#alex Kralie scenario
macabrelinguine · 2 years
ooo can i ask for a scenario/hcs with yandere alex and sensitive darling where they try to (unsuccessfully) hide from him since he has his gun and seems mad
(idk if this is more more specific 😔) - 🐝 anon
This is perfect! <3
You were HUNGRY. Alex had been gone for most of the day, and he kept all the ready-made food locked up. You’d cook something, as the lower cabinets were full of cookable food, but the oven needed a key to open. control freak. You had gotten upset earlier and spilled the uncooked food all over the floor. You recalled when you were first allowed out of the room he made for you. It was in the basement, but the door was right at the bottom of the stairs, which you figured out the one time you pushed past Alex to try and get away. You tripped on the stairs. That was the last time you tried to run, that was for sure. You still weren’t allowed in the living room, and you looked out at now. Then you heard the keys in the many, many locks. Alex was back! Finally, you could probably get him to unlock the cupboard so you could get food. But then you caught a glance of him. He looked mad. And he was waving around the gun. You saw the mess at your feet, and your body made the decision to hide before your brain could catch up. you squirmed your way into the cupboard, closing the door behind you. Alex walked into the kitchen, grumbling. Then it occurred to you that because of what was spilled on the floor, it would be painfully obvious where you were hiding. You scooted farther back, squeezing your eyes shut. Then he spoke. “Where are you..?” You heard his footsteps getting closer. “I’m not in the mood to play games.” You half considered going out of the cupboard, but…what if he didn’t notice? You’d already be in trouble for hiding. So…just sit. You heard the sound of him opening all the cabinets in a row, slowly getting closer to you. He stopped. You didn’t dare sigh in relief in case he heard. Then you heard a gunshot and screamed. He had fired into the cabinet next to you. Shit. The cabinet door in front of you slowly creaked open, and Alex was glaring at you. “Alex, I-“ you started to speak, but he cut you off. “You made a mess. Why were you in the fucking cabinet?!” You couldn’t help but burst into tears, the kitchen blurring around you. You flinched at a hand on your shoulder. Alex sighed. “It’s…alright. Just don’t do it again.”
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solazu1 · 6 months
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OH SHIT, THEY’RE ROAD-TRIPPING!!!! I have,, a bit of a thing planned :3 a series of images if you will, maybe one can consider it a project or whatever. They're on a journey!! More content awaits including how chaotic it is to have Alex, Amy, Brian, Tim, Jay, and Jessica all in one car going from Alabama to Arizona.
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rightous-int · 1 year
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He's fighting his demons but his demos are just his own neurodivergent ass
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viscerax · 10 months
Okay guys I saw this tiktok that basically said "Why couldn't God forgive Lucifer" and I was like oh yeah thats cool ahahaha not connect this to marble hornets because im normal and can handle not making religious parallels in marble hornets
And then someone in the comments said "because lucifer didn't want to be forgiven" and I started thinking about timlex because yeah.
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oddballwriter · 2 years
What it’s like to date and be in a relationship with the MH guys
Summary: My headcanons on what I think it would be like to be in a relationship with Jay, Alex, Brian, and Tim. 
Warnings: I will occasionally bring up the events of the Marble Hornets series with them so be aware of that, but for the most part this is just what I think they are like as your boyfriends. Mentions of death, grief and grieving, being stalked, and holding in trauma 
Relationship: romantic
Author’s Snip: I know I said that I would have all the slenderverse guys together but I have a feeling that this is going to be a long one so I’m going to have them have respective posts.
Notes: Jay is canonically gay, this has been confirmed, if you do not identify as male/masc then you can skip his. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
I mentioned in my love language post that your relationship with him would be “low maintenance” 
What I mean by that isn’t that it hardly feels like your in a relationship but rather that being in a relationship with him is just easy and simple
You guys’ dates mostly consist of just having movie nights and over all just being in each others company 
I did say his love language was quality time after all
He’s not a pda kind of guy
He’ll hold your hand and maybe steal a few loving glances while in public but he’s not all over you, however when in private he will hold you close a little and have the occasional cuddle and kisses
You two are near each other all the time tho 
Wherever Jay goes, you go, and vice versa
It’s not like a dependency or that dramatic ass “I CAN’T STAND NOT BEING WITH YOU!” thing 
You and him just straight up follow each other around cause why not?
