#Yashiro Setsuna
poyaposted · 10 months
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Hi Hana*Doll tumblr users, hope y’all like this :]
I saw this post and immediately knew what I had to doodle next bc LORD?? Is Setsuna… 🏳️‍🌈? Are they… you know??
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himirins · 11 months
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This might have happened behind the scenes in think of me other....
Please don't repost or claim as yours
Based off
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microwav3ov3n · 23 days
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mangasstuffcomics · 10 months
This thread has be done Uchiha apologists and sasuke fans are just the lack of reading comprehension first all there's only one potion of authority in the village and that's hokage what did the Uchiha clan lack that other clans had
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I'm sorry to tell this but the Uchiha clan isn't a race it's family who founder is the older brother of the founder senju clan there part of the same family
Even if the Uchiha clan was race tobirama would be same race as them
Not mention what tobirama stated about Uchiha clan and the curse of hatred is a fact its canon in the naruto manga
First time the curse of hatred was mentioned by obito Uchiha a curse that has followed the Uchiha for generations
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Just ignore what tobirama actually said about Uchiha clan that no clan feels deeper love that's Uchiha not even the senju its simple when a Uchiha loses that love its replaced by a deeper Hate that changes them simple.
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Madara litteraly used some tobirama own words while talking to obito your deep love into a equally profound hatred come on people
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Madara totally wasn't selfish like when he attacked the village with the nine tails putting multiple people in danger including his own clan so you say he left because he was worried about people yet put them in danger please
He also put the words of dead man izuna over the wellbeing of the entire clan forcing them to fight in a losing war to point where Uchiha clan members decided to join forces with the senju
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Get it through your minds nobody wanted madara as hokage the Uchiha clan hated him to point of claming that madara killed izuna for him eyes tobirama was right
You people need the read the databook madara was not only Uchiha to ever be a traitor village unfortunately there madara sympthiers during tobirama rain there was Uchiha setsuna snd some others who planned coup against village and tried to overthrow tobirama they failed tobirama manged to deal with them without getting rid of the entire clan (looking at you danzo)
This orchimaru statement where people look at one part of the statement and ignore the other part of the statement the village didn't Uchiha clan because they where police force they disliked them because they where arrogant and conceited they let the authority and power they had get to there heads and where being a holes to people
If the Uchiha clan acted like decent people instead being conceited and arrogant towards the people around them then village would like them
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And here's the thing madara attack on village happened 60 something years it happened do recently that are people in village that where still alive when it happened this is a recent wound and the person who happened to attack the village was Uchiha
If madara didn't leave the village and attack with nine tails then village wouldn't distrust they Uchiha if obito madara student didn't attack village and work with yashiro Uchiha clan the coup leaders and fan the flamesof said of coup read itachi shinden novel obito wanted the Uchiha clan gone
The people responsible for the Uchiha clan downfall are madara obito and danzo
To believe that sasuke was right in trying to destroy konoha and commit genocide against innocent people and his academy classmates due to the actions of one person is ridiculous
Sasuke was cleariy ooking for justice when he hurt karin he was clearing looking for justice when he tried to kill sakura when 3 years ago he not only called sakura a previous corpse and begged naruto to save her but thought team 7 as his family he tired to kill someone he thought of a family member not to long ago
Not only that but he has indra soul influencing him yes his soul not just chakra it was confirmed by naruto databook 4
Making him the hokage would have just made alot of the Uchiha clan upset because again they didn't want madara
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Sasuke was infact cursed whether you like or not Sasuke was about to become a dictator then end the manga to claim that Sasuke wasn't in darkness just shows your lack of reading comprehension
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kaoharu · 2 months
im going to find this milgram fan. who submitted this. did u know that harukas va is ALSO YASHIRO SETSUNA FROM HIT MUSIC PROJECT HANADOLL :im dragged away kicking and screaming:
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midnightpillsnacking · 8 months
[Loulou*di S3V4 L 3-19] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:DEJA VU Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Rui: (sighs) My… true wish?
(Rui suddenly winces in pain.)
Ryoga: (runs over) Hey, you okay?
Rui: You’re… Kagekawa Ryoga from Anthos*.
Ryoga: Looks like we meet again, Rui. But that aside, is there something wrong with your chest?
Rui: Why do you ask?
Ryoga: What do you mean ‘why’? You’re clutching it like it hurts and you’re shaking like a leaf. Maybe you should go get checked by the medical–
Rui: That won’t be necessary.
Ryoga: Really? Well, if you insist, then I won’t force you. By yourself today?
Rui: Ageha is upstairs.
Ryoga: Ah, with President Amagiri? Speaking of which, last time Ageha went to see the president by himself too. Are you always staying behind to watch the house?
Rui: Watching the house…?
Ryoga: !! My bad, that was a joke.
Rui: It’s nothing. I was just thinking about things.
Ryoga: Thinking about things, huh?
Rui: Hm?
Ryoga: Rui, is it okay if we chat for a bit?
Rui: If it’s until Ageha returns.
Ryoga: You really do cherish Ageha-san, don’t you? I’m the same, too. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect what I cherish. That’s why, lately all I’ve been thinking of is stupid things. Thanks to a bunch of people, Anthos* is now on the fast track, and we’re getting lots of jobs here and there. We’ve managed to put ourselves out there and be seen, and things look like they’ll go swimmingly at this rate… is what I thought, anyway.
Rui: Is that not how it is?
Ryoga: The change in environment is so drastic, it’s like my blood can’t catch up with my limbs. It’s a weird, uneasy feeling, but it seems like Loulou*di  have already crossed that bridge. It made me think that you guys really are amazing seniors.
Rui: Is that so?
Ryoga: (laughs) What a typical response. I’m not saying those things because of being polite.
Rui: Then, what do you mean?
Ryoga: I mean that there are definitely more guys out there who couldn’t keep up and just threw in the towel than I thought. Anthos* has got to keep aiming forward so we don’t end up like that. That’s why… I was thinking that it’d be nice if I could get a little advice from a senior.
Rui: Advice?
Ryoga: A little while back, Setsuna said he got some advice from Ageha-san.
Rui: Yashiro Setsuna?
Ryoga: He wouldn’t tell me everything. ‘The enemy is not always lying in wait outside’--that’s what Setsuna said Ageha-san told him. Rui, do you know what that means?
Rui: The advice came from Ageha. I wouldn’t know the details.
Ryoga: Really?
Rui: Do you think I’m lying?
Ryoga: Not taking you for a liar, but you’re always close to Ageha, so I thought you might have some idea.
Rui: Did you think that simply by being by his side, I would be able to read his mind? Are you able to understand every one of Yuuki Mahiro’s thoughts?
Ryoga: … Ah, sorry. What I said was wrong.
Rui: It’s alright. I understand that what you said carelessly wasn’t something so flippant. There was a meaning to your words.
Ryoga: …Eh? H-hey, what do you mean that…?
Rui: A few words will become your will and turn into an action of impulse…
Ryoga: Rui? Sorry, did you catch what I said?
