theskyexists · 1 year
okdamn yeah that went completely differently than i extrapolated instantly which i knew ofc
how does ‘not involving suletta’ translate to taking aerial away from her
SULETTA LOOKS SO HAPPY TALKING ABOUT THEM GETTING MARRIED OH MY GODDDD!!!!!! thats kind of different from how i imagined things would go!!! i mean not very different but damnnnnn SHES OPENLY LIKE; WE’RE GETTING MARRIED :D :D :D
she wants to see miorine bc she knows she said something that’s....OFF
the lesson guel drew from all of that was: i want to rebuild the killer-machine company that my dad built. i mean...understandable? but he really has not used a single shred of his experience to think about wider social implications. so hes taking over as president - but - he’s re-enrolling? what.
‘but now i can move forward, you taught me how’ HUUUUUHHHH? he lost everything because he lost to Suletta. She gave him one lil phrase and praised his fighting (he was jealous of her ‘good parent’ and he became infatuated) then he ran away to work as a prole and he killed his dad. he was kidnapped, held hostage, a poor earthian girl died in his arms due to a benerit group attack. and he learned to ‘move forward’ BECAUSE OF SULETTA???????????? ah he actually fell in love with her. lol. i guess she....was a beacon to him maybe? never got any sense she was
why is Miorine going along with Prospera’s bargain. she’s dumber than i thought.....
WHAT THE FUCK. why go in for jeturk as an ally when its become such a shit company??
‘reclaim your bride from suletta’ JFC. (very sexy way of saying it) and she didnt even tell suletta. she doesnt trust her at alll. she really is manouvering to take aerial away from suletta?????? without her knowledge or consent. without explaining herself??? this is so shit lol.
surely prospera didn’t want to lose aerial to jeturk????
wow miorine is the worst. she really looked at suletta and thought: i love you but you’re so god! DAMN! DUMB! im gonna manipulate you as hard as your mother ever manipulated you.
shes being so stupid. and guel should have said much louder: there are no worlds without gundams. (you’re being an idiot.)
so iguess it really is prospera’s plan almost entirely. get a Big House ally through the marriage game. Not sure how that will help Miorine become president though when Jeturk is in the shitter
isnt guel scared hes gonna get a big ptsd moment right now. i wrote this just before he had a big ptsd moment
OH MY GOD. this is exactly the thing i was like - gunning for - because SULETTA NEVER GOT TO HEAR MIORINE SAY: I WILL STAY BY YOUR SIDE FOREVER IN RESPONSE
wow suletta actually fell in love. and she ACTUALLY PROPOSED DURING A DUEL AND WAS STABBED IN THE FUCKING BACK!!!!!!!!!! WOW FUCK THIS SHIT!!!!!!
I must conclude that prospera does not AT ALL care about Suletta. it’s settled. All she cares about is seeing glimpses of eri through her helmet.
ok so i guess prospera inferred correctly that miorine wanted to remove suletta from dueling, gundams and battle entirely. miorine correctly inferred that aerial is the link that allows prospera to control her most directly. the ‘thing’ that made suletta into a killer. But she’s so damn naive to think she can somehow cut suletta out of the whole game. that prospera would ever keep her word. that this would ever turn out well. THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!! THIS FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR BEING THIS DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but shes just a sixteen year old princess after all.
she admits to it immediately. now dont fucking lie
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. SHE LIES!!!!!!!!!!! SHE LIES!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS STUPID FUCKING IDIOT GIRL!!!! WHERE DOES SHE THINK SULETTA IS GONNA GO??????????? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE CHARACTERS THAT GO: oh i love you so much so i’ll just decide FOR YOU to ‘protect’ you and not tell you about it at all - sacrifice myself to the power game and chase you away.
shes repeating not just prospera but also her DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she responded so intelligently to prospera - i thought she’d be smarter
i hate plots like this, because i find it so hard to forgive the characters that do this. i find it so nearly impossible. i hope she fucking dies. throw the whole girl in the fucking furnace. fuck off. stupid ass shit rich idiot dumb scumbag
how will the fix this? how will they fucking fix this???? when she repeats exactly the fears that suletta had implanted by elan?? how the FUCK are they going to fix this im so goddamn fucking angry. i thought it was going to GRUESOME. this isn’t gruesome it’s INFURIATING
DID MIORINE REALLY SAY: i sabotaged you, because i didnt want you, and also you cant help me now byeeeeee
suletta....is gonna go back to prospera? she has no one else? what the fuck
what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why would she play it like this? why? i just.....what kind of stupid ass fucking bullshit is this. WHAT THE FUCK I HATE PLOTS LIKE THIS I HATE THE WRITERS I HATE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH
what stupid ass grown-up would vote for a 17-year-old as president ANYWAY??????
Guel and Miorine really listening to this shit. aren’t the rules that hes holder and can’t refuse?
I hope they die, i hope they both die. I hope they suffer. i know guel suffered and i was like: oh poor poor kid. oh no. and now he’s doing to suletta exactly the same thing: making her lose everything.
Miorine is doing to her what Prospera does AND what Delling did to her. Cycles of abuse or whatever.
they wrote this purely for the stupid nonsensical heartbreak. really? you’re telling me miorine thought: you know what - prospera is too fierce an enemy - instead, i will tear suletta’s heart apart just to have her.............? land in prospera’s arms again?
she’s an idiot.
I can’t even...i can’t even think of a single thing they could do to miorine that would soothe my heart. to publicly, in front of all their fucking friends, and the whole world , to tell her these things, absolutely destroy everything they had and tell her to fuck off and nothing was ever real when she was PROPOSING. i cant think of anything nothing like nothing. i cannot see how i could ever forgive her. its ironic i read a fanfic in which suletta does something similar (not as bad) to miorine by forfeiting. and i was so upset i was like: they talked about it i guess but my heart is not soothed.
i cannot fathom how my heart could be soothed in this canon case
Why the fuck is miorine being so cruel? i hope she dies. i hope earth house tells her to fuck off. i hope she cries alone in her bed every day. i hope she realises she made a huge mistake. i hope she understands she lost her greatest ally and friend. i hope she gets that she did the wrong thing in every respect - morally, strategically, interrelationally. I hope she suffers - not unrelated suffering. not unrelated fucking lessons like guel somehow learned - stupid ass prince shithead he remains. I hope she gets that prospera wont keep her fucking word. i hope she understands that she did to suletta what her father did to her. I hope she has to go crawling through the desert for miles. but what good is all that gonna do Suletta? Huh?
i am so upset lol. i am so upset. not even for the backstabbing - though thats so fucking bad. but for the lying. you’ve already taken everything - just TELL HER YOU WANT TO KEEP HER SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW HARD IS IT. WHY WOULD YOU DO IT THIS WAY. I WANT TO KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant get through more of these last few seconds without pausing every few seconds.
thank you ending song for screaming for me.
ok that last shot - that last shot of Miorine saying: “goodbye, my mercurian country bumpkin”.... that made it kind of emotionally sexy instead of purely deeply painful. she became genuinely evil. thats just a little bit soothing.
