blue-blue-blooms · 2 months
Eddie Munson Headcanons
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Eddie Munson x Harrington!Reader
A/N: I'm super depressed and this is my only form of comfort these days. So, here you go! If you have any requests, send them my way! Let's make the most of my depression and write these fics.
You're Steve's younger sister and in your senior year. You've definitely ridden on Steve's coat tails and gained popularity for being a Harrington. You're top of your class, a cheerleader, and friends with the 'popular kids'.
Admittedly, you were a bit self absorbed and consumed with the illusion of popularity. You didn't have real friends, no one that you could trust and be your true self around. You think getting dragged into finding Dustin's pet demogorgon was the best thing that could've happened to you. Besides the obvious trauma of everything that happened in '85, you found real friendship.
Robin and you became attached at the hip. You regularly hung out with Nancy. You were still popular but just severely humbled. '85 knocked your ego down a few pegs. You changed.
You changed so much that you didn't even ignore Mike, Dustin and Lucas when they first started highschool! I mean, even after you saw Dustin's Weird Al shirt. You looked out for all of them.
You'd known of Eddie. You'd seen him around at school. He was always really loud, abrasive, and kind of intimidating. He'd jump on top of lunch tables, going on spiels about 'forced conforming'. He was a little odd, a little rough around the corners, but you didn't know enough about him to form an opinion.
You officially met Eddie after Dustin, Mike, and Lucas joined the Hellfire club.
They were having one of their DnD meetings and needed a ride home. You were staying late for cheer practice so you agreed to drop them home.
You'd been waiting in the parking lot when they all came rushing out, 15 minute late.
"Hey, Dingus 1, 2, and 3! I've been waiting for 15 minutes!"
Eddie and everyone else in the Hellfire club (excluding the party) looked shocked when they saw you, to say the least.
"You know Y/N?" Eddie whispered to Dustin.
"Yeah, she's one of my best friends."
"You're friends with Y/N Harrington? Queen of Hawkins? Are you aware of the fact that we exist on the opposite spectrum of the stratosphere from her?" Gareth spoke incredulously, "Are you making this shit up?"
Before Dustin could respond, they all reached where Y/N was standing.
"Y/N! These are our friends from Hellfire! This is Gareth, this is Jeff, oh and this is Eddie! He's the president." Dustin excitedly spoke.
You gave them all a smile and a shy wave, "I've heard so much about you guys! These three were really excited when they found out about your DnD club."
"Do you play?" Gareth asked, immediately being smacked on the arm by Jeff who whispered: "I highly doubt that, idiot."
You smirked slyly and said: "Oh, I used to play with these guys all the time! We've been on many adventures. Fighting demogorgons, slaying a Mind Flayer, we've done it all." Of course, this wasn't a complete lie. You hadn't ever played a DnD game. Hell, you weren't even entirely sure what it was. But you had fought monsters with them. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas looked at you with incredulous looks and rolled their eyes, nodding along with your lie.
Of course, Eddie, Gareth, and Jeff didn't know the truth. They were pretty amazed that you even knew what DnD was.
After that first meeting, you'd smile and greet the Hellfire club whenever you saw them around school.
You'd also stand up for them if any of the jocks were messing with them.
Like the time Jason had shoved Gareth in the hallway and called him a 'freak', you'd immediately smacked the back of Jason's head and told him to 'fuck off'.
This is becoming more about the Hellfire club than Eddie so let's refocus.
You realized that you and Eddie were in some of the same classes. Now that you'd officially met him, you became more aware of him. Suddenly, he was everywhere.
The first time you'd chosen to sit down next to him in class, he'd choked on the water he was drinking.
"Are you okay?"
Y-yeah, just..water..wrong pipe. What're you doing here?"
"In this class?"
"Uh-no-like here, with me, in this seat?"
Oh, I'm sorry! Do you want me to move?"
No! Sorry, that came out wrong! I just-I wasn't expecting you to interact with us...you know the whole being 'freaks' thing...it might affect the way people see you."
"I don't care how people see me. Besides, I'm also a freak. Maybe just a...closeted freak."
Eddie swore that was when he fell in love with you.
Suddenly you were hanging out with each other all the time, sitting together in class, talking in the parking lot after school, giggling over random stuff in the hallway.
The more Eddie got to know you, the more he fell in love.
He'd find dumb reasons to touch you, passing random notes with doodles in class so he could briefly touch your hand, pretending like you had an eyelash on your cheek so he could take it off, ruffling your hair jokingly, putting his arm around your shoulder so he could whisper 'top secret DnD campaign stuff' (which was obviously just an excuse).
Your relationship developed and soon you'd be over at his place learning how to play his guitar, or going through his music collection, or forcing him to do his homework.
The first time you kissed was after Eddie accidentally confessed that he liked you. He heard that you were going out on a date with some random jock from school, and it was like all his nerves went into hyperdrive and the words spilled out. He thought that you'd never talk to him again, that he'd ruined everything, but you'd simply smiled and kissed him gently.
"I like you, too."
Bonus content: Dustin cries after you two get together. Happy cries, though. Mike gags any time he sees you two even remotely close to each other, even when you're not touching.
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honeyshiddendesire · 1 month
Virgin! Doflamingo Headcanon
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Pairing: YANDERE VIRGIN! Doflamingo x Female Reader
Warnings: YANDERE DOFFY! loss of virginity! Vaginal penetration! Fingering! Dirty talk/teasing! Pussy drunk Doffy! mating press! Oral sex (male and female receiving)! Public sex! Misuse of d.f. Powers! Doffy with a Praise kink (fight me on this lol!) 
*Author's Note: An idea that popped in my head while chatting with my friends on discord that I finallllyyy got around to posting lol*
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VirginDoffy! Who was so focused on murder and overtaking the whole world that he completely forgot about sex all together…well forgot is a strong word more like it just never interested him. Sex wasn’t something that was in the forefront of his brain, murder and destruction, power, things like that. 
VirginDoffy! Who enjoyed stringing women up and fingering them till his heart was content, using them more like puppets to hear their cries but finishing the job never interested him. Well not with the women in Dressrosa or other kingdoms yet. 
VirginDoffy! Who was sitting on his throne one day when it suddenly dawned on him that he’s never actually sunk his cock into a woman before. Usually getting bored rather quickly before he ever actually fucked them. That all changed when he saw you one day strolling along in the streets of Dressrosa. 
VirginDoffy! Who you can’t tell me wouldn’t be a total yandere following you around the city, not talking to you yet but silently observing your every move. Having a woman peg his interest in this way was new afterall so he’d literally become a stalker. You wouldn’t notice him at all but everyone else around you would. 
VirginDoffy! Who would pay attention to your everyday routine and how you always get a morning tea or coffee with your favorite muffin. Going early to pay your tab in full for the next month leaving you in total shock but he was left more stunned when you still went out of your way to leave a tip. WHICH! Made him go back and tip for the next month as well hoping you’d get the hint to save your money.
Paying attention to how you eyeballed all the fancy dress shops and shoe stores with longing in your eye before sighing and going to the bargain shop on the far side of town. 
VirginDoffy! Who literally follows you home and goes back when you’re not there to rummage through your things finding out who you are and what size you are instead of just holding a conversation with you. 
VirginDoffy! Who goes back to all the stores you stop at and buys you all the prettiest dresses and shoes that you tend to stare at from the window. Leaving them at your door with flowers and a card that tells you to meet him at one of the best restaurants in the entire kingdom.
You think it’s a secret admirer and smile as you pick up the beautiful dress and twirl in your room with excitement. Getting all dolled up wearing the gifts you head out toward the meeting spot with a big smile on your face, glossy lips dropping in shock when you finally step inside the extravagant place. “Right this way your table is waiting for you.” The host says with a bow as he takes your shawl and leads you to the far back with a reserved sign, close to the stage where a live orchestra was playing Sad Romance by Thao Nguyen Xanh. It was one of your favorites and you sat down in your seat totally mesmerized barely noticing when Doflamingo came up behind you. 
“Is it all to your liking?” He asks, catching you off guard with a little gasp that makes him smirks. “Oops~” Doflamingo chuckles as he circles the table taking his seat. Your glossy lips catch his attention as they’re parted slightly in shock at seeing none other than Doflamingo himself. “Y-yes it’s all amazing. I just…” 
Raising a brow as he takes a sip of his wine that the waiter quickly poured upon his arrival, “Wasn’t expecting me?” He questions and you simply nod, making him grin. “What can I say…you’ve caught the eye of a King.” 
VirginDoffy! Who asks you tons of questions while wining and dining you, noticing how nervous you are and tending to ramble because of it. A trait he found oddly endearing. Simply giving you little hums and nods of acknowledgment as you ate. 
VirginDoffy! Who asks you to dance as the violin and pianist continue to play. His hands and eyes roaming all over your body in the tight fitting dress, his actions making your breath hitch and body heat up. Doflamingo’s hands are already holding you with a possessive touch that makes you practically melt in his grasp, eyes staring in awe up at him. 
VirginDoffy! Who despite never having sex he can tell by the look in your eye that he has you completely trapped in his sinister web, one that you’ll never escape from once he’s had you. 
VirginDoffy! Who’s hands slowly trail down your back to your ass as he leans down to whisper in your ear, “Would you like to accompany a King back to his chambers?” The question makes you shiver as you whisper back a shaky ‘yes’. Quickly leading you out of the restaurant after that and into his limo where he wastes no time crashing his lips to yours. 
Your hands wrapping around him to scratch at his scalp, tongue swirling around his in a clumsy kiss. You thought it was all the wine but little did you know the true reason behind his bewildered state. Doflamingo was groaning into your mouth as he pulled you into his lap, the smell of the perfume he purchased you was loud in the close proximity and it made his head spin. The strong floral, sweet scent smelled so enchanting on your skin that he couldn’t help but groan as he trailed sloppy kisses down your neck making you whimper. 
