thesetrashimagines · 3 years
You’re a Curse Baby
Jujutsu Kaisen Imagine (reader insert)
Warnings: Murder, alludes to abuse, blood
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AN: This story is based off of the amazing @skipps-writes-for-gojo-satoru headcannon requested by @shoganaiiii Please go show them some love! They deserve it!
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It was dark and empty. So empty.
“No! Don’t go! Please!”
Wha-where am I?
“You can’t leave me!”
“You’re worthless! You have brought nothing but bad luck!”
Huh? Who-
“You’re- you’re my mother, you’re supposed to love me...”
“You are nothing to me.”
A sharp pain overcame you. With a gasp you opened your eyes and looked around, taking in the space surrounding you.
The air around you shook with a loud rumble and a bright light cracked across your line of vision. You fell back on your bottom and pushed yourself away from the sudden brightness. As the loud noises started to fade, another sound caught your attention. You glanced around you before you realized the sound was coming from under you. Getting up on your hands and knees, you looked down between your hands. The white surface you were on began to swirl and then became clear.
A ways down you could see a figure laying down, it shook every time a loud wail escaped it.
Is that thing making that sound? 
The figure’s hands went up and held it’s face. You noticed another figure standing over them with their arm raised.
What’s happening?
Before you knew it another sharp pain shot through you. Right when the pain reached your fingertips, the bright light cracked down near the figures. With the sudden light blinding you, you rubbed at your eyes as the rumbling started again.
Then the screaming started. In your state of confusion, you tried to open your eyes and look back down. The standing figure now had a hold on the smaller one. Your eyebrows pinched together as you watched the scene from above.
“You will always be alone, nobody will ever want you.” The standing figure started to shake the smaller one back and forth, “You are nothing! You are a disgrace! You have brought misfortune on this family! I have to get rid of you.”
The smaller one grabbed onto the standing figure and began to kick their legs in retaliation.
“Mama no! Please!”
“I am not your mother!”
The taller figure reached into their waist and pulled out an long object that shined in the flashing light. The object disappeared when it came in contact with the figure on the ground. Everything around you slowed, the rumbling filled your ears again and with one last flash of light, your world went dark once more. You couldn’t feel anything underneath you, the surface you once sat upon had opened up and now you were falling.
Cold air rushed past you, the chill settling in your bones. You couldn’t hear anything over the loud thunder and wind. Your limbs flailed around as you tried to grab onto something, anything but all you could feel was the air slip through your fingers. A moment later your body slammed into the hard ground, due to the impact a cold liquid bubbled up inside of you and escaped through your mouth. You turned to the side and started coughing, more of the liquid was expelled. With a hazy mind you laid back onto your back and opened your eyes. At first everything dark but slowly the blackness began to clear. Above you, you could see where you had fallen from. A ball made of blacks, greys, and whites swirled as the cloud closed and the thunder rumbled again. Your eyes squinted when you noticed something beginning to form inside of the ball. It was sporadic, jumping around side to side within the cloud and with a loud clap it descended towards you.
Frozen in place, you could nothing but let the bright light hit you. A strong feeling overcame you, it was hard to describe. You felt like something was after you, something bad was going to happen, you felt like everything wanted to do ill harm towards you. The purple light filled your vision as one word whispered out,
Your chest heaved up and down as the voice went on,
A whimper crawled out of your throat,
A stream of water dripped down the side of your face,
You started to feel your body tingle,
The tingling got stronger and stronger, filling your entire being with this horrible feeling. You didn’t know what was happening but something inside of you was telling you to let it go, to let the pain go. With a loud clap the feelings branched out and turned into electricity. The purple lightening shot out and hit everything within a hundred meters. The electricity fizzed and left you buzzing on the ground.
With a small groan you were finally able to sit up. You were sat in the middle of a wooded area.
These are-? trees, trees? They’re weird looking. look what you did to them.
You got to your feet and walked over to one of the stumps. The rings of the tree were scorched black. Your hand hesitated before it placed itself completely against the hot wood, the smell of burnt wood filled your nose which caused you to look up. The trees were all different shapes and sizes, left in different types of disarray. The ones closest to you were cut clean off from where they stood, others were burnt to a crisp, and the rest were left burning in a bright purple flame.
There, further in the distance, laid a familiar figure. You stalked towards them, passing some of fallen trees on the way. When you reached the figure you noticed the trees surrounding them were ingulfed in the purple flame. You grew curious and walked to one of the burning trees, you felt no heat coming from the flame so without a thought you reached out and touched the bark. Nothing. With drawling you were surprised to see the flame sitting in your palm. You stared into the dancing flame, watching as it entranced you, almost as if it was trying to tell you something.
The moment was cut when begging came from beside you. You turned back to the body and saw a weak hand reach up and out towards the untouched part of the forest.
“Mama...ple-” The body shook as it began to cough, “Don’t leave me...” With quiet steps you approached the body and kneeled. “I won’t leave you.” The hand froze and then dropped, the body started to turn towards you. “Wha- what are you?”
“I-I don’t know.”
Her eyes were filled with an emotion you somehow knew. “Fear...are you scared of me?” The girls eyes widened and then squeezed shut as she gasped out in pain. “It-it hurts.” You followed her hand as it clutched his side. “What is that?” Your hand hovered over the brown hilt. “I was stabbed by, by my mother.” The young girl began to cry, tears and snot covered her face. “Uh, I’m here. I can-I can...” 
Kill her Kill? What does that mean? You see the pain she’s in? Yes. Killing her will put her out of her misery, she’ll be at peace. Peace?
“I can bring you peace.” Her teary eyes looked up at you, a new emotion surfaced, one you couldn’t recognize. “Please, please it hurts so much.” Her crimson covered hand grabbed yours and placed it on top of the brown hilt. She nodded her head and closed her eyes. 
Kill her
“I’ll bring you peace....” When you pulled out the object the fire on the trees surrounding the two of you grew drastically. The flames expanded to such a large size that you couldn’t see anything beyond them. You looked around frantically, that familiar feeling of fear rising in you.
“What’s happening?” A light blue glow floated around your head. 
“T h a n k  y o u.” The voice that filled your head reminded of the girl.
The girl.
Whipping your head back down towards the body on the ground you saw that her once white blouse was now a deep red colour. Her eyes were still closed and she looked- 
“P e a c e.” 
The light blue ball glided through the air and bobbed in front of your eyes,
“I  c a n  b e  a t  r e s t  n o w,  t h a n k  y o u.” The ball started to ascend towards the stormy clouds above.
Kill her soul
Your fingertips began to sizzle and before you knew it, your hand was pointed at the small blue globe and jagged purple lightening zipped to the ball, electrocuting the soul. The ball of light shook in the air as the purple veins penetrated it.
She’ll never feel alone again
A rush of energy flowed through you, “I won’t leave you.” You quickly became overwhelmed with all the new things happening. The lifeless body in your lap grew cold, “No, I-what’s wrong with her?” No one answered, “I don’t understand!” The more distraught you became the more intense the flames around got. You started to hyperventilate.
The darkness grew over your eyes and you were drowned in silence.
“So Sukuna’s vessel eh?” Megumi looked over at his teacher and hummed, “I didn’t think he’d actually eat it.” The white haired man started laughing before the young boy beside him stopped, “Uh sensei...” With a small turn the sorcerer could see that there was a hill top burning a bright purple. “Do you feel tha-” A loud roll of thunder vibrated their ears and a hard crack broke through, a flash of lightening hit the center of the flames which cause them to double in size.
“Let’s go.” The two took off towards the burning hill side. “With all of that cursed energy it must be a special grade right?” Gojo readjusted the body slung over his shoulder, “Yeah, something must’ve happened if we didn’t feel till now.” He didn’t feel it on his way to help Megumi, he didn’t feel it during his show off, he couldn’t have been solely focused on Sukuna’s energy...right?
The base of the hill came into view. They couldn’t see anything through the wall of flames. “Make sure he doesn’t wake up.” Gojo planted the pink haired boy on the ground and walked towards the fire. “And what if he does?” The older man turned to his student and smiled, “I believe in you.”
He raised his palm to the flames anticipating to feel heat but much to his surprise his hand went through the flames. Pulling his hand back out he took note that nothing happened. With a confident step forward he walked through the bright purple light, inside the flames was a storm. The clouds above were black in colour and swirled the air, purple lightening striking across the sky every once in awhile. Taking a look around he noticed that the trees varied in damage, ‘was there a sorcerer already in here?’
Gojo passed the scorched trees and ventured further into the ruined forest. He came to a stop in front of an area that looked like a bomb had been dropped, the trees and other plant life closet to the site had been completely obliterated.
Out of nowhere a small voice called out,
“No! I don’t understand!” Without thinking Gojo ran towards it, he only made so far before a powerful blast suddenly hit him. Bringing his arms up to shield himself, he pushed through the force. He could see two people laying next to one another, one of them was covered in blood while the other laid shaking on the ground, and just when the shaking started, it stopped. The energy pushing against Gojo disappeared, the flames surrounding them were now nothing more than small flickers and the clouds above stopped their swirling.
Gojo approached the two bodies on the ground, both lying lifeless. Without checking he knew the one on the right covered on blood was dead, there was no point in checking when there was a stab wound in her side. Then there was the other person. Their finger tips and nails were black but as his eyes traveled up their arm the black faded to a (s/c). Their face was turned slightly, as if they were looking at the young girl next to them before falling unconscious, their face held no markings, no scars, nothing. Gojo looked up from the bodies and glanced around the enclosed space. Even though the cursed energy was now a lot weaker, the wall of flames encompassing the area still stood. He looked behind him where he could just make out Megumi from beyond the purple obstacle.
A loud gasp tore his attention back to in front of him. The untouched body was now scooting away from Gojo. “I-” The clouds above him began to swirl again.
Seeing them from further away, his suspicions were confirmed. Their feet were the same as their arms, black, but further up the leg they faded to (s/c). Their ears were another sight, they were somewhat long and pointed, they dropped down a little at the ends, like a sad little elf. But what really caught Gojo’s attention was their eyes, instead of a iris and pupil, the whole of their eye was a deep purple colour.
“You really did a number huh?” At the sound of his voice, you flinched and back up some more. “I almost don’t wanna kill ya, you look so cute!”
Both of them jumped a little at the loud roar of thunder. “So what? You got powers of the storm or something? Is that why you killed her? Was she trespassing?”
He watched you shake your head, (h/c) curls bouncing lightly. “I don’t know what that means...” Gojo was taken back a little, you spoke.  “You don’t know what that means?” Another small shake from you he let out a sigh, “I’m still gonna have to kill you.”
“No! No! No! Please! I didn’t mean to! She asked me!” He watched as you got to your feet and started moving your hands around wildly. “I was up there-” You pointed briefly to the sky, “and she was her with someone...‘Mama’!” Your eyes twinkled at the memory,” I was-I was watching them and then I started feeling all these things.” Your colourful eyes darted back and forth, not knowing what to look at. “And then she had this long, long shiny thing and she asked me to take it out and give her peace-”
“Peace?” Your hands froze in mid air, “Yes they said to give her peace and then she begged me to help her.” Your hands rubbed at your eyes, “I didn’t mean for her soul to-” A little whimper escaped your throat. “I just didn’t want her to- to be a-alone.” Hiccups racked through your body. Gojo watched in interest, “Please I don’t know what what I am.”
“Well by the looks of things, you’re a curse baby.”
“How do you plan on hiding it from the higher ups?” Megumi glanced over at your shaking form, “It’ll be okay, it’s docile at the moment.” His eyes trailed up to the sky, “Is the storm their doing?” Gojo shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t fully understand it’s abilities and it doesn’t neither.” Megumi steps faltered for a second. “And you’re okay with risking it?” The older man patted the body on his shoulder, “We’re already risking aren’t we? What’s with adding a little more danger?” The look on Megumi’s face caused the older man to laugh.
As the four got the school entrance Gojo stopped and turned to the newly turned curse, “Stay out here.” He gestured to the boy on his shoulder, “I have some stuff to do with the kid, you behave okay?” The two men watched as your eyes widened, “You’re going to leave me?” Gojo shrugged, “Only for a little.” You shook your head furiously, “I, I don’t wanna be alone.” A low rumble sounded through the clouds. “We made a deal remember.” You shook your head again, “I’m scared to be by myself.” Megumi’s head looked up to the sky and then to his teacher.
“Megumi, do you think you could hide it in your room?” The boys eyes widened, “You want me to bring it into the school?!” The white haired man smiled, “Yep!”
“Come on, tell me how much energy is it giving off?” Megumi sighed and faced you, his eyes staring into yours, “Not much.” Gojo clapped a hand on the boys back, “See? Nobody will notice!” He then turned to you, “As long as you behave, alright?” You nodded. “Now follow Megumi, I’ll be back later.”
And with that he left.
You looked to the black haired boy, “Megumi?” His eyes locked back onto yours, “Why does he call you that?” His eyebrows scrunched together, “He calls me that because it’s my name.” The ends of your ears twitched, “Name? What’s a name?” Megumi sighed and began to walk into the school, “It’s a title given to you by your parents or something everybody knows you by.” Your eyes widened in wonder. “Oh, can I have a name Megumi?”
The boy opened a door and walked inside of a room, “What are you doing? Get in here!” He turned back to see you staring at the dark room in fear, “I don’t want to go in.” He went to grab your forearm but stopped when he remembered what you were, “If you come inside I’ll help you choose a name.” With a small gasp you walked into the room.
“The man with white hair called me baby when he spoke to me.”
Megumi sighed through his nose and closed his eyes, “We’re not naming you baby.” He heard you shuffle in your spot on the floor, “Oh, well what did you have in mind?”
The boy opened his eyes and casted his glance towards you. There you were sat on his bedroom floor, purple eyes glowing softly in the dark, (h/c) hair framing your face, you looked like something out of those fantasy games everyone talks about. You almost looked innocent.
“I think the name Y/n suits you.”
You tested the new name on your tongue,
“Y/n...I like it!”
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AH- I am going to make this a series because the idea is too freaking cute not to. Again thank you so much @skipps-writes-for-gojo-satoru​ for giving me permission to write this adorable prompt! And thanks to @shoganaiiii​ for requesting it! Well I hoped you enjoyed it, thanks for reading <3
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genderhawk · 5 years
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Lobbied for the FAIR education act (passed and begins to be enforced)
Started T (at least three times)
Coached many wonderful teams of kids (soccer)
Planned parts of eight huge family conferences and 1.5 small gaming cons
Became TCC mom and then YACB chair
And now HSC board member
Experienced my first romantic relationship and break up
Stopped wanting to die (mostly)
Started college (age 14)
Probably other stuff too idk
0 notes
blogofeggspast · 7 years
Yacb (you are cutest beanu)
l i e s
5 notes · View notes
yacb-hsc · 8 years
Registering for the HSC Conference as a Young Adult
First lets bust some myths about registering as a young adult!
You do not need to be an HSC member to register as a young adult.
Registering does not need to be done in advance.
Registration, at any time of year, is only fifteen dollars so it's affordable for almost any budget.
You do not need to stay at the host hotel in order to attend.
There is public transportation and a shuttle that can get you to the hotel.
Now, on to how exactly to register!
Go here [ http://hscconference.com/registration.html ]
Click the link near the top of the page where it says “Click here to register”
Click the second link from the bottom where it says “I would like to register for HSC conference 2017”
Follow the directions on that page and you're done!
Next let me give you a sneak peak of what to expect!
Expect to see a YACB table in the lobby where we can congregate
Expect workshops and discussions throughout the day
Expect fantastic night events with wonderful themes
Expect at least one outing into the city of San Fransisco
Expect to have a blast!
2 notes · View notes
hellsend · 12 years
Un blog, mon blog, sur la vie d'un geek entouré de gens presque normaux. L'horreur? Ou pas.
