#Yandere Golden Cheese Cookie
scramblescrew · 7 months
Yandere Hollyberry, Cacao, Golden Cheese, and Pure Vanilla Cookies when Y/N tries to escape them by swimming through dangerous waters
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Dark Cacao Cookie would be PISSED, how can you be SO FOOLISH that you’d jump into the Licorice Sea. Didn’t you know that you could die!? Drowning, being eaten by a monster, stolen away by Mer-Cookies, anything bad could happen to you and this ancient king wouldn’t let that happen. Dark Cacao Cookie would take off the heavy pieces of his armor as well as his cape and dived in to get you. Unfortunately for you this king, being a bigger & taller cookie, quickly caught up to you and dragged a struggling you back to shore and then- back to your isolated room. When you were chained back into place, Dark Cacao would then let out a long berating session about why you ever would have thought to run away from him, and especially trying to swim in the Licorice Sea. But after the tangent, Dark Cacao Cookie kissed your forehead and cuddled you for the rest of the night.
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Now HollyBerry Cookie understands why you were trying to leave. It really wasn’t right to keep another cookie locked in a place without access to the outside world, but it was for your own good. Other Cookies would have taken you away from her, and she could never handle that. So seeing you try to swim away from her was heartbreaking. But same as DCC, she would put her shield down and jump in to get you back. Once she got you and dragged you back to shore, she would have Wildberry Cookie take you back to her room, have you dry off (within the privacy of being alone in your room, Wildberry isn’t gonna watch you!-), and redressed into warm clothes. After which she would come in, locking the door behind her, and tuck you into your bed, then lightly scolding you for trying to run away, noting that you would’ve gotten seriously injured by doing that. But after she was done, she’d cuddle up to you and let drowsiness take over the two of you.
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“Y/N COOKIE! WHERE ARE YOU!” The guards shouted as they searched the floating kingdom, but it was no use, you had gotten out of the kingdom disguised as a Cacaoian merchant and were riding a horse away from the area. you had made it to a coastal gummy bear village and had sold the horse for a decent amount of coins before a few guards and Pure Vanilla found you, you quickly took the money and ran, thinking of how you could escape now. you then looked into the water while running and remembered and it would take awhile for the sogginess to harm you, so you secured the gold to you and jumped into the water and swam as fast as you could away from the guards. Pure Vanilla Cookie’s guards quickly ran in and swam after you, they quickly gained up on you, capturing you and dragging a thrashing Y/N Cookie back to the sickeningly sweet Ancient.
The same ancient who wrapped his robed arms around you so softly and took you back to the floating kingdom then to the shimmering white and light yellow castle. locking the both of you into a warm, SAFE room where you belong, warm…safe…alive….happy….and in his arms……
“Why must I be imprisoned by the cookies who love me so” Rang through Y/N cookie’s mind
((Hello EveryCookie! The author here, I just wanted to say that I don’t own any of these characters, the Ancient cookies belong to DevSisters and even Y/N Cookie belongs to you all! I
also wanted to thank you all for reading this first attempt at posting on Tumblr! I hope y’all enjoy it and I would love to write your guys’ requests if you have any! Have a great day/night!))
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justalittledumb · 8 months
How would Yandere! Ancient cookies go about sharing you?
🍪 Congratulation! Not only did you somehow manage to get some of most powerfull cookies out there to fall for you, but also managed to get them not to kill each other over you. So... What now?
🍪 Well, they share you of course! Specificly they pass you around their kingdoms, every month you are in a diffrent one.
🍪 It's not Perfect, it requires a lot of Traveling to be done, but it's better than having them fight. Besides you don't realy have a choice
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⚪ First 2 Months (2 becouse there's 2 of them) you spend with Pure Vanilla and White Lily. (I put these two together since White Lily doesn't have her own kingdom)
🟡 Pure Vanilla is on the more Overprotective side of things, constantly making sure you are comfortable and healing any injuries you might have somehow gained, no matter how small they are.
⚪ White Lily on the other hand is Possessive of you, of course just like Pure Vanilla she also is protective of you, but not nearly as much. She will make sure that nobody that doesn't HAVE to see you, won't.
🟡 Both of the cookies refuse to give you any privacy for your entire forced stay with them.
⚪ You are constantly with at least one of the pair, and even that's rare. If it's possible both of them will make sure you are at arm's lenght at all time.
🟡 It's also rare that you'l get to leave the castle. They are PARANOID about your safety, it doesn't matter that Vanilla Kingdom is Has Basicly no threats.
⚪ You are also forced to share bed with them, every night you are sandwiched between the 2 cookies, and believe me, they will CLING to you during sleep.
🟡 Escape is impossible, just don't even try, you won't get anywhere. Even if you somehow manage to escape the 2 cookies, the entire kingdom is constantly floating in the air, so unless you are ready to take the plunge, you wouldn't make it far.
🟡⚪ Overall, your stay at Vanilla Kingdom isn't good... But Hey, it always could be worse, right?
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🔴 After you're not so pleasant stay with Pure Vanilla and White Lily, you are sent directly to Hollyberry Cookie.
🔴 In Hollyberry kingdom you will have the most freedom. While the kingdom's ruler is very much protective with you, she is more than confident in her ability to protect you.
🔴 The thing that makes her diffrent from other yanderes is that she won't try to hide you, quite contrary realy. She will show you off to everyone she can!
🔴 Hollyberry will also allow you to roam around her kingdom freely, you can go anywhere and talk with anyone you want! As long as you won't try to escape or flirt with anyone that is. It's almost enough to make you forget you are Basicly held captive.
🔴 She will also want you to meet her grand child, Princess Cookie! She is sure she'l love you ;)
🔴 Hollyberry Cookie will even give you your own room for your stay! Isn't that just so considerate of her? :) Ignore the fact its positioned right next to her's.
🔴 When it come to escaping... Well you definitly have a better shot at it here than in Vanilla Kingdom. Chances of succes aren't hight mind you, and even if you do manage to escape who's to say you manage to bit get caught again? She might even Ask Pitaya dragon for a small Favor if she fails to get you back for longer enough.
🔴 Either way, the stay at Hollyberry Kingdom is not too bad! Or at least no too bad when compared to others. Who knows, maybe you'l even manage to relax and forget you are essentialy trapped?
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⚫ Next in the "getting to have Y/N over in their kingdom" line is Dark Cacao Cookie.
⚫ Dark Cacao Cookie like most of his friends is Overprotective and Possessive.
⚫ He doesn't want to lose you, whether it's to you escaping or getting hurt it doesn't matter, he will protect you. Even from yourself.
⚫ His protectivnes is actually somewhat justified, the Terrain where Dark cacao kingdom is placed isn't the safest place out there
⚫ He only allows his most trusted subjects to get near you, and Has them keep an eye on you whenever he can't do it himself.
