leenfiend · 7 months
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<- Chapter One Chapter Three -> Preorders for physical copies are now OPEN until August 27th!
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geek-and-destroy · 3 years
Wheel of Time - It's Raining Points of View
This is post 9 in The Wheel of Time Read - see the previous post - covering the prologue and chapters 1-9 of book 2.
A few days ago, I started reading The Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan's sprawling fantasy series. And because I have nothing better to do, I decided to post my thoughts on the internet, a few chapters at a time. Right now, I am at book two - The Great Hunt. This post talks about my first impressions of the book two prologue and chapters 1 (The Flame of Tar Valon) through 9 (Leavetakings). Chapter summaries can be found here (I’m not putting links to the individual chapters, I don’t want to venture too far into the wiki).
My joy is immeasurable and my day is made. There were many delightful new POVs this time around, it's almost difficult to keep track. Let's see, prologue Darkfriend 'Bors,' Rand, Perrin (ly), Nynaeve (yay), Egwene (yay!), Papa Bornhald (ugh), sinister Red Sedai Liandrin, Dark peddler Padan Fain, the Amrylin Seat herself and, of all people, Bayle fucking Domon! Whew. That is quite the jump after the three POVs from the last one.
The prologue has only driven home the point that absolutely anyone could turn out to be a Darkfriend. There's really no telling exactly when this prologue takes place, but I'm assuming this is directly after the battle at Tarwin's Gap at the end of the first book. Or it could be before the first book took place too, but that isn't much plausible either. Rand took centre-stage in Ba'Alzamon's little holographic powerpoint, so I guess he knew after the final battle at the end of the last book that he's the Dragon. There's also no telling when the Domon POV in chapter 9 takes place - probably takes at least two weeks to sail from Whitebridge to Illian, plus some time for rest after which he was offered the Tar-Valon-mark money. I'm assuming the source of that is one of the two Black Ajah Aes Sedais seen in the prologue.
But coming back to more joyous things: MOIRAINE POVs! Aaaaaahhh I am so happy that I don't even care that she's more of a Dumbledore than I thought she was. These things tend to go a certain way, in that Moiraine and the Amrylin's end goal will be achieved, but they lose a lot of control over events and get schooled for their manipulative ways. Ends don't justify the means, using people to play prophecy is bad, blah blah, blah, fuck that. I want my Aes Sedai intrigue. When they started referring to the Amrylin Seat as a person and not like a throne, I was trying to have some random fun by imagining her as literally an authoritative sentient chair, but RJ had to go and make her a character with nuances and layers and shit. Not that sentient chairs can't have those, dgmw.
Anyway, Siuan Sanche is yet another enigmatic presence to look out for. I think her POV was more of a one-off thing, though. The less I see of this type of character, the better their impact is. Liandrin, along with Elaida, is being set up as another temporary 'antagonist' at Tar Valon. Her physical description juxtaposed with her demeanour gives off very creepy vibes indeed. Knowing Elayne, she was very unlucky indeed to be found by the stuck-up faction. I wonder which ones are the Dark Aes Sedais? I bet we've seen at least one, and I bet none of them is from the Red Ajah.
As for the Ajahs, the Brown is easily the best one. Verin is easily the best side character so far. I hate this 'book smart vs street smart' stereotype, man. Browns seem to be the perfect Aes Sedai who have been distanced by the rest because of how perfect they are. In crisis situations, I bet the Browns handle themselves the best while the other Ajahs call them naive from their fucking graves.
Yeah, that's not gonna happen, is it? Sigh.
These first chapters leave many more questions than in the first books, courtesy of the reader being immersed in the world now. What was the wind thingy? Who gave the orders to bar the gates? Who was the attacker? Who rescued Fain? Are they different people, or the same person? When is that stupid narrative of 'friends cross at protagonist due to dumb thing he said' trope gonna stop? Who gave the money to Domon? How did he end up with Heartstone? Was it an accident or is he a Darkfriend? How does he even know what it is?
I read on.
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bokutoyaoya · 3 years
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5 months ago
Tension between two people doesn’t always resolve itself when both parties argue. Sometimes, tension doesn’t always resolve itself at all. No amount of screaming or crying will quiet down that disgusting feeling that’s been building up for hours or days, or weeks for that matter. Tension will build up, way past breaking point, and never resolves itself.
You and Shinsuke rarely fought, he was levelheaded and rational, practical and an amazing listener – on that, you both were.
Sometimes you would scream at each other, and during those moments you couldn’t even hear your own voice, white noise buzzing over both you and Shinsuke’s voices, and the feeling of a frame getting closer and closer to the point were you started to suffocate.
Yet somehow, after what has been the nth fight of the month, you suddenly failed to understand… everything. It had come to the point where living together was unbearable, seeing each other all the same.
His side of the bed was always cold, mornings and nights. Shinsuke was a ghost, and you started to forget he was there every so often. You were startled when he walked in the kitchen, heart racing against your rib cage as you clutched your shirt and resumed chopping whatever it is you had been absentmindedly chopping.
And Shinsuke didn’t say a word.
When the fights started, either one of you would crawl in bed when the other was already settled under the covers, arms snaking around the waist and butterfly kisses left against the skin of the neck. I’m sorrys murmured in the dead of the night as the other would turn around and nuzzle deeper into the embrace.
Now, nothing.
With all this unresolved tension, many words are also left unsaid. It’s best if you don’t speak to each other unless you wanted to start another fight. And you didn’t want to, so Shinsuke and you ignore each other.
With time, the ring on your finger felt more like an accessory than anything, and you hated yourself for thinking of it that way.
For better or worse, they said. Until death do us apart, you said. They should correct this part, you thought, till forever falls apart, you believed was more accurate.
Your world fell apart just a few months later, when Shinsuke slid the divorce papers from the other end of the dining table.
“What’s this?” you choked, heart caught up in your throat as you were desperately trying to hold back the thick and hot tears prickling at the corners of your eyes.
“A divorce act,” Shinsuke said.
“No, I-I know what it is. What’s this for?” you spat, pouting an accusatory finger at the papers.
