#Jack Auxford
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Meeting the creator
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nihoniums-oc-emporium · 8 months
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Not a genderbend guy, but I was talking w/ a pal abt it and thought you know what. What if i did it with Jack and Elie. So here u go
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nihoniums-oc-emporium · 11 months
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In a universe, Alex becomes a twitch streamer and lives with the gang. Hilarity ensues.
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FUCK you all blorbo blingus 4 the humans
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Saw @byrdstrolls draw without eraser and on one layer so I got tempted to doodle smth in the same vein <3. It's on my phone so not peak performance but yk yk
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Blorbo blingus Jack my bestie
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Already done it baby but here he is <3
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hey jack, how it's going?? :(
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" Maud's gone to god knows where, it's been two days and we haven't found any trace of her, so as you can see I'm doing peachy "
>The redhead replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes at you.
" How it's going?? Not good, that's your answer. "
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Jack but he's 23 years old and also fashionable
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Catch ups and Revelations : Part 1
[ here's the writing I've been working on :3c this is part one and I'll link the others once they're out. I'm choosing to keep things short! Gordon and Quirox belongs to @quiescent-trolls ]
Yet another day, where the sun is setting on the alien planet, and the two moons are shining as brightly as they ever have. It was in the back of a bar that the four humans were awakening from their slumber, as they always did.
How long as it been? Months? Maybe even a year? Who knew, time felt fake the longer they remained in this place. At least they had a place to stay, didn't they? And it's not like they lacked people to rely on either.
Jack was sitting on the strange bug-bean chair, a little goopy, but at this point it didn't even bother him. His time on Alternia has been pretty good- arguably, it was even better than what earth had to give him. Him and his friends found a home in Jet and Nigrip, and a caring figure as well as safe place in Gordon and his library. Jack even had nice company with Quirox, and the chill quiet time the two of them shared was always nice. And yet... Yet Jack felt so incredibly homesick. He missed the earthly sun, he missed feeling the rain on his skin, he missed the warm and calming purr of his own cat- he missed his home planet.
Slowly but surely, Jack has grown... Strangely resentful of his friends- to him, it felt like they didn't care as much as him to get back, as he was definitely the most active member in their quest to return home.
Obviously, Jack was mistaken. Elie always wanted to help, but felt like she couldn't contribute to anything, being so weak and frail- and last time she attempted something, it ended up in her boyfriend almost dying. On the other end, Alex was more focus on protecting his friends. He didn't want any of them to get hurt, and he was the strongest one out of them all. Ever since the accident, though, Alex was left devoided of energy- and quite frankly scared of going out. He wouldn't admit it, but this planet was terrifying him.
Silence was only growing stronger between the four young adults. They still cared for eachother- but it was clear than an unspoken tension was growing after Alex's injury.
Truly, the one glue of the group in those tense times was Maud- her natural cheerful nature and enthusiasm was keeping the group's spirit and morale up. Often would she organise games with everyone- even inviting Gordon to join in the fun!
Distraction was always the best medicine for hard time, wasn't it?
At least, until things can't be ignored anymore.
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If the humans had an Halloween party :)
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Catch ups and Revelations : Part 3
[ Third and last part !!! Here is the previous one! I am not writing for at least a month /j ]
Jack took a step back, his face contorting in a mix of sadness and anger. "You better have a good fucking reason, maud" he retorted.
"I- Jacky-o! I can explain I promise-" the girl finally replied after what felt like ages of dead silence. She was trying her best to smile- but considering the situation it felt more eerie than comforting.
How could she even begin to justify this? From all angles, this looked bad- Jack didn't want to turn on one of the only friends he had back on Earth, but this did not help. Did she.... Not want them to leave? Why? Has some troll successfully manipulated her after finding out about them? Were they about to get sold to the empi-
" I just- I wanted the fun to continue!" She replied, cutting off Jack's train of thoughts. " Merry Elie, Alexy, you and I have been having so much fun as of late- I didn't want to go back so soon! We even made new friends! Don't you want to spend time with me, Jacky-o? Don't you want to stay with your new friends?" She tilted her head innocently, a genuinely curious expression on her face.
"well he's alive! And we all are!" She gleefully replied.
"What the hell are you on about-" Jack muttered in disbelief- was she actually serious? "Maud, Alex almost DIED- Hell- WE all could die here! Do you even- do you realise the danger we've been in??" His voice was desperate, almost pleading for Maud to wake up from whatever daydream she was having.
"THAT'S NOT THE FUCKING POINT!!" Jack yelled, he was frustrated with Maud- he knew she could be an airhead and delusional- but this was too much. "Do you want us to die here??! Is this- is this entire god damn thing just some game to you?! Maud- Maud please-"
"Is it not to you, Jacky-o?" Maud's smile started to turn into a sad frown- was her friend not happy to be here with her? Why was he so upset?
"No- it isn't! Why would it- Maud have you lost your damn mind?!"
