#sugardaddy Loki
michelleleewise · 2 years
The Proposal
Pairing: Sugardaddy Loki x female reader
Warnings: mentions of injury, crying, hurt feelings, nightmares, lots of angst, but fluffy ending!!!
Summary: Amber's trial comes up....Loki shares his deepest secret with you......
**aaahhh!! You guys!!! This is it, the end for these two. Thank you all so so much for all the love and support for this story!! You are all absolutely amazing and I love you all!!!! I am contemplating a sequel so....we shall see. Like I mentioned.....super long but....all the happy endings!!! Thank you guys again!! Love!! 💚💚💚🥰🥰🥰
Part Twenty One-Finale-
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You stood at the bottom of the steps, the large building looming over you. You took a deep breath, smoothing the front of your dress. Closing your eyes trying to focus. Three months....since you found out Amber had been arrested....three months since you began physical therapy making you only need a cane on bad days....three months since you had seen him. You had tried to move on, to forget, but he was always in the back of your mind, visiting your dreams, sometimes if felt as if he was there with you. You opened your eyes, and slowly accended the steps.
You walked the long hallways looking for the room your needed to be in, trying to keep your breathing even as your heart raced. You had tried to prepare yourself for today, but is there a way to prepare to relive your nightmare? You came to a set of large double doors, staring at the number on them "Lady y/n." You heard making you jump "T...Thor. how are you?" You asked looking up at him. "I am quite well thank you, how have you been? I haven't seen you in some time." He asked smiling "im..ok mostly. How is.." you trailed off looking down "loki?" He finished "yeah, has he..." you trailed off again looking up at him "met someone? No, he has not." He said putting his hands in his pockets "he is just there, I can get him if you like." He said grabbing the door handle "no!...no, i...let's just get this over with." You said pulling the door open walking in.
You quietly sat in the back, looking around the room not recognizing anyone when your eyes landed on him, sitting in the front next to the man you recognized as Tony Stark. You heart fluttered seeing him turn to talk to the other man, his long dark hair cascading down his back, the way his lips moved as he spoke. "Do you wish to come sit with us?" Thor asked coming up next to you. "N..no. I'm fine here." You said looking down. You saw Thor nod out of the corner of your eye as he walked up the isle, taking a seat next to Loki. You watched as he leaned over whispering something to him before those bright emeralds that have haunted your soul met with yours making your breath hitch.
He went to stand when an officer came in announcing the judges arrival, making everyone stand. You zoned out as the judge spoke, trying to block everything out when you heard your name called, looking up you saw everyone looking at you. You sighed, leaning on your cane you stood up making your way down the isle to the seat next to the judge. As the officer swore you In you looked out seeing Amber in handcuffs at the table at the left with a man, and the other three men at the table on the right, all three not taking their eyes off of you. The officer walked away when the judge spoke "Miss y/n, can you please tell us what happened during those few days you were taken?" He asked. You took a deep breath, shakely exhaling. You had spent months trying to move on, trying to forget, but now you had to recount every detail of your ordeal.
You fought back the tears as you recalled the events that led you to where you were now, the pain still present in your mind, you could still hear the crunch of bone making you shiver. You quickly wiped a tear away as you finished story, trying not to make eye contact with the man who still had your heart. "Thank you miss y/n, you may step down" you heard the judge say. You pulled yourself up, leaning heavily on your cane making your way back to your seat in the back when you knee buckled, making you lunge forward. You closed your eyes bracing for the impact but it didn't come, feeling two large arms wrapped around you you looked up, those eyes boring into you "t..thanks." You whispered righting yourself "are you ok?" Loki asked watching you "yes, I'm fine, that happens every now and then." You said looking down.
You pulled away from him, seeing his arms slowly drop to his sides "y/n, i.." he started when you put your hand up "please don't, I don't want your pity." You said through gritted teeth when the judge banged his gavel on the desk "I better go sit down." You said looking down, you slowly limped to the back taking your seat. Your mind wandered back to the last night you spent with Loki. The way he held you, cared for you, as hard as you tried to forget you would never be able to forget him. The judge's gavel banging brought you back to reality as you looked to the front of the room. You vaguely heard something about Amber being sent to a mental institution as two officers came in escorting her out as everyone surged towards Thor and Loki, shaking their hands and patting their backs.
You took the opportunity to slip out quietly before anyone noticed. "Y/n...wait!" You heard making you stop "damn." You whispered turning around seeing Loki jogging up to you "Hey, whats up?" You asked trying to sound as casual as possible. "How are you?" Loki asked fidgeting with his fingers "I'm fine, still going to therapy." You said "have you been taking care of yourself?" He asked, concern filling his eyes "yes, my "fiancé" made sure of that." You said air quoting "yeah, sorry about that, no one would talk to me otherwise." He said shifting on his feet. You nodded your head looking down, willing this to be over so you could go back to your little apartment alone, like you always did "Listen y/n, I was wondering..." he started when Thor burst through the doors "Brother, I told you justice would prevail." He boomed slapping Loki on the back. You took the opportunity to slip away, hurrying as fast as your leg would allow.
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"You are nothing to him." She growled, her voice echoing through your mind "no, your wrong!" You cried back, trying to free your arms...to fight back. Hearing her maniacle laugh reverberating through you very being. You looked up, seeing that evil smile spread across her face "He doesn't want you....no one does....and no one ever will." She sneered. You saw something out of the corner of your eye, turning your head you saw Loki saunter in smiling. "Loki! Help me!" You yelled trying again to free yourself when you heard him laugh. You looked up wide eyed seeing him wrap his arms around her, pulling her to him.
"I don't know what you saw in her." You heard her sneer, wrapping her fingers around the crowbar. "Honeslty, I think I went mad..I mean look at her." He laughed. You watched stunned as he grabbed her head, latching his lips to hers holding her close. He pulled back smiling, turning to face you "I need a real woman y/n.." he growled looking back at her "take care if this darling." He purred, running a hand through her hair. She smiled, slowly walking towards you. "No one will ever want someone like you." She snarled lifting the crowbar. You squeezed your eyes shut, balling your hands into fists as she swung down onto your knee....
You woke up screaming, the nightmare still at the front of your mind, you bolted up, throwing the covers off you jumped out of bed, fumbling as you feet got caught in the sheet. You stumbled to the living room, frantically looking around when your knee buckled, sending you to the floor. You wrapped your arms around yourself, rocking back and forth you tried to breath, your lungs on fire as tears streamed down your cheeks when you felt two arms wrap around you, squeezing you "shh....it's ok love, just breath." You heard, tilting your head seeing Loki kneeling next to you. "L..loki....w..what..." you tried, feeling your chest tighten.
He moved to kneel in front of you gently grabbing your hand, laying it on his chest above his heart "look at me.." he whispered, your eyes shooting to his "in and out, focus on me." He said, taking deep breaths you felt his heart under your hand, his chest rising and falling and focused on breathing with him. You looked into his eyes feeling your heart clench inside your chest "that's it love, keep breathing for me." He whispered leaning his forehead on yours. You took a deep breath, exhaling shakely as you pulled back looking at him "w..what are you doing here?" You asked. His hands came up, cupping both sides of your face, his thumb wiping your tears away "I never left love." He whispered.
You sighed looking down, unable to hold his gaze "loki..i..I can't.." you stared "no, love please.." he pleaded, cupping your cheek "please...do not push me away." He said shakely. Looking up you saw tears forming in his eyes "just...listen to me...please, and when I'm done if you still wish it i will leave." He said shifting on his knees "i...I have never felt for anyone what I feel for you, I would rip my own heart out and give it to you if you wished it." He said, a tear steaming down his cheek "but..what about..." you started, motioning to the scars on your face "im..." you started "no, do not finish that sentence, you are beautiful my love." He said, leaning forward kissing each cheeks, then your forehead.
"I want to show you something...something I've never shown anyone else." He whispered. He grabbed your hands bowing his head. Feeling your fingers get cold you looked down, watching his skin turn a dark shade of blue, ridges rising under his skin "Loki, whats..." you started, watching the blue spread up his neck, lifting his head your eyes met two deep rubies as his skin became entirely blue, lines and ridges weaving patterns under his skin "this...this is me." He whispered, watching your face. You slowly reached your hand up, gently running your fingers along the patterns seeing him close his eyes "that..it doesn't hurt does it?" You asked stopping "no, not at all love, it actually feels quite nice." He said smiling.
"Where I come from, im..." He started looking down "a monster." He whispered gripping your hands. "But...your beautiful." You breathed, cupping his cheek. "And so are you my love. What you look like, what scars we carry, they do not define us love." He said, his hands cupping your face "your heart, your soul, that's what defines us. And you my love, have the kindest heart and the purest soul. I...I love you y/n, with everything that I am I love you, and I will never stop loving you until I take my last breath." He said, tears streaming down both your faces "and if anyone is unworthy it is I of you. I have done terrible things believing it was my birthright, my purpose.." he said wiping your tears away
He cleared his throat looking deep into your eyes "my only purpose now....is to love you, care for you, protect you. I need you y/n..I need you as I need the blood in my veins, the air in my lungs, please y/n..." he pleaded "Please...let me love you how you deserve to be loved." He said. You reached up grabbing his wrists, tilting your head you kissed his palm "i..I love you too Loki, more then I can put into words." You breathed looking into his eyes "Oh my darling." He said lunging forward he engulfed you in the tightest hug you've ever had, wrapping his arms around you as if he was afraid you would disappear. "I love you y/n, I love you.." he said, burying his face in your neck, you gripped the back of his shirt "I'll never let you go again Loki...I promise." You sobbed into his neck.