⚫ Speaking of which, Dark Cacao Cookie makes you spend most of your time in his kingdom close to him, while he isn't very touchy he enjoys being this close to you.
⚫ He probably would make you wear a crown (Is it a crown? Well It look like one.) similiar to his one.
⚫ Escape altho theoreticaly not impossible, would be extremely difficult. There are many cookies patrolling the surrounding area, all of which are loyal to their ruler.
⚫ The stay at Dark Cacao Kingdom isn't very pleasuarble to say the least, but Hey there some positives. I mean, maybe you'l manage to befriend some of the cookies that were meant to keep an eye on you. They won't help you escape of course, but its always nice to have someone to talk to!
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🟠 Finaly after staying with dark Cacao for a month you get to (by "get to" i mean are forced to) move once again. This time to Golden Cheese kingdom.
🟠 Golden Cheese Cookie is well... Greedy, and she doesn't want to share you or your attention with anyone else.
🟠 From the very moment you'l step into her kingdom she'l shower you in expensive gifts and other riches.
🟠 She'l force you to change whatever clothes you were wearing to ones that match her clothes.
🟠 Golden Cheese Cookie WILL show you off, but she wants your attention to only be on her and her alone.
🟠 She will always keep you close, no matter what she's doing. or if you even want to be close to her.
🟠 No one other than her is allowed to touch you, they can look all they want, but privilage of having phisical contact with you is only for her.
🟠 You also aren't given your own room, you are simply forced to share with her.
🟠 You won't escape, there just is no way when she is constantly right next to you. And even if you try to make a run for it. She can fly, and even (and that's extremly unlikely) you manage to escape from her kingdom, good luck getting through the dessert surrounding it.
🟠 Altho constantly being under her survailance isn't the most enjoyable thing, its always important to find the best in bad sitiations. In this case "the best" is the fact that Golden Cheese is more than happy to give you anything you want aside from freedom of course she won't give you anything you could use to help you escape, but it's still nice.
🍪 And so the cycle begins again, after the month you spent In Golden Cheese kingdom, you are once again transported to Vanilla Kingdom. The whole cycle will continue repeating over and over again for the rest of your life. Well, unless you somehow do manage to escape...
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My first cookie run set of headcanons! I realy enjoyed writing these! And from now on I'l be also taking requests for Cookie run :3
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brittle-doughie · 5 months
Hello!! Im new to this blog and I really wanna interact ;3
So, I kinda remembering this request....
So I was thinking,
What if the (other) Ancients (and maybe even legendaries) also break/took off pieces of their body to make the desert and gave it to Y/N too?
You can do this if you want of course!! :3 (I hope Tumblr doesn't eat my request AGAIN)
Dessert Report (The Ancient Cookies)
Warning: Cookie Cannibalism
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Customer: Pure Vanilla Cookie
Treat Gift: A cake slice dabbled with vanilla frosting.
Result: Portions of hair missing, hat has to be angled to hide the missing parts.
Pure Vanilla entered the cake shop one afternoon after leaving with White Lily Cookie the other day. He talked about seeing White Lily’s gift to Y/N Cookie and thought it was a wonderful idea. Questions raised about his odd hat angled were dodged or given no answer, unusual for the Ancient.
What Y/N Cookie doesn’t know won’t hurt them, right? They would still be close to Pure Vanilla no matter what, right?
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Customer: Hollyberry Cookie
Treat Gift: Berry cluster cookies.
Result: Parts of the arms missing, outfit helps to obscure the cracks.
Hollyberry was among the first of the Ancients to give a tasty delight to her very good friend, Y/N Cookie. But just any dessert wouldn’t do for Hollyberry’s liking. It had to mean something, that it truly came from the bottom of her heart. She had an idea…
Y/N Cookie will surely love it…..
They would surely love her….
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Customer: Dark Cacao Cookie
Treat Gift: Box of chocolates made from pure cacao.
Result: Missing small extremities such as parts of the hands or legs. Like with Hollyberry, his outfit can cover up the missing portions.
Loyalty, something that is earned and deeply valued to Dark Cacao Cookie. Y/N Cookie’s loyalty to him as an ally means a lot to the king. Dark Cacao Cookie felt like he needed to return the favor to Y/N Cookie, to show how much he valued their relationship.
No length is too great for the sake of those you care about, as he entered the cake shop with the chocolates showed…
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Customer: Golden Cheese Cookie
Treat Gift: An array of cheeses with a cheesecake made by Golden Cheese herself.
Result: Portions of the arms and legs missing. Bandages are used to hide the missing parts, excused as just her protecting her dough from getting too stale.
Golden Cheese was never the same after the fall of her kingdom. She held onto anything she held dear, fearing they’ll crumble to dust before her eyes. Y/N Cookie was one major example, she treated them as if she’s known them all her life..and someone she wishes to know for the rest of her life.
She wants to live knowing that a part of her will always remain within Y/N Cookie forever when she floated through that cake shop door…
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Customer: White Lily Cookie
Treat Gift: Lily Cobbler.
Result: The loss of the lower arms, part of the waist, and small portions of the head and hair. The cobbler had traces of a powder-like substance emanating from it.
White Lily Cookie cared about Y/N Cookie. She cared about them very much. She feels like they understand her more the average cookie, it’s no surprise why she’ll often seek their company. When she spotted them enjoying a gifted treat one day, she had a wonderful idea on how she wanted to express her feelings to them.
It was quite the extensive process, but she was able to complete her gift. The loss of her parts can grow back, it would all be worth it when Y/N Cookie enjoyed the cobbler, with White Lily knowing that a part of her will always be with Y/N Cookie.
White Lily went further than Golden Cheese though. More than just physical pieces of dessert that will eventually disappear in time. White Lily placed a little more thought into her treat…
Life Powder, what makes up a cookie’s soul…
A part of her will always be with Y/N Cookie…
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sadly-in-active · 4 months
What type of yandere do you think the Ancients would be if they were one
Thank you for the idea anon <3
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Yandere Ancients x Reader
Summary: Oh, lookie, lookie here! It seems that you've managed to charm each and every ancient into loving you dearly...a bit too dearly perhaps. But that's just how they show their affections, right? Maybe that one cookie you were talking to the other day is alright and well and not dead in a closet?
TW: Stalking, manipulation, murder, threatening, not beta read and has never done yandere hcs before. Have fun pookies :D
(It goes from least scariest yandere to most)
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Hollyberry Cookie
She's definitely attached to you, thats for sure.
You know love bombing? Make it like she's sending a tactical nuke right towards your heart.
She's very clingy, but would allow you to go and do things on your own, you just have to tell her what you did and where you went. Oh, and who exactly you were with.
Hollyberry would never lay a finger on you in a harmful way. Why would she if she knows you'll never want to hurt her affectionate and adorable heart?
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Golden Cheese Cookie
She treasures you much, much more then any piece of gold or glittering item she could ever create in her kingdom. The kingdom would be worthless without you in it.
