ It's not over yet and is most definitely going to loop back to stuff I did before starting here: there will eventually be another run through ARR to current sometime after the graphics update hits every expansion, so likely late next year. I've got a hrothgal waiting in the wings for that one... and do plan to do this to Dawntrail on my main with appropriate spoilers tagged as well as the usual one. We shall see how that goes.
Now, into the duty!
Alphinaud's character growth is so very visible to us after Arenvald's pep talk. The kid is a natural-born leader, and despite his mistakes he has enough confidence to really use his gifts... after a little push from his friends and family.
And now, we fight! The Scions take the field in full force - first as a group, and then splitting up across the field to take charge of several enemies. Our first stop is us clearing the field of a LOT of tempered Imperials... then splitting up to find and deal with Lunar Primals wherever we can while G'raha holds the fort.
And now, the real fun: We get to cosplay as a few of the Scions! Starting with Alisaie! RDM is my favorite caster, and this simplified take on it is very much faithful to my experience with it itself. Lots of little enemies, one big one, and a very fun slice-n-dice playground.
Development: "Random" magical glyphs that are pointed at the heart of a massive "aetheric confluence" - which is just a fancy way of describing a spot where several aetheric currents meet - and Y'shtola's guess is that they're there to enable some seriously nasty disasters should one of the Grape-flavored Primals reach and destroy one. Cool, the stakes have risen.
Split #2 has us afield as Urianger's Astro, facing Lunar Odin - which I did NOT do in my original playthrough nor this one, so I had no idea what to expect. I'm not an Astro player, but after some experience with one of my static members being... particularly annoyed with it, this wasn't quite so bad. Odin down!
Split #3 is back to G'raha and Alisaie, but now we're playing as G'raha who is some combo of BLM and WHM, facing off with Lunar Ravana. Big stabby sword bug. Woo. He's just as cool as the original fight, if a little toned down for story and "2-man" reasons. Big stabby stuff, and even an excuse to use G'raha's Break spell! Bugman down!
Now, back to the WoL with Estinien and Alphinaud facing down the monster that crippled Arenvald: Grape Ifrit. This one's personal. And boy howdy wthat one was the most intense of the three. Fire everywhere, a big LB3-like thing out of Estinien, the works. But it's the last of the primals, and we're all still alive.
I love this duty so very much. Not only because we get to spend some time as our Scion friends. Not only because we get to fight primals in a more one-on-one style that helps me imagine how to write it when I get there. It's also because there are stakes going in - stop the crazy person with lots of power who's trying to end the world - that become more specific during the fight, and then when the evil plan is thwarted, they don't just gloss over the aftermath.
We get to see our friends being VERY human. Alisaie is exhausted and berating herself for not doing enough. Alphinaud cannot stand losing anyone, and we have to watch him fight that when his healing isn't enough to save the man in front of him. We see the Grand Company of Eorzea at work - city-state leaders and beastmen tribes alike working together to cure the tempered. We cannot save everyone, an Amalj'aa warrior reminds the Scions, but those we have saved would not have been if not for you.
"So please, hold your heads high." The entire bustling field stopped and listened. Every single country we have visited, from the Alliance to Doma, is represented here. Standing behind the Scions, who gave everything they had to win the day, despite the cost. The moon breaks through the clouds above, and one last time we hear the Shadowbringers main theme break through as everyone gathered stares up at it, and the credits roll.
As I sit and process this entire expansion one more time, it's clear... Shadowbringers fundamentally alters your brain chemistry. That's from one of the posts going around the week I wrapped this up, and it is extremely accurate. We started all the way back in ARR as an adventurer with a gift, but little else, and got used. We slowly turned into something else on our way into Heavensward ("What are you?" - Thordan VII after we beat him) and used the power we had to liberate two entire countries from the Garlean empire alongside our friends, then watched them get snatched away from us for some unknown reason.
And then we went to where they were and found ourselves embroiled in a world that flipped the script on everything we knew. Light was bad, Dark was good, and everything we thought we knew was wrong. Discoveries with ripple effects that will be felt through Endwalker and beyond were made, and two entire worlds were changed as a result.
I'm not that good at analyzing story, or at least I didn't think I was when I started. All I knew is that this expansion was The Best that FFXIV had to offer, and I wanted to find ways to articulate why I thought that. I think I've succeeded, at least a little. I'm very excited for Endwalker and Dawntrail and beyond. Maybe I'll even get some creative spark going and write more of ARW for your enjoyment and my own - I want to do more than think about my blorbo :)
One more Arenvald Appreciation post tomorrow, most likely, and then into Endwalker!
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therisingphoenixden · 2 years
Prompt #27: Calm Within the Storm
Prompt: Hail
Characters: Berude Eijinn (WoL), Thancred Waters, brief appearance by Urianger at the end.
Content Warnings: Little bit for Endwalker at the end.
Author’s Notes: I decided to go soft today and show that even the most fearless heroes can still have one weakness - a fear of storms. Soft WoL/Thancred/Urianger cuddles at the end if you like that sort of thing!
Weather in the Steppe was always fairly consistent. Rain was common enough, but storms were incredibly rare. The first time Berude witnessed a storm was during the journey from Kugane to the port city of Limsa Lominsa, and she spent most of that time sick in her bunk with how the sea tossed and turned. She was grateful when the ship finally docked and all but ran off the vessel at the time.
The second major storm hit when she was adventuring through Thanalan - a dust storm this time. As she ducked into the nearest shelter, rubbing the grit from her eyes, she spotted a lalafell chucking at her misfortune. Luckily, the lalafell was surprisingly sympathetic to her plight and gave her a pair of goggles and a scarf to keep the sand out of her face in future dust storms.
The worst storm, however, hit in the middle of investigating the Camp Drybone disappearances. She had been running back to the settlement from the chapel when pebble-sized chunks of ice hurtled from the skies!
She ran. It was all she could do. She ran for the inn and ducked into a room at random, armor soaked through and bruised from the tiny ice pebbles. Her hearing was still ringing from where the ice impacted her horns and her tail flicked back and forth rapidly in agitation. At least she was out of that awful rain and…icy pebble rain!
The sound of a throat clearing behind her cut through the hollow clacking that still echoed through her horns and she slowly turned. “Oh, sweet Nhaama,” she cried out, covering her eyes. She hadn’t seen much, but she had just walked in on Thancred, also completely sopping wet from the storm, but completely skyclad. “Thancred, I am so sorry!” She felt her cheeks burning from embarrassment. 
He chuckled, low and warm to her slowly recovering hearing, and cracked an eye open just in time to see him fastening a dry pair of pants around his hips. “My dear Berude, I should apologize for startling you so,” he began, but found himself cut off when a loud crack of thunder caused the au ra to nearly leap in fear. “Such weather is unusual to you?”
She nodded, eyes wide as her tail flicked violently. “At least the intensity. And I never encountered icy pebbles falling from the sky!” 
“Icy…pebbles?” He pondered her words for a moment. “You mean the hail?” She nodded. “Ah, yes. It is troublesome. We never really had hail in Sharlayan.” He stared up at the ceiling and continued talking about Sharlayan weather, but Berude realized it wasn’t the echo of the hail that impacted her horns she kept hearing. It was still falling!
Although she was now a member of the Scions and a fully-grown woman, she whimpered when another loud crack of thunder echoed through the inn. It was extremely unbecoming, and she could almost hear the Oronir’s taunting words for her weakness in the face of the storm’s fury. Just like a Mol to fear the fury of the storm. “It sounds very close.”
“I’d wager it’s right on top of us at present,” he murmured thoughtlessly as his gaze panned back down from the ceiling to his fellow Scion. Was she…shaking? Thancred frowned and realized he would need to choose his words far more carefully. “Would you prefer it if we batten down in here until it passes?” 
With a pitiful sniffle, she nodded. “I think my spare clothes are also wet,” she muttered sadly as she looked at the state of her pack.
“I have a spare shirt you may make use of,” Thancred offered. “On the table, just there.” It was the least he could do to help her feel safe.
“Please don’t look.” She sounded pathetic, Berude realized. But Thancred nodded politely and turned around, permitting her the privacy she wanted as she peeled the sodden leather armor from her body. The shirt Thancred had mentioned sat atop a small table near the bed, and she sighed happily at how soft and warm the white cotton kurta was against her cold, damp skin. “You may look now.”
Despite his reputation as a rake, Thancred knew when a situation called for roguish charm and when it called for more delicate handling. His distraught colleague was definitely the latter. She joined him on the bed and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “I suppose I could tell you some stories, help pass the time while we wait for the storm to pass.”
Several years had passed since that first incident, yet Berude was still not fond of storms, it seemed. Thancred awoke as Berude attempted to burrow deeper between his and Urianger’s sleeping bodies, almost hiding under both men to escape the storm. “Dearest,” he murmured in a half-asleep haze, “come here.” He curled his arms around her slender body as a storm ravaged Radz-at-Han. 
He felt the bed sheets shift around as Urianger’s long arms came up to pull them both closer, the elzen still soundly sleeping off the effects of the aether sickness all three had been afflicted by during their travels. “We’ve got you, love. Promise.” He sealed his promise with a kiss to the dot of scales between her eyebrows. Behind her, Urianger offered a less-than-eloquent grunt of agreement in his sleep.
No matter what the future would bring them in this battle against the Telophori, he knew that the both of them would protect her from any storm.
Outside, the storm raged on and tiny hailstones clattered against shuttered windows.
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nemir · 3 years
𝕤 𝕡 𝕝 𝕖 𝕟 𝕕 𝕚 𝕕
» pairing; haurchefant greystone x rhen {my wol}
» word count: 6k!!! EXACTLY.
» content; mutual pining, mixed messages, adult themes,
» an; written over the course of a few days while listening to Kiss from a Rose by Seal on repeat fjgdkljd (also huge shoutout to the Haurchefant I've been hanging out with, you're an inspiration to us all)
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"Curse the twelve for this weather! It's too damn cold." A viera woman pushed her way through the front doors of a stone building at Camp Dragonhead, giving little care to the volume - and tone - of her voice. She shivered once inside, pulling the large hood from her cloak back off her head. Jet black ears sprang up immediately, to which her hands lifted to smooth out her choppy black hair. "Right. Where is he?"
The sell-swords and infantrymen who were keeping warm by the fire inside blinked, heads tilting. "Er … Who, ma'am?"