Feeling his heartbeat against yours, his shoulders shaking you reached up, lacing your fingers into his hair, cradling his head as you rocked side to side. He slowly pulled back, not letting you go "I am yours y/n, all of me...Will you be mine?" He asked, his red eyes searching yours "yes Loki, I'm yours as long as you want me." You said smiling "so forever?" He asked smiling making you laugh. "W..will you maybe...come lay down with me?" You asked quietly looking at him. "I will never leave your side again." He said. Standing up he leaned down, helping you up before looping his arm under your legs carrying you "loki...I can walk." You laughed grabbing his shoulders "nonsense, my queen will never have to walk again." He said laying you down on the bed, pulling the blanket up around you before walking to the other side.
In a flash of green he was clothed only in a pair of sleep pants, his chest bare. Your eyes trailed down, following the ridges on his skin, watching them travel past the waistband of his pants, the blue of his skin almost glowing in the moonlight. "Loki.." you whispered fidgeting with the blanket "yes love?" He asked "could you maybe...I mean if you want..." you rambled seeing him smile "yes..." he encouraged "c..can you...stay like that?" You asked, looking up at him, seeing his eyebrows furrow "you wish me to remain...like this?" He asked "yes..only If you want to...you don't have to." You hurried seeing him smile "as you wish love." He said.
Climbing in bed next to you you latched onto him, burying your face in his neck, wrapping your arm around his middle, your finger tracing his ridges. "I love you Loki." You whispered closing your eyes. He wrapped his arm around you holding you to him "den dagen jeg møtte deg, fant jeg min manglende del. du fullfører meg og gjør meg til en bedre mann. jeg elsker deg av hele mitt hjerte og hele min sjel til Valhalla." He whispered, kissing the top of your head as you drifted off. Closing his eyes he finally felt at peace.......
Translation-"the day i met you, i found my missing piece. you complete me and make me a better man. i love you with all my heart and all my soul until Valhalla."
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @sinsandguilt @high-functioning-lokipath @mochie85 @slytherclaw1227 @jaidenhawke @budugu @xorpsbane @schizonephilim @lokidokieokie @holdmytesseract @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokixryss @asgardianprincess1050 @tallseaweed @aniar4wniak @sekaishell @lokispetblogs @loopsisloops @trojanaurora @lonadane @all-envy-suyu @yelkmelk @stupidthoughtsinwriting @123forgottherest @silverfire475 @goblingirlsarah @commanding-officer @glitterylokislut @kkdvkyya @cueloki @daggers-and-mischief @sititran @witchyblue @verycollectivecreator @nixymarvelkins @chantsdemarins @shinraski @usagishira @nightshadelm @filthyhiddles @dukes2581 @assemblingavenger @lulubelle814 @irishhappiness @wolfsmom1 @luvlady-writes @lovingchoices14 @thomase1
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a-b-riddle · 6 months
Pen Pals
Some people never got the memo not to talk to strangers on the internet.
Who exactly is our mystery man?
Chapter One: Welcome to the Internet
Chapter Two: Confessions
Chapter Three: A Change of Topic
Chapter Four: First Day
Chapter Five: Daisies
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tarithenurse · 2 years
Bookish - Epilogue
Fandom: MCU AU Pairing: Loki x fem!reader Content: Wedding fluff, and smut. Lots of smut. In fact 2/3 of this is smut. A/N: I was asked to and liked the idea of writing and epilogue to Bookish...but thi really is the end of the story.
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Epilogue – The Wedding(night)
Looking at yourself in the mirror makes it even harder to believe that it really is happening.
“Is this the one?” Frigga asks with baited breath, eyes twinkling with excitement at the vision before her.
She and your own mother are sitting on a low couch behind you, both equally obsessed with the idea that you’re trying on wedding dresses. Personally you’re thrumming with anticipation of what’s to come.
Looking at the dress, you like the way the fabric flows and falls from your hips after having hugged the curves of your torso. The back is bare, making you feel sexy although a bit exposed. Maybe it’s too much? You like that the fabric is not bright white (as many of the previous wedding dresses you’ve tried on have been) but rather slightly broken, creamy. Tiny emerald crystals embellish the bodice, growing denser and bigger to highlight you waist, a nod to your betrothed's favourite colour and it’s one of the reasons you had picked the dress. Turning again to see your reflection from the back, you trace the green trail that drips down the skirt, the distance increasing between the fragments the further your eyes descend along the expanse of fabric. Carefully, you begin to twirl, feeling the swish of the silk and real organza.
“Oh, darling,” your mother gushes, fishing out a tissue from the box on the table next to the couch and rushing over with it, “here you go.”
Surprised, you dab under your eyes and find the tissue wet with tears of joy. This is the one.
You kept the secret about the wedding dress throughout the planning of the wedding (long live the competent wedding planner Loki had insisted on hiring). There were a few compromises along the way but Loki basically let you arrange your dream/princess wedding exactly the way you liked it. That had brought you to finding pictures on the internet from London where the most perfect venue resided with a large park and Loki just smiled and said ‘of course’ when you, as a joke, suggested the place. You took a trip to London simply to survey the place and talk with the catering there before finding possible accommodations for your families.
And now...now you’re ready to pass through the doors of the venue to enter the chapel and stride up the isle towards Loki. You love the place because of the birch and maple that are visible through the tall windows, the summer’s golden light that enters passing through the green leaves and granting an ethereal atmosphere...but right now all you can think of is your husband to be.
“Are you ready?” the ceremony master, your best friend Natasha, whispers behind you as she begins to arrange your veil.
There’s no waver in your answer, no doubt in your heart. That is not to say that your heart isn’t beating rapidly in your chest and your hands that are clutching the bouquet are sweaty...but this is what you want. At the other end of the isle stands Loki, your love through the last five years and many more to come, you’re sure.
“Okay,” Natasha smiles, “I’ll go ahead and you come after the first refrain of the song.”
As if you don’t know the plan. After all, you’ve rehearsed it, practised walking just right so it fit with the music and for the song to come to an end when you reached the centrepiece and Loki. As Natasha slips in you can hear the murmur of people quiet because they’re just waiting for you now.
Okay...this is it.
You wriggle your toes in the pretty green pumps, happy to have found something that’s actually comfortable to wear for the entirety of the event. Looking down at your hands, the long stems of white orchids bow to you, as if nodding their acceptance and comfort. Then the music starts. The doors open. And all you can see is Loki waiting for you with a huge smile in his eyes as he gasps at the sight of you.
You’ve chosen to walk the isle alone, breaking with tradition yet again. First you abandoned the stark white of the virgin, now the notion of someone having the power to give your away. No. You’re going to Loki of your own volition and this is the way of showing it although the first steps are made on wobbly knees until the power of the music grants you strength. Its all you can do not to rush to Loki’s side, but take your time instead to parade past the rows of chairs, each adorned with clusters of orchids and emerald ribbons.
Everything is a blur and you’re surprised as the wedding officiant “suddenly” asks you if you would take Loki Laufeyson to be your wedded husband. You look into Loki’s eyes, taking your time to feel the moment as it rushes in over you.
“I do.”
There’s a smattering of applause.
“Do you, Loki Laufeyson, take [Y/N Y/L/N] to be your lawful wedded wife?”
A tear is glimmering on Loki’s cheek as he looks upon you. “I do.”
“Then I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the officiant declares.
The kiss starts chaste enough although soon Loki pulls you flush against him, sweeping his tongue past your lips as a low hum that only you can hear rips from his chest.
“Now I got you all to myself, Mrs Laufeyson” Loki purrs as he closes the hotel room’s door behind you.
It has been a long day but a perfect one. Everything had gone according to plan and thankfully everyone had gotten along well.
Now your feet are sore after dancing and you’re tempted to plump onto the bed unceremoniously.
But not yet. “Why, yes you do...dear husband.” You like the way the word tastes in your mouth.
Reaching for his emerald tie, you pull him in for a searing kiss, finally no longer having to be chaste for the sake of the wedding guests. Now it’s fiery enough to distract you from the nimble fingers that begin to search for a way into the dress.
“Mmm-no,” you pull away, playfully slapping at Loki’s hands before he can succeed.
“But darling,” he complains bewildered.
“You first, babe.”
He allows you to pull of the slate grey suit jacket. Underneath await a vest but you know how to deal with that quickly and Loki helps as best he can because you keep promising him that he’ll get to undress you once he’s naked..however that means that his own disrobing is a bit hasty.
“I’m not gonna run away,” you mumble in between kisses as you slide the shirt off his shoulders.
“No,” he admits, “but you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I got plans for you for tonight.”
“Oh? Is that so?”
You can feel him smile against your throat. “Yes, Mrs Laufeyson.”
So do I. Sinking to your knees before him, you unbuckle the belt and open the pants to slide them down his legs, reluctantly waiting for the man to step out of them before you, quite literally, grab him by the balls to guide him closer to you. Already, his cock is half-hard and it fits snugly in your mouth and responds happily to the kitten licks you bestow it.
“Oh fuck,” Loki groans above you.
Getting there. Perhaps it’s a good thing your mouth is getting full or the pun would have slipped out. Instead you just hum around his cock and roll his balls gently in your fingers. You can sense that he’s trying to find purchase, something to steady himself by and you release him with a wet pop.
“Sit on the bed,” you order and he complies.
Lifting the skirt around you, you crawl between his knees and continue where you’d let go. You slide a hand up his thigh and over the sharp hip bone, trail across the tensed abdomen until you finally reach his chest...and then you push, ensuring that he has to lean back on his elbows and granting you better access. Forcing yourself a bit, you manage to take his cock past your gag reflex.
“Damn, it feels so good, babe.”
You can only hum in response which makes Loki groan louder.
Carefully, you take him deep again and again, before returning to the more shallow sucking where there’s room to run your tongue along the shaft and flick to the frenulum when you almost pull off.
Loki’s hands have found the covers of the bed and are wringing them tightly. You know his tells, knows the signs of when he’s close to coming and it only takes a few minutes before all of his body is thrumming with the energy of being right on the edge. You pull away, placing a last sweet kiss to the weeping head of his cock, and wipe your mouth before standing up.
“Darling?” he pouts but then he’s smiling at you too, knowing he finally gets to see you undress.
