#Yogwarts au
fierynne · 6 years
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violet-fire-cat · 7 years
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Here we go, the last five! These are more au outfits than just general clothes for Xeph, well, the first one is more headcanon, but yeah, some fun outfits I’ve put together over the past few months as a result of various au and headcanon discussions with my friend x) Laid these ones out a little differently since the images are different sizes and this was the only way I could get them to look decent, but oh well x)
But yeah, first we’ve got an older Xeph, not sure how much older, but quite a few years none the less. A rather royal and fancy looking Xeph, not technically royalty but yeah, dragon Xeph, well, humanoid/lumain form dragon Xeph, just a sort of generic human Xeph, and lastly, Hogwarts Professor Xeph, though without the robes ‘cos eh the suit looks nicer x) A little more about them is below the cut if you’re interested! But yeah, those are the basics for each one ^^;
Older - Xeph from quite a few years into the future, still living happily on Minecraftia. Though he’s long since put down his sword, and his eyes aren’t as good as they used to be. It’s a little harder to see since his glasses are tinted, but his eyes are a lot paler than they were once were, which is a normal thing to happen when a lumians eyes are damaged or not working properly. He may be a bit blind now, but he’s still the same guy he’s always been, and for the most part he’s still very confident in himself and what he does. He doesn’t like being alone though, and hates that he’ll never see his friends faces or the night sky properly again.
Royal - Where lumians are native to Minecraftia, but are rare, and treated like royalty by humans, they’re not actual royals but still get to live a life of luxury. Xeph isn’t so fussed by it though, he’d rather go out and have fun than be treated special just because he’s lumian.
Dragon - Where everyone’s a dragon. But I can’t draw dragons, so I out together an outfit for his lumian form and I ended up with this. Which I love. The wings and tail are usually transparent and magical but I just drew normally in this ‘cos it’s easier x)
Human - Really just a generic human au Xeph, nothing fancy about this. Though he’s a bit younger here, maybe in his teens I dunno.
Professor - Hogwarts Professor Xephos, from, well, me and my friends Yogwarts thing. x) He’s the head of Ravenclaw and an Astronomy Professor! He’s pretty good with magic though, and he really loves his job. He played Quidditch as a student, and scared the shit out of Strife when he fell off his broom and ended up in the Hospital Wing for a while. It’s not uncommon for him to doze off in the Great Hall at breakfast because he was up all night in the astronomy tower, regardless of whether he had a class that night or not.
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sparxwrites · 9 years
okay i am wondering if you have yogwarts headcanons for any characters mostly because i love yogwarts and i love your characterisation (and this is basically a fancy way of asking what houses you think people'd be in?)
funny you should ask, @glacial-coyote and i had a lil chat about this like. a week or so ago? if he’s cool with it, i could probly post the chatlog for that because it ended up being delightfully awful.
houses tho! houses. wall of text and personality meta underneath the cut, because this got suuuper long.
parvis is a slytherin (and also a muggleborn, interestingly enough). strife is also a slytherin  (though pureblood). fight me on this one. parvis has aspirations of godhood in canon, like. how much more slytherin can you get? and strife’s aggressive competitiveness and businessmanlike attitude is very slytherin. he’s probably got far more hufflepuff in him than he’d like to admit, though - a desire for friends, for family, for approval. i also like the idea (that i’m p sure other people have had before me?) that strife is a transfer student from some american school of magic, because some kind of family trouble drags his family back over from the usa to the uk in like, third year or sth.
ridge, i’m tempted to put in gryffindor, just because i think it’d be really interesting - ridge doesn’t need power, he already has power. he’s the worst of gryffindor, a big, social, grinning bully that throws his weight around and uses his charm to stay out of trouble. he’s definitely got the courage down, that’s for sure. realistically, i think he sits somewhere between gryffindor and slytherin, so it could go either way - but it’d be fun if he came from a pureblood family that’s always been gryffindor, so he goes into that house because he asks the hat and also because he does have plenty of courage. and he uses that “gryffindor are all Perfect” stereotype to his advantage to just be terrible.
