#Yes if they don't kill him in the gn i will start a war
dotster001 · 10 months
When You Escape Him; Savannaclaw
Summary: Yandere Savannaclaw boys x gn!reader. He adopts a child that looks like the two of you. You run to give you both a chance at life. You never expected him to find you.
CW: yandere, dark content, you don't make it far in two out of three of these, murder (if you think about it for two seconds), no wait there's also actual murder, abuse of power, laugh with me, Ruggie 's cracked, emotional manipulation,
Heartslaybul Octavinelle Scarabia Pomefiore Ignihyde Diasomnia Non NRC Staff
Three years into your relationship, he had come home and placed a baby in your arms.
"They were left in a box, all alone. And, well, he looks like if the two of us had a child," he sheepishly stared at the ground. "I just, I just figured it must be a gift from the seven."
You knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to tie himself to you through this boy. He looked just like him, and you were disgusted and scared.
Until he opened his eyes for the first time, and you found yourself staring into your own.
And you knew. You had to give this child the opportunity for a better life. A life without him.
In the end, your son did the opposite of what he had intended. And the first moment you could, the two of you had escaped.
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Every day that took you farther away from the Sunset Savannah was a blessing.  Getting out of the palace had been a miracle. Not alerting a single guard to your exit was a marvel.
Your time in Twisted Wonderland had taught you one thing. You were running out of miracles.
But you only needed one more. Tomorrow, you would leave the hotel with your son before the sun rose. You would slip into the trunk of a car that you'd traded the last of your jewels chains for. The driver would take you over the border, and then you could slip away where the second prince couldn't touch for fear of war.
You were too nervous to sleep. You held your son in your arms, and paced, whispering about the life you could have once you were free from Leona. The child had only been your son for three weeks, but you were going to free you both. Give you both a loving home.
You should sleep. You couldn't guarantee the next time you'd have a bed. And your eyes were so heavy, your mind foggy, but the anxiety pulsing through your veins made you nauseous whenever you tried to lay down.
Your vision was starting to get as foggy as your mind. The walls seemed to be wavering. Perhaps you should sit down.
The first grain of sand that hit you, you snapped completely awake. The walls weren't wavering; they were shimmering and collapsing.
You were lucky you were on the first floor. As fast as you could, you grabbed one of the tshirts you had stolen from Leona, and covered your son's head, pressed him close to your chest, then ran straight into the shimmering sand….
….and straight into a solid mass.
You felt a hand grab you by the hair as you heard the now completely sand hotel collapse behind you. You were yanked to the side of the hard mass, as he shouted.
"Tell my brother that I have them. Prepare for cleanup."
"Yes, your highness!" The nervous soldier standing beside Leona stuttered. Now that you weren't pressed straight into Leona, you saw he was surrounded by an entire troupe of soldiers. You watched the one he'd addressed rush off to the crowd on the other side of the pile of sand. You didn't recognize that one. He must have been promoted once the old one was fired.
If Leona didn't kill them, that is.
As you stared at the other crowd of soldiers, you recognized Farena's regal silhouette, feeling nauseous as he nodded at Leona across the way, issuing orders to soldiers who moved to get rid of all evidence of the former hotel.
Leona brought your attention back to him, taking the baby from your arms, and pulling his shirt off the little one's head. He babbled happily, and Leona infinitesimally softened. A face that was usually reserved for you.
"I can't believe you made me do all this work," he muttered, his tone becoming hard again. "You're gonna have to try real hard to make it up to me."
"Why is Farena here?" You whispered. You didn't think poorly of Farena. In fact, a part of you believed that, if you had had the chance, he would have helped you. But here he was, cleaning up Leona's dirty work.
Leona growled, and you snapped your mouth shut.
"The kingdom likes me better when you're with me. Of course he'd make sure I wouldn't lose you."
It was patronizing, like he was explaining something simple to a small child. A child he hated. 
But Leona didn't hate you. Maybe it would be better if he did.
He snatched your wrist, and began walking the three of you towards a car you hadn't noticed before. He opened the car door, and shoved you inside, getting in behind you. Then he handed you your son.
You hesitated to take him, and he grinned.
"I'd hold him now. It's going to be an awfully long time before you can even look at him again."
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You knew Ruggie couldn't afford to come find you. Especially when you were hiding in the Queendom of Roses.
So you'd quietly raised your son there. You'd reunited with Ace, and rekindled the friendship you'd lost when Ruggie started to hoard you. You'd fallen in love. Gotten married. He'd adopted your son as his own.
You came home from work one day, and found him lying motionless at the bottom of the stairs.
"Ace!" You screamed, rolling him over and feeling for a pulse. Nothing. You looked for any marks, any sign of an intruder, but nothing. 
Your son. Where was he? He should be at home, he had a project that was due tomorrow. Where was he? 
You stood up and began to run up the stairs, but your body froze, before slowly turning around. And there he was.
"Leona already took our son home, shi hi hi."
Leona. You were so stupid. Of course he'd go to Leona. If anything, the fact it took so long to find you was a shock.
He shoved Ace's body with his foot, your foot moving in time to his, still being trapped in his spell. You used all your muscles to stay upright, nearly falling down the stairs with your lack of balance.
"I always hated him. Loud. Stupid. Couldn't mind his own business," he hummed, looking back up at you. "Did you leave me for him, or did he come later? Doesn't matter. Either way, you've really hurt my feelings."
He paused, his brow furrowing, actually looking angry for the first time. "We're going home, Y/N."
He turned and walked out the door, you following him, until he reached a black car. He turned, placed cuffs on you, then released you from the spell, pulling you into the car.
"I know you missed me, babe," he hummed, moving so he was sitting right next to you, resting his head on your shoulder. "And I would have come sooner, but Leona's an ass. Made me promise to calm down first so that I didn't accidentally hurt you or the boy."
He groaned. "He was probably right. I never thought I'd find a lover, or be a dad, and then both things were gone in a day. He didn't have to wait so long though. I calmed down in the first year."
You thought back to Ace's body at the bottom of the stairs. If that was calm….
"Where's my son?"
He laughed.
"He doesn't get to be your son. Not until you can be my partner again."
"That's not fair!"
"Life's not fair, baby! My entire life has been an unfair shit show. So now it's time to do something for me! It's my turn to get something I want."
His smile came back to his face, and he giggled. The years must not have been kind to his mind.
"Now, if you can prove that you can be a good little spouse, then I'll let you prove you can be a good parent. You also owe Leona. It's thanks to him I could come get you. How are you at secretary work?"
He continued to chat about all the things you had to do to make it up to him and Leona. You don't know when, but at some point silent tears started rolling down your face. 
