#ryoga kagekawa
arkaylarts · 4 months
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I ended up also getting into HanaDoll*.....
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beauty-marked-beauties · 11 months
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Today's Beauty-Marked Beauty is: Kagekawa Ryoga from HANA-Doll*
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hohotaro · 1 year
Wait, posting this also cause this is my new agenda as of late
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himirins · 6 months
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god i already love this solo and it's not even fully out yet
please do not use/claim/repost!
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poyaposted · 7 months
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Who listened to the Drama Track for “STAY”and felt their world tilt a little RAISE YOUR HAND!!!!!
they’re special to me your honor please understand
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hanadollic · 2 years
RYOGA-KUN! 😭😭😭💚💚💚
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redcoralsea · 1 year
HanaST Actors Profile : Kagekawa Ryoga
-  MISHIMA RYO (三島涼)  -
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Birthday : March 25, 1994
Birthplace : Osaka Prefecture  
Height : 180 cm
Blood type : O
Sign : Aries
Agency : Zest Co., Ltd.
Character : Kagekawa Ryoga (影河凌駕)
Source : Hana Doll The Stage Instagram
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Q :   What do you think is the charm of "Hana Doll"?  
Ryo (Ryoga) : Despite their glorious public appearance, each member has their worries and complexes. They solved their problem not by themselves but with the help of all members and changed into a positive image while retaining their individuality.
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Q : What's your favorite "Hana Doll" song titles?
Ryo (Ryoga) : "Me Against Myself" This is a song that you can naturally get into your body and it feels great. You can see how the members and Antholic are enjoying it together!
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Q : If there is a new recruitment for "Hana Doll Project", would you give it a try? (More like is they want to participate the audition IF Hana Doll Project is a real thing)
Ryo (Ryoga) : I will definitely participate in it! When I actually understand the story of "Hana Doll" I can't help but to try it. I'm also curious about my own potential talent.
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playeryumi · 1 year
I'll just drop it here thanks
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kaoharu · 2 months
yaoi in my headphones hello stay by anthos idols mahiro yuki and ryoga kagekawa
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midnightpillsnacking · 9 months
[Loulou*di S3V2 L 3-9] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:ARK Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Project Archive: L 3-9
Setsuna: Hey, what did the situation earlier mean? Do you know?
Rui: It’s nothing to concern yourself over.
Setsuna: I’m curious. After all–
Rui: That was just an impulse from the mention of Anthos*.
Setsuna: But…
Rui: Ageha speaks the truth. The flower is not much of an outside threat even during the window when it is at its most potent. Furthermore, internal wounds are barely noticeable when the situation is stable.
Setsuna: Internal…wounds?
Rui: Take care that you head off in the right direction. But that aside, the tea must have scalded you earlier on.
Setsuna: Not at all. Anyway, Mahiro–
Rui: That conversation ends here.
Setsuna: …
Rui: There’s no need for you to mention Yuuki Mahiro the next time you see Ageha.
Setsuna: Is it okay to break my promise with Ageha then?
Rui: Why did you even make such a promise with Ageha in the first place?
Setsuna: Hm? ‘Why’?
Rui: You’re not plotting something with Ageha, are you? As far as I know, you two had no interaction when we were at the training academy.
Setsuna: Are promises something you only make with people you’re close with?
Rui: Considering the risks, the question is why would you make a promise with someone you don’t know and what can you hope to gain from it? It’s beyond my comprehension.
Setsuna: Risk?
Rui: You let slip a job that has yet to be publicly announced. If anybody knew that word of it reached Ageha, you’ll be first one to be suspected by Anthos*. Are you okay being branded a traitor?
Setsuna: A traitor? Will Mahiro doubt me?
Rui: Likely.
Setsuna: I don’t want that.
Rui: That’s why I’m telling you to stop.
Setsuna: Okay, I understand. Thanks.
Rui: No need to thank me.
Setsuna: Huh?
Rui: ?
Setsuna: Just now, you looked just like him. Like Ryoga.
Rui: Kagekawa Ryoga?