The whole group is used to you being with Jay all the time and welcome it since they think you’re cool
They actually think it’s weird when you aren’t together cause they’ve gotten so used to it
(w/ MH events)
If we wanna add in the events of the MH channel, you are probably right next to him in his pursuit of answers on what happened to Alex and what the hell his going on
Why wouldn’t you? You knew Alex too and saw his change in behaviors and decline before running away. Also, why not support your boyfriend in this weird little escapade?
Once shit gets heavy and you have to deal with two masked stalkers, a faceless monster, and the person you were looking for trying to kill you, Jay feels awful
He brought you into the line of danger
He honestly cares more that you’re in danger rather than the fact that he’s in danger
When he died you were obviously devastated and in shambles
He probably didn’t tell you where he was going because he knew it was dangerous and didn’t want you to get hurt anymore, he wanted you to be safe for once 
It was a stupid idea of him to even go there at all, but I guess he loved you enough to keep you safe from something that he felt could be the most dangerous thing of all
He’s a really sweet guy
Have you seen him pre-MH? He looks like a sweetheart
Not in that “uwu he baby” way but he just looks really sweet
I also hc that his love language is quality time but he actually wants to take you places and actually do stuff rather than just watch movies
I mean, you do watch a lot of movies but it’s not as simple as it would be with Jay
He talks all about his latest projects with you because film is his passion and he wants to be a filmmaker, so he’s gonna talk about it. Listen you him ramble, please. It lets him know that you care about his passions and are supportive of him
He doesn’t want you to constantly be around him, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to be around you, but sometimes he just can’t find an excuse to have you with him all the time
He would like to but, like, honestly, what are you really gonna do on a film set other than play assistant?
And his assistant you are not
He’s probably such dork, he looks like one and always has (/lh)
You have dork for a boyfriend
(w/ the events of MH)
If you were dating while the og Marble Hornets was being filmed then you probably noticed his change pretty early if not first to notice
Your little dates and hangouts get less and less and even when you do, there’s something off about him
At first you think like everyone else and assume that Marble Hornets is putting a lot of stress on him. He’s probably ranted about all the things going wrong on set
But then he gets worse and he just never comes to see you anymore
I’m gonna say that you weren’t infected with operator or showed no signs at all and so he leaves you alone 
He probably sent you a break up text basically just saying that somethings have happened and that you guys aren’t going to work out anymore and then just disappears off the face of the planet with not farther explanation
It’s not you, it’s him, he didn’t wanna get you infected and needing to do what he thought was ‘helping’
Jay probably asked you what Alex said to you before he left once he starts the channel but you only tell him what you know
You were pretty much in the dark about what he was seeing and going through
Boyfriend material, absolute boyfriend material
I don’t wanna pull the golden retriever boyfriend card but...
Look at him
I have no choice
Dude, dude, he loves you
He’s a very affectionate guy and he’s not shy to have some pda
If he wants to hold you and kiss you, he’s gonna hold and kiss you 
I hope you like physical affection, because that’s his love language 
He also says “I love you” and compliments you all the time
All the damn time
If you are very feeling bad about something or yourself, give him a call or have him come over. All that sadness is gone!