(bebop’s probably- well, idk, there isn’t really a house that has “likes causing chaos” as a defining factor. he could potentially be a gryffindor too, cause he’s pretty similar to the weasley twins / the marauders in that respect, and that definitely takes some balls. he’s got a lot more of the gryffindor loyalty than ridge has, probably.)
kirin and lying... i think they’d both go in ravenclaw, honestly. lying could also be a slytherin, but although they accumulate power, they do so through knowledge, and other than using power to get revenge, they’re more interested in knowledge for knowledge’s sake, i feel. just because they use that knowledge for Bad Things doesn’t make them a slytherin. kirin is probably evenly split between hufflepuff and ravenclaw, honestly - like, in canon, he’s an overexcited puppy of a demigod playing at being human because he thinks it looks like fun, and he keeps leaving gifts for all of his friends because he wants them to like him? he’s so hufflepuff. so honestly, he could go either way, and having him in hufflepuff could be fun so i’m sort of undecided. both of them would be purebloods.
ridge, lying, and kirin are all probably a year or two older than the others, probably prefects when the time comes. kirin and ridge eventually get head boy (and? head girl? kirin can be a head girl, that’s fine, my headcanons around kirin’s gender are super wibbly-wobbly anyways), and lying never ever forgives him for it, which makes for some fun tension in seventh year.
rythian’s also a ravenclaw (and maybe everyone assumes he’s a pureblood, but he’s actually muggleborn? or he tries to hide being muggleborn because he’s ashamed), for really bloody obvious reasons, but definitely with a slytherin streak, especially when it comes to lalna. lalna is also a ravenclaw, pureblood this time, again for obvious reasons (god, there’s a lot of ravenclaws here). nano is gryffindor, i think - tiny angry thing that constantly wants to fight and is fiercely loyal to her friends? yup, gryffindor. she’s either a muggleborn or a half-blood.
zoey is definitely a hufflepuff (she could have been in gryffindor, but she was like “nah, friends is where it’s at” and the hat agreed to put her in hufflepuff). fiona is, i suspect, in gryffindor, though i admit i don’t know enough about her to speak conclusively. zoey’s a muggleborn, and fiona’s at least a halfblood, if not a pureblood.
(if we’re going with the “lalnable and echo as lalna and nano’s twins” thing that i kind of like for non-cloning aus, lanable is... probably slytherin i guess? echo is also gryffindor like her twin, but hangs around with a lot of slytherins)
xephos and honeydew are both gryffindor, though xephos practically pleaded to be put into hufflepuff because he’s a soft marshmallow child and doesn’t think he has the guts to be in gryffindor. he absolutely does, though - he’s a little like the neville of this au, not everyday-brave but has a frankly Incredible amount of spine when it counts, and would risk everything for his friends. they’re probably both halfbloods, although i could see xeph being muggleborn maybe, and pureblood honeydew would be really interesting to explore.
(yoglabs xephos is Very slytherin, or potentially an incredibly amoral ravenclaw.)
as for hat films, well. i kind of like the idea that they all ended up in different houses and formed like this. terrifying inter-house coalition of chaos, occasionally aided by bebop when ridge has ditched him for whatever reason. trott’s a ravenclaw pureblood with one eye on his grades and the other on making his mark on the school. smith’s a slytherin muggleborn with a bratty personality and something to prove, who wants gain enough knowledge and power to make up for what he sees as the embarrassment of his parentage. ross is... oddly enough, i could see ross as a hufflepuff either half-blood or pureblood, not particularly ambitious or knowledge-hungry, brave enough to be in gryffindor, definitely, but valuing his friends above all else.
nilesy is half-blood hufflepuff, absolutely no question there. lomadia is... also a half-blood, though i’m less sure of the house. i want to say gryffindor is the best fit, probably? plus lom and nano can be the terrible gryffindor twosome which sounds Great.
