alrightoddity · 1 year
if I have to hear another damn sound effect from danny phantom I am going to lose my marbles
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sai-teru · 5 years
Together with You
Summary: What if, on chapter 271/272 of the manga where Saiki removes his left hairpin device. The device that once removed… people of the world will know of his psychic ability. And what if, when he removes that device, it did really shows all over the world about Saiki being a psychic user? And that shocked even Kuusuke because he thought he de-activated it a long time ago. I want to start the story from that point on.
And by the way, this is a SaiTeru fanfic so what I'm saying is… the story will focus on both of them. We will see what their relationship goes. I'll stick to the manga's story as much as possible but of course, all scene will not be exactly as what the manga/anime goes.
Warning: And also, spoilers for those who’s just starting to read the manga or watching anime. If you just started and saw this story because you ship Saiki and Teruhashi then you'll be spoiled. Just a warning for you guys but, if you don't care about spoilers… then go ahead and read this story of mine.
Disclaimer: All characters are not mine they belong to Asou Shuuichi-Sensei.
That's all and let's start. Enjoy!
you can also view it here (Click) please dont forget to review.review.review. Thank you!
Edit: you can also view Chapter 2 here just click <-- 
Chapter 1: I'm (not)/ready to face the world!
When all said and done, after Saiki got the his limiter back that made Kuusuke frustrated because in just few more seconds he can have his sweet victory against his psychic little brother. But what happened next shocked both Toritsuka and Kuusuke. Because Saiki… Saiki removes the device that lets people all around the world know him.
"With that! This will be fair, right?"
"…Wh-" Kuusuke too shocked to manage a whole sentence. While Toritsuka asked Saiki's decision.
"Hey… Wh-why did you take that out Saiki-san!!!?” Toritsuka said first "Do you know what you just did? If you take out your left device… THE WHOLE WORLD WILL FIND OUT ABOUT YOUR POWERS!!!" he said frantically "You'll never be able to live normal life like before"
"…I know!" Saiki said monotonously. "But I don't want to live a normal life if it's at the expense of others. It seems I've already caused all sorts of trouble for you. Besides there is some truth to what he said. I'm sure things like war and crimes will decline if people know about me. Plus, if my powers keep growing sooner or later I won't be able to live a normal life either. It was bound to happen eventually." He uttered as a matter of fact but, his next words shocked Toritsuka no, what shocked him is that what Saiki showed him.
Saiki smiled genuinely to himself remembering the smiling faces of his friends that always bring troubles to him, and smiling to himself while he uttered his next words that shocked the spirit medium.
"I won't be able to go to school anymore after this. So… give my regards to everyone for me, okay?" he said softly. With that, Toritsuka felt angst in his heart.
"Saiki-san…" he said worriedly not believing that the Saiki he knows will make that face.
"Ah! It's already in the news." Kuusuke intervening his little brother braveness to accept his fate.
Toritsuka's head suddenly turn on his back facing Kuusuke asking him about the news.
"Huh!? Already?" He said worriedly. Then Kuusuke turned his phone so everyone can see what his seeing.
"Here!" He turned his phone to their eyelevel "See for yourselves. The baby panda… was finally born." Both where speechless at what they saw. Relief awash them specially Toritsuka. And as for Saiki… for the first time felt clueless at what is happening… now found his voice and asked his brother what happened
But all he can manage to say is "Huh?"
Kuusuke removing his suit, laughing hilariously seeing the expression of both specially his psychic brother where so much thrilling for him. Then he started explaining to them what really happened…
"I actually disabled that thing forever ago. Where you surprised? Ahahahahaha" again laughing at his brother shocked expression.
Then Saiki removes his limiter clenching his fist "Are those your last words?" He said angrily spreading dark aura in the room that Toritsuka move at the center to stop him.
"Waaaah!! Wait stop don't." The spirit medium hurriedly step-in to stop his friend from attacking his big brother that he still doesn't know at the time. Then looked at Kuusuke seriously and scold him "and you! Apologized!! Saiki-san was so prepared when he took it out!" then he remembered that soft expression Saiki made a while ago when saying his farewell for his friends.
He copied Saiki's gentle expression earlier while saying "Saiki-san actually said something like... Say hi to everyone for me…" then his facial expression turned back to frantic "with that looked on his face. He was so serious!!" he finally said and annoyed the psychic user even more.
"Okay! Both of you just stand still for a second." He annoyingly warns the two but he let it slide for a moment and look at kuusuke.
"And… why did you disabled it? And when? I thought you were serious when you said the world should know about me." Asking Kuusuke telepathically though he knew that he can't hear him but still knew what his asking anyway.
"Hmm…" Kuusuke thought first "I really did believe that back then, and I still believe it till now. If you used powers you could benefit humanity and rid the world of all conflicts." He answered.
"So why did you-" Kuusuke cut his thought off.
"But one day I suddenly realized… who cares about humanity?"
"You should care!" thought Saiki.
"Of course, I think mankind is important. But when it comes down to it they're all just strangers, so I don't really care what happens to them." He then removes his telepathy canceler. And his next choice of words and thought confuse Saiki. "Why should I have to sacrifice my cute little brother for the sake of strangers like them?
"Huh!" thought Saiki. He suddenly felt confuse and un-easy on that words that somehow felt doki-doki without his knowledge. Then all of sudden Toritsuka who's been listening intently suddenly realized something.
"WHAT!!! YOU TWO ARE BROTHERS?" shakily pointing his fingers to them while shocked written all over his face.
"You're just finding that out now?" saiki said as a matter of fact.
"Huuuhhh!!! Seriously??" he asked again confused.
Then Kuusuke didn’t mind the spirit medium as he continued with his explanation.
"Also, about the problem to your growing powers." He chimed and continued. "I thought maybe all the doctors and scientist in the world got together they could find a way to stop it…" then he smiled "But then, I realized that wouldn't work… I mean they're all way dumber than me" he laugh cockily while adding they're all so dumb.
Saiki sighs and answered "You're looking down on mankind way too much."
Kuusuke then continued. "Besides, I've already finished a device that can completely remove your powers."
"Well, I guess that's fine then" He uttered rather calmly without a second thought of what his brother just mentioned. While Kuusuke on the other hand got confused at first because his taking this news normally as he thought. Even so he let it slide as he continued.
"So basically there's no more reason to make your powers public." Kuusuke said and the the spirit medium agreed rather normally too.
"Yeah! If you can remove his powers then why bother!?" agreeing to kuusuke and cheered Saiki that now he can be normal like everyone else "Good for you Saiki-san! You can go back to living with everyone!!" he excitedly said to the psychic.
"Good grief… Just when I finally had an excuse to get away." He said calmly with ease.
"Oh you~ you're such a tsundere~" Toritsuka said in a teasing way.
"Kusuo's always been like that!" answered Kuusuke.
When they were busy celebrating. A thought suddenly cross their minds and now that they realized it. What Kuusuke said just now was a big bomb.
Sweat drop, the two look at Kuusuke with wide eyes and asked in unison "…Wait, what did you just say?"
Kuusuke looked at them confused and said. "Huh?" then realizing what they're asking to him so he repeat his self. "I said I made a device to get rid of your powers…"
Silence took over the place for a minute, harboring the information they suddenly realized until Toritsuka broke the ice and said.
"… Really?"
"Yup! I finally finished it! About half a year ago, I think?" Kuusuke answered rather calmly and continued. "Man~ it was really tough~" He said rather jokingly. "I was planning on using it after I pulled out your device…. But since you pulled it out yourself I wasn't really sure what to do~" he said.
"You're kidding, right?" Saiki, who's still having a hard time accepting the information his brother said. Even so, for the sake of his sanity he ask again. "You can erase… my powers…?" Then imagining his life without his powers excites him. Now, he can be normal like other human beings. He can do normal things. He can do whatever he wants without exposing his self. He can be as normal as he wants whenever he wants. All this thought makes him excited he can get his power rid right here right now with just one swoop. But then, he remembered that he still have one last job that needed to do before erasing his powers. And so he looked at Kuusuke again to ask him one last question. But then, Toritsuka beat him to it.
"So… how can he erase his powers?" The spirit medium ask Kuusuke to which the latter excitedly show his ultimate getting rid of Kusuo's power device version 2.0.
He pick some kind of small box on his pocket and showed it to them which Saiki thoughts his asking for a hand of marriage something like that. But when he saw what's inside… it made him uneasy because it looks embarrassing that he also thought not to use it. The device kuusuke made look just like his limiters but instead of circle the shape of it is like a poof to which disgust him.
"It looks so lame." He said without shame.
"Well don't blame me, I didn't have much choice. It had to be made like this due to the way it functions and the materials I was working with." He said convincingly.
"You're definitely lying" Saiki thought uneasily. Then Toritsuka batt-in.
"Are you really going to put that on Saiki-san? If you do… your powers will be gone!?" asking his psychic friend worriedly.
"Of course ill have it. Besides, if I take it off my powers will be bac-" Kuusuke cutting him off.
"If you put this device on. Your power will be gone forever." With that said both were speechless. So, kuusuke asked him again this time with seriousness.
"You can put this on now and your power will be gone for good. So… I'm going too asked you again one more time… Do want to erase your powers… Kusuo?" with that, Saiki look at the device Kuusuke was holding and now in deep thought on what to do next.
But, in the end he took the device on Kuusuke's hand and hold on to it. Instead of putting the device on his head, he put it on his pocket and instead the device he place on his head were the old ones that shocked his two companion.
"I'll hold on to this for a while. I'll definitely used this when the time has come. Because there is still a job I needed to finished…" He said calmly and then remembering the thing Akeechi said to him a while back.
"Im saying I can still be your playmate Kusuo-kun."
"Is it okay if I come over to hangout again sometime?"
While remembering that scene, he smile to himself and look at kuusuke which the latter got confused.
"I think I'll stay as your playmate a little longer." Smiling genuinely at his brother as he continue. "Try and take it from me anytime."
Kuusuke, shock at what his little brother said look down for a moment and smiled for a bit "honestly… What a bratty little brother." He thought fully well that Saiki will hear him. And when he look at him he saw him smirk. While Toritsuka was happy that everything went well and no casualties happened.
But, the next thing that happened shook them.
Kuusuke's phone rang all of a sudden and the caller was their mom, when he answered it. Their Mom's voice were shaking over the phone. When kuusuke was about to ask why her voice are shaky, their Mother ask hurriedly.
-Kuu-kun… d-do you happened to k-know where Ku-chan is?-
But before the next scene played. Saiki with wide eyes look at Kuusuke, rather he knows what their mother was about to tell. But still… he went silent as he waited until Kurumi announce it herself.
-K-Ku-chan is… Ku-chan is on the news worldwide.-
-End of chapter 1-
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kareofbears · 4 years
persona 5 royal: my thoughts after finishing it five minutes ago
disclaimer: the only reason im writing this is because 1) i have a lot of thoughts and feelings that i need to write down and if i dont ill explode and 2) i want to be able to find this when p5s eventually drops so i can compare my thought processes. if you do not agree with what i’m going to say, that’s cool! just block me or ignore this post. 
now for the sake of sanity, i’m going to try and narrow down this entire list into chunks because this’ll probably be very very long and very much about me just screaming about stuff that i liked, loved, and don’t like. i will be spoiling both the original persona 5 and persona 5 royal, obviously, so i hope you finished both!
1) Akechi
so yes. Goro Akechi. Everyone’s favorite murderer. I’m going to by spewing a lot of hot takes, and this is probably going to be the spiciest: i am in the most intense love-hate relationship with this brown haired antagonist because jesus christ is he a complicated son of a bitch. I know i’ve complained in the past about how much Atlus often struggles with utilizing a character well, but that does not at all relate to Akechi in any way, shape, or form. 