Love is stored in the Brian 
Brian is a very friendly guy and gets along with everyone along with being pretty cool, so if anyone is being rude to you, he’ll kindly tell them to knock it off
But if someone is a complete asshole, oh boy, he’s gonna lay it down and tell them to get the fuck out of there with their bullshit attitude
No one is mean to his loved ones, especially his partner
(w/ events of MH) 
If I’m correct, in the series, its mentioned that he just went missing and he stayed missing since no one knew he was Hoodie the entire time
When he went missing, you got worried sick
It’s not like him at all to just vanish without saying anything to anyone, especially you 
You just hold onto hope that he’ll show back up and everything will be fine
You honestly wouldn’t even ask questions, you would just be happy to have your boyfriend back home safe
He does stalk you a bit as Hoodie, but he never lets you see him
He also doesn’t “check on you” as often either
He doesn’t want to rope you into the massive mess he’s in and put you in harms way so he just watches you from an even farther distance than he does with Jay and Tim and Alex
He also doesn’t wanna scare you either so he doesn’t do it as much
He just wants to watch over you and make sure you’re safe form all of this
You obviously never get to know whatever happened to him 
But I guess it’s lucky of you to live unaware
He looks so brooding and like he doesn’t want anyone to talk to him
But like, if you look at him when he’s not going through all nine rings of hell and then some, he’s just an awkward and shy person
But in a cute way
Idk but the fact that he’s kinda awkward makes him cute and charming in a way 
I’ve mentioned that you’re probably the first serious relationship he’s been in if not his first relationship at all, so he kinda doesn’t really know what to do 
Your dates are mostly late night drives around town and maybe going to an occasional hangout stop or go see a movie rather than an actual “proper” date
If you wanna go eat somewhere he’s fine with that but closed spaces with lots of people kinda make him a little nervous, plus he seems like he enjoys more quiet things with you
The quiet lets him and you focus on each other and that makes the date more special to him 
He’s a little bit scared to integrate physical affection at first and still occasionally is, but once you let him know that you are open for him the be affectionate like that then he feels comfortable 
Pda makes him nervous since he doesn’t like drawing attention to himself very much but he’ll hold your hand
One small form of pda that he’s okay with and actually loves is when you guys are sitting close together and you put your head on his shoulder 
He can’t explain why but it just makes him happy
In private, he likes to cuddle with you
He doesn’t really care if he’s big or little spoon 
But sometimes when he’s having a rough patch or moment, he prefers to be little spoon but won’t mention it
He very clearly/obviously went through stuff in his past and he has some baggage from it that he can’t let go
Help him with that
You don’t need to be his therapist or anything like that
Just, give him some reassurance that you’re here for him and that he can be vocal about the things he went through and how he feels 
(w/ events of MH)
I’m gonna format this that you and him get together after everything that happens 
I honestly think that Tim genuinely became a hermit and never made many close connections with anyone other than Jessica
But I guess you found a way 
He’s scared, really scared
He’s terrified of passing his disease onto you 
He’d obviously never tell you everything about what happened or either doesn’t say anything at all 
The most he’ll say is that in his past a lot of the people that he loved and cared about ended up getting hurt because of him 
He has such awful survivor’s guilt and is holding in so much
You might not know everything but it means a lot to him that you’re there and there for him
Sometimes when he’s having a rough night, he either calls you asking you to come over or if he can come over
Say yes
You’re the only form of comfort he has outside of therapist’s office
Tell him that he’s okay and that you’re okay
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veespee · 7 months
(EDIT: redoing this intro to match my new theme:3)
basic info about me: my name is Ven, i'm 16 yrs old, i'm greek, and my pronouns are she/they.
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what i will post:
mostly poetry, small writing, headcannons (usually for slenderverse), quotes that i believe suit certain characters, moodboards, and maybe some of my drawings.
i enjoy analyzing media and rambling a lot, so i’ll be very happy if anyone really took the time to read any of my posts lol
you can ask anything, i honestly don’t mind unless you’re really weird, and can make any requests. i’m looking for fellow people around my age that enjoy my interests!
specific series: everymanHYBRID, marble hornets, tribetwelve, mydarkjournal, darkharvest00, whispered faith, stan frederick.
-ARGs, such as: mandela catalogue, the walten files, POSTcontent, i am sophie.
-video games, such as: night in the woods, life is strange. detroit: become human, what remains of edith finch, sally face, etc. etc.
-poetry about cannibalism, religious trauma, loneliness, limerence, yearning, and my favourite, canine poetry.
-music, genres i enjoy are: indie, rock, goth and new wave, death metal, slam metal, sludge metal.
specific artists: alex g, jeff buckley, elliot smith, radiohead, a perfect circle, nirvana, foo fighters, alice in chains, freshwater, deftones, cocteau twins, the cure, bauhaus, she wants revenge, london after midnight, christian death, mortician, death, field dressed, and more.
(visit my spotify if you're interested :))
-horror movies. (specifically: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, House if 1000 Corpses (+ all Rob Zombie movies), Creep, and lots more.
