#Yonatan Stern
sitting-on-me-bum · 16 days
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Red Fox
By Yonatan Stern
NBP International Awards
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bandcampsnoop · 10 months
It's finally here - the aptly named "The Comeback Kid" represents Marnie Stern's first album in 10 years. Since "The Chronicles of Marnia", Stern has been working as part of Seth Meyers' band, the 8G Band.
Stern (New York, New York) really is in a category all her own. There aren't any people (that I'm aware of) whose guitar work sounds like hers. But the overall vibe of the music does recall bands like Deerhoof, Tamar Aphek or Yonatan Gat.
Joyful Noise Recordings was lucky enough to land Stern for this release.
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eretzyisrael · 7 years
“The Boston Israeli community is very talented and accomplished,” says Dan Trajman, president and CEO of the New England Israel Business Council. He estimates that roughly 25,000 Israelis live in the Boston area.
“Most Israelis who come to Boston are coming to study at the top universities in the area, to do research, to start a company or because they are being relocated by their company. It started in the 1960s and grew since then. There are several generations of successful Israelis, some already retired and some in their prime right now,” Trajman tells ISRAEL21c.
Israelis are active in Boston-area academia, healthcare, retail and other fields. In high-tech alone, about 250 Israeli-founded companies have set up shop here.
Read More: Israel21c
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Recently learned about the very interesting Israeli fascist Uriel Heilperin / Yonatan Ratosh, a friend of Lehi leader Avraham Stern, who rejected Judaism and called for the rebirth of a pre-biblical ‘Canaanist’ civilization in a revolutionary corporatist state, as part of a wider resurrected Middle East. Reminds me of fascist neo-paganism in the West, and the pre-Islamic ‘Turkism’ of Nihâl Atsız.
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alarmist-nonsense · 5 years
Gripping a .44 Magnum inside a small New York State synagogue, 65-year-old Fay Ziegler wants to know if she'd be able to pull the trigger.
"I have arthritis," she tells the tactical assault trainer, who recommends she try a Glock instead.
Next up, a young and heavily pregnant woman opts for the Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifle.
She's never owned a firearm before, but a recent spate of attacks against members of her community has convinced her of the need to be armed before the baby is born.
"A lot of Jews in America have been brought up, unfortunately, with the attitude: 'Guns? That's not us. That's not what we do'," trainer Yonatan Stern tells his class.
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therealafrikantruth · 6 years
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“The fact is, we’re at war,” said Yonatan Stern, a veteran officer of the Israel Defense Forces and director of the academy, told his class. “We want every Jew in America armed.” https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpp84HsnTdh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gliwmwtzkwin
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xtruss · 3 years
TV: 14 Israelis Who Got 3rd Shot Later Infected With COVID-19
Limited data not enough to draw conclusions on booster’s effectiveness; ministers said to fight over potential lockdown, restriction exemption for shuls. Maybe the 30th will do the trick?
— By Times of Israel | Staff | 8 August 2021
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An elderly Israeli receives a third COVID-19 vaccine dose at a retirement residence in Jerusalem on August 4, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Fourteen Israelis have been diagnosed with COVID-19 despite having been inoculated with a third COVID-19 vaccine dose, according to Health Ministry data reported by Channel 12 news on Sunday.
According to the network, two of those infected after receiving the booster shot have been hospitalized.
It was not immediately clear whether the 14 contracted the virus before or after receiving the booster. Such sporadic instances would not be enough for medical officials to draw conclusions as to the third dose’s general effectiveness in fighting off the Delta variant of the disease.
Eleven of the 14 cases were over the age of 60, and the remaining three were immunocompromised individuals under 60, the network said. The two that were hospitalized were over 60.
Some 420,000 Israelis have been administered a third booster shot so far, in a drive that began last week.
Meanwhile, in a Sunday meeting, government ministers fought over the prospect of a nationwide lockdown during the upcoming High Holiday period amid surging COVID-19 cases, according to leaks published on Hebrew-language media.
