#greg sanders one shots
space-helen · 9 months
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Words: 711
Pairing: Greg Sanders x Reader
A/N: Have thisss! Sorry it's taken so long
Request: hello. i see your requests are still open and i was wondering if it will be alright if i could request a greg sanders price of writing. basically where the reader and greg have a day off work and they just spend the day at their home together, and it is full of fluff. - Anon
“What do you mean we have none?” you turned on the couch and looked towards the man.
“We’re out. We’ll have to order takeout.” He gestured to the empty pasta packet.
“Do we have anything-”
“Just let me order takeout.” he said playfully as he left the room.
You rolled your eyes and got comfy again “Sure, as long as it’s pizza.”
He poked his head around the doorframe “Now, that sounds amazing.”
Turning your eyes met the man and you smiled feeling instant warmth and comfort as you looked into them. Greg's smile seemed to get bigger, giving you a quick wink he turned and left you once again.
Turning back towards the TV you leaned forward and grabbed the remote. Zoning in on the TV you flicked through the channels and before long you felt the sofa dipping beside you. 
“Find anything good yet?” 
“Nope” you handed the man the remote “Just boring TV on this evening.”
Taking the remote he began to flick through the channels as well “I’ve ordered the pizza.” 
You snuggled into the side of him as he reached one arm around you to bring you closer into his side. “Look.” He gestured towards the TV with the remote “Vegas the untold stories” 
You laughed, “There’s nothing else on, so sure.”
“Hey!” he looked down at you as you looked up at him “You love it really.” he gently tapped you on the forehead with the remote and placed it down.
Settling back into his side you pulled the blanket from your lap over the man.
“I’m absolutely not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow.”
You felt the man relax into the sofa as he sighed “Me either. But at least it seems relatively quiet-”
“Don’t say that.” you said in jest as you shook your head “You know what happens when you say that.”
“Alright, alright.” he cuddled you closer into his side and placed a kiss to your hair “Let's forget about work and just relax.”
Greg took  some of the blanket and tucked it around you gently. Snuggling into his side the two of you relaxed further into the sofa when the a knock at the door had you both jumping slightly.
The two of you grumbled in unison and got to your feet at the same time. Heading towards the front door Greg smoothly opened it and took the pizza boxes before passing them back to you. Turning on your heels you walked to the kitchen and placed the boxes down as Greg made small talk with the delivery driver and wished him well.
Opening the boxes you transferred the pizza onto plates, knowing that Greg would go crazy if you put the greasy boxes onto the new coffee table, before carrying them back to the living room.
The man combed a hand through his hair as he plopped back into the seat beside you. Leaning forward he grabbed a plate of pizza and balanced it on his lap for the two of you.
Taking a slice you took a bite as you flattened the blanket on your lap as you watched the adverts on the TV. The two of you stopped eating for a moment when an advert for a show called ‘inside the lives of crime scene investigators’ came on.
The advert showed a group of investigators scouting through scenes and abnormally close shots of their faces in interview stages. You couldn’t help but laugh as soon as the advert ended “We have to watch that.” you leaned forward to grab the remote and started to scroll through the TV guide to find the show, hoping to record it.
“It looks like it’s going to be absolute garbage.”
“You’re telling me you don’t want to see what other labs have? What they’re doing?” finding the show you quickly pressed record before closing the menu and putting the remote back down.
“Yeah I suppose. I just know it’s going to be painful and insensitive.” he continued to eat his pizza and you did the same.
“Have hope. If it’s bad, we have something to laugh at. If it's actually good, we have something to learn from. If it’s insensitive… well we can have something to be angry at.”
Tag List: (open)
CSI: @perasperaadastrawriting @penny4yourthoughts @kitbydesign
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letthewhumpbegin · 1 year
Suspect on Location - CSI
Fandom: CSI Characters: Greg Sanders, Nick Stokes Prompt: This was written for the prompt "Gunshot Wound" off my @badthingshappenbingo card. (Card at the bottom of this post). Word count: 1883 Warnings: contains descriptions of gunshot wound, blood, hospital
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The gunshot echoed loudly through the warehouse. The crime scene they were working should have been abandoned apart from Nick, Greg, and a few officers. But this unmistaken sound of a gunshot confirmed that the crime scene certainly hadn't been secured properly.
Nick had never dropped himself to the ground any faster. Everything around him happened in a blur. People running, people yelling, the crackling of radio calls, and finally the words yelled through the warehouse Nick had been dreading.
"Suspect on location! Shots fired! One man down!"
Man down? Nick hurriedly scrambled to his feet, forgetting all danger immediately. A horrible sense of foreboding had taken a hold of him. The gunshot had sounded from his left, in between the endless rows of ceiling-high shelving units. The area Greg was working...
"Greg?!" Nick called out, already panicked at the lack of response or sight of his partner. He sprinted through the aisles in between the shelving units. "Greg, answer me, buddy!" Nick ran through the maze of aisles, until he was finally met with a sight that made his heart drop right to the bottom of his shoes.
There, halfway down the umpteenth aisle Nick turned into, lay Greg. There was no doubt he had been on the receiving end of the gunshot which had sounded through the warehouse not a minute ago.
"No, no, no, no..." Nick skidded to a halt and dropped to his knees by Greg's side. The younger CSI lay on his back, trembling hands hovering over an obvious gunshot wound to his abdomen, and the most indescribable fear in his eyes.
"He... he c-came out of nowhere..." Greg stammered frantically, "I-- I didn't even have time... have time... to pull my gun..." He was hyperventilating by now, barely able to get any more words out, and there wasn't a muscle in his body that didn't tremble. "Calm down." Nick tried to sooth. "You did nothing wrong, calm down."
Running footsteps announced the arrival of someone. Nick was swiftly back on his feet and quick to draw his gun. He didn't know whether or not the suspect had been apprehended and he sure wasn't going to take any chances.
"Whoa!" One of the officers on the scene came to a skidding stop, raising his hands in surrender when he saw the gun aimed at him. "Sorry." Nick immediately stowed his gun away again. "Call this in. Tell them we have a CSI down and we need an ambulance straight away."
As the officer trotted away to do as he was asked, Nick shook off the jacket he wore. It would at least be a little while until the ambulance was here, and he needed to slow the bleeding. He knelt down by Greg's side again, placing his folded up jacket over the wound. "I'm sorry, man, but you're not going to like me for this." Nick dreaded what he was about to do. Greg's teeth chattered with fear and pain. "I know."
Nick placed his hands over the jacket and slowly increased the pressure. He felt Greg writhe under his hands. The younger CSI whimper loudly, and a single tear rolled from the corner of his eye as his pain even further increased.
"Stop... stop, please..." Greg finally pleaded. Nick shook his head, swallowing back the lump in his throat. "I can't. I have to keep pressure on this." "I can't t--take it." Tears now streamed down Greg's face. "P-please... it hurts." He tried to push Nick's hands away, but couldn't find much strength to do so.
If Nick would have thought it was a good idea to release the pressure, he would have done so. But the amount of blood already on his hands and jacket was fairly worrying, so he knew he couldn't. "I'm sorry, buddy, I'm sorry. You'll be alright." Nick repeated the words under his breath like a mantra.
Finally, after what felt like hours to Nick, Greg lay still. He was somewhere in between consciousness and unconsciousness, but didn't seem quite aware of what was happening anymore. Each of his short, hitched breaths was followed by an involuntary whimper in pain.
It didn't go unnoticed to Nick that his partner was getting less and less responsive. "Come on, Greg, stay with me." Nick gently tapped Greg's cheek. "Help is on the way. I'm gonna make sure you're alright, but I need you to stay awake, alright?" Greg's glassy gaze landed on Nick's face. He tried to speak, but no coherent words came out.
It scared Nick shitless to see Greg like this, and it only confirmed to him how serious this situation indeed was. He was just about to lose his cool altogether, when Nick heard the sound that answered all his prayers: paramedics arriving.
Not a minute later, Nick was caught in a whirlwind of things happening around him. He was gently pushed aside as his hands pressing onto Greg's abdomen were replaced by a paramedic's hands. He watched as if through a fog while the paramedics cut Greg's shirt open, applied electrodes to his chest for the heart monitor, and read out some statistics on his vitals.
"Heart rate elevated... blood pressure on the low side, but steady... significant bleeding..."
None of these phrases Nick overheard did much to ease his fears. It only confirmed what he already knew: this was serious.
The paramedics wasted no time in moving Greg onto the gurney and readying him for transport. Greg was completely unresponsive by now. Whether he had passed out or was knocked out by drugs the paramedics had administered, Nick did not know.
Nick hurried after them as Greg was wheeled to the ambulance. "Where are you taking him?" He called after the paramedics. "Sunrise." One of them called back, before slamming the doors of the ambulance shut.