“I don’t think I need to explain that,” he replied.
“Well I’d like you to. Care to explain to me what the fuck this is about?”
Shinsuke sighed. Definitely not the first time nor would it be the last time he’d show how much all of this was weighting him down. And truth be told, you weren’t feeling better either.
The fights, the few ups and too many downs accumulating, the nights crying your eyes out and the mornings feeling empty.
We can make this work.
Shinsuke would walk up to you more often than you would be the first to call for a truce, arms stretching in front of him to welcome you in a tight and warm hug.
It happens, every couple fight. We can’t give up.
He’d be holding you like his life depended on it, like his life depended on you.
I don’t want to give up on ya, and I don’t want you to give up on me.
Words whispered in the crook of your neck as you would find comfort resting your head above his heart.
Yes, we can make this work, I could never give up on you. I want to stay with you, I need you with me.
Promises snoozed too often, broken just as many times without even realizing it. At this point the words were hurried, slipping past your lips before you could process them. You weren’t holding onto each other, but onto whatever it is that was left of your relationship. This love was hurting more than it was once a safe place for you and Shinsuke.
“Y/N, we can’t keep doing this,” was the only answer you had been granted with.
He’s wrong.
For once you wished to believe Shinsuke was wrong. It wasn’t about you being right, just him being wrong.
You were just angry, fuming as you thought all of this meant nothing to him, as if it shouldn’t have happened in the first place.
Well, there’s one thing he never said that night, we can’t keep doing this, we don’t know what we’re doing, never have, never will.
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「 UNBREAK MY HEART 」 05. babylon
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– yayyyy finally chapter 5 😭
– last week has been hectic and I’m barely done with all the things I have to irl but I definitely have more time to write again
– this chapter seems like it makes sense and not at the same time, but I like it, I just wanted to show how it went down, I know it might feel kinda vague but for the last chapter there will be more explanations and closure lol
– the song is very self explanatory of the vibe hihihi
© BOKUTOYAOYA 2021. do not repost, copy, modify or translate any of my works. do not claim any of my works as your own.
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Keepers of the Chaos (Chapter 2)
Summary: Tam, Linh, Keefe, Biana, and Fitz are part of the tiny fandom for Keeper of the Chaos, and Tam and Linh's podcast convinces some of their other friends to watch it as well. The group finds themselves strangely invested in this show, where students at Tumblr High School who work together to write about an elf named Sophia, cause incomprehensible chaos, and fight their rival Pinterest High School.
Content warnings: Cursing, food, L*ura
Word count: 2005
Notes: Check out the beautiful theme song here!
(Read on AO3)
Sophie rolls her eyes as she opens the link her girlfriend sent her and puts in her earbuds. Biana has been incessantly pestering her to watch Keepers of the Chaos for so long that Sophie half wants to watch it just to shut her up, but she's always tired, or busy, and she doesn't really like watching new things. Still, Biana asked her very nicely to listen to this one podcast, and she looked very pretty when she asked, so Sophie's dumb omni ass couldn't refuse.
"Welcome to the Twins of the Chaos podcast," it begins after loading for an obnoxiously long time. The girl speaking has a pretty voice, Sophie has to admit- sweet and melodic and vaguely amused.
Maybe listening to this podcast won't be so bad if she can listen to that girl's voice the whole time.
But another person speaks, adding "Where some chaotic twins discuss our favorite show, Keepers of the Chaos," and his voice is not as pretty. She continues listening anyway, since Biana may or may not murder her if she stops.
The two voices- whose names are Linh and Tam, apparently- start talking about Keepers of the Chaos some more, giving Sophie a summary she's heard tons of times from Biana and Fitz- though the twins explain it slightly more coherently and with less... whatever the verbal equivalent of keyboard smashing is. Biana usually starts rambling about her favorite characters, like Lynn- not "Lynn the fandom mom," but the other Lynn- and Avery, or sometimes Nora and Darwin. Sophie doesn't understand any of those names and loses track of the conversation as soon as it involves too many unfamiliar names.
But Tam and Linh are making more sense, at least for the most part, until they start mentioning specific couples. The conversation gets again comprehensive soon enough, though, and Sophie does smile at the name "The Dark Duck."
By the end, when Tam says "half of them wearing sleeping masks with teal eyes painted on and the other half watching the chaos with mild amusement," Sophie is curious enough to be mildly intrigued. She listens to their outro music, and before she can regret it, types out a text message to Biana.
Sophie: fine
Sophie: ill watch it
Biana responds instantly with an array of heart emojis. Sophie blushes.
Biana: can i come over and watch with u?
Sophie: ok!
Sophie: moms making mallowmelt
Sophie: but u cant have any
Biana: >:(
Biana: hope u like being single then
Sophie: fine u can have some mallowmelt
Biana: yayyyy!
Biana: ily
Sophie: ilyt
Sophie: now lets watch ur stupid show
Biana: on my way!!!
Sophie smiles, shaking her head. She's a little annoyed, but fine, it sounds interesting enough from the podcast. And what else would she be doing? Studying? Having US history as an alternative would make even the most horrible of shows seem good. She stuffs her textbooks into her backpack and shoves some things out of the way so her room looks a bit neater before rushing downstairs. The mallowmelt smells good enough to make her mouth water.
"Mmm..." she sighs, barely taking time to let it cool off before taking a large bite. "That's so good. Thanks, Mom."
Edaline  smiles. "You're welcome. Just save some for your father and I."
"Fine, fine. I have to share with Biana, anyway." Sophie huffs and takes another bite. "She's coming over, is that alright? We're going to watch a show together."
"Sure, just make sure to get your homework done."
Sophie rolls her eyes. "Fine."
"And keep the door open!" Grady calls. Edaline laughs as Sophie's face flames.
"I'm going back to my room," she grumbles, taking a plate of mallowmelt with her and walking up the stairs. She manages not to trip over her own feet and drop the mallowmelt, thankfully, as she grabs her laptop and opens Netflix. Sighing, she searches for Keepers of the Chaos and clicks on the show that comes up before waiting for Biana to arrive.