Rui: I don’t know Ageha’s true intentions of telling Yashiro Setsuna what he said. As for myself, I don’t think I can think of a piece of advice to give you.
Ryoga: O-oh…
Rui: Kagekawa Ryoga, do you have something you wish for?
Ryoga: …W-wish?
Rui: I don’t know myself. As Ageha said before, what exactly frightens you?
Ryoga: !! What are you–
Rui: This has nothing to do with me. This is about what’s on the other side of the wall that separates us, what’s beyond the boundary line between. But there are things that I am aware of. In this world, there exists things that are contradictory.
Ryoga: Contradictory?
Rui: The change you speak of is something framed by your own interpretation, but it’s not something that captures the truth.
Ryoga: What do you mean…?
Rui: Just like how the things are lost in translation, or how your interpretation of god changes depending on your belief, you can spend your whole life side by side, but you will still never become one and the same. Not as one existence.
Ryoga: Hold on, what are we talking about now?
Rui: The flower is delicate.
Ryoga: By flower, you mean… the ones inside us?
Rui: Kagekawa Ryoga. If you’re not prepared to rot together with Yuuki Mahiro, then wash your hands clean while you still can. The influence of the flower inside you is starting to show. Before that happens…
Ryoga: …Why? Why do you speak Hiro’s name? Hey, Rui. Did you do something to him?!
Rui: !!
Ryoga: S-sorry.
Rui: I’m not aware of anything. Just forget what I said.
Ryoga: Could it be that… you’re worried about me?
Rui: Sympathy…?
Ryoga: You said something?
Rui: No, it’s nothing. Let’s meet again at the music awards, in our best form. That is what Ageha hopes for. Which is why I decided to talk to you.
Ryoga: That wasn’t a warning to me?
Rui: Everything is for Ageha’s sake.
Ryoga: Rui, why do you hold onto Ageha-san that much?
Rui: Hold onto?
Ryoga: I believe that Ageha-san is someone amazing. But to you, his existence is so much more than that, isn’t it?
Rui: I…
(Both Rui and Ryoga receive notifications)
Rui: It seems we are being called.
Ryoga: Yeah. Looks like I’ve got to answer. I think we’ve got to call it here today.
Rui: So it seems.
Ryoga: I’m glad I got to talk to you. Then, until we meet again.
Rui: Likewise.
Ryoga: Rui. About our conversation… Whatever comes our way, I don’t intend to let go of Hiro’s hand. So that we’ll never lose each other ever again. That day, we made a promise to search for the truth together. Talking with you made me remember something important. Thanks for helping me make up my mind on my resolve.
(Ryoga leaves.)
Rui: I, too… if I have emotions for him, for Ageha… To let a man break and scatter while staying ignorant would be regrettable.
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foodandfandom · 1 year
Rules - shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
Tagged By: @mythixprincess - ty for tagging!
Last Train - Ink Waruntorn
Make you mine - SparQlew
Shine On - Anthos*
sweet sweet sweets (Re Arrange) - UMake
You Know? ALICE - Mint
Flash Point - Anthos*
Original Scenery - Toki Shunichi
Lay it down - Anthos*
Favorite Playlist - Kiyose Haruta
Might be - Yashiro Setsuna
Tagging @all-my-feels-off @adzuki-ren @vulpiximisa @zerounitrgb - anyone else is free to do!!
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redcoralsea · 1 year
I translate the cast interview for THINK OF ME : ARK.  Their answer somehow showed their personality, I mean the seiyuu not the character. Also, this is not 100% accurate translations ;)
I like how Tosshi-san call Ageha with "sama" and other just call him by his name.
Source : Animate times
Cast : 
Toyonaga Toshiyuki as Karasuma Ageha
Takeuchi Shunsuke as Hinagi Rui
Yamashita Daiki as Sakurai Toki
Horie Shun as Yashiro Setsuna
1st question : "What are your impressions after reading the scenario for the first time and after finishing the recording?"
Toyonaga-san : My impression is that everything developing has progressed further. And also, Ageha-sama… I was like “You’re a kind person?!”(Laugh) I’m really looking forward to what is going to happen next.
Takeuchi-san : I have a strong impression of Ageha at the end of the story and how the scenario going made it even more difficult, and then what would happen to the three of them next. This time I was able to have a conversation with Yamashita-san (Toki VA), also I was able to feel more of a sense of the gaze of passion that expresses “Always chasing of Ageha existence”. That left an impression on me.
Yamashita-san : I felt something might be gonna start to change. I wondered if the change was going to be a good way or bad way… There was something itching feeling that I can’t figure out then it was just over.
It always happens, but ended in the way I worried the most. Also, this time I was able to see something precious like Rui's unexpected expression, which was a good thing.
Horie-san : This is my first time participating in Loulou*di CD, but it feels different and disturbing. I was able to enjoy the difference between the two units with their own dialogue. This time I did the recording with Takeuchi-san who plays Rui, but since both of us have a small part, we talked about things like “I’m sorry Mixer-san” (Laugh)
2nd question : "What is your favorite scene or line from your character?"
Toyonaga-san : I would like to leave it to the audience to judge. In the end, Loumiel’s reaction to the words directed at Loumiel was surprisingly realistic and that was impressive.
Takeuchi-san : I personally like the scene when Rui shows off the bear he repaired. Also, I like the daily life parts of works, those are so finely written that you can feel the depth of the characters' lives.
Yamashita-san : I think where Rui and I play the piano. The staff and Takeuchi-kun worked with me to give various patterns and we tried which one sound more natural. I also used a piano app to get the pitch of “Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do” just like the song. (Laugh) But in the end, we didn’t use any of them and we chose to use the flow of dialogue without a pitch. This scene left an impression on me because I enjoyed the time I spend with everyone on set to find something better to use. So this scene was really something to me. (Note - He says keyboard in this interview, but in Drama CD they use piano so I change it)
Horie-san : From all of the scenes that appear, I was stunned by the line “As expected, even here, no one accepts me, either…!” (Laugh) I’m aware of this. I was doing it but I don’t think it’s here either… But, I felt sorry for Setsuna-kun (Laugh)
3rd question : "(Only for Loulou*di) We would also like to ask about the songs “Hopeless Ark” and “Dying Matter” that will be recorded with the drama. Please tell us about the episodes during the recording and your impression of the songs."
Toyonaga-san : The level of difficulty is high the same as before, but the music is still very majestic, beautiful, fragile, and powerful, and I really felt the "character" of the music.
Takeuchi-san : Both of them are difficult songs… but I enjoy them so much that I finally get used to and feel comfortable with the way Rui puts his feelings into the song. Also, I feel like I’ve finally become able to record everything quickly and then go home (Laugh).
Yamashita-san : As before, we did the high-difficulty songs. I thought that Loulou*di's song difficulty level was only available for SR or higher levels and this is typical of Loulou*di (Laugh). There are parts where I would never be able to get the right tempo, so everyone I would like to try singing it and see which part it is! (Laugh).
4th question : "Please give the message to the fans who listen to this CD."