Nick had never felt so helpless as when he watched the ambulance speed away, lights flashing and sirens blaring. He needed to stay here at the scene, at least until he could hand over the case to someone else, and couldn't go with Greg to the hospital right now. Nick took a shuddering breath. "Hang in there, buddy."
"Nick?" Nick wasn't sure how long he had stood there, in the middle of the warehouse's parking lot, staring after the ambulance that had long since disappeared from view.
Nick awoke from his trance to find Russell standing in front of him, looking absolutely shocked and horrified. "Are you okay?" Russell looked in horror at the blood staining Nick's hands and clothes. "Are you hurt?" "No..." Nick's voice sounded hoarse and his throat felt like sandpaper. "I'm alright. This is all... Greg's..." His voice faltered on his colleague and friend's name.
Russell sighed heftily. "What the hell happened?" "The killer was on the scene." Nick slowly shook his head. "Either he came back or he was still here. If you'll go inside, you'll see that the place is like a maze, and there is plenty of places to hide." "Greg must've stumbled upon his hiding place," Russell concluded. "He was working out of my line of view," Nick mumbled, frantically all of a sudden, "I only heard the shot, and I... I found him. Oh, god..." Nick clasped his hands over his face. "Hey, hey." Russell rested his hands on Nick's shoulders. "You did good, you did everything right. Greg's getting the best care there is right now."
Nick took a few deep breaths to steady himself. "Now what?" "Finn and I will take over processing the crime scene," Russell answered calmly, "I need you to get yourself cleaned up, before giving a statement on the shooting to Brass. Once you're done I think it's best you go home." Nick minutely shook his head. "I'll be going to the hospital. I'll only be driving myself crazy at home." "Are you sure?" Russell frowned. "Yeah." Nick nodded determinedly. "I'm sure."
Nick wasn't sure how long he had sat in the hospital's waiting room. He looked up hopefully at each door that opened and each doctor that passed, hoping they would bring news on Greg. Just when he felt like going crazy with the waiting and the uncertainty, a doctor approached him.
"Mr. Stokes?" Nick immediately jumped to his feet. "Yes, that's me. Is he alright? Is Greg okay?" That primal fear he had felt at the crime scene suddenly coursed through his veins again. "The surgery was successful," the doctor explained, "we were able to stop the bleeding and repair the damage the bullet did." "That's-- that's good news, right?" Nick still worried. "It is." The doctor smiled briefly. "He lost a fair amount of blood, but his condition is stable. If you hadn't had pressed the wound closed, it could have been a lot worse."
Nick sighed a deep sigh of relief. This really was something he needed to hear. Sure, Greg would still have a lot of recovery to do, but the doctor's cautious optimism on his full recovery was definitely something Nick needed to hear.
"Can I see him?" Nick asked. "You can," the doctor nodded, "I'll show you to him."
After sending a quick text to both Brass and Russell, Nick stepped into the quiet of the hospital room Greg had been appointed. The noises of the hospital were drowned out the moment Nick pulled the door shut behind him.
Nick sat himself down in the chair by Greg's bedside. He had expected Greg to still be out, but was somewhat surprised when the younger CSI stirred and groggily opened his eyes.
"Hey." Greg sounded exhausted and not entirely lucid yet after the anesthetic and the blood loss. "Hey, man," Nick said softly, "how're you feeling?" "Absolutely trainwrecked," Greg mumbled, "but all these painkillers have me high as a kite." Nick chuckled. He was glad to see Greg already had some of his wit back.
"Nick..." Even though weak, Greg's voice held a serious undertone now. "Thank you, for what you did for me today. Without you there, I..." Greg's voice trailed off as he tried to swallow away the sudden lump in his throat. "There's no need to thank me," Nick smiled softly. "Yes, there is," Greg immediately replied, "I know you won't accept anything for it, not even just the credits, but at least let me buy you a steak dinner once I'm up and running again." Nick chuckled. "Deal."
Nick could see how much Greg needed his rest for now, and he would gladly grant him that. Just seeing Greg and speaking to him, had calmed most of Nick's fears and worries, and he was satisfied about his friend's well-being.
Nick slowly rose to his feet. "Get some sleep. I'll come visit you again first thing tomorrow." But before Nick could even fully get up out of his seat, Greg's hand wrapped around his sleeve. "Would you..." Greg hesitated, "would you mind staying? I don't like being here by myself, and... my parents are out of state, they can't be here until tomorrow, so..."
Nick didn't even need to think twice, and immediately sat back down. "Of course." If that was what Greg needed to be calm and get the much-needed rest, than Nick would stay. Because all that mattered was that Greg got better.
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Make a request from my prompts list Useful Links Section | Writing masterlist
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ashes-writing · 2 years
ʲᵘˢᵗ ˢᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ● ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ⁺ ʳᵘˡᵉˢ
taglist doc ● general masterlist
ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵃˢʰᵉˢ
● she/her born+identifies as ● trainwreck, airheaded and feral, chaos queen - oh look,it me ● i write, but only sometimes and it’s usually whatever makes my cold little heart happy. ● due to my own age + the nature of my blog contents, absolutely no minors. ● i match energy. What you give is exactly what you’ll get back. ● queen bitch in charge of fuckery and shenanigans.
ˡᵉᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜʰᵃᵒˢ ⁻ᵃⁿᵈ ᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳʸ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᶜᵉ
ʳᵘˡᵉˢ ⁻ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ˢᵗᵘᶠᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵏⁿᵒʷ
[ Fandoms + Characters ] 
If they’re not listed below, I don’t write for them. 
All American | Asher Adams
American Horror Story | Tate Langdon, Kit Walker, Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, Dandy Mott,  Michael Langdon, Xavier Plympton, Bobby Richter Jr.
Arrow | Slade Wilson, Oliver Queen
The Breakfast Club | John Bender, Andrew Clark, Brian Johnson
The Boondock Saints | Connor McManus, Murphy McManus, Rocco
Criminal Minds | Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan
The Crow | Eric Draven, Jimmy Quervo
CSI Las Vegas | Greg Sanders, Nick Stokes, Warrick Brown
CSI Miami | Eric Delko, Ryan Wolfe, Tim Speedle
CSI New York | Danny Messer, Don Flack
Dazed & Confused | Ron Slater, Randall Pink Floyd
Detroit Rock City | Lex, Hawk, Tripp, Jam
The Flash | Cisco Ramon, Barry Allen
Friday Night Lights | Landry Clark, Matt Saracen, Tim Riggins
Ghostbusters | Ray, Peter, Egon, Winston
Gotham | Jerome Valeska, Riddler
Horror Movies | ask upon request, tbh
Harry Potter | Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Neville Longbottom + Sirius Black, Severus Snape
Legends of Tomorrow | Ray Palmer
The Lost Boys | Allen Frog, David, Edgar Frog, Michael Emerson, Sam Emerson
Mayans MC | Angel, EZ
MCU | Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier, Bruce Banner / Hulk, Captain America / Steve Rogers, Eddie Brock / Venom, Hawkeye / Clint Barton, Loki, Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
NCIS | Timothy McGee, Tony Dinozzo
Outer Banks | JJ Maybank, John B Routledge, Pope Heyward, Rafe Cameron, Topper Thornton
The Outsiders | Dallas Winston, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis
Punisher | Billy Russo, Frank Castle
Riverdale | FP Jones, Jughead Jones, Reggie Mantle, Sweetpea
Shameless | Lip Gallagher
Sons of Anarchy | Jax Teller, Juice Ortiz, Opie Winston
Supernatural | Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Stranger Things | Argyle, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson, Gareth Emerson, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington & Tommy Hagan
Teen Wolf | Stiles Stilinski
The Vampire Diaries | Damon Salvatore
The Walking Dead | Daryl Dixon, Negan, Shane Walsh
[ what i do / don’t write ] 
These are my hard and fast nopes. Any requests sent in for these will be deleted immediately. Save yourself the time and don’t ask.
● sexual assault, non-con, rape or attempted rape and pedophilia. ● incest ● beastiality ● domestic violence ● anything involving urine or feces ● anything that glorifies self harm or mental illness or suicide ● anything that glorifies racism or other harmful ideology  ● underage pairings ● popular pairings/ships - pairings/ships in general ● one shots of any kind unless I’ve made a post that states otherwise beforehand. I don’t write one shots and trust me, none of you want me to, lol. ●
These are the things I’m willing to write, feel comfortable writing and enjoy writing. Feel free to send these + know that you’re going to see a lot of them on the blog as you read.