Golden Cheese would stalk you and your every move, sometimes even commanding the marzipan cookies to follow you and photograph your day.
Talking to someone that wasn't the Golden Sovereign? Consider them gone, turned to dust in mere seconds.
She's a goddess! Why would you not want to worship her as much as she does to you..?
It would almost make her sad. Luckily, her best option is to make you do it.
And how could refuse such godly words and beautiful voice?
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White Lily Cookie
She’s certainly worse then most of the Ancients. White Lily may just keep you inside the Faerie Kingdom at all times, perhaps even convincing Elder Faerie to keep you under house arrest. Although, she wouldn’t tell you specifically…
White Lily always had her eyes on you, the way you smiled at her words, how you hold her close and say how much you love her.
And she’ll convince you almost every time that you need her.
How could you refuse such a sad and pouty face she makes every time you want to doubt her? It’s almost pitying.
Knowing her goals and past, she would want you to reassure her that you love her, no matter what.
No matter what.
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Dark Cacao Cookie
He CANNOT lose you. Anything that you do must be monitored.
Hell, he may even want to use Affogato Cookie’s old spells to keep you under his watch, all agreeable and soft..
He has threatened you once or twice whenever you try to question his judgement, saying stuff like:
“My love, don’t fret. I’m only protecting you.”
But your fears and suspicions were confirmed after one of the Watchers you were talking to suddenly went missing the next day. All you did was say hello and made small talk…
You knew he lost a lot, of course he had the right to be protective over you.
Except being so overprotective and going so far as to…eliminate someone out of sheer jealousy?
You had caused this situation. This was worse then what Affogato Cookie did to the King, because you were doing it completely on accident.
So, to stop hurting anyone else, you just…accepted his love, remaining safe and unharmed within the citadel, avoiding everyone in case of another accident.
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Pure Vanilla Cookie
He was supposed to be a pure soul. Someone who’d never do anything horrible or wrong…
Yet when he met you, he instantly got attached. Why? Not even he could explain. You just had some sort of connection with him that made Pure Vanilla love you so dearly.
He definitely hurt you while you were sleeping once or twice, and the feeling of watching you thank him after healing you was…exhilarating.
His habits started from little cuts on your legs to full blown “love” bites and deep cuts on your arms and hands.
At first, you didn’t realize it was him, but after becoming concerned by how much it was happening, you decided to pretend sleeping and wait until something happened.
And it was an understatement that you were shocked.
It was more…terrifying, honestly.
And when you confronted him? He practically almost broke down crying, pulling on your clothes and begging for forgiveness and that he wouldn’t do it again.
Oh, how a King fell so far from purity, nobody will know.
Because after this incident, you forgave him. Surely he was going to stop? You loved him after all, of course he wouldn’t do it again..
And he didn’t. The reason? It’s because you’ve started to lose sleep now. At a concerning point…
Was that coffee in the air? No, just vanilla, as usual…
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hugemilkshake · 4 months
Helloooo! Before I start with my ask, I love your art and I enjoy looking at it and I do admire it! So my request is Yandere Ancient Cookies with Ancient Cookie Y/N! They’re always protected of them and wanna make sure that they’re safe! This can be Romantic or Platonic!
Enjoy the milkshake! This is before dark enchantress happened so there’s less anxiety and issues. The beasts are not included
Yandere Ancients X Ancient Reader
-platonic or romantic-
!TW! Under the cut this will have stuff like overprotectiveness, implications of isolation, obsession and slight intentional harm
Pure Vanilla
Pure Vanilla is very a peaceful man, all he wants is for you to stop trying to be a hero like him and the other ancients!
Now he won’t tell you that to your face but you can tell he doesn’t want you to lift a finger
If you get hurt he will subtly hint that you shouldn’t be doing things like this while he heals you
Now Pure Vanilla will let you get hurt, not because he doesn’t care about you! But so he can heal you and say “I told you so”
If you decide to step down he will happily let you stay at his kingdom! But he will get a little disappointed that he can’t heal you as often anymore…
Hollyberry is less worried than Pure Vanilla, she’s probably the most lenient ancient out of the bunch
She believes you can take care of yourself fairly well!
But if there’s one thing she won’t let you do it’s travel into the dragons valley alone. What if you run into The Red Dragon and she’s not there to shield you?!
Hollyberry loves to drink berry juice with you! If you get drunk she will make sure you don’t do anything stupid
But she might try to get you to spill some secrets…
Over she’s the best ancient to be stuck with due to the amount of freedoms you have!
Dark Cacao
Dark Cacao, like Pure Vanilla doesn’t like you going out and being a hero. But unlike Pure Vanilla he will tell you that to your face
He will do everything in his power to keep you from fighting. But he can’t do much since you have your own life that you need to tend to (weather that be having a kingdom or just traveling around)
Dark Cacao will protect you with his life, if you even suggest exploring the frozen tundra he will have a mini heart attack and insist to go with you
Dark Cacao will always pester you about staying in and away from the cold
At one point you just have to give in. Once you do Dark Cacao is pretty calm.
Just don’t think about leaving.
Golden Cheese
Golden Cheese takes an entirely different approach compared to the others so far, she lets you do whatever you want but when you visit her she gives you anything you want!
She try’s to unknowingly bribe you to stay with her, weather that be by giving you beloved treasures or your favorite food
When you are in Golden Cheeses kingdom you are treated like a god/goddess
Golden Cheese has lots of things depicting you as some heavenly being, now depending on you, she might hide them or let you see them
But Golden Cheeses ideal life is in her kingdom with you ruling beside her and never leaving her side
White Lily
White Lily is very conflicted. While she doesn’t want you fighting, she wants you to travel with her
White Lily desperately wants you to aid her in her studies but due to the other ancients and your own life, you can’t
White Lily will either stay with you or constantly write letters to you.
But if White Lily stays with you she has to leave for beats yeast eventually.
When she’s at beast yeast she can’t get you out of her head….
Which isn’t a good thing when she falls into the ultimate dough…
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HIIIW HOW ARE YOU? i’ve got a another request for you (i did ask a question a few weeks ago but i’m not sure if you saw it, it’s fine though)
imagine the yan! beasts and the yan! ancients (separately) with a reader that’s very stoic and calm, that has a reputation as a warrior or chief or something like that (something that has to do with fighting or getting or hands dirty.. or numbs? idk cookies don’t necessarily have hands) to hold so they have no room to be soft for anyone, but if you get them a little tipsy, they become more open? y’know how people get cuteness aggression from pets, yeah that’s reader, they become a totally different person when in private.. or tipsy, of course they still have control over themselves but still have like.. major cuteness aggression, but once a day passes, they act like it didn’t even happen
I don't think I ever got that? If you want to resend it, you can!
