#YIPPEE now the plot is finally on its way baby!!!!!!
Catch ups and Revelations : Part 3
[ Third and last part !!! Here is the previous one! I am not writing for at least a month /j ]
Jack took a step back, his face contorting in a mix of sadness and anger. "You better have a good fucking reason, maud" he retorted.
"I- Jacky-o! I can explain I promise-" the girl finally replied after what felt like ages of dead silence. She was trying her best to smile- but considering the situation it felt more eerie than comforting.
How could she even begin to justify this? From all angles, this looked bad- Jack didn't want to turn on one of the only friends he had back on Earth, but this did not help. Did she.... Not want them to leave? Why? Has some troll successfully manipulated her after finding out about them? Were they about to get sold to the empi-
" I just- I wanted the fun to continue!" She replied, cutting off Jack's train of thoughts. " Merry Elie, Alexy, you and I have been having so much fun as of late- I didn't want to go back so soon! We even made new friends! Don't you want to spend time with me, Jacky-o? Don't you want to stay with your new friends?" She tilted her head innocently, a genuinely curious expression on her face.
"well he's alive! And we all are!" She gleefully replied.
"What the hell are you on about-" Jack muttered in disbelief- was she actually serious? "Maud, Alex almost DIED- Hell- WE all could die here! Do you even- do you realise the danger we've been in??" His voice was desperate, almost pleading for Maud to wake up from whatever daydream she was having.
"THAT'S NOT THE FUCKING POINT!!" Jack yelled, he was frustrated with Maud- he knew she could be an airhead and delusional- but this was too much. "Do you want us to die here??! Is this- is this entire god damn thing just some game to you?! Maud- Maud please-"
"Is it not to you, Jacky-o?" Maud's smile started to turn into a sad frown- was her friend not happy to be here with her? Why was he so upset?
"No- it isn't! Why would it- Maud have you lost your damn mind?!"
The futuristic girl seemed confused "I... I just wanted to spend time with my friends..." She mumbled, her voice shaking as Jack was staring at her with an horrified, pained look on his face. "I thought we could all have a fun adventure here! Jacky-o, you love aliens, right? You should love it! Why aren't you enjoying it?" The girl was crumbling bit by bit... Hugging herself for comfort. Her own legs starting to shake under the pressure.
"... Because we're stuck here- how can we enjoy it if we're stuck here! Just think for once!" Jack answered, completely baffled by Maud's words- he was slowly letting his anger get the best of him, his tone getting more and more accusatory as he went on.
" But we never were stuck here! We can go back whenever-" Maud gasped, putting a hand on her mouth. Oh no. She has revealed something she was not supposed to.
".... Have you been lying to us this entire time?" Jack voice broke saying those words- tears were building up in his eyes "You lied to me?"
"I-I- I just- "
"You what?! You wanted us to have fun?? Didn't you see how much we've been struggling?! How- Why- what is wrong with you?!" Jack cut her off, trying his best to hold in the tears. He felt ... betrayed.
Maud's breathing quickened and so did her heartbeat- He was upset- and after that, they probably all will be. They all were going to hate her now, weren't they? Tears started to run down Maud's cheeks as she run out of the room in a panic- before Jack could register what was happening.
"MAUD!" Jack cried out before beginning to run after her through the hallway, but Maud was fast, fast enough to dash through the door before anyone else could even see her- too busy organising the celebration.
It was an out of breath Jack that eventually arrived to the main room, to the surprise of Alex, Elie and the two trolls.
"jack- you good?" His sister asked, slowly spotting the hint of red in Jack's eyes- has he been crying?
"Maud- she-" he took a deep breath "she ran out- we- we gotta find her!" As much as he hated what Maud has done, she was still a friend, and there was no way he'd leave her all alone on this planet. No, impossible.
"I'll go get her-"
"No Al', I'm gonna get her, ya stay there, got it?" Nigrip cut the man off before heading outside as fast as she could.
"I- alright..."
"What happened?" Elie asked, concerned.
Jack proceeded to tell the entire conversation to his two friends, Jet listening along from the side. Elie didn't know how to process it- was Maud not the sweet girl she seemed to be? She clinged onto Alex for comfort, and the man hugged her tightly. In all honesty, he wasn't sure how to take this revelation either... The accident left a scar on his back, and while he has been quiet about it, his back just hasn't been as good as it used to. The fact it could've been avoided entirely made him feel like this was all for nothing- his friends could've been protected instantly by just... Going back to earth.
