#Xiphos stick war
Me: “The fandom isn’t that bad and stupid!”
The fandom in question:
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Weapons of Choice
@justanaveragelizardperson has spoken! (Thank you so much, not being able to decide was driving me up the wall)
We'll hit this in alphabetical order, my headcanons for these are a combination of canon inspiration and pure, world-building results. Also this is not 100% accurate to how swords especially work in real life, this is a fantasy genre story and we embrace the "But It Looks Cool" here.
Fwip: His preferred weapons are potions and explosions, he always has a fireworks crossbow to hand. As far as bladed weapons go he has a long dagger that doubles for chopping potions ingredients when he doesn't have his actual tools to hand.
Gem: Primarily uses her staff in combat, but if the occasion calls for it will just haul back and punch her opponent in the face. Is scrappy and level-headed, which is a dangerous combination.
Joey: Primarily fights with a smallsword when he has to fight but is the least martially minded of the rulers. Keeps totems of undying on him at all times.
Katherine: Her sword is a light-weight saber, her fighting style relies on her being light and quick on both her feet and her wings. She can also call the Overgrown to defend her and itself if the occasion calls for it.
LDShadowLady: Fights with a trident. She has a sword but doesn't really use it. The trident is the traditional weapon of the Oceanic royalty, thus both hers and Jimmy's. Will also sic axolotls on her enemies without hesitation.
Mythical J. Sausage: The Blood Sword is a zweihänder. He also carries a short sword to wield with a shield. His grip is half-open, giving a bit less flexibility but greater power to his blows. He acquires his sorcerers staff at one point and then favors that about equal with the Blood Sword.
PearlescentMoon: Equally proficient with her sword, axe, and scythe, as well as hand to hand. Is also skilled with the bow but prefers close combat methods. Her sword is a longsword that she wields both two handed and with a shield. She has a very rooted fighting style, her footwork is minimal, but when she does go more mobile she is very well balanced. She relies somewhat on her ability to tank hits, which serves her well, as her endurance is incredibly high, as demonstrated by her ability to go toe-to-toe with semi-immortal beings on a regular basis and hold her own. Shes very adept at using her elytra in combat, to the point that multiple rulers with natural wings have commented on her flight proficiency.
Pixlriffs: His preferred weapon is a Channeling Trident, his second choice is his basket-hilted sword (a schiavona) or recurve bow.
Shrub Berry: Joey gifted them a smallsword which for her functions as a broadsword. She's relatively new to combat but is proficient with a hatchet and a recurve bow. Their greatest weapon is the wolf pack.
Smajor: (There is no war rune blade in Ba Sing Se.) We're sticking with the LotR aesthetic for weapons as well, so that is what his sword looks like (A long-sword after the style of those used by the Lorien forces at Helm's Deep in the films) Also proficient with a longbow. At the time of the story beginning is not even close to considering using his ice magic in combat.
SmallishBeans: Equally favors a Mezalean shortsword (based off a xiphos) and a battle axe. He does have a trident and is fairly proficient with it but prefers to use it for travel rather than combat.
Solidarity: The Codfather Sword is a two-handed sword, closest to a claymore, he wields it with an open grip. (Which allows for more flexibility and control of the blade but the strikes are less powerful) When he's in Fish Mode it is more of a bastard/hand-and-a-half sword. He also uses a trident, mostly for aquatic combat.
Xornoth: Two swords. Has never willingly used a shield in their life and isn't about to start now. Is either dual wielding elvish-style short swords or has a full-size battle axe. Will sometimes throw fire and lava but tends to be cautious with it.
AU Masterpost
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shyrose57 · 4 years
I?? Saw some soul eater Dream smp aus and honestly, I love those kind of AUs. The bonds between partners, and such is pretty cool, and Madness always makes it so anyone can turn into an opponent. So here’s one of my own. 
First of all, all current weapons are Tubbo, Ranboo, Phil, Karl, and Wilbur. 
Maybe Fundy and Quackity too, but I’m not sure yet. 
I like the idea of Sapnap using both Karl and Quackity, as well as both Quackity and Sapnap sharing Karl, or maybe just Karl and Sapnap being a weapon/meister pair, and Quackity wielding himself but still working with them. 
And I’m equally torn between Fundy being a self-wielding weapon, a witch, or a meister. 
All current meisters are Eret, Tommy, Dream, Sapnap, and Technoblade.
Tubbo’s dad is Sparklez, because that’s a fun dynamic, and Tubbo was created by Ianite as a sort of gift to her weapon. 
Because of this, he’s a special weapon, able to shift between three forms-because, y’know, water is fluid and ever changing, and she’s partially an ocean goddess. I just liked the idea. 
Tubbo can transform into a trident like his dad, a halberd, and either a medieval lance, or a greek sword(xiphos maybe? Kinda like Tommy’s knife?). Either of them kind of give of a hero vibe, cause y’know, lances and knights, but the greek sword would also tie into Tommy’s whole Theseus thing. It’d be neat anyway. Tubbo would personally stick as the lance/sword, due to it being Tommy’s preference, but he can switch between them all easily. 
Ranboo would be a double bladed scythe, for the whole duality thing. 
Phil would either be a scythe himself or a claymore. I’m leaning more towards scythe, since he’s the whole angel of death, and scythes are associated with reapers and all, and Techno can always use normal swords if he wants. 
Plus, it would mean Phil could teach Ranboo a bit about how to fight with his blades, which adds more bonding opportunities. 
Dunno what Karl would be. I’m considering maybe a lantern, like Jacqueline because A, fire and Sapnap, and B, I dunno, I kind of associate lanterns with libraries, and it’d be kind of a connection to the Inbetween. Plus, his light could change colors like his hoodie. 
Now, my personal favorite, Wilbur, who I am incredibly conflicted with. I have three different weapon ideas for him, all of which hurt equally, but in different ways.