“Um…sir…we’re here.” The driver nervously interrupts and gets a glare of Doflamingo and a loud ‘out’ that makes him scurry away leaving the both of you alone. “Ah~” You moaned out as you felt Doflamingo grind into your hips, feeling his rather huge bulge through both of your clothes. 
VirginDoffy! Who’s so enraptured by pleasure and your scent that you literally have to tap his shoulder to get his attention. “D-Doflamingo~ Can…can we go to your room?” You whine as he continues making your head spring with each kiss that travels lower towers the valley of your breast, his large hands gripping your ass. Hearing your request and seeing the look of lust on your face only has him grin as he kisses at your jaw. 
VirginDoffy! Who can’t help but warn you of what was to come. “You know once I have you in my room I can’t ensure that you’ll be leaving anytime soon.” His grin only grows as you tell him you understand, greedy lips finding your own at the sound of your equal eagerness. “Oh my poor dove~ you don’t even realize the cage that you’ve flown yourself into.”
VirginDoffy! Who leads your heaving form to his room, your hair and gloss already a mess just from an intense makeout session. 
VirginDoffy! Who once in his luxurious room wastes not even a second to literally rip your dress off you. Pushing you down on his large plush bed making you squeal in shock at how quickly he spreads your legs. Kissing up from your legs, long fingers running along the sparkly heels that adorned your feet as he spread your legs more into a vulnerable position. 
“Already soaking this pathetic lace you’re wearing.” Doflamingo chuckles against your thighs, nipping the skin before sucking marks into your plush thighs. Trailing up slowly before using one of his hands to push your panties to the side before diving in to take a long lick at your cunt. 
VirginDoffy! Who has zero skills at eating your cunt but wasn’t stupid and knew to listen to every little reaction that you made. Any hitch in your breath, moan or whimper you let out only fueled the large man’s ego to dive further into your cunt. Long tongue working wonders to fuck into your sopping wet hole, circling around making your back arch as he sloppily kisses your aching clit. “AH~ Dof~Holy shit!” You cry out barely able to moan out his name as he sucks on the sensitive bud harder. 
VirginDoffy! Who’s hands literally can’t keep still. Running up and down all over your body, squeezing and groping your tits to run down your waist to pinch and claw at your thighs before moving back up with hunger. His tongue never gets enough of your taste and only eats your pussy with more fire in his chest. Never understanding how he hasn’t done this before when you sounded so sweet in his strong grasp. 
VirginDoffy! Who was starstruck when he finally started to sink his long fingers deep in your dripping pussy, tongue never letting up on your clit even as you pulled at his blonde hair. “Do~ah~Dof-fuck~!” His name dragged into a curse from your lips that had him grin wickedly, tongue flicking your bundle of nerves to drive you insane.
 “Oh fuckfuckfuck I’m gonna cum~ Doffy shit! How are you so good at this?” Your moaned out question has him pulling back with a sinister laugh as he also wonders the same thing considering he’s never done this before. Doflamingo’s greedy eyes looking down to where your wet pussy is swallowing two long fingers of his, your hands gripping the sheets beside your head. Your legs were trembling, heels digging into the plush blankets as you thrashed around. Screams only turning to a loud shriek as he curled them into that spot that made you gush, his brow raising at the magnificent sight. 
VirginDoffy! Who can’t help but lean back down, licking you completely clean with a luscious moan at the taste of you. Pulling down his pants to hungrily crawl up your body kissing your skin up along the way making you breathe heavier. 
VirginDoffy! Who is way too big for his own good and once he's dipping his long cock inside you needs you to literally beg him to stop or he'll keep going. Drunk on the feel of you wrapping around him until your nails are drawing blood from scratching at his chest so hard. 
“Shitshitshit too much too~ fucking much! Dammit just wait!” You cry out not even aware of how much blood you drew from the man, eyes blurry from tears. His body shivering at the pleasure wrapped around his cock and the stinging pain of your nails. Doflamingo’s breath is coming out in huffs as he leans down to suck marks on your neck, his fingers clawing at the sheets for some type of self control to stay still but it only lasts so long. “I’m not a man with much patience.” He’ll tell you, making you whimper as you feel him grind into you. 
Sucker punching the air out of you as he rocks into you with unskilled hips, is cock so big it did all the work for him. Doflamingo went on pure instincts and pleasure, kissing your body and stringing your legs up to stay wide open for him. Long cock pounding into you until you scream out his name for the whole kingdom to hear.
VirginDoffy! Who immediately grows addicted when you cum around his cock, needing to feel it over and over again. Your pussy gushing around his cock as he pumps you over and over full of his seed. 
VirginDoffy! Who mentally wishes he traps you forever with his child so you never leave the man. Your slumped form lay on his bed alongside with him both breathing heavy as his mind raced with thoughts of what to do with you the next round when he has gathered the energy again. Now that he’s had you don’t think you’ll be able to run. Like a bird you’ll be forever caged to quench his ever growing lust.
“Don’t think you’ll be able to leave me now my dear. It seems I’ve grown quite obsessed.”
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Hi sweetie!
How are you? Hope school and everything is going well. Congrats on your exam! I know you'll do great on all the others bc I just have that much faith 😌
I saw your little schedule and saw upcoming Hyune and Jisung fics wich sound amazing just by the title. So now I'm super excited for those!!
Just a little idea for you... But I have an unhealthy obsession with perv Seung. The perv Jisung headcanons made me think you might be open to writing this. Something about perv Seungmin just hits harder than it does for any other member (for me at least). I was thinking about being in a relationship with him and his perv tendencies start peeping through...then one day you catch him using like your underwear or another one of your items to get off and you just go along with it (bc y/n crazy like that) 😭
If you just wanna chat, feel free to ignore my request when (and if) you reply to this. I'm totally cool with just being friendly and talking. I'm on Tumblr for the community after all 🤷‍♀️
You're fics make me feel some type way everytime I read them no matter how many times I read them and I super appreciate you! Love you 🤟
(i can actually see this with Seungmin tho~)
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Pervy boyfriend Seungmin x fem reader Headcannons
into smutfic >.>
SFW + NSFW (idol Seungmin, UNDERWEAR STEALER?!?!, someone sedate me-, sweet Seungminnie very breiefly..., unprotected sex wrap it before you tap it lovies., seungmo is not slick, lil bit of sweet bullying >.>, seungmin will never be stopped.)
someone tach me how to do the side by side pics thing. it never works..
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Boyfriend Seungmin who spoiled you when he wasn't busy. He wasn't perfectly affectionate, bullying you all the time, but it was his way of loving on you.
Boyfriend Seungmin who called you stupid names when you had silly arguments (nothing serious really).
Boyfriend Seungmin who would brag to STAY about how amazing you were.
Boyfriend Seungmin who would check your location constantly when you went out. For one because he was worried about you. And for two because...
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin stole your panties again.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who was for once scared you might catch him.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who would take your bras with him on tour and jerk off to the thought of you. Inhaling your scent from the panties he'd oh so rightfully stolen.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who fucked into the mattress when you sent him pictures of you while he was away.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who imagined you under him when you squealed on the phone about something. Oh, he'd give you a reason to squeal.
Boyfriend Seungmin who promised you he'd be home soon.
Boyfriend Seungmin who hugged you in the airport, acting calm and collected when really...
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin wanted nothing more than to bend you over and make you take his manhood. But knew that you wouldn't like doing such a thing in public... or maybe you would (maybe he should make you at some point)
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who didn't wait to put his bags down when you got home and to your bedroom. Pulling your pants and panties off with such force it shocked him, fucking you like his life depended on it. maybe it did.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who seemed to get harder when you moaned at how rough he was being with you.
Pervy Boyfriend Sungmin who asked begged you to let him cum inside. Who let out soft whimpers when you climaxed together.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who wanted to be sweet to you after you did so well for him, but who's dick came back to life at the sight of your pretty pussy oozing his seed.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who encouraged you to go out and have fun with your friends, just to stay home and bury his face in you cum covered panties from the night before.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who was in the middle of jerking off to a voice message you'd sent him when you walked in because you forgot your wallet. Who's face burned pink as you made him feel vulnerable... embarrassed...
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who wasn't going to let you get away with that...
He hadn't intended it to go like this.. but he wasn't going to complain as you bounced on his cock, rocking you hips into his own, moaning softly.
Seungmin groaned and gripped your hips, thrusting up into you.
"You're such a weirdo." You moaned.
He looked at you with an incredulous expression, "I'm the weirdo? You see me with your used panties in my face and the first thing you do is jump on my dick."
Your face went redder if that was even possible. Seungmin leaned over, pushing you onto your back and fucking into you. "Then again, I'll take this pretty pussy over just your underwear any day."
You whined, "At least stop stealing my favorite bra."
He smiled as he reached between your legs and rubbed your clit. "How about no?"
You wanted to say something more but he forced the air out of your lungs as he slammed deep into you. His tip kissed your cervix before he came hard, pushing you over the edge with him and whining as your pussy squeezed him tightly, milking him dry.
Pervy Boyfriend Seungmin who kept your panties before sending you back out again.
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mimizficsz · 6 months
Just you and me: John Dory x Reader
A/N: This takes place before the whole Floyd got captured situation. I honestly don't know what type this is- Headcanons? Scenarios?? We'll just go with scenarios.
- * - + 🩷🩵 + - * -
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Living with JD is chaotic and fun. Romantic? Maybe not. Nevertheless, it was still really nice to make some sweet memories with your loved one.
Every morning, you were greeted by the blinding light of the sun. John was by your side, sleeping deeply. You did what you'd usually do, get ready for the day, rinsing your face and combing your hair. Then right after, make coffee and breakfast for the two of you. JD would wake up a few minutes later, with his messy hair and sleepy expression.