The woman balked. "What do you me--" She stopped herself short and let out a short breath. "Pray, forgive me. My name is Rhen Hrafna, I'm looking for Lord Haurchefant Greystone. Is he in?" She crossed her arms beneath her cloak, the tiniest hint of a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips; one that nobody would be able to see unless they were up close.
"M-my lady! Our deepest apologies!" The men and women who stood suddenly straightened their backs and saluted, and the ones who remained seated bowed their heads in both shame and reverence. "He's stepped out for but a moment! I-is there anything we can do for you in the meanti-"
"Leave." A single word. It was curt and blunt, but it wasn't filled with malice or meant to cause harm. It was a simple request, as made evident by the viera's smile. The infantrymen took it as an order, and all let out a breath of relief. It meant they were able to go to the mess hall to eat and kick their feet up for a time. A short time, as peace was not something the Highlands knew much of, but it was welcomed nonetheless. "And please," she spoke as they filed out, passing by them as she made her way further into the room, "only return if it is an absolute emergency. Important Scion matters, and whatnot." Rhen rolled her hand in a nonchalant circle, to which some of the infantrymen snickered and rolled their eyes but nodded in understanding all the same, and finally Rhen was left alone.
It wasn't for long. As she hopped up onto the long desk that stood at the far back of the room and leaned forward with her palms pressed into the solid wood, the front doors opened again letting in a blast of cold winter air. "Best to keep bundled up out there, my friends! The wind is blowing something fierce!" A tall elezen man had come in and quickly closed the door behind him. His silver-blue hair tumbled out from his helm as he pulled it off, giving his head a single shake before turning around to a near-empty room. "Ah."
"Lord Haurchefant." Rhen remained on the desk, her legs crossing at the knee. "Braving the weather, I see? And what, pray tell, was so important that made you late for our meeting?" She was teasing him, of course. Even if she could keep a serious tone, her face would give it away in an instant.
"If it isn't my favourite champion! I do so sincerely apologize for the delay, and I hope you are willing to forgive me. It was not very noble of me to keep a lady waiting - especially one as important as you." His lips grew into a long, thin smile, brilliant blue eyes practically glimmering beneath the lights. He strode across the room, arms opening wide as he drew closer to the viera woman. "Could you find it in your heart of hearts?"
"Hmm... I'm not so sure, my Lord." Rhen's head canted to the side, her own grin growing to match his. She pressed a finger to her chin and tapped it a few times, "Perhaps," she started, noting his crestfallen face, "a hot cocoa will do the trick? You look as though you could use one, too." When he was within reach, she opened her own arms and pulled him into a warm - albeit slightly awkward due to his armor - embrace. "I've missed you." Her voice was soft, evidently content and feeling at peace in this moment.
“As I have missed you! Every time you leave the camp, I start wondering when I will be graced by not only your presence, but your shining and beautiful face again. It pains me so, to see you leave through those doors, you know.” His voice was friendly, not as deep as one would imagine upon first looking at him. It was jovial and bouncy, and it was clear he could make anyone smile, or break them out of a sour mood with just a few kind words. Haurchefant was sure to give her an extra squeeze before pulling away, resting his hands on her elbows as he got a good look at her. “Just as beautiful as the first day I met you. Right! Let’s get some of that cocoa going, eh?” He pulled away completely, still beaming at Rhen, then quickly turned on his heels and hurried through the door that led to his private stores.
“Halone preserve me.” His words were hushed and quick as he sank back against the door. His hand lifted, wrist pressing to his forehead. What was he going to do? He had always been shameless in his flirting with the Warrior of Light - he didn’t exactly keep his feelings a secret. But… Did she know? Was he too forward just now, with his words and his actions? No, he couldn’t have been! She’s the one who welcomed, and even initiated, the embrace! Did that mean she felt the same…? “Pull yourself together, man!” His hand dragged down his face, and he let out a long breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “There is no way she could… She would ever...” He stopped himself and shook his head. “Hot cocoa. Right.”
“Why didn’t I kiss him.” As soon as she heard the door shut behind him, Rhen’s expression dropped and her hands immediately shot to cover her face. She let out a long groan of frustration, kicking her feet a bit off the side of the desk. “Gods dammit, Rhen.” Her hands fell back down to her lap and she sighed. She was getting ahead of herself. Sure, she could have kissed him. But would he even want that? Did he even have feelings for her? But the way he spoke to her… No, he talked to everyone like that didn’t he? Well, perhaps not everyone, but surely - “Ugh!” She hopped off the desk and started pacing up and down the length of the desk, arms crossed under her chest. Was she really in any position to develop feelings, especially for one with whom she worked so closely? It could potentially become a conflict of interest, and Rhen knew she wouldn’t hear the end of it from Alphinaud… not to mention Tataru would have that rumour spread faster than one could say ‘Hydaelyn’. No, no. Best to put the thought to rest. For now.
Finally, the water was ready and he carefully poured the water in. He gave each mug a good stir, then lifted each mug and held one out to Rhen. “For you, my lady.”
As if on cue, the elezen pushed his way through the door with two tin mugs in one hand, the other holding a sack filled with powder and a small jug of milk. His usual, friendly smile was plastered on his face and he seemed no different than he had before he walked into his store room. “Shouldn’t take too long, now! Just need to boil the water.” He moved fluidly across the room, retracing the same steps he had taken many times before on occasions just like these, be they with friends, random adventurers, and even on his own. He dropped the supplies on the desk, moved to the hearth to grab a small black cauldron which he brought over to another room which held a small fountain of water. He scooped some in, and with ease, carried it back and hitched it onto the short chain that hung right above the fire. Soon enough the flames were licking the bottom of the cauldron, and a small bit of steam rose from the lightly bubbling water. In the meantime, he set to prepping the mugs, spooning out generous portions of the cocoa powder into each, followed by a good splash of milk.
She took it with a smile. “Thank you.” Though it was hot, she cupped the mug with both hands, thankful for the warmth it provided her. The stone buildings of the Highlands, which were respite from the freezing temperatures outside, did not do well in terms of insulation and there was always a chill, regardless of how long a fire had been going. She moved closer to the hearth and sank down onto a bench that had been haphazardly pulled up by the infantrymen earlier on. Rhen lifted the mug closer to her face, taking in the smell of the decadent cocoa before blowing softly at the rim and taking a small sip. “Mmmn.. Delicious, as always.” Her head turned slightly, “The best hot cocoa this side of Ishgard. I could never have a better cup.”
He beamed in response, taking a small sip of his own. “Oh, you flatter me so.” He leaned back against the bench, resting his arm against the top, his fingers just inches from Rhen. It took everything he had to resist the temptation to reach out and gently stroke her back. “But if you insist. I’ve had a lot of time to practice making it. Not to mention countless cold and thirsty knights.” His eyes darted from her to the warm glow of the fire. “I couldn’t be happier, knowing someone as splendid as you, enjoys such a simple little treat.”
The viera scoffed, “Please. I’m not that special, Haurchefant.” She turned herself slightly on the bench, facing the knight a little better now. “I’m just an average adventurer.” Those words would hit a chord with him, and she knew it. It was said on purpose, as she loved how passionate he got when it came to her. It made her heart skip a beat, and her stomach turn in welcoming anxious knots.
“Average?! There is nothing average about you, Lady Rhen! You are malms above average! Imagine, the Warrior of Light, Hydaelyn’s chosen, arguably the most important member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn being just average!” Here it came. That passionate, near heated retort. He nearly spilled his cocoa with how animated and excitable he got. “The things people would do to be included, or even acknowledged, by you and yours! Why, I had to pinch myself after I met you the first time! I could hardly believe that someone I had heard so much about, someone who had beaten primals, waltzed through my door!” His free hand had lifted to his head, a finger and thumb pressing against his temples. “The… the very notion that you, after all you have done, would think you are av-”
“Haurchefant.” Rhen hadn’t expected this much. She had no idea he’d take it so personally. “R-really, you don’t need to go into so much! A lot of what I’ve accomplished is because I haven’t done it alone, or even by mere coincidence! Luck, even.” She leaned her shoulder against the bench, looking up at him bewildered, one hand pressed to her chest.
“No! Rhen, you don’t-” He stood up, and took one step before turning slightly so his back was to her. “I mean.” A deep breath steadied him. “You truly are splendid, Rhen Hrafna, and that is something I will not argue.” He glanced to the hearth again, his hair falling over his eyes in such a way that blocked them from Rhen’s view.
She sighed, and reached out toward him. “I appreciate your kind words, really, I do. They… they mean a lot to me.” Her gaze was still steady on his face, though struggled to read it. She took a moment to ponder her next words carefully, sipping at her still-hot cocoa. “...You-”
“I apologize for my outburst, my lady.” He hadn’t meant to cut her off, but the silence was killing him. “Ah, but I forget myself. You came here to discuss important matters regarding the Scions, correct?” He turned back around to face her and sat down on the bench once more, that usual smile on his face. Truly, he wasn’t himself without it.
Rhen bit her lip, looking away for a brief moment, then retracted her hand the moment he turned around. “You’ve nothing to apologize for, Lord Haurchefant.” She shook her head, and returned the smile. “But, yes,” her body shifted slightly, “that is why I came here. It… really isn’t anything terribly important. Alphinaud just wanted me to relay some information, catch up with how things are progressing here.”
“Ah! The young Master Alphinaud! How is the lad? Chipper as always, I expect!” Haurchefant let out a chuckle, “As for how things are here, they are the same as ever, I’m afraid! The occasional threat, but nothing we haven’t been able to handle I can assure you! I trust things are going well over in Ishgard? You had an audience with Ser Aymeric, didn’t you?” It was time for Haurchefant to shift his body, though it seemed a bit more tense, more stiff.
“Yes, that’s right.” Rhen sipped her cocoa, “He was gracious, and a very kind host. I can see why he’s held in a relatively high regard. I look forward to meeting with him again, and hopefully working together toward not only rebuilding Ishgard, but reestablishing an alliance. They would prove to be an incredibly valuable ally. Alphinaud is still there, actually.”
“I see.” His words were uncharacteristically short, and lacked the usual vim and vigor. “It seems you have your hands full. To be expected, of course.” He nodded once before bringing the mug to his lips to take a long drink. “I…” the knight started to speak, and Rhen tilted her head, waiting for him to finish. “I hope you still remember your friends,” the word was stilted, “back here at Camp Dragonhead. While there isn’t much more you are able to do for us - not that we wouldn’t appreciate any help, of course - I… these halls would feel empty without a visit from you, whenever you are able.”