I’ll say this now: He is a character I genuinely, truly hate, yet he is the one I want to hear from the most. He is someone who is a bad person (yes, he is a bad person) but whenever he comes on screen he makes me sit up, he makes me pay attention to him because that’s just the aura he exudes. He is a character who i would never, ever waste my time defending or justifying his actions, but every minute joker spends with him is a minute i want to stretch out as long as possible because he is just that good of a character. He is interesting, he is well defined, he is smart, he is clever, he is sassy, he’s a motherfucking asshole who’s never had a vibe check in my life and i still hate him. Goro Akechi is what Star Wars wanted Kylo Ren to be, and that allegory may not make sense to many people but it works for me so i’m saying it. It’s to the point where writing akechi in a fanfic makes me sweat because in my opinon capturing the essence of akechi is near impossible unless you know what you are talking about (i do not mean that in anyway to discourage people from writing him, im just saying that I am a coward because i will never be able to write a good akechi). Anyway, bottom line is: i despise him but my eyes are always glued to him at all times.
back to the main point-- Atlus absolutely nailed this character and every single addition they put in for Akechi. I’m so damn thrilled that you actually have confidant hangouts with him because every single time you talk to him, it services not only the plot, but it perfectly does what it is supposed to do: it makes you like him, but also leaves the player slightly unnerved. they do it so casually that I might have trouble explaining it, but bear with me: everytime you hangout with him, he always does or say something that unhinges you just a little bit, it leaves you asking ‘wait why?’ or ‘but how did you know that’ or ‘why are you saying that?’. akechi is constantly playing mind games with you. and not only that, adding backstory to akechi (moreso than in the original) is just fucking fantastic. he’s always been a fully fleshed out character but after playing royal, goro akechi actually exists in my mind, and i still hate him (but also i dont. but also i do. anyway)
2) the ending
just finished the game and this is the point where i am at odds with p5r for the first time. the ending to p5, in my opinion, was flawless; everything was perfect and had meaning. from the shot of akira being shown to not wearing glasses anymore because he no longer feels the need to wear a mask (character development: he was very unhappy at the beginning of the game and now he’s happy with his friends--i love it), to his friends being the one to drive him home (amazing, he left his home town and came to shibuya alone via transit, and one year later he’s now leaving with all of his best friends in a van they rented just so they could stay with him as long as they can--it’s perfect, i love it), and also all of them seeing how large and infinite the ocean is (because now there’s unlimited options for them because they all have a new perspective on life). 
But....none of that is there in p5r. it feels impersonal. no one drops him off at his hometown, he was still wearing glasses, and there’s no grand metaphor about what they all achieved. 
Now, i am not a (complete) moron. I know why they had to change it: it’s because of persona 5 scramble (i think). they wanted to set up a plot for the next game and i feel like thats the reason why persona 5 royal’s ending suffered for it: they were too focused on the next plot that they forgot to focus on the sentimental ending for p5r. don’t get me wrong, seeing akechi in the train station absolutely made me lose my shit and made me scream at one in the morning, but i think they lost the core meaning in doing the other stuff. i did not like the focus on maruki and kasumi (will be talking about them later), cause i feel like it took away from the ending, and i also didn’t like the fact that the whole joker outfit in the reflection thing (but i will be letting it slide since it was during the after credits anyway). So while i do love one (1) new aspect of the final cut scene, i still adore and stan the one from persona 5. 
3) the entire last semester 
i’ll be quick: the final palace? the best palace. fight me. it’s fantastic, it’s innovative, it’s interesting, and most of all, the palace ruler is actually the best one in the entire game and i know i wont be the only one to say this. maruki is not a villain: i know for a godamn fact that im not the only one to say that i almost agreed with his deal of allowing the reality (damn i almost agreed twice) because why wouldnt you?? it’s literally a perfect reality! the only reason i didnt agree is because i knew the game wouldnt want me to agree and would force me to have the bad ending! anyway, i love the last section so much. the palace design is interesting, the antagonist is brilliant (who doesn’t love a morally gray antagonist?), and finally, the payoff of kasumi happened and it made me silent for ten minutes. the entire reveal of her being sumire and kasumi being dead is just so genuinely shocking to me that it nearly broke my neck.
what actually broke my neck was the initial incident for the third semester. seeing everyone in this wild alternate reality made me so unsettled that i literally got a stomach ache. i saw morgana as a human and nearly passed out. shiho in the underground? wig. ryuji saying he’s on the national pedastal for running? literally my eyebrows just popped off my head. fucking WAKABA? FLATLINED. brilliantly executed and i love the initial akechi and akira buddy cop movie vibes in the beginning it was just so fun. 
one huge part of the third semester for me though, was of course, akechi. seeing him completely throw away his ‘charming ace detective’ speil was the most refreshing and interesting and not to mention, hilarious part of the game. he does not give a fuck about anyone and he is not afraid to let you know. he is the biggest savage and the most insane person on the phantom thieves group. he’ll roast you, he’ll roast your boyfriend, he’ll roast fuckin anyone and it’s fantastic. not to mention his dialogue is killer: he says the most bat shit insults ever and my favorite example is when you go up to him near the end of the game, you know, to hangout with him and be a nice guy, he just does not hesitate to say ‘what, you came just to see me? just the sort of brainless sentimentality i’d expect from you.’ i LOVE IT because why the hell would he try to be nice? the jig is up, he’s got nothing to hide. and he owns it. atlus seriously nailed akechi in this last semester and it’s brilliant and i love it.
4) everything else 
- one small thing that pissed me off in both games (but especially this one) is how many godamn fake out deaths there are. Morgana has one, Akira has one, Ryuji has one, Sojiro has one, Maruki has one, motherfucking Akechi has two. it just hurts me!
- sumire is an amazing character who has depth and she is lovely and my biggest complaint is that it feels like atlus shoved her in. like, she feels like a new addition to the game, you know what  i mean? maybe its because ive played the original p5 first, but you know, it’s not a big deal. but i love her so much
- on the topic of sumire, i cant say that im completely super duper happy with how different she felt from the other thieves? im sure that’ll be explained in p5s but she just got so much screen time that it just truly made me confused?? maybe im just a horrible person, or that’s just a really hot take. but anyway, yeah maybe im bitter because i really wanted to see extra hangouts/school trips during royal, but didn’t really.
-baton pass? literally orgasmic. it made turn base battles so damn fun and the addition of darts and billiards made me foam at the mouth it was SO SMART AND INNOVATIVE AND I LOVE IT ATLUS I LOVE YOU ATLUS YOURE SO SMART SWEETIE
-small thing, but making spells like ‘dormina’ actually useful just made the game so much more fun and dungeon crawling became something i truly, genuinely looked forward to
-being able to give gifts to my bros? absolutely incredible. thank you. side note: seeing akechi happy from giving him a multi vitamin cracked me up. side side note: giving ryuji a fuck ton of weights and him just smiling made my heart so happy i love that boy so much
- ah this game just looked so GOOD! i thought the original looked good but they really went all out. im not kidding, the smallest details in everyday life or even just normal cut scenes were out of this world. especially stuff from the third semester its just OOF good JOB atlus i love you buddy
-ahhh thieves den! how can i forget? i love it. at first i was a bit iffy with it since it really felt like persona 5 (undoubtedly the biggest game atlus has created) was just jacking itself off. but as time goes on, it became a huge addition to the game and seeing characters’ insights and extra lines of dialogue became super duper interesting and a highlight of the game for me. and don’t even get me started on how much i love love love the photos they added of them hanging out! so lovely, a bunch of them made me tear up
- i know it’s literally impossible, but i feel like the game just forgot that akechi is a person who can wield multiple persona and i just wish that could’ve been messed around with during Palaces
- showtimes are so, so crazy and i get so embarassed whenever they play on my tv because they are just outlandish and unashamed but i love them so so much it just defines persona’s personality 
-because i love ryuji: i prefer the final conversation you have with him aka ‘whaddya mean? you’re there’ but there’s still a lot of really tender and sweet moments like akira genuinely telling him that he’ll miss him, and also the fact that ryuji wants you both to send each other your times through the exercise watch so you can still race ahhhh i love him so much yall
so, overall, this game is better than the original p5 because of the extra content we get. if persona 5 was the perfect dinner, persona 5 royal is that same dinner and you get to enter the dessert buffet. it’s brilliant, it’s smart, it’s hilarious, it’s heartwarming, and it’s undoubtedly my favorite game of all time without exaggeration. while i do prefer the final cut scene (and final dialogues with some characters) in the original persona 5, in the overall experience, persona 5 royal is superior in my mind. i would willingly get amnesia to play this game again. 
I didn’t get to cover everything, but this is definitely most of what i wanted to say. if you actually get to reading all the way to the end, thanks! it means a lot. i hope we can all enjoy persona and look forward to persona 5 scramble together :-)
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itstimetotheorize · 5 years
hold onto your hats!, BH6 season 2 mid season finale episodes 6-10 discussion, a round of applause for the bh6 team
before we dive into the discussion, I would first like to give the BH6 writers and animators a round of applause and a big thank you!, the story and animation for the first half of season 2 improved so much compared to the 1st season that I can only imagine what you guys have planned for the next half of season 2. If, by some miracle, you guys are reading my post please know that I and so many others appreciate your hard work in making such a fun show to watch, I hope you guys are getting the recognition you deserve for working so hard. 
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Now, before we look over the big reveal of episode 10 I would first like to point out a few key details from certain episodes
first is a minor detail in episode 4 “something fishy”. Back in season 1 episode 2 Hiro grows concern for his secret identity when Karmi sees his face at a close range. Despite his worries, Hiro is safe on this matter since Karmi is more fond of his superhero alter ego and has no interest in believing that her hero is actually school Hiro. 
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This same issue is seen in season 1 episode 12 when hiro investigates a warehouse about some stolen metal, unfortunately, Yama is also in the warehouse. Once he knows it Yama Hiro once again grows concern for his secret identity since he has confronted Yama numerous times in his regular life, 
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thankfully, yama is not smart enough to put the two together and instead sees Hiros hero alter ego as just one of the members of big hero 6. With so much concern for his secret identity and the identities of his friends I always wondered, why dont they do something about it?. Well, as of season 2 episode 4 it appears that Hiro finally learned from his mistakes and has added a special feature to all of their helmets/ head pieces.
 In season 2 episode 4, Gogo and Fred go to Richardson mole knowing that high voltage will be coming to him to steal back their electric orb. Once they arrive Richarson is delighted to see them but still has no idea that “lizard/chameleon guy” is actually fred since his suit covers his entire body (and he still has amnesia from S1Ep17) , but when he looks over to Gogo he asks,“do I know you?”, 
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gogo says no, then quickly presses a button on the side of her helmet that causes the screen of her helmet to fog up, completely hiding her face before Richardson can get a better look. 
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In the next shot we can still see Gogos face but that is most likely just for the fans to see. Richardson does not bring the subject of her secret identity back up again since its clear that he can only see the foggy screen
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if this was done to gogos helmet then its likely that the others have this feature as well. In season 2 episode 8 when liv amara offers her help to big hero 6 in taking down the mayoi she reaches out her hand to hiro with a smile, attempting to appeal to him a as an alley
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 I have seen others posts questioning whether or not liv knows hiros real identity since they have confronted each other on numerous occasions, especially in episode 8. 
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since hiro added the new feature to everyones helmets to hide their faces in public, liv most likely does not know hiros secret identity...at least not yet.
also very quickly, concerning globby, we all saw how after he ate nega globby nega globbys eye appeared on globbys back near the end of episode 5. I can already see this a mile away, negaglobby will try to take control of 9globby or use his body to regenerate its own.
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next lets talk about Wasabi,  recently I have noticed an unfortunate situation happening to wasabi when it comes to transportation. Getting around town during their hero work is one of many challenges that bh6 faces, however, each team member has his or her own way of getting around fast, Fred has his super jump and can ride on Baymax when needed, 
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Honey lemon can also ride on Baymax with ease and will often create a slide or bounce ballot from her chem purse to get around faster.
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Hiro of course never leaves baymaxs side, so he can fly whenever
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 naturally, gogo is the most skilled out of all of them since she also has her skates and new bike 
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Wasabi, unfortunately, is the only one at a disadvantage. Wasabi is afraid of heights so riding baymax is usually a no for him (unless he has no choice). Yes, he has a car, however, that is a challenge of its own. In episode 6 when the team chases after a trio of suspicious cars everyone keeps up except wasabi who we first see is running and falling behind, we then see that he had no other choice but to take a taxi just to catch up to the others after the chase ended. 