Setsuna: Your aura is a little similar to his. When I talk about Mahiro to Ryoga, he makes a face like he’s kind of irritated.
Rui: I… don’t really care about Yuuki Mahiro, or Anthos* for that matter. Besides… (winces)
Setsuna: What’s the matter?
Rui: No, it’s nothing.
Setsuna: Hmm… Then, I’ll be going.
Rui: Setsuna.
Setsuna: I didn’t get burned so I’m okay. Bye-bye.
(Setsuna leaves.)
Rui: (winces in pain) What is this…? I don’t care about Anthos*, yet… why do I…
(Sound of a device being activated.)
Staff Member A: Medical team. What’s the–
Rui: Why was Yashiro Setsuna here?
Staff Member A: …The notification didn’t arrive on time. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Rui: Please answer my question. Why was he here?
Staff Member A: I apologize.
Rui: The application for all personnel to be vacated should have been accepted.
Staff Member A: You’re right.
Rui: Then why?
Staff Member A: I will explain shortly. Please calm down. He sometimes is allowed to be away from the facility as part of his retreat. His cultivation programme is different from the other members.
Rui: In other words, he’s more of a guest than we are.
Staff Member A: We made sure that his schedule wouldn’t allow him a chance to meet you. Apologies.
Rui: He mentioned that he came for maintenance that was scheduled earlier than usual. Does that have something to do with Anthos*’ appearance on Dream Drama Festa?
Staff Member A: Yes, we were doing some adjustments for his condition.
Rui: My understanding is that Dream Drama Festival is traditionally held every year outdoors. Am I correct?
Staff Member A: Yes.
Rui: For the sake of clarity, how about Loulou*di’s offer?
Staff Member A: For the time being, none has been made.
Rui: It would be better to have an understanding with a head start.
Staff Member A: We have not received any information in detail since yesterday.
Rui: Understood, doctor. Thank you.
Staff Member A: Don’t mention it. On another note, has he given you any trouble lately?
Rui: Not particularly.
Staff Member A: Then, has anything happened the past few days that has caused you distress?
Rui: Why do you ask?
Staff Member A: The medical research team has been carefully monitoring your brain waves. 
Rui: I think I heard about that being possible through the seed implanted in the body.
Staff Member A: Exactly. Over the past few days, your ERP[1] has been showing waveforms that have not been observed until now.
Rui: That’s…
Staff Member A: ERPs are thought to halve when facing inhibitory stimuli and secondary stimuli. The measurements recorded from the seed are still somewhat of a mystery to unpack, and with the possibility of noise…
Toki: (in the distance) Rui-san?
Rui: Toki-bou.
Toki: Oh, there you are. I thought I heard you talking. What are you doing here? …Who is this?
Rui: A member of the emergency staff from the medical facility.
Toki: Oh. One of those people butting in just because I’ve been complaining that I haven’t been feeling so good lately, right?
Staff Member A: As mentioned, you appear to be doing well.
Toki: But of course. Rui-san and Ageha-san are with me here, after all. Right, Rui-san?
Ageha: Just what are you all gathering here for?
Toki: Ageha-san!
Ageha: I leave for a minute and come back to this… (to the staff member) Hello, thank you for your hard work. 
Staff Member A: You look like you’re in high spirits as well.
Ageha: Thank you. It wouldn’t have been possible without such a serene environment.
Staff Member A: About… Yashiro Setsuna’s case–
Ageha: I don’t really understand what’s the point of this meeting, but could we just end the correspondence once and for all? Actually, this is the first time the three of us have seen each other today.
Toki: Exactly. We finally got to get together, so please don’t get in our way.
Ageha: I was just thinking about enjoying some precious time with this modest happy few.
Staff Member A: Heard loud and clear. We hope for nothing less than the best for both your body and mind.
Ageha: Thank you very much. Then, please excuse us. 
(Ageha ends the call.) 
Ageha: (sighs) Seriously. Those fools from the research facility… How many times must I tell them to stay out of this?
Toki: They don’t even respect Ageha-san’s instructions. They should all just be sacked.