"Good morning, Love." You'd smile at him, as he lazily makes his way to the bathroom. "Good morning.."
Later on, joining you, Kissing your cheek before sitting down to dig in.
In rainy weathers, the two of you would cuddle up on the bed. Blankets surrounding both bodies while you held each other, staring outside of the window watching rain fall. Some days John would even pull you into slow dancing. He'd play a song fit for the mood on the record player,
"Come on, Babe! Dance with me!" He'd say with the bright smile he wears on his face. You'd repeatedly refuse, until he drags you out of the couch and guides your body slowly. "Like this.. Just like that! Great job, Hun."
Or the other times, you'd share songs back and forth. Although, most of it is just him blabbering about the songs he made back in his brozone days, then it turns into how he made the songs, to sharing memories of his childhood with his brothers. He's always such a talker and sometimes it does get annoying mostly because he forgets to listen to you, but you have to admit, it's adorable when he gets lost in thought and keeps talking for hours on end. He follows you around while you clean or make dinner, talking and bragging about his popularity back in the day, all giddy and excited to share it to you, not even caring if he repeats the same stories.
Although not often, Fights would still happen. And every damn time, in the middle of arguing, He'd always stop the arguements by kissing you once, twice, three times, however many he needs to just to get you to stop. Of course you'll talk about it a day after, and apologize.
He wrote a song for you, all about you, how amazing and beautiful you are, for your anniversary. Started freaking out a few hours after making it because he thought it was too much of a small gesture for such a big and memorable event. When he saw that you got him something and he came up empty handed, he eventually brought up that he rececntly made a song but later on scrapped it.
"Happy anniversary, my love!" You smiled at him, handing him the special item you got for him. "Happy anniversary to you too babe.." He stared at it and awkwardly chuckled before scratching the back of his head and speaking again, "I don't really know how to say this but uh.. Okay listen, So at first, I knew exactly what to get...- But then I thought it was too much of a small gesture so I scrapped that idea.." He took a deep breathe in before grabbing the crumpled piece of paper and opening it. "I made you a song-"
JD would chuckle before playing the song for you. For him, it doesn't seem like an "anniversary worthy" gift, but to you, it was the second best gift there is, because nothing beats being with him more than anything.
Just you, and John, and that was more than enough. (Except Rhonda is here).
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Anon couldn't be here for the request period so I reserved two requests for them, this is their second one
Anon Said: "With “Dittophobia” generating renewed interest in FNAF 4, how about we revisit the nightmare animatronics a bit? Could we get some rivalry headcanons between Nightmare Bonnie and Nightmare Chica? I want to see some nightmares throwing hands (or claws in this case)."
A/N: Sure! This is based off the small behavior talk I did a long time ago! Been awhile since I've written for the Nightmares and I'm excited for this!
Yandere! Nightmare Bonnie vs Yandere! Nightmare Chica
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Biting, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Blood, Cannibalism mentioned, Stalking, Violence, Kidnapping implied, Supernatural forces, Mentions of death.
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When it comes to the Nightmares I'm pulling from other works I've done.
Both Bonnie and Chica, they're cruel, sadistic, and crave attention.
You need to pay attention to their presence or you could get hurt, right?
Plus, I'd write these two similarly to how I wrote Nightmare Fredbear and Freddy in the past.
How I tend to write the Nightmares is they're demons.
Which would mean you have strange anthropomorphic mechanical animals haunting you.
I've said in the past they take a twisted form based on things from their target's past.
This would imply you've been to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza at least once in your lifetime.
It would only be better if you were fond of Bonnie and Chica as a young child.
When you could have first encountered these demons can vary.
Maybe similar to the Fredbear fic I've done in the past they were masquerading as your imaginary friends?
Since you were young and you came home from Freddy Fazbear's, you were always greeted by a large bunny and chicken.
Maybe when you were younger you never saw them as demons.
With your childish mind you only ever saw your friends from Freddy's.
Perhaps here they play nice, although often argue about your attention.
Play more with the bunny and the chicken appears jealous that you care more for the bunny's songs.
Play more with the chicken or eat her food she made for you and the bunny appears irritable.
It's then you meet them again as an adult.
Only to learn they aren't quite imaginary.
It's this or you meet them as an adult with no prior knowledge about them as a child.
However I feel them originally being your imaginary friends is the best case scenario.
Unless you want something similar to the Nightmare Freddy fic I did where you're babysitting a kid they are haunting.
Either way, this Bonnie and Chica are much different from their usual counterparts.
Not only in appearance either.
Bonnie still wants attention, especially from his favorite human...
He just hopes you don't mind his games getting a little violent or his music haunting your ears.
Chica also wants your attention, to the point she craves it like a meal.
The demonic chicken even still makes, she just hopes you don't mind if she puts a bit of blood in her cakes.
Maybe it could even be yours, she bets it will taste amazing.
As expected, both of them like the idea of biting you to get a taste of you.
Chica seems a bit too fixated on it.
They're demons, demonic creatures that happen to be haunting your home.
In the corner of your eyes at night you'll see them slink back into the shadows.
Maybe you'll even see the small cupcake Chica sends to watch you.
Both of them would be possessive as they're territorial.
They wants to be your tormentors but they want to do it alone.
Since they've known you it's always been one or the other.
Bonnie tries to lure you in with songs written just for you, a twisted form of mimicry compared to the real Bonnie.
Meanwhile Chica tries to lure you to her with meals she mysteriously prepared in your kitchen.
Everything from pizza to cakes, the smell wafts through rooms and into your nose.
Yet it's all strangely metallic smelling when you look past the tasty smells.
Don't be fooled, when either of them get you close, they'll dig their claws into your flesh and claim you as theirs.
They yearn to bond to you, lapping at your wounds to devour you like prey.
They're monsters, way worse than just nightmares.
Unlike nightmares... you can't escape their terror by waking up.
This is reality.
The haunting songs and smells don't stop.
You can't do anything but hide in your room as the two fight.
They pounce at each other, clawing and growling like wild animals when not trying to lure you to them.
The smell of brimstone pierces your nose as mechanical clicks and clangs rings through your ears.
Being demons, they're immortal.
However, you are not, you are merely mortal.
One of them will take you and your soul by force if they have to.
Sure, hold them off as long as you can.
Soon you'll give into one of them
The question is which one?
Will you follow the bunny's songs and be lured in like a siren?
Or will you follow the scent of food the chicken made like a rat to a trap?
The two could battle it out for seemingly forever...
But you'll fall victim to them at any moment in your life, as they'll follow you and fight until the day you rot just to take you away.
Only then could their quarreling simmer down... and that isn't even guaranteed.
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fish-eat-fish · 1 year
dating gwen or miles while also being a spider person hc’s?
Gwen x gn!reader Headcanons
a/n: i kind of perished trying to write so much stuff so sorry for the late requests! i’ve never written headcanons before so sorry if the formatting is weird. i’ll whip up the miles one soon!
- Took a lot of time for her to warm up to you, she’s never really let anyone else into her life after Peter
- You always tried to cheer her up, whether it was through small gestures or horrible jokes–you always wanted to lighten the mood around her
- You lost it when she mentioned that she was in a band, you thought it was the coolest thing ever
- “You play on drums!? Gwen! That’s so cool!” With you actually beaming, Gwen was surprised at your excitement
- She just felt an incredible ego boost, and flushed a little bit at your interest in her playing (she was coerced into showing you some time)
- The whole dynamic between the two of you feels a little push and pull at times
- Like, you two can have amazing moments of understanding and bonding, just for her to push you further away later
- Arguments here and there, but at the end of it all, you always stick with Gwen (she really appreciates your patience with her)
- Eventually, things got really awkward between the two of you, and Gwen couldn’t understand why
- She seriously never knows what she’s feeling because she doesn’t take the time to reflect on her emotions
- She really missed dropping by your dimension and swinging around with you
- You both would swing through the cities, and you’d take her to the tallest buildings to impress her with the most gorgeous views (you did accidentally hold her hand like once, because you were scared she would’ve fallen somehow)
- Feelings were confronted, confessions were said (through your window at the middle of the night)
- Gwen was so nervous and afraid to ruin your friendship, speaking with a shaky voice whilst messing with her hair (a nervous habit she had)
- You shot a web at her, yanking on it and pulling her into a dramatic kiss–hands on her cheeks
- She was absolutely losing her mind over this, panicking so hard in the moment, hovering her hands over you, until wrapped them behind your back, bringing you in closer
- She could not stop tripping over her words after, which made you laugh because you’d never seen her so flustered before
- Gwen isn’t the best with being affectionate, so you usually have to initiate it, but you don’t mind it when you see her reactions
- She’s usually pretty calm, so when she drops the most unexpected compliment or flirtatious comment, you scream inside (she’s so embarrassed and has no idea what came over her but she hides it well, changing the subject)
- You yell at her a lot to take care of herself on the job at the end of the day when the both of you are done with your spider-duties
- Gwen brushes it off, which upsets you
- So you have to obviously pamper this girl and take care of her for the night: dinner, tea, backrub, facemasks, and cuddling at night
- Gwen giggles at the feeling of kisses on her neck, she’s super ticklish there
- Loves being the big spoon for some reason, or prefers to face you and sleep in a hug
- It takes a while for her to pass out or get comfortable, but she usually passes out as soon as you start playing with her hair
- Light sleeper, so if she wakes up first, she admires you and brushes her hand against yours
- She likes stealing your clothes, always owning at least a few of your clothes to wear at home or outside
- Gwen isn’t too big on PDA, but always physically gravitates towards you when the two of you are hanging out in public
- Drums on your arm or leg like she’s playing music, and mimics drumset sounds which makes you laugh
- She loves seeing you in your Spidersuit since it fits you so well
- The two of you rant about the craziest things you saw in your dimension whilst swinging around the city, she loves listening to you
- It’s a little tough leaving each other to head back to your own dimensions, but Gwen always makes sure to give you a goodbye kiss
- She let’s you know she’ll be thinking about you when she’s back in her dimension (which leads to your special collection of trinkets gifted by Gwen, little things that remind her of you or represent inside jokes the two of you share)
- Overall, she loves and adores you so much, but isn’t the best at showing it
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
OKAY i am confused why no one thought of this..mark and the famous BPS duo headcanons of them reacting to a REAL Angel Y/n coming down and basically getting rid of the alternates?? :00
Oooo y'know that's a good idea. It makes me wonder if ALL angels in TMC were just replaced or never existed at all after Alt!Gabriel came along--maybe they lost the war with the Alternates/demons and were eradicated all at once.
