wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Xite Annas, 2023
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arunasbrasas · 2 years
Avarijų gausa pirmoje Urugvajuje surengtoje „Extreme E“ kvalifikacijoje
Avarijų gausa pirmoje Urugvajuje surengtoje „Extreme E“ kvalifikacijoje
L. Sanz ir C. Sainzas // Extreme E / Charly Lopez nuotrauka Trijų komandų automobiliai vertėsi pirmoje Urugvajuje surengtoje „Extreme E“ kvalifikacijoje, o tarp tų, kurios pasiekė finišą, geriausią rezultatą užfiksavo „Acciona Sainz“ ekipa. Pirmoji trasoje pasirodė „Ganassi“ komanda. Jos rezultatą galėjo pagerinti Jensono Buttono JBXE komanda, bet trasoje važiavusi Hedda Hosas apsivertė trasoje…
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divineyetinpain · 7 months
Just downloaded KinitoPET, lets see how it is!!
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the-sweater-lodge · 2 years
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No context image of Kilo I procured in a tired haze days ago
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townpostin · 14 days
XITE Gamharia Boosts Tribal Farming with Aromatic Crop Training
CSIR-NML, XITE Gamharia, and CSIR-IIIM Jammu lead training to improve livelihoods through sustainable lemongrass cultivation. Key Points: – Tribal farmers trained on modern lemongrass cultivation. – 9 lemongrass varieties planted during hands-on sessions. – Initiative under DST’s STI Hub project for tribal community upliftment. JAMSHEDPUR – A specialized training program focused on the…
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bleistiftblog · 1 year
Broken stationery surprise
Things can break – of course they can, but I was still surprised when a pen and an eraser, both not used much, broke. Items can be ‘worn out’, but with good stationery you will usually have used up the item in question, or will have refilled it a few times, before that happens. Both items this blog post is about are from renowned manufacturers, so you don’t expect them to ‘wear out’ so…
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iwan1979 · 1 year
The COVID-19 pandemic played a significant role in increasing Mr Li's wealth, given that Mindray Medical is China's largest medical device manufacturer. In April 2020, Mr Li's net worth was US$12.5 billion. It almost doubled in 2021, growing to US$23 billion.
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crosscountryrally · 2 years
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Piloto argentino Ezequiel Companc debutará en la Extreme E con Xite Energy en Uruguay: Será el primer piloto sudamericano de la categoría
El piloto argentino Ezequiel Companc, con carrera principalmente en competencias GT y resistencia, debutará en la Extreme E en el Energy X-Prix de Punta del Este, Uruguay en el Xite Energy Racing como compañero de equipo de Tamara Molinaro. Companc, piloto y director del equipo de GT Madpanda Motorsport tiene experiencia en diferentes series motor como la Blancpain Series, la ADAC GT Masters y el GT World Series y también en los esports. También ha participado en carreras de duración en Estados Unidos como las 24 Horas de Daytona. Los Companc son una familia de tradición motor en Argentina con participaciones en carreras GT, el WRC y el Dakar.
"Estoy agradecido por la oportunidad de correr en Extreme E y estoy muy contento de unirme a Xite Energy Racing para la última ronda de la Temporada 2 de Extreme E en Uruguay" comentó Ezequiel Companc, que se convertirá en el primer piloto latinoamericano en correr en Extreme E. "Es un honor ser el primer piloto sudamericano en la serie y correr en Sudamérica tan cerca de mi ciudad natal, Buenos Aires, Argentina, en un evento tan prestigioso lo hace especial para mí. Viniendo de GT Racing, el formato, el coche y los trazados de esta serie serán nuevos para mí. Estoy deseando aprender de mi experimentada compañera de equipo Tamara y de mi ingeniero, con el que ya he empezado a prepararme para el Energy X Prix".
"El mes pasado tuve mi primera experiencia en carreras eléctricas con un RX2e y me divertí mucho. Ponerme al volante y domar el Odyssey 21 en tan poco tiempo será un gran reto, ¡pero estoy preparado para enfrentarme a la bestia!" añadió Companc, que tendrá un gran salto en su carrera al correr en Extreme E. "Me gustaría agradecer a Xite Energy Racing su confianza al elegirme, y a quienes que me apoyan y entienden la causa mundial por la que lucha Extreme E de la cual no puedo esperar a ser parte. Tenemos poco menos de dos meses para seguir trabajando duro para llegar lo más preparados posible a Punta del Este y luchar por un buen resultado. El reto está servido".
"Estamos encantados de dar la bienvenida a Ezequiel al campeonato y estamos deseando ver cómo le va a la nueva alineación de Xite Energy Racing en el Energy X Prix" concluyó Alejandro Agag, CEO y fundador de la categoría. "Es estupendo que Ezequiel se convierta en nuestro primer piloto sudamericano, aportando más diversidad al paddock de Extreme E. Estoy seguro de que los fans de la serie seguirán de cerca su progreso junto a Tamara. Debutar en Sudamérica será un momento especial para Ezequiel y le deseamos lo mejor".
