#Yang Jiechang
jareckiworld · 12 days
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Yang Jiechang — Tale of the 11th Day: The Last Tree (chinese ink and mineral colour, silk, mounted on canvas, 2016-2023)
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love-for-carnation · 1 year
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These are still Flowers 1913-2013 No. 10, 2013 Yang Jiechang (b. 1956, Chinese)
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adamwatchesmovies · 7 months
The VelociPastor (2017
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You can’t make a movie that’s “so bad it’s good” on purpose. The VelociPastor proves it. Even at a mere 75 minutes, this horror comedy overstays its welcome.
After witnessing his parents die in a car fire, Pastor Doug Jones (Gregory James Cohan) briefly vacations in China. There, he receives a velociraptor claw from a dying woman. Now, whenever Jones becomes angry, he transforms into a dinosaur. He’s convinced he should try to remove this curse but Carol (Alyssa Kempinski), a hooker he saved while in his scaly form, thinks otherwise.
Other than the pun in its title, The VelociPastor has very little going for it. At first, you might chuckle at the premise and the wooden performances. As soon as the movie shows you it doesn’t even have the budget for lousy special effects, you'll realize this won't be the cult classic you were hoping for and shut it off. Instead of showing us the fire that kills Father Doug Jones’ parents, writer/director Brendan Steere has the text “VFX of Fire” appear over an empty street. To people who haven’t seen movies that are so bad they’re good, this sounds hysterical. Anyone with any experience with the ironic art form will know better. This is someone trying to cover up the fact that they don’t have the resources to make a good movie and aren’t even willing to try.
The problem with The VelociPastor is that without giving it too much thought, you could write a better movie. What if Pastor Doug gave a fiery sermon in front of his congregation and suddenly began changing? How would he hide his claws as he hands out communion? What if he faced an existential crisis because previously, he believed the Earth was only 3,000 years old? How about a scene in which he watches Jurassic Park for pointers on how to stalk the villains that prowl the streets? Maybe at one point, said villains chase him into a museum and he has to hide among animatronic dinosaurs! What about an important seminar he absolutely can’t miss that requires him to stuff the trademark velociraptor claw into normal shoes and tape his tail to his leg? What sort of hijinks do we get, if not these? None! In fact, the velociraptor barely appears in this movie and when it does, you’ll pray for death. Facing people who know you’ve sat through this film is too heavy a cross to bear. The dinosaur costume is clearly some generic Halloween disguise someone picked up on November 1st for 50% off because the crotch was torn. It looks shabby and you never see it do anything interesting. As for the gore - when you get any - it's little more than red fruit juice sprayed all over the actors.
It’s obvious no one working on this project cared. There are several scenes whose punchlines are so tired, lame and predictable they aren’t the least bit funny. In fact, they kind of make you mad. "This is the best you could come up with? Another pointless scene that wastes our time even more than the rest of the film, which is itself a colossal waste of time? Please Lord, just tell me we’re nearly at the end." You take a look at your watch. You’ve got another 45 minutes to go. This is a movie so dull it’s a battle to stay awake.
At best, The VelociPastor is a broken clock comedy - it manages to make you laugh/smile despite being broken and useless almost every minute of every hour of every day. At worst, it’s so cheap and lazy it insults your intelligence. You can’t make a cult film on purpose. I wasn’t looking for high art or deep meaning when I sat down with this film but I expected it to be fun. The only people who could enjoy The VelociPastor have their names in the end credits. (June 11, 2021)
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valpurri · 1 year
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wingpicz · 1 year
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Yang Jiechang
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lfir47 · 2 years
Asemic writing research can be intense and sometimes some other artist who have nothing to do with our subject stops you to have chit chat,
Yang Jiechang is one of them.
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Yang Jiechang 杨诘苍 These are still flowers 1913-2013 NO. 7, 2013 Ink and mineral pigments on silk 35 3/8 x 27 1/2 in 90 x 70 cm.© The Artist
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nobrashfestivity · 4 years
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Yang Jiechang  100 Layers of Ink, No.2, 1994
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slcvisualresources · 5 years
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Yang Jiechang
Crying Landscape: Houses of Parliament and Big Ben 会叫的风景, 2002
One from a set of five triptychs; ink and color on paper
118 1/10 × 196 9/10 in; 300 × 500 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Artsy
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gacougnol · 6 years
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Yang Jiechang Composition XXXII 1990 India ink and organic material on rice paper
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yama-bato · 6 years
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Yang Jiechang
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whoismims · 7 years
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“Perhaps the grandest example of Yang Jiechang’s undertakings is Golden Mountain (2012–17), a three-panel landscape painted in the tidy, realist, traditional style known as gongbi. Yang initially conceived this surreal realm during the 2007–08 financial crisis as an alternative to the current world order, one where no hierarchy exists among the beasts of this earth. In this light, we can view the artist’s brush as an egalitarian tool.”