0 notes
thesetrashimagines · 3 years
You’re a Curse Baby Pt.3
A Jujutsu Kaisen Imagine Series (reader insert)
Warnings: blood/gore-y scene depicted
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GIF is not mine!
Pt.2 Pt.4
AN: I don’t know if anyone’s seen Paranorman but this scene from the movie is how I picture Y/n’s powers to behave. I tried so hard to describe it x-x
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The sound of birds chirping woke you up. Blinking your eyes open you took a lazy look around your ‘home’, after Gojo took you in he gave you small abandoned shrine to live in. It was close enough to the school where he could keep an eye on you but far enough away not to raise any eyebrows. Speaking of the white haired man, he was usually waking you up by now.
Pushing the thin blanket off of you, you stood up. The shrine was a small hut, 3 walls with a roof. With no door you could stare straight out into the wilderness outside. You leaned against the wall and looked out to the woods, waiting. The trees rustled quietly and the chimes hanging over the opening dinged as the wind passed through. With a exasperated sigh you pushed off the wall and walked out the entrance, you were going to look for him. You knew you weren’t allowed to walk into the school without Gojo but you were looking for him, he would understand right?
Your little shrine sat behind the school which made things easier for you, nobody expects a curse to enter through back, or at least that’s what Gojo said. Having snuck around the school grounds with him before, you knew the layout pretty well.
You walked along the walls of the buildings, making sure to keep an ear out for anyone near by. You had successfully reached the boys’ rooms. 
You knocked on Yuji’s door hoping he was awake.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” He rubbed at his tired eyes, “I can’t find Gojo.” The boy yawned and scratched at his chest. “I think he’s gone.” Your eyes widened a little.
Gone? He left me?
“O-oh...okay.” Yuji’s eyebrows furrowed, “Are you okay Y/n?” You nodded, “Yeah...I’ll be okay.” You gave the pink haired boy a small smile, “Sorry for waking you Yuji. Have a good morning.” You bowed a little and turned the way you came.
Yuji watched your form disappear around the corner, “What did they want?” Yuji looked over at Fushiguro, “They were looking for Gojo sensei.” The sky above grew dark as rain fell and hit the pavement with soft ‘pits’. “Oh no,” Megumi sighed and went in his room, “Wha-hey! Where you going?” The boy came back out of his room fully dressed. “I’m going to go get them.” Yuji ran back in his room and rushed to put on his clothes, “I’m coming too!”
The two boys walked along the overgrown path, “This place isn’t in the best condition.” Yuji looked around at the broken statues covered in moss. “It’s the only place they can hide and not worry about the higher ups.” Megumi lifted a broken beam and let Yuji move ahead. “I know but it’s so far away...” After a few more minutes of walking, the two came up to a small shrine sitting at the top of hill with stairs. “Are they in there?”
“I think so,”
“Why would he leave?” You walked through the forest on autopilot. “Have I been bad?” You could feel the wet ground under the souls of your feet, “No, I’ve been good. I know I’ve been good.” The rain fell harder, “Then why...” You couldn’t tell if the wetness on your face was the rain or your tears, 
“Did he abandon me?”
That figure, what was their name? Mama?
“Maybe mama was right,” The pain from that night surged through you.
“You will never be wanted. You are undesirable.”
“Am I unwanted?” Long thin purple tendrils escaped your body, making you jerk around softly.
Do they hate me? Is that why I’m hidden away?
“No Gojo said it was to protect me...” The electricity wisped off of you and jumped from spot to spot on the ground almost like it was searching for something, or someone.
Or was it to protect them?
Thunder shook the sky.
He kills monsters like you
That voice, where was it coming from?
You are one of those demons.
“I’m not a demon.”
Then what do I call you? Demon seems very fitting, especially for something that corrupts souls.
“Corrupting souls?...”
You took in the scenery around you. Tall broken statues and crumpling architecture laid scattered about.
It’s your nature to corrupt them. Have they fallen for your trick yet?
“What trick? I’m not-”
They think you are harmless!
Your eyes swept over your surroundings again, this time catching a faint blue figure standing behind a beam.
“I see you,”
You finally found me
“Yes. You’re hiding behind that post.” The being waltzed around the beam and smirked. The masculine features on the figures face told you it was a male and from his broad shoulders and large arms you clued in he was strong.
I was revolted to find out that sorcerer had the audacity to hide you here
“Who are you?”
I roamed this world as a great and strong jujutsu warrior. I have slayed many curses like you.
“You are stuck here...”
His soul is unrested, he seeks serenity 
“You’re trapped.”
This is my final resting place,
“But you don’t want it to be...”
How can you-
“You’re lying, I can feel it.”
You failed to notice how the purple tendrils reached out towards the man. “I can feel your loneliness.” The large man stepped back.
I won’t listen to the likes of you
“Lying to yourself isn’t going to help.”
Help?! As if you know anything about help!
The man barked out a laugh. You shrugged your shoulders and answered him, “I may not know...but I am learning.” The man scoffed.
Why would that man waste his time risking everything for you?
“I don’t know...”
You are a curse, a monster.
You shook your head, “I...I don’t want to be a monster.” Your fingertips sizzled as thunder roared from the sky. A loud crash pierced your ear drums and a intense force flowed through you.
That is your fate, your reality. You are the child of nightmares, you cannot be anything else.
As you lifted your hand purple sparks shot off in different directions. The spirit grinned,
Are you going to fight me?
A bolt jolted out of your out stretched hand, landing in the mans chest. His eyes shined purple, your own turning brown.
Flashes of his life played through your mind.
Swords clashed, cursed energy flowed, terrifying creatures with giant maws ripped open flesh, blood soaked the grass, bodies laid motionless...
The man started to cry, “Matsu it’s alright, it’s over.”
The pain, it never stops
“I-I can make it stop.”
Why do you want to help me?
“You’ve experienced so much despair, no one should have to go through that. I’m sorry it was my kind that brought you so much pain.”
A small smile broke out on the mans face,
You stand there sharing your soul energy with me, someone who was wanting to kill you mere moments ago, but nonetheless you are wiling to give me the chance to cross over. Colour me surprised, maybe not all curses are the same.
Purple veins appeared on his skin,
I thank you deeply
And then he turned into smoke.
Another burst of energy surged through your body, making you wince in pain. A loud clap of lightening cut through the dark clouds, a low rumble of thunder following after it. The painful feeling grew stronger and stronger till your knees couldn’t hold you up anymore.
With a wet splat, you hit the forest floor and began coughing. The edges of your vision darkened as your eyes went out of focus.
Then there was nothing.
Megumi and Yuji got to the top step and peaked into the small shrine. “They’re not in here.” Megumi deadpanned, “You don’t say.”
“Oh,” Yuji bent over and removed a piece of paper from under a rock. “It’s a letter,” His eyes scanned over the page, “It’s from Gojo sensei, he’s overseas.” Megumi stood next to the pink haired sorcerer and read over his shoulder. “We knew that already.” Yuji looked at Megumi, “I don’t think they know that.” Megumi sighed and reached for the note. “I don’t think Y/n can read either.” Both boys let out bits of air at their thoughtless teacher.
Their moment was cut short when a flash of lightening brightened up the sky. “We should find them.” Yuji nodded, “But where do we start-” Another bolt came out of the clouds, this time shooting down and hitting an area in the woods. “Let’s go.”
Rain pelted off of their uniforms while they ran through the woods. They followed the strikes of lightening till they saw you, standing amongst the old remains of a temple. They watched your lips move but they couldn’t hear your words over the storm, it looked like you were speaking to someone. You had a hand out, purple light zigzagging between you and whatever was behind the fallen wall. Yuji took a step forward but was quickly stopped when a spark of electricity hit the spot in front of him and Megumi. Long purple tendrils shot out of the forest floor and zapped across the ground sporadically.
The dark haired boy pulled Yuji back, “Fushiguro...their cursed energy,” The two boys could feel the overwhelming power pulsing from you.
They watched as a small smile pulled at the corners of you mouth and your hand dropped to your side. Though the expression on your face quickly twisted into on of pain. Your eyes widened and then you collapsed onto the ground and started coughing.
“Y/N!” Yuji ran for your fallen body. “Itadori wait!” Megumi’s arm went to grab him again but he was already sliding to a stop next you.
“Y/n?” Yuji tilted his head to get a better look at your face. When you didn’t answer him, he went to place a hand on your shoulder, but when his hand got close a tiny spark shot out and made contact with his hand. The little bolt sent a strong current through Yuji, starting from his fingers, traveling up his arm, and settling along the curve of his spine. He held his hand to his chest for a moment, waiting for the effect to wear off.
“Don’t go touching them you idiot, they might be unstable.”
Once Yuji couldn’t feel the tingling feeling, he placed his hand back on your shoulder and gave you a small shake. “Y/n?” The purple sparks danced up his arm. “Did you not hear what I just said?” Megumi marched up behind Yuji and grabbed his shirt, the purple sparks jumping onto him. “I don’t feel anything anymore.” The two boys kneeled next you, your cursed energy tickling their skin. “Hey Y/n,” Yuji gave you another shake, “Can you hear me?”
A buzzing from came from Megumi’s jacket. Pulling out his phone he answered the call.
“Yeah we’ll be right there.”
He looked down at your unconscious body then to Yuji who was still trying to wake you up. “We have to go,” The other boys’ head whipped up, “We can’t leave them here.” Megumi let out a long sigh, “We can’t bring them along.”
Yuji had a hard expression on his face as he thought of a plan.
“What if we-”
“I can’t believe you two idiots brought them along.” Nobara glared at your sleeping body in Yuji’s arms. “We couldn’t just leave them in the woods all alone!” her eyebrows furrowed, “And why not? They could jeopardize this whole mission!” Yuji pulled you closer to himself, “They can’t be left alone for too long.” Nobara huffed, “You guys treat them like they’re a baby.”
“They kind of are one.”
Megumi glanced up at the sky, “This storm is being caused by them anyways so, we can’t leave them unmonitored.” Nobara groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Fine then how do you plan on watching them while we deal with this curse?”
After Ijichi explained to the first years what they were in for, Yuji opened the car door and carried your still form out. Ijichi stared in shock when he saw you. “Who’s-who’s this?” Yuji looked down at you, “This is Y/n, Could you watch them for us while we’re in there?” The man sputtered when you were placed in his arms, “What? But I-!”
“Thanks!” The pink haired sorcerer waved as he ran into the building.
It was eerily quiet and...soft?
Opening your eyes you took in your new surroundings. You sat inside of container? With windows and seats?
“Oh you’re up.” You looked ahead to see a man with glasses and black hair. “Uhm who are you? Where am I?” The man pushed up his frames, “I’m -”
Fear filled veins, “There’s a curse here.” You turned to the side and looked out the window to the building in distance, “I need to get out.” You pushed at the steel, “I don’t think-” Fear soon became terror, “I need to get out. Please.” You pushed at the door again. “I can’t let you out.” A new feeling creeped it’s way in.
“No please I have to get out. I can’t sit in here.” You shoved at the door again, this time moving the vehicle side-to-side. “You need to calm-”
“Please! I can’t do this!” You heaved at the door once more.
Ijichi’s eye widened at the panic in your voice, “Okay! Alright I’ll let you-” Your hands gripped onto the door, “There’s a handle-” He didn’t get to finish his sentence. Your feet carried to the edge of the property, “Stop!” The dark haired man came to stand beside you, “I can’t let you go in there.” Your chest grew tight, 
You could feel his heart tremble, “He-” Your thoughts were cut off when you saw Megumi run out of the structure with Nobara in his arms. “Megumi!” You sprinted towards him, the man with glasses not too far behind. “Are you alright? What happened? Megumi what’s going on?” He passed Nobara to the dark haired man and sat down on the stairs. He took a deep breath as his black dog let out a loud howl. “You need to get out of here.” He stood up and followed the man back to the car. “I’m not leaving you, or Yuji.” Megumi let out a frustrated huff, “I’m not asking you-”
“Neither am I! I’m not asking for permission to stay.” With your face set in a hard glare Megumi knew he wasn’t going to get you to leave.
“You need to expand the evacuation area to ten kilometers.” Ijichi looked between the two of you, “And what about you?” Without hesitation Megumi answered, “I’ll stay,” The older mans eyes shifted back to you, “They’re staying with me, we’re going to wait for Itadori.” Ijichi gave a nod, “Understood. Alright let me get Kugisaki to the hospital. Then I’ll come back here for you.” Megumi shook his head, “No, you wouldn’t be that much use in this situation,” The older man had a pained look on his face, “To really help you could get them to send us a sorcerer who’s a grade one or higher,” Megumi crossed his arms, “If there was one around.” There was a small hint of annoyance laced in his tone.
“I’ll do my best, later.” Ijichin rolled up the window and drove off.
“Megumi I-” The sorcerer looked at the side of your face. “Yuji- I can’t feel him.” A tear ran down your cheek, “It’s like he’s being...suppressed? I don’t understand.” Megumi watched you run through your thoughts, “What’s happening?”
He went on to tell you about how they were called to deal with a ‘special grade’ and that it was too strong for them so Yuji told Megumi to find Nobara and bring her to safety while he let’s Sukuna take over. “So I’m feeling Sukuna’s energy?” Megumi nodded, “I would assume so, can you feel the other curse?” You hummed, “Yeah, it’s mischievous, it thinks this is funny. But, it’s scared of something...” Megumi wanted to ask what it was but then he felt the domain close, “The curse must be dead, we just have to wait for Itadori to come back now.”
Then he felt a strong presence behind him.
“Yeah sorry, he isn’t going to be coming back.” Confusion washed over Megumi’s face, “There’s no need to be scared. I’m in such a great mood right now, let’s just chat for a bit.”
Yuji- Sukuna walked in front of you, “The kid had it coming for just using me without making some kind of a deal, and now it feels like he’s having some trouble switching back.” He was right, you could feel Yuji wanting to surface but he was hurt.
“But no matter what, he did this would’ve ended up the same.” Sukuna ripped off the top of his uniform, his body displaying many markings. “So I’ve been thinking about the different ways I can do this!” Sukuna lifted his arm and drove it through his chest. You and Megumi let out small gasps. Sukuna laughed as blood spilled from his mouth, “Wha-what are you doing?” You both watched blood pour out of Yuji’s body and gush to the floor in a puddle. With a tug Sukuna pulled his arm out of his torso, Yuji’s heart grasped in his hand. “I’m taking this brat hostage.”
Small sparks danced out of your hand and travelled along your body. Megumi side eyed you then looked back to Sukuna, “What do you mean?”
“See I can live without this but that ain’t true for your punk friend.” With a lazy toss, Yuji’s heart landed on the grass. ”So switching out with me means he dies. Oh, and for good meassure.” Sukuna lifted a red mummified finger and placed it in his mouth, “And as good as that, I’m now as free as a bird. And now you can be frightened because I’m about to kill you just for the hell of it.” A tingle ran up your spine, “He ate a cursed finger....EEWW-” You began waving your hands around, “ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT IS BEING EATEN!” You took a few steps towards Megumi and grabbed his sleeve, “You said it wasn’t normal to do that!” You pointed a single digit towards the king of curses.
“I almost didn’t notice you, baby curse.” You looked over and met Sukuna’s eyes, “Then you’re not very strong right? Megumi I thought everyone could feel cursed energy.” You glanced at the side of the boys’ determined face. “Oi don’t go sprouting nonsense, you barely understand what you are, I could kill you without lifting a finger.” You let out a small giggle, “What’s so funny brat?” You bit your lip and looked away, “Nothing...”
What’s he gonna do? Spit out the finger and hit me with it?