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strawberry-slushy · 2 years
Footnote, The Exit, Movies, Astronomy, Memories, Heather, Little League and (Can We Be Friends?) were all written for byler. Conan Gray told me.
Bonus: Family Line and Summer Child were written for William Byers
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alaskasmonsters · 4 years
(Un)deserving | Nishinoya Yuu
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requested by @kyonsh​: Hii! I was wondering if you could write a Nishinoya angst with a fluff ending, in which they are childhood friends but Nishinoya feels he isnt enough for her. The plot can change if you feel like it! Thank u so much just for paying attention to my request!
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pairing: nishinoya yuu x fem!reader
w.c: 3.343
warnings: angst (with happy ending), noya being hella insecure
a.n: i wonder if i’ll ever manage to finish requests quickly...thank you for being so patient with me <3 i’m finally finished and i really hope it’s what you imagined and i hope you like it! :3 (it’s like 2 am lol (what is sleep).)
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If Nishinoya Yuu had to describe you in 10 words or less he’d say: “The most important person in my life.” And he’d say it with his whole chest.
Since early childhood you’ve been by Nishinoya’s side, as his best friend, and he couldn’t imagine you anywhere else other than beside him. You were his partner in crime, his ride and die, his...too precious to lose.
The two of you had met in kindergarten, at the playground. Little Nishinoya had made it his mission to become your best friend after he saw you punch another kid in the face for making fun of a girl who kept bringing her pacifier, seated in between her lips. The kid had called the girl a baby and mocked her making fake crying noises, fists wiping at his eyes as he pouted and frowned. He hadn’t stopped, not even after the girl had started sobbing, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. Nishinoya had gotten ready to be her knight in shining armor, standing to his feet tall with his chest puffed out, when you had already swept in. You hadn’t wasted any time and lunged at the boy, sucker punching him in the face.
Little Nishinoya had watched with wide eyes and a gaping mouth, the sight of a petite girl knocking down a boy older and taller than her had been absolutely world changing to him. In the matter of seconds, you had gone from “girl he goes to kindergarten with” to “most amazing person in the whole town” in his eyes.
You were cool! Not taking any shit from other kids, but you were kind and protective over your friends.
Ensuring your alliance had been of utmost importance to him, the top priority on his list of priorities. He hadn’t realized it back then, still too young and green behind his ears to understand the feelings already blooming in his chest, but he’d been smitten with you since then.
And when you’d agreed to be friends with him, because he was fun and you wanted to play pirates with him, little Nishinoya had lit up like a christmas tree. Since that day he’d stood a little bit taller than before.
That was the first of many times he’s received some kind of approval from you. You liked to give compliments, especially to him (and that wasn’t making him feel all warm and fuzzy inside! No!) But the feeling he’d get when you did, the warmth he’d feel enveloping his whole body and the feeling of growing a little taller with every nice word you fed him, nourishing to him like water to a plant, never dulled.
With you next to him he had felt like the tallest boy on the playground.
You’d been best friends ever since and still Nishinoya couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d won the lottery of life, whenever you’d show up to one of his volleyball games wearing his, his, sweater or every time you’d laugh at one of his joke and you’d laugh at all of them! Even the bad ones.
He felt so lucky that you’d chosen him back then and never gone back on it. Why you’d chosen him he had no idea, but he wouldn’t dare to question it...
If Nishinoya Yuu had to choose one reason why he’d fallen in love with you, he’d remain quiet.
It would have been a betrayal to his feelings for you if he’d spoken up since everything you did and everything you were, all your little tics and habits and quirks, everything that made you so blatantly you, was why he’d fallen so deeply he’d never be able to recover from it. There wasn’t a singular reason, it was all of them.
He’d fallen in love with your different smiles. The way your lips quirked up when you were watching their team train, the soft curve of your lips when the two of you were being silly with each other, the wide stretch of your mouth when you were so happy you could run and dance and scream. He knew what all of them meant and he thought of every single one of them as beautiful.
He loved your silliness. He loved your excitement. He loved your annoyance. He loved your frustration.
The face you made when Nishinoya let his indifference towards his grades show, all scrunched up and displeased, he loved that one, too. And then you’d scold him because if he was performing badly in school he wouldn’t get to participate in the training camps!
He loved that a single nudge to your side could turn you into a giggling mess.
He just loved you...
If Nishinoya Yuu had to name his biggest fear, something he was feared more than anything else, he’d say: “Losing Y/n.”
It was the same answer as to the question of why he hadn’t confessed his feelings to you, yet, told you how he felt, asked you to be his girlfriend.
Because he hadn’t.
What was he so afraid of? Nishinoya, the boy who’d chosen not to be afraid of anything because fear was a waste. Fear stopped people from learning and growing, gathering new experiences and gaining more knowledge. It’s a lesson his gramps had taught him.
So why did he let fear stop him this time?
Well, it was pretty simple.
You were you and Nishinoya was...Nishinoya.
You were well liked by everyone, since you were smart and pretty and honest and kind. You could probably get every boy you wanted in Karasuno High, there was no reason for you to choose him
He was too loud and too passionate, he knew that, and not exactly popular with girls either, partly because of that. Girls didn’t like him because of his height, being 5’3” wasn’t exactly what most girls imagined the ideal height for their boyfriend. They’d rather go for someone like Tsukkishima or Asahi, although those two were awfully awkward with receiving the affections.
You didn’t seem to mind his loud personality or his small built. After all, you were his best friend. Though, Nishinoya couldn't possibly imagine you found it endearing (in a romantic way) or dare he think even attractive.
You were cute, adorable actually, and he wasn’t on your level.
You were pretty, so beautiful and he wasn’t on your level.
You were the most amazing girl he’d ever had the honor to meet….and he wasn’t on your level.
He didn’t deserve you. Not in the way he wanted to deserve you.
He wanted to be good enough to be by your side, not just as your best friend but as something more. He wanted to hold your hand while walking home, kiss your cheek, call you his girlfriend.
He knew he stood no chance, Nishinoya was fairly optimistic and too ambitious for his own good, but he knew when it was time to back down. You would never see him as more than just your best friend and even if you did, you deserved better than him.