Smiling, you twirl one last time before him before you stop with your back to him, showing how you slowly pull the little zipper the rest of the way down. It’s a considerable amount of gravity-defying goodwill that has kept the dress in place all day so it’s easy to let the bodice fall forward leaving you upper body free in the cooler air.
You can hear Loki gasp behind you, and you glance over the shoulder to see him fisting himself in pure anticipation. You smirk. Then you drop the dress completely, revealing what little you’re wearing underneath: emerald string and garter belt to hold up the sheer stockings.
Stepping out of the cream fabrics that have pooled by your feet, you know you look sexy because Loki has gone completely still. Bending down with your ass to him, you pick up the dress and lay it over a chair before finally, finally turning to face him.
“Are you okay, love?” you ask him sugar sweet. His sitting with open mouth, just staring at you and completely forgotten about the cock that’s twitching in his hand. “Loki?” He’s in front of you quicker than the blink of an eye, hands and twitching finger inches from your skin as if he’s waiting for permission to touch you. “You like?”
“Very,” he sighs, fingertips brushing the smooth material around your hips, “I like it very much...in fact...you’re not taking this off...but this...” He slips a digit under the silk of your string, gently stroking towards your clit and you can feel the anticipation building.
One by one, he unclasps the garters, allowing him to pull down the underwear to your knees before he reattaches the stockings. Only then does he slide the string down to you ankles and lift your feet, one at a time, to step out of them.
“Ahh,” he presses the emerald silk to his nose, “how I’ve longed for this scent.”
“Well then...come and get a taste too.”
You walk past him, making sure to sway your hips more than normal, and lie down on the bed. Beckoning for him to come to you, you spread your legs to show your glistening arousal and he looks like a thirsting man who finally has found water.
Crawling between your legs, he kisses his way up. Small nibbles at the ankles, wet and sucking kisses on your inner thighs before he finally places a chaste kiss on your bud. It sends shivers racing through your body.
He looks up at you with lust-blown eyes. “Please allow me, Mrs Laufeyson?”
And of course you nod your approval hands already reaching for his locks in the hope of somehow finding anchor through what is about to happen.
Your husband’s skills are golden, lapping with broad strokes as he hums into your cunt in delight. Kitten licks, flicks with the strong tip of the tongue, and sucking on the clit. You’re hurdling towards the precipice when Loki inserts a couple of fingers, bending and wriggling them until he finds the right spot and he has to hold you down because you’re thrashing at the heavenly sensation.
All of you is burning with desire and the knot in your womb is growing, hot and heavy and ready to burst if he’d only allow you...but instead he stills. Languidly, he licks around your clit, too slow to tumble you over the edge while his fingers are immobile within you. You wine and beg, but he just chuckles at your desperation.
“Please,” you cry out, pulling a bit harsher at his raven strands which makes him growl, “I’ll do anything!”
That gets his attention and he lifts his head to study your features. “Really?” A thumb rolls over your clit, sending new waves of pleasure through you.
“Yes, gods, please!”
“Will you promise me to go shopping for new toys with me?” he asks without batting an eye but while wriggling the fingers against your g-spot.
Of course you agree. How could you not?
But as a reward for your acceptance and obedience, Loki takes to lapping at your cunt and clit once more, fingers pumping in and out, sure to rub against the sweet spot. It doesn’t take long before you quake and moan once more and as he latches on to your clit, sucking and flicking harshly against it with the tip of his tongue, you cum with his name tumbling from your lips.
He rides you through it, allows for you to breathe as he eases his finger out and licks them clean. He gets to his knees, proudly showing his weeping erection and already your body yearns for him again so you don’t protest as he pulls you towards him with a strong grip.
Lifting your hips, he can lower himself enough to meet you and for his cock to brush through your folds with a promise of filling you up.
“Please, Loki,” you whisper.
He fits you perfectly even though the first inch or two always makes you gasp at his size. After that, you’re gasping at the satisfaction it brings to have him sheathed within you.
“So tight,” he groans.
His hands find your hips and he moves you back and forth on his cock, using you as a fuck-doll to derive his satisfaction from and you can see he quickly gets close as your cunt flutter around him with the promise of another orgasm.
“Almost,” you moan, hand reaching for where his cock slips in and out.
“Don’t touch yourself,” he growls.
A bit disappointed, you remove your fingers that just had connected with your clit...but then he angles you differently and his cock keeps gliding over the perfect spot just like his fingers had and you find you don’t need to help the orgasm on the way.
Your eyes roll back and your body locks up as you cum. Vaguely, you can hear Loki swearing as he pulls out, but you’re still riding the high and can barely find it in you to whimper at the emptiness.
But you must have, because he whispers in your ear: “Does my love want more? Then I’ll give you more.”
Flipping you, you have the wherewithal to brace yourself against the headrest of the bed seconds before he rams into you, his hand snaking around to find your clit.
It’s not that you come again. No. He rather prolongs the orgasms by rutting into you hard, cussing every other time as your cunts flutters to try to milk him. His hips stutter but you have plans and so you collapse forward, effectively sliding off his cock.
“Not like that, hon,” you explain with a smirk to him, “lie down.”
Loki complies, lying down with his hands behind the head as he looks up at you. His chest is rising and falling rapidly, beads of sweat adorning the muscles.
Slowly, you crawl over his body and bend to kiss him, savouring the lingering taste of yourself on his lips. And as you kiss him, you reach a hand between your thighs to grab his cock, guiding it as you sink down upon him. You can feel him gasp into your mouth as you do so.
Slowly but surely, you begin to ride him, fighting against the urge to solely focus on whatever pleasure you can obtain but rather what has Loki gasping and groaning beneath you. Your hands are fondling your breasts, tweaking the already pert nipples and sending little ripples of delight into your stomach. It makes your thighs shiver and protest because you’re already thoroughly fucked but you persevere, riding Loki to his own brink.
Pleading eyes look up at you. “Please...cum with me?”
You don’t have the air to answer, so you have to make do with nodding and you snake a hand between your legs to play with yourself. Delighted, Loki grasps your hips and begins to buck up into you.
“Count me down, love,” he gasps.
“Three,” you moan.
The knot in your womb is tightening again and your pearl is throbbing.
For a moment your cunt relaxes, allowing Loki to enter deeper, completely bottoming out and finding a spot that has you seeing stars. His eyebrow crease as he tries to restrain himself just a bit longer.
Your fingers are moving rapidly, rolling and tweaking your clit.
“Fuck!” You groan in unison.
Loki’s hips stutter as your cunt clenches again, milking every last drop from him while your backs arch. For a moment you can’t move, can’t free yourself from the bruising hold Loki has on you...but you don’t want to either because all you care about is the blinding bliss that is surging through you.
When you finally do come to your senses, you collapse onto Loki’s form and nuzzle into his neck, content to feel his spent cock within you as it still twitches, dragging out the time you need as you come down.
“I have plans for you, dear wife,” Loki confesses in a murmur against your hair.
“Kinky plans?” you mumble with hope.
“Oh, yes.” He kisses your nose. “But for now...let me help get you cleaned up and ready for bed, my love.”
