#feel free to send asks btw. hehe.
Catch ups and Revelations : Part 3
[ Third and last part !!! Here is the previous one! I am not writing for at least a month /j ]
Jack took a step back, his face contorting in a mix of sadness and anger. "You better have a good fucking reason, maud" he retorted.
"I- Jacky-o! I can explain I promise-" the girl finally replied after what felt like ages of dead silence. She was trying her best to smile- but considering the situation it felt more eerie than comforting.
How could she even begin to justify this? From all angles, this looked bad- Jack didn't want to turn on one of the only friends he had back on Earth, but this did not help. Did she.... Not want them to leave? Why? Has some troll successfully manipulated her after finding out about them? Were they about to get sold to the empi-
" I just- I wanted the fun to continue!" She replied, cutting off Jack's train of thoughts. " Merry Elie, Alexy, you and I have been having so much fun as of late- I didn't want to go back so soon! We even made new friends! Don't you want to spend time with me, Jacky-o? Don't you want to stay with your new friends?" She tilted her head innocently, a genuinely curious expression on her face.
"well he's alive! And we all are!" She gleefully replied.
"What the hell are you on about-" Jack muttered in disbelief- was she actually serious? "Maud, Alex almost DIED- Hell- WE all could die here! Do you even- do you realise the danger we've been in??" His voice was desperate, almost pleading for Maud to wake up from whatever daydream she was having.
"THAT'S NOT THE FUCKING POINT!!" Jack yelled, he was frustrated with Maud- he knew she could be an airhead and delusional- but this was too much. "Do you want us to die here??! Is this- is this entire god damn thing just some game to you?! Maud- Maud please-"
"Is it not to you, Jacky-o?" Maud's smile started to turn into a sad frown- was her friend not happy to be here with her? Why was he so upset?
"No- it isn't! Why would it- Maud have you lost your damn mind?!"
The futuristic girl seemed confused "I... I just wanted to spend time with my friends..." She mumbled, her voice shaking as Jack was staring at her with an horrified, pained look on his face. "I thought we could all have a fun adventure here! Jacky-o, you love aliens, right? You should love it! Why aren't you enjoying it?" The girl was crumbling bit by bit... Hugging herself for comfort. Her own legs starting to shake under the pressure.
"... Because we're stuck here- how can we enjoy it if we're stuck here! Just think for once!" Jack answered, completely baffled by Maud's words- he was slowly letting his anger get the best of him, his tone getting more and more accusatory as he went on.
" But we never were stuck here! We can go back whenever-" Maud gasped, putting a hand on her mouth. Oh no. She has revealed something she was not supposed to.
".... Have you been lying to us this entire time?" Jack voice broke saying those words- tears were building up in his eyes "You lied to me?"
"I-I- I just- "
"You what?! You wanted us to have fun?? Didn't you see how much we've been struggling?! How- Why- what is wrong with you?!" Jack cut her off, trying his best to hold in the tears. He felt ... betrayed.
Maud's breathing quickened and so did her heartbeat- He was upset- and after that, they probably all will be. They all were going to hate her now, weren't they? Tears started to run down Maud's cheeks as she run out of the room in a panic- before Jack could register what was happening.
"MAUD!" Jack cried out before beginning to run after her through the hallway, but Maud was fast, fast enough to dash through the door before anyone else could even see her- too busy organising the celebration.
It was an out of breath Jack that eventually arrived to the main room, to the surprise of Alex, Elie and the two trolls.
"jack- you good?" His sister asked, slowly spotting the hint of red in Jack's eyes- has he been crying?
"Maud- she-" he took a deep breath "she ran out- we- we gotta find her!" As much as he hated what Maud has done, she was still a friend, and there was no way he'd leave her all alone on this planet. No, impossible.
"I'll go get her-"
"No Al', I'm gonna get her, ya stay there, got it?" Nigrip cut the man off before heading outside as fast as she could.
"I- alright..."
"What happened?" Elie asked, concerned.
Jack proceeded to tell the entire conversation to his two friends, Jet listening along from the side. Elie didn't know how to process it- was Maud not the sweet girl she seemed to be? She clinged onto Alex for comfort, and the man hugged her tightly. In all honesty, he wasn't sure how to take this revelation either... The accident left a scar on his back, and while he has been quiet about it, his back just hasn't been as good as it used to. The fact it could've been avoided entirely made him feel like this was all for nothing- his friends could've been protected instantly by just... Going back to earth.
A silence fell between the four people left in the underground hideout, waiting for the return of the other troll.
It took a while, but once Nigrip was back, Jack immediately went to her, hoping Maud was following behind!
The olive's expression was telling another story, however. "Couldn't find her" was all she muttered.
"What do you mean you couldn't find her?!" Jack asked aggressively "she couldn't have gotten far from here!"
"look Jack- I dunno, okay??! I searched all around the damn place and found nothin' ! The sun's rising and I can't go and search longer or else I'll be dust by tomorrow!" The troll hissed out of frustration.
"Well then I'll go do it my self!" He pushed Nigrip aside violently and walked up the stairs, before being stopped by someone grabbing his arm.
"Jack..." A raspy voice called, in a surprisingly soft tone. It was Jet "It's better to spend the day here and search tomorrow. The sun's not gonna help"
Jack violently teared his arm away from Jet's grip, and as he was about to yell in an angry outburst, he just... Falls to his knees, his head in hands.
"Just get some rest, alright?" Nigrip gave Jack a gentle pat on his shoulder before going to her bed, Jet following.
Elie and Alex remained silent, the two of them walking to Jack and hugging him for comfort.
They will find Maud- and she'll fine... Right?
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ripvanwankle · 6 months
Hii I'm high. I last peed at around 7pm, now it's 10:30. I've had two 400mL cans of soda, and 1.5 bottles of water so maybe 600mL, and I'm sipping on more water now :)
I'm at ~3/10! Can feel that there's something in my bladder, but barely any urge unless pressed :]
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ohshy · 1 year
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Fish ocs !!! Featuring Acantha the coelacanth (nickname coelacanthma), Della the umbrella octopus, Jet Dazzler the peacock flounder, Fly the flying fish and Dabigail the flounder !!!
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honeykyeom · 1 year
currently inked + the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
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send me an ask and i’ll hand write my answer!
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martritzvonmercie · 8 months
apricot peach spice amber tiger.
HIHI THANK YOU FOR THE ASK :)))))) (ignore how i'm hours late and it's 5:42 am on a wednesday now i'm normal) anyways for anyone who didn't see this is for an oc ask game about my silly guy nobah!!!!
APRICOT - Who are they to you, the creator? Are they your child, your beloved, your experiment, etc?
so the thing is noah was actually created specifically for the purpose of being shipped with yusuke so he was kinda a plot device/experiment in that way, a sort of vessel for yusuke's character development. however comma i got extremely attached to him just as an individual somewhere along the way and now he's my little guy of all time
PEACH - Which traits are they most attracted to? Are they physical traits?
well first of all he's super into tall beautiful goth girls LOL kidding kidding. i mean i'm not but that's not why he likes yusuke deep down. i think yusuke's most attractive characteristic to him is being a super gentle and patient kind of guy. noah is someone with a lot of trauma and sometimes his mental illness manifests in a way that isn't necessarily palatable to others, but yusuke is so caring to him through it all and never treats it like it's a burden, and it's that fact that made him fall in love so fast
SPICE - Can they handle spice?
noah cannot handle spice he's the whitest white boy on earth and is also a picky eater. he will keel over and die if you give him takis
AMBER - If they didn't have their name, what would be your second choice?