Realizing this hurt, a lot, the thought to never be with you...it ripped him apart. Thinking of you smiling or laughing at anybody elses jokes, wearing somebody else's sweater...it made anger swirl through him, hot and unsettling and ugly.
So he put a plan into work, a bad one admittedly, but it was better than no plan at all. He’d try to keep his distance, just for a little while, until those feelings he harbored for you eventually faded into nothingness. He hoped it would hurt less then, him and you, since he wouldn’t be pining after you anymore and you weren’t in danger of him possibly spilling his feelings to you and putting you into a situation where you were forced to reject him.
You wouldn’t like that, you were too kind, knowingly hurting him would end up hurting you just as bad. He wanted to prevent that.
Keeping his distance made sense. It would spare the both of you a lot of pain.
He’d been wrong about that, very wrong...
If Nishinoya Yuu regretted one decision he made in his life more than any other it would have been this one.
The look on your face was heartbreaking, as you stood before him, in front of his door. He couldn’t be all too happy to have you here after weeks of barely talking to each other. Your eyes were red and puffy and your lips were trembling, but you stood before him with your back straightened and your chest puffed out, just like you always did when you were afraid.
Nishinoya’s heart sunk in his chest when he noticed.
“Noya?” your voice was soft, almost swallowed by the wind.
He hated hearing you sound so scared, hated the crack in your voice. He couldn’t stand it.
“Why are you avoiding me? Is it something I did?”
So you noticed. Of course you noticed. You weren’t an idiot, no he was the idiot. For not being able to push those nasty feelings aside that were slowly eating away at him.
He averted his glance, shifting until he’d found a crack in the mural he could focus on, anything was better than having to look at your sad face.
He couldn’t stand it.
“I’m not avoiding you...”
He knew you wouldn’t buy it, not when he sounded this dishonest and looked all uncomfortable and clenched up. You were smarter than that.
You frowned at him, angered by his denial of what he’s so clearly done. Which was ignoring you, for weeks that was. And he hadn’t been very subtle either. No, Yuu had kept making up excuses, telling you he couldn’t hang out with you because he was busy with homework (not a very believable excuse), or he had to visit his gramps (usually you’d go with him?) or he had to help his mom with groceries or...there were too many too count. And all of them had been bad.
During school, he had talked to you less. He’d find excuses not to eat lunch with you as often or convince you it wasn’t necessary to watch the boy’s volleyball training all that often. Usually you’d stayed almost everyday after school, heck, you were an honorable manager at this point, before Yuu had started acting weirdly around you that was.
At first, you’d tried to push feelings of concern and worry away, thinking maybe Yuu was just having a weird day...or week maybe. But your best friend hadn’t stopped acting strange and he hadn’t stopped reducing the time you saw and spoke to each other to a bare minimum.
And now you were standing in front of his door and he was acting like nothing was wrong at all?
You wouldn’t just keep on ignoring this.
You pushed past him and inside the house, quickly throwing your shoes off and stomping to the kitchen, letting your bag drop to the ground near the counter. You turned around to see Yuu had followed you, looking at anything but you. Such a coward.
“Talk to me!” you urged him, your voice still hoarse from all the tears you’d shed because of him.
The boy let out a heavy sigh, scratching at his neck as he tried to find another excuse to tell you. You just knew it, you could see it in how his eyes still refused to meet yours.
“It’s nothing, Y/n. Look, I promise.”
New tears pricked at the inside of your eyes, daring to spill over because damn this was so frustrating.
“Yes, it is something! Tell me!”
“No, really it’s-”
“Tell me.”
“I swear it’s-”
“Tell me.”
The boy froze up, his eyes darting up to stare at you in shock. You held his glance, happy you had at least made him look at you properly, although the weight of his glance felt heavy as his eyes began to look glassy.
You had never called him by his last name before.
Nishinoya bit his lips, clearly distressed now that he realized how hurt you really were by his unjustified avoidance of you, that despite your silent submission to his distance you hadn’t been okay with it, in the slightest.
He reached out to you, the urge to be close to you and cheer you up again was huge, but you turned, denying his touch. He let his arm drop unceremoniously to his side again.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled because he was.
This had been a stupid plan. He should have never gone with avoiding you in the first place, not when he should have known it would probably lead to this…He thought he could prevent both of you from getting hurt, but his approach had achieved the complete opposite.
“Tell me what’s wrong, Yuu,” you started again, rubbing your cheeks to remove the wetness the tears had left behind.
He hated seeing you cry,
“I can’t.”
“Why not? We don’t usually keep secrets from each other.”
“I just can’t.”
Your shoulders dropped a little and you looked away, instead staring out of the window.
“Oh,” you sounded discouraged now, tired even.
Nishinoya was afraid of losing you, he’d rather hack off his arms and say goodbye to his healthy limbs than say goodbye to you. That’s why he would never tell you about his feelings, because if he did he’d end up losing you. Not immediately, but in the end he would. You didn’t return his feelings and although you’d surely be okay with staying friends it would soon become awkward between the two of you. You would hang out less, talk less until you were just strangers who were once best friends.
The thought was depressing but necessary to motivate Nishinoya to keep quiet.
“No, screw that!!
Your angry voice ripped him out of the spiral of dred he’d found himself in. He blinked, shaking himself out of his thoughts, eyes falling to your face automatically.
It was all scrunched up, your eyes twinkling with determination. It was the same face you had made just before you had punched that boy on the playground back there and for a second he was sure you’d do it again. Punch him for being so stupid and hurting you. He would have deserved that.
You didn’t.
“Even if you can’t tell me you still should! You’re my best friend, we always tell each other everything and i don’t want that to change!”
Your hands were clenched to fists as you stared him down, daring, no challenging him to respond. But Nishinoya found himself unable to.
Your words left him feeling cold, the dooming realization that whatever he’d do, refuse to talk or admit his feelings for you, the dynamic between the two of you would forever change, washed over him like icy water
You wouldn’t just take his silence. If he didn’t talk, didn’t tell you the reason, the real reason why he avoided you, you wouldn't forgive that. Not purposely, but a part of the trust you shared would forever be gone. On the other hand if Nishinoya spilled the beans and told you that he was in love with you for quite some while and had avoided you to try and make those feelings go away before they could ruin your friendship...he couldn’t even imagine how you’d react.
You wouldn't be happy. Would you be scared, sad, empathetic? He didn’t know which would be worse.
“Yuu, please!”
He didn’t have a choice. He had to tell you. That was the only possibility he had that might lead to a better outcome to the first one. He just had to be straightforward with you, you'd appreciate that.
“I love you.”
A little too straightforward.