Review: Yang Jiechang - The Whip
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esperwatchesfilms · 3 years
The VelociPastor (2018)
This one holds an especially special place in my heart. I’m always proud of classmates and teachers and other folks from my hometown who go on to do amazing things. I knew he was a force to be reckoned with when he played Orin Scrivello, D.D.S. in our high school production of Little Shop of Horrors, and I’m so glad to see his talent and determination produced this fucking gem. Yes, I did just shamelessly brag about having been acquainted with the writer/director/producer/editor in high school. But in all honesty, I’m extremely happy to have known him and to be able to include this absolute MASTERPIECE in my world record attempt.
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Father Stewart: So your parents died, Doug. It's what parents do. They die on you.
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I love that Doug tells the homeless man he took a vow of poverty and then runs off, no change to give the downtrodden. Then Carol comes by, telling Doug off for being inconsiderate as he runs into her and then she digs some coins out of her purse to hand to the homeless man. I can only speculate, but that definitely feels like some pointed commentary. I love it.
Frankie Mermaid: Now, what’s my name? Carol: Frankie Mermaid. Frankie Mermaid: And why is my name Frankie Mermaid? [Carol mumbles] Frankie Mermaid: Speak up girl, or else I’m gonna give you the fucking boot! Carol: [raises voice] ‘Cause you’re swimmin’ in bitches! Frankie Mermaid: You’re goddamn right!
Frankie Mermaid: Yo, Cherry! If you stuffed dicks in your mouth like you’re doing that sandwich, I’d be a fucking millionaire by now!
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Doug Jones: I don't believe you. Dinosaurs never existed, and even if they did, I don't transform into one.
Doug Jones: You're a hooker? Carol: And premed/law, but people aren't surprised as much by that one.
Carol: You think I like turning tricks to pay for college? There’s surprisingly little demand for hooker-doctor-lawyers.
Doug Jones: What is it that you'd like to confess? Frankie Mermaid: Oh, geez, I guess we could cover the last... four days? Stole candy from this baby, then I threw the baby in the river - so it couldn't snitch, obviously - then, ah, well, I pimp bitches; I do drugs, sell drugs, murder people - really, you name it, I've done it, padre.
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Carol: I don’t know much about God...
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Doug Jones: Father Stewart, what if I told you that I was different? Father Stewart: You're not that different. There are plenty of men like that in the church.
Doug Jones: I might be on a mission from God himself! Father Stewart: That's insane, Doug! God does not want people dead! Doug Jones: Oh, I think God wants a lot of people dead.
Father Stewart: War is war, and war is hell, and hell never changes.
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HOW DIDN’T I NOTICE THAT ALTAIR IS PLAYED BY MUSICIAN VOLTAIRE!? I LISTENED TO SO MUCH OF HIS MUSIC AS A TEENAGER!!! WTF!?!?!?! THIS IS CURRENTLY MY NEW FAVORITE THING ABOUT THIS FILM!!! How am I this stupid? How did I not notice this sooner!? I’m a dum-dum. Oh my gods, that makes this movie a thousand times more perfect.
Oh my god... another sort of subtle joke that I’m not sure whether or not it was intentional (It fucking has to be... it just has to) -- there is a ninja called Choi-Min who doesn’t say a word except in a voiceover while he’s ignoring a ninja who’s talking strategy. The ninja talking strategy has Australian accent. When he says “Choi-Min” it sounds like he’s saying “Chime in”, making the name Choi-Min super punny... and I know that’s a small thing, but it made me ridiculously happy that I noticed another thing I hadn’t noticed in this film before.
Doug Jones: Your ancestors are my ancestors!
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I love that Carol was dying, but she ends up in a general doctor’s office-looking place rather than a hospital. It cracks me up more than it’s probably meant to.
ESE: 98/100
50 +5 for “Rated X by an all-christian jury” -10 for blowing up Doug’s parents +10 for VFX: Car on fire +10 for the “what parents do” line +5 for the subtle Jurassic Park riff at the end of the opening credits -5 for China looking a lot like the woods behind my house +3 for mannequin head +5 for hooker-doctor-lawyers +5 for Frankie Mermaid’s confession +2 for the high-five +5 for prolonged goofy ninja laughter -5 for Vietnam also looking a lot like the woods behind my house -5 for Ali’s death +7 for Ali continuing to puff on his cigarette after death -5 for poor, sweet Adeline’s demise +5 for Altair -5 for ripping out Father Stewart’s eye +8 for the way the sex scene is edited +5 for kicking ass in their undies -5 for stabbing Father Stewart +5 for prolonged ninja laughter again -5 for neglecting poor Sam -5 for cutting Carol +5 for the ninjas crying for Carol +10 for hilarious AF dino costume +3 for re-use of the mannequin head -5 for smoking in a hospital +5 for the Chevelle
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thatsbutterbaby · 7 years
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Yang Jiechang (Chinese, b. 1956), Hundred Layers of Ink, 1990.  Ink on paper mounted onto canvas, 175.5 x 95.5 cm.
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Yang Jiechang 杨诘苍 THESE ARE STILL FLOWERS 1913-2013 NO. 17. 2013 Watercolor on paper 11 3/8 x 9 1/2 in 29 x 24 ©The Artist
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slcvisualresources · 5 years
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Yang Jiechang
Garland series - The Land of Palestine, 2004
Ink and mineral color on silk, mounted on canvas
56 3/10 × 43 7/10 in143 × 111 cm
Courtesy of the Artsy
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