reputayswift · 1 year
the world because Tolerate It made the setlist, got a gorgeous piano intro, and is fully acted out with props and all
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alyjojo · 4 months
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Love Reading 🎧 - May 2024 - Sagittarius
Who is Coming In: Judgment & Temperance rev
Regarding: King of Wands
Long-Term Potential: King of Pentacles rev
It’s the ex that you’re most pissed off at for leaving you and fking around with other people, this person is a player. I’m hearing “counting bodies” which…I don’t say, must be a lot of bodies, or that’s their thing idk. They are sleeping around with several people, not just you, or one, there’s a whole roster most likely. Or switch it, maybe they’re mad at you for this. Someone wants a lot of attention and they will stop at nothing in order to get it. Sex specifically, it’s not messages and it’s not flirting, no this person is actually fking around with whatever has legs, and someone is pissed off because they had some kind of genuine feelings for this person. Wanted to work it out, wanted to build something with you/them. It’s not looking possible.
Long-term this person continues to be non-committal and selfish af, nothing will change, either the angry person moves on because they’re worth more than that, or this person leaves for someone else inevitably, and will likely fk them over too. And the next, and the next. So please, for your sake (I assume)…next 🙏
- You’re not the only one they’ve played.
- Physically fit 💪
- Sabotage & Rebuild
- Persistent
- Working On It
- Repairing
Inner peace is my bitch ✌️
Signs you may be dealing with:
Fire 🔥 & Earth 🐛
Them: Queen of Wands, The Hanged Man, 3 Pentacles
Regarding: Strength
You’ve got a quiet drama on your hands and you know it. This person is watching you, and you know it, you’re putting on a show for them to watch. There’s an ego game going on here…it seems to end well this month but just…that’s rare. I wouldn’t make this dynamic a regular thing ijs, not if you value this connection. So you’re pretending you don’t have feelings and they’re pretending they don’t care, and you both are equally full of shit & why can’t people just communicate?
This person is holding back, very stubborn, not cooperating with you, absolutely blaming you, which seems valid…I’m hearing “play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” and well, what do you expect from them? They’re angry with you. You’re trying to make them jealous, it’s working. I don’t see them in full chaos mode *yet* - Queen of Wands rev can show their perception of you, being reckless and attention seeking (confirmed). Or they’re holding it back for now, but they have completely disengaged from your bs while it’s going on. Or as a response to something you’re doing. There’s a period where you don’t interact at all. I think this person intends to keep it that way too, initially, so even though the outcome is positive, this kinda stuff can and will cause longer term damage. It’s possible they’re finding something out via stalking, and then backing away from you completely, leaving you in the dog house 🦴
- Adrenaline Junkie
- I love to surprise you 😯
- Watching & Looking
- Perception
- Stalking
You: 9 Cups, 10 Wands rev, 3 Swords rev
Regarding: Temperance
You are…making light of the situation, taking it day by day, being patient. You expect this person to heal, you want them to heal. There isn’t much accountability going on, I’m seeing the typical Sag response of like, “let’s make a joke about it”, and idk how well that’s going to come off with all of this intense water energy describing your person. They’re not losing their shit and you’re trying to make light of it, so hopefully it’s not that bad - but I also see you gaslighting them into *believing* it’s not that bad…which may not really be the case. Only you two would know.
With all of that being the case, I do see emotional manipulation & gaslighting, which is trash, but I don’t see cruelty or like…shit intentions? So idk what to make of it, they probably don’t either. You’re in “calm down it’s fine” mode. Is it? You know this person deeply loves you and they’ve found you and something, so you’re on damage control, hoping to make them smile, hoping to heal the situation and make it better. 9 Cups describes what you did, selfish indulgence. Partying possibly, drinking, acting single maybe, that’s all it’s giving. If this is the current dynamic and they’re actively watching you, you’re trying to make them jealous, acting like you’re AMAZING and everything is SO GREAT when it’s not and you’re a gah damn liar, but your ego feels good playing games. You hope they want you more, by showing them what they’re missing.
In my personal experience, some people literally turn around at this point and run the other way, it has the opposite effect (with good reason). Not this one, not this month.
- I love the way you look at me.
