#Yandere alex kralie scenario
macabrelinguine · 2 years
ooo can i ask for a scenario/hcs with yandere alex and sensitive darling where they try to (unsuccessfully) hide from him since he has his gun and seems mad
(idk if this is more more specific 😔) - 🐝 anon
This is perfect! <3
You were HUNGRY. Alex had been gone for most of the day, and he kept all the ready-made food locked up. You’d cook something, as the lower cabinets were full of cookable food, but the oven needed a key to open. control freak. You had gotten upset earlier and spilled the uncooked food all over the floor. You recalled when you were first allowed out of the room he made for you. It was in the basement, but the door was right at the bottom of the stairs, which you figured out the one time you pushed past Alex to try and get away. You tripped on the stairs. That was the last time you tried to run, that was for sure. You still weren’t allowed in the living room, and you looked out at now. Then you heard the keys in the many, many locks. Alex was back! Finally, you could probably get him to unlock the cupboard so you could get food. But then you caught a glance of him. He looked mad. And he was waving around the gun. You saw the mess at your feet, and your body made the decision to hide before your brain could catch up. you squirmed your way into the cupboard, closing the door behind you. Alex walked into the kitchen, grumbling. Then it occurred to you that because of what was spilled on the floor, it would be painfully obvious where you were hiding. You scooted farther back, squeezing your eyes shut. Then he spoke. “Where are you..?” You heard his footsteps getting closer. “I’m not in the mood to play games.” You half considered going out of the cupboard, but…what if he didn’t notice? You’d already be in trouble for hiding. So…just sit. You heard the sound of him opening all the cabinets in a row, slowly getting closer to you. He stopped. You didn’t dare sigh in relief in case he heard. Then you heard a gunshot and screamed. He had fired into the cabinet next to you. Shit. The cabinet door in front of you slowly creaked open, and Alex was glaring at you. “Alex, I-“ you started to speak, but he cut you off. “You made a mess. Why were you in the fucking cabinet?!” You couldn’t help but burst into tears, the kitchen blurring around you. You flinched at a hand on your shoulder. Alex sighed. “It’s…alright. Just don’t do it again.”
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dearestones · 2 years
A Waste of Time (Yandere! Alex Kralie x Reader)
Warnings: Yandere character, yandere behavior, erratic behavior, delusional behavior, etc. 
Anonymous Request: hi!! im so excited that requests are open! i really love your work and was wondering if i could request Yandere! Alex Kralie (mh), with reader?
(also im not sure if we are allowed to ask for scenarios but im adding this just incase, if not you can just cut this out of the request; can you fo a scenario where reader is running from alex, ends up hiding somewhere as they’re running [ie: behind a tree, abandoned building, bushes, ect.] and ends up passing out once their adrenaline begins to run out. possibly with Alex finding them like that? i think he’d be pretty scary once he finds reader! sorry for rambling, again i just really like your works 😞😞 have an amazing night/day)
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Not many people know this, but in Alabama there were a plethora of abandoned buildings in and out around the forests. Most of the time, these buildings were nothing of note. Usually, they no longer served any purpose, were condemned due to health concerns, or they had outlived their use. For some of the more well known locations, police would scout out the areas in case there were any squatters. Normally, this would have been upsetting, but tonight, you wanted someone to find you.
Someone other than Alex.
For months now, you were on the run with Alex Kralie. He had been a neighbor of yours who used to live with his long time partner, Amy. However, some time ago, you realized that she no longer frequented the property. You, being curious, asked and he had replied that he had an amicable breakup with her. At the time, he looked disturbed and angry, but you assumed that it was because he was still smarting from the effects of the breakup.
Now, after listening to his muttered ramblings and the effects of the creature that lived in your peripheral vision, you knew better.
Alex was haunted by the Operator.
Alex was no longer stable.
And you need to get away.