She felt herself recoil. Friend. There it was. The word she had been dreading. So, that’s how he really felt. She inhaled from her nose, sharp and short. “I could never forget you. All of you,” she added. “You have done much for me, and for the future of all Eorzea, Lord Haurchefant. Don’t discredit yourself and your accomplishments.” Tentatively, she reached a hand out and pressed it on top of his. Skin meeting skin sent a jolt through her body, and she wanted nothing more than to curl her fingers around his, squeeze his hand tight and confess everything, here and now. She would give up everything, if it meant being with him. “Politics are slow-going. It’s not as if I’ll be meeting with Ser Aymeric day after day, night after night. Things need to be put into motion, to pass through… I will have plenty of time to come back here.”
“But surely he set up accommodations for you in Ishgard?” Haurchefant hadn’t meant for the words to be bitter, but Rhen felt the bite, and pulled her hand away. Desperately, silently, he begged himself to remember the warmth and how it felt.
“Well, yes.” She blinked, confused by his reaction. “But it’s just a free room at the inn, nothing fancy.” Her hand curled around the tin mug again, no longer hot to the touch. “In fact it was your father, Count Edmont, who offered me private chambers in his home.” Her brow lifted, “Are you going to take up issue with that, too?”
“Father did? Well,” he chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment, running the thought through his mind, “no, I don’t have a problem with that, my lady. You will be well taken care of and safe at Fortemps Manor.” And he would know where she was, Halone forbid anything happen. “My apologies. I am merely looking out for you and your safety.”
Rhen’s tongue clicked. “It is fine.” Finishing the rest of her cocoa, she pushed herself up from the bench and moved to the desk, resting the mug on top. “I do believe that was all we had to discuss.” She didn’t turn back to face him, and instead kept staring straight ahead; she didn’t want him to see the tears that were stinging the corners of her eyes.
Haurchefant sighed. “For the time being, yes. It is late, my lady. While I am sure the comforts of House Fortemps are calling, I would feel better if you remained here for the night. That blizzard has surely only gotten worse as the night progressed.” He, too, rose from the bench and made his way to a door off to the side, leaving his mug on the bench, ready to prep a room.
“... Thank you, Lord Haurchefant. That would be greatly appreciated. I’ll take but a moment to contact Alphinaud and let him know.”
Haurchefant had the right idea. All through the night, Rhen could hear naught by the wind whipping and whistling around outside, rattling the single-pane glass windows. She was incredibly thankful for the hearth that had been lit in her room as she curled beneath the heavy dodo feather quilt. Still, sleep eluded her. She had been fed - it was a quiet and rather awkward dinner - the room had been set, and Haurchefant had even drawn a hot bath for her to help ease the chill. He even remembered that lavender helped her sleep, and had a sachet of it resting atop her pillow. Perhaps that was why.
The creaking of the door caught Haurchefant's attention, and he spun on his heels. He squinted in the low light, "My lady?" He froze in his spot, unsure if it was just a trick of the wind or if the Warrior of Light was really standing there in the doorframe, in nothing but a silk robe and cloak. "What are you doing out of bed?" He blinked, and remembered stubbing his toe a few minutes prior, "Ah- I hope I did not wake you? I was simply… cleaning up, and managed to catch my foot against the bench." He waved a hand, trying to brush the small lie aside.
Her mind was racing. Something had seemed so… off about Haurchefant tonight. At first, he was his usual eccentric self! It was a relief to see, especially after dealing with the stuffiness of the Holy See. But as their conversation went on, it was as though something happened, and he just changed. The only thing she could pinpoint was when the topic turned to Ser Aymeric, but surely… No, there was no reason why Haurchefant would get so upset over that. Rhen pushed herself up in the bed, pulling her knees to her chest. This. This is what was keeping her from resting.
Down the hall and through the door, Haurchefant remained in the main room, resting on the bench next to the hearth, elbows on his knees and his hands together. Why did he let himself lose control of his emotions like that? It wasn’t like him to get so… irrational. Yet, something about the way she spoke so highly of Aymeric - it was to be expected, of course, he was indeed a generous and kind soul, but… Haurchefant gripped his own hands tighter together. “Gods dammit…!” He cursed, and pushed off the bench again, this time his foot connecting with the heavy wood. He grumbled out - of course this would happen after he had changed into more casual, comfortable clothes. He bit his lip, trying not to make too much noise.
A moment passed, and he opted to pace about in a circle, keeping close to the hearth. He didn’t know what to do and for the first time in a long time, Haurchefant wasn’t feeling like himself. On one hand, he was so incredibly honoured and proud to be a friend to Rhen, the illustrious and sought-after white mage. His chest swelled when he spoke of her, or heard others speak her name and of her glorious deeds! But on the other hand he felt almost selfish, like he wanted to keep her all to himself, run away together where nobody could find them. Alas, he knew that would be impossible. She had her duties, as he had his own and it wouldn’t be in either of their characters to just leave that all behind. Not after they had both spent so long and worked so hard to get to where they were. They both had people who relied on them. He sighed, “... as I rely on her.” His words were whispered into the darkened room, hushed and barely audible.
“I need to talk to him.” Rhen spoke aloud, to herself. She needed to be clear of any doubts, any worries. Even if it meant losing him, Rhen needed to tell him everything that was on her mind, everything she felt, and ask him what happened, why he was acting that way earlier in the night. She threw the covers to the side and slipped out of the large bed. Her feet touched the cold stone, and her toes curled, but she pushed through how much it bit into her skin. She grabbed her cloak and tossed it over her shoulders before leaving her room. “I wonder…” She wandered down the hall, first stopping at Haurchefant’s private chambers. Before knocking, she pressed an ear to the door, listening for any sort of noise. Nothing, not even the crackling of a fire. She knocked regardless and pushed open the door, peeking through the small crack. “... Haurchefant?” She whispered into the darkness, but could see nothing. There was no response, no ruffling of sheets or soft sleepy grunts. There wasn’t even a shadowy lump on the bed to mark his presence.
She sighed and moved on from his room, sure to close the door as she left. Where could he be? Surely, he wasn’t called out for some sort of nightwatch? In the middle of this storm? She frowned; if he had, there would be words in the morning. The viera continued to tiptoe her way down the hall, peeking through various doors until she came to the end of the hall. The next door would lead to the main room. Suddenly, she found herself nervous; she didn’t know what she wanted to find on the other side. If he was there, would she be able to go through with this? Rhen bit her lip and opened the door without anymore second thoughts. If she was going to do it, she just had to do it.
"No, I just couldn't sleep." She stepped into the room, arms crossing over her stomach, to keep herself from shivering but also as a way to keep herself grounded. Her head turned slightly to the left, using her one good eye to peer and squint into the slowly darkening room. "... Is your foot alright? Do I need to heal-"
"No, no, thank you. Nothing is broken or bleeding, and I've handled much worse." He chuckled lightly, and for a moment all the tension between them was lifted. They both felt as though they could breathe easy again, but when the room got quiet and neither of them spoke, everything built up from the evening returned. It was thick, and nauseating. "But, you must needs get back to your room where it is warm! You'll end up sickly if you stay out here, threadbare and in the cold. I would hate to be the one responsible for the delay in Eorzea's saving!"
But as he moved closer to usher her back to her room, the moaning wind outside picked up whipping the door wide open. The pair of them lifted their arms to cover their faces, both letting out a sharp gasp as the penetrating cold hit them. "S-stay there, I'll get this." The blizzard was strong, blowing in the snow that had accumulated in front of the door inside in drifts, small pellets of ice mixing into the mess. But Rhen hadn't listened, and was already ahead of Haurchefant, bare feet leaving tiny footprints in the snow in her wake. He clicked his tongue but didn't dare try to argue. Instead, he moved at her pace and they reached the door together, using their combined strength to fight against the wind and push the door shut, latching it and keeping it barred shut with a thick plank of wood.
Rhen could feel her feet burning from the snow, and her lungs felt as though they were on fire. It took her a moment to come down from the slight rush and jump away from the snow, moving back toward the hearth, which the fire within nearly died completely and was now just a burning pile of embers. "That… wasn't my most prudent decision."
Haurchefant watched her, a sympathetic smile on his lips. He considered Rhen his charge, and even if his developing feelings drove him to overreact or overthink, her and her safety was his first priority, above all else. "I shall take you back to your room." It was a statement, and he wasn't going to give her much room to say no, as he was by her side in an instant and picked her up bridal style, the long train of her cloak and robe tangling together and draping over his arm.
He did as he was instructed, though hesitated for a split second, and sank slowly onto the bed next to her. He wasn't sure what to do with himself; his feet were planted firmly on the floor in case he needed to spring back up, but his torso was twisted slightly. His arms he kept low, hands resting on the tops of his knees, fingers drumming against them. "Rhen? Is everything alright?"
She made to protest, but found herself unwilling. So she let him scoop her up without a word, and rested her head on his shoulder, arms wrapping around him. If she could have just this moment and nothing else, she would be satisfied. "Don't feel like you need to rush." She murmured, unsure if he'd even hear her, but when she felt his pace slow she smiled.
“What were you doing wandering about so late?” They had made it back to her room, and Haurchefant was letting her down on the bed. He reached around her and pulled the cloak from her shoulders to hang it back up. “I can’t imagine such a strong, world-saving viera like yourself would be kept up from some howling wind and a bit of cold?” His head turned slightly, stealing a glance at her from over his shoulder.
Rhen sighed; she knew this would come up. There was a fleeting moment where she thought that maybe, just maybe, she wouldn’t have to bring it up, that she could just forget that she was going to open her heart entirely to him and just leave things how they were. But then, how long would she be able to keep it up? There was always the chance that it would be too late, and she knew it would be something she'd regret her entire life. "Come, sit beside me." She motioned to the bed and shifted, pulling one leg up to lay it flat against the mattress, turning so she would be able to face him directly.
"Do you care about me?"
Haurchefant's expression twisted, a mix of confusion and surprise. "Of course I do! You're my dearest friend! What would possess you to think I don’t?"
"Haurchefant, you aren’t listening. Do you care about me?” Rhen leaned forward, taking his hands in hers. Her eyes were wide, brows turned upward as she waited for him to understand, to respond.