- I just want ATTENTION 💯
- Time With Friends
- Having Fun
- Happily Single
- Living in the Moment
- Hiding True Feelings
- Pretending & Delude
- Gaslight & Personify
The path to inner peace begins with four words: Not My Fucking Problem (reversed)
Mutual: Page of Cups, The Hermit rev, 10 Cups
Regarding: 4 Wands
Well, I’ve been putting my two cents in but you seem to have it down already, you want them back that’s why. The Devil rev clarifies, you’re sorry, apologizing, knocking off whatever crap put you here in the first place…because this is 10 Cups, it’s 4 Wands, you’re in love with this person & it’s mutual. A small offer or gesture of some kind will get this person to come around. I don’t know how much you take seriously, I don’t get much conversation or healing. It seems like skating by with promises to cut off whatever was toxic or stop doing it idk. It feels like a very loving & stable connection, I hope it works out. Could be switched for the crosswatcher, but it’s pretty heavy with the Sag dynamics for most. The goal is healing the whole, and the only advice I can see is maybe the individual could use some inner work too, on either/both sides. Page of Cups makes it seem like the heavier work is being brushed off casually, empty promises like “let’s make this better” - great, and it’s beautiful, but is it genuine? Some absolutely, others ehh…
- New Phase & Rekindle
- Renew & Growth
- Changed Mind
- Rise From Ashes
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Pisces, Sagittarius, Aries, Cancer & Capricorn
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Holy shit.
I was going through my old screenshots pre-Pandemic, and I came across a part of my Twitter history I had completely forgotten.
So, as I had written about at length in my recounting of the history of Bo Burnham Historian, one part of my social media past was running a parody Rocko's Modern Life account in 2019.
Called Rocko's Thoughts, it was pretty easy to set up. Every tweet was "_____ is a very dangerous day," with the blank filled in with whatever stupid Twitter holiday it was that day (Like "National Hot Dog Day is a very dangerous day.").
So I did this from January 2019 until January 2020 when I completely abandoned the account and never really tweeted again frequently until BBH/UBBH.
But that's just background for the absolutely bizarre thing that happened to Rocko's Thoughts.
So, I had amassed a moderate following of 23 people, but I would get replies to my very basic tweets from people trying to actually converse with the nervous wallaby. I assume most were young or perhaps mentally impaired, but I'd respond back in character, saying "mate" and stuff since Rocko is Australian.
HOWEVER, there was one freak I never replied to...that would be Terri.
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Oh, I'm sorry—her full name on Twitter was this weird mix of emojis:
This was legit my exact train of thought about if I should follow or interact with my BIGGEST fan who made a pretty cute thesaurus joke (definitely appealing to my word nerd self):
Me: So, that seems pretty innocent, right? Maybe a bit more law-focused than I would have preferred from Rocko’s followers, but Terri seems like she wants to rock out and hang at the beach. Cool!
Let’s read a bit further before I decide to follow one of the few people to interact with Rocko.
@ LilPolkSalad
Me: That’s fine. Who doesn’t have a weird handle…maybe she’s a fan of James Polk and veggies? I’m still onboard, but there’s this weird list of sentences (?) and hashtags. Okay, let’s check THOSE out.
Cotton sharecropper’s granddaughter.
Me: Huh…
Me: Okay, typo isn’t helping here…
Me: Oh no, no…
Me: Well, that explains the scales at least…
#AmericaFirst 🇺🇸
Me: Can this get any worse? Now I’m just curious…
Me: Ah, there it is. What else ya got, you right-wing nut job lover of a Nicktoon character from the nineties?
Me: Ugh…do these people know you don’t need to capitalize the letters in a hashtag?
🚫#FakeNews #MSM
Me: Okay, this is definitely like my mother who calls anything but Fox News “the lapdog media.”
Um…do you think Terri ever realized that “no” could be accomplished by just writing “No”? I mean, she’s written a novel already in her freakin’ Twitter bio.
So, long story short, Terri is now undoubtedly a member of Moms for Liberty, harassing school board members and burning books that say gay people exist.
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And, no, I did NOT interact with or follow her. 🤘💙🌈🪩🏳️‍🌈✌️
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burntblueberrywaffles · 8 months
"#tbf i have not watched it" Then why are you commenting on it's quality?
