#Yamamoto Shogo
thistaleisabloodyone · 2 months
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THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE in CyberHelix - Black Outfits
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bloomingnewwrld · 2 months
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dungbeatposse · 6 months
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yamasho holding soft things ❤️
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yemme · 5 months
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The Rampage ~ Starry Love
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akq96618 · 8 months
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rainisawriter · 8 months
You’ve A Lot of Explaining to Do – Yamasho (PSF #13)
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PSF Ficography | H&F Flash Ficography
Genre: Fluff, supernatural
Prompt: Wrong […] [Number] (@flufftober) / Macabre Monsters: Hell Hound (Halloween Flash @slumberpartybingo)
Word Count: 3,376
Pairing: Reader x Yamasho
World: The Rampage
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You fell onto the couch with a sigh, leaning your head back and closing your eyes. You were exhausted but you still had another few hours to go before you were able to get some rest. Normally, you didn’t work double shifts but your co-worker called out sick at the last minute.
You were the only one available so the manager practically begged you to stay on. How could you say no? If you left, the boys would be down one bodyguard which would put them at risk.
A cold drink was pressed against your cheek and you opened your eyes to see Yamasho’s concerned face as he stood over you. “Are you okay?”
Rather than complain to him about being tired, you offered him a smile, sitting up and taking the drink. “I’m fine.” You knew that, despite working a double shift, he would be working ten times harder. “What about you?”
“Tired,” he hummed, settling himself sideways on your lap, his arm around your neck.
“I’m sorry,” you rubbed his back soothingly. “Just a few more hours and we can all go home to get some rest.”
He nodded, playing with the chain around your neck. It held one of his rings that he had given you when you started dating. You didn’t want to wear it on your hand because you were worried about it getting messed up, so you chose to wear it around your neck instead.
You knew him well so you knew that something was always on his mind when he messed with the ring. “What is it?”
“Well, I heard a rumor…”
You quirked a brow, taking a sip of the soda. The caffeine was beginning to course through your veins, giving you a bit more energy. “Oh? And what would that be?”
“Nakamoto-san’s dog just gave birth to ten puppies and she’s looking for people to adopt them,” he smiled, eyes shimmering under the low light of the room.
You held back a frown, knowing what he wanted. “So I’ve heard.”
“You’re friends with her, right?”
“I wouldn’t go that far, but we are acquaintances, yes.”
“Baby,” he called out, resting his hand against your cheek. “Can you ask her if I can adopt one?”
“I… can ask,” you replied slowly. Truth be told, you didn’t want to simply because you didn’t like dogs at all. Unfortunately for you, Yamasho adored them and he’s been talking about adopting one for a while. Since he often stayed at your place, you knew the animal would be at your home more often than not.
Perhaps you should have told him this information, but you hated seeing him upset. All you wanted in this world was to make him happy and ensure his safety, even if that meant putting yourself out to do it.
A smile lit up his face. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” You pressed a soft kiss to his lips before patting his thigh. “We should both get back to work.”
He stood up reluctantly, pressing a kiss to your cheek before the two of you stepped out of the room and parted ways.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You were honestly tempted to pretend as if you had forgotten about Yamasho’s request, but you knew you couldn’t do that. You were already keeping one secret from him and you were filled with guilt and stress at maintaining the lie. Granted, it was a lot bigger than simply lying about forgetting something.
“Yo, Nakamoto. Got a minute?” You knocked on the dressing room door despite it being open already.
She paused what she was doing, glancing up from the makeup table with a smile. “Hey! Long time no see.”
You nodded, stepping farther into the room. “Do you still have puppies up for adoption?”
“There’s three left,” she nodded. “Are you interested? I can show you pictures -“
You held up your hand to stop her. “Not me, my boyfriend. I’ll have him call you tonight and you can discuss the details.”
She wasn’t surprised by your less-than-friendly attitude. “Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll wait for his call, then.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course!”
You bowed to her before turning and leaving the room, a sigh escaping your lips. You had really been hoping that all of them had been adopted out already. You had even waited longer than you needed to in order to improve those odds, yet you were never a lucky person.
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“I’ll kill you, half-breed!” growled an old man, unable to stand straight because of the alcohol in his system.
You heaved a sigh from your position at the bar, nursing a glass of rum on the rocks. This wasn’t a new occurrence by any means, but that didn’t make it any less annoying to deal with. You’re not even sure how he came to know your secret. Or perhaps he doesn’t know for certain and just has an inkling about it.