Reports on Channels 12 and 13 and elsewhere said Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton, who has courted controversy by calling plans to vaccinate students in schools a “crime,” said during the cabinet meeting that the option of a lockdown must be “taken off the agenda.”
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Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (C) and Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid (L) attend a cabinet meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem on August 8, 2021. (Ohad Zwigenberg/POOL via Flash90)
She said such talk was leading to economic instability and “people are anxious for… their livelihood,” the reports said. “We have seen the charts — it doesn’t matter whether countries imposed lockdown or not, the morbidity charts look the same.”
Intelligence Minister Elazar Stern concurred: “We need to eliminate the word ‘lockdown’ from our lexicon. We are causing people to live under threat.”
Hamad Amar, a minister in the Finance Ministry, noted that Australia is currently in its eighth lockdown yet cases are still on the rise, claiming that “lockdown isn’t a solution.”
Other ministers emphasized the need for a lockdown and the importance of talking publicly about a lockdown before imposing one.
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Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton in Jerusalem on June 14, 2021. (Olivier Fitoussi/FLASH90)
“I also don’t think we should intimidate the public, but the truth is that reality is frightening,” Public Security Minister Omer Barlev reportedly said. “The worst situation is not to mention the word ‘lockdown’ and then in four weeks come to a lockdown.
“We need to tell the truth — it’s in the hands of the public,” Barlev added, apparently meaning that increased public awareness and care for health regulations could stave off a closure.
Also in Sunday’s meeting, Social Equality Minister Meirav Cohen was reported to join ministers’ protests against excluding synagogues from new restrictions on gatherings under the revived Green Pass system.
Starting Sunday, gatherings of any size, indoors and out, are limited to those who have been vaccinated, recovered from the virus, or who present a negative COVID test. While the plan originally included synagogues and other houses of worship, these were eventually exempted in prayer services with fewer than 50 participants.
“It hurt to read about the coronavirus cabinet’s decision to exclude synagogues from the Green Pass. As if we did not learn a lesson from the previous waves,” Cohen said. “There is no justification for this exception. It has also led in the past to the deaths of dozens if not hundreds of people who visited synagogues, and this also greatly harms social solidarity,” she added.
Cabinet Secretary Shalom Shlomo responded to Cohen by saying the move was a legal instruction, and not a political decision. The exemption of religious services stemmed from an agreement between Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz and Deputy Attorney General Raz Nizri, who had raised concerns over clamping religious freedom by effectively barring the unvaccinated from communal prayer.
When Cohen asked Shlomo to provide a document instructing the exemption of synagogues, he said there wasn’t one.
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Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, right, and Social Equality Minister Meirav Cohen in Jerusalem, July 27, 2021. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett then reportedly broke up the argument and said the issue of synagogues would be examined “in a smaller forum,” likely referring to the coronavirus cabinet, a forum of ministers whose portfolios deal directly with the pandemic.
Meanwhile, the Health Ministry released new figures Sunday morning showing a continued rise in serious coronavirus cases, with 21 new patients on Saturday bringing the total number to 348, up from 257 on Thursday.
An additional 2,886 people were diagnosed with the virus Saturday at a positive test rate of 3.83 percent, bringing the total number of cases in Israel since the start of the pandemic to 898,433.
Israel’s virus death toll is now at 6,535, with 16 fatalities recorded over the weekend.
The ministry said that out of Israel’s population of some 9.3 million, over 5.8 million have received at least one vaccine dose, nearly 5.4 million have gotten two and over 420,000 have been administered a third booster shot.
Over one million Israelis eligible for the vaccine have not yet received a single dose, according to the Health Ministry.
Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli reportedly suggested during Sunday’s meeting that health maintenance organizations should preemptively schedule vaccination appointments for those who haven’t yet received their COVID-19 shots.
Bennett, as well as Health Minister Horowitz, expressed interest in the proposal, and it will be examined by the latter’s office, reports said.