The elezen was silent as he processed the question, his eyes staring down into hers, searching the mismatched grey hues. He felt her thumb drag along the top of his hand, and he blinked. “Wait, you don’t mean…”
Rhen inhaled deeply, and nodded. “I do. Haurchefant, I… That is to say--” She was stumbling over her words, finding it hard to concentrate over the pounding in her chest. She chewed her lip for a moment before continuing, “When we first met, you were kind and your words were… Well, a bit much if I’m being honest. But, they were flattering all the same, and it was refreshing to hear.” She saw his lips part as he went to speak, but she shook her head, wanting to finish before he said anything. “Over time, I found myself thinking of you more often, how I wished you could be on this journey with me - physically, with me, about how I couldn’t wait to come back to see you here… and I found myself starting to wonder if the words you said, all the compliments… If you truly meant them.” She could feel her cheeks growing hot by the second, and she dropped her gaze, opting to look at their hands.
“Rhen…” Haurchefant tilted his head to the side slightly, still watching her intently. He licked his lips and lifted a hand to her face, stroking her cheek with the backs of his fingers before cupping her chin to tilt her head back up. “Halone, forgive me for taking so long.” He whispered before closing the gap between them, pressing his lips to hers. It wasn’t forced, or rough but gentle, and what one would expect from someone like Haurchefant. He could feel her body tense for just a moment and was about to pull away when he felt her melt into his touch, her hand squeezing his, fingers curling together. He didn’t want this feeling to end.
For months he had been thinking of her nonstop. Since the moment he first laid eyes upon her, he knew she was special - and not just because of her deeds, her title. Just, her. She was plaguing his thoughts, not that he was complaining. At night, he dreamt of her, of moments like these and moments that would make brothel workers blush. Anytime the doors opened to his office, he would snap his head up in the hopes of seeing her walk through. There wasn’t a time he wasn’t worrying about her, and her safety. The relief and butterflies he would feel when he did see her were beyond compare, and unlike anything he could describe.
And right now, in this moment, he didn’t need to speak a word of that; she knew. All it took was that one kiss, which neither wanted to stop. Rhen’s arms lifted and draped over his shoulders, bending so her hands could comb through his hair. He complied, and leaned forward slightly, his own arms moving in to grab her from the waist and lift her slightly and pulled her into his lap; he could feel her smiling against his lips. The kiss deepened as Haurchefant dared to pry his tongue against her lips, begging entrance. She complied and their tongues met. His fingers dug into her skin slightly, and a shiver ran down Rhen’s back. “You have no idea how I’ve longed for this moment.”
Daybreak. The sun was streaming through the single-paned glass window, flits of dust drifting lazily about. The fire in the hearth had long since died, no longer even smoldering. Rhen stirred, the sheets rustling slightly. Slowly and sleepily she blinked and pushed herself up onto her elbows. It took her a moment to gain her bearings before she looked around at the room; right. She remained at Camp Dragonhead because of the blizzard. That would also mean…
“Lay back down.” Haurchefant’s voice was muffled, his face buried into the pillow. He was peeking up at her with one eye, the corner of his mouth visible and turned up in a soft smile. He lazily lifted an arm and curled it around Rhen, dragging her back down to the bed. “Mmm… splendid.”
She giggled and wiggled about slightly, getting into a comfortable position, turning just enough so they were facing each other. She buried her face into the crook of his neck, leaving a trail of kisses down from his jaw. “Good morning.” Her arm draped over his side, fingers tracing gentle and soft lines up and down his back. So it hadn’t been a dream… good. She smiled and let out a content hum.
“And a good morning, it is!” Haurchefant stirred a bit, allowing Rhen to get comfortable before wrapping his arm back around her, holding her close. He was basking in this feeling, in this moment. “I trust you slept well?” His lips pressed to her forehead in a tender kiss. His legs, as well, shifted slightly so as to entangle their bodies even more. He wanted to feel as one with her, and he wanted to stay just like this forever.
Rhen nodded, “And you?”
“Best I’ve slept in ages.” Another kiss to her forehead.
“Haurchefant?” She paused for a moment, and he grunted in response, “What does this mean for us?”
He pulled back slightly so he could get a better look at her face. His expression was gentle and soft, the sweetest and most sincere smile pulling at his lips. “Well, if you would rather keep this a secret and never speak of it again, I would understand. I would be terribly heartbroken, I won’t lie.” He chuckled, and pressed a finger to her lips when he saw she was about to speak. “But,” his expression changed slightly, still sweet but a little more serious. Blue eyes shone in the sunlight. “Rhen Hrafna. Would you grant me the highest honour of staying with me, by my side, as not only my dearest and most cherished friend, but as my partner?” The arm that was around her moved, hand grabbing hers and pulling it up to his lips, “Say you’ll be mine.” He kissed her fingers, each one individually, and so delicately.
“Haurchefant Greystone.” She was beaming, her cheeks red and warm, “I am the one who will be honoured to call you my partner. Forever, and always.” She could feel the tears begin to prick the corners of her eyes, but this time they were of joy. Of a sweet relief, feeling all the weight finally lift from her shoulders. “I am yours, and I always will be.”
“Those words… They are music to my ears. You’ve made me the happiest man alive on this day, you know!” Haurchefant laughed, and it was like a chorus. It was joyful, radiant, filled with love and life. He pulled her in close once more, tightening his grasp around her in an embrace. “This feeling… this excitement. Ahhh, it’s splendid!” Haurchefant took a deep breath and let out a long, happy sigh. His other hand, burdened by being under Rhen’s frame, moved slightly to absently stroke her hair.
“That’s a bold claim, my Lord.” She teased, and the pair chuckled. “But I’m glad. Truly, I couldn’t be happier!” Her hand pressed against the middle of his back. “Long have I waited to hear you say those words, and to hold me just like this.”
“As have I, Rhen. I have dreamt of moments just like these. You’ve never once left my thoughts.”
“I guess that means we’ll be staying in bed a bit longer then?”
He hummed in response, “Please… just a bit longer.” He kissed her again, softly.
“Anything for you.”
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vagabond-sol · 3 years
Trust System: Cazhim
Class: Gilded Path (Tank)
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Type: Tank
As a tank, Cazhim delves deeper into the defensive capabilities of a Time Battlemage to supplement his blade work as a Way of the Blade Monk. This role borrows abilities and animations, new and old, from both Monk and Dark Knight. A few custom abilities are also present.
Unique Abilities:
Conviction: Acts as custom Tank Stance. Greatly increasing his enmity gain.
Tarnished Shadow : Cazhim calls forth the soldier he once was, in the form of a rifle wielding facsimile, to rain bullets on his foe with merciless precision. Mirage attacks with a potency of 300 and remains active for 24 seconds. At the end of the duration or if Tarnished Shadow is recast Mirage will use Marksman’s Spite with a potency of 600.
Whispered Mantra: Cazhim recalls an old friend’s words bolstering his resolve. Cazhim heals for a potency of 1200 and restores one third of his MP.
Defiant Gleam: Cazhim’s Custom tank invulnerability. Applies Defiance when activated negating his ability to receive healing but preventing his health from dropping below 1 HP for 8 seconds. After 8 seconds Defiance becomes Brillance, healing him for 75% of the damage taken during Defiance and dealing the remaining 25% as an AoE. Brillance also applies the blind status to all enemies hit.
Fate Denied: Cazhim’s refusal to lose another comrade manifests itself as this spell. Should a party member’s defeat be assured Cazhim will send forth a golden moon to temporarily keep his ally alive until a healer can reach them. Cazhim negates all damage to his target for 8 seconds and instead receives a random incurable debuff, up to 4, depending on how much damage the target has taken during the 8 seconds. *debuffs like Doom or other instant-kills are excluded and all debuffs last 16 seconds.*
Prioritizes the WoL when giving out buffs and shields
Gains a 5% damage buff if a romanced WoL falls unconscious.
Can be prompted to use the Limit Break in Say or Party Chat due to his custom LBs having different properties than those of a standard tank.
(When Selected): “I’ll take point!”
(When using Tarnished Shadow): *whispered* “Just focus and breathe…”
(LB1): “Brace!”
(LB2): “No backing down!”
(Low Health): “Focus…”
(Low Health Alt): “Hold together…”
(Using Fate Denied on another): “Forgive me…but it’s not your time…not yet”
(Alt Fate Denied): “Heart…Lungs…Liver…Nerves…”
(Defeated): “No! They still…need me…”
(Defeated Alt): “I’m sorry…I wasn’t enough.”
(Defeated while partner is on the team): “N-no…I’m fine…I...”
(Partner is Defeated): “NO!…someone get them up NOW!”
(Revived): “I am in your debt…”
(Revived Alt): “Redeploying...”
(Revived by Partner): “I knew you’d catch me.”
*if romanced then all Partner targeted lines are applied to your WoL*
Cazhim is only available as a Tank for Shadowbringers and up.
Whether or not he’d appear in dungeons and trials in The First would depend on a sort of companion relationship system, I suppose. If you’re buddies or dating then he’ll be there every step of the way. If you’re just work associates or worse then he remains in the Source and works alongside those that remain or alone.
Will randomly appear to do fates in any Shadowbringers area during MSQ. He is strong enough to complete them single-handed so rewards are assured so long as you touch the area.
During Endwalker he tags along as you see fit. He will still take a part in large scale operations but will not actively take part in major Scion activities if not requested. As such he remains in Sharlayan awaiting your word until the Contingency sets up in Garlemald at which point he will remain there.
General dungeon dialogue is lighthearted. Very supportive of the younger members if present.
His fighting style incorporates offhand punches and aether blasts as off globals.
He can be found in Eureka post freeing Ala Mhigo. Would act like a Bozja npc and aid you in battle with a random chance to use a phoenix down on a random fallen player.
While he has unique lines confirming a romantic connection between Xavier and himself, these would not be present if you romanced him and would instead apply to your WoL. NPC Cazhim only romances Xavier if he is both present and you do not pursue either of them romantically.
Well that’s that! Both versions of what I think Cazhim would bring in as part of an expanded Trust System member. Obviously there’s more I’d like to say involving his out of combat interactions and possible romance but, for now this’ll do. Again if you want to do this for your WoL I’d love to see your version! Anyways I hope you enjoyed the post! See ya! You can find the DPS role version here!
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eemamminy-art · 3 years
ask thing!!!! mayhap some ship meme asks for fordola/lyse? and/or 4 headcanons for aymeric or y'shtola?
Oh boy!!!!!! Thank you for indulging my brainrot with these lmao! Absolutely massive post under the cut:
Who is the little spoon?
You would think it's Lyse but I feel like Fordola is the unwitting little spoon?? Lyse just bear hugs her at night and she begrudgingly enjoys the attention
Who sings in the shower?