En Xite Energy Racing, Companc reemplazará a Timo Scheider que volverá a sus funciones como piloto de campeonato. 
La ronda final de la Extreme E se disputará el 26 y 27 de noviembre en Punta del Este, Uruguay para el Energy X-Prix.
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cloudcountry · 11 months
Made a not cursed one too
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alex-just-vibing · 8 months
Am xited
is it cool if i use picrews for the refs?
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randomnameless · 11 months
See the thing is Devs impart or reveal things about the characters or secrets about the characters to the Seiyuu, informing them of things even the audience won’t learn by playing the game. That’s why their opinion can be much more informative and be more knowledgeable of intent than DUB VA’s. That’s part of why Voice Acting only tends to change VAs if the actor dies in Japan, and even then a lot will retire the role or give it to a relative. That is when the work is meant to be more ambitious-
-ambitious than say a cheap series where they aren’t even likely to get a new season/game if it’s a cheap one off. That’s a big part of where the distinction lies, the Seiyuu IS intrinsically tied to the characters themselves , whereas Dub VA’s are not. A good example of this, say for example, is the cast for Neon Evangelion Evangelion. Who’ve been voicing the characters for three decades and learn things Anno only personally let’s them know for the narrative, like in the Rebuilds.
Right, I've noticed sometimes VAs are re-cast in the US VA industry (I think there was something about Bleach's Yoruichi being recast? And it ended up in a shitstorm because the og VA acted like an ass? or something like that?) something that never happens in the JP dubbing industry, unless the Seiyuu dies or is involved in... stuff.
I've thought that seiyuus could work more closely with devs/mangakas for the role they're supposed to voice, so they had more "pointers" about how to portray a character and how they would feel/react in a situation, but maybe that's because I've read too much mangas lol
I still see what you're saying, like, take the scene where Rhea "asks" Metodey and Flamey to stop stealing the stones.
"That is enough! Do you even know what those stones are?!"
It's more or less the same line in the jp version "もう、おやめなさい! あなたたちは、 その石を何だと思っているのです!"
And yet, the VA performances are very different, Leigh is, well, angry - but Inoue is panicking and despairing.
If Leigh asked Pat how she should voice Rhea here, Pat tells her "Rhea has a hair trigger temper", so she voices it to fit what Pat told her. If Inoue asked idk, the jp!voice director, how she should voice Rhea here, the jp!voice director might tell her that those things Flamey and Metodet are the remnants of Rhea's butchered family, it's the only thing she has of them left. So Inoue would voice Rhea accordingly.
Granted, we circle back to the main issue/point here, Treehouse and its loLcalisation.
In the above example, while its really sad that, in a way, Leigh cannot ask the jp!voice director how her character is supposed to react during this scene, the saddest thing here is Pat completely mischaracterising Rhea.
So even if Ignatz's US VA has some "thoughts" and info about how Ignatz would react/feel in the game (even if the tweet (Xite? what is even the new name for "tweet"?) the other anon talked about was most likely his own opinion as a VA and not what his character would feel in the game) - those thoughts and infos were given by Pat.
Whose vision of the game and understanding of its characters is completely at odds with what the jp!dev's vision, so...
If you have to believe something from someone, it's from the source material.
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arunasbrasas · 2 years
Po pusfinalių važiavimų Čilėje, paaiškėjo finalo dalyviai
Po pusfinalių važiavimų Čilėje, paaiškėjo finalo dalyviai
T. Foustas / Extreme E, Sam Bagnall nuotrauka Po Čilėje įvykusių „Extreme E“ pusfinalių važiavimų ir „Pašėlusių lenktynių“, paaiškėjo, kurios komandos varžysis finalinėse šio savaitgalio varžybose. Pirmose pusfinalio varžybose pergalę iškovojo ir dar labiau prie čempionės titulo priartėjo Nico Rosbergo RXR komanda. Į finalą ji pateko kartu su „Acciona Sainz“ ekipa. „Andretti United“ atstovė…
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v-anrouge · 11 months
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rannisimp · 2 years
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Sauce :
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townpostin · 29 days
XITE Gamharia Hosts Entrepreneurship Session by Ashish Singh
AICTE-guided event features interactive ideation game, covers key business topics XITE Gamharia conducted an engaging session on entrepreneurship, featuring insights from industry expert Ashish Singh. JAMSHEDPUR – An interesting and engaging entrepreneurship session was conducted by Ashish Singh at XITE Gamharia, with an emphasis on national development and employment and it was participated by…
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dilly-dallys-scene · 2 years
EEK gr8 newz suprstrz ☆彡
da fur an cliperz i ordrd arrivd!!!!
soooo xited guna make earz 4 D1LLY-D4LLY
4 an upcomin Con!!!
Iz guna B soooo cute!!! but iz my 1st time makin em so im a lil nervs 4 it
ill do updatz az i wrk
xxx- ur fav freak
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