The doorbell rings soon, and Sophie carefully sets down her laptop and her plate on her bed before rushing down the stairs. Panting slightly, she opens the door for her girlfriend. Biana's wearing a t-shirt with the Amsterdam flag on it. Sophie has no idea why. Maybe Biana likes the country? Her girlfriend is pretty weird. "Come on in," she says, realizing she's been staring. In her defense, Biana is pretty and Sophie is very omni.
"Ready to go watch Keepers of the Chaos?" Biana asks. She bounces on her toes slightly.
"Alright," says Sophie. "I set it up on my laptop in my room."
"Awesome! You'll love it."
Sophie follows Biana up the stairs and into her room. They sit on the bed together, Sophie leaning against the wall and Biana leaning against Sophie, and Biana presses play. Somber kazoos begin playing in the background as the theme song starts.
We're on the edge of chaos
No one is straight
We're making fanart
Because L*ura we hate
And we're gonna have teal eyes in the end!
We must be weird, and we must be gay
(We must be gay!)
We will find every bit of sanity that we have
And give it all to Lynn
We must be gay!
Biana dances a little along with the song, and Sophie can't help but smile. A curvy, round-faced person with short dark hair and colorful earrings plays a few notes on the piano, and then a KEEPERS OF THE CHAOS logo flashes across the screen. Then, a group of students sit in a classroom.
"Shai! Tater! Lynn! You three finally got together?" says the same person who just played piano, gesturing to a redhaed wearing a Sappho lesbian flag cape. She's holding the fingerless-gloved hand of a lanky person with brightly colored hair, and they're holding hands with a tall girl who has chin length brown hair. The rest of the class applauds the fiancees before returning to their own conversations.
"Yep! Thanks, Ink," says Tater.
Ink smiles at them and turns to a person with light brown skin and golden hoop earrings partially covered by long dark hair. "Hi, Kiri, how was your break?"
"Good! Here's to a good 2021?" Kiri turns to the person next to them. "How about you, Ref?"
Ref has short brown hair and red glasses. "Yeah, my break was dOPE," she says, leaving everyone to wonder how he did that with their voice. "oH, and happy belated Hanukkah to Shai!"
"Thanks, you too. And guess what! I didn't set my hair on fire this year!"
A short guy with strawberry blonde hair looks concerned. "Um. Congratulations?"
"Thanks, Sam!"
Sophie looks away from the screen and at Biana. "There are a lot of characters..." she mutters.
"Yeah, but you get to know them well enough eventually," says Biana. "Now shh, let's keep watching!"
A lot of other characters are introduced in various conversations, and Sophie's brain has a hard time keeping track of them all. She does remember Tara, a curvy, bored-looking girl with long sideswept bangs, and Blue, a bisexual who may or may not be an arsonist. She doesn't know either of their personalities very well yet, but she likes them so far. Lucat, a pale, blue haired asexual, who later joins the Hanukkah conversation, also seems cool.
Once quite a bit of introductions are done- Sophie lost count at around twenty something- are over, an announcement comes over the school's loudspeakers.
"Welcome back, Tumblr High School!" announces a voice. "I hope you all had a good break. Now, the Tumblr staff have an important announcement for you all. High schools in this county, like ours, Pinterest High School, and Instagram High School, will be holding a competition. All members of the winning team will receive a scholarship to AO3 college. If you are interested, meet in room 69 after school. Now, onto other announcements..."
Somber kazoos play again as the principal's droning voice fades into the background. A montage of the previously introduced characters wishing they could go to AO3 college moves across the screen. After a few minutes of them zooming through school and talking about how fucking boring it is, all of them gather in the room (some of them with more jokes than others) to discuss the competition.
A blonde woman welcomes them into the room. They wait a while to make sure no one else will arrive, but once everyone is there, the woman clears her throat. "Hello, everyone! I'm glad you're interested in joining the competition. My name is Shannon Messenger, and I'm in charge of admissions at AO3 College. My coworker L*ura and I designed this competition."
Sophie gasps and looks at Biana. "L*ura? But isn't that the person they hate? They said that in the intro!" Biana smiles at her, and she blushes as she realizes that she's kind of... maybe... invested in the show now. She decides she'll endure the "I told you so"s later and looks back at the show, trying to telepathically tell the characters not to trust this L*ura person... and perhaps not Shannon either. It's too early to tell whether Shannon will be an antagonist or not.
"All of you will be working as a team to write a story together. The main premise is that a twelve year old girl named Sophia is a telepath, but she can't tell anyone her secret. Then, she meets a teal-eyed boy named Finn, and he tells her that she's an elf. She travels back to the elf world with him, where she struggles a bit at the elf school Firefox, makes friends with some other elves, learns that she is an illegal creation of a rebel group called the Dark Duck, and another rebel group- the Rarelynoticed- tries to kidnap and kill Sophia and her friend Deck. There are other details to be included into the story, which will be given out to the participants as a packet. The object of this competition is not to determine your ability at coming up with story ideas, but your ability to work in groups and execute well developed ideas. Does anyone have any questions?"
Someone raises their hand- a short, tanned girl. "Lynn?" prompts the principal.
"Did you say the rebel group was named the Dark Duck?"
"And the Rarelynoticed?" adds another person, with rectangular glasses and a red bracelet.
"Raise your hand before speaking, Auran," scolds the principal. "But yes, those are the names."
"Alright then," Auran mutters.
"Unless anyone else has questions, we'll be sending out sign up forms for everyone interested, and then we will distribute the information packets about your story. You can talk to each other and start planning."
No one else has questions, so once they've all filled out the sign up form, they gather in small groups and flip through the packets, making sarcastic comments or mocking names ("'Rarelynoticed' though-" a stylish hijabi named Raiin sighs as they come across a page of information about the group) as they try to form some semblance of a plan. Once they all agree that they've made a lot of progress, they make plans to meet up again soon and walk back home.
Unbeknownst  to them, a pair of ominous teal eyes watch from above.
Somber kazoos play once again, and the credits roll.
