#Yes I know about the mormon lawyer
foxgirlmoth · 7 months
I know they're still in their teens or barely 20 most of the time, but I wanna fucking explode mormon missionaries who come over. Hi! Do YOU know why the church openly mocked me in single's ward when I tried returning six years ago? Do YOU know why I'm not allowed into places I would have felt better in the church?? Do YOU know why I'm not allowed to piss in a church building, and now the entire state of Utah, without the latter fining me $1k+???
You're the ones who fucked me over, don't try to come back and make it seem like I can have any glimpse of a space in your fucking cult. It became extremely apparent when I was asked to go into goddamn conversion therapy when THATS illegal, because you can just fancily cover it and call it therapy.
Joke of a 'religion' that still fucking haunts me and will until I get a goddamn lawyer.
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seblaineaddict · 11 months
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You Kissed My Flaws...& Made Them Perfect
In a world where every single person has a Soulmate bearing their identical Soulmark and is bound by law to pursue a life with their Soulmate once located, Sebastian and Blaine are gay as a rainbow men from very different countries, who have never met....yet.
Sebastian Smythe is a charming, devilishly handsome (and doesn't he know it!) 30 year-old commitment-phobe still living in his native Paris, where he is an LGBTQ+ Rights Lawyer. He is highly promiscuous, enjoys the finer things in life, especially very expensive Wines and Spirits and First Edition Science Fiction novels, comes from old and new money, and is a bit of a risk taker, to boot.
As far as his 'love life' goes, he pretty exclusively prefers hookups and shuns anything serious, to which end he has never sought out his Soulmate. He really doesn’t see the point, is 100% against people being forced into 'unnatural' liaisons with someone they have never met, just because they share some unremovable (believe me he has tried to remove it - many times!) permanent Body Art that's branded into their skin.. somewhere...on their bodies, and he is determined to challenge, then ultimately overthrow, the Law that decrees you will become bound to your Soulmate from the very second you locate them.
29 year-old jaded (hopeless!) romantic Blaine Anderson is an equally gorgeous (though with a much more dapper and sweet side) Broadway star who lives in Upper Manhattan, New York, and is currently playing Elder Cunningham in The Book Of Mormon. He has had a similarly privileged upbringing to Sebastian, albeit in the US, and is not in the best place in himself. when our story begins
He (spectacularly!) failed to find his Soulmate after a long, long, long and arduous quest to do so, then gave up on men completely after his Fiancé Kurt, with whom he shared a tumultuous, unequal and in truth pretty freaking toxic six year long relationship, finally broke off their engagement. His heart is bruised and battered, and his self-esteem is in tatters, after Kurt slowly but surely eroded the very essence of Blaine and dulled the shine of everything about him that made him so unique and so vibrant….
...then fucked Blaine's co-star and ran off into the sunset with him…
What will happen when (via Grindr - of course!) these two polar opposites discover they are intrinsically and irreversibly linked? Can twin flames bound by law to meet, then pursue a life together, no matter how much the Fates seem to be weighted against them, make a go of things without killing each other in the process? Can an arranged (by law!) relationship ultimately beat the odds and lead to a happy ever after?
Well..you're going to have to read their story to find that out, but rest assured it will not be short on drama, heartache, pining, Angst, laughter, happiness, many hilarious and absolutely NOT so hilarious misunderstandings, and of course…a great deal of good old fashioned…
…hot sex! Oh, yes, and romance and Love of course, too! 😏😉
The unexpected news is - this is actually going to be turned into a fic! Yes..despite still having been unable to update my three ongoing Longfics, due to my increased commitments, I sat down last night to write a short bio to accompany this graphic, and..it took on arms and legs. So yes. A fic it shall become. Either a One-Shot or at most four chapters, but definitely a fic. Soon... And now that I have managed to make time to write, I'm determined to update my other three fics by New Year's Eve! 
Wishing everyone a fantastic 10 Days Of Seblaine, and also an amazing 12th (ahhhhh!) Seblainiversary on 8th November!
10 Days Of Seblaine 2023
6th November 2023 : Day 1: Soulmates/Soulmarks
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shop-korea · 1 month
AT - ME - THAT - WAS - IT - WHY?
HER - DAY - B 4 - THEY - WANTED - 2 - KILL
FREE - METRORAIL - AS - I - TAKE - 2 - GO - 2
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cksmart-world · 2 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
January 25
Faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, aka the Mormons, can be barred from the Celestial Kingdom if they register as Democrats. This is not a dictum from the Council of the Twelve (the ruling body) or a revelation from president and prophet Russel M. Nelson, but has sifted down through the church's wards (congregations) in something of a whisper campaign. Although the LDS leaders have said Mormons can be Democrats if they pray real hard, nobody believes it. Most members of the Utah State Legislature are LDS and Republican. Even progressive Mormons won't register as Democrats for fear they could spend eternity in the Telestial Kingdom with Harley riders and professional wrestlers. Voting Independent isn't quite as bad but will, the grapevine says, relegate folks to the Terrestrial Kingdom with lawyers and mean cops. The scuttlebutt is that Republicans would have a clear shot at the Celestial Kingdom even if caught drinking Tecate or lime vodka or using Copenhagen. Word is still out on teabag enemas. Cheating fellow church members in scams or questionable business deals is very bad, but faithful Republicans could still attain the Celestial Kingdom if they pay a full tithe. Well, that's what they said at church, anyway.
Hey Wilson, how would you and the band like to win a trip to Martha's Vineyard. It's easy, just go down to Ciudad Juarez and walk across the border into El Paso. There a nice lady will ask you if you want to go to a swell place and get a swell job. Soon you'll be landing in beautiful Martha's Vineyard near Cape Cod, Mass. — compliments of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Pretty great, huh. That's what happened to dozens of  illegal Venezuelan immigrants who ended up on the little island known as a refuge for wealthy Democrats. Vineyard denizens were taken by surprise — there was no housing or jobs for the immigrants. Haha, the joke's on those bleeding-heart liberals who need to see illegal immigration up close. Folks from Mexico, Central and South America don't immigrate to Florida 'cause it's surrounded by water. Duh. So why would the governor of Florida mess with immigrants in Texas. Hmm. It couldn't be politics, although he did get almost as many headlines as if he promised to build a wall to keep all the (brown) criminals out. DeSantis knows where his bread is buttered. He's now the favorite of “Christian leaders” for the 2024 GOP nomination. You know Wilson, you gotta love those Christian nationalists — fine people they are. They have accepted Jesus into their lives.
Americans like nothing more than a nice, juicy sex scandal. So, no surprise we get to revisit Bill and Monica's excellent adventure 25 years ago. As you will recall — if you're old — it all started when Republicans demanded a probe of Bill and Hillary's investment in a failed real estate venture called Whitewater. It ended with the president's impeachment for lying under oath about fellatio in the Oval Office. Bill was toast because Monica's “friend” Linda Tripp advised her not to clean the dress that held the evidence (if you know what we mean). That's right, Wilson, a real estate investigation that turned out to be a blowjob. Moving on (if that's possible), we now get another look at Supreme Court Justice Brett “I Like Beer” Kavanaugh in a new documentary, “Justice,” premiering at Sundance. Christine Blasey Ford alleged that at a party in high school Kavanaugh held her down, covered her mouth and tried to force himself on her. He denied it. A second woman, Deborah Ramirez, alleged Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a party when they both were at Yale. He denied it. Yes Wilson, he was under oath, but it gets complicated. Some folks believe there is an exception for lying about sex and the Supreme Court has yet to rule it out. Go figure.
Post script — That's it for another scrambled week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of egg smugglers so you don't have to. Sources say furloughed tech workers are developing an app for smugglers so egg lovers won't have to go cold turkey. The San Diego Customs and Border Protection Office notes that illegal eggs are moving like hotcakes. Whoa, what's that smell? Brazilian-based beef producer JBS has methane emissions that exceed the combined total of France, Germany, Canada and New Zealand. Last Week, Mighty Earth filed a complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission alleging that JBS is failing to meet its emissions targets. In a hot mic moment, a spokeswoman for JBS reportedly said, “Bullshit.” A lot of food is wasted each year, but the Japanese are finding ways to use discarded victuals. They have created “recipes” that turn food scraps into concrete, dishes and even furniture. There could be a use for Aunt Thelma's Christmas fruit cake, after all. And finally, this is the Chinese Year of the Rabbit. As it turns out, there are dozens of delicious rabbit recipes — roasted, stewed and grilled. But despite folklore, rabbits don't lay eggs. So warn the kids, Easter egg hunting could be a real bummer in the Year of the Rabbit.
Well Wilson, lucky for you and the band that Berkeley Breakfast doesn't require eggs. On the other hand, it's not all that healthy and can be very hard on the sinuses, as you know all too well. But we digress. The band, of course, has it's favorite rabbit song and we can't stop them now. So go ahead and lay it on us:
One pill makes you larger And one pill makes you small And the ones that mother gives you Don't do anything at all Go ask Alice When she's ten feet tall And if you go chasing rabbits And you know you're going to fall Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar Has given you the call Call Alice When she was just small When the men on the chessboard Get up and tell you where to go And you've just had some kind of mushroom And your mind is moving low Go ask Alice I think she'll know
When logic and proportion Have fallen sloppy dead And the White Knight is talking backwards And the Red Queen's off with her head Remember what the dormouse said Feed your head Feed your head
(White Rabbit — Jefferson Airplane)
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catsnuggler · 3 years
I'm answering my own questions in response to this post.
Answers under the "read more" because this got long.
1. Do you identify as an apostate, exvangelical, ex-(denomination), heretic, or something else? I identify as ex-mormon (straight to the point), apostate (because that's what I am), and heretic because it sounds a lot more charged than apostate, in my opinion, even though technically a heretic is someone who is of a particular persuasion but refuses to accept the established religious dogma of that persuasion. In technical terms, I'm an apostate, but my dad, who is still Mormon but differs from the church radically in religious and political beliefs, is the heretic, not me. But, again, I just like the word. It brings to my mind an angry Crusader about to attack me, charging me with heresy and exclaiming that I'll be punished for my sins and treachery against the One True Faith - and to think of myself as an enemy of Crusaders is badass. Even though I'm really just some weak guy who sits around criticizing things.
2. How would you describe your current beliefs? Deconversion was as much a political as a religious process for me. I had to turn away from the liberal democracy at best, conservatism at most common, theocracy at worst political outlook of Mormonism, toward anarchist communism, which resonates best with my political desire for global liberation from both sociopolitical and economic tyranny. Additionally, the church is founded on colonialism, and warming up to decolonization is also part of my deconversion.
