#Yata thinks it's hilarious and adorable
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
I need stardew valley "AU" misaru where they have a little farm, cats, cows and chickens and a child. Sleeping in the same bed and all the fluffy things it is possible to do. And sharing a farm ofc.
Aw, like imagine cozy little farm Misaru, very slow and sedate and Fushimi complains about farm work being all stupid and messy and hot. Like imagine the two of them living in this small farming village, Yata grew up on his family’s small farm but decided to strike out on his own to make things easier for his family, since it was hard to provide for all five of them on their tiny farm. Yata saves up money to buy a little plot of land in another village and starts planting, selling his crops at the market and buying some livestock. He also meets cranky apple merchant Fushimi, who ran away from his family and who happens to live on the plot of land next to Yata with a bunch of fruit trees. Fushimi hates farming and does the bare minimum to keep his farm in shape, selling fruit and scowling at anyone who comes near his fruit. Yata thinks that guy is super annoying but his fruit is pretty good actually (and one day a prickly cat shows up at Yata’s farm and becomes Yata’s new barn cat, he names it Saruhiko).
Maybe at some point Yata is having an issue with his crops and Fushimi ends up helping him, it turns out even though he hates physical work Fushimi knows a lot about what kind of dirt is best for crops and the best way to water and plant your seeds, basically lots of technical knowledge. In return Yata helps clean up Fushimi’s farm a little and assist with the harvesting, imagine them sitting together afterward like throwing blueberries at each other and getting all messy. At this point Yata decides that Saruhiko is really cool and eventually the two of them decide to combine their farms into one, you know, for convenience, not like they’re married or anything (all the people of the town assume they’ve gotten married).
They build a little house in the middle of their land (well, Yata does a lot of the building, Fushimi supervises) and imagine them sharing a bed together, this big soft bed filled with feathers gathered up from all their chickens. Fushimi complains he’s allergic but he actually really likes how soft and comfy it is, and of course he likes being next to Misaki the most. Yata’s probably the one who gets up super early in the morning to collect eggs from the chickens and feed the animals, Fushimi shows up later all cranky and tired to check on the crops. Yata goes back to the house to make a fresh breakfast so it’ll be ready by the time Fushimi’s done doing his rounds, imagine on hot days Fushimi has a big sun hat and Yata makes sure he brings enough water and comes inside if it’s too warm. Somehow even though Fushimi complains about all the livestock all the animals love him best, when he walks by the cow pasture they all come running over mooing, Yata has Fushimi shear the sheep because they’ll all come right to him and want to get in his lap (the only animal who likes Yata best is the barn cat Saruhiko, though their second barn cat Misaki is more attached to Fushimi). It’s a lot of work but secretly even Fushimi doesn’t mind that much, as long as they have each other. 
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trulytiredhermit · 2 years
Oh wait HAHAH.
I can't stop imagining that what if the reader is multilingual.
And then i thought about the reader cursing somebody out in like three different languages or more, switching to a different one in each sentence or paragraph.
I mean, they must have pissed the reader off really badly to take this treatment because like --
Reader : *Inhales, *exhales
Reader : Alam mo ba na hindi ka yata minahal ng magulang mo bwiset ka, WALANG GINAGAWA ANG TAO TAPOS IKAW--
It's even better since the reader probably told one of the Links about the languages so he knows, not all of them, what they are saying, especially the curses because he literally had to beg the reader to tell him about it.
Okay, I’m dying to know. But what did Reader say right there?!? I can only assume it’s gonna be funny as all heck. 😂
And we all know Reader is going to take FULL ADVANTAGE of knowing a language that the Chain and others don’t know.
The thing about one of the Link’s knowing what Reader is saying when they curse out a rude person. Brilliant, beautiful, I like it Picasso.
But which of the Links would it be???
I’m pretty sure I read about one of them having the ability to understand any language in their world and I reeeeaaally feel like it was Hyrule.
So maybe he’d understand what Reader says?
But for now let’s assume Hyrule doesn’t have that and Reader does have to teach a determined Link a new language.
Honestly, I feel like Warriors might actually be the one to understand Reader’s language more than the others.