"So, what'd you think?" Biana asks as Sophie closes her laptop.
Rather inaudibly, Sophie mumbles "It was good."
"What was that?"
"It was good! I liked it!"
Biana grins. "I told you so." She leans over and kisses Sophie on the cheek. "Thanks for watching it. I have to go do some homework, awesome seeing you!" As she walks out, Sophie hears her singing under her breath. "We must be gay..."
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snarkwrites · 4 years
wakeup | greg sanders | csi vegas | mature.
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Okay, so... This fits into the same universe as the fic I’m currently writing ( trouble ) but.. You do not have to read it for it to make a lot of sense? I mean it’s basically just wake up sex...
Listen, I needed to write this. I had to get it out. I had to.
Prompts Used:
None, actually. This is just a random scene that came to mind.
Other Parts
Uhh. This content is not meant for minors. Absolutely not meant for minors. So if you’re under 18+ click away now. If you don’t like smut, you’re not going to like this. Facts. If you continue to read, despite knowing all of this ahead of time, this is now your problem. I warned you right here in black and white.
If you’re sticking around, first of all yayyyy!, second, these are some things you need to look out for or be aware of: unprotected sex / body fluids, biting/sucking. that’s pretty much it.
Sunlight filtered in through the blinds covering his bedroom window. For a few seconds, Greg leaned in the doorway to the room, dragging thick digits through spiky hair, just watching her sleep. The blanket was barely covering her body and when she rolled over onto her side, cuddling herself against his pillow with an arm over it, the blanket slipped to the floor as it gave up the fight. The blanket’s absence revealed crimson colored cotton and Greg had to work to swallow the lump in his throat as it built.
,, I am… The very definition of a lucky bastard.” the thought came just as he started to really strain against his jeans. He bent, pulling off his Vans and leaving them by the bedroom door. He pulled off his socks next. Then he took off his jeans letting them settle on the floor seconds later and then tugging the olive green long sleeve shirt over his head, letting that settle next to his jeans.
A lime green wire was barely visible through the wild mess of dark brown hair and Greg could hear their song playing quietly. She’d fallen asleep listening to music or true crime podcasts again and it had him chuckling as he carefully moved his pillow from beneath her arm and slipped into bed next to her.
He slipped the earbud out of her ear and felt around until he located her cell phone, slipping it out from beneath her pillow and putting it on charge on his nightstand because if he didn’t, it’d be dead later.
She wasn’t ever really good at remembering to keep her cell phone accurately charged. It slipped her mind often. If she wasn’t forgetting to charge it, she was forgetting where she had it last.
As she seemed to realize that he was home from his shift at the lab, she curled into him, her arm and leg slipping over him as she did so. Greg’s hand raised, caressing her cheek and pushing the black velvet eye mask she wore to keep the light out of her eyes up and out of the way. Her body molded against his completely. Her mouth pressed lazily against his as she yawned out “You’re finally home. I can actually sleep.”
Her words had him chuckling. His tongue dragged slow over the outline of plump lips before slipping between them. She rocked into him just a little and his arm slipped over her, hand settling on her ass, gripping. A quiet whine escaped her lips, lingering in the small space between their mouths. He felt the shiver pass through her body as he gave her ass another squeeze, rocking her into him all over again. 
“I thought that’s what you were doing, babe.” he muttered into a deepening kiss  in between the soft sounds of their mouths meeting. She took his face in her hands, deepening the kiss even more. The kiss broke and they pulled apart to breathe. Her hands were all over him now, trailing over his chest, making him growl quietly as he settled on top of her, leaning down. Hands ghosting over her sides and slipping beneath the hem of his t-shirt, that she’d been sleeping in. Working it up over her head slowly. Her hand dipped down, a delicate fingertip dragging ever so slowly across his abdomen, just above the waistband of his boxers, making him groan quietly.
“I was trying to. Now I can actually do it.” Belle answered sleepily, pulling him down on top of her completely. Whimpering when she felt him hard enough to break, straining through his boxers. Greg thrust himself against her, his hands skimming over her sides again, hanging on her curves as he gazed into big and bright but sleepy brown eyes and promptly started to get lost.
Just like always.
He was an addict and she was his shot of dopamine. And so much more.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Belle asked, biting down on her lower lip as she gazed up at him. Greg chuckled, shaking his head. Trailing a finger over those kiss swollen lips of hers and making her give a quiet whimper and promptly pout, accusing him of being a tease before he finally got to answer, “Nothin, babe. Just can’t stop thinking about how sexy you are. How lucky I am that I get to come home to you.” he bucked himself into her and she met the motion, her arms slipping around his neck. Fingers toying with the hair at the nape of his neck as she smiled and gave him a deep kiss.
Filled with longing. Her hands all over him because she just couldn’t keep them off or still for very long.
“I’m telling you, I’m the lucky one, Greg.” her legs raised, bent at the knee and one of them resting on either side of his body. In the softest and most teasing tone he’d ever heard, she muttered against his mouth as she licked at the outline of it when the kiss broke again at last, “Wanna put me back to sleep, baby?”
“Mhm. Very much so.” Greg’s voice was husky and warm against her skin as his mouth moved down the front of her throat slowly. Stopping to nip and lick, making her come alive beneath him. Her legs squeezing his sides as she rubbed against him more. Desperate for friction. Desperate to feel skin on skin completely. With an impatient whine, she reached down between them, tugging at the thick band of his boxers, gazing up at him with a begging look that had him caving in a split second.
He tugged her panties down, tossing them out of the way and then he pulled away from her and she rose to sit, tugging at his boxers, letting them pool at his feet. He kicked them free and he was settling back on top of her, pushing her back against the mattress all over again as his hands caressed her face and his mouth buried in her mouth all over again, deeply. 
His hands wandered then settled on her hips and he sank into her slowly, burying inch for inch inside. Gazing deep into her eyes as the kiss broke. Slow deep drives so that she could feel every single inch as it buried inside her. The soft creak of their bed made them laugh a little, especially when it started to get louder.. Faster. She clung to his body and nipped at his neck, marking it up, making him groan and grip her body tighter, really starting to slam into her. His forehead settled against her forehead.