The thing with Alex, however, was that not only was he focused and dead set on targeting former members of his old film project, but he was also paranoid and detail oriented. This meant that you had to be cautious when planning to leave. There were times when he almost caught you trying to hide essentials in your duffel bag or even trying to broach the subject of you leaving because last you checked, while the Operator did attack you a few times, he or it wasn’t particularly interested in you. 
It wanted Alex. 
So, when you realized that Alex was more frazzled than usual, you did not hesitate. You picked up your duffel bag, ducked out the motel’s exit, and began hightailing it towards the forest. The plan was that you would run as fast as you could into the woods, a place that you had become unwillingly far too acquainted with, and take shelter in an abandoned shack. You and Alex had laid low there a few times, but you knew for a fact that whenever Alex had become far too engrossed in his work or consumed by his paranoia, he tended to spend hours by himself.
If you were lucky, you would wake before dawn before heading off towards another town so that you can buy yourself a burner phone and then get back to a life with normalcy. 
Exhausted now, you crept into the desolate shack. As always, the small dwelling was not fit for human habitation, but you had no choice. There was a menagerie of garbage, scraps of clothing, and even a collection of crushed cans in the corner. The smell of rot was heavy and pungent in the air, which was exacerbated by the humid air that filled your lungs. 
You pressed an old shirt onto your shirt, which you had sprayed with perfume just for this occasion. 
Even if you wanted to retch from the horrid smell, you were glad that there wasn’t another person staying here with you. 
If there was one thing that you didn’t want to encounter more than a delusional Alex, it was an unknown human being with intentions you were also not familiar with. 
Tired now from all the running and the adrenaline rush that accompanied it, you curled up into a corner that you supposed was somewhat cleaner than the rest of the dank space. Here, you placed your head atop your bag and hoped to whatever god was out there that you would sleep the night through and wake in the morning without any trouble.
With exhaustion weighing down your eyelids and your muscles, you settled into a fitful slumber. 
Another thing that you should know about living with a person who was as paranoid and as erratic as Alex was that you had to learn to wake and be alert at the slightest disturbance. There were times when you would burst awake in the dead of night only to find that Alex had slammed his laptop closed a little too hard. Once, when you were still new to this, you opened your eyes only to find that the strangely dressed figure of the Operator was standing above you. 
You feared Alex, but you absolutely dreaded that hateful creature.
When you awoke, it wasn’t because of a slight disturbance in the night like a harsh wind passing through the broken window. Rather, you felt the strong grip of someone’s hand closing tight around your windpipe and you heard the rough, deep breaths of someone exerting so much effort above you. 
Gasping aloud, you looked up only to find that in the darkness above you, which was only illuminated by the barest glimmer of moonlight. Was it the Operator? Had the creature of darkness that had haunted Alex for so long had decided that you were a worthy meal after so long? 
Struggling with the will to survive now, your hands scratched at the wrist of the hand that held you down while your legs kicked and bucked up at the being above you.
“Finally awake, huh?”
You seized in fear when you realized that it was Alex. 
And he was angry. 
In a last ditch effort to save yourself from this deranged madman, you reared your head back and sprung forward. The instant your skull made contact with him, he yelped and his hands slacked. Taking that opportunity, you pushed him off you, your strength still paling in comparison to his, but at the very least you were able to escape. 
Ignoring your duffle bag, you hurried out of the makeshift shelter and urged your legs to move longer, move faster. 
Behind you, Alex was only regaining his breath.
It was now or never. 
With the evidence of Alex’s violent rage fresh in your mind and smarting on your skin, you hurried forward. 
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone yandere behavior outside of fictional settings. Please don’t mistake the actions of fictional characters displayed in works of fiction to be considered harmless in real life.
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Request Rules and Regulations
Requests are currently: Closed.