Except for Y/N, ofc, because main character plot armor™
You've been watching over Mark for some time, eventually coming down to Earth disguised as his next door neighbor, wondering if he could help you move some stuff.
This strangely happens the same day he prayed for a "guardian angel" in his life, especially when he noticed you were wearing all white clothing, didn't specify where you were from, and.....looked quite ethereal in appearance.
But he thinks it's just a coincidence and becomes fast friends with you.
You shared his same values and beliefs, subtly protecting him whenever he visited the church and went to school.
Though you weren't sure if you should tell him what you truly are...
Until the night he gets that phone call from "Cesar" and goes to his house against your wishes.
When he inevitably leads the Alternate back to his own home, you're there waiting for it.
The second it enters, you stand between them and reveal your wings, halo, and several eyes, shocking the Alternate as it thought angels were already eradicated...
You basically say "nah I'm still here, go back to hell" and eviscerate it in a flash of holy light.
To your amazement, it actually worked! You finally had the power to avenge your fellow angels.
You immediately put your human disguise back on when you realized Mark's was watching the entire time-
But he's already kneeling at your feet, trying not to cry bc you're the guardian angel he's been asking for!!!
He 100% worships you now after you confirm that, but you ask him to just treat you like a friend and not as some divine idol.
Ofc you're telling that to a paranoid 17 yr old Christian human boy who saw you literally vaporize an Alternate so.....it's hard for him to talk to you so casually after that.
Posing as a new student, you approached him at school and asked if you could join BPS, feigning interest in the paranormal investigations.
He's like "sure but your clothes are prob gonna get messed up" as he gestures to your pristine white shirt and jeans.
You just wear a black BPS jacket over them and go along with the "ghost hunts", finding out that he's looking for Alternates specifically.
That's fine with you though, considering you came down to eliminate as many as you could w/o drawing Gabriel's attention.
One of the hidden cameras caught you making one disappear and Adam's mind=blown after replaying the footage and seeing your wings show up in a few frames, learning you were an angel all along!
You beg him to keep it a secret, but he's so excited he brags to Jonah and Evelin (who thinks he edited that stuff in).
He asks you to continue vaporizing any Alternates you come across as long as he can get footage of it...though you don't like the idea of him exploiting your powers this way for fame.
However he suddenly becomes afraid of you out of nowhere, especially in the days following the investigation at the Torres house.
He just kicks you out of BPS without explanation and goes into hiding.
But soon enough you find out he's a Sleeper Alternate and become faced with a very tough decision...
When he shows up on your doorstep, half-naked and pleading for you to purge him from this world.
Never in a million years did you think any Alternate would be so attached to his "humanity" that he'd rather die than live without it.
Unfortunately, you can't grant Adam's wish knowing he was closely tied to Six and Gabriel's plans, but you do reverse the damage the bleach did to his organs.
He's not in constant physical pain anymore, though you vow to protect this scared boy, knowing he didn't choose to be this way.
You met him through Adam sometime after joining BPS.
And right away, he feels a lot safer whenever you accompany them on assignments.
There's just something about your presence that's reassuring.
He makes jokes about how you act like a "perfect little angel" when you tell him you don't do drugs, never curse, mediate any arguments he and Adam might have, and always have the cleanest clothing.
Then he's confused as to why you tensed up.
Before you realize "angel" is just a metaphor humans use sometimes and calm down afterwards.
So he doesn't know what you are.....yet.
He used to say "hell" (like "oh hell yeah!") on a regular basis but now feels awkward when he says it around you.
You're only forced to reveal your true identity when Preacher tries to give him and Adam M.A.D, and you just....eliminate her on the spot with holy light.
She was particularly resistant to it, so your energy was spent and you nearly passed out.
Jonah's understandably freaked out by your powers and runs away, but after you find him and help him calm down, he becomes quite clingy.
His friendship with Adam grows more divided as he sees you as more caring and protective than him.
He didn't believe in angels before but he sure as shit does now.
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mimikittysblog · 1 year
BFF! Jay: Your Ex Tries to Get You Back
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Synopsis: How each member of Enhypen would react when their best friend (who also happens to be their crush) has their ex trying to get them back.
Genre: fluff with very light angst | headcanons
Heeseung - Jake - Sunghoon - Sunoo - Jungwon - Niki
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
You and Jay probably became friends during school
Was always friendly to each other but got close when the two of you got paired up together for a project
While working together you have come to a realization that y’all work really well together and enjoyed each others company a lot
So when you guys finished the project a week before it was due..
You were kinda upset
Cause that means you don’t really have a reason to hang out anymore
So you decided to make the first move and ask him if he still wanted to hang out
You were nervous he would say no but to your surprise. He really wanted to.
So a beautiful friendship blossomed.
However.. Jay being Jay..
You fell for him. Hard.
He always told you that he wasn’t much of a romantic
But it was always the little things he did that caused a blush to appear on your face
You didn’t really do much about your crush cause it seems Jay just wasn’t interested in a relationship
Despite the time he gave that pepero to a girl and somehow got rejected.
Now when he went to I-LAND, you still kept in touch as best as you can
Even though he often didn’t have the time to respond to you
But you kept texting him encouraging words when he had a particular tough time on episodes
These text range from: “You did great this episode Jay! You got this! I’m always rooting for you!”
To: “Park Jongseong you are fucking amazing okay?! Don’t give up now!!! YOU WILL DEBUT!!!!“
On the night he was announced to debut he called you to say thank you for supporting him and to even apologize for not really engaging with you as much as he used to.
“Its just you’re still one of my best friends and I feel bad for not.. being a good one.”
“Jay you have absolutely no need to apologize. You’ll always be my best friend and I’m happy you’re prioritizing the thing you that makes you happy. Omg I’m so excited for you!!!”
What you don’t know is Jay actually feels guilty for not prioritizing something else that makes him happy.
Yes he fell for you too during his training and I-LAND period.
You always encouraging him, comforting him and just staying by his side in a way was just so heart warming and always made him so happy he eventually fell for you.
Or maybe it just made him realize the feelings he had for you this whole time.
Anyways, he unfortunately didn’t know how to tell you though.
But he decided that after he makes his debut, ends his promotions and he gets to go back to school..
He will confess to you.
Unfortunately for him, during that period, you actually gained a crush on a classmate of yours.
It wasn’t as a strong of a crush on Jay but it was a crush nonetheless.
Soon enough the two of you started dating.
Jay was kinda heartbroken when he came to school and found out you have a partner already.
Which is also something Sunoo and Jungwon teased him about at school.
But Jay supported and was happy for you cause you also seemed happy at first
Though as times went on and some conversations with you steered toward the topic of your relationship, in all honesty…
Jay doesn’t like them anymore and thinks that he honestly can treat you better.
One day Jay was about to leave school but saw you fighting with your partner.
Jay didn’t want to be nosy and mess into your business but it seemed really serious and he could even see you’re crying.
His heart started to actually hurt so he quickly intervened
“Y/n lets just go…”
Without a word to your partner, you just left with Jay
He then took you home and comforted you as you explained what happened.
You found out that your (now ex) partner was talking mad shit about you behind your back, claiming that you were a bad significant other.
Hearing this Jay was furious but also proud of you for breaking up with them.
Now that you’re single again, your hang outs with Jay became more frequent and longer
Which also means your feelings for each other grew stronger.
Time goes by and now graduation is upon you two
And here Jay finally decided to confess to you at graduation.
Sunoo and Sunghoon kinda teased him for being cliche but relieved that Jay is FINALLY making a move.
“Go get her hyung!”
“Yeah! And don’t fuck up! Or you might have pepero reject the sequel: bouquet edition”
Yeah.. he’s kinda shitting bricks thinking about your rejecting him but he can’t back out now!
He got you a bouquet on his was to school, praying that you’ll like them.
Also thinking if you reject him he could just give the bouquet as a ‘congratulations’ present.
He really wishes you’ll accept him though.
He’s so cute imma cry 😭
When he arrived he immediately was on the search for you.
Completely ditching Sunoo btw 🤦‍♀️
But soon enough he was able to find you by the staircase but..
You weren’t alone.
You were standing there with your ex and his heart dropped.
He couldn’t help but think the absolute worse.
Why are they here?
What do they want?
Are they together again?
No please..
They don’t deserve them..
I do.
He then heard the dreaded words “I want you back please?” From your ex’s lips and see them pull out a rose.
A single pathetic rose.
Looked like it was starting to wilt 🙄
Which also angered Jay cause HELLOOO?? You deserve more than that!!
So many emotions are swimming through his mind as he clenches the bouquet he has for you.
But then he sees you take the rose..
That shattered his heart.
He was about to admit defeat and walk away again
That is until you quickly threw the rose back at them.
“Yeah. You should want me back asshole. But I couldn’t care less. You’re fucking insane if you ever thought you had a chance to have me back.”
“And you are really fucking unwell if you thought a pathetic rose like this would ever sway my heart.” You added on as you stomped on the rose.
After the initial shock and happy dance he was doing in his head Jay realized that was his cue!!
“Y/n!! There you are!” He said with a huge smile.
