#fankid lore
more fankid lore
August and Blade sleep in a washer and dryer each
Amy is very proud of her little problem makers
Metal is also very proud
Amys nicknames for her family
Oven - metal Heat pack - obsidian Microwave - blade Toaster - August
Also metal is so that one ASDF movie sketch that's like "Look at the little baby. Now look at the big baby." That's the kinda dad metal is
He also sometimes has a fake moustache that's falling off to make his kids laugh
Metal is good dad
Knuckles is the silliest of dads tho
sometimes it's unintentional
Like bro is calling up Sonic for advice on silliness in front of his kids straight-faced and his kids are just dying
Rouge and Amy are the breadwinners of their fams
metal owns a cafe
A big, menacing-ass robot serves you your tea
Knuckles is the Stayest of at home of dads
The most househusband ever
He picks them up drops them off buys food and all that but once that is done he is in his house and watching the master Emerald
knuckles are rouges kid for my universe is called Diamond
so far(at this moment can change) is an only child
Rouge calls them her greatest treasure(but in a way that makes it seem like she talking about her latest grab)
Amy buys Obsidian matching hot honey shirts so they don't yell at each other for wearing their shirts/hoodies
Blade speaks only in binary code
obsidian has to play translator for his siblings often
Blade has a friend who's a raccoon that plays villain and henchman with
Diamond and August play tea party but they are dictator friends trying to one-up each other till they duel (with foam swords)
August would bite the shit out of people if she had a mouth
Shadow is good at playing tea party with August and Diamond because he plays rebel uncover and poisons them
Blade only likes Sonic when he plays the hero when him and Raccoon Buddy are playing villain because Sonic lets him win
Obsidian's mouse friend is the tallest of their family
Blades raccoon friends called sandwich
Obsidians has a mouse friend called Moose
moose is the tallest of her fam
Sandwich was adopted by Vanilla so Creams his older sister
moose's dads left for milk
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Catch ups and Revelations : Part 1
[ here's the writing I've been working on :3c this is part one and I'll link the others once they're out. I'm choosing to keep things short! Gordon and Quirox belongs to @quiescent-trolls ]
Yet another day, where the sun is setting on the alien planet, and the two moons are shining as brightly as they ever have. It was in the back of a bar that the four humans were awakening from their slumber, as they always did.
How long as it been? Months? Maybe even a year? Who knew, time felt fake the longer they remained in this place. At least they had a place to stay, didn't they? And it's not like they lacked people to rely on either.
Jack was sitting on the strange bug-bean chair, a little goopy, but at this point it didn't even bother him. His time on Alternia has been pretty good- arguably, it was even better than what earth had to give him. Him and his friends found a home in Jet and Nigrip, and a caring figure as well as safe place in Gordon and his library. Jack even had nice company with Quirox, and the chill quiet time the two of them shared was always nice. And yet... Yet Jack felt so incredibly homesick. He missed the earthly sun, he missed feeling the rain on his skin, he missed the warm and calming purr of his own cat- he missed his home planet.
Slowly but surely, Jack has grown... Strangely resentful of his friends- to him, it felt like they didn't care as much as him to get back, as he was definitely the most active member in their quest to return home.
Obviously, Jack was mistaken. Elie always wanted to help, but felt like she couldn't contribute to anything, being so weak and frail- and last time she attempted something, it ended up in her boyfriend almost dying. On the other end, Alex was more focus on protecting his friends. He didn't want any of them to get hurt, and he was the strongest one out of them all. Ever since the accident, though, Alex was left devoided of energy- and quite frankly scared of going out. He wouldn't admit it, but this planet was terrifying him.
Silence was only growing stronger between the four young adults. They still cared for eachother- but it was clear than an unspoken tension was growing after Alex's injury.
Truly, the one glue of the group in those tense times was Maud- her natural cheerful nature and enthusiasm was keeping the group's spirit and morale up. Often would she organise games with everyone- even inviting Gordon to join in the fun!
Distraction was always the best medicine for hard time, wasn't it?
At least, until things can't be ignored anymore.
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emthimofnight · 7 months
May we hear more of this "dark" version of Stellar👀?