Convenient how you truncated that sentence and removed the parts saying but I know several of the story arcs bc I’m chronically online and obsessed w Anakin Skywalker #and hearing about a lot of them it’s like??? he would not fucking do that
I also guess you saw that tag but missed the ones saying #if you disagree that’s fine ypu can just mute the TCW critical tag assfkldgk 🏃‍♀️ literally I’m not trying to spark some huge debate you can enjoy whatever you want, I’m just a silly goofy girlie trying to make the subset of the fandom that does dislike TCW!Anakin laugh with a little meme it is not that deep bestie - I properly tagged my post with both #TCW critical and #the clone wars critical, remember that these are the times where you go to the muted tags section and curate your fandom experience bless ✌️
That said you’ve decided to send me an anon ask and this is ppl misunderstand my sw posts take 345 so sure;;;; let get into it - this meme was specifically aimed at the characterization of Anakin Skywalker- I have no opinion on TCW’s quality as a stand alone show, in fact if you were to divorce it from the source material, it does look pretty ok. More specifically, this post is about a phenomenon in the SW fandom where some Anakin haters are basing their entire argument for why he’s always been an irredeemable character on TCW plot lines, which is infuriating when you’re a huge Anakin fan - bc yeah, from what I’ve heard, some of his actions in TCW do suck… but that is not the Anakin character I enjoy, it’s some other guy with the same name. I’m entirely willing to admit Anakin is a bad person (with some nuance that is) but for god sake your argument should at least be somewhat rooted in the original source material. If someone said "your favourite character sucks actually, he did this bad thing in a fanfic I read!" I think you’d agree it’d warrant a certain level of frustration.
"If you’re not talking about the overall writing quality of TCW then why did you phrase it like that?" BECAUSE ITS A FUCKING MEME this always fucking happens and y’all have me wanting to bang my head against a wall;;;;; you simply cannot make a point through meme format without losing nuance - a meme needs to be short and to the point, so yeah, I do sacrifice a lot of nuance when expressing some things just because I think it will make a funnier post, bc again and again I make the mistake of assuming the audience will have the intelligence of understanding that it’s a FUCKING JOKE. Once again;;;; I am literally just being silly and goofy in my internet corner - I think I might have made a total of 5 serious sw posts and two of them were fanfic rec list (obviously not the real number but like;;;; even post where I do communicate a genuine sw opinion are often phrased in a very joking manner, above all im here to have a silly time not get into fandom fights lmao)
Now that is more rude that I usually allow myself to get bc I believe in healthy respectful exchanges, and I do apologize for that but then again if you’re looking for an edifying conversation maybe you should start by not sending people bitter anons ❤️
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Just A Jacket
A silly little Huntlow fic, set between Sport in a Storm and Labyrinth Runners. I’m on mobile so forgive any spelling or format issues lol ✌️
- - -
“How are you cold right now?” Willow laughed as she wiped the rest of the green paint off her face. Hunter sat beside her on the bench shivering, waiting to walk her home.
“Well, I’m not used to wearing civilian clothing,” he chattered with a blush, she assumed because she had noticed the shivering. “I’m used to wearing more layers. You probably don’t realize how cold it actually is because you were so focused on the game. It’ll hit you any second.”
“Sure it will,” she smiled, digging through her bag. “Here, put this on.”
She tossed a green lump of fabric at Hunter who was too busy complaining to catch it. “Oof,” he groaned as the bundle covered his face. “What is it?”
“We got them when we got the new uniforms,” Willow explained. “It’s my jacket, isn’t it nice?”
“It feels nice,” Hunter said, removing it from his head to properly see it. It was a typical letterman jacket, the white sleeves were long and thick and the body was the team’s signature green. The back had ‘Park’ written in bold white letters on the back. It truly was a fine jacket. “Good quality. Impressive.”
“We’ve got a tournament coming up so I wanted to make sure we looked our best,” said Willow proudly. “Check out the front.”
Hunter turned it over and saw a patch that read ‘Captain,’ written in gold, a title she justly deserved. Something about it being written in gold the way it was made his heart flip. Below it, two Es were placed beside each other to represent the team’s name.
“It’s excellent, Captain,” said Hunter with a smile. “A jacket worthy of your abilities.”
“It’s heavy, put it on,” she said. “It’ll keep you warm.”
“But it’s yours, I couldn’t-,”
“Captain’s orders,” she insisted playfully. “I have an idea about a new strategy and I need your opinion and I don’t want your chattering teeth to distract me.”