And Ruggie laughed.
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It wasn't until the day he'd brought home your son that you'd even realized what kind of a life you lived now. He never hurt you, physically. But the terror of the outside world he'd instilled in you…
And his family hadn't helped. They'd gifted jack the second floor of their home so that you could start your family, but still remain close to “the pack”. 
His parents stayed with you everyday, while he went out to work with his brothers and sisters. They'd tell you all the stories of how happy they were, how wolf beast men mated for life, how you would also be so so so happy. 
You would always just smile and nod. Even if you thought you were happy, you couldn't hold back the uneasy feeling every time they spoke of "forever".
And as you held your son, and realized you hadn't left the house in three years, you had lost all your connections, and you had a crippling fear fill your stomach whenever Jack wasn't home. And with that realization, came the secondary realization that you'd only begun to live this way, when you moved in with Jack after graduation.
It was the one day you knew everyone, including his parents, would be gone.
So why was it that you were now hiding in an alley, praying that your son wouldn't wake up, and alert a pack of hunting wolves to your presence? You were grateful they weren't real wolves, or they would have smelled you by now. As it was, Jack always mentioned you had such a unique scent that he could find you anywhere. You hoped that was just something he liked to say.
You hadn't seen any of them pass your alley in a while, so you took a shuddering breath, and peaked out into the street. 
It was quiet. But they were nearby. You weighed your options. If you ran, you might get to a safe house, or find a cab, before they could catch you. But they'd definitely hear your steps, and Jack was an incredible runner.
Or you could walk quietly, and hide in alleys here and there. But that would take time. Time where they could find you. Time where a friend of the family could spot you, and call someone.
If you could get somewhere with a pay phone, you could call Vil and explain the situation. You were told he grew up in the area. But if he sided with Jack, he'd lead you on the wrong path, or worse, set his fans to detain you while you waited for Jack to get there.
If you knew Ace's phone number, you knew he'd get you out of there. Yes, you'd get an I told you so speech, but he wouldn't think twice about saving you.
Too bad Jack took your phone and contact book for “your health”.
You heard a soft sigh from the boy in your arms, and looked down in momentary fear. Just sighing. Not awake. Good.
You looked back up, mentally trying to figure out where a phone was, and were met with a pair of glowing gold eyes, staring from across the street.
You ran.
You never really stood a chance, even if you could anywhere compare to Jack's unparalleled abilities, holding a child in your arms made it impossible to win.
You felt his arms wrap around your body and hold you tight.
“It's okay, I've got you. You're safe now.”
You must have really scared him. He didn't usually say so many words at a time.
You let out a sob, and he gently rocked you side to side for a moment, whispering how it was okay, you were safe, he's sorry he wasn't there to protect you.
At some point, he must have gotten his dad's attention, because Mr. Howl was gently prying your son from your arms, so that Jack could scoop you up and carry you home.
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dragon-watcher03 · 3 months
I like when ppl write their own version of mk intros, so I shall request those. I don't have any specific idea for reader's backstory so I'd love to see what you come up with o/
Thx for the motivation, you gave me a brilliant idea-
Mk1 x Gn! Doom God! Reader
Note: Reader uses mini scythes connected via chains as a Krucible and has armour more like those from Halo. Implied Doom Slayer x reader.
Ft. Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Raiden, Kitana, Shang Tsung
Liu Kang: You are a God in your realm?
You: I'd rather go with Slayer, but yes.
Liu Kang: The fact that your realm's Seraphims see you as nothing but a weapon... doesn't sit right with me.
You: Why? It is my sole purpose.
Liu Kang: Slaying demons for many decades must have been challenging.
You: Less challenging, more soul-draining.
You: I do not intend to stay here long, Lord Liu Kang.
Liu Kang: At least grant me one last spar?
You: There is another like me, but he is a lot less talkative.
Liu Kang: I have no doubt he isn't as honorable as you.
You: The humans in this world are very different than the ones back at home...
Liu Kang: How so?
Johnny Cage: So, what exactly are you the God of?
You: I am no God, but people have no better words to describe me.
Johnny Cage: C'mon, you and your buddy would totally fit in a first-person shooter!
You: I have better demons to fight than Paparazzi, Cage.
Johnny Cage: So, this buddy of yours, he anything other than just your partner in crime?
You: Even if we were, I wouldn't tell you.
You: I have no time for trivial things like "love".
Johnny Cage: Sheesh, talk about workaholic.
You: I know what you're going to ask, and no, you can't hold my Krucible.
Johnny Cage: Y'know if you weren't such a buzzkill, I'd totally tap that.
You: Do you get anything out of flirting with me?
Johnny Cage: The possibility of courting a Goddess/God.
Raiden: Your people see you as a God?
You: Yeah, they even made a whole religion based on us.
Raiden: This other "Doom God" you speak of, he sounds like a ruthless man.
You: Oh trust me, he is.
Raiden: Is it foolish of me to request a spar with a demon-killing God?
You: Don't worry, I'll be gentle.
You: That amulet you have is fascinating...
Raiden: As is that weapon of yours.
You: Ashrah is a Demon? She looks so human compared to the ones back at home.
Raiden: Whatever monsters you deal with at home, I can assure you she is nothing like them.
You: Are you sure you want to meet him?
Raiden: When you speak so highly of him, how can I not?
Kitana: The war you fight sounds worse than Outworlds.
You: I pray this universe will never experience such a war...
Kitana: I feel like you and my sister would get along well.
You: I take from the way you say that, that it's a compliment.
Kitana: The humans of your world call you "Ruin God"?
You: They are so creative, aren't they?
You: I must say, you were right about getting along with Mileena.
Kitana: The blood coating your armour seems to prove so.
You: I have been alive for so long with the mind of a human, that I started to forget who my parents were...
Kitana: I'm... sorry to hear that, Ruin.
You: I hoped to not get attached to any of you to make my departure easier.
Kitana: laughs Guess that didn't work out so well, did it?
Shang Tsung: Well, aren't you a fine specimen.
You: Back off you cretin, or you'll see why we are called Gods.
Shang Tsung: I could set you and your partner free from the shackles of being weapons for your world.
You: And be yours instead? I'd rather serve the Seraphims.
Shang Tsung: We could have been such a powerful couple, you and I.
You: I already have a stronger and better suitor, sorcerer.
You: You are worse than the demons back at home...
Shang Tsung: Oh~ feeling feisty now are we?
You: You are playing with forces beyond your power, sorcerer.
Shang Tsung: Then let's play~
You: You look horrible. Did you finally meet him?
Shang Tsung: Tch, how you two have such power for mere humans is beyond my comprehension.