Toyonaga-san : What will happen to the 3 members of Loulou*di in the future? I think it’s finished in a very interesting part. Ageha-sama is still the same in some ways, but every time I play him, I wonder if that parts of him are what makes him so loveable. I hope you will continue to love him.
Takeuchi-san : I feel the story of Loulou*di will be about the progress of how the fans will accept the ever-changing Loulou*di. So I hope you will continue to keep an eye on their progress.
Yamashita-san : This time too, the songs and the story are that typical of Loulou*di. But it is not lifeless, it’s something that definitely moving and changing. I would be happy if you will continue to accompany me along with the characters and the work.  I also want everyone to stay remember these unforgettable memories about the battle cry… (Last sentence is confusing me)
Horie-san : Enjoy the chemistry changes between Loulou*di and Setsuna. The exchange is as close to separation as possible rather than a fusion. Nevertheless, once again the mystery of Setsuna has deepened this time... This guy is too suspicious!
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luminiera-merge · 1 year
i think setsuna hoshikawa should be allowed to kill one person every chapter of noisz starlivht and i think every single time it should be yashiro
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Fan Casting for Danganronpa: Garden of Chaos
Hey, everyone.
While I'm working on the prologue of Danganronpa: Garden of Chaos, I decided to share with you my "fan casting" of the classmates/campers in this Killing School Retreat. It's so that when I write out the story, I can try and imagine their voices when they talk. Please feel free to comment your opinion if you have a better idea on who voices whom. And now, without any further ado, here are the Ultimates. (Spoiler alert for two of them):
Setsuna Higurashi - Ultimate ??? (Super High School Level ???); later Ultimate Hope (Super High School Level Hope) Voiced by Cristina Valenzuela/Saori Hayami
Tsumugi Shirogane - Ultimate Cosplayer (Super High School Level Cosplayer) Voiced by Dorothy Fahn/Minako Komatsu
Hotaru Tsukasa - Ultimate Songstress (Super High School Level Singer) Voiced by Laura Bailey/Shizuka Itō
Nozomi Yashiro - Ultimate Ceramist (Super High School Level Potter) Voiced by Mae Whitman/Hisako Kanemoto
Minako Suzuki - Ultimate Super-Model (Super High School Level Model) Voiced by Brina Palencia/Sayaka Ohara
Ayaka “Lilith” Konishi - Ultimate Pet Sitter (Super High School Level Animal Caregiver) Voiced by Elizabeth Maxwell/Junko Minagawa 
Keiko Ichihara - Ultimate Baker (Super High School Level Baker) Voiced by Erica Lindbeck/Rina Sato
Akari Tohsaka - Ultimate Figure Skater (Super High School Level Ice Skater) Voiced by Grey DeLisle/Kana Ueda
Rantaro Amami - Ultimate Adventurer (Super High School Level Adventurer); later Ultimate Survivor (Super High School Level Survivor) Voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch/Hikaru Midorikawa
Eijiro Mitsumori - Ultimate Doctor (Super High School Level Doctor) Voiced by Zachary Gordon/Mamoru Miyano
Katsuki Inushima - Ultimate Huntsman (Super High School Level Hunter) Voiced by Max Mittelman/Toshiyuki Morikawa
Takashi Nanase - Ultimate Drill Sergeant (Super High School Level Drill Sergeant) Voiced by Benjamin Diskin/Eiji Takemoto
Yusei Kagehira - Ultimate Race-Car Driver (Super High School Level Racer) Voiced by David Gallagher/Yūki Kaji
Daisuke Yashiro - Ultimate Sculptor (Super High School Level Sculptor) Voiced by Clifford Chapin/Shōtaro Morikubo
Satoshi Rangetsu - Ultimate Pickpocket (Super High School Level Thief) Voiced by Zeno Robinson/Junya Enoki
Akira Takashina - Ultimate Secret Agent (Super High School Level Spy) Voiced by Robbie Daymond/Daisuke Kishio
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poyaposted · 10 months
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My HC is that Haruta is lactose intol and everyone else teases him about it for the vine 🙏 attempted bonding session gone WRONG 😭
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favourite anime and anime characters part3
Phantom of Twilight- Baileu Ton
Phantom Thief Jeanne-Maron Kusakabe
Phi Brain
Photo Kano-Rina Yunoki 
Piano no Mori 
Pilot's Love Song-Claire Cruz/Nina Viento 
Ping Pong Club
Planet With- Ginko Kuroi
Plastic Memories-Isla
Platinum End-Nasse
Play It Cool Guys
Please Teacher/Twins-Mizuho Kazami, Miina Miyafuji[Twins]
Please Tell Me Galko-chan 
Plus Sized Elf
Pokemon-Koharu(Pokemon Journeys), Liko(Pokemon Horizons) 
Police in a Pod-Mai Kawai 
Pon no Michi-Pai Kawahigishi 
Pop Team Epic
Popotan- Ai
Potemayo-Mikan Natsu
Power of Hope
Powerpuff Girls Z-Momoko Akatsutsumi 
Precure- Makoto Kenzaki/Cure Sword(Doki Doki Precure), Ageha Hijiri/Cure Butterfly(Soaring Sky Precure)
Pretty Boy Detetive Club-Mayumi Dojima 
Price of Smiles- Yuuki Soleil 
Prima Doll-Karasuba
Prince Of Stride-Nana Sakurai
Princess Connect-Kokoro Natsume/Kokkoro 
Princess Jellyfish- Tsukimi Kurashita 
Princess Lover-Charlotte Hazelrink
Princess Nine-Ryo Hayakawa 
Princess Princess 
Princess Principal- Ange
Princess Resurrection-Reiri Kamura
Princess Tutu-Ahiru
PriPara-Sophie Hojo. Rinka Aoba(Kiratto Pri Chan)
Prism Ark- Bridget
Prison School-Chiyo Kurihara
Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They?- Black Rabbit
Project Scard-Azusa Yuki
Protocol: Rain-Yuu Saegusa
Pseudo Harem-Rin Nanakura
Psychic Detective Yakumo-Haruka Ozawa
Psycho Pass- Akane Tsunemori, Shinya Kogami 
Puella Magi Madoka Magic
Pumpkin Scissors- Alive L. Malvin 
Punch Line- Mikatan Narugino 
PuraOre-Yuu Kiyose
Puzzle and Dragons X- Garnet 