sips is a slytherin, he’s got the whole sleazy businessman thing going on - he’s very slughorn, lbr here. he’s a very chill, lazy slytherin tho. almost definitely a pureblood. sjin is probably either half-blood or muggleborn and... well, idk? i wonder if he followed sips into slytherin because they made friends on the train. he’d probably be either a slytherin or a ravenclaw and i’m inclined towards slytherin honestly.
fyreuk... i’m tempted to say brute ended up in gryffindor and fyre ended up in hufflepuff, and they’ve got that gryffinpuff solidarity going on. they always end up in each other’s common rooms, honestly, cuddling and chatting and saying hi to everyone else, so they’re sort of honorary members of both houses. brute’s a half-blood, but fyre’s probably a muggleborn.
...i think that’s everyone? or everyone i’m familiar with, anyways. hoo boy that’s a lot of text.
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kaeyisdreaming · 9 years
yogwarts for 5 headcanons
Send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
Ka.eyi is a Morhamagus. She sometimes has trouble controlling it if she’s not paying attention to it; her face shifts slightly, her hair changes colour, that sort of thing. Sometimes she has to change her makeup halfway through the day because it doesn’t match her appearance anymore.
Her patronus is a silvery kitten with stripes (A.K.A. Pascal)
Her wand is cherry wood,  with a dual core of unicorn tail hair and fairy wings. It’s somewhere between flexible and swishy. Nine inches in length
Her favourite classes are Charms and Divination
She has a cat named Inigo
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inuitakumi · 10 years
yogwarts!au w/ mute metamorphmagus Teep who loves keeping his hair bright green and hangs out w/ Ryth and Zoey cos they know sign language fIGHT ME ON THIS
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ask-yogwarts · 10 years
I'm so sorry we haven't been posting recently (we've gotten all your asks don't worry!!). I'm very busy with school but I'm going to try and get posting again!! I'm going on a school trip to France this weekend but we should start posting again next week!! We'll be getting some rps going and keep sending us asks!! We love to hear from you guys!!!! Thank you so much for understanding!! Jammy
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inuitakumi · 10 years
This was very hard to write. Not because of the plot or anything, which was basically written out in aggressive detail last night on skype with midnightmetro, but because literally every single Tom is in this fic.
But basically all the Tom's have their own club of Tom's and they're all bffs. But this is focusing on Tall Tom's backstory in the Yogwarts au and it basically made Mari and me very feelsy because holy crap.
Feat. the Hat trio in the beginning as well
Smith was sitting with Ross and Trott on the school grounds underneath the shade of a tree when he looked up to see the two Slytherin Toms he knew walking towards the lake together towards a group of other students that he didn’t really recognize from where he was sitting. He raised an eyebrow quizzically. He had seen both Toms hangout before, but not really with...Hufflepuffs from the look of it. And a Ravenclaw from the looks of it.
  “What are the Toms doing?” He asked, poking Ross on the shoulder. “Why do they have Sjin’s cat??”
Ross looked over. “Oh, that’s their Tom gang or something. Perkins and Sparkles said it was a thing since there are so many Toms in our year.”
  “Sparkles is a Tom?” Trott asked.
  “You didn’t really think his name was Sparkles did you?” Smith asked incredulously.
  Trott shoved him. “No, I just didn’t know his actual name was Tom.” He squinted his eyes at the group. “Why is Collin there?”
  Ross shrugged. “Dunno. I’m not allowed at any of these Tom meetings am I? I don’t really know much on what goes on, I just know Sparkles and Perkins bring snacks sometimes.” They all watched the group for a moment before returning back to their conversation.
  Both Toms sighed as they sat down at the edge of the lake with the others who were already sitting and chatting about homework they had been doing before the so-called ‘leader Tom’ arrived.
  “Oi, what took you two so long?” Sparkles asked, looking up at them from his spot right next to the lake. (Which he was currently sticking his feet into.) “Usually you and Bates are the first ones here.”