You covered your mouth with your hand then cleared your throat. “Sorry.” Your eyes landed on Yuji’s heart laying on the ground, “So what happens to you when Yuji dies?” Sukuna smiled, “There’s other parts of me out there, I live.” You mulled over his answer, “But the part of your soul inhabiting Yuji’s body it what? Disappears? Goes to the next object? Crosses over? What?” You could feel Megumi’s stare at the side of your face. “Well aren’t you a curious thing.” You shrugged, “I just want to understand what will happen once Yuji resurfaces.” Sukunas smirked, “You really believe he’ll come back?”
Megumi got into a fighting stance, “You don’t get it. Itadori will come back, even if that means he dies, that’s just who he is.” Sukuna wiped the blood from his mouth, “You give him too much credit. He’s just a little more tougher and denser then other human beings are.” He let out a laugh, “You should have seen him a minute ago, he was scared out of his mind and about to lose it.”
The emotions you felt earlier came back full force.
“Prattling on about his regrets and all that nonsense. So it’s obvious! The guy doesn’t have the guts to kill himself!” Your stomach twisted,
“What did you expect him to do? He’s not like you.”
Sukunas smile dropped, “It’s a good thing he’ll be dead then won’t it?” A loud clap of thunder sounded from the sky, “Awe did I strike a nerve?” You went to take a step but Megumi stuck his arm out in front of you, his hand shook slightly, “It’s okay.” His hand came together and a giant bird manifested behind the two of you.
Sukuna ran his fingers through his hair, “Oh it feels so good to be back outside again, let’s use all this open space!” Megumi rushed forward in an attempt to hit Sukuna but the curse took a small step to the side and missed Megumis hit. Every punch and kick missed him just by a fraction, “How interesting, you can use your shikigami but you still come at me yourself.” Both Megumi and his bird started to attack Sukuna, this time Megumi was able to land a few hits and kicks but Sukuna blocked them. “Give me more,” Megumi’s fists swung faster, “More!” Sukunas hand came up and grabbed onto the boys closed hand with a laugh. He swung Megumi around out in front him then pulled him close.
Sukunas eyes glowed red, “Put more curse behind it.” Then he back handed Megumi, blood flying out of the sorcerers mouth.
“Megumi!” You were running to the two men fighting when a large white snake appeared from the shadows behind the dark haired boy. Not waisting any time, the beast lunged forward and bit Sukuna then shot straight up into the air. “Gang up on him now!” The brown bird swooped down and smacked Sukuna with it’s wing, sending an electric charge through him. Back and forth the white snake and bird worked together to get successful hits on Sukuna. Then just like that, the snake exploded into black blobs.
“Now what did I say?” Sukuna had a tight grip on the back on Megumis uniform, “Let’s use the open space!” The curse threw across the property and into the trees.
“Stop it!”
Red eyes trailed over your form, “Stop it? You want me to stop?” Your hands were clutched into fists at your sides, “Yes! This is meaningless!” The curse tilted his head back and laughed, “But it’s so much fun!” With slow steps Sukuna walk to you, stopping once your chests bumped together. “You know you’re like me right? You’re a curse. We’re meant to reek havoc on these humans.” Sukuna leaned in closer, his nose almost touching yours. “You can feel all that power can’t you? It’s just sitting in there waiting for you to unleash it.” 
Small purple tendrils danced across your skin, “I don’t want to be a monster...” The tiny sparks shot out towards Sukuna but stopped just millimeters from his skin. “You could be a god Y/n.” His red eyes held no ill intent, no murderous gaze, no signs of wanting to harm you. “But I don’t want hurt people...”
The first purple branch reached out and made contact with his cheek, hundreds more shot out after and tentatively touched his face. “I could teach you everything about curses, about who you are.” The little sparks prodded at his person with curiosity, hitting every point they could, but then one reached inside of his gaping chest cavity. Letting out a gasp you looked down at the hole in his body, “But what about Yuji, I can’t let him d-”
A soft hand gripped your chin and tilted your face back up, “Yuji can’t help you with this, I can. Who else could teach you to fully harness your power then me, The king of curses.” His pink hair stood up slightly from the electric current flowing through him. “I don’t want to hurt you little one.”
You are scared He’s gonna kill Yuji Make him show you Show me what? Let yourself see him
Suddenly the purple bolts tripled in size and stuck themselves under his skin. “What are you-”
His life played out in your mind. You saw everything. The shrine, the people, the sacrifices, the worshippers, the fear, the faith. You walked thousands of years through the eyes of Sukuna; felt every emotion, heard every sound, tasted every drink he put to his lips, smelt the different fragrances, and sensed every touch he received.
The events running through your mind started to become familiar. You realized you were experiencing Sukunas possession of Yuji, the day he ate the finger, the day he met you, all the way up to now where he stared at you in shock. You could see your own face, your eyes mimicked the scarlet colour of his own. “Get out of my head.” His voice boomed between your ears. “I-”
Then you heard his voice, “Y/n?” It was Yuji.
Before the boy could say anything to you, Sukuna pushed you back and grabbed his head, “What did you do?” You stood there dumbfounded, “I don’t-”
“Don’t say you don’t know! You know what you did! Tell me!” Sukuna grabbed your forearms and pulled you into him, “Now brat.” The purple tendrils still danced across his body, “I just wanted to see you.” Sukuna’s face twisted in anger, he lifted his hand and drove it into your stomach. A rich maroon purple liquid gushed out of your mouth, “Think of this as your first lesson If you can heal yourself by the time I get back, I’ll let you live.” Your body hit the ground as you coughed up more of the viscous blood, “I’m disappointed in you little one. I didn’t want to hurt you but you left me no choice.” He sighed then crouched down and jumped into the air. A few moments later you could hear loud crashes in the distance.
You knew it was Sukuna attacking Megumi. You needed to go save him, and Yuji.
The pain in your side made it self known once you tried to stand up. Letting out a groan you looked down at the dark spot forming on your clothes. This wasn’t going to do you any good but you’ve never used your energy to heal yourself before.
How were you expected to just know how to do something when you’ve never done it before?
Stupid Sukuna
Gritting your teeth, you stood up and began to follow Megumis' left over cursed energy.
Holy shit this is so late, I am very sorry! Life got pretty hectic (it still kinda is) oh and I apologize for the length, it’s a biggun. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this installment, thanks for reading! <3
Once again here the link to the movie clip that inspired baby curses powers:
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thesetrashimagines · 3 years
You’re a Curse Baby Pt.4
A Jujutsu Kaisen imagine series (reader insert)
Warnings: Blood, gore?
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GIF is not mine!
Pt.3 Pt.5
AN: I would like to apologize in advance if Sukuna is really OOC :’)
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Your side burned as you ran after them, Sukuna wasn’t lying when he said he was gonna use all of the open space.
Their energy’s grew stronger the closer you got to them, soon enough you could hear them talking to one another.
“Well in that case. Megumi, show me whatcha got!”
Rounding a corner you could see Sukuna standing in front of Megumi, his cursed energy flowing a bright cyan blue around his body. He began to whisper something. Then his eyes widened and he stopped, his energy disappearing too.
Taking your chance, you limped forward.
The rain dripped off the ends of his hair, his eyes staring into Sukunas’, “Oh and just so you know, I didn’t have a logical reason for saving you back then. Even though it was dangerous, I just couldn’t bare to see a good person like you die. Sure I had my reservations but ultimately I did it for selfish emotional reasons. But, that’s fine though.”
You could feel Sukuna’s energy slowly dwindle, “I’m a jujutsu sorcerer, I’m not a hero and all this time I never once regretted saving you.” The dark marks disappeared from Yuji’s body, all evidence of Sukuna completely gone.
Yuji let out a laugh, “Right, you’re really are a pretty smart guy Fushiguro. I know you put a lot of thought into this, your conviction is a good one but I don’t think mine is exactly wrong either.” A gush of blood dropped to the ground, “Aha sorry, I guess I’m done for. At least I won’t be here to worry about you anymore, or Kugisaki, or Gojo, or Y/n.” Yuji started to fall forward, “I hope you have a long life.” His body hit the pavement, Megumi stood over him expressionless.
“Megumi...” You took cautious steps towards him, ignoring the burning pain in your side. “Are you...” Your throat began to close as you looked down at your fallen friend, “I’m sorry.” The boys lips trembled as he looked up at the sky, not being able to look at his dead friend any longer. “Yuji...” Getting on your knees, you placed your hands on his shoulder blades, “Yuji I’m gonna help you okay?” Tears ran down both of your faces. “I promise to help you...” Tiny purple tendrils touched his back then jumped around to other parts of his body. “I’ve got you Yuji.” You could hear Megumi try to mask his crying as you were sent into the darkness.
Crimson water sloshed around your feet, a giant sternum hung over head with bright pearly ribs caging you in. “Look who it is.”
Spinning around, you faced a large pile of horned skulls. Trailing your eyes up, you saw Sukuna dressed in a white yukata, his scarlet eyes staring into you. 
“Where am I?”
“You’re in my innate domain squirt.” Your ears perked up, “Domain? Megumi mentioned that word before.” You looked around again. “Curses can create these worlds where our powers are stronger and can cause more damage.” Sukuna closed his eyes and let out a sigh, “In my case this is where I stay while that annoying brat does whatever.” A clawed hand waved about, “So you can touch souls huh?” His four eyes looked back at you. “That’s impressive.”
“Where’s Yuji?” Sukuna grinned and shrugged his shoulders, “He’s around.” You glared at him, “Where is he Sukuna.” The curse chuckled and stood up from his throne. “There’s no need to be so hostile Y/n.” In a blink of an eye he was in front of you. Sukuna watched your eyes flit about before they widened,  “Wait so if we’re in your domain then you’re not really dead.” The edges of your lips quirked up, “Which means Yuji isn’t dead!”
Letting out a giggle, you said in a sing-song voice, “You like Yuji~”
“Oi what did I say before? Don’t go talking about shit you don’t know about brat!” You laughed again, “You know, I think you should make a deal with him. You’d be less grumpy.” His eyes narrowed, “I’ll kill him right now if you say one more word.” His once playful demeanor quickly turned murderous.
“I’m not going to let you hurt Yuji ever again.”
The curse chuckled, “Oh yeah? And how do you plan on doing that?” You took a step forward, chest-to-chest with Sukuna.  A smirk stretched across his face as he grabbed your face with one hand, squishing your cheeks and pursing you lips out, “You know that pout is pretty cute.” Your ears flicked in anger, “Oh so scary~” He shook your face gently, “It’s so adorable to see you try so hard~”
Your obsidian coloured hands gripped his forearm tightly.
“I think it’s time I really teach you your first lesson.” His red eyes locked onto the wound on your side. “Oh would you look at that, you’re still bleeding too.” He tsked, “My little student is already failing.”
You huffed angerly, “How am I supposed to know how to do something when I’ve never done it before.” Sukuna laughed, “I thought it would kick your survival instincts into gear but I guess I didn’t do a good enough job the first time.”
His pulled you closer to his face, “Let’s try again.” His other arm came up and plunged into you abdomen. 
You let out a pained yell, “It’s life or death squirt.”
Sukunas scarlet eyes trailed back over to your face. His hand driving further into your body.
Life or death 
A small ball of energy shot out and hit Sukuna, knocking him back a few feet.
You swayed on your feet as blood seeped out of your mouth, “Then...tell me how....how to heal myself.....jerk” Sukuna, still on his feet, rubbed at the spot where your energy had hit him and smirked. “Jerk? Aw that’s not very nice Y/n.” One large bolt zig-zagged out towards Sukuna, stopping right before his nose. “Now.....pl...please.” His smirk never seemed to leave his face, “Okay, okay. Only because you asked so nicely.” The curse moved towards you again.
Sukuna reached a hand out to your injured side, “You need to focus your energy here.” The purple tendrils traveled down and sparked around the area.
You looked up at him with half-lidded eyes, “If I do this....you have to promise to heal Yuji....” 
Sukuna looked up to your face in shock. Your vibrant purple eyes staring straight through him. “You need to make a deal with him. That’s what made you upset right? That he was trying to control you?” Sukuna scowled a little, “Are you really trying to bargain with me?” Your shoulders came up in a small shrug, “I just want you and Yuji on good terms...”
Sukuna tilted his head back and let out a loud laugh, “You are so innocent and naïve,” He pretended to wipe away a stray tear, “I can see why everyone likes you squirt.”
“Don’t call me sq-”
Your body went rigid, your eyes glossing over. Sukuna’s eyebrows furrowed. “Hey kid.” his eyes gave you a once over and landed back on your face where he saw a blank look on your features.
“Hey, what’s wrong with you?” Sparks shot out of your body and quickly traveled through the water below, climbed the pile of skulls and then reached the throne. Some branched out to ribcage overhead. 
“Y/n?” Your eyes stared off, 
Sukuna looked around and watched your energy surge through his domain, small pieces of bone fragment chipping off and falling into the red water.  “Come on squirt knock it off.”
Then he felt a familiar tingle at the back of neck. “Hey! You little shit! Don’t go digging in mind again.” Sukuna marched forward and grabbed your slack wrist, “Listen to me, you need to control yourself.” A stream of the maroon blood seeped through your lips and trailed down your neck.
“Someone’s here...” Your voice came out in a small whisper, “What?” Your eyes shined a bright, Sukuna brought his hand up to shield himself from getting blinded.
Once the light died down, Sukuna dropped his arm and opened his eyes, you were gone.
He looked frantically around his domain for any trace of you. One last tingle ran up his spine as he watched your tiny purple sparks slowly dissipate from the scene.
“How long have they been like this?” Gojo stood next to Megumi staring at you with your hands on Yuji’s body. “I don’t know, 10 minutes maybe.” Purple lightening bolts shot off in every direction from your form. Gojo watched the purple current circle around you and the pink haired boy on the ground, “They’re bleeding.” Gojo went to step forward but Megumi stopped him, “You’ll get shocked. Earlier today Itadori....Itadori tried touching them and he got hit.” Gojo looked over his shoulder, “Was he hurt badly?”
“I don’t know, he didn’t react that much.” Gojo smiled, “Well I’m the strongest out there so I don’t think a little zap will hurt.” The white haired man took a step towards you, purple sparks hitting the pavement in front of him. He looked down at the bolts smacking into the ground just in front of his shoes, “You said this happened earlier today?” Megumi nodded, “You weren’t here and they were upset so we went into the woods behind the school and found them talking to someone.” Gojo looked over his shoulder again, “Who was it?”
“We couldn’t see who but they had a pretty tight hold of whoever it was, their energy was everywhere. But then a few seconds later, they collapsed and that’s when Itadori got shocked.”
Gojo took another step forward but this time a couple of larger tendrils shot out of the ground and surrounded his body. The tendrils sizzled loudly with electricity. “That’s new...” Gojo reached out a hand to touch one of the bolts, “Hey baby curse I don’t know if you can hear me but you need to snap out of it okay? This isn’t very cool of you!” When his hand got closer, a purple spark shot out and zapped his palm. 
Gojo felt your power crawl up his arm and your voice fill his head, “Someone’s here...”
A gust of power rushed out of you and pushed against him, Megumi and Ijichi.
You leaned away from Yuji and threw up blood. You began to gasp for air which quickly turned into coughing. You lifted a shaky hand to your side to feel your tunic soaked with blood.
You planted both hands onto the ground to steady yourself and looked around. Megumi stood against a pillar, Gojo was next to you, and the dark haired man from earlier was standing further away.
“Wow baby curse.” Your eyes trailed up his form and settled on the black the blindfold, “Gojo...”
Megumi sniffled making you look over to him, “Megumi, are you okay?” You tried to move to him, a shaky hand reached out towards him. “That was quite the show Y/n.” Your face twisted as a hot wave of pain erupted from your side, “Ow...” You placed your hand back on the wound, “Come on now Y/n, you need to tell me what happened.” Gojo crouched down. “Sukuna tore out Yuji’s heart and I needed to make sure he was....” You began to feel light headed, “Was o...ok..ay” You blinked your eyes hard.