Qualidea Code-Canaria Utara
Quality Assurance in Another World
Quaser Of Stigmata-Tomo Yamanobe 
Queen's Blade-Tomoe
R-15-Fukune Narukara 
Rage Of The Bahamut-Amira, Nina Drango
Ragna Crimson-Leonica
Ragnarok the Animation-Yuufa
Rail Wars-Haruka Koumi
Raimuiro Senkitan-Momen Sanada, Kasuri Hattori[Raimuiro Ryuukitan X]
Rainy Cocoa
Ranking of Kings 
Ranma ½ -Ranma Saotome(female)
Ranpo Kitan
Rave Master- Elie 
Raven of the Inner Palace-Liu Shouxue
Rascal Does not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
Re:Creators:Meteora Osterreich
Reign of the Seven Spellblades-Nanao Hibiya
Re-Kan-Hibiki Amami
Re:Stage-Mizuha Ichikishima 
Read or Die
Real Girl- Sumie Ayado 
Reborn as a Vending Machine,I Now Wander the Dungeon-Lammis
Reborn to Master the Blade-Inglis “Chris” Eucus 
Records of Grancest War-Siluca Meletes
Record of Lodoss War
Record of Ragnarök-Goll  
Recorder And Ransell 
Recovery of an MMO Junkie-Lily
Recently My Sister Is Unusual-Mitsuki Kanzaki
Red Data Girls-Izumiko Suzuhara
Red Cat Ramen-Tamako Yashiro
Red Garden 
Redo of Healer-Setsuna 
Regalia-Yuinshiel Asteria 
Reincarnated as a Sword-Fran 
Release The Spyce
ReLife-Chizuru Hishiro
Remi,Nobody’s Girl
Renai Boukun- Akane Hiyama
Rent A Girlfriend-Ruka Sarashina 
Rental Magica-Honami Takase Ambler 
Requiem of the Rose King  
Restaurant To Another World-Aletta
Revolutionary Girl Utena 
Remake Our Life-Aki Shino
Riddle Story Of Devil-Haru Ichinose 
Rifle is Beautiful- Hikari Kokura 
Rio-Rio Rollins Tachibana
Rising Impact 
Rising of a Shield Hero-Raphtalia 
Rizelmine-Rizel Iwaki 
Robotic:Notes-Akiho Senomiya
Rokka-Flamie Speeddraw 
Rokudou’s Bad Girls-Ranna Himawari 
Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori 
Rolling Girls-Nozomi Moritomo 
Romeo X Juliet 
Romantic Killer-Anzu Hoshino
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions 
Rosario + Vampire- Moka Akashiya, 
Roshidere-Alisa Mikhaiovna Kujou/Alya
RPG Real Estate-Kotone Kazairo 
Rozen Maiden- Shinku
Rumble Garandoll-Rin Akagi 
Run For Money-Luna Nishinotouin 
Run with the Wind- Hanako Katsuta 
Rurouni Kenshin-Kenshin Himura
Rusted Amor 
RWBY Ice Queendom-Ruby Rose
Sabagebu-Urara Kasugano 
Saber Marionette 
Sabukui Bisco- Pawoo Nekoyanagi 
Sacred Blacksmith- Cecily Cambell
Sacred Seven-Ruri Aiba
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts- Sariphi 
Saekano- Megumi Kato
Saga of Tanya The Evil-Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov 
Sailor Moon 
Saint Cecillia and Pastor Lawrence-Cecillia 
Saint October 
Saint Seiya
Saint Tail-Meimi Haneoka/Saint Tail 
Saki-Nodoka Haramura
Sakura Diaries- Urara Kasuga
Sakura Quest-Ririko Oribe
Sakura Trick-Haruka Takayama
Sakura Wars- Sakura Shinguji
Sakurada Reset-Misora Haruki 
Salaryman’s Club 
Samurai 7-Kirara Mikumari
Samurai Champloo- Jin, Mugen, Fuu
Samurai Deeper Kyo-Yuya Shiina
Samurai Flamenco-Mari Maya
Samurai Girl-Ryoko Mitsurugi
Samurai Gun
Samurai Harem-Ibuki Ikaruga 
Samurai Warriors 
Sand Land-Ann
Sanrio Boys
Sankarea-Rea Sanka
Sansha Sanyou-Youko Nishikawa 
Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement-Mitsuha Yamano 
Sasaki and Peeps-Elsa
Sasami-san@Ganbaranai-Sasami Tsukuyomi 
Say I Love You-Mei Tachibana 
Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei
Scared Rider Zeches-Akira Asagi 
Scarlet Nexus-Kasane Randall 
Science Fell in Love So I Tried to Prove It-Ena Ibarada
School Babysitters-Maria Inomata
School Days- Kotonoha Katsura
School Live-Yuuri Wakasa
School Rumble- Tenma Tsukamoto
Schoolgirl Strikers-Yuumi Sajima
Scorching Ping Pong Girls-Koyori Tsumujikaze
Scrapped Princess 
Scum’s Wish-Hanabi Yasuraoka 
Seirei Gensouki-Latifa
Seiren-Hikari Tsuneki 
Seitokai Yakuindomo- Aria Shichijo
Seiyuu's Life-Futaba Ichinose
Sekirei- Musubi 
Sekkou Boys
Selection Project-Suzune Miyama
Sengoku Basara Samurai Kings- Masamune Date,Yukimura Sanada
Sengoku Collection-Ieyasu Tokugawa
Sengoku Choujuu Giga 
Sengoku Night Blood- Yuzuki
Sengoku Youko-Tama
Senpai Is an Otokonoko 
Senran Kagura-Asuka 
Sensual Phrase 
Senryuu Girl -Nanako Yukishiro 
Seraph Of The End-Shinoa Hiiragi
Seraphim Call  
Serial Experiment Lain  
Servant x Service- Lucy Yamagami 
Seton Academy- Ranka Ookami 
Seven Deadly Sins-Elizabeth Lyonesse, Anghalhad(FKotA)
Seven Knights-Ellen
Seven of Seven-Nana Suzuki
Seven Senses of The Re’Union-Asahi Kuga 
Sgt. Frog- Angol Mois,
Shadows House: Emilico
Shadowverse-Mimori Amamiya,Ren Kazamatsuri(Shadowverse Flame)
Shakugan no Shana- Shana 
Shaman King-Anna Kyoyama
Shangri-la- Kuniko Hojo
Shangei-la Frontier-Emul 
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man-Mira
Shenmue The Animation-Joy
Shiki- Natuno Yuki, Sunako Kirashiki
Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie-Shikimori
Shikizakura-Haruko Yamada
Shimoneta-Anna Nishikinomiya 
Shine Post-Rio Seibu
Shining Hearts-Neris
Shining Tears X Wind 
Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion
Shinkyoku Soukai Poluphonica 
Shinobi no Ittoki-Kirei Kisegawa 
Shinya Tensai Bakabon 
Shion no Ou 
Shirobako-Aoi Miyamori
Shirokuma Café
Shironeko Project-Iris
Shrine of the Morning Mist-Yuzu Hieda 
Shokugeki No Soma-Megumi Tadokoro
Shomin Sample-Aika Tenkuubashi
Shounen Hollywood 
Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight 
Shounen Maid-Miyako Otori 
Shounen Onmyouji- Fujiwara no Akiko
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu 
Shoushimin Series
Shouwa Monogatari
Show By Rock- Cyan Hijirikawa, Himeko Mashima[SBRM]
Shuffle!-Kaede Fuyou
Shugo Chara-Amu Hinamori 
Shukufuku No Campanella-Carina Verritti 
Shy-Teru Momijiyama/Shy 
Silent Mobius 
Sin-Maria Totsuka
Sing Yesturday For Me-Shinako Morinome
Sirius The Jaeger
Sisters of Welber 