The fact that he had to go through the War of Worlds and also most likely had somewhat of an education would make him more receptive to learning a new language. I just feel like he’d retain it more?
Time would also most likely have an easier time of retaining Reader’s lessons since he had to… remember a lot of things with Majora’s Mask (the man literally had to memorize people’s schedules to live okay).
However, with little brother Wind, who is just a ball of adorable trouble, he would DEFINITELY be begging Reader to teach him swear words in their language.
Reader obliges, not really since they just tell him how to say “I love you”, “You’re my friend”, “The sky is blue” just common things like that.
Time finds out and thinks it’s absolutely hilarious that Wind is just yelling random phrases at monsters that he thinks are swears but he’s really just aggressively saying hello.
But also, as I have heard with people being able to speak two languages, Reader forgetting how to say something to the Links and so they start describing it and then they just switch to their second language mid description. Suddenly the Link who understands Reader’s second language and was still able to listen to them just goes “Oh you mean this _____?”
And reader just blurts out “THAT’S THE BITCH!”
Like stuff like that, would just be funny.
But should the Reader ever get mad at the Chain and just start going at them in their second language? The Links learn a whole new level of fear.
Just the fact that they don’t knew what Reader is saying yet the also know that whatever it is isn’t nice and is most likely Reader cursing.
Then just only being able to go off Reader’s expression and gestures. The fear of the unknown man.
Meanwhile the Link who understands everything is either laughing their ass off to the side or also afraid, because no one wants to see Reader mad.
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shoheiakagi · 5 years
How close Shohei would be with the other members of homra ?
Hi! Thanks for sending me an ask! I’m so sorry I was late with this, but I was so busy with other things so I didn’t have much time to answer this properly. There may be some grammar mistakes so please bare with me. 
So I’m gonna go by what we already know in canon plus some hcs of mine. In other words, when it comes to how close Shouhei is with the others, this is how it would be like:
Bandou > Eric > Chitose > Kamamoto > Dewa > Fujishima > Yata > Totsuka > Kusanagi > Anna > Mikoto
Bandou: This one is pretty obvious. Despite them being both minor characters, the anime/manga has pretty much established that these two are best friends (likewise with Chitose/Dewa & Eric/Fujishima). I hc that Shouhei loves to piss Bandou off on purpose by pretending to play dumb (and that he finds it fucking hilarious when Yata goes after Bandou).
Eric: After Bandou, I see Shouhei interacting with Eric the most. I think bc of the fact that they’re the most recent members of HOMRA (and i don’t think there’s a large gap between when they joined), they have their own unique bond and Shouhei looks at Eric as a little brother he never had (this is coming from someone who ships them).
Chitose: Chitose & Shouhei seem to be the most extroverted ones out of the abc boys so I can see them chilling during the weekends, hitting the social scene/night life more often than the others. I also headcanon them to be gym buddies! 
Kamamoto: We don’t see them interact much but I can see them being good friends? If anything, Shouhei & Kamamoto are very alike cause they’re the middle ground in homra. They’re not extremely violent like Yata, but they’re not the most calm ones like Fuji or Dewa imo. I can’t help but want more content of their friendship ever since that one scene of homra in circle vision where these two were lost in their own conversation.
Dewa: In what little fan & official content we see of the abc boys, I sometimes see Akagi, Bandou, Chitose, & Dewa grouped off (excluding Eric & Fujishima but that’s another topic for another day). And I feel like the Akagi/Dewa duo would be a calm contrast against the chaotic Bandou/Chitose duo (y’all already know how much i adore bantose). 
Fujishima: I honestly haven’t really thought much of a Fuji/Shouhei duo until @anewmourning brought them up once and honestly? They would be a really good duo. I don’t think they’d be super close, but i think they would compliment each other very well, since they’re both pretty level headed and empathetic. 
Yata: I’m not exactly sure on how I’d describe their dynamic, but from what I read in Shouhei’s short story, Shouhei is one of the few people who can casually joke around with Yata without the latter bursting out in anger (sorry Bandou). So yeah, I can see them casually cracking jokes and hanging out with each other, whether its in the local arcade or bursting into another gang’s hideout.