OOOOOOOO this is an inchresting question... i was also considering him as a leon but i settled on noah pretty quickly. something about it just suits him. but if i had to change it leon would probs be my second choice
TIGER - What do they fear?
noah is actually a Severe Anxiety Disorder kind of guy so he fears a lot of stuff. one of his biggest triggers/fears is being alone in crowded public spaces or public transportation, so it's one of his safeguards to always have someone with him when he goes places. he is also a very soft-spoken guy who's afraid of people being angry with him or disliking him, and he's terrified of confrontation, so he really tends to shy away from it
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iknaenmal · 2 years
New ask game!! Reblog for your followers to tell you a character so you say your first impression of them vs your impression of them now!!
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Asmodeus x Fizzaroli x Publicist!Reader Poly Headcanons
Hehe I made more stuff, because I'm feeling good today! Hope y'all enjoy! Also feel free to start sending requests in again!
• There's a lot of rumors going around that the Prince of Lust himself has been all cozy with one of the Lust Ring's top performers, so it was only natural that you would end up getting a job to "make things right."
• Afterall, you were one of the best PR people in Lust, why wouldn't you get the job.
• Maybe that's a bit egotistical, but there's a reason for it.
• You can spin stories better than most demons, even covering up a handful of true stories.
• You've worked for Leviathan, a number of Goetias, and even the Morningstars.
• Being hired by Ozzie and Fizz was a lot more work than you expected, though.
• Not only did you find out that they were together romantically, meaning that you'd need to keep the secret as hidden as possible, which was difficult when they decided to be sweet "behind closed doors."
• Dealing with the servants who had found out was a blast.
• (That was sarcasm, btw.)
• On top of that, you also began to develop a whole range of feelings for the both of them as you became a part of their lives.
• Turns out those feelings were somewhat reciprocated.
• After a few months, the three of you came up with the best plan you could.
• A lot of the controversy was directed more at Ozzie, as he was the one big on carnal desire over romance.
• Fizz was not as big of a deal.
• So, you and Fizzarolli began to "date."
• There was definitely some push back, but it was a decent success.
• A couple of public dates, love letters, and pictures taken by paparazzi(you, actually) later, and things were relatively calm.
• It wasn't a permanent solution, though, so you set to work on a separate project...
• Making the Lust Ring cool with Ozzie and Fizz's "non-existent" relationship.
• It did take a while.
• Scratch that, it took way too long.
• Turns out most people in Lust were actually okay with it, it was the press and other rings that were the problem.
• The other rings of Hell would take far too long to deal with, so you set your eyes on the newspapers.
• Lots of papers in Lust are actually sponsored by either Greed or Envy.
• Greed goes where the money goes, so theoretically, if the tabloids and rumors weren't as profitable, they may drop those stories.
• That left you with Envy, which had always been a pain for you.
• While Greed takes the actual newspapers, Envy picks up the cheesy tabloids. It's less about making a profit and more about making people feel terrible, especially when it's something the writers and bosses don't have.
• Luckily, you still had some good will with Leviathan, and so you doubled down on getting the stories stopped.
• You still were working with Asmodeus and Fizz, and even though you weren't in a real relationship, Fizz was getting worried about you overworking yourself.
• They both were, actually.
• You were dead set on this going, though, so they couldn't talk you out of it.
• They took the next best thing, though, forcing you to stay at their very luxurious penthouse.
• You even slept in their bed. If you wanted to, that is.
• You probably would've picked up on the fact they were trying to romance you, but alas, you were too focused.
• It took a long few months of persuasion, company scandals, bribes, and an unhealthy amount of blackmail, you got most of Lust on board, at the very least.
• And when you told them, they were thrilled!
• You organized a little interview with a local news channel (the host owed you, after all) and they finally came out as a couple.
• When you were asked about, you were expecting Ozzie and Fizz to tell the truth about your fake relationship.
• But they said you... could be a part of it for real?
• Yeah, they asked you out on TV, and you accepted.
• Even if the pressure from the show wasn't there, you would've said yes anyways.
• Your final task for them was getting an article in a paper out, talking about how beautiful Fizz and Ozzie's relationship was.
• And now that the job is finally done, you can cuddle up to your new boyfriends without a care in the world.
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love-anddeepression · 4 months
Sunshine: Geto Suguru x reader
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a/n:my first jjk fic! this is all over the place i’m so sorry! weird time skips, this fic spans months btw, angst, non sorcerer!reader, probably ooc geto, scratch that INCREDIBLY ooc geto, but he’s my boy idc
The first time he sees you, he’s at a fast food joint. Satoru is going ham on a burger like the pig he is, mayonnaise smeared on the tip of his nose as he all but inhales his food.
The expression on his face as he gawks concerned at his friend is one to be framed.
It’s also what makes you, who is seated on the table opposite, snort out a laugh. one that makes him look at you. you and the smile you’re trying to hide.
The first thing he notices about you are your mischievous eyes. lovely ones that are creased in silent laughter. then your crinkled nose. and the your downturned lips.
His own quirk as his head tilts a little to look at you more intently. pretty, his mind supplies as you tuck strands of messy hair behind your ears as you munch the last of your fries.
Gojo tracks his gaze and grins.
“Hehe, Suguru.” he teases, “she’s pretty.”
isnt she just. Suguru thinks, but out loud he says, “shut up, satoru." with a roll of his eyes. They soften as he looks at you again only to widen when he sees that you're already looking at him.
You look away instantly, hiding your face from him.
Pretty, he thinks again, and he can’t stop thinking about you for a while.
The second time he encounters you is a surprise. He fully expected to never see you again, but here you are, smiling up at him as you hand him a piece of paper and walk away to where your friend giggles and takes your hand and leads you to a store.
Away from him. Careful fingers unfold the piece of paper:
:) you’re cute.
His cheeks feel warm as he scratches the back of his neck with a small smile. Suddenly he’s pushed forward as the weight of another crashes into him from behind.
Satoru grins at the note in Sugurus hand, “She leave her number or what?”
Suguru looks down at the note again, and right next to your sweet words are hastily scrabbled digits. He grins with yet another blush, “Mhmm.”
Satoru laughs at the expression on his best friends face, “Shoko’s going to rag you.”
He looks away with a roll of his eyes.
His first conversation/date with you is hilarious. Over a cup of steaming tea, he convinces you that the school he attends is a retreat for where children are to learn the harsh realities of life. A sort of military school.
He supposes he’s not really wrong about that.
When you ask him what crime hes committed for his family to send him to a place like this, he laughs. Says that the only crime he’s ever committed is that a year ago, he contemplated bleaching his hair so that he could try and dye it.
You gasp, a sweet hushed, “No!” escapes your pouty lips, “Your beautiful hair!”
He chuckles, lying down in his bed and staring at the ceiling, replaying your words over and over again.
Maybe next time he’ll tell you how pretty he thinks you are. Maybe next time he’ll buy you that chocolate stuffed bun you were making eyes at.
He drifts off to sleep with a smile on his face. His hair splayed out over his pillow.
‘hope ur doing good :3’
Instant messaging is such a blessing, he thinks as he types his reply to you:
‘i’d be better if u were here :)’
Gosh he’s being such a sap. He can already imagine you look away from your phone with a smile as you cover your face and roll your eyes..
He’s had only two physical dates with you so far, but he uses his free time to talk to you and you only, acknowledging Satoru’s antics and Shoko’s quips with a quirk of his lips and a nod of his head.
Satoru flicks his forehead sharply, drawing him out of his mushy headspace that’s full of flowers and scented candles and thoughts of you. He mumbles a curse at his best friend, who only teasingly whistles, making Shoko laugh at how flushed Suguru currently is.
“When’re you gonna introduce us, Suguru?” Satoru questions with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“You idiots will scare her off if i introduce her to you this quick. We just started dating.” he mumbles, shutting his phone.
Satoru eyes him and glances at Shoko with a grin.
"Whatever you're thinking," Suguru glares, "Stop it."