You stared at him in silence, face blank. Before he could regret his words and paddle back Nsihinoya straightened his back and puffed out his chest, hoping he’d gain just as much bravery doing that than you always did.
“I love you and I have for a while,” he continued, standing a little bit taller than before, “I didn’t tell you because i didn’t want to pressure you or make you feel guilty for not feeling the same, so i avoided you. I thought maybe it would get rid of the feelings, but I still think you’re the most beautiful and smartest and kindest and funniest girl I've ever met and that probably won’t change either.”
You were still only staring at him so Nishinoya decided he’d just go on.
“Every time I'm with you I feel like I'm the tallest person on the planet. You make me feel strong and brave and like the best version of myself. I know i’m not your type and i know i don’t deserve being with you, that’s why i tried the avoidance thing, to make it less awkward but now-”
Nishinoya hadn’t caught you moving until suddenly you were standing right in front of him. The words died on his tongue as he was met with the look in your eyes, unshakable and sparkling with a confidence he’d never seen with you. It had rendered him speechless.
There was no hesitation in your movements as you reached up to twist your fingers into his shirt and pulled, no... yanked him down until his lips were tightly pressed against yours. His heart skipped a beat, no several beats, as he was frozen in his shock. Hot and cold shivers ran down his spine in time your lips started moving against his. Softly. Uncertain.
Then you pulled back again, just as his brain started catching up to what was happening. Your cheeks were flushed and when Nihsinoya tried to meet your eyes you lowered your head to stare at his chest instead.
“You’re such an idiot, Yuu. Saying stupid things like that,”you murmered and he saw the tips of your ears turn red.
“You kissed me,” he had blurted it out before he was able to stop himself.
You huffed, your fingers tightening their grip around his shirt and Nishinoya realized in amusement that you were embarrassed at your own straightforwardness.
“You kissed me!” he repeated, the confidence slowly returning to him at the premise that you must return his feeling to do something as bold as kissing him….on the lips!
“Shut up, I know,” you whined, hitting your forehead to his chest.
It was like a weight was lifted off his shoulder, like the invisible thread that had been separating you before, one only Nishinoya had been able to see had been severed. You had kissed him after he told you he loved you.
You returned his feelings!
Nishinoya hugged you, eyes wrapping around your form with ease and his head resting on top of yours, your face still hidden in his chest.
“I love you,” he repeated softly, testing the words once more and felt you visibly relaxing in his arms when his voice reached your ears.
“I love you, too,” you replied quietly, words muffled against the fabric of his shirt but still it was enough for him to hear.
He pulled back, just enough so you couldn’t hide your face away anymore and he grinned at you, a grin you’d return with just as much intensity. You really were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
“I can’t believe you kissed me just like that,” he teased you, remembering how bold of you that was.
You playfully hit him in the chest, whining once more, but Nishinoya just laughed gleefully at the blush gracing your cheeks, before he leaned closer again. Close enough so both of your noses almost touched. Your eyes went wide and he could swear you stopped breathing, too, for a second. Nishinoya watched your reaction in amusement.
“Do it again!” he whispered, the challenge made your face light up again.
And you didn’t let him tell you twice.
If there was one moment Nishinoya Yuu would never want to stop it was definitely this one.
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Taglist: @crystal-lilac​
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Thoughts on 2gether ep9
I am officially elevating Sarawat’s to Dean’s level of boyfriend excellence
this is some god tier boyfriend material, ladies and gentlemen
I swear to god if you fuck me over, show, I will never again watch anything live EVER
also I’ll probably haunt you from beyond the grave for all eternity
I like that they dont show the actual fighting part of the scenes because fight scenes can get a bit much sometimes when the camera is just constantly showing one perso getting punched over and over
and when that person happens to be one of my babies it’d be ever harder to watch
“they need to be taught that they cant lay a hand on someone so important to me” SEE DEAN LEVELS OF EXCELLENCE
I cant deal with how GENTLE Wat is while taking care of Tine’s wounds
and the fact that he’s COMPLETELY focused on Tine and doesnt even bother looking after himself
my fucking heart
and he even bought him everything he needs to stay over I love them so much
aww, Wat saw Tine was cold and gave him his blanket... and himself
“I dont know what’s behind this but right now I’m more interested in what’s in front of me” *smooth criminal starts playing in the background*
also the slow eye-fucking? Poetic cinema, your honor
wait WAIT
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Tine is so pampered now like all he has to do is make a vague gesture of discomfort and Sarawat’s like what is it what do you need I will literally die for you???
goddamn the contrast between Wat’s aggression towards Mil and the INCREDIBLE gentleness with which he covers Tine with his jacket
I love how Wat’s friends immediately back him up
oooh Phukong saw the whole thing so now he’s suspicious of Mil, niiice
(I still dont think Mill was one of those guys who attacked Wat and Tine but he did fuck up on his own in this ep)
get you a man who think you’re cute enough even without make up
and brings you snacks because he knows you didnt wat anything today
I love how Tine makes him promise not to play because he’s worried and Wat LISTENS to him this boy be so whipped and we love it
I like how Phukong is starting to realise what’s going on but he wants to hope Mil sint the kind of person he suspects him of being now
god fucking damn, the way Wat puts Tine and his well-being first no matter his own situation is just so
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how he wouldnt leave Tine’s side the whole time even to see a doctor about his own injuries because he wanted so much to be there and take care of Tine
this boy is too much for my poor heart
ok ok I LOVE that we’re continuing the convo between Tine and Fong from last ep about Tine’s feelings and how Fong explains his thought process on the whole thing and how now he thinks maybe Tine isnt just overwwhelmed by Wat’s flirting yeeeess, good character moments love it so much
also I totally called it last week *cough cough*
*girl spills Tine’s drink* Fong, clearly secretly a genius and also the only one with possession of The Braincell(TM) at all times: if you wanted it, why didnt you hold on to it firmly?” *camera stays on Wat’s face the entire time*
in this house we love metaphors and foreshadowing
this whole scene is glorious
awww, it’s so precious how Tine and the rest of the club are now standing up for Wat and offering to perform in his place
Wat: P’Dim is crazy to let Tine perform” *P’Dim walks by at that exact second*
I will never get tired of everyone roasting this poor bastard
Wat and Tine literally spent this entire scene buckering like an old married couple(TM) and Wat’s like will you marry me; honey, the train has left on that front YOU ARE MARRIED ALREADY
they’re arguing how to name the guitar like they’re picking a name for their kid
there’s something so intimate about Wat sleepy in bed while Tine practices next to him like I cant even explain it properly but it IS
and in that moment Mil learned an important lesson - karma was a bitch and so was his future boyfriend
omg Wat is so fucking precious trying to cheer Tine up with that movie idea PRECIOUS BABY I LOVE HIM
I’m loving Green so much more now and how he tries to help Tine when he gets on stage
Tine’s smile though when he sees Wat there and Wat immediately starts mouthing the lyrics along because of course
so they’re moving in together next ep, huh? makes sense honestly
and I’m not even kidding :D
now off to let Why R U destroy me D:
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the-sanders-sides · 6 years
inidan american (desi) logan
a sequel to this post because people asked for more and i decided that they shall receive (and also i love writing these)
fair warning, logans a bitter kid, and this isnt as positive and happy as romans post. ive experienced two different ways of being desi, one where i lived in fully asian and indian community and didnt even think id ever feel alone, and another where i moved to a place where i havent met another desi in like 7 years of living here in a 3 hour driving radius. in romans post i played into my first experience and how at home i felt. in the second experience, the one im in right now, i am much more bitter about who i am and not really knowing anyone who gets it anymore. so i play into that A LOT in this. so keep that in mind. (and he will get happier in a future part. m planning on making this into a series)
ok so first off. his name is logan sanders. people (mostly other indians) dont believe him when he tells them. he tells them they dont know indian history. they say they do. he tells them that the british fucked around (quite literally) in india for four centuries so of course english names would stick with that precise wording
sometimes when he’s annoyed enough and doesnt want to explain this for the millionth he defends himself with this russel peters skit (watch it, it’s hilarious) because it describes his family. to a T. 