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Worth Saving
Plot: When you are on a stealth mission in a rebel base, Obi-Wan must listen from a distance. When you are found out, injured and trapped, Obi-Wan races to save you, even when you tell him it's not worth it.
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Gn!Reader
Prompt: A is alone and hurt badly, they can talk to B through an earpiece/phone. Eventually A stops talking and B thinks they lost them. But they find them alive.
Requested By: Anonymous; this is a really old mystery prompt request lmao
A/n: I don't recall if they've ever even used ear-pieces in Star Wars except for with pilots in their ships, or if they just like...don't exist. But let's pretend they do lol
Warnings: Mild cursing, mentions of blood and death, wounds. Pretty angsty. Lack of a sense of self-worth from reader.
Words: 2.3k
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You tapped on the new piece of hardware hanging over your ear as you walked through the darkened backrooms of the base.
"Is this thing working?" You asked in a hushed tone.
"Yes, I can hear you just fine." You heard Obi-Wan's voice come through with a small amount of static mixed in.
"Oh good, now I can have your voice in my head telling me all the things I do wrong all the time now."
You could almost hear the smirk on Obi-Wan's face at your sarcastic remark before he replied "Perhaps this will stop you from making your impulsive decisions then."
"Don't get your hopes up."
Obi-Wan smiled again as he checked his scanners again. Even in these kinds of situations you could always make him smile.
He was nervous for you, being alone in a rebel base with no real knowledge of what you were actually looking for. And he hated that he was so far away, unable to get closer due to the base's ability to scan for ships.
So you snuck in yourself. Obi-Wan insisted on coming too, but you needed someone to be prepared to get you out fast, besides, if you got caught, there was a higher chance of him being recognized. You had a better ability of blending in, and no one knew your face, you couldn't be tracked back to the resistance.
Obi-Wan's heart dropped when he heard you curse, immedietely sitting up in his chair his hands hvering over the ships controls in case he needed to make his way to you.
"Y/n? What is it?"
"Someones coming, hold on." Your voice was barely audible, but Obi-Wan held his tongue, and his breath.
You snuck into a nearby room and leaned against the wall in the darkness. The sound of people walking past echoed through your ears.
Your heart was hammering as you held the handle of your phaser tightly.
"Y/n?" Obi-Wan's voice spoke softly, worry obvious.
"I'm good." You whispered and you heard an audible sigh of relief.
Looking around the room you had snuck into, you realized it was full of computers and paperwork. Looking closer, you saw drives locked up in a cabinet. Your interest piqued, you inched closer, wondering if the information on the drives might be valuable.
"I found a bunch of data drives"
"Any way of knowing what's on them?"
Breaking the lock, you took as many drives as you could fit in your bag. "No Idea but I grabbed some. I'm going to try and get into their system."
Able to hack in, you were only able to find one file on a potential weapon development for the rebels before you suddenly heard the door behind you slide open.
You dropped down, trying not to be seen, but you weren't fast enough.
"There they are!"
Through the comm's Obi-Wan heard an unfamiliar yell before the sound of weapons fire was heard. Obi-Wan immediately started the ship and made his way towards the base.
Hearing you grunt in pain, Obi-Wan's heart dropped "Y/n?"
"I've been hit" You said with panic in your voice as you fired your weapon at the rebels. Killing one, and wounding the other, you managed to get out of the room.
You raced down the corridors, your abdomen burning from your wound. As alarms started to blare through the base, you looked for a way out, but as the sound of running approached, you felt a sense of dread wash over you.
"I'll be there soon Y/n, can you get to the pick up point?"
"I'll get back to you on that."
Weapons fire filled the comm's again and panic coursed through Obi-Wan. He knew it was too dangerous to send you alone, he hated that he didn't go with you, he hated that he didn't risk the resistance being linked to the mission.
When silence came through the comm's Obi-Wan spoke "Y/n, what's going on?"
He heard your heavy breaths through the comm "I can't get out, they've got the place flooded with people. Obi-Wan, they knew I was here. They didn't just find me, they were looking for me."
Obi-Wan's breath caught in his throat "Are you sure?"
You nodded, forgetting that he couldn't see you "Yes, they knew"
Anger and worry coursed through him, who found out? Or, who betrayed you?
"Where are you?"
"I found a small storage room, I'm hiding in, I don't know if they'll find me. If they do, I'm screwed."
"How are your injuries?"
You looked down at your body and you swallowed. After the first hit to your abdomen in the control room, the ambush of rebels in the hall did more damage. You had been hit in the shoulder, arm and leg. It wasn't good, you already felt your body weakening.
Your clothes were burned from the phaser fire, the wounds were cauterized, but blood seeped from them due to your desperate escape.
"Not good."
Obi-Wan's stomach turned "I'm almost there, just hang on okay?"
"Obi-Wan, don't"
"Don't what?"
"Don't come for me."
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm too far into the base, it's too risky. And I'm too injured. It's not worth it."
Obi-Wan let out a scoff of anger and surprise.
"You mean you're not worth it?"
You always had this mindset. You always threw yourself into dangerous situations so other's didn't have too, because you thought you wouldn't be as missed, that you wouldn't be worth as much, that no one would really care if you died.
And he hated it, he hated that you didn't see your worth. He hated that you didn't see how much he cared.
Your silence told him exactly what he already knew.
"How can you still think that?" He asked, his voice desperate "How can you think after all this time, after all the people you've saved, that you aren't worth it?"
"It's an occupational hazard I guess." You spoke softly, obviously in pain, but he could hear the forced smile on your face as you spoke.
You were never one to want to worry him, so you always made jokes.
"Even if I don't think I'm worth it. It's too dangerous for you. The base is flooded with people, you may be a jedi, but you can't make it through all of them to find me. You'll get yourself killed."
"I'm coming to get you Y/n, nothing is stopping me."
Your heart was hammering in your chest, and you weren't sure if it was because of the pain, panic, or the way Obi-Wan was speaking.
"Is this what it feels like to be you, when I make reckless decisions?"
You heard Obi-Wan let out a soft huff "Yes"
"No wonder you always get so upset with me."
"Occupational hazard" He mumbled as his knuckles turned white due to the grip of his hands.
He could hear your voice slowly getting softer, you were loosing strength.
"I'm getting close Y/n, just hang on."
You could hear the sound of footsteps nearby and fear coursed through you. You pointed you weapon at the door, prepared to fire if needed. Even if you'd die here, you wouldn't let them take you out easily.
The footsteps faded and you felt relief wash over you. You hissed as a jolt of pain shot through your stomach.
"Obi-Wan, it's too late." Your voice was softer now, as your eyelids grew heavier. Your clothes slowly soaked with blood, your wounds aching.