The flashing lights of the arcade only make you look more lovely, he thinks as you smile at him after he takes your hand.
The others are somewhere on the other side of the complex and he'd snuck away to meet you, eyes crinkling when he saw you win a round of space crusaders for a little kid who grinned and hugged your legs.
"You're staring." you hum, as you lead him through the arcade.
He scoffs, "You're delusional."
"You're so getting ragged!"
The both of you turn around to see Gojo Satoru, with the biggest grin on his face, his hand on his hip and his phone positioned to take a photo.
Suguru groans, "Ugh. Ignore him, he's annoying." he tries to walk away.
"Hi!" you wave with a smile, "I'm guessing you like burgers?"
Gojo laughs, his hand coming to rest on Suguru's shoulder, “Hey, yourself. I like burgers just as much as Suguru over here fancies you!”
Suguru elbows the boy and you snicker, introducing yourself to the white-haired boy who winks at you and gives you his name.
Is the rest history?
Not quite.
He worries about you sometimes. When he sees you so selflessly help someone, or when you give up your seat for another when they wouldn’t do the same for you. He doesn’t mind that you’re going to have to sit on his lap for a bit, but he worries. Because you’re so good. So kind. The type of selfless that will only lead to you getting hurt.
Shoko’s surprisingly become close to you. It’s absurd, how you’re from a world so different and yet you gel so well with them. How even Satoru, someone who held disdain for the weak, warms up to you.
It might have been the sweets you’d bought him from your hometown, but that’s another story.
Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and thinks it’s all a dream. That you can’t possibly be real, but then his eyes catch the poster you’d bought him and he smiles.
He thinks you’re too good for this world. For him.
Markets are crowded. It’s a fact. A fact he’s known since he was a child and came to help his mother. He’s used to the shuffling. But today for some reason, he can’t seem to bear the noise. The shouting, the yelling, the shoving. Akin to the clapping that’s been playing over and over in his mind.
His hand holds yours, and you’re guiding him through the crowd. You don’t say much, you haven’t said much since he’d met you today. He’s been exceptionally reserved, for lack of a better term. It’d been an asswipe of a mission, the curse leaving a disgusting aftertaste in his mouth that stayed even after he scrubbed his tongue, swashed mouthwash and chewed gum. The memories of a young girl and a man with a gun and his dying best friend all too fresh in his head.
You’re not a person who pushes. Who demands that he tell you exactly what’s going on with him. But you know when he down. He feels guilty when he doesn’t talk much because he knows it makes you feel like you’ve done something wrong.
So he takes your hand in his and asks you to guide him through the market because he’s tired and can’t think.
Second to Satoru, he’s the strongest. But he can be just him, with you. He can rely on you to power through a fuckass crowd, he can hold onto you like you’re the anchor in the storm.
And when someone shoves into you, almost separating the two of you without so much as an apology, he stands still, stunned at the uncharacteristic anger on your face.
“Oi!” you shout at the stranger who turns back, an eyebrow raised, “Watch where you’re going, you dropped your shit!”
Suguru’s prepared to step in if things escalate, if you throw the bag of fruit at the mans face. But you just walk up to him, your mouth still in a frown.
Shoving the bag into the man’s hand, you say, “Don’t bump into people like that.”
The man stutters an apology, lowering his head before stumbling away through the crowd.
“Asshole.” you mutter before turning back around and smiling at him.
He’s never wanted to kiss you more.
He leaves one night, after holding you close to him on a park bench and breathing your scent in.
You hold his hand tight, a bracelet he’d given you snug on your wrist.
The park is dark, the moonlight illuminates your face as you look up at him. Your other hand cups his cheek and for the last time, Suguru kisses you. He kisses you and kisses you. His eyebrows are furrowed and his hands are in your hair. He kisses you till he can’t breathe.
,“You’re too kind for this world. Too good.” he whispers, “Why are you the way that you are?” he nudges your cheek, his eyes closed as he nuzzles you.
“Most people suck.” you say, “They give people bad experiences and ruin their days. I’m not too kind, Suguru.” your fingers trace his features, “I just try not to ruin their day.”
“The bar is low.” he murmurs, “Would you like it if the people who sucked didn’t exist?”
You snort, “I guess. But that would also mean my parents wouldn’t exist. Or some of my teachers, or sometimes even me.” you look into his eyes, “No one good is ever truly good, Sugu. And no one bad is ever truly bad.”
He breathes in when you say that, his eyes softening when he sees you smile, “You enamour me, you know that?” he murmurs.
When he hugs you goodbye, he whispers in your ear, “I love you.”
You hold it close to your heart. It’s the last thing he ever says to you.
“Geto-sama! Wake up! It’s late!” Nanako’s shrill cries pull him out of his slumber.
He doesn’t jolt awake or sit up straight, his eyes open slowly, sunlight kisses his skin, akin to your warmth. He clenches his jaw, where the whispers of your peppered kisses will always stay.
His back groans as he sits up, hes aging. A reminder that his life is not what it used to be. And you are not next to him.
He scoffs, it doesn’t matter where you are, whether you’re alive or dead. He cracks his knuckles before patting Nanako’s head with a smile and padding to the bathroom.
Geto Suguru lost all affection for inferior beings, monkeys. He sees them as weeds to be plucked out of the earth, trampled on and burnt. And that is what he will do.
He will ensure that every non sorcerer is exterminated, and he will revel in their suffering. He will lead his followers and curses to a glorious battle to create a better world. He will make merry with his family and smile at his daughters actions.
But when it is quiet, and he is alone with only him and his thoughts. Geto Suguru will remember his life before.
His life with his best friends. His life with you. And he will close his eyes and sleep again, his dreams filled with you and Satoru and Shoko. Of memories of cake and singing and birthdays and your hands in his.
He will remember. That is all he can do.
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jellipuff · 5 months
Goddd big sub mingyu in a pretty pink gown. Imagine him calling you daddy and probably agreeing on a day when you can free use him whenever you want and just fuck him full of your cum until he's all dumb and begging to get filled and be pregnant 😭
ANON?! Omgg shut upppp because why are you in my head??
Oversharing moment here but i like to be called many things but something about ME being called daddy makes me feel like i'm glitching. Add that to this scenario you gave me and i will DIE.
I love that you love big sub!mingyu in a pretty pink gown because he’s such a lovely prince that he loves it even more! :(( cutie mingyu has the prettiest gowns and daintiest lingerie because he’s your baby whose only job around you is to be happy and fucked full until the mess leaking beneath you both is too much. He’s such an angel knowing just how much Daddy needs him, knows how much you love using him. 
He knows you miss him so much and he misses you even more! it’s not fair that your job keeps you from him when he craves you this intensely. Even if his hole is still puffy from where he begged and pleaded last night for more. More strength, more kisses, more cum, more of Daddy! :< 
Mingyu thinks the people at your job need a reason to let you come home earlier, a reason to give you more days off, and mingyu knows one he can give them. 
so when you step in the door late one night a bit tired yet overjoyed at finally being home, you are surprised that your night is full of mingyu in your favorite pink nightgown of his as he begs for you to knock him. Pushing his hips back as your hands grip them harder; telling you how good it feels. He can't help but keep whining about how messy Daddy’s cum is but not once does he stop asking for it. Even as you pull out, leaving him empty he think it’s the fullest he’s ever been. Panting heavily as drool escapes his mouth; he gazes at you through lidded eyes before smiling. “Hole is s’messy Daddy, thank you.” 
Mingyu knows he won’t get pregnant but with the way you still look so hungry for him despite filling him up multiple times, he also knows you’re going to call in sick tomorrow. So he’ll take his win and maybe if he wakes you up in the morning with his hole and lashes fluttering, you’ll give him another round of whatever he wants, whenever you want. 