Totsuka: Y’know, Totsuka and Shouhei share a similar personality (in which they’re both pretty impulsive, laidback, and super cheerful compared to the rest of the gang). Totsuka was also the first person to welcome Shouhei into homra and notice that he was worried about something when he first joined the clan. So you’d figure that they’d be superrrr close and shit, but I actually don’t see that. Despite being on friendly terms, i see them both being more close with their own respective group.
Kusanagi: Kusanagi is like the go-to person for advice for pretty much all the boys, including Shouhei. I can see Shouhei dropping by whenever the bar isn’t busy, and venting to Kusanagi about any issues he has, (that is, if he learned his lesson about bottling his issues up) while Kusanagi listens and offers any valuable input, while making him a drink. I can also see Shouhei being one of the first few people Kusanagi relies on when it comes to certain tasks, whether its miniscule things like taking Anna out for shopping, or more gang related activities in which he has Shouhei hack into the systems of any gang homra is planning to hunt down.
Anna: According to canon, when Kusanagi & Totsuka aren’t available, Shouhei is the one to take Anna out for shopping. Like the other guys, its safe to say that Anna is the little sister Shouhei never had so he would always be doting on her and buying her candies whenever he drops by the bar. 
Mikoto: If there is one person who Shouhei doesn’t get along with for sure, its Mikoto. Not to say that there’s some animosity between them. If anything, Shouhei is intimidated by Mikoto, whereas Mikoto is aloof/indifferent as usual. 
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x0401x · 6 years
If you didn't read the last chapter of Tsurune don't read the ask: OMG! I almost get killed in this "Masa-san lightly pinched Minato’s cheeks and pulled them" and in the car scene.I laughed so hard on minato he's really didn't think about hiding his feeling lol. what do you think about the chapter?
Took me almost two full days to reply to this, and if that doesn’t speak volumes about how wild this chapter was, then I don’t know what would.
I’d read spoilers of volume 2 right after it came out so I already knew what was gonna go down, and being very honest, the cheek pinching was something I’d actually expected to see at some point after reading the summaries of volume 1. And rather than wishing for it, I was waiting for it because it seemed so obvious to me that this was gonna happen one way or another. I mean, it’s just so much like Masaki to do something of that sort, lmao. But I admit I expected it to happen in a daily-situation scene and not… like this. As always, Ayano surpassed my expectations on the unapologetically huge amounts of gay.
I’ve mentioned this topic in my post about the differences between the novel and the anime. Minato may keep a lot of secrets from everyone, yet Masaki has been the sole exception to this ever since they met. I mean, look at volume 1. It’s basically Minato hiding nearly every important thing from literally everybody except his conveniently-there-by-narrative-default master. Volume 2′s chapter 3 is basically a massive meme based off this plot device, like:Shuu: *touches Masaki*Minato: Sir, that’s my emotional support coach.Anyway, my point is that Minato doesn’t hide anything from Masaki, ever. Not even the most embarrassing shit.
The chapter was very interesting. It was rather entretaining to see how inept Eisuke actually is regarding himself. The novel often references Amanojaku, so I was wondering if we’d ever get an Amanojaku-ish character, and sure enough, here he is.
Other than that, good God. Minato is such a fucking embarrassment. I adore this walking fivehead so much. Had to put the extent of my love for him and this chapter under a cut because it’s probably the lenghtiest ask response I’ve ever written.
I think I can’t even pinpoint what the best thing about this chapter was. Like, the details are very subtly placed in all the right spots as always, and this is probably what leaves the bigger impressions on me. And by “details” I mean the subtext and symbolisms.
For starters, Ayano knows very well how to fuck with plant language nerds. She’s used a lot of it with Masaki and Minato, and it feels like the bar just keeps going up. First it was oaks (strength and knowledge), then bamboo (inspiration), then azaleas (developing passion), and now it’s freaking bellflowers. What’s more: the ones that Minato stopped by were spotted bellflowers. They’re known for their heart-shaped foliage. In flower language, bellflowers stand for gratitude and unwavering love. And sure enough, Minato doesn’t waver at all before going into that bakery and buying a batch of cinnamon buns (did it really have to be that of all things, omg) for Masaki, specifically.