The first is pretty much some kind of Razor Floss String. I don’t know the logistics of it, but he can turn himself into really sharp and strong streak manipulated by himself and a meister’s soul energy. This route would probably have the most angst with Tommy, because Wilbur would use his weapon form a lot in their childhood. Putting on shows for Tommy by using his strings to manipulate toys, or catching Tommy and dragging him if he fell from a high spot. And equally, at some point in Pogtopia, Dream suggesting he and Wilbur practice working together, since he’s with them, and Tommy having to witness his older brother get used by the person who’s hurt them so much. For extra angst, maybe Dream even ‘jokingly’ wraps Tommy up in Wilbur’s strings, like a puppet, before Wilbur gets annoyed and transforms back at the ‘games’. 
The second would be a scythe, like Philza, which would obviously mean more Phil focused angst, with Tommy and Ranboo on the side. Phil would remember teaching Wilbur how to fight when he’s teaching Ranboo, and perhaps be reminded of him every time either of them transform. Plus, Tommy would also remember Wilbur whenever he saw them, and get mad at Phil for being with Techno more than his own kids(SBI family, of course. Tech’s a family friend though).
Finally, a spear, with more Fundy focused angst. In this AU, Sally would have been some mer-related hybrid or something. Maybe Wilbur got stuck on an island or something, and met her, and the two became partners. Fundy grew up with stories of how his mother wielded Wilbur seamlessly, and how they brought monsters to their knees, and hunted huge beasts. Maybe Wilbur would teach him to wield him, as bonding, but as the two grow closer apart, Fundy doesn’t wield him as much, until Wilbur’s dead and he never can again. 
Like I said, they’d all hurt a lot, but in different ways.
As for more hurt...
Tubbo’s trident form is enchanted with both Channeling and Riptide(I know they aren’t technically compatible, but I’m just going to say it’s because of Ianite or something). One, because Tubbo should definitely be able to electrocute someone, as a treat, and two, because that scene where Tommy’s exiled and he flies into the air with Dream’s trident? Yeah, that but he’s also remembering all the times he did the same thing with Tubbo and misses him even more.
At some point while Tommy’s stuck in jail, Tubbo and Ranboo decide to work on wielding each other, in case something happens. Tommy’s still Tubbo’s meister, but it’s good to be prepared, y’know? One day while they’re doing this, Ranboo gets stuck in his Enderwalk state(which probably has some connection to Madness in this AU, idk), and Tubbo, who he’s wielding at the time, get’s dragged down with him. 
Thus, Techno and Phil end up forced to fight the two while trying not to hurt them too much and snap them out of it, while Ranboo and Tubbo swap between each other and try to kill them. 
Meanwhile, in their shared soul space(kind of like that place Maka and Soul found themselves dancing when dealing with the black blood stuff, Idk the term for it), Ranboo and Tubbo sit talking, wandering why they feel a vague sense of wrongness, unable to remember how they got here, or what happened.
Also, Eret wielded Wilbur in the first L’manberg war, which is why he was even more betrayed when Eret left them for his crown.
That’s about it for now, I think.
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askmalal · 4 years
The Faceless Sphinx sat brooding and still on its pedestal, a mass of carved black granite that stood in contrast to the green of the surrounding hills.
The Ossiarchs advanced silently, their eyes locked on the village just beyond the ruin. Liege-Kavalos Eusibion watched them pass, his mount shifting beneath them. Occassionally, he would glance up at the strange monument, fascinated by the utterly beautiful stonework. He was a soldier of many lifetimes. This did not diminish his appreciation for works of art and architecture worth admiring.
The sphinx was one of the few pieces of the ancient, ruined settlement more or less intact. The pedestal was pitted with age, but remained complete, with an inscription written in a language that Eusibion, to his regret, could not read. That was not particularly unique to Ghur. That much was certain after many decades of service here. A “realm of beasts and untamed savagery” said writers with perhaps more alliteration than skill in constructing prose. (This was not entirely incorrect in the present era. But the touch of ancient deeds by men and others besides could be felt here. Even the Orcs built things, and they still infested the land in places.) Beyond the pedestal were the tumbled remains of a curtain wall and the stone foundations of buildings, whatever they might have been. There were, in fact, eleven such foundations. Eusebion had noted this with interest upon initial reconnaissance of the place.
At last the small army halted, drawn up in a column outside the zariba that marked the outer perimeter of the village. Eusebion eyed Hekatos Laertes. He nodded. The village was silent. The locals had hidden away upon sight of the advancing column. It was quite a sight to behold. And for a primitive villager, no matter howwarlike... “Proceed.”
Laertes saluted and walked toward the zariba. His voice was projected, neutral of tone. “Hetman Undako. Your tribe agreed to the terms of a treaty of vassalage with our Liege Lord, as you well know, in exchange for his protection from the green skin horde. The tithe for this village and its outliers remains unpaid. We are here to collect. One way or another. Give us what we require, show proper deference, and we will forget this oversight. We might even forgive your role in the recent fighting.”
There was no response, initially. Eusebion looked forward into the village. It was a rather large one, as these things went. Several hundred people in huts built from wood, mud, and thatch. A few larger examples were built on old, stone foundations. Perhaps the remains of private homes on the outskirts of the city that had been. He shook his head, sadly. Did human civilization always decline so sharply?
Hekatos Laertes was less reflective, and clearly annoyed. He repeated, “Herman Undako. I remind you that our patience is only because of the restraint imposed upon us by our Liege Lord. He is now -your- Liege Lord, and values your people. If you value them, honor him and tread with me. I will not ask again.” At his gesture, the head of the column began to form into a triple ranked line, spreading out, the bronze shields of the foremost sparking in the mid-day sun.
There was quiet, and then the shuffling sound of footsteps across ground, echoing from beyond the zariba, the formed ranks tensed. Round the corner came an old man, slightly bent. He had clearly been a powerfully built man in his youth, and that his height was not entirely diminished by the stoop of extreme age and frailty made this clear. He moved forward with the aid of an ancient walking stick, his thorny right hand wrapped around it tightly. At last, he appeared near the opposite side of the zariba, alone, and lifted milky white eyes to face Laertes.