But this question is more specifically about religious beliefs, so, onto those: while most exmos are atheists, I'm a hard polytheist. I worship the Norse gods right now. I don't do so regularly, nor do I think they're the only ones deserving of worship; the idea that this or that god is unworthy of worship just because they're outside of ones tradition is an idea I've also had to reject. No, it's just that the Norse/Germanic gods are the ones I felt most pulled to. Generally, us Norse (neo)pagans/polytheists/"Heathens" also practice land worship and ancestor veneration, but given the settler-colonial context I'm part of, I'm still dealing with psychological as well as overarching political barriers with regard to such practices. The Norse god I feel most attracted to is Odin, although I do have to resist the "he's basically God" view that's been drilled into my head and is reinforced constantly by culturally Christian ex-Christian Heathens, particularly those of what we call "brosatru" and "(br)odinist" persuasions.
I've also had to unlearn a lot of antisemitism and islamophobia either directly taught as part of Mormonism, or otherwise commonly accepted in Mormon culture.
3. Have you gotten emotional support from friends in deconverting/deconstructing? Would you like more support? Have you found any online? Yes, yes, most definitely. The most support I got from @sleepyowlet. I can thank her for opening my mind up to anarchism, communism, and heathenry, while remaining respectful and understanding. I already had questions, she simply encouraged me and provided an alternative perspective, one which I ultimately found refreshing and made the most sense to me.
I haven't known too terribly many ex-mormons in person, though, and that would be rather refreshing and healing; bonus points if we've come to about the same politico-religious conclusions, yet still bear unique viewpoints to open the others' minds. That's more support I wish I had.
The /r/exmormon subreddit is somewhat helpful, and I'm also looking in the #exmo/#exmormon/#apostake etc tags on tumblr to find others to talk about this with.
4. Was any person, book, or something else instrumental in your deconversion? I don't like the guy, but... oh, hell, what was his name? The atheist with the talkshow, he's also an islamophobic asshole. Bill Maher, I think his name is? I saw a documentary by him that left me depressed and atheist for about a week, maybe two weeks? Which increased the questions I had. I was also already friends with a lot of atheists, growing up, so I was constantly exposed to non-mormon, non-Christian viewpoints. I mentioned Owly, of course. I haven't read many books. And, oddly enough, one of the most instrumental individuals to my deconversion is my Mormon dad. He is an odd duck, as previously mentioned, in the Mormon faith. He's very sad, because as I grew up, he taught my siblings and I all the bad things he knew about the church, but he did so to inoculate us so we wouldn't learn anyway down the road, with no previous idea of, say, how the Mountain Meadows Massacre really happened, and spiral into a faith crisis. He wanted to be living evidence that, though the other Mormons keep themselves blind and thoughtless, thinking that doing so is faith and righteousness, that one could be Mormon and still have a heart and mind. Unfortunately for him, and fortunately for myself, my older sister, and my younger sibling (not my older brother, though, as he is still a firm believer), his revelations to us led in large part to us leaving the church.
5. Who have you told about your deconversion/change in beliefs? I'm guessing this post is about people I know in meatspace, particularly close friends, folks still in the cult, and/or family members. My old bishop knows, one of the guys in the stake presidency who knew me back when we used to be in the same ward together knew because he was the one who fucking blabbed about me requesting my records be removed from the church to my dad, fuck you "Brother" [REDACTED]. Though I didn't tell him, technically, it just ended up in his lap after I got the lawyer to send the request, and breaching my request for fucking privacy, he told my dad. Asshole! Anyway. Anyway. Any fucking way. I've told my grandparents on my mom's side - well, bio-grandpa and step-grandma. Bio-maternal-grandma died years ago, one year after my mom died. I haven't told my dad's side yet, strangely, even though they live much further away and so I'm thus in far less physical contact with the convert side of my family than I am the pioneer side, who are just to the East/Southeast in Idaho, Utah, and a few in Arizona. I'm not sure how many I told I'm pagan, because I forgot, but they at least know that I'm not Mormon. I know I told my grandparents I'm pagan, though.
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rgr-pop · 4 years
!!!!! I hope someday you make this into something for wider publication
oh do you mean “do the work I’m supposed to have been doing and put this shit on our website” 
my new wobbly friend has been very encouraging. i have also referred to him as my trot lite friend because someone started jokingly calling him a trot because he loves to pamphlet. he’s always like, i have a pamphlet idea for that! please excuse me while i go off on a pamphlet related tangent...
today he had a really good idea for a rights related pamphlet that puts our big pictures together. recently had an illuminating meeting with great mentors about “the know your rights workshop.” “rights” obviously--talking to room full of anarchists i know you get it but let’s just say it--only point you toward what you can do within the thing you are trying explicitly to disrupt. but it’s like, with tenant work in particular, more than anything else i’ve ever done, you have to be more careful with the law, understand it better, be more careful about not “practicing law without a license,” and at the same time interface closely with lawyers. actually all of that is just as true with anti-ice and abolitionist work so you know. early on in this i realized this sequence of truths:
tenant organizers waste a lot of time communicating & summarizing rights via writing pamphlets etc., but this doesn’t quite count as duplication because given the nature of the thing we cannot just use materials from other cities. we have to do it ourselves almost every time
only because cities themselves rarely do the work of communicating rights even to the degree of an easy & quick website. even more rarely do they frame these as “tenant rights” and explain them in practical terms. cities only do a good job of this when tenant orgs force them to. this is why in the very beginning of this whole process, two months ago, we proposed an ordinance that would require the city to produce this material. i know other cities have made these demands, but i had never seen the utility of them until now. seemed all show. which it is, but making the city do this frees us from this work. we can also demand that they inform residents about the existence of the union, and we can make accessibility demands that they could meet better than we could.
but we don’t have that yet (city ordinance machine go brrr) and in absence of such a thing it is the job of such loathsome nonprofits to produce these materials and surely this is by design
we do not understand “your rights as a tenants” resources as ideological, because they are designed to look like they could not be ideological. the way you communicate rights is a way of telling you what you can and should do as a tenant, and when nonprofits produce these materials, they essentially always exclude the union as a possibility often even in cities with explicit and strong tenant union protections and visible tenant unions.
institutional nonprofits are much more comfortable walking that thin “dispensing legal advice” line than many leftists are, because they make the rules. increasingly i believe that these materials are ideologically worse when produced by these nonprofs than they are when produced by cities. to a certain extent, i think, the housing nonprofits that the state entrenched perceive the tenants union to be more threatening than the state itself does. this becomes less true in the big global finance cities, but i believe it to be true here.
the tenants union does have to be careful, but it needs to become more comfortable using “rights” as more than just a disclaimer. locally we’ve mastered the trick--”here are the most important things you need to know to legally protect yourself, and the most important legal protections your landlord should know you know you have”--but we need to decide how to tell people about “rights” in ways that articulate the path we need to take. we need to give “advice.”
we’re playing this stupid game with the governor, and we’re all playing the same game with the federal government (that one we will lose). we’re all buying time that will buy us leverage--i kinda feel like the time itself will stretch into leverage, yes baby we are in squatting territory now! and that’s just it, what we tell people is about “self-eviction,” that the eviction process is designed to make you give up and leave before you even have a chance to win in court. so you say, right now you actually have until x/y/z and they can’t even threaten to evict you. then you have your seven days, then they have to hand you papers, then you have x days, then they have to win in court, then the sheriff has to come, [then they will meet rapid response :)], and so on. what we end up telling people is “just don’t leave until they drag you out.” people are rightfully but mostly just ashamedly afraid to do that, it’s the tenants union’s job to help people let themselves be brave, just like the workers sitting in and walking out out there right now. anyway hilariously, this is the most practical advice any lawyer could give you, but they would never put it this way, not even because they are political actors but because they are small brained and meek. but ultimately it turns out that communicating people’s rights in a way that tells them how to win is just telling them to squat. we don’t have good squatter’s rights here but that’s my may-june policy plan! we should all be thinking about squatting if we aren’t already--many are--because that’s what comes next no matter what. so anyway my wobbly friend is like 
“we should make a pamphlet about your righ--” “no rights” “fine we should make a pamphlet that says here’s why you should squat.”
much better!
(”people don’t want to hear ‘squat’” punk: squatting is not only clean and modern now but it is as cool as it has ever been me: they’re calling it homesteading in some places is that what you want mormon bb: i love homesteading!!! me: brandon no!”)
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tiffgeorgina · 5 years
about the bastard babey!
hey y’all im getting kinda close to 100 followers so im just gonna make a quick abt so yall can like. know me and shit. adding a cut bc this is kinda long
-y’all can call me indigo or tiff idc lol. i do not kin tiff georgina, let me just put that out there. i just liked the url. any pronouns please. im lesbian and i reclaim dyke but not queer. call me queer and i will block you. nonlesbians don’t call me dyke or expect the same treatment.
-im 18 so keep that in mind if you’re like. 15 and want to message me. or if you’re +30 and want to msg me. just let me know how old you are if you’re drastically older/younger than me so i know how to interact with you appropriately yk?
-im the resident bootleg lady! yes im @indigo-boots and my list of bootlegs can be found here: https://encora.one/indigo +1000 recordings and counting! im currently closed to gifts and sales, but im open to trades so feel free to msg me to talk about boots or trade! respect NFT dates or die.
-i’ve been running this blog for a few months now, probably since the tail end of season 1 of black monday. i originally just wanted to claim the canon url, then i actually started posting my hot takes here and the rest is history. i will probably always be posting about black monday, the book of mormon, and falsettos here. yes i stan andrew what of it.
-im @tiffgeorgina on twitter and @socialjusticemage_ on reddit in case you see me over there. i literally just andrew post on my twitter so if you stan feel free to follow me uwu
-i think im like. the resident black monday stan. like if you go through that tag it’s all me babey! i track #black monday.
-i have a lot of black monday-specific tags. #open mic night is for asks, #men get pegged is blair, #women be shopping is tiff, #biggest set of nuts on ball street is dawn, #black moses is mo, #more flaming than fire island is keith, i had tags for the agent mills and agent fox but i forgot it :| #a million queue lawyers a million queue years to queue out is my queue tag duh, #slander is my tag for things i say outside the tags (it’s from episode 5 if you’re curious), #otp: partners. is my mo x dawn tag, and there’s probs more i don’t care to mention lmao
-my asks are always open, so feel free to yell about literally anything to me. black monday, fic prompts (since im starting to actually write), discourse, etc. anon is always on so idc what yall say uwu feel free to say things. on that note my msgs are also always open so if y’all need somebody to talk to about anything andrew-adjacent (especially black monday) feel free to msg me. also if you want to watch black monday msg me and i can get you a link (it’s SD but it’s better than nothing)
-this user does not tolerate: racism, homophobia, lesbophobia, biphobia, transphobia, transmisogyny, or other forms of bigotry or freakazoidism. be normal and also do not ask me about ace discourse or i’ll lose all my followers lmfao
-this user is also of the opinion that blair’s last name is spelled phaff, blair is gay, dawn’s last name is towner but it should’ve been darcy, and nobody at showtime PR knows how to do fuckin anything. 