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Eternal Sugar Cookie would more than likely get you purposely tipsy more often to see this side of you, which she believes is reserved only for her. She'll always play it off the next day, acting like she doesn't know what you mean about her always carrying some alcohol.
Mystic Flour Cookie finds it endearing how you open up during events like this, but she never forces you to drink. No, she'll just.. gently persuade you. After all, it's only you two. There's no harm in it!
Burning Spice Cookie, surprisingly, wouldn't take advantage of it. While he'd love to see you more open and closer with him, despite his twisted obsession, he wants that to happen naturally. So getting drinks with him is far and few between, but whenever you two do, manipulation is often involved.
Silent Salt Cookie is similar to Burning Spice Cookie, but he won't hesitate to offer up to glass to you if he feels like you're hiding something from him. Getting you to be more open is a tough thing, so he'll savor the moments where you'll be too tipsy to remember what you tell him.
Shadow Milk Cookie can't help but be a little.. conflicted. While on one hand, you drinking and getting tipsy and being open is great for him, he can get to know more about you! But on the other hand, he wonders about if you'll find out. What will you do? He really doesn't want to have to control you with his strings, but if he has to..
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Hollyberry Cookie is probably the reason why you were drinking in the first place. Maybe a game she challenged you to, or just a night out between you, too. Regardless, she's fully aware of what you're like during this, and she takes it to her advantage. She'll learn everything she can about you in that time frame. Say, how about another outing sometime soon?
Dark Cacao Cookie probably doesn't drink that often, meaning you don't either. But when you do, he insists to anyone else that he'll be the one to take care of you. Guiding you to a private room, he'll gently pry information from you. How you feel about him, about others.. all to help his plans of making you love him.
Golden Cheese Cookie probably encourages you to drink. Every time you've gotten tipsy or worse, she's always been there and always there to help you calm down.. while asking questions to you that seem obvious, but to her she needs answered. After all, she can't have you panicking if she keeps you in the kingdom indefinitely..
White Lily Cookie rarely, if ever, drinks, so to see you get tipsy around her is a surprise. And the thing is, she might have not even been around when you first started drinking. She merely stumbled upon you and, well, decided to take advantage of the situation at hand. Just asking some questions, that's all. She just needs to know how you feel about her..
Pure Vanilla Cookie would try his damn hardest not to ask you anything while tipsy, but his obsession would win out. He'd start with small questions before they slowly ramp up in intensity and desperation. Cookies always say that you speak your true thoughts when you're intoxicated, so surely you mean everything you're saying. (He's so delusional.)
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 10 months
Ngl, I think the Yan Ancient cookies would start a whole War to see who can keep MC for themselves
They absolutely fucking would. It's almost like a sibling fight except with terrible morals and more bloodshed.
Tw: nothing too explicit, entrapment, controlling/overprotective behaviour, brief mentions of violence
I think it would start out with any of the ancients taking MC for themselves, (Probably Pure Vanilla or Golden Cheese) and then from there it's just different kingdoms fighting for MC.
Pure Vanilla preferably keeps MC in his castle, and rarely lets them do anything without him nearby. This delusional mother fucker is gonna be all like, "We're married MC! Don't be so cold!"
Hollyberry, honestly is the least problematic one. She'll let MC roam around and still have friends. But she wants them to stay within the kingdom for their own safety. She always shows them off at balls and juice parties because she loves it. "Oh and this here is my forever cookie, MC! Pretty cute they are, right?"
Dark Cacao...He is all about the violence. He's willing to hunt down any suitor and doesn't let anybody of his court stare directly into their eyes. He keeps them on his lap half the time while he's sitting on his throne.
If there's any threat within or outside the Citadel's walls, he's releasing an ungodly amount of soldiers to go fight it. He tries to be all softie when you're alone though. "You can never trust the outside world. There's one too many bad things lurking out there."
Golden Cheese, I've briefly discussed this, but basically similar to Pure Vanilla, she keeps them in her virtual world. Even after she quit, she'll never part ways with them. She spoils them like crazy and dismisses any of her problematic behaviour. She's also very insistent on protecting them. Going as far as to not let them consume any food that she hasn't checked. "Wait don't eat that! What if it's poisoned? You, my treasure, cannot be acting so carelessly!"
(Yay, I wrote more than usual)
- Celina
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queensharotto · 4 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 6: Early 2024)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs while ✨ will indicate someone’s interpretation of Y/N Cookie.
Additionally, many people proved art to showcase to Brittle, which will be indicated by this: 🖌️. I will also mention who provided the art.
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January 2024 ❄️
• “League of Evil Cookies”
Featuring: Croissant Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Lilac Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, White Lily Cookie, Scorpion Cookie, Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie and the Gem Mermaid Family
• “Play with Me?”
Featuring: Longan Dragon
• “Forced Connections” ⭐️🖌️
Featuring: Crowned Cupcake Cookie (debut), Y/N Cookie’s Family, Financier Cookie, Kouign-Amann Cookie, Almond Cookie and Cherry Blossom Cookie
Art by runebrave
• “Protective Siblings” ⭐️
Featuring: Tartar Cookie and Nutmeg Cookie
• “Final Days”
Featuring: The Five Beasts and Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “My Cherished Star” 💗
Featuring: Astronaut Cookie
• “Possession of the Abyssal Pearl” 💗
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie
• “Slumber”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, Pure Vanilla Cookie and the Faerie Kingdom Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie’s Soulstone”
Description of Y/N Cookie’s Soulstone
• “Slumbering Flower Awakens” 💚