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tylerxrbtwhp · 8 months
Personal Favourite Fanfics | Marvel/DC |
NOTE: This is entirely my favourites so if it offense any of you, I don't care. It might seem mean, but this is how everyone is. P.S: ISTG I'm actually nice 💀 MARVEL
Tony Stark:
Copacabana https://www.tumblr.com/vikwrites/739932836692377600/there-were-actual-tears-in-my-eyes-except-none?source=share
Glitch https://matth1w.tumblr.com/post/188592381026/glitch Sugardaddy https://yandereaffections.tumblr.com/post/177414002991/im-dying-i-tried-to-answer-this-1228-at-night-or The Purge https://yandereaffections.tumblr.com/post/178930064526/hiya-could-you-do-the-purge-for-tony-stark [No Name] https://yandereaffections.tumblr.com/post/186525796176/tony-tries-to-help-you-all-on-his-own-at-first [No Name] https://yandereaffections.tumblr.com/post/186667651041/a-full-on-lecturing-is-first-cause-honestly-he [No Name] https://yandereaffections.tumblr.com/post/189496772381/tony-would-be-much-more-prepared-to-comfort-and Assassine https://www.tumblr.com/yandereaffections/690325788543844352/yandere-tony-stark-with-an-assassin-darling Corruption https://yandereaffections.tumblr.com/post/184398235176/if-you-asked-anyone-else-theyd-say-nothings First Time https://yandereaffections.tumblr.com/post/184070546676/this-gif-is-absolutely-perfect-baby-hell-go-as [No Name] https://yandereaffections.tumblr.com/post/184419280866/tony-tw-noncon-you-didnt-know-where-you-were [No Name] https://yandereaffections.tumblr.com/post/621189481261842432/oh-baby-you-know-this-man-would-gladly-be-your
Dr Strange:
Teacher's Pet https://www.tumblr.com/strrvnge/691623725104234496/pairing-stephen-strange-x-reader-warnings-18?source=share
The Strange Approach https://lokidokieokie.tumblr.com/post/694737057535393792/the-strange-approach
Sacrificial Love https://omgstarks.tumblr.com/post/698437859868377088/hi-can-you-do-something-like-stephen-with
[No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/leydileyla/664991208664416256/kinktober-day-14-dr-strange-x-fem-reader?source=share
In Another Life https://celestialnxva.tumblr.com/post/684567205823823872/stephen-strange-x-reader-chapter-2-strange
The Talking https://brunchable.tumblr.com/post/699037820713582592/word-count-45k-warnings-nsfw-18-non-con
[No Name] https://yandereaffections.tumblr.com/post/177292189196/omgerd-i-would-totally-feel-good-if-you-wrote-a [No Name] https://yandereaffections.tumblr.com/post/179630858791/i-dont-know-how-long-requests-are-open-for-and-i A Touch of Jealousy https://www.tumblr.com/brunchable/688796861277061120/a-touch-of-jealousy-request-doctor-strange-x?source=share
Loki: Stitches https://www.tumblr.com/lokibug/177831206988/pairing-loki-x-avengerreader-summary-loki-is?source=share Cold Night https://www.tumblr.com/fanpageknight/674899218074304512/posted-13122-f-frost-giant-loki-x-f?source=share Just a Play https://www.tumblr.com/fanpageknight/676983015242694656/how-would-yanderes-peter-parker-and-lokiseparate?source=share [No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/fanpageknight/672725060439736320/summery-loki-with-a-vampire-reader?source=share Size Kink https://www.tumblr.com/fanpageknight/642982201413287936/imagine?source=share [No Name] https://that-yandere-life.tumblr.com/post/183415602788/yandere-loki-with-a-virgin-so [No Name] https://that-yandere-life.tumblr.com/post/185009028513/loki-with-an-so-that-can-shapeshift [No Name] https://that-yandere-life.tumblr.com/post/673500515945086976/loki-laufeyson-quote-prompt-3-if-you-dont-kiss [No Name] https://that-yandere-life.tumblr.com/post/672768033653145601/loki-laufeyson-quote-prompt-2-darling-you-look [No Name] https://that-yandere-life.tumblr.com/post/678564475626012672/could-you-maybe-do-something-with-yandere-loki-and Avengers: Evil is Subjective (Part 1): https://www.tumblr.com/bigballofstress/176748368310/evil-is-subjective-avengers-x-villainreader Evil is Subjective (Part 2): https://www.tumblr.com/bigballofstress/177854771055/evil-is-subjective-avengers-x-villainreader Deadpool x Reader: [No Name] https://that-yandere-life.tumblr.com/post/183353640303/deadpool-with-a-younger-virgin-reader-hcs-i-love [No Name] https://that-yandere-life.tumblr.com/post/183277558433/i-really-loved-that-yandere-tony-with-a-so-that [No Name] https://that-yandere-life.tumblr.com/post/184045152348/could-you-do-a-yandere-wade-wilson-with-a-so-whos [No Name] https://that-yandere-life.tumblr.com/post/184124739868/ahhhh-how-about-a-yandere-reader-kidnapping-or-at [No Name] https://that-yandere-life.tumblr.com/post/613249467653718016/can-i-request-a-yandere-deadpool-with-his-female Dr Strange x Reader x Scarlet Witch: [No Name] {Platonic} https://www.tumblr.com/marveloustimestwo/718670202185908224/can-you-do-platonicyandere-wanda-and-platonic?source=share [No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/marveloustimestwo/694764336689954816/hi-may-i-ask-for-yan-wanda-maximoff-and-yan?source=share
DC | Note: All Jokers are Heath Ledger's. | Joker: Freak https://www.tumblr.com/ajokeformur-ray/611242419414056960/okay-another-idea-i-had-was-you-standing-up-for?source=share [No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/montimer/716856152880775170/oh-and-you-can-also-write-headcanons-ledgerjoker?source=share [No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/love-fictional-ppl/740242444321423360/heath-ledgers-joker-as-a-bf?source=share Broken Glass on the Floor https://www.tumblr.com/justsomerandomfanfic/715242636696502272/broken-glass-on-the-floor-joker-x-gn-reader?source=share Bunny https://www.tumblr.com/rosesloveletters/664421595187740672/bunny?source=share Catch me https://www.tumblr.com/keep-on-a-happy-face/644368892186312704/catch-me?source=share Ace https://misfitgirlwrites.tumblr.com/post/659453056960839680/ace-ledger-joker-x-vampire-reader One That's Red https://moonimagines.tumblr.com/post/632529139579158528/one-thats-red Thigh Riding https://ajokeformur-ray.tumblr.com/post/616556222288674816/thigh-riding-on-j-nsfw [No Name] https://ajokeformur-ray.tumblr.com/post/660790583272636416/httpspinit4elkeiy-this-screenshot-i-took-of Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow: [No name] https://www.tumblr.com/ajokeformur-ray/611242419414056960/okay-another-idea-i-had-was-you-standing-up-for?source=share Pure https://jacobseedz.tumblr.com/post/178567282162/pure-jonathan-crane-x-femalereader Doctor's Orders https://www.tumblr.com/slut4thebroken/739621835758600192/doctors-orders?source=share Potential Side Effects https://www.tumblr.com/darthannie/729105482046898176/potential-side-effects?source=share Lab Rats https://www.tumblr.com/lis-likes-fics/736891409009967104/lab-rats?source=share Nymphomania https://www.tumblr.com/slut4thebroken/731291139948281856/nymphomania?source=share Testing https://www.tumblr.com/fuckmycrane/728494776860672000/testing-dr-jonathan-crane?source=share Little Spy https://www.tumblr.com/aurorag98/730106843702165504/little-spy?source=share Baby Bat https://www.tumblr.com/slut4thebroken/729941420265340928/baby-bat?source=share Meant to be https://www.tumblr.com/slut4thebroken/731091667018498048/meant-to-be?source=share Batman/Bruce Wayne: Sneaky Bastard https://ellana-ravenwood.tumblr.com/post/160463829575/sneaky-bastard-bruce-wayne-x-reader-erotica Entrapment https://www.tumblr.com/anxiousnerdwritings/738610985134407680/can-i-request-something-spicy-for-yanbatman-with?source=share
[No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/visionsofmagic/730829787362443264/day-10-bruce-wayne-car-sex?source=share Iron https://www.tumblr.com/stargirlfics/712355384236605440/iron?source=share Invisible https://makethatelevenrings.tumblr.com/post/689904883347947520/invisible-b-wayne-x-freader Full https://makethatelevenrings.tumblr.com/post/705736465344315392/full-b-wayne-x-freader On the Edge https://makethatelevenrings.tumblr.com/post/709196832358662144/on-the-edge-b-wayne-x-freader Guy.exe https://makethatelevenrings.tumblr.com/post/686642736053518336/requested-yes-warnings-smut-18-minors-dni For Your Eyes Only https://makethatelevenrings.tumblr.com/post/706100556432850944/for-your-eyes-only-b-wayne-x-gnreader Stress Relief https://makethatelevenrings.tumblr.com/post/701997976295522304/stress-relief-b-wayne-x-gnreader Bruce Wayne/Batman x Reader x Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow Triple Trouble https://www.tumblr.com/floralcyanidee/727559632526213120/bonk?source=share
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
I just wanted to pop in and tell everyone my future fic/multipart plans for the next few months :D there's a lot, be on standby.
Bodyguard!Daryl x Mafia!Daughter: 5 parts
Bucky Barnes x Therapist: 3-5 parts
JJ Maybank x Kook!Reader: 5-8 parts
AU!Rafe Cameron x College Counselor (shoutout to @storytellingwitht): 5-8 parts
Loki Laufeyson x Reader (arranged marriage)- 3-5 parts
Sugardaddy!Negan Smith x Reader (shoutout to @ncllywrites): 3-5 parts
Yelena Belova x Assassin!Reader: 3-5 parts
Topper x Cameron!Reader: 3-5 parts
Daryl Dixon x Reader (shoutout to @bringinsexybackk69)- 2 parts
AU!Rafe Cameron x Camgirl (shoutout to @storytellingwitht): 5 parts
Very excited! There's a lot going on here lol. The Bucky and the bodyguard!daryl are already in the works :D
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lokisprettygirl · 3 years
Okay but sugardaddy loki just being like "did you use the money I left for you?" Is so hot to me 🥵🥵🥵 I don't know what it is but it makes mee 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
Ohhh god me tooo, I would love me some sugardaddy loki 🥵🥵❤️
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tonysiron · 3 years
okay lokius stannies i may or may not be writing a slowburn sugardaddy!mobius and sugarbaby!loki au
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Masterlist UPDATED 29/06/2018
One shots!
Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes
What we’ve always wanted
Like, daddy? [Part 1][Part 2]
Just watch, Captain Rogers…
Bucky Barnes x reader
Not so little girl
Everyday, is Valentines Day
Are you now?
Steve Rogers x reader
When the wall’s shaking
Damn tease
Open up!
Bruce Banner x reader
Including Code Green [Part 1][Part 2][Part 3]
A year of love
Tony Stark x reader
Not so little girl
Daddy’s sugar
Peter Parker x reader
I heart you
More than one side
Natasha Romanoff x reader
Nat’s little girl
Covering beauty
First time
Liquid Evil, but thanks…
Maria Hill x reader
Unspoken things
Clint Barton x reader x Natasha Romanoff
Wash my back, I’ll wash yours!
One more?
Thor x reader
Sam Wilson x reader
Dare ya!
Sebastian Stan x reader
Ex-boyfriend/Best-friend [Part 1][Part 2]
Rare days
Out there...
Chris Evans x reader
Ex-boyfriend/Best-friend [Part 1][Part 2]
Distracting Chris on the red carpet
You’re an idiot, but I like you anyway!
Were you jealous?
Dinner is served
Just pretend…
Tom Holland x reader
Our first time…
Alpha!Bucky x Omega!reader
Chocolate Covered [Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5][Part 6][Part 7][Part 8][Part 9][Part 10][Part 11][Part 12][Part 13][Part 14][Part 15]
Steve Rogers x reader
Teach, America [Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5][Part 6][Part 7][Part 8]
Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes
Three Shots [Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5]
We want more [Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5][Part 6][Part 7]
Tony Stark x reader
Young and Sweet [Part 1][Part 2][Part 3]
Chris Evans x reader
Ready? Ready! [Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5][Part 6][Part 7][Part 8]
[AU]Sugardaddy!Chris Evans
SB [Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4]
Tags: @badassbaker @irondadlovesspiderson
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scnsetyellow · 6 years
Jeff Golblum playing Jeff Goldblum in his natural habitat
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I'm pretty sure Goldblum arrived at set in his casual clothes and everyone decided to just roll with it..