I can’t stress how wholly, completely, utterly unnecessary that was. There’s no heterosexual explanation to it. I mean, there’s no heterosexual explanation to a lot of things about these two, but the romantic connotation was really heavy on this one. You have to use a fucking magnifier to find the platonic in this bullshit, and it’s still hella hard to ignore the implications. It’s even harder when Minato is berating himself for buying the buns on impulse when he heard that they go well with coffee and thinking about how irritated he feels when Shuu is around Masaki. He doesn’t even try to pretend that he’s not jealous. Be more like any other oblivious sports anime protagonist and let me die in peace, for fuck’s sake.
I’m just trying to pretend that I don’t know cinnamon is associated with romantic love and often used to inflame passion, because that’s too fucking much.
On other news, I’m highly pleased that we get SeiKai hints even when Seiya and Kaito don’t show up together. Kaito mentioning Seiya’s name every two or three sentences and approaching Minato simply because he saw Kuma and thought that maybe Seiya was there was gold, tbh. It was a good break before the mattress fire that happens right after.
The way Minato found out that Masaki meant well and didn’t want him to become like he was in the past was just so priceless. Take this shit straight to the face, son. Get fucking wrecked by how much he cares about you.
It’s also really freaking hilarious to me how everything that concerns Minato’s relationship with Masaki involves shoujo manga tropes. Envious of your rightful rival being too long around your master? Check. Learning the hard way that it was all for your sake? Check. Getting frustrated and shouting like a bitch at the irony of it? Check.
Minato is Minato, though, so of course he acknowledges that he wants Masaki by his side in spite of this. Did he have to do that while lying in bed, though? I think the fuck not.
And cue Masaki texting him immediately while he’s doing that, because Masaki always shows up when he wants to see him, and because this has turned into a romantic comedy, apparently? Love me that age-old cliché where the main character goes to the window after getting a message and finds the person who’d been occupying their thoughts standing there by sheer unadulterated coincidence, and they fucking heard you, you little shit.
This comes in a set with the “first visit and you’re already inviting him to his room” trope because why not follow all the way down with the romcom narration structure since we’re already at it? Double entendrees every three phrases or so because go big or go home.
“Dad isn’t home yet, so should we go upstairs?”
Yeah, lmao, that’s what about every shoujo heroine says before getting lectured on how they “shouldn’t make that sort of invitation to a guy”.
“It feels great. Thank you, Masa-san.”
It doesn’t feel so great not being able to overlook this, Ayano.
“Well, I may not look it, but I am your master after all.”
Seriously, this shit only loses to Fifty Shades of Takehaya and his more than unasked-for lines about “punishing” and “thoroughly training” Kaito. Sure, none of this is on the level of dirty jokes, but the subtleties are still too many.
The fluff is what gets you good, though. Because that was fluff right there. No, it doesn’t classify as hurt/comfort. These bastards fluffy. I just wanna know who managed to stay upright after reading about Minato feeling his heart ache because it had been too long since the last time he’d seen Masaki smile at him, ‘cause I sure as fuck didn’t.
No time is wasted before they off their asses to the place where they first met, which is basically a world of their own at nighttime (it’s named Yata Shrine for a reason; fuck that reason). And of course there had to be your usual load of elusive language in the middle, where the destination is pitch-dark but the road there is all wildlife and stars and this sparkly wave of light at the end of the tunnel. Welcome to the land of bitch, this isn’t a shoujo, stop acting like one.
Or don’t. We’re indulging. Screaming internally the entire time, but still indulging.
The dialogue is so obviously crafted to seem like something else that it’s useless to pretend it wasn’t inentional. I already knew what was coming but reading about the whole thing was an experience.
“I’m happy that you became my coach at Kazemai but I’m also not, because I don’t get to keep you for myself.”
Did he have to say it like that? Abso-fucking-lutely not. But he did anyway, because since when does Narumiya Minato give a flying fuck about ambiguity versus precision?
Six kinds of gay here. And all of them confirm that Minato’s “mixed feelings” when seeing Kaito being so familiar with Masaki from the get-go were, in fact, pure jealousy. It’s not even envy, because that’s wanting something someone has and you don’t. Minato was even closer to Masaki than Kaito was at that point, so it was all just his Masaki-exclusive greed speaking, plain and simple.