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specific slenderverse characters i will/want to write about: HABIT/ Evan Myers, Jeff Koval, Vinnie Everyman/Caffarello, Steph, Dr. Corenthal, Alex (Koval and Kralie), Tim/Masky and Brian/Hoody, Noah and Firebrand, Kevin and Observer, Milo and Mr. Scars, Michael/Patrick, Shaun, Chris and Alex (DH00), Jesse Laurenzi, Heather McComber, Victor (MDJ) and Geneva, Tim/Mr. Flips, Robert.
things i don’t like:
-writing romantic scenarios about characters. i don’t like shipping, maybe some headcanons could be fine.
-NSFW. (writing nsfw, i am fine with nsfw jokes and such. just don’t go too far.)
-bigotry, obvious.
-ppl who defend Adam Rosner and Jeffery Koval.
things i do like:
-people interacting with me about my interests. please, do not be scared to interact with me and ask anything, i am very lonely. (/hj)
-getting requests. again, don’t be afraid to ask me anything and request anything.
thank you sm for reading!
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dearestones · 2 years
A Waste of Time (Yandere! Alex Kralie x Reader)
Warnings: Yandere character, yandere behavior, erratic behavior, delusional behavior, etc. 
Anonymous Request: hi!! im so excited that requests are open! i really love your work and was wondering if i could request Yandere! Alex Kralie (mh), with reader?
(also im not sure if we are allowed to ask for scenarios but im adding this just incase, if not you can just cut this out of the request; can you fo a scenario where reader is running from alex, ends up hiding somewhere as they’re running [ie: behind a tree, abandoned building, bushes, ect.] and ends up passing out once their adrenaline begins to run out. possibly with Alex finding them like that? i think he’d be pretty scary once he finds reader! sorry for rambling, again i just really like your works 😞😞 have an amazing night/day)
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Not many people know this, but in Alabama there were a plethora of abandoned buildings in and out around the forests. Most of the time, these buildings were nothing of note. Usually, they no longer served any purpose, were condemned due to health concerns, or they had outlived their use. For some of the more well known locations, police would scout out the areas in case there were any squatters. Normally, this would have been upsetting, but tonight, you wanted someone to find you.
Someone other than Alex.
For months now, you were on the run with Alex Kralie. He had been a neighbor of yours who used to live with his long time partner, Amy. However, some time ago, you realized that she no longer frequented the property. You, being curious, asked and he had replied that he had an amicable breakup with her. At the time, he looked disturbed and angry, but you assumed that it was because he was still smarting from the effects of the breakup.
Now, after listening to his muttered ramblings and the effects of the creature that lived in your peripheral vision, you knew better.
Alex was haunted by the Operator.
Alex was no longer stable.
And you need to get away.
The thing with Alex, however, was that not only was he focused and dead set on targeting former members of his old film project, but he was also paranoid and detail oriented. This meant that you had to be cautious when planning to leave. There were times when he almost caught you trying to hide essentials in your duffel bag or even trying to broach the subject of you leaving because last you checked, while the Operator did attack you a few times, he or it wasn’t particularly interested in you. 
It wanted Alex. 
So, when you realized that Alex was more frazzled than usual, you did not hesitate. You picked up your duffel bag, ducked out the motel’s exit, and began hightailing it towards the forest. The plan was that you would run as fast as you could into the woods, a place that you had become unwillingly far too acquainted with, and take shelter in an abandoned shack. You and Alex had laid low there a few times, but you knew for a fact that whenever Alex had become far too engrossed in his work or consumed by his paranoia, he tended to spend hours by himself.
If you were lucky, you would wake before dawn before heading off towards another town so that you can buy yourself a burner phone and then get back to a life with normalcy. 
Exhausted now, you crept into the desolate shack. As always, the small dwelling was not fit for human habitation, but you had no choice. There was a menagerie of garbage, scraps of clothing, and even a collection of crushed cans in the corner. The smell of rot was heavy and pungent in the air, which was exacerbated by the humid air that filled your lungs. 
You pressed an old shirt onto your shirt, which you had sprayed with perfume just for this occasion. 
Even if you wanted to retch from the horrid smell, you were glad that there wasn’t another person staying here with you. 