“I am Undak’o,” his voice was firm, deep, tinged with age as he corrected - almost gently - the pronunciation of his name. Laertes noted a great scar running across his forehead, the mark of some terrible beast, perhaps. So the old man had been a warrior, or at least a hunter. He raised his right arm, the wrist wrapped in wooden prayer beads... no... not beads. What were they? The claws of yet another beast? Laertes was uncertain. “We welcome the representatives of Nagash to our home. You are?”
“I am Hekaton Laertes. I serve Nagash and my Polemarch, Eusebion.” The old man nodded. “I am sure you do them credit, warrior.” He paused, his eyes staring into the distance, if indeed such a thing was possible with blind eyes. “You say that my tribe made a treaty with great lord Nagash?”
Laertes nodded, “I did.”
Undak’o frowned, and with a tutting noise, shook his head. “Bomt’a was always too eager to negotiate.”
“His warriors knew when they were beaten,” Laertes replied, “they did the honorable thing.”
Undak’o considered this. “Did they? I wonder. From a certain point of view, certainly!” He chuckled quietly. “At any rate, my little brother Bom’ta does not speak for all of the Izi-Nyosi, no matter what he may say. He is king but in name. Many of the Hetmen of the Kraals were unconsulted, both in regards to the war with your liege lord, great Nagash, and the peace with him. I am afraid I have nothing to give you but admiration for your fine discipline and my congratulations as to your obvious fighting prowess. My brother is a fine warrior.”
“Your regiment took part in the war against us,” Laertes growled, “and I am unconsumed big curiosity regarding your internal politics. We are owed a tithe.”
“Our regiment faced your brothers,” Undak’o nodded. “This is true. They burned one of our kraals. Honor demanded retribution.”
You had to give it to the old man, Eusebion admitted to himself, brass balls. It would be a shame to kill him.
“And honor demands that you pay your tithe,” Laertes demanded. “We are here to collect, Hetman.”
“And the tithe is not mine to give, Hekatos. Our allegiance is to another liege lord. One who does not allow the sacrifice of our dead for such purposes.”
“There are no more kings among the Izi-Nyosi, Herman. Your liege lord is Nagash. Were it not in my orders, were I not a being of honor, I could strike you down for such insolence. Pay. Your. Tithe. Or I will collect it in a different way.”
Eusebion was fascinated by all this. By rights he could have intervened. But he did not. Not yet.
The old man sighed. “Do you know, young man...”
“I am not young, Hetman. I was a living being before your great grandfather walked the Savannah.”
The old man smiled. “So you say...” he paused, leaned against his staff. “What do you think of our ruins, my friend?”
Eusebion spoke for the first time at this, “Old Man...” he called out, raising his hand to signal that Laertes should hold.
The Herman’s milky eyes turned in the direction of Eusebion, “My Lord Kavalos?”
“These ruins are a sign that your people were once great. Wise. Show wisdom, Hetman. My patience is at an end.”
The Hetman, seemed saddened by this. Genuinely so, “I am told that, in mortal life, you served a great human king. Something of an eccentric, but a great man nonetheless.”
“I did,” Eusebion replied. “Unlike our enemies, we retain our memories.”
“Ahh. This proves that you, too, are a man of wisdom. If you have taken such memories to heart.”
Eusebion liked to think so. “Your regiment has fine warriors, Hetman. Among the finest of the Izi-Nyosi.”
The old man smiled. “They are.”
“My Lord Nagash honors you with his benevolence. Your tithe will be put to good use. The spirits of your fallen warriors will...”
“We made the ruins, you know,” the Hetman interrupted. Perhaps he was less capable than Eusebion had guessed, for now he was rambling. Eusebion sighed, “Laertes, draw up your ranks. This parley has...”
“We did not -build- the ruins, you understand,” the blind eyes were now fixed on Laertes. “You do not seem to be listening. Heed my wisdom, we -made- that place a ruin, young man. We made it.”
“If by decline, you mean,” Laertes snarled, the feeling of the blind eyes fixed on him distinctly unnerving. “I am unsurprised. Lochoi, form up. Archers, knock bows.”
“Such a pity,” Eusebion muttered, “that statue alone.”
The Hetman shook his head. How he heard Eusebion’s mutterings remained unclear. “No. We carved no statues. We are breakers of cities, my people. Not builders of them.”
Eusebion’s eyes widened, “Then all the more reason to preserve it from damage by the likes of you,” he turned his attention to Laertes, drew his xiphos. Laertes did not notice the gesture. His eyes, instead, had locked into the old man’s bracelet. Those were not, he had realized, the claws of an animal. But the teeth of a hominid. His ancient throat went dry.
“Archers,” he said, his words sluggish, “form near the statue. Prepare fire arrows. Lochoi, pikes out.”
“There. Is. No. Statue.” The old man muttered, “and the tithe is not mine to give.” He had already turned his back on the Ossiarchs, returning the way he had come. Eusebion, if he had the means, would have blinked. The damned fool! More mess to clean up, and now this bloody village had cost him a day. He looked to the statue, wondering who could have built such a thing in a place of such profound ignorance, and felt sorrow for their lost civilization.
It was at this point that he realized the old man was as correct. There was no statue. A bell of alarm from ancient times began to clang in his head. “Laertes! Quick! Form a hedge!”
Soon enough, there would be a tithe available. But it was not Undak’os to give.
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ashflynns · 4 years
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☄〔 HUNTER SCHAFER, TWENTY ONE, TRANS FEMALE, DREAM TRAVEL 〕╰ ASHLEY FLYNN just came over half - blood hill . you know , the child of HYPNOS who was claimed two months ago ? i’ve heard chiron say that she is PLAYFUL & EMPATHETIC , but if you ask the aphrodite kids , they’d say she’s LAZY & TACTLESS . i’d say they remind me of sleepy smiles and under-eye bags, messy buns and an unmade bed, running from your problems with bare feet & trying to hard to keep your friends but losing them anyway, especially since she’s FOR THE NEW CABINS . ( ✎ joey , 24 , she/her , bst . )
*insert nice graphic here aka for the love of god someone find me a photoshop link*
hi! its your resident sea witch joey here ready to bombard you with an encyclopedic knowledge of the greek pantheon and uk criminal law?? i guess??? if u dont already know, i’m the one with six (6) cats. i combined my task and intro because im LAZY and bad at intros so i’ll use paige’s stats as a crutch whoops. ash is the lazy laid-back stoner friend everyone needs. she has no trauma because she DOESN’t DESERVE IT so maybe the real trauma will be the friends we make along the way.
𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕤 .
name :  ashley finn
nicknames : ash, whatever cute names u wanna give her
birth date :  4th february (aquarius squad speak up!)
gender :  trans female
pronouns :  she/her
ethnicity : white
nationality : irish american
hometown : ?? idk american towns SUE ME but she’s from SOMEWHERE in oregon
demigod abilities : sleep manipulation, dream manipulation, dream travel
cabin number & godly parent :  cabin fifteen, hypnos
how did their godly parent meet their mortal parent? :  hlhglkhg so i thought it’d be funny if they met when ash’s mum participated in a sleep research study. i think i’m hilarious.
𝕞𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 .
faceclaim : hunter schafer
height :  5′11″
hair colour : blonde
eye colour : blue/green.
dominant hand : leftie!
distinguishing features : her hair’s actually super curly she just straightens it a lot bc curly bedhead is a bitch to brush through in the mornings.
dress style : ugh this is gonna be hard to explain but like. you know those alt hippy stoner girls?? like that. likes baggy clothes and neutral colours. a lot of quote unquote ugly clothes with clashing prints. band t-shirts and whatnot.
𝕔𝕒𝕞𝕡-𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 .
go - to  weapon : HAH implying she willingly participates in capture the flag. she’d go for a xiphos because it’s the most basic dfkjg
ambrosia :  garlic bread. yeah she’s that kind of bitch
favourite camp location :  zephyros creek!
their opinion of their godly parent :  really unbothered tbqh. but she’s a very laid-back person to begin with. a ton of her school friends had absent dads. if she hadn’t come to chb so early then maybe the whole ‘i have powers with no explanation’ would’ve caused some resentment but hey, he’s a god. he’s a busy man. and being raised by a single mum made up most of who ash is, so it’s not like she’d change anything.
age they were claimed :  this year baby!
how they were claimed :  look dad’s timing was off but as far as he was concerned he claimed ash when percy made the deal. ash kinda always knew it was gonna be him so it was no surprise.
stance on the new cabins : for  the  new  cabins.
their opinion on lyssa pentelute :   as far as ash is concerned, lyssa’s whole shtick is just an excuse to shit on the kids who don’t have to suffer the same way she did. so, uh, she’s kind of a bitch? i have this in a bit more detail down below.
quests :  i’m gonna tentatively put no for now (unless anyone else on quests decides they’d like to have dragged ash along!)
𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 .
positive traits : playful, empathetic, laid-back, friendly but not a pushover, patient
negative traits :  lazy, tactless, aloof,  spacey, struggles to express said empathy, lack of focus
mbti :  Iinfp-t, the mediator
alignment : neutral good
hogwarts house :  hufflepuff
archetype :  somehow she matched equally with the innocent child and the wise old man *insert so what is the truth meme*
what candle scent are they :  vanilla
goals & desires :  well this one was tricky bc ash is a simple girl with simple needs and really just doesn’t want anything to change. she wants a life without the pressures of work and commitment, but that’s just not gonna happen, is it? her short-term goals are to practice fighting that urge to stay in bed all day and try to be a bit more productive. it’s not going well.
fears : explained more below but basically she has a fear of destroying all her relationships due to a lack of connect with the world
hobbies : when she’s not napping? probably gaming, going on nature walks, baking treats.
habits :  biting nails is the worst one. spacing out. you know that thing where you just?? stop focusing your eyes?? but you’re still tuned in to the conversation? that.
𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 .
so hear’s the short version kfjglkdfgjd ( for NOW ):
ashley’s mum, niamh, is third-gen irish immigrant. ash didn’t have a luxurious life or anything. they mostly lived off benefits or whatever niamh could pick up from her extremely lucrative dog-walking business. how she met hypnos was a literal joke. they met when she participated in a fucking sleep study and i guess they hit it off. typical story of dad fucks off/single parent yadda yadda. there’s no real ~~trauma~~ to ash. yeah, transphobia sucks and high school really sucked all but her mum’s been super supportive since she first came out and no one at chb has given her shit yet. niamh’s still around and ash goes back home every couple of months to visit her. they have a pretty good relationship. it’s all cool.
i feel cliche saying she was a ‘dreamy’ girl but dreamy or spacey really is the best word for it. mixed with your typical demigod adhd you get a kid who really struggled with school. well, it’s not like she struggled - ashley’s a smart gal - but the teacher’s struggled with her. i guess it was hard for them to understand that ash actually does her best thinking when she’s asleep.
struggles to keep friends - maintains a persona of aloofness and apathy but actually cares way too much. the narcolepsy hinders her ability to form proper connections ( although she’ll argue the sCiEnTiFiCaLlY pRoVeN fAcT that napping with someone for half an hour does more to build trust than anything else ). and no one’s really that fond of ash popping into their dreams. maybe they shouldnt have so much to hide, huh?
her biggest ‘’’ inner struggle ’’’ shall we say is the pressure to be productive. let’s face it, she IS a lazy bitch, and that’s pretty much an inherited nature. getting a job sounds like hell, she sucks at combat training, she really could NOT be bothered with camp politics and god wars and whatever else. why can’t she just sleep and dream walk all day? monster’s are out there man, she’s gonna die some point soon anyway. but that doesn’t mean  she doesn’t feel guilty about it all. it’s kinda hard not to.
so, moving on to the ISSUE AT HAND. so when you walk through dreams and you sleep for 20 hours of the day, it’s not hard to figure out who your dad is, even if he never turns up. like, seriously, who else would it be? so yeah, sure. she was only claimed a couple of months ago. but she wasn’t completely in the dark like some of her other campers, and she respects that, truly. she got the luckier end of the stick and its not hard to understand the resentment among the minor demigods and the unclaimed.