This is what gets me about this scene, tbh. It’s so much like Minato to say that, but it’s so alien to read it in a shounen novel. I don’t recall seeing anything so direct and raw in any sports franchise aside from Yuri on Ice. The most we get is “I wanna do [insert sport here] with you”. But this case is a blatant “we’d be doing the thing we like together one way or another and I’d have preferred if no one else were involved”.
And this comes right before we get a reminder that Minato doesn’t like it when Masaki treats him as a child, again. That’s… something. I hate this something a lot.
Also, it feels like the two of them are having completely different conversations with each other. Masaki is talking about his struggle coaching Minato and pointing out the crap he has to deal with in having a student whose last words are probably gonna be something stupid like “oops” or “oh, shit”, and Minato is countering with apparently completely unrelated arguments.
“But didn’t you let Shuu touch your belly, Masa-san?”
The fuck does that have to do with anything? How is that of any relevance to the conversation? What is this gay nonsense?
“If anyone else heard only that, I’d sound like a pervert, wouldn’t I? Did you want to touch it too, Minato?”
“I’m no pervert, so I’m good.”
And now the moment of crushing honesty is over. Time for lies and derision because we all saw earlier in this chapter that (I can’t believe I’m actually writing this) Minato did, in fact, want to touch Masaki. Boy just called himself a pervert, indirectly. Gotta congratulate him for playing himself for, like, the hundredth time, I guess.
Of course Masaki would get emo in this scene sooner or later, because the fact that he’s dealing with the most reckless character out of the cast is apparently not a pertinent reason for things to have ended up the way they did. And of course Minato was gonna do something about it. It’s almost obligatory by now that they lift each other up.
Like, there’s just too much here that doesn’t translate into a master-student thing. Okay, I can totally see that in the dialogue but the actions are screaming something else entirely. Obviously, as I always say, I’m not gonna label it as romantic. What I’m talking about is: this isn’t the behavior of someone interacting with a teacher, but of a person with another. I mean, no matter how you look at it, there would have been a lot to consider here regarding the minimum of restraint that one should have around their mentor or at least around their elders, but Minato is basically saying “fuck you” to all of this.
Yeah, sure, go reach out to grab his hand and gently brush his bangs off his eyes simply because you can’t help the urge to look into them. No big deal. It’s just the affection of a disciple. Anyone else would have done the exact same.
Not trying to stereotype or devalue the worth of teacher-student relationships. Just back to my previous point: you don’t do this shit to a teacher, realistically speaking. And even if anyone hypothetically had any gall to do that, neither the teacher nor any onlooker would disconsider it an advance. Anybody would find it a little bit out of place at the very, very least.
Also, that declaration? Literally Minato swearing he would have Masaki be the one teaching him for the rest of his life? This after having said similar bullshit like claiming that he would never let Masaki go or that he’d follow Masaki to the grave. The bar just keeps going up. So, in short, “you don’t have to be my master but I’ll be damned if you’re not my master forever”.
Ayano, you’re murdering us. You’re murdering your readers.
“I feel more relaxed when I talk to you, Masa-san.”
No news here but thank you for saying it anyway. There had to be icing on this cake. And the cherry on top was Masaki’s explanation about the word “talking”. Are you telling us that these idiots hand their hearts over to each other every time they open up like this, Ayano? IS THAT WHAT YOU’RE FUCKING SAYING, AYANO?
Love me all of Minato’s non-existent heterosexuality being killed with fire.
I imagine that Minato must have made the cutest face when seeing Fuu again. Fuu, the owl with a heart-shaped face, showing up at the most convenient time. Because heart-shaped leaves weren’t enough, apparently.
The end of this chapter made me feel a tiny bit bad for Shuu, though, because it was one more instance of something that he and Minato and no one else had in common that got overwritten and outshone. It’s definitely a parallel to when they were little kids learning under Saionji and hiding it from everyone until a certain point, yelling at the top of their lungs and being competitive while taking things seriously to an extent. Here, we have Minato and Masaki in perfect sync, reproducing the exact same thing that Shuu and Minato had learned so many years ago but with experient successfulness and also complete harmony. And this time, it’s 100% their secret only, taking place at night without the knowledge of anybody, with no audience, no parents and no teacher.