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “Imprisoned”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Favorite Gifts”
Featuring: Eternal Sugar Cookie
• “Memories of Sorrow”
Featuring: Primordial Y/N Cookie/Benign Butter Cookie
• “Lots of Questions”
Featuring: Librarian Faerie Cookie
• “Kingdom Interactions”
Featuring: Crimson Coral Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie, Linzer Cookie, Chili Pepper Cookie, Oyster Cookie
• “MASH” 👻
Featuring: The titular entity known as “MASH”
• “Pink Swan”
Featuring: Sugar Swan Cookie
• “Sandwiches”
Featuring: Croissant Cookie, Sandwich Cookie, Timekeeper Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie and Baguette Cookie
February 2024 💝
• “Trying to Enjoy a Sauna”
Featuring: Orange Cookie, Lemon Cookie, Cotton Candy Cookie, Cappuccino Cookie and Muscle Cookie
• “Reason to Stay” 🖌️
Featuring: Elder Faerie Cookie
Subsequent art by sei-cookie
• “Envious Ex”
Featuring: Shadow Milk Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “Feeling Romantical”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie, Shadow Milk Cookie and the other beasts
• “Storm Warning” 💗
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie, Seaweed Cookie, White Pearl Cookie and the Gem Mermaid Family
• “An Obessive Cupcake” ⭐️
Featuring: Crowned Cupcake Cookie
• “Shadow + Butter = Envious Beasts” 🖌️
Featuring: The Five Beasts
Art by ax0lotly
• “Challenge Accepted”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, Black Raisin Cookie and the Inhabitants of the Golden City
• “Noble Angel vs. The Lying Jester” 🖌️
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, Pure Vanilla Cookie, White Lily Cookie, Shadow Milk Cookie
Art by @/ax0lotly
• “Snow Filled Fun” 🖌️
Featuring: The Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
Subsequent Art by @/sei-cookie, colored ver by me
• “Shadow Milk Melody” ✨🖌️
Featuring: Shadow Milk Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie
Art by hugemilkshake
• “A Witch’s Castle”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends
• “Meet Sweet Biscuit Cookie” ✨🖌️
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies and Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Art by @/sei-cookie, colored ver by me
• “The Golden Goddess’s Greatest Treasure”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Faerie Friends”
Featuring: The Inhabitants of the Faerie Kingdom and Shadow Milk Cookie
• “Beating Your Dough in the QRTs”
Featuring: Captain Ice Cookie, Shining Glitter Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie, Black Garlic Cookie, Almond Cookie and String Gummy Cookie
• “Kingdom in Mourning”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “A Cringe Day for Chocolates” 💝
Featuring: Shadow Milk Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, White Lily Cookie, and Dark Enchantress Cookie
• “With Baker’s Love” 💝
Featuring: Yogurt Cream Cookie, Walnut Cookie, Almond Cookie, Strawberry Cream Cookie,
• “Ancient Heroes’ Gifts” 💝
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Two Sides of Compassion”
The Light of Justice and the Vitrue of Scorn
• “Doll of the Beasts”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Even More Heartbreak 2: Mermaid’s Lament” 😞
Featuring: White Pearl Cookie, Lord Oyster, Mystic Opal Cookie, Abalone Cookie, and Crimson Coral Cookie
• “Watching Over Sleeping Beauty”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Pizza Time 2: Delivery Boogaloo”
Featuring: Pizza Cookie
• “Bake It Till You Make It 2: Tasty Delights” 🍪
Featuring: Crunchy Chip Cookie, Mozzarella Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, Raspberry Cookie, Pastry Cookie, Clover Cookie, and White Lily Cookie
• “The Earthbread Big Seller!” ✨🖌️
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
Art by @/hugemilkshake (view their Y/N Cookie)
• “Get in Loser, We’re Getting Hitched!”
Featuring: Princess Cookie and Knight Cookie
• “Aiding the Mala Tribe”
Featuring: Purple Yam Cookie, Milk Cookie and Mala Sauce Cookie
• “Let Me Be Your Princess”
Featuring: The Princess Contest Cookies
• “Hidden Truth of the City”
Featuring: The Cookiemals, Wind Archer Cookie, Churro Cookie, Licorice Cookie, and Pomegranate Cookie
• “Deceitful Joke” ✨🖌️
Featuring: Shadow Milk Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie
Art by @/sei-cookie
• “Dawn of the Soggest”
Featuring: Shine Muscat Cookie
• “Meet Freshly Baked Cookie” ✨🖌️
Featuring: Freshly Baked Cookie, Child Cookies and their respective caretakers
Art by sweatinghoneybee
• “The Gist of the Dangerous Exchange”
Featuring: The Choco Chess Twins, Earl Grey Cookie and Gingerbrave
• “Should’ve Been Me”
Featuring: Abyss Monarch Cookie, Mocha Ray Cookie and Lobster Cookie
• “Hold My Hand”
Featuring: Pomegranate Cookie, Licorice Cookie and Affogato Cookie
• “What If: The First” 💗
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Beauty of the Abyssal Pearl”
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie
• “Lights, Camera, Action!”
Featuring: Choco Bar Cookie and Butter Squid Cookie
March 2024 🌱
• “Marriage to Faerie King and the Enraged Beasts” 💗
Featuring: Elder Faerie Cookie and the Five Beasts
• “Lost Voice”
Featuring: The Gem Mermaid Family
• “Missing Stuff”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department Cookies
• “Here in My Kingdom, I Want You Everyday”
Based on Cookie Run Songs
• “The Lily and the Swan’s Embrace”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie and Sugar Swan Cookie
• “Who Broke the Coffee Machine?”
Featuring: The Elementals, Abyss Monarch Cookie and Xylitol Nova Cookie
• “Ingrained” 💗
Featuring: Herb Cookie
• “Clingy Matcha”
Featuring: Matcha Cookie
• “Cherished”
Featuring: White Lily Cookie and the Faerie Kingdom Cookies
• “One Heart for All, All Hearts for One”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Wings”
Featuring: Dark Enchantress Cookie
• “Little Bit of Latte”
Featuring: Latte Cookie
• “Loyal Until the End”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie
• “What is Your Secret?”
Featuring: Butter Roll Cookie
• “A Bunch of Marzipans”
Featuring: Mozzarella Cookie and the Marzipan Cookies
• “Flower from the Other Shore” 💗
Featuring: Cherry Blossom Cookie
• “Dark Enchantress Cookie’s True Intentions”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “Welcome Back, Handycookie”
Featuring: Time Balance Department
• “Hiding Y/N, Seeking Beasts”
Featuring: The Five Beasts
• “A Letter? Wonder Who It’s From?”
Featuring: Caramel Choux Cookie and Financier Cookie
• “Rough Play”
Featuring: Rye Cookie
• “We’ve Got Lots in Common”
Featuring: Caramel Choux Cookie
• “Hangouts”
Featuring: Time Balance Department
• “A Friend?”
Featuring: Caramel Choux Cookie
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random-fandom1984 · 6 months
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Request are open!