-i listen to a shitton of musicals, including but not limited to: the great comet, falsettos, the book of mormon, mean girls, heathers, hamilton, six, we are the tigers, hairspray, cabaret, moulin rouge!, &juliet, beetlejuice, the prom, legally blonde, 13, be more chill, hadestown, and next to normal. i’ll probably post about all of these over here from time to time.
-i listen to a bit of kpop too, so you might see some idol gifsets here too (probably just my wife heo solji from exid let’s be real)
-im half ashkenazi jewish, so if i use the k slur don’t decapitate me bc if i ever use it it’s reclaimed uwu
-im from northern california, but i live in southern california for school. i’ll almost always be on PST unless i specify otherwise.
-porn blogs DNI. switch to your fucking sideblog and put your fucking dick away. put your fucking dick away.
-if y’all have any questions about falsettos/black monday/the book of mormon feel free to ask or msg me! there are no dumb questions and i will jump at any chance to launch into a giant analysis post lmao
-i try to rb everything im tagged in and interact with y’all as much as possible bc ily so feel free to annoy me at like all hours
-my main is @ninetyfivepercentstress as seen in my desc. that’s where i send asks, replies, likes, and follow backs.
-i might update this some more later if i feel like it lol thanks for reading y’all and welcome to this shithole of a blog!
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ld61061 · 6 years
Baby, It's Rapey in Here
If you don't know, in the days of Christ, Pharisees were the people telling everybody what they should do and not do. And they did it with the arrogance of a straight white 25 year old Mormon who just named his planet.
Now, by "Jesus", I mean a whacky Jewish street-magician and sometime Rabbi named Y'shua who, between alcoholic benders with his bro's, wowed crowds with crazy Eastern slight-of-hand and who later got turned into a Disney Prince/Ken doll named Jesus.
Y'shua is credited with saying a lot of cool stuff that was pretty generic Jewish wisdom, but we don't like attributing cool wisdom to Jews, because Jews shouldn't have nice things if you love Disney Jesus, which we do.
As for Pharisees, they were big fish in the little pond where Y'shua lived. Outside of Palestine, nobody gave a shit what a Pharisee was, but in the political life of that small little country, Pharisees were the Tea Party. Or, if you'd like to keep it Biblical, you can think of them as Darth Vader if Darth couldn't leave town. They were powerful af in town and nothing 2 steps outside, get it?
Anyway, Y'shua loved to turn the Pharisees' sensibilities on them. When it was possible to take their logic and shove it up their asses, he was right there with the shoving, preferably in public. Peter, later to become the epitome of Popiness, held the lube. Pharisees were the villians of a lot of Jebus's stories, expressly because they favored their own fucked-up ideas about God over and above oogie stuff like human love... have you ever noticed how sticky humans are?
Y'shua liked to say that the most serious stuff in a Pharisee's world, like not eating shrimp, not touching your girl's hand when she's on her period and not wearing cotton/poly blends has fuck-all to do with God's love, and he knew he was right because God is his Daddy. Yes, in that sense, too.
As long as we're on the subject of shrimp, it is a little-known fact that Y'shua wanted to serve everybody Shrimp Cocktail at the Sermon on the Mount, but had to settle for loaves and fishes when the caterer didn't come through. Also, no cocktail sauce in 1st Century Palestine -- no one had thought to combine ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and horseradish into that delectable condiment we now know as cocktail sauce. I made that up, but now you can make your own cocktail sauce
All of this fun drove the Pharisees into a murderous rage because obviously, God doesn't get woodies unless he's ordering genocide, which he did do, kind of more often than is generally considered polite. In a Pharisee's world, if God said murder me some babies and old people, that was absolutely a-okay as long as you weren't doing it in a 50/50 cotton/poly tee. And yes, I'm overstating -- this is satire, dear.
Now along the way to being asphyxiated in a state-sponsored execution, Jebus said that Our Daddy who Art in Heaven doesn't want us mistreating each other. Unless it's consensual and there's a safe word. Take all the laws and genocides that have been attributed to Daddy, all the murdering and raping and just... don't. Instead, just be nice. To everybody. And have a glass of wine, for fuck's sake.
Y'shua loved him some hookers, almost as much as he hated Pharisees, did I mention that? Well, he liked to talk about hookers, and not like The Donald does, but respectfully, knowing that his audience would have found pros to be the absolute worst sort of human. In order to show just how deeply Daddy means, "Don't hurt each other," Y'shua would tell stories about not hurting even a hooker, not when she's on duty and not when she's off. This idea is now referred to as the Gospel: don't slap hookers and sure as hell don't kill them. Even if you're in a 100% wool blazer.
Unfortunately for the future of humanity, Y'shua was more street magician and poet than he was lawyer. He wasn't too specific and he never said boo about stuff we wish he had, like what it really means to Be Nice or when life begins or wtf is up with stuffed-crust pizza, but let's cut him some slack -- he never flushed a toilet or wiped his ass, he probably never saw a white person, never looked in a mirror or brushed his teeth and if he'd ever heard of a candle, he'd have been willing to stand in line overnight to get one. We can only expect so much.
But even Y'shua -- a dirty, primitive half-crazy hooker-loving street-magician wino -- even he could see thay loving God either means caring for each other, respecting even the least of us, or it doesn't mean anything.
Getting back to the pissed-off Pharisees, they got the Roman governor to look the other way and -- long story short -- killed Y'shua. Or maybe not, that part's a little up in the air. At any rate, the bad guys won, clearing the way for an asshole named Saul to pick the legend of Y'shua out of the gutter, polish it up, set it to music and viola! Jesus! Later, other guys loped off our hero's talliwhacker, stuffed his ass shut and completed the transformation of Y'shua to DisneyPrince KenDoll Jesus. But that's another story.
The reason I'm telling this story, of Pharisees and Y'shua, is that irony I wanted to share way back at the beginning, and now you're ready! Go, you!
We live in a time when growed-ass Christians have become... wait for it... Pharisees. They based a religion on a guy and then gradually became the bad guys in their hero's story! Ta-Da! Irony!
Pharisees hate people, always have and always will -- too sticky. But they sure know what change is, and fighting change is a lot more important than being nice. These are people whose daily lives are filled with Miracles beyond even Disney Jesus' imagining: And lo, the wall of the home didst produce hot flowing water. The small box sang with the voice of an Angel, and the crowd didst mutter, "skip".
So phone apps and plumbing is all in a day's work but the concept of Be Nice is too complicated? Would explain why this whole Constitutional Republic thing is losing traction.
Lately the Pharisees can't see, for the life of them, what is wrong with a song about getting a woman liquored up and getting her to stay over. It's all in good fun, right?
Honestly, this song and it's fate is nothing. But respecting one another and being nice instead of hurting each other? It's still a good idea, and much, much simpler than the Pharisees can abide or understand.
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Ok, recently I had an enlightening heart to heart with my not-so-mini me about life... his personal perspectives, long term aspirations, the importance of integrity, relationships, gratitude. The big parenting queries. To which he inevitably turned the proverbial table and asked how I saw myself. Did my life unfurl as my small town know it all nineteen year old self had envisioned? Did all my so called planning pay off? Essentially, did I like my life, and more importantly, who did I see myself as?
But as the idiom says, trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth... [ insert dad joke about "so I chewed on it awhile"... ]
To my son,
Who am I and do I like my life?
A son, sibling, best friend, blood brother. Husband, university graduate, father, teacher, boyfriend. Camp counselor, coach, volunteer and all around complete and utterly belligerent asshole. I've been all of these. Some permanently.
I've lamented and lived through the deaths of friends and family, rejoiced in the births of sons and daughters. Marriages, separations, divorces and everything in between. Loss. Change. Bliss. Repeat cycle.
Athletes and artists, homecoming queens, lawyers, strippers and alt models. Stay home MILFS, carnival princesses and construction workers. Some I shared my heart with, and others I shared a much smaller and less impressive part of me.
Slept on mountain tops and ocean beaches, in snow caves and trunks of cars. Futons and couches, residence hallways and trampolines. Hostels, middle seats in business class and 5star all-inclusives.
Enjoyed the company of Catholics, Anglicans, Mormons, Buddhists, Muslims, Scientologists and Atheists alike. Learned a little from each. Upset more than a few.
Vegetarian and vegan, fierce carnivore, connoisseur of fast food. For taste, fuel or comfort, I've dabbled in them all. Boxed wine, coolers in 2L bottles, body shots, beer through shoes and a "coq sandwich" or two. Drink. Drank. Drunk.
I've had days in which I've radiated with pride; others I couldn't even look myself in the mirror. I've lied, stolen and hurt people I love. I've also been a shoulder to lean on, an ear to bend and arms to find safety and comfort within.
My life has beautiful girth. Ambiguity endlessly dancing with the my memories. Pulchritude. And as much as I try to dress up my regrets as lessons learned, some still hide a sharp pang. C'est la guerre. But it is my journey. Crunchy or smooth, I am, in the end, a result of all of it.
Human. Appropriately inappropriate. Doodle aficionado. Secret note leaver. Education provider. Art slut. Music whore. Book hoarder. Cinematic adventure enjoyer. Hopeless romantic. Teamadventure captain. Anti-social extrovert. Uncompromisingly flexible.
So in summary:
My son, I'm unapologetically me and yes, so very much.
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leeegrinnerrr · 6 years
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Lee Pace Came Out Seven Times a Week. Then He Came Out for Real.
It’s 2018 and we still don’t know what being out and gay will do to an actor’s career.
Five nights and two afternoons a week on Broadway, “Angels in America” sets out on its grueling, eight-hour course. “A Fantasia on Gay Themes,” as its playwright, Tony Kushner, called it, “Angels” is a knotty, furious history play, a jeremiad on the AIDS epidemic originally delivered at crushing ascent. It is also, at the same time, a skein of interconnected stories about love and betrayal and identity, God, man and Eros. Also, there’s a couple of Mormons. Before “The Book of Mormon,” no less.  
Five nights and two afternoons a week, one of those Mormons, Joe Pitt, a closeted lawyer working for the infamous fixer Roy Cohn, goes through hell and out the other side to come out as a gay man.
And so, over the course of this production — now the play with the most Tony nominations in history — does Lee Pace, the man who plays him.
Mr. Pace, 39, has been working steadily in theater, film and TV for the better part of two decades, helping to prop up mega-budget studio tent poles like “The Hobbit” (he is the elven king Thranduil) and “Guardians of the Galaxy” (the ferocious Ronan the Accuser) and cult favorites like “Pushing Daisies” and the recently concluded “Halt and Catch Fire.”