Silver Guardian 
Silver Spoon-Aki Mikage 
SK8 the Infinity 
Skate Leading Stars 
Skelleton Knight in Another World-Chiyome
Sketchbook-Sora Kajiwara 
Sket Dance- Hime "Himeko" Onizuka 
Skip Beat-Kyoko Mogami
Skip and Loafer-Mitsumi Iwakura
Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita
Sky Girls-Otoha Sakurano
Sky Wizards Academy- Lecty Eisenach
Slam Dunk
Slayers-Lina Inverse, Zelgadis Greywords
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Catle- Princess Syalis 
Slow Loop-Koharu Minagi 
Slow Start-Kamuri Sengoku
Smile Down the Runway-Chiyuki Fujito
Smile if the Arsnotoria-Arsnotoria 
Snack Basue-Akemi
Snow White With The Red Hair-Shirayuki
So I Can't Play H-Mina Okura
So I’m a Spider, So What- Filmos Harifenas/Kanami Okazaki
Softenni-Chitose Akiyama 
Sola-Matsuri Shihou
Solo Leveling-Sung Jin-ah
SoltyRei-Solty Revant
Somali and the Forest Spirit 
Sonic X -Shadow,Espio,Knuckles 
Sonny Boy-Mizuho
Sono Toki Kanojo wa
Sora No Manimani-Mihoshi Akeno 
Sorcerer Hunters- Tira Misu 
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen-Claiomh Everlasting 
Soul Buster 
Soul Eater-Death The Kid, Tsubaki,Meme Tatane[Soul Eater Not]
Soul Link-Karen Tachibana
Sound Euphonium-Kumiko Oumae 
Sound of the Sky-Kanata Sorami 
Souten Kouro
Space Battleship Tiramitsu
Space Brothers-Serika Itou 
Space Dandy 
Space  Patrol Luluco 
Special 7- Bellemer “Ninja” Cinq 
Special A
Speed Grapher-Kagura Tennouzu 
Spice and Wolf- Holo
Spy Classroom-Lily 
Spy x Family-Yor Forger 
Squid Girl - Squid Girl/Ika Musume
SSSS.Grindman/Dynazenon- Akane Shinjo,Mujina(SSSSDynazenon)
Stand My Heroes-Rei Izumi 
Stars Align-Kanako Mitsue  
Star Driver-Wako Agemaki 
Stardust Telepath- Umika Konohoshi
Starry Sky
Starship Operators 
Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko
Steel Angel Kurumi-Kurumi
Steins;Gate- Kurisu Makise
Stella Women's Academy , High School Division Class C3
Strain- Lottie Gelh 
Strange Dawn 
Strawberry 100%- Aya Toujou
Strawberry Eggs- Fuko Kuzuha
Strawberry Marshmallow-Nobue Itou
Strawberry Panic-Nagisa Aoi 
Strike The Blood- Yukina Himeragi 
Strike Witches-Yoshika Miyafuji, Hikari Karibuchi(Brave Witches), Inori Shibuya(Luminous Witches) 
Student Council's Discretion. Mafuya Shiina 
Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included-Towa 
Subete Ga F Ni Naru-Moe Nishinosono 
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale-Ann Halford 
Suicide Squad Isekai-Harley Quinn 
Summer Time Render-Ushio Kofune  
Summoned to Another World…. Again?-Yuuhi Hanabashira 
Sumomomo Momomo-Sanae Nakajima
Sunday Without God 
Super Crooks 
Super Cub- Koguma, Shii Eniwa 
Super Doll Licca-chan
Super HxEros-Kirara Hoshino 
Super Robot Wars Original Generation 
Super Sonico The Animation- Super Sonico 
Supernatural the Animation 
Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town-Alka 
Sweetness and Lightning-Kotori Iida 
Sweets Reincarnation-Licorice Mill Hubarek 
Sword Art Online-Asuna Yuki,LLENN/Karen Kohiruimaki 
Sword Gai
Symphogear-Hibiki Tachibana
Taboo Tattoo-Touko Ichinose 
Tada Never Falls In Love-Teresa Wagner
Taishou Baseball Girls 
Taishou Otome Fairy Tale-Yuzuki Tachibana
Takt Op-Cosette Schneider 
Takunomi-Makoto Kiriyama
Tales of the Abyss-Anise Tatlin 
Tales of Eternia 
Tales of Wedding Ring-Hime/Krystal Novaty Nokanatika 
Tales of Zestria The X-Edna
Talentless Nana- Nana Hiiragi 
Tamako Market-Tamako Kitashirakawa
Tamayura-Maon Sakurada
Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless-Miyano 
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes- Sherlock Shellingford 
Tantei Team KZ Jiken Note
Tatami Galaxy 
Tawawa on Mondays
Tayutama-Mashiro Mito 
Tearmoon Empire-Mia Luna Tearmoon 
Tears To Tiara-Riannon
Tegami Bachi- Niche   
Tenchi Muyou-Sasami Masaki Jurai
Tenjou Tenge
Tenka Hyakken 
TenPuru-Yuzuki Aoba 
Teppen-Kana Kiyotsuru 
Terra Formars-Hong
Terror In Resonance-Lisa Mishima 
Tesla Note-Botan Negoro
Testament Of The Sister New Devil-Mio Naruse 
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime-Shuna
The 8th Son? Are You Kidding Me?-Louise Yorande Aorelia Oufelbelk
The 100 Girlfriends-Shizuka Yoshimoto
The Helpful  Fox Senko-san- Senko
The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten-Mahiru Shiina 
The Ancient Magus’ Bride – Chise Hatori 
The Apothecary Diaries-Maomao
The Aquatope on White Sand- Kukuru Misakino 
The Banished Former Hero Lives as He Pleases 
The Big O
The Brave Express Might Gaine 
The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses-Shiragiku Ona
The Candidate for Goddess
The Case Files of Jewler Richard-Shouko Tanimoto
The Case Study of Vanitas-Jeanne
The Comic Artist And Assistants- Rina Fuwa
The Dangers in My Heart-Anna Yamada
The Dawn of Witch-Loux Krystas 
The Day I Became God- Hina Sato
The Demon Girl Next Door- Yuko Yoshida
The Demon Prince of Momochi House-Himari Momochi 
The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy-Riseria Ray Crystaria
The Detective is Already Dead-Siesta 
The Devil Is A Part Timer- Chiho Sakaki
The Dreaming Boy is a Realist-Aika Natsukawa 
The Duke of Death and His Maid-Alice Lendrott
The Dungeon of Black Company-Rimu 
The Eccentric Family-Kaisei Ebisugawa
The Elusive Samurai 
The Eminence in Shadow-Alexia Midgar 
The Fable
The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch-Alissa
The Executioner and Her Way of Life-Akari Tokito 
The Fire Hunter-Touko 
The Faraway Paladin-Robina Goodfellow/Bee 
The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil-Lily Amane 
The Fruit of Evolution-Saria 
The Future Diary- Yuno Gasai
The Galaxy Railways 
The Gene of AI-Risa Higuchi 
The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses-Ai Mie