●Fluff ●Yandere ●Angst ●Crossovers ●Character x Reader ●Character x Character ●References to other fandoms ●Comfort ●Headcanons ●Reader/Character from one dimension/universe getting sent to a different one (tfp x tfa, trollhunters x zak storm, etc)
●others to be added
●NSFW ●Pedophilia ●Incest ●Certain sensitive topics (rape, abuse, etc) ●Other's OC's (I don't have the confidence to do that)
General: - Predacon! Reader in TFA
Optimus Prime - Wattpad Story: Deadly Voice - Yandere! TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Prowl Bumblebee Bulkhead Jazz Jettwins Ultra Magnus Megatron Starscream (+clones) Lugnut Blitzwing Blackarachnia/Elita-1 Grimlock Wreck-Gar Soundwave Longarm Prime/Shockwave - All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed With You Wasp/Waspinator
Optimus Prime - Yandere TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Arcee Cliffjumper Smokescreen Bumblebee - Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader Bulkhead Wheeljack Ultra Magnus Megatron - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Starscream - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Soundwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Shockwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Predaking - Decepticons Meets Sparklings 5t3v3(Steve) - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Knockout - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Breakdown - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Dreadwing - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Arachnid Unicron
Optimus - Sparklings Megatron - Sparklings Bumblebee - Sparklings Elita-1 - Sparklings Soundwave - Sparklings Shockwave - Sparklings Tarantulas - Sparklings Terrans(PLATONIC ONLY) Swindle Starscream
Optimus Prime - Calling Optimus Prime Dad Prowl Jazz Bumblebee Ratchet Megatron Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Reflector Soundwave - Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader Part 1 Shockwave Grimlock Unicron Other Autobots and Decepticons
Optimus Primal Rattrap Rhinox Cheetor -His Sea Goddess (Cheetor x Cybertronian Reader with an Octopus alt-mode) Dinobot Megatron Tarantulas Waspinator
Bumblebee Sideswipe Strongarm Fix-it Grimlock Drift Steeljaw Thunderhoof Fracture Underbite Saberhorn
Orion Pax/Optimus Prime D-16/Megatron B-127/Bumblebee Elita-1 Starscream Soundwave Shockwave Sentinel Prime
Mk Mei Red Son Jin & Yin Spider Queen Azure Lion Macaque Sun Wukong Nezha Syntax Huntsman Goliath (Strong Spider) Peng Lady Bone Demon Not Mayor
Zak Storm (PLATONIC ONLY) Cece Crogar Clovis (PLATONIC ONLY) Caramba (PLATONIC ONLY) Calabrass (PLATONIC ONLY) Golden Bones
Angor Rot Gunmar Bular Aaarrrgghh Blinky (Blinkous) Nomura Draal Krel Tarron & Aja Tarron (PLATONIC ONLY) Varvatos Tronos Madu Zadra Zeron Alpha Nari Skrael Bellroc
Cookie Run Kingdom
Gingerbrave (PLATONIC ONLY) Wizard Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Strawberry Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Custard Cookie Ⅲ (PLATONIC ONLY) Chili Pepper Cookie Licorice Cookie Poison Mushroom Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Dark Choco Cookie Red Velvet Cookie Pomegranate Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie White Lily Cookie Hollyberry Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie Princess Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Knight Cookie (PLANTONIC ONLY) Caramel Arrow Cookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Affogato Cookie Captain Caviar Cookie Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Others to be added
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake
Fionna Cake (PLATONIC ONLY) Gary Marshall Lee Scarab Prismo Simon (PLATONIC ONLY) Marceline (Vampireworld version) Bonnibell Bubblegum (Vampireworld version)
WHEN REQUESTING (More rules will be added later):
●Include the fact whether or not your request is platonic or romantic; If romantic, is Y/n or character in a relationship, and if not, who is the romantic interest(s)?
●Give me some of the plot of what you're thinking for your request. If you don't, and I don't know what you want it to be about, or I can't think of what to make up- Example:
Optimus x Reader. Angst. Reader is male.
I don't know what the plot should be, or what it should involve. Like, if it's good enough that I can think of what it could be, then yeah, sure, but that will be a rare chance with me. But if it's like this- Example:
Aaarrrgghh x Reader. Comfort. Basically, the reader has had a bad day at work/school, and the two of them just cuddle and enjoy the silence in each other's arms, slowly falling asleep.
Then I will be able to think of how it can go because you gave me what you want to include in your request, but now how, I will be able to get behind that.
● I can make the reader be based off of another character, like- Examples:
-Vox! Reader in Trollhunters
-Reader as Ratchet's little sister in Transformers: Generation 1
Anything! Whatever you want as long as it's allowed.
●If your request involves something that isn't allowed, then it will be ignored.
That's everything for now! Request away!
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180 notes · View notes
HII girl I love how u write and how accurate they look and I saw y do requests too! Sooo could I ask golden cheese x reader (hcs or shot idc) in the virtual world?? Like a bit of fluffy-angsty thingy idek (plus pls pls pls dead reader pls pls)
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golden cheese cookie — fluffy & angsty relationship hcs in the virtual world
• hiii thankyou so much for requesting !!! 🥹🫶🏻 here u goo !!
• this is a sad one, this is actually my first time writing angst for goldie but it made me tear up 🥲🙌🏻
• maybe i went to hard on the angst ?? sorry that there's so little fluff 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
• tw maybe ooc delusional goldie
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• most of the things that you and her do while in a relationship don't change but some things will definitely change and some new things will start to appear
• truth be told, you crumbled in the dark flour war along with the golden cheese kingdom when goldie was away
• in the golden city, she becomes more clingy and protective to the point it looks possessive and greedy: she refuses to let you go out without her and is reluctant to let you out her sight because she fears that the next time she looks at you, you'll be gone
• goldie has definitely told mozzarella cookie to have marzipan cookies accompany you when she isn't able to to keep you safe, fix your errors and injuries immediately, and to act as a security camera to keep you in her sights even if you're away (you can overlook the last part, it seems a little ooc and leans more into yandere territory which i dont like *shrug*)
• she still spoils you rotten and everything you desire will be laid out just for you: clothing plated with gold (or whatever design you want) that suit your body type perfectly and cater to your interests and what you tend to look for in clothing, cheeses and your favorite foods for every meal, whole sections of the castle which are designed and catered to your interests and desires, her servants wait on you hand and foot to ensure your comfort in every way possible, and anything else you could possibly want! after all, everything is possible in a virtual kingdom!
• when smoked cheese cookie reveals the truth of the golden city, goldie is quick to try to convince you that he's lying about it all, that you shouldn't trust in what he's saying
• but it gets hard to believe her when everything you've went through in the dark flour war starts flooding back to your mind
• you confront her about it and the truth is eventually revealed to you when the entire city disappears and the citizens (and you) fall into the ruins
• she's quick to check up on you for any injuries and apologies spill out of her mouth that she's been hiding this the entire time
• she knows you're dead, she knows you're gone and that you've been gone for a long time, but she loves you too much to let you go
• she knew this was bound to happen, but she can't imagine living without you; countless nights with her dutiful servants researching ways she could save everyone — and by extension you, the virtual world was the only solution she could muster up
• but it still broke her seeing how hurt you were that everything had been a lie, that you were actually dead the entire time (everyone was...)
• as you fall into a deep slumber, she spends your last moments with you, holding and caressing your hand in hers, wrapping you in her wings, telling you that her greed is too large to let you go, that you're her eternal greatest treasure, that she'll come back for you and find a way to bring you back with a life that matches the infiniteness of hers
• you fall into a deep slumber as did everyone else, reassuring her that she's in good hands before your virtual form fades away
• when she fights against dark enchantress cookie and her forces, her motivation to win this fight is you, imagining how you'd hug her when she comes back alive, happy she won and that she saved everyone
• imagining you congratulated her after she won in the war when no one did (other than her friends and the other cookies, ofc)
• imagining how happy you'd look seeing her alive and victorious at the end of the war
• imagining that you're there for her when she has nightmares and when she's at her lowest like you were in the virtual city; holding your hand and caressing it, hugging her, hushing her tears and reassuring her that it's over now, that she saved everyone and granted them the perfect utopia they count ever want
• imagining you were by her side as she walked about in the republic, gazing in awe at the new things you'd see in the republic outside of the virtual city, clapping at her when the trains her strength and attacks, eating the new foods with her in the republic
• imagining that you're still by her side when deep down she knows you aren't, that deep down she knows you're dead and that you've been dead for a long time, that she's just being delusional and that it's all in her head
• but she just can't let you go, after all, you would act the you she imagined if you were really here... right?