You gasped again and turned back to Yuji’s body. “Yuji,” With the little strength you had, you pushed yourself back over to him.
On his back was two black hand prints, black veins trailing outward. “Oh no, what did I do?” Your eyes welled up with tears, “Yuji,” You placed your hands back on his cold body, “Sukuna,” You shook him lightly, “No, no.” You tried to focus your power on his body again, weak little bolts connecting with his skin.
All you could see was darkness, you couldn’t feel anything, “I....” Tears trailed down your cheeks.
Gojo laid his hand on shoulder, “Hey...” His words were cut off when an overwhelming wave of sadness hit him. Looking down, he could see your tiny purple sparks kissing his skin. “Y/n.”
Thunder shook the sky.
He pulled you off of Yuji and then moved his hands up your arms to your cheeks, “Hey snap out of it.” You blinked slowly, your once bright eyes now a dull grey purple. “I promised to help him...” Your eyebrows pinched together and your bottom lip trembled
“Everything hurts Gojo...” The rain fell harder.
“I know, I know but we have to leave.” You shook your head, “No I can’t leave him, I...” Your eyes fluttered closed then you slumped forward into Gojo’s arms. Removing his two fingers from your forehead, he turned to Megumi. “Can you carry them? I’ll take Yuji.” Megumi wordlessly leaned down and grabbed you out of Gojos’ arms.
Wake up
You sat up with a gasp, wide eyes darting around your surroundings. You recognized the rotting wooden walls, you were back in the shrine. All of that sudden movement caused your side to erupt in a burning pain.
You placed your hand on the wound which was now covered in bandage?
Looking down you saw that your torso was wrapped in white cloth, the center of it showing small blotches of blood.
Gojo must’ve cleaned me up.
You rubbed at your eye and looked out the opening. The sky was clear, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the cicadas were singing. You let out a sigh and slowly stood up, hand clutching your side. “I should try....”
Placing your other hand against the wall you steadied yourself. Letting yourself relax you started to feel the electricity flow through you. “Okay it can’t be that hard....he made it sound easy.”
When you focused on your injured side some little sparks jumped around the bandaged area excitedly. Then you began to feel the hole in your side close up and the pain fade away. Once you couldn’t feel anything you unwrapped yourself. The injury was completely gone.
A large smile broke out on your face, “Ha, in your face Sukuna.....” Your voice trailed off, the smile leaving your features. “Sukuna....Yuji...” A small burst of anger made you turn and hit the shrine wall in frustration, cracking the wood on impact. “It’s my fault, I couldn’t control-”
Their souls are intact
“You mean their okay?”
You were too weak then, try reaching out now
Taking a deep breath you let your energy grow. You could feel the small branches travel through the ground, passing trees and small woodland creatures on the way. Your energy came to a slow stop.
“I have to get closer.”
You walked through the forest and reached the back of the school. Letting out another sigh, you turned around and sat with your back against the building. You closed your eyes and let your energy grow again.
Within the darkness you could feel multiple foreign energies, you had to be very wary of them. A small piece of you hoped they couldn’t feel you snooping around.
Letting yourself reach past them you could sense just the smallest bit of a darker, more sinister energy. it was Sukuna. A moment later you could feel Yuji.
But then there was more. You could recognize his energy from anywhere, it was Gojo. He was in the room with Yuji’s body and so was that man with glasses.
You smiled to yourself and stood up. You knew exactly where you needed to go.
Gojo and Ijichi spoke to one another inside of the morgue.
“Maybe I ought just cut to the chase and kill all those higher ups.” Ijichi gasped.
The sound of the door opening caught their attention. “You’re not usually this emotional.”
Ijichi bowed swiftly, ”Good to see you, Miss Ieiri.”
She twirled her brown hair between her fingers, “You must’ve taken quite a liking to this one.” Gojo held up a finger, “I’ve always been the kinda guy who cares about his students.”
“Regardless you shouldn’t bug Ijichi too much. It’s hard for him to be stuck between us and the higher ups.” Ijichi blushed.
“So this here,” Ijichi let out a small, “O-”
“Is Sukuna’s vessel huh? I can cut him up yes?”
Gojo stared at the ground, “Just make good use of him.” Ieiri turned around, “Oh I will. Who do you think I am?”
You stopped along the wall when you heard Megumi talking, “And that’s Panda. There’s actually one more, his name is Okkotsu, and he’s the only second year I genuinely respect.”
You peaked around the corner and saw all of them.
“But he’s overseas.” Megumi stood up, “Panda? That’s all you’re giving me?” Nobara quirked an eyebrow.
You eyes looked behind them to the building they were in front of. You had to get past them somehow
How am I gonna get inside?! 
You leaned back against the wall and let out a small groan.
Is risking this really worth it?
Your hands came up and smacked your cheeks,
Yes, I have to go see him, I promised. 
A look of concentration fell on your face. 
C’mon think!
You looked down at the ground and saw a rock.
You picked up the rock and peered around the corner again. They were still in deep in conversation. Rearing your arm back you prepared to throw the rock, purple lightening charging up. Just when you went to let go, the five of them left. You lowered the rock with your lips forming a small ‘o’.
Pulling yourself over the railing, you opened the door and snuck in. The building was huge, there was doors everywhere. You took a deep breath and let your power branch out again. With your power setting a clear path to Yuji, you followed it.
You stood at a metal door, you could hear faint voices on the other side.
“Hey you two, I’m going to get started. Are you gonna watch from there?”
You don’t remember feeling another person in the room. 
Did I really miss her?! 
You let out a groan and hit your head on the door with a thud.
The metal against your forehead slid to the side.
“Wow where are my clothes.” No longer hidden, you stood there in shock.
“G-G-Gojo.” The dark haired man pointed at Yuji while Gojo laughed
“He’s alive. Are you seeing this?”
Gojo continued to laugh, “Ijichi stop.”
“I’m a little bummed.” The brown haired woman said disappointed
“Yeah well it’s embarrassing but who are you?” Yuji looked to the door over his shoulder,
“Huh? Y/n!” You blinked and looked to him, “Yuji!” You ran over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, his hands reached up and held onto your arms. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” You swayed back and forth with Yuji hugged tightly against you.
“Hey Yuji,” You both stopped and looked to Gojo. “Welcome back.” He lifted his hand, “Yo, well thanks.” Yuji’s one arm let go of you and high fived Gojo.
The white haired man lifted his gaze to you, “Baby curse, how’d you get in here? You know you’re not allowed to be inside the school.” You deflated and let go of Yuji. “Um...” You fiddled with your fingers, “I needed to make sure Yuji was okay.” You scratched behind your ear, “And that I didn’t need to beat up Sukuna...” Yuji and Gojo raised their brows, “Beat up-?”
“You’re bleeding” Yuji lifted your arm and you laughed, “Oh, no my shirt is just dirty. Look!” You pulled up your shirt and showed your flawless skin. “I healed myself!” The pink haired boy high fived you.
You stopped smiling at Gojo’s voice, “You have some explaining to do Y/n.” Your ears drooped down.
“Gojo you know this thing?” Gojo looked over to Ijichi, “Huh? Oh yeah. This is Y/n, they’re a newborn curse I took under my wing a little while ago.” Ijichi paled, “Don’t worry Ijichi. I’ll make sure no repercussions fall onto you.” Gojo waved his hand around. 
“You’re a curse?”
You shyly glanced at the woman and nodded, “Yes...” She looked you up and down and hummed. “Makes sense, you don’t exactly look human.” Your ears drooped down some more.
A small purple spark shot out and it the light above, causing it to stop flickering. “Ah! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” You had your eyes squeezed shut as you bowed.
“You fixed the light Y/n!” You opened your eyes and looked up, “I did?”
Gojo smirked and followed the brown haired woman out the door, “I’ll see you two in a bit. Ijichi make sure they make it to the room.”
You and Yuji looked at each other, “The room?”
“Whatta pain, I’m gonna have to revise all the reports.” Ieiri sighed.
“No leave them as is. I want to give Yuji the time to regain minimum power before he gets targeted again, and so, I need you to leave him listed as deceased on the records.” Ieiri stared at Gojo’s side profile, “Oh so you’re going to leave Itadori hidden away?” Gojo smiled, “Nah I’ll have him back in time for the exchange event.”
“The reason is simple, no one can be allowed to take the youth away from the young people it’s designed for. Not anyone.”
“And what about that curse?”
“I’m watching them. You could say I’m studying them, what would happen if a curse is raised by humans? Besides, Y/n hasn’t hurt anyone and nobody knows they exist anyways so I would like to keep it that way for as long as possible.”
“You’re already ahead of everyone in close combat Yuji. So what you need to learn to do next is to control cursed energy, and we need to add to your basic knowledge of jujutsu” Yuji laughed lightly. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Sorry, I’m just happy cause I know you’re the best and the one I wanted to train me. Before I was too weak and I couldn’t save anybody, worse, I almost got Fushiguro killed. I won’t be able to face them the way I am now.”
Yuji turned serious, “Make me strong.” He looked up at Gojo, “Make me into the strongest!” Gojo laughed, “You’ve got a keen eye.”
“Well actually you told me you were the strongest.” You let out a small giggle.
Gojo let out a awkward laugh then pointed to the side with finger guns, “Okay so take a look at those two soda cans over there.” You glanced to the table and saw a orange can and green can. The green beverage got squeezed by an invisible force making the green liquid sprew out the top. The orange one on the right twisted around, shooting the orange drink through the top. “Wooaaahhh.” You and Yuji stared in awe.
“This is with cursed energy.” Gojo pointed to the green can and then to the orange, “And this was with cursed technique.”
Yuji placed his hand to his chin, “I see...No I don’t” Gojo looked at you then back to Yuji, “Uh okay.”
“Then think of cursed energy as electricity and cursed techniques as appliances. Electricity itself is hard to use right? That’s why we run that electricity through appliances to achieve various results.” He gestured to the green can again, “Here I just fired off pure cursed energy,” His hand move to the orange can, “While here I channeled cursed energy into a cured technique to activate it, twisting the can with jujutsu.”
You stood there and stared at the brightly coloured cans. Yuji lifted his finger, “Alright, so I get to learn a really cool cursed technique now riiiiight?”
“No you can’t use cursed techniques.” Yuji stilled, “Aside from shikigami and your basic barriers. Cursed techniques are etched into your body from the day you’re born.” Yuji started to deflate, “So the power of a jujutsu sorcerer is about eighty percent innate talent.” Gojo had a finger to his lips.
“Oh oh ooooooh....” Yuji sunk to the floor,
“You okay?”
Yuji laid there, “Yeah I just thought I’d be able to pull off thunder, or fire, or a power bomb or something.”
“You can pull off a power bomb just like Onita.”
Yuji waved his arms in the air, “This sucks big time.” You crouched next to Yuji and poked his cheek while he freaked out, “It’s okay I don’t think I have one either Yuji.”
Gojo smiled to himself. “Let’s just ignore the things you can’t do and work on enhancing your strengths,” Yuji continued to wiggle on the floor now with you joining him. “we will imbue your fighting style with cursed energy. I’m way more scared of someone with solid basics then I am of inferior jujutsu.” Yuji stopped wiggling which made you stop and look over at him, you poked his cheek again.
“Like I said, you’re talent for close combat is already top notch.” Yuji perked up, “Wait a sec, I already know how to do that.” You kept on poking his cheek.
Gojo let out a puff of air, “Get up.”
“With that special grade, I got it to work somehow.” Gojo lifted his hand. “Then give it a try. Hit me here, not that I think you can.” You sat up and watched Yuji stretch his arms, “Don’t blame me if you get hurt.”
“Come on hurry up, try it.”
Yuji reared his arm back and hit Gojo’s hand, “That punch had zero cursed energy.” Yuji pouted, “But why?”
“Because it requires negative emotions, in the fight you are recalling you were probably brimming with fear and anger.” Yuji let out a little, ‘Ah’
“So you have to be constantly flipping out in order to use your cursed energy? Well now that you mention it, Fushiguro is always ticked off” You stood up and brushed yourself off, “I can use mine without flipping out.” Gojo gave you a small smile, “Most of the time.” You nodded, “Most of the time...”
“Jujutsu sorcerer are trained to use their cursed energy with any emotion so they avoid wasting their cursed energy when their emotions are flaring up.” Your ears perked up, “I think I’ve done that before.” You thought to that night on the hill top, “Yeah the first time I used my energy. I think I went a little over board.” Gojo  chuckled, “You had the whole forest set on fire.” You felt the tips of your ears warm up. “I didn’t mean to.” Gojo placed his hand on your head, “That’s why you guys are here. You’re going to be using these!” Gojo picked up two sleeping teddy bear looking things. “You have to continuously feed it cursed energy.” Gojo placed the bears into your outstretched hands.
“What happens if we don’t-”
“AH IT’S ATTACKING ME!” Yuji held the bear away from himself but it was no use, the bear twisted itself out of his grip and started swinging it’s gloved fists.
You looked down to the bear in your own hands, it’s little snores barely audible. You squished it’s cheeks, “I don’t get it Gojo.” The white haired man turned away from the screaming Yuji and faced you. “What don’t you understand?” You squished the bears cheeks again between your thumbs, “Mines sleeping. You sure it works?” Gojo chuckled, “It only attacks when you’re not using cursed energy or when you use too much.” You hummed, “So I’m doing just enough?” Your vibrant eyes twinkled as Gojo looked into them, “Seems like it.” He gave you a smile then began to back away, “Well you two are set up for night so I’m gonna go, you know being the greatest is a busy job.”
The small bear in your hands jolted to life and socked you in the nose. You let out a cry and dropped the bear, “Ow ow ow ow ow.” You brought your hand up to your nose as wetness dripped down your face. “What the heck!?” You stared down at the bear angerly. “You have keep your energy steady Y/n.” You glanced up at Gojo and nodded, “I’ll try.” The man smiled again and walked back up to you, placing his hand on your shoulder. “You doing great so far, just gotta get those emotions under control.” You looked to the ground, “I know...” His hand lifted your chin up so you were looking at his covered eyes, “I believe in ya.” He patted the top of your head and left the room.
“What movie do you wanna watch first Y/n?”
Idk how I feel about this chapter. I like some parts and not others :P N e ways I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. Thank you <3
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thesetrashimagines · 3 years
You’re a Curse Baby Pt.5
A Jujutsu Kaisen Imagine series (reader insert)
Warnings: Bloody themes
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GIF is not mine!
Pt.4 Pt.6
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Battle cries screeched from the screen. You clutched the small bear to your chest as the characters on the TV fought one another. Yuji shoved more popcorn into his mouth and chewed loudly, his own bear sleeping soundly. You side eyed him then looked back to the screen just as the party of characters were ambushed.
“Wha!” Yuji shouted, kernels flying out of his mouth. A second later his bear woke up and punched him in the stomach, making more kernels fly. “Don’t attack me when I’m eating!” Yuji huffed and fixed his hold on the bear. You tucked your legs up and took a deep breath, calming yourself down. “You know you’re doing pretty good Y/n!” You looked back to Yuji and in a small voice let out, “Thanks Yuji. I’m trying really hard.” He gave you a wide smile and turned back to the bright screen. You stared intently at the movie as humans and these things they called ‘orcs’ started fighting, swords and axes clashing loudly against each other.
You tried not to flinch when the bodies on screen fell to the ground lifeless, reminding you of how the boy next to you had done the same thing not too long ago. Then there was that man in the forest, Matsu, his life was filled with moments just like this. You remembered the anger he felt, the fearlessness that drove him, the ever building agony as he watched his friends and family die in front of him.
You squeezed the bear tighter.
One of the beloved characters on screen let out a shout as a sword was driven into his body.
You bit your lip so hard you could taste the bitterness of your blood fill your mouth.