You turned to look at him and immediately have your mood lifted.
“Jay!! You’re here!! Come on lets go take photos!” You ran down to him and hugged him tightly
Before dragging him away from your furious ex who was still at the top of the stairs.
Who Jay also couldn’t help but smirk at.
“So I’m guessing you heard everything?” You asked once you were alone.
He chuckles before nodding.
He then gave you the bouquet.
“For you. As a congratulations! A-and..” He trailed off getting nervous.
“Aaaaaanddd?” You ask with hopeful eyes as you happily take the bouquet.
He looked into your eyes before sighing
“And.. a confession. I like you.. Y/n. Maybe even love you. For years now. And I’m hoping you will accept me. If not you can just accept the bouquet just as a congratulations without the-“
*smooch* 😚 ❤️
He suddenly gets cut off as you kissed his cheek.
“You’re so cute Jay. I like you too. So so much! Of course I’ll accept you.” You said with a giggle.
He let out the biggest sigh of relief before quickly pulling you into a tight hug.
You both however were interrupted by a loud squeal.
You jumped and looked only to find Sunoo squealing while recording.
You held onto Jays hand tightly before he gets the chance to run after him.
“Just stay here with me?”
He looks at your eyes that he can never resist and chuckles.
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
© mimikittysblog 2023
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camilaxmartin · 2 years
Hi luv I was wondering if you could do a Shuri x fem reader, what it would be like to date her/how she would be in a relationship.
If you can't that's ok.
Have a good rest of your day/night luv🫂💕
ღ dating shuri!
hi sun! thank you so much for requesting! it was my first request ever so i’m pretty excited about it lmao, anyway. i’m sorry if there are any mistakes, it was my first time writing headcanons like that and also writing it in english so it was even more of a challenge, but i hope you enjoy them!! love you <3
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navigation // request // me and find the rest!
summary: just some headcanons on what i think meeting/dating shuri would be like
notes: i didn’t specifically write you as tony stark’s daughter here (but i was imagining it while writing lol) but you’re really interested in technology and everything in this one, i hope it doesn’t bother you. shuri was 16 in the first bp movie so she’s around that age in here, and so are you. (not that it matters but that just how i see it) have a great day/night too! i hope you love it sun! enjoy!!
• let’s begin with some backstory
• first time you met shuri when all the avengers arrived in wakanda, before infinity war for vision’s little “operation”
• coming into the lab you saw a girl, working on something
• when she saw some people were coming in, she turned around and then you saw her — you froze
• natasha immediately recognised your state, she quickly came up to you bringing you back on earth. lucky for you, shuri haven’t noticed anything, being too caught up on her work or so you thought
• after some time most of the team left the lab, leaving shuri to deal with her work at peace, natasha gave you the last glance making sure you won’t make a fool out of yourself when you’re alone with “the pretty girl” but you ignored her, looking out of the window
• there were just the two of you alone in her lab (almost alone, if you want to count turned-off vision, laying down on a table)
• you didn’t know what to say so you just stayed in your place right next to the window, being so interested in the beautiful nature behind it
• suddenly you heard a chuckle, breaking the somehow uncomfortable silence
• “you didn’t think i haven’t noticed your stare, did you?” she asked not looking up from her work
• you turned around to face her, noticing the little smirk she got rilled up on her face
• “you’re not as slick as you think, american” she looked up at you, and that was the moment your eyes met
• “it’s not my fault i can’t resist looking at a pretty girl, when i see one” you finally responded, not knowing from where you suddenly got the bravery. shuri smiled even more at your comment.
• and just like that after some time the two of you started dating
• (let’s just assume thanos didn’t erase half of the universe)
• when t’challa found out about you two, to your big surprise he welcomed you to the family with open arms and started treating you like his another little sister, which was pretty sweet
• but when the avengers found out,,,
• natasha, who was actually the first one to officially know about your relationship - she was joyful you found someone who made you as happy as shuri did
• tony was a bit more sceptical but it quickly passed when he discovered by his own eyes how amazing this relationship was serving you both
• the rest of the team didn’t really care that much but were genuinely happy you got someone to spend time with
• at the start of your relationship shuri was self-isolating herself when things were getting more serious, but when she found out she could really trust and count on you everything changed
• she came up to you with every little problem she got. even if you didn’t know the answer - she just wanted someone to fully listen to her and not judge her despite the fact she’s “just a kid”
• lucky for you both, with problems she got in the lab you were more than happy to help her and finally try out all of the amazing technology they got there, even if you weren’t totally sure what you were doing
• after some time, when you two grew closer, one day she gave you a gift — kimoyo bracelet. you were speechless and couldn’t believe your own eyes. shuri said it wasn’t a big deal and that it’ll ease your communication with each other
• it was a big deal, it was a huge deal. you put on the bracelet and immediately kissed her showing her how much it meant to you. she kissed you back with the same passion while smiling in to the kiss, easily reading your expression
• you were often flying to shuri to wakanda than shuri was flying to you. not that it bothered you, let’s be real the beauty of that place was taking away your breath every time you got to see it
• when you got deeper into your relationship you noticed she was totally different from the girl you met for the first time in the lab
• she was more out-going and highly-spirited than you previously assumed
• but there were certain things that you were right about
• for example, shuri didn’t know how to handle her problems so she was just hiding in her lab, excusing herself that she desperately needs to work on this or that
• good for her, you were always the one to take her out of there and try to figure out some other way for her to cope with problems
• most of the time it was working and the two of you almost always ended up at the roof of their palace watching stars and having those deep convos
• but at the time when even you couldn’t pull her away from work you just kept her company there, making sure she wasn’t overworking herself
• after all, you were the only one who could be around her when she was in a terrible mood (and t’challa but it was depending on a day and the reason of the mood, really)
• as i previously said, shuri is a cheerful person when she feels comfortable
• she is the type of person to tell the most unfunny jokes on the planet, but they are actually funny because of the way she says them
• let’s not forget the part that you both love working on new technology, so you can expect a lot of lab dates
• just the two of you, whole lab for the both of you and endless time, what to want more?
• just shuri in general i mean let’s be real
• i feel like she would like cuddling but like the official version is that she doesn’t like it but you know better than that
• shuri is a girl kisser
• and she’s great at it (and she knows it!)
• with that being said, im sure she would know how to make the other person just loose their mind even by a quick kiss
• i also feel like she’d be such a tease i mean-
• like when you’re working in the lab with the rest of the avengers she will smoothly move her hand around you to finally state it on your waist
• or or
• she will sneak behind you and totally “accidental” touch your lower back, back, arms or any part of your body to be honest
• and while the others would be pretty confused why are you looking like a tomato, she would just quietly chuckle not to anybody’s notice (well, natasha’s maybe)
• ya i see that as pretty “shuri thing”tm
• (actually i have two versions of shuri in my head but let’s just roll with this one sksjsjssk)
• i think shuri’s the type to not be afraid to make a move or do something more bold that you’d expect, i mean look at your first meeting, ya? ya.
• you were the only person she opened up to after the death of her brother
• the first time you two said “i love you” must have been the time, when namor started his attack on wakanda
• when queen ramonda died, shuri got no one left besides you
• it was also the time you two grew even closer than before, not that you could think it was possible
• when shuri again buried herself in the lab desperately trying to make the heart plant work, you and riri were there to help her with everything you could
• finally, when the recipe was correct and shuri took it, you couldn’t be more proud
• after her “vision” you knew something was up
• you took her to the side and said that she can trust you with who she saw, but even if she decides not to tell you, you’ll happily respect it
• eventually she told you, killmonger was the one she had met with
• you were speechless but tried to not let it be seen, to not scare her off
• as an avenger and one of the smartest people on team, shuri was grateful you’d be helping them in the battle
• even tho at first you fighting along with her was out of question; she was just afraid of losing you as the last person she cared about to be fair, who wearing her shoes wouldn’t be scared?
• eventually she agreed, but said that before the fight, she needed to make some changes in your suit — on which you were more than happy to agree
• shuri made sure your suit could protect you at all cost and that nothing possibly could happen to you, she did everything in her own for you
• the two of you were at the top of the ship, getting ready to fight
• she then suddenly took your hand in hers and while looking at the horizon said “i can’t loose you today, or any day, i need you”
• tears filled your eyes. it was just a simple sentence, but it made your heart shutter
• “you won’t loose me, today or any day. i’ll be always there for you, i promise” you said looking at her, but her eyes were still focused on the water in front of you
• “don’t promise me anything” she scuffed, finally turning her head to you along with her eyes “i just…” she squeezed your hand a bit
• “shuri” you said, needing her full attention “nothing bad won’t happen today. i’ll be fine, and you’ll too” you assured her, even tho you didn’t fully believe your own words
• “i love you” she said a moment later which took you by surprise “i just wanted you to know that” she added, looking away
• your eyes again started to tear up “i love you too, shuri” you said it back, watching as a little smile crowded its way up on her face “more than anything” you hugged her so tight, while she kissed your forehead still looking at the horizon, but this time she was smiling
• the battle began and everything went smoothly and along your plan
• when you saw shuri fighting as a black panther you could’ve not been more proud and more in love
• at the end of the day, when you saw her along with namor both of them speaking to their people, you knew everything went even better than you expected
• when all of the wakandininas came back to their homes everything went back to normal
• shuri was the new queen of wakanda which was surreal to be honest
• more or less a month after all of this you and shuri could be enjoying a holiday together finally doing everything and anything you want <3
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artistic-intrxvert · 1 year
can you write yandere funtime foxy and funtime freddy headcanons please and thank you?
Hey Bon Bon, we have a new friend!! Fr tho hello!! I got excited when i saw this :D ✨FNAF SISTER LOCATION APPRECIATION✨ I had fun writing this and I hope you enjoy and have an amazing day/night wherever you are!! <3333333
Other TWs: Swearing, Mentions of breaking bones, dark topics, Funtime Freddy, feral animatronics..i think it's pretty self-explanatory-
If I missed a TW, please tell me so i can add it!