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michelleleewise · 2 years
The Proposal
Pairing: Sugardaddy Loki x female reader
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, kidnapping, knives, blood, violence (yes I added it twice to he sure), duct tape, forced restraints, torture, Amber being a whole warning....(I tried not to go too overboard, but this girl crazy)
*** please read the warnings for this one!!! Amber has gone full tilt crazy. I don't want to upset anyone so please please be cautious!!!
Summary: you wake up not knowing where you are, and try to piece everything together....
Part Seventeen-
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You slowly opened your eyes, looking up you could barely make anything out when the lights flipped on making you flinch. "Ah, your finally awake, I may have added too much." You heard Amber laughing. You tried to turn realizing you couldn't move. You looked down seeing duct tape wrapped around your stomach and legs, your arms held down to your sides. You frantically looked around at the decrepit building trying to process what was happening as Amber stepped in front of you.
"To think he chose you over me." She said looking down at you. You tried to say something realizing she had taped your mouth as well. "You aren't going anywhere so stop trying." She said walking over to a table picking up your phone and a knife. "Now, down to business." She said striding back over. "Im gonna need to know your password." She said ripping the tape off of your mouth making you scream. "Help! Someone help me!" You screamed when Amber punched your nose hard whipping your head to the side. "Shut up will you, no one can hear you. There's no one for miles." She smiled leaning down "password...now." she growled.
You gave her the password tasting the blood running from your nose watching her go through your phone. "Aaww, he's worried about you.....how sweet." She said through gritted teeth as she typed something before putting it in her pocket. "Now, where were we....oh yes...." She said taking the knife pressing it to your cheek "I must admit you are kinda pretty, but let's see if he still wants you when I'm done...." She smiled, pressing the knife into your skin making you scream. She repeated it onto the other cheek and your forehead as you tried to pull your head away. She tossed the knife aside happy with her work laughing menacingly.
"Your fucking crazy!" You yelled trying to free yourself "am i...AM I!?" She yelled picking up a crowbar from the table. "All I did was love him, AND HE LEFT ME!" She yelled slowly walking over to you. "And then you came along and ruined everything!" She yelled again pressing the crowbar into your chest. "You took him from me, and I'm taking back what's mine." She smiled lifting the bar up. You closed your eyes bracing yourself for what was about to happen as she brought it down hard on the side of your knee making you scream. "Do you think he'll come for you?" She asked swinging again "fuck!" You screamed feeling lightheaded "do you really belive he CARES about you?" She said hitting your kneecap hearing a crunch.
Tears streamed down your face as your whole body shook, the pain overwhelming you. "You...mean...nothing...to...him." She growled raising the bar above her head "p...please....s...stop." you tried, your voice weak from the screaming. "I won't stop until he's mine again" She said smiling bringing the bar down on top of your knee. Pain shot through your leg as you blacked out......
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"Don't worry baby, I'm fine."....Loki reread the message over and over...something wasn't right, you never called him "baby". He thought for a moment before deciding to respond "darling, what was your favorite color again? I wanted to pick something up for you" He typed, patiently waiting for you to respond. He needed to know what was going on. When he saw the bubbles pop up showing you were typing he leaned forward staring at the screen "you know what my favorite color is silly." You typed. He sighed trying again "I just want to make sure, now what was it? He typed tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair. "Your so forgetful sometimes....blue." you typed as he gripped the phone.
He looked at the clock seeing you should be home from school by now and jumped up grabbing his coat. He stormed out if his room heading for the elevator "brother, where are you off to in such a hurry?" Thor asked as Loki pushed the button for the elevator. "Something is wrong with her, I need to go over there." He said looking at the doors. "Is she hurt?" Thor asked coming up next to him. "I do not know, her messages don't make sense." He said looking at Thor. "Call me if you need me." Thor said gripping Loki's shoulder. "Thank you brother." Loki said stepping into the elevator. He hoped you were just messing around but he had a feeling things were not as they seemed.
Loki walked into your darkened apartment looking around "y/n, where are you?" He called recieving only silence. He switched on the lights seeing everything looked normal, nothing was out of place. He walked into the bedroom "Darling, are you..." he started seeing the bed was made but your closet looked like a bomb went off. He slowly walked in seeing all of your clothes strewn across the floor like you were searching for something. The bad feeling began nagging him again so he pulled his phone out messaging you. "darling,, where are you." He typed waiting for you to respond. He walked into the bathroom seeing everything in order there as well.
He jumped slightly when his phone went off, quickly pulling it out "Hey, I was in bed sleeping. Where are you?" He read. He felt the color leave his face knowing you were no where to be found. He swallowed hard typing back "I'm coming over, I need to see you." He was hoping whoever this was would give themselves away somehow. "I'm too tired, maybe tomorrow. Night baby." He read. "No no no.." he said quickly dialing your number hoping it was your voice on the other end and you were just upset with him. He held the phone to his ear listening as the call went straight to voicemail "fuck!" He yelled. He hung up quickly dialing Thor. "Loki, is everything alright?" Thor asked when Loki felt a lump in his throat. Looking down at his feet "she's...she isn't here Thor, I don't know where she is or whats happened." Loki said shakely feeling his eyes burn. "Tell me where you are, I'll be right there." Thor said. He told him the address before hanging up, waiting for his brother to get there....
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"God, He's gotten persistent." You vaguely heard Amber say from behind you. You slowly lifted your head, trying to block out the pain and failing miserably as she walked into view. You shook your head making sure you weren't seeing things as she turned around. She had cut her hair to your length, as well as coloring it the same color as yours. You looked down seeing her wearing your clothes, though they were a bit tight on her. "W...what...", you trailed off trying to focus when she started laughing again "Well, whatya think?" She asked holding her arms out. "I think your fucking insane." You snarked feeling her fist meet your nose again making your eyes water.
"Shut up you stupid bitch." She growled stalking away. "Loki and I will live happily ever after...and you'll die here alone like you deserve." She said wiping her hand on a cloth. "W..why are you...doing this? I was n..nice to you." You said tilting your head up to look at her "because you took him!" She yelled crossing her arms "h..he already left you...before he m..met me." You said shakely fighting back tears. "Well see, here's the thing. If he didn't want me, and he wants you..what better way to win him back then to become...you." She smiled smoothing down the front of her...your shirt. You screwed your eyes shut feeling the pain radiating through you "he's going to know....h..he will find me." You breathed leaning your head forward. "Oh...he may find you....but in what state?" She asked walking over grabbing your hair pulling your head back.
"Who would want you now hm?" She asked. "No one will ever want you again y/n." She smiled letting go of your hair. "If you know whats good for you you'll hurry up and die." She snarked walking behind you. You were about to say something when she shut the lights off, leaving you in total darkness "night y/n, pleasant dreams" She called out slamming the door. You tried to breath, feeling the tears streaming down your face, landing in your cuts making you hiss. "L..loki....please....." you said shakely trying to stop shaking, but the more you tried the worse it got.
Your chest heaved as you sobbed, leaning your head forward to keep the tears off your face. "P..please...find me..." you cried. But you had no idea where you were and no way to release yourself, even if you did you were pretty sure your kneecap was shattered. You opened your eyes, looking up into the one window you saw, seeing the moon shining in "i..I love you Loki." You whispered. leaning your head forward feeling yourself drift off, hoping he would come to you in your dreams......
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @sinsandguilt @high-functioning-lokipath @mochie85 @slytherclaw1227 @jaidenhawke @budugu @xorpsbane @schizonephilim @lokidokieokie @holdmytesseract @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokixryss @asgardianprincess1050 @tallseaweed @aniar4wniak @sekaishell @lokispetblogs @loopsisloops @trojanaurora @lonadane @all-envy-suyu @yelkmelk @stupidthoughtsinwriting @123forgottherest @silverfire475 @bbmommy0902 @goblingirlsarah @commanding-officer @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @mcufan72 @glitterylokislut @tjellisworld @kkdvkyya @cueloki @daggers-and-mischief @sititran @witchyblue @verycollectivecreator @nixymarvelkins @chantsdemarins @shinraski @usagishira @nightshadelm @filthyhiddles @dukes2581 @assemblingavenger @huntress-artemiss @yuu-chan-is-still-a-student12
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rabnerd28 · 7 years
After seeing Thor Ragnarok a second time, I’m 95% sure Loki was sleeping with the Grandmaster to earn himself favors
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tarithenurse · 1 year
Loki Series Masterlist
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Smut/lemons/nsfw/sexual themes = *
Mental health issues = %
Violence/gore = #
Always watch out for individual chapter warnings/content.Reader is per default female unless otherwise stated.
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All’s Fair in Love and War *#
Medieval-ish setting, but other than that very true to MCU’s idea of Norse Mythology. Midgard and Jotunheim are locked in war and the Midgardian Reader is captured by Loki.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || Chapter 15 || Chapter 16 || Chapter 17 || Chapter 18 || Chapter 19
Bookish *
Sugardaddy!Loki. Modern AU. Reader receives an offer she can’t refuse and it leads to a lot of pining.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || Chapter 15 || Chapter 16
In defense of Asgard *#
Inhuman!Reader. Established relationship. Takes place away from Earth – the title kind of gives it away.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11
Long night
Collab/flash writing with Maladaptive-Ninja-Returns.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6
On my mind, in my soul *
Loki has made himself a home on Earth, curating an impressive collection of valuables from across the universe – all for himself and the fame he finds despite the New York incident. Reader is living less lawfully, securing her finances through theft and burglary.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || Chapter 15 || Chapter 16 || Chapter 17 || Chapter 18
Stolen *#%
Gifted!Reader. Timeline spawned in Endgame – NOT D+ series! Loki requires Reader’s assistance whether she wants it or not. Life or fate has a say in it.
(So apparently Dumblr won't let me add the chapter links here. Pls follow the link above to a separate masterlist for Stolen.)