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have some angst I drew surrounding this exact subject :)
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kkolg · 3 months
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N and baby Kim doodles :)
Fun Fact: Kim used to wear his hair down as a kid but would be mistakenly called a girl a lot- he would correct them very quickly.. he wears it in a ponytail now to avoid that but it sometimes still happens (he still love his hair and takes extremely good care of it😌)
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itz-pandora · 4 months
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Spirit learns how to use his power to project the bodies of dead souls for everyone to see.
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cacturnia · 7 months
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Chili Bean!
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serendippertyy · 4 months
this is the greatest creature I have ever created tbh
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izuizzy · 22 days
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“First Word” 💙💙
made a comic to express the relief and joy sonic felt when talia finally spoke for the first time once she became more comfortable. [read from left to right]
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yu-melon · 2 months
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I couldn't stop my hands from drawing another fankid so theres whispangle kiddo!!!
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blu-ish · 7 months
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Wait till he finds out what happened to his damn fourth chaos emerald.
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lilblucat · 8 months
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Had some ideas for a Solver flesh-based fankid for them (using the arrow creature Uzi made for reference). Had to set this in my existing parent AU since I've already poured a lot of thought into that. I would imagine that she looked like a blob with an eye when she was born, and then shifted her body over the years to approximate what her parents look like. So she has the drone shape to her with Solver flavoring.
(Also lowkey wondering if maybe the hook on the tail should come out from underneath instead since the needle on Disassembler tails comes out from underneath. Idk she might look a little too demon-ish and wondering if a retake on the tail tip would help things)
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Catch ups and Revelations : Part 3
[ Third and last part !!! Here is the previous one! I am not writing for at least a month /j ]
Jack took a step back, his face contorting in a mix of sadness and anger. "You better have a good fucking reason, maud" he retorted.
"I- Jacky-o! I can explain I promise-" the girl finally replied after what felt like ages of dead silence. She was trying her best to smile- but considering the situation it felt more eerie than comforting.
How could she even begin to justify this? From all angles, this looked bad- Jack didn't want to turn on one of the only friends he had back on Earth, but this did not help. Did she.... Not want them to leave? Why? Has some troll successfully manipulated her after finding out about them? Were they about to get sold to the empi-
" I just- I wanted the fun to continue!" She replied, cutting off Jack's train of thoughts. " Merry Elie, Alexy, you and I have been having so much fun as of late- I didn't want to go back so soon! We even made new friends! Don't you want to spend time with me, Jacky-o? Don't you want to stay with your new friends?" She tilted her head innocently, a genuinely curious expression on her face.
"well he's alive! And we all are!" She gleefully replied.
"What the hell are you on about-" Jack muttered in disbelief- was she actually serious? "Maud, Alex almost DIED- Hell- WE all could die here! Do you even- do you realise the danger we've been in??" His voice was desperate, almost pleading for Maud to wake up from whatever daydream she was having.
"THAT'S NOT THE FUCKING POINT!!" Jack yelled, he was frustrated with Maud- he knew she could be an airhead and delusional- but this was too much. "Do you want us to die here??! Is this- is this entire god damn thing just some game to you?! Maud- Maud please-"
"Is it not to you, Jacky-o?" Maud's smile started to turn into a sad frown- was her friend not happy to be here with her? Why was he so upset?
"No- it isn't! Why would it- Maud have you lost your damn mind?!"
The futuristic girl seemed confused "I... I just wanted to spend time with my friends..." She mumbled, her voice shaking as Jack was staring at her with an horrified, pained look on his face. "I thought we could all have a fun adventure here! Jacky-o, you love aliens, right? You should love it! Why aren't you enjoying it?" The girl was crumbling bit by bit... Hugging herself for comfort. Her own legs starting to shake under the pressure.
"... Because we're stuck here- how can we enjoy it if we're stuck here! Just think for once!" Jack answered, completely baffled by Maud's words- he was slowly letting his anger get the best of him, his tone getting more and more accusatory as he went on.
" But we never were stuck here! We can go back whenever-" Maud gasped, putting a hand on her mouth. Oh no. She has revealed something she was not supposed to.
".... Have you been lying to us this entire time?" Jack voice broke saying those words- tears were building up in his eyes "You lied to me?"
"I-I- I just- "
"You what?! You wanted us to have fun?? Didn't you see how much we've been struggling?! How- Why- what is wrong with you?!" Jack cut her off, trying his best to hold in the tears. He felt ... betrayed.