If there was one thing that you didn’t want to encounter more than a delusional Alex, it was an unknown human being with intentions you were also not familiar with. 
Tired now from all the running and the adrenaline rush that accompanied it, you curled up into a corner that you supposed was somewhat cleaner than the rest of the dank space. Here, you placed your head atop your bag and hoped to whatever god was out there that you would sleep the night through and wake in the morning without any trouble.
With exhaustion weighing down your eyelids and your muscles, you settled into a fitful slumber. 
Another thing that you should know about living with a person who was as paranoid and as erratic as Alex was that you had to learn to wake and be alert at the slightest disturbance. There were times when you would burst awake in the dead of night only to find that Alex had slammed his laptop closed a little too hard. Once, when you were still new to this, you opened your eyes only to find that the strangely dressed figure of the Operator was standing above you. 
You feared Alex, but you absolutely dreaded that hateful creature.
When you awoke, it wasn’t because of a slight disturbance in the night like a harsh wind passing through the broken window. Rather, you felt the strong grip of someone’s hand closing tight around your windpipe and you heard the rough, deep breaths of someone exerting so much effort above you. 
Gasping aloud, you looked up only to find that in the darkness above you, which was only illuminated by the barest glimmer of moonlight. Was it the Operator? Had the creature of darkness that had haunted Alex for so long had decided that you were a worthy meal after so long? 
Struggling with the will to survive now, your hands scratched at the wrist of the hand that held you down while your legs kicked and bucked up at the being above you.
“Finally awake, huh?”
You seized in fear when you realized that it was Alex. 
And he was angry. 
In a last ditch effort to save yourself from this deranged madman, you reared your head back and sprung forward. The instant your skull made contact with him, he yelped and his hands slacked. Taking that opportunity, you pushed him off you, your strength still paling in comparison to his, but at the very least you were able to escape. 
Ignoring your duffle bag, you hurried out of the makeshift shelter and urged your legs to move longer, move faster. 
Behind you, Alex was only regaining his breath.
It was now or never. 
With the evidence of Alex’s violent rage fresh in your mind and smarting on your skin, you hurried forward. 
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone yandere behavior outside of fictional settings. Please don’t mistake the actions of fictional characters displayed in works of fiction to be considered harmless in real life.
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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bix-bom · 1 year
alex kralie as brahms . ik hes the only one without a mask in mh but. sorry its infested my mind
Oh anon..... i need to know you now. You know whats up..... I got so excited about this ask that i literally almost threw up (im so normal about marble hornets and the boy please believe me)
I did my own rendition of what i imagine alexs mask would be. Also jay is obviously greta in this scenario.... almost died drawing the kiss scene.... ough.... ough....
We need more of this energy in the asks
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⋆。‧˚ʚ Writing Rules ɞ˚‧。⋆
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Creepypasta
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ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Check out my Writing Masterlist!
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Here’s my rules!! I write oneshots, headcannons, scenarios, and possibly stories!! I also love Asks about my OC or my Creepypasta AU! I also have a zombie apocalypse AU!
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Any questions will be taken as my normal AU unless it’s specified as a zombie AU question!
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 All my writing will contain a Content warning, or Trigger warning!
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 I write Canon Character x OC stuff.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 My writing Tag is #sharkarkwrites
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 My Answers to Questions will always be under the tag #sharkarkanswers
⋆。‧˚ʚ Yes ɞ˚‧。⋆
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 SFW.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 NSFW (Will be properly tagged!).
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Angst, Fluff, Smut, Romance, Violence, Gore.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Canon Character x Reader.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Canon Character x Canon Character.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Canon Character x OC (This will most likely only be for Mutuals, although questions are welcomed!!).
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Male x Male, Female x Female, NB x NB, Male x Female, Male x NB, Female x NB, Literally any gender pairing.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Polyamorous Ships!
⋆。‧˚ʚ No ɞ˚‧。⋆
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 NSFW with Minor Characters! (Sally, Lazari, Ben, Lulu, etc.)
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Ships involving the Canon Characters who are 12 and under.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Ships involving Eyeless Jack unless its my OC. I’m overly attached to Eyeless Jack so I can’t see him being with anyone else.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 I wont write Incest scenes, Necrophillia, or any other gross topics.