Mr. Pace sometimes attracted attention — from the nominating committees of the Emmys, the Golden Globes and the Independent Spirit Awards — but mostly disappeared into whatever elves, necromancers or sales executives he happened to be playing at the time. That was by design.
“It was a real strategy to draw boundaries,” Mr. Pace said in a recent interview at his New York apartment, as his rescue dog, Pete, dozed by his feet. In interviews, he kept the focus on his work: “I believe very firmly that my work is the reason we’re talking, and my personal life is something I want to protect.”
But earlier this year, Brian Moylan, writing about Mr. Pace’s arrival in the “Angels” Broadway cast for W Magazine, put the question to him directly: What was his sexual orientation?
It seems an entirely predictable question for an interview about the cornerstone of the gay theatrical canon. Mr. Pace had already said in that interview that he “feels it’s important for gay actors to play the gay roles.”
But he was thrown. He seemed “flustered” and “surprised,” Mr. Moylan wrote, and he published Mr. Pace’s response: “I’ve dated men. I’ve dated women. I don’t know why anyone would care. I’m an actor and I play roles. To be honest, I don’t know what to say — I find your question intrusive.”
“He told me his truth, which is all I asked, and all I hope for from any interview subject,” Mr. Moylan said recently. “I don’t apologize for asking the question.”
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In the past, Mr. Pace was so not out that occasionally gossip blogs would put him together with an actress, like his friend Judy Greer. He brought her to the premiere of “A Single Man.”
“At the time, I knew he was gay,” Ms. Greer said in an interview. “I didn’t really talk about it to anyone — not even really because he asked me not to, just because it’s his business. When I saw that stuff online, I thought it was really strange. I didn’t think anything of it but to be flattered that anyone would think he would want to go out with me. I was like, ‘Oh my God, whattt?’ He was so tall and handsome! I thought, I’ll ride this wave for a minute.” She laughed. “And I was single at the time.”
The W article made headlines, and Mr. Pace was displeased he had come off angry. In an effort to take back his own narrative, he announced on Twitter that he was a “member of the queer community,” and noted he’d been playing queer characters his entire career, from his breakout role as the transgender showgirl Calpernia Addams in “A Soldier’s Girl” through his Broadway debut in “The Normal Heart” to the bisexual former IBM executive of “Halt and Catch Fire” and now, “Angels.” “Onward,” he wrote, “with Pride.”
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The positive response to his tweets — thousands of likes, many comments and now, regular references to them at the stage door after the show — has assured him that he made the right decision, though the old habit of reticence died hard.
“The truth is,” he said at his apartment, “when you grow up queer, you get tough. And perceptive. And you learn how to field it. When someone comes at you that you don’t know, interested in that area of your life, it’s not always a good thing. I certainly knew that when I was a kid.”
Mr. Pace was born in Chickasha, Okla., and grew up in suburban Texas. He came out to his younger sister, Sally, while still in high school. “She cried,” he said. “She said, ‘I don’t know what that means.’” But she was supportive. So were his parents. Mr. Pace headed to drama school.
Unlike Broadway, Hollywood can be less accepting. There are still relatively few out gay actors, along with leading-man parts for them, at least in major studio fare. As his career took began to take off, was Mr. Pace encouraged not to be too open?
He pause for a while. “No,” he said, then reconsidered. “Look — yeah. I remember when I signed with a new agent, we worked together for a year. He took me to some coffee shop in the middle of the afternoon and I knew he wanted to talk about something. He said, ‘I heard you’re gay, is that true?’ I said, ‘Is that a problem?’ And of course he said, ‘No, fine, just felt like I needed to know.’ But within about a year, he was no longer working with me.”
Mr. Pace has the full support of his current team, he added, with whom he has been working happily for years.
The W article ended up offering an “opportunity to participate,” he said, in a way he hadn't before, even if it was one he hadn't necessarily sought or anticipated.  
What changed his mind were two things. One is a new relationship, with a fashion executive he preferred not to name. (“I’ve never seen Lee so happy,” Ms. Greer said.) The other is the role of Joe Pitt, and the reflection it gave him on his own life. Onstage, in Joe Pitt’s coming out, Mr. Pace sticks on a few particular lines: “I want to live now. Maybe for the first time ever. And I can be anything. Anything I need to be.”
“I remember after it had happened, I was able to say that,” Mr. Pace said, recognizing the thrill of freedom in it. “I can be anything. Once you say those words and the sky doesn’t fall down, or the earth doesn’t open up, a lightning bolt doesn’t zap you. You really can be anything.”
So he has embraced the opportunity. “It feels nicer,” he said, “than I ever thought it would be.”
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What comes next, and how this affects his career, if it does, is yet to be seen. One person whose advice he sought as he considered his Twitter statement was his friend Matt Bomer, a fellow out actor and Mr. Pace’s friend since their high school days. “I’ve known Lee since he was shorter than I am, believe it or not,” Mr. Bomer said. (Mr. Pace is 6-foot-5.)
“My counsel to him was, basically, when you decide to make it public, it can feel like you’re operating in a void,” Mr. Bomer said. “Nothing about you has changed, but maybe certain people’s opinions about you have changed. The beautiful thing about that is out of that void come all the people who truly want to engage with you and want to embrace your most authentic self. To me that’s always been far more rewarding than whatever mass appeal you have if you chose not to.”
“That’s assuming that that even happens,” he said. “I don���t know if that happens anymore.”
When asked if he had experienced negative repercussions after his own coming out, Mr. Bomer paused.
“The shorter answer is yes,” he said. “I hate to say it, I really do. I wish the answer were a resounding no. But I wouldn’t change it for the world. What happened was, an entire world of artists who I had always dreamed of working with and who wanted to engage with me on the most authentic level all came to the forefront.”
Mr. Bomer is appearing in the Broadway production of “The Boys in the Band,” just a few blocks away from “Angels in America.”
“I don’t think he stands anything to lose,” he said. “I don’t think any of us do, really, anymore. And if they do, let it fall by the wayside.”
Mr. Pace acknowledged the uncertainty but also said he had no anxiety about his decision.
“I’m curious to know what it’s going to do to my work,” he said. “I’ve played very different characters, and I don’t think that’s going to change. I guess I’m curious to see if this influences that, and the kinds of roles that come my way. Or in people’s perception of the work that I do.”
But he is confident in the future. “The work speaks for itself,” he said, “and I trust that.” For now, that is the grueling work of being Joe Pitt.
“The thing that gets me through the pain of doing it is knowing he’s going to be O.K. after it’s over,” Mr. Pace said. “Once he gets through it, he’s better off. I imagine him on a beach in Hawaii, renting surfboards. ‘How did you end up with this life?’ And he’s like, ‘Well, actually, I was married. I used to be a Mormon.’ Now he’s got a great boyfriend in my imagination.”
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powells · 7 years
Powell's Q&A: Ed Asner, Author of 'The Grouchy Historian'
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Describe your latest book.
My book, The Grouchy Historian, is my attempt to rescue the U.S. Constitution from right-wing hypocrites and nutjobs.  I got tired of the Right acting not only like it owns the Constitution, but wrote the damn thing as well.  So — pissed off at ring-wing lies (by the way, my original title was The Pissed-Off Historian, but Simon & Schuster thought better of it), misrepresentations, and outright horseshit, I decided to strike back.  After all, if the Right could be wrong about climate change, health care, and the corporate tax rate, it was probably wrong about the Constitution.
So I did my homework.  I read the Constitution and the Amendments; perused The Federalist Papers and the notes Madison took during the Constitutional Convention; surveyed the lives of the Founders and Framers; looked over the Supreme Court opinions of Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas; and even dipped into Ted Cruz’s autobiography, A Time for Truth, a faith-based romance novel in which the hero falls in love with himself at an early age.
Here is a preview of what I came up with: The Framers wrote the Constitution in order to form a strong central government, giving sweeping powers to Congress (not the states), balanced by an equally strong Executive Branch. Nothing in the Constitution suggests, let alone enforces, the concepts of limited government, limited taxes, or limited regulations. The Framers were not divinely inspired. They were lawyers.  Do you really know any divinely inspired lawyers?  The only lawyer ever to be divinely inspired was Saul of Tarsus. The Framers were as diverse a group as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The Framers did not hate taxation.  They needed taxes, desperately.   They had a war to pay off. Strict constructionists are people who select portions of the Constitution to justify already held beliefs. Under the Constitution, women had the same rights as Native Americans. The Constitution is as good as the people who swear to protect it. For the rest of it, you’re going to have to buy the book. I know what you’re thinking: Why me of all people?  Why am I writing a book about the Constitution?  Well, why not me?  After all, I have played some of the smartest people ever seen on television.
What was your favorite book as a child?
I know I should say Mark Twain’s Adventures of Tom Sawyer or E. B. White’s Charlotte’s Web.  But the truth is my favorite book as a child was a book of collected riddles by an unremembered author.  Some of the riddles that I can recall are:  
What is the smallest room in the world?  A mushroom.
Why do firemen wear red suspenders?  To keep their pants up.
What is white and black and red all over?  A newspaper (red = read).
Why did the idiot tiptoe past the medicine chest?  He didn’t want to wake up the sleeping pills.
Not politically correct, of course, but very funny to a six-year-old boy.
When did you know you were a writer?
When Simon & Schuster sent me an advanced copy of The Grouchy Historian — with my picture on the cover.
What does your workspace look like?
I work at a desk in my office, which is on the first floor of my house. The office has doors that don’t lock, so at any time anyone can barge in and interrupt my writing for no good reason.  Thank God.
What do you care about more than most people around you?
I believe the people around me care for the same things I do:  racial and religious tolerance, civilized discourse, a government of and for the people, gender and economic equality, and a new president as soon as possible.  If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be around me.
Share an interesting experience you've had with one of your readers.
One of my first readers was a Constitutional scholar, law professor, and distinguished historian.  He agreed to give me notes on an early draft of The Grouchy Historian.  A year later and I still haven’t heard from him.  I only hope it was something I said.
Tell us something you're embarrassed to admit.
I’m in love with Marie Osmond.
Introduce one other author you think people should read, and suggest a good book with which to start.
Read Philip Roth.  And if you have, read him again.  Of his more than 20 novels, I recommend The Plot Against America, which is Roth’s vision of an America with Charles Lindbergh — air hero and fascist — as president.  Set in the 1940s, it’s as relevant as it is scary. I also recommend American Pastoral, which is Philip Roth at his best — funny yet painful, powerful and brilliant.  Why Roth has not won the Nobel Prize for Literature I have no idea.
Besides your personal library, do you have any beloved collections?
No “beloved” collections.  Just books.
Have you ever made a literary pilgrimage?