It’s… too much, lmao. In every sense. Shuu literally stands no fucking chance next to Masaki and I love it. *broadcast lady voice* Fujiwara Shuu. Repeating; Fujiwara Shuu. Your wife Senichi is waiting for you at Kirisaki High.
And of course, the chapter had to be closed with a finishing blow. God fucking dammit. Minato packing coffee to share with Masaki would have been enough, but nay, Masaki also had to bring the fucking oyaki. From the fact that they’ve had oyaki together before at the shrine and that these oyaki are from the bakery where Minato had bought the cinnamon rolls without a second thought, it’s sort of really obvious that Masaki bought them to eat together with him.
I didn’t ask for any of this and now I need to lie the fuck down.
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seigaku9th-blog · 7 years
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my computer broke months ago, hence the lack of updates. apologies for that! i tried writing up a quick summary of my latest trip to japan on my phone despite that, since i really wanted to share some details with everyone.
i was in japan from february 1st to 21st! during that time, i saw tenimyu’s VS higa six times, which i will talk about in a separate entry. so for now, let’s talk about bungou stray dogs on stage, stage oofuri, mononofu & nostalgic wonderland, as well as spi’s valentine fanmeeting!
02.03 BUNGOU STRAY DOGS what better way to start one of my japanese theater pilgrimages than by going to see my #1 boy, hideya (7th tezuka), less than 24 hours after landing in japan? i also had the chance to see teruma (6th inui) & kuwano (2nd shishido).
what most impressed me about this production was the choice casting. people i usually am iffy on were given very fitting roles that they rocked in, and of course, hideya was able to shine as the very popular & multidimensional character that is dazai. i was really happy to hear so many audience members gush about how good he was during the intermission! i think it’s one of the greatest compliments for an actor when fans of the original work & characters enjoy their portrayal.
i also enjoyed all the effort & wit put into the staging, the supernatural aspect of the franchise put into motion in such smart & artistic ways. also hideya is fantastic, gorgeous, versatile, charismatic, perfect.
when i got home, i found out that ryosei (8th inui) had went to see the show at the same time as i did...
02.11 OOFURI ️ oofuri was such a lighthearted & fun stage play, which really carried the energy of the source material. fantastic casting decisions were made here, i had a lot of fun both discovering actors i knew less and also seeing actors i’ve known for a while in person for the first time!!
i was mostly inclined to see the show because mashu (7th momo) & junpei (2nd marui) were in it!!!! i love them so much and was really happy to see them perform. they have very sparkly eyes and mashu is just such a delight to watch.
ps. ino hiroki is ridiculously handsome
02.12 SPI’S FANMEETING this was my first time going to an event without any tennis motivations, but spi is just such an amazing guy who’s always been very welcoming and inclusive towards his foreign fans, so i thought i’d honor that by attending his fanmeeting. well, of course, i also think of him as an amazingly interesting person and a fantastic performer!!
he had an entire talk section dedicated to sharing toumyu gossip, which i loved. he notably mentionned how arayan (2nd inui) is The Greatest Senpai Ever, that mario (7th eiji) has hilarious over-dramatic reactions of relief and keeps complaining about how tired he is when they’re finally done training, and that imari yu has this tendency to wrap his arm around whoever is sitting next to him...
otherwise, it was mostly spi showing off his wonderful voice with a variety of english songs. including a one direction song. help. he made a few jokes about english stuff, like how funny he thought the lyrics in real love story (tonbokiri’s solo) were, and each time he would look into my direction in a moment of north american bonding... i felt like i couldn’t unleash my full fanboy self bcuz we had an unexplainable bro bond now
after the event itself, much like for tenimyu, we had to wait our block’s turn to get out of our seats for miokuri. while waiting for my turn, an older lady came up to me and started talking to me in english, asking me where i was from, if i liked tourabu, if i’d go see take me out, saying her friend & her saw me earlier and thought i was cute, thanking me for coming, etc. now, i’m not going to assume anything, but spi did make a joke at the start of the event asking if there were mothers in the room (said lady cheered), and i also know for a fact that spi’s mother is an english teacher... hmmm...