Your knuckles began to cramp from how hard you were gripping the bear. The small creature let out a growl and started thrashing in your hands. You loosened your grip just a tiny bit and that was enough for the bear to start it’s assault.
You brought your hands up to your face.
Every time the bears’ gloves made contact with your skin, a different memory played through your mind. Some were of Matsu’s memories of war, loss, and loyalty. Others were of his memories, bloodlust, terror, death, and him standing among it all with a smile on his face; “You could be a god Y/n.” 
You shook your head and tried to pry the bear off of yourself. “Stop it please....Please...” You could faintly hear Yuji talking to you. “Cal-.....Do-....Y/n.” You shut your eyes tight, only for the flashes of dead bodies and waning cries to fill your head again, you opened your eyes with a gasp. You grabbed the bear and tossed it across the room, unknowingly using your cursed energy on it. You stood up quickly, your hands landed on top of your head then slid down to your face. You felt like you were under water, brimming over the edges with emotion. You were vaguely aware that Yuji was stood up next to you with his arms hovering over your shaking form.
Yuji watched as you swayed your weight from one foot to the other rocking yourself. Your dull claws dug into the skin of your face, your eyes shutting tight then opening again. Your breath coming out in uneven pants. He didn’t know what to do, “Y/n? You need to breath.” You shook your head back and forth, “Deep breaths, let’s do them together okay?” Yuji placed his hands on your shoulders. “Ready?” You folded further into yourself. “Y/n. Hey,” Yuji squatted down in front of you and grabbed your wrists, “Look at me.” You shook your head again, “N-n-no......I, I can’t...” You voice wavered. “Yes you can. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” You let out a ragged laugh, or maybe it was a cry? Yuji couldn’t tell. “How can you say that.......how can you say that to me?...” His eyes tried to look at your face from behind your palms, “What do you mean?” His hands tried to pull your wrists away again.
“I’m a monster!”
You tore your arms out of his grip and bared your face to him. Your eyes seemed to shine even brighter through the slashes of dark coloured blood pebbling along your face. Yuji noticed your stained fingertips “Did you scratch yourself?” Yuji’s eyes scanned your face, glaring at the small cuts you had left behind. Your chest heaved up and down as you stared at the human in front of you. “I...” His hand came up to your cheek, “No! Don’t touch me!” You took a step back, not noticing the pillow behind you, you tripped and toppled to the ground. Yuji called out your name and rushed to get beside you.
Yuji, ignoring your protests, helped you sit back up. “Take some deep breaths with me okay?” Yuji had placed himself behind you, your back to his chest, and with each inhale you could feel his lungs expanding. “There you go,” You could feel the faintest thump from his heart against you, he was alive, he was okay. “You’re not a monster Y/n.” You closed your eyes and let yourself lean back on him, “I’m sorry...” The pink haired boy placed his chin on the top of your head, “Don’t apologize. You got a little overwhelmed that’s all.” You let out a small hum and stayed quiet for a moment, the memories fading back to nothing.
“Did you ever talk to Sukuna when you were dead?” The boy shifted behind you. “I think so?” You sat forward and twisted yourself around, “Did he make any deals with you? Before he healed you?”
“Oh yeah I think he did say something like that but I can’t remember what it was.” You brought your hands up to Yuji’s face and grabbed his cheeks. “I know you can hear me in there. You better remember what I told you.” Yuji’s face grew red from how close your face was to his. You let go of Yuji’s face when you felt a hard punch hit your back. “Ow!” You twisted around again and grabbed the small bear, now a little burnt with scorch marks covering it’s sides. “Oops...sorry little guy.” You started to pet the cursed corpses head, it let out a squeak before it fell face first into your chest with a snore.
“You sure you’re okay?” You looked up to Yuji, “Yeah. It’s just these last few days have been really extreme for me.” Your eyes dropped to his chest, “I...I thought I hurt you.” His eyebrows rose, “You thought you hurt me?”
You brought your hand up and placed it on the area of his chest that was gaping open not too long ago. “When Sukuna tore your heart out I wanted to make sure you were okay....so I went inside of you.” He sputtered and his cheeks tinged pink, “Inside- what you- what do you mean?” You flattened you palm on his chest and applied a little more pressure. “Your soul, I was trying to look for it. I ended up seeing Sukuna instead and I was trying to negotiate with him to make a deal with you but then something happened and my body panicked. I thought I killed you both.” You met his eyes, “But I’m glad you’re okay and he listened to me.” Yuji stared back for moment before he smirked and grabbed your hand, “Thank you Y/n.” He gave it squeeze, “Do you wanna finish the movie?”
You were laying down on the couch cuddling your little bear while Yuji sat next your legs, his hands planted on top on his bears head. You both were so engrossed in the movie that neither of you heard Gojo walk down the stairs and enter the room.
“Hey guys!” You flinched, your ears perking straight up.
Yuji let out a little yell, “Oh hey what’s up Gojo?” The white haired man said nothing for a moment, just staring at the pink haired boy in front of him. “Do you need something?” His blindfolded gaze shifted to you and his smirk widened a little.
“We’re heading out. Let’s go.”
You sat up slowly and used one hand to rub at your tired eyes. You and Yuji spoke at the same time, “Where we going?” “Huh?”
“It’s a field trip. I’m gonna teach you the panicle of jujutsu battles, domain expansion.”
Before you could even think about what he said, Gojo appeared behind the couch, “Let’s go kiddos!” He lifted the back of Yuji’s shirt with one arm and wrapped his other one around your torso.
“Sorry about that.” Gojo slowly descended.
The sky was dark and the moon reflected off of the water you were hovering over. Yuji was flailing around, “What is going on?! Where the hell are we? How’d we get here?” Gojo let out a small laugh, “Sorry.” You watched Yuji jostle about until you felt a strong presence in front of you.
You looked ahead and made eye contact with a curse. He was short and had one eye, there was some weird cork looking plugs things in his ears and his black teeth were visible as he stood there with his mouth open. Your eyes trailed up higher to the top of his head, it was brown and mountain like and there was a small wisp of smoke escaping from it. “What the hell?!”
Gojo spoke up, “To observe I brought Yuji Itadori,” He pushed the arm holding Yuji up and out towards the curse.
“Mt. Fuji! His head’s Mt. Fuji!”
Then Gojo pushed you ahead, “And Y/n!” The curses face scrunched up into more confusion, “You’re a....curse?”
Gojo let the two of you down gently, “Wow I’m not sinking, what the hell is this?” You looked down and watched the water ripple under you feet. “Gojo we were just at the school ten seconds ago right? What’s going on here?” You looked up and the white haired man. “Oh I warped us.” Yuji’s face twisted a little.
“Are we gonna go into his domain?” You pointed a finger over at the curse and looked towards him again.
His face showed how annoyed he was, “Why’d you bring the kid for? a shield?”
Gojo scoffed, “A shield? No, no, I already explained this, he’s just here to watch.”
The curse looked at you, “And what about you? What are you gaining from being on his side? You know who is he don’t you?”
“Yes I know who he is.” You rubbed at the sleep in your eyes and yawned, “And I’m here to learn about domains.” The curse chuckled and opened his mouth to speak but Gojo interrupted, “You see I’m in midst of teaching them a lot of things. So forget about them and let’s just fight.”
The cursed grinned, “Having them tag alone isn’t gonna slow you down? This makes you look like an idiot.” Gojo let out a loud laugh, “Oh no, it will all be fine. I mean really, you’re kinda weak.”
Bright orange lava shot out of the curses head, “HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME LIKE THAT YOU INSULENT ASS! I’M GOING TO ENJOY TEARING UP THAT SMUG FACE OF YOURS!” The curse let out more power and the blaring heat hit you. There was another explosion, the water pushed forcefully away from the curse, waves rolled towards you.
The rage flowing off of the curse was powerful, he was furious. Even though you were frightened, you could feel Yuji’s fear overpower your own emotions. You glanced over at Yuji and watched as Gojo placed a hand on top of his head, “You’ll be fine. Just stay here close to me.”
You turned your gaze back to the curse.
This is what curses are, this is what I’m suppose to be. Only if you choose so What do you mean? This is what we are. We are the fear and hatred of others. And what of peace? What of peace? Peace is something you and I, we, crave but in the end will never achieve. Then it is up to us to bring it. We will be the givers of peace and serenity. We will bring those in pain and suffering the guidance they deserve. How? How can we do that?
“You too baby curse.” Gojo’s hand pulled you closer to him. You looked up at his face where he smiled down at you. His hand landed on top on your own head and rubbed at your hair, “Stay close okay?” You nodded.
The curse brought his hands together, “Domain expansion.” From his body, a giant black mass covered the four of you. Then you heard the crack. The water underneath you was gone and was replaced with rock. A large crack split down the middle and broke off, making the ground uneven with ever crevice. Tall rocks began to assemble and brick together to form walls around you and once they were in place, hot lava spewed out of all of the spaces in between the rocks.
“What is this?” Yuji looked around frantically. You subconsciously grabbed onto the back of Gojo’s uniform and moved behind him slightly.
“This is domain expansion. The innate domain is made with cursed energy then you imbue it with a cursed technique. What you three encountered at that juvenile detention center was a incomplete domain that hadn’t been imbued with any cursed techniques, if it had been then all you first years would’ve died. I think Megumi understood that. Spreading out a innate domain like that always consumes a ton of energy but the advantages-”
You stopped listening to Gojo and looked around the inferno. You thought back to when you were in Sukuna’s domain, yes it scary but you could tell it wasn’t at it’s full potential, not like the domain you stood in now. There was only two of Sukuna’s fingers currently residing in Yuji’s body so it made sense that Sukuna wasn’t at his full power.
Your thought was cut short when a large boulder was coming towards the three of you but Gojo simply raised his arms and the rock grumbled.
“Oh so like buffs in a video game?” Yuji looked up at Gojo with twinkling eyes. “That’s correct!” Once again deciding to ignore them, you continued to glance around. The hot lava swam around you and every once in awhile a little ball would jump out of the stream and fall back down, it was oddly calming. You thought about what your domain would looked like, would it be like this? Big rocks everywhere with rain water trickling down them? Maybe it would be like the hilltop; trees shot down and burning with bright purple flames surrounding the area. Or maybe it would be-
“Or, I don’t really recommend this one, you can try escaping the domain but that’s usually impossible. Now you can also-”
“If I neutralize that infinity of yours with a dense domain then my cursed techniques will reach you.”
“Yeah they’ll hit.”
Yuji glanced at his hand, “Infinity?”
The curse ahead of you stared wide eyed at Gojo, his teeth grinding together. You could feel his rage rise even higher then ever before.
“The most effective way to deal with a domain is to lay out your own domain. Once your domains are laid out the same time,” Gojo’s hand lifted to his blindfold, “The more refined one will dominate that space, though compatibility and the amount of energy can factor in.” His fingers gripped the edge of the fabric and he slowly pulled it down his face.
“THERE WON’T EVEN BE ASHES LEFT OF YOU GOJO SATORU!” The curse lifted his arms up and a giant wall of rock followed, seconds later the rock exploded and lava shot out with pieces of stone flying towards you. The lava was coming directly to the three of you but then all of the sudden it was stopped by an invisible wall.
“Domain expansion, infinite void.” Gojo lifted his other arm and crossed his two fingers. For a moment white covered everything and then in a burst of purples, blues, and pinks the colours zoomed passed you, then they exploded and you were standing in darkness. Something resembling an eye stared, mist wisped from the center and white splatters flicked across the walls.
Gojo checked to make sure you were holding onto the back of his uniform before he scooped Yuji back up and warped to behind the curse. While the curse tried to make sense of the situation, Gojo smacked his free hand on top of the curse’s head.
“This is the inner world of limitless, perception, contact, every act in life is repeated infinitely over and over.” The curse sputtered. “Ironic isn’t it? When granted every possible thing, you can’t use it. All you can do is die peacefully but I have some things I still want to ask you, so for right now, I’m going to let you off the hook with just this,” His grip on the curse tightened and then he pulled it’s head upwards, ripping it off completely which caused a fountain of blood to spew out of the curse’s body. The darkness around you dissipated and you could once again see the real world around you, whatever glass globe you were still in cracked and shattered. The force let off from Gojo’s domain closing sent the decapitated head flying, you watched it shoot across the sky.
You were warped again to where the head landed. Slamming his foot onto the skull, Gojo questioned the curse. “Now then, just who instructed you to come after me?”
Wait there’s more energy around here. Where is it?
You looked around the wooded area and couldn’t pinpoint where you could feel the cursed energy but they were close.
“You don’t seem like the type to take orders, was something good suppose to happen if you killed me? Regardless you’re going to have to tell me who sent you, I want a name.” The curse remained quiet, Gojo pressed his foot a little harder down onto the curse’s skull.
“Like I’d ever tell you, you little punk.”
The energy’s you felt a moment ago had dispersed, one was traveling away and the other was getting closer.
“What a bad attitude. And you’re so compromised. ” Gojo continued to rock the curses head back and forth. “Damn you!” He stopped his movements, “If you don’t tell me, I’ll exercise you. Though I’ll do it anyway.”
Yuji stared at the scene, “It’s so weird that curses can hold conversations.” You looked over at him with a confused face, “and here it almost seems normal.” You opened you mouth in protest but then you felt the cursed energy from earlier surround you, “There’s something c-”
What looked like a large flower sprouted in front of Gojo and then pollen puffed out and covered the ground, thousands of wild flowers popped up a second later. Looking over you could see Gojo and Yuji in a dazed state, “Hey!” You ran over to Gojo and grabbed his shoulders. “Snap out of it!” Gojo’s lazy grin dropped, “Huh? Oh hey you snapped out of that pretty fast.” Your eyebrows pinched, “What do you mean? Nothing happened to me. Are you okay?”
Before he could answer a branch came out of the ground and wrapped itself around Yuji’s leg and picked him up, “Leave me Gojo, go after them. I’ll be fine!”
The boy screamed as a giant maw popped out of the ground and opened wide to swallow him. “Nope I lied. I need help!”
You turned just in time to see a tall bulky form reach down and snag the decapitated head. Without thinking you set off after it. The larger curse jumped through the trees and only took once glance back at you, that single look was enough for you. The moment the curse looked back, you sent out your bolts hoping to slow it down. Your lightening shot forward and hit the next few trees the curse was headed towards. The trees, now engulfed in a bright purple flame, created a small wall that halted the larger curse.
Skidding to a stop, you called out, “I can’t let you go.” The white marbled body turned fully to you, they had no eyes instead two branchlike horns protruded from where their eyes would’ve been. Then they spoke to you in a dialect that you somehow understood, “If you were smart you’d let me go. I don’t want to fight you.”
“Then tell me who sent you and I’ll let you go, no fighting.” There was a small movement under the sheet they had covering their arm, “I’m afraid I can’t tell you that.”
The head in their hands spoke up, “You could join us.” You shook your head, “No, I’ll pass. Just tell me who you work for.” The larger curse shifted and branches began to come out of their body, all pointing at you. “Since you will not join our cause then we have nothing else to speak about.” Your hands clenched into fists, “I’m not letting you go until you tell me.” the fire behind them grew larger, the heat from the flames caused the marbled curse to take a single step away from the blaze. “Such a naïve little thing you are.”
The branches sped towards you. Crossing your arms out in front of you, a small purple circle appeared and blocked the impact, sending sparks of energy everywhere. The curse stood there unmoving but the branches pushed harder and harder against your defense. You fixed your stance and pushed back, building up more power as you stared down the faceless creature. Out of nowhere a root shot out the ground behind you and lodged itself into your back, piercing through your lungs and coming out of your chest.
A sharp gasp escaped your lips and your arms weakened slightly but that was just enough for the branches to break through your shield and stick into your skin.
“You tried kid.” The volcano curse looked at you boredly with his one eye.