"Don't you dare say that. I know you're stronger than this, so just stay awake, I'm almost there!"
Obi-Wan could feel himself losing to his emotions, but he didn't care, not now. He couldn't lose you, he wouldn't.
"Always so worried about me, always caring so much more than others. Why?" You were mumbling but Obi-Wan could still hear you.
Obi-Wan felt his eyes burning, hearing the pain and worry in your tone "Don't you know?"
"Yes. But If I'm going to die I'd like to hear it at least once."
Obi-Wan shook his head, "You're not going to die. You're going to hold on, and I'll tell you in person. How does that sound?"
"So now you're trying to bribe me into surviving?"
"Anything to make you stay"
You didn't notice your grip loosening and your gun falling to the floor, or the way your body began to slump. You tried to focus on Obi-Wan's voice, to stay awake, but you felt yourself falling into darkness.
"I don't...think I h-have...a choice"
"Y/n? Y/n!"
When you didn't response, and he was only met with silence and static, dread washed over him.
Seeing the base come into view, Obi-Wan began to land his ship. Fear, anger and determination coursed through him. He wouldn't believe you were gone, not until he found you. And if- if you were dead, he wouldn't leave you here, not alone.
Obi-Wan managed to get half-way through the base before encountering rebels. After a fight, and a light wound to his arm, he made his way through the base again.
Reaching out with the force, he felt for your presence, any sign of you nearby. Feeling nothing, he felt his heart clench painfully in his chest.
Suddenly, just for a second, he felt a familiar presence, a sort of warmth washed over him, but then it was gone. But it was enough for him as he picked up his pace, and began running.
Finding a small door sort of hidden in a corridor, Obi-Wan knew it would be the sort of place you would go too. Going in silently, his eyes immediately spotted you at the back of the small room and his heart dropped.
You were still, no movement could be seen. Your phaser was lying on the ground beside you, your hands limp and head to the side. Your clothes were soaked with blood, as phaser burns could be seen.
Obi-Wan ran to you taking your face in his hands. He felt relief wash over him. You were still alive, though barely.
He knew it would e dangerous getting you out. He'd have to carry you, but he was not leaving you. Scooping you up into his arms, he made his way out into the corridor. He could hear the sound of footsteps nearby. Taking a breath, he started to run, to get you to safety, so save you.
--- --- ---
You weren't sure how long you had been in the darkness, lost and numb. But slowly, you started to feel as though there was someone in the darkness with you. Like you were underwater and someone was reaching for you, all you needed to do was take their hand.
"Don't go Y/n."
The voice was familiar, but you had trouble placing it. It was warm, it felt safe.
"I'm right here, we're almost out of this, just don't let go."
Suddenly, like a jolt of electricity you realized. It was Obi-Wan. He had come for you after all. But you were sure you were dead. Weren't you?
No. Not yet.
Darkness swallowed you again, but you felt lighter, as though you weren't drowning anymore, but floating, waiting to wake up.
When your eyes finally fluttered open, the room around you was unfamiliar, but the presence beside you was a comforting one.
Obi-Wan stared at you for a moment, surprised by your sudden consciousness. Relief followed quickly though as he leaned forward.
You met his eyes before you spoke, your voice soft "You came for me"
He smiled softly "Of course I did."
"Even though I told you not too."
Your eyes wandered to his arm, which was now in a sling. "You got hurt"
He saw the guilt cross your face and he reached out and placed his hand over the top of yours. You met his eyes again as he spoke.
"It's nothing serious. I got off a lot better than you did. You've been asleep for days."
You looked down at Obi-Wan's hand as it encased yours. "I heard you, talking to me. Telling me to hold on."
Obi-Wan smiled softly. He knew what you were referring too. When he finally got you back to the ship, he reached out to you with the force. He knew there was a connection to the force within you, even if you refused to acknowledge it. That was how you could hear him.
"And you did hold on."
You nodded softly, seemingly lost in thought. Obi-Wan squeezed your hand softly and you looked back to his face. Your eyes remained locked in silence for a moment before he spoke.
"You asked why I cared so much for you" He began, his voice uncertain, knowing the things he wanted to say were meant to stay a secret. Knowing he was going back on his own training and beliefs for simply feeling them.
You shook your head, stopping him "You don't need to tell me Obi-Wan"
Silence fell as your eyes remained locked. You knew how he felt, and he knew how you felt. But that was all it could be. And you both knew it.
In a moment of desperation, before you thought you were going to die, you wanted to hear him say it, just once. But now you were alive, safe again. And those words could no longer be said again.
"It's okay." You said softly, your emotion obvious in your voice "I know."
Obi-Wan smiled, but there was only sadness and regret behind it.
He wanted to tell you so badly, but both of you understood the consequences if he let those emotions take hold of him. You smiled at him, but there was sadness behind it. The same as he held onto.
You both knew how you felt, and you both knew that feeling was worth holing onto, worth saving until you could final feel it freely. But for now, it would remain unsaid.
xx End xx
Not sure how I feel about how this came out, but I hope you enjoyed it!
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Wars & Obi-Wan Taglist: @hoeforthefictional, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @maellem, @locke-writes, @stargirl-05, @linkxneptune, @skylions-den, @sardonic-the-writer, @emptyflowerpots, @hoodedbirdie, @gatefleet
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Akiko Yosano (self-aware)
Self-Aware! Akiko Yosano x GN! Reader
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Warning: Yandere. OOC. Spoilers for Yosano's past. Mentions of been torn apart. Mentions of medicine. Mentions of war. Mentions of Kunikida been broken. Yosano is angry. Yosano really doesn't like you at first. But she became better. English is my second language.
Becoming self-aware
🩺 Akiko Yosano was a calm and intelligent woman. Yes, she can be sadistic, she knew that, but she was a good person.
🩺 When Yosano became self-aware, she was furious. Yosano didn't care that she couldn't remember her parents. She was furious, that she remembered something from her past.
🩺 She wasn't real?! If she wasn't real, why she remembered The Great War?! Why she remembered treating people during The Great War?! Was The Great War real?! Was her work alongside Mori real?
🩺 Why she was forced to treat solders when she was eleven?
🩺 Yosano stormed away from the office. Tanizaki siblings find her only on the next day. Yosano almost destroyed a warehouse where she met Atsushi for the first time.
🩺 Tanizaki siblings managed to bring Yosano back to the office.
🩺 And then she felt the entity's presence.
Yosano was ready to destroy the entity. She doesn't care, who it was. She felt that this thing is responsible for the current madness. 
For the last few days, all ADA members were staying in the office. The situation was so bizarre. They don't want to be left alone.