( btw i’m sorry for answering this so late!! I saw your ask a bit ago but wasn’t feeling motivated to write and was having a bit of anxiety around writing. I do want to say thank you so so much for sending an ask because I love gushing about things and talking to you all. I also wrote a whole fic around this ask soooo that’ll be out soon hehe! I just need to figure out how to post on here without getting got by the labels (╥_╥). )
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hellsite-detective · 6 months
so i guess i’ll do that here hehe
hello all! this is Hellsite Detective, P.P.I. coming back to give everyone a proper update on everything!!
now, i sorta started this hiatus kinda suddenly, and i still don’t know when i’ll be back (so sorry for that btw i feel baaad), but things have been… interesting to say the least! my job has been going okay, but it’s really stressful and it hasn’t been ideal for my mental health. but im pushing through it! i need the money so i can finally move out of my parents house!
and on the topic of mental health… my therapy has been going great!!! there’s still a long way to go, but at the very least our experiences were validated by a licensed professional!!! i won’t get into the details here, but if you’re curious feel free to ask about it! i don’t mind talking about it, especially now that it’s official hehe
but besides that, i’ve just been relaxing! i’ve collected more yuri manga! i need to get to actually reading it now tho oops. i’ve also gotten back into Stardew Valley!! i’ve been having a blast discovering all the new things from 1.6 as well as hanging out with my pixel girlfriend Penny! additionally, i’ve made great progress on my novel series, as well as beginning to develop a WataOshi AU, so overall my writing has been going wonderfully too!!!
i think overall life has been good!! i have my dear @hellsite-hall-of-fame to thank for keeping me sane and happy (i love you sweetie~!) and i think everything is gonna be okay! again, im still not sure when ill be back, but i will be one day!! i’ve been seeing all of your requests, and sometimes i see one that just gets me itching to get back into it. so i’m sure one day ill be back! i promise!
until then, feel free to ask me about life, or about my interests, or just to check in and say hi! i haven’t expressed this sentiment yet i don’t think, but i absolutely love discussing non-post case related things on here! everyone on here is genuinely so wonderful!! so please feel free to send in any ask you want!!! i would love to talk to everyone more about stuff, and this hiatus is a great opportunity to do that!!
but that’s all for now! thank you for sticking with me, thank you for being so patient, and you all have a great day!
- Hellsite Detective, P.P.I.
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farmergirldulce · 8 days
Farmer Confessions Part 1
Here's a scenario: How would our romanceables react to us, the farmer, confessing our love for them? (,,>ヮ<,,)
Part 1: The Bachelorettes
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♡ 𝒜𝒹𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒
It takes quite a bit to get Adeline alone for you to talk to her because this lady is always so busy
Like?? Girl your budget portfolio can wait LOL
You send her a letter about a "potential project" you wanted to discuss with her and was able to fit yourself in her schedule for that week (okay technically a lie but you had to)
When you get to her office, as soon as she puts out the tea cakes and opens up the manilla folders on her desk you just cut to the chase
"Adeline, I like you! In a more-than-a-friend kind of way!"
She drops her pen, stunned
Her cheeks turn as pink as her hair as she's trying to process what you just said. You? Like her? What did she do to deserve this?
She finally manages to shyly respond, tucking her hair behind her ear:
"Farmer I... I like you as well. Thank you so much for telling me."
She also insists she won't let work get in the way of her relationship with you and she'll always make time for you. You also always offer to help her with work so you two can spend more free time together.
(btw she was lowkey pouting there was never a "project" you wanted to discuss but she forgave you; don't worry lol)
♡ 𝓒𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮
You decide to tell her on one of the days she invites you over for tea
You take a few days to gather her favorite flowers to create a beautiful bouquet you hope she'll love
You knock on the door and she opens it to see the bouquet of flowers completely covering your blush adorned face
"Oh my, what's all this? For me? How beautiful~!"
She's floored with the sweet gesture and your nerves dissipate a bit
After she brews the tea and sets it down in front of you, she asks what the occasion is for the bouquet
Ho boy the nerves are coming back
You don't know what you'd do if Celine didn't return your feelings
You manage to croak out your confession, peeking though one eye to see her reaction
Her face is flushed, her index fingers touching each other as she says:
"Hehe... you beat me to it. I invited you over to tell you my feelings for you!"
You both share a sweet embrace, enjoying each others company for the rest of the day
You both become the sweetest couple in Mistria. Everyone wants what you two have!
♡ 𝓡𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓪
You two are besties so all the more difficult to profess your love without making things awkward
You've been practicing in your head all week on how to tell her without scaring her off as well as praying she returns your feelings
A perfect opportunity lands on your lap when Reina asks for your help taste testing a soup recipe she's been working on
Dressed your cutest, you head to the inn
She looks as prettier as ever when she greets you
Get it together Farmer
As the private tasting session goes on, you give her feedback what you think would be better (a little more pepper, cut back on the acidity, etc) and out of nowhere, before the conversation of culinary consultation can continue she giggles lightly and says:
"Wouldn't it be crazy if we like, started dating? We have so much in common anyways!"
You freeze at what she just says and she gasps, covering her mouth and cheeks turning red
"W-WAIT I meant like hypothetically because we both are good cooks and-"
"Nah, that's not crazy at all. In fact, let's go out!"
You're both shocked at how easy that was and just stand there like dummies, accepting each others feelings
You can feel Josephine and Hemlock behind you two with a thumbs up of approval as you squeeze Reina's hand
You're lucky to have a bestie AND girlfriend in Reina
♡ 𝒱𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓃
Yep; you've done it now
You've fallen for the town's doctor
You've tried so hard to put your feelings on the backburner simply because you think she's way over your league and Juniper would never let you live it down once she finds out you were rejected by Valen (oh ho ho ho ho!)
But my god; that doctor is beautiful and you had to tell her you love her or else you'd go mad
As your lovesick thoughts take over on how you'd woo Valen, you forget you're in the mines rn and one of those rock bastards make you trip and smack your head on the mine floor
You shed a tear as you pass out, regretting not being able to tell the hot doc how you feel (rip bozo)
You slowly open your eyes to see Valen over you with a light behind her
"My angel... am I dead?"
But no; you're just at the clinic and Valen is there tending to your injuries
"My, you've had quite the injury. You need to be more careful, (Y/N)."
She tells you you had a concussion and you should stay away from the mines until you're better
After a few hours of monitoring you, she discharges you and lets you go home and write to her if anything
Write? BINGO
You definitely write her, but not to whine about your injuries, but tell her exactly how she makes you feel
After a few days of silence, as you start to worry, she one day pops up on your farm with the letter in her hands, a slight blush on her face
"A love letter, hm? How cute... why don't we chat about what's happening here?"
You don't hesitate to let her inside your house to talk things further
You two will most definitely take things slow, but nonetheless you two will take care of each other and blossom this relationship to something beautiful
♡ 𝒥𝓊𝓃𝒾𝓅𝑒𝓇
You almost didn't want to have these feelings for this Mean Girl ₜₘ
But goddammit you wanted the hot witch lady whether you liked it or not
When you receive yet another invite to be her guinea pig you take this as an opportunity to get your feelings out of the way
You reluctantly arrive at the bathhouse to see the lady of your dreams looking as attractive as she ever has
Did she already give you some kind of potion? Under some kind of spell?
After you give the good boi Doozy well-deserved pets, you give yourself up to Juniper as she performs all kinds of experiments
You turn into a variety of things until you're a frog, in which she has trouble changing you back
"I dunno, (Y/N). This is a great look for you! Ohohohoho~!"
Before you get pissed at her, you recall a certain fairy tale and smirk.
"Doesn't a kiss from a beautiful princess turn me back?"