“We cannot kill you but let this be a lesson, little one,” You body was pulled closer to the pair. “We are the superior race. We are the true natures of the world, humans fear us because we are the reality they face. Once you learn that, you’ll understand our cause.”
The fire behind still blazed, the wood of the trees cracking softly in the quiet. With half-lidded eyes, you smiled. “And let this be a lesson to you. Never let your guard down.”
The branches left your body immediately as the bulky curse tried to jump out of the way but it was too late, thousands of bolts left your body and struck the pair. The sheer force sent the larger curse through your wall of fire and into the woods where they smacked into multiple trees, each one breaking under the impact of the large body. A finally crash sounding a few hundred feet away let you know they had stopped, you let yourself reach out for their presences but they were already gone.
The sound of dripping caused you to look down at yourself, beads of dark maroon ran down your arms and body and landed in the grass. For a moment you stared at one of the puncture wounds on your arm, the hole went all the way through. A breeze drifted by and caused you to feel the rest of your injuries and the cold blow through them.
A small branch laid in grass not too far from where you stood. Recognizing it as one of the marbled curses horns, you walked over and picked it up. You examined the twig for a moment before deciding on walking back to where Gojo and Yuji were.
When you came out into the opening Gojo and Yuji took in your appearance.
“WHA, WHAT HAPPENED?!” Yuji ran up to you with his hands out, cautious to touch your bloodied body.
“I got into a little fight.”
“LITTLE?! YOU’RE BLEEDING EVERYWHERE! THERE ARE HOLES IN YOUR ARMS!” Yuji lifted your arms and went around your body babbling on about how dangerous it was for you to go off of on your own and something else you decided to ignore.
Gojo stood with his hands on his hips and a stern look on his face. “That was very dangerous of you to do Y/n.” You glanced at Yuji as he still went on looking you over and rambling. “I know but I couldn’t let leave after they tried to hurt you.” Your purple eyes drifted back to Gojo who sighed and looked to the ground before dropping his arms to his sides and walking up to you.
You could feel his eyes look you over and for a split second you could feel a small wave of worry flow off of him, this was the first time you ever felt this emotion come from him and honestly it shocked you. This man who was so nonchalant about everything and usually only cared about himself was worrying over you, YOU, a curse of all things.
You swallowed, “I tried to get them to tell me who sent them.” Your words made Yuji pause behind you. “But they wouldn’t tell me.” You gave a small sad smile to Gojo, “I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.” You brought up your closed palm and opened it to show the horn you had broken off the curse.
The white haired man stared at you for a second before he scoffed a laugh and smirked, “Don’t get all sad baby curse! You tried your hardest and that’s what matters.” He came closer and picked up the small branch and pocketed it. He look at your face once more before his brows pinched slightly and he brought his thumb to his mouth where his pink tongue poked out. “You have dirt on your face, lemme get it for you.” His left hand cupped your cheek and his right came towards your face with his thumb sticking out, his wet pad rubbed at a spot under your eye. He pulled away with a wide smile. “All better!” Yuji let out a sound of disgust and you grimaced while wiping away the wet saliva on your face.
The sorcerer turned around and clapped his hands together, “Okay so! For the next month you both will be watching movies but you’ll also be fighting against me.”
“Fighting with you?” Yuji groaned and crossed his arms, “Will we even be alive after a month of that?”
Gojo punched his own hand a few times, “Then it’s combat training, you’ll be sent out on more difficult missions,” He counted on two fingers, “The basics and how to apply them. And then finally you can show off all these new skills at the exchange event!”
“Wait teacher!” Yuji held up his arm and you gave him a confused look, Why would he raise his arm?
“Yes what is your question?”
“The exchange event is what?”
“Huh,” Gojo looked back and forth between the two of you, “I didn’t tell you?” You and Yuji shook your heads.
For the next few days you and Yuji sat in that dark room and watched movies while practicing controlling your cursed energy. You both seemed to get the hang of it down around the 3rd day after your cursed bears teamed up to beat the both of you. It hurt more than usual because of how sore you were from training with Gojo, and not to mention your body was still recovering from the wounds you sustained from that white curse. Even after healing yourself you felt somewhat drained and sluggish, you guessed it had to be the fact that you haven’t had a proper day to relax and heal, it’s been go go go since day one.
Now you stood outside of a movie theatre with Yuji and a man named Nanami. So far you liked Nanami, he was a little stand offish and a tiny bit too serious but overall he was pretty likeable. 
The rain pelted against the umbrella Yuji held above the two of you. “Are you sure you’re not doing this Y/n?” You looked up to the sky, “No, I don’t think so.”
Nanami cleared his throat, “It’s a gruesome sight, are you two ready to witness it?”
Yuji hummed an affirmation while you nodded.
Then the three of you walked into building.
I will not lie this was the hardest chapter to write so far, that fight scene between Gojo and Jogo was fucking hard x.x N e ways, hope ya’ll enjoyed it, thank you for reading! <3
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thesetrashimagines · 3 years
You’re a Curse Baby Pt.2
A Jujutsu Kaisen imagine series (reader insert)
Warnings: Fighting
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GIF is not mine
Pt.1             Pt.3
AN: I twisted the script just a wee bit to fit the narrative a bit better, hope you guys don’t mind! <3
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“Sensei what’s that?” The pink haired boy tried to peak over his teachers shoulder. “What’s what?” Gojo twisted his head around to see you walking around the school court yard aimlessly, “Hey! What are you- wait where’s-?”
“You can’t go running off like that!” The two men watched Megumi run up and stop in front of you. “I’m-I’m sorry Megumi, I couldn’t sit still anymore.” You rang your hands together, “I don’t like sitting in the dark by myself.”
 “You promised to be on your best behavior and you decided that running around by yourself in a jujutsu temple was fine?” Megumi sighed and looked around to make sure no one saw you but then his eyes landed on his teacher and Yuji. He let out another sigh, “We talked about this Y/n, you’re not meant to be here.”
“Y/n?” You leaned to the side and looked passed Megumi to see the white haired man and the boy he was carrying from yesterday.
“They asked me to name them.”
Gojo looked from Megumi to you, “Whatcha doing out here then Y/n?” Your purple eyes casted downwards, “I was in there by myself.” Suddenly the sky became grey and a rumble of thunder sounded out. “I was looking for you.....I was scared.” A bright flash of purple light stretched across the sky with a loud crack. “I’m sorry.” The two boys looked up to the sky while Gojo continued to stare at you. “You were scared.” You gave him a small nod.
Your hands were shaking so bad that even when you squeezed them together you couldn’t ground yourself. “I don’t like being a-alone...” Gojo barely heard you whisper out the last word. “Well you’re not alone anymore so,” He raised a single finger and waved it around at the sky, “You can stop this, yeah?” Your eyebrows pinched, “I don’t know how...” Another loud clap of lightening made you flinch.
“You need to calm down Y/n.” Megumi spoke to you in a calming voice, “Take some deep breaths.” You took a large inhale and let out a shaky exhale. “Keep on going.” The thunder grew quieter.
The pink haired boy let out a not so quiet whisper, “I think it’s working.”
Slowly the grey clouds drew back and let the sun shine through. “Look! I did it!” Your purple eyes twinkled as you looked up at the now clear sky. “Did you see it?” A small smile broke out on Megumi’s face when he saw your excited expression, “Yes I did, good job Y/n.” You smiled back at him, “Thank you Megumi!”
“Good job baby curse!” You turned to face the white haired man, “You never told me what that means” Megumi deadpanned beside you, “You never told them?” Gojo rubbed the back of his neck and laughed, “Nope! But I’ll explain on the way over. Let’s go!” The other three watched the older man march out in front of them.
“Uh Gojo sensei never told me about you, I’m Itadori Yuji!” The pink haired boy looked at you and smiled, “My name is Y/n! You have two names?” The boy watched you stare at him in wonder.
“Eh, um, Itadori is my family name but you can just call me Yuji” You blinked a few times and whispered, “family?” Then you shook your head a little and smiled, “Okay!”
Yuji looked you over, “So you can control the weather?” Your eyes glanced ahead to the older man, who you learned was named Gojo, “I guess so.” Yuji watched as your hands fiddled together, “I don’t really understand who or what I am.” Your ears drooped a little, “That’s okay! We’ll help you!”
Your eyes widened, “You’ll help me?”
“And that’s what makes a curse.” Your gaze had been locked on your feet the whole time you were walking. “So I’m bad?” Just when your small group was about to exit the forest surrounding the school, you stopped. “Well technically all curses are bad in general but that doesn’t mean you have to be bad.” Gojo stood a little ways ahead of you, “Some curses are used to fight bigger and badder curses.” Megumi rolled his eyes at his teachers wording. “I...I don’t want to be a curse.” Your hand came up to your eye where you rubbed at it, “I don’t wanna hurt people.” The clouds above began to swirl.
“Eh! Don’t worry Y/n you won’t!” Yuji’s arms waved about wildly before he rested them on your shoulders. “If you don’t wanna hurt people then you won’t!” Everyone stared at your shell-shocked face. “What are you doing?” Yuji’s eyebrows raised, “Huh?” You looked at his hands on your shoulders, “Your hands are warm.” A small tinge of pink rose on the boys cheeks. “Oh! Sorry I didn’t mean to touch you without permission. I wasn’t thinking.” You shook your head and smiled. “It’s okay. It helped me.” The boys face turned a brighter shade of red.
“Come on we’re gonna be late kiddos!” Gojo smiled and kept on walking. “Since when did you care about being on time.” Megumi grumbled out.
On the way to the station every little thing made you jump, “Ah! What is that?!”
“It’s a flower Y/n.” You whined, “Why does it look so scary?!”
“Gojo sensei are you sure it was a good idea to let them come along?” Gojo laughed and looked over at his shoulder at you hiding behind him. “Yeah, they’re fine! They need to see the world anyways!” You let out another yelp and covered your ears when a bird squawked over head. Gojo let out a laugh before he motioned for you to pull you hands away, “It’s just a bird Y/nnnn~ Nothing to be scared of~” Your eyes opened, revealing a dark and cloudy purple, “I’m trying to stay calm Gojo. There’s just so many new things and I...I don’t wanna lose you.” He watched the ends of your fingers slowly turn to their black colour that he saw when you first met. “Bah stop worrying so much! I’m right here!” The dark purple that clouded your eyes reversed back to the more vibrant purple he was used to seeing. He gave a big smile and faced forward once more, “Come on, we gotta catch up with them.” You gave a small nod and fell into step with him, your hand clutching onto his sleeve.
Wait, you were grabbing his-
“What the hell, come out and say what you think!” A girl across the way had a strong hold on an older mans collar. “Wait, she’s the one we have to go and talk to? This is real embarrassing.” Megumi scoffed at Yuji glasses and snacks, “Yeah so are you.”
“Hey! We’re over here!” Gojo waved the arm you weren’t holding.
“Oh here you go.” Gojo turned to you with a pair of circular black glasses, “You can borrow these for a bit okay?” He gently slid the frames onto your face.
Soon you were standing in front of the girl, who had some weird small squares with doors next to her. “Well I’d like you to meet,” The girl puffed out her chest a little, “Kugisaki Nobara. You should be honored boys, I’m your groups’ girl.”
As you looked up at the tiny boxes with funny looking doors you could hear the boys introduce themselves, but then you felt eyes staring at your back. “I thought there was only two other first years?”
With no clear exit in sight (and not really wanting to run away from the only people you knew) you stood there frozen.
“Oh! That’s Y/n! They’re a little shy” Yuji introduced you, “Are we going somewhere from here?” Gojo chuckled, “Well since we do have all three-four of you together, and two of you are from the country side. That means we’re going to Tokyo.” Yuji and Kugisaki started celebrating and jumping around Gojo.
“Megumi...” The boy jumped a little at your sudden closeness, “What’s Tokyo?”
The five of you looked at the decaying building, “There’s a curse here.” Your ears perked up a little, “You mean someone like m-”
“You liar! This isn’t Roppongi!” “This is a cruel joke to play on us country folk!”
“There’s a big cemetery near by. That plus an abandoned building, and you’ve got a curse.” You tore your eyes off of the structure and looked up at Gojo, “There’s a lot of fear around here.” Gojo had a smirk on his face, “You can feel it huh?” You nodded your head and looked back to the building.
“So they pop up more often around graves.” Megumi looked to Yuji, “It’s not the cemetery itself. It’s the fact people associate cemeteries with fear and uneasiness.” Yuji tilted his head a little, “Right it was the same for schools wasn’t it?” Kugisaki interrupted, “Hold on here, he didn’t even know that yet?”
“To be honest,” Megumi went on about how Yuji ate a cursed object. “Gross! That’s so unsanitary and disgusting, I wanna hurl! no way no way no way no way!” Kugisaki moved away from the boy with her arms out in a ‘x’
“That’s not nice!” Yuji yelled
“I agree with her.” Megumi said with a monotone voice.
“AH! You can eat me?!” You waved your arms out in front of you, “Yuji please don’t eat me! I don’t wanna be eaten! I’ll....I’ll taste bad!” Yuji copied you and started waving his arms around, “No! I wouldn’t eat you Y/n!” Your eyebrows pinched together, “You promise?” The pink haired boy nodded his head up and down fast, “Yes I promise I won’t eat you!” You nodded your head at him, “What about you Megumi? Is it normal for humans to eat curses?”
“No it-”
“YOU’RE A CURSE?!” Kugisaki’s loud voice made you jump.
Gojo spoke up, “Yes Y/n is a curse but that’s not why we’re here. I wanna see what the three of you are capable of, just think of this as a field test.” Kugisaki stared at her teacher with an open mouth, “Nobara, Yuji, you go exercise the curse in that building.” Kugisaki let out a huff. “Wait I thought curses could only get rid of curses. I can’t use jujutsu yet.” Gojo pointed a finger, “If you look at it you’re basically half a curse already. Cursed energy flows through your body. Although controlling that cursed energy isn’t something you can learn over night, right Y/n?” When Gojo’s blindfold met your eyes, you felt the ends of your ears heat up.
“So you can use this,” A large brown sleeve was passed to Yuji who began to pull out a wide piece of shiny metal, suddenly flashes of that night in the forest played through your mind.
Your eyes widened when you heard the voice,
Do you feel that? The energy? Yes I think so, It’s their souls. They lay unrested, disturbed. Are they hurt? They writhe in pain and hatred. Help them. Help them? How do I-
“Y/n?” You blinked and made eye contact with Gojo. “What’s going on in that little head of yours?” You looked behind him and saw that it was only Megumi left behind. “Did they go inside?” Behind his blindfold, Gojo’s eyebrows furrowed. “Yes they’re inside, what just happened to you?” Your hands reached up and removed his glasses from your face, “I’m trying to figure out what to do.” You looked back over his shoulder, “But why is Megumi out here?” The black haired boy met your gaze, “He’s still recovering...Y/n,” You hummed and craned your neck up, “You remember our deal?”
“Yes,” Gojo reached out for his glasses that were still grasped in your hand, “Could you remind me?” His large hand pulled the thin frames out of your fingers and brought the lenses to his mouth where he let out a hot breath of air. “Um, I can’t kill or hurt anyone or you’ll kill me.” His other hand reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of cloth, “No lying, I have to be honest with you.” He hummed as he used the cloth to clean the glasses, “So why are you lying to me now?” Your eyes widened, “I’m not! I-I wanna help but,” Your head dropped to your chest, “I don’t know how.”
You head shot up at the sound of the boys name, “Come here.” He came to a stop next to Gojo, “You two are gonna fight.” He pocketed the glasses and smirked at your shocked expression. “I don’t wanna fight him.” You took a step back. “You want to learn how to help right?”