HOWEVER, she’s very much FOR the new cabins. as explained above, lyssa’s a bitch whose taking her mummy issues out on others. ash loves bunking with the hermes kids but she’d like a space of her own and at the end of the day who the fuck is lyssa to make that decision?
𝕖𝕩𝕥𝕣𝕒 .
pinterest! (its a wip there’s not much IM SORRY)
spotify (now this is the one thing i will never let u down on)
wanted connections coming soon!
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blue-scorpion-king · 6 years
Wario & Waluigi gets in the sight of 5... Purge Troopers of BLU?!
“Were you expecting an ask? Too bad! Waluigi ti-WAAAH!” “Get outta here!” Suddenly, Wario elbow smashes Waluigi out of the way and poses in front of the camera. “It’s-a Wario time!”
BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dISuBAGxw4w
Outside, in the elements, in an park of Germany, Five pairs of eyes see the duo of mainly purple duo, in overalls and having ‘villain’ looking mustaches, which are both unnaturally, ‘cartoony’ sharp looking also, in an distance of only 2 meters, while the group of three girls and two guys sit on an long bench fit for their size.
“What are on earth are they on about?“ An pale blue haired human girl, with a tuft of hair tied up on both sides of her forehead, under her desert-colored hijab, asks to her comrades, including an black haired male Zabrak (Darth Maul’s race), facial tattoos in the form of streaks of blue going downwards on his face, and head, completely pale white skin, scarlet red eyes, wearing light blue hairpins, which form the Roman numeral of 18, that being XVIII, keeping back his bangs, no eyebrows, & a series of vestigial horns that crowned his head, sticking out of his hair, tilting his head at the sight, sitting next to her left.
“They seem to be looking at us and one of them posing to an some invisible ‘camera’ or something. Are they… implying something with their glares?” An orange haired, orange eye having human woman asks more on this current matter, while an female Holve with very long, wavy dark blue hair, very long elf-like ears, and wearing circular glasses, looks on at Wario and Waluigi. “Maybe cosplay too?”
“Maybe they implying an challenge, Tsumugi & Petra.” An Kim Type Japanese Macque monkey Anthro, with long, spiky, red colored head fur, that is kept in an high ponytail, adds another simple guess to the discussion between him and his ‘Purge’ comrades.
The Zabrak just went ‘Ha!’ out loud, puts on his white trench coat, with an high back collar, keep it open, with hidden Gerber Mark II fighting knives riddling the inside of the coat, grabs an pole, that was leaning on the fence at an angle, with both hands, with something on top, and gets up from the bench.
“Come on. Let’s meet their puffing out their chests with just our main melee ‘objects’. They might, or might not hold their bluff.”
An sigh from the Macaque. “If you say so, Corporal Suzuya.”
The four others get up from their spots on the long bench, leaving cases besides the sides of the bench, to slowly walk towards the provoking duo and put their somewhat Soviet-style, Tetsujin 28-go like full-head helmets on, fitting to each individual, but with differences in general design depending on the Sector the basic general design of their armor is linked with, that gets more detail-centered the more down an Trooper goes, with the openings on the forehead area for the 2 cyclops-like eyes, one eye above the other eye, on each of their foreheads.
“Now, we recite what our duty is, even with investigations being under way to rip out traitors from their roots within our own Roughcut. Speak up to these hooligans. Tell them two who you are.” The steps from these people shook the ground, with the girl with her hijab, Sinon, wrapped around her helmet standing at 18 feet, 3 inches tall, the orange haired human woman, Petra Ral, standing at 20 feet, 6 inches tall, and the rest are around the 21 foot height range, with Corporal Suzuya at 21 feet tall, exact, Tsumugi Shirogane, the dark blue haired Holve, with her glasses over her helmet’s orange visors, at 21 feet, 4 inches tall, making her the tallest out of her comrades, and Renji Abarai, the Macaque Anthro, stands at 21 feet, 2 inches tall.
“We are an Burzum Black Steel Fireteam of the Purge Troopers, the Steel Angels of The Empress of BLU and of Earthkind.” The five Troopers start reciting on what they have recited ever since they have been selected to become one of Her Steel Angels. Sinon, with several parts of her helmet having an white outline, wields an chainhander Greek Xiphos sword and have heat-brass knuckle ‘Impact Hand’ gauntlets, due to her rank as an ‘rookie’.
“We are defenders of BLU & Earthkind, their Steel Angels. We are the Holy Hammer that strikes vile heresy to the root.” Petra, with several parts of her helmet having an olive green outline, two ranks above Sinon, and have heat-brass knuckle ‘Impact Hand’ gauntlets.
“We are the point of Her Blessed Jackhammer Spear of Pure Purging Heat and Her Sister’s Holy Chainhander Sword.” Tsumugi, with several parts of her helmet having an olive green outline also, like Petra, wields an jack-screw Greek Sarissa spear, with an glowing, heated head, and having heat-brass knuckle ‘Impact Hand’ gauntlets.
“Then, I ask of ye. What else are you?”
“We are the mail that covers life under the blessed blanket of BLU. We are the bile-like bane to Her foes and the woes of the heretical, villainous, & traitorous.” Abarai, with several parts of his helmet having an olive green outline, like his 2 previously mentioned comrades before him, wields an Purge-fitted custom ‘teeth’-having and segmented blade called ‘Zabimaru’, having it rest on his right shoulder, while gripping the handle with his right ‘upper’ hand, his left ‘upper’ hand holding an an Purge-fitted kite shield, and having heat-brass knuckle ‘Impact Hand’ gauntlets.
“We… are the end. Amen.”
The corporal leader of the 5-people team, Juuzou Suzuya finishes up the recitation with his hands together in prayer, with his polearm leaning on his shoulder, before gripping it again, and he, and his comrades, stop walking at an mere 2 feet from Wario & Waluigi. Several parts of his helmet are outlined in simple red, wields an Chainhander war scythe, with both hands, which he had started up already before stopping his walk, has an UNHOLY sound to it, like the other chainhander weapons most of the other team members wields, and is the only one among his team. with piston heat-brass knuckle gauntlets.