Hunter did not protest further, carefully putting his arm through the sleeves as though it was made of glass rather than wool.
“How do I look?” He asked with a nervous laugh. Why he was nervous, he did not know.
“Cute!” Willow beamed, as she finished gathering her things. Hunter buried his hands in the pockets and looked down to the ground hoping the setting sun would disguise the blush he felt overcoming his face. “Ready?” Willow asked, giving no indication she noticed.
Hunter nodded and the pair set off. This was their after game tradition. Darius had helped Hunter sneak away to watch his friend’s matches and then he would walk Willow home as she shared her thoughts and strategies from the game. She liked to do it while it was still fresh in her head she said, and Hunter’s observations as a bystander helped her see the whole picture. It was the next best thing to actually playing, but since he wasn’t technically a Hexside student there was little to be done. Plus, there was no way he could ask Darius to cover for him during practices and games.
He was grateful for this time with the Captain. They messaged every day, yes, but she was so much quicker at it he felt embarrassed when he took too long responding. He liked seeing her in person, it was easier.
Well, some parts were easier.
“So, how’s the new guy doing?” Hunter asked.
“Ugh, you noticed didn’t you?” Willow groaned, throwing her head back.
“Hey, I didn’t say anything, I was just asking,” laughed Hunter. “But yes now that you mention it I did notice he didn’t do... great.”
“He’s still on a trial basis,”
“So I’m guessing he didn’t get a cool jacket?”
“Not yet,” sighed Willow. “He’s in a lot of my plant track classes but I think he’s more focused on decorating the field than actually playing. He wouldn’t stop growing blossoms!”
“Interesting tactic, but I’m guessing not what you had planned?”
“No,” she smiled. “But, hey, it’s not his fault. You’re a tough act to follow. I guess there’s just no replacing you.”
He was blushing again, he knew it. He couldn’t help it. “Yeah well, you guys still won tonight though, right?” He chucked nervously again. What was he nervous about. “Just proves what a great captain you are, I guess.”
“Thanks,” she said, tucking rough strand of hair behind her ear, her eyes darting to the ground. “And thanks for coming, you know you don’t have to right? I mean, I’m glad that you do but if you’re ever busy I understand-.”
“Nonsense, I always look forward to seeing you,” he said, then quickly tried to changed directions. “Seeing you kick butt that is! All of you, the team. You and the team, you on the team. Hmm.” He pretended to cough. “The human said she would message me live updates if ever I couldn’t make it but she’s not as familiar with the terms so it was less than helpful. Besides, it’s more fun being there in person.”
“That’s true, you are our lucky charm,” said Willow. “We’ve won every match you’ve gone to.”
“That’s because of your abilities as captain, not my spectatorship,” insisted Hunter.
“Hmm, well unless you miss a match I guess we’ll never know for sure,” mused Willow, hoping to never know for sure as they approached her house. “See you tomorrow?”
This was one of the parts that wasn’t easier, Hunter never knew how to say goodbye. It was much easier in text form, words were enough then but something about seeing her walk away made him want to talk longer. But he had nothing else to say about today’s match and he was sure she didn’t either. He just wanted to listen to her talk more.
“Yes, of course,” he said. He was already out later that he had told Darius he would be, he knew he and Flapjack would have to fly home faster than usual but still he could not drag himself away. “Um, same time?”
He didn’t need to ask that. The time was always the same. He knew that. He just needed an excuse to talk to her longer.
“Yes,” replied Willow. “We’re playing last years undefeated team, so we’ll definitely need our good luck charm. I’ll make sure you have the best seat.”
“You always do,” he said, mostly to himself. “Well, uh goodnight.”
“Oh, wait your jacket!” exclaimed Hunter, remembering why he felt so warm and content. He started to take it off but Willow stopped him.
“Oh, that’s okay,” said Willow. “You can give it back to me tomorrow.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, you’ll need it for the chilly flight home,” she said with a giggle. “Consider it a bribe to ensure you’ll be at the match tomorrow.”
“Well, uh, consider me bribed,” he laughed, hoping it was the right thing to say. She laughed as well. It was.