Either way, he never failed to call you out whenever he got the chance. Granted, he needed five glasses of whiskey to get up the nerve to approach you and, by that point, no one took him seriously. It was just the ramblings of a drunk old man, after all.
It still worried you, though. Even if no one believed him, his accusations risked planting a seed within the mind of the other patrons, a seed that could easily begin to sprout if they started to investigate you. It had yet to happen in the five years you’ve been living there, but the worry still lingered.
The bartender sighed, giving the man an exasperated look. “You’ve had enough, Tom. Go home.”
Tom shook his head, the action causing him to stumble. He lifted a shaking hand toward you, index finger extended. “There’s a demon in our -” hic “- midst. The apocalypse is -” hic “- is coming!”
“While I am impressed that you were able to pull out the word ‘midst’ in your drunken state, you’ve had enough. Time to go.” He stepped around the bar, beginning to guide the man toward the exit despite his protests.
“Just wait! You’ll -” hic “- you’ll see I’m r-right!”
You frowned, quickly downing the rest of your drink before hanging your head with a sigh. He was a pain in your ass and you were tempted to meet him in a dark alley somewhere with threats to mind his own business. This could easily backfire, however, and only make him more insistent rather than scare him off. It wasn’t worth the risk, no matter how much he annoyed you.
The bartender offered you an apologetic smile. “Sorry about him. Do you want another drink?”
“No, thank you.” You handed him some cash before standing up and leaving the bar. The cold autumn air hit you in the face and you took in a deep breath, enjoying the way it felt against your skin.
You only made it halfway down the block when you sensed a dark aura a few blocks away. Your eyes narrowed in that direction as you considered the options before you.
Technically speaking, it was your job to patrol the area and ensure its safety from non-human threats. Doing so was a risk, though. Every job you took increased the chance of your secret being revealed and the thought of Yamasho discovering the truth terrified you.
The thought of him being killed because you didn’t do your job, though… the mere thought made you feel sick to your stomach.
“Damn it,” you cursed, heading toward it. Your phone started to ring in your pocket and you quickly checked the caller ID, cursing again.
It was your boyfriend.
You glanced between the phone and the direction of the creature before quickly answering the phone, trying not to sound worried. “Hello?”
“Where are you, baby?” wondered Yamasho.
You could practically hear his pout and it brought a smile to your face. “I’m sorry, I got a bit… caught up with work. I’ll be home soon.”
“Good. Dinner will be ready soon so hurry up!“
You shifted your weight, eyes narrowed as the creature’s aura slowly moved closer. “I will. I’ll see you soon.”
“Wait, before you go. Did you get a chance to ask Nakamoto-san about the puppies?” He sounded so hopeful.
“Yes,” you replied reluctantly. The creature was nearly upon you now. “Babe, I’m sorry, but I’m really busy right now. Give her a call and let her know you’re my boyfriend.” You quickly recited the number, heart picking up speed as the creature rounded the corner.
It was like a mass of black ooze slowly sliding toward you, towering about eight feet tall. Its face was made of a skull, bones sticking out of the ooze at odd angles as if they had randomly been stuck there.
“Thank you!“
“You’re welcome. I love you, Shogo,” you told him quickly before hanging up the phone and addressing the creature. “You’re an ugly one, aren’t you?”
Its jaw opened, an ear-piercing scream filling the night. Black tendrils shot from its body, shooting toward you at an incredible speed. You grunted, dodging them with ease as you rushed forward, hand held outward. A ball of fire swirled against your palm, growing in size before launching itself at the creature.
It hit it square in the chest, ripping a pained cry from its lungs. While it recovered, you pulled a knife from your hip, the blade turning red as it heated up. 
“Redi ad infernum, unde venisti, creatura tenebrarum,” you hissed in Latin, eyes flickering crimson for a moment. The blade was thrust into the creature’s chest, a howl of pain splitting through the night as its body erupted into flame, burning wildly until there was nothing left.
You huffed tiredly, slipping the knife back against your belt. Using your abilities always took a toll on the human half of your body, sapping your energy and leaving you feeling sore. You rubbed your aching shoulder as you turned to head home only to stop dead.