All he could do was stare down at her. Mesmerized by every little move her body made pinned beneath his. He bit down on his lip, a quiet groan escaping and hanging in the air between the two.
She was staring right back at him, her hips perfectly meeting his with each deep and drawn out drive deep into her body. When he bottomed out, her head fell back and her eyes fluttered open and shut as she moaned his name. Her legs wrapped around his hips, drawing him in deeper still, her heels digging into his backside as he pumped in and out of her, the sound of skin against skin and the slow and steady creak of the bed competing with the sound of her whimpers and cries of pleasure and his moans. 
He felt her tensing, starting to shake a little and he slowed. Peppering hot little kisses against her face, lips and neck. Touching her all over. Her nails scraped at his bare back and his fingers dug into her hips as he tried to work himself back from the edge.
“You’re fucking amazing.”
“So are you.” she met his lips in a slow but fiery kiss, her teeth tugging at his bottom lip just slightly, the pressure making his lips ache and he knew that hours from now, he’d still feel that ache and he’d smile to himself about it when he thought about why his lips were aching and his back was scratched… why there were love bites littering his neck, throat and chest.
And he’d remember every single handprint, love bite and mark he left behind on her as well.
“Baby, please.” she whimpered when he started to fuck into her all over again, slower. Deeper. Touching her everywhere he could get his hands. “Please what?” Greg asked, a teasing chuckle against her skin as his mouth roamed down the side of her neck, marking it up even more.
“Faster. Harder.” her legs grip on his hips tightened and he grunted as the way she angled her hips had him hitting right against a spot that felt so fucking good he didn’t want to stop and almost couldn’t. He barely managed to keep himself from obliging her, speeding up as she was begging for, but he managed to slow down, shaking his head.
“Uh uh.” he teased, rolling his tongue over the outline of kiss swollen lips, making her stick her tongue out to meet his. Her arms went around his neck, her fingers toying with the hair at the nape of it. He slowed even more, nearly pulling all the way out only to slowly bury himself back inside of her, inch for inch. And the more he did this, the more her fingers dug into his shoulders or her nails dragged down his back.
The more he did this, the more he tortured himself until finally, he almost couldn’t hold back anymore. His mouth dove against her own and he muttered quietly, “Now baby. It has to be now, I can’t take anymore, fuck.” 
When he felt her tighten around his length, he growled, nipping at her neck, lips latching on, sucking as he fucked into her faster, erratic thrusts of their bodies meeting and the sound of skin against skin competing with their moans and groans or the way she whimpered his name over and over as she went racing over the edge and he went right along with her. He fucked them through a shared orgasm and pressed himself against her before falling to the bed beside her and rolling onto his side, wrapping his body around her, hands caressing her face as he gave her a long and slow and deep kiss.
“Tired now, baby?” he teased when she yawned and nodded. “Very.”
He yawned too, nodding in agreement. “Same. Let’s go to sleep, yeah?”
“Mhm.” she purred, lips brushing against his chest, already starting to drift off...
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maggyme13 · 5 years
Sugar (8/?)
AN: Next one up XD Let me know what you think^^
Sugar- Masterlist
Sugar 7
Four hours later you entered the main room of the flat, one big bag of cosmetics and similar things in hand, while Bucky carried the other three bags of goods. Those mostly contained casual and basic clothing, you unsurprisingly could not buy in the boutiques Bucky drove you first.
It was so ´bad´, he had to drive you to your ´usual´ stores to shop.
“Can you place them next to my room please? I will put them away and then make some-”, the ringtone of your phone interrupted you, it was Mr Laufeyson.
“Hello.”, you greeted him once you had accepted the call.
“(y/n). Are you still out with Barnes?”
“No, I just came back a minute ago. Why?”, you hummed, offering the man a bottle of water, who declined.
“Good. Quill invited us for dinner. Apparently he want to apologize to you in person. He swore he will behave himself.”
“Oh- okay. When and where?”, you asked , though did not sound very thrilled.
“I understand if you-”
“No, it is okay. As long as he jeeps his hands to himself.”, you sighted, your head tilted back.
“He will. Are you really okay with it? I can attend on my own, telling him you felt ill.”, the CEO answered and you could hear his frown through the phone.
“It really is alright; and my mother raised me to always give second chances and allow someone to at least try and apologize. My Ma would have my hide if I were not to allow that.”
Though that does not mean I have to accept that apology.
“5pm. And we have to meet  there. I will send Barnes the locations. Wear something  chick. It is an italian Restaurant.”, he explained further.
“Alright. See you there?”
“See you there. And if you change your mind, let me know.”
“Will do. See you this evening Mr Laufeyson, bye.”
“What is wrong?”, came Bucky´s worried voice from behind you.
“Ego invited us to an ´apology dinner´ at 5. Mr Laufeyson will send you the address. And now I have to get ready. Yayyyy! Motivation!”, you fake cheered.
“Boss makes you attend?”, the Bouncer asked in disbelieve.
“No. My upbringing does. Ma always said to allow someone to try and apologize, though to have a good way to politely decline. My Ma would kill me if I would not attend. So, if you excuse me, I have to get ready. And that means to find an appropriate dress, I actually would wear. And then there is make-up and hair and – just be glad you are a dude.”, you groaned.
“Well, have fun. I will be downstairs in our flat. Just call me when you need anything.”
“Will do, thank you for everything today.”, you smiled and entered your room.
There is that one black dress I could have worn at the club. It shouldn´t be too warm for a restaurant….. Yes sounds good, and now the make-up. Sigh lets see- two hours to go.
You took a quick shower (with the glass turned opaque), before drying you hair and body with one of those huge soft towels, only to put on some simple make-up and do your hair.
One and a half hours later, you were rather satisfied with what you were able to pull off and chose the most comfortable pair of lingerie (that would fit the dress) and then the dress.
Waiting with the shoes until the very last second, you walked around the apartment to get used to the way the fabric would move around you body.