● nsfw alphabet / fluff alphabet ● headcanons, personalized or just in general ● you can send me your headcanons and if I agree, I’ll elaborate on why. Because it’s always fun to hear an idiot ramble, right? ● aesthetics and moodboards, maybe even playlists? I’ve gotten really into making playlists lately, so.. We shall see. ●fluff ●angst ●friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, strangers to enemies to friends to lovers, you name it. ● hurt comfort and pining, mutual or otherwise ● tropes like ‘there was one bed’ or ‘body heat = warmth’ ● requited/unrequited love ● i dabble in darker themes ( horror, fantasy, etc ) so yeah. ●omegaverse, when/if I feel i haven’t botched it entirely ●friendships, family dynamics ● slice of life ●happy endings -or open endings, for the win ● what if scenarios / au type stuff ● 
[ rules + stuff you need to know ]
Absolutely no minors. I’m over 18.. Way over 18. It just doesn’t feel right or comfortable for me to engage with anyone who is a minor for several reasons. So, if you’re underage / your blog is ageless / ageless and content free / content free, you’re most likely going to end up blocked. 
Anyone sending hate in messages or asks / starting fights or being rude to each other in the comments on my posts will be blocked immediately. I’m not here for it, I don’t want any part of it and frankly, I don’t care enough about fandom drama, ship wars or faceless opinion enough to engage further. It’s a waste of time. Just be kind to each other, please? It’s… really not that hard? TLDR; do not fuck up Ashes’ zen/escape space.
Read all warnings. Tags to look for are ← trigger warning; (trigger) or ← warning; (trigger) / any variant of the bolded including ← tw;trigger or ← cw;trigger or if it's just smut, <- warning. adult content. There will also be a warning area on each post, so it’s worth it to check that out before reading. If you ignore the tags / warnings, whatever you end up seeing as a result is your own fault and is now strictly a you problem. If you’re looking to avoid my adult content altogether, the tags you need to look for are ← minors dni; adult intended content or any variation of that including ☠ this symbol or this one ♥ on my masterlist, in the warnings area/tags.
Any requests containing my own personal nopes listed above will be deleted upon receipt. I can’t stress enough how unwilling I am to compromise my personal boundaries.Please respect this, okay? Just don’t send it if I’ve already clearly stated I won’t write it. Requests are done on my own time, in whatever order I feel most motivated to do them in and all requests will not make the cut. If this is a problem for you, you’re being warned in advance. It’s probably not a good idea to request it from me. 
Any character I write for is 18+, regardless of canon. I do not write for minors. My writing isn’t tailored to them so it’s not about them. So, if you’re looking for a writer who writes those younger fandom characters, look elsewhere. End of story. If this bothers you at all, don’t read, ig.
Reader inserts are gender neutral / gn, female and all must be human.Pairings are typically female/male or gn/male and/or gn/female. I’m a person who was born as and identifies as a female and I happen to be straight, so out of respect for everyone, I’m opting to stay in my little lane. 
Occasionally, I have a reader insert that turns out to be well… a little more heavily personified. If this is a problem for you, the tags you need to be on alert for are any variant of ← warning; heavily personified reader ( traits ). If you’re looking to avoid that on my masterlists when I finally get around to remaking them, you’re going to want to avoid anything with ☻ beside the title/description. I’ll probably also put ☻ in the tags too, just to be sure nobody reads anything they don’t want to. 
I write original character pieces. And self inserts. And I enjoy writing them. I stopped posting them to here but.. I’ve recently come to the decision that I’m going to post them again and IDC if they’re ‘unpopular’ or ‘cringe’. If you’re the kind of person who can’t stand reading something with an original character / self insert present, you’ll need to look for ← warning; original character content or any variant of that and this symbol ❃. I’ll put the symbol in my warnings and in the tags just so nobody is forced to read my self-indulgent bullshit, no worries. 
Last but not least.. If the ask box is off or there’s a HIATUS / SEMI HIATUS notice in my bio area on the blog or pinned as a post, requests are closed. Currently, I am.. Still on hiatus. But, I’m *fingers crossed* hoping to return soon.
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ktofbvb · 4 months
My review of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation S1 EP 1 Spoilers Ahead
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I love the CSI universe but I've never finished any of the whole series. I made it to season 3 of the original and season 3 of CSI NY and nothing of Miami and Cyber. I do own all of CSI the original now so I have decided to watch them all now.
So this will be a rewatch for me but some previous thoughts I have that should be shared are that I really like Warrick Brown as a character. I read the novels as a kid as I couldn't watch the show due to being too young but the books were okay. I was devastated when I read about Warrick's death but I also like Greg Sanders. Since I only have seen through season three and then episodes on TV here and there I know some future stuff but not much.
The pilot is entirely different from the rest of the show in terms of its cinematography and coloring. It is darker and grittier than what occurs. Also the number of cases shown in one episode is higher than the others. Typically it is two cases maybe three but this has five. The first case shown being the bathroom murder sets up a recurring killer who manages to outsmart the CSIs. Nick also starts a recurring plot line with the robbery of a hotel guest which continues throughout the season. Catherine is set up as a single mom who cares deeply for her daughter and struggles with cases involving children. Warrick is set up for his gambling addiction, anger issues with this one being towards Brass and the Judge owning Warrick which sets up the major conflict of the next few episodes. Nick and Warrick are also established to be nearing CSI level Three and being good friends. Holly is shot and is suspected not to make it through putting Warrick on administrative leave. It is wild to have what you assume to be a new main character be shot and potentially die in the pilot episode.
Overall this does a great job of setting up the show and while it has a completely different look and feel than the rest of the show it captures the vibe well. It is a well done pilot and sets up the type of show it is as forensic based crime shows were modeled after CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
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Starring Naomi Ackie, Stanley Tucci, Nafessa Williams, Tamara Tunie, Ashton Sanders, Clarke Peters, Bria Danielle Singleton, Daniel Washington, Kris Sidberry, Marilyn Swick, Naheem Garcia, Greg Roman, Alana Monteiro, Heidi Garza, Tanner Beard, Jennifer Ellis, JaQuan Malik Jones, Alexa Renée, Courtney Caruso, Dave Heard, Rob Lévesque and Lance A. Williams.
Screenplay by  Anthony McCarten.
Directed by Kasi Lemmons.
Distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. 146 minutes. Rated PG-13.
Whitney Houston had a fascinating, exciting, tragic, complex life. There is a whole lot of stuff that went on in her life – both the highs and the lows – probably more than can be explored in a movie. Even a relatively long two-and-a-half-hour movie.
I Wanna Dance With Somebody rushes through the years; the accomplishments, the dramas, the scandals, the complications and the early death of arguably the defining singing voice of her generation, giving the film the feel of a greatest hits medley. However, many of those hits are pretty terrific, so it’s often very entertaining. You just never feel like you’re getting the whole song.
Interestingly, I Wanna Dance With Somebody seems to revolve around a single performance of Houston’s – a live medley of “I Loves You Porgy” “And I’m Telling You That I’m Not Going” and “I Have Nothing” which she did on the 1994 American Music Awards. The film starts and ends on the performance, and also mentions it several times throughout the run of the film as proof that Houston was the greatest voice of her time.
I’m not going to lie, I’ve never heard of this particular performance, and while it was stunningly performed (the film uses Houston’s vocals over the lip syncing by star Naomi Ackie) I’m not sure it was the most memorable performance in Houston’s career, not by a long shot.
And that is what I Wanna Dance With Somebody does best – reminding us of Houston’s music and performances, all with newly remixed and powerful sound.
Actress Ackie does a terrific job in portraying the different eras of Houston’s life – recreating performances, capturing her cadences and attitudes (although she doesn’t exactly look like Houston) and capturing her highs and lows.
It falls into a pretty standard music biofilm structure – the rise and fall of a terrific performer, from obscurity to the top of the world, touching on many milestones and showing the temptations of great fame.
As an officially sanctioned biofilm, I Wanna Dance With Somebody slightly pulls its punches on some of the darker aspects of her life. For example, they toy with the longtime gossip that Houston was gay or bi, and possibly involved with her longtime best friend Robin (Nafessa Williams), teasing the possibility of a relationship – even showing them cohabitation, kissing and Robin getting jealous – before pulling away from the possibility quickly and pretty definitively, coyly suggesting that maybe they were mainly just besties after all.
They also have ex-husband Bobby Brown played in a cartoonishly stupid way, almost feeling like a Chris Rock parody of the guy. Now, no one has ever claimed that Bobby Brown was a deep, thoughtful guy, but I have to believe that he was not the gangsta Casanova loser they play him off as. After all, even the film Whitney acknowledges that the drug addiction that ended up taking her life was not Brown’s fault and he got too much blame for it. (Although, in fairness, he certainly didn’t help…)
Also, super producer Clive Davis (as played by Stanley Tucci) is played out as an exceedingly sweet, magnanimous, supportive force in Whitney’s life. Maybe that is even true, but it’s hard to believe that in a relationship that lasted for well over three decades that there wasn’t some acrimony between them ever. However, the super-nice Clive may just be explained by the fact that Davis is one of the producers of the film.