She nearly chokes
"A-A PRINCESS?! How dare-"
You both turn to see Doozy bark and point his paw to a page in the spell book and sure enough, a kiss in fact DOES reverse it
Yep; Doozy the Wingman LOL
She groans and gives in, kissing your froggy head, and you turn back to normal
"There. Satisfied?"
"I dunno~ Maybe the spell didn't work~"
"You little-"
You silence her with a quick peck on the cheek and dart out of the bathhouse, leaving a baffled and blushing mess out of Juniper
Not a confession per-se, but you got her thinking about you and craving more.
Once you finally tell her though, I'm sure she might warm up to you by then
(well maybe lol)
Next: Part 2 with the bachelors!
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merakiui · 3 months
Hello! It is me, the anon that asked where you are in Penacony. I am also Amethyst Anon! I’ve sent ideas and stuff before about other stuff, mostly TWST, through anon cause I’m shy, but I want to be more involved with my blog so here I am off anon :3
Anyways, Sunday has officially rotted my brain. I lost interest in HSR because the Luofu storyline was kinda…meh to me, but seeing all this stuff about Sunday on tumblr made me go 👀 While I did have some things spoiled for me, playing it was still sooooo fun and every time he was on screen I was blushing hehe
Anyways, he has so much yandere potential that I came up with so many ideas that I might (?) want to pursue with writing once I muster up the courage to start writing again (I’ve got a difficult relationship with it rn 😫). I jotted them down in my phone and I just have to share them lest I explode. Dw there won’t be anything that spoils past where you said you’re at!
Okay, so there’s that ability that Halovians have that he referred to as tuning. When he used it to interrogate Aventurine I was scared and horny, and thought about Sunday using it on his darling. I don’t remember exactly how it works so this is at the top of my head but! everyday he’ll ask “Question: do you love me?” and of course you say no. It’s easy to answer that because it’s the truth. But one day when you say “no” you feel a searing pain in your head, like you’re being torn apart, and you’re horrified to realize that for the first time since he used his tuning ability on you, you’re lying. It doesn’t hurt to admit the truth (literally - the pain instantly goes away) but you feel your heart breaking forever…
I think that little diorama of Golden Hour he has in the pavilion technically belongs to every head in the family, but I like to think Sunday is fixated on it the most. Imagine he puts you there as punishment. Okay, you don’t want to spend time with him? (And he has so little free time, how could you be so cruel?) Into the makeshift doll house you go! He’ll loom over you like a giant and you can try to run and hide from his sight, but he can easily pick you up like you’re a little mouse, gently laying you on the palm of your hand. I think he’d like to undress and dress you while you’re so tiny, you’re his little delicate doll >:3c
So the part where the crew win the Soulglad competition and Sunday makes them answer three questions based on his life experiences, I felt like I was being personally targeted 😫 The fact that I had to choose one option or the other, with no room for nuance, and that for the first two I actually AGREED with him made me feel like he was psychologically tormenting me. Self aware Sunday who knows he’s in a video game??? I don’t think he’d need his tuning ability to manipulate you. All he has to do is talk in order to get you questioning yourself.
And perhaps my most unhinged idea…Sunday using tuning to make you cum without even having to touch you :3c
Hehe…those are my thots! I have so much more but they have to do with rest of the Penacony story! Btw the photo of him in the confessional…I instantly saved on my phone. Have you ever seen a man more beautiful?…And I also saved a screen shot of what Himeko said about him…
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…Dom!Sunday aksiejskakakwnsnqjnan
( ˶°ㅁ°) !! Amethyst anon, hello!!!!!!! It is lovely to chat with you off anon!! I must thank you for always sending such wonderful thoughts hehe. <3
I am officially trapped in the Sunday pit. It's like Kikuo's Hole-Dwelling, only this is the Sunday-Dwelling, an inescapable pit in which all are destined to love him forever. Every day is Sunday if you're obsessed like me. OTL hsr cooked such an exquisite meal. I fear no character can compete with Sunday,,,, he is perfect. ✨
I'm happy you could enjoy Penacony despite being spoiled! The entirety of the Luofu storyline was spoiled for me, but I still enjoyed it because I got to fight Phantylia. She's so pretty uuwuwaaa. >w< that aside, I was also blushing whenever there was a scene with Sunday. I've taken so many screenshots of him,,, it's crazy how one man can rot my brain so intensely, but this is no different than my adoration for Scara and Azul. orz
The tuning ability AAAAAAAAAAA. That entire scene was so tense. I loved it. Poor Aventurine really didn't stand a chance. T_T Sunday plays 4D chess; it's impossible to beat him. That's such a brilliant idea,,,, Sunday using his tuning ability on you. The way you slowly but surely adopt different thoughts as your brain feels like it's burning. Inevitably, just as birds crash to their deaths, you will love him.
The Golden Hour model..... omg I had the same thought when Aventurine was shrunk and put inside it. Sunday who peers down at you and you're nothing more than a tiny ant from his perspective, perfectly palm-sized. He would treat you like a little doll and put you in all kinds of outfits, and you have no choice but to remain still because he could crush you between two fingers if he so pleases. Maybe he builds a small cage for you so that he can keep you at his bedside when he sleeps. :D
THOSE QUESTIONS!!!! I couldn't believe it, but I was also agreeing with him. It was a moment of, "Hold on. Let him keep talking." When Sunday also said that all days should be rest days (Sundays), I realized he may have been cooking with that one. ;;;;; self-aware Sunday is such a yummy thought... he's not asking the Trailblazer these questions; he's asking you, the person behind the Trailblazer. aaaaa it really is psychological torment. >_<
Tuning to make you cum without even lifting a finger or touching you...... omg that's genius. The way he'd be so coy and self-satisfied,,, smiling at you... maybe even doing that cute, sinister chuckle of his under his breath. He would be so mischievous with that once he realizes just how wonderful it is seeing you come apart from something like this. Sunday who becomes a little too attached to teasing you!!!!
AAAAAA your thoughts are all so scrumptious...... orz orz I'm eating them up like they're to be my last meal. The confessional scene is burned into my brain forever. Even now, I'm still shocked that such a beautiful character like Sunday exists. Nothing can ever surpass the greatness that is the confessional scene and all of Sunday's religious symbolism!!!!! >:D
AND THAT HIMEKO QUOTE!!!!! I also saved it as soon as I read it,,,, the "strong conviction and a desire for dominance." Himeko, you cannot do this to me.... making such an observation like that!!!!! It's dangerous for my heart. (๑﹏๑//) dom Sunday........... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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willalove75 · 1 year
Rebecca x employee/coach/player reader. The player realizes Rebecca wants them and decides to tease them until she jumps their bones. (Loved the angry Rebecca request btw)
Hehe yes I love this!
And thank you so much!! If you/anyone else has any other requests please feel free to send them my way!💕
Warning: 18+ Minors DNI
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"How does this one look?" You ask Keely, looking at yourself in the mirror, unsure of the dress you're wearing.
"Hm," she says as she crinkles her nose. "It's nice, but I don't think I love it."
"Right? Me too."
"Here! Try this one!" She rummages through your closet and pulls out one of your more form-fitting dresses.
"Oh god, I haven't worn that dress since uni, I don't even know if it fits anymore!" You say taking the dress from her hands. The dress brings back a bunch of fun memories of you and your friends going out at university.
"Jut try it!" She says.
You go into the bathroom and put it on, you're a little relieved that it still fits. You walk out and stand in front of the mirror, a little surprised, it doesn't look bad.
"Huh," you say looking into the mirror. You definitely fill out the dress differently than you did back at uni, but to your surprise, it actually looks good.
"Holy shit you look fit as fuck in that!!" Keeley exclaims running towards you.
"You think so?" You say with a laugh.
"Yes! You look hot! Damn!! You have to wear this one!"