afterwards, i got to meet spi! he handed each of us a rose since it was valentine’s day, which i thought was absolutely adorable  i was getting ready to ask 英語でいいですか? before saying anything in english, just in case, but he was the one who super excitedly started talking to me in english, asking me where i was from & all!! we talked for a surprisingly long while considering it was just a miokuri! i was really happy... i also went WOW YOU’RE SO TALL I’M SURPRISED bcuz i’m never prepared for anyone that isn’t an inui to tower over me
02.16 MONONOFU  i went into this show excited to see so many of my favorites gorgeous boys, notably tsune (2nd atobe), kubohide (2nd niou), arayan (2nd inui), kent (3rd shinji) & sugie (2nd yuuji). since i didn’t particularly enjoy or understand the previous titles of this franchise which i had seen on DVD, my expectations for anything other than eye candy were fairly low. i ended up pleasantly surprised, as a fan of japanese history & the bakumatsu era in particular! this segment of the story covered the shinsengumi’s fall, with kondo isami’s execution & okita soji’s death at the hands of illness. i actually ended up crying along with everyone else in the theater, the actors’ performance & dramatic staging allowing a really emotional, honest & down-to-earth portrayal of a story we all love so much.
and of course, tsune was incredibly hot and kubohide really does look like that and arayan is so cool and kent is ridiculously handsome and sugie is a charismatic angel. but everyone was really fantastic! i knew ryosuke from kamen rider ghost, but his portrayal of okita really touched me. i also thought it was super cool how katsura’s actor was a legit kabuki actor! so impressive to watch!
02.17 NOSTALGIC WONDERLAND oh this show. THIS!! SHOW!! you guys!! this was undoubtedly one of my favorite things i’ve ever seen on a japanese stage!! okay, i might be a little biased because i’m a really big fan & collector of all things 60s~90s, but really!! this was just a bundle of joy, nothing but singing & dancing & casual talk segments between the actors.
the story here is actually pretty funny. i initially didn’t get a ticket for this, thinking “okay this would be fun but i already saw miura (3rd atobe), ikumin (3rd oshitari) & masa (1st niou) in person and i’m not supposed to spend money on anyone other than seigaku anyways”. then my love for miura amplified tenfolds. then my friend was like hey i have an extra ticket. then i was like i shouldn’t. then i watched shinken ranbu sai. then my love for miura amplified even further. then i was like okay please. i need that ticket. then my friend is like okay sure here is a pic of your ticket btw! and i see. the words. “Guest: Yata Yusuke”. written on the ticket. i have never been so happy to have ever decided to go see a show.
so, yes. i had the chance to watch yata (7th fuji) perform in person. he sang Open Arms by Journey, which was an absolute delight. a song i love and a voice i adore. i actually found myself crying while listening to his singing. listen... y’all know how much i love 7th cast. this meant a lot.
during the talk segment, miura was extremely excited to introduce yata, and is so jumpy, happy & clingy near him! it’s adorable! these two have been senpai & kouhai before miura’s days in tenimyu and continue to work together to this day. yata, in classic 7th fashion, was incredibly entertaining & hilarious in all of his crude honesty and lack of fucks. notably just saying “i don’t know these guys” about everyone who wasn’t miura, ikumin, masa & utsumi (2nd saeki), being absolutely exasperated and lacking in any efforts when asked to do cute fanservice, and also getting upset at masa for talking so much instead of letting him sing his solo. beautiful.
but my favorite moment was when miura exposed ikumin as a being a huge fan of yata! saying he always sings yata’s tenimyu songs when they karaoke! ikumin was incredibly flustered, but he confirmed this and straight up said “yata’s fuji is the best”. he then proceeded to kneel on the floor and reinterpret yata’s boku wa kawaru from VS shitenhoji for at least half a minute. i was howling with laughter, i can’t believe this was even allowed to happen?? where is the tennis police?? (too scared of miura and a 7th, probably.)