It was comfortable and was long enough for you not to feel exposed in any way.
Knock Knock Knock
“Ready to go?”, it was Bucky.
“Yes. “,and with that the two of you were off.
My number is saved on your phone on speed-dial. Nr 6 if I was informed correctly. Just dial it and come and get you or send someone. Thor made me your personal bodyguard, together with Sam. Depending on whom is working at the club. I will wait until Pietro arrives with Loki and then get to the Bifrost. “, your friend spoke from the drivers seat.
“Personal Bodyguard?”, you repeated his words.
“Yes. You thought you would not get protection? Think again.”, he shook his head, “Tomorrow we are going to save your ´safe word´ in the security system. So think about one till then.”
“Okay. Any idea what?”, you hummed, looking at the passing streets on the other side of the car window.
“Any word you can remember well, but you do not usually use.”, he answered in a matter of fact kind of way.
Professional, even.
“Oookay. Do you know anything about the restaurant you are escorting me to?”
“It´s high class, but not too stuck up. Portions are decent sized , so you will at least not leave hungry.”
At least something
“Am I to wait in the car until Mr Laufeyson arrives?”, you wondered, not used to any situation like this.
“Uhm-no. He is already here, see?” Bucky answered, pointing to the window of the restaurant , only for you to notice the man in question with Ego.
It was that moment that your phone buzzed, indicating you got a message.
“Just tell the Hostess your Name. She knows you are with me and will escort you to our table.”
“We just arrived. Will do.”
“Well, let´s go.”, you mumbled to yourself and waved Bucky a good-bye, leaving the black SUV.
A young woman greeted you with a typical customer-service-smile.
“I am with Mr Laufeyson. My name is (y/n) (y/ln)”, you greeted her with a smile in your voice.
“Of course, please follow me.”, she answered with a monotone voice and motioned towards the dining area.
“Please lead the way.”, you nodded and followed her to your table.
Am I too late?
There were three people seated, with two being Ego and Mr Laufeyson, while the last one was a young woman, with fake blond hair, a skirt that barely covered her ass and a top that did the same for her breasts.
She sat on a cushioned stool, and not like the men on real chairs.
There was a stool for you next to Loki as well.
Seems like I have to sit on one of those as well.
“Ah, the final guest has arrived. And right on time. We only ordered drinks for now. Please take a seat.”, Ego smiled like nothing had happened and you had to forcefully suppress a gagging reflex.
“Thank you. And thank you for your invitation.”, you smiled instead and took the designated seat.
It was obvious, that those seats meant to show your position was not equal to the men.
“Good choice with the dress. I took the liberty to order a bottle of white whine for the two of us. But feel free to order whatever you like. And if you want to leave at any time, let me know and we will.”, Mr Laufeyson leaned towards you and spoke only for you to hear.
“Thank you. Will do.”, you whispered back just as quiet as he did.
Not three seconds later a menu was placed in front of you.
You thanked with a smile and started to look over it. Reading the offered dishes, you decided on some Pasta with creme-sauce and vegetables.
“Excellent choice.”, your companion hummed, seeing the dish you pointed at, like you were asking for his approval.
“We will take the Pasta and the Chicken-Breast, with a side-dish of bread-sticks as appetizer.”, the CEO ordered for the two of you.
“My Pleasure, Mr Laufeyson. What can we prepare for you Mr Quill?”, the servant inquired.
“ A salad for Puppy and the Black Angus Steak with Truffles for me.”
“With pleasure.”, and with that he disappeared just as unnoticed as he had turned up.
“So, Loki, I hope you got home after our last meeting without any problems. I was sad about your sudden departure; it was a quite interesting and fun evening.”, Ego smiled and you nearly choked on the sip of water you just were about to drink.
Excuse me?!
“Yes, but you know exactly why we left. And I believe that was your reason for this invitation.”, Mr Laufeyson smiled back with a pointed voice.
“Yes, yes. Of course-”
Do I get my apology now or not? WTF
“- Why don´t we talk about our business ideas while we wait for the food?. Puppy, why don´t you fresh up a bit?”, the other man literally ordered and the other woman stood up with a smile and walked away in a slutty way.
It was like an accident, you had to follow her with your eyes even though you did not want to.
Ego harrumphed and send a questioning look at you.
“(y/n) can stay if she wants to.”, his voice was stern and dark, “and I still believe you still own us something. Otherwise we are leaving.”
He sighted.
“Yeah, yeah. My apologies for my behavior. Satisfied Laufeyson? “
“Mmmmh. What do you want to talk about?”
That´s it? WTF? I can´t believe it!
Anger made your blood boil, but you tried to keep calm or to at least  not show your state of mind.
The next couple of minutes continued with business-talk you were not really interested in.
That was until Puppy returned; her hips and tit´s swinging from one side to the other. She let her fake ´claws´ brush over her ´companions´  shoulders, earning a loud smack on her ass for it.
She giggled.
You nearly puked. Again.
Soon after, the food arrived; it smelled and looked amazingly and you had to really use restraint to not dig in at once.
You had been raised to wait until everyone was served after all.
Loki received his food last, and once he had, you wished ´bon apetit.
The food was even more delicious than you thought.
Part 9
AN2.0 How will this turn our for the reader? And will her family make an appreance again in later chapters?
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated:)
Thank you very much.
@jadepc​@pacifyhxlsey​ @thankyoukarenclifford​
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@yknott81​    @banner-and-bucky-are-life​ @forext20​ @dyanlzbb​  @so-finster-die-nacht @emmii4​ @bitchwhytho​ @ladyofmyst​   @jilldsumner​ @momc95​ @appreciating-fanfics​
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I couldnt tag a few of you… sorry.
Want to get tagged as well? Comment, Reblog or send an ask to let me know.
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mab2184 · 5 years
Valentine’s Day- Joshaya Fanfic Chapter 1
Josh woke up suddenly with the familiar ringing of his alarm reverberating in his subconscious. It took him a couple of seconds however to notice that the song that usually woke him up- "It's a beautiful day," by U2 was NOT what was ringing in his ears. It was an obnoxiously loud and terribly sung birthday song. The tone was off-key and the voice sounded like one of those munchkin videos. Who the hell was singing like that?