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in episode 10, when the team undergoes a monster chase exercise, everyone keeps up with Fred except wasabi who gets stuck in traffic and has no choice but to wait the traffic out before he can meet up with everyone to eat. 
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with 15 episodes left of season 2, I really hope the bh6 team has plans to improve wasabis character so he can keep up with the others and not just be played off as a comedic gag.
setting aside these details I would also like to talk about a sudden name reveal in episode 9. After supersonic sue kidnaps baron von steamer, baron begins ranting about everyones silly dependence on electricity and how his base was the only one with power during a major black out,  near the end of his rant he shows hatred towards one particular villain called “THE DARK VOLT”, 
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sue appears to have some connection to him as well as she states that it was the dark volt who created her electric elbow guards. 
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Near the end of the episode when steamer and sue bicker about who is boss awesomes true #1 enemy they finally ask boss awesome himself to settle the matter, but rather than admit that neither one is his true enemy he simply jokes that its “cabbage soup”, 
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but boss awesome, like every superhero, must have a true #1 enemy. Batman has the Joker, Superman has lex luther etc. etc. and right now the most likely suspect for boss awesome true #1 enemy is the one they call “the dark volt” who I suspect will make an appearance later on in the series as part of another filler or possibly be directly involved with a major point of the story
and speaking of super villains, with BH6 already renewed for a third season, who will be the next big bady that the team will face off against in season 3? . In season 1 episode 18, liv was introduced but soon shrugged off as a minor character, that is until she became involved with a major plot point of the story, orso knox. 
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Not only that, once we found out that her company was called sycorax (which ironically enough we later learned was the name of an evil witch in shakespears “the tempest” and was also the play that orso knox kept quoting as a way to tell others that it was liv who turned him into a monster) our suspicion of her true nature began to grow. My point being, if liv was already planned to be season 2s big bady and was only featured in minor appearances in season 1 as a way of foreshadowing her future villain role, then odds are the next big bady will soon make an appearance in the same manner in season 2. So who is it going to be? and will they be an even bigger threat than liv?
finally lets talk about the big question, what the heck is going on with liv amara?!, for 9 whole episodes we have all tried to piece together livs end game. So far, aside from knox, she has mutated Momakase, high voltage, Ned Ludd and  Mr. Sparkles. Before, I believed that liv was purposely mutating villains to later experiment on and possibly use them as minions to carry out her crimes by brainwashing them into obeying her every command. As of episode 10, I’m starting to see more hints that this might just be the case
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what makes me say this? well, if you have seen the first discussion I posted on episodes 1-5 I suspected that liv added a special feature to the chips shes been implanting into villains that will not only gift them with special abilities but will also give her the power to control them. When high voltage escaped in episode 4 they didn't make a break for freedom, instead they returned to liv despite the lack of trust they had in her. But I gotta say, the real give away was Mr. Sparkles. In episode 8 we learn that Mr. Sparkles had paid liv to give him the power to control a small army of genetically enhanced fungus, the mayoi. 
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Liv agrees to his terms but also bargains with him to take the blame for all the mutated villains in san fransokyo. Its obvious that sparkles agreed to this set up since he is not one to pass up being the center of attention. 
and why did liv ask Sparkles to take the blame for her mutations? because she knows that its only a matter of time before bh6 come after her. Her worries began when she finally noticed that regular people like Hiro and Karmi are now questioning her work (and again, I dont think liv knows Hiro is a member of bh6...yet). When liv created the mayoi she tells Chris that they (as well as sparkles) are their new insurance policy. 
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Liv knows that if she has any hope of accomplishing her goal she must first make sure that she and sycorax are protected , and what better way to keep the public and bh6 away from her than posing as a hero and saving the city. In episode 8 when sparkles questions her appearance during his big attack we see him reading a stack of papers, its clear that the whole scene with liv appearing and saving the city was scripted,
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 and just to make sure liv kept her end of the bargain, liv only created a serum that would return the mayoi back to their regular size rather than back to “normal”, and by “normal” I mean a pile of motionless fungus
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. And guess what, her plan worked!, with the whole city viewing her as a hero as well as having the entire police force indebted to her for donating their new k-9 unit (S2E4) no one will be able to confront liv about being responsible for the mutations and crimes without being pinned as the bad guy themselves.
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In episode 10 we see sparkles again (along with high voltage in eel form), only this time he is stealing a large sum of gold for liv, 
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this sudden behavior of aiding liv after episode 8 is very unlike sparkles, sparkles does not like working, let alone sharing the spotlight with someone else. In episode 7, sparkles was working with yama, but as soon as he had the cash he needed sparkles asked yama to steal a rare (completely fake) comic book. 
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This search turned out to be a double cross so sparkles could have enough time to take all the cash, turn the cops on yama and make a quick getaway. 
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So then why of all things would sparkles suddenly settle for working under liv now that he got what he wanted from her?, unless, its not what he really wants to do,
  in episode 10 when the Bessie monster steals gold from a highly secured facility, its clear that its heading back to liv. 
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When liv later confirms that she has acquired the gold she needed it verifies that the Bessie beast is also under her control. 
The only one thats missing now is momakase, if momakase is also under livs control then she is most likely out doing top secret jobs for liv as well, however, momakase is not like the other villains, she is highly skilled and specializes in stealthy activities, so liv would most likely not waste someone like her on grunt work. 
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everything that liv has done was for one reason and that reason was soon discovered to be whatever was inside that giant pod in episode 5. 
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Finally, in episode 10, we discover that the liv we have seen since season 1 and the start of season 2 was in fact NEVER the real liv amara!, the REAL liv amara was actually inside that giant pod we saw back in episode 5!!!, this fake liv amara has been secretly trying to bring back the real liv amara the entire time! 
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granted, without a true reveal, we dont know yet if the fake liv is a clone or just livs twin sister. My main concern is, how did the real liv end up in a cryogenic state? and If the fake livs end game was to bring back the real liv amara, then what is the real liv amaras end game?
as for how the real liv ended up in a cryogenic state, I think I may have an idea. First, when fake liv is running thru the real livs file we see a picture of a virus on the screen,
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 there are many types of viruses, however, this particular one which looks like a spider is called a “bacteriophage”, basically a bacteriophage will attach itself to a  cell and inject its own DNA into the persons cell, the virus DNA will then sneakily attach itself to the cells regular DNA so it can be duplicated thru something called “the cell cyle” which is what a cell does to make a clone of itself, only this time, since the cell is infected with a viruses DNA, it is also making a bunch of clones of the virus, once enough virus clones are made they tear the cell apart(killing it) and spread out to infect the next nearby cell to start the whole mess all over again
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In season 1 episode 2 Karmi explains that the the whole purpose of studying dangerous viruses is to make them less dangerous and figure out new uses for them,
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 in season 2 episode 3 Karmi explains again that the purpose of studying dangerous micro organisms  is to make them less dangerous with “modified viral vectors that reprogram DNA”, 
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in season 1 episode 18 fake liv connects with karmi thru their shared interest in bio tech. And despite the amount of good that can be done in their field its not without its consequences. Just as it is possible to make a dangerous microorganism/virus less dangerous it can also be made into a more dangerous version of its old self. In episode 4 when fake liv is talking to high voltage she has a hologram of someones DNA on her table, this DNA was most likely the real liv amaras DNA.
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 In episode 10 fake liv talks to Bluff Dunder (the news guy) and explains that she and her team are working on a cure for a rare disorder/disease. 
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Odds are, the real liv amara really was looking to cure a rare disorder but in the process of figuring out how to make the virus that caused it less deadly and more manageable she accidentally made it more dangerous and ended up accidentally infecting herself with it, or worse, she could have already had the disease to begin with but because it is illegal to experiment on humans (seriously, in real life if you do this you go to jail!)  she willingly tested on herself out of desperation to see if she could reprogram/remove the virus within herself. Either way, things did not turn out the way real liv wanted and is instead now in a critical state after her failed attempt to cure herself. The virus could have mutated to the point where it began to spread at a faster rate, that DNA hologram back in episode 4 had 1 piece missing, 
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that piece could be the portion of real livs DNA that contains the virus DNA. Fake liv must have  been desperately trying to figure out how to remove it without killing real liv and before the virus managed to finish the job. Its possible that the only reason fake liv turned to a life of crime was because she got fed up with struggling to cure real liv thru legal means, after all, fake liv did say that she would do whatever it takes to bring her back.
which brings me to the next issue, why does fake liv need gold to cure the rare disorder/disease?, well, recently I found out that scientists in real life are researching how to to use gold nano particles to detect viruses, making it easier to remove a virus from a persons body. When Chris hands fake liv a cupcake covered in gold she finally gets the break through shes been looking for as she says, “Gold!, bio compatible nanoparticles, yes!”.
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 At first, back in episode 5, fake liv was probably planing on using globbys self regeneration ability to destroy as much of the viruses DNA as possible while at the same time repairing the damaged cells and DNA along the way, however, since nega globby proved to unstable she decided to scrap the idea. However, none of that matters now that fake liv has the gold she needs to finally save the real liv.
so, now that we know its only a matter of time for the real live to wake up, what will happen once the real liv amara retakes her position from fake liv ? .Will she be just as cold blooded as fake liv and continue to use mutated villains to do her dirty work while she operates from the shadows to fulfill her true end game? ( whatever it may be?!). Will real liv become horrified with what her clone (or twin) has done to bring her back, causing fake liv to go rogue and start acting out on her own crazy ideals, possibly leaving real liv to play the good twin (or clone) and instead deciding to help bh6 take fake liv down before her plans destroy all of san fransokyo?!. 
 Will the BH6 writers and animators use real liv as part of some bigger plan, resulting in a final gigantic plot twist near the end of season 2 that will completely destroy us emotionally and have us desperately waiting for answers during the season 3 hiatus???????!!!!!!!!!!!... whos to say... but hey!,  thats just a theory, a big hero 6 theory!
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horansqueen · 6 years
BabyGirl 5.0
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♥ this is based on a concept i received a few weeks ago and ppl asked that i made a story with it. ♥ i planned 3-4 long parts but i think it’ll be 8-10 short parts ♥ 3.8k. fluff. ♥ there may be smut but i doubt it and IF it happens it wont be as explicit as my other smut works. ♥ i didn’t proofread and if you read my stuff you know i never do because im a lazy ass. ♥ i am not totally happy with this chapter, but i hope you guys like it. Thank you so so much to those of you who still read this story. It means so so much that you gave this a chance and stuck to it as readers. thank you times a million! btw im sorry this is a bit late!! ♥ if you have any questions please dont hesitate.
♥ PART 1  // PART 2 // PART 3  // PART 4
                     5.0  ♥ GUILT TRIP & FIREWORKS ♥
The yell coming from the living room made my lips curl and I  took my hand away slowly, looking up in her eyes. She chuckled and we left everything behind to walk to Chelsea who was searching through the dvds. I glanced back, not liking the fact that we didn't clean anything, but I tried to put my attention back on my daughter as she pulled on a movie, making a few others fall on the sides. She quickly turned to us, her messy hair flying around her face, and held out the dvd to her mom who took a step closer to grab it.
"It's movie time mommy!"
I noticed her face immediately change and I frowned as she looked back up and tilted her head, clearly torn and unsure of what to say.
"We normally watch a movie on Christmas morning." she just explained without sending me a glance. "You're welcome to watch it with us, if you want."
I slipped my hands in my pockets and nodded slowly, a bit unsure of what exactly was happening. All I knew was that this whole morning had changed me. I couldn't believe what being there with them made me feel, and at the same time, I couldn't really explain it. I wanted to stay, and I was happy when she proposed me to. I walked to the couch and took a seat right before Chelsea jumped next to me, making the whole couch shake. She leaned her head against the back of it, a large smile on her lips, as she looked at her mom put the dvd in.