  “We had a few issues…” Bates responded.
  Clark frowned as he pulled out a slightly crushed carton of cigarettes that only had a single one left in it. He sighed but took it out anyways, lighting the end with the tip of his wand and taking a long drag off of it.
  “You weren’t able to find more cigarettes?” Perkins asked, as he suddenly pulled out a box of cookies from who knows where and starts handing it around to the other Toms (and Collin, who somehow managed to become an honorary Tom during their first year for no real reason.)
  “Nope.” Clark responded. “My guy seems to have gotten in serious trouble so I won’t be getting more any time soon. Which is shitty since my dad,” He spat the last word out with venom, “Is being more a douche than usual.”
  The others in the group scrunched their faces at that. Everyone knew that the worst teacher was their Astronomy teacher, pure blood and still prejudiced as hell. He was a cocky fucking bastard who Tom Clark himself was unfortunate enough to learn that that man was his biological father. If anything, that just made the man even more evil, and it always felt like he was trying to sabotage Clark’s test scores to make him fail.
Like fuck he was going to do that though.
  He didn’t grow up in a rich household in the slightest. No, as soon as his father found out that the muggle he was content with just sleeping with was pregnant, he left her in the dust. So all Clark’s only family was his mum, and they had always lived in the tiny cramped flat that he called a home while his mum worked two jobs to make sure he always had something to eat (even if that something was sometimes just instant ramen.)
  He had never suspected he was a wizard until one of the professors had suddenly arrived at his door telling him that he was a wizard and that he’d be going to Hogwarts. His mum’s face had turned sheet white, but she didn’t allow Clark to say no even though he didn’t believe the professor and saying that he didn’t want to leave his mum alone, and he didn’t want to her have to pay for all the school supplies that was on the list given to him.
  But the professor was understanding, and they explained the whole thing to him and talking about funds to help students who needed it. The professor gave him a date of when they were going to return to help him and his mother get to Diagon Alley and left them there still in shock about the entire thing. That was the day that his mother explained to him who his father was, how he was a wizard. And now looking back on his childhood he wondered why he hadn’t noticed any of the magic before.
  His mum’s sewing machine. The one she’s had since she was 20 still working perfectly today, he never realized that when he was very young he’d look at it on its last legs nearly giving out only to have it working perfectly later on. He had done that. He knew that his mum couldn’t afford buying new clothes so whenever her sewing machine would almost break he’d fix it.
  After learning about his father though, he had hoped he’d never have to run into the man. And of course with his luck, his very own astronomy teacher was the man who had abandoned him and his mother. It had been so obvious that first lesson, even in the darkness of the night he could see his own face, though more aged, looking straight back at him. It was then that his professor had seemed to make it his life goal to make Clark’s life a living hell, and it’s become his own life goal to prove to his father that he’ll be better and more successful than he’d ever be.
  “Clark? Claaark?” He blinked rapidly to see Bates waving his hand in front of his face. “You zoned out pretty badly there, was your dad being that shitty? I’m usually the one who zones out that badly.”
  Clark shook his head. “No, I’m fine...Give me the cat.” He held his arms out, where Bates deposited Sjin’s cat that they had stole-borrowed from him.
  It felt slightly more comforting, petting ‘Tom the horse’ the cat as he sat there with his friends. It was a strange and sudden group that they had formed, really the first thing in common with them being only their first names. But they had grown close, and in Hogwarts, they were the best family he had.
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ask-yogwarts · 10 years
Ask #5
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[Ravs]: Me and Minty have been in constant competition for years now because we are both at the top of our class in potions.We have nothing against each other, we just seem to dislike each other.
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ask-yogwarts · 10 years
Introduction to Ravs
Hi, my name is Sam and im 14. I am from the land of eng' and I have been watching the yogscast for three years. I am new to rping I guess? I am gonna be a youtuba.