"Okay, if you say so, it isn't too, 'clubby' right? I mean we are going to dinner with our boss."
"No it's perfect! And Rebecca is chill, think of it less as 'dinner with your boss' and more like 'going out to have fun with work friends'!"
"Okay." You say with a laugh.
You both finish getting ready and head to the restaurant. The hostess brings you to the table and you see Rebecca and another woman you don't recognize.
"SASSYYYY!" Keeley screams, running up to the woman past Rebecca.
"KEELEYY!!" She yells back.
You laugh as you walk over and Rebecca gets up and looks over at you. She pauses for a minute, looking a little surprised as she stares at you, looking you up and down. You're terrified that this dress isn't appropriate until Rebecca speaks.
"Wow y/n, you look fantastic!" She says pulling you into a hug.
It's definitely weird hugging your boss, but her strong arms give you a sense of security as they wrap around you.
"Y/n, this is my best friend Flo, but you can call her Sassy. Sas, this is y/n!"
"Wow you look amazing!" Sassy says as she gives you a hug.
You chuckle and thank her.
The four of you sit at the table, Rebecca sitting across from you. You notice that the neckline of her dress is just low enough to show off her amazing boobs, especially when she leans in. You try and avert your eyes, not wanting to get caught staring at them. You look up and meet Rebecca's eyes, she smiles and quickly looks away, as if you caught her checking you out.
You order your meals as your drinks arrive. The four of you laughing, talking and having a good time with one another. You and Rebecca catch each others gazes throughout the night, you catch her looking at you, and she catches you. It's a little uncomfortable at first, but as the night progresses, it almost becomes a game that only the two of you know you're playing.
Your meals arrive with the second round of drinks, the table falls quiet as you all dig into your plates. You look up at Rebecca and make eye contact again as you both gently smile and look away. You look over to Keeley who noticed the subtle interaction and gives you a look. You quickly look down at your plate and keep eating. You don't notice it, but Sassy gives Rebecca a similar look and Rebecca rolls her eyes at her. Sassy and Keely exchange looks, both silently confirming what the other one saw and they go back to eating.
Once you finish your meals, Sassy gets up to go for a smoke and asks Rebecca to join her. Rebecca says she doesn't smoke anymore but will keep her company. You watch her get up and walk away, once they're out of ear shot Keeley swats you on the arm.
"What was that for?!"
"You didn't tell me you and Rebecca have a thing going on!"
Embarrassed and surprised you blurt out
"No we don't!"
Keeley gives you a look.
"We don't! I mean, I don't think so."
"You two have basically been eye fucking each other all night! You can't tell me this is the first time that's ever happened between the two of you."
"It is! I swear!"
"What do you mean?!"
"I mean that tonight is the first time that's ever happened between us. I don't know why-" You say as you take a sip of your drink.
"Its because you look hot as fuck in that dress!"
You laugh and look over at her.
"I'm serious! That dress is magical! Also why did you never tell me you had the hots for Rebecca?!" She says swatting your arm again. "I could have been wingmanning you for months!"
"Will you stop that!" You laugh. "And because she's my boss, I would never hit on my boss-"
"Not before tonight!" Keeley interjects and winks at you.
You roll your eyes at her and laugh.
"She's hot as fuck! You have to go for it!" She says.
With the cat totally out of the bag, you give in.
"She really is," you say as Keeley squeals. "But she's my boss! I can't do that."
"You totally can! And should! I've been friends with her for a long time and I've never seen her eye fuck someone like that before."
"Will you stop saying that?!" You ask.
"Just promise me you'll think about it." She says with puppy dog eyes.
"Fine." You say rolling your eyes. You look over and see them walking back.
"Okay now shut up they're coming back, DON'T say anything about this." You say looking at her.
Keeley imitates zipping her lips and throwing away the key. Rebecca and Sassy get to the table and sit back down. Sassy gives Rebecca a look and Rebecca glares back at her. Rebecca looks over at you and looks down and smooths out her dress, a little flustered. You smile and look away, she's even cute when she's flustered.
You all continue to chat and order dessert. Sassy looks over at you and asks
"So, y/n, are you seeing anyone?"
"Sass," Rebecca hisses at her as you see her cheeks turn a little pink in the dimly lit restaurant.
You chuckle at her.
"No, I'm not seeing anyone." You say and take a sip of your drink.
"Y/n is a ranging bisexual," Keeley says as you choke on your wine.
"Thank you." You say glaring over at her as you clear your throat.
"Well it's true!"
"I'm not a 'ranging' bisexual, Jesus." You feel your cheeks heat up.
"But you are bi!"
"Yes, I am."
You scan the table and see Rebecca smiling and Sass looks like she's never been more entertained in her whole life.
"So Sass," Keeley says. "If you know any single men, or lady friends, hook a girl up! I've been trying to get her laid for months now."
"Jesus Christ Keeley!" You say.
Mortified, you bury your face in your hands and shake your head. You look over at Keeley, your hands still on your face and she looks more than pleased with herself as you hear Sassy and Rebecca laughing.
"You are an asshole." You say quietly to Keeley with a laugh.
The night continues and you finish dessert and Rebecca sneaks away to pay the bill. You all head outside and say your goodbyes. You give Sassy a hug while Keeley hugs Rebecca. Keeley hugs Sassy goodbye and they giggle to each other. Rebecca rolls her eyes at them and gives you a hug. Your heartbeat increases yet you feel yourself relax a little in her arms, you think you feel her do the same. The hug is a little tighter and longer than usual but very welcomed.
The four of you go your separate ways and the night ends, Keeley teasing you the whole way home.
The weekend flies by and Monday comes, deciding to see if what happened between you and Rebecca was just a one night thing, you put on a dress that shows off your figure and shows just enough cleavage to be tasteful for the office. You're walking down the halls of AFC Richmond, your head down in your notebook scribbling some thoughts down. You hear heels walking in your direction and you look up to see Rebecca. You both smile and stop to talk to each other, you having to look up at her and her having to look down at you since she towers over you.
"Hey!" You say.
"Good afternoon!" She says with a smile. "Did you have a good time Friday night?" Her eyes sparkle a little when she asks.
"I did, I had a great time." You gently push a piece of hair behind your ear and you notice a slight shift in her eyes. "It was great meeting Sassy, she's a lot of fun."
"Oh yeah," she says with a laugh. "She's something all right."
Someone walks by and says hi and you both respond. They ask you a quick question and you give them an answer. You turn back to Rebecca and catch her looking down at your cleavage. She meets your eyes and quickly looks away, blushing just a little.
"Well I should get going, see you around y/n." She says with a smile.
"See you around!"
Pleased with how well that went, you walk away with a little more confidence.
As the week trails on, you and Rebecca steal glances at each other when you see one another around the building. You've been trying to up your work wardrobe, to give her just enough to look at, but still appropriate for an office. The next week comes and goes and the intensity in her eyes grows each time she sees you. You're dangling yourself in front of her like a toy, and you both know it.
You're walking around the building when you see Rebecca talking to a few people in the hall, she sees you over one of their shoulders and she smiles. You smile back at her as someone stops you in the hall. You turn your back to Rebecca purposefully, so she can get a good look at your ass in your skirt, because it does look great. You quickly speak to the person and you drop your pen as they walk away, you turn to see Rebecca out of the corner of your eye staring at you. You're not even sure if she's listening to the people she's been talking to.
You slowly squat down to pick up your pen, grab it, and slowly stand back up. You turn to look at Rebecca, you can tell she's turned on, you smile at her and walk away, her eyes following you down the hall. You feel a little guilty about teasing her so much like this, she is your boss after all, but she's been doing the same thing to you. Leaning over your desk with her chest nearly in your face, giving you looks in the hall, wearing outfits that show off her incredible figure, you two have been teasing the hell out of each other for weeks. Now it's turned into a game of who will break down first.