⋆。‧˚ʚ Characters ɞ˚‧。⋆
⋆。‧˚ʚ Will Write ɞ˚‧。⋆
𖦹 is favourites!
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Toby Erin Rogers (Ticci Toby) 𖦹
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Timothy Wright (Masky) 𖦹
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Sully Woods 𖦹
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Liu Woods 𖦹
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Jackson Tyler Hammerson (Eyeless Jack) 𖦹
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Jeffery Woods
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Sally Williams
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Nina Hopkins
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Cody Rogers (X-Virus)
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Lazari Swann
⋆。‧˚ʚ Willing to Try ɞ˚‧。⋆
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Brian Thomas (Hoodie)
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Helen Otis (Bloody Painter)
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Benjamin Lawman (Ben Drowned)
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Lucille-Tiffany Greatfeild (Lulu)
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Alex Kralie
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Jay Merrick (Skully)
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Jane Arkansas
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Natalie Ouellette (Clockwork)
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Laughing Jack
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Jason The Toymaker
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Candypop
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Slenderman
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Zalgo
⋆。‧˚ʚ Won’t Write For ɞ˚‧。⋆
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Offenderman
⋆。‧˚ʚ Original Charaters ɞ˚‧。⋆
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 Ark Willows
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amourluvie · 4 months
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my intro !!
Hii !! Am jia , a new writer <3
Indian | she / her | bisexual
I don't do NSFW because am a minor , i only write headcanons,angst,drabbles,scenarios and fluff.
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Characters I write for
Creepypasta -
Slenderman,Jeff the killer (any version) ,ben drowned (only platonically since he's 10-12 in my au) ,laughing jack,eyeless jack ,nurse ann, proxy rogue,clockwork,Nina the killer,jane the killer (both versions) , zero , laughing jill , kagekao , Kate the chaser ,killing Kate ,hobo heart , the puppeteer, candypop, Jason the toymaker,Lulu, I forgot the others
Jason voorhees,Brahms heelshire,Michael Myers (both versions), billy lenz , ghostface,Harry warden , leatherface (both bubba and Thomas), carrie white, Amanda young, I forgot the others yet again but yeah don't be shy to request for me to write for any slasher out there<3
Dbd killers -
Danny Johnson/Jed Olsen / the ghostface , Evan Macmillan / the trapper , the hag , the nurse , the legion , the pig / Amanda young, the doctor , the oni , etc
marble hornets
masky/Timothy wright , hoodie/brian Thomas , jay Merrick , alex Kralie , Stephanie 🩷
Characters I WILL not write for even if u held me at gunpoint
If u want to be moots don't b shy and text me<3
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macabrelinguine · 2 years
ok! the can i ask for a scenario with yandere alex kralie and a sensitive darling? (im not sure thats too specific or not)
I’d like it to be more specific, but this is great! Also fun fact my page reloaded just as a was about to finish :(
You sat on the bed in your room, terrified. This wasn’t your room. Sure, it looked exactly like your room, but it was missing a few things. Like windows. Or a handle on the door. You shivered thinking about the man who brought you here. You thought he was your friend! But now you were in this imitation of your room, tied to the wall with what looked like rope you’d use to rock climb. Suddenly, the door clicked open, and your head snapped towards the door. There he was. ”A-Alex?” You asked, hating how weak your voice sounded. ”Oh, love, you’re awake. Good. Now we can get started.” You didn’t like the sound of that. Get started with what? Alex smirked. “Oh, don’t look so scared, love. I’ll only hurt you if it’s necessary.” He reached towards you and you flinched back. His outstretched hand slowly curled into a fist, then dropped to his side. “Not very Social yet, I suppose.” His words seemed to be laced with Venom. You sat up. “No, I’m sorry! It was a reflex, I didn’t mean to-“ He put a finger to his lips. “I know you’re sorry. Or at least, you will be.” That sentence sent shivers up your spine as he walked out the door. Well, he was gone. You should be safe now, right? You took a deep breath, but then you heard the door click. You slowly, hesitantly looked at Alex. Alex was holding a gun. “No, no, please!” You screamed, before his hand clamped over your mouth. ”There’s no one around to hear you, and if you keep screaming I’m going to get angry. Shut up.” You nodded, keeping your eyes on the gun in his hand. “oh,” he chuckled, “scared of this? I won’t hurt you yet. But if you ever screw up again…” he aimed the gun at the ceiling and fired.