Maud's breathing quickened and so did her heartbeat- He was upset- and after that, they probably all will be. They all were going to hate her now, weren't they? Tears started to run down Maud's cheeks as she run out of the room in a panic- before Jack could register what was happening.
"MAUD!" Jack cried out before beginning to run after her through the hallway, but Maud was fast, fast enough to dash through the door before anyone else could even see her- too busy organising the celebration.
It was an out of breath Jack that eventually arrived to the main room, to the surprise of Alex, Elie and the two trolls.
"jack- you good?" His sister asked, slowly spotting the hint of red in Jack's eyes- has he been crying?
"Maud- she-" he took a deep breath "she ran out- we- we gotta find her!" As much as he hated what Maud has done, she was still a friend, and there was no way he'd leave her all alone on this planet. No, impossible.
"I'll go get her-"
"No Al', I'm gonna get her, ya stay there, got it?" Nigrip cut the man off before heading outside as fast as she could.
"I- alright..."
"What happened?" Elie asked, concerned.
Jack proceeded to tell the entire conversation to his two friends, Jet listening along from the side. Elie didn't know how to process it- was Maud not the sweet girl she seemed to be? She clinged onto Alex for comfort, and the man hugged her tightly. In all honesty, he wasn't sure how to take this revelation either... The accident left a scar on his back, and while he has been quiet about it, his back just hasn't been as good as it used to. The fact it could've been avoided entirely made him feel like this was all for nothing- his friends could've been protected instantly by just... Going back to earth.
A silence fell between the four people left in the underground hideout, waiting for the return of the other troll.
It took a while, but once Nigrip was back, Jack immediately went to her, hoping Maud was following behind!
The olive's expression was telling another story, however. "Couldn't find her" was all she muttered.
"What do you mean you couldn't find her?!" Jack asked aggressively "she couldn't have gotten far from here!"
"look Jack- I dunno, okay??! I searched all around the damn place and found nothin' ! The sun's rising and I can't go and search longer or else I'll be dust by tomorrow!" The troll hissed out of frustration.
"Well then I'll go do it my self!" He pushed Nigrip aside violently and walked up the stairs, before being stopped by someone grabbing his arm.
"Jack..." A raspy voice called, in a surprisingly soft tone. It was Jet "It's better to spend the day here and search tomorrow. The sun's not gonna help"
Jack violently teared his arm away from Jet's grip, and as he was about to yell in an angry outburst, he just... Falls to his knees, his head in hands.
"Just get some rest, alright?" Nigrip gave Jack a gentle pat on his shoulder before going to her bed, Jet following.
Elie and Alex remained silent, the two of them walking to Jack and hugging him for comfort.
They will find Maud- and she'll fine... Right?
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emthimofnight · 5 months
Shadow and Sonic technically lost at least 3 babies (or well stillborns) this is insane , I genuinely feel so bad for them omg
You know, it wouldn't really be something Shadow would actually think about until he'd gotten attached to Stellar.
He'd reflect on the fact that, technically, he and Sonic had a whole litter of pups that neither of them ever got to meet. He never planned to have children nor did he want any, but Stellar coming into his life would bring him joy that he never really knew he could feel. It'd make him wonder if they all would have been as wonderful as her if they had gotten the chance to grow up.
He'd feel a particular sense of sadness when Stellar asked if she could ever have a sibling, even if he wouldn't let it show. Stellar doesn't know she had lab siblings, and Shadow would prefer that she didn't know.
He does eventually confide in Sonic about it, though! Mainly as a way of getting his perspective on it, as Sonic has a way of keeping calm and carrying on that he envies greatly. Sonic, ever the optimist, would just say he was grateful that despite all odds, they still got to have Stellar in their lives. Shadow certainly can't argue with that!
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kkolg · 2 months
Why does Kimber always look so depressed, is Uzi's gene too strong? (Even though technically it is Nori's gene that Uzi got hehe)
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Well he witnessed a pretty traumatic event when he was younger which actually led to him dressing in alt fashion
as a sort of way to cope and just embrace the grim reality of the world
at least thats probably what he’d say
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itz-pandora · 4 months
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Spirit the Hedgehog
He's my Sonadow fankid, and he can see the souls of the dead. This is the first time he builds up the courage to interact with one.
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cacturnia · 7 months
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Two of them!!
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