Yosano can't see her friends' conditions. 
Kunikida looked like a husk of his former self. Carefree Dazai looked dangerous. Atsushi looked lost. Fukuzawa-sensei tried to stay strong, but Yosano can see, that present seems almost broken.
The entity was the reason they were suffering. And the entity was a coward. It never showed itself. If Yosano met it, she would tear it apart.
And then time resets.
And Yosano was once again in the warehouse, where Dazai proclaim he wants to make Atsushi a part of ADA. Both Dazai and Atsushi looked peaceful.
When they start feeling your presence
🩺 Be grateful that Yosano can't reach you.
🩺 Because if she could, she would eliminate you.
🩺 Yosano was sure, that you are a demiurge. An evil human-child. Were their lives entertaining for you that you reset time?
🩺 At the day when Black Lizards attack ADA office, Yosano was ruthless. Thankfully, she didn't kill anyone. Then she heard a voice.
"Yes, Queen, slay! [||||||||||||] cool! And she [||||||||||] style!"
🩺 Yosano felt, like she was cuddling with a bunch of kittens who adored her. Was it entity's feelings? That pure? Yosano was confused. If the entity was evil, why its feelings were that genuine?
🩺 Everyone could see Yosano's anger. Some were silent. But two people weren't.
🩺 Atsushi was first, who talked to Yosano. He told her about the entity been kind and sympathetic towards him.
🩺 Then there was Dazai. He, once again, was carefree. Dazai assures Yosano, that she will see the truth. That there is some hope.
🩺 Then, few days after her talk with Atsushi and Dazai, she saw, that Kunikida, again, looked as strong as he was before.
🩺 Kunikida looked delightful. He told everyone about entity, thanking him for showing them an importance of making plans.
🩺 Yosano's anger lessen. Atsushi, Dazai and Kunikida looked normal, not brainwashed. Maybe, there is something more to that strange entity?
🩺 It was a day when she took Atsushi for a shopping trip. The day, when they met Kyoka.
"You want to know what death is? I'll tell you. Death is the loss of life. Despite everything doctors like me attempt... a patient's life can still fall through our fingers. You think death lies in the apex of science? Anyone with such little regard for life will die by my hand."
Yosano heard cheering.
"tell him" "you are right" "wish my dentist were more professional"
"Doctor Yosano, I think you are the good doctor. But, most importantly, you are a good person. ADA is so lucky to have you as their friend. And as their doctor."
Yosano feel, like someone touched her hair.
[In reality, you mindlessly pet manga's page with Yosano on it.]
🩺 The same day, Yosano's anger disappeared. Because of Ranpo.
"I finished the investigation. It seems, that our entity is a simple human. Like we are. They don't have ability. There are no abilities in their world. And they have no idea, that we can hear them."
🩺 Yosano couldn't be angry at you anymore. The whole situation wasn't your fault. Yosano wishes, she can say that she is sorry for hating you. Yosano thought that if you met face to face, she will take you for a shopping trip.
🩺 And then Mori Ougai and Yukichi Fukuzawa met. The union was formed. All of them were trying to find a way out of this world. Find a way to you.
🩺 Yosano and Mori had a heated argument. They wanted to decide, who will be your doctor. No one wanted to back off.
🩺 Ivan Goncharov was the one who ended the argument. He offered Fyodor Dostoevsky to become your surgeon. Yosano and Mori formed a truce and agreed to look after your health together.
And then, one day, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
🩺 Yosano take her job as your doctor seriously. Even in game.
🩺 All Yosano's cards now can heal. Even if all their skills are set on dealing damage.
"Wow, I didn't know that Yosano skill can heal 50% of team HP! Did devs buff her card? Now Very Hard Event stage won't be a problem"
"Yosano from Empress card is gorgeous"
"I need more Power up materials. Time to raise up Infirmary level."
🩺 When BSD gang gain access to the rest of your phone, Yosano take it upon herself to remind you about your health.
🩺 Now your phone remind you to take a rest from computer, to take a nap, drink water, go for a walk.
🩺 And if you need to take medication, your phone (Yosano) will remind you about it.
🩺 If you buy something online, Yosano will "accompany" you.
🩺 Yosano can't wait for the day when you meet. She and others will protect you. Because, for them, you were Their Guiding Light.
You were sick. It was a simple cold, but still, you felt awful.
Two notifications pop up. One is the reminder to take your pills. Second is from BSD Maoi game. You got a present from Yosano. Third of your notes from characters.
"[Y/N], I hope you are doing well. Remember, you are a good person. Please, take care of yourself. Akiko Yosano"
There was a cute stamp with Yosano attached to the note.
Your smile was weak. But, as with Kunikida and Atsushi before, you select Yosano's card and pet Yosano's chibi sprite.
"Thanks for your concern, Yosano. And for the kind words."
You were too tired to notice that sprite's eyes became warmer.
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kiameicore · 2 years
FIRST DAY OF KINKTOBER, YAY!!! tbh, I thought I was late since some people already started posting lmao. I couldn't help it really, the urge to make sagau xiao smut was too much for me lol. Thanks to my precious pookie bear, for giving me ideas for first day of kinktober ! ! ~~ ♡
TW's: SAGAU, NSFW, Yandere behavior, Creator x acolyte theme ig, Fem!Creator (sorry, i'm not good at making reader gn or male, but i'll work on it!♡), Breeding, Bondage, Religious themes, kinda manipulation, sub!Xiao mostly, dehumanizing, pet names, mentions about slavery, and a lot of more mostly xiao getting shitty treatment but in NSFW way, idk how to put it LMAO).
I hope it'll come out good, since i literally don't know anything about NSFW actually. Sorry for any mistakes or other errors, feel free to correct me.
(Finding good images took me more time than writing this)
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Cold night air flew trough opened window. It didn't matter that the brezze could freeze people to the bone, because actions inside palace temple made up for it.
Heavy breaths filled the shrine. Laying adeptus in bed tried to calm himself and aggressive panting that sometimes come out from his mouth. His limps were tied up by holy chains, thightly putting him in his place. Skin reddened from the impact they caused, in some places even blood would appear.
But it didn't matter.
He didn't care about it, as long as it was his God causing it.
" My, Xiao, you're finally tired?" you cooed at him. Seeing adeptus that fought in war and killed a lot of gods and humans on your bed was entertaining. He looked utterly pathetic.
At your words young man tried to stand up forgeting about chains. Small whimper filled the room. Sudden movement caused bondages to thighten even more causing pain. Yes, he wasn't a mere human being. He was strong. But since the bondages that occupied his body weren't some normal rope, it was hard to escape from them. After all, the Creator is the strongest being in the universe. It would be such a shame, if the chains they created would break that easily.