he grew up in a community with not very many asians, and knew no indians outside his family so he felt a sort of disconnect to his culture
while his grandparents and parents would teach him about indian culture, he felt so distant from it since he knew no one outside his family who was indian, and since he didnt have any siblings or any nearby cousins to hang around with
he had visited india once but he was too young to remember it properly or too remember his cousins
the closest mandir was an hour away so that also limited the amount of indian kids/people he knew
he barely knew hindi because everyone in his family spoke english, especially in public
he felt guilty over the disconnect he felt and would always try to bridge it but would never accomplish this because it he kept losing passion since he rarely saw other people like him in the real world and in the media and he didnt see the point of trying
this all changed in eight grade when he moved next door to the Kumar family in a north indian street of some south asian blocks in an asian community
when his family first moved, the Kumar family invited the Sanders over to welcome them
it turns out the Kumar’s had a son who was the same age as logan
“hi logan! im rohan kumar! but i like going by roman instead of rohan!” 
this introduction pissed logan off 
he was seething because why would this kid who got to have an indian first AND last name change his name to an english one! why didnt he see the value of his name!
he knew right away that such a difference meant they could never be friends 
“im logan sanders, but thats all youll get to know about me because i see no use associating myself with someone as... well, ignorant, as you”
roman decides to whip out one of the swears his cousins taught him and whisper shouts “who are you calling ignorant, bhenchod?” 
 it became clear to him that this was new turf, and people on this new turf must be speaking hindi. and that he was the ignorant one if he couldnt talk in hindi. he made a vow to learn it as fast as he could to make sure this roman kid wasnt better than him
but, logan grits his teeth and says “you, and i know it must be true because you were too dumb to understand me the first time”
this evidently struck a sore spot in roman because he didnt fight back but just stalked away. logan smiled slightly, happy to have won that argument
logan asks his grandpa to teach him hindi and his grandpa gets super excited
they start lessons immediately and despite barely hearing it growing up, it’s as if his brain was made for this because he picks the language up amazingly fast and in a months time, while not able to speak back yet, he can understand most casual conversation
his first diwali in basically little india is the most magical thing ever
diwali at his old home was very quiet because there wasnt anyone around to celebrate with
everyone is so happy in this new home however. everyone is dressed up and all the houses are lit up and there are diyas everywhere and he doesnt want to admit it but the kumar’s have the best rangoli on the street and it’s because of roman and he knows roman did it because sometimes he’d stare out of his bedroom window while doing homework and have a perfect view of roman delicately working on it for two weeks
(the kumar’s front porch had been covered with tarp waiting for diwali to make sure romans precious rangoli wasnt stepped on or ruined. when it’s finally let up, everywhere where there could be art, there is. it’s insane how good at colors roman is, logan thinks)
diwali morning: 
he fights his parents because he doesnt want to miss school for diwali because americans dont have a day off for it. his parents set the clocks in the house ahead to make him think he overslept so he would skip school. (logan didnt know that his parents had submitted an excused absence form for religious reasons and that the school was very understanding. he thought it would be like his old school where he wouldnteven bother trying since he wasnt christain and the school was lkinda discriminatory)
they spend the morning in mandir and it’s nice. for once he doesnt feel different from his peers because he goes to mandir and not church or synagogue. he feels at home.
diwali afternoon:
the afternoon is spent with frantic cleaning and cooking and digging around for the diya’s that were still in boxes, packed away from when they moved
logan offered to find them all to continue with a diya science experiment he started two years prior. his theory was that the diya’s were multiplying and there were more each year despite no one buying anymore
this held true, because even though he could only find half of their diya collection, it was somehow more than the entire diya collection of two years prior. 
diwali evening:
theres a big potluck and everyone in the neighborhood is out talking to each other, looking at the decorations at everyones houses, eating samosas, and playing with sparklers. 
logan feels content
he makes a new resolve to learn more about hinduism. if this is what ti was supposed to be, then he never wanted to be away from hinduism. 
he looked at the metaphors and symbolism in everything and finally understood what his dad meant he told logan that hinduism is just science written in poetry and that string theory is written in the ancient texts
middle school in this new town is so much better than middle school in his old home. why?
a. doesnt get bullied for being a nerd
b. doesnt get called gay slurs 
c. the classes are harder 
d. much less racism
e. all of the above
soon enough, logans asking his grandpa to teach him how to cook Indian food
Logan spends the day burning dosas and making lopsided rotis
(eventually he gets the hang of it, and a he'll be cooking food for an infuriating Indian boy ;) ;) psst it's roman)
Speaking of boys
Coming out isn't an option for logan
He knows that his parents arent really religious enough to really look into hinduism and see that no, gays are not bad
But they are traditional and conservative enough to be homophobic
not homophobic as in spewing hate with the westboro baptist church at a pride parade
But homophobic as in "the gays are fine as long as they don't do it in front of me" kinda thing
So Logan stays quiet
the closet kinda sucks but i mean what can he do
it’s safer inside, and he as illogical as wishing is, he wishes that people would use their brains and realize there’s nothing wrong with gay
in school logan makes his first desi friend, who was dubbed as anxiety years ago and cant seem to get rid of the nickname and now has a whole complex about his name so logan doesnt know his name
logan and anxiety meet in the school library: logan studying and anxiety hiding
people dont like anxiety
especially non-indian kids
surprise surprise it’s an old buddy called racism, but anxiety’s story is for another time
(but even though no one really likes anxiety, whenever racist shit goes down, it has to go through roman)
so logan and anxiety become fast friends
and they make fun of roman (a+ bonding)
logan claims that roman is a hypocrite for changing his name to an english one while being so immersed in indian culture
anxiety doesnt dispute this, but says he has a past with roman
a past that involved getting stuck with the name anxiety
again, another story for another time
one day, when logan and anxiety are eating lunch they see roman destroy some homophobes who throw around the word f*g and keep calling caitlyn jenner, bruce jenner
logans chest surges
he’s all like “what?? emotions?? pride at roman?? is he better than me for being so open and standing up for what he believes in??”