Yes.  Many years ago, I went to Prague and visited Kafka’s grave.  He’s buried there in the Jewish cemetery beside his mother and father.  Kafka died in 1924 at the age of 40.  A short life.  Still, when you think that in less than two decades his sister would perish in a Nazi concentration camp — well, maybe he was “lucky” to have died so young.  I placed three stones on his grave and recited the Jewish prayer for the dead — at least the parts I could remember.  Afterwards, I found a bookstore that sold The Metamorphosis in English.  It’s one of my favorite stories — about a young man who turns into a cockroach and becomes a burden to his family.  And what young man cannot identify with that?
What scares you the most as a writer?
There are two things that scare me the most as a writer:  a blank page and the royalty statement from my publisher.
If someone were to write your biography, what would be the title and subtitle?
Ed Asner: Not Just a Character Actor, but a Character
Offer a favorite passage from another writer.
One of my favorite passages is from Mark Twain’s essay, “Fables of Man,” in which he questions how a loving, benevolent God could have made the common housefly:
When we reflect that the fly was as not invented for pastime, but in the way of business; that he was not flung off in a heedless moment and with no object in view but to pass the time, but was the fruit of long and painstaking labor and calculation, and with a definite and far-reaching purpose in view; that his character and conduct were planned out with cold deliberation, that his career was foreseen and foreordered, and that there was no want which he could supply, we are hopelessly puzzled, we cannot understand the moral lapse that was able to render possible the conceiving and the consummation of this squalid and malevolent creature.
Share a sentence of your own that you're particularly proud of.
From The Grouchy Historian:  “Justice Antonin Scalia had to be the one percent’s favorite judge since Pontius Pilate.”
Describe a recurring nightmare.
My recurring nightmare is as follows:  I am playing King Lear.  As I make my entrance into a packed New York theater, I suddenly forget my lines.  I can’t even remember “Attend the Lords of France and Burgundy.”  The rest of the play continues while, from me, not a word is spoken.   Then, if that isn’t bad enough, before I know it I'm walking around onstage in my boxers and T-shirt. Fortunately, I wake up right before I have to go to the bathroom.
Do you have any grammatical pet peeves?
I have a problem with most grammar police.  Especially those who tell me I can’t begin a sentence with “and.”  Maybe they forget:  “And God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam.”  Or those who are afraid of repeating the same word in the same sentence or paragraph.  You know, like in “To be or not to be.”  And those who warn against ending a sentence with a preposition — which is a bad rule that no one should stick to.
Do you have any phobias?
I have three major phobias:  A fear of clowns, spiders, and unhinged Presidents of the United States.
Name a guilty pleasure you partake in regularly.
Sorry, but all my pleasures are guilt-free.
What's the best advice you've ever received?
The best advice I ever got came from my father, who said: “Stay positive — it’ll probably get worse”; “Carry your own bags”; “Never take money from a stranger”; and “Never order breaded veal cutlet in a restaurant.”
Now that you’re 86 years old, what’s the best thing about old age?
Not giving a shit.  
My Top Five Books of All Time List:
The Bible, especially all those parts with the sex and violence.
Inferno by Dante. Hell hath no fury like a writer scorned.
Collected plays and poetry by William Shakespeare. Whoever really wrote them, he or she is a special genius “for all time.”
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, the book where, as Hemingway said, American literature begins.
Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted by Jennifer Armstrong. There's something about this book that I can never get enough of.
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kodyshivblog · 7 years
Why I have PTSD
While speaking with my therapist yesterday morning, I confided in her that, out of all of the traumatic events I experienced throughout my childhood, I believe one of them did the most damage. Of course, there’s always an accumulative affect when it comes to trauma—a stacking effect that, once it reaches its peak, eventually causes the overall structure to come crumbling down. Most of these events I refuse to speak about in an open forum, as I feel they’ll contribute to nothing but heartbreak and conflict. I will, however, detail the one event that I feel affected me the most adversely.
So, without further ado, I present to you:
Why I have PTSD.
I grew up in a small town in the middle of Southeastern Idaho, where any difference could either ostracize or make you an easy target. Be it your religion (or lack thereof,) your weight, your appearance, your disabilities (as minor as they may be,) anything could be used against you to make you feel as though you were small. The kids were mean, as some would be fit to say, and once settled upon you like a pack of angry wolves, they wouldn’t often let you get away.
I’ll forego the meatier details of the bullying I experienced throughout my early childhood for the sake of brevity. What I will say, however, was that I was picked on mercilessly—be it for my weight, the fact that I wasn’t Mormon, the fact that I had acne, glasses, an odd group of friends and, at the time, was struggling to figure out whether or not I was gay. I went through this from about the second grade (when I was seven) all the way up until I was eventually driven out of school when I was fifteen.
Yes. I said DRIVEN.
The event that would ultimately change my life for the worst began on an early evening in April—when, while walking outside to accompany my father and younger brother to the local fast food establishment to get ice cream cones, I was confronted by the sight of a police cruiser in our driveway. Lights on, officers standing, we approached with confusion only for one of them to ask, “Is Kody here?”
“I’m here,” I replied.
“Is something wrong?” my father then asked.
“We’re here to investigate reports that you posted a death threat against [REDCACTED] High School on MySpace.”
I froze. LITERALLY froze. My heart seemed to stop beating, the blood in my veins chilled. I could do nothing more than stare.
The officer then said the one thing I never wanted to hear:
“We have proof that you posted a death threat against [REDACTED] High School on MySpace.”
I couldn’t believe it—could not, absolutely, one-hundred-percent believe it. I’d never done any such thing—would never in my life ever conceive of threatening someone in such a way—but there they were, two officers, standing there, declaring something I could not even imagine.
That was when they continued by saying, “Let’s go inside.”
My mother—who had been drawn by the attention from flashing lights outside in the descending darkness—could only watch and stare as my father, my little brother, and myself led the two police officers up to our front porch, then nod as they explained the situation and let themselves inside. At the time, we were too shellshocked to ask about a warrant, too scared to refuse access when we could’ve been able to, too intimidated to even begin to think to call a lawyer. The situation, as grim as it happened to be, skewed all sense of thought. So we let them in.
And thus the interrogation began.
Most of those first two hours are a blur to me. I remember simply sitting on the living room couch while the two officers drilled me on the aspects of my high school life. Having already accessed my MySpace account, they were privy to all sorts of information—including whom I talked to online, whom I interacted with, what groups I had been invited to. They kept claiming that they had proof that I had posted this death threat even though they would not produce it, and though I tried to access my computer at the time, it was slow as hell (and in hindsight, likely infected with a virus to make it that slow.) Thus: there was no way to produce my MySpace page for them to comb through.
At one point, an officer pulled me aside—away from the eyes of my parents—and said, “Just admit it. It’ll make things easier.”
“But I didn’t do it,” I replied.
That was when it only got worse.
No less than ten minutes later, an agent from the FBI walked through the door.
Thus began the next two hours of torture.
I was, at another point during the interrogation, pulled away from my parents by the FBI agent and asked whether or not I had anything I would like to tell him. Completely isolated from my parents, I could do little more than stammer out that there was nothing I could tell him, no leads I could give. He confided in me that this report had come from a school bus filled with kids on the way back from an after-hours field trip, and that was the moment I immediately knew that this was a practical joke—an anonymous ‘tip’ from someone who wished to destroy my life. Shortly thereafter, we returned to where my parents and the other police officers were and my interrogation continued. They worked to dismantle my family computer, seized the jump drive which held all of my life’s writing, then departed the home.
By the time it was all over, four hours had passed from the police officers’ initial arrival to the time they and the FBI agent had left.
Thus began their investigation into the matter, and the hell of not knowing what they might find that would come soon after.
During this time, which stretched over the course of two weeks, I was subjected to extreme anxiety—first because I irrationally feared that they would somehow find something to show that I had done it (even though I hadn’t,) then because I feared they would lose everything I had ever written. At one point they called my mother and tried to claim that one of the stories I’d written—which featured a CARRIE-esque destruction of a fictional high school—was proof enough that I hated school and had an agenda against the local high school. My mother, in response, claimed that it was simply a story and nothing more, and as such left it at that.
I wasn’t allowed to go back to school during this time—and was encouraged not to do so by the principal himself, whose thinking was that: if someone was willing to go this far to pull a prank, who was to say that they wouldn’t resort to physical violence?
I was still allowed to attend driver’s education, however (which was sponsored by the high school.) It was here I learned, from a fellow classmate, that a ‘rumor about me posting a death threat to the entire school’ was floating around campus—which, according to the officers who interrogated me, was ‘not supposed to be happening.’ A friend was even threatened to be charged with ‘impeding a police investigation’ when she tried to get to the bottom of the rumor to try and find out who spread it.
After those two horrible weeks were over—and after I was cleared of any wrongdoing—I finished out the last of my coursework for the year at home. Teachers offered condolences over the act that had occurred, offering me support in folded and stapled messages in schoolwork they sent home or by giving me passing grades simply for my prior attendance, and life continued on as it normally would—but not for me.
The damage had already been done, the act already perpetrated, the person whom reported the case never found. I was told—in no uncertain details—that they could ‘probably, possibly’ find the person who anonymously reported the call, but by that point was so emotionally and mentally exhausted by the ordeal that I just wanted it all over.
So it ended—then and there, without resolution.
Come time the next school year came around, I tried to attend a high school the next city over. As I mentioned, however, the damage had already been done. I lasted all of three days before extreme paranoia that a similar event would happen eventually caused me to call home, crying my eyes out and faking sick, and never go back again.
I was homeschooled until sixteen, then dropped out when I couldn’t take the back and forth struggle of online schooling when teachers would not respond to queries and my grades began to fail. It would be two years—when, finally away from that area and down in Texas—that I would apply to take and then receive my GED.
It’s been around ten years to the date since this occurred, and I still sometimes have nightmares over what occurred. The fact that I never allowed it to be resolved (or attempt to be resolved) still bothers me at times, as that person should have been punished for doing what they did to me, but there’s little I can do about it now.
So… there you have it.
Though many events throughout my childhood (some spoken of previously, others not) contributed to my multiple mental illnesses, this was likely, and probably undoubtedly, the one that affected me the most.