Hunter had the hardest time taking off Willow’s jacket. It was so pristine, which meant either she hadn’t worn it or she was extremely careful when she did. And she trusted him with it, a symbol of her leadership, to wear because simply he was cold. That’s all he had to do, he didn’t earn it. But now he held a piece of her long after they parted ways, delicately tracing the letters of her last name with the tip of his finger.
He knew she had worn it because it smelled like her; like dirt and bark and flowers, so many flowers. Willow smelled like a wild garden, all the plants came together in the air around her. Just when he thought he could pinpoint it to a single flower, she’d surprise him. He’d often be out on patrol, and sneak a sniff of a flower absentmindedly thinking of her when he’d realize how many things she was at once. She was a tornado in a green house, a gentle breeze in an open field, fresh cut grass meeting morning dew.
When he put his hands in the pockets he found they were full of seeds, which made him laugh because of course they were. Something about his hands being where he knew hers had been made him feel safe. Wearing it reminded him of her embrace, and being close to her. He felt warm. He hoped the Captain wasn’t too cold without her jacket and made sure he’d bring an extra jacket to the match tomorrow, already loathing the idea of having to wear something else.
During the day when he could not wear it he made sure it was safely and delicately folded and was excited to wear it again. He was excited to have Willow see him in it again. Maybe she’d call him cute again, but he didn’t linger too long on that thought.
“Hunter! Over here Hunter!” Luz called from the stands when she spotted him. “We saved you a seat!”
“You didn’t save anything this is always my seat,” Hunter replied. “Why do you have an engorged finger?”
Luz looked confusingly at her homemade green foam finger as though the idea wasn’t obvious. “Because we’re number one?”
“It’s a human thing,” Amity explained as Hunter sat down. “It’s dorky, but it’s cute.”
“That’s debatable,”
“Speaking of cuuuuute,” Luz began dramatically. “Are you wearing Willow’s flyer derby jacket?!”
“Huh? Well, not that it’s any of your business but yes,” he said smugly. “And I didn’t steal it if that’s what you’re thinking. The Captain insisted I wear it.”
As though on cue, Willow called out to Hunter from the field where the team was warming up and waved to him. Hunter eagerly waved back, before the eyes of those around him told him to dial it back a tad. Luz practically fell out of her seat.
“That’s so cuuuuute!” She squealed.
“You already said that,” he murmured, annoyed.
“I know! But it is! How did she ask you?”
“Ask me what?”
“To wear her jacket!”
“You mean how did she ask if I was cold?”
“Ugh! No! I mean what the jacket represents!”
“What are you babbling about human?”
“When someone on a sports team asks you to wear their jacket it means they like you,” said Luz, then realizing Hunter may not get the intended point she added for emphasis. “Like, like-like you. Ya know? That’s like classic rom com 101.”
Hunter tried to avoid getting flustered. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, that’s just a silly human thing.”
“No, it’s a thing here too,” said Amity, matter-of-factly.
“But maybe it’s not as common as you think,” said Hunter. “Maybe the Captain doesn’t know that!”
“Her dads used to wear each other’s flyer derby jackets so I’m pretty sure she knows,” said Amity nonchalantly before seeing the panicked look on Hunter’s face. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine! W-why wouldn’t I be? I’m just wearing the Captain’s jacket and that means everyone will think.. she gave me... I gotta go!”
In a flash, Hunter teleported away from the pair who looked at each other confused.
The entire game, Hunter paced frantically beneath the bleachers. Flapjack did his best to calm him down, but Hunter could not be reasoned with. He watched in awe as Willow soared and shouted out strategies to her team as he was trying to find the right words to say what he was dreading to say. She was so strong and kind and beautiful... she didn’t even realize the mistake she had made. How was he supposed to tell her?
He waited until he was certain everyone had left. Her friend came up to say their congratulations and Hunter was hoping he could sneak the jacket back into her bag without being noticed but then he worried she might not see it at first and he couldn’t just leave it somewhere lest it fell on the ground. But he didn’t want to embarrass her by giving it back to her in front of people, he was already worried he’d had embarrassed her by wearing it.
Mid thought, he felt a familiar something wrap around his ankles and force him to the ground before dragging him away. He clung to the jacket for dear life, worried it would get stained. He opens his eyes and standing above him was no surprise, he’d know those vines anywhere.
“H-hey captain,” he chuckled nervously.