The futuristic girl seemed confused "I... I just wanted to spend time with my friends..." She mumbled, her voice shaking as Jack was staring at her with an horrified, pained look on his face. "I thought we could all have a fun adventure here! Jacky-o, you love aliens, right? You should love it! Why aren't you enjoying it?" The girl was crumbling bit by bit... Hugging herself for comfort. Her own legs starting to shake under the pressure.
"... Because we're stuck here- how can we enjoy it if we're stuck here! Just think for once!" Jack answered, completely baffled by Maud's words- he was slowly letting his anger get the best of him, his tone getting more and more accusatory as he went on.
" But we never were stuck here! We can go back whenever-" Maud gasped, putting a hand on her mouth. Oh no. She has revealed something she was not supposed to.
".... Have you been lying to us this entire time?" Jack voice broke saying those words- tears were building up in his eyes "You lied to me?"
"I-I- I just- "
"You what?! You wanted us to have fun?? Didn't you see how much we've been struggling?! How- Why- what is wrong with you?!" Jack cut her off, trying his best to hold in the tears. He felt ... betrayed.
Maud's breathing quickened and so did her heartbeat- He was upset- and after that, they probably all will be. They all were going to hate her now, weren't they? Tears started to run down Maud's cheeks as she run out of the room in a panic- before Jack could register what was happening.
"MAUD!" Jack cried out before beginning to run after her through the hallway, but Maud was fast, fast enough to dash through the door before anyone else could even see her- too busy organising the celebration.
It was an out of breath Jack that eventually arrived to the main room, to the surprise of Alex, Elie and the two trolls.
"jack- you good?" His sister asked, slowly spotting the hint of red in Jack's eyes- has he been crying?
"Maud- she-" he took a deep breath "she ran out- we- we gotta find her!" As much as he hated what Maud has done, she was still a friend, and there was no way he'd leave her all alone on this planet. No, impossible.
"I'll go get her-"
"No Al', I'm gonna get her, ya stay there, got it?" Nigrip cut the man off before heading outside as fast as she could.
"I- alright..."
"What happened?" Elie asked, concerned.
Jack proceeded to tell the entire conversation to his two friends, Jet listening along from the side. Elie didn't know how to process it- was Maud not the sweet girl she seemed to be? She clinged onto Alex for comfort, and the man hugged her tightly. In all honesty, he wasn't sure how to take this revelation either... The accident left a scar on his back, and while he has been quiet about it, his back just hasn't been as good as it used to. The fact it could've been avoided entirely made him feel like this was all for nothing- his friends could've been protected instantly by just... Going back to earth.
A silence fell between the four people left in the underground hideout, waiting for the return of the other troll.
It took a while, but once Nigrip was back, Jack immediately went to her, hoping Maud was following behind!
The olive's expression was telling another story, however. "Couldn't find her" was all she muttered.
"What do you mean you couldn't find her?!" Jack asked aggressively "she couldn't have gotten far from here!"
"look Jack- I dunno, okay??! I searched all around the damn place and found nothin' ! The sun's rising and I can't go and search longer or else I'll be dust by tomorrow!" The troll hissed out of frustration.
"Well then I'll go do it my self!" He pushed Nigrip aside violently and walked up the stairs, before being stopped by someone grabbing his arm.
"Jack..." A raspy voice called, in a surprisingly soft tone. It was Jet "It's better to spend the day here and search tomorrow. The sun's not gonna help"
Jack violently teared his arm away from Jet's grip, and as he was about to yell in an angry outburst, he just... Falls to his knees, his head in hands.
"Just get some rest, alright?" Nigrip gave Jack a gentle pat on his shoulder before going to her bed, Jet following.
Elie and Alex remained silent, the two of them walking to Jack and hugging him for comfort.
They will find Maud- and she'll fine... Right?
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Catch ups and Revelations : Part 2
[ YIPPEE part 2 !! Here's part one!! Enjoy :3c ]
Jack has been researching- a lot. While the technology of the machine they arrived in wasn't alternia tech, there was a good amount of books that could help him understand how those mechanisms worked in the first place. You'd be surprised how close the two planets' technology could be- putting aside the design choices. Obviously, this took him a long, long time- ever since Alex's attack, he has been working even harder towards his goal.
It took him what was probably two or three months of almost non-stop working, which worried Maud quite a bit. Every time Jack would fall asleep at his makeshift desk, she'd bring him a blanket. Every time he was about to leave for a long time alone, she'd drag him back just for a bit of relaxation. She was worried the man would kill himself out of exhaustion.
One fateful day, when he was observing the machine in their hiding spot, with Nigrip guarding the place, Jack finally figured it out- what the engine needed to be able to work again! A strange mix of melted crystals that, apparently, worked alongside a magnetic field to be able to teleport... Or something. He wasn't sure how exactly it worked, but it was the most compelling solution he had found! The inner machinery seemed to hint to it, anyway.It's not a solid conclusion, but it's something. And at this point, it was everything to him.
"FUCK YEAH!" The red haired man yelled, hands in the air- the book he was using settled in his laps.