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spenfenn-blog · 8 years
Success—A Journey or a Destination? Success-- A Journey or a Destination? Hartman Rector, Jr. Following the theme that was so masterfully developed this morning by President Tanner, I would like to present a few thoughts on success. Success is that illusive and almost indefinable goal to which all men are looking, but success is hardly ever the same thing to two different people. The dictionary defines success as “the favorable termination of a venture,” which implies it is a risky, daring, or dangerous undertaking. A second definition is, “the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence,” and surely this is the most commonly used definition today. We are prone to apply the term successful to those who look prosperous or wealthy or appear to have scaled the pinnacle of accomplishment in their own particular profession. Whether a man be a doctor, lawyer, financier, builder, politician, an admiral or a general, an actor, an airline pilot, or an athlete, all these and many others have the term success applied to them. But is this really success? Man’s definition of success is, many times, very difficult to comprehend. Some feel to be right is to be successful. Henry Clay said he would rather be right than president. Perhaps he felt successful: he ran for the presidency three times and failed all three times. “Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. After some years it can boast a long series of successes.” (Abner-Eschenbach.) “The reasonable man will know that the actual magnitude of success obtained bears no real relation to the amount of pleasure that is conveyed; the man who becomes prime minister or wins a Nobel prize is not really more elated than he who secures a trophy for playing Ping Pong or wins a bronze medal for growing large chrysanthemums.” (Harold Necholson.) The Lord doesn’t seem to measure success in terms of attainment of position or power or wealth. A prophet in the Book of Mormon (where, by the way, the most succinct and unvarnished truths can be found) said, “But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things. Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.” (2 Ne. 2:24–25.) If man is that he might have joy, then success to the Lord must include the attainment of real joy. On the basis of this definition, then, no one is really successful who is not happy. If this be the Lord’s definition, then there is precious little success in this world. Success in its practical application seems to be more a state of mind than anything else. Obviously, many people never make it because they are ungrateful. They are not thankful for what they have; therefore, they are unhappy and thus are not successful. I have never seen a happy person who was not thankful for what he had, to paraphrase the Prophet Joseph Smith, who stated that “doubt and faith cannot exist in the same person at the same time.” (6th Lecture on Faith.) It is also doubtful that success and unhappiness can exist in the same person at the same time. Generally speaking, we are unhappy because we are dissatisfied, and this because we pursue after things that cannot make us happy, even if we obtain them. In the words of H. W. Beecher, “Success is full of promise till men get it, and then is as a last year’s nest, from which the bird has flown.” There is a great lesson to be learned here. Some think of success as obtaining “something for nothing” or the securing of a great bargain. The words of James Russell Lowell seem particularly applicable. He said, “Earth gets its price from what Earth gives us.” In order to be happy, it is particularly important that we learn that everything has its price and not expect something for nothing. This seems to be what earth life is all about--to teach us the lesson that as ye sow, so shall ye reap. We cannot receive something for nothing: on the contrary, we will pay for everything we receive. To continue with Lowell’s quote: “Earth gets its price from what Earth gives us; The beggar is taxed for a corner to die in. … We bargain for the graves we lie in; At the devil’s booth are all things sold, Each ounce of dross costs its ounce of gold; For a cap and bells our lives we pay, Bubbles we buy with a whole soul’s tasking. For ’tis heaven alone that is given away, ’Tis only God may be had for the asking. …” (“The Vision of Sir Launfal,” Stanza 3.) How true this is! We pursue after bubbles many times, thinking they will make us happy and that obtaining this particular bubble would make us successful. There are many, many bubbles for sale. This is another word for material possessions, which the world would have us believe are necessary to make us happy. We get the idea from modern advertising that happiness comes from the accumulation of material possessions. We must have a new house, a new car, or a snowmobile, or maybe even a boat. Elder ElRay L. Christiansen tells an interesting story about his neighbor who bought a boat. He really couldn’t afford a boat; but he bought it anyway, because he had a credit card. In order to pay for the boat, he had to take a second job, which meant he had to work on Saturday. This, of course, left one day per week on which he could use the boat. When do you suppose that was? Yes, you are right--it was Sunday. But he loved his boat and invited Brother Christiansen over to admire it, saying, “Isn’t it beautiful? What shall we name it?” (Now, you see, it is a member of the family--it has to have a name.) Brother Christiansen said, “Why don’t you call it The Sabbath Breaker?” (Conference Report, April 1962, p. 33.) Now, please don’t misunderstand me--I have nothing against boats. I have a friend who has a boat, and he calls his boat “Never on Sunday,” which, of course, is a better name for a boat. There is no real joy or happiness in the accumulation of material possessions. There are too many people today who are so miserable in this life that they cannot stand themselves. They are seeking any avenue of escape--to get out of this life, even to taking their own lives. Many of these people have material possessions heaped up in piles all around them--and many of their associates would say they were successful. But material possessions have not made them happy. The Master emphasized this when he said, “For what is a man profited, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matt. 16:26.) And then he added significantly, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matt. 6:33.) A young man came to see me recently who had been called by the Lord to fill a mission. He was a fine young man--handsome, strong, sharp--but he said he didn’t want to go on his mission because there were other things that he would rather do. As we visited he told me that one thing he would rather do was drive a dune buggy. We talked about the relative merits of trading eternal life for a dune buggy; and he decided, perhaps, that was not exactly a fair exchange. I suggested to him that if he still wanted to drive a dune buggy after he had filled his mission, the Lord would probably let him do so, since the Lord always grants unto men “according to their desire.” (Alma 29:4.) We must not be misled. The only real joy and happiness we can know here upon this earth, as well as in the eternities, will come through obedience to the Lord’s commandments. Alma’s statement that “wickedness never was happiness” (Alma 41:10) is still valid. Again he has said, “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” (John 13:17.) He did not say, but could have said, “Unhappy are ye if you don’t.” Sometimes young people get upset because they do not know what profession to follow. They feel it is so vital that they must have a revelation from the Lord, so they will know what to do with their lives. Generally speaking, I’m not sure that the Lord really cares what we choose as a vocation--whether we are a plumber or a librarian--so long as we keep the commandments of God. Of course, it is sometimes easier to keep the commandments when we are happy in our professions, and to that extent it is important that we do something we enjoy. The Lord, through living prophets as well as prophets in earlier times, has made it abundantly clear where real joy can be found, and he has placed the emphasis for real joy squarely on the family. President David O. McKay’s statement that “no other success can compensate for failure in the home” will forever live in our hearts. President Harold B. Lee uttered an equally significant statement when he said, “Now, you husbands, remember that the most important of the Lord’s work that you will ever do will be the work you do within the walls of your own home.” (First Presidency Directive, April 14, 1969.) These statements and others update and reemphasize the Lord’s injunction to Adam and Eve in the Garden when he commanded them to “be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth.” (Gen. 1:28.) Why should they do this? “That ye may have joy and rejoicing in your posterity.” The Lord gives no commandments to his children that are not calculated to make them happy and thus successful. Therefore, he has added to the basic commandment of “be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth,” the reason for so doing: that you may have joy and rejoicing in your posterity. Lehi’s statement that “man is that he might have joy” takes on even more significance in light of this and the foregoing statement made by living prophets. And the Prophet Joseph Smith also added to this statement when he said, “Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it. …” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 255.) From what we have considered, that path inevitably leads to the altar of the temple. I have, many times, seen the Spirit lift choice young people who had come to the temple to become a family; and it seemed to me in these instances that the temple became a “heavenly family house,” the sealing room became a “heavenly family room,” and the altar of the temple became a “heavenly family altar.” For as they knelt there, they were joined by the Lord through his priesthood for all eternity and thus were made “one,” a family, in the Lord. The importance of this ordinance cannot be overemphasized, for if we raise a family outside the temple, we may lose it. We have no promise with respect to the continuation of family ties after we leave this life unless the covenants have been solemnized at the altar of the temple. Otherwise, it is only “until death do ye part.” God is the Heavenly Father of the human family. He is obviously concerned with families. If you doubt it, look around you. We are all his children--we belong to him. For this reason, he has commanded that a house be built for his family. Our heavenly and eternal Father wants us to be happy, so he has established and ordained families as the basic unit of his church. Yes--and also of exaltation in his celestial kingdom. Happiness seems vital to success, or is it that success is vital to happiness? Either way. I do not believe I have ever seen happy parents who had unhappy children; and, conversely, I have never seen unhappy children who had happy parents. So, then, what is required of parents, who have been so joined in the Lord’s house, concerning their children? First, they are to love each other--this is so vital; then they are to welcome choice spirits from the Lord and teach them to love the Lord, keep his commandments, and walk uprightly before him. When they do this, they have given these children the foundation for attaining real joy here in this world and in the world to come. For they will have eternal life, which is the ultimate success, and they will be made rich. “… Behold, he that has eternal life is rich.” (D&C 6:7.) May this be our goal, and may we be willing to pay the price to obtain it and not be taken in by all the misinformation which is abroad in the land today about birth control, abortion and sex education, and other Satan-inspired philosophies; that we may look to the Lord and follow his living prophets and oracles today. I pray that we will, for I bear witness that God our Heavenly Father lives, and that he hears and answers prayers, and that he is concerned about his children, so much so that he sent his Only Begotten Son that we might have immortality and eternal life. May we follow him, and may we keep his commandments, and may we be successful, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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Hey. Y’all should read Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes by Tony Kushner. It revolves around the AIDs crisis in the 80s staring a gay gaggle of guys and a sprinkle of Mormons and Jewish people with HEAVY Christian themes. But like... a critique of it. Without giving away too much info (bc boy some of the stuff just pimpslaps you in the face) God and the angels got some... interesting problems and situations to say the least. Also it talks about how political America is and how politics has basically become religion of the nation. The characters it revolves around are Roy Cohn (a scummy big shot lawyer based on an irl guy), Louis (gay Jewish dude and bc of Prior), Prior (gay dude who also like to do drag and is a prophet), Belize (a retired queen who is now a nurse), Joe (in the closet Mormon), and Harper (Joe’s wife who is addicted to drugs). It’s a doozie, I tell ya. Especially when the angels come into the picture.
Anywho. It also has some of my favorite lines:
“I wish I was an octopus, a fucking octopus. Eight loving arms and those suckers. Yknow what I mean?”
“Mormons can give blowjobs.”
“Well, oh boy. A Gay Republican.”
“Oh my queen, you know you’ve hit rock bottom when even drag is a drag.”
“I’m a Mormon” “I’m a homosexual” “Oh! In my church, we don’t believe in homosexuals.” “In my church we don’t believe in Mormons.”
“Something surprising.” “Yes.” “Your husband’s a homo.”
“I’m... I’m sorry. I usually say “Fuck the truth,” but mostly the truth fucks you.”
“there are no gods here, no ghosts and spirits in America, there are no angels in America, no spiritual past, no racial past, there’s only the political,”
“Suck my dick, Mother Teresa. This is life and death.”
“The worst thing about being sick in America, Ethel, is you are booted out of the parade. Americans have no use for sick.”
“Lawyers are… the High Priests of America. We alone know the words that made America. Out of thin air. We alone know how to use The Words. The Law”
“I am trapped in a world of white people. That’s my problem.”
“He was a terrible person. He died a hard death. So maybe… A queen can forgive her vanquished foe. It isn’t easy, it doesn’t count if it’s easy, it’s the hardest thing. Forgiveness. Which is maybe where love and justice finally meet. Peace, at least. Isn’t that what the Kaddish asks for?”