• she did promise you that she'll come back for you in the end to a new and safer world with you in her arms
• her friends have tried to help her, but her heart just can't let you go
• not until she crumbles with the real you in her arms, together forever in every timeline she exists in, in every timeline you exist and in every timeline you exist together
• in the end, you two reunite in the physical golden city finally together again, achieving the final happy ending you two both wanted and deserved
• or maybe it was all just another one of those imaginations goldie makes up so much?
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scramblescrew · 4 months
Any cookie run character of your choice if one day reader went "I would've loved you if you didn't kidnap/stalk/kill for/etc me."
-💥 anon
((Hello 💥 anon! Sorry it took so long! My allergies kicked my behind to kingdom come but I’m back now! A little overwhelmed by school stuff but still able to write! Here’s some headcanons based on your request!)
Dragons and Ancient Cookies’ reactions to your dejection!
Absolutely perplexed and confused by your outburst, resulting in this cookie’s anger and your increased restrictions:
Dark Cacao Cookie
Golden Cheese Cookie
Pitaya Dragon Cookie
Ananas Dragon Cookie
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Reluctantly locks you up and leaves you there for a few hours before coming in and cuddling you once you’re calm:
White Lily Cookie
Lychee Dragon Cookie
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Uses food,drink, and/or a few soothing words to hopefully help calm your negative feelings:
Hollyberry Cookie
Lotus Dragon cookie
Pure Vanilla Cookie
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Uses whatever power they have to pull you in and calmly kisses you til you stop:
Longan Dragon Cookie
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justalittledumb · 3 months
Is it alright I could request a Cookierun: Kingdom?
If you can (only if you want to, no need to answer this request. I repect your boundaries.), then what about....
Headcanons about the five ancient cookies (yandere or not) with a petite yet dainty reader who is The Light of Peace but they always prone to getting sick, looking fatigued or tired all the time. But they always love to work a lot, like they are workaholic. (No gender specified)
*So... Hiya everyone, been a while huh? Sorry for dissapearing, I realy wasn't feeling like writing anything, but i'm back. For now at least lol.
As for this request, I wasn't entirely sure if you wanted the Ancients to be seperate or together, so I did together. Feel free to tell me if you would prefer if they were seperate smaller sets if headcanons for each of ancients. Also since I only realy write yanderes on this blog, those are yandere headcanons, tho I decided to keep it on the lighter side of things.
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🍪 So, let's start things off by saying that they greatly value their friendship and respect how devoted you are to work...
🍪 However, they will not just stand by idly while you overwork yourself. They won't do anything harsh, but all 5 of them will not allow you to push yourself too hard... especialy considering how easy it is for you to get sick!
🍪 Speaking of which, once you do get sick, you can be sure that soon all of them will force you into a bed and practicaly surround you.
🟡 Pure Vanilla would immidiently start working on curing you... Tho he might on porpuse made it take much longer than it needs to... Can you realy blame him? You just look so Cute like this.
🔴 Hollyberry would sit right next to you and start telling stories of her many adventures in Hopes of distracting you from the sickness, and from wanting to work in this state.
⚫ Dark Cacao Cookie would actualy keep his distance, due to not being the best at comforting people. Of course, he isn't just doing nothing, he's actuly making sure that nobody, whoever it might be is foolish enough to try and enter the room you're resting in.
🟠 Golden Cheesee Cookie (she's my fave btw) practicaly buried you in gifts the moment she Had entered the room. Anywhere from expensive clothes (matching hers, duh) to high quality plushies, she spared no expenses on them! After all, you only deserve the best!
⚪ White Lilly... Oh boy. Shes always somewhat clingy, but once you get sick, her already extreme tendencies increase by tenfold. She's phisicaly attached to you, keeping you in tight embrace. She does NOT care that she might also get sick from being do close to you. And even if she did get sick, sharing the same illnes as you is romantic in a way, isn't it?
🍪 Also, expect that once you're back to being healthy, all the work that needed to be done by you while you were sick, was "magicaly" finished. You can thank (or get angry at) your Ancient friends for that, they had someone do that stuff for you to keep you from getting stressed immidiently after the recovery.
*Well, I'l admit this isn't my best work, but I think It came out good enough :). Sorry if it's not to your satisfaction, I hadn't written anything in a while so im kinda out of my element.
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
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No Dice (Ancient Cookies)
White Lily WILL throw hands with Clotted
The Ancients were protective of you, incredibly so. Anything that had to do with you will always have their input, and that included your Soul Jam. It wouldn’t be right of them to treat a long time friend of theirs with the upmost friendliness and respect.
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So when Clotted Cream Cookie turned to you if you were willing to share your Soul Jam, hope and anticipation in his eyes that your generosity will extend its hands to his and the Republic’s aid, you hesitated with your answer.
To give up your Soul Jam?
Something you swore to protect and keep away from evil?
The thing that makes you who you are?
The very thing that symbolizes the Light that you were bestowed upon?
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This slight hesitation was enough to get the other Ancients’ ire as they raised strong objections, how dare this whelp try to take advantage of your giving nature, you give cookies everything and they would just keep taking, taking, TAKING. They understood it was in your nature and they held no lasting ill will towards cookies who asked, but to see you give a complete stranger your Soul Jam…
Something they swore to safeguard with their lives, a precious item that makes a cookie, YOU, truly alive, to see you even contemplate handing it over only brought their hidden rage towards the Consul to greater heights.
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Pure Vanilla pleaded with you that there had to be another way you can lend your hand to other cookies, you always do. But please don’t hand over your Soul Jam, it pained him to see you willing to give everything to help, so in your stead, let him give his Soul Jam instead!
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Hollyberry got protective, getting between you and Clotted. You had been through too much to just hand it over and Clotted’s attempts to get your sympathy to accept made her grouchy! Your kindness is not a weakness that Clotted could exploit, if he wanted to get to you, he’s got an angry Hollyberry to deal with first!