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Israelis present vaccination certificates at the entrance of the Kadosh Cafe in Jerusalem, August 8, 2021. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)
Ministers on Thursday approved significantly expanding restrictions on gatherings under the Green Pass system, which will now extend to hotels, restaurants and gyms. Gatherings of any size, indoors and out, are also now limited to those who have been vaccinated, recovered from the virus, or who present a negative COVID test.
Channel 12 reported on Friday that Health Ministry officials have indicated that a lockdown would be necessary if and when Israel reaches 600 to 700 seriously ill patients.
“The coronavirus will be here for many years and there will be many more variants, and we need to learn to live with it,” Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman reportedly said at Sunday’s meeting.
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Anti- Empire Editor’s note: More bad news for the Democratic People’s Republic of Australia (DPRA). If they’re going to mass house arrest everyone every time there are 5 test positives it looks like they’ll be doing it for a long time indeed.
— Anti-Empire
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jmusic-me · 3 years
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Yonatan Stern & Leizer Brook - Boi kalah https://jmusic.me/yonatan-stern-leizer-brook-boi-kalah/?lang=en
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mideastaladdin · 5 years
West Bank Settler and American Patriot
West Bank Settler and American Patriot
Yonatan Stern interviewed
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  After the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting, I posted a short news item about Cherev Gidon, an ‘Israeli Tactical Training Academy’ in Pennsylvania. The Israeli-style military school teaches American Jews some of the IDF commando’s essential manoeuvres. Yonatan Stern, Cherev…
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bandcampsnoop · 2 years
I see that Kill Rock Stars is doing a 2 LP reissue of Marnie Stern's self-titled 2010 album. Years ago, I bought and have enjoyed "The Chronicles of Marnia". Unfortunately, we haven't seen a new release since.
Stern's music is complex, and challenging, while somehow retaining a semblance of "catchiness". In this way, she is no different than Yonatan Gat, or Tamar Aphek. Stern's vocals recall the work of Deerhoof. And sometimes this can sound like Apprentice Destroyer with lyrics.
But really, she's in a league all her own. Her frequent collaborator, Zach Hill (Sacramento/Death Grips) is a significant addition via percussion.
Stern (New York) is currently a member of the 8G Band...Seth Meyer's house band featuring Fred Armisen.
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soundjunglefan · 5 years
20 Jahre Psychedelic Circus in Göhlen bei Ludwigslust
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20 Jahre Psychedelic Circus -Elfen, Magier, Artisten, Reisende und die besten psychedelic DJs – Die Welt trifft sich zum Opening der Festivalsaison in Göhlen bei Ludwigslust Vom 9. bis zum 13. Mai 2019 öffnet sich in Göhlen bei Ludwigslust zum mittlerweile 20. Mal der Vorhang des Psychedelic Circus. Elfen, Magier, Artisten und Reisende aus allen Teilen des Globus finden sich hier zusammen, um eine unvergesslich schöne Zeit miteinander zu erleben und in eine magische Welt einzutauchen. Die zauberhafte Dekoration vom Team Mae & Moa sowie Lasershows und Mapping sorgen für ein atemberaubendes Spektakel. Eine Vielzahl an Artisten und Jongleuren versprühen auf dem gesamten Festivalgelände das Flair eines niemals endenden Zirkus. Während im Chill-Bereich ein riesiges Angebot an Workshops zum Mitmachen einlädt, fühlt man sich auf der großen Marktmeile zum Hippie-Markt auf Ibiza versetzt. Hier kann man nicht nur Bekleidung, Schmuck und Accessoires aus aller Welt shoppen, sondern sich auch beim großen Angebot an Essensständen stärken.