Also, much like Davis, occasionally the film tends to reduce the diva to her sales figures. In the end credits chyron talking about her life, career and death, they make a point to say how she was the only woman to ever to be diamond-certified three times (her 1985 debut album, 1987’s Whitney and the 1992 The Bodyguard soundtrack). Now, I’m a music nerd, so I know what diamond-certified means (ten million albums sold, also known as ten-times platinum), but I’m pretty sure that stat will go right over the head of most casual fans. More to the point, is it really fair to reduce Houston’s career to units sold, or even awards she won, which the end credit chyron also lists faithfully?
Whitney Houston was much more complicated than that. And while I Wanna Dance With Somebody tries its best to capture the essence of Whitney, it comes off a bit more like the Cliff Notes version of her life. It hits on most of the highlights and lowlights, but it doesn’t explore most of them deeply enough. Perhaps this would have worked better as a limited series for TV or streaming, where the story and characters would have room to breathe and get more in depth.
But, man, what a soundtrack. Just hearing these songs again in full cinema sound is definitely worth the price of a ticket.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: December 22, 2022.
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deathbecomesnerds · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @supermarine-silvally! Sorry for taking so long on this!
How many works do you have on ao3?
I have an impressive 81 works.
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
*checks A03* Holy Banana Nut Muffins...a whopping 664,798 words. That's impressive, Liz! Thanks, Liz!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
So, I currently write mainly for the Guy Ritchie universe? But I focus on 'The Gentlemen' but that doesn't mean some characters from any of his other works don't creep in.
I write also for 'Control', it's my favorite video game. Everyone should play it.
Sometimes, depending, I do write the occasional Stranger Things fic.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Trouble (The Man From U.N.C.L.E): 240 Down, But Not Out (The Man From U.N.C.L.E): 189 Little Girl/Old Man (Stranger Things): 151 Mess (The Gentlemen): 125 Til Death Do Us Part (Stranger Things): 110
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes. It depends on what is said. I like to let comments/reviews be, but every so often they'll say something or ask a question and I feel compelled to answer.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooff. Umm...The Imposter? Maybe? I don't know. I like to make sure all of my work has happy endings for the most part.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
'The Unfortunate Reunion'. All the shit went sideways, people died, and a pregnancy was lost. But the bad guys were killed, and there was peace and love...
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. I do. I guess I write all kinds of smut? Idk, it's smut! What more do you want? lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Sometimes? But not really. I like to keep all my dollhouses separated.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes! A long, long time ago...and it was translated into Spanish, too!!
12. What's the longest you've spent working on one fic? And the shortest?
I guess my ongoing one, Bark Like A God. I'm going on two years with it and I've still got a long ways to go.
My shortest? I'm not sure. I do write a lot of one shot/stand alones. But if you are talking about something with multiple chapters, probably 'The Unfortunate Reunion', or "...And Baby Makes 3', I wrote them both in two months.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I prefer to write OC's, and like to pair them with characters.
BUTTTTTT...I am a sucker for Jesse Faden/Dr. Casper Darling (Control) and you can fucking fight me on that one!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There is this one fic, "Did You Hear About Jackie?', it's a Castle Rock fic, I've gotten 3 chapters in and then dropped it for my current fic spiral of 'The Gentlemen'. I'd love to get back to it and finish but I doubt it. It's been like, 3 years.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm not sure. Character development? Dialogue?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Run-on sentences and paragraphs. Like...I go full blown Stephen King with describing things sometimes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I wish that I knew other languages so I could very openly do that. I do use Google Translate, or if I happen to know someone who speaks the particular language, I'd ask them.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Okay, hear me out...CSI: Vegas. I was in middle school. Greg Sanders/OC. The fics I still have on my A03 & FF.Net accounts. They're horrible written. Lol.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Y'know what, I am so proud of 'New Daddy', it's a smut that I literally spent a whole year writing. Nobody really paid it any mind, but I don't care. I put so much time and energy into it. I fucking love it.
I guess I'll ask @rayslittlekitten @kesskirata @autumnleaves1991-blog @spacegoldilocks
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Flugar’s Act 12: Colorado’s one shot, The Arizona risk, and the declining revenue sports attendances in the west.
Greg Flugar’s “Peak around the Corner” podcast has been an informative and entertaining show to watch lately for a PAC follower.   He has been talking about the PAC struggles as a series of plays.  
He said something happened may 6th or 7th in the PAC (act 10) that will have big raminfications in Act 12.
Now he is saying act 11 has Colorado in the middle of the stage and Arizona is moving towards the middle of the stage.   He is saying Gonzaga has left the building.  
Finally he says Act 12 will occur on June 1st and it will likely devastate the PAC. 
Now honestly I HATE the analogy, but I think It finally clicked in my head and I can explain what he is codedly saying.
My speculation is that what he is hinting at is that maybe the PAC leaders wrote off the long discussed idea of adding Gonzaga as an Olympic member. (Gonzaga has gone home).
My general impression is that many if not most PC leaders are both risk averse in addition to being academically overly selective and even on the edge of disaster would slightly prefer to roll forward with the existing 10 teams if the media deal amount is viable.
Or maybe a better way to put it is 6-8 school prefer expansion in a league that historically has required a unanimous vote.
BUT the fact that the PAC has to pay off their legal issue --- repaying comcast $50M --- which has already lead Washington State to freeze new athletic spending, may create issues. 
Every PAC school has to dig up $4M to pay back comcast.
Now the rumor floating out there is that Colorado had to scrape around to find the money to pay Deion Sanders. Now obviously CU has access to money far, far, far in excess of $4M, but moving money from academic spending to athletic spending is cloying.
The implication is that for Colorado digging up ANOTHER $4M to pay back comcast might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The idea implied seems to be that on June 1st Colorado will use the excuse of no acceptable TV deal presented by the PAC leadership to allow them to buckle to the wishes of their fanbase.  Colorado has the sexiest brand in the PAC 12 today in Deion Sanders’ dumpster fire. 
The idea is that Colorado wants to move first rather than potentially having say Arizona, SDSU, UConn, and Memphis move to the Big 12 and CU losing their landing spot.
It is a reasonable premise that CU has maybe been told that there are 4 spots open and 8 schools (CU, UU, UA, ASU, MEMPHIS, UConn, Temple, AND SDSU) under consideration. 
If it is the 4 corner schools that join the Big 12, its a ton easier for the Big 12 because the money from the media partners is far more likely be there.
Maybe they have even suggested that they are GUARANTEED a spot in a league that is about to push hard into basketball (and turn that sport into a serious revenue generator) if they move by June 1st.  Maybe after the 1st, the Big 12 tries to build a basketball foursome around UConn.
That seems a reasonable premise.  (Colorado is in the center of the stage with Oregon and Washington on the first row taking notes.  Uconn is also in attendance, observing.)
Arizona and ASU have built their academic stature on the PAC association and access to California students --- just like Utah and Colorado more recently have been doing. I have read enough to conclude their leadership truly doesn’t want to leave.  Leaving WILL hurt their academic brand.  But Arizona may think they can academically bare it. 
The PAC closing the door on Gonzaga likely has pissed off Arizona, as the Arizona leadership doesn’t WANT to leave the PAC, but the PAC has NO developed basketball programs while the Big 12 has Kansas, plus large turnout schools Tech, ISU, plus on the court monsters Houston and Baylor...and seems primed to try to add more basketball heavy hitters.
The more tourney teams you have, the more supplemental revenue you can pull from basketball.  The PAC today is an afterthought in that regard. There is NO supplemental basketball revenue.
Oh there is San Diego State on the horizon, but San Diego State may not even get added unless a school leaves.... based on the PAC’s historic very cautious expansion behavior and reports from Jon Wilner.. 
Jon Wilner has already said that if Colorado goes the PAC will probably simply add SDSU in the hope there will be stability.  (That does suggest that SMU might be on the list in large part just to open DFW recruiting up for media darling Deion Sanders.)
Is that going to be enough for Arizona? 
It seems that is a VERY risky premise with Washington and Oregon consistently trying to join the Big Ten as junior members. (And likely Stanford and Cal probably trying as well via back channels.)
Where are the 4 corner schools if the Big Ten pulls Washington, Oregon, Stanford, and Cal because they conclude the ACC implosion is at least 4-5 years of legal wrangling away?  