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Dark Cacao is the angriest of them all, he’s fully aware of your giving nature and to see this WHELP trying to take advantage of that and even having the audacity to try and appeal to your soft-heartedness to get your Soul Jam…it made him pissed beyond all belief. He had to hold himself back for your sake, otherwise this Clotted Cream Cookie would be crumbles from where he stood
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Golden Cheese Cookie huffed in annoyance, this cookies dared to ask something that high to an ancient cookie like you?! She claims to never act on a whim, but in this case, she couldn’t help herself voicing her stance against Clotted Cream’s proposal. With how she is in comparison to you, she had to step in and protect you from such foul deals like this. She didn’t want to lose you…just like how lost her kingdom, she wouldn’t know what she’d do if you were crumbs and dust in her hands…
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White Lily Cookie oh man….if you thought Pure Vanilla’s response is bad, White Lily is worse. As soon as attention was brought to you by Clotted Cream Cookie, White Lily had already rushed to your side, holding your hand tight with hers.
She’ll use any excuse in the book to have you refuse this cookie’s offer, you already give so much and she loves you for your warming benevolence…she simply can’t allow cookies to take advantage of you like this.
Just say the words and she’ll poison Clotted with her lilies. She’ll do it with no hesitation for you.
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sleepingdeath-sapphic · 4 months
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last updated on the 13th of july 2024 <3
listed below is the second part of my nsfw headcanons masterlist containing everything that i have written across all of my accounts featuring a fem or otherwise non-male character and a fem or otherwise non-male reader insert. (note: although heavy preference is given towards cis/trans fem characters and inserts, neutral, non binary, and other non-male identifying characters and inserts are welcome to appear on this masterlist as well).
crossed out links are pending posts
under 18s and ageless blogs please do not interact with this masterlist or any of the posts linked <3
listed below are nsfw posts only
-> anime fandoms
hc. grelle sutcliffe general smut (black butler)
hc. grelle sutcliffe with an innocent fem s/o that’s secretly kinky (black butler)
-> animated fandoms
hc. mel medarda general smut (arcane)
<- fandom split ->
hc. having a threesome with maleficent and the evil queen (disney villains)
<- fandom split ->
hc. rosie general smut (hazbin hotel)
<- fandom split ->
hc. queen bee segmented alphabet [f/h/m] (helluva boss)
hc. blue diamond general smut (steven universe)
-> game fandoms
hc. shadowheart general smut (baldur’s gate 3)
<- fandom split ->
hc. julie langford segmented alphabet [a/d/j] (bioshock)
<- fandom split ->
hc. abyss monarch cookie segmented alphabet [a/c] (cookie run)
hc. abyss monarch cookie segmented alphabet [k/m/y] (cookie run)
hc. aquamarine cookie segmented alphabet [d/f/w] (cookie run)
hc. black lemonade cookie segmented alphabet [b/c/l] (cookie run)
hc. financier cookie + female s/o (cookie run)
hc. financier cookie segmented alphabet [a/i/y] (cookie run)
hc. golden cheese cookie segmented alphabet [a/c/i] (cookie run)
hc. lotus dragon cookie segmented alphabet [c/k/w] (cookie run)
hc. mystic opal cookie segmented alphabet [k/m/w] (cookie run)
hc. raspberry cookie general smut (cookie run)
hc. raspberry cookie segmented alphabet [o/v/w] (cookie run)
hc. sachertorte cookie segmented alphabet [a/c/f] (cookie run)
<- fandom split ->
hc. sally smithson / the nurse + female s/o (dead by daylight)
hc. sally smithson / the nurse segmented alphabet [c/f/t] (dead by daylight)
<- fandom split ->
hc. yandere joyce messier + willing s/o who is harry’s daughter (disco elysium)
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hugemilkshake · 3 months
Second Masterlist because tumbler only lets you have 100 links per post-
Romantic 💕
Platonic 🌸
Romantic or Platonic 🍁
Angst 🫧
Yandere 🥀
Silly 🍡
Unsure ❓
Touch some grass🍁
Detective partners🌸
The terror that dashed through the night🌸
Shy sailor 🥀🍁
Random children??? 💕🍡
Remove distractions🍁🫧
Tackle him💕
Y/N dance🍡
Like an open book💕🫧
Space away from a dragon🍁
A love not meant to be💕🫧 (I like this one)
Detective Almond Cookie🍁
Saved by the plot🌸
Some white lily thing❓
Somewhat plot relevant?- self aware Au🌸
Cowardly player- self aware Au🌸
Panicking because of plot relevance- self aware Au🌸
A dear friend🌸
Obvious to law enforcement💕
Dragon? No. Cookie.🌸
Smithery of Cuddles💕
Falling for law enforcement💕
I’m better than you!💕
Unlucky much?🍁
Arrows on deaf ears🫧
Need assistance?🍁🫧
Purify the Darkness 🍁🫧
Darkness consumed a friend 🍁🫧
Butter Roll cuddling🍁
Cherry Blossom picnic🍁
White lily picnic🍁
Romantic Golden Cheese💕
Y/N scared of spiders🍡
Yandere ancients x ancient reader🥀🍁
Capsaicin with a menthol reader💕
Stormbringer cuddles🍁
Elder Faerie with an easily lost reader🍁
Cinnamon cookie with hypnotist reader🍁
Dragons with aggressive reader🍁
Royal margarine cuddles🍁
Smoked cheese with alicorn reader🍁
Dragons with flower sickness reader🍁🫧
Dragons with a sick reader🍁
Caviar with a reader who has scars🍁
Father Millennial Tree🌸
Dark Cacao with a sick child🌸
Matcha cookie cuddles🍁
Dragon with a pale aliment reader🍁
Dark Cacao with a sick child pt 2🌸
Guardian of all dragons🌸
Baumkuchen with his spouse 💕
Affogato with a manipulative reader 🍁
Cream unicorns horse form🍡
Almond with a 7ft tall reader🍡
Star Dust school Au🌸
OC Stuff
The other patrons🌸
Chilling with the patrons💕
Tease that “dragon”🍁
Game night🌸
Date gone wrong🍁
Metal tail?🌸
Bug Pile! 💕🌸
Blinding light❓
OCs reacting to getting proposed to 💕
Wild Basil with a gullible child reader 🌸
Wild Basil (and purple mold) with a child reader 🌸
Reader and the H2O Bros 🌸
Barbecue “Dragon” with a reader who accepts him as he is 🌸
Purple Mold with a chubby reader 🍁
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Ancient Cookies Masterlist
Protector | Yandere Self Aware Dark Cacao Headcanons | 1 / 2
Learning of You || Yandere Self Aware Hollyberry Cookie
Her Treasure || Golden Cheese Cookie Drabble
Mine, Only Mine || Yandere Dark Enchantress Cookie Headcanons
Jealous, jealous, jealous! || Shadow Milk Cookie vs Pure Vanilla Cookie
Comfort || Ancients/Reader
Ocean's Song || Dark Cacao Cookie/Mercookie!Reader
Two Fronts || Yandere Beasts vs Yandere Ancients
Marriage || Abyss Monarch Cookie/Reader/Electric Eel Cookie
42 notes · View notes