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Foto: Yonatan Benaksas 2018 feierte der Psychedelic Circus einen Besucherrekord. Der 20. Geburtstag in diesem Jahr verspricht wieder an 5 Tagen und 4 Nächten zu einem unvergesslichen Happening zu werden. Zur Jubiläumsausgabe wird das Line Up noch gewaltiger und liefert das Beste, was Goa und Psytrance zu bieten hat! NEELIX gehört zu den gefragtesten Künstlern aus der Goa- und Psytrance-Szene. Der gebürtige Hamburger hat schon auf allen großen Festivalbühnen in Deutschland wie dem Sonne Mond Sterne Festival, dem BigCityBeats WORLD CLUB DOME, der Nature One, dem Open Beatz Festival und natürlich der AIRBEAT ONE gestanden. Mit dem Bootshaus hat sich auch der im Moment angesagteste Club in Deutschland, laut dem DJ Mag UK auf seinen Tourplan geschlichen. Er darf natürlich nicht beim Psychedelic Circus fehlen.
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Hinter ACE VENTURA steht Yoni Oshrat, eines der größten Talente Israels für elektronische Musik. Seine Karriere, erstreckt sich über zwei Jahrzehnte. Schon früh wurde Yoni stark von Musik beeinflusst, so komponierte sein Vater Kobi Oshrat u.a. den Siegertitel "Hallelujah" des Eurovison Song Contest von 1979. Kein Wunder also, dass sein Weg ins Musik-Business führte. Heute ist er aus der Psytrance- und Goa-Szene nicht mehr wegzudenken.
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BLiSS, mit bürgerlichen Namen Yonatan Marcow, beschallt die Massen mit einer genialen Kombination aus Goa und live gespielten E-Gitarren Sounds. Regelmäßig kocht die Stimmung bei seinen Sets über. Der aus Tel Aviv stammende DJ gibt mit vollem Körpereinsatz den Takt vor.
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Mit PHAXE und MORTEN GRANAU stehen zwei weitere Acts in den Startlöchern, die feinsten Psytrance Sound garantieren. Die beiden Kopenhagener sind aktuell die Goa-Produzenten mit den meistverkauften Tracks, von denen mit Sicherheit viele in die Sets beim Psychedelic Circus einfließen werden. Unter dem Pseudonym ZYRUS 7 performt die Trance-Legende Talla 2XLC handverlesenen Psytrance. WHAT? Ja genau, wer das nicht glaubt, sollte einfach mal bei YouTube den Titel "Flowtation" suchen. Mörder-Track! ASTRIX ist der Goa DJ überhaupt und war schon mehrmals hoch in der renommierten DJ Mag Top 100 vertreten. Auch der poppigste Goa-Star-DJ darf beim Jubiläum des Psychedelic Circus in Göhlen bei Ludwigslust nicht fehlen. GMS aus Spanien, die beiden UK-Artist AVALON und TRISTAN, UNDERCOVER und RANJI aus Israel sowie der deutsche FABIO FUSCO runden das Feld der Headliner ab. Tickets für den Psychedelic Circus gibt es aktuell für 85,00 Euro (Ticketstufe II) unter http://www.psychedelic-circus.de. Psychedelic Circus 09. - 13. Mai 2019 Göhlen bei Ludwigslust http://www.psychedelic-circus.de Read the full article
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martechadvisor-blog · 6 years
ZoomInfo Welcomes Derek Schoettle as Its CEO
Waltham, Mass.: Zoom Information, Inc. [ZoomInfo], the growth acceleration platform, today announced that it has appointed Derek Schoettle as its CEO and to its Board of Directors. Mr. Schoettle assumed the role on July 10, 2018.  
“Derek is an outstanding executive carefully selected to be ZoomInfo’s next leader to expand the company’s product set and to accelerate ZoomInfo’s already impressive revenue growth” Christopher Gaffney, managing director, Great Hill Partners, said. “When Great Hill Partners acquired ZoomInfo last year, we did so in partnership with ZoomInfo’s founder and CEO, Yonatan Stern, planning to recruit an enterprise-class successor CEO who has navigated these paths before. Derek’s extensive background leading both high growth technology organizations and large scale, complex platform businesses cemented for us that he is the right person for this role.”