gay panic basically
but logan masked it well and pushed it away
the next day roman comes to school with a pride patch on his jean jacket
logan feels like he cant breathe
logan is supremely jealous of roman.
he can be gay in peace
he can pretend not to be indian in a way that benefits him
and he’s not affected by stereotypes in the same way?? like what does this kid not have
and by stereotypes i mean
roman is the complete opposite of all indian and desi stereotypes: loud, flamboyant, theatrical
logan’s personality is exactly how the stereotypes are. he’s nerdy and likes science and math and it seems like he cant escape the stereotypes. they follow him. and he feels guilty that he likes science and math and is nerdy. 
as illogical as it is, he wishes he was different from how he is
but logan later learns that there are more than just his perspective on being desi and that every desi kid growing up faces challenges about it that are different than his, causing them to experience being desi differently
and logan will accept that, in another story at another time
for now, he’s just bitter. and as illogical as it is, he wishes the world was better
and now, i shall tag some people who asked to be tagged and some other desi’s who loved this because i feel like you guys might appreciate this too. also i love u. desi famders squad up.
@sssixeyedrunt @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @caterpiller-tea @xxxbladeangelxxx @snufflesthegrim227 @cloudchaser7 @thelowlysatsuma 
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sxnxsterdrabblings · 6 years
Mistakes and Beaten Bodies
Pairing: Dark!Hanzo x Reader
Summary: He’s your savior. You love him, and you need him to break you.
Warnings: Gore, Vivid descriptions of pain, Stockholm Syndrome, Rape Referenced, Referenced Branding
You’re tired. You’re beaten, broken, and you can’t handle any more or you’ll shatter. That’s what the aching in your body tells you. But the slow pump of your heart tells you that you’re still alive, and you can handle more.
So badly, you want to raise to your feet and tell him that he’s wrong. Tell him that he’s beat you for so long and so much, that it only proves the love that he must feel for you, since he’s touching you with his own hands, and using up so much of his precious time.
If he didn’t love you, he would never have put in as much effort as he had to keep you pinned to the floor from all the pain, as you are now. That’s what your brain tells you, even as you look up into his emotionless eyes as he stares down at you like scum.
It’s also the brain that’s been locked away without a sliver of hope to save it. A brain without proper functioning time under constant high stress. To make matters worse, a brain without attention, or a stable connection in years now, so much that it’s falsely created one of its own. With him.
But you don’t know that- it’s never crossed your mind. You just know that he always comes back through that door, and he brings in all the light, food, and touch you receive, in with him. He’s your savior. You know it. You repeated that in your head as he beat you earlier, and when he forced himself into you every time before that, and you’re willing to repeat it outside of your head now, as you lay half dead on the floor, in hopes that he’ll take away everything he just said. That you’re foolish for ever thinking that you meant more than a breeding tool for him, more than some unworthy harlot.
You want him to take it back. All of it. If you don’t have him, there’s nothing. You love him. You say it out loud. A whisper in a crowd. It barely makes it out beneath the sound of his expertly polished shoes, untouched by your blood as he goes to leave through the door, and take everything back with him. But he hears it. “I love you. You’re my savior, Hanzo.”
His body makes a solid stop mere feet away from the handle of the door. He doesn’t make a move, or face you, but you’re determined. It’s pitiful, you can admit that, but you need him to love you, need him to come back and beat you some more and prove that he’s your savior again. So you do it.
Your right arm moves first. It shakily stretches out and smacks the floor. You hear your ankle shackle scrape across the floor as you move, and something welled deep inside you tells you to turn back. You repulse it away as soon as it comes and continue moving. Ignoring the prickles of pain shooting down your body from the collision, you pull yourself forward with the same arm.
With your last movement, your body is reminded of a broken rib or two, and a shattered knee. Not to mention, more cuts and bruises than you can count. When the pain hits, you shakily breathe and muffle a scream inside your mouth. You have to do this. Pain is just a petty thing in the way of getting something you want.
That’s what he taught you. Hanzo. He taught you that. He said it a multitude of times as he pushed into you- telling you that every drop of blood you bled would be worth it for his pleasure, relief, and overall the wellbeing of his empire when you would birth his heirs.
With that, you’re motivated to keep going. Hanzo taught you a valuable lesson. He’s your savior, your love. You can’t let him down. Your second arm shoots out and drags your body forward. It hurts more than anything you’ve ever felt and each nerve screams for it to stop. Your vision is blurring, and you’re close to blacking out but you will make it to him. You have to. Your right arm moves out to pull your body forward again and the pain keeps making your vision fuzzier. You’re so tired. But Hanzo is right there, and you only need a little bit more of a push before you reach him. Both arms shoot out to haul your body forward next to his feet.
Your arms just aren’t able to lift your body forward after all they’ve endured. They shake and buckle under your weight, causing you to fall and scream. You let one tear fall from the impact before you try again. Your arms are shaking and you’re sure that you won’t make it until you push your shattered knee down onto the floor to propel you forward. You hear it crack even more from the push off of the floor, and the impact when it comes back down. The shriek that comes from your throat sounds inhuman. You sob and choke on your breath while your vision fades out some more.
You want to crawl onto his leg and beg him to beat you- to love you, and save you again. But no sounds make it out of your mouth. When you blink, you realize you must have blanked out for a few seconds, because Hanzos feet are facing forward now. You tilt your head up and look at him with droopy eyelids and a quivering chin. You’re an absolute mess, covered in blood and tears with whispers escaping your mouth. “Break me.”
He blinks and lets a short, deep chuckle break from his lips. Your vision is almost completely depleted now, and a whine escapes you. Hanzo crouches down towards you and holds your jaw with the hefty palm of his hand and squints his eyes, as if he’s studying you. “I already have.” He smirks, and with pleasure, you give in to the urge to sleep. Everything goes black.