Definitely Lyse! She strikes me as the type to sing to herself all the time
Who plays pranks on the other?
I don't think it would be either, I think Fordola is too serious and Lyse is a little too dense and gullible herself to be the prankster. Maybe after Fordola gets more comfortable she can do that stuff, but it also might go over Lyse's head gjsdjgdsjh
Who is the one who listens to pop music?
Assuming they even have pop music in Eorzea.. Again the obvious answer is Lyse but I'd love if it was the other way?? Lyse beats the shit out of a striking dummy to heavy metal while Fordola jogs to soft pop hits
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
Lyse would, she is one of those overly thoughtful types but doesn't really know how to properly mother so she's like "here's your fourth cup of coffee, I don't know what else to do so I'm gonna make another pot!"
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
If it's cheesy comedy or romance, then Lyse. If it's cheesy horror, then Fordola :D
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
I don't think either of them would be the type, but more the types to pass a straw back and forth on a smoothie or milkshake or something :D
Who gives the other random little compliments?
Lyse definitely!! Ever since her "you look great btw" comment toward Yugiri, I can only see her giving inappropriately timed little compliments
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate?
I think Fordola would? She does it like a little act of rebellion, grabbing things from Lyse's plate even though Lyse is more than willing to share? She takes a forkful and Lyse is like "Oh, help yourself! It's really good!!" and makes her mad
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?
I don't think either of them should be trusted with a car tbh ghsdjgsd
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping?
Fordola probably, but Lyse forgets it at home and they just wing it
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick?
Fordola would, I think Lyse is probably too scatterbrained to remember even if she was healthy, but Fordola is the type to be very responsible!
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules?
Lyse! I see her as such a jock, she probably gets way too into it too
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room?
Lyse, definitely! She seems like the type to enjoy dancing, and she's very spontaneous :3
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late?
Fordola, she's again, the more responsible half!
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name?
Oh cringe... I don't think Lyse would want to get any tattoos after having to wear the fake archon brands for 5 years, but if she did want them she would be the type to do that. But realistically neither of them would.
--- Four headcanons: Aymeric
Headcanon A:  realistic
In addition to his canonical hobbies of dancing and cooking, I'd like to think he's musically apt as well! Playing the piano, maybe singing? I love to imagine him singing in the choir as a boy, and his fondness for music transcending beyond Halonic hymns as he gets older.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Aymeric has an entire house full of cats, he started collecting them after his parents passed on because that big manor was so empty and his stewards had nothing to do while he was working like 16 hours per day.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
This one is more my wife's headcanon than my own because I'm too much of a shipper to go through with it, but Aymeric's faith making him want to wait until marriage for sex while Ishgard also frowns upon same sex marriage so there is little chance he ever would be able to marry 😭
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Zephirin is another bastard of Thordan, and therefore Aymeric's half-brother, and taunts Aymeric with it while he's being tortured in the vault 🙃
Four headcanons: Y'shtola
Headcanon A:  realistic
Y'shtola cares more about her fellow scions and the WoL than she lets on, hiding it with her dry wit most of the time. When things get really dire, she shows worry on a deep level that none of her colleagues ever could have imagined from her.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
There's some line about Y'shtola "saying she's been 23 for a long time" or something to that effect, so I'd like to believe she's close to twice that but looks flawless due to magic
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Due to her using forbidden magic and also using her magic in order to see, the ominous warning Matoya gives about her shortening her lifespan comes true. Y'shtola hides it well but becomes very weak, falling into an unending sleep in her last attempt to cheat death.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
As aloof as she is, I'd like to imagine Y'shtola taking on a number of lovers throughout Eorzea. Never anything too serious, more like a fwb situation, but she'd intimately know a girl in just about every settlement. It's one of those closely guarded secrets though, unlike in the case of say, Thancred's exploits.
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inviouswriting · 3 years
Good afternoon,
Submitting my character if this is still open. If not, I hope you at least find the read entertaining. Sorry if this is a bit of a mess, this is my first time putting the character on metaphorical paper, and I overthink about it as much as she does. Feel free to let me know if I messed anything up.
Name: Asel Kha Age: 28 Gender: Female [She/Her] Height: 5'2" Orientation: Disaster Biromantic Asexual, leaning towards women. [open to queerplatonic pairings.] Personality: Tends to struggle with reading others and the mood of the room, leading to her holding her tongue a lot when in conversations with strangers. She gets better with practice and exposure to different people but will still have moments. Has some temper issues that she's working to keep in check. As well as a small pessimistic streak. Both lead to sarcasm and gentle teasing of others. Protective, of the twins in particular. This increases after the bloody banquet and the vault. idolizes Y'stola and Cid. Sees the Scions as family. Overthinks and at times overprepare. Hobbies: Crafting, Alchemy in particular. She likes to make her own weapons. Giving in to her wanderlust and just going for walks. While not the most fun, she spends a lot of spare time working on keeping her arcane geometry knowledge sharp so she doesn't fail her spells. She has a notebook for it and everything. Likes: Learning new things and seeing new lands; her lackluster navigation skills be damned. She became an adventurer for a reason. Being helpful to those around her. Using acquired knowledge to help others learn. Puns, though she'll never admit it. She finds the sounds of the ocean to be calming. Spoiling those close to her with small presents she finds on her travels. She does get some small enjoyment from sparring but this is another detail she tries to hide. Dislikes: Being the center of attention, crowds, and being the center of attention of a large crowd. Bullies [I.E. Blanstyr pre-character development] Praise flusters and embarrasses her. Excessive self-deprecation. Willful ignorance. Allagan architecture and its tendency to throw her like a ragdoll. Letting people down, whether she truly has or perceives herself to have. Random head pats from strangers. Being called "old girl" Race in game: Xaela Aura Class/job in game: Scholar; does have ninja training
Thank you for your time, Alyssa
This is a one time answer, they were really respectful about asking so here we are. I won't have match-ups open for a long long while. They take too much time, and overrun the inbox.
I see Yugiri as a match.
Both of you are quiet and reserved types. With massive obligations that you carry out gracefully. She can teach you ways of shinobi and ways to try and master stealth while also making it fun between you both. You would spend time looking around Azys Lla together, to study different allagan technology, while also adventuring around Azim Steppes for the same and looking at the different ways of the nomad traditions. Alot to uncover still out there and it provides a lovely place next to Yanxia's moon gate where you can spend time in talking away from the trials presenting itself as wol and advisor to Hien.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Doing the “liveblog it as I go but post it later” thing because honestly that’s easier than juggling Youtube and Tumblr at the same time. Plus, it’s fun to be able to do this whenever rather than strictly “when I’m on Tumblr”. Anyway hopefully whatever reactions I’m about to have are amusing to ya’ll because I’m not gonna stop doing this.
Where were we- oh yes, fetching parts for Old Amnesiac of the Plot Vibes.
-Okay so the items have been acquired and at the two the movie actually shows being retrieved both NPCs make comments on how it’s a “tool for expert craftsmen” or “very specific applications”. Is the amnesiac some kind of mechanic?
….Hang on wait a second someone once told me Cid was in this game. Is this…?
Okay so he’s definitely a tinker/mechanic of SOME KIND because he could fix the thingie without even consciously knowing what he was doing. Which, according to the psych course I was required to sit through, is an ACTUAL THING that can happen to amnesiacs. Muscle memory remains even if the conscious memories are playing hooky.
Why is there a dead body just- randomly sprawled there on the ground in a graveyard. Shouldn’t it be buried by now? Or at least- not splayed everywhere like he just got killed? Oh wait is this the guy who owned the thingy the Amnesiac repaired? … Oooo the thingie is only common in Garlean territories, is Amnesiac a wayward Garlean? He seems very not-crazy tho…
And we’re off to fetch another tool.
How does this guy know EXACTLY what kind of hammer is needed to repair and alchemy pot/oven/thing and where to buy it?
Curiouser and curiouser. I’m enjoying the mystery enough that I’m almost not miffed we aren’t chasing after the Garlean’s who kidnapped Tataru and killed the Sylph.
The player is running another errand and CACTAUR. CACTAUR WITH A FLOWER ON ITS HEAD. I remember you from Dissidia Opera Omnia you little gremlin. You’re even worse than the normal Cactaurs. *Hisses*.
Ooooh so someone has a crush on our local Amnesiac?
And off to help transport our fallen comrades for burial. Wonderful.
This got morbid and depressing real fast.
*Whispers quietly* who the heck is Thal?
*Whispers louder* who is Azeyma?
Ooooh wait hang on are these some of those Twelve I remember being told about forever ago? Probably.
Off to ask for divine judgement I guess. Somehow I feel this won’t end well.
Nothing happened. Typical.
Oh noooo we have to go tell the Slyph’s family what happened I didn’t think a video game would include that detail nooooo.
Is it bad that I don’t trust this Father Illiud guy? Idk why and it’s probably just me being paranoid but I don’t trust him.
HEY LOOK IT’S ELF TWIN 1. Last time I saw him was at the … fancy festival I think? You know he’s important when he’s got a voice actor. Alphinaud, huh. Pretty sure the girl was Alisae? I think? They’re in Opera Omnia that’s really the most I know about them.
Welp, tiny elf boi has recruited Cid to help the Scions and the player character to go throw hands with Garuda. I remember Garuda from the FFXV crossover. She was … Not Fun™ (for Noctis and Co at least. I, the over leveled player with 99 phoenix downs and elixirs and no issues with spamming them as needed, had a blast).
Also poor Cid. Elf Boi suddenly sweeps in and says “here’s your name and lost identity, come help me find your AIRSHIP that you totally have just btw so we can go fight a PRIMAL.”
Also also for a presumably old guy (at least I think so with the white hair and beard), Cid is Looking Good™ now that he’s out of the monk robes. Then again a lot of people in this world have white hair while young so he’s probably not that old.
Pfffffftt the airship was named Enterprise. Is that a Star Trek ref in the same franchise that keeps cameoing Biggs and Wedge from Star Wars? XD
Time to win over the prickly guards of the Observatory I guess. WoL shall sway them with persistence and useful fetch quest abilities.
Did someone just say heretics? *Interested noises*
Dude. I know you’re protective of your books but seriously lighten up. I’m not even gonna leave the building with it, we just need to know where the airship went. If security is that much of a problem have one of your apprentices/interns/whatever read the book FOR US and report back what we need to know. I’m sure you have apprentices here that could use a little brush up on their history in relation to random airship flybys…
…Aaah a rebellious underlibrarian. Lovely. What horrible monsters and/or blizzards must WoL face to win a look at your books this day?