This is fluff with only a tiny bit of semi angst/confusion for the sake of the plot. But otherwise romantic, sweet fluff.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3
The bathhouse *
Jotunn!Reader. The Prince of Jotunn has asked you to make an appearance at a local bathhouse at midnight. Unsure what to expect, but unable to say no because of your feelings for him, you have agreed.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3
The good villain *#
Alien!Reader. “You’re the villain and you know that you just want the ‘good guys’ to understand why”.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11

(Divider by @firefly-graphics )
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defunct-batterology · 7 years
lol loki placed a “large wager” against thor on sakaar but like c’mon loki has no units/currency to be bartering w/ & he’s running exclusively on favor!! yet he’s sharing a couch w/ the grandmaster implying that they’ve made bets against one another so like!!!!! loki c’mon buddy what did you promise to give the grandmaster if you lost
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sugarbabyloki · 7 years
uhmmmm my biggest ragnarok disappointment besides Thor’s hair is that Grandmaster could have put some eyeliner on Loki too.....and didn’t......
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lokisprettygirl · 3 years
Love in the time of Uncertainty (Loki x Female Reader)
Chapter 10 (Last)
Summary : Loki runs again after he found your note. But this time towards the woman he loves.
Warning: 18 + , Smutty smut, degradation kink, dom loki, Dacryphilia, sugardaddy loki is hot, mentions of period sex, loki being insecure, jealous loki , soft dom loki, fluffy fluff
Taglist : @iconfusemyselfalot @msturi2u @the-wounded-healer05  @lokiswildheartcantbebroken  @hotleaf-juice  @daddylokisqueen @not-anotha-loki-fanart-acc  @callistoneith  @offgoodluck @paulbee99
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When he saw your note he didn't have any more doubts left in him. He loved you, he loves you so much, there's no denying it anymore. If you're willing to stick around for him even after he has been nothing but a jerk to you in the past, then he's going to fight for you this time, he would treat you right this time, how you deserved to be treated in the first place.
He got showered and dressed up quickly, it was going to be a long drive, he packed his necessities in a small handbag, He took your note and smiled as he read it again, just few words, he never thought just few words could make him so happy, while he was packing his stuff, his eyes fell upon the picture of him and Audrey, He always kept it with him, not because he still loved her but as a reminder of everything he lost and how much love can hurt, he packed it too along with his other stuff. He had to go see you and he had to see you now.
He drove eight hours straight, and when he reached finally it was almost evening in la, he never thought he would come back to the place he left, but then he never thought he would fall in love again. When he reached his condo, he still had the key and code was still the same so he buzzed himself in. When he reached the door he knocked several times, maybe you were not home yet, he used the key and got inside, as soon as he turned the lights on, he was filled with several memories of you and him in this place, most of them sexual, he didn't really give you a chance did he? He would be so mean to you when you weren't cuddling him or sexing him up. A certain memory hurt him the most.
"Y/n I'm so done with your nonsense" you took out your earphones as you heard him yelling "what's wrong?" You asked him curiously "Thisss" he held the lunchbox you prepared for him and threw it away, he saw your face falling as you watched the food spill out of the box and all over the floor "Did you not like the food?" He groaned in frustration as he heard you "I don't like you trying to act as if you're my wife, news flash, you're not, so grow up and mind your own business" he told you and left for his room, he needed to cool down. You were just trying to take care of him and he was so awful to you.
You cleaned the mess he just made and then knocked on his door "What now?" He saw your teary face and his heart softened, that was the first time he realised how fucked up he was for making you cry like that for caring about him "You should never ever throw food away, especially during such times, there are people who die because they don't get to eat" you yelled a little as you cried and he walked towards you, you took a step back but he grabbed you by your shoulders "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I won't do it again, calm down, stop crying okay?" he mumbled as he kissed your forehead and you relaxed in his arms, he felt bad but he can't encourage this behaviour "But please stop taking care of me, I hate this" he told you sternly "You hate being fed?" You asked him as you smirked and he rolled his eyes as he groaned "you're impossible to deal with y/n"
He snapped out of his memory, he have been awful to you, worst part is he have no idea if he'll be able to trust you fully, a part of him knows you won't hurt him like she did but then that's what he thought of her too. He went to his old room and he saw your clothes all around, your stuff all around, you were living in his room instead of yours. He heard the door lock twisting and went back to the living room. He stood right in front of your eyeline as you entered "Lokii" you looked at him and he smiled "Helllo y/n"
You didn't want to leave him like that, but you had to make him fight for this, you're persistent but you can't force him to be with you, and now he's standing right in front of you, is he here for you? You hoped so, you crossed your arms as you stare at him "Ummm what are you.. you're here, what are you doing here?" You asked him and he tilted his head to the side, god he's beautiful. "I'm here to sell the condo" he joked but it went over your head "ohhh" you answered him and he shook his head, he walked towards you and next thing you felt was his lips on yours, you stood on your tippy toes and you wrapped your arms around his neck "I'm here for you silly girl, you asked me to find you so here I am" he mumbled and you smiled as you heard him.
"Well technically I didn't ask you to find me, I just told you that you know where to find me" you giggled and he smiled, you're adorable, you always were. "Still fancy pistachio ice cream ? Because I got some for you" he remembered that ? Ofcourse he did he remembered little things like that, now that you know the reason why he was so mean and distant and cringed everytime you showed him care and affection, you could see beyond that, he needed love and you'd give him that.
"I do fancy it still" you smiled and he kissed you again "What about those last three words in your note?" He asked you as he smirked and you blushed "What about it ?" You rubbed your nose against his and he loves this so much, he already feels himself getting addicted to this sweetness of yours if he wasn't before "Darling... I ..I lo..I do.." you shushed him up as you kissed him before he can stutter more, he don't have to say it and you don't have to hear it, his actions are enough "you don't have to say it doc, it's alright, I know, I know baby" you mumbled and he teared up as he hugged you so tightly against him. He was home.
You couldn't believe he was here and that he was back in your life, you felt so happy and you felt perfect. You took a shower and shaved all over, you're going to fuck him all night for the starters. When you came out dressed up in a skimpiest tank top you could find and a booty shorts , you saw him on the bed, he held something in his hand , at first you thought it was the note you wrote but it was a picture, you walked closer to him, and your eyes fell upon him with her, they both looked happy, he looked so happy in that picture and it broke your heart knowing the hell he went through after that.
You sat down on the floor and placed your chin on his thigh as you looked at him "To move on you have to forget the past doc, you can't live there and be happy at the same time" you mumbled and he smiled, you wiped the tear that fell on his rosy cheeks and he kissed your palm "I know sweetheart, that's why I brought this here" he told you and then you saw the picture floating in the air, then he set it on fire, he was choosing to move on from his past, this was the first step. You watched all awestruck, you were still not used to his magic.
He looked at your face and smiled, you're so adorable like this but then you switch into a completely different person when you're horny, he's going to have so much of fun making you fall deeper n deeper into your depravity, he grabbed your chin with his thumb and fingers and made you look at him "how's the school going babygirl?" He asked you and you whimpered as you felt his thumb rubbing against your lips "mmmm good daddy, are you proud of me?" You asked him as you looked at him innocently "so proud sweet thing, you make my heart swell" he leaned down to kiss you and you moaned in his mouth. Then he picked you up from the floor and laid down on the bed with you on top of him
"Mmmm dadddy, I have missed you so bad" you mumbled and he pushed his thumb inside your warm wet mouth , you lapped up on it like it was his cock and his breath hitched at the sight of you "I know you did, I thought about you every second since I left, you're so pure but so filthy when you get like this sweetheart, I'm going to enjoy ruining every little piece of innocence you still have in you" you whimpered and he flipped you over so you were underneath him "Did you enjoy living off me sweet girl?" You don't know how he did it but he knew all your sweet spots, he knew where to hit exactly, as egotistical as you were before you met him, you were nothing but a whore for him and you did enjoy having him as your sugardaddy "mmm I did daddy, is that badd?" You asked feigning innocence and he snickered, little minx "So so bad, you know what that makes you hmmm? It makes you a greedy gold digging whore" he mumbled as his fingers played with the waistband of your shorts "ohh fuck loki babyy" you moaned as you heard his filthy words and he got you all naked, he needed you as bad as you needed him, his cock screamed for your warmth, he rubbed the tip of his cock all over your lips and clit and then he pushed in slowly.
"Holy norns you have the tightest little cunt, I'm so happy you saved yourself for me sweet thing, I gave you a chance to go out n explore but you couldn't could you? Needed your daddy's cock only right? " He mumbled as he thrusted himself in your wet warm cunt, you were absolutely soaked for him "I did, I am all yours daddy pleasse fuck me" you whined and he leaned down to kiss you "what do you think I am about to do my dumb little whore" he started to build a slow and steady rhythm, he didn't want this to end quickly, he wanted you to combust and he wanted you to sob for him, he has gone too long without this. You lost your mind slowly, the more he stayed inside you, the more lost you got in your head, you heart felt so full that he came back for you.
When you wrote that note and left, you weren't actually sure that he would come for you but he did. "Y/n, my love, look at me" he whispered as he sees you so far gone in your head, you opened your eyes and he smiled as he looked at you, you looked drunk and hazy, he loved it. "You are so cute like this little whore, so stupid for my cock, so desperate, it makes me want to destroy you inch by inch" you whimpered as you heard him and he increased his pace slowly "Look at you, gonna cry for daddy? Do it sweet thing, show me how much you have missed this, let me see those tears" he absolutely abhorred making you cry outside of bedroom, but in bed, when he's making you feel so good that you're in tears, it makes him so hot, it makes him want to make you cry until you're on his feet begging him to stop. Maybe some other day. He's not running anymore and he's not letting you leave either. You couldn't take this anymore, you needed release and you needed his cum filling you up.
You felt him sucking on your tears as you whimpered and cried for him. He's your kinkiest wet dream turned into a reality. God you're lucky. You wrapped your legs around him tightly and followed his rhythm , your walls clenching him so tightly he couldn't hold back anymore "oh....norns..you slutty minx ..cum now sweet thing...let go with me please" he mumbled and you did almost instantly, he said please? You had to. He kept moving his hips mindlessly as he groaned your name again n again as he came, he looked beautiful and he was willing to be yours. You'd never hurt him.