A silence fell between the four people left in the underground hideout, waiting for the return of the other troll.
It took a while, but once Nigrip was back, Jack immediately went to her, hoping Maud was following behind!
The olive's expression was telling another story, however. "Couldn't find her" was all she muttered.
"What do you mean you couldn't find her?!" Jack asked aggressively "she couldn't have gotten far from here!"
"look Jack- I dunno, okay??! I searched all around the damn place and found nothin' ! The sun's rising and I can't go and search longer or else I'll be dust by tomorrow!" The troll hissed out of frustration.
"Well then I'll go do it my self!" He pushed Nigrip aside violently and walked up the stairs, before being stopped by someone grabbing his arm.
"Jack..." A raspy voice called, in a surprisingly soft tone. It was Jet "It's better to spend the day here and search tomorrow. The sun's not gonna help"
Jack violently teared his arm away from Jet's grip, and as he was about to yell in an angry outburst, he just... Falls to his knees, his head in hands.
"Just get some rest, alright?" Nigrip gave Jack a gentle pat on his shoulder before going to her bed, Jet following.
Elie and Alex remained silent, the two of them walking to Jack and hugging him for comfort.
They will find Maud- and she'll fine... Right?
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
(Any Category Villains) x Reader || Drabbles
Plot: Congratulations, you have caught character A’s (Italics in the ‘Includes’ section) attention and they’ve been bothering you since you met (Caught you sneaking into the museum, caught Peter Pan bringing you into Neverland, or you transferred to Dauntless and jumped) and you have upheld the front that you dislike / hate him but your real feelings are given away when you see Character B, who is a reincarnation of Character A, and you are visibly attracted to this person. 
Includes (Italics = The love interest. // No italics = The one you gush over) : Al Capone and Frank Castle / The Punisher, Captain Hook (2003) and Lucius Malfoy, and Eric (Divergent) and Captain Boomerang.
Warnings: Looking at our line-up, I’m assuming theirs gonna be some swearing and, because of the topic their will probs be sexual references. Some THIRSTING
I dunno who will want this but I wrote it a week ago and was having trouble adding the last two character (Freddy and Buckman) but I got a new idea for Buckman (And Hoyt, and Jafar. Ya’ll just sit back and wait for what I’m brewing with these unholy three) now so no worries! Imma just post it. I like Al’s at least ^^ NATM fans will be maybe happy :D 
Al Capone: Frank Castle / The Punisher ( @blueinkblot ) 
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“So, you’re supposed to be the other me?” Al talks to his doppelganger with contempt in the other room, and you can just imagine the pinched look on his face. Chuckling about it, I get up from the lunch table and leave the break room, going to see what’s happening and oversee the visit – hopefully I don’t have to use the dreaded torch the museum gave me as a weapon,- , go-ghurt still between my lips and my teeth. Strawberry flavour! Its delicious. The cooling sleeve was a smart purchase, I think. Despite what Napoleon and Kahmenrah might say… Stupid, pompous bastards. Thinking yoghurt out of a tube is inferior to yoghurt out of a tub.
Rounding the corner, I see two Al’s. One of them is grey scale, of course, and he’s holding his tommy gun like it will make any difference in a fight if it came down to it, with is having no bullets and all, and the other looks like he’s recently been to war.
Oh, good, lord.
Really, he is as gruff looking as they come. Where Al’s clean and baby-faced, this guy has that sexy five o’clock shadow. He’s also buffer, human coloured and… is he taller?? I don’t know how it could be possible, but just way the way he looks at people makes him seem taller.
Suddenly he looks my way and I smile… but of course, I still have a tube of go-ghurt in my mouth and when I pull it out -a bit too excited maybe,- some specks of white yoghurt fleck onto my mouth. I go bright red with embarrassment and Al looks over to see what the new guy is looking away from, -me, - as I use my sleeve to wipe that stuff off. I miss his broad, knowing grin.
I flash him a toothless, joyless grin which I hope reads ‘Don’t talk to me, stop looking at me, don’t even mention me. I’m going to go find a hole to live in’ before raising a hand quickly to waive, slouching and slowly moping off to my hole. Go-Ghurt, how could you betray me like this!!