(Pulling the remaining media jewels of the PAC at a discount rate could both turn the fire up under Notre Dame, FSU and Clemson to get out of the ACC.  It could help the Big Ten’s sweet nothings whispering with Notre Dame.  And given the discount rate the PAC schools took, you could see the ACC targets  --- UNC, Virginia, FSU, and likely also Clemson, Miami, and Georgia Tech with the slight possibility of Pitt, Syracuse, and Georgia Tech figuring in --- also willing to take junior partner rates for a few years. )
The Big Ten has an expansion shopping budget for roughly 6 schools at their current payout rate. I think it is POSSIBLE that they might chose to add 6 western schools today to basically keep as much as possible of their longtime partner conference if they think the ACC implosion is years away.  
Given that Junior Partner status  in terms of payouts iis being discussed for this contract window, If the Big Ten went west they could take 8 PAC schools, but lesser numbers..6,4,2. are probably increasingly more likely.
If the Big Ten took 6,  would they take the Arizona duo or would they take Colorado and Utah --- two schools in quicker growing states...?  Where is Arizona on the Big Ten’s PAC expansion list?  6th? 8th? 
Arizona has to be looking at the landscape and freaking out.
Arizona has to be about leaving with the the next wave of defectors or signing a ridiculously ironclad agreement with the other members of the PAC academic spine.  The first option may be the one that looks reasonable to them.
Take a look at college basketball overall today. 
Look at the top 30 basketball programs in the US:
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Do you see the issue?
Where are the other western basketball powers?  There is Arizona.  There is San Diego State, who might not get in soon. There is BYU that the Bay PAC schools don’t want. 
Creighton and Marquette are not leaving the Big East. Louisville is not leaving the ACC and lacks a PAC academic profile. 
The PAC leaders STUPIDLY dragged their feet and missed out on Kansas, Texas Tech, and Iowa State. 
Who is out there? Memphis? Dayton?  Not exactly close to the PAC footprint. 
The liberalism of the western states is absolutely brutalizing PAC negotiations. Liberals took covid seriously. They have opted to be safe and so you have seen attendance down pretty much across the west in both revenue sports.
The MWC and PAC used to have strong basketball attendance. But the MWC basketball powers outside of SDSU have fallen off competitively and attendance wise. 
Arizona does one thing well athletically....basketball.  And because the rest of the Pac has been lousy in basketball forever and now has lost USC and UCLA....?
I think this premise IS very possible. (Arizona is stepping from the edge of the stage closer to Colorado in the middle of the stage.)
This is why expansion should have come first. 
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ctxrover · 1 year
Not me writing a CSI one shot that follows on after the CSI multichapter fic I have yet to finish, thus technically spoiling the ending?
Couldn’t be.
When Hodges is accused of committing a “crime” he physically could not have carried out, it’s up to Sara to prove his innocence and find the real culprit.
Genre: Humour
Characters: Follows Sara Sidle. David Hodges Henry Andrews, Mandy Webster, Morgan Brody, Greg Sanders, Nick Stokes, and D.B. Russell all appear in various capacities. Other characters are mentioned.
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Starring Naomi Ackie, Stanley Tucci, Nafessa Williams, Tamara Tunie, Ashton Sanders, Clarke Peters, Bria Danielle Singleton, Daniel Washington, Kris Sidberry, Marilyn Swick, Naheem Garcia, Greg Roman, Alana Monteiro, Heidi Garza, Tanner Beard, Jennifer Ellis, JaQuan Malik Jones, Alexa Renée, Courtney Caruso, Dave Heard, Rob Lévesque and Lance A. Williams.
Screenplay by  Anthony McCarten.
Directed by Kasi Lemmons.
Distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. 146 minutes. Rated PG-13.
Whitney Houston had a fascinating, exciting, tragic, complex life. There is a whole lot of stuff that went on in her life – both the highs and the lows – probably more than can be explored in a movie. Even a relatively long two-and-a-half-hour movie.
I Wanna Dance With Somebody rushes through the years; the accomplishments, the dramas, the scandals, the complications and the early death of arguably the defining singing voice of her generation, giving the film the feel of a greatest hits medley. However, many of those hits are pretty terrific, so it’s often very entertaining. You just never feel like you’re getting the whole song.
Interestingly, I Wanna Dance With Somebody seems to revolve around a single performance of Houston’s – a live medley of “I Loves You Porgy” “And I’m Telling You That I’m Not Going” and “I Have Nothing” which she did on the 1994 American Music Awards. The film starts and ends on the performance, and also mentions it several times throughout the run of the film as proof that Houston was the greatest voice of her time.
I’m not going to lie, I’ve never heard of this particular performance, and while it was stunningly performed (the film uses Houston’s vocals over the lip syncing by star Naomi Ackie) I’m not sure it was the most memorable performance in Houston’s career, not by a long shot.
And that is what I Wanna Dance With Somebody does best – reminding us of Houston’s music and performances, all with newly remixed and powerful sound.
Actress Ackie does a terrific job in portraying the different eras of Houston’s life – recreating performances, capturing her cadences and attitudes (although she doesn’t exactly look like Houston) and capturing her highs and lows.
It falls into a pretty standard music biofilm structure – the rise and fall of a terrific performer, from obscurity to the top of the world, touching on many milestones and showing the temptations of great fame.
As an officially sanctioned biofilm, I Wanna Dance With Somebody slightly pulls its punches on some of the darker aspects of her life. For example, they toy with the longtime gossip that Houston was gay or bi, and possibly involved with her longtime best friend Robin (Nafessa Williams), teasing the possibility of a relationship – even showing them cohabitating, kissing and Robin getting jealous – before pulling away from the possibility quickly and pretty definitively, coyly suggesting that maybe they were mainly just besties after all.
They also have ex-husband Bobby Brown played in a cartoonishly stupid way, almost feeling like a Chris Rock parody of the guy. Now, no one has ever claimed that Bobby Brown was a deep, thoughtful guy, but I have to believe that he was not the gangsta Casanova loser they play him off as. After all, even the film Whitney acknowledges that the drug addiction that ended up taking her life was not Brown’s fault and he got too much blame for it. (Although, in fairness, he certainly didn’t help…)
Also, super producer Clive Davis (as played by Stanley Tucci) is played out as an exceedingly sweet, magnanimous, supportive force in Whitney’s life. Maybe that is even true, but it’s hard to believe that in a relationship that lasted for well over three decades that there wasn’t some acrimony between them ever. However, the super-nice Clive may just be explained by the fact that Davis is one of the producers of the film.
Also, much like Davis, occasionally the film tends to reduce the diva to her sales figures. In the end credits chyron talking about her life, career and death, they make a point to say how she was the only woman to ever to be diamond-certified three times (her 1985 debut album, 1987’s Whitney and the 1992 The Bodyguard soundtrack). Now, I’m a music nerd, so I know what diamond-certified means (ten million albums sold, also known as ten-times platinum), but I’m pretty sure that stat will go right over the head of most casual fans. More to the point, is it really fair to reduce Houston’s career to units sold, or even awards she won, which the end credit chyron also lists faithfully?
Whitney Houston was much more complicated than that. And while I Wanna Dance With Somebody tries its best to capture the essence of Whitney, it comes off a bit more like the Cliff Notes version of her life. It hits on most of the highlights and lowlights, but it doesn’t explore most of them deeply enough. Perhaps this would have worked better as a limited series for TV or streaming, where the story and characters would have room to breathe and get more in depth.
But, man, what a soundtrack. Just hearing these songs again in full cinema sound is definitely worth the price of a ticket.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: December 22, 2022.
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snarkwrites · 3 years
wakeup | greg sanders | csi vegas | mature.
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Okay, so... This fits into the same universe as the fic I’m currently writing ( trouble ) but.. You do not have to read it for it to make a lot of sense? I mean it’s basically just wake up sex...
Listen, I needed to write this. I had to get it out. I had to.
Prompts Used:
None, actually. This is just a random scene that came to mind.
Other Parts
Uhh. This content is not meant for minors. Absolutely not meant for minors. So if you’re under 18+ click away now. If you don’t like smut, you’re not going to like this. Facts. If you continue to read, despite knowing all of this ahead of time, this is now your problem. I warned you right here in black and white.
If you’re sticking around, first of all yayyyy!, second, these are some things you need to look out for or be aware of: unprotected sex / body fluids, biting/sucking. that’s pretty much it.
Sunlight filtered in through the blinds covering his bedroom window. For a few seconds, Greg leaned in the doorway to the room, dragging thick digits through spiky hair, just watching her sleep. The blanket was barely covering her body and when she rolled over onto her side, cuddling herself against his pillow with an arm over it, the blanket slipped to the floor as it gave up the fight. The blanket’s absence revealed crimson colored cotton and Greg had to work to swallow the lump in his throat as it built.