Ageha: You’re being lively as always today.
Toki: Right? It’s ‘cuz I took a nap and rested up a lot!
Ageha: Mm. It’s good that you’re following instructions.
Toki: (giggles) 
Ageha: If you’re well enough for it, let’s go have a meal. Go and change.
Toki: Okay!
Ageha: Rui bought some souvenirs this afternoon. The sweet things are what you requested, right?
Toki: You managed to buy them? Yay! …Rui-san?
Ageha: Rui.
Rui: … Sorry, did you say something?
Toki: Ageha-san said you bought souvenirs for me.
Rui: Ah, of course. Cake, pudding and macaroons, right?
Toki: Eh? All of them?
Rui: I wasn’t sure which would be the best choice. I couldn’t pick just one. Do you not want all of them?
Toki: I’ll eat everything! Rui-san, I love you!
Ageha: Toki, before that, go freshen up.
Toki: Got it, I’ll go change my clothes now! (leaves)
Ageha: Let’s head back to the living room. 
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: I don’t need an explanation or excuses. I knew you were sneaking behind my back and talking with the medical research team. For now, just focus on humoring Toki. I’ll take responsibility for–
Rui: Ageha!
Ageha: What’s with that face?
Rui: Right back at you. Why are you looking at me like that?
Ageha: Ah. Unfortunately, I can’t see my own face without a mirror.
Rui: Ageha would never turn around for me. He would move forward even if it meant trampling me. He wouldn’t normally cross paths with me, much less turn my way. Up until now, there wasn’t a single time when those things–
Ageha: You… Do you really want to be stepped on so badly? You truly are a freak. Listen well, Rui. This isn’t reality. It’s the inside of an ephemeral dream.
Rui: Ageha…
Ageha: It won’t be long before we will leave. We have to take up our responsibilities as Loulou*di. But now… in this moment, we’re inside a special dream. Peering from inside an isolated illusion. This is a nice, relaxing dream.
Rui: Stop it.
Ageha: Listening to the sound of the wind, feeling the ebbs and flows of an invisible stream… In the arts, such a serene feeling would be poured into music, written onto a music sheet with the heart still weighing heavy. If I think about all the smiles the sound I create will bring, I believe that even now, I will be able to leave behind my greatest song. There won’t be a second for–
Rui: Ageha!
Ageha: (sighs) Your wish will surely be granted soon. I will disgracefully flail and struggle to breathe, and then finally die. My body will cease as a beautiful corpse, mounted on a magnificent frame, and placed as a grave marker[2]. That’s what you want to see, isn’t it?
Rui: That’s…
Ageha: I will wait for that day. This must have been the path Chihiro sprinted on.
Toki: Ageha-san, Rui-san! Let’s have tea!
Ageha: Let’s go, Rui.
Translator’s Notes:
ERP likely refers to ’Event-related potential’.
Ageha’s word of this album is ‘bohyou (墓標, meaning gravestone)/bouhyou (妄評, meaning unfair criticism)’. Unfortunately I was unable to discern which is which between this drama track and the previous one where he mentions it again in his long monologue in the art museum. I don’t believe the context changes a lot but I thought it was important to highlight this recurring word used.
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silvercrane14 · 2 years
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and the last two<3
so red hair is yuki mahiro, and green. guy is kagekawa ryoga. all i got. apparently theyre soulmates though, at least according to ryoga himself so thats fun<3
Wow gay people real???
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sinful-liesel · 3 years
[Album] The Teaser for Anthos’s “Flash Point” Has Been Released
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Read More on Sinful-Garden.com (wp.me/pavktT-8RU) 🌻
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aquarius-me · 4 years
ryoga gay
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hohotaro · 2 years
Anthos* -Behind The Frame- RYOGA&MAHIRO『STAY』 Teaser
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himirins · 7 months
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This might have happened behind the scenes in think of me other....
Please don't repost or claim as yours
Based off
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poyaposted · 6 months
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Redrew RyoMahi as the one Veil image that’s been going around on Twitter!!
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