“We can’t just stop. We’re not rocks. Progress, migration, motion is . . . modernity. It’s animate , it’s what living things do. We desire. Even if all we desire is stillness, it’s still desire for.”
(He being God) “If after all this destruction, if after all the terrible days of this terrible century He returned to see . . . how much suffering His abandonment had created, if all He has to offer is death . . . You should sue the bastard. That’s my only contribution to all this Theology . Sue the bastard for walking out. How dare He. He oughta pay.”
I am slowly loving this play with all my heart. The script shows a clash of formal language used in classical works versus the informal language that a lotta readers are accustomed to. And the amount of funny lines along with serious tones is something I know all of my conversations with friends are, so I find it more relatable that way.
I’m NOT a literary junky. I’m an Illustration Major at an art college lol. But my professor made us read this since it was her favorite literary work and more than 50% of my college’s population is LGBTQ sooooo. Yeah!! Give it a try y’all!
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asafeatherwould · 4 years
ATV Accident Lawyer Farmington Utah
Farmington, the seat of Davis County, is located about 16 miles north of Salt Lake City. It occupies a narrow strip of land tucked snugly against the base of the Wasatch Mountains, halfway between Salt Lake City and Ogden, with the Great Salt Lake lapping at its western shores. The community, with a population of around 22,000, is a place renowned for its tree lined streets, visual charm and a history as solid as the stone used in the construction of many of its pioneer homes. Farmington’s earliest inhabitants were Indians who stayed until the 1860’s. Fur trappers came through the Farmington area as early as 1825, and were followed by explorers and emigrants in the 1840’s. Soon after arriving in the Salt Lake Valley with the Mormon Pioneers in 1847, Hector C. Haight traveled north to graze cattle, eventually building a log cabin and settling his family in the area. Other settlers followed over the ensuing years, naming the town North Cottonwood. The name was later changed to Farmington. In December of 1892, Farmington was incorporated as a city with a population of 1,180. By 1980, that number had increased to 4,700, and in the next 12 years the population doubled.
The five canyons above Farmington have streams that flow through the City, eventually emptying into the Great Salt Lake. Farmington Canyon offers opportunities for hiking, jogging, bicycling, snowmobiling, picnicking, horseback riding, fishing and camping. There are also horse racing and rodeo facilities at the Davis County Fairgrounds in West Farmington. Farmington is well known as the site of the State’s largest family amusement park. Lagoon, originally known as Lake Park Resort, was once on the shores of the Great Salt Lake. The City’s motto, “Historic Beginnings”, is in reference to the pioneer spirit that Farmington was settled with and that same pioneer spirit exists today. Majestic trees line the City’s Main Streets which makes it have the old town feeling. Am I Liable if someone is injured on My Property? An injured guest, customer or trespasser may be able to bring a personal injury lawsuit against you. Depending on how the person was injured and what their status was on your property, you could be held liable. Generally, the law requires landowners to maintain their property the way a reasonable person would. When the landowner fails to do so or breaches their duty of care to those entering their property, they may be negligent. Some states complicate this duty of care requirement by varying the landowner’s responsibility based on the status of the visitor. Thus, if the visitor is invited, such as a guest or customer, then the duty of care may be higher than a trespasser.
Can My Guests Sue Me?
Typically, invited guests must be warned of any hidden dangers on your property. However, you usually do not owe a duty to inspect your property for any such dangers. So, if you are aware of any potential hazards, tell your guests. Can My Customers Sue Me? This category of visitors usually enjoys the highest standard of care. These include open businesses such as stores and public facilities such as libraries. Even if a visitor does not purchase your product or service, they are still entitled to the standard of care while visiting your property. Like the social guest, landowners must make customers aware of any hidden dangers such as uneven floors or slippery surfaces. However, in addition to that warning, landowners must inspect their property and make reasonable repairs to any dangerous conditions for their customers. Can a Trespasser Sue Me? Unfortunately, an uninvited visitor is entitled to a certain duty of care. Though, it is less than the duty owed to your invited guests. Like the social guest, a landowner has a duty to warn of a danger on the property to any discovered trespasser, or trespassers they can anticipate. This warning can take the form of a sign at the entry of the property. Additionally, landowners cannot create a hazardous trap for potential trespassers that would cause the trespasser harm. Landowners owe no duty to trespassers to repair any dangerous condition or a duty to inspect the property for such dangers. For the undiscovered trespasser, the landowner only owes the duty of not intentionally trapping or harming the trespasser. Child trespassers are the exception to the general duties regarding trespassers. The attractive nuisance doctrine protects child trespassers from objects or features on a land that attracts children to the land and has dangers that are not expected due to the child’s inability to appreciate the risk. Examples include pools, abandoned vehicles, and trampolines. Whether the child is able to appreciate the risk is determined on a case by case basis in most jurisdictions. The landowner also must have been able to foresee this risk to a potential child trespasser if they are to be successfully sued. The duty of the landowner is to exercise reasonable care in eliminating or substantially reducing the risk to the trespassing child.
Should I Consult a Lawyer?
Yes. You should always talk to a lawyer. A local personal injury lawyer can help you learn about what duty you owe if you have a hazardous feature on your property to avoid future liability. If someone has been injured on your property a lawyer can advise and defend you in the event you are sued. Liability for ATV Accidents on Private Property All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) or “four wheelers” are revered for their sporting and utility capabilities, making them beneficial for farmers, yard workers and emergency response teams. There are generally very few regulations restricting their use on private property among even the youngest of drivers. However, nearly a quarter of fatal ATV accidents from 1982 through 2016 involved a child younger than 16 years old. ATVs are high-powered vehicles that can be helpful, fun and even life-saving – when they are used properly. But if a four wheeler is operated unsafely, it can cause an accident resulting in serious injury, disability or death. A Closer Look at the Potential Risks of ATVs Honda first introduced a three-wheeled All-Terrain Cycle in the U.S. in 1970 to combat the decline in motorcycle sales during winter. As demand for the three-wheeled cycle continued to grow, so too did the frequency of accidents and injuries, prompting the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to get involved. Ultimately, 10 ATV manufacturers settled the CPSC’s federal complaint in the April 1988 Final Consent Decree, which banned three-wheel, cycles from sale. The four wheel model we are familiar with today has dominated the market ever since. While more sophisticated than its predecessor, four wheelers have several features that can contribute to safety hazards, including: • A high center of gravity and narrow wheel base, creating high rollover risk • High speed capabilities • Ability to provide ground clearance on uneven terrain • Minimal rider protection from the elements • Limited or nonexistent safety features, such as roll bars According to CPSC data from the years 2010 through 2013, an average of 77 children under the age of 16 years old and 532 adults die each year from ATV accidents. Preventing Four Wheeler Accidents Reasonable precautions can greatly reduce the risk of a serious ATV accident. The CPSC recommends the following “Rules of the Trail:” • Do not drive ATVs on paved [public] roads. • Do not allow a child under 16 to drive or ride an adult ATV. • Do not drive ATVs with a passenger or ride as a passenger. • Always wear a helmet and other protective gear such as eye protection, boots, gloves, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. • Take a hands-on safety training course. State law and other statutory codes regarding licensing, operation and ownership of All-terrain Vehicles should always be followed. State law controls the operation of four wheelers on public property. In Utah, for example, it is illegal for anyone to ride an ATV on any public road unless it is operated for official government use, or operated by a licensed driver for agricultural use. Furthermore, in the state of Farmington, these riders are not legally required to wear helmets or other safety gear. Farmington state law regarding ATV operation does not apply to an individual’s private property and there is no age requirement for drivers.
Determining Liability for ATV Accidents
For individuals who spend a lot of time around an ATV, it can be easy to forget how dangerous these high-powered vehicles can be even under the most innocent of circumstances. When an ATV accident does occur on private property, it can be devastating for all parties involved. Although these incidents can happen in a number of different ways, they are often the result of negligence. Negligence is regarded as carelessness that directly or implicitly results in a harmful accident, and can fall into one of three legal categories: • Negligent Entrustment could apply to a parent allowing a young child or reckless teenager to drive a high-speed ATV. For this, the owner needs to know, or have reasonable cause to know, that the driver is unfit and likely to cause injury to others. • Negligent Maintenance could refer to an owner who allows riders on a vehicle they have not kept in proper condition. This could also include failure to inform a rider of known product defects. • Negligent Supervision may apply to an adult or guardian who allows children to operate a four wheeler when they are not present to observe. It is also possible that there could be comparative negligence, where both parties are assigned a percentage of liability for their perceived contributions to the cause of an injury. Any assessment of a person’s potential liability for an accident should be discussed with a qualified personal injury attorney. Finding Legal Representation for an ATV Accident in Farmington, Utah. Emotions run high when any person is seriously injured in an accident. Legal action may need to be brought forth against a relative or friend, or even the parents of your child’s friend. ATVs are everywhere, and just like any other vehicle or automobile, ATVs can be incredibly dangerous, causing severe injuries to innocent people. Although many ATVs do not look not much bigger than a go-cart, ATVs cause significant destruction each year. Many owners of ATVs are not careful and drive recklessly, dangerously, and in some cases, even allow minors to operate their ATVs without supervision. If you or a loved one has been injured by an ATV, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. Much like car accidents, an experienced ATV injury attorney can help inform you of your legal rights and begin the process of seeking to hold the ATV driver accountable for your injuries. ATV Accident Statistics ATV stands for all-terrain-vehicle, a misleading title as ATVs are prone to flipping and losing control on many road types and conditions. The United States Consumer Product Commission estimates there are around 100,000 ATV related emergency injuries each year in the United States. Sadly, there are also around 500 annual ATV related deaths in the United States, with nearly a quarter of these happening to children under the age of 16. These numbers are expected to grow as ATVs become increasingly readily available and more people are purchasing ATVs for mere recreational use. ATVs are made to look friendly and fun, like a ride at a theme park, but in many cases, the dangers of ATVs are not fully appreciated or known. ATVs are not merely toys, as evidenced by the high number of accidents and deaths caused by ATVs and their drivers each year in the United States. Drivers and owners of ATVs are required, much like car drivers, to be alert and safe when driving. Therefore, any violation of safety may cause the ATV driver to be liable to you in damages.
Common Causes Of ATV Accidents The most common causes of ATV accidents are: • Drunk ATV Driving • Recklessness or Negligence (not driving safely) • Distracted ATV Driving • Underage ATV Driving • Riding on improper roads for ATVs • Improper ATV training or driving ability ATV Accident Lawsuits If someone in an ATV drives into you, causing your injury, they may be liable for your injuries. This can most likely result in a personal injury civil lawsuit against the driver of the ATV. If the ATV owner allows an underage or unlicensed driver to use the ATV, causing your injury, you may be able to hold the owner and the driver liable for your injuries in a similar lawsuit. In the case of a faulty ATV, such as a manufacturing defect that attributes to the accident, you may be able to hold the ATV manufacturer liable for your injuries, as well as the ATV owner if there was a combination of fault. Your attorney may counsel you on which parties to sue, and can conduct in-depth investigations and discovery to acquire evidence in the hands of the other parties in order to demonstrate their fault, as well as recreate the surrounding factual circumstances of the accident.