Ahhh, its better off that way anyway. Wouldn’t want Al to get to the idea that I think he’s attractive, haha. I sit down at the table Napoleon, Kah, Ivan and a couple other exhibits are playing go fish on and watch them play for a while, my legs stretched out under the table and arms crossed over my stomach, watching and not saying anything. Even when Kah matches a 6 of clubs with a 7 of clubs and no one else notices- I’d rather not set off any high-pitched French shrieking right now. My ears are still sensitive from last night, thank you very much.
When midnight strikes, they finally decide to give Go Fish a rest for the night, thank god, and disperse to separate areas of the museum. I’m just playing with the cards, shuffling them and organising them into suits and chronological order when Al plops down in the seat beside me. I glance at him between separating hearts and diamonds. “Your guy left?” Oh, thank god.
“Yeah; Said he had some work to do before the night was over.” He responds, and I nod in understanding. “Makes me wonder what kinda work he does, at night… with a gun… in all black… But I don’t ask questions.”
“Oh, you don’t?” I turn over my shoulder, set the cards down and look sceptically at him. I could have sworn he asks me a million questions about myself every chance he gets.  “Do you?”
“Fine, I don’t ask that guy questions. I ask you, a lotta questions.” I make an immediate ‘Ahhh’ sound when he admits the first part and look back to my cards. I look right back at him through when I hear the legs of his chair scratch against the floor and find that he’s much closer now. “One more question.”
I raise an eyebrow at his mischievous face. “What?”
“Did you embarrass yourself checking the other me out?” A wide grin takes his mouth, and I gasp.
“I was no checking him out- and- and he’s not even like you, anyway. He looks completely different! In fact, I think he was 4 inches taller!” Okay, not quite that much taller, but if it gets under Al’s skin then fuck. Four inches is what I saw.
And it does get under his skin! His eyes go steely and he looks from you to where the guy had been a moment ago, then back. Pointing at the spot they were in, he exclaims. “There’s no way.”
“Oh sure, there was.”
“Bring a measuring tape tomorrow, we’ll see who’s really taller!”
I hold back a laugh, looking away from him and shuffling the cards again just to have something to do with my hands. “Sure, Al!~”
“You know what?” Ooh, he sounds frustrated. Success, for me! Yippee!
I grin, and ask him. “What?”
Then Al cups my jaw, drags my head around and plants a kiss right on my mouth. I shouldn’t- No, it shouldn’t have the effect on me that it does. I should push him off and leave, but I immediately transform into mush and turn fully to wrap my arms around his neck, tilting my head into it the kiss instead. I’m not gonna lie, I think, this boy can kiss. And maybe I’d been waiting for it.
A little bit.
Captain Hook (2003): Lucius Malfoy
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“My dear Y/N come over here please! ~” Hook calls over to me from the lower deck, and I look up from my phone -surprisingly enough, I get great connection in Neverland,- like a sullen teenager, earplugs still in my ears, and wait for an explanation. What? What does he want? He’s keeping me hostage and now he wants something from me?? “I’d like to introduce you to my reincarnation! His name is Lucius Malfoy, he’s a wizard!”
For a moment I consider pretending I didn’t hear him, but then decide it’s always a good idea to stay on the good side of your kidnapper and huff. Getting up from the floor where I was sitting, I take my earplugs out and wrap them around my phone as I walk down the stairs to the lower deck where they are, stuffing it in my hoodie pocket when I reach them. “Hi, I’m Y/N. The Captains hos- “
“Consort! My fair Y/N.” A hook picks up a strand of my hair, and Hook watches as it slips off the hook.
What?! I look immediately up from the floor to Hook with a look of utter horror and ‘hell no’ carved into my features. Um, absolutely not- “Yes!” I hate myself for this, but what choice do I have? “That’s me, it’s nice to meet you- “
My mouth goes dry as soon as I see him for the first time and my expression softens quickly. So pretty! How?
I offer my hand to him to shake and he smirks -Lord help me, - and takes it, shaking for a good amount of time. “Lovely to meet you also, Y/N… Its funny, you look nothing like my wife. I guess reincarnation exists but not fate. Peculiar.” Hmmm, yes, or I was kidnapped. Not really his consort! Not at all!! No??!
Ahhhh, rats though. He’s married.
I run a hand back through my hair and take my hand back, smiling politely. Oh well. “Yeah, I guess! I haven’t really thought of it- Hook?” I turn promptly to him to keep up the conversation. I’m not going to. I’m anti-social and introverted. Besides, he started this. Conversation was thrust upon me.
When we connect gazes, I notice he was looking at me before I even turned. I flash a nervous, toothless smile and look away the ocean awkwardly. Oh, dear. What’s going on in his mind?