He sat up on his bed and spun around towards the direction of the singing to notice none other than his college best friend, Andrew Watkins. Andrew was excitedly jumping up and down in the middle of Josh's dorm room as he bellowed out the birthday song at the top of his lungs and threw a bunch of confetti in the air, thereby littering Josh's impeccably clean dorm room. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST JOSHIEEEE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU! YAYYYY!"
"HOLY CRAP! ENOUGH DREW!" Josh yelled as he felt his ear drums close to bursting from his friend's terrible voice. "I got it. It's my birthday. Please, if you care about me, just stop!"
"HOW OLD ARE YOU NOW?! HOW OLD ARE YOU NOW?!" Andrew continued singing even more loudly.
"OH MY GOD, DREW! IM GOING TO KILL YOU NOW!" Josh leapt off his bed and charged towards Andrew, ready to pummel him.
"OK! OK! I'M DONE!" Andrew held up his hands in surrender, and backed off from a clearly annoyed (and still sleepy) Josh. "Dude, chill. It's your birthday. Why would you want to start off with the murder of your adorable friend?" Andrew gave him a wide, toothy grin.
Josh just shook his head in disbelief at his friend's antics and took a look at his room which was now all covered in pink confetti. "Holy crap. Dude, you cleaning this up right?" Josh felt he was going to have a heart attack. He wasn't necessarily a neat freak but he had just spent a good part of his Saturday a few days ago cleaning up his room. And now, all of his hard work had been completely destroyed.
"Dude, nah, I can't, I got an exam in like two minutes. I shouldn't have even come here." Andrew responded as he checked the time on his phone and dropped something that looked like a cake box on Josh's desk. "This is from Jas." He said, pointing to the cake. "She said it's your favorite. Although, I didn't know you had a favorite cake? You like never eat cake. You eat veggies like all the time. When did you and Jas talk about this?"
"Dude, so you're seriously not cleaning this up?" Josh glared at Andrew in disbelief.
"Noo-ppe. Love you though man. Happy birthday! Jas and I will see you for lunch? We're treating you. Sounds good?"
Josh didn't respond. He kept staring at Andrew with a sour look on his face, and already thinking of ways to get revenge on his friend for trashing his room on his birthday of all days and just running off.
"O...kay. Silence means consent. Lunch it is! See you later, bud. Bye!" Andrew quickly ran off, sensing from the look on Josh's face that he had sufficiently angered the birthday boy.
Josh ran his hand through his hair and sighed loudly in frustration. "I'm going to kill him." He muttered to himself as he glanced around at his room once more. His attention finally settled on the cake on his desk. With a slight smile on his face, he walked towards it and opened the box, curious to see if Jasmine, Andrew's current girlfriend and Josh's friend as well, had really remembered his favorite cake flavor. He couldn't even remember having that conversation with her. He opened it up to see a scrumptious red velvet cake and his smile grew even wider. He would make sure to say a big thank you to Jasmine, after he killed her boyfriend.
He picked up the cake and was about to put it in his little dorm fridge when he heard his phone ringing. Quickly setting the cake down, he rushed to his bed and fumbled through his bed covers until he found his phone buried underneath. Glancing at the caller ID, he felt his smile grow a thousand times wider and his heart skip a beat as he quickly answered the phone. "Maya?" He whispered her name softly.
"BOING!" Maya responded enthusiastically. Josh grinned from ear to ear at the sound of her voice. He could almost picture the look of pure happiness on her face as she yelled out her favorite nickname for him, and he couldn't help but feel his heart expanding with euphoria.
"Boy, aren't you cheery this morning. To what do I owe this awfully excited and sugary cheery Maya?" He teased lightly.
"To your BIRTHDAY, you old man you!" Maya exclaimed and immediately commenced to sing the birthday song. Josh almost dropped the phone in shock as he listened to her angelic rendition of the song which his best friend had butchered just a few minutes before. He had heard of Maya being a good singer but he had never actually heard her sing by herself. The rare occasions in the past that he had witnessed her singing was during Matthews Christmas family gatherings. But even then, they were all singing traditional carols together as a group so he hadn't noticed anything particularly special about the beautiful blonde's voice...until now. My God, I could listen to this all day, he thought dreamily to himself as he felt himself completely entranced the more Maya sang.
"Happy birthday Josh! Wishing you lots of happiness today!" Maya exclaimed joyfully after she finished singing. Josh was literally tingling with euphoria as Maya's voice still echoed in his ears. He laid down on his bed, pressed the phone gently to his ear, and took a few seconds to consider his next words before he spoke.
"First of, my God, Maya, you have an amazing voice. I mean, I'm speechless right now. I'm pretty sure that was the best birthday song that I've ever heard in my 18 years of life. Please don't tell my parents or Cory that. Especially, Cory. He might be devastated." Maya burst out laughing at this comment, the sound of which filled him with a soothing warmth. That's another sound that I could listen to all day, he thought to himself. "Secondly, thanks for calling. You've definitely made my day after it was almost ruined by my soon to be ex-best-friend."
"Oh no! What did Andrew do?"
"Oh you know- woke me up with a birthday song that wanted me to kill him and then also kill myself and scattered my entire room with pink confetti- which by the way- he's not cleaning up. So yeah, I was pretty pissed before your call."
"Shoot! Why didn't I think of that?" Maya exclaimed amidst laughter.
"Uh no. You would have been on my naughty list if you had done that. You're on my good list now. Don't ruin it kiddo."
"Yes sir! Anywho what are your plans today birthday boy?"
"Hmmm," Josh thought as he took a quick look at the time- 9:30am. He had to go to class in an hour. Maya had called him at the perfect time. And then it hit him. Why was she calling at that time? Didn't she have school? It was a Wednesday morning.
"Hold on. As much as I'm enjoying this convo, don't you have school right now? How are you able to talk on the phone?"