✨Funtime Foxy🦊
From what I understand of Funtime Foxy as a general character, he loves to have attention on him
So i would imagine as a Yandere, it would be much, MUCH worse
Wants your attention 24/7 and will not take no as an answer
As for how you got stuck with this little shit? Yeah you were hired to do all of the stuff that needs to be done during the day since your coworker, Mike, has the night shift
Funtime Foxy always enjoyed when you came by to make sure that his voice box and other mechanical parts worked fine because that meant that he got to spend time with you! Not to mention you have have all of your attention on him and him only
Hated it whenever you had to go check out the other animatronics heaven forbid Funtime Freddy
Yeah no Funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy do not get along...at all
One day at work he doesn't respond to tests for his voice box so that you think it needs replacing, and while you turn around to go grab a new one he hits you over the head and knocks you out
Alright so now you are kidnapped, congratulations! Would you like a trophy? Nevermind, i don't think I have any that say "Congrats for getting kidnapped by a lovesick animatronic fox"
Loves to perform for you! I mean, he loves to talk about being on stage and performances so why not perform for his darling?
What other choice do you have? Escaping? Oh, no you don't
If you even try escaping this mother fucker he's going to know before you can even get to the vent that leads to the elevator
He will then proceed to break both of your legs, not flinching or pausing when your cries of pain echo throughout the underground circus
Will take care of you until you feel better, by then you would have learned your lesson...
"Now now, don't give me that look...why are you crying? Didn't you even think of what was going to happen? Tsk Tsk..i suppose i will put aside my lovely performance just to take care of you..”
🐇Funtime Freddy🎤
If you thought Funtime Foxy was bad, then you clearly don't know fear until you've experienced a Yandere!Funtime Freddy
Now, Freddy by himself is already dangerous enough as it is
But because he has Bon Bon and can literally throw him at people, there is absolutely no hope for you, I’m sorry to say
As for how you got stuck with this psychotic bitch, you are given the ✨Night Shift✨ instead of Michael
And for those of you that know your stuff, Michael has to deal with Freddy and Bon Bon on night 2
So on your second night of working your Night Shift, you got stuck with this motherfucker
Will let you leave the weird back room closet thing he calls his room, but will have the others keep you away from the door
Suuuuper aggressive; if you wanted him to be nice, do everything he says, simple as that
As for entertainment, he will tell jokes and will sometimes play hide and seek with you
Nah never mind he plays hide and seek with you a lot, it gets super terrifying
I can imagine you think your hiding well and then you just hear a whisper in front or behind you saying “Found you…I win”
No hope for you escaping, it’s just you watching him recite programmed jokes over and over and over again
If you try to escape, will let you get to the vent before promptly throwing bon bon at your head, essentially giving you a concussion
He will take care of you though! No need to worry!
If you dare pull something like this again, more headaches and concussions until it gets through your thick skull (his words)
“How many times am I going to have to do this before it gets through that thick fucking skull of yours?! *sigh* It’s fine, I will just have to keep you in my room for another week, not like you can say anything against it..”
This is my first time writing yandere stuff so I hope I got this right! I didn’t go back and check to see if these had proper grammar and spelling but it’s fineee-
Hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night!
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Can I get a quick summary of your thoughts/opinions on the 4 shows and the different movies? :3
Personally I'm a big fan of 2012 and Rise, and 2003 is good too but just never landed as much with me but I think I gotta give it another shot tbh. And I respect to 80's show, but not a big fan of cartoons durring that time as a whole.
And I love the 1990 movie, and the 2007 movie has amazing parts but as a whole is just pretty decent, and I absolutely love Mutant Mayhem :3
But it's always great stumbling across another tmnt fan while just scrolling my dash
Ah! Thank you for the ask!
I'll do them in chronological order, and I'm sorry but this is going to be long!
1987 - My first intro to the Turtles, way back when the show first aired! I totally fell into the world of Ninja Turtles back then, and wanted to consume everything having to do with them. I had posters all over my walls, toys, clothing, hats... you name it, I either had it or wanted desperately to get it. I was so into them that my dad bought me the first four (colorized) graphic novels of the original comics, and I still have them to this day. And I still love the cartoon! I accept now that they are kinda silly, but that gives them a certain charm. They were a huge part of my childhood, and when they came out on DVD I introduced my kids to them, as well. Honestly, I am who I am today because I happened to come across the show on a tiny little portable black and white TV while we were camping...
1990 - The first "event movie" I ever experienced! I remember how hyped I got when the first ads came out for it, with the tag line "Hey Dudes, This Is No Cartoon"... and how I told my dad that I wanted to move back to North Carolina (we were living in Massachusetts at the time) because I heard that they were filming it there (we didn't move, of course!). I also distinctly remember how excited I was waiting in line with crowds of people at Showcase Cinemas in Springfield, MA. I saw the movie twice in theaters (the first time I ever did that), and many, many times on tape. When I had kids, we all watched it together on DVD (usually while eating pizza). I love the gritty look and story line; and it was actually interesting to see, for the first time, the "rivalry" between Raph and Leo, which would later become a huge part of the franchise as a whole. In general, the movie represents the Turtles pretty well, though Mike and Don did kind of get pushed to the side (which has also, unfortunately, become a major aspect of the franchise). All-in-all, though, it remains one of my favorite movies ever.
1991 - The second TMNT movie (The Secret Of The Ooze) wasn't bad, in my opinion, but it never had as large a part in my life or psyche as the first movie. It was a bit silly, a bit slow... but it had Ernie Reyes Jr. in it, and I had a HUGE crush on him. In general, it was good, and I liked their new lair in the subway, but it was... just okay. I did love Tokka and Rahzar, though!
1993 - It may seem strange, but even with the costume downgrade and slapstick reliance and a bit of a silly story line, I enjoyed the third movie more than the second! For one thing, Casey was back (and I loved his apparent ancestor, Whit). For another, it was nice to see the Turtles out of their element, but also being accepted by people. There were some nice heroic moments in there, too, like Mikey and Leo saving Yoshi. It also made me wonder if the Turtles would, at some point in the future, go back even further and defeat Norinaga's ancestor, leading to the painting that was shown repeatedly in the movie. Oh, and I totally headcanon Mitsu and Kenshin being Hamato Yoshi's ancestors.
2003 - My favorite of the TV shows! I love how they can be gritty and serious or silly and playful. Their lair is amazing, and they have plenty of friends, but still are separated from humanity. I like the relationships the Turtles have between each other, and also how each of their personalities are distinct and add to the group. There are plenty of standalone episodes, but they all come back around and tie into the series as a whole -- and character arcs like Leonardo's 4th season self-loathing and recovery are the kind of thing I eat right up. All things considered, the series is my gold standard for the franchise, and especially for the Turtles' and Splinter's personalities.
2007 - Visually, it was great! I loved the voice acting and the atmosphere. However, they leaned a bit too hard into the aforementioned Leo & Raph rivalry (although the rooftop fight scene was amazing). I would have liked for Don and Mike to have a larger part in the story (although Don did do his techie thing and figure out what was going on, it was sort of a non-event). I did like the eleventh-hour Karai and Foot team-up with the good guys, though! Unfortunately, I am compelled to mention that Splinter in that movie is... not my favorite.
2012 - Completely honestly, I am an outsider to this series, and all that I know of it I have absorbed through Tumblr Osmosis. That meaning, although I do know a lot about it, I have never actually watched a full episode. It is my 12-year-old daughter's favorite version, however, so on her behalf I will be giving it a thumbs-up 👍🏼
2014 / 2016 - Bundling the two Bayverse movies into one, because I will be honest and say that the line between them blurs for me sometimes (not in a bad way, just like... they flow into one another in my mind). I will admit that I put off watching them for a long time because I disagreed with some of the creative decisions (I'll just leave that there), but when I watched them they turned out to be not as bad as I feared. Their lairs were fitting, and so were their personalities (even if Leo is occasionally a bit my way or the highway). Really, though, I don't have too much to say about them, except that some of the slapstick and more cartoony action tends to draw me out of the moment. Not my favorite TMNT movies, but not horrible. There's potential there.
2018 - ROTTMNT is another series that I haven't actually watched, and which I have gathered most of my knowledge on from Tumblr. However, I did watch the movie and enjoyed it very much! Honestly, the only reason I haven't watched the series yet is because I already have enough TMNT versions bouncing around in my head and I know if I watch it I will want to write fics for it, and I already have enough on my plate for the time being (meaning I will probably get a bunch of my WIPs done, then watch the series!). That having been established, I do like the way the Turtles are different species, and the overall exuberance of the series as a whole is a delight (again, from an outside perspective, but valid regardless!). Splinter's backstory is unique and interesting, and his relationship with his sons is enjoyable!
2019 - Batman Vs. TMNT is, without a doubt, one of my favorite TMNT movies ever! I loved the style, the atmosphere, the fight choreography, the relationships... everything. I also like how it earned that PG-13 rating (violence, swearing... you know... original Mirage Turtle stuff). It was nice how each Turtle got to shine, and how they each got a member of the Batfam to cling to. And Leo's fight with Ra's al Ghul is perhaps my favorite TMNT battle ever. I know it is probably too much to hope for a sequel, but I am nothing if not a cockeyed optimist!
2023 - Mutant Mayhem was fun! It was nice seeing the Turtles portrayed as actual teenagers, complete with gratuitous pop culture references. The animation style was interesting (in a good way!) and the voice acting was spot-on. I loved the soundtrack, too, and I had "What's Going On" stuck in my head for days after I watched the movie! The fact that the Turtles got accepted by humans at the end was nice, even if my preferred version of them is as outcasts; and their relationship with Splinter was believably complicated. I am excited to see how the story continues in TOTTMNT!