The Great Jahy Willl Not Be Defeated-Jahy 
The Heike Story 
The Human Crazy University-Chie Negishi 
The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace-Paula
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague-Fuyutsuki-san
The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World-Amelia Rose 
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor-Emi Hanner,Yumi Hanner 
The King of Braves GaoGaiGar 
The Kingdoms of Ruin-Doroka
The Little Lies We All Tell-Chiyo
The Legendary Hero is Dead-Anri Haysworth 
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady-Anisphia Wynn Palettia
The Magnificent Kotobuki-Kylie 
The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious-Lilith 
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya- Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Nagato[DoNY]
The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen-Pride Royal Ivy 
The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt-Ninym Ralei
The Girl Downstairs 
The Girl in Twilight- Akane Tsuchimiya 
The Girl Who Leapt Through Space-Akiha Shishidou
The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn as a Typical Nobody-Ireena Litz de Olhyde 
The Great Cleric 
The Great Passage –Kaguya Hayashi 
The God of High School- Yoo Mira
The Good Witch of the West 
The Gymastics Samurai-Rei Aragaki 
The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter-Emma Brightness 
The Law of Ueki-Ai Mori  
The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Use to Be Archenemies-Byakuya Mimori
The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio 
The Marginal Service-Lyra Candeyheart
The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar-Linnea
The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today-Saku Fukuzawa
The Misfit of Demon King Academy-Misha Necron 
The New Gate
The Ones Within- Himiko Inaba 
The Ossan Newbie Adventurer 
The Prince of Tennis 
The Promised Neverland 
The Quintessential Quintuplets- Ichika Nakano 
The Reflection 
The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World-Yifa
The Royal Tutor 
The Ryuuou’s Work Is Never Done-Ai Hinatsuru
The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent-Sei Takanashi
The Severing Crime Edge 
The Story of Saiunkoku 
The Strongest Magician in the Demon Lord’s Army was a Human-Dairokuten
The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest-Lurie Abendroth
The Strongest Tank’s Labyrinth Raids-Luna
The Tale of the Outcast-Wisteria Langley 
The Third-Honoka
The Thousand Musketeers 
The Unwanted Undead Adventurer-Lorraine Vivie
The Vexations of a Shut In Vampire Princess-Terakomari Gandesblood
The Vampire Dies in No Time-Hinaichi  
The Vision of Escaflowne 
The Wallflower 
The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash-Ivy/Femicia 
The Witch and the Beast-Guideau 
The World God Only Knows- Elsie 
The World’s Greatest Assassin Gets Reincarnated In Another World as an Aristocrat-Tarte
The World Ends with You  
The World is Still Beautiful-Nike Lemercier 
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic-Suzune Inukami 
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting-Yaeka Sakuragi
The Yuzuki Family Four Sons-Uta Kirishima
Thermae Romae 
Those Snow White Notes-Shuri Maeda, Sakura Yamano 
This Art Club Has A Problem-Mizuki Usami
Those Who Hunt Elfs- Ritsuko Inoue
Tiger and Bunny- Kotetsu Kuburagi/Wild Tiger, Barnaby Brooks Jr
Tiger Mask W-Haruna Takaoka
Time Bokan 24-Calen 
Time Travel Girl-Mari Hayase 
Tis Time for “Torture”, Princess-Princess
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun-Nene Yashiro
Tomo-chan Is a Girl-Tomo Aizawa
Tonagura-Kazuki Arisaka
To Be Hero 
Too Cute Crisis-Garmie Lou 
Toji no Miko- Kanami Etou
Tokimeki Memorial Only Love-Tsukasa Kasuga
Tokko- Saya Shindo
Tokyo 24th Wad 
Tokyo ESP-Rinka Urushiba 
Tokyo Ghoul-Hinami Fueguchi
Tokyo Majin-Aoi Misato 
Tokyo Mew Mew-Ichigo Momomiya
Tokyo Ravens-Kyouko Kurahashi 
Tokyo Revengers-Hinata Tachibana
Tomica Kizuna Gattai 
Tomodachi Game-Yutori Kokorogi
Tonari no Youkai-san 
Tonikaku Kawaii- Tsukasa Yuzaki 
To the Abandoned Sacred Beats- Nancy Schaal Bancroft 
To Heart-Multi, Konomi Suzuhara[TH2]
To-Love-Ru- Lala Satalin Deviluke
To Your Eternity-Rean 
Toradora- Taiga Aisaka 
Toriko- Toriko,Rin
Toshokan Sensou
Touka Gettan-Momoka Kawakabe
Touken Ranbu
Toward the Terra 
Tower of Druaga-Coopa
Tower of God- Endorsi Jahad
TP Bon-Ream Stream 
Train to the End of the World-Akira Shinonome
Trails of Cold Steal Northern War-Altina Orion 
Trapped in a Dating Sim-Olivia
Triage X- Mikoto Kiba 
Tribe Nine-Saori Arisugawa 
Trickster-Makoto Noro
Trinity Blood -Able Nightroad, Esther Blanchette
Trinity Seven- Lilith Asami 
Trigun- Vash The Stampede. Milly Thompson, Meryl Stryf
Trouble Chocolate-Hinano
True Tears-Noe Isurugi
Try Knights 
Tsubasa:Mokona Modoki[white], Sakura
Tsuki Ga Kirei-Akane Mizuno
Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni
Tsukipro The Animation 
Tsukumogami Kashimasu-Okou 
Tsurezure Children-Yuki Minagawa
Tsuyokiss-Sunao Konoe
Twin Star Exorcist-Mayura Otomi 
Two Car 
Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru
UchiTama-Momo Hanasaki 
Udon No Kuni No Kin-iro Kemari 
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie-Sanada
Ueno-san wa Bukiyou-Ueno
Ulysses- Jeanne D’Arc 
Umi Monogatari-Kanon Miyamori 
Umisho-Amuro Ninagawa 
Uma Musume Pretty Derby-Special Week, Rice Shower 
Unbreakable Machine-Doll-Yaya
Uncle from Another World-Sumika Fujimiya 
Undead Girl Murder Farce-Aya Rindo
Undead Unluck-Fuuko Izumo 
Undefeated Bahamut Chronicles-Philuffy Aingram 
Under Ninja 
Unlimited Fafnir-Iris Freyja
Ultimate Girls