Farmington Utah ATV Accident Lawyer
When you need legal help with an ATV accident in Farmington Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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melissawalker01 · 4 years
ATV Accident Lawyer Farmington Utah
Farmington, the seat of Davis County, is located about 16 miles north of Salt Lake City. It occupies a narrow strip of land tucked snugly against the base of the Wasatch Mountains, halfway between Salt Lake City and Ogden, with the Great Salt Lake lapping at its western shores. The community, with a population of around 22,000, is a place renowned for its tree lined streets, visual charm and a history as solid as the stone used in the construction of many of its pioneer homes. Farmington’s earliest inhabitants were Indians who stayed until the 1860’s. Fur trappers came through the Farmington area as early as 1825, and were followed by explorers and emigrants in the 1840’s. Soon after arriving in the Salt Lake Valley with the Mormon Pioneers in 1847, Hector C. Haight traveled north to graze cattle, eventually building a log cabin and settling his family in the area. Other settlers followed over the ensuing years, naming the town North Cottonwood. The name was later changed to Farmington. In December of 1892, Farmington was incorporated as a city with a population of 1,180. By 1980, that number had increased to 4,700, and in the next 12 years the population doubled.
The five canyons above Farmington have streams that flow through the City, eventually emptying into the Great Salt Lake. Farmington Canyon offers opportunities for hiking, jogging, bicycling, snowmobiling, picnicking, horseback riding, fishing and camping. There are also horse racing and rodeo facilities at the Davis County Fairgrounds in West Farmington. Farmington is well known as the site of the State’s largest family amusement park. Lagoon, originally known as Lake Park Resort, was once on the shores of the Great Salt Lake. The City’s motto, “Historic Beginnings”, is in reference to the pioneer spirit that Farmington was settled with and that same pioneer spirit exists today. Majestic trees line the City’s Main Streets which makes it have the old town feeling. Am I Liable if someone is injured on My Property? An injured guest, customer or trespasser may be able to bring a personal injury lawsuit against you. Depending on how the person was injured and what their status was on your property, you could be held liable. Generally, the law requires landowners to maintain their property the way a reasonable person would. When the landowner fails to do so or breaches their duty of care to those entering their property, they may be negligent. Some states complicate this duty of care requirement by varying the landowner’s responsibility based on the status of the visitor. Thus, if the visitor is invited, such as a guest or customer, then the duty of care may be higher than a trespasser.
Can My Guests Sue Me?
Typically, invited guests must be warned of any hidden dangers on your property. However, you usually do not owe a duty to inspect your property for any such dangers. So, if you are aware of any potential hazards, tell your guests. Can My Customers Sue Me? This category of visitors usually enjoys the highest standard of care. These include open businesses such as stores and public facilities such as libraries. Even if a visitor does not purchase your product or service, they are still entitled to the standard of care while visiting your property. Like the social guest, landowners must make customers aware of any hidden dangers such as uneven floors or slippery surfaces. However, in addition to that warning, landowners must inspect their property and make reasonable repairs to any dangerous conditions for their customers. Can a Trespasser Sue Me? Unfortunately, an uninvited visitor is entitled to a certain duty of care. Though, it is less than the duty owed to your invited guests. Like the social guest, a landowner has a duty to warn of a danger on the property to any discovered trespasser, or trespassers they can anticipate. This warning can take the form of a sign at the entry of the property. Additionally, landowners cannot create a hazardous trap for potential trespassers that would cause the trespasser harm. Landowners owe no duty to trespassers to repair any dangerous condition or a duty to inspect the property for such dangers. For the undiscovered trespasser, the landowner only owes the duty of not intentionally trapping or harming the trespasser. Child trespassers are the exception to the general duties regarding trespassers. The attractive nuisance doctrine protects child trespassers from objects or features on a land that attracts children to the land and has dangers that are not expected due to the child’s inability to appreciate the risk. Examples include pools, abandoned vehicles, and trampolines. Whether the child is able to appreciate the risk is determined on a case by case basis in most jurisdictions. The landowner also must have been able to foresee this risk to a potential child trespasser if they are to be successfully sued. The duty of the landowner is to exercise reasonable care in eliminating or substantially reducing the risk to the trespassing child.
Should I Consult a Lawyer?
Yes. You should always talk to a lawyer. A local personal injury lawyer can help you learn about what duty you owe if you have a hazardous feature on your property to avoid future liability. If someone has been injured on your property a lawyer can advise and defend you in the event you are sued. Liability for ATV Accidents on Private Property All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) or “four wheelers” are revered for their sporting and utility capabilities, making them beneficial for farmers, yard workers and emergency response teams. There are generally very few regulations restricting their use on private property among even the youngest of drivers. However, nearly a quarter of fatal ATV accidents from 1982 through 2016 involved a child younger than 16 years old. ATVs are high-powered vehicles that can be helpful, fun and even life-saving – when they are used properly. But if a four wheeler is operated unsafely, it can cause an accident resulting in serious injury, disability or death. A Closer Look at the Potential Risks of ATVs Honda first introduced a three-wheeled All-Terrain Cycle in the U.S. in 1970 to combat the decline in motorcycle sales during winter. As demand for the three-wheeled cycle continued to grow, so too did the frequency of accidents and injuries, prompting the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to get involved. Ultimately, 10 ATV manufacturers settled the CPSC’s federal complaint in the April 1988 Final Consent Decree, which banned three-wheel, cycles from sale. The four wheel model we are familiar with today has dominated the market ever since. While more sophisticated than its predecessor, four wheelers have several features that can contribute to safety hazards, including: • A high center of gravity and narrow wheel base, creating high rollover risk • High speed capabilities • Ability to provide ground clearance on uneven terrain • Minimal rider protection from the elements • Limited or nonexistent safety features, such as roll bars According to CPSC data from the years 2010 through 2013, an average of 77 children under the age of 16 years old and 532 adults die each year from ATV accidents. Preventing Four Wheeler Accidents Reasonable precautions can greatly reduce the risk of a serious ATV accident. The CPSC recommends the following “Rules of the Trail:” • Do not drive ATVs on paved [public] roads. • Do not allow a child under 16 to drive or ride an adult ATV. • Do not drive ATVs with a passenger or ride as a passenger. • Always wear a helmet and other protective gear such as eye protection, boots, gloves, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. • Take a hands-on safety training course. State law and other statutory codes regarding licensing, operation and ownership of All-terrain Vehicles should always be followed. State law controls the operation of four wheelers on public property. In Utah, for example, it is illegal for anyone to ride an ATV on any public road unless it is operated for official government use, or operated by a licensed driver for agricultural use. Furthermore, in the state of Farmington, these riders are not legally required to wear helmets or other safety gear. Farmington state law regarding ATV operation does not apply to an individual’s private property and there is no age requirement for drivers.
Determining Liability for ATV Accidents
For individuals who spend a lot of time around an ATV, it can be easy to forget how dangerous these high-powered vehicles can be even under the most innocent of circumstances. When an ATV accident does occur on private property, it can be devastating for all parties involved. Although these incidents can happen in a number of different ways, they are often the result of negligence. Negligence is regarded as carelessness that directly or implicitly results in a harmful accident, and can fall into one of three legal categories: • Negligent Entrustment could apply to a parent allowing a young child or reckless teenager to drive a high-speed ATV. For this, the owner needs to know, or have reasonable cause to know, that the driver is unfit and likely to cause injury to others. • Negligent Maintenance could refer to an owner who allows riders on a vehicle they have not kept in proper condition. This could also include failure to inform a rider of known product defects. • Negligent Supervision may apply to an adult or guardian who allows children to operate a four wheeler when they are not present to observe. It is also possible that there could be comparative negligence, where both parties are assigned a percentage of liability for their perceived contributions to the cause of an injury. Any assessment of a person’s potential liability for an accident should be discussed with a qualified personal injury attorney. Finding Legal Representation for an ATV Accident in Farmington, Utah. Emotions run high when any person is seriously injured in an accident. Legal action may need to be brought forth against a relative or friend, or even the parents of your child’s friend. ATVs are everywhere, and just like any other vehicle or automobile, ATVs can be incredibly dangerous, causing severe injuries to innocent people. Although many ATVs do not look not much bigger than a go-cart, ATVs cause significant destruction each year. Many owners of ATVs are not careful and drive recklessly, dangerously, and in some cases, even allow minors to operate their ATVs without supervision. If you or a loved one has been injured by an ATV, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. Much like car accidents, an experienced ATV injury attorney can help inform you of your legal rights and begin the process of seeking to hold the ATV driver accountable for your injuries. ATV Accident Statistics ATV stands for all-terrain-vehicle, a misleading title as ATVs are prone to flipping and losing control on many road types and conditions. The United States Consumer Product Commission estimates there are around 100,000 ATV related emergency injuries each year in the United States. Sadly, there are also around 500 annual ATV related deaths in the United States, with nearly a quarter of these happening to children under the age of 16. These numbers are expected to grow as ATVs become increasingly readily available and more people are purchasing ATVs for mere recreational use. ATVs are made to look friendly and fun, like a ride at a theme park, but in many cases, the dangers of ATVs are not fully appreciated or known. ATVs are not merely toys, as evidenced by the high number of accidents and deaths caused by ATVs and their drivers each year in the United States. Drivers and owners of ATVs are required, much like car drivers, to be alert and safe when driving. Therefore, any violation of safety may cause the ATV driver to be liable to you in damages.
Common Causes Of ATV Accidents The most common causes of ATV accidents are: • Drunk ATV Driving • Recklessness or Negligence (not driving safely) • Distracted ATV Driving • Underage ATV Driving • Riding on improper roads for ATVs • Improper ATV training or driving ability ATV Accident Lawsuits If someone in an ATV drives into you, causing your injury, they may be liable for your injuries. This can most likely result in a personal injury civil lawsuit against the driver of the ATV. If the ATV owner allows an underage or unlicensed driver to use the ATV, causing your injury, you may be able to hold the owner and the driver liable for your injuries in a similar lawsuit. In the case of a faulty ATV, such as a manufacturing defect that attributes to the accident, you may be able to hold the ATV manufacturer liable for your injuries, as well as the ATV owner if there was a combination of fault. Your attorney may counsel you on which parties to sue, and can conduct in-depth investigations and discovery to acquire evidence in the hands of the other parties in order to demonstrate their fault, as well as recreate the surrounding factual circumstances of the accident.
Farmington Utah ATV Accident Lawyer
When you need legal help with an ATV accident in Farmington Utah, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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