Standing at the end of the street was the old man from the bar, his eyes wide and mouth hanging open. As soon as your eyes met, he turned on his heel and took off. You cursed in frustration, gathering up your remaining strength to give chase. 
“Jesus Christ, Buddha, Odin, Zeus, Osiris, Raijin-sama, Kynareth, please save me!” He cried, stumbling over his feet as he ran.
You scoffed under your breath. “That last one isn’t even a real god, you idiot.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You stepped off the elevator of Yamasho’s apartment building, heading down the hall toward his apartment. For some reason, you had this sense of dread settled in your gut and it was driving you nuts. Perhaps it was because of your blood, but your instincts were rarely wrong. Too bad they can’t pinpoint the problem, though.
Your knuckles rapped against the wood. There was shuffling on the other side of the door before it was pulled open, revealing Yamasho’s smiling face. Without a word, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Welcome home, baby.”
“Sorry I’m late,” you mumbled, stepping past him into the apartment. Your brow furrowed as the feeling of dread increased. It was very faint, but there was a strange scent lingering in the air. 
“You’re fine. Dinner’s almost ready. And~ I have a surprise.”
You watched him disappear down the hall, a frown tugging at your lips. You closed your eyes, lifting your head up as you inhaled deeply. Realization hit you like a freight train, your body tensing and eyes widening. ‘Sulfur? Why the hell does his apartment smell of sulfur?’
Your heart raced within your chest as panic started to set in. Had someone found out about your connection to Yamasho? 
‘Calm down!’ you scolded yourself, taking a few deep breaths. ‘The smell is very faint. It probably just clung to his clothes when he passed a demon in public. Or perhaps one resides in the building and the smell rose to his apartment.’
“Ta-dah!” Yamasho appeared with a grin, holding up a puppy, its fur as black as night. Only, this thing was pretty damn big to be a newborn puppy. “Meet Lucky!”
Its golden eyes met yours and a wave of dread overcame you. “Fuck me.”
“What, you don’t like him?” pouted Yamasho, readjusting his grip so the animal was being held against his chest.
“He’s… very big,” you replied, brow furrowed as you tried to calm yourself. You had no actual proof that this creature was, in fact, a hellhound. You knew you had to find out, but how in the hell were you supposed to do that without alerting Yamasho?
“He said this little guy was the biggest of the litter.” He ruffled the dog’s head affectionately.
“He?” you questioned in surprise. “Nakamoto is a girl.”
He shrugged, setting the dog down on the floor. “I assumed it was her boyfriend. I’m going to check on dinner.”
You watched him disappear into the kitchen before your eyes narrowed at the dog. He was sitting where his master left him, head tilted to the side and golden eyes looking up at you curiously. “Hey, babe… where’s your phone?”
“Coffee table!”
You turned around and grabbed it, unlocking it with his passcode before checking his recent messages. Most of them were from the other members, his family, and the managers. There was one, though, that was simply a number and not a contact in his phone.
Your heart sank into your chest when you recognized it and realized what had happened. You had given him the wrong number. He hadn’t, in fact, contacted Nakamoto at all. Rather… he had contacted a well-known information broker that just so happened to be a demon. He specialized in selling rare goods from the underworld, hellhounds included.
“Fuck me,” you muttered again, covering your face with your hand. 
The dog whined, tapping the wooden floor with his paw.
You narrowed your eyes at him. He certainly didn’t look like a hellhound, but you had never seen the creatures as puppies before. You had always just assumed that they looked the same as puppies, just smaller. Were you wrong? Maybe he really was just a regular old dog.
You sniffed the air again. Though the smell was mostly overshadowed by the food Yamasho was making, you could still smell the sulfur lingering in the air. In fact, it had gotten a bit stronger since the dog made its appearance. What were you going to do? You had no idea, but you were not leaving your boyfriend alone with this thing.
You reached your hand out to him. “Come here.”
He stood up, cautiously approaching your hand. His nose was wet and warm as it sniffed your fingers, breath hot against your skin. 
“Are you a hellhound?” you asked softly, not wanting Yamasho to overhear you. The dog tilted its head to the side and you scoffed. “As if you’d answer me even if you could.”
Lucky moved closer, rubbing his head against your hand. As soon as your fingers touched his head, flames erupted from his paws, the bottom half of his legs shifting to resemble molten rock. Flames appeared at the tip of his tale and his golden eyes turned red, flames coming from them, as well.