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I just found out about branding paddles and holy shit, Alex would own one
Abso-fucking-lutely he would
Holy shit I wanna draw this, fully have a pose reference that'd work for it as well actually, I fully could draw this 👀 I could
like, Alex with someone's name in raised letters across his ass 👀👀👀 Alex with someone's name across his ass and he's the one holding the paddle? He put it there himself while the person whose name it is just watched after ordering him to do it? 👀👀 He didn't do it hard enough the first time, so they ordered him to hit himself harder with the paddle and now their name is branded across the side of his ass cheek.
Okay. Yeah I drew it :]
Here you go. Apparently I'm in the mood to draw at the moment, so have the above scenario drawn out whoooo (under the thingy because ass)
Also transmasc Alex Kralie because why not honestly. Enjoy the sideboob, and of course his ass in the camera (tumblr pls don't take this down, I know there's an ass in it but I've seen enough fucking porn bots to know you don't actually give a shit about that half the damn time)
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kinda love my little watermark on there looking like when you get a cut or something and it's not super deep so it does that thing where is 'scars' darker than the skin before it just heals up and vanishes.
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kittensinribbons · 8 months
♡ intro to my writing blog! ♡
lana, they/them, minor (so no nsfw!!)
DNI: racists, homophobes, transphobes, “(fandom) dni" ppl
general rules/things to know:
╰┈➤ please be friendly to each other and to me! ╰┈➤ don't like, don't read! ╰┈➤ feel free to spam likes, requests, reblogs, etc! it's also ok to do anything of your own involving my work (fanart, playlists, etc), just credit me + let me know!! i don't condone any form of ai to be used in regards to my work, like making bots based off of scenarios in my works. ╰┈➤ no nsfw! ╰┈➤ i will predominantly be writing x readers for male characters, again, don't like, don't read ╰┈➤ you can request works for characters not on my list, but if i don't know them i may not write for them ╰┈➤ banner patterns will always be from @cafekitsune !!
what I won’t write: (more to be added(
╰┈➤ anything nsfw (including fetish content) ╰┈➤ gore ╰┈➤ certain underage/overage age gaps (ex: won't write between a 16 and 20yo, but a 17 and 18yo is fine), icky age gaps in general
click read more for my character list!
character list:
♡ marvel/superheroes/superhero villains the winter soldier bucky barnes (not the same!!) steve rogers steven grant (moon knight) jake lockley (moon knight) miguel o'hara jerome valeska (gotham) jeremiah valeska (gotham)
♡ slashers michael myers (halloween) brahms heelshire (the boy)
♡ call of duty (didn't play the games) simon "ghost" riley john price könig
♡ marble hornets/creepypasta alex kralie (!!) tim wright jay merrick brian thomas masky (marble hornets) hoodie (marble hornets) jeff the killer
♡ musical theater j.d. (heathers- didn't watch the movie but watched the musical) erik destler (phantom of the opera- watched the musical and read most of the book)
♡ miscellaneous felix catton (saltburn) farleigh start (saltburn)
more to be added!!
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oddballwriter · 2 years
MH & EMH Guys and the Unique Things You Two do Together
Summary: The MH and EMH guys and things that feel unique to your relationship with them
Warnings: HABIT’s here
Relationship: romantic 💕
Author’s Snip: Felt wholesome. Hope you like it.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
Marbles Hornets
Late night drives
He struggles to sleep a lot and he’ll sometimes (more like frequently) give you a call to see if you’re still up and asks if you’re done for a drive
You guys don’t really have any places you go, Tim just drives around town and you two bask in the passing lights and presence of the other
Sometimes you lightly sing to the songs on the radio, talk about whatever comes to mind, sometimes you’ll just enjoy the silence
In all honesty by the end of it and you’re making your way back to your homes, Tim will just ask if you wanna spend the night
If you say yes then you just head to his house and head to sleep
If not, that’s fine, he’ll drop you off and kiss you good night
It sounds so simple but there’s something weirdly intimate about it
Snack runs
There’s something to it that just feels so special to the two of you
You guys just head down to the nearest 7-11 or AM PM and get way more snacks than you two need
These little trips will happen at any time honestly
Noon, evening, late night
It doesn’t matter there’s no such thing as curfew when it comes to these
It could be 2 in the damn morning and there’ll just be
“You wanna go to 7-11?”