Ultimate Otaku Teacher-Sachiko Tanaka/Kisaki Tenjouin 
Ultra Maniac-Ayu Tateishi, Nina Sakura
Ultraviolet Code 044
Unnamed Memory-Tinasha
Urara Meirochou-Chiya
Urahara-Rito Sudo
Urawa No Usagi-chan 
Urusei Yatsura-Lum 
Usagi Drop
Ushio And Tora-Asako Nakamura
Uta No Prince-Sama-Haruka Nanami 
Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out-Hana Uzaki
Val x Love- Mutsumi Saotome
Valkyria Chronicles-Alicia Melchiott
Valkyrie Drive-Mamori Tokonome 
Valvrave The Liberator-Shoko Sashinami 
Vampire Dormitory 
Vampire Knight-Yuki Cross/Kuran
Vampire Princess Miyu 
Vandread-Dita Liebely 
Vatican Miracle Examiner 
Vazzrock The Animation 
Venus Versus Virus-Sumire Takahana
Vermeil in Gold-Vermeil 
Vinland Saga 
Vilainess Level 99-Yumiella Dolkness 
Violet Evergarden
Viral Hit
Virtual-san Looking
Visual Prison  
Vividred Operation-Himawari Shinomiya 
Vlad Love-Mai Vlad Transylvania 
Voice of Fox  
VTuber Legend-Awayuki Kokorone 
Wagamama High Spec
Waka Okami wa Shougakusei-Oriko”Okko” Seki
Wakaba Girl
Wake Up Girls 
Walkure Romanze-Mio Kisaki
Wandering Son
Wandering Witch-Fran
Wangan Midnight 
Wanna Be The The Strongest In The World-Sakura Hagiwara 
Waiting In The Summer-Ichika Takatsuki 
Warlords of Sigrdrifa- Miyako Muguruma
Wasteful Days of High School Girls- Saku “Loli” Momoi 
WataMote-Yuu Naruse 
Wataten- Miyako Hoshino 
Wave Listen to Me-Minare Koda
We Never Learn-Fumino Furuhashi
We Were There- Nanami “Nana” Takahashi
We Without Wings-Hiyoko Tamaizumi
Wedding Peach 
Weiss Krauz
Weiss Survive 
Welcome to the Ballroom-Mako Akagi
Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun-Clara Valac
Welcome to The N.H.K-Misaki Nakahara 
When Supernatural Battles Become Commonplace-Hatoko Kushikawa
When Will Ayumu Make His Move-Urushi Yaotome
Whisper Me a Love Song-Himari Kino 
Whispered Words-Sumika Murasame 
White Album-Yuki Morikawa, Kazusa Touma[WH2] 
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion- Raeliana McMillan 
Why The Hell Are You Here Teacher-Mayu Matsukaze  
Wise Man’s Grandchild- Sizilien “Sicily “ con Claude 
Wind Breaker
Witchblade- Masane Amaha
Witch Craft Works- Ayaka Kagari
Witch Hunter Robin
WIXOSS-Ruuko Kominato, Suzuko Homura[LIW], Akino Onko[WIXOSS Diva(A)Live]
Wizard Barristers-Cecil Sudo
Wolf Girl And Black Prince-Erika Shinohara
Wolf's Rain- Tsume, Kiba
Wonder Egg Priority- Ai Ohta 
Woodpecker Detective’s Office 
Wooser's Hand To Mouth Life
Working!!-Popura Taneshima, Hana Miyakoshi[WWW.Working]
World Break-Shizuno Urushibara
World Conquest Zvezda Plot-Kate Hoshimiya/Lady Venera 
World DaI Star-Yae Niizuma 
World’s End Harem 
World of Narue-Narue Nanase 
World Trigger-Chika Amatori,Yuichi Jin
Wotakoi- Narumi Momose 
Xam'd: Lost Memories 
Xenosaga The Animation-Shion Uzuki 
xxxHoLic-Zashiki Warashi, Yuko Ichihara
Ya Boy Kongming-Eiko Tsukimi 
Yaiba-Sayaka Mine
Yakitate Japan-Tsukino Azusagawa 
Yamada-kun And The Seven Witches-Urara Shiraishi 
Yamada's First Time: B Gata H Kei-Yamada
Yami To Boushi To Hon No Tabihito-Hazuki Azuma 
Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki
Yatterman Night-Alouette 
Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na-Mia Clementis 
Your Lie In April-Kaori Miyazono 
You’re Under Arrest-Yoriko Nikaidou
Yondemasuyo Azazel-san-Rinko Sakuma
Yosuga No Sora-Nao Yorihime
Youkai Gakuen Y-Fubuki Himekawa
Young Black Jack
Yowamushi Pedal-Miki Kanzaki 
Yozakura Quartet- Hime Yarizakura
Yu-Gi-Oh-Black Magician Girl, Asuka Tenjoin(YGOGX), Aki Izayoi(YGO5Ds), Kotori Mizuki(YGOZEXAL),Yuzu Hiiragi(YGOARCV),Aoi Zaizen(YGOVRAINS),Romin Kirishima(YGOSEVENS),Yuamu Ohdo(YGOGORUSH)
Yumeiro Patissiere
Yume no Crayon Oukoku 
Yume Tsukai
Yumeria-Mizuki Agatsume
Yurei Deco 
Yuri is My Job-Hime Shiraki/Hime Shirasagi
Yurikuma Arashi-Kureha Tsubaki 
Yuru Yuri- Chitose Ikeda 
Yuuki Yuuna Is A Hero-Mimori Tougou/Sumi Washio
Yuuna and Haunted Hot Springs- Yuuna Yunohara
YuYu Hakusho-Koto
Yuyushiki-Yukari Hinata
Zatch Bell-Megumi Oumi 
Zegapain-Ryouko Kaminagi 
Zetman- Jin Kanzaki
Zettai Bouei Leviatan-Leviatan
Zettai Karen Children-Kyousuke Hyoubu 
Zoids- Rei-Mii(ZG)
Zom 100-Shizuka Mikazuki 
Zombie Land Saga- Sakura Minamoto
Zombie Loan-Michiru Kita
Zone of Enders 
Z/X-Ena Soranokawa(Z/X Code Reunion).Ayase Kamiyugi(Z/X Ignition)
0 notes
hohotaro · 2 years
Love is ... JP Lyrics
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Let's Go
役に立たない mi-mi-mistake
嘲笑の的らしくない I don't care.
恋の形は priceless
But they scream as a crisis
"キミと俺とじゃBAD matching" Hah
戯言 ドールさよなら
I hate that.
No one can make fun of me and
No one can pull me down my way
「もう我慢は十分」 "Duh"
l get out of this silly maze
The party was end
Ah bloomin' bloomin' bloomin' and move
隠しきれない ya
独り占め 秘めた愛
I HIT that HIT that HIT that and down
指 count 1,2,3
l get out of this silly maze
The party was end
Ah bloomin' bloomin' bloomin' tonight
受け入れて欲しい Can you see?
How much you know me?
Typin' Search もううんざり
ガラス板 迷路をなぞる
l get out of this silly maze
The party was end
Ah bloomin' bloomin' bloomin' and move
記憶に刻んで ye
I HIT that HIT that HIT that and more
隠せない truth
l get out of this silly maze
The party was end
Ah bloomin' bloomin' bloomin' tonight
受けとめて欲しい Can you feel?
l get out of this silly maze
The party was end
Ah bloomin' bloomin' bloomin' moon night
受け入れて欲しい Can't you feel?
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skyhopedango · 3 years
back to HanaDoll*
So, now that the release date for the next Anthos* album is out ("es"... so after Univers and Idéal we're going totally French now, but then what was "Meet"? was "Rencontrer" too long? :D), including the concept, it's time for me to record my speculations re: Setsuna, just so I can come back and check how wrong I was, haha.