Now that… that was most definitely a hellhound. You felt your body tense up as you shot backward, feeling painful memories resurface. You tried to force them down because you knew you had to focus on the problem at hand. You had to get this thing out of the apartment before –
“Dinner’s ready, baby.” Yamasho appeared in the doorway, drying his hands on a dish towel. When he lifted his head, his eyes snapped to the flaming pooch standing before you and the towel dropped from his hands.
Lucky, excited to see his owner, started to rush toward him with his tail wagging. The wood sizzled beneath his paws, jarring you from your stupor. You rushed forward as the dog leaped through the air toward Yamasho and you managed to grab him by the scruff of his neck before he landed.
He whined pitifully, tilting his head to look at you as if wondering what he had done wrong.
“Baby,” you breathed out, hating how your voice shook. “Don’t freak out.”
“My new puppy is on fire. I believe this is an occasion that calls for freaking out,” he replied, shifting nervously. His eyes stayed trained on the creature, unable to look away. “Is he… does it hurt?”
“The fire? No, it’s part of him.”
“Eh?” His wide eyes snapped to you, confusion written across his face. “What’s going on?”
“It’s… not easy to explain,” you muttered, turning your attention to the dog. You shook him gently, scowling. “Oi, go back to normal.”
He just yippee, tail wagging back and forth wildly.
“Right, you probably don’t know how,” you muttered, readjusting your grip so your palms were against his sides. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes and focusing. It was your power that had activated his, so perhaps you could deactivate it, as well.
Lucky whimpered, squirming in your grip as the fire slowly started to fade until it disappeared altogether, leaving a normal black dog behind. You set the dog on the floor, wincing in pain when you straightened up.
Yamasho grabbed your arm to steady you, looking at you with concern. “Are you okay, baby?”
“Yeah,” you breathed out. “Just a bit dizzy.”
He led you over to the couch, settling down beside you with a frown. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”
“I know,” you groaned, throwing your head back. “Just… give me a few minutes to collect my thoughts.”
“Take your time.” He snuggled closer to you, hand resting over your heart and head resting against your shoulder. “Do I have to get rid of Lucky?”
You put your arm around him, fingers raking through his pink hair. “I’m guessing you don’t want to?”
“I love him,” he sent you a sad look before turning his attention to the canine. “Is he dangerous?”
“He’s a hellhound,” you snorted. “Of course, he’s dangerous… but…” You paused, meeting the dog’s golden eyes.
“But?” Yamasho looked up at you hopefully and you bit your lip, hoping you wouldn’t come to regret this.
“Perhaps… he can be trained.”
“Really? I can keep him, then?”
“There’s no way in hell I’m leaving you alone with him,” you scowled, sending him a stern look. “He’ll stay with me until we figure this out.”
Rather than being upset, a sly smile slid onto his lips, hand sliding up to rest against the side of your neck. “So what you’re saying is… I need to move in with you so I can be close to Lucky.”
“That’s not what I said at all.”
“What, you don’t want me living with you?”
“You know I do, it’s just…” you exhaled, leaning your forehead against his. “I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you, Shogo.”
He hummed, lips brushing against yours. “I guess you’ll just have to protect me, then. All the more reason to keep me close, hm?”
You couldn’t argue with the truth of that. Until now, you had tried to keep him at arm’s length, believing he would be safer if he wasn’t within your circle. Perhaps you had been wrong this whole time, though. If something were to happen, surely it would be better if you were close by to help rather than far away.
He knew he had caught you, hook line, and sinker. “I’ll get to packing.”
“Don’t you think we should eat first? It’s gonna get cold.”
“That’s what the microwave is for,” he grinned before disappearing down the hall.
You shook your head, a smile coming to your lips. Lucky yipped at you, tail wagging and tongue lolling from the side of his mouth. 
Never in your life had you ever even considered getting a regular dog, much less a hound from hell. And yet here you were. 
After all, you would do anything to make Yamasho happy.
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-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
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kaoriartss-blog · 9 months
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Dia 3 dibujando a los miembros de The Rampage, hoy le toca a Yamasho.
Day 3 drawing the members of The Rampage, today it's Yamasho's turn.
Sinceramente mi idea era hacer a Kazuma, pero he tenido varios problemas con él asi que decidi dejarlo para mas adelante.
Honestly, my idea was to make Kazuma, but I've had several problems with him so I decided to leave it for later.