“What are you doing under there?” She asked with a grin. “I looked for you during the game and didn’t see you. I knew you didn’t leave though because we won. Told you you were our lucky charm.”
“Yeah sorry about that,”
“Did you not wanna sit with Luz and Amity? Luz explained that giant finger thing to me, if that’s what was bothering you...”
“No, no it’s not that it’s...” he held his breath. “Captain, I need to return your jacket!”
“Oh yeah!” She said as though she had forgotten she had entrusted him with such an important item. “Ya know, I’m not gonna need it tonight so you can hold onto it if you want, I know it’s still kinda-.”
“Captain, I-I hate to embarrass you but the huma-Luz informed me that it’s customary for athletes to allow another to wear aspects or extensions of their uniforms to signify that they’re... romantically involved.”
“Um... yeah? Sometimes, I guess.”
“And when you gave me your jacket, I accepted it not knowing it’s extra symbolic importance.”
“I didn’t realize what I was taking from you,” he went on. “I should’ve returned it immediately in case you had plans for it.”
“I don’t know much about this school or school in general, but I know that whoever you select to wear this jacket will be worthy,” he said. “You were kind to lend it to me in my time of need, but I’d hate to keep it from someone more deserving.”
“Hunter, I... it’s just a jacket...”
“But it says your name on it! It’s your jacket!” He rambled. “You worked hard for it! If anyone but you is going to wear it they have to be important! And worthy! And special! And-“
“Hunter,” she placed her hand on his shoulders to cut him off and looked directly into his eyes. “You are all of those things, I promise.”
“But, what if people think-?”
“They’ll think you’re cold,” she laughed. “Or they’ll think you look nice in it. Or they won’t care at all. If you’re uncomfortable wearing it, that’s okay. But I like seeing you in it; it feels like you’re still on the team. I-I’ve really missed getting to play with you.”
“Oh,” he said, embarrassed but he couldn’t pick just one reason. “I-I’ve missed playing with you too.”
“Ya know, I say you’re our lucky charm but I really mean you’re my lucky charm,” she admitted sheepishly, a tiny blush creeping on her face now. “That dodge and weave technique you thought of? It worked great! They never saw it coming!”
“You looked great,” said Hunter fondly. “Did great! I mean you did great, you played great! You always do.”
“Thanks,” she said and the two stood in silence for a moment before Willow zapped herself back to the moment. “So... you were worried about wearing my jacket because you thought I might want someone else to wear it?”
“Uh yeah,” he admitted, feeling as though he has overreacted. “But... I did like it. I do like it. I mean I really like... this jacket. It’s soft. And green. And nice. Like you. I mean, I-.”
“Well I’m glad you like it becaaaause,” she dramatically dug through her bag before pulling out another green jacket.
“Is that-?”
“I hadn’t sewn on all the patches yet so it wasn’t ready otherwise I would’ve given it to you yesterday, but ta-da! Your very own Emerald Entrails jacket!”
He took it cautiously in his hands as though it might crumble and marveled at it. It was the same as Willow’s, but the back had his name on it instead and where hers said Captain, his said-
“‘Lucky Charm,’” he read aloud, his voice wavering.
“Do you like it?” Willow asked excitedly.
“I love it,” he breathed, running his hand over the stitching. He could tell she did it by hand, she had worked so hard on this for him and he didn’t do anything to deserve it. “It’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever given me.”
“Well, it’s maybe not as nice as your Golden Guard cape but I wanted to thank you,” she said. “You’re a big reason this team is even here, so I wanted to make sure you had a part of it.”
“Thank you, it’s-.” The wind blew and sent a small shiver down Hunter’s spine and out of the corner of his eyes he saw that it had affected Willow as well. It was colder than last night, and seeing Willow slightly shiver made him react without thinking. Instinctively, he put the jacket he held over her shoulders before the reality of what he did caught up with him. Her eyes widened at their closeness and her face quickly went from stunned to smug.
“Is this your way of asking me to wear your jacket?” she asked mischievously.
“What? No! I mean, not ‘no’ but it was because uh,” he sputtered. “I mean, that’s stupid because you already have a jacket. I mean not stupid! I just don’t want you to think I don’t wanna wear it, because I do! But I thought that since you looked cold-.”