,, I am… The very definition of a lucky bastard.” the thought came just as he started to really strain against his jeans. He bent, pulling off his Vans and leaving them by the bedroom door. He pulled off his socks next. Then he took off his jeans letting them settle on the floor seconds later and then tugging the olive green long sleeve shirt over his head, letting that settle next to his jeans.
A lime green wire was barely visible through the wild mess of dark brown hair and Greg could hear their song playing quietly. She’d fallen asleep listening to music or true crime podcasts again and it had him chuckling as he carefully moved his pillow from beneath her arm and slipped into bed next to her.
He slipped the earbud out of her ear and felt around until he located her cell phone, slipping it out from beneath her pillow and putting it on charge on his nightstand because if he didn’t, it’d be dead later.
She wasn’t ever really good at remembering to keep her cell phone accurately charged. It slipped her mind often. If she wasn’t forgetting to charge it, she was forgetting where she had it last.
As she seemed to realize that he was home from his shift at the lab, she curled into him, her arm and leg slipping over him as she did so. Greg’s hand raised, caressing her cheek and pushing the black velvet eye mask she wore to keep the light out of her eyes up and out of the way. Her body molded against his completely. Her mouth pressed lazily against his as she yawned out “You’re finally home. I can actually sleep.”
Her words had him chuckling. His tongue dragged slow over the outline of plump lips before slipping between them. She rocked into him just a little and his arm slipped over her, hand settling on her ass, gripping. A quiet whine escaped her lips, lingering in the small space between their mouths. He felt the shiver pass through her body as he gave her ass another squeeze, rocking her into him all over again. 
“I thought that’s what you were doing, babe.” he muttered into a deepening kiss  in between the soft sounds of their mouths meeting. She took his face in her hands, deepening the kiss even more. The kiss broke and they pulled apart to breathe. Her hands were all over him now, trailing over his chest, making him growl quietly as he settled on top of her, leaning down. Hands ghosting over her sides and slipping beneath the hem of his t-shirt, that she’d been sleeping in. Working it up over her head slowly. Her hand dipped down, a delicate fingertip dragging ever so slowly across his abdomen, just above the waistband of his boxers, making him groan quietly.
“I was trying to. Now I can actually do it.” Belle answered sleepily, pulling him down on top of her completely. Whimpering when she felt him hard enough to break, straining through his boxers. Greg thrust himself against her, his hands skimming over her sides again, hanging on her curves as he gazed into big and bright but sleepy brown eyes and promptly started to get lost.
Just like always.
He was an addict and she was his shot of dopamine. And so much more.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Belle asked, biting down on her lower lip as she gazed up at him. Greg chuckled, shaking his head. Trailing a finger over those kiss swollen lips of hers and making her give a quiet whimper and promptly pout, accusing him of being a tease before he finally got to answer, “Nothin, babe. Just can’t stop thinking about how sexy you are. How lucky I am that I get to come home to you.” he bucked himself into her and she met the motion, her arms slipping around his neck. Fingers toying with the hair at the nape of his neck as she smiled and gave him a deep kiss.
Filled with longing. Her hands all over him because she just couldn’t keep them off or still for very long.
“I’m telling you, I’m the lucky one, Greg.” her legs raised, bent at the knee and one of them resting on either side of his body. In the softest and most teasing tone he’d ever heard, she muttered against his mouth as she licked at the outline of it when the kiss broke again at last, “Wanna put me back to sleep, baby?”
“Mhm. Very much so.” Greg’s voice was husky and warm against her skin as his mouth moved down the front of her throat slowly. Stopping to nip and lick, making her come alive beneath him. Her legs squeezing his sides as she rubbed against him more. Desperate for friction. Desperate to feel skin on skin completely. With an impatient whine, she reached down between them, tugging at the thick band of his boxers, gazing up at him with a begging look that had him caving in a split second.
He tugged her panties down, tossing them out of the way and then he pulled away from her and she rose to sit, tugging at his boxers, letting them pool at his feet. He kicked them free and he was settling back on top of her, pushing her back against the mattress all over again as his hands caressed her face and his mouth buried in her mouth all over again, deeply. 
His hands wandered then settled on her hips and he sank into her slowly, burying inch for inch inside. Gazing deep into her eyes as the kiss broke. Slow deep drives so that she could feel every single inch as it buried inside her. The soft creak of their bed made them laugh a little, especially when it started to get louder.. Faster. She clung to his body and nipped at his neck, marking it up, making him groan and grip her body tighter, really starting to slam into her. His forehead settled against her forehead.
All he could do was stare down at her. Mesmerized by every little move her body made pinned beneath his. He bit down on his lip, a quiet groan escaping and hanging in the air between the two.
She was staring right back at him, her hips perfectly meeting his with each deep and drawn out drive deep into her body. When he bottomed out, her head fell back and her eyes fluttered open and shut as she moaned his name. Her legs wrapped around his hips, drawing him in deeper still, her heels digging into his backside as he pumped in and out of her, the sound of skin against skin and the slow and steady creak of the bed competing with the sound of her whimpers and cries of pleasure and his moans. 
He felt her tensing, starting to shake a little and he slowed. Peppering hot little kisses against her face, lips and neck. Touching her all over. Her nails scraped at his bare back and his fingers dug into her hips as he tried to work himself back from the edge.
“You’re fucking amazing.”
“So are you.” she met his lips in a slow but fiery kiss, her teeth tugging at his bottom lip just slightly, the pressure making his lips ache and he knew that hours from now, he’d still feel that ache and he’d smile to himself about it when he thought about why his lips were aching and his back was scratched… why there were love bites littering his neck, throat and chest.
And he’d remember every single handprint, love bite and mark he left behind on her as well.
“Baby, please.” she whimpered when he started to fuck into her all over again, slower. Deeper. Touching her everywhere he could get his hands. “Please what?” Greg asked, a teasing chuckle against her skin as his mouth roamed down the side of her neck, marking it up even more.
“Faster. Harder.” her legs grip on his hips tightened and he grunted as the way she angled her hips had him hitting right against a spot that felt so fucking good he didn’t want to stop and almost couldn’t. He barely managed to keep himself from obliging her, speeding up as she was begging for, but he managed to slow down, shaking his head.
“Uh uh.” he teased, rolling his tongue over the outline of kiss swollen lips, making her stick her tongue out to meet his. Her arms went around his neck, her fingers toying with the hair at the nape of it. He slowed even more, nearly pulling all the way out only to slowly bury himself back inside of her, inch for inch. And the more he did this, the more her fingers dug into his shoulders or her nails dragged down his back.
The more he did this, the more he tortured himself until finally, he almost couldn’t hold back anymore. His mouth dove against her own and he muttered quietly, “Now baby. It has to be now, I can’t take anymore, fuck.” 
When he felt her tighten around his length, he growled, nipping at her neck, lips latching on, sucking as he fucked into her faster, erratic thrusts of their bodies meeting and the sound of skin against skin competing with their moans and groans or the way she whimpered his name over and over as she went racing over the edge and he went right along with her. He fucked them through a shared orgasm and pressed himself against her before falling to the bed beside her and rolling onto his side, wrapping his body around her, hands caressing her face as he gave her a long and slow and deep kiss.
“Tired now, baby?” he teased when she yawned and nodded. “Very.”
He yawned too, nodding in agreement. “Same. Let’s go to sleep, yeah?”
“Mhm.” she purred, lips brushing against his chest, already starting to drift off...
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ilkkawhat · 3 years
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Rating: T+ (mainly for language), Gen Characters: Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, Warrick Brown, Gil Grissom, Catherine Willows Word Count: 7,570 Summary: The early days of Nick's time in Vegas with a bit of the teasing he endures as a result of being a fish from a different pond, and an exploration of how the team comes together before we see them in the pilot episode. Notes: For two anons who prompted me about Nick getting teased about his accent, and then one about Greg sort of adopting a Southern accent to try and impress Nick. Not explicitly shippy but definitely written with a Nick/Greg angle in mind, but mostly a gen exploration of how our favorite team came together (well, before Sara arrived, that is)
read on ao3
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gregszandles · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Greg Sanders, Sara Sidle, Greg's father Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Missing Scene, Episode Tag: Fannysmackin', Sara/Greg friendship
Summary: After the events of Fannysmackin’, Greg takes his supervisor’s advice and reaches out to his parents. His mom’s gonna freak, but what about his dad? One-shot. Rated 'T' for one little swear.
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(1) CSI Preferences: How you meet
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Greg Sanders: "And this is where you'll be working alongside Greg Sanders." Gil Grissom, your new boss, introduced you to your new position in the Las Vegas Crime Laboratory. "Greg, show Y/N around, it's her first day and you'll be working together a lot. Good luck Y/N." Grissom said as he walked away. 'Good luck with work or Greg?' You thought. 