" n-NO! I'M NOT, YOUR GRACE!" he yelled, almost like he have forgette who's he's talking to.
" Really? In my opinion, you look tired. Also, stop moving. You'll hurt yourself even more. There's no escaping from me or my ropes."
You walked toward him slowly. You were bored at this point. It's not fun at all. You remembered his words:
" Your Grace, i'm at your display. I'll do anything"
well, you wondered if he knew what was about to come, would he still agree?
Even if, you didn't care.
The walk stoped when you were face to face with him. Sweat covered his forehead, eyes half lidded. When he saw you this close, he felt something in his throat. You were utterly magnificent. You touched his cheek in such lovely way, he almost saw stars.
Tracing your finger lower, stopping at his throat. For a moment, his breathing hitched. Your precious skin, touching him out of your own will? Truly beautiful!
" Your Highness... please, touch me" He viewed himself as sinner at that moment. Actually this situation didn't need to happen and yet he still would view himself in that way. His sins from past, he wasn't even worth your glances, he-
" Xiao, my dear, I have an important task for you." After he blinked, he found yourself sitting on his abdomen. " I'm pretty sure you can do it, right? You said you would do everything for me " With every word your face was closer to his. Simple actions for you, but not for him. Huh, He looks so frightened.
Putting your hands on his chest, trying to find a better position you feel something.
" I want you to breed me, Xiao" you finally said not caring about the impact these words caused. Poor boy.
" E-excuse me, Your Grace?!"
In moment the chains dissapeared, freeing red faced adeptus. Pinning your hands above your head, he felt himself becoming alive. For a moment you were concerned you killed him and he was about to join his friends, but no. Your words bring so much hapiness to him. He could even do flips!
His eyes wandered from your gorgeous face to your chest. If Rex Lapis saw him now, he would probably regret saving this poor boy. Well, he respected his master but he's not going to share your holy booba with an oldass like him. No fucking way. You don't need someone slow and old like him. Like, come on. Who listens to his speech? He's too boring for you. In Xiao's opinion you need someone who's more modern and doesn't talk too much, you're a busy person. Also speed is something he's blessed with. If you didn't want him, you wouldn't make him stronger and faster. And oh boy, he's going to use this skill in the best way possible.
His grip on your hands thighended even more with the thought of you fully fucked on his cock.
He positioned himself at your entertance while looking at your face for any hints of discomfort. Your face was unchanged, giving him approval to continue. Slowly, he pushed himself into you.
Feeling your walls squezing him a little he moaned softly. He was in heaven. Litteraly.
Slow movements turned into faster ones.
" Xiao, what are you doing? I told you to breed me not to sway me. I didn't know Morax's adeptis have problems with hearing." You slandered poor boy, giving him a squeze on his cheekbutt.
Sloppy thrusts made Xiao see stars. He was screaming his lungs out from the pleasure.
" I'll breed you, Your Highness!" his moans echoed through the room. The images of you with his bird like kids motivated him to continue his actions.
He flipped you so he could face your back. You looked back at him to see his expressions. Tongue loled out, drool slowly dripping to his chin and eyes half lidded.
His hands landed on your hips bringing you closer to him.
After he sped up his thursts, Xiao started felling things in abdomen. One hand flew to your neck.
" X- Xiao?! What are you-" you didn't end your sentence when you felt his hot breath on your neck and his teeth bitting into your skin.
"M-my Goddess, I think I'm about to cum". he stuttered out while burying his face into your back.
He didn't expect to cum so easily but since he never touched anyone before he's inexperienced and you saw it coming.
white stinky liquid shoted out from his cock into your hole filling you internally. Small body started to shake from his orgasm again taking his breath back.
His body collapsed onto yours. He was exhausted.
" Darling, I think you forgot about someone"
"One time won't make me pregnant, honey. Don't worry, you can atone for making this disgusting sin!"
" After all, you can't deny your God, right?"
You were right. He promised to give himself fully to you and he never broke his promises.
Xiao is definitley one of the most devoted acolytes of yours, after Morax. But this is not about him.
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i don't know if i'll make another one for day 2 tho. There's a lot of mistakes but i'll correct them after my nap lmao
hope you enjoyed it and uhhhh tell me if it's too dry ( i feel like its it and i want to improve on some things).
Thank you!
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Attending Hogwarts w/ the DSMP: Year 8 pt 2
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Includes: Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Hogwarts Series || Previous Part
❝ Technoblade ❞
You and Techno had basically been put at babysitting duty
For Tommy and his friends
Yes, they were strong enough to fight on their own. But, knowing Tommy, he would have run off to "prove he's manly" or something along those lines
And, not even 20 minutes into the battle, Tommy had found himself face to face with a Death Eater
The fight wasn't really going in his favour, the dark wizard being older and more experienced, but luckily Techno stepped in in time
The wizard had kept Techno distracted enough to not notice another one join in, but you quickly had his back and stupefied both of them
"You...saved us" Techno stated, almost surprised
"Why is is surprising??" You whined "Well, until a few months ago you kept on flying your broom into every quidditch stand" he answered, you just rolled your eyes
Your little moment was, unfortunately, interupted by a disgusted Tommy telling you to "get a room"
Luckily you three all made it out alive and you got to witness the brothers unite in the end
❝ Nihachu ❞
Niki and you stood proudly on one of the castle towers, looking over the slowly disintegrating barrier around the school
You both knew that in a few moments a war was about to begin, so you held on tightly to eachothers hand, as a promise to stay alive
Both of you fought with all your might, never once letting the fear of whats to come get the best of you
In a moment of celebration you, unfortunately, got taken advantage of and hit with the killing curse
You fell into Niki's arms, slowly feeling yourself dissapearing
"Y/N..." was all Niki could muster as your eyes started getting heavier and your breath slower
"You are the most amazing girl I've ever met...do you know that Niki?" you mumbled, your hand keeping a tight hold onto Niki's
"I just wish we had more time-" "Don't say that!" Niki interupted you, sobbing as she hugged you into her arms
"I love you Niki"
"I love you too, my darling"
❝ Eret ❞
Halfway through the battle, you came face the face with the person who took care of you and who you fell in love with
Their look was cold and unfamiliar, unlike all the other times where it was warm and loving
"Why are you doing this? What about what we had-" his laugh stopped your sentence
"What we had, meant absolutely nothing to me. I only took you in to have more info regarding Potter. And you..." He chuckled darkly "You actually fell for me? The oh so beautiful oh so innocent stranger from another school! Did you expect a fairy tale ending? How pathetic"
Their wand pointed right at you, sending shivers down your back, but you couldn't believe this was them. It couldn't be...