The week comes to and end as Friday arrives. You're talking to Higgins about the upcoming match and you ask a question you know he won't be able to answer and will defer to Rebecca. He suggests walking up to her office to find out and you agree.
You both walk in, you have your cardigan pulled around your body, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal the new shirt you bought that has a deep V neck that dances on the borderline of being inappropriate for work. Rebecca gets up from her desk and walks around to the font and leans against it. She's making sure you get to see her from head to toe, you gently bite at your lip when you scan her up and down. Your eyes meet and she gives you a little smirk.
She answers the question for Higgins and as you go to write down what she says, you let your cardigan open to reveal your cleavage. You slowly look up at her and she looks like her knees are about to give out. You bite your lip and smirk at her as you turn back to your notebook.
"Is that all?" She asks Higgins.
"Yes I believe so! Thank you so much Rebecca, y/n, lets go-" Higgins says.
"Actually," Rebecca interrupts. "If you don't mind Higgins, I'd like to steal y/n for a moment to speak with her."
"Of course!" He says and walks out of the office.
Now it's just you and Rebecca standing in her office, you look over your shoulder at the door and ask
"Do you want me to-" before you even finish your question she says
You turn around and close the door and lock it. You turn back around and see she's already walking towards you. You meet her halfway and she immediately grabs you and pulls you into her. She puts one hand on the back of your head and grabs hold of your hair and puts the other on your waist. You hold onto her hips as your lips smash together, your tongues immediately connecting, you feel sparks coming off of her lips as she kisses you. She grabs you tighter and you pull her hips into you. Soft moans escape from the both of you as the kiss becomes more passionate. It slows and your lips part, just barely brushing against each other. You bring your hand up to her face as she looks down into your eyes.
"Fuck," she says breathlessly.
You just smile back at her while you look deep into her eyes.
"God I've been waiting for weeks to do that." She says.
"Me too." You reply.
"I thought I was crazy, thinking you were flirting with me at dinner, but once Keeley mentioned trying to get you laid, I knew what both her and Sass were doing."
"I still want to kill her for that." You say with a light chuckle.
You kiss again and you feel the passion radiating off of her lips, you slide your hand down and squeeze her breast over her shirt. She moans into your mouth and breaks off the kiss.
She pulls you to the couch and sits, she guides you on top of her and pulls you in for another kiss. You feel your heart racing and realize just how wet your panties are. She pulls your shirt out from your skirt, pulls it over your head and tosses it aside. She kisses down your jaw and down your neck as she grabs at your breasts over your bra. You reach behind your back and unclip it, she pulls it away from you and puts one nipple in her mouth as she rolls the other one between her fingers. You let out moans as she sucks and nibbles on you, she moves to the other one and does the same.
You pull her shirt off and reach your hand between her legs under her skirt. You make contact with her soaked panties and she lets out a moan. You rub your fingers around her throbbing clit, she lets out another moan and grinds her hips into your hand. You pull away and she lets out a little whine and looks up at you, desperate for more. You lean in and kiss her again as you fumble with the zipper on the side of her skirt. She unzips it and you kneel on the floor between her legs and pull it off. You debate for a second if you should tease her, but you've been doing that for almost a month, so you pull her soaked panties off of her and immediately wrap your lips around her clit.
Her eyes roll to the back of her head as she lets out a moan and grabs the back of your head. You lick and suck on her as you feel her clit pulse between your lips, she was so desperate for it. She rests one of her legs on your back as you go down on her. She looks down at you and throws her head back.
"Fuuuuckkkk" she groans as she tightens her grip on your hair.
Her breathing increases and you can tell she's close. You slide two fingers into her dripping pussy and curl them into her sweet spot. She tries to muffle the moan that escapes from her lips as she rocks her hips to your rhythm.
"Oh fuck!" She moans.
You look up and you can tell she's close. You pick up the pace with your fingers and flick your tongue across her clit more. Her breathing becomes labored and you feel her clench down onto you. She tightens her grip on your hair even more and arches her back. She grabs a pillow and covers her face with it and screams into it as she cums on your fingers. You slow your pace and pull your fingers out of her, dripping in her juices.
"FUCK." She yells trying to catch her breath.
You lick your fingers clean and you go to stand up.
"No, no." She says leaning forward. She slides off of the couch and onto the floor on top of you and kisses you. She holds your head as she gently slides you up and lays you down, not once breaking the kiss. She sits up and unzips your skirt and pulls it off with your panties. She wiggles herself between your legs and leans over you. She gently kisses you as her fingers slide between your lips and push deep into you. You furrow your brows and moan into her mouth and kiss her harder. She works her fingers in and out of you, curing into you, her thumb caressing your clit, your lips separate and she looks into your eyes as you climb higher and higher. Her eyes are filled with passion, aching to make you soar. She quickens her pace, curing her fingers into you each time, you grab the back of her head and grab hold of her hair as you try and keep your moans quiet.
"Oh my god, I'm-"
You say as your eyes roll to the back of your head. She rubs your clit harder with her thumb and puts her other hand on your cheek, wanting you to look her in the eyes. Your hips buck with her movements, inching closer and closer to the release you're both craving. You stare into her eager eyes as you feel yourself clenching down on her.
"I'm gonna-" You begin to let out a moan and she presses her lips against your to muffle it as your back arches and your body shakes against her fingers. She slows down her pace and slides her fingers out of you. She pulls her face away from yours and runs her fingers through your hair as you lay underneath her, gently tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
"Holy shit," You say, trying to catch your breath. "That was amazing."
You both sit up and she licks her fingers clean.
"You're telling me, that was the best sex I've had in a long time." She says smirking at you. "We both know that's the best sex you've had in months." She says teasing you.
You open your mouth in shock as the corners of your mouth curve into a smile.
"Now that's fucked up." You say laughing.
She laughs and leans in to kiss you and guides you back down onto the floor. You cuddle into her, your legs intertwined, and slowly kiss her. You both lay there staring into each others eyes, smiling. You run your fingers through her soft blond hair and rest you hand on her face, stroking her cheek with your thumb.
"I think I can lay here forever." You say quietly.
"So can I."
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 4 months
Hello there pretty lady!🤭 iykyk
You never fail to amaze me with your fics that is why you are my favourite writer! Thank you for making my heart flapper around in my chest and making me squeal with happiness! Hope you are doing great!
Soooooo I wanted to ask jk from your amazingly written fic “faking it” 😁
Hey, I wanted to know your thoughts when you first heard your mom telling you about y/n and that you were going to eat dinner with them (a reunion) and if you remembered her since you are older than her, and what you thought juni will think about the whole situation. Btw needed to tell you how great of a dad you are, I LOVE juni🥹
End of ask (sorry it’s badly written:)
Hehe hi gorgeous girly 🤭
Stop I swear you're way too nice to me 😭 I hope you're doing well as well and I'm so so happy you're enjoying the story! (I know you've been waiting for this one for a long time 🤭)
Thanks for sending Faking It Jungkook's first ask hehe let's see what he has to say 🥰
Thank you for saying that, you're too kind.
It's been quite hard on me and I feel as though I've failed her as a father in the past but I feel like I'm finally starting to get a hang of this parenting thing.
I love Juni too, she reminds me so much of her mother and although at times it can be a painful reminder I am so very thankful that her last gift to me was our beautiful baby girl.
I'm sorry that got a little too sentimental for a second there. Let me get back to your questions. *rubs back of neck nervously*
In terms of my thoughts on what my mother was telling me about her I thought that she might've been over exaggerating a bit.
You know how parents are when they're trying to convince you to do something or that something is going to be so amazing so I wasn't holding my breath.
I will admit though, I don't think I've ever seen her talk about someone that animatedly in my entire life so that alone had me intrigued.