"Hey Y/N, I'm Greg. Is this your first time in a lab?" Greg said as he led you over to a chair. "Yes, it is. I'm a little nervous, to be honest." You replied as your cheeks lit up in flames. "No need, from what I've heard you'll do amazing. And you're not bad to look at either- that could help you get away with a lot around here." Greg smirked while walking away causing you to giggle and shake your head.
'Grissom definitely meant good luck with Greg.'
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Nick Stokes: "Mum, I told you; my love life is perfectly fine." You groaned, sick of your mother already even though you had only been with her for five minutes. "Anyone who has a love life wouldn't describe it as 'fine' Y/N. Do you want me to set you up with someone?"  Your mother held your hand as if you had just lost someone dear to you. "Mum no! I can find someone when I want someone." You ripped your hand away and looked back down at the menu. "I met this couple from mine and your father's book club. They have a very good looking son that I want you to meet. They're on their way now." As soon as your mother finished her sentence, the door to the cafe opened. "Mum, I can't believe you, I look awful!" When you finished, your mother stood up and started hugging and kissing the couple. 
"Y/N, this is Bill and Jillian Stokes. This is their son, Nick." As soon as you looked up, your breath was caught in your throat. That man stood in front of you could have easily been a God. "H-hi, I'm Y/N." You were hoping he didn't hear the stutter in your voice but by the smirk on his face, he clearly did. "Hello Y/N." His accent drew you in but what drew you in even further were his manners. He pulled a seat out for you, asked questions about you and talked to your mother. 
Before saying goodbye, Nick made sure to give you his number. "See, told you-you would like him." "Shut up."
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Warrick Brown: "You stare at that waitress all the time, talk to her." Nick groaned for at least the fifth time that morning. "Nah man, I bet she doesn't even know my name," Warrick said while flicking through the menu. "And that is exactly why you should talk to her," Nick stated. "Maybe I'll ask her out then, she is really hot," Nick said while looking up and down your figure. "Don't disrespect her like that." Warrick hit Nick on the head with his menu. "See, you like her- talk to her." 
You walked towards the boys ready to take their order. "Hey guys, what can I get you?" You said while tapping your pen onto the pad. "Um how about telling me your name?" Said Warrick, while cringing. You giggled but still replied. "I'm Y/N, you are?" "Warrick Brown." After getting their orders, you walked towards the counter. 
"Those two guys are staring at your ass." Your boss told you. "I know." You laughed.
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munsonlovers · 2 years
i almost lost you - greg sanders (csi)
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being a csi wasn't the worst job in the world. especially with where you are working. you felt so welcomed to the team, they started to feel like family.
you'd always dreamed of working under gil grissom but you never thought it would actually come true. when you got the call, you moved out to vegas and wanted a fresh start.
you'd always been into criminalistics and science. you went to stanford and got PHDs in chemistry, physics and biology. you were very smart in school and ended up flying through university like it was no problem. when you got to vegas, it was definitely a different scene than it was back in virginia.
you'd been working for a few years now with grissom and his team. you've become very close with greg. he was working in DNA but decided he wanted to go out in the field. everyone always teased the two of you because of how close you two had become and the past few years. you never acted on any feelings that might have surfaced.
when you walked into the lab. everything seemed normal until you saw warrick and nick in the lunch room.
"hey guys, what's going on?" you said cautiously
"you didn't hear?" nick said questioning you.
"hear what? did something happen?" you said softly.
"you might want to sit down for this" warrick said while guiding you to the chair.
they looked at you with soft eyes like someone killed your dog. you were scared and they could tell.
"it's greg. he was out in the field and was proccessing a scene and someone shot him..." warrick said softly.
"no... you're lying. i just saw him this morning. h-he was happy and ready for the shift. h-he's dead isn't he." you said with tears running down your face.
"he's in surgery and grissom is at the hospital. he's going to be okay." nick said while rubbing your back.
all you wanted to do was cry and leave but all you did was fall to the floor and cry as hard as you could.
"hey, i'll drive you to the hospital to see him after surgery" warrick said while holding you.
it was a silent drive to the hospital. all you could think about was greg. about all the memories you guys made since you started. you guys clicked instantly. you both went to stanford and somehow you never seen each other on campus. he was your best friend and even though you felt different, you never let it affect your workplace and how you worked together.
when you arrived at the hospital, you barely let the car stop until you jumped out and ran towards the entrance. you saw grissom and ran up to him.
"how's he doing griss?" you said softly.
"he's going to make it, he's strong you know that." he said while he put his hand on your shoulder.
moments later, the doctor came out and asked for greg sanders family. he looked at you both and you thought he died.
"the surgery was successful but he did have some complications but he was a fighter. he hasn't woke up yet but he will soon. you are able to see him now." the doctor said while nodding his head at you and walked away.
you looked at grissom and he nodded his head towards greg's room. you smiled at him and walked towards greg's room. you looked at him and all you could do was cry. you walked over to greg's bed and sat on the chair beside him.
you couldn't believe that this was happening to the one person who never failed to make the team smile. he was the goofiest and happiest guy in the lab even though what he did for a living wasn't a walk in the park. he was the wednesday of the csi family, he was the glue to the family.
"greg, come back to us. we need you here with us. everytime i think about you there's never a smile that doesn't come to my face." you said with a smile on your face.
you grabbed his hand and kissed the back of his hand. you were hoping he'd come back to you but you didn't think he was until you felt his hand move and saw his eyes open.
"greg? hey brainiac." you said smiling at him. you sat on the side of his bed beside his legs.
"hey... what happened?" he asked.
"you were shot while processing a crime scene." you said softly.
"did you find them?" he said looking out the window.
"yeah, greg. we did. as soon as brass told them that they'd be serving a life sentence for attempted murder on a cop, they confessed. you're safe now, i promise." you said softly.
you knew by the look on his face that he didn't believe you so you did what you had to in order to show him that you meant it. you put your finger on his chin and moved his head to make sure he was looking at you.
"sweetheart, look at me. everything will be fine, i promise. i won't let anyone come near you and hurt you again. you are okay, and will always be protected by not only me but everyone else. you know you are the most important person in my life greg." you said softly.
he looked at with a smile on his face like nothing happened. you sat there for a while until greg spoke up.
"come here." he said as he pulled you down next to him.
you couldn't hold it in anymore. you cried on his shoulder. he hugged you as tight as he could.
"breathe baby, breathe." he said and kissed you on your forehead.
"i almost lost you greg, i-i don't know what i would have done without you." you said softly.
you looked at him and rested your forehead against his. you never talked about your feelings about him but right now it was out in the air.
the next thing that happened was what you've been dreaming of since you met him. he kissed you and it took you a second to realize what was happening but you kissed back. you placed your hand on his cheek and he put his hand on your waist.
"i-i love you, i really do. i have since i met you. i fell in love with the way you talked to people and the way you were with me even when i wasn't the nicest to you." he said softly and quiet.
"i love you too, you can't scare me like that again. i though i wasn't going to see you again." you said rubbing your nose against his.
"i'm not going anywhere sweetheart, i promise" he said softly.
he kissed you again and your world stopped each time after that. he was your best friend and your lover at the same time. you got everything you wanted in life, your lover and your dream job.
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tinkerbelldetective · 3 years
Forehead Kisses
Nick Stokes
A quick kiss to your forehead before he went out into the field. Las Vegas was insane, and you both knew that even as a CSI, there were risks.
"Stay safe, Nicky." "Always am, darlin."
Greg Sanders
He was so tired. His clothes were dirty after crawling around looking for bullets in the desert sand.
Taking one look at him and placing a kiss to his forehead.
"You're cute when you're covered in dust."
He turned red as a tomato.
David Hodges
It all happened when he came to you with the breakthrough evidence- exactly what was needed to get the justice ball rolling.
"Hodges, I could kiss you."
Le smooch™️
He stands there blinking before waltzing out the room with a huge smile
He is insufferable the rest of the day
Warrick Brown
Shots fired
You were almost hit
Warrick grabs you into his arms and presses his face into your hair.
"You good? Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine 'rick."
Henry Andrews
He'll blush like a tomato just like Greg but will immediately ask for another
That game winning swing in baseball? He's so excited and will pepper you in kisses
Glows like a night light if he gets to kiss you
Gil Grissom
He walks out the door and then doubles back for a quick kiss to either the top of your head or your forehead
Reserved for cuddles ,snuggles, and good-nights
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space-helen · 2 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Greg Sanders x Reader
A/N: Happy New Years Eve!!
Request: Being locked in an Arcade with Greg Sanders when you're both kidnapped by a 'serial killer'.You're both panicking and trying to escape, but there are deadly traps, so you stick together and right when Greg thinks he's going to die, he confesses to the reader.Surprise, it the team did it to push reader and Greg together because they wouldn't have confessed to each other under normal circumstances. - @storytimewithnetty
“Greg this really wasn’t how I thought my birthday would turn out.” you gently tossed your jacket onto the floor.