As they talk, and watch the ocean and feel… slightly, at peace watching the beautiful blue Neverland waves crawl over the expanse of water and the disperse into its depths after crashing. It almost feels like I’m back in Britain again… until a certain hooked arm hooks its way around my bloody waist and my head whips around to see what the hell he think’s he’s doing.
Plastering a smile on my face, I turn to my ‘husband’, giving Lucius a quick ‘excuse me a moment’, and gesturing for Hook to lean down to my level so I can whisper something in his ear. “Yes, hi. Hook. Get your fucking arm off of me; Your touch feels like gross bugs on me.”
He turns to face me, and our faces are uncomfortably close in this moment. “Dear, if you think I’m going to give up on you just because you’re too stubborn to admit you want me too because of some abomination of a moral dilemma then you’re mistaken.” My face burns, from embarrassment and anger -maybe just embarrassment? He touches his lips thoughtfully, then uses those same fingers to pull my chin up so I’m more at his mercy as his expression turns into a full smirk. Bastard. “And don’t think for one second that I somehow didn’t notice your reaction to my lookalike. I know just enough about how you feel about what I look like now to hold on. You will fall for me, you’ll see. “I watch with a deep frown on my face, heat running down my neck and into my clothes as he straightens up again to continue talking with Lucius. I take a deep breath, now that his focus isn’t on me anymore before he tugs me even closer against his body.
Eric (Divergent): Captain Boomerang (Keep in mind that I have never seen Suicide squad or anything else with Captain Boomerang) 
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Ohh, Eric was not happy about this. Eric isn’t happy about most things, unless they included the misfortune and pain of others and more recently, regrettably, me. But he reaaaaalllly hated this.
Contrasting drastically, I’m living for it. Naturally.
And the fact that ‘Captain Boomerang’, or Digger Harkness which is one of the sexiest given names I’ve ever heard, is gorgeous in that ruffled, dark way doesn’t hurt the situation one bit. No, it does not. Eric is villainous looking too, sure, but he’s so clean cut and angry looking. Its harsh on my irises.  
“So, Captain, you said you grew up in Australia?” I’m enjoying this, and I’m sucking every morsel of joy out of it as I can- which means ask the Captain copious questions while Eric just stands with his arms crossed over his chest and tries to intimidate someone the same size and scary level as him, right beside me. I don’t know how he thinks that’s going to work out for him, but I think it’s the only form of offense he has right now to utilise. Poor, evil Eric. Boo hoo.
“That’s right, you ever been there?” He grins -he grins! The only time Eric ever grins is when he’s being cruel and because he does it so little, it’s kind of scary now. Very good for making birds fall out of the sky and babies cry, - and pats my arm. His hand is big, and I beam up at him because I’m getting attention from a pretty boy. “You’d like it, I think. Most people would.”
“Sure!” Will you take me, handsome?
Eric notices the Captain’s hand still on my arm before I do even, zeroes in on it, picks it up so tight I can see his knuckles are white and drops it back towards its owner. I press my lips together and bite on them, looking down at the ground for a moment to widen my eyes at the awkward tension.
When I look back up, they’re staring daggers at each other and it’s even more awkward. Eric! Could you go stand somewhere else possibly!?
Ooooor, maybe I will. This doesn’t seem like a safe place to be anymore.
“Well, it was really nice meeting you Captain. I have to go be somewhere else now, see yaaaaa,” I give him a jaunty and half-assed salute as I’m already occupied with turning and wheeling it out of there.
I was hoping to get away from them, but its two seconds out the door before I realise Eric has followed me. I continue on though, ignoring him and hoping he’ll get the hint- and screw off. I get that that’s a pipe dream though, so I’m not surprised when instead he starts speaking to me.
“So, what was that about?”
“Stop trailing me.”
“Answer my question.” He counters. Oh, scary stubborn Eric.
I know what he’s talking about. I know what he’s going to say. He’s going to say I think Captain Boomerang is pretty so I must think he is pretty- which is just not true!!
Is... is it?
No, no it mustn’t be that. I cannot be. I repeat, it c a n n o t be. “I refuse! Get off my tail Eric!”
He chuckles from behind me, pats my back and quickens up to leave me in his dust as he speeds down the hall effortlessly. “Sure, Y/N. Sure.” Soon, he’s out of sight, and I stop walking.
It… it’s not true, is it?
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