Ixal. Of course it’s Ixal.
J o y.
Fine. Whatever. Be that way. Have fun getting back without an escort.
…Don’t tell me we have to talk to the Snob to get info on the airship. Please.
…hgfhgfd politics incoming I can feel it.
Gonna stop there for now.
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haurchefantblog · 4 years
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Shadi'ra Amariyo
1. Shadi's anger is mostly proportionate to the situation. He doesn't like seeing people mistreated though and is sensitive to certain circumstances that make him react w more hostility.
2. Maybe not believe. He hopes? He really hopes there is someone out there for him whether it is a soulmate or not. Someone to ease his loneliness. He thinks it's a nice idea.
3. Bullies. He hates seeing the strong pick on those weaker than they are.
4. His happy place is a memory he made up as a child of his "real family" happy together in a modest home with a strong hearth". It was a thought that soothed him to sleep when he was little and at the "orphanage".
5. Maybe with Moss in LA Noscea. Her family unofficially adopting him. Future will be when Kokho finds him and brings him to his real family. Also when he saved Eorzea and finally felt like he did something right. Like his life mattered after all.
6. He was okay in the South Shroud with his caretaker but he wasn't happy because he didn't feel a sense of belonging. He ran away when he was about 14 and btwn then and meeting Moss when he was 16 were some really awful and rough years for him.
7. Shadi doesn't have money lol. He is generous with his friends but isn't looking to buy anyone's favor. He doesn't like others buying for him. He's been taken advantage of while drunk before so he doesn't trust ppl plying him with alcohol.
8. Before he was a rogue he was a scrapper and lost most fights so he has had fingers/hand broken, arm, and his nose.
9. Sometimes he wants to forget he had a family. It's painful to dwell on. The years in Limsa before he was under Moss' family's protection are also repressed often. I haven't gotten far enough in his story but there are definitely moments post arr that Will wreck his soul.
10. He remembers being about 4. His mother was still alive. He remembers crying and being held against her, and the warmth it brought him. He has not felt it since.
11. Quick to laugh, kind. Someone who doesn't make him feel less than. He's not got very high standards bc he's not been treated very well.
12. His first set of daggers given to him by Jacke when he joined the rogue's guild. Being allowed to join the guild meant the world to him and the daggers remind him of how far he's come but also that feeling of family and acceptance the guild provided for him.
13. His forehead tattoo. He thought it was a skin mark but it's ink and he has no recollection of getting it. He has on several occasion been very close to getting inappropriate tattoos in even more inappropriate locations. Moss' mom/Moss saved him every time.
14. Ear piercings. Tongue piercing. He loves piercings. He wants more.
15. A small humble home with a warm fire and a family that loves him. Preferably on the coast, but close, to a city.
16. He's a good cook. He picks up recipes really easily. He has very good instincts when it comes to timing and spices/portions.
17. Shadi is insecure about giving gifts, bc he never had much to give. He's definitely the type to poorly wrap up some money and call it a day.
18. He's actually really good at stealing and he knows he shouldn't be proud of it but he's so damn dextrous and nimble.
19. "he's weird and kind of annoying crybaby that talks too much"
20. "He's more intuitive than I would have guessed. Too intuitive. He's sharp." "He's a sweet boy with a sensitive heart. Cries a bit too much though" "He's got the makings of a true hero if he can stop holding himself back."
21. You name them he's got them. He's worried he's going to annoy or anger anyone that gets close to him so he kinda unwittingly keeps most at arms length despite desperately wanting connection. He's really worried he is going to end up failing as the WoL and become shunned again. He hates his thing eyebrows and that's why he started having moss draw them in for him.
22. Highest skill stat is probably speed. He had a lot of practice running out of harms way and the rogue’s guild honed that skill. His highest non physical stat is perception. To be honest even he doesn’t realize this but he has good instincts. Also a little bit of luck. His charm is hit or miss tbh. 
23. Depends on the lie. He could brush off smaller lies or white lies, but huge lies, even if they were for his “Safety/protection” it’s like..how could you sit there and look at him and do that to him? It’s more of a matter of character and if he trusts you and you lie, you broke that trust. 
24. Cold. He enjoys the cold. Rain or snow he’s not hugely fond of but he can deal with it. Heat kills him. The second he breaks out into a sweat he’s crying. Another reason he hates Forgotten Springs. 
25. He is bursting to say it but never has, that he can remember. He loves Moss/Moss’s mom. But he never really said the words. He tried to show it with actions. He’s definitely in the “actions speak louder than words” dept wrt that but he’d love to be able to say it. And he will one day ;)
26. He whines and cries all the time about random stuff but he doesn’t really confide in anyone. He confided in Moss but she never really understood the depth of it, which is probably why he did it. She felt safe to tell things to. He’s too insecure to bare himself to other people like that. 
27. Yes. He often doesn’t feel remorse when he’s witness “bad guys” die. When he’s killed in defense or for his work with the Scions. He will be devastated when Nanamo “Dies”. And Haurchefant, and Wilred, and all the people who die who touch him in some way and leave him alone again to deal with the pain of loss. 
28. Yeah under his arms and his ribs he’s super ticklish. 
29. He’s got an average pain tolerance. But he’ll start whining at the slightest pain anyway. 
30. He wishes he could really tell Kan-E Senna what he thinks of her “leadership” and the horrors that his kind has to face in the Shroud on a daily basis because she’s too up her own ass to deal with the ramifications of racism and prejudice in Gridanian society and too “pacifist” do to anything about it anyway. 
31. This boy can act right in polite society but he will need reminding. He’s gonna try and practically absorb his food. He’s a big chomper. 
32. He created this version of his abandonment as a child that his parents willfully abandoned him and left him alone and that’s how he came into the care of Amariyo and her half-baked orphanage. Other than that, he’s confessed a few times and most of them weren’t kind in their rebuffs. Jacke’s rejection was kind but it hurt the most. 
33. It’s not happened yet, but it involves G’raha Tia. :> Also probably Haurchefant taking him into his home after the events of the Feast. 
34. Touch would really suck for him. He’s a tactile person but honestly hearing would probably be really bad for his profession if he lost it. 
35. No he’s awkward and starts asking questions that are way too personal too soon. 
36. He would ask Urianger if he really talks like that or if he uses language as a barrier to separate him from others.
37. He would definitely like to travel to the past to see how he got separated from his parents. 
38. Moss and Jacke. Jacke saw his potential and helped him hone his skills which led him to becoming a Scion and helping take down the Imperials and defend Eorzea. Moss helped him be less lonely at a time when he was utterly alone and had no one. They both defined family for him. Later on, G’raha too will be family to him. The Exarch would probably be the answer later on bc of his influence in the past and then his fucking up his chance to finally beat Zenos. 
39. Shadi never wants to be alone again. No one to depend on and no one to share your life with? He can’t handle it. 
40. Asahi scares the shit out of him. He’s so fucking delusional and twisted he can’t comprehend that level of unhinged. Zenos scares him because the concept of killing is like a fun thing to him and there is something wrong with someone who thinks like that. It’s unnerving. He’s also scared of Raubahn bc he doesn’t want to ever be embarrassed in front of him. Raubahn is his hero. He’s also scared of Yda. She’s too dumb to be a Scion he thinks she must have used some evil spell to put on the Scions he doesn’t understand. She’s clearly a witch or something he steers clear of her. 
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Of Fates untold
FFXIV fanfic - One shot
Paring: Wol/Wod x Emet-selch
Rated: PG-17 [for safety]
Wol/Wod is NB with female leaning [you/yours/etc]
Summary: Somehow you got separated from the other Scions in the final days of Amaurot conjuring that Emet produced just for you. Standing on the balcony of some random scarred building you have a bout of Light Pain; while trying to also contain the lingering feelings of emotional pain that the sight brings to you... And then he appears.
Word count: 1166
Gasping for air you sink to the floor, the cold railing of the balcony your only grounding factor as Light swims across your vision threatening to blot out the destruction before you. No, you think angrily, you would not let it take you this easy, you would not give in. He wanted you to see this. 
“Welcome to the final days of Amaurot.” He had beckoned to you and your companions as you entered the city of his creation. Sobbing you hoisted yourself up to drape across the railing. Coughing violently as the fit took you. 
Pain, caught in an unholy dance with your body brought heat from the very core of your being to rest on your skin. Like a fever, like the worst illness you have ever experienced. Choking on the aether pooling in your throat you threw up the brilliant liquid over into the streets below, catching glimpses as the phantom citizens ran for their lives from beasts.
Everything within you that was not succumbing to the pain cried out to assist them. They may be already dead, but faint memories pulled you into action even though your body would not follow any commands. Breathing heavily you pushed back against the Light, refusing to be taken - just yet. The pain was subsiding but the leaking fluid from your mouth refused to be sated. Gasping you leaned into the railing once more using what little strength you had to keep yourself upright to witness the roaring flames before you.
“Ah, so this is where the star escaped too.” Came the cool voice of Emet-selch from behind you. A cough erupted from your chest as you spun with surprising strength, only to trip upon an unseen crack in the stone and into his chest. Clicking his tongue he held your body with surprising tenderness. Helping you stand and bringing one hand to cup your chin, his gloved thumb brushing away the liquid that still ran down your chin. “Another violent bout hero?” His voice soft asked as you forced your eyes to focus on his golden one. 
“I, I am fine.” Murmuring you tried to pull yourself away, but failed as Emet held you to his chest. With an irritated shake of his head you frowned, confused. Where had this come from? Why, after that outburst was he here, cradling you? 
“Clearly.” Emet scoffed guiding you and him to sit upon the floor, shifting you so that you could gaze out at the fire and hell that he had created. “I had expected you to conquer this with little effort.” The Acsian chastised, his voice still holding a surprisingly sweet tone.  
“A moment of weakness.” You coughed, moving slightly to lean back into his coat and let your head fall into the crook of his neck. You had reluctantly fallen in love with the Ascian, a feat you did not believe that you still had within you after the events in Ishgard. You had believed that after being broken time and time again, you could never be put together again. Perhaps, you didn't need to. 
“I see.” He muttered leaning to press his lips against your forehead, lingering coolness spreading through your body. It was as if the Light faded enough. His hands were wrapped around you in an intimate embrace, as if he wanted to kiss more than your forehead. Alas, he did not and turned to look out where you had been moments before. “Your opinion hero?”