“… yeah sure”
The employees know you as “the couple”
You once got shoo-ed out by one one night because you two where smooching in front of the ice creams and they don’t get paid enough to see that
Sharing clothes
He just seems like the type of person who finds it nice to do that with someone
It just feels really nice to see someone you love wearing your clothes and vice versa y’know
You and him have shirts, jackets, and other pieces of clothing that you have never seen again because the other has it
You two have something that you call “mutual clothes”
Which are clothes that you and him either frequently share and or have bounced between the two of you for so long that you two don’t even remember who’s it originally was
It is kind of annoying when you aren’t sure if you misplaced a piece of clothing or if the other has it
But you won’t stop sharing clothes for the world
Long talks
I think I’ve said it before but Alex is a bit chatty and enjoys talking to you
Regardless of if you guys are with each other or on a call with each other, you guys will spend hours talking about whatever comes to mind
If you know some gossip then he’s probably in the know because of this
You guys have even gotten into some really deep conversation before
I’m talking down right philosophical if you two go long enough
He just likes talking to you and feels like it lets him know you just a little bit better
Messing around somewhere late at night
Idk but he gives vibes that he’d knock at your door and be like “Hey! Let’s go somewhere!”
You two then proceed to just sort of run around town and see where the night takes you
It’s honestly so fun
You two tend to come back at some ungodly hour and probably collapse into bed
While out, you two definitely spent a bit of it making out
I really don’t know how to describe what it’s like but the song Tongue Tied by GroupLove has the vibe I’m looking for
Also. That whole gift giving headcannon I talked about in my post talking about love languages w/the guys
You save all the little nicknacks that you give to each other
They’re tiny little treasures to the two of you
Kissing the bridge of each other’s noses
It’s so random but I just feel like that’s a thing you two do that is just your thing
You guys don’t know how it started
It just did one day and you guys just kept doing it
Never stop
He loves it so much and it feels so nice to him it just makes him really happy
Whenever you or him does it, the other does it back
It’s the law in your relationship you must do it /lh
Cuddling and taking naps together
If you’ve read my post with the love languages then you’ll know that I see physical affection, preferably cuddling, is Jeff’s favorite thing
He finds cuddling so nice and peaceful that you two will just fall asleep right there like that
If one wakes up before the other, then you’ll just stay there and wait till the other wakes up
It’s okay if you can’t really move
It’s worth it
Sometimes you’ll fall back asleep
It’s just so peaceful
I could be funny and say that the special thing is the fact that he’s not trying to kill you but I’ll be serious
It’s light hearted bickering and banter
You guys just go back and forth playfully insulting each other
HABIT’s humor is absolutely very dark, and that’s an understatement, but he knows that there’s a limit and he tries to stick to it
However, he likes to push it a little bit because he finds your annoyance and anger amusing
Cheeky fuck
The banter turns into flirting and that’s nice
There’s just something to it that feels great and just between the two of you
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tigerplushh · 1 year
I see you answering my asks and now know I can ask more. SO Opinions on Jay Merrick and Alex Kralie? And the "What if?" scenario of Those Two ending up at the Manor/Meeting other Creepypastas.
I haven’t watched marble hornets in years (and I NEED to rewatch it when I get the chance) and I don’t see a lot about them in the fandom so I can’t really remember much about them, but I do like the idea of them ending up the manor or meeting the other creeps. I don’t think either of them would like it, but it would definitely be interesting.
Honestly I don’t have many opinions about Alex, mainly because I again can’t remember much, but I vaguely remember Jay and looking back I think he was my favourite.I’m not entirely sure why I just think I thought he was a lil silly 😭😭
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hollowhornets · 2 years
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its almost gay month you know what that means- 
drops this and runs
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