She wasn't over exaggerating though because she is very worthy of all of the praise my mother has given her and more. She really lived up to it.
I can't really say that I remember her all that much but when my mother told me that we used to go over to her house when I was young as well as show me some pictures of that time I felt like those memories started to trickle back little by little.
Once I saw her though it felt like (at least to me) I was meeting a long lost friend for the first time. Maybe because that's what it was, maybe if we would've stayed in the city, her and I would've been really close.
Juni loves meeting new people and she loves when she she's able to explore new places so I knew that either way she would have a great time there. It was just an added bonus that she got so much time and attention from "the pretty lady".
Juni was right in calling her that because she is very very pretty.
Okay well I think that's enough from me but I hope that answered some of your questions. Feel free to stop by again if you have any more questions.
Thanks again for the ask love 🥰
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littlesislovesyou · 20 days
You are 💓don't apologize I went straight to bed after I sent the ask, as much fun I had with you last night. I was getting tired and desperately needed to rest lol. Maybe we passed out together and I have you cockwarming me in our sleep while clinging and holding you tight...and how could I not? Are you kidding me lmaooo we're teasing each other everyday and if you knew EXACTLY which account I was you'd do it even more knowing full well I'll send you a long lewd response of all the filthy fucked up things I'd do to such an innocent little girl like you...making you kick your feet on your bed in excitement and roll around like an adorable pet~ But to answer yes I was thinking about ravaging and using you from head to toe. From your holes to worshipping the rest of your irresistible body with my hands, mouth and knife...and how I would go about it. How could I think of anything else at work today with you being such a flirty tease huh? <333
You are indeed very sweet and I'm eager to find out if that trait follows you in between your needy thighs~ My innocent girl would never do anything so naughty without telling me first. Just so I can make sure you're doing it right and having as much pleasure as possible...def no other reason.🤭🔪 I'd love to imagine you're waiting for permission to touch so you hump your pillow to the asks and Tumblr imagining you were humping my thighs and bulge instead~ <333
God I'd love for you to grab my hand and whisper look at what you do me and letting me cup under your skirt and feeling your soaked panties. Making me throb and spike in arousal immediately...knowing that I've ruined not one but a few pairs of your cute panties is doing unspeakable things to my brain. 👀 Maybe I'll take your panties from you after cutting them open so I can get easy and free access to your tight young pussy~ Stealing them away in its soaked state...not like you can use them anymore anyway so I'll be putting them to better use while I miss you and can't be around you much <333
That makes me think though. Being a married man stealing a young girl's panties that flirted and seduced him into fucking her brains out and keeping it hidden in his drawer that he now has a lock on to keep it hidden from his wife. Everytime he's alone and opens the drawer and its ruined state and the scent...he can't help but remember that night and it gets him hard and throbbing uncontrollably in ways that his wife hasn't in years.
Thoughts? : o and I'm not done btw I'm just cutting myself off to let you know I'm here and continuing my response in the next one <3
I hope you're having a wonderful night!
Ah is it bad to say I missed you a lot today!<333
I hope you’re doing well🫣 also totally not kicking and am all giddy reading this<3
And agh! I keep trying to guess who you are and I have no idea 🥺💕 it’s both hot and mysterious~ hehe, a complete and total stranger getting me all wet<3
God I absolutely love it, you drive me crazy you know that?🖤
I absolutely would give you my panties to keep though<3 to hide and be a complete secret you indulge yourself in<3
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be still my foolish heart (don't ruin this on me)
- so you decided to give childhood friends to lovers uni au w a pining/jealousy trope (one of my all time favs btw) A HOZIER LYRIC AS THE TITLE??? ALMOST )SWEET MUSIC) WAHHHHHHH
consider the hairpin turn
- i like to think of myself as the biggest proponent and number one supporter of BFB!kenny……… like so much so that i literally think of it weekly…….. AND W THE SIKEN QUOTE TOO I’M GOING FERALLLLLLLLL
i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door
- another hozier lyric (FROM EDEN YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS) and the fact that its TACTICIAN!KENJAKU??? YOUR BRAIN IS SO BIG AND SEXY ARI…… him as a tactician is PERFECT i feel like he’s so maomao’s dad coded already (i love tacticians :3)
((also please know i’m also looking VERY lovingly at merguru, wolf!geto red riding hood au, and the naoya x reader fic… i love that siken quote so fucking much <3 ok ari i love you and your brain you’re consistently the most genius person on this site and i’m so sorry this got so long feel free to only answer what you want out of it hehe :3 I LOVE YOU I’M SENDING YOU LOTS OF LOVE 🙂‍↕️🩷)
- @gothsuguru <333 MWAH! tell the mice i said hello :3
KAIROOOOO MY ANGEL MY BABY!!!!! never ever apologize, i knewwww you were gonna ask about these and i’m SO excited to ramble :33c
THE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS SEQUEL IS ENTIRELY FOR ARIKAIRO NATION BTWWWWW those two are our beloveds …… BUT YES THE HOZIER LYRICS. not that i’ve heard thaaat many hozier songs but :’3 that one is my favorite!!!!! and i thought those lyrics fit childhood friend!sugu so well …. because in this fic it’s his turn to be a little unsure and scared >:3 lots of jealousy and pining and being afraid that you’ll start dating some uni guy and forget all about him….. scared of ruining your friendship by confessing…….. but his heart won’t stop beating when you’re around and he doesn’t know how to control it :< hehehe….. they’re both so smitten and devoted, i can’t wait for you to read this one 🥹🥹 here’s a sneak peek for my baby of all time !!!!!!!
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AND THEN THE BFB!KENNY FIC . another arikairo special ….. hehe i am SO excited for this one truly!!!!! i’m super super nervous too because it’s probably the fic i care most about 🥹 so i want it to be the best….. but the outline is hard…….. and i’m scared….. BUT I REALLY AM SO EXCITED bfb!kenny is our boyfriend always and forever . teasing little shit. AND OFCCC THE SIKEN QUOTE ‼️‼️ the whole fic (and especially the brothers’ dynamic) is super inspired by you are jeff :33 one of them wants to take you apart, the other wants to stitch you back together… hehe…
but yes … !!! this fic is . soooo dense when it comes to lore and dynamics and backstory and narrative .. 😭 it’s worse than merguru and that one is already kicking my ass so . yeah . it’ll take a while for me to finish but knowing you’ll be there to read it makes everything feel more worth it 🫂 I LOVE YOUUU!!!!
ANDDDD THEN FINALLY :3c tactician!kenny….. kit is actually the person who came up with this concept so it’s her brain you should be praising, this is genuinely …. theeee most genius concept ever and it has me in a chokehold :’))) IT’S SO TASTY . he is theee slimiest most manipulative tactician Of All Time and i adore him for it …………. this fic fits into one of my fav dynamics ever, which is just. kind, benevolent ruler and their slimy right hand man 💀 bonus points if they are wholly devoted to each other which is basically the case here …. kenjaku might be detached and might be using reader but they’re also ferociously territorial over them . kit mentioned how kenjaku would behead people for calling his king weak and that’s just SO ?????? TASTY??????? in AWE of her brain always and forever .
ahh and the hozier lyrics !!!!!! i wasn’t actually sure what to title this fic so i was looking through lyrics of songs i enjoy ….. and the ones from from eden are all very monarch!reader/tactician!kenny coded :3c but i like the one with the slithering the most because kenny is truly soooo snake coded in this .
BUT YES !!!!! wahhhh i ended up rambling a lot but i hope this was coherent, thank you for asking about them my angel 🥺 you’re always so sweet and enthusiastic and ily . SOOOOO excited to dig my teeth into all your wips too :3333 mwah !!!!!
ask me about my wips !! <33
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