I looked down at her and chuckled at her excitement before I noticed her shirt again. It was an old Ramones white shirt and it made my lips curl into a fond smile, this time. I didn't even look for it, I knew exactly where it was, and i didn't mind. It was not the only thing I forgot at her place and I didn't know if she kept the rest of my stuff but knowing this particular shirt survived through the years was endearing.
I remembered it was my go-to shirt during our lazy sundays, and even if i was always the one who'd put it on in the morning, she was always the one who ended wearing it during the afternoon. The first few times were coincidences, but after a while, I did it on purpose. I loved the way she looked in my clothes, but this shirt in particular meant lazy weekend sex and although it felt a bit weird to see it on a kid, it was also an incredible memory I cherished. And it suddenly hit me. That time we actually 'made' Chelsea was probably one of these mornings and seeing her wearing it now had an even deeper meaning.
"Have you ever listened to the Ramones?" I asked my daughter, grabbing the shirt between two fingers, near her shoulder, pinching it up slightly before letting it fall back.
She looked down at her shirt and then back up in my eyes, shaking her head slightly as she stared at me. For some reason, it made my heart twist and I sent her a smile.
"I didn't know what it meant." she admitted, tilting her head.
I chuckled low and licked my lips, bending down slightly.
"It's a good band." I explained.
She stared at me a bit longer and frowned.
"Are they on spotify?" she asked, making smile more. "Mommy and I, we have a playlist with our favorite songs."
"They are." I answered with a laugh.
The movie started and we both turned to the television. Chelsea let out a loud "Yes!" and I glanced at the dvd box on the coffee table. I felt my heart skip a beat when I read the title and licked my lips as a bunch of questions appeared in my mind. "Smallfoot" was clearly visible, even upside down, and when I finally looked up, my eyes met my ex girlfriend's. She sent me a shy smile before getting up and sitting on the other side of me. I didn't know why she didn't sit next to our daughter but I was too surprised by my daughter's movie choice to ask about it.
"It's Chelsea's favorite movie." she explained in a low tone. "Louis brought her to see it at the movies and when she came back, she begged for me to buy it."
I turned to her and noticed her lips curl immediately into a fond smile. I did the same and just nodded as I heard the movie play near us. Chelsea laughed and then talked with the characters, quoting them before laughing again.
"Did you tell her..."
"No." she cut me in a whisper. "I didn't tell her that her father wrote and sang a song in it. I just... I didn't know how."
I nodded slowly, not really surprised, but kept staring at her. She was close, almost too close, and I was suddenly aware of her arm and thigh pressed against mine. I cleared my throat and swallowed, trying to think about something else.
"For someone who doesn't like getting into other people’s business, it seems like Louis gets in ours a lot." I pointed out, making her laugh.
"Tell me about it." she agreed, raising her nose up in a grimace.
"Hush you two!"
We both jumped and turned to Chelsea who sent us an annoyed look, frowning at us. We waited until she turned back to the tv and looked back at each other, holding a laugh. I couldn't believe I was laughing with my ex girlfriend after so long and I enjoyed it more than I wanted to admit to myself.
"I'm gonna go wash the dishes, you can stay here with Chelsea." She murmured, getting up.
It only took me half a second to get up too and follow her to the kitchen. I glanced at Chelsea who was singing one of the songs in the movie and looked at the screen, smiling slightly. It was making me happy that my daughter enjoyed that movie, even if she didn't know her father had something to do with it.
I grabbed a towel and started drying the dished she finished washing. We remained silent, glancing at each other from time to time and trying to ignore it whenever our fingers would touch. It still felt electric, and I started thinking that if it was not from that big fat lie she managed to keep for five years, we could have a chance. This time, I wouldn't be so stubborn. This time, I would really give her all of me. The problem was that every time I thought about telling her how I felt, I remembered the fact that she robbed me from over four years with my own daughter, and that was something hard to forgive.
"So, that's what it would be like."
I turned to her, getting out of my own thoughts, and frowned. She sent me a sorry smile and tilted her head slightly as I put the towel on the counter, moving my body to face her without really realizing it. She did the same and leaned her hip against the counter, licking her lips. Her eyes met mine again and she sighed in a sad way, making my heart twist.
"That's what it would be like to be a family." she explained in a lower tone, as if she was ashamed. "You, me, and Chelsea."
I felt myself tear up at her words but swallowed my pain quickly, my eyes roaming quickly on her face. I hadn't thought about it but it was true, that's what our life would be like if we had gone through all of this together, as a family.
"Well right now we'd probably be with my family in Ireland, and we'd have a break at being parents because my mom would definitely take care of Chelsea and entertain her for as long as we'd be in her house." I added, smiling fondly at the thought. "And I'd lock the door of my old room and make love to you lazily on Christmas morning."
I watched her as her face changed and she held her breath, probably imagining it the same way I was. It was more of a memory from a few years back but somehow, I had the feeling it would be even better than it used to be. After a few seconds, she blinked a few times and took a step back as if she was trying to push away the thoughts, and me at the same time.
"Well, I guess we'll never know." she just said, turning her back to me and putting the clean dishes in the cabinets.
I watched her for about a minute but when she walked past me, I stopped her, putting myself in front of her and holding her arms gently. She didn't dare to look at me as I let my hands slide down until her hands before finally letting her go.
"I loved you, you know."
It was extremely hurtful to admit it out loud. I had spent years trying to convince myself I didn't have those type of feelings for her, and that losing her hadn't been the hardest shit I had to go through, but here I was now, admitting to her that what we had was more than a fling or some light infatuation. It was real, and she needed to know.
I was just not sure I was telling her for the good reason. Did I want her to know she broke me and that I would have done anything for her? Or did I just want to bring her into a guilt trip she may have deserved?
"I know I ruined it, Niall." she finally apologized in a whisper. "I know it's my fault. But I promise my intentions were good, at first. I didn't want you to give your dream up, and-and I thought you would resent Chelsea and I for holding you back. I-I thought you deserved to do what you like, and to become famous. I knew you were talented, I knew you were meant to succeed. I just... I didn't want us to be what would end it all."
No matter what my intentions were, I had managed to make her feel guilty, and for a reason I ignored, it made something stir in my stomach. Her words were genuine, and although the result was horrible, I knew she didn't mean wrong.
"It still hurt, you know." I pointed out, looking away. "When you wouldn't answer my phone calls and text messages I thought.. I thought it was the only way you found to let me know you didn't care about me, that you never really loved me."
I was bitter, I knew it, but I couldn't help thinking I had every right to be.
"I loved you." she quickly confessed, shutting her eyes tight. "I was... I was in love with you. And leaving you was torture. It was probably the most hurtful thing I had to do in my whole life."
There were so many things she didn't know, and I couldn't tell her. The words were stuck in my throat and I ended up trying to swallow them.
"I'm sorry we misunderstood each other so much that it ended up this way."
We remained silent for a few minutes and I finally sighed, closing my eyes for a while and finally opening them again.
"There's some sort of funfair, for Christmas." I explained, nibbling on my bottom lip. "There are games and shows and it ends with fireworks."
It seemed to take her an incredible amount of courage but she turned her head my way and her lips curled a bit.
"Yea, it's okay, you can bring Chelsea."
My heart was heavy when we looked at each other and I licked my lips, nodding.
"Thanks, but I thought we could all go. The three of us."
I was sorry too, so fucking sorry that it all ended up like this. So fucking sorry that I cheated him of so many memories and time with his daughter. So fucking sorry that I made him think I didn't love or care about him. So fucking sorry that what I thought was the right choice turned out to be a fucking big mistake.
When he proposed we'd go all together, I felt guilty and almost refused, but the way he looked at me brought into me a sensation I hadn't felt in a really long time, one I didn't think i'd ever feel again.
I wanted to be close to him, I wanted to know if he could forgive me one day, and I was ready to do anything to get it.
For once, Chelsea and I were ready on time and when the doorbell ranf on the next afternoon, we both rushed to the door. I was glad my daughter hadn't asked any question about Niall, because I wouldn't have known what to answer. I didn't want to lie to her but at the same time, I wasn't ready to tell her who he really was, and I think he wasn't ready either. Besides, i felt like he deserved to be there when she would find out
The door swung open and Niall's eyes met mine before a surprised expression appeared on his face. He looked good, his hands in his pockets and a long scarf around his neck. He was wearing a beanie and I couldn't stop my heart from skipping a beat. He was dressed casually and It made me feel better for dressing up the same.
"Wow, you guys are ready?" he asked, an amused smile appearing on his lips. "If my memory serves me good, it's not in your DNA to be on time."
I raised my nose in a grimace but sent him a smile, knowing he was right and that I clearly couldn't defend myself. Chelsea rushed to Niall and wrapped her arms around his leg. The look on his face was priceless as he looked down at her, holding his breath in. I was endeared by his reaction and I took a step back to give them more space, even if it was useless.
It was not surprising from Chelsea to hug people, but I could see Niall hadn't expected it at all. When she pulled away, he quickly crouched to her level and sent her a genuine smile that she returned.
"So, Chelsea, are you ready?"
She nodded quickly, her eyes getting bigger with excitement.
"And, is your mommy ready too?"
With a glance at me, she quickly looked back at Niall and nodded again, jumping slightly, barely containing her enthusiasm.
The car ride was quite short and we ended up walking in the streets alongside other people trying to enjoy the fair. The first thing Chelsea asked for were fries but after eating a few, she handed the rest to me and begged for a ride on a carousel.
Niall and I leaned against the fence, both of our phones out, taking pictures every time she would pass in front of us. We hadn't really talked much, and with the discussion we had the day before, I was scared it would become awkward between us.
"Chelsea really likes you." I finally just said, waving back at our daughter again.
"She's incredible." he simply answered, not looking at me. "I know It may sound crazy, but I started loving her as soon as I found out she was my daughter."
I felt my lips curl, understanding the feeling a bit too much. Niall was going to be an amazing father, and I swallowed the guilt invading me once again.
"D'you think it's crazy?" he asked, turning to me, his arms crossed on the top of the metal fence.
His eyes seemed to shine and I shook my head slightly, sending him a smile. I moved a bit closer to him and tilted my head, my hair falling on both our arms.
"No, not at all." I admitted in a whisper.
I felt his fingertips brush gently on top of my hand and hold my breath, staring back at him. These moments seemed to happen so often between us that it was starting to drive me insane. Were we cursed to feel that way around each other forever without being able to get anything more? Was I going to lose him a second time? Once again, by my fault?
"I'm amazed that we actually created... her..."
He sighed and looked down, lost in his thoughts, but all I could focus on was the shivers that ran all over my back as his fingers still grazed on my skin. I wanted to answer, but I just didn't know what to say. He looked back up in my eyes and i licked my lips.
"It's a part of you, and a part of me, and now we will always be linked, you know?" he added, this time taking my hand in his and turning his body gently in my direction.
I nodded again, trying in vain to calm the beatings of my heart. He was close again, so fucking close I could feel his warm breath on my face, and I desperately wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to find out if he tasted the same way he used to, if our lips fit together as well as they used to.
He smiled at me and sighed, finally taking a step back, and watching him back away broke my heart. I tried not to show it but it hurt more than a slap in the face. I don't know what I was expecting anyway. Niall and I have been over for years, and although we had both admitted that what we had back then was real, it didn't mean the love we both felt for each other was still alive. The fact that I lied to him probably didn't help things, and I couldn't blame him for wanting to focus on Chelsea. But I was scared. I was scared to fall in love with him again, and realize that he didn't have these feelings for me anymore. I was scared to see him with an other girl, to suffer from having him so close without being able to really be with him. I was scared I could never find someone else like him, someone I would love as hard and as deeply as I loved him.
"Mommy! It was so cool!"
We both turned to watch our daughter step down from the carousel and run to us. She grabbed my hand with both of hers and shook it hard, making me laugh.
"I want to go again! Please!"
I laughed again but Niall quickly bent down to look in her eyes and answered before me.
"There are many more rides to try, do you want to try this one?"