Fully encased in their armor, the Burzum Black Steel Fireteam of the Götz von Berlichingen #17 Squad, a part of #05 Hierophant Platoon, which is also a part of the 4th Robond, part of 3rd Passage, of their Roughcut, The Iron 28′ers!
“Now, it is what-a time, mister?” Corporal Suzuya asks Wario, obviously towering him and smirking behind his helmet.
{BGM Overrided: The Anthem of The People of BLU }
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mudaship39 · 5 years
Warring Kingdoms:
Healing Elixer
Mana Potion
Amulet of Healing
Talisman of Power
Divine bronze shields:
Targe style shield
Parma style shield 
Buckler style shield
Target style shield
Heavenly iron shields:
Heater style shield
Round style shield
Wankel style shield
Oval style shield
Rodache style shield 
Mithril or adamant shields:
Celtic style shield 
Pavise style shield 
Melee weapons: 
Non lethal melee weapons:
Esoteric adamant Chinese style dual nunchucks 
Favorite of S rank Fighter, S rank monk, & S rank Sage Half Phoenix Zhou Chen 
Arcane mithril quarterstaff
Favorite of S rank bard Night Elf Queen Nysa Swiftmight
Mage stick/broom stick
Favorite of S rank magic user, S rank fighter, & S rank Paladin Magical Human High King Lysander Norwood
Lethal melee weapons: 
Blunt or bludgeon weapons:
Wooden divine iron spiked war club
Favorite of Double S rank Barbarian, S rank Fighter, S rank Warrior female half orc Chieftain and Warchief Dura Froststeel
Arcane mithril two handed sledgehammer 
Favorite of S rank Artificer Draenei Queen Sitia 
Esoteric adamant battle axes
Favorite of S rank Voodoo Priestess, S rank Shaman, & S rank Witch Doctor female half troll Chieftain and Warchief Jaroh Edei 
Esoteric Adamant Chinese ji style spear 
Favorite weapon of Zhou Chen 
Celestial steel Swedish style halberd spear
Favorite weapon of S Multi Class Magic User Blood Elf Queen Liadrel Grandstrider
Other pole weapons: Atlantean steel trident
Favorite of Mermaid Queen Cora 
Arcane mithril poniard style dagger 
Favorite of S rank Rogue Dark Elf Empress Falesh Doomcaller
Divine iron Greek style acinaces dagger
Favorite of S rank Amazonian Laurissa Jones
Divine iron Roman style sica dagger
Heavenly bronze Roman style pugio dagger 
Favorite of Greco Roman new god Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones 
Heavenly bronze Roman style parazonium dagger
Favorite of Homo magi Laurissa Owen Jones
Short swords:
Heavenly bronze Greek style xiphos sword
Favorite of Greco Roman Homo magi demigoddess Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones 
Heavenly bronze Roman style gladius sword
Favorite of S rank mage and Amazonian fighter Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones 
Chinese style liuyedao sword
Favorite of Zhou Chen
Korean style saingeom sword 
Favorite of S Rank Dragon Rider, Dragon Summoner, Dragon Slayer, Dragon Mage, & Dragon Knight Half Dragon Chun Hei Kim 
Celestial steel Chinese style jian sword
Favorite of Zhou Chen 
Arcane mithril French style cutlass
A favorite of Sky Pirate Captain Arnold Holt 
Esoteric adamant French style sabre 
Favorite of Rouge Sky Pirate Air Ship Captain Arnold Holt
Esoteric adamant Italian style rapier sword
Favorite of S rank Warlock Tiefling Phetari:
Favorite of Half Elf Beast Summoner, Beast Master, & Monster Hunter Coraxis
Long swords:
Arcane mithril English style estoc sword 
Favorite of S rank Ranger, S rank Hunter, & S rank Druid Wood Elf Queen Ashryn Genmaris
Arcane mithril Scottish style basket hilted sword 
Favorite of S rank Necromancer, S rank Demon Hunter, & S rank Templar Mage Hunter Void Elf Empress Lynera Richshade
Arcane mithril Italian style falchion sword 
Esoteric adamant Scandanavian, Norwegian, or Denmark Viking style sword
Favorite of S rank Paladin and Cleric Centaur Princess Ianosa 
Great swords:
Esoteric adamant German style hamberg sword 
A favorite of S rank mage and S rank paladin High Elf Empress Cellica Urigwyn
Arcane mithril Scottish style claymore sword 
A favorite of S rank Death Knight, S rank Fallen Paladin, S rank Sorcerer, & S rank Warlock Homo Magi Emperor Hadrian Williams
Arcane mithril German style zweihander sword 
A favorite of SSS rank mage, Double S rank fighter, & SSS rank paladin High King Lysander Norwood the High King of the Human and Homo magi federation 
Korean style hwandudaedo sword 
Favorite of S rank half dragon fighter Chun Hei Kim 
Bows that are equipped with small class armor such as leather armor:
Types of bows: short bows, long bows, great bows, recurved bows, reflex bows, crossbows, traditional bows, & modern bows 
Magical traditional composite bow that fires magical, arcane, nether, esoteric, dark, death, aether, nether, temporal, light, life, void, elemental, & divine, heavenly, stellar, & celestial arrows
Bows that is equipped with medium class armor such as chain mail celestial steel armor:
Magical traditional crossbow with iron sights that fires mithril, adamant, divine iron, heavenly bronze, & celestial steel crossbow bolts
Bows that is equipped with heavy class armor such as arcane aether or nether powered mithril or adamant metal power armor:
Mobile ballista that fires giant colossal mithril, adamant, divine iron, heavenly bronze, stellar titanium, & celestial steel metal bolts that can take down even a hydra or fire basilisk
Magical guns:
Secondary weapons that are equipped with small class armor such as leather armor:
Magical single barrel flintlock pistol with iron sights
Magical double barrel flintlock pistol with iron sights
Magical quadruple barrel flintlock pistol with iron sights
Magical single barrel flintlock rifle with iron sights
Magial double barrel flintlock rifle with iron sights
Primary weapons that are equipped with medium class armor such as the celestial steel chain mail armor: 
Guns that is equipped with medium class steel combat armor:
Esoteric six shot revolver  
Arcane 5.56 mm bolt action hunting rifle with scope
Arcane ten shot 10 gauge lever action shotgun with holographic red dot sight 
Esoteric five shot 50 caliber lever action repeating rifle with scope
Esoteric five shot 500 magnum revolver action lever action repeating rifle 
Esoteric semi automatic pistol with iron sights
Arcane semi automatic carbine rifle with scope  
Light class armor: 
High Elven empire leather armor 
Homo magi empire adamant steel armor
Heavenly bronze Greek Spartan style Amazonian armor
Heavenly bronze Roman Centurion style Amazonian armor 
Medium class armor:
Celestial steel chainmail Homo magi empire knight armor 
Heavy class armor:
Arcane aether or nether powered mithril Magical Human Federation paladin power armor
Modes of Transportation:  
Man of wars
Ship of the lines 
Sloop of wars
Ironclad ships 
0 notes
jflashandclash · 7 years
Attrition of Peace
Twelve: Frank
Thank the Gods My Dad is Roman
 Frank was determined to act like everything was normal today. He wanted to pretend he hadn’t spent the first half of yesterday avoiding his girlfriend and the latter half of the day chasing down weasels. No matter what animal he had turned into, he’d discovered weasels were difficult to catch.