There was a short pause where Josh could almost hear the wheels in her head turning trying to come up with a credible excuse for why she wasn't sitting in a classroom in that moment.
"Um, well I AM in school." She finally spoke. "Just not in a classroom..."
Josh burst out laughing, already anticipating where this was going.
"So you're cutting class- to call me." He responded, shaking his head slightly. It was classic Maya.
"Well, not exactly," Maya responded. "I might have asked your brother if I could go to the bathroom and I kinda haven't returned yet. It's been ten minutes now I think? I should probably get going before Riles organizes a search party to come looking for me." This comment made Josh burst again into laughter as he imagined his niece recruiting a search party which would probably comprise of Lucas, Zay, Farkle and Smackle- their friend group- roaming through the halls of Abigail Adams high school looking for Maya who was probably hiding in a bathroom stall. He laughed so hard he started to feel tears at the corner of his eyes.
"This is hilarious." He responded as he wiped the tears off. "Yeah you should probably get going because my adorable- but slightly overprotective niece- will definitely do that. She kinda takes after her father don't you think?"
"Oh my God, they're practically twins!" Maya quickly agreed as Josh smiled warmly. He absolutely adored his family and was even more grateful that Maya was practically a part of it. One of his favorite conversation topics with her whenever they ran into each other at family gatherings was poking fun at his family's crazy antics.
"Alright, Maya, I'm going to let you go before you get caught. Thanks again for calling."
"Wait, not so fast!" She yelled. "You still haven't told me your plans! It is Valentine's Day after all, and your birthday. I assume you are busy?"
Josh grinned- not exactly sure where she was going with this. Was she trying to ask him out? He decided to entertain her for now by giving her the details of his day as he currently had planned.
"Well no. I'm actually not too busy today. I have class, a lunch with Andrew and Jasmine- though that might probably turn into a funeral so stay tuned-" he heard Maya giggling at this, which made him feel warm inside- "and then more class, and that's about it. I got lots of homework to catch up on though. But in terms of birthday stuff- I'm coming over to Cor's on Saturday for dinner. I assume you will be there?"
"Um yeah duh. I practically live there." Josh laughed.
"Good point."
"So what I'm hearing is that Boing Matthews doesn't have a romantic dinner date planned on this beautiful day of luvvv?"
Josh chuckled- sensing exactly where the conversation was going. "Um no, I do not actually. Shocking, I know. Not sure what it is about NYU girls- I seem to be invisible to them apparently." That last part was a lie. Since starting his Freshman year of college, he had probably been asked out like 3 times which made him quickly realize that girls were a lot bolder in college than they were in high school where the norm was to wait for the guy to make the first move. One girl- Emily- he had actually gone on a date with. She was in his Spanish class, the first semester, a pretty blonde from Canada. They had shared a love of Spanish language and culture. One of Josh's dreams was to study abroad in Spain at some point in his college career. One date with Emily though was enough for him to realize that they would be better off as friends, so he quickly made sure things didn't progress any further.
And then came the weekend he would never forget, just over a month ago, when he accompanied Cory's class as a chaperone to their annual ski trip and ended up finally admitting (and accepting) his growing feelings for his niece's best friend. His affection for Maya had slowly developed over the years with every encounter he had shared with her. He wasn't sure when that affection evolved into something more but it probably started after she barged into NYU last Spring and started spilling her feelings out to Josh, Andrew, Jasmine and Charlotte during their small hangout party.
After that moment, Josh never forgot the intensity of Maya's gaze, the conviction with which she declared her feelings for him and the reasons she felt that way. His heart was racing as he listened in shock to every observation that Maya made about him. He couldn't believe that she had been paying that much attention to him- that she found him so worthy of her attention despite everything that was going on in her life.
When Maya was done speaking, it immediately occurred to him that he had never met a girl like her before- fearless, persistent, and extremely protective of those she cared about. In that moment, he was no longer able to dismiss Maya's feelings as an adolescent crush. They were genuine- he could feel them. Maya was a lot more mature than he had given her credit for and he couldn't help but be speechless as he gazed at her in silent awe. He had promised Maya at the end of that encounter that he would start seeing her differently. And he had kept that promise, especially in the quiet moments when her gaze, her mischievous smile and her words would invade his daydreams. I like you Josh. I'm in it for the long game. For a whole summer last year, she was all he could think about. And even though he was still bothered by her age, he could feel his walls getting weaker until they completely crumbled near the warm fireplace at the ski lodge when she gazed at him with utter adoration and declared yet again with utmost confidence- "I like you, Josh. It's you I like." He couldn't deny the effect she had on him anymore- his rapidly beating heart, the butterflies in his stomach, the elation on his face when he realized that she still liked him, and definitely not the cowboy.
Long story short, they were now playing the long game. Friends, until they could be something more at the appropriate time. And so far, he was satisfied with the way their relationship was progressing in their one month of playing the long game- frequent texts, occasional calls and of course the goofing off and flirtation whenever he would stop by the Matthews to do his laundry. There was a small part of him however that worried that Maya would be so focused on the long game and on someday that she would miss out on her high school experience. Zay raised this concern when he had first visited the Matthews after the ski lodge trip, and it had bothered him ever since.
As far as he knew, Maya was quite innocent when it came to relationships. She had never dated before and Josh was her first serious love interest. As much as Josh hated to think about it, he didn't want Maya shutting herself off from the possibility of other relationships or interests because of him. After all, who knew if he was the right person for her? Anything could happen in the future. He didn't want Maya putting her life on hold for a future that was far from certain. But he also couldn't imagine a future without her in it, and if she did seriously pursue other love interests, then perhaps someday might never be...
Needless to say, he felt conflicted about whether he had been selfish in promising her a someday and a long game which sounded nice in theory but in practice was probably extremely confusing and complicated for a 15 year old girl in high school. Was he ultimately hurting Maya, especially if they continued to grow closer and things didn't work out the way they both desired? It was a question that lurked in the back of his mind and haunted him in the moments when he felt their bond growing stronger- like now, on the phone, laughing and flirting with each other, neither one particularly ready to let the other go although they were both running out of time.
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