back to the actual show! they performed a wonderful variety of our songs, from The Karpenters to Blondie to Elvis and the Backstreet Boys as the great finale. absolutely incredible content. we all know the range of singing and/or dancing talent from our tenimyu boys, but the other actors were also really incredible singers, one is a trained ballet dancer as well, and another could play a wind instrument! sheer talent all around. miura & the other dancer, rui, had a contemporary dance number together, a very sensual one at that!!
there was also a lot of fanservice & audience interaction! and of course, i wound up with an alley seat. let’s start smoothly. i got a wink from masa when he stopped at our row during the final number!! and a big smile from ikumin during his solo!!
but what still has me *ahem* Shook to this day... is miura. yeah. during his solo — a cover of Venus by Frankie Avalon — he walked thru the alleys, doing cute fanservice with a few audience members, up until he stopped right in front of our row. i was smiling so widely from 50% happiness & 50% nervosity, and then he ended up looking right at me. held out his hand towards me. and smiled so beautifully as he continued singing. i think my heart actually stopped beating in that moment. and my hands were still shaking by the end of the show. i’m fine. yeah. uh huh
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
What if after the Dresden Slate broke some years later people started to manifest powers like strains but in a massive scale even the clansman are getting those kind of powers, like quirks in boku no hero(my hero academia) some clansman like Yata and Awashima got affected and their bodies changed Yata grew black wings like a crow(meaning that he can't see glass)Awashima is a werewolf(meaning that everytime she turns into a werewolf she becomes flat) and i have no idea how the others would be, but im pretty sure that Fushimi would be something like a vampire or a cat since cats usually likes to kill birds and Yata and Saruhiko would be enemies forever XD
But umm... What do you think? :D
Wait so what you're saying is everyone turns into their fursonas XD (Though Yata not being able to recognize glass is hilarious to think about, imagine he suddenly keeps running into sliding glass doors and it's super pissing him off, especially because Fushimi finds it hilarious). Maybe like the Slate breaking didn't so much get rid of people with powers as it...spread them around, in a sense? Like all that power that used to go to clansmen or be used to create Strains just sort of floats around everywhere and like say Strains and clansmen are all losing their powers but gaining new, more permanent ones. This could be an AU leading to a world where superpowered people exist, that the 'remnants' of the Slate have caused superpowers to become almost endemic within the population and within a few generations it's common for people to be born with different sorts of powers.
In the immediate aftermath say the clansmen get hit the hardest just because they once had powers and so their bodies are like more receptive to the Slate's influence. Like imagine in Scepter 4 first, everyone's powers have faded and they're sort of resigning themselves to the clan breaking apart and going their separate ways or following Munakata to his next venture. That's when everyone starts spontaneously manifesting powers – werewolf Awashima would be kinda funny because imagine at first she isn't even aware that she's transforming and can't control herself in werewolf form so it's like S4 thinking their 'last' mission is involving a real actual werewolf (and then when they eventually learn it's Awashima she admits that she's woken up the last few nights with her clothes all in tatters but as fanservice character she's used to this so she didn't even think twice about it). Awashima getting these sudden powers out of nowhere kickstarts a whole new mission for Scepter 4, trying to verify if anyone else has manifested new powers and that's when more of their own people start gaining powers, like imagine Munakata gets to go full on Professor X with telepathy powers, Fushimi grows adorable cat ears, the alphabet boys all start getting various powers and it's clear that something's going on even with the Slate destroyed.
They get in contact with Homra and as it happens Yata's been in bed the last few days with terrible back pains, he wakes up the next morning with bird wings and calls Kusanagi all in a panic. Imagine S4 and Homra having a whole meeting to discuss this and Fushimi's teasing Yata for being a dumb bird while Yata's muttering at Fushimi that he's a shitty cat (and Munakata has totally given Fushimi a bell collar which Fushimi is not pleased about but is still stuck wearing). At some point they probably have to call Shiro in too, maybe Neko's developed animal shape-shifting powers so he's also aware that this is happening. Research leads to the conclusion that this is like a side effect of destroying the Slate, Shiro actually knew it was possible but the odds were extremely slim so he didn't think much of it. All this means is that more and more people will start to develop powers, which means it looks like S4 and Homra aren't quite out of the business of dealing with dangerous super powered people after all.
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