Is that all of them? I think that is all of them! Sorry this was so long, but I have a lot of feelings on the subject!
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heyy i really really loved your headcanons 😭💗 but if you dont mind, can i request when the creeps realizied that they're falling in love with their s/o? or reader?
When Eyeless Jack, Masky, and Tim Realize They're Falling in Love with Their S/O
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Jack loves to take walks in the forest. But what he likes more than that is doing it with you. It's became a routine that every morning, you would join him. You two came to a small clearing where there's flowers and a small stream. He had taken you there on purpose. It's where he goes to get away from stressors in his life and he wanted...to share it with you for some reason.
A/N: I'm happy to hear you enjoyed them! I can certainly do that my dear, I hope you don't mind I chose some of my own since specifics weren't mentioned- But here you go! 🍵💕
Eyeless Jack
He observed how your eyes lit up when spotting the beautiful scenery, how your already beautiful features morphed into excitement, making you seem even more gorgeous. It was in that moment when you eagerly looked up at him and pointed at all the pretty plants that Jack noticed he's completely mesmerized.
He had to shake himself out of his trance because he knew he was staring. When you guys sat over the rocky ledge of the stream, you picked a single flower from the grass patches nearby and told him to lean his head down. He was confused, but complied in silence.
You scooched closer to him, the outer part of your thigh pressed against his. Jack noticed his own heart rate is increasing from the lack of space. Your face was so close to his that the nose of his mask was inches from your own. He could smell you clearly, the addicting scent you naturally had. You placed the flower in his hair and adjusted it. As you did so, Jack couldn't keep his "eyes" off of your lips the entire time. And when you pulled back and clasped your hands together while cooing at how he looked handsome with the new accessory, Jack instantly knew he had developed feelings.
Tim Wright
He had a stressful day. Tim had just arrived home from "work" and he was drained. He didn't even have enough energy to make dinner. So when there was a knock on his door only ten minutes later, he cursed and stood up off the couch he'd collapsed on top of prior. Tim was about to tell whoever was there to fuck off, but in the doorway was you, his neighbor, holding something that smells amazing in a pan with a foil cover over it.
You had a small crush on Tim for a while now, and you decided to bring over a dish you'd made too much of. Tim adored you already. You were always sweet to him, no matter how grumpy he was torwards you. It was a fresh breath of air to have someone who delt with his attitude with grace. Your company always made him feel better. So he invited you in for dinner. You could already see how tired he was from the bags under his eyes, so you volunteered to set everything up and make a few sides to go with the main course in his kitchen.
He watched you move around, preparing for the meal. Tim felt relaxed and...warm? It was nice to not be alone for once. He already started to wish you could stay over more and cook for him often. It's domestic and Tim often craved this kind of lifestyle, to have someone to come home to.
It's really when you two sat down and started eating and talking that he notices how his stomach flutters whenever you giggle at his stupid dad jokes, how you listen to his every word carefully, and how you don't seem to mind his exhaustion at all. He realized he was falling when he had imagined what it would be like to live with you, to hug you, and to kiss you.
A mission gone wrong had left him with a few rough wounds over his body. Masky would usually go to Jack, but the asshole was also gone on some sort of assignment so you were the next option. Masky didn't mind at all. He enjoyed getting on your nerves and the little banter you guys always had when put in the same room.
This time was different. When you saw how severe is injuries were, instead of your usual playfulness, you'd gone into full blown concern. Masky was shocked because, well, nobody had ever acted this worried for his wellbeing before. He was stunned into silence when you forced him to sit on your couch and rest as you grabbed the first aid bag you kept around.
There was a particular slash across his lower abdomen that required him to take off his shirt and slightly tug down the waist band of his jeans to treat. It shows off a fair amount of his V-line. Masky smirked at how flustered you got trying to clean the cut. He grimaced every now and then because it did hurt like a bitch, but seeing how cute you are just from a bit of exposed skin makes him feel better.
As you continued to treat him, Masky saw how gentle you were. With each stitch and bandage, you're careful not to hurt him. He noted the little things about you. Like the adorable way you bite your lip while you focus. His eyes were glued to your every movement. When you felt him staring, he looked away quickly, his heart pounds in his chest and his skin flares with warmth. Thankfully you ignored it, but he's startled by his own thoughts and reactions. Masky figured it out pretty quickly that he's beginning to gain more then a crush on you.
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hargrove · 6 months
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「 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I resurrected this blog at the end of 2023, but in these few months, this dash has given me more happiness than I could have imagined. honestly, I came back as a means of escape when I had a major loss in my family and just didn't want to deal with irl. and y'all have been so welcoming and so amazing, that I want to take this moment to hurl my love right in your faces!
@havvkinsqueen ➠ Victoria!!! I was so excited to learn that you were still bombing around on the dash since I last left. your heather was always a treat, but your Chrissy is such a delight and I'm so stoked to have her in Billy's life. you are an absolute gem, a POWERHOUSE of kindness and positivity. you exemplify everything the rp community should be. I type this wearing the bracelet you made for me, it gives me so much good vibes. I really am serious about running around in cosplay at a con with you this coming year. it'll be rad as hell! here's to a whole new year of crazy rp and irl shenanigans!
@zoomingupthathill ➠ I cannot describe the sheer joy I feel every time you're on my dash, Bee. from waaaaay back when I was writing Klaus and you were Katherine, to now in the ST fandom, you always leave me in awe. the love you have for your own muses is infectious and in turn, makes me love them and want the best for them. you know I don't really do exclusives, but I always considered your Max and my Billy a packaged deal. whatever your Max is going through, she can always count on my Billy to have her back. likewise, I am always there for you. you're an amazing talent and an even better friend. I look forward to a whole new year of sibling craziness, as well as other muse stuff. and good lord, CAN WE GET THIS GIRL A LUCAS??? (I'm trying my best to work on it, I am lol).
@thebabysittertm ➠ dude. friendo. bruh. stark. I don't even know where to begin. my favorite kind of rp is the slow burn stuff filled with lots of character development and headcanons and background stuff, etc. it's basically the hardest thing to find but somehow from the moment we started talking, it all just clicked. the details and thought you put into all of your muses is astounding. I adore the thought process you have in your muses' reasoning behind things. and your writing is out of this world! I feel so lucky that I get to bounce hc's and au's off you all day. all of our ideas and stuff makes me so excited and has fueled me to jump back into this hobby only 10 times harder. all your talent aside, you also an incredible friend who I'm so stoked to talk to every day. here's to a 2024 filled with our two idiots!
@malka-lisitsa ➠ how do I even begin to compliment the sheer amount of talent that exudes from you, November?? from muse development, to writing, to graphics, to server maintaining, to... I don't even know what else! seems like you can do it all! I can't lie, when I initially came back to the dash, I was shying away from any and all cross overs because I have so much anxiety in this community and wanted to keep my corner of the world super small. but your Katherine broke through and I'm so glad she did. I love how you took a character that so many people (even the freaking writers of the show!) wrote off as 2 dimensional and you give her life! layers! meaning! she never feels like a self insert style oc, but she feels so much more well rounded than any version we saw on the show. it's honestly admirable the amount of work you've put in. I'm so lucky to count myself as one of your rp partners and I can't wait to see where Billy and Kat will take us in 2024.
I unfortunately don't have the time to write a seperate message to all of the people on my dash, but I still want to tag people that bring me joy every time I see your urls. all of the following has made the past few months (that should have been dark and awful) feel bright and full of hope. I appreciate every single one of you. ➠
@pierprincess / @nancewheelr
and of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't list my ride or die. the people who make tumblr rp the amazing place that it is, and people that I will cherish always, whether we're writing together or not. y'all are stuck with me! ➠ @seesgood @breakthings @mysharxna 」
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wwenhlimagines · 1 year
Idk if you're requests are open or if u take them, but if you do could you please do a headcanon for hook where he's dating an actress? 🙏
Red Carpet Romance - Hook
To celebrate Pride Month, all of my headcanons will be gender neutral. (Or at least as close as I can get)
Happy Pride Besties! 🌈
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As a fan of wrestling from an early age, you loved to keep up with the newest stars and some of your older favorites.
When AEW debuted, you were so excited to see a new company as WWE had become a bit stale in your opinion, just like your career.
You play characters on sitcoms here and there, but most of them are only one episode jobs.
Without a consistent spot on television, you didn't have a huge following, but you liked it that way.
That was until you found out about a show about wrestling that was hiring. (Like GLOW)
They were looking for people who had a basic understanding of wrestling and were willing to train.
Luckily, you were a perfect fit, and you were soon on your way to train with AEW wrestlers.
It was still early on in AEW's run, so it wasn't easy to find them at their base in Jacksonville.
You started training with the younger wrestlers who hadn't been on TV yet, and that is where you met HOOK.
He helped train you for some basic bumps and tricks, and the two of you grew close quickly.
As you started shooting the show, Hook made sure to be on set as much as he could to keep an eye on you and hype you up when needed.
You weren't expecting to find love at work, but you couldn't stop the butterflies in your stomach when Hook hugged and complimented you after a long day of shooting.
Once word got out about the show, people started to recognize you on the street. You were excited at first, but it quickly became overwhelming.
You told Hook about this, and he told you his tricks of how to not get recognized.
The two of you bonded over your love-hate relationship with fame, and you would help each other around.
Soon enough, you were going out on dates in ridiculous disguises and having the time of your life hanging out with your best friend.
When the premiere for your show came up, you asked Hook to be your date, and he hesitated at first.
However, once he saw what you were going to wear, he knew he had to be right by your side.
As you were getting ready, you heard Hook ruffling around in the kitchen of your apartment.
When you walked out, he stood there in awe as you struck a pose. He complimented you and then led you to the dining room table where he set up some flowers, your favorite snacks, and a card.