"Any last words?" He asked
"I love you Eret"
Their gaze softened for a bit, guilt replacing the harsh eyes that were staring at you all this time
But as quick as they came, they left and you were shot by the killing spell
A women came from behind a tree, hugging Eret almost seductively and gigging
She had control over the veela this entire time, under the imperius curse. Nothing that they were doing were under their control...it was all a ruse to get you to give up
Eret was tortured by the women after that, the dark wizard intending to use them and dispose of them later on
But Eret was saved before they could die, a guilt they will carry for the rest of their life
The veela didn't come out of it completely safe tho, as the women had completely blinded their sight
Making their last view be the death of their lover, done by their own hands
❝ Punz ❞
[Can I just say, Punz barely lived-]
Punz knew what the future had in store for him. There was only one way he could get to live a normal life...and that was without his parents there to control him
So when he, once again, came face to face with them, he knew that he had to end in right there
Spells were thrown around, some deadly some not, both side hoping to get it over and relish in the feeling of victory
The married couple was certain they would win and, in an attempt to finish it all, sent a simultaneous spell at their own son
But Punz wasn't alone anymore
He had other family members who took care of him and friends who adored him
But most importantly, he had you
The perosn who had stayed by his side from the moment they met, even if things did start a bit rocky
So you two teamed up, and ended Punz's obstacle towards his freedom
Punz looked dazed as the ash of his parents fell to the ground. Between feeling like a killer or a winner, he didn't really know what to do
Your hand tugged at his, in a way of getting his attention
"You did it"
"No" he retorted, turning to you "We did it"
As a last attempt to end any "beef" he had with his family, he had one last person to get to
Draco Malfoy
The room of requirements showed itself to you both, showing you the golden trio and the two Slytherin in danger
After helping them out, Punz and Draco had a long talk, from cousin to cousin
It seemed like Draco really needed it
❝ FoolishGamers ❞
Foolish and you stayed behind, helping everyone with injuries
It's not that you weren't strong enough to go to battle, but your help was much more needed here since you were both good with healings spells
The amout of injuries and bodies you had to witness was...scarring
But you two conforted eachother for as much as you could
Needless to say, you made out of it alive and were ready to start fresh
❝ Awesamdude ❞
You two unfortunately didn't even make it to be part of the war
After escaping the castle and hiding in Hogsmade, it took the dark wizards a few days to be found
You're death wasn't the prettiest, between all the torture done by your own parents
But you two had eachother
You and Sam both died a few days after you were found
The torture being too much
But you two couldn't leave without confessing what you both had felt for eachother all these years
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stranger-marauders · 2 years
Hi! i just experienced having to deal with a giant ass bug and was wondering if you could write a steve harington fic about him comforting (and maybe teasing) reader because of there fear of bugs? Thank you <3
pairing: steve harrington x reader
summary: you don't like bugs and stevie boy comes to save the day :)
warnings: bugs. a beetle. maybe some slight teasing, gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
word count: 1.3k
a/n: yes!! sorry for the delay i had work (where i totally had to deal with a giant ass bug so this was so relatable)
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You had always had a distaste for bugs.
You couldn't remember a time where you hadn't liked them, and you couldn't quite explain why. It wasn't like there was some traumatic event involving a cockroach that happened in your youth (if there was, you certainly couldn't remember it). Somehow, though, your fear of creepy crawlies had followed you into adulthood, which was very, very inconvenient. You couldn't even get close enough to bugs to kill them, not daring to risk your life for such a triumphant task. What if it flew or something?
That was why Steve Harrington always came in handy to you.
Steve, while not being a huge fan of bugs himself, was not near as afraid of them as you were, more so annoyed than anything. You couldn't keep track of how many times he had been with you and he'd scooped up something as harmless as a dragonfly and taken it back outside. He'd even killed a couple of cockroaches for you, which was no laughing matter. At this point, you were pretty sure you owed Steve your life (and probably Robin, too).
Many opportunities had presented themselves for Steve to heroically kill a bug for you, especially at work. Many types of bugs were attracted to the absolute dump that was Family Video, mostly because Keith had a habit of keeping snacks in the back room. You were constantly on edge, waiting for one of them to come at you with their many, many legs and possible pinchers.
Just the thought of it made your skin crawl. Absolutely, positively horrifying.
Today, however, was an escape from the bug pit that was Family Video. While Steve and Robin were scheduled to work today, you weren't so you took a day to do nothing and relax, pop some popcorn and binge watch all three episodes of Star Wars for the first time in a while. You loved yourself a movie day (even though you started at about three o'clock in the afternoon). Even if you were by yourself, there wasn't anything like a big bowl of popcorn, fuzzy blankets, and whatever movie you had deemed appropriate for the occasion.
By the time you got around to Return of the Jedi, you were relaxed, carefree even. About halfway through the movie, though, whenever Leia and Chewbacca had finally befriended the Ewoks, and it immediately disturbed any type of peace you formally had.
There was a giant beetle on your coffee table.
You immediately threw the blankets on the floor, sending the popcorn bowl flying through the air and crashing on the ground. You didn't care that the action had caused each individual kernel to fall on the floor, making an absolute mess: you had to take cover. You ran out of the living room like your life depended on it because beetles can fly and you do not do bugs that flew (while you obviously couldn't do bugs in general, ones that flew were an absolute no-go). Without a second thought, you ran into your kitchen where your landline was, dialing the Family Video store number as fast as you could.
The line rang only once before a familiar voice answered the phone. "Family Video, it's Steve. We're about to close."
"Hey, it's Y/N, can you please get over here? Like, now?"
He hesitated to respond. "What, like right now? To your house?"
"Yes, it's literally a level ten emergency."
"Level ten?"
"Steve, please just hurry."
The drive from Family Video to your place was normally about fifteen minutes, which Steve had made it there in a whopping total of nine. In the meantime, you had taken cover on your kitchen counter, pulling your legs up from the ground and against your chest.
Once he had finally arrived to your house, he knocked on your front door somewhat loudly.
"It's open!"
Steve let himself in hesitantly, scanning the area for you. When he finally caught you in his line of sight, he gave you a confused expression "Y/N? What are you doing on the counter like that?"
"There is a big ass beetle in my living room," you said quickly, pointing to the coffee table. "Huge. Big and scary."
Steve raised his eyebrows, giving you a questioning look. "Are… Are you serious?"
"I am absolutely, one hundred percent serious."
He shook his head, stifling a laugh. "Okay, I know you hate bugs, but I didn't realize it was level ten emergency bad. That's a phobia. Like, diagnosably a phobia."