"I love you sooo much baby" you mumbled as he laid down next to you and he smiled "I know darling" once he cleaned you both up you put on a shirt and fresh pair of underwear, he took a shower and when he came out you were on his bed, for the first time he was going to cuddle and act as if he didn't hate it, he always loved holding you like that but he always made you feel bad about it later on "Come here doc or you're going to stand there while I sleep?" You giggled and he crawled up in the bed next to you, you engulfed him into a bear hug and caressed his head and back "I have missed this" he mumbled and you smiled "I know you did, I knew you enjoyed my cuddles" you latched your mouth on his neck, and peppered him in kisses, he moaned at each of them "I sure did darling, how could I not love this?"
Next morning you woke up in his arms, and that's how you woke up everyday after that. He moved back his practice to la , he bought the place he had during the pandemic and started his clinic there, he was also working at the hospital, he was an in demand surgeon for them, you were busy with your classes during the day and he would be busy with patients through out the day, he asked you to quit the waitress job as it was exhausting for you and you didn't really need it when he was providing for you. It's not as if he didn't want you to work, he wanted you to be independent and you were going to be a chef soon so doing that side job was useless. He paid off your debts, he had his ways with money, you didn't know all the details of how he went 50 years without looking suspicious but you had a feeling it involved some magic and mind games.
He could have been really dangerous and powerful if he wanted to be, could have used his power for wrong but he chose to heal people instead, he chose to be a doctor, you were so in love with him but like he said it wasn't all sunshine and roses in your relationship with him, it's been more than six months since he came back and you were about to realise what he meant by that. You had a fairwell party to attend, your batch passed out and you got a placement in a 5 star hotel, you were so happy and loki was so proud of you. You put on a black dress, you ordered it online and you thought it would end up right below your thighs but it was shorter than that, too short.
You looked beautiful but he felt the dress was too short on you,he knew you'd be eyed up and down and he hated the thought of it. He kept his thoughts to himself though, he didn't want to upset you, you looked so happy. When you both reached the party, one of your batchmate Clark hugged you so tightly, loki almost fumed at the proximity, you two would often pair up together and you even went on events n such with him sometimes. What loki didn't know was that he was gay and had no interest in you whatsoever other than platonic ofcourse, he took you to the dance floor and loki just glared at you both as he held you "that boyfriend of yours is a tall drink of water isn't he, those legs oof, you're a lucky bitch" he whispered in your ears and you giggled as you heard him. You indeed were lucky.
Loki misinterpreted everything he saw at the party, on the way back home you could feel the tension, you tried to play with his hair but he swatted your hands away "Loki baby what's wrong, did I do something?" You asked him and he just snickered "Nope you didn't, except being awfully close to that mate of yours" he told you and you turned to him "loki you know I would never.." he cut you off before you can speak further "shutup just shuush" you teared up instantly as you heard him, he have major trust issues and you thought you were making progress in the last few months but you're back to square one apparently.
When you reached home, he took of his suit jacket and glared at you while you stood quietly in the middle of his room. He was furious, extremely furious. He walked over to you and his fingers intertwined between your hair and he pulled your head back "You dress up like a whore, then you act like one, then you expect me to be alright with it?" He mumbled, you could see his jaw clenching with every word he spoke "Did he have to rub his arms against yours? Or whisper god knows what in your ears, or hold you so tight while he danced with you ? Why would you allow him hmm?" He kissed you so deeply, you're his but in moments like this where he feels so insecure he can't trust you no matter how much he tries, she was his too until one day she had sex with his fucking brother.
"I didn't do anything wrong loki, just listen to me" he ripped your dress off using both of his hands, he was already mad as soon as he saw you in such a short dress. "You want to act like a whore then I should just treat you like one huh? Tell me that you want me to fuck you, tell me if you want me to stop, I just need a yes or no" Normally you'd be gushing at those words, you did feel wet as he spoke, it was instinctual but you knew he was hurt and you felt hurt at his accusations. You nod in yes, giving him your consent, He got you all naked and laid you down on your front, he held your arms behind your back with one of his hands and his other hand held the back of your head , pressing it into the mattress. You're his and he needed to claim you, that's what he warned you about that night, he told you he would be overly possesive but you didn't listen. He thrusted himself inside you and you gasped at the feeling.
"Filthy little whore, did you like being touched by him ? Hmm did you get wet as he whispered filthy words in your ears? Don't forget that you're mine " he thrusted in and out almost violently, you have had rough sex before with him but his words truly hurt you, you were his so why would he assume otherwise? "No I didn't, I'm yours loki, baby I'm yours" you mumbled, your voice so meak, normally he would pick up on it but today he ignored it "I should just take your words hmmm? As if you weren't such a whore for me, want me to believe you're only promiscuous for me? Maybe I should have left you with that damn Clark, would you even come home to me? Or you'd whore yourself out for the night?" You couldn't hear anymore, you could have used the safeword but you didn't. You just sobbed quietly into the mattress, when he heard your broken little cries, he snapped out of the raging nightmare he was in, he stopped instantly and pulled himself out of you. What the fuck he is doing with you?
You don't deserve this, you don't deserve an asshole like him "Y/n ? Sweetheart" you sobbed harder as you heard him and it broke his heart completely, he leaned down and turned you around, you covered your face with your palm, you didn't want him to see you like this "I'm so sorry, oh norns I'm so sorry my love, I went crazy,I lost my mind" He held you so tightly and removed your hands from your face, your tear soaked face hurt him so bad, he wanted to calm you down and make you stop feeling so hurt, this is all this fault, he kissed your forehead and peppered soft kisses all over in an attempt to calm you down "I'm sorry my sweet girl, I'm so sorry please look at me darling" he mumbled, his own voice breaking as he got teary, you opened your eyes to look at him and it made you sob even harder "I di...I didn't do anything with him ...I promise... please trust me" you mumbled between your cries and it absolutely shattered him, ofcourse you didn't, he was there for norns sake, he needs to start trusting you more, he is punishing you for things you didn't even do, for things she did, he's projecting his own insecurities on you like he feared he would.
"I know I know I know sweet girl, I'm so sorry " he mumbled as he wiped your tears "you're mine and even though I don't deserve you, I still want you to be mine forever, I'm sorry sweetheart, please don't leave" his voice felt so small, you wanted to comfort him even though you were hurt yourself "It's okay I love you, not leaving...i promise" you hiccuped between your words and he just felt worse, you were comforting him even after he hurt you "That's not what you think of me do you? You know I'm only yours" You sobbed as you spoke and he couldn't take it anymore, he kissed you softly and his cock slipped inside your cunt again "You're all mine and that's how it will be, I was so hurt n upset with him getting his hands over you, I stopped thinking clearly when I saw you with him and I want to apologise for everything I said to you my sweet sweet darling girl, please forgive me? Please" he mumbled and then he kissed you, he fingers scratched your scalp, he was so rough with you before, he just wanted to adore you right now, make you forget the awful things he said.
"Okayy you're forgiven I love you" you mumbled and smiled, his heart felt so full as he looked at your adorable face, so sweet so kind, the best girl he have ever known, you make him feel things he have never felt before, he increased his pace and he heard your soft little moans, he's so in love with you, he's going to have to protect you more, from himself and his insecurities, he have to, he can't subject you to this, you're so loving and innocent, so so delicate and he can't take that away from you, he can't make you feel awful when you deserve to be treated like the queen you are "You're beautiful my love, you're ethereal, truly truly wondrous" he whispered sweet praising things in your ears as he fucked you slowly. Then he made you cum all over him as he bursted himself inside you.
"By the way he's gay, he was thirsting for you not me" you mumbled and he raised his eyebrows "should have just led with that darling" he chuckled and
Then he held you all night, so tight n close, he made a promise to himself that he would never assume and hurt you so badly like this ever again, he was lucky you didn't smack him across the face and left his sorry ass right then.
Next morning when you woke up he was getting dressed, his hair wet from the shower he just took, he was putting his shirt on and buttoning himself up, he looked sexy even just doing the most mundane things, you were watching him with a small smile on your lips, he kept the lights dimly lit, he didn't want to wake you up but you did anyways. When he saw you, you put your hand out for him, he smiled so sweetly at the gesture "Trying to lure me in the bed again darling?" He was buttoning up his sleeves as he talked, so effortlessly attractive. "Justtt come please, I need to touch" you mumbled and he walked over to you, he sat down on the floor with his arms up on the bed. He leaned down to kiss you "I have a surgery to attend, don't distract me with your sweetness" he kissed your forehead and his thumbs wiped your eyes, getting rid of the sleepy gunks, he was a doctor, he knew human body inside out so nothing really disgusted him, especially when it comes to you and you were lucky.
"What kind of surgery?" You asked him, your fingers rubbing through his scalp "Carotid endarterectomy" he mumbled, his lips trailed over your forehead, pecking softly "English doc" you giggled and he grinned at that "something to do with neck" he answered and you hummed "let me make breakfast for you then, why didn't you wake me?" You proceeded to get up but he stopped you "no no no you sleep n rest my darling, I'll be back soon once I'm done, I'm not hungry anyways" he told you and you huffed. Then he kissed you softly and left soon after.
Months passed and turned into years, your love for each other only grew more n more with time, you had your troubles and fights but you never let him go and neither did he, how could he let go of you, you were the true love of his life and he was blessed to have you with him, with each day he learned to trust you again, he learned to trust the woman he loved instead of believing what his mind said, he learned to let go of his past, the softer sides of him that you saw before you got together, you got to see it everyday, every moment.