"What is this for?"
"You thought I was going to just act like this is a regular day? This is your red carpet debut, I had to make it special. Now open the card."
You opened the card and gasped as you saw the words, "Will you be mine?"
You nodded and hugged him before pulling back a bit and leaning in to kiss him, hoping you didn't mess up your makeup.
The two of you go to the premiere and he lets you get plenty of individual shots, but you insisted on having him by your side for the majority of the red carpet.
Once you got inside, you held hands and made your way to your seats, where Hook made sure to tell you how amazing your technique was in the ring.
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Tags: @hooks-martin @thesupreme316 @plentyoffandoms @gethooked @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hookswifeeyy @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
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crazycookiecrumbles · 2 years
Because I have ST hangover, here’s a cute idea: Eddie takes reader to her first metal concert 🥲 Imagine how pure and sweet it’ll be because he’ll make sure that she’s having fun, but also that she’s safe from mosh pit or drunken people. I’m going to lie down now 🥺😭
Baby's First Concert
A/N:  reblogs and comments appreciated. especially comments, like, i need feedback to live and to motivate lmao
Pairings/Characters:  Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: crack, fluff
Summary: Eddie Munson taking you to your first ever metal concert headcanons?
Under the cut, babes!
Eddie was delighted to be taking you to your first metal concert. It was his baby's first concert, how could he not be excited?
First, you needed the proper attire.
Eddie would swing open his closet door and let you take your pick of his shirts so you could fit in. Plus, he had the added bonus of seeing you in his clothes, it drove him wild.
Next, he had to teach you how to headbang properly.
He appreciated your enthusiasm, even though you took a step forward and almost put your head through his bedroom mirror.
It was adorable to him.
At the time of the concert, Eddie is prepped for the best experience.
You two got ready together, ate a snack, then went to the concert.
Eddie very seriously considered clipping you to his belt so you wouldn't get lost in the sea of people.
However, when you and Eddie did get separated, he always found you.
For example, you were being squished in the crowd and finding it hard to break free of all the bodies pressing together. Finding an exit was difficult.
Ever the hero, Eddie's hand went through the group, grabbed yours, and pulled you free.
You had your own little corner at one point in the back just to grab some air and headbang freely.
When you guys squished your way to the front, he grabbed you by the shoulder to shake you and scream how amazing this was over your laughter.
When the mosh pits came, Eddie saw it coming before you did.
He scooped you up with both arms around your waist and ran away from the pit.
He claimed that, as it was your first concert, you were not ready for the pits just yet.
Eddie accompanied you to the restroom and waited in the hall for you. Before you two went back inside, he asked if you were having fun and wanted to stay.
As a matter of fact, he had a hard time dragging you out when it was done.
"That was fucking wicked!" You screamed when you guys finally reached the parking lot. "Oh my god, we have to go again!"
"Yes! We'll make a metal convert out of you yet, baby," Eddie slung his arm around your shoulders and pulled you in for a sloppy, passionate kiss.
You two went and got late-night burgers since all the screaming, dancing, and headbanging left you starving.
Afterward, you and Eddie passed out in the trailer on top of each other in bed, but not before doing some banging of your own.
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
Hii saw ur request were open!! This has been on my mind for a while and I need to spit it out somewhere 💀
Ellie x Fem!Rockstar Reader headcanons? SFW & NSFW!! Reader has a very confident and tempting personality, style and a voice like Taylor Momsen from The Pretty Reckless and is also the face of the band. Maybe Ellie could be a groupie and get lucky enough to be noticed by reader?They start hanging out for a while which turns into them dating and Ellie is all cute and is basically their #1 fan trying to go to any available concert and gives reader song ideas and helps them relax after a set doesn’t go to well, Maybe angst too like reader is always busy that they don’t get to spend enough time with ellie? just ideas!!
I hope u have a good week <3
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Ellie Williams x Fem!Rockstar!Reader 
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, smut under the cut, angsty, TONS OF FLUFF, mentions of a bar
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - HEHEHEH this was really cute and the spicy nsfw section had be screaming the whole time, you're amazing thank you!!!
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You always loved music and loved making it even more
It's what got you where you were, your love for all things having to do with music
You're relatively settled into your new found stardom when you end up at a bar with your band, talking to some random groupies who loved your music
That's when you met a certain girl named Dina who you thought was pretty cool, and ended up hooking up with one of your friends
And then through them you met Ellie, the green eyed girl having caught your eye
She was unironically wearing a band t-shirt of yours and you teased her about it
Totally lost her mind by the way she just didn't show it
Like literally probably screamed into her pillow and Dina couldn't stop laughing
Dina teased Ellie about it the entire night after you'd given her a private social media account to message you on so that you didn't miss her message
And you did, like all the time, you were traveling a lot at the time so messaging her was about all you could really do
You two went from sending cute little texts to full out conversations and hours of late night chat sessions
You'd tell her things you'd never told anyone before
And slowly you began to gain her trust and learn more about her personal life
Ellie really felt something with you, but it was hard because sometimes you'd have trouble responding due to getting busy
It made her question if that's what she wanted in life and a partner
It was your guys first rough moment, but you both came out of it knowing that you wanted each other after a long talk
It was very emotional and you both teared up at least once
Then you became official, and you both couldn't get enough
Back onto more happier stuff for now
She def sends good morning and goodnight texts, mostly when she wakes up, but depending on your timezone she'll get it to you before you're awake
Ellie's a night owl, so if you're elsewhere, and morning hits for you and she's awake, expect a message
Ellie loves when you call her after shows or right before, you're excitement kills her, she finds you so adorable
You'll get all giddy and show her around on the call, she's really just paying attention to you and your voice
Saves every picture you send her, and vice versa
You love it when Ellie sends you things, mostly because she isn't really the type
You'll mail her packages of things that you've found that remind you of her just to surprise her
On a few occasions she's showed up to your band performances just to surprise you
Felt bad when you cried tears of happiness and wouldn't let go after you hugged her
She started traveling with you when she could, especially with the career she chose
So sometimes you guys would see knew places
But thing is, Ellie is a very private person and she doesn't like being the center of attention
So when your relationship is outed and starts to go public you're both pretty nervous and you're always making sure she's okay with everything
It's very new for her, and you're scared she'll leave, which you wouldn't blame her for
But it wasn't easy at first, again you had a rough patch but it was resolved after you both talked about it
You did of course do everything to keep her from the public eye if she didn't want to be seen
You guys mostly hang out wherever you're staying or when you have the time, you stay with her
Speaking of which, Ellie LOVES when you stay with her, whether it be a few days or a few weeks depending on your schedule
She swears you make her life so much better, but of course if you need your time she's not gonna lock you up
Unless you ask
But seriously, she loves it, cherishes every second
Has tons of pictures of you saved and you have no idea
Until one day you're trying to find a picture on her phone and there's an entire fucking folder dedicated to candid pics of you
Probably cried when you found out
She keeps them to remember you when you're gone, she gets lonely
Loves when you ask her to play for you, it makes her feel special
Cause you can play so well, and sing yet you much prefer when she does it
Ellie's like your personal little lullaby machine, and you eat it up every time
You make her feel so loved without even realizing it
And same goes for you, girlie here is your number one always
Every performance she watches it somewhere whether it be online or in person just to text you about it or give you a kiss after
Will NOT miss one, even if she gotta pay for it to be livestreamed and choppy asf she'll figure it out
And if it all goes wrong she'll listen to you rant until your voice stops and you either fall asleep or your throat hurts too much to continue
You've probably ugly cried to her on facetime, and you know what, it was a bonding experience
Really made you both closer
But you have your arguments, nothing ever overly big and bad but you get into a bickerment once in a while
Especially over your time
Ellie hates it when you can't text or don't respond
But she understands that it's not your fault but when she gets upset everything she feels and thinks comes out
It causes turmoil and arguments and you'll ignore her for some time until she either gets over whatever tiff she was in or you'll force her to talk it out
Because apparently she was never taught to process emotions
she worries but it's because she loves you
She tells you that in person though
On a date at your apartment that you keep just for when you're done with traveling and hotels for a few weeks
You guys love each other so fucking much, but you have your bumps and communication is key
But you know where communication is also key
She's so fucking AJFKDJAF;DS
Phone sex, cyber sex, discord sex, all of it babes
She has a locked folder full of yours, and she laughs because you're all hers and fucking look at you
But because of the distance it's the only way you both can be intimate over the long periods of time you're away
Not that you mind her voice is so fucking hot
Imagine her talking all low in a groggy voice telling you to do things to yourself...
Or when she sends you little text messages of what she wants to do to you right before you go out on stage
Sometimes you'll send her little pictures throughout the day just to make her antsy while she words and you sit alone in a hotel room
FUCK, she fucking wants you so bad and it kills her having to do it all where she can't touch, she can only watch
Not that she doesn't like, look at yourself
And knowing that it's all hers REALLY gets her riled up
She can't keep herself off of you
And the sex is better than you're probably imagining, I promise
You can't walk the next day and you're covered head to toe in a reminder of her
She wants to make sure you remember who loves you most and who you belong too if you have to leave a few days after
You'll have a faint memory of your girlfriend everywhere you go, it's her love language <3
Nah I'm kidding, somewhat
But she LOVES to love you when you get back
Fuck, make love, quickies
Anything to make sure she's as close to you and pleasuring you as much as possible
Ellie loves when you're happy, and you're happy when she makes you feel good
And she'd only let you come once you finished her favorite verse
Totally fingers you while asking if you missed her and all that comes out of your mouth are noises or babbles about how amazing she feels
Takes videos of her fucking you to remember the moment
Totally sends them to you at night when you text her about wanting her, just to tease you
Totally sends dirty selfies too
And the angle where it's her neck down from above herself
The amount of pictures you have...
She loves it, don't let her fool you
Tumblr media
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