Your eyes flutter open and you suck in a deep breath through your nose. Your surroundings are well kept and the room smells like Hanzo, and in that moment you wish you could stay here forever. Plush sheets caress your body, and you know you’re in your room. But it’s not the room Hanzo gave you. It’s actually yours. The one your Mama made up all for you after your Dad left.
She tried so hard painting those dragons you’d always told her about dreaming of, but somehow you know they could never compare to the real thing. The sun isnt yet over the horizon, but the sky somehow has an bright glow. You take another breath before stepping out of bed and slowly tiptoeing down the stairs.
They were always creaky, but it seems like they’re the loudest they’ve ever been as you walk down them this time. The old wood groans with age, and it startles movement in the house.
You hear footsteps from below, and a chuckle too. With the sound, you make haste down the stairs. When you reach the bottom and gaze into the living room, Hanzo is waiting at your circular dining table. You want to speak to him, but you remember his teachings. “Speak when spoken to, pet.”
You submissively look down, but you catch his hand patting his thigh in your peripheral vision. You walk over and and slowly bend to adjust yourself onto his lap, and he lets you take your time. You let your hands rest on your thighs when you finally sit. Hanzo’s left hand grabs one of them, intwining your fingers as his other arm places your head into the crook of his neck. You inhale his musk, and relax as the same arm wraps around your waist tightly. “Good girl.” You say thank you, in acknowledgement, before he speaks again.
“The young ones are sleeping. But I’m not so sure you should be. You’ve got to be ready for me.” You know what he’s going to propose, but you keep your mouth shut. It’s inevitable, anyway.
“Are you ready to come home, and wake up?”
You want so badly to stay here forever, and bask in his touch and your perfect life. To inhale his musk in the crisp mornings and feel him touch you like this every day would be heaven. But you have to wake up. It’s what he wants, and you will provide. So you give him what he wants, but not before snuggling closer to him one last time. “Yes”
When you wake, you’re greeted with bright light flooding through the blinds, with a thick ring behind your head and a weight on your thighs. When you move to sit up, you hear high pitched clicking and the weight on your thighs moves upward toward your chest. The dragons. They must have healed you.
You feel a muzzle push against your neck and click again. You grin and move your hand against it so you can sit up. Once you do, they’re both ready to play. But you meet eyes with Hanzo first. He stalks forward around the side of the bed and sits next to you on the plush sheets.
Although you’re at attention and motionless, the dragons are snuggling into your stomach and wrapping themselves around you. “They’ve been waiting to play. They’ve been all over your body. What a shame to see all the marks I’ve left on you, gone.” Happy clicking. A moment of silence. “I suppose... you’ll have to make more.” His voice cuts sharply through the air once more, “That I will.”
Hanzo grips your chin tightly and pulls you inches from his face before whispering. “I’ve decided to take you up on your offer. I’ll break you. With harder methods, and no lenience. I’ll start by branding you tonight. Do you understand?” The thought makes you shiver in excitement. He notices.
He knows what he’s doing. His lips are so close to yours while he’s giving you everything he knows you want to hear. He’s on a power trip and you’re loving every second of it. He wants you to say it again, and kiss his lips so he can punish you once more. So you do, for your savior.
“Yes sir.” Your lips meet his and he thrusts your neck against the headboard before crawling on top of you and painfully pinning your legs down with his knees. “Beg for it.” You shakily exhale, “Please sir, I need you.” He clicks his tongue. “Needy slut.”
His mouth reunites with yours and it’s all tongue and teeth. He’s biting your lower lip and keeping sweet intimacy just out of your reach. It’s torture, and to him, that’s exactly what you need. He breaks away, full well knowing you’re not satisfied and only more frustrated. But he looks at you expectantly, and you’re obliged to give him what he wants. Again. Always.
“Thank you, sir. I love you so much.” “And what a grave mistake you’ve made.”
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So South Compton was different...
Jason Line called the FBI himself at a pay phone, "there's some shit going on here that is off you need to look at" and put the receiver down so the call could be followed to the location. And went on about life.
That is how i got to Compton.
It was so bad it went straight to me after a month of surveillance I arrived. Pulled in strong. Guns down. Whips out.
They could get out but not away. And the kidnappers pretended to be their friends.
10 days of surveillance. 1 overview and i was called. "Let me finish this 9 weeks at school and receive my grade. Its been almost 9 whole weeks I been here. Can they wait?"
"How long have they waited since they called?"
"About 12 days."
"That's about all i need in school days. Please? Its really important that i finish"
"Oh alright you need to say good bye. I'll allow that. Then we commence. Alalala bye! Too good for you!" Finally some one taught Bob how to say Good bye. This 😇 here.
"I get too much anxiety! Will you at least say good bye when i tell you no?"
It made me laugh. But also give me a future to worry in - instead of ny belly. Because he changed his 110% ways. Made the future strong.
If i said no it was because it was black dark and i could see nothing. So Alex would go clean aliens that abduct. I still needed my back, i wasn't going through that again. I Had a hard problem saying no and being too curious. And that cost me a lot. If i saw only blackness the entire planet would be erased.
Overhead they talked "well what did she say exactly?"
"She said pleeeeeasssee"
"Well call her back that means she's in charge and we will probably need. Harriet. Harriet said NO. She's all black like blackened chicken but won't be a threat. There is something special there i know but it's something only Sabrina can do. Of that I'm quite sure"
"Ask her what to do in those 12 days. Dam sounds a lot like Christmas don't it? 12 days of Christmas times two"
The last four digits of my current phone number is 1428
"Start the Fight Club. Call Mary Queen Elizabeth until then for that. Have her thug out. Tell her she is Queen Mary of Scott not in England. She will be a biker babe. If this isnt Harriet. Its upper and I don't usually hear you two talk so this is upper demand only quality of royalty"
"Don't talk about your mom like that"
"Mom is too fragile. I mean someone with War behind them and is bored. Im sure i got the right one. Its something about height that is the clue I need. So she needs to take her man. This one isn't about color."
The location of Compton was so close to me i could kiss it. Right next to my head. The image. Bright as day. I explained what it looked like.
"Okay Sabrina you got it. Mary Queen of Scots here you come! Nigga, too! Now wait you want her to wear a bandana on her, around her head? What color."
"Now this isn't gang territory."
"It purely has to do with height"
"Is there love involved? Is it the answer or solution?"
I coughed both times. It was making me sick. This never happened before.
"Sabrina. How dangerous is this?"