“On what?” You asked, surprised once more with his tenderness. Lifting his hand he mentioned dramatically to the scenery before the two of you. “Oh,” You murmured, your heart twisting once again. “It is unfair.” The words tumble from your mouth, stinging with hatred and fear, emotions that you should not have in regards to the flames that burned a town that you did not know. 
And yet.
And yet you did. 
It was more than the Echo, more than the touch of Hydaelyn, it was something carnal. Something that was older than even the Mother Crystal herself. It both confused you and frightened you. The feelings within your breast where something you could not dwell on as Emet-Selch spoke.
“It is. We had to weave the laws anew.” He muttered. “Create a very god to sate the hunger of our very magic.” Looking up at the Ascian you gazed at him with wonder, the pain that reflected upon his face twisting his very visage into one of indescribable emotions. “Created, a god, a god to give the star a Will. For those who sacrificed themselves a reason for that sacrifice, to give those that still lived comfort! And for what!” Emet raged, still holding you with gentle tenderness. 
“For a war that has not ended yet.” You supplied, causing his gaze to focus on you. The Warrior of Light, Hydaelyn’s champion from the Source, his enemy, his lover, his confidant, his companion.  
“For a war,” He repeated, “That has not ended yet.” Raising a hand the older man gently brushed away strands of hair and sweat from your face. “A war with no end until one side is utterly destroyed.”
Raising a hand of your own you seized his which was lingering and pressed it against your cheek. “We, we could end this.” You whispered.
He laughed, it was broken, madness seeping in. Releasing you swiftly he vanished from your grasp to the balcony that you had been leaning over moments before. Turned away from you, you could see him reach out and touch the luminous liquid that had come from the depths of your body. 
“The hero, ever the optimist.” The Ascians voice was soft, and at first you thought you did not even hear what he said.
“Emet,” Summoning your strength you stood. Unsteady at first, but with the man before you as a beacon you took a step forward reaching out and seizing his cloak. Throwing yourself upon his back before he had a chance to fade back into the shadows. “Enough, it is enough. I will find a way to free us. I am so tired -”
“We live to bring about the will of Zodiark.” He whispered. “As you, hero, live to bring about the will of Hydaelyn.” Turning violently he seized your hands and brought you close your faces almost touching. “Our freedom is within death hero.”
Tears streamed down your face, shock and sorrow clawing like one of the bellowing beasts from below had taken up residence within your breast. Then, with a gentle kiss to your lips Emet smiled weakly.
“Now that you are recovered, let us take to the stage and finalize this play hm?” Releasing you he reached up as if to wipe away your tears, only to fade away into the darkness.
To the final stage then. You think as you scrub the tears away along with what little Light remained on your lips. Twirling on your heel you returned to searching for your companions. After all the final battle awaited. 
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crystalsexarch · 4 years
Paternal - M
“Bless your little heart,” Bas’ir said. “You couldn’t help but pack your insecurities along for your little Hingan adventure.
Mature. Specific male WoL Bas'ir Bahani. The Warrior of Light takes some time off to do work some might call sordid. At least one person isn't too happy with him.
Also on AO3.
Part of the 2020 FFXIV Writing Challenge
“What would your father think?”
Bas'ir's ears perked back. He was tapping a tin of paper parasols at a corner stall in Kugane. The man who spoke, though several yalms away, spoke like he could be speaking to no one else. The Keeper turned around and clasped his gloved hands at the lap of his floral yukata, blinking preemptively with reproach.
The jeering man stood out for a number of reasons; aside from being a foreigner, he was the only person who wasn't minding his own damn business. Even the woman at his side had averted her gaze in embarrassment. Both were Elezen, most likely Ishgardian based on accent and affect, but they wore the type of clothes visitors often donned to "blend in" with local crowds. Robes with misfitted sleeves, sashes somewhat sloppily tied, collars dipping scandalously low on their backs—a perfectly acceptable impression for tourists who actually respected those who called Kugane home. The man had his arms crossed and his feet set shoulder-width apart.
Bas'ir sighed and continued picking at the parasols. What would my father think? Hmph. Which one? He thought first of Nero, who might've raised an eyebrow at Bas'ir's newfound profession, before sneering and joking about giving his mechanical arm a few new performance-boosting features. Then, more quietly, he would inquire about his health and well-being, ask if anyone's given him trouble. On occasion, Bas'ir might answer, but given the rest of my resume I have found myself most capable of handling would-be tormentors.
When he thought of Cid—of the Scions in general—he couldn’t be as certain. Regardless of their tolerance for his second hiatus from heroing, he wasn’t sure they would have refrained from stopping him had they the option. They didn’t want to talk about it. So long as they were able to pretend, when prompted, that Bas’ir wasn’t selling his body on the other side of the world, they were happy enough to let him do it.
As for his biological father, well...Bas’ir tried his best to avoid thinking of him in general if at all possible. But little reminders, just like the overbearing, sensitive warrior-man himself, always seemed to pop up at the most unusual times.
"You're a disgrace," the Ishgardian said, ignoring Bas'ir's attempt to ignore him. "How many lives have you ruined, then? Marriages rent asunder?" His female companion tugged at his sleeve and said something too quiet to make its way across the street. He shrugged her off. “Of course it’s him. Look at the gloves.”
The Keeper closed his eyes. This sort of behavior would not long go tolerated on the streets of Kugane. Whatever Ishgardians may have thought about sex workers (which privately, as it turns out, may not have been so different from what the Hingans thought), an ocean away was not the place to spew it at quiet strangers. Sooner or later, some bystander would find a way to accost the man and draw his attention away from his target...and if a subtle attempt at diversion did not prove fruitful, there were plenty of people ever ready to knock ijin down a peg. “Bless your little heart,” Bas’ir said. “You couldn’t help but pack your insecurities along for your little Hingan adventure.”
“What you do is disgusting,” he said, shaking his head. “That you have the nerve to walk these streets...your very presence cheapens all that is noble about this land.”
Bas’ir’s bored eyebrows ticked up a tad. “Forgive me, is this personal?” He swept his long hair over his shoulders. Little did this buffoon know that Bas’ir, under a different name, was responsible in some ways not just for the liberation of his own country, but the very reason travel to the East had become so accessible in the first place. “Consider whether an honorable fancy man is the one you ought to be hassling.”
“We don’t want to make a scene,” the woman said, not to Bas’ir or her partner, but to marketgoers who were beginning to exchange looks of mild concern with one another.
“Oh, I’ll make a scene.” The man tried and failed to roll up the sleeves of his robe before stepping forward and into a bystander’s well-timed forearm.
“Everything all right, friend?” the new stranger said. A black-haired Hyur wearing a straw hat. His voice was friendly, and his eyes expressed the muted promise of threat.
The Elezen shrugged the arm away and shook his head. “This is the man who—were it not for him, my family would—”
“Families destined for destruction will destroy themselves,” Bas’ir said. “My chosen profession and I have nothing to do with it.” He set payment on the shopkeeper’s counter and grabbed a parasol at random. When he unfurled it, two cranes curled around a rim of decorative reeds and lilies. The base color was a light, swampy blue. Bas’ir started walking, the new weight light on his shoulder, lighter even than this incident would be on his conscience.
But as he turned the corner, he couldn't help but remember his late mother and her ungraceful departure from Ishgard, and of another man who may have once considered himself Bas'ir's father.
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ahlis-xiv · 7 years
10 Facts About My Characters🌟 Drop one of my characters’ names in my inbox and I’ll tell you 10 facts about them 🌟 (TELL ME MORE ABOUT AHLIS)
You got it! ;) This list will focus on random facts involving ~relationships~ (ooh aah) of all kinds. A lot of these will deal with Ahlis’s WoL!verse, as that’s a little easier. This is also a SFW list, y’all won’t find naughty stuff here so get yer heads outta the gutter ;P 
1. Romance is not something Ahlis actively pursues, or even keeps an open mind about. She’s too busy doing her own thing! Granted that doesn’t mean she hasn’t experienced attraction to others; she’s probably even had a crush or two! But that’s all that’s come of it, alas!
2. Ahlis’s closest familial relationship she’s ever had was with her mother. It was through her that she learned about weaponry and how to defend herself, how to sing and play the songs of their people, along with various other cultural aspects of being Ala Mhigan. When she died Ahlis didn’t have the heart to continue much of these aspects of their lives for a long time; being a refugee and constantly on the defensive for being as such didn’t encourage her either.
3. The majority of the Scions never grew that close to Ahlis, although that was more on her end than entirely on them. Minfilia, Y’shtola and Alphinaud were really the only ones who left a considerable impression on her to where she would call them friend and companion.
4. Precious Spinel, a roegadyn woman whom Ahlis met in Ul’dah, was nothing short of a savior when it came to helping her adjust to live in the city. Instead of the all-too common and likely scenario of falling into poverty, Ahlis managed to have a not-so-dire life. Precious became a guardian and offered her the stability Ahlis needed in her adolescence. 
5. Moenbryda deserves a special mention, because although they never got a chance to really get to know one another Ahlis felt her loss rather keenly. She could feel that they would’ve gotten along well, if only they had the time but nooooo Ascians are dickholes ughghgh
6. Another special mention is for Lyse! What an unexpected and great friend, a fellow Ala Mhigan and someone Ahlis can relate to. Ahlis roots for her on the inside and is more than happy to be that solid pat on the shoulder for support. Lyse is love, Lyse is life.
7. AND ANOTHER MENTION goes to @emilyplaysgames‘s character Alyx Vance. Also a fellow Ala Mhigan and bromage for life. There are a number of things they share together, mostly about their delving into black magic and their experiences. The best battle buddies (the BLM life aw yeeeee!).
8. Although Ahlis can come off as a polite and fairly open person–getting any more from her than skin deep can be a challenge. Intimacy and Ahlis don’t mix very well! Emotions can be volatile, unexpected things and she likes to stay clear from that if she can help it. Conceal, don’t feel~
9. …Nevertheless, Ahlis feel regret at how she had treated others due to her aloofness, especially if they had been kind to her despite it all. A few people come to mind (Haurchefant, Aymeric, even Alphinaud to a degree) but she tries not to dwell on it. Ahlis tries to promise to herself to do better in the future.
10. In all honesty though Ahlis appreciates patience and loyalty in her friends and she will be there for those who prove themselves in her eyes. She may not behave or act fairly to others, as that is her usual defensive tactic, but given enough time she warms up to those who earn her respect. 