Characters I write for:
Laughing Jack
Eyeless Jack
Jeff The Killer
Ben Drowned
Judge Angels/Dina
Bloody Painter/Helen
Liu Woods (My version of him, not Homicidal Liu, I don’t really vibe with the character)
Nina The Killer
Jane The Killer
Jason The Toymaker
Kate The Chaser
Lost Silver
Eloise Ballrose/Stripes
The Rake
Lazari Swann
Laughing Jill
Will Grossman
Tim Wright
Jay Merrick
Doby Doggers
Ticci Toby
Characters I will not write:
The Puppeteer (He’ll likely be added to the roster later when I have a good idea of how to write him)
Homicidal Liu/Sully
Brian Thomas (no idea how to write him lol)
Alex Kralie (also no idea how to write him yet)
Candy Pop
Dr Smiley
Nurse Ann
Things I will write:
Character x reader
General fluff
Slender mansion AU
Scenario prompts
Things I will not write:
Yandere (the one exception being Jason the toymaker because that’s kinda his character)
Ships with Slenderman or Laughing Jack. I’m fine with x reader stuff but Slenjack is a comfort ship and I don’t feel comfortable writing any other ships.
Other people’s OCs
General guidelines
Requests are done when they are done. I cannot force myself to write all the time. I am human, I get tired, be patient.
I may not get some requests due to lack of motivation or inspiration. I can’t force myself to write something I have no ideas for.
If I’m not comfortable writing something, I won’t do it. Don’t be an asshole, read the rules and follow them.
If there’s a character you’d like me to do but they’re not on the list, assume I have no idea who they actually are.
Please keep asks civil and polite :)
Again I don’t do smut, please don’t send asks about that stuff.
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macabrelinguine · 2 years
ok! the can i ask for a scenario with yandere alex kralie and a sensitive darling? (im not sure thats too specific or not)
I’d like it to be more specific, but this is great! Also fun fact my page reloaded just as a was about to finish :(
You sat on the bed in your room, terrified. This wasn’t your room. Sure, it looked exactly like your room, but it was missing a few things. Like windows. Or a handle on the door. You shivered thinking about the man who brought you here. You thought he was your friend! But now you were in this imitation of your room, tied to the wall with what looked like rope you’d use to rock climb. Suddenly, the door clicked open, and your head snapped towards the door. There he was. ”A-Alex?” You asked, hating how weak your voice sounded. ”Oh, love, you’re awake. Good. Now we can get started.” You didn’t like the sound of that. Get started with what? Alex smirked. “Oh, don’t look so scared, love. I’ll only hurt you if it’s necessary.” He reached towards you and you flinched back. His outstretched hand slowly curled into a fist, then dropped to his side. “Not very Social yet, I suppose.” His words seemed to be laced with Venom. You sat up. “No, I’m sorry! It was a reflex, I didn’t mean to-“ He put a finger to his lips. “I know you’re sorry. Or at least, you will be.” That sentence sent shivers up your spine as he walked out the door. Well, he was gone. You should be safe now, right? You took a deep breath, but then you heard the door click. You slowly, hesitantly looked at Alex. Alex was holding a gun. “No, no, please!” You screamed, before his hand clamped over your mouth. ”There’s no one around to hear you, and if you keep screaming I’m going to get angry. Shut up.” You nodded, keeping your eyes on the gun in his hand. “oh,” he chuckled, “scared of this? I won’t hurt you yet. But if you ever screw up again…” he aimed the gun at the ceiling and fired.
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macabrelinguine · 2 years
Hey guys!! My name is Crow, and I like writing. I’ll write creepypasta / marble hornets headcanons and scenarios. No NSFW, please. I’ll write yandere’s though :) general lore asks are welcomed!
Characters I’ll write for :
Jane the Killer
Alex Kralie
Jay Merrick
Ben Drowned
Nina the Killer
Jason The Toymaker
The Puppeteer
if you don’t see someone on this list and you want to request them, ask beforehand and I’ll tel you if I’ll write for them.
Please feel free to ask for just general lore and stuff as well!!
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macabrelinguine · 2 years
am i allowed to ask for a yandere alex kralie scenario?
You are! Scenarios will take longer than requests, and if ask you to be a bit specific, it if be happy to write it :)
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