“I’ll second you on that” the man tried pulling at the door some more.
You looked around the small storage room for anything that could help. Rummaging through an old box you found a crowbar.
“Look.” you had a huge smile on your face as you presented it to the man.
The man also smiled as he took the item from your hand and wedged it in the gap between the door and the door frame. 
The two of you had been walking to your cars after a shift when you’d been taken. You remember the journey and being thrown in this room together but you really had no clue where you were.
The kidnappers had made no demands and hadn’t really harmed you in any way, you had to admit it was slightly strange. Before being taken you’d been having a perfectly normal day. The only thing different was the fact that Greg had asked if you’d wanted to catch a movie with him and some others on the team.
You rummaged through some boxes and found some matches. “Greg, on an off chance did you bring a gun?”
“No, you know I don’t like carrying one.”
“Yeah I know. We just could have blown up the door with some gunpowder-” you trailed off
“As if that would work.”
“It’s worth a shot though.”
“Funny.” the man commented as you continued to look around for anything that could help. The pop open of the door had you whipping your head back in Greg's direction. 
Hurrying over to the man you helped him drag open the rather heavy door. “God.”
You looked up at what the man was looking at. It was an abandoned arcade. You moved forward to the arcade machine opposite the door and plucked off the note hung there.
“What does it say?” The man questioned as he gripped the crow bar in his hand tighter. 
“Speed wins but it’s not always a race. Games are brutal but you have to keep your pace. Navigate the halls or you’ll be taking some falls. Afterall, life is a game that you cannot play dead.” you lowered the note and looked at Greg.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean.” 
You shrugged “It doesn’t sound good either way.” holding the note out towards the man he took it from your hands and scanned the words himself.
The crackling of the overhead announcement system had you turning around and backing up next to Greg.
“Looks like you got my note. Unfortunately for you both it doesn’t have the impact I intended it to have. You see, I left similar notes at my other games and well… it looks like no one has found the bodies yet.” there was a pause in the speech long enough for you and Greg to look at each other. Eyes both clearly worried. “Have fun with the games I’ve picked out for you.” with that the voice ended and was replaced with old arcade music, the broken system making it sound eerie and terrifying.
A flicker of the lights had you jumping slightly. “Greg.”
“Yeah.” the man tightened his grip on the crowbar. “I think we need to move like the note said.”
“But if we move we’ll walk into…” he gestured ahead “that.”
“I know but if we stay here it leaves us helpless and a sitting target.” 
The man sucked in a breath “Alright. Stay close.” 
You nodded and the two of you started to walk through the pathway of arcade machines. Many of them were on but the screens were flickering. 
The two of you stayed silent for a while as you carefully walked forward “See anything?” you stopped slightly ahead of Greg and turned towards him. 
“Nothing” he shook his head and stopped in his tracks. The two of you looked around for a second before setting off again.
You were the first to start moving. Greg continued to stay still and take in his surroundings. Looking ahead he saw an arcade machine moving and slowly tipping right where you were about to walk. 
“Y/N, stop!” he grabbed your wrist to pull you back just in time. 
The machine came crashing down. Breathing heavy you stared at the machine “I guess the game has started.”
“I think it started a while ago.” you pointed behind Greg and the man slowly turned.
The end of the corridor, where you’d come from, was now dark. Figures in large, old, distressed character suits stood in the shadows. They were still and unmoving, the two of you stared in their direction. 
One of the figures tilted it’s head while the other took a step forward. “Alright, let's go.” Greg grabbed your wrist again and turned you around. Letting go he quickly jumped over the machine.
Forgetting how close the machine was you tripped over slightly. Greg’s reflexes were fast and he managed to catch your upper arms before you entirely fell over. Helping you over the two of you began to move down the rows of arcade machines once again. Both quickly peering over your shoulders to keep an eye on the figures.
A large bang came from in front of you. Whipping your head forward you saw the large ceiling hung sign on the floor before you. Two seconds quicker and it would most definitely have fallen on top of you and Greg.
Looking over your shoulder you could see the figures in the distance advancing. Grabbing Gregs wrist you hurried him along with you over the sign. The intensity was building up in your chest.
As you walked more things began to fall. The two of you nudged each other or pulled each other away from the hazards as they came up.
Turning a corner you didn’t expect items to go flying right past your chests from between the machines. 
Your breath was heavy. You had no clue what they were but you knew if they’d hit you at the speed they were going you wouldn’t be in the best condition. Continuing forward you could see the light at the end of the row getting darker.
“Greg, what do we do?”
“We’ve got to carry on.” He peered over his shoulder to see that another figure had joined the ones previously there and they’d increased their speed. “And quickly before they catch up.”
Hurrying along Greg stayed behind you, hoping to protect you from what was behind if it came to it. 
A gasp of pain had you turning back around.
Greg had been hit by something. “Shit.” you could see some blood on his head. “What was it?” 
The man brought his hand up to the wound and shrugged. “It hurt whatever it was.”
Your eyes widened at the figures. They were moving at a considerable speed “We’ve got to move.”
Without hesitation you turned and began moving forward the man frantically following you. A bright flash happened before your eyes and lit up what was before you. A dead end with what seemed to be more figures, however, these had weapons in their hands.
“We’re screwed.” you whispered.
The man gripped the crowbar in his hands and brought it up in an attack worthy position. “We’ll go out with a fight though.” the two of you were back to back now.
“Are you really going to let me fight with my bare hands?”
“Yeah I’ve been on the other end of one of your punches and it was pretty good.” the figures had slowed down now but were still closing in.
“That was accidental and you know it.”
“Yeah I know” the man looked over his shoulder at you quickly before looking back at the figures with weapons before him. Your back bumping his again had the next words pouring out of his mouth “I like you a lot you know. I just want you to know that before whatever happens next.”
“We’ll I’d hope so since we’re friends.” you gulped after the sentence, the figures looked more and more sinister as they approached.
“No Y/N… I really like you.”
“Greg this is the most inconvenient time but I like you too. If we get out of here we’ll go on a proper date”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” you sucked in a breath as the figures were within swinging distance.
A crackle on the sound system had the music bugging out. When the figures seemed distracted by it you moved forward and kicked out their legs to knock them over. Greg rushed the figures ahead of him. 
A sudden silence of the music and main lights coming on had you both freezing. 
You stared at a figure while it brought it’s hand up to it’s head and pulled it off “Calm down Batman and Robin.” 
“Nick” you pushed the man playfully down to the floor and stood up. The rest of the figures took their heads off to reveal who was underneath.
“What the hell guys?” Greg just stared in disbelief at everyone as they smiled.
You crossed over to the man and stood by his side while you waited for an explanation from the others.
“We knew you two wouldn’t confess your feelings for each other unless there were extreme conditions.” Catherine spoke as she shrugged off the suit.
“So we gave you a push.” Nick added as he moved to help Catherine.
“You call these extreme conditions?” Greg quipped.
You laughed “Yeah the atmosphere and the costumes and all were great but the ‘games’ were not.”
“What even were the games?” Greg asked you overdramatically as you shrugged in reply.
“Oh come on you can’t say we didn’t get you. Your faces said it all.” It was Sara’s voice that spoke.
“Plus you were ready to beat us up.” Hodges was less than impressed as he struggled to get out of his costume.
“They even had you in on this?” Greg pointed at the man.
“I was seeking a source of entertainment.”
“Well I’m glad you found it.” you replied back “But really why go through all of this hassle for this?”
“Because we think you’d be a cute couple. So since you’ve now confessed that you like each other-”
“Please go on a date already.” Archie appeared from in between some arcade machines. 
“Were you-” 
The man cut you off “The voice in the sky? Technical mastermind behind all of this? Yeah.”
“Technical mastermind? Really? Come on, I've seen you do more extravagant things before.” you teased.
The man smiled “I did what I could with what I had. These guys only pulled me in last minute.”
You rolled your eyes and Greg smiled “I see.” He placed his hand gently on your back “Now if you wouldn’t excuse us we have to go be angry about this somewhere else.”
You smiled “Yeah angry over some food I hope. Do you think it’s breakfast time? Lunchtime?” you asked sarcastically.
“Hm I’m not sure we have been held hostage for a while now.”
You shrugged “Oh well. You guys enjoy clearing this all up.” 
The man began to walk with you towards where Archie had appeared from in between some arcade machines. The team stood dumbfounded as they shook their heads and watched you leave.
Once you were out of earshot Greg moved closer to you and spoke quietly “Where’s the exit.”
You laughed and nudged the man “If I knew that we would have been out of here ages ago.”
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Greg Sanders:
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