He pointed behind her and we both looked at the ride with hot-air balloons of different colors that seemed to fly. Chelsea's eyes got bigger and she turned back to Niall, nodding quickly and making him laugh. She grabbed his hand and pulled him with her as I followed them, eating a cold fry.
When Chelsea was sitting in the ride, Niall stood next to me, one of his hands in his pocket as he dug his free one in the punnet i was still holding, grimacing when he noticed how cold the fries were.
"She's so happy to be here." I pointed out after throwing the rest of the foor in the nearest trash can.
"I'm happy too." he pointed out. "I'm happy we're all here together."
I sent him a fond smile. He didn't have to add me, but he did, and it meant more to me than I could explain. I tried to push away the fears threatening to invade my mind again. I had to take it day by day, or else I was going to drive myself crazy.
After winning a pink unicorn for Chelsea in a game, Niall brought us near the river. I held Chelsea's hand tight in mine, a bit scared to lose her in the mob of people surrounding us. I noticed she had gripped Niall's hand too and it made me smile. I felt like things would be easier now that i knew she liked him.
Niall crouched down again and immediately, Chelsea gave him all her attention.
"The fireworks are about to start." he pointed out. "Do you want to get on my shoulders?"
I saw her lips curl and she nodded slowly, waiting for his next move. He placed his hands under her arms and pulled her up easily, moving her so she straddles his neck. She held herself on his head and it made me laugh. His hand grabbed her legs and her head moved back to look at the sky. I felt like a simple witness of a new relationship growing right in front of me and i loved it, every seconds of it. I took my phone out of my pocket and took a picture of them together just as the fireworks started. My lips parted when I looked at the picture, barely believing I got to take a picture like that, especially with a phone. I sent it to Niall quickly and started a video to keep a memory of this moment.
I had no idea how i managed to stay so far away from Niall for so long, but having him around in the past two days had made me feel happy in a way I thought I never would again, and seeing him so kind, patient and sweet with Chelsea was an incredible bonus I hadn't expected. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't hide my pregnancy to him. It brought more bad than good. Unfortunately, it was impossible to start over, and I would never find out what would have happened between Niall and I. We could still save the relationship between Niall and Chelsea, and I intended to do anything I could do to make this work. Chelsea deserved a father like Niall, and Niall deserved to be in his daughter's life. I just hoped that somehow, somewhere, there was also a place for me.
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dear-jjh · 7 years
distractions | Part 2
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gif originally posted by baejinsgirl
characters: bae jinyoung x reader, the rest of wanna one? word count: 2.1k genre: fluff, angst? hmm enemies to lovers au?, classmate au author’s note: heres the continuation of part 1! make sure to read the first part first before reading this one so you dont get confused! i might post two more parts for this but i’m still not sure yet! i hope you like it and as always, let me know what you think! thank you! and i’m soooo sorry this took so long. 
masterlist | part 1 
you squinted your eyes at the four men who just entered the classroom
mainly focusing on the most familiar one
you blinked, many times, trying to check if it was really him
you shook your head
it was him
god. you. are. so. lucky.
you lifted your head up to meet his eyes
he smirked at you
and you just glared at him
he paused for a moment on his spot
your gaze still locked on him as he made his way to the empty seat beside you
he was followed by his friend who was pretty tall
they both sat on the empty seats beside yours while his two other friends sat behind them
you shifted your eyes in front of the classroom trying not to get distracted by your new classmate
your new seatmate
your teacher came into the classroom with a bright smile on her face
the loud murmuring and silent screaming immediately faded out
“Good morning everyone! Welcome! I will be your home teacher for this year! its senior year and I hope you will do your best!”
ugh, senior year, you thought
this year, your last year in high school
you promised yourself that you would focus this year
focused on your studies, extracurricular activities
you wanted to make it to your dream university with an amazing transcript and highschool background
you promised no distractions this year
you wanted it to be better compared to last year
you immediately snapped out of your thoughts when your teacher, Ms. Kim said, “So, shall we proceed with introducing yourselves?”
the class nodded in harmony
she started calling people who sat in the first row until she said
“Now, onto our student council president”
you stood up from your seat and fixed your hair a bit
everyone applauded
except for the man who sat beside you
he had his chin resting on the palm of his right hand as he looked up at you
a part of you somewhat felt nervous with his eyes stuck on you as you try to introduce yourself
“Hello everyone! good morning! If you don’t know yet, my name is Y/N and I’m the president of the student council! I hope that we can make our senior year the best together and as individuals!”
you confidently said and sent your classmates a sweet smile
“Thank you Y/N!” she paused and removed her eye contact with you and looked at the person who followed your movements with his eyes
“Now, onto the young man beside Y/N”
you turned to him to look at him
meeting his eyes, he came back to his senses
here comes the whispers and the murmurs again
the girls around the classroom eyed him
all attention was on him
he stood up from his seat as you sat down
he gulped
“Good morning, I’m Bae Jinyoung. I’m a transfer student for this year. I hope we can all get along and make senior year a great one.”
he managed to introduce himself in a cold tone which made the girls in the room squeal a little bit
you rolled your eyes in annoyance
what’s so special about him thats driving them crazy?
Ms. Kim dismissed the class early today so that you guys can go and find your classrooms
you grabbed your backpack that laid on the floor and carried your notebooks with your right hand
ready to leave the classroom to go to your other classes
until Ms. Kim called out your name
“Y/N!!” she shyly shouted
you hurried to her desk at the front, realizing that there weren’t as much people left in the classroom anymore
“Yes, Ms.Kim?” you smiled
“Can you do me a favor, dear?” she asked
you smiled brightly, “Yes! Of course!!”
she handed you a class schedule
you scanned it with your eyes
it wasn’t yours tho
“Can you help one of the transfer students find his classrooms? I checked everyones schedule and yours was the one that had the most classes with him!”
your eyes widened in shock
Ms. Kim looked gave you a questioning look, “Is there something wrong?”
“Oh, no no! May I ask who’s schedule is this?”
by the name written on top of the paper, you knew who it was
you just didn’t want to admit it
you wanted to double-check
or maybe exchange with someone else
“That’s mine.”
a deep voice came from behind you
you closed your eyes tightly while taking a deep breath
slowly, you turned around
a tall figure towering over you and Ms. Kim
“That’s my schedule.”
“Ah. I see”, that was all you could say
he grabbed the paper from your hands and looked at it
“So, Y/N, can you help Jinyoung?”, Ms. Kim asked
“Uh, uh, y-yes for sure!”
“Okay thats great! See you guys later!” she said waving to the both of you as she left the classroom
you were about to follow her out until the deep voice called you
“Where are you going?” he said
you stopped but you didn’t turn your back to face him,
“To class.”
you could hear footsteps coming towards you from the back and you knew it was him
“You do know that you’re supposed to help me, right?” he leaned down a bit to say it from the back of your ear
you turned to face him
and you grabbed his schedule from his grip
“Follow me”, you ordered
he did follow you
you showed him his classes and it turned out that he was in 3/4 of them
you were with him for chemistry, english and math
the only class you didn’t have with him was history
he attentively followed you and he listened carefully whenever you gave him instructions
after showing him all of his classrooms (which most of them turned out to be yours as well)
it was finally time to head to your chemistry class
when the both of you reached the classroom
you walked in together
you spotted your friends in a corner of the classroom
they smiled when they saw you
but those smiles slowly faded when they saw the man beside you
they weren’t disappointed
but they were sort of confused?
you ran to them and greeted them
“He seems really familiar, whats his name?” your friend Hana asked
“Hes a transfer student. His name is Bae Jinyoung”
you looked at Jinyoung who was currently talking to one of his friends who turned out to be in the same class
anyways, the class started and you all seated in your seats
surprise! he sat beside you
tbh during the time you were showing him his classrooms
he was different compared to what you thought he was
he was actually really quiet
and you didn’t think that he would be the opposite
you both got closer since you sat together and you were in each other’s classes
classes with jinyoung weren’t that bad
you initially thought that he would be as cocky or rude like he was when you first met him
sometimes, he would ask you for help since you sat together
“Okay, but just help me with this one!! Its the last one, I promise!” he shyly slides his paper closer to you
“Its that laaaaaaast one!!!”
you still ended up helping him tho
sometimes, he would annoy you by poking the side of your arm during class
and he wouldn’t stop doing so until you turn to look at him and he would just smile at you foolishly
or sometimes, he would move his chair closer to yours and put his rest his arm in your chair
and just watch you do your work while he stare at you
you would then turn to him and say
“Can i help you?”
he shakes his head and gives you a slight smile
after a month or so of sitting beside him in the classes you have together
you got to know him better
a lot better than your first impression
he would also always ask you if you need help when you’re stressing out about planning for the next event for the school
“Are you sure that you don’t need any of my help?” he asks
“Yes, i’m sure! Thank you for asking” you force a slight smile even though you were so stressed
since you’re not in the same history class
he would also offer to walk you to class since you would have to carry a few textbooks
“Come on, I’ll walk you to class! My class is literally just a few steps away from yours” he said as he starts to carry your textbooks in his left hand
“You know you don’t have to right?” you shyly respond to him
he turns to you and say, “Yeah, I know!! But I insist! Like what I told you, my class is also in the same floor”
hes such a gentleman tbh
one time, during a day when there was a school event
you went to class wearing a short skirt and a formal top
you needed to dress up as you needed to speak later in front of the whole class of 2018
it was to let them know about the plans for the prom coming up
“What are you wearing?” he asks you with a serious look on his face
“Clothes obviously, what else?” you answered him
he started taking off his denim jacket and he said
“You’re going to sit later up in the stage, infront of everyone and that’s what you’re wearing?”
you looked at him as he handed you his jacket
“What’s this for?”
“Use it later to cover yourself when you sit down”
an unexpected heat came rushing to your face and you were afraid that he would notice that you were blushing
“T-thank you” you said and turned to return to your seat
slowly dying in the inside
on another day, during lunch
your friend Hana mentioned again that Jinyung looked familiar
you asked her where she might’ve seen him
but she was still unsure
“You know, you’ve been hanging out a lot with Jinyoung lately” she said
“We have majority of our classes together thats why I’m always with him” you said as you took a bit of your sandwich
“Are you dating him?”
you almost choked on your sandwich when you heard her next question
“WHAT? NO, we’re just friends!” you stated
“I was just reminding you because you promised yourself that theres going to be no distractions this year… and I was thinking that he might be one of them”
you looked at her this time
“What? No, no. Baejin is not distracting me in any way possible” you gave her a reassurance smile
“Baejin? Isn’t it Iinyoung?”