"Extreme. Don't send Alex until week two. Tell him to bring the boys. One and Two. But bring the wrong ones first. That ought to do"
"Sabrina you're making the situation worse"
"What comes up must go down isnt the clue nor solution. It is the only clue. I'll need crack on this side of the street to help my cough. Ill get it there then. 18 months. I've been pregnant, too before."
"You're not on a ramble. You've got all caught up. Okay bye"
"No wait. Something about LSD. 2020"
"Its only 1994. Okay bye"
I got a call from Snoop Dogg 10 days later. He would always go in black on a good story. It would be my 18th month to start smoking crack. Just not consecutively.
"Snoop my final is toMARROW. Listen. Snoop i know all about my crack addictions. Okay. Look. Listen.,i just need you to come down and make sure the girls are alright. My last period of the day you can substitute and make sure all goes well. One month That's it Then meet me in Compton. I need help and i sure don't know what to do"
"Tell Shaq, he will know what to do and you come here and you both take care of me for me. I won't take no for an answer. Love me like i love you. Please! Would you do this just one for me? It is perfect this girl needs help and she's pregnant but she needs an adult to listen to but i can't get to the front of the class. Im trying but it's certainly impossible to travel locate and do my second plan. Because the 1st isn't working!"
We both cried on the phone. For a few moments. We could hear each other sobbing.
"Okay but you do this one for me! Listen to Shaw!"
"Okay what ever you need!!"
"Click" we say that for Bob.
"Click. I Love you too and Miss Shawntae. Tell that women i do. Click. On the Double Down Low Double D G Dogg. Now love me'
"Yeah i do"
Boy is he in for a surprise when he finds out I'm not even on crack. Neither is this girl and Idk what to do or how to tell her she's even pregnant and she has no clue and that is all he actually needs to do. He would double kill it. But that was good for the school over all. He would need his strength and it would build up there. It would be permissible.
I had been worried about my final the next day. I was sure i was B ridden. But i was for sure now i would get an A. A+ was my final grades for all semester. I only went 15 weeks. So that is why to finish the 9 week semester was so important to get an actual final grade and not an average. Boy i never went to school and sure i would miss it.
But i was so excited about Compton i could hardly contain myself. And getting to smoke crack once again for a whole month?
Snoop didn't know but to avoid Shaq telling me to keep off drugs... May be I would just come clean... Haha in a double standards way.
And I did.
*I smoked crack to remind me what Alex went through. It was always foreign to me. Only when he was quitting and only enough to sustain him and me both. No more than 3 hits total. 3 hits each was OD and to the idiot booth.
Shaq bought me the crack. He was more readily available to admit failure than deceit and no way in Hell would he face Snoop when he found out he had been lied to.
Two crack rocks was all I needed he bought 4. Did a deal in front of Snoop to get banned from public.
Shaq, Queen Elizabeth and I built the Sugar Shack for Snoop as an apology. It was a small wooden storage shed to the left. So to the right we made it bigger, enhanced it. Over night. With Alex and his 2 high thugs.
"See Snoop? This is what drugs can do!!"
"Get on outta here! I want my candy" Candy is a Venetian word from planet Venus. Snoop loved candy. Do any thing for a treat.
"Oh you know I'll need her, too. Put her on the list and all the girls"
Snoop didn't approach me. He flew to kill me. I wrapped my arms around his chest "thank you for being so patient with me. I'm sorry. I'll quit smoking crack now. I will i promise."
"That thing better be full of candy early the next morning then and i ain't selling candy to no strangers it is all mine so don't be thinking that -- oh wait!! Its all full!!! I didn't even notice!"
"$3,000 worth of candy. Its all our drug money, isn't it boys? I promise Snoop I'll quit, too!" Shaq would laugh till he cried at our trick we pulled together on the fly to protect and tell Alex how bad he needed to keep his drug use under control and hidden.
That day Snoop got fired as teaching principal. He really was hurt in his feelings. And we were in danger of losing our precious Snoop. So i risked it all lifting the kids up one by one up and over my head as far as i could really slow then dropping them fast so that it looked like abductions from UFO.
"I need the principal" i said a few hours later cause snoop wouldn't leave outside that door. snoop walked over he stood in front of the alien light switch sticker.
"Okay now kids do the alien dances i taught you. Intermingle. Now UFO. Doubt yourself. Do the vogue. Now what does a UFO do?"
"Up. Up. Up. Like we taught the moose" they said in a trance like quality
"That is why i need to be in here."
"No Snoop one of us needs to go in the alien space ship to get the drugs to have them analyzed"
"Last time i did that 3 kids came down with me and you had to kill them. So you need to"
"Kids. Do you all like Snoop? Answer and do it Snoop style. Can snoop be principal?" All hands shot up, again. "Can Snoop be teacher?" All hands shot up. The voting was rigged. Alex said try to get you to do it because he didn't want me to. But Snoop. Hey listen. We're all CIA and sometimes we need to teach each other a lesson. And you got a real attitude"
He laughed and stretched his tall frame up in the chair and draped himself over it. Obviously charmed.
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New Post has been published on http://www.chelseacrockett.com/wp/lifestyle/5-biblical-ways-to-show-love/
5 Biblical Ways to Show Love
One thing marriage has taught me is that there are many ways to show love – some easier than others. Showing love isnt always a physical action, many times it is emotional and verbal. As a wife, I want to strive to “out-love” my husband every day. He does the same for me. The Bible is a great resource when it comes to advice on the best ways to show love to those we are closest to.
Trust without doubting. “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” 1 Corinthians 13:7. Simply put, trusting your significant other – and showing them you do – is a clear expression of your love. They will know they have your full support and confidence in them. There is nothing better than feeling 100% trusted and supported in the decisions you are making.
Let it go. “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:31-32. “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” Colossians 3:13-14. Forgiving and letting go is a beautiful way to show love to anyone, not just a significant other. Looking past the ways they’ve wronged you or hurt you is a clear act of love.
Practice patience. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” 1 Corinthians 13:4. This is a big learning curve for any relationship. One of you may be a morning person and one a night owl, one may be always late and the other always on time, and many other little differences that can drive the other crazy. Being patient and learning to be flexible is a way to show love and that you are willing to adjust.
Give selflessly. “Some people are always greedy for more, but the godly love to give!” Proverbs 21:26. One thing I try and give selflessly is my time. I feel like being sacrificial with this precious commodity shows tremendous love.
Keep the complaining to yourself. “Do everything without grumbling or arguing,” Philippians 2:14. I have noticed that complaining just exasperates a situation. If you have a complaint, approach it in a loving way. Your man will be grateful for your gentle reminder rather than starting an argument.
Are there any lessons on love that God has been teaching you recently?
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