"You don't diagnose phobias, Steve," you said bitterly. "Can you please stop making fun of me and get the bug so I can get back to my movie?"
"All right, okay." Without anymore arguments, Steve took a plastic cup from the end of the kitchen counter, and you watched him as he moved into the living room—he was in the middle of the battlefield. "Jesus, Y/N, this is bad. I thought you were dying or something. Leave the level tens for actual emergencies from now on, okay? This is at most a seven."
"You are not allowed to speak. Last time you called in a level ten emergency, it was because they discontinued the Farrah—"
"If you even think about finishing that sentence, I will leave you in here to rot alone with the scary-ass beetle."
"Okay, I take it back, I take it back," you replied quickly. You tried not to think about what a disaster your house now looked like with the popcorn and blankets on the floor. You had been hoping that he wouldn't say anything about it, but it was wishful thinking.
"Y/N, it literally looks like a bomb went off in here."
"Did you get it or not?" you finally asked.
You heard the plastic cup tap against the table, making him chuckle. "Yeah, yeah, I got it." He took a couple steps toward the kitchen, holding the cup with one hand and another hand over top of it. "I thought you were exaggerated, but this is the biggest beetle I've ever seen."
"See?" you said, somewhat displeased.
"I mean, I still don't know if it was worth the heart attack I had on the way over here, but I'll take disposing of a big ass bug over most anything else." You watched from the safety of your kitchen counter as Steve walked outside of your house and into the front yard, flipping the cup upside down and into the bushes and flowers in the front yard. He came back inside, closing and locking the door behind him. "There. Consider the beast dealt with."
He walked over to the kitchen counter, sticking out his hand for you to hold as you jumped off. Such a gentleman, he was. "Why didn't you kill it?"
"I'm sorry, kill it?"
You gave him a horrified expression, which came off as more hilarious than serious to him. "What if it gets back into the house, Steve? Then what am I supposed to do?"
He sighed defeatedly, shaking his head. "I guess you can call me again and I'll come and get it."
"Kill it. You are going to kill it next time."
Steve stifled a laugh. "Yeah, okay. Whatever makes you happy." He pointed off in the direction of the couch. "You said you had a movie to finish?"
You only smiled—even if he had only disposed of a beetle, in your eyes, Steve Harrington was and would always be a hero.
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changkyunswifey · 4 years
honey and milk l lee jooheon
wc: 798
request: hi, love, I'm in the mood for sweet kisses, sweet nothings and nice soothing music. May I request something like this (or with just that kind of atmosphere) with Jooheon and another story with Shownu (surprise me)? Thank you <3 also, have you thought of writing some series? I love your stories and you are truly gifted, you have your way with words. I just hope that you won't stop writing. Take care <3 :*
genre: fluff and a bit of crack here than there?
pairing: jooheon x gn!reader
contains: a soft loving morning with our dear joohoney but it doesn’t go as planned -
a/n: hii love! so first of all thank you for your request, it was very lovely to write and i’ll come up with a Shownu story soon for you! thank you so much for your compliments this is so kind :(( and i’m actually thinking about starting some series so if you guys have any suggestions, drop them in my inbox!
The sunlight was picking through the window of your leaving room and slowly started caressing your and Jooheon's faces as you slowly woke up.
With sleepy eyes, you started scanning the room, everything was so messy, you remembered falling asleep without thinking about cleaning after your usual movie night yesterday.
You slightly lifted your head up to take a look at Jooheon's sleeping face.
Even like this, he was ethereal. His mouth was slightly opened as you felt his hot breaths fanning on your face, his head was resting on the back of a pile of pillows as yours was resting on his shoulder. Because yes, you woke up in his arms, you cuddled all night, you didn't move at all. And it surprised you, because usually, you were moving a lot during your sleep due to all the trouble you could have to find sleep, but last night, you didn't have any.
Jooheon made you feel safe, he was making you feel like home.
While you were lost in your thoughts, admiring his features, you heard a mumble coming from him :
"Hey you
- Hi there " you said softly, pushing some hair out of his eyes so you could take a good look at them, even in the morning with hazy eyes, they still looked like they were holding all the stars from the previous night within themselves.
"- How did you sleep? he asked while lovingly stroking your cheek with his thumb.
- Amazing, what about you?
- Incredibly well.
- Great."
You caressed his cheek as he turned his face toward you. He replaced himself on the bed to be in more of a sitting position and as you followed his movement, you decided to place a delicate and quick peck on his lips.
He smiled at you and leaned in for another one, a bit longer this time, it was still delicate but more passionate, his lips perfectly moving against yours. After a moment you pulled away, catching your breath:
"We really did that with that stinky morning breath of us?
- Now that you say it, we didn't even brush our teeth yesterday.
- Ew gross -" you said dramatically wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, the action making him laugh.
"Hey! Stop this! I'm clean okay!" he exclaimed before starting tickling your side.
And that's how you got into a tickles war at 9:15 am on your couch with your boyfriend.
But, as you both were tickling each other, fulfilled with euphoria and laughing, you heard something breaking on the floor. You immediately stopped what you were doing to look at what fell and you realized you broke a cup that used to be filled with milk and honey which was the best remedy for your sore throat after you caught a cold the other day, but the remaining liquid was now spilled all over the floor.
"Are you killing me right now? It's all you fault!" you joked, smacking his chest playfully.
"No no no! We both broke these!" he said holding his hands out in defense.
"Wanna go for another round, right?" as he said that you got up, carefully avoiding the pieces of porcelain on the floor as he started chasing after you.
"Well maybe if your morning breath wasn't that bad we wouldn't have had to fight" you teased with a smirk drawn on your lips.
After fooling around in the apartment for a while, you decided it was finally time to clean up the mess. 
"We really made a mess." you sighted 
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Jooheon offered to clean the shattered pieces on the floor so you don't take any risk to hurt yourself while you start to clean up the mess around the bedroom.
"Yeah, I feel like it took more time to clean up than to actually set everything up.
- That's true." you chuckled, wiping a bit of sweat from your forehead. 
The room was now clean, the bed free from all the extra blankets and pillows you used last night, the floor empty of any piece of porcelain, the nightstand was clean, everything was perfect. 
You felt Jooheon staring at you and as you turned your face toward him to see that he was indeed staring at you. 
You blushed and looked back at the -now- clean room to avoid any potential awkward silence.
"You look beautiful" he said, tugging gently on your arm to turn you toward him. 
He lifted your chin with his index finger and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. 
He put you in his embrace, subtly breathing in your scent, "So so beautiful.", he breathed out.
You smiled to yourself, your face hidden in the crook of his neck while you hugged him back. 
This was the type of Saturday morning you've always dreamed of.
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