“Y-yes but I don’t wanna hurt Megumi.” Gojo laughed. “I think he’ll be okay. This is mostly for you, to teach you how to use your cursed energy.” You felt something inside of you twist. “Okay...” Gojo gave you a kind smile and gestured for you to back up. Once you were the proper distance away from each other, Megumi brought his hands up and said something you didn’t hear.
Black masses grew from the ground and turned into some kind of creatures you’ve never seen before. “Are you ready Y/n?” You looked over at Gojo and said nothing. You didn’t know what to say or what to do. You really didn’t want to hurt Megumi. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Megumi change his hands position and the creatures sprinted towards you.
Another flash from the forest played through your mind. Dark sky’s, lightening coming straight for you, the power, the girl, her soul...her soul
Her soft voice filled your head,
“T h a n k  y o u”
Growling brought you back to the present, the creatures were closer now. They stood in a defensive stance, waiting for you to move. Your chest tightened, “Peace...”
“Peace...” You whispered the word over and over with every step you took, getting closer and closer to the white beast. “I will bring you peace.” The white furred creature stared at you, it’s eyes once filled with malice were now filled with curiosity. Your hand was now directly in front of it, with careful movements you gently placed your hand on it’s head.
Gojo and Megumi watched as small purple sparks danced out of you and into the white demon dog. The dog made no move to attack, it stood still as your hand laid on top of its skull. Your eyes clouded over, a bright yellow over taking the purple and then a dark pupil manifested, you had the dogs’ eyes. While that was happening Megumi could feel a tingling spread across the base of neck and travel down his spine, not wanting to see the end result, he made his next move. The black hound was now on high alert, It’s fur standing straight up while it snarled and bared it’s teeth at you.
Your eyes were only yellow for a moment before the black dog lunged. Its teeth sunk into your outstretched arm and knocked you over, breaking the connection between you and it’s counter part. Your back hit the ground and the black beast loomed over you with your arm still in it’s mouth. “Divine dog...” The dog growled again and flattened it’s ears to it’s head. “You’re Megumi’s...you protect him and save people from...from monsters like me...” The animal tightened it’s jaw around your arm, “I’m not going to hurt you.” Your words made no difference, if anything the dogs bite got tighter. “Fight back Y/n!” You shook your head at Gojo’s words, “No! I’m not gonna hurt Megumi!” The white hound barked at the black dog, headbutting it to let you go.
Gojo let out a sigh and glanced over to Megumi who looked a little shocked, “What?” Megumi’s eyes didn’t move from the scene. “They did something to the demon dog.” It made sense, the white one seemed to have ignored Megumi’s command to attack. “I think I still have control over it,” Gojo put his hands in his pockets, “See if it will attack.”
As you laid there, pushing against the black beast, the white one started whining. You reached a tentative hand out in a attempt to sooth the dog, but the gesture had the opposite effect. The white canine snapped at your hand, it’s teeth barely scraping your skin. Noticing you were over powered, you had no other choice.
“I’m sorry.”
The two males watched your hands and feet turn black before purple bolts shot out and hit the shadow beasts. Megumi felt a strong current hit him. “Ah-!” His knees buckled and he fell to the ground.
“Megumi!” The dogs attacking you disappeared into thin black smoke. Not waiting a second longer, you got to your feet ran to the boy on the ground.
“Megumi I-“ Fat wet tears rolled down your cheeks, “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Your hands hovered over the dark haired boy, afraid to touch him. “I’m so-”
Kill it What?! No! It’s coming, kill it. What is-
A wave of fear hit you, something was coming.
Your head snapped up to the building which caused Gojo to copy you, a fuzzy ball with legs busted through of the wall. Without thinking, your hands shot up and a shield of energy expanded over the three of you. The creature was in the air for a second before large spikes came out of it and it turned to ash.
Yuji and Kugisaki walked out of the building with smiles on their faces but both of them paused when they saw you, tears still fresh on your face, next to a hunched over Megumi and a expressionless Gojo, all inside of a purple dome.
“Ah Nobara! Nice job!” Gojo’s head turned from the two on the ground to the two standing outside the force field. “You too Yuji.”
“What happened to Fushiguro?” Yuji saw you deflate and bury your face in your hands. “Yeah and what’s up with the shield.” Kugisaki’s eyes studied the strange energy field. “Y/n did it! Kinda cool huh?”
A hand landed on the top of your head, “I’m okay Y/n.” Opening your teary eyes, you saw Megumi giving you a small smile, “It was a little shock, that’s all.” Your hands, still their obsidian colour, wiped at your cheeks. “I didn’t mean to hurt you Megumi.” The hand on your head patted at your crown, “I know.” The sound of footsteps stopped next to you, “Hey baby curse, you did good for your first time! Look at this shield!” You lifted your head further up and looked at the purple dome. “I didn’t want that curse to come after us.” Gojo’s smile widened then he looked at Kugisaki, “Well Nobara you’ll fit right in!”
That’s when you noticed the little boy behind Yuji. You let out a small gasp and moved to hide behind Gojo again. When the sorcerer looked down at you, you whispered, “I don’t wanna scare him.” The man chuckled and pulled out his circular black glasses, “Here.”
While Megumi and Gojo made sure the little boy got home safe, you, Yuji, and Nobara were seated on some stairs.
“So there’s a curse inside of you?” Yuji nodded, “Yep! He’s a little annoying though.” The boy rubbed the side of his head, “Does he have a name?” Yuji blinked at you, “You weren’t listening earlier?”
“Their souls are unrested, disturbed.”
You shook your head, “No I was distracted sorry...” Yuji tilted his head up and waved his hand around, “Hey it’s fine.” His hand came back down to rest at his side, “His names Sukuna.” When the name left his lips, a weird sensation flowed off of Yuji. Choosing to ignored it you decided to asked him the important question.
“So you ate him?”
“Hey I thought we were even now.” Nobara walked on ahead of all of you, “We only won thanks to my cursed energy.”
“Well what about my sheer strength?” Nobara laughed, “You mean the strength you get from eating weird shit?” Yuji pointed a finger at her, “It’s not just from that! Right Fushiguro?” The pink haired boy turned and looked at Megumi, “Fushiguro what’s the matter?” Megumi was quick to answer, “Nothing.”
Gojo smiled, “He’s pouting cause he didn’t get to fight.” Nobara laughed, “Poor wittle baby.”
You watched the four of them interact and laugh together.
“But I thought we fought Megumi.” All heads turn to you, “It wasn’t really a fight Y/n.” Even though he couldn’t see your eyes from behind the glasses, Megumi knew you were giving him sad puppy eyes. “I don’t understand, then what is a fight?” Gojo began to walk backwards so he could stay facing you, “Well it is kinda like what you did back there but on a bigger scale.” The ends of your ears perked up, “A bigger scale?”
“Yeah! Like things would go bam! And bsh! And since you have lightening bolts there’d probably be a lot of pzzzzz!” You stared in awe at Yuji’s explanation, “Woooooah. Next time Megumi I’ll fight you for real!”
Gojo raised his arms, “That’s the spirit baby curse!”
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Part 2 is complete! I am having a blast writing this story, like part 3 is already in the works. N e ways, thank you for reading! I hoped you enjoyed it <3
286 notes · View notes
thesetrashimagines · 3 years
You’re a Curse Baby Pt.6
A Jujutsu Kaisen Imagine (reader insert)
Warnings: blood, gore, mentions of mutilation.
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GIF is not mine!
Pt.5 Pt.7
Flashbacks are indicated by ‘ **** ’ lines!
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Standing outside of the theatre was difficult enough on your senses, you could smell the death wafting out of the building from miles away, but standing in front of the mutilated bodies was much more worse. The three boys sat in the cushioned chairs, each of them having been changed from the inside out, their heads were stretched and oblong, their eyes were rolled back and small trickles of blood seeped out of their sockets.
You let yourself reach out for a moment, an attempt to see if you could feel their souls. Immediately, you saw them. They were bent and twisted, crying out in agony to be changed back to normal, asking for a higher power to save them.
There was dark purple static swarming them like a mold, it kept their souls from changing back. You never thought that others curses could touch souls like you.
“Can you see it? This is the residual taint of cursed energy.” Nanami trailed his finger over a imaginary path on the floor.
Yuji followed his finger with his eyes. “No I don’t see anything.”
The stoic man looked over at you. Glancing away from the bodies you looked up into the green lenses of his glasses and gave a small nod.
Nanami turned his attention back to Yuji. “That’s because you’re not trying to see it. We typically see curses as if it’s completely natural to. When a cursed technique is used it leaves traces behind, that’s what residuals are. Residuals are fainter than cursed spirits so focus your vision and look closely.”
Yuji cupped his hands over the sides of his face like he was trying to create a tunnel for him to look through. “Oh! I can see them!” The footprints were the same dark purple static and trailed out of the room and into the hallway.
“Of course you can, every good sorcerer can sense them before seeing them.” Yuji let out a groan at Nanami’s words and trudged behind the older man and out of the theater room. You could hear them speaking to one another in the hallway while you gave the corpses' one last look over before Yuji’s dejected voice called out to you, “C’mon Y/n. We’re gonna following the footprints....with minimal effort.”
You slipped under the yellow tape then went to Yuji’s side. “You okay?” Noticing the sad look on the boys’ face, “Yeah, I guess. I don’t know, I feel like I can’t click with him. Like I can’t do anything right.” You took a brief look ahead to see the blonde man walking away. “It’s okay. Nanami seems like the kinda person who doesn’t show his emotions often, good or bad.” You met Yuji’s eyes, “He’s very monotone I guess. When you first look at him you’d think he was dull and grey but I can see how colourful he is.” You bumped your shoulder gently against his. “I think you guys will get along, in your own way. Besides he seems to not mind you too much” You gave him a teasing smile which Yuji returned. “Yeah I guess so.” He turned forward and followed after Nanami, you chuckled and ran to catch up with them.
The rain poured and slapped onto the ground loudly, you squeezed yourself closer to Yuji under your shared umbrella.
“the young boy could be the murderer too, we could go to the police and-” Both you and Nanami turned your heads to the alleyway where a creature on four legs stood on top of some chairs. “Lu-lu-lunchbox.” Their face was pulled forward into a snout and their hair, wet and black, stuck to their head. Further down their body was another mane of hair, it sat on their lower back like a tail.
Yuji threw the umbrella to the side and brought up his fists. “No, let me handle this one Itadori. Let’s see if you can take the one over there.”
A white mass hid behind the wall, it’s eyes were tiny slits and their mouth sat sideways. A small purr sound left their gaping maw, “Detergent.”
“Call out for help if you think you two are gone over your heads.” Yuji deflated again, “Why do you think so little of us. Give us a chance.” Nanami unbuttoned his coat, “It’s not about whether I’m underestimating you or not, I’m the adult and you’re still a child, let’s also not forget Y/n is only a few months old. I have a duty to prioritize your lives over my own.” The older man walked towards the dark pathway while Yuji brought up his clenched hands once again, “I’d rather you underestimate me then treat me like a kid.”
You fixed your footing by putting your non-dominate leg back. “You two have faced several life or death situations but that does not make you an adult. Realizing your hair is falling out on your pillow, realizing your favourite bread has disappeared from the convenience store, the accumulation of those despairs in life is what makes a person, an adult.”
You tried not to let your confusion show on your face,
What did any of that have to do with me? Do curses age like humans? What did Nanami mean I’m only a few months old? What did that have to do with anything? Adults? Loosing hair? What was bread?
“Are you two listening?”
Yuji grabbed the creatures hands, “Huh?” The white blob threw the pinked haired boy towards a red circle and then when he smacked into it, a loud ‘Home run!’ sounded out. You grimaced when he hit the ground.
The creature in front of you let out another chatter, “D-d-d-detergent.”
Purple sparks flicked off your arms and travelled down to your hands. You stuck your hand out and used your energy to create a cage around the white glob.
“Should you really be revealing that to the enemy?”
Reveal what? I wasn’t listening, oh no is he gonna tell Gojo?
“I’ll show you.” Having been so focused on your own thoughts, you almost missed Nanami striking the green creature, cutting into it’s legs and leaving it immobile. You watched as the creature let out a gurgle before laying on the ground.
“Behind you Itadori.” A sound similar to glass breaking made you focus back to the mutilated body in front of you, it had broken through your defense. Silently cursing yourself, you tried to warn Yuji. “Watch out!”
But it was too late, the creature punched Yuji and sent him flying once more.
“I don’t like you turning your back on your opponent.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “You keep distracting us! That’s not very nice Nanami!” Yuji yelled, “Yeah!”
Both of you turned back to the white monster as it reared up on it’s hind legs. Yuji let out a breath and focused.
“You’re cursed energy can’t keep up with you explosive power.” Yuji rubbed his lower back as he looked up at Gojo from his spot on the floor. “You’re still not good at collecting your cursed energy so it lacks behind,” The white haired man turned his head to where you laid on the floor surrounded by cursed dolls. “And you’re overflowing with it. It’ll be harder for you since your whole being runs off of cursed energy but you need to be able to focus it to properly perform your cursed technique.” You wiped the sweat off your brow.
A hard punch came down on your temple.
“Ow!” You growled and grabbed the small doll, chucking towards the wall where it lodged itself into the cement and small pieces of rock crumbled to the floor. “See?” You groaned and lid back down, “This is hard!” Gojo chuckled, “Didn’t I just say that?” You huffed and flipped over onto your stomach.
Letting your energy flow again, you crossed your arms then thrusted them forward, your bolts shot out and sunk into the ground before shooting back up and caging the white blob again.
“Hit it Yuji!”
The boy punched the creature, knocking it back into your makeshift wall. Milliseconds later his cursed energy followed through and punched a whole through the white monster’s body. It let out a garbled sound and slid down your purple cage then settled on the ground, cradling it’s hands to the wound on it’s chest. You let your wall fizz out and disappear. Then you saw the creature crying and you felt yourself freeze.
That’s when you finally realized-
“Wait!” You put your arms out, “They’re not curses! They’re not...” Nanami glanced at you then back at the green thing in front of him. “They’re human.”
Yuji watched you crouch down and lay your hands on the white body. “I-I, this is so cruel.” The boy head your voice waver, “How didn’t I notice before? Oh the pain you must be in.” He saw you turn the creatures’ face to yourself, “I’m so sorry this happened to you. I-”
Nanami walked over and showed Yuji a photo on his phone, “I thought curses couldn’t show up in photographs-” Shock covered Yuji’s face. “Itadori listen to me carefully and calmly.”
You stared down at tears falling out of the person’s eyes, “I want to help you but I-I don’t think I can change you back.” Your bottom lip wobbled. You’ve never imagined trying to manipulate a soul, let alone try to change someone’s physical form through soul transformation. But you knew it had to be painful, the very essence of someone’s life being uprooted, twisted, pulled, torn, and left in the terror of the unknown, to be left confused and hurt. “I should’ve sensed it, I sensed it back there.” You squeezed your eyes shut before opening them and looking back down at the creature. “I’ll give you the peace you deserve.” The creature gave you a pleading look. “I promise you won’t be in anymore pain.” You gently laid their head back on the ground and placed your hands back on their chest.
“Y/n don’t-”
“Let me do this......please.” Yuji stepped back and ignored how Nanami stared at the side of his face before he turned his attention to you.
Purple bolts shot out of your body and touched the ground, skipping from place to place. A soft blue glow emitted from where your hands made contact with the body. Yuji stared as one of the creatures hands twitched on the ground before going completely slack and the glow seemed to slowly die down. Your kneeling form swayed then you fell back on your hands. “Y/n!” Yuji was quick to come to your side. “What was that? What did you do?” You swayed a little more than spoke, “I gave her peace.”
Nanami passed you a cup of tea, “You’ll have to ask the culprit to explain his cursed technique to you.” Ieiri’s voice crackled through the phone and filled the quiet room.