“Because I’d love to,” she cut him off, then gently squeezed his hand. He exhaled, his breathing still shaky. “I think it’s only fair, since you got to wear mine.”
He nodded. “Deal,” he said, and followed her lead and he was always happy to do. He didn’t need to tell her what people might think because he didn’t care. He liked having something of Willow’s and he liked the idea that she had something of his.
“So, how do I look?” She said, twirling around in his jacket leaving it draped around her shoulders like a cape.
“Cute,” he said without thinking because it was true and they both blushed. They were both so focused on concealing their own face they didn’t notice the other’s. It was getting darker, usually they had left by now. But with double overtime and the exchanging of jackets, timekeeping just wasn’t a priority. “But uh, we should get going before your dads get too worried.” He was always so focused on what her dads thought when he was involved.
“Right,” she said as she began walk. She picked up her bag and struggled to sling it over her shoulder as she usually did, wanting to keep the aesthetic of the jacket on her shoulders. Hunter reached out to take the bag from her to carry it for her but she misunderstood his intention and transferred the bag into her other hand and slipped her free one into his and they continued to walk. He didn’t correct her, he tried not to react lest she misunderstand and decide to take her hand back. Be he imagined the sight of them: walking hand in hand in one another’s matching jackets and he held her hand more firmly. It felt so natural but so scary at the same time.
He hoped this part was a permanent addition to their after game routine.
Gilbert and Harvey watched fondly from the window as their daughter strolled down the path hand in hand with her escort.
“He’s wearing her jacket,” sang Harvey as he sipped his cup of tea.
“Seems she took a page from your book,” responded Gilbert with a light chuckle, sipping his.
“They look cute together,” his husband whispered endearingly and then looked closer. “Oh my titan, I think they’re-.”
“-holding hands,” Harvey finished, taking in the sight with fondness. “That’s a page from your book.”
“I’m gonna turn on the porch lights on when they get to the door,” said Gilbert mischievously, running to the front door.
“Oh please, Gilbert don’t embarrass the poor girl!” His husband called after, secretly loving the thrill.
“She’s wearing his jacket too,” he responded peeking through the curtains.
“Let’s open the door when the walk up,” decided Harvey, remembering a similar situation back when they were that age. They rushed to the door utterly giddy, trying to keep their voices hushed. They had been looking forward to this day for so long.
“We should ask him to stay for dinner and wear our old flyer derby jackets.”
“Let’s pace ourselves dear,” laughed Harvey. “I think we’ll have plenty of opportunities to scare the poor boy.”
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kirishimaswife2819 · 4 years
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↠Request Information
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↠General Rules (apply to all types of requests, unless stated otherwise):
Characters I write for:
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugou
Eijiro Kirishima
Shoto Todoroki
Mina Ashido
Ochaco Uraraka
Momo Yaoyorozu
Hanta Sero
Nejire Hado
What you can not request:
(You can request different ones but I can't promise I'll do them)
Explicit Smut (it can be implied or mentioned, but no actual smut)
Anything involving a mythical/supernatural creature (Dragons, mermaids, etc.) WITH THE EXCEPTION OF VAMPIRES (I don’t mind writing about vampires but no others please)(Also, if you do request vampires I’m most likely going to base the vampires off the ones from The Vampire Diaries universe, because that’s the only vampire show I have watched.)
Things having to do with drugs (excluding cigarettes and nicotine, those are fine, but nothing having to do with like weed or any of that)
(I may add more to this list in the future)
Additional information:
I do not mind writing poly relationships, just please state if it’s a poly relationship or not, because if you do not, I will most likely assume that they’re separate (unless it has specific wording, so I can tell it is meant to be poly)
If you have preferred pronouns that you’d like me to use for it, please state them, otherwise I will make it gender neutral (even if you do state them, if they aren’t relevant to the story at all, I’m just going to do it gender neutral so that more people can enjoy it)
↠Emergency Requests - Closed
All of the general rules apply to these <3
So I do take emergency requests! (not rn tho) Just send them in, and I’ll get to them asap, I will try my absolute best to get it out within three days, but recently my mental health has been switching between okay and not okay, but I will get to it as soon as I get the chance
↠Regular Requests (Headcanons, scenarios, oneshots, drabbles)- Open
All of the general rules apply to these <3
Request as many characters as you want, as long as I write for that specific character
I’m not sure what else to add to this but yeah, you got the point 😗✌️
↠Prompt Requests- Open
Prompt List
All of the general rules apply to these <3
To request for this event please either send me an ask, or a message with the numbers (up to three per request but you can send as many requests as you want) of the prompts you want to be included (if you want, you can also provide a brief little story line, if you had something specific in mind)
These will just probably just be 100-1k word little drabbles, so keep that in mind
The first fifty are from my prompt list for my 1k event but I added them here as well so you could pair them with some of the ones on the new prompt list if you want
Please list whether you want it to be fluffy or angsty, because some of these could be either one
*name* is either a characters name or your name, depending on what direction either you or I decide to make the prompt go in
I thought up most of these myself, some I may have heard somewhere and just forgotten where
Little Headcanon Requests- Closed
All of the general rules apply to these <3
Max of FOUR characters for these UNLESS it’s like how they would cuddle, how the would hug, etc.