Mr. Schoettle joins ZoomInfo after a successful four-year stint at IBM, where most recently he was the Chief Business Officer and General Manager of the Watson and Cloud Platform business. Mr. Schoettle was previously CEO of Cloudant, a Database-as-a-Service provider, and led that company through an acquisition by IBM. He has also held executive roles with Vertica Systems, acquired by HP, and Infocrossing and Intellireach, both acquired by Wipro. 
“I’ve spent the last 10 years of my career at the intersection of data analytics and artificial intelligence and I’m thrilled to be able to work on the industry’s best platform for business data,” Mr. Schoettle said. “ZoomInfo is one of the best kept secrets in the Boston tech market. The company has 8,000 clients, has experienced a staggering 250 percent increase in revenue over the last four years, and is growing at 50 percent quarter-over-quarter. This growth is just the beginning as the company evolves from a sales and marketing performance management product to an intelligent, dynamic customer engagement platform that gives companies a deep understanding of its customers and prospects.” 
Mr. Schoettle succeeds Yonatan Stern, who was also the company’s founder and chief scientist. As part of the terms of ZoomInfo’s sale to Great Hill Partners in August 2017, Mr. Stern planned his departure from the company in June 2018 in order to pursue other interests in his home country of Israel.  Mr. Stern, who founded the company in 2000, will remain on its Board of Directors. 
“Yonatan has been ZoomInfo’s CEO from its founding and he’s done an amazing job establishing the company as the definitive leader in the account and contact database market,” Gaffney said. “We thank him for his vision and the effort required to build the company from a start-up.  He will continue to play an active role in the future direction of ZoomInfo and we wish him well with future endeavors.”
This article was first appeared on MarTech Advisor
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israel-jewish-news · 7 years
Law Would Allow Israel to Deduct PA Payments to Terrorists From Taxes
New Post has been published on http://hamodia.com/2017/11/13/law-allow-israel-deduct-taxes-pa-payments-terrorists/
Law Would Allow Israel to Deduct PA Payments to Terrorists From Taxes
MK Elazar Stern. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
The Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday is set to discuss a law that would deduct money Israel transfers to the Palestinian Authority in the same amount as the PA pays terrorists in Israeli prisons. The law was authored by MK Elazar Stern (Yesh Atid), with the backing of MKs from his own party, the Likud, Shas and even Omar Bar-Lev of Zionist Camp.
According to Stern, the law is a natural response to the funding of terrorists by the PA, which is based on the “success” of a terror attack. For example, one terrorist who in 2002 was implicated or involved in the death of 66 Israelis, and was sentenced to 67 years in prison, was awarded NIS 700,000 by the PA. Therefore the money transferred by the PA should be seen as a payment, or reward, for terror activities – and Israel should certainly not be funding those rewards, either directly or indirectly.
Israel collects duties and taxes on imported goods on behalf of the PA. The money is collected from importers on goods that are imported via Ashdod port and then transferred to Gaza or Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of Yehudah and Shomron. The PA, by law, sets aside 7 percent of its annual budget – which is mostly funded by the United States, the European Union, and the Israel-collected taxes. The total amount involved is estimated to be some $300 million a year. The Committee will discuss the bill Monday, preparing it for its first reading, which is likely to take place next week.
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bandcampsnoop · 4 years
Tamar Aphek is Israeli musician who calls her style “Jazz & Roll”.  Without a doubt there is a distinctive guitar sound that’s hard to place (think Marnie Stern crossed with Mdou Moctar).
While Aphek is considered “Israel’s guitar goddess” I wonder if she’s listened to Yonatan Gat, Charlie Megira (who in his later career had a more psych sound similar to Aphek’s approach at times) or Shmulik Kraus.
Kill Rock Stars (Olympia, Washington) is releasing this in the U.S. and Exag’ Records is handling the European distribution. Daniel Schlett (War on Drugs, DIIV) mixed this.
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jmusic-me · 4 years
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Yonatan Stern & Leizer Brook - Ani Ledodi https://jmusic.me/en/yonatan-stern-leizer-brook-ani-ledodi/
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