“Oh yeah! But he told me to call him Baejin instead”
she stopped talking but she just looked at you again quietly
“What?” you asked
“No one calls him that except for you and some of his friends”
thats when it hit you
the whole day that day,
that was all you could think of
you noticed that it was true
you and some of his friends are the only ones who call him that...
you were walking to class
with nothing in your mind
except for what your friend said
and then,
someone yelled your name
you turned to see Baejin running towards you
you felt your heart beat a little faster than normal
he wrapped his hands around your shoulders
which made your heart beat faster than before
whats this feeling? you thought
the next day, during lunch
you carried a tray to your table that had your lunch and wallet in it
“Aren’t you going to eat?” you asked Hana who was currently following your movements
“I forgot to bring my money” she frowned
you felt bad for her because she didn’t have anything to eat
and so you offered,
“Go take my wallet and buy something” you smiled at her
her face lit up and she said “Oh my god, You’re a life savior!”
she grabbed your wallet and opened it
Hana stopped for a moment
her smile fading away again to a confused expression
“What’s up? Are you okay?” you worriedly asked her
she pointed at the baby picture of you and your friend from when you were kids 
Hana started to laugh and said, “I knew it! I knew he looked familiar!”
you were confused for a second
“Yeah, that’s my childhood friend, why?” you suddenly felt cold
“Bae Jinyoung looks exactly like him!” Hana exclaimed
posted on 180209
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
soulmate! Woozi (pt. 2)
Anon requested: Could you just do part twos on the the soulmate stories you already had? And I really really love all of this ESPECIALLY WOOZI AND VERNON’s PLEASE WRITE MORE 🙆🏼🙏🏻🙏🏻
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1456
Recap: in which you have a scar symbolizing what your soulmate is most passionate about and it disappears when you touch
part 1
you don't call him 
lol no you text him first actually 
because you were nervous as hell even if he's your soulmate 
but like the nice kind of nervous you guess 
'hey this is y/n~' 
you text him that night 
'i thought I said call me' 
no you didn't squeal and roll around it your bed, definitely not 
without answering his text, you call him 
he takes a while to answer 
"sorry i had to walk out the practice room bc the guys kept screaming" 
"i figured something like that" you laugh 
after a short conversation he has to hang up and get back to practice 
but it was still perfect 
the two of you are really busy after so there's not much of seeing each other right away 
but whenever they're getting their hair touched up or dyed, woozi is first to go so he can come up stairs with you 
in that stuffy little office room afterwards
where you two get to know more about each other, having many conversations filled with happiness 
it happens on one of those days, the two of you find time 
and decide on something 
you would come to pledis tomorrow and work in his studio with him  
and now you were trying not to stress out about what to where and your music 
if the universe put the two of you together, you were going to trust it 
the lady at the front desk lets you in after looking at your face 
"the studios are down that hall, to the left" she says smiling 
nodding, you thank her and excitedly wander down the hall 
you come face to face with mingyu as he's walking out of a room 
"ooh noona, are you looking for woozi!?" he says bounding up to you 
"yup," you answer, adjusting the straps on your backpack 
"he's in there" he directs you the studio and leaves waving goodbye 
opening the door, you slowly step in 
you stare at him, who hasn't noticed you yet 
he's bobbing his head to the beat with headphones covering his ears 
quietly, you settle yourself in the chair beside him and smile 
turning his head a bit, not surprised, he slides the headphones off his ears 
"how have you been?" he says giving you an eye smile 
"it hasn't even been 24/7 hours yet" you tease 
he laughs, the sound filling your heart 
"i've been great though, how could i not" you say 
he turns his head away from your gaze slightly 
but a second later, when he meets your eyes again, you can see the tips of his ears redder than before 
looking at your shoulder, he sees your backpack 
"did you bring your music?" 
you nod and pull your laptop and notebook out 
as you start the laptop up, you can hear the sound of his breathing, and him scooting closer to you 
"may i?" he gestures to the notebook which you hand him 
it's your turn to lean over him, your shoulder less than a centimeter away, but not touching 
you don't know if it's just you or not, who feels this,,,tension in the air 
"i really love this piece" he says almost breathlessly, pulling you out of your thoughts 
hoping your face isn't as red as it feels, you flip to a certain page, "these are the lyrics to it" 
watching him as he skims the lyrics, a smile rises to his face 
"is it about soulmates?" 
making eye contact you nod shyly 
something is his eyes change 
excitement? mischief? 
"how about you record in here?" 
you stutter out your words in shock, 
"w-what? no, it's fine i can do it on campus tomorrow" 
shaking his head, he smiles, letting you know he was gonna be very stubborn 
this is how you end up in the recording booth nervously messing with your lyrics paper 
you already listened to svt's music and heard woozi's amazing voice
and tbh you don't think your voice is all that special, but not like it needs to be because producing/composing 
but you sure as hell weren't on lee seokmin level 
"ready when you are" he says giving you an encouraging smile 
taking a deep breathe, you sing, and just focus on your voice coming through the headphones 
you stop at a certain part, unsatisfied
looking up and your eyes meeting as you both say at the same time 
"maybe raise your voice at the end there?" 
"i should sing that last part higher right?" 
you both just kinda stare at each other surprised 
until you giggle, shaking your head then giving him the signal you're ready to start again 
recording doesn't take long, so soon enough you're back next to him, pleased 
"you know this is a really good song, it'd be just perfect for a solo artist" 
you look down and lean forward, trying to hide the smile growing on your face 
you stop yourself short because you leaned a little too close to him 
or maybe he was leaning a little too close to you but 
if someone took a ruler and measured the distance, you think it would barely hit 5 centimeters 
suddenly your brain thinks of those awkward moments in the dramas where shit like this happens
the love interest and the main just centimeters apart
silence and anticipation hanging over the two of them
until someone leans back and everyone's heart sinks 
including the characters 
and you're like no that can't happen, not today 
so something came over you, and you leaned forward and 
actually. pressed. your. lips. to. his. 
do you hear screaming because pretty sure you're screaming on the inside
and after a moment 
you're really not sure how because your brain has stopped working 
his lips begin to move 
then less than 5 seconds into this blissful moment  
"hey- OKAY NO BYE" the sound of the studio door opening and slamming shut immediately after
you hear the voice say, making you and jihoon pull apart 
looking at each other like deers in headlights 
you two don't say anything, just stare, with beet red faces 
"who was that?" you say, not able to look away from his eyes 
"definitely soonyoung" 
the both of you focus your ears on the screaming and sounds of feet thundering down the hall
"they're coming for us, right?" you ask already knowing the answer 
you smile, and quickly bring your hand up to cover your giggle 
this action makes him smile 
and any awkwardness that could have been there is now gone 
until the noise comes closer and all twelve of them fit themselves in the room with the two of you, 
staring down at the two of you sitting 
"tsk, other people have to sit in those chairs" minghao says simply after looking at the two of you, then leaving 
"HYUNG'S A MAN NOW" seungkwan blurts out 
and takes one look at jihoons face then bolts 
"well you kids go back to doing whatever, have fun~" jeonghan says way too happily
and forces seungcheol to help pull the rest of them out 
you both catch a glimpse of vernon more clearly, biting into a drumstick
"we were gonna tell you guys there's chicken and pizza but" 
"okay out out" 
joshua's the last one to leave and gives one last look 
the look 
then leaves, closing the door behind him 
"i dont know if I'm mortified or-" 
"ready to kill them?" you finish for him, tilting your head 
you guys are full of giggles today because you bend over laughing while he leans back into his chair chuckling 
"I'm hungry, you wanna eat?" he asks, standing up 
doing these tiny adorable stretches 
you get up also and nod, "starving" 
"i don't want them to bother you so you want to just go buy and eat something at the park?" he suggests, and you can tell he's nervous about your answer 
"it's a date," you reply, grinning 
you leave your things because you'll be back, and just take your wallet and phone 
he opens the door for you, letting you step through and proceeds to hold his hand out to you bashfully 
you place your hand in his and you two walk down the hall hand-in-hand
you glance at jihoon 
"run run!"
so all the front desk lady saw were two people dashing out, with mixtures of their laughter 
and then proceeds to see seventeen sprinting to the door, some pressing their faces to the glass and some shaking their heads with smiles 
'why do i think this will be a common occurrence?' she thinks 
oh please, cause it will
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A/N: the cringe is real i know
The Seventeen Soulmate AU Series:
|| Seungcheol / Pt. 2 || Jeonghan / Pt. 2 || Joshua / Pt.2 || Jun / Pt.2 || Hoshi / Pt.2 || Wonwoo || Woozi / Pt.2 || Seokmin / Pt.2 || Mingyu / Pt.2 || Minghao || Seungkwan || Vernon / Pt.2 || Dino ||
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derenyanai · 6 years
Ashes of the Old World Session Branch 13-B Part 4
Time: Sometime after Session 12 Characters: Zealous Terminator
This is a continuation from Part 3
If you would like to start from the beginning here is Part 1
You wake up sometime later, head hurting somefin fierce, good thing this wasn't a death match or...well you get the idea
I check around my belt to see if this fukr stole my money pouch!
He's actually sitting right to you happyly humming a turn, your belt of money is still with you, you're currently on one of the tables tha used to have people cheering, actually....the building looks empty now"
I looked at him and then rubbed my own face. Man, that guy sure had given me a beating. I should have thought about the consequences... but it was a worth a shot. "Alright, alright... you got me good, fair and square."
"Heck yeah i did, Thanks for the Pr, Makin my potions look impressive, should have seen the crowd reaction, I mean you were unconcious at the time, but whatever" he laughs, Daniels hands zealous a bottle of red looking liquid
I look at the bottle of red, "I take it this is the same potion? What is that called?"
"What? No, Its healing, not gonna just hand out strentgh potions, those are expensive" Daniels Scoffs
"Alright, alright... well... thanks." I said as I pulled out my bag and gave him 300 gp in return as I retrieve the potion, "Here's your reward as promised."
"Gotta another deal for you actually, You can keep that gold And I'll help you out with Sexy Fred, i'll even throw in 300 myself, if you do a little something for me"
"Hm? And that is?" I ask.
Oh also get 1000 exp for beating Legs
"Someones been breaking into my shop after dark and stealing my stuff, my really expensive stuff, Every night for the past three days, Guards can't seem to help because, of course they can't, so perhaps you can....wait for them and teach them a lesson?"
"What sort of lessons? I need to know so I can carry proper equipments! I kinda need to, I told Legs that he should, and I should represent that very example."
"Just....Kick them out of my store, spook them off, Try not to kill them, key word being try" Daniels frowns
"Okay, I'll need to bring some ghost costumes then."
"........" Daniels just looks at  zealous "Sure...I...Whatever man, you do you" giving you the adress to his shop and the time to come by
[you gonna drink the health potion or....?]
[ yeah of course ]
its a juicy good health potion giving you 31 hp
Whenever Zealous inevitably exits the building, the arena fighty punchy building known as Richards Butter Slam, on the way to [insert location here] he doth percieving sounds of a rough and loud banging nature within an alleyway nearby, this shrouded space between two adajecent structures, holding a mystery of vaguely mysterious description, like what in my bag of cereal, does get toy? and then you realize it 2017 and they dont do that anymore and you do a cry in your soul
In that case! I shall inspect the sounds! Off I go! TROTTING MY WAY OVER THERE!
Looks like one of the opponents you've had in the arena previously, Legs, is having a rough house with some angry looking fellows "I lost 100 credits on you, so i'mma show you what happens to losers in this city" is said by atleast one of them peoples with the moustaches an hat, Legs dosen't look like he's recovered very much from his last fight
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I wasn't liking what I was seeing. After the first second at glancing this, immediately afterwards, without thinking.... I ran toward them with my arms flailing and I am screaming at top of my lungs in order to scare them away.
>Roll intimidate  Well you've certainly startled them, an amount of them actually step back with concern
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"I AM ZEALOUS TERMINATOR AND THIS IS MY SIDEPUNCH, LEGS!" I shout at top of my lungs. I hope they get the pun.
...Omfg, Well they don't appear to get it, Legs seems to laugh under his breath "You just git outta here this dosen't concern you" One of them says with their mouth words
"THIS CONCERNS ME! You are attacking a man who fights in the ring! You attack him, you attack me as well! He fought well, you punks! I'll show you why he lost to me if you dare!" I pound my chest with my fists, "Unless you are scared!?"
Three have come up to you pulling out sords >roll initiative
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wow 20
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I activate the RAGE. And then punch the man on my right.
>roll away A narrow miss, the Bandit just barely shifts out of the way of the punch >Bandit turn
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Somehow all three of them fucking miss, as they just can't seem to land a single swing onto your supple gnome flesh >your turn
Knocked across and into a stray barrel, this bandits be two, remain and it is their turn
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Despite thier attempt at flanking they somehow keep rolling stupid low, you can partially see when they miss thier own sords hitting against each other >your turn
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I flip backwards behind the bandit and start pummeling away on this man's spine! Acrobatics first?
acrobatics then the opposite bandit aquires an attack of oppurtunity which bandit?
The one behind me. In this instance, the one on the left.(edited) I MEAN RIGHT. Right.
oppurtunity attack hits,Take 3 slashing damage, reduced to 2 becuase rage, and you flip over him like a majestic fuckign eagle
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You bap him about once in the back with a resounding yelp from him afterward .bandit turn
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One manages to clip your shoulder while the other is a fucking dissapointment, take 7 damage reduced to 4 because rage. >your turn
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EXCELLENT! I continue to pummel into the same bandit!