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A Singular Moment
A FFXIV fanfiction - One shot
Pairing: Wol/wod x Emet-Selch
Rated: PG-17 [for safety]
WoL/Wod is NB with female leaning [you/yours/etc]
Word Count: 2206
Summary:  You find yourself sick with your very first bout of Light: only to be found by Emet-Selch.
Rak’tika Greatwoods was shrouded in Light; the Lightwarden hiding somewhere within its depths. You though, where shivering under some random tree within the woods, far from your Scion companions. Something deep within your belly after ached, after absorbing the last Wardens Light you had felt something change. With a gasp you leaned heavily against the tree as pain blossomed like a sickly flower across your form. Twisting you dry heaved uselessly, clutching at your chest as the pain burned. Your hair kept falling in your view as you tried to expel whatever was making you ill. Suddenly cool gentle hands brushed your hair away and held it back for you as finally you threw up, a mixture of your lunch and bright liquid. Panting you felt the hands gently pull you back to set you against the tree. 
“What a state you are in hero.” The condescending words of the Ascian man murmured like a holy prayer to your ringing ears. Still unable to conjure words he continued unbound from your remarks. “Tell, me,” He said holding your chin gently. “The reason behind this.” It was a command, not gentle question. Mustering all your strength you shrugged, your shoulders falling heavily. Emet-Selch was clearly not pleased with this response. As his face twisted in frustration, he opened his mouth clearly about to repeat his statement before you lifted your hand in defeat and mentioned to the Light above. Before letting your hand fall to the side.
“To much,” You croaked. “I will be fine soon.”
The Ascian scoffed, scooping you effortlessly up into his arms. You gasped, finding that he had one hand - gloveless- pressed against the back of your neck momentarily before getting a better grasp upon your form. 
“So, the Light is affecting you.” Was the soft response. 
You struggled feebly, “Release me Emet! I am fine now!” Looking at his stern frown you knew what words fell from your lips where useless pleas. He turned away with you, away from the settlement with your companions. Panic settling in your gut replacing the dull ache. “Emet!” 
“Silence hero.” He hissed as a dark portal opened up before you two. “Take my good graces while they last and allow me to give you this moment of respite.” Stepping in the inky darkness it swirled around the two of you, blasting you specifically with icy air. It felt amazing to the heat lingering on your skin. Taking in a deep breath you felt the Light within you withdraw, the pain still lingering but the worst of it seemingly over. The darkness then faded away and you found yourself in a room littered with books and a messy bed. Large windows across from the bed showed a city that you could not recognize. Emet turned and strode swiftly over to the bed, laying you carefully down on it before sitting standing to roughly grab a chair that stood next to a large stack of books. He then sat it down and threw himself in it, reaching out with is ungloved hand to press it against your forehead. 
You frowned. “Are you, checking my temperature?” A smirk played at your lips as his golden eyes glared at you. It quickly vanished as he flipped his hand over to touch your cheek and then pressed his hand against your neck, before pulling back.
“I was. Remember, that I too once walked the land in mortal form. I had to tend to ill children of my own. Even my spouse’s upon occasion had to deal with such ministrations.” All the teasing you had planned faded as the concern upon the Ascians face caused you to blush. Which he saw and raised his eyebrows clearly amused. “‘Tis not easy dealing with fussy children, but a fussy hero.” He teased softly.
You scoffed and shifted to sit up in the bed. “Regardless I am fine now.”
He shook his head. “Clearly, the fever upon your brow speaks differently.” You frowned.
“Emet, why are you tending to me. I am your enemy, a brief curiosity am I not?” You leaned forward as he watched you with careful, calculating eyes. 
“Does it matter if you are?” The older man asked, sighing. “You could say the loves I took years ago where as such as well.” Reaching out a hand he brushed your hair back. “Yet here you stand once again.”
You blinked, surprised. “Excuse me?” Emet retracted his hand quickly and frowned as if surprised with himself as well. Then he sighed, clearly frustrated, now knowing he would have to explain.
“The color of your soul.” He waved his hand. “It is the same as my previous lovers.” 
You balked. “Are you saying I am them?” The Ascian hummed, his intent clear: he was not going to give you a definite answer. You groaned and threw your hands up shaking your head. Then dropping them you held your head carefully. That would have made sense; the feelings of comfort when with him, even the strange lingering. Even with Haurchefant you did not feel such… attachment. Like a comfortable familiarity, you easily took Emet-selch’s aloof nature and comments with snarky responses of your own. Yes, that would make a lot of sense. But why? 
“You are smarter than I take you for hero. Even if you are just an incomplete being. You sense it do you not?” Looking up you suddenly found yourself under the Ascian his eyes burning with a familiar glint. You found your breath taken from you under their golden glow. “You know me.” His head tilted, leaning down he was about to kiss you. Reacting quickly you raised your hands between your lips. Blocking him from completing the movement. Your own eyes wide with shock and your face flush with embarrassment. “Every time,” Emet groaned moving away swiftly. Then bringing his ungloved hand once again to your brow he frowned. “Still warm. Tell me hero does your vision swim?”
“After you did that!!” You grumbled, but rolling your eyes at his glare you closed them for a moment before staring at the ceiling. Yes, you could see it, a white light shimmered at the edges of your vision. It was very faint but there. “A little.” You conceded shifting to lay flat upon the bed, that at this point you could only guess was his. 
“Explain to me what it looks like.” Emet stood and shuffled to a cabinet shifting through small glass bottles.
With a heavy sigh you obliged. “Like the Light that used to be in the sky around Lakeland, but brighter, more pure. Its is so faint within my vision though. Barely there.” You heard a scoff and once again the Ascian was at your side. 
“They push all their hopes and dreams upon your shoulders without a second thought for your safety.” He had a cup in one hand and a variety of bottles in the other. Setting the glass between his knees you watched as he mixed the various liquids. “You are the hero after all.” Pausing he looked at you, your own eyes darting up to his. “Do you not have dreams of your own?”
You frowned. “Do you? Or is it all Zodiarks?”
Emet glared. “Ah, so should I rephrase my question? As you wish, do you have dreams of your own, and not that of Hydaelyn?” 
“I am not tempered by Hydaelyn!” You snapped back, shifting to sit up and stare at him with venom. He glared back, angry, frustrated. You looked away, once again condeding. “Yes, even if I am tempered I do have dreams of my own.” A strained laugh came from your lips as you pulled your knees to your chest tilting your head away from Emet. “At this point, I truly doubt that I will ever get to experience them. I am sure I will die upon the battlefield for the masses.” Pressing a hand to your forehead you peeked over at the Ascian beside you. “After all that is what a hero does, no?”
“What are they.” Emet demanded as he set the glass bottles on a stack of books beside them, swirling the cup to clearly mix the liquid inside of it. 
You frowned. “Why do you care?”
“Why would I not?” He asked handing out the drink to you. “Before you tell me that you will not drink it, all it will do is ease the aches and fever. It will not be able to balance your aether.” 
Reaching out you sighed. “Well, course, nothing can do that.” You murmured taking the cool glass cup you sniffed the medicine and winced; it smelled bitter. Beside you Emet laughed, and you glared at him, but he waved it off and clearly urged you to drink it and answer his question. Sipping it you groaned and held it in your lap sighing. “Right, my dreams.” Tilting your head you looked at Emet-Selch with a gentle smile. “To live a quiet life and marry. Maybe have a few children of my own, live off in the woods, or near a beach. Away from the masses where I can be… myself.” You sighed taking another sip. As the liquid slid down your throat you felt the pain in your belly began to cease and your body seemed to be returning to normal. 
With a gentle hum you saw Emet stand and laungly wave his hand at you indicating that you scoot over. Obliging the Ascian you watched curiously as he sat down next to you in the bed. Draping an arm over your shoulder he gently pushed your head into the fluffy fur of his coat. “A gentle dream for a gentle fragmented soul.” Pressing a kiss to the top of your head he sighed. “If we had met under more, favorable circumstances, I would have courted you properly. Doing everything within my power to allow that dream of your to pass.” He kissed you again sighing. 
“Why?” You murmured into his collar. 
“You know me.” He muttered again. 
“I dont.” You answered trying to shift to look at him, but he kept his lips on your head. Making you feel like you could not move. 
“You do, but you do not wish to admit it.” Emet whispered, placing a hand on yours that still held the cup.  “Finish the medicine and I shall return you to your companions.” 
Sitting up you brought the cup to your lips again: a feeling of sadness washing over you. You doubted the two of you would be this open with each other again. Or that you would have a chance. You paused, then chugged the rest of the liquid coughing. A chuckle waifed from the man beside you. 
“Dont laugh,” You coughed. Emet shifted you and gently patted your back to help the coughing fit pass. “Thank you.”
Getting up off the bed the Ascian shrugged. “While I graciously accept your thanks at this time such things are not truly needed. I was just acting upon a whim of nostalgia in helping you.”
“Because of my soul?” You asked watching him as he snatched the cup from you bringing it to a sink that you had not seen before. Carefully observing his back you saw his shoulders drooping more than usual as if he did not want this moment to end.
“Perhaps.” He said, turning back around you found yourself face to face with the regular Emet-Selch. His face covered with a smirk. “Are you ready to return?” Holding out his hand you hesitated.
“We won't have a moment like this again will we?” You asked, your voice a breathy whisper. 
“You know me, hero. I do not need to answer that.” Emet reached out taking your hand and giving it a kiss before smiling again at you. You smile back.
“You are right. I do know you.” Tilting your head you felt a warmth from the very corner of your being spread across your form. You did know him; you have known him for a long time. You cannot remember any of it, but at this point it did not matter. The brief shock on his face was reward enough for accepting the once foreign emotions. Gripping his hand you brought yourself to a standing position. “Shall we?” 
Suddenly forlorn Emet stared at you seriously. “I did not tell you if I had dreams did I?” 
You blinked. “No, you did not -”
The darkness surrounded the two of you bringing you from his room to the tree you had been ill by likely hours before. The Light still shone bright in the sky as you stood in wonder watching Emet step forward still holding your hand with his ungloved one. “You,” He whispered leaning forward pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “You are my dream.”
And then he was gone, leaving you alone in the woods. Out in the distance you heard the calls of familiar voices of the Scions. Shifting you tried to push the thoughts away but the burning of your lips reminded you of the kiss, his voice echoing in his mind. 
Above all of Zodiark’s will, above the pain of losing his home; you where his dream.
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