Normally, he found his praetor house unbearably lonely. Jason had helped him take all of Jason’s stuff out, and put Frank’s stuff in. Members of the Fifth Cohort had snuck in for sleepovers a few times, but it was huge compared to the barracks. It made him think of his family’s burned mansion in North Vancouver.
At least he hadn’t blown up Camp Jupiter and Reyna could go on her date in peace. Despite all his heroics the past summer, he was still scared of disappointing her.
And he was scared of telling anyone that his stick was missing.
He must have misplaced it. That’s what he kept telling himself, but he kept imagining someone thinking it was a piece of kindling and throwing it in the fire. He’d furtively had the members of the Fifth Cohort go through their guests clothing when they went to the baths last night—just in case. He had known they were going to leave to catch a flight this morning, one earlier than morning inspection, and he didn’t want his stick to do some cross country traveling without him.
But nothing. He’d retraced all of his steps as a bloodhound to see if he could pick up the smell. The scent dead-ended at the Principia, intermixed with the various scents of their new guests. It was like someone had poofed with it. He didn’t know how it could disappear without him knowing. Normally, that thing weighed on him heavier than Sisyphus’s boulder.
This alone time at the praetor house gave him the quiet he needed to panic as he shaved his patchy chin growth and prepared to suit up for the day.
Then a shimmery image of Annabeth appeared in his mirror. Well, not in his mirror. Where the sunlight caught the steam in front of his mirror.
Frank yelped, stumbled backwards, and almost tripped over the toilet.
“Oh gods, it actually got through!” Annabeth cheered. “Frank!”
“Hey Annabeth,” he said, trying to pull his shirt and pants on as quickly and casually as he could. Knowing Annabeth, she wouldn’t even notice, but he could still feel his cheeks burn with embarrassment. “I thought Iris Messaging hasn’t been working.”
“It hasn’t!” Percy’s voice came from somewhere behind her. “And Iris hasn’t been giving me any drachma refunds!”
“Percy!” he cried. Just hearing their voices was calming. Maybe they’d have some ideas on how to find his kindling. “It’s good to hear from you two.”
“Unfortunately, we don’t have time to digress,” Annabeth said. She turned her face towards Percy and Frank could imagine the chastising look she was giving Percy. She looked back towards Frank, having given him—possibly strategically—time to change. “We’re looking for some demigods. They’re lead by a guy called Axel Pax—”
“He’s here. Why?” Frank said. He felt something squishy on his shirt. He reached down and found shaving cream smeared all over his clothing. He sighed, realizing he’d have to get changed again.
Percy snorted, “Because one of the girls with him went a little Poison Ivy and killed a bunch of mortals.”
“Percy! We’re not sure exactly what happened yet!”
Frank stared at Annabeth’s image. “What?”
Her expression was grim. “It’s not pretty. She’s carrying Backbiter, Kronos’s old scythe, though it could be in xiphos form. We don’t know what’s going on, but they have definitely proven to be dangerous.”
Frank was starting to feel nauseous, like he’d eaten some ice cream. “We just sent them your way on an airplane. Well, most of them. One of them is here, Axel Pax. Their escorts reported that one of them went missing on the way to the airport, maybe thirty minutes ago. A kid named Pax.” Reyna was supposed to be interrogating Axel about his brother’s disappearance right now.
“Be careful of that kid,” Percy warned. “The Stolls said there are rumors he can change into other people.”
Frank’s nausea solidified into a knot in his stomach. He thought about how Hazel hadn’t quite acted like herself when he saw her yesterday morning on their walk to the battlegrounds and on their… detour. And how Hazel left to grab something, only to show up moments later from a slightly different direction. She’d made him so flustered, he hadn’t thought twice about it.
And he hadn’t noticed his kindling was gone during the rest of practice because he was so focused on what to say to Hazel, and so upset she was acting like nothing had happened.
Frank balled his fists. His face felt like it was on fire and he couldn’t decide if it was from embarrassment or rage. “He has my stick. He stole it from me,” Frank realized.
“What?!” Annabeth asked, her face going pale.
“How?!” Percy asked. “You watch that thing like it’s your… well, your life force.”
“It went missing yesterday morning,” Frank growled. He was going to find that Pax kid, turn into a grizzly bear, and smack him around until Pax gave him his stick back and an apology. How dare he impersonate Hazel like… like that.
“Oh gods,” Annabeth said. “Frank, we’ll find them and your stick. When do the others land in New York?”