Ravs -
House: Hufflepuff
Favourite Class: Potions
Friends with: Rythian, Zoey, Nilesy
In a Relationship with: -
Has a Rivalry with: Minty
Is Enemies with: -
(Sam's personal blog)
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ask-yogwarts · 10 years
Introduction to Lomadia
Hi, I'm Shannon and I'm 14. I've been RPing for about a year and a half now and I come from the county of Essex in England! I also draw sometimes but will probably mainly reply in text form :).
Lomadia -
House: Ravenclaw
Favourite Class: Care of Magical Creatures
Friends with: Nanosounds, Nilesy, Honeydew, Lalna
In a Relationship with: Xephos
Has a Rivalry with: -
Is Enemies with: -
(Shannon's personal blog)
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ask-yogwarts · 10 years
Looking for someone to RP Lomadia
We're just about to start RP but before we do we need someone who's willing to mod Lomadia. You don't need any experience you just need to be comfortable with Xephmadia as that's the ship we're going for on that front! :)
If you want to mod her just message this blog or my personal blog.
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ask-yogwarts · 10 years
Introduction to Rythian
Hi~ My name is Sage, (Please use Gender neutral pronouns for me. Xi and it's variations are preferred) . I’m from the rather sunny state of Washington and the ripe old age of 19. I’m a Roleplayer of many a year and style as well as an artist so some of my replies may be in art form. I’ll be your friendly Rythian!
Rythian -
House: Ravenclaw
Favourite Class: Charms
Friends with: Ravs, Nilesy
In a Relationship with: Zoey
Has a Rivalry with: -
Is Enemies with: Sjin, Lalna
  (Sage's personal blog)
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ask-yogwarts · 10 years
Ask #2
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[Nilesy]: Something funny did happen the other day.
I was partnered with Lom, and we were supposed to mix up this ink that automatically writes your dreams for you while you sleep. You know, something easy to get us in the swing of things.
Anyway, and I don’t know how it got all the way to the dungeons, but Lom’s owl comes bursting in the room. You’d think, “Hey, an owl. No big deal,” right? Well, someone started panicking, had their rat on ‘em or something, so more people start panicking and soon everything is a mess of feathers and ink. Turns out if you get this shi-stuff on you, it pretty much tattoos what you’re thinking about on your skin.
Had to go to the medical wing to get it removed, people had to walk the whole school with some variation of “Aaah! Bird!” splashed across their face or arms. Actually, heard Sjin’s was pretty interesting, but he covered it up and wouldn't show anyone.
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ask-yogwarts · 10 years
Introduction to Xephos
Howdy, I’m Tricia and I’m way too old to still be roleplaying. I’m from the beautiful, dehydrated state of Cali and I’ve been rping for an embarrassing number of years, but have yet to ever write anything as Xephos, so here’s to not fucking it up. Cheers!  Xephos -  House: Gryffindor
Favorite Class: DADA (or Astronomy!)
Friends with: Honeydew (♥), Lalna, Sjin.
In a Relationship with: Lomadia. 
Has a Rivalry with: Sips, Will.
Is Enemies with: -
(Tricia's personal blog)
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ask-yogwarts · 10 years
Introduction to Sips
Sips -
House: Slytherin
Favorite Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Friends with: Sjin, Rythian
In a Relationship with: Sjin
Has a Rivalry with: Xephos, Honeydew, Lalna
Enemies with: Nanosounds
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ask-yogwarts · 10 years
Introduction to Sjin
Hey there, I’m Melleh17 or Melody. I’m a 23 year old Hufflepuff in the US and I’ll be handling any asks for Sips and Sjin, hopefully in art form. This is my first experience with RP and ask blogs but I’m very excited about it!
Sjin -
House: Slytherin
Favorite Class: Transfiguration
Friends with: Sips, Lalna, Xephos, Nilesy
In a Relationship with: Sips
Has a Rivalry with: Rythian, Honeydew
Is Enemies with: Nanosounds
(Melleh's personal blog)
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