Pero bueno, igualmente Yamasho venia despues asi que no batalle nada con él. ¿Les gusta? Yamasho merece mas amor ❤️🩷
But anyway, Yamasho came later so I didn't fight anything with him. They like? Yamasho deserves more love ❤️🩷
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blackpinklover101 · 11 months
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THE RAMPAGE 『𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐢𝐨𝐭 / 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭』 20th Single 1 & 2 Concept Teaser [*][Yamasho]
Solo Artist Photo 📸
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[Food Preparation] Yamamoto Shogo
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glunavip · 1 year
山本彰吾(THE RAMPAGE) / 16BOOSTERZ メイキング
Yamasho!! 😍😍
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thistaleisabloodyone · 3 months
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THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE in My Prayer + 16 Prayers
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kanasmusings · 6 months
[Eng Subs DL] Musical Yuukoku no Moriarty (Moriarty the Patriot) Op. 4 - "The Two Criminals"
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Hello, and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate~! Otherwise, Happy Holidays! I am here to share the English subtitles for more MoriMyu~!
Oh gosh, I apologize for such a long wait...! Life just punched me around a bit with studying for board exams (which I passed, thankfully!), a bit of technical problems with the BD version, and a lot of real life things I needed to take care of before the year ends ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
Op. 4 covers chapters 33-47 of the original comic, with a few scenes/moments omitted. It is essentially the build-up to the climax of the story that was covered in Op. 5! We were also blessed with the addition of Miss Mary Morstan and Adam Whiteley for this musical, and I hope everyone falls in love with them, too~!
Anyway, here are the subs~! A huge, huge thank you to @mouldering for helping me with proof-reading and quality checking! I wouldn't have been able to finish this before Christmas without your help~! ♡ ~('▽^人) I will be updating the folders with the bonus content subtitles when I am able to as well, but for now, please enjoy the main show's subs~!
Links, notes, and disclaimers under the cut, enjoy~!
BD PURCHASE LINK (International cards and shipping accepted!): CDJapan - BD ver. | DVD ver. Official Sites: Twitter | Website (MoriMyu General) | Website (Op. 4) MoriMyu Op. 1 Subtitles | MoriMyu Op. 2 Subtitles | MoriMyu Op. 3 Subtitles
※ THE FILE IS SUBTITLES ONLY, VIDEO IS NOT INCLUDED! ※ The folder contains subs for a DVD version as well as a Blu-ray version! (I tested the DVD version on the BD a lot of times, and there was always a slight delay with the syncing, so I re-timed and re-styled it for the BD. You could technically load the DVD subs onto the BD, but you'd have to manually adjust the timing on your media player.)
All songs and lyrics were translated by me. A bit of creative liberty was exercised to fit context and some cultural references. As usual, the lyrics actually help move the plot, so I didn’t include the romaji for any of them. But, if you’d like to have the complete lyrics, I do have them saved up in PDF form, so feel free to DM me for them if you want ^^
Again, I’m not a native British English speaker, so some terms might be off. I consulted with a friend to help me check them, just in case, but please forgive any mistakes.
As usual, some scenes in the musical differ from the anime/manga for time and fluidity’s sake, so please don’t hit me for things that I can’t control ^^;
There aren’t particularly any triggering scenes here, but please do watch with caution since some subjects and terms used might be sensitive and/or triggering for other viewers.
@kumoriyami-xiuzhen​ requested me to do the bonus content subs, so I will be reblogging and updating the main post when they are up as well! ^^
[MOST IMPORTANT] Please DO NOT re-post the subs and the link outside of Tumblr! If you want to share outside, please, please DM me about it and link my blog to your post. That’s all I ask.
Please DO NOT remove my credits.
Please DO NOT re-translate without permission.
※ Please only DM me if there is a problem with the subtitles. I cannot help you if it’s related to the videos. ※ If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a coffee here, if you can. It’ll really help me out a lot.(o^▽^o) Thank you!!
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dungbeatposse · 11 months
i’m loving yamasho’s current look, he’s so ✨fabulous✨
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simpforchuchu · 8 months
I love them so much 🥺💜
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Ma55ive the Rampage 💜
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akq96618 · 10 months
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dustypanb · 4 months
I’ve never heard of a group that has their fans choose what songs go on their album, so I thought that was cool and it shows how much they care about their fans.
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