(By the way, boo, no guest stars from Loulou*di? I'd been hoping for a Round Two of Ageha vs Mahiro... )
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So, What We Know about Setsuna.
His flower is a snow drop, however relevant that might be (other than someone on the HanaDoll* team possibly being a Laruku fan, given we already had an Anemone, now a Snow Drop... alas, I don't remember more Laruku flowers, other than... well, Flower... and Kasou, I guess, hopefully nobody's going to die for that...).
Aside of singing and dancing his knowledge of life and the world seems to be very much lacking. Like, is it just me or did he barely even know what flowers were?
By the time we meet him his flower is already in bloom.
He also has some memory issues, strongly pointing towards memory manipulation. ("I must go back" "Where?" "...I don't know.") Going by his solo song he has a "Peter Pan / Neverland" thing going on.
His blood type is not listed on his chara sheet! Him and Rui are the only ones not to have their blood types listed, I wonder why. (Perhaps to avoid spoilers re: their true nature? I'm not familiar enough with the blood type stereotypes to say.)
Going by his character sheet he likes plants and gardening, even though in Meet he was like "what are those things" when he saw Kaoru's flowers.
Chise gets nothing from him (re: his synesthesia), which creeps him out.
He lives in the med center under constant supervision.
He knows Ageha and is on good enough terms with him to do "something" just because he asked.
And my speculations, in no particular order:
He's a flower. This is my favorite theory, simply because it's the wildest. So, the Amagiri idols are humans spliced with flowers, right? But if science can do that... how about making the flower the base? Maybe Setsuna is a flower spliced with human, and he just happens to look humanoid, otherwise he's a plant. That would explain why he's so clueless about everything human, and why he loves plants so much!
He's a clone/homunculus/Frankenstein's Idol, basically human but created from scratch in a lab or something. I mean, Amagiri are already doing illegal human experiments, why not this? Again, this would explain most everything about him!
He's either of the above, or just a "regular" human, but his consciousness is not his own. Meaning, his mind has been implanted and then wiped clean. If so, who was he originally? Amamiya Kaito, just to tie into the Loulou*di story? Or maybe Chihiro??? The former would explain why Ageha knows about him and why they keep in contact; the latter must be a very tightly kept secret though.
(Come to think of it, what was Chihiro's flower, anyway?)
He's a robot. Please no. Please don't make him a robot.
I look forward to being wildly off... :D I do hope the revelation will be worth it, though.
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sinful-liesel · 4 years
[Album] The Teaser for Anthos’s “Flash Point” Has Been Released
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Read More on Sinful-Garden.com (wp.me/pavktT-8RU) 🌻
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playeryumi · 3 years
Idols, Flowers, Dolls
I back again with another uhm review???
im not sure if its reviewed cause i don't trust my feelings (but still write shinenigans) ya might agree or not this is just a perspective of a simple brain rotter fan lol
so thanks for my fave seiyuu being in a bunch of seiyuu projects (idol or what) I am currently into 2d idols lol I'm just a new fan too but the songs are muah
I decided to make an entry about
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of course why I know this is because my fave is here lol but this idol project is interesting cause its has mystery and such. pretty (I am not sure if pretty is the right word lol maybe really) Angst and dark lol.
so lil bit summary a certain Agency or production company called Amagiri production. working there is not easy. a very competitive company. with strict rules, regulations, ranking, and test. one simple violation will lose your contract (yes very toxic company lol)
They aim the Perfect Idols using the latest technology. and that is planting a flower inside of a person. and now they choose 6 chosen new idols to get that treatment.
Toudo Lihito(CV:Itou Kent), Kagekawa Ryoga(CV:Hamano Daiki), Yuki Mahiro(CV:Yamashita Seiichiro), Kisaragi Kaoru(CV: Toki Shunichi), Kiyose Haruta(CV: Masuda Toshiki), Chise(CV: Komada Wataru)
Setsuna Yashiro(CV: Shun Horie) is their new member he was released at season 2
I still don't know much about the story lol but according to fans that can the mv's they released has clues about the stories. that's why I am interested (all I can do for now is cry tho cause I really need to level up my jp vocabulary and currently slacking lol). tho I think they are the only idol project I encounter that caters to their international fans (don't trust me currently i just meet around 15 I guess...) not all is translated tho lol only the introduction rn.
Finally here lol so about the songs (yall already know how I love this lol no need a one-page essay for it lol) Its Electro music, the beats and everything is so modern and techy feel. i can't pinpoint the genre cause the mood of each songs are different like there is a dark and angst feel, a bit heavy there is also a bit soft and courting type, and dance feels too lol.
ok about singers (I will try my best not create a one-pager of how I love ryoga/hamano san lol) Mostly hamano san uses his raping skills in their songs but in his solo OMG THE CHORUS MUAH MUAH. most of the lyrics are in English (and man he is so fluent for me don't touch me)
Next is Itou san I knew him in hypmic and I knew him as powerful rapper lol. i am amazed he can hit that light but high notes. he's is amazing I register him also as camouflage va. him hitting those high notes muah
another hypmic va Komada san another shock for me lol. i am just used to him being jyuto lol. i also almost cant recognize its him lol
my brain keep thinking i knew i have heard him somewhere lol and yah he is toki, yuki's va from a3. i love his relaxing soft voice. perfect for his character
i actually don't know Yamashita san and Masuda san(tho i might saw his name somewhere i dunno where lol) i also like their singing especially solo cause its different genre
Shun san even tho he is late to be added he seems blended well to the group (well in terms of the songs lol cause i have no idea about the story) he also reaching itou's light high notes in his solo lol.
btw we don't talk about the live concert
ok i wanna talk about this one actually because its so amazing (I'm sorry hamano san but they are so enchanting help)
there is also a unit called Loulou*di, they are the first one to receive the treatment. consist of 3 people: Karasuma Ageha(CV: Toyonaga Toshiyuki), Hinagi Rui(CV: Takeuchi Shunsuke), Sakurai Toki(CV: Yamashita Daiki)
they are used opera type genre with hint of electro. its so enchanting too. gives me shivers sometimes. i really love the combination and timing of the lyrics. and also in their album Pensee man they are taking 5 languages in a song talk about Mr. worldwide They deserve it!
I also knew all of them lol Homare, Juza from a3 and Kirio from idolmaster sideM (i actually shock he is kirio of sai lol the difference, the gap, i still cant believe). TakeP using his opera singer mom's skills a Toyonaga san man i knew he is amazing when heared some a3 songs like es no Yuutsu.
i will say it again their songs are so enchanting. its not your ordinary idol unit cause they are not singing just to make smile or something. its angelic but there's is also a feel of darkness. its enchanting but i feel heart-wrenching. lol when did i become so poetical. so yah they are so different it's extraordinary just like the amagiri prod wanted i guest....
more about them they have youtube, twitter(each unit has twitter), website, Instagram and even tiktok(lmao)
so that's all for idol entry #1 don't worry i will still make seiyuu entries it just so happened im crying in the songs he sang lol
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