Just pick something little (I’m only going to write 2-5 headcanons about it unless I get inspiration for it), like how they would reply to certain situation or like “how they’d hold your hand”, something along those lines
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silverlinedeyes · 3 years
I love being tagged in posts by people that essentially direct further harassment and abuse to my account or about me when I’m blocked and can’t see the post or respond! Super cool.
@bookofmirth in response to what you’re saying about my post, that you didn’t even read in its entirety but that you apparently felt competent and entitled to comment on nonetheless:
The whole point of the post was to examine superficial parallels or commonalities between the two characters (some of which are canon, some of which are assuming Gwyn is a lightsinger), and then examine why those parallels might exist. The whole point is that Gwyn isn’t actually like I*nthe, she’s good while I*nthe is evil, so why are there these parallels in the text?! And if you’d read my post, the conclusion was, probably because they’re foils, or opposites!! I*nthe is a figurative lightsinger but truly evil, and Gwyn is an actual lightsinger but good! Or maybe Sarah is hinting that Gwyn is going to be vulnerable to being manipulated by Merrill or Koschei somewhat like I*nthe with Hybern. But I in no way concluded that they share any characteristics in their characters or morality.
I apologized when I was told my post triggered people despite my trigger warning and read more, I’m sorry that happened, and I expressly made the trigger warning more explicit and changed the title so it wouldn’t trigger anyone else.
But again, the post wasn’t saying that Gwyn is like I*nthe as a character. It was exploring (superficial) parallels in the text and asking why they’re there. Which, as you know based on your profession, is what we’re supposed to do as readers. What would you do if your students brought up that Gwyn and I*nthe are both priestesses and are the only two characters in the whole series with teal eyes, and that Ianthe has characteristics that seem figuratively to be a whole lot like those of a lightsinger, which the text suggests Gwyn might be?? Would you tell them that they’re making things up that aren’t there, are “clinging to details,” or are wrong for recognizing those parallels because I*nthe is a rap*st and Gwyn is a SA survivor? Or would you ask them to think about why Sarah might have done that and explore what these parallels might mean? If you’re a good teacher, and I presume you are, I bet you would do the latter. And you would acknowledge that Sarah might have intentionally included those parallels for a reason, and might have wanted the reader to ask these questions. Just like authors do all the time between their villains and protagonists.
Anyways, I was not comparing actual character traits between Gwyn and I*nthe like you have done between Azriel and Tamlin, and I was in no way suggesting at all that Gwyn would ever be a sexual predator like I*nthe, which you have done when you’ve said Azriel has the potential to be like Tamlin, i.e. abusive.
I understand you have experiences that make you see red flags in Azriel, and I’m sorry you had those experiences. But there’s a difference between saying, hey to me these are some red flags and here’s why but I realize that’s based on my experience and might not end up being canon, and that I might be imputing my experiences onto him! And saying, hey there are objective (impliedly in canon) red flags in this character and he has the potential (again, impliedly in canon) to be like this other character who is actually an emotional and physical abuser and in canon committed domestic violence. Despite the fact that there is no indication in the text that Azriel would ever and I mean EVER commit domestic violence or emotional abuse on a partner, whether that partner be Elain or Gwyn or Mor or anyone else. The former is fine. The latter is harmful, as it misrepresents what an abuser is and what makes an abuser, as others with more experience and expertise have already explained much more eloquently than I can.
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