"Lokkkki baby" you rubbed your eyes as you walked towards him into the kitchen , he was making a warm soup for you, you didn't feel like eating anything on your first day of menstruation so he would just feed you warm hearty soups "Darling I told you to rest didn't I?" He walked towards you as soon as he heard you and then he picked you up, you wrapped your legs around him and arms around his neck, you rested like a baby on his shoulders "my boss was furious that I took a sudden day off, I might get fired" you told him and he stiffened, how dare he fire you for taking a day off while you were in such pain? He didn't understand mortals sometimes, where's the empathy? "It's okay darling, his loss truly, with your talent you'd find another job quickly, don't stress over it okay?" He mumbled and you pout, he smiled and situated you on the countertop "Now sit here, and wait for me to finish that soup so I can feed you okay?" He kissed the tip of your nose, then he fed you and later on he fucked you, orgasms really helped with the cramps, who knew?
The first time he came up to you and asked you that you were hesitant, you didn't want to disgust him, but nothing ever really did, you could never disgust him, he was so in love with you and he wanted to distract you while you felt so much of pain, plus it was really hot, having him inside you while you shed blood, it was really hot for him too. You loved him so much you'd die for him or do the opposite of it if he ever asked. You often thought about the apple, it's been two years since you got together but you never brought it up in conversation. He would if he wanted to.
2 years 6 months later he finally showed you his real self, his frost giant form, his Jotun beauty, you were exceptionally enamoured with his natural form. You couldn't believe what you were looking at for a long time, he seemed unreal, like a forbidden piece of art, you felt unworthy of this god, and when you had him inside you the first time, he felt surreal, but you realised that you belonged to him and so did he.
Exactly 3 years 45 days later he told you that he loved you for the first time, you didn't need to hear it at all, you felt it every second in your bones, but he muttered those words so casually, he was going for a medicinal conference and he would be gone for a week , he would take you like he did before but you couldn't miss work this time, so he had no other choice, he could stay one week apart from you right ? "Mister doc, eat on time, call me when you wake up and before you sleep, and and and yess be safe please?" You mumbled as you wrapped your arms around him , he chuckled a little as he heard you "You know I love you so much right darling?" Your eyes widened as you heard him and he enjoyed that reaction, okay maybe you'd love hearing that more often now "I did know yes , I love you doc" you smothered him with lots of kisses before he left, you both discovered the joy of phone sex and skype sex in the same week as well, but nothing could compare to having you in his arms as he plowed you into oblivion.
Made him realise something, he came back with the biggest most expensive diamond ring he could find, and proposed you for marriage. For a moment you felt as if you were in trance, the guy who threw you out of his office because you asked him out on a date, was on his knees asking you to marry him. You said yes ofcourse, you didn't need a party or a wedding even, you both did it very formally but it was the most beautiful day of your life, that was the day you became Mrs loki and you couldn't have been happier. The first time he saw you in his kitchen, cooking and dancing slowly he just knew you'd be his real wifey someday, he knew you'd be his savior, his guardian angel, he was so lost and hurt and you fixed him slowly each n everyday, you filled the broken cracks in his heart with your love and affection. He let go of his inhibitions and insecurities slowly with time.
And then it happened 5 years later, you just spent all night fucking him 7 ways to Sunday and you were enjoying the post coitus bliss you were in when he got up from the bed suddenly "Darling can you put on a shirt please I need to talk about something" he got up from the bed and put on his briefs , you did what he asked you to, you felt so nervous all of a sudden, he wanted to ask you of something very important and your bare breasts would just distract him.
When he came back he sat on the bed on his knees and looked at you intently, his eyes tearing up "Loki baby what's wrong love?" You asked him softly, what did you do? Why he's upset? Whys he's hurt?
"Sweetheart, nothing is wrong" he chuckled "Infact the opposite, everything is perfect... It's like a dream, and once I dreamt of this life, this forever with someone else, I ..uhh.. I put myself through rounds of hell for her so I could give her this" he raised his palm up and you saw that Apple appear on his hand. Oh good god. Your eyes teared up at the realisation "But you know how they say that everything happens for a reason? I never understood why they said that, but now I do darling, I may have gone through hell to get this for her but she never deserved to have this, that's why she did what she did, that's why I was betrayed, she didn't deserve my love, this magical fruit , it must have known that too, it must have felt my dedication, she wasn't the right owner of it. You are, my darling wife, my love, you're my everything and there's nothing more I would ever want than to spend rest of the eternity with you, would you accept this for me please? Would you be by my side forever sweetheart?" A tear escaped his eye as he finished talking.
You looked at him with so much of love in your eyes, your own eyes filled with tears, but he was still scared , still afraid that you'd reject him too. You didn't say anything, you made your decision way back, the moment he got in your life you felt connected to him in a way you couldn't even explain to yourself. You were his and he was yours, he always responded to physical cues better than words so you didn't say anything at all and did something that sent him straight to Valhalla.
You took a bite and became his forever.
Note : Here we go folks 😭😭I loved writing this fic so much, and I loved all the appreciation I got, this was very close to my heart. Now I'm willing to do one shorts about their life so if you're interested in a scenario dm me or send an ask. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
188 notes · View notes
nolanell · 3 years
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NOLANell's Fanfiction and Fanart Recommendations
Please heed individual warnings and ratings before reading or viewing!
These are some fanfictions and fanart I have found on here that I really love and want to share with my followers and anyone else who finds my blog. This is a WIP so I will add to this as I discover more things!
Dividers by the wonderful @firefly-graphics
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Din Djarin
Everything and More by @dincrypt - SugarDaddy!Din x Female Reader AU Series
For the Night by @dincrypt - Din Djarin x Female Reader One Shot
Siren by @ezrasbirdie - Din Djarin x GN Reader One Shot
Tied by @radiowallet - Dr. Din Djarin x Female Reader (First Assist) AU Series
Come Back To Me by @magpie-to-the-morning - Highwayman!Din x Female Reader AU Series
Glimpsed by @blueeyesatnight - Grogu POV, thinking about Din Djarin. Part of a series, linked in the piece.
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Marcus Moreno
Caramel Latte by @moralesispunk - Marcus Moreno x Female Reader Series
Poorly Wired Circuit by @radiowallet - Marcus Moreno x OFC Sarah Bailey Series
Wish You Were Here by @wardenparker and @absurdthirst - Marcus Moreno x Female Reader Soulmate AU Series (NB: link is to Chapter 1)
Yes, Mr. Moreno by @toomanystoriessolittletime - Marcus Moreno x OFC Alice Baker Writer Wednesday Submission
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Marcus Pike
Read You Like A Book by @the-ginger-hedge-witch - Marcus Pike x OFC Anne Series
The Farmer's Market by @ezrasbirdie - Marcus Pike x OFC Annie Christiansen Series
The Long Con by @youvebeenlivingfictional - Marcus Pike x Female Reader Series (Complete)
Marcus & Peanut by @pintsizemama - Marcus Pike x Female Reader Series
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Pero Tovar
Driving Mr Tovar by @sirowsky - Modern!Pero Tovar x Female Reader AU Series (Complete)
In His Eyes by @moralesispunk - Blacksmith!Pero Tovar x Female Reader AU Series (Complete)
The Innkeeper's Daughter by @just-here-for-the-moment - Pero Tovar x Female Reader
Stranded Due to Weather in a Coffee Shop AU Ask - Pero Tovar x GN Reader (Part of 400 Followers Celebration)
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Javier Peña
Oops by @pintsizemama - Javier Peña x Female Reader Series
Lay It On Me by @queenofthefaceless Javier Peña x Female Reader Series (Complete)
What's The Use Of Wonderin' by @youvebeenlivingfictional - Javier Peña x Female Reader Series (Complete)
Sick Day by @quica-quica-quica - Javier Peña x Female Reader (Prompt List Ask)
At First Sight by @queridopascal - Javier Peña x Female Reader (Writer Wednesday Submission)
To Perish Twice by @brandyllyn - Javier Peña x Female Reader Soulmate AU Series (Complete)
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Frankie Morales
ForestRanger!Frankie AU by @the-ginger-hedge-witch - ForestRanger!Frankie x Female Reader AU Series
Fly Me To The Moon by @pilothusband - Frankie Morales x Female Reader One Shot
All Hail The King by @pilothusband - Frankie Morales x Female Reader One Shot
Wednesday by @asta-lily - Frankie Morales x Female Reader (Complete)
Of Cupckes and Cupid by @asta-lily - Frankie Morales x GN Reader One Shot
Frankie Dating a Plus Size Partner Headcannons by @softpedropascal (Ask Request)
Fixing It by @green-socks - Frankie Morales x GN!Reader One Shot
'Here, Take My Jacket' by @mando-forgive-me - Frankie Morales x GN!Reader (Request for Flufftober 2021)
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Agent Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels
Conference Call Incident by @just-here-for-the-moment and @driedgreentomatoes (part of the Declassified HR Files Series)
'Is That My Shirt?' by @quica-quica-quica Agent Whiskey x Female Reader (Prompt List Ask)
Extra Pickles, Hold the Mayo by @absurdthirst Agent Whiskey x Female Reader (Writer Wednesday Submission)
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Maxwell Lord
Rings by @honestly-shite - Maxwell Lord x GN!Reader One Shot
When The Cards All Fold by @yespolkadotkitty - Maxwell Lord x Female!Reader One Shot
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Non Pedro Pascal Characters
Plethora by @fisforfulcrum (Poe Dameron [Star Wars] x GN!Reader One Shot for Writer Wednesday)
Poe Playing Guitar to BB8 by @clakearts (Poe Dameron [Star Wars] Art)
Stay by @the-little-ewok (Poe Dameron [Star Wars] x F!Reader One Shot)
Frogs by @gaitwae (Loki [MCU] x Reader Ask One Shot)
Loki Comforts a Friend by @theaudacitytowrite (Loki [MCU] x Reader Ask Drabble)
The Night Before Your Thesis Defence by @handmaiden-of-mischief (Loki [MCU] x Reader One Shot)
Loki Portrait by @themorningstar81 (Loki [MCU] Art)
How High by @brandyllyn (Santiago 'Pope' Garcia [Triple Frontier] x GN!Reader - part of a series)
The Godfather by @quica-quica-quica (Ben Miller [Triple Frontier] x Female Reader One Shot)
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