“Though there is evidence that their brain stems have been tampered with. Most likely to create confusion and impaired consciousness. If they can tamper with the brain then they might’ve been able to modify someone to use their cursed energy. The relationship between the brain and cursed energy is still a black box to us...oh wait is Itadori listening?”
“Yeah I’m here.”
“I think it’s important you understand this much, these guys died from the shock of what happened to their bodies. So you didn’t kill them. Don’t get the wrong idea about that.”
Yuji mumbled out a thanks and Nanami ended the call. You grasped the cup of tea in your lap tighter. “That’s so easy for her to say. She doesn’t understand, she couldn’t understand.” Your hands shook a little.
“Yeah the weight of their deaths still weigh pretty heavy.”
You slammed the cup down and stood up, “This isn’t about their deaths! The best thing to happen to them was their deaths. You don’t get it, their souls...” You felt your throat go dry, “Their livelihood was torn from them, violated and shoved back into the minds with nothing but one command to kill and destroy no matter what.” Both Nanami and Yuji watched you clench your fists together. “They had families, grandchildren....” Your lips twisted in a scowl, “She just wanted to see them one last time.” They were met with you teary eyes, “Don’t you get it! She didn’t even know who she was in the end! Her humanity stripped from her, and she felt everything.” Small sparks crawled over your body. “I don’t understand what would make someone want to do that to another person.”
“Whatever this thing is that we’re after, it disgusts me to the core.” You looked into Yuji’s eyes and saw nothing but rage.
“It’s possible those residuals were a bluff to lure us in” Nanami monotone voice rang out. “Our foe is quite skilled, this might take more than just minimal effort.” Nanami stood up, “So let’s go all out.”
You looked at the map on the board, “I’ve organized the reports concerning recent residuals, unnatural deaths, and disappearances. This should narrow down the culprits hide out to some extent.” Yuji shot up from the table, “Oh yeah! Are we storming in?” You heard Nanami sigh, “No, as I said it’s only to some extent. While I continue to investigate this matter, I’d like you two to deal with something else.” He tacked a picture of a boy with long dark hair that covered one side of his face to the board, “This is the boy who was at the theater, Junpei Yoshino, we’ve just determined he goes to the same high school as the three victims.”
He lifted his hand and clicked on the tv in the corner, “Based on his actions and the way he carries himself in the surveillance footage, I believe it is unlikely that he is a curse user.” You glanced back up at Nanami, “However if he is somehow related to the victims in some type of a way that changes things.”
Yuji pulled his attention away from the tv, “Curse user?”
“It’s our term for a evil jujutsu sorcerer. I’ve trusted the process to Ijichi here and I’d like the three of you to investigate Junpei together.”
“Sure!” Then Yuji faltered slightly, “Come to think of it, you’re the only assistant we have as far as I know.” Ijichi smiled a little, “Well I am one of the only assistants that knows you’re stay alive, so here I am!” Yuji nodded and began to walk out the door, “Alright that makes sense, let’s go!”
For a moment you and Nanami sat in silence then you heard footsteps come back to the room, “You don’t just know the culprits hideout to some extent, you know it exactly.” Nanami leaned back against the board, “Of course, the culprit could’ve left the scene without leaving any residuals at all. It would seem we’re being lured in once again.” He looked at the floor, “Weighing in the risks of storming in alone versus taking Itadori along, I simply made the safest choice. He is after all, still a child.” Nanami looked up to you, “And I trust you keep a close eye on him.” You nodded then bit your lip, “But I don’t like you going out there by yourself, you saw what he can do-”
“Itadori!” Yuji bumped Ijichi back into the room and held a hand up to Nanami, “And hey teacher, forgot to tell ya, you be careful.” Nanami crossed his arms, “Itadori I’m not a teacher so please don’t call me that.”
“So Kendo dude!”
“I will slap you.”
“Ah so there he is.” You peeked over Yuji’s shoulder and looked out the front window to see the boy from the photo. “Where’s his uniform?”
“It looks like he hasn’t been attending school for quite some time.”
Ijichi stopped the car. “We’ll get out and walk from here.” The three of you stepped out of the vehicle. “Yuji,” You hand clasped the boys sleeve, “I- What about me? I can’t walk around and,” A car honked down the road causing you to flinch a little, “I’m kind of nervous.”
The pink haired boy smiled, “Remember only people with cursed energy can see you.” Your mouth opened, “Oh yeah...” You scratched your arm, “This is just so weird being around so many people.” He patted you on the shoulder, “It’ll be okay. Besides if Junpei sees you then we’ll know for sure he has cursed energy.”
The three of you walked a little ways behind the brown haired boy. You poked a finger into the cage that held two tiny curses. One of them grabbed your finger and shook it about before trying to put it in it’s mouth, “Hey no biting.” You pulled your hand away and frowned at the small curse. The flyhead stuck its 3 fingered hand between the bars and waved its arm, making little noises to gain your attention. “No you tried to bite me.” It let out a whine and sat back.
The three of you came around a corner and hid behind a post, “Alright here we go,” Ijichi began to open the cage. “Time out someone there!” Yuji whispered yelled but it was too late the two flyheads took off. “Oh crap, hold on!”
You watched Yuji run after one of the small curses. He jumped and grabbed it but they were heading straight towards Junpei and the chubby man in front of him. You let out a gasp and started jogging over, “Wait Y/n!” Ijichi realized you were already gone too far to hear him and sighed.
You caught up to Yuji as he rubbed his head, “Ow that hurt.” You turned to the dark haired boy and blanked when his eyes trailed over your form.
“What’s this? where did you come from?” You flinched at the fat mans words, “Uh-”
“Hey I got a few things I’d like to ask you about, you got a sec?” Junpei jumped back at Yuji sudden closeness. “I, uh, I was uh,”
“Hey me and Junpei were having a conversation. Don’t be rude.” Yuji backed off. “Well this concerns something rather important.” You moved around Yuji and noticed Junpei glance at you. Flinching again you turned around and started looking for the flyhead.
“What’s important? You’re just another stupid kid! And what kinda uniform is this-HEY!” You whipped around and saw that Yuji had pulled the mans pants down. “What the hell do you think you’re doing brat?! Let go of my pants!” Yuji pulled and the man fell backwards making easier for Yuji to pull the mans trousers completely off. The pink haired boy straightened up and started sprinted towards you, “Yuji what-oof” He tossed you over his shoulder and continued running. “What the heck are you doing!?” Yuji answered you in a panicked voice, “I don’t know!” You looked up and saw the bigger man running after you. “He’s coming! Go! Go! Go!”
Yuji tossed the pants onto the road and turned another corner, “Okay I think you lost him.” He placed you back down, “Alright!” He smiled wide and continued following the road.
“Okay, let’s talk” Yuji waved at Junpei. “You guys went around the block already? That was fast!” Yuji in a nonchalant voice replied, “Yeah.”
“You didn’t have to go through all that trouble.” The boys brown eyes flickered over to you, “You guys could’ve just dragged me away.” He stared at you for a little longer before Yuji’s voice caught his attention, “Yeah sure I guess I could’ve but you hate that guy don’t you?”
Junpei’s eyes widened, “Huh? How did you?” Yuji looked over at you then back to Junpei, “Just a hunch. Or am I wrong?” Junpei shook his head, “No you’re not wrong.” You definitely felt Junpei’s hatred for the fat man earlier.
“You don’t want someone you hate hanging outside of your house now do you? So how about we take a walk.” Yuji kept on moving, Junpei glanced back at you causing you to stop moving. “Um...sure.” He faced ahead again and started walking. There was a tug on your pant leg followed by a small squeak, looking down you saw the flyhead. “What?” The curse tugged on you again, “Your too lazy to fly or something?” You leaned over and scooped up the little guy. “You’re lucky you’re cute or I’d leave you out here for trying to bite me.”
You sat on the steps with your chin on your knees and watched the flyhead chase after a bug when the ground suddenly shook.
“Wow did the ground just shake?” Yuji scanned the area. “Yeah, intensity 2 or so.” Junpei watched as Yuji dialed a number on his phone and place it next to ear. After a few rings Yuji huffed, “Damnit Ijichi isn’t answering.” The flyhead paused and faced Yuji. “I probably shouldn’t talk to you.” The pink haired boy turned his head to Junpei and the flyhead waddled towards you with outstretched hands.
You picked up the curse and sat him in your lap, he let out a little coo and snuggle back into you.
“Oh forget! I’m just going to ask!” You all jumped at Yuji’s outburst. “So then, you were there that day at theater when those guys got killed.” Junpei looked over at you in surprise, “Did you happen to see anything weird like that.” Yuji pointed to the flyhead in your lap, “Uh, no, afraid not. I just started seeing those things recently.” You and Yuji sighed, “Oh well I got nothing else to ask you then.”
“Wha, that was all?” He watched as Yuji walked up between the two of you and sat down, “Could you wait though till the other guy shows up? He’s kinda like my boss.” Junpei curled into himself slightly when Yuji spread his legs out, “Sure.” Yuji grinned, “Cool thanks.”
“So what was showing at the theater?” You shifted your sights to the water ahead of you and listened to the two boys talk, “It was a repeat screening of an old movie, but I doubt you’ve ever heard of it.” The sun sparkled off the water as it reflected the bright orange and red sky. “Awe come on, try me.” The little flyhead in your lap relaxed it’s wings and gripped one of your fingers. “Human Earth Worm 3.” You recognized the movie title. Yuji groaned, “That movie was super boring, I got punched so many times during that one.” You giggled softly at the memory of how the cursed doll hit Yuji because he was falling asleep. “You got punched? It was boring but after all it’s just a splatter film so maybe it’s our own fault for expecting it to be more than that.” Yuji hummed out an agreement. One of your fingers started to feel wet, looking back down to the flyhead in your lap you saw that the small curse had popped you finger in it’s mouth. “But 2-” Yuji perked up, “2 was pretty good wasn’t it?” You grimaced and tried to pull your finger out of the flyheads mouth which earned you a whine, “Yeah it was the only one you could enjoy!”
You went to try and pull your finger out of the smaller curses mouth again when you sensed a familiar presence. You tilted your head up slightly and saw a hooded figure standing on the bridge, facing the three of you, watching.
That person was there the night Gojo got attacked.
You went to let your power reach out but a sharp pain erupted from you hand. “Ow!” You tore your finger out of the flyheads mouth, “What did I say?! No biting!” The curse whined again and gave you sad eyes. “No, no more. I was being nice to you and you bit me.” You placed the flyhead down and turned away when it started making noise and tugging on your clothes. The two boys laughed at you.
“Junpei?” You all looked up and say a woman standing at the top of the steps.
Oh no, what am I suppose to do?
You stood in the entrance of Junpei’s home and pretended like you weren’t there. Their laughter was loud, it bounced off the walls and filled the room. It was hard to be in the same room with people who couldn’t even see you, how were you suppose to act? Were you allowed to talk? Were you able to move? You haven’t left the front door since you got inside.
How did other curses do this? Do they just walk around like it’s nothing? Do they care if they’re seen?
A wave of emotion washed over you and muddled your anxious thoughts. You saw Junpei’s mother smiling at the two laughing boys, her smile was so inviting and warm, it was hard to put into words at what you were feeling. It’s something you’ve never experienced, you couldn’t tell if it was a good or a bad feeling. It was similar to feeling happy but there was something else you couldn’t figure out. Whatever emotion it was, wrapped itself around you and held on tight, but not in a suffocating way, it held you gently, caressed over every worry and left you feeling fuzzy, safe, and calm.
“What’s your mom like?” You blinked a few times and looked up at Junpei. Yuji scratched the back of his head, “I don’t know much about my mom but I do have some memories of my dad. I had my grandpa too.” Another wave of the unknown emotion hit you, making you shake your head at an attempt to clear it.
“You’re a jujutsu sorcerer right?”
“Have you ever killed someone?” Your eyes widened. “No.” The dark haired boy held a movie disk in his hand, “Some day you’ll have to fight bad jujutsu sorcerers. What happens then?” Yuji shook his head, “If that ever happens I still wouldn’t want to kill them.” Junpei turned, “Why not? They’re bad people.”
“I just think if I killed anyone, the very option of killing would have then been forced itself into my life, the value of life would become ambiguous. I might start taking the people I care about for granted and that scares me.” You shifted at Yuji’s words.
You let out a whisper, “Yuji, can I come out now?” The pink haired boy turned to you with wide eyes, “Oh, yeah. We’re about to watch a movie.” You slowly walked into the room and glanced warily at Junpei’s mom. “She’s sleeping so don’t worry.” You weren’t scared of her waking up, you were scared of the emotion she seemed to have infected you with.
“I never learned your name.” Your eyes shot over and met Junpei’s. “Y/n.” His eyes widened slightly at your nervous nature. “Are you a curse?” You looked at Yuji for some sort of guidance. “Yeah but they’re a good friend of mine. They like movies just as much as me!” Yuji smiled at you and you returned it with a small smile of your own. The three of you got comfy on the couch and started the movie.
It only took a few hours for everything to change.
A curse had gotten into Junpei’s home and killed his mother, they said the curse was attracted to one of Sukuna’s fingers but you never sensed it. Even if you hadn’t sense it, Sukuna for sure would have and he would’ve kicked up some sort of fuss but no the night seemed normal. You couldn’t wrap your head around it. When and how did the finger get there?
“You’re saying we’d get in your way aren’t you? You were the one to get hurt. Next time take us with you.” Nanami looked away from Yuji’s glare. “My partner died cause I wasn’t there, Why not?, Cause I’m just a child!” You stared at the ground as Yuji went on, “Not again, I have to go.”
“You can’t,” Your jaw tightened. “As you’ve seen this patchwork curse uses transfigured people, there are some who are beyond saving. If you continue on with this work there will be a time where you have to kill a person yourself, but this is not that time.” Nanami got off the wall, “Being a child is not a sin.” He paused and looked at Yuji’s torn expression then he looked to you, his eyes barely visible behind the green lenses, “And so for now I’d like for you to monitor Junpei Yoshino.” He turned and walked down the hallway.
“If he survives, I’m gonna punch him.” Yuji let out a sound of surprise at your words. “He shouldn’t be allowed to sacrifice his life, he shouldn’t be doing this alone.” Your fists shook in frustration. “It’s okay.” A hand landed on your shoulder, “I feel the same way but we have to trust Nanami.” You met his eyes and sighed,
“Where do you think he is?” You ran as fast as you could next to Yuji, “I think he might be at his school.” The pink haired boy never slowed down for a moment.
“Yuji look!” You pointed at the dark mass in the sky, “It’s a veil!” You both began to run faster.
The two of you managed to rush into the gym just in time. Bodies littered the floor and on the stage stood Junpei. There was a large blue bubble looking creature with bright yellow tentacles floating around him, one of it’s appendages held a boy in the air.
“Stop Junpei! What are you doing?!”
“Jujutsu sorcerer back off.”
Okay I wasn’t feeling the last chapter but this, ooooo, it’s getting good. I’m so excited for the next part! I hope you guys are too :) Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! <3
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thesetrashimagines · 3 years
okay omg your cursed baby series is amazing!!! the way you write it is so captivating a fits almost seamlessly into the main storyline! i love it and look forward to more chapters!!! Have you posted this in AO3 or other sites? It's just so good!!!
Oh wow thank you! I'm so flustered rn 😂 I'm not the most confident in the way I write so thank you so much! To answer your other questions, no I only post on this tumblr and this tumblr only. I don't have a set schedule for when I update the series and so I feel like I'd forget to upload if I had multiple accounts on other sites😅 and also yes I try really hard to get the storyline correct (I sit and watch the episodes and try to describe whats happening the best I can) I'm glad you noticed🤭
N e ways thanks for for your wonderful ask, hope you have a good day :) <3
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youacrazybitch-blog · 13 years
Já vou miojos, beijos até. Deem uma olhada nos themes que eu MODIFIQUEI , beijos :*
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