And he's out sliding along the ground like a sack of potatoes, one remains, and he's looking mighty concerned turning to the rest for help but they've fled, and so will he
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I'll let him flee to tell the stories to his friends about the fearsome Zealous Terminator!!! But my mind is elsewhere, I turn to Legs and walked toward him, "You alright?"
"I will recover, thank you for the aid, Hopefully i can repay the favor somehow"
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"Actually.... there's one way you can do that... I am kind of in a jam. I need to scare off some goons at a guy's house. An extra pair of hands will be nice."
"Oh, well I can certainly lend a hand, or a foot" legs nods   Ally aquire: LEGS the half-elf
"Excellent! We should be on our way to collect things. The guy would like to get that sorta thing done asap." I said.
Alright so Legs is going to be following you, any preperations you're going to make before going to the potion dudes place?
I should probably find some health potions for Legs! And some to take to the guy's house.
alright, given how populated this city is, isn't to hard to find several potion stores, and alchemists and what have you, but the consistent price for your standard health potion is 50gp
Alright, I'll buy 5. So that's 250 gp.
Indeed, Alright good stuff you now have 5 health potions
Alright, so I hand two potions over to Legs and three to keep myself. "Alright Legs, I am going to go ahead and give you two. If you don't need the other one, you can hand it back to me after this is done?"
"Thank you very much" he downs both of them, looking significantly better than before
"Alright, I guess not!" He shrugs and then makes his way toward the place with Legs!
When you near your destination you notice its a building with the sign [Potion Roulette] above the door, and next to another building with a similiar sign that says [Shop of many things], it seems this is his store and not his actual home that he need people spooked out of
"Alright, we are here Mr. Legs! Let let's see if this guy's home so we can let him know we'll patrol the place out."
Upon entering The dude is inside, he waves at you, The majority of this building just seems to consist of this massive roullete wheel and a series of barrel on the wall, "Ah! good you came, Its rather difficult to run this business with the thieves having thier way with my things" Legs is squinting at this gentleman
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"Ah! I brought a friend, I hope you don't mind." I guesture toward Legs and then to the man, "This is the man I was telling you about."
"Oh,you....." Your employer groans "Well i can bare helping this cheater i guess" Legs Sighes "Its not cheating if the rules allow me to do it" They apparantly already know each other
"Hey, hey... I got beaten by this guy fair and square. It's our fault for not establishing rules when it comes to potions or spells either." I said, "Anyway, let bygones be bygones. We have important things to do."
"........" "Yes of course, either way, Some time during the night someone manages to keep entering my shop and steal the potion components I use for my wheel, its becoming....expensive to replace each time, I locked up my doors at night, they get in, I've even bricked up my windows and they still get in, I don't know how, its frustrating" Daniels explains "So i figure if i have someone here when it happens, Bam, spooked the thieves, or atleast give them second thoughts"
"Hm.... do you have a cellar somewhere?" I ask.
"....Not that im aware of, When i had purchased the space, it was merely a cube space with a door and some windows, admitly it use to be apart of the shop next door but there has been renovations since then"
"We should probably check out if there's any tunnels in this place that leads to this store. It's worth checking.... hey Legs? Mind helping me move these barrels to block the doors and windows in case we spook them? I don't want them running out of the houses that way."
"Sure thing Zealous my man" "I was gonna leave while you two....nevermind guess i'm staying" " :D " So you barrel that door up real good
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"Sorry mate. If you happened to see them enter a particular way, you'd know how to bar them from entering the place next time too." I say as I look around.
"....Fair enough" Daniels lil unhappy but dealing wit it >roll perception There is this straneg crease in between a couple bricks where you moved the barrels from
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0 notes
Episode 7 Confessionals
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So we're having a reward challenge so I guess no reward. Are we merging at F9?? Its still 7-3 right now and it can be 7-2 soon. If its 7-2 in the merge then if my alliance of me/Zach/Charlotte/Carson stick together we'd only need one more number and we could get to F4. Thats wishful thinking that we all stay together tho.
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of course i flop the slide puzzle and lose us reward god.. just imagine like.. that scene of michele going out into the ocean and being emo from kaoh rong and earning character development about being competitive and debbie saying she might drown herself . thats me right now. yeah thats all i am angry kinda not rlly
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Ugh I wish I hadn't done the reward challenge because I can't help with immunity. I thought that since 4 people sat from reward and the usual rule is if you sit you have to play in the next one, that the rule would be over since all 4 can't play. But I was wrong so rip, I think I'm pretty good at this one too b/c I used to do fun listing games when I was younger. Here's hoping we can avoid tribal!
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I would've much preferred the live challenge to this one. I'm a mess and will get something for every letter except for like 1 and have a panic attack and freak out. Pissed.
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I'M SO FRUSTRATED BECAUSE WE FINALLY WON REWARD AND I GOT A TASK FROM THE WISHING WELL BUT IT COULDN'T HAVE COME AT A WORSE TIME. There are literally 3 of us left, throwing the immunity and scoring the least points could mean that we lose and I don't want to be the reason we lose when there are three of us left. DID I MENTION THAT THERE ARE 3 OF US LEFT?! I decided to prioritise doing well in immunity over getting the reward from The Wishing Well because I just need to be safe and move on from this round and hopefully get to a merge. 
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Can you believe that Ulta won AGAIN? We keep doing that. Honestly, we're icons. 7-2 going into a potential merge... let's just let that sink in. 
Jordan Pines' ego is so large, it's actually consumed the rest of the Copa tribe. 
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Well fuck me this may be the end of Jordan Pines. I am going to do all I can to stay but there is a high chance i could be going home tonight. Dear god lets see what happens.
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I will make two quick ones since i've been busy the past few days. So going into immunity, i'm nervous. Bryce/Carson/Myself can't play, and originally it was supposed to be a live competition and us 3 are the most active. I literally messaged Carson being like "so who we votin'" DASKF. I think i'm funny idk it's just some quirk oWo Fortunately, the competition changed to list it up. The comp seems fun, and overall I think it'd be easier than the L# type setup competition. It doesn't require much activity or anything, just to be on whenever you are and schedule it! So, i'm hoping for the best ^-^ Zach~post immunity results~ I don't recognize names of our tribes, so I (like Carson) read "Copa, you have tribal tomorrow with me" and my heart dropped. I read the 9:03 to 9:00 and I was like... oh my dog.... are you SERIOUS. HOWEVER, WE WON IMMUNITY! BY THREE FRICKEN SECONDS! THAT IS ICONIC I'm really blessed to have been granted safety till merge (assuming it's merge, something has to happen AJFSKDG they wouldn't do 2v7 into an immunity challenge). That being said, I may potentially be an early merge boot. During merge, I plan on working with returnees and giving Jay/whoever else lives hopefully luke a chance. But, we'll see. If they talk to me, i'm down with it because i'm always open for opportunities. In addition, if I just stuck with OG Ulta......... it'd be boring. I'm not sure, overall though. I really like Willow too, and Chris/Katie are fine. UGH. I like this cast so much it's so stressful even THINKING about voting lowkey. Nonetheless, soon it's gonna be time to play.
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Im really pulling for luke to stay cuz i wanna have that idol connection after the merge but maybe it would put less of a threat on my back for him to be gone :/ idk  ahhhhh. Lets see what they do
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I don't have much to report besides the fact that I'm glad we won and that Carson and Zach are great 
Also Katie and Bryce are cool too 
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Update: I'm voting out Jay and not Jordan Pines! Jordan is so good at whispering sweet nothings into my ear and making me keep him but I'm still very weary of him. My thought process is that he's a bigger target than me and could act as my meat shield so that I slip by pretty easily. I think that with the current Ulta tribe it's going to be difficult but I think I can work this out. 
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winning immunity challenges from the outside looking in is awesome!! no need to scramble or strategy talk. great, right? yeah, no. i know where NO ONE stands. nobody talks strategy bc we dont have to go to tribal. id prefer this to losing every single one, but id like to lose a BIT. but ill just sit here with my idol and enjoy the immunity while it lasts, bc ik this will get cutthroat at merge
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wow 3 seconds that so cool.
jordan pines will be pre merge boot hahahahha
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Who says you can't get no satisfaction? Whoever it was clearly isn't me in this game. Not only did my tribe win immunity again, I personally beat Jordan pines in a mutual portion of the challenge. Victory really does taste sweet. AND we finally merged. 7-2 numbers advantage. Does that mean that ulta is gonna stay together? I guess we'll see! I may use these two stragglers to get rid of some people that I feel like may not want me around much longer.