Frank shook his head. With trying to round up the weasels, run the camp, avoid Hazel, and look for his stick, he hadn’t paid as much attention to their guests’ itinerary. “I’m not sure, but I can find out from Reyna—but I’m not sure how to get in contact with you after. Iris Messaging hasn’t been working and every time we’ve tried to call you—”
Annabeth frowned. “My cell phone malfunctioned after I took some pictures of an Egyptian journal that we’re pretty sure was cursed.”
Frank probably should have asked, but his anger was too distracting.
“We’re pretty sure they used to be part of Kronos’ army, so the Pax brothers will be trained and—”
“You knew they were part of Kronos’ army and you let them into your camp?” Frank demanded.
Annabeth sighed, like she’d had this conversation before. “That’s not important right now. Just know that they could be very dangerous—”
“—same with that Ana girl—”
“—Euna,” Annabeth corrected. “And, Frank…” Annabeth’s expression changed. “Leo is—”
The image shuddered. Annabeth’s image disappeared as something moved in front of his window, blocking the sunlight’s path to the steam.
Frank almost hoped it was Pax, so he could throttle the kid. But he would have way rather heard the end of that sentence. Leo is… what?
“Those punks are dangerous,” the person said behind him. “But nothing you can’t handle.”
Frank was pretty sure he recognized that voice, though it sounded much smugger than usual. Frank turned, wishing people would stop crashing his bathroom.
He just wanted to finish shaving.
The man behind him wore a pair of dark cargo pants, a dark camo shirt, and a bulletproof vest lined with grenades. His combat boots were caked with mud, adding some unneeded decorations on Frank’s white floor. He wore red-tinted night vision goggles and a black bandana with a skull symbol. He was huge, and shouldered an enormous assault rifle, like a HKG36 on steroids. He stared past Frank, at the mirror. With his other hand, he shaved some scruff off his neck with a hunting knife.
Frank decided he didn’t want to use his dinky razor while this guy was shaving with a hunting knife. Frank could go get a knife from his room to try the same, but—with his luck—that would end this conversation faster than getting Hannibal the elephant to storm the praetor house.
“Mars?” Frank asked. Normally, his father looked like an honorable soldier. This guy looked more like an eager mercenary.
The guy must have been satisfied with his shave job, stowing away his hunting knife. “Eh, close enough kid. Ares. I don’t usually come here like this, especially with all you Romans expecting my other side, but this is personal. To both me and my stiffer side, I guess. And to Rome. But Roman aspect won’t handle this as tactfully as I will.”
Ares set his assault rifle down so he could crack his knuckles.
Frank didn’t understand why he was getting so mad at Ares for tracking dirt into his bathroom. He guessed it was Ares’ aggressive atmosphere, but he still felt like going for a loving father-son smack down. Were the Greek aspects of gods more… influential than the Roman?
“Is this about my stick?” Frank asked. He was mad at himself for asking. He didn’t want to talk about it, but the words just slipped out.
Ares bellowed out a laugh. “Oh no. That’s your problem. This is about those two punks, though mostly about the one that can turn part monster. I gotta hand it to him. If I didn’t hate him, I’d say he has a lot of spunk. Waltzing around Camp Jupiter—like he hadn’t killed two praetors.”
Frank dropped his razor. It clattered on the ground. “He what?!”
Ares shrugged, like this shouldn’t have been shocking. “The legion had to lose two praetors for Reyna and Jason to come to office. I’m not sure how he took out the first one, the one that Reyna replaced, but that monster killed the second in an ambush during the Second Titan War. He wore their medals on his military cloak as battle trophies.”
Wooziness hit Frank. Yesterday, he’d practiced fighting with Axel. He could envision the seemingly genuine glee Axel exuded when battling Reyna. Frank remembered feeling stupidly excited when Axel patted him on the back, complimenting one of his strikes. Axel gave off the confident cool of a leader, one that needed impressing.
But he had smelled weird. Frank couldn’t describe it, other than not-human.
“He killed two praetors. And you’re saying he can turn into a monster?” Frank asked.
“Something like that. I don’t really get it. The Leonis Caput is one of Hecate’s weird magic-science experiments. I’m not sure how much of it comes from being a savage freak, but he has a helmet that can turn him part monster now. But he doesn’t have it on him, so you should be able to take him pretty easily. I kinda wish he did, it would be a better fight.” Ares seemed disappointed.
“Gee, sorry,” Frank muttered.
The Leonis Caput. Frank had heard older legionnaires talk about that creature, one of Krios’s lieutenants.
“It’s a shame. Now, if I remember properly, you Romans are all about quests, right?” Ares scratched under his chin. “You got a pen on you?”
“Uh, no.”
“Augh, why do I feel like Romans never have pens?”
Frank scowled. “We’re in my bathroom.”
“Whatever,” Ares growled. He withdrew a grenade that morphed into a pen and went to scribble on Frank’s wall. Frank wanted to yell at him to stop. He’d have to clean that and the dirt on his floor. He wasn’t sure what the regulations were on yelling at your godly parent, but he assumed it would result in more than being grounded.
“So, you’re supposed to be a good tactician and whatever. If you were this guy, what do you think you’d be up to?”
Frank’s mind whirled. His jaw dropped. The Pax brothers had his stick. And Axel was currently with—
“Reyna,” Frank gasped. “Do you think he’s trying to collect more praetor medals?”
“I don’t know. I just hate the guy. It’s why I cursed him,” Ares said and stepped back from the wall.
“Why do you—”
Ares vanished, leaving Frank with a quest scribbled on his bathroom wall:
Bring the Leonis Caput before the council of the gods for divine judgment. Or at least kick his ass. Have fun kid.
Frank stared at the message for a second, deciding something for sure: the Greek version of his dad was a jerk.
Then he realized he was staring when he should have been scrambling for his armor and weapons. Reyna should be strong enough to hold off the Leonis Caput, right? Especially if he didn’t have his helm?
Good ol’ Ares.... such a great dad!
Sorry I’m running late on updates! It’s been a crazy week. Regardless, I hope you enjoy! I’m super excited for next week’s chapter: Axel’s Handicap of Emotional Heartache. Ready for this book to earn its title! XD
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they’re me if you even care
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i forgot to include Lester and Willow but that’s ok
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