"You found it?!" Nigrip's pupils widened as she rushed to him, lifting him up in the air. "FUCK YEAH DUDE! You genius!"
"HEY- PUT ME DOWN!" Jack wiggled in the troll's arms before being dropped on the ground. "But yeah! I think I got it! It's some sort of melted crystal mix... I bet this will help Maud refresh her memory- I'm sure she'll know what kind of rocks it is"
"... Might be hard to find, though- I mean crystals like that gotta be under empire's supervision... Under the fleet's protection, even-" the troll smirked "I always wanted to get to those fuckers!"
"Woah woah- chill" Jack chuckled "one thing at a time, right? First let's tell the others! It's gonna blow their damn mind"
"Ahah! ya got it mister genius" she playfully hit jack's arm "Alright, let's head off"
And with that, the two excitedly made their way back to the base! Jack entered with a bright smile- a rare sight. He proceeded to loudly announce "GUYS- GUYS! I GOT IT" to the entire bar- and very quickly, two humans came rushing in, alongside a troll who was slightly lagging behind.
"Got what, kid?" Jet asked, amused.
"The fuel! I know what we need!"
"You what?!" Elie gasped, putting a hand over her mask, trying to contain the tears of joy she was about to let loose.
"Jack! That's awesome! " Alex rushed in to squeeze Jack into a tight embrace- leaving the red head to squirm like a worm out of his grip.
"Alex- ALEX-"
"Ah- Sorry- Sorry!" Jack was instantly let go, leaving Alex to apologize profusely.
"So you cracked the code, huh?" Jet asked.
"Well uh- partially ! I know we'll need a sort of mix of different crystals- but I don't know which ones exactly... Though Maud could help with that! Speaking of-" Jack looked around the room, trying to catch a glimpse of the futuristic girl. "... Where is she?"
"Beats me!" Elie replied with a shrug "I don't think she went out though, she'd never go without a warning or something"
"Maybe she's in her VR thingy?- She's been using it a lot as of late..." Alex suggested.
"Go 'n find her, me and Nigrip are gonna prepare ya four a good old celebration party!" Jet winked, signing Jack to go.
The man's first instinct was to check Maud's room- obviously! It was where she'd end up most of the time, when they weren't spending time together.... But it seemed she wasn't here, huh... Strange....
Jack was starting to worry- Maud rarely, if ever, went out alone, especially not without telling someone about it. As he kept walking through the dead silent barman's place, he heard the quiet shuffling of papers from a specific room... His room. The room in which he spent most of his time tirelessly searching for the truth about this god forsaken Machine.
As he opened the door and stepped in, his heart was beating like crazy- did a troll break into their base? Was it the end for them? Thankfully, all worries were lifted off his shoulders as soon as he saw the familiar figure of Maud in the room.
"Ah- Maud! Thank fuck you're here I-"
He was stoped dead in his track as his eyes took more of the current scene, Maud wasn't just organising the papers around- she was tearing them apart piece by piece. The entire room was just a cemetery for Jack's months worth of research.
The red head's face instantly changed as the girl just stared at him helplessly- her expression was completely unreadable as she froze like a deer in headlights.
"Maud... What the Fuck are you doing" Jack spoke, his voice quiet and shaky, before he repeated himself, this time, louder and "what the FUCK are you doing??!"
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Sorry I'm in an older Jack mood rn. Here's him dressed as a vampire
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Who is Jack :O
One of my four fankids / humans on this blog whom I adore making fun of <3
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He's a rude little bitch who Will insult you. He cares about his friends so much. He will say they're all stupid idiots. He's gay, repressed AND homophobic. He never left his creepypasta phase. He secretly loves shitty shojos. He's my everything.
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♡ all the humans. hi,
Oh boy. Alright let's fuckin uuuuh GO
Elie :
Elie is BIG on Physical touch and Words of affection!! She will often say "I love you" to Alex, and compliment him. She'd text him daily when they weren't together back on earth. She also loves just... Kissing hugging or just holding his hands. And also clinging onto him like a koala.
Alex :
This man is so full of love it's unreal. He mostly goes w/ Quality time and act of services tho!!! He loves spending time with Elie whenever he can, online or otherwise. And this man will do anything to make her life easier :]. He's also into physical touch a lot! A swell guy. A lovely man.
Jack :
Act of services, Quality time and Gift giving. He doesn't like to actually say "I love you" a lot and isn't a very touchy, but by god he love spending time with his loved ones when be can. He's really the type to show he loves but not say it. So often he ends up doing small things like baking or just cleaning the place when you aren't looking. Leaving a small gift for you to find once you're back. That type of stuff <3
Maud :
Maud's Aro Ace but she's definitely a huuuuuge quality time kind of gal. She will do everything in her power to spend as much time as she possibly can with her friends and people she loves. She's also big on words of affection- always complimenting everyone and saying how much she appreciates them a LOT.
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Half assed screenshot redraws for the trigun stampede au <3 I just wanted to get a quick feeling for their designs
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