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cami1822 · 7 years
The 4am shift was always Jays favourite shift at tastebuds, the cute cafe that none of the so called ‘cool’ people went to when there was a Starbucks. It was a open and airy cafe, with floor to ceiling windows at the front of the building, and worn, wood panels on the rest of the walls. Fairy lights were strung along one wall and pictures were tangled in the string lights, just pictures of frequent costomers and the cafe throughout its years. Retro lightbulbs hung from the ceiling, scattered throughout the rest of the cafe. The chalk boards behind the counter were brand new because the others had gotten used so frequently that the dust had become one with the boards. Jay always had loved the cafe ever since she came here as a kid with her grandma for afternoon tea.  She loved the squashy arm chairs and the dark wooden tables.  She loved the small, vertical garden near the entrance, and eating the mint leaves off of it. She loved that it could be airy in the summer and cozy in the winter without anything changing.  Jay loved the oversized chipped mugs and the extra nutmeg that she always found in her coffee. Now, at 17 she could finally work here. Her favourite spot was in the corner by the window, with the vertical garden behind her and the window beside her, so she could see everything and the plants tickled the back of her neck. Beside the garden was a bookshelf. it wasn’t that big, but big enough that it took her a year and a half to finally get though. Jay was behind the counter, adding ‘hot chocolate’ in stick like writing to the chalkboard since the weather had reached its mid point in autumn when she stepped back and knocked a mug off of the edge of the sink. She swatted at it in mid air twice until it finally slipped from her clumsy grasp and hit the birch floor with a ‘plonk’, thankfully not smashing. She groaned in relief, and clasped its handle with her pinkie, scooping it up and into the sink.  No one was in the cafe ever at 4am and thats why she liked it the most. She could sit in her corner with a good book, and a free coffee, and she got paid for it.  Usually it was quiet like that until 6 to 6:30, when the first early risers trudged in, folding their collars back down and whisking off toques.  Jay also loved to watch the sunrise, she loved to watch it set the cafe of fire like everything was glowing a soft golden. The sunrise was always perfect because the the cafe windows faced directly towards it, and the small brick cones across the street were short so it didnt block the sun. At this time in the year the sun rose at around 5:45 which gave Jay lots of time for her to read in her favourite light setting.  She never flicked on the main lights until 6, instead turning on the fairy lights and basking in the soft glow of them with a book and blanket. ‘This stuff sounds stupid’. Jay always thought to her self whenever she did this, or dwelled upon the fact that she count be more content in the moments she spent in the cafe at that time. But Jay always felt like the cafe was her own little palace.  She felt like the cafe was a book, and every time she was in it, she was rereading it and finding tiny bits of information she had missed before, and rereading her favourite parts. No one could read the book like she could, maybe because sometimes she felt like she wrote it. Jay had hopped onto the counter and was obsorbed in a new book she had just gotten when she heard the heavy door being pushed open, a the dented christmas bell tinkle.  Jay spun around, a little too fast, loosing her balance and almost falling off of the counter.  Once she had composed herself again she looked up to see a tall lanky guy with chattering teeth and big black frammed classes sliding down a thin nose. His hands were deep in his pockets and he was trying to smile sheepishly thought his noisy teeth.  I raised my eyebrows, and nodded to the chalk board. “I just added hot chocolate to the menu, want some?” She asked. He nodded and bit his lip to stop the chattering. “More like need some, thanks.” Jay slipped off the counter and started to make the hot coco. “So, why are you here at 4 in the morning?” She asked, heating up milk. “same reason you are.” He seated himself in Jays corner after a carful selection, and jay didnt know weather to be proud of irritated. “To make money?” Jay smiled. He studdied her for a minute before replying. “Well no, im here to, to be _here.” _Jay raised her eyebrows again and started to shake to can of whipped cream. “Obviously, someone our age would not work to 4am shift here unless they really wanted to.” Thats when Jay realized that he was around the same age as her, and also not wearing any jackted but a too big worn out hoodie. “And how do you know I wasn’t a fill in for someone else?” I asked him another question. “Because if you were you wouldn’t have asked me why I was here genuinely unless you were checking me out, which you weren't.” Jay could tell she had an amused look on her face and the guy smiled at her when she sat the steamy mug down in front of him. “Whats you're-” “Sawyer” He cut me off with a grin (the chattering had stopped) “I swear im not this cocky all the time.” I laughed slightly and sat down in the chair across from him. “Nah I can tell, your a real teddy bear inside aren't you sawyer.” Sawyer grimaced slightly, scrunching up his nose. “I wouldnt go that far.” “awe you just proved it.” Jay bit her lip and watched as he shook tiny water droplets out of his dark hair. “You're not the only one who can read people.” She smiled as he tilted his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. “So give me a reason why you're here, of why you want to be here.”  Sawyer licked his lips and curled his fingers around the mug taking a sip. “Wow this is good! what did you put in it? Was it-” “Nutmeg.” she finished. “It tastes like Christmas.” He beamed down at the drink. Jay laughed and shook her head slightly. “Thats the point. You still haven't given me a reason.” “Why can't a guy just go to a nice cafe without getting questioned about it?”  He asked taking another sip and peering at Jay over the brim of his mug. “because you're right, no one our age wants to be up at this time at night, unless theyre at a party.” He sighed into his hot coco, sending rippled across the surface. “You are not going to give up on this are you.” Jay shook her head slightly and looked down at her lap surprised to see that she had brought her book over without even realising it. She traced the new spine with her index finger waiting for Sawyer to say something. She had started to space out when sawyer gasped. “What?” Jays voice was slightly scratchy because of the lack of use and alarmed tone. “That. Is my favourite book.” He was looking at it hungrily, with his lip between his teeth and hands tight around his mug. “Jules Vern hey?” Jay asked thankful that he appreciated it. “Journey to the centre of the earth. Its genius. I love it.” He grinned up at jay half of his face in the shadows becuase of the fairy lights. He looked like a mad man. “Just got it yesterday for the shelf.” Jay pointed over to the bookshelf and sawyer got up, still sipping on his drink to look at it. “You like reading?” Sawyer asked, running his hands along the spines of the books. “I love it.  Mostly just fantasy and sci-fi, but I like a good horror book to.” “Huh. It sucks, books are going out of fashion, and people just don't like them anymore when you can watch tv.” “I know, barely any of my friends read and whenever I pull out a book they dont seem to get it.  They always ask me why I read for fun...” Jay trailed off and gazed out the window, tucking her feet underneath her. When she looked back sawyer was sitting back in his chair squinting at her. “The reason im here is because I was at a party. My friend dragged me out and I was there til about one just reading with the cat curled up on my lap. I got kicked out by some drunk collage student. He actually kicked me.” Sawyer rolled up his jeans to reveal a deep gnash on his shin, and Jay scrunched up her nose and went to get the first aid kit (it was usually there for herself when she smashed a glass and cut herself, but there was always that one customer). “I dont think he meant to but he said I was ‘to much of a boring character’ to be at a party, so I left. My friend was still at the party, already drunk so I started to walk home, but...I kind of got lost.  Anyway I found my way back into town and I realized id never been to this part of it, with the cobble streets and alleyways, you know what im talking about right?” Jay nodded. “Well I walked around here for like 2 hours and its so beautiful. I can't believe I've never been here.  It looks like Rome almost. Everything was just quiet and I was the only one out. I dont know, its weird to see a town that is usually really busy all quiet and dark. SO now im here. Does that answer your question?” “So you’ve never been to the older part of town?” Jay questioned, awestruck. “Nope.” “Well I can tell you one thing, its way cooler then the new parts with the big buildings and tall condos.  Also the people are more fun here, no offence, but you must be filthy rich to have never been here.”  Jay spoke a tiny bit louder then she had before, unzipped the first aid kit at the table. Sawyer had an amused smile on his face and tried not to laugh. “Actually, I just moved here 3 months ago, and we are probably living in one of the worst apartments in town.” “Oh. Shit.” Jay whispered. “sorry about that whole thing, ive kinda had bad experiences with the richer people...” “but....” Sawyer edged her on. “My grandma just recently died, and she had a lot more money then she should have living down here. I inherited it all, so I guess I can't really be talked.” Jay spilled some peroxide on sawyers cut and he hissed. “Oh hush you’re fine.” Jay rolled her eyes. “Im sorry about your grandma, you were close?” Jay nodded, and started to gingerly wrap gauze around his leg. The two were quiet as she finished up. “You didnt have to do that.” Sawyer said in a low voice. “Actually, if a customer has an open wound in the shop, I have to clean he or she up because it is not sanitary for the food and it could disturb other customers.” Jay smiled slyly as she went to put away the kit. “Oh so im not special then.” Sawyer mumbled with false disapointment laced in his voice. “Nah its just the rules I'm following.  You want some more?” Jay pointed to the empty mug and had already started to make it before he could answer. Sawyer got up and leaned against the counter with a sleepy smile plastered on his face. “Do you always work this shift?” “Nah just when I dont have school the next day.” Jay Handed him another cup and started to make one for herself. “So what books do you like?” She asked, tucking a strand of hair that came loose from her pony tail behind her ear. “Science fiction all the way. I guess I read some fantasy, but for the science aspect of it.” “Do ya like Harry Potter or lord of the rings at all?” “I mean ive read all of them but none of them could be real, so theyre not my favourite.” “Then why do you read books?” “What?” He tilted his head to the left. “People usually read books to escape, or to travel into a different reality. If you dont like books that can't be real, why do you read?” “For knowledge.  I read to know things. To learn new things, but I guess your right in a way. I mean yeah, thats part of it.  I guess I never thought of it that way but now...” He trailed off and looked slightly confused. “I think thats exactly why I read. I always do it when im stressed or upset.” His eyes were wide and he had a half smile on his face. “well now I feel stupid.” Sawyer muttered looking down at his hot coco a smal lsmile still in place. Jay laughed. “Dont, you’re not the one who works the night shifts just because you like it here more then your own home.” “Tough home life?” Sawyer looked up “Yes. No. Not really sometimes its great sometimes its not. I just like it here.  Especially when its quiet.”  Sawyer nodded, licking whipped cream off of his finger. “Is this your music?” He jerked his head up, indicating to the soft jazz music sounded from them.  Jay blushed and bit her lip. “Yeah, I don’t usually listen to jazz, but I made a playlist for the cafe. I dont know I thought it was nice.” “Its great actually, you have nice taste in jazz.” “Ha. Thanks most people don’t appreciate how much better it can make a room feel, music I mean.”  Jay let them back over to her corner, this time taking her seat back, forcing him to raise his eye brows and sit in the seat across from her. “Sawyer there is something you should know.” All of a sudden Jays face went very serious and sawyers smile slid off his face. “This seat right here, with the mint behind me and the window beside me, this is my seat.” Jay grinned and plucked a mint leaf off of the garden wall, and slipped it into her mouth. Sawyer started to laugh but was cut off suddenly by a blinding light. “Whoa...” Sawyer shielded his eyes and looked out the window to see the marvellous sunrise taking action.  Jay closed her eyes and let the warm glow wash over her like she had swum up to the top of the ocean and had broken its subtle surface for the first time.  Sawyer lowered his arm and blinked a few times. Everything had turned golden in the cafe, and he watched the dust particles dance in the sunbeams. He wondered briefly why the sun didnt always cast this glow on everything. He looked at Jay, who still had her eyes closed, and started to grin stupidly. Jay opened her eyes a moment later, to see sawyer staring at her. “What?  Whats wrong?” “Are you bliss?” He asked drunkly, with a ridiculous smile. Jay scrunched up her face and chucked the balled up napkin she had at him. He tried to duck but it ended up hitting him in the forehead and falling into the last of his hot coco. “Shut up.” She muttered. “You really love it here.” “Yeah, its like my panic room.  I have everything I will ever need right here.” “Hey I still don’t know your name.” He pipped. “Oh yeah, its Jay.” “Nice to meet you Jay.” “You too sawyer.” “Whats with the mint leaves?” Sawyer asked stoping her halfway from slipping another into her mouth. “try one.” She passed him the leaf and he raised his eyebrows in uncertainty. Jay rolled her eyes.”Just do it you wimp its a leaf, its not gonna bite you back.” Sawyer glared at her but couldnt keep a smiled from coming across his face. “It tastes sweeter then I thought.” He said after eating it. “Thats because I grow them, and I grow them with amazing talent and spectacular care.” This time sawyer rolled his eyes. “Does that mean you like to cook too?” He asked. Jay started to giggle. “If i ever try to cook anything but grilled cheese again, I will definitely burn the town down.  Plus its grimy, you have to clean after, even  if you dont even make it to the final product because you keep eating the ingredients separately.Its a waste of my time.” Sawyer laughed but then put n a fake face of seriousness. “Cooking is a science.Baking is an even better science.  I can't believe you, you make drinks right? You should love it.” “Drinks are different. I know exactly what everyone likes by just the way they say hello, even if I dont know them. Drinks are someones personality.  Food is just food.” “I bet I could change your mind on that.” Sawyer muttered slightly distracted. “And hows that?” “I could cook you a meal at my house say 7ish?” Sawyer didnt really know what he was saying, but when he realized it, his eyes widened and he whipped around to see Jay looking at him with a half smile on her face and her head tilted to the side.  She had pulled her legs up criss cross and her strawberry red hair was coming out of her pony tail at the front and framing her face perfectly (It was just grown out of bangs). Sawyer licked his lips nervously. Jay let out a short breathy laugh and then leaned forward, tugging sawyer towards her by the neck of his hoodie. She pressed her lips against his softly,  they were chapped and tasted of mint and chocolate and sawyer melted into her, reaching up to touch her chin just slightly. He had closed his eyes leaning in, and he opened them just halfway, to look at her freckles and her closed eyes through his glasses. He smiled on her lips and so did she. Thats when he heard a word Christmas bell go and the gruff huffs of a man. “What does a guy have to do to get a drink around here?” The man asked. Jay fell out of her seat. She clumsy stood up, flushed, and then bent down  to whisper ‘triple shot americano with whipped cream’ into his ear. For a minute he was confused. “morning sir what can I get you today?” Sawyer turned around to watch Jay serve the man. “So you're the barista here? Maybe you should be waiting tables instead of making out with your boyfriend.” Sawyer looked around at the spotless tables and empty chairs, enternally screaming. “Im very sorry I will keep that in mind.” Jay still had a smile fixed on her face. “Ill get a triple shot americano with whip.” Sawyers jaw dropped and Jay grinned to herself as she started to make the drink. A few moments later Jay passed the man his drink as he payed but the man didn't move. “Are-are those rainbow sprinkles?” He stuttered, his eyes flipped from the drink to Jay. “Yup, just a touch I thought id add.” All of a sudden the mans face split into a toothy grin. “Thank you miss.” He croaked. “Have a nice day sir.” She smiled again. And the man put a 5 dollar bill in the tip jar. Once he left, Jay sat back down with sawyer. “Thats how its done Sawyer. I earn money by making peoples day and its a talent few have.”  Jay had a smitten air around her and sawyer grinned. This time sawyer pulled her in for a kiss, and she let out a gasp of surprise. Then he scribbled down his address on a napkin, paid for his drinks, and put 6 dollars in the tip jar, just to one up the man. “You didnt really just do that. Tell me, I'm not going to date a guy who is that petty.” Jay crossed her arms. “Shut up Jay I'm a big teddy bear inside.” And with that sawyer left the cafe and Jay, who had never felt like her own little panic room could do anything more for her. *** a lot of spelling errors